Optimo Control Valvula Control

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L realize that good process control
eaders in the process industries ADDRESSING CONTROL VALVE
performance is an essential element in PERFORMANCE HAS A DRAMATIC
achieving world-class reliability as
well as optimizing overall process effi-
ciency. Since control valves are the EFFICIENCY, OVERALL PROFITABILITY
only devices in the process loop that
actually “move” to adjust the process,
their performance is critical. The best BY SHAWN ANDERSON AND NEAL RINEHART
way to achieve excellent performance
is to initially select the most appropri-
ate final control valve for the applica-
tion and then to maintain its
performance over time.

Why Bother With Control

Valve Performance?
Plant efficiency is the underlying
goal of process control. The efficien-
cy of a plant can be looked at as a
function of outputs and costs as
shown in Figure 1. Outputs, shown
here in the numerator, include any
factors that directly impact the vol-
ume of sellable product from the
plant. Here is where factors such as
quality, throughput and availability
of the process fit into the picture.
Increasing any of these factors will
improve bottom-line efficiency. Cost
inputs, shown in the denominator of
this illustration, include raw materi-
als, maintenance, utilities, safety,
waste and rework. Increasing any
one of these factors will decrease
overall efficiency.
Control valve performance has a
significant impact on every factor of
plant efficiency. As a benchmark,

© 2007 Valve Manufacturers Association. Reprinted with permission. Fall 2007 | 1


EnTech Control Engineering examined demanded by the new catalyst. formation on the heater tubes and
more than 5,000 control loops and Changing the main hydrogen extended the time between heater
found that nearly 80% of loops failed to control valve reduced the maintenance requirements.
reduce process variability to an accept- temperature variation to +/- 0.5°
able degree.1 This study reported that F. As a result, unit production was These are just a sample of the evi-
“the undesirable behavior of control increased by more than 1,000 dence showing the profound impact that
valves is the biggest single contributor barrels per day. In addition, the selection of the right final control equip-
to poor loop performance and the desta- better temperature control has ment can have on the bottom-line per-
bilization of product uniformity.” resulted in improved catalyst life formance of process plants. Establish-
A major control valve manufacturer and has allowed an extension in ing proper control valve performance is
in the hydrocarbon and chemical indus- the time between turnarounds. the foundation for establishing process
tries also performed an audit on loop 䡲 A naphtha cracker in Brazil loop performance. The resulting gain in
performance and had similar findings. In added digital instrumentation to loop performance not only improves
more than 7,000 loops audited in refin- 350 control valves to improve the process efficiency, it also impacts the
ing and petrochemical plants, more than plant’s performance. Operational overall reliability of the process. Opti-
half the loops needed valve performance benefits that were realized mum control valve performance is vital
improvements to achieve optimal included a 25% reduction in for achieving efficient, reliable process-
process performance. Most loops failed furnace alignment time, reduced es. It is also a sound first step for real
to respond to a 2% change in setpoint. maintenance as a result of more improvement in process reliability.
Subsequent initiatives to optimize con- uniform coke formation on So if the control valve is so critical to
trol valve performance resulted in signif- furnace tube walls and greater plant optimization, how does one go
icant efficiency and reliability improve- operational stability. The about selecting the right valve?
ments in the entire process unit. annualized process impact was
Commonly those unit efficiency improve- more than $4 million.2 Traditional Selection
ments were 2 to 5% or greater after con- 䡲 Because of excessive fuel Traditional valve-sizing methods have
trol valve performance optimization consumption, the control valves often been used as a guideline for select-
projects. on the fired heaters of a 160,000 ing the “right” valve in each applica-
The following examples illustrate the BPD crude unit were replaced. tion. Process details are gathered to
impact of valve performance on process Before this optimization, the DT make sure a control valve is made from
efficiency: across the passes was +/-9° F. the right materials, can handle process
䡲 A new, higher activity catalyst Fuel gas consumption had temperatures and pressures, and has
was charged into a first-stage averaged 18.7 MMSCFD. After enough capacity to handle mini-
hydro-cracking reactor. After the optimization, DT was only mum/nominal/maximum flow condi-
commissioning, reactor +/-2° F, and fuel gas consumption tions. ISA (Instrumentation, Systems
temperature variations of +/-4° F was reduced to 17.5 MMSCFD. and Automation Society) and IEC
at the catalyst bed were observed, In addition to the large fuel gas (International Electrotechnical Com-
and the existing hydrogen feed savings, better control of mission) provide industry standard con-
valve could not respond fast temperature within the heater trol valve specification forms that help
enough to process changes resulted in better control of coke make procurement of control valves
almost as easy as “filling in the blanks”
with the pertinent process information.
These parameters are very important
for many reasons, including process
safety, cavitation and/or noise control,
and preventing choked flow.
The problem with just filling out the
specification sheet is that optimal valve
or process performance is not guaran-
teed, even if the spec sheet is filled out
exactly right. Almost all the information
gathered deals with the static perform-
ance of the control valve at fixed
process conditions. While important,
Figure 1. Efficiency is a function of outputs and costs. very few parameters are actually

