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Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Systems

This presentation provides

introductory information
on gas turbine fuel

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Systems
Gas Turbine Fuel
Systems: Purpose
The purpose of a fuel system is to
supply an exact amount of clean
fuel to the engine under all
operating conditions.

The amount of fuel is based on

turbine speed and load

The fuel pressure required for a gas

turbine is primarily a function of
the compression ratio of the
compressor section.

For example, the lower the

compression ratio, the lower the
fuel pressure requirement; the
higher the compression ratio, the
higher the fuel pressure
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Systems

Gas Turbine Fuel

Systems: Purpose
Almost any combustible fluid, either
gaseous or liquid, can be used for turbine

Some gas turbines operate on both liquid

fuel and fuel gas.

Both fuel gas and liquid fuel must be clean

for efficient turbine operations. However,
fuel requirement specifications differ
among manufacturers.

The following information on fuel gas and

liquid fuel requirements is provided to
illustrate the differences in specifications.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Systems

Fuel Gas
The figure lists typical fuel
gas requirements for gas
turbine engines. These
requirements are:

· lower heating value

· supply pressure
· gas temperature
· fuel quality

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Systems

Liquid Fuel
The figure lists typical liquid fuel
requirements for gas turbine
engines. These requirements are:

· fuel temperature
· fuel viscosity
· pour point
· fuel quality

NOTE: Always check the turbine manufacturer's fuel specifications to ensure

that the fuel meets the specifications for the gas turbine you are operating.

The main components of a fuel gas system and liquid fuel system are given

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Systems

Fuel Gas System:

The main components of a typical
gas turbine fuel gas system are as

· fuel shutoff valve (SOV)

· vent valve
· pressure control valve (PCV)
· pressure indicator controller
· pressure safety valve(s) (PSV)
· instruments and alarms
· filter separators
· control system
· fuel gas heater (optional
depending on gas dew point)

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Systems

Liquid Fuel System:


The main components of a

typical liquid fuel system
· manifold
· nozzles
· pumps
· filters
· pressure switches
· fuel control valves
· solenoid-operating valves
· control system

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Systems

NOTE: Nozzles are not shown in the figure.

The main difference between the two systems is that

the liquid fuel system has a storage tank and fuel
pumps, whereas a fuel gas system does not.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Supply System

Fuel Gas Supply

System: Purpose
The purpose of the gas turbine
fuel gas supply system is to
provide the correct amount of
clean, dry fuel gas to the
engine under all operating

Each component of the fuel

gas supply system is important
to its overall operating

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Supply System

Components & Operation

The main components of a typical

fuel gas supply system are as

· fuel shutoff valve (SOV)

· vent valve
· pressure control valve (PCV)
· pressure indicator controller (PIC)
· pressure safety valve(s) (PSV)
· filter separator
· control system

The purpose and operation of these

components are discussed next.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Supply System

Fuel Shutoff & Vent Valve

The purpose of the fuel shutoff valve
is to allow, or prevent, the flow of
fuel to the gas turbine fuel system.

The purpose of the vent valve is to

release the pressure of trapped gas in
the fuel lines.

The position of both valves is

controlled by actuators, which are
operated by instrument air or control

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Supply System

In the figure, a hand switch controls a four-way air

valve to send instrument air pressure to either side of
the shutoff valve actuator piston.

In some cases actuator piston movement is controlled

by hydraulic control oil ported through a servo valve.

The actuator is operated by the hand switch or by the

fire detection system by means of an interlock.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Supply System

Fuel Shutoff & Vent Valve

The hand switch opens or closes the

fuel shutoff valve through the control
system. The switch may be located at
the local control panel, the DCS, or
both locations. In some systems, the
shutoff valve is electrically operated.

The fire detection system sends a

signal through the interlock when an
engine fire is detected. The interlock
closes the fuel shutoff valve and
opens the vent valve.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Supply System

The interlock receives signals from the hand switch

and the fire detection system to change the positions
of the fuel shutoff valve and the vent valve.

When the fuel shutoff valve is closed, the vent valve

must be open. The interlock is usually a part of the
control system logic that closes the vent valve before
the fuel shutoff valve opens.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Supply System
PCV & PIC Valve

The figure shows fuel gas flow when

the fuel shutoff valve is open. The
first device located downstream of
the shutoff valve is the pressure
control valve (PCV).

In the figure, the pressure control

valve regulates fuel gas pressure to
the turbine according to instrument
air signals from the pressure
indicator controller (PIC).