2 | Valve M A G A Z I N E © 2007 Valve Manufacturers Association. Reprinted with permission.

back it receives.
Another important point to mention
about dead band measurements is evalu-
ating dead band in a process is absolute-
ly critical. Trying to measure the true
dead band of a control valve on a bench
or out of service does not paint the
whole picture. A process controller only
cares about the relationship between the
command signal to the control valve and
the corresponding changes on the
process variable transmitter.
Open-loop step tests with process
present provide a good way to evaluate
control valve dead band. Any control
valve manufacturer should be able to
provide flow test data that shows the
ability of a particular valve construction
with respect to dead band. The manu-
facturer should be able to provide this
data for various product types showing
responses to step inputs ranging from
0.25% to 5%. Figure 2 shows an exam-
ple of process dead band measured with
Figure 2. Open-loop step tests results for a rotary valve are shown above.The process dead band
for this loop (with this valve) is approximately 5%. Changing to a more appropriate valve design an open-loop step test.
signficantly reduced dead band and gave optimal process control. Not all valves will respond to the
smallest steps, but the limitations of
various valve configurations will be
focused on the control valve’s dynamic SP75.25.01-2000 defines the term apparent.
performance and the impact of that per- “dead band” as “the range through It is important to realize that not all
formance on the process. A few static which an input signal may be varied, control loops require minimal dead
performance parameters addressed— with reversal of direction, without initi- band. For process loops requiring good
such as flow coefficients, rangeability, ating an observable change in output throttling control, the dead band from
linearity and hysteresis—have little signal.” In other words, dead band is input signal to process variable should
bearing on predicting the valve’s actual the amount the command signal to a be less than 1%. Many process critical
in-service performance. control valve can move after signal loops may require dead band in the
direction reversal before a noticeable range of 0.25% or less. Ask your con-
For Proper Selection, change in the process variable is trol valve supplier to show you what
Get Dynamic! observed. Dead band is present in any they can do.
So if dynamic performance is left out of mechanical device. In control valves,
most control valve specifications, what dead band comes from factors such as 2) How fast does the valve move?
parameters should be considered in this excessive friction, loose or insufficient- Various tests and measurements can be
quest for optimum control valve per- ly rigid drive-train connections and used to determine the response speed for
formance? From a dynamic perform- very low process gains. a control valve assembly, but the same
ance standpoint, answering three simple Rotary valves are the most suscepti- open-loop step used above for determin-
questions can dramatically improve con- ble to high dead band. High seal ing the dead band will work just fine.
trol valve performance. torques, multiple mechanical connec- Obviously, the response time of the
tions and valve shafts that can twist whole process is important for con-
1) Does the valve move? because of high packing/seal loads are troller tuning and loop performance.
This may seem like a silly question, but all opportunities to lose motion between Control valve design can have a signifi-
in reality the dead band of the control the trim element and the positioner cant impact on process response. High
valve assembly, including the valve feedback. This means the positioner, no assembly friction (packing loads as well
body, actuator and related instrumen- matter how well it performs, can only as sealing loads), poorly sized actuators,
tation are important here. ISA position the valve as good as the feed- pneumatic positioner design/configura-