The pressure indicator controller

measures the fuel gas pressure,
compares this pressure to the
setpoint, and modulates the pressure
control valve to maintain setpoint
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Supply System

Pressure Safety Valve

In the figure, a pressure safety
valve (PSV) is located between
the pressure control valve and
the pressure indicator

The purpose of the pressure

safety valve is to vent excessive
fuel gas pressure to the flare
should the PCV malfunction.

Two other instruments receive

fuel gas pressure from the same
instrument line as the pressure
indicator controller: the local
pressure indicator (PI) and the
pressure transmitter (PT). Contd.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Supply System

The pressure transmitter signals gas pressure information

to the DCS pressure indicator (PI), low pressure alarm
(PAL), and high pressure alarm (PAH).

The fuel gas pressure can be read from the turbine

control system CRT and from the DCS.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Supply System

Filter Separators
The purpose of the filter separators in the
fuel gas supply system is to provide
filtration and separation of the fuel gas
before it enters the fuel control system.

The fuel gas should be relatively clean and

dry by the time it reaches this part of the

Operators should monitor the filter

separator sight glass (LG) during routine
operating checks.

Any liquid accumulation must be drained

off. If liquid levels in the filter separator
become excessively high, the high level
switch (LSH) signals the DCS high liquid
level alarm (LAH) and an alarm is initiated.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Supply System

Filter Separators
Like the lube oil and some hydraulic oil
filters, the filter separators are equipped
with differential pressure indicators and

The system shown in the figure contains a

high differential pressure indicator switch
(PDISH) and a DCS differential pressure
alarm (PDAH).

The differential pressure initiates the high

differential pressure alarm when the high
differential pressure setpoint is reached.

Operators should place the standby filter

in operation and service the operating
filter before the high differential pressure
alarm is initiated.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Supply System

Control System
Fuel gas flows from the filter to
the gas turbine fuel system which
is controlled by the turbine control

Several measuring devices are

located between the filter
separator and the gas turbine:

· pressure transmitter (PT)

· flow transmitter (FT) - optional
· temperature measuring elements
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Supply System

These devices provide fuel gas supply information to the control system

This information may be used for pressure indicators, pressure recorders,

pressure alarms, flow indicators, totalizers, recorders, temperature indicators,
and temperature recorders.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Supply System

Control System

The information is also analyzed and

computed by the control system to
schedule fuel flow to the engine as
needed for speed and load

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

The figure shows a
simplified gas turbine
package fuel gas

It represents the system

on the gas turbine being

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Fuel Gas Control

System: Purpose

The purpose of a fuel gas

control system is to provide
required fuel flow and
pressure to the engine. It
uses specially designed
components to accomplish
this function.

A simplified view of the fuel

gas control system is shown
in the figure.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Fuel Gas Control

System: Components
The main components of the fuel
gas control system are:

· strainer
· gas supply pressure switch
· stop/speed ratio valve assembly
(stop/ratio valve and gas control
· fuel gas pressure transducer
· fuel vent solenoid valve
· four linear variable differential
transformers (LVDT) position
· two electrohydraulic servo valves
· three gas pressure gauges
· Speedtronic controls

The strainer is discussed first.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Control System


The purpose of the strainer is to remove

foreign particles from the fuel gas before it
enters the stop/speed ratio valve assembly.

A blowdown connection on the bottom of the

strainer body is used for periodic cleaning of
the strainer screen.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Gas Supply Pressure Switch

The gas supply pressure switch is installed

in the gas piping upstream of the
stop/speed ratio valve.

This switch initiates an alarm when fuel gas

pressure decreases below the setpoint.

Downstream of the gas supply pressure

switch is the stop/speed ratio valve and gas
control valve assembly.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System
Stop/Speed Ratio & Gas
Control Valve
The combination stop/speed ratio and
gas control valve assembly contains
the following independent valves:
· stop/speed ratio valve
· gas control valve

Both of these valves are actuated by

hydraulic pressure through servos
which receive the signal from the
Speedtronic control system

The stop/speed ratio valve has two


· a stop valve
· gas pressure regulation

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Stop/Speed Ratio Valve

As a stop valve, the stop/speed ratio

valve shuts off fuel gas flow during
normal and emergency shutdowns.

The hydraulic dump valve, control oil, and

servo valves control the action of the
stop/speed ratio valve as a stop valve.

The hydraulic dump valve is located

between the electrohydraulic servo valve
and the actuating cylinder.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

When control oil pressure is low, a spring moves an

internal spool to the "dump" position.

When hydraulic pressure is removed, a closing spring on

the stop/speed ratio valve plug closes the valve.

Fuel gas flow to the gas control valve and gas turbine is

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Stop/Speed Ratio Valve

As a pressure regulator, the stop/ speed
ratio valve regulates the gas pressure to
the gas control valve.