© 2007 Valve Manufacturers Association. Reprinted with permission. Fall 2007 | 3


tion/tuning and instrument air supply

pressure can all impact significantly the
response time of the control valve
An important parameter when look-
ing at how fast a control valve assembly
responds is dead time (Td), which is how
long it takes for a noticeable change in
output after a change in command sig-
nal to a control valve. This output could
be valve travel if you are interested in
finding out how fast the valve itself
responds, or if you are looking at the
entire process response, output could be
the process variable. If we look at the
process variable, every process would be
somewhat different, but since we are
looking at control valve responses, the
focus will be on travel.
Besides looking at Td, it is important
to look at a time-constant-based param-
eter for comparing the dynamic portion Figure 3. Open-loop step tests results showing Td,T63 and T86 response times for a 2% input
of a step response. Examples of such step change.The process gain (⌬ process/⌬ input) for this particular loop is 1.0.
parameters include T63 or T86, which
is the time it takes after the control
valve command signal changes for the
travel to move to 63.2% or 86.5% overall controllability of the process. 䡲 The design of a control valve can
respectively. These parameters are Process gain is typically a value without have a significant impact on
roughly equal to Td plus one or two time dimensions that indicates the impact of installed process gain. For
constants in a system that is approxi- control valve travel changes on the example, a traditional butterfly
mately first order. Figure 3 shows process. This value is usually deter- valve can have very high gain at
response time data from a 2% step mined using an open-loop (manual) one area of travel (usually low
change in controller setting. Again, bump test, but it can also be estimated travel) and extremely low gain at
depending on the desired measurement by observing controller output changes a different travel (usually high
or comparison factor, these response from trend data. An example of deter- travel). A single operating
time parameters could look at valve mining the installed process gain is: An condition does not describe the
travel responses or at process variable operator puts a control loop in manual, installed process gain for the
responses. bumps the process output 2% and process range, so consider the
Several specifications discuss accept- observes the response in the process control valve’s entire operating
ance guidelines for control valve response variable. To determine the installed range.
times. One is the EnTech Control Valve gain, that operator must determine the
Specification3. It is important to note process response amplitude in percent of For many processes, the ideal
that different processes require different transmitter span, and divide that by the installed process gain is 1.0. This means
response times. Paying attention to con- 2% output change. This means that if that when the controller asks for a 2%
trol valve response times allows your the PV changed by 4%, the installed movement, the PV changes by 2%.
process controllers to do a better job process gain is 2, or if the PV changed However, the real world is full of non-
rejecting disturbances. Ask your control by 1%, the installed process gain is 0.5. linearities, and a gain of 1.0 over the
valve supplier to provide information Based on this example a few impor- entire travel range is very difficult to
regarding small- to medium-amplitude tant factors to consider include: achieve. Figure 3 also shows a process
response times for assemblies. 䡲 The transmitter span can have a gain calculation that can be made from
significant impact on the installed an open-loop step test.
3) Does this valve provide the right process gain. Be careful to set a It is generally accepted that, when
process gain? transmitter span that is selecting a control valve for most flow
The loop gain or installed process gain is reasonable based on expected and pressure processes, the goal is to
a particularly important parameter to loop conditions. size the valve for an installed process

4 | Valve M A G A Z I N E © 2007 Valve Manufacturers Association. Reprinted with permission.