The stop/speed ratio valve is positioned by

the actuating cylinder and servo valve
according to FSR (Fuel Stroke Reference)
signals from the stop/speed ratio valve


Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

The stop/speed ratio valve has two control loops:

· position control of the valve

· gas pressure control to the inlet of the gas control valve referenced to the
speed of the turbine

The stop/speed ratio valve position control loop functions by comparing an

FSR signal with a valve position signal generated by the LVDTs (position

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System
Pressure Transducer
The pressure control loop senses the
fuel gas pressure exiting the
stop/speed ratio valve.

The pressure transducer changes the

gas pressure input signal to a DC
voltage output signal. The output
signal is relayed to the stop/speed
ratio valve Speedtronic control.

The Speedtronic control compares the

signals received from the intervalve
pressure, position control loop, and
turbine speed.

The control system then adjusts the

stop/speed ratio valve to maintain
fuel gas pressure requirements.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Control System

Gas Control Valve

The purpose of the gas control valve is

to meter or supply fuel gas to the
turbine based on turbine speed and
requirements of the load or driven
equipment. The valve is activated by an
electronic signal from the GCV segment
of Speedtronic control system.

The gas control valve position is

detected by the LVDTs. The sensors
signal the valve's position to the GCV
Speedtronic control, which changes the
signal to a DC signal.

The DC signal is compared with the FSR

input signal.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Gas Control Valve

If the feedback signal is in error (differs)

with the FSR, the control system signals
the hydraulic servo valve to adjust the gas
control valve in a direction to decrease the

This adjustment maintains a relationship

between valve position and FSR.

The gas control valve then meters the

correct fuel flow.

Located between the stop/speed ratio

valve and gas control valve is the vent
solenoid valve

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System
Vent Solenoid Valve
The purpose of the fuel vent solenoid valve
is to vent fuel gas from the line between the
stop/speed ratio and gas control valve
when the gas turbine is shut down and prior
to firing the machine during startup.

This venting prevents gas pressure buildup

between the valves and fuel gas leakage
through the gas control valve.

The solenoid valve vents the gas line when

the solenoid is de-energized.

When the master control/protection circuit

is energized, the solenoid is energized and
the vent valve is closed.

When a turbine start signal is initiated, the

vent valve is closed and remains closed until
Gas turbine is shut down.
Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Control System

LVDTs (Position
Linear variable differential
transformers (LVDTs) are position
sensors attached to the valve stems.
A fuel gas control system contains
four LVDTs:

· two sense the position of the

stop/speed ratio valve

· two sense the position of the gas

control valve
( Contd.)

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

LVDTs sense the position of the SRV and the GCV and transmit signals to
the appropriate Speedtronic control system segment.

Here the signals are changed into DC signals, which are compared to the

This signal is then transmitted to the servo valves, which regulate the flow
of oil to the actuator cylinder, repositioning the SRV and the GCV.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System
Servo Valves

The electrohydraulic servo valves are

two-stage, four-way flow control

They provide directional and

proportional hydraulic flow control in
response to a low power DC input
signal from the Speedtronic control

The servo valves control the direction

and rate of movement of the pistons
in the stop/speed ratio valve and gas
control valve actuating cylinders.

The first-stage valve changes the

small electric signal into a hydraulic
force that precisely positions the
piston of the second-stage valve.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Control System

Servo Valves

The second-stage valve meters

hydraulic pressure to and from the
actuating cylinder.

Movement of the single-acting

piston actuator is opposed by a
spring in the gas control valve.

The last two components in the

fuel gas control system are the
pressure gauges and Speedtronic
control system.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Pressure Gauges
Three gas pressure gauges are
installed in the fuel gas supply line.

The upstream gauge measures fuel

gas pressure entering the
stop/speed ratio valve.

The middle gauge measures fuel gas

pressure between the stop/speed
ratio valve and the gas control valve.

The downstream gauge measures

the pressure of the gas that has
been metered to the fuel gas
manifold and fuel nozzles.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System
Speedtronic Control
The positions of the stop/speed
ratio valve and gas control valve are
controlled by an electrical signal
from the Speedtronic control

The signal causes the electro-

hydraulic servo valve to send oil to
or release oil from the hydraulic
cylinder that actuates the
stop/speed ratio valve and gas
control valve.

A signal from the position sensors

(LVDTs) tells the Speedtronic
control system that the valve is in
the correct position or that a
position change
Gas Turbine_Fuel is needed.
Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Control System

Speedtronic Control

The Speedtronic control system is a

microcomputer control system that
provides analog and digital signals
to control and protect gas turbine

The primary operating parameters

of a gas turbine are start-up,
temperature, and speed.

All are controlled by regulating fuel

flow to the engine.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Control System

Turbine operations are sensed and used as feedback

signals to the Speedtronic control system.

The Speedtronic control system is also equipped with

protective devices as a backup to the main system.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Control Loops

The Speedtronic control

system consists of three major
control loops:

· start-up and shutdown

· speed
· temperature

The output of these control loops

is connected to a minimum value
select logic circuit.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Control System

The minimum value select logic circuit interfaces the

speed, temperature, and start-up control output signals
to FSR for fuel control.

Only the control segment (e.g., start-up, speed, or

temperature) calling for the lowest voltage output is
allowed to pass the gate to the fuel control system as
controlling FSR voltage.

FSR control is the command signal for fuel

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Start-Up & Shutdown

Control Loops
Proper speed sensing is an
important part of the start-up and
shutdown sequence control of the

The graphic shows the speed

sensors used on G.E. gas
· zero-speed detector
· minimum-speed relay detector
· accelerating relay speed detector
· high-speed relay detector Contd.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

The following is a basic description of how these sensors


If speed is zero, permissive logic allows clutch

engagement and the cranking sequence for turbine start-
up is initiated.

The zero-speed detector provides a signal when the

turbine shaft starts rotating.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Start-Up & Shutdown

Control Loops
During the shutdown cycle, the zero-
speed detector provides a signal to
permit the ratchet gear, or turning
device, to be placed in service in the
cool-down sequence.

A minimum speed detector indicates

that the turbine has reached the
minimum firing speed before ignition.

The acceleration speed relay indicates that the turbine has reached
approximately 40% to 50% speed in the acceleration cycle.

The high-speed sensor indicates that the turbine is at operating speed and
that the accelerating sequence is complete.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Fuel Gas Control System

Temperature Control
The purpose of the temperature
control loop is to limit the turbine
firing temperature by regulating
fuel flow.

The actual firing temperature is

most difficult to measure and
generally is not measured.


Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Exhaust temperature is measurable and is proportional to

the firing temperature.

Thermocouples mounted in the exhaust provide

temperature feedback proportional to the firing

Air is more dense on cool days, causing the firing

temperature to increase for a given speed.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Protective System

The increased firing temperature

improves turbine efficiency, but the
control system must prevent
overfiring the machine.

This is accomplished by the control

system lowering the temperature
control point.

Protection systems are also provided

to prevent abnormal conditions that
can damage the turbine. Contd.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

These control and protective systems are independent

systems that back up the primary control systems.

The protective systems will trip the machine when

overspeed or over-temperature trip conditions occur.

The over-temperature system protects the gas turbine

against possible damage caused by overfiring.

It is a backup system that operates only after failure of

the temperature control loops.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

Supertonic Control:
Basic Function

Under normal operating conditions,

the temperature control system
limits increases in fuel flow when
the firing temperature limit is


Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System

If the system malfunctions, exhaust temperature can

exceed control limits.

If a malfunction occurs, the over-temperature protection

system provides an over-temperature alarm before it trips
the gas turbine.

Speed control software changes the FSR based on the

difference between the actual turbine generator
speed/load and the speed/load reference set point.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Control System
Speedtronic Control:
Basic Function

When the generator breaker is closed,

on a power grid, speed is held
relatively constant, or synchronous.

Fuel flow in excess of that necessary

to maintain full speed/no load will
increase power generator output
capabilities instead of increasing
turbine speed.

Isochronous controls hold turbine

speed steady during load changes.

When there is a difference between

turbine speed and setpoint, the
electronic controls increase or
decrease the FSR until there are no
error signals. Systems
Gas Turbine_Fuel Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

Liquid Fuel System: Purpose

The purpose of a liquid fuel system

is to deliver metered quantities of
fuel, at the correct pressure, to the

Gas turbine liquid fuels are liquid

hydrocarbons similar to kerosene.
Almost any combustible fluid can be
used for turbine fuel, although high
viscosity fuels present special

The figure shows a typical liquid fuel

system. Liquid fuel, or fuel oil, is
stored in a storage vessel and
routed to the gas turbine.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

Liquid Fuel System

The main components of a
typical liquid fuel system are as

· fuel storage tank

· fuel oil pumps
· pressure switches
· fuel filters
· manifold
· nozzles
· fuel control valve
· solenoid-operated valves
· control system
A fuel storage tank is discussed
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

Fuel Tank Storage &

The purpose of a fuel storage tank is
to store fuel oil received from an
outside source. Storage tanks usually
store enough fuel for 24 hours of gas
turbine operation. They are
sometimes called day tanks.