gain of 1, but that a 4:1 ratio over the ance related to valve assemblies. The
range of the control valve travel is testing procedures mentioned are simple REFERENCES
acceptable and manageable. A good enough for the end user to conduct, and 1. Bialkowski, W.L. and Elliot, Ross, “Control
Valves—The Biggest Single Contributor to
rule of thumb is that the installed should also be adopted by any control Process Variability,” Instrument Symposium
process gain should be within a range of valve manufacturer producing valves for for the Process Industries, Texas A&M,
0.5 to 2, at least at the control valve’s performance-critical applications. The January 1996.
operating travel ranges. However, in EnTech specification even has the end 2. Filho, A.G., Benefiting From the Use of
Smart Instruments and Asset Management
such cases, the larger this range of con- user determining the level of control Software in Naphtha Cracking. Paper CC-
trol valve travel, the more flexible the required for a given control loop and 02-156 presented at 2002 NPRA Comput-
process will be. Ask your control valve also gives performance criteria needed er Conference in Austin, TX.
supplier for help with installed gain siz- to achieve that performance level. 3. EnTech Control Valve Dynamic Specifica-
tion (v3.0, 11/98)
ing to optimize your control range. Not all applications require a valve
4. Rinehart, Neal, “Rethink Your Control
with the highest performance levels. Valve Maintenance,” Chemical Processing,
Include Performance in However, using the traditional sizing March 2006.
Your Specifications methods, along with additional perform- 5. Ingram, David and Rinehart, Neal, “Smart
Selecting a control valve that provides ance criteria, will change the thought Control Valve Diagnostics, Predictive
Maintenance and Beyond,” Valve
excellent performance based on the processes used when purchasing control Magazine, Fall 2004.
parameters above is not difficult. Still, valves and yield significant improvements
it is not as straightforward as filling out in plant or process efficiencies. Dis-
the traditional sizing documents. By cussing terms like dead band, dead time, time, wear gradually decays control per-
combining the traditional sizing meth- response times and installed process gain formance. If left unchecked, this decay
ods with dynamic control valve perform- with a control valve manufacturer will can eventually lead to failure. Often that
ance requirements, you can develop a give a process a much better chance of decay is so subtle, it is not apparent to
very good control valve selection control and profitability. operators or to maintenance personnel.
process. Several industry standard spec- However, if it’s compared to original
ifications now exist, such as ISA Sustaining Control Valve performance levels, the differences
SP75.25.01-2000 and the EnTech Con- Performance become obvious.
trol Valve Dynamic Specification (v3.0, After optimal control valve perform- With the advent of digital valve con-
11/98). These give guidelines on testing ance is achieved, how can it be main- trollers and transmitters, the ability to
procedures, definitions and other impor- tained? A control valve behaves much perform continuous, online diagnostics
tant aspects of control loop perform- like other mechanical devices. Over of critical field instruments became pos-
sible.4,5 With these “smart” devices and
the appropriate software, both the
health of the equipment and the health
of the process can be monitored. Users
also can capture the benefits of predic-
tive maintenance practices, which
reduce overall maintenance costs while
improving process availability and vari-
ability. With a loop performance audit,
the optimal performance of the process
can be sustained once the proper loop
performance is established.
For example, Figure 4 shows the
trending of online friction values, which
can reveal subtle changes over time and
provide the end user with insight on
where the friction level may be headed.
This information can give advanced
notice of potential control issues, which
can then be addressed at a convenient
time in the maintenance cycle to prevent
serious impact on the performance of
Figure 4. Modern digital control valves permit the use of proactive maintenance practices. In this
example, the trending of on-line, in-service friction values in the control valve provides advanced the control loop. Ask your control valve
notice of potential process control issues. manufacturer if its online diagnostics

© 2007 Valve Manufacturers Association. Reprinted with permission. Fall 2007 | 5


can calculate and trend friction values ance characteristics to achieve true SHAWN ANDERSON is a senior research engineer
and provide other online data that can process optimization. at Emerson Process Management, Fisher Divi-
move your organization to a predictive The performance of the control loop sion. He has been involved in control valve per-
diagnostics approach to control valve in the process should be the prime con- formance testing and studying the effects of
control valve dynamic performance. Reach him
maintenance. sideration when specifying equipment. at [email protected].
Valve manufacturers that understand
NEAL RINEHART currently directs technology
Conclusions control performance can share those and marketing initiatives for Control Valve
Control valves are a highly engineered capabilities and show they can conform Performance at Emerson Process Management,
product and should not be treated sim- to a user’s performance specifications. Fisher Division. He is involved with process
ply as a commodity. Addressing control Finally, implementing the best online, improvement initiatives in the refining, petro-
valve performance has a dramatic effect in-service diagnostics will optimize chemical and chemical industries. Reach him at
[email protected].
on process plant efficiency, overall prof- maintenance efforts if the information is
itability and control valve life-cycle used properly. Following these steps and
costs. While traditional valve specifica- adopting work practices to take full
tions certainly play an important role in advantage of the digital tools available
performance, it is also crucial that valve will have a positive impact on all
specifications address dynamic perform- parameters of plant efficiency. VM

6 | Valve M A G A Z I N E © 2007 Valve Manufacturers Association. Reprinted with permission.

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