Fuel storage tanks are often equipped

with the following devices:

· relief valve
· pressure controls
· pressure indicator
· temperature indicator
· level indicators The relief valve (PSV) is a safety device
· level controls and/or alarms designed to prevent excessive pressure in
the tank.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System
Pressure, Temperature,
& Level Controls

In the figure, the storage tank is

protected against over-pressurization
by pressure controls. These controls
consist of a pressure transmitter (PT),
controller (PIC), actuator (PY), and
control valve (PV).

Operators can monitor the fuel oil

storage tank pressure at local pressure
indicators (PI).

A local temperature indicator (TI) and

a level gauge (LG) are also provided.

Another level gauge, usually a sight

glass, is installed on the boot of the
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

Level Control & Shutoff


A level transmitter (LT) signals fuel

level information to the DCS level
indicator (LI). The level indicator
contains alarms for high level, low
level, and low-low level. The low-low
level alarm is usually accompanied by
a unit shutdown.

In the figure, the storage tank shutoff

valve (MOV) is motor operated. The
valve is opened or closed by a hand
switch (HS).

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Fuel Oil Pumps & Hand

The purpose of fuel oil pumps is to
deliver fuel oil, under pressure, to
the gas turbine fuel control system.
Fuel oil pumps are started and
stopped by a local HOA hand switch

HOA means hand/off/automatic.

When the hand switch is in the H

position, the fuel oil pump is under
manual control. When in the O
position, the pump is off. (Contd.)
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

When both pump switches are placed in the A position,

the running pump becomes the lead pump and the other
pump is in auto standby.

If the lead pump fails when operating with both pumps

in auto, the standby pump will start automatically with
no interruption in fuel supply.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Fuel Boost Inlet Pump

There are two types of liquid fuel

system pumps:

· fuel boost inlet

· high pressure fuel

The purpose of a fuel boost inlet

pump is to raise the inlet fuel
pressure to the pressure that is
required for proper fuel system

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

The boost pump is installed upstream from the low

pressure duplex fuel filters.

An electric boost pump is a rotary, positive-displacement,

gear, motor-driven pump. The pump takes fuel from the
low pressure liquid fuel supply and delivers it to the fuel
system inlet at the required pressure.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Hp Fuel Pump, Pressure

Switch, & Gauge

The high pressure fuel pump is a

gear-type, positive displacement
pump and may either be engine-
driven or electric motor-driven.

The low fuel pressure switch senses

fuel pressure to the high pressure
fuel pump. This switch initiates
engine shutdown if fuel pressure
decreases below the setpoint.

A pressure gauge, with the switch,

indicates the inlet fuel pressure.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Fuel Filters
Fuel oil flows from the fuel oil pump to
the gas turbine via the pump discharge
header. In the figure, a filter removes
solid particles from the fuel oil.

In a liquid fuel system, filters are of two


· low pressure duplex filters

· high pressure fuel filter

The duplex filter assembly incorporates

two parallel-mounted filters equipped
with a selector valve, filter check valves,
and a differential pressure switch.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Fuel Filters

Each filter contains two replaceable

filter elements with a 10-micron
nominal rating, connected to the
fuel system through the control
valve so that fuel flow may be
directed through either filter. This
arrangement serves two purposes:

· servicing of the inactive filter

during engine operation
· manual transfer to the clean filter
without engine shutdown (Contd.)

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

The high pressure fuel filter is installed in the fuel line

between the high pressure fuel pump and the fuel
control valve. It contains a replaceable filter element
rated at 40 microns nominal.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System
Fuel Manifold
The purpose of a fuel manifold is to
divide a single fuel supply into several
outlet streams.

A liquid fuel manifold usually has an inlet

and outlet orifice called a boss.

There is an inlet boss and an outlet boss

for each fuel nozzle.

Injector tube assemblies are connected

to the fuel outlet bosses and carry the
fuel to the fuel nozzle.

A liquid fuel manifold is sometimes called

a fuel flow divider manifold. It
incorporates inlet and outlet fuel
connections for manifold-to-injector tube
assemblies that carry the liquid fuel to
the fuel nozzles.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

Fuel Manifold
Solar gas turbines may also have an air
assist manifold. Air assist manifold-to-
injector tube assemblies carry fuel-
atomizing air to the fuel nozzles.

The fuel and air mixture ratio is the

weight of combustor primary air in
relation to the weight of the fuel. A
specific proportion of air is needed for
efficient operation.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Fuel Nozzles
Fuel nozzles are located in the inlet of
the combustor.

The purpose of fuel nozzles is to

deliver highly atomized fuel in a
controlled spray pattern in the

Fuel nozzles are of three types:

· simplex
· duplex
· air blast

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Simplex Fuel Nozzle

The simplex fuel nozzle has a
small orifice that provides one
spray pattern.

The simplex nozzle has a set of

vanes, called flutes, that give a
swirling motion to the fuel. This
motion reduces the axial velocity
of the fuel and provides better
mixing of fuel and air.

Duplex fuel nozzles are:

· single line
· dual line

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Single Line Duplex Fuel


The single line duplex fuel nozzle

receives fuel at one inlet port.

A flow divider in the nozzle distributes

fuel through two spray orifices. The
inner orifice sprays at a wide angle.
The outer orifice opens at a preset
pressure and sprays the primary fuel.


Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

The higher volume and higher pressure fuel flow from the
outer orifice narrows the spray pattern so that fuel does
not touch the combustion liner.

Single line nozzles also use a spin chamber for each

orifice. This chamber provides efficient fuel mixing and
fuel-air residence time over different fuel pressures.

The head of the fuel nozzle usually has air holes that
provide some primary air for combustion.

This air also cools and cleans the nozzle head and spray
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

Dual Line Duplex Fuel


The dual line duplex fuel nozzle is

similar to the single line except it does
not have a flow divider to separate
primary and secondary fuel.

The duplex fuel nozzle has a fuel inlet

port for each spray orifice.

The dual line duplex nozzle contains

flutes and cooling air orifices.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Air Blast Fuel Nozzle

The air blast fuel nozzle enhances the

atomization process and produces finer
fuel droplets.

This nozzle is more effective during

start-up when low fuel pressure causes
atomization problems.

By using a high velocity airflow, air

blast nozzles atomize the fuel more
completely than can be accomplished
by only pressurized fuel.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System
A cone-shaped, atomized spray pattern
provides a large fuel surface of very fine fuel

This pattern optimizes mixing of fuel and air

and ensures the highest heat release from the
fuel for more complete combustion.

The most desirable flame pattern occurs at

higher compressor discharge pressures. During
start-up and other off-rated speeds, flame
length increases because of low compression.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

Compression Ratio

Recall from a previous lesson that a

gas turbine engine must maintain its
rated compression ratio for efficient

Compression ratio is the amount of

discharge pressure in pounds per
square inch absolute (psia) over
suction pressure in psia.

As compressor discharge pressure

increases, fuel pressure to the engine
also increases. As the engine nears
rated speed, fuel flow is regulated
according to load requirements.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System
Fuel Control Valve:
Purpose & Components
Turbine speed is controlled by the
fuel control valve.

The purpose of a fuel control valve is


provide the correct air/fuel ratio to

the combustion section
· regulate fuel flow to control engine
speed and exhaust temperature

The main components of a liquid fuel

control valve are:

· fuel metering valve

· fuel topping actuator solenoid
· Pcd bleed valve
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System
Solenoid Operation
The fuel valve assembly is mounted
on the fuel control assembly. The
assembly is an explosion-proof
junction box, on which are mounted
four solenoid-operated valves.

These valves and their functions are

described next.

The two-way, normally closed

bypass valve connects fuel flow
from the fuel control valve to a
return line leading to the fuel filter

The valve remains closed during

start-up and operation. Upon
engine shutdown, the bypass valve
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

Two-Way Fuel Valve

The two-way, normally closed
fuel valve operates in
conjunction with the bypass
valve during the start-up cycle
and normal engine operation.

The fuel valve opens during

the start-up sequence when
the bypass valve closes. This
directs metered fuel flow to
the fuel nozzles.

During engine shutdown, the

valve closes.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Torch & Purge Valves

The two-way, normally closed torch
valve functions for only a short time
during engine start-up.

Ten seconds after the engine reaches

15% speed, the valve opens, fuel is
directed to the igniter torch assembly,
and ignition occurs.

At a predetermined engine temperature,

the valve closes and combustion is self-

The normally closed purge valve is a

two-way valve connecting the fuel
supply line to the fuel nozzles and to a
return line.

During start-up, the valve opens. The

purge valve closes when the engine
Gas 15% speed.
Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System
Fuel Valve Linkage
On engine shutdown, the purge valve
again opens to permit drainage (purging)
of the liquid fuel lines. The valve closes as
engine speed drops below 15% speed.

The linkage assembly is the

interconnecting device between the fuel
control valve and the electrohydraulic
servo actuator.

The assembly consists of a linkage rod

and rod ends. One end of the rod is
attached to the servo actuator output
shaft, and the opposite end is connected
to the fuel control valve fuel metering

Movement of the servo actuator results in

repositioning the fuel metering valve.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

Fuel Topping Actuator


The fuel topping actuator solenoid

operates on input signals from the
electrical control system to decrease
fuel flow during the start-up cycle if
turbine temperature exceeds a preset

When energized, the fuel topping

actuator solenoid reduces the metering
valve open position.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Pcd Bleed Valve

The Pcd bleed valve is a solenoid-

actuated, normally open, three-way
valve mounted on the liquid fuel control
valve housing.

The Pcd bleed valve operates on input

signals from the electrical control

The purpose of the Pcd bleed valve is to

receive or vent Pcd from or to the
acceleration limiter.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System
Pcd & Turbine Speed
During engine operation, the valve closes
and Pcd is admitted to the acceleration
limiter through an orifice. Upon engine
shutdown, the valve opens and vents the
acceleration limiter.

An increase or decrease in the turbine load

causes a corresponding change in the
turbine speed.

Turbine speed can be measured by the

following means:

· flyweight governor
· magnetic sensors

The flyweight governor is discussed next.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Flyweight Governor
A flyweight governor consists of a pair
of weights, called flyweights, a tension
spring, and a governor rod.

The governor rod rotates, and

centrifugal force moves the flyweights

Movement in the flyweight position

also repositions the governor rod. The
rod connects the action of the
flyweights to the throttle valve, which
controls fuel flow.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Magnetic Sensors &

Main Fuel Actuator
Magnetic or pickup sensors consist of
a permanent magnet, wrapped with a
coil in a sealed case. The sensors are
mounted around a gear wheel on the
gas turbine rotor shaft.

Each sensor generates an electrical

signal proportional to engine speed. A
signal is sent each time a gear tooth
passes under the sensor.
( Contd.)

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Modern gas turbines use an electric or electronically

controlled main fuel actuator to control turbine speed.

The main fuel actuator controller can be programmed to

maintain a constant gas producer turbine speed, a
constant power turbine speed, or a constant compressor
discharge pressure, depending on the requirements of the

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Probes & Sensors

The controller receives signals from


· magnetic proximity probes or sensors

· exhaust gas temperature sensors

Shaft speed may be monitored by

magnetic proximity probes positioned
near the shaft. These are called "key
phasors." These probes emit an
electromagnetic field that fluctuates each
time the key phasor slot passes the
probe. One fluctuation in the circuit
equals one revolution of the shaft.
(Contd.) Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems
Liquid Fuel System

Shaft rpm is compared with speed setpoints by

the main fuel actuator controller.

The controller then increases or decreases fuel

flow until the desired speed is reached.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Temperature Sensors

Exhaust gas temperature is the most

critical of all gas turbine engine
operating parameters.

Exhaust gas temperature sensors

send signals to the main fuel
actuator controller. The exhaust gas
temperature is monitored by several
thermocouples, which signal
temperature information to the
engine temperature controller.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

Several different terms are used to describe exhaust gas


· Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT): temperature is monitored upstream of

the turbine wheel(s)

· Interstage Turbine Temperature (ITT): temperature is taken at an

intermediate position between multiple turbine wheels

· Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT), or Turbine Outlet Temperature (TOT) is

taken downstream of the turbine wheel(s)

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System Operation


The preceding lesson explained liquid

fuel system components and their

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

Liquid Fuel System:


The purpose of a liquid fuel system is to

deliver clean liquid fuel to the engine in
correct volumes at the correct pressure.

The delivery of the fuel is controlled by a

microcomputer control system.

This system monitors all phases of

engine operation, from start-up through

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

System Operation:
Start-up Sequence
1) The start-up sequence of the fuel system
is initiated when the start switch is

2) The load/speed sensing control unit

(governor) is energized.

3) A signal is transmitted to the

electrohydraulic servo actuator. The
actuator retracts and moves the fuel
control linkage toward the maximum fuel
position when servo oil pressure builds up.

This action moves the metering valve lever

from the minimum fuel stop position. This
also allows the acceleration limiter to
progressively enrich the fuel and air
mixture in accordance with the
acceleration schedule.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

System Operation:
Start-Up Sequence
Engine temperature control is offset
during start-up. The impending high
temperature alarm and high turbine
temperature shutdown setpoints are
temporarily increased approximately 50°F.

During the start-up sequence when the

engine is operating between 0% and 15%
speed, the liquid fuel purge solenoid valve
is energized and remains open until 10
seconds after 15% engine speed is

The electric liquid fuel boost pumps are

energized, if used.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

System Operation:
Start-Up Sequence

The air assist solenoid-operated

shutoff valve is energized (opened).
As the engine accelerates, the fuel
pressure, Pcd, and engine oil
pressure increases.

If 15% engine speed is not reached

in 30 seconds after starters begin
to crank, engine shutdown is
initiated and FAIL TO CRANK
malfunction is indicated.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

System Operation: Run

At 15% engine speed plus 10 seconds:

1) The Pcd bleed valve opens and begins

to act on the acceleration limiter.
2) The purge valve closes.
3) The torch valve and the fuel valve
4) The electric motor-driven main fuel
pump starts, if used.
5) The ignition relay and ignition exciter
are energized. Spark plug starts firing.
6) Fuel flows through the torch valve to
the torch. (Contd.)

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

System Operation: Run Sequence

7) Torch fuel is atomized by air assist

pressure and is ignited in combustion air.

8) Metered fuel from the fuel control valve

flows through the fuel valve and the torch
bias relief valve to the fuel nozzles.

This fuel flow is then atomized by air assist


The torch flame ignites the fuel and air

mixture from the fuel nozzles, beginning

The engine continues to accelerate. When

engine temperature reaches setpoint,
approximately 350°F, the torch valve and
ignition are de-energized.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

System Operation: Run

If turbine temperature has not
reached the setpoint in 25 seconds
after attaining 15% engine speed,
engine shutdown is initiated and
IGNITION FAIL malfunction is

If high pressure fuel pump suction

pressure is lower than the setpoint
of the low fuel pressure switch,
approximately 7 psig, 25 seconds
after attaining 15% engine speed,
engine shutdown is initiated and
LOW FUEL PRESS malfunction is
indicated. (Contd.)

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

After light-off occurs, turbine temperature

increases rapidly.

If temperature exceeds setpoint while

accelerating to 90% engine speed, engine
temperature control warning IMPENDING HIGH

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

System Operation: Run

Fuel topping solenoid valve is

Fuel flow is reduced to topping flow

until turbine temperature decreases to
normal. The fuel topping solenoid is
then de-energized.

The fuel topping solenoid operates

with on-off action if the over-
temperature condition persists until
90% engine speed is attained.

If the temperature topping circuit

malfunctions, a further temperature
increase will activate a backup
shutdown circuit.
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Liquid Fuel System

System Operation: Run


When engine speed reaches 66%,

the engine start system and the
atomizing air assist shutoff valve are
both de-energized.

Fuel atomizing air is then supplied by


Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

System Operation: Run

When engine speed reaches

1) The electronic load/speed controller

(governor) takes control of the
electrohydraulic servo actuator and
positions the fuel control linkage to
accelerate to operating speed.

2) Offset setpoints are transferred to

normal operating values for engine
temperature control. (Contd.)

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

System Operation: Run


3) The topping control circuit is de-


4) The temperature shutdown timer is


5) Fuel is metered to the engine

according to the demand of the
electronic control system, based on load,
speed, or temperature.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

6) Engine speed increases to operating speed.

7) The following events take place if a turbine over-temperature condition

occurs when the engine is operating above 90% speed:

8) At approximately 1,155°F, the engine shutdown timer is de-energized.

9) After a 5-second delay, allowing for transient over-temperatures, HIGH

ENG TEMP alarm is indicated.

10) At approximately 1200°F, engine shutdown is immediate and HIGH ENG

TEMP is indicated and engine shutdown is initiated.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

System Operation:
Shutdown Sequence

Shutdown of the fuel system operation

occurs in sequence when the stop switch
or emergency stop switch (Local Panel) is

When start/run relays are de-


1) The postlube timer relay begins to time


Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System
2) The pre/postlube pump motor is energized.

3) The purge valve opens to purge the fuel system until engine
speed decreases below 15%.

4) The fuel bypass valve opens to the filter outlet line.

5) The Pcd bleed valve opens to cutoff Pcd air and vent the fuel
control valve.

6) Fuel valve closes to fuel injectors.

7) Control power to the electronic load/speed sensing control is

stopped, and the governor is deactivated.


Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

8) Main electric fuel pump, if used,

and fuel boost pump are both de-

9) When the fuel supply to the

engine is cut off, combustion stops
and the engine begins to

10) When engine speed decreases

below 15%, the purge valve and
the fuel bypass valve close.

11) The engine coasts to a stop.

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Liquid Fuel System

System Operation:
Shutdown Sequence

55 minutes after the stop switch is


1) The postlube timer relay times out.

2) The pre/postlube oil pump is de-


3) The postlube cycle is complete.

4) The master control switch can be

turned off and the engine is ready for

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas System

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Gas Metering Valve (General Electric )

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Monitoring Screen for the Fuel Gas Control

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Fuel Oil System

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Dual Fuel Systems

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Gas Turbine_Fuel Systems Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar
Dr. Walid Abdelghaffar

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