Sizing of Control Valves For Non-Turbulent Flow (Laminar and Transitional)

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The derivation of the equation for Reynolds Number for use in the sizing of
control valves for non-turbulent flow (laminar and transitional)

The role of Fd and CVRTL in calculating Rev for control valves.

The definition of the valve style modifier Fd, can be found in IEC std.
60534-2-1. In Reynolds Number the characteristic dimension “J” for control
valves is the hydraulic mean diameter dH.
dH = 4 x effective area of the conduit / the wetted perimeter. For a circular pipe
or orifice with no restrictions or irregularities dH = the pipe or orifice diameter.
Fd = dH/de where dH = the hydraulic mean diameter of the controlling orifice
(valve trim) and de = the equivalent circular diameter for the valve trim.
For a single stage, single path trim the diameter of the vena contracta dVC is
considered to be the same as de making Fd = dH/dVC.
The rated CV of a control valve is: C VRT  4.625  10 4.d S2 K V K C K ap 
ds = metres CVRT = USGPM d s2 . K C  d 2vc giving
d VC  4.65  10 3 C VRT .FL
K V .K ap
CVRT is the rated CV for a valve to pass the required flow, but in the turbulent
regime. As explained earlier an estimate must be made at this stage of the
size of valve required to pass the specified flow but in the non-turbulent
regime. CVRT is increased by a factor somewhere between 35% and 150%
depending on the viscosity of the fluid. A valve is then selected with a rated
CV nearest to this inflated CVRT. The selected rated CV is identified as CVRTL.
The vena contracta for this larger valve is: d VC  4.65  10 3 CVRTL .FL
The product of the velocity and approach coefficients may be accepted as
approximately unity.
To obtain the characteristic dimension l (hydraulic mean diameter) in control
valve terminology: J  d VC Fd  4.65  10 3 Fd CVRTL .FL
In reviewing the technical literature it is found that various authors indicate
that 1/ K V K ap has a minimal effect on dVC.Fd. It therefore been omitted.
v. J
The fundamental equation for Reynolds Number is: R ev 
where v = the velocity at the vena contracta vvc. m/sec
J = characteristic dimension = dVC.Fd. m
υ = coef. of kinematic viscosity. m2/sec
Q= volumetric flow. m3/sec

Q.4 Q
v vc   1.273 2
 .d VC
d VC

1.273 .Q 1.273.Q.Fd 1
R ev  .d VC .Fd   3
υ.d VC υ 4.65  10

273 .76 .Q.Fd

R ev  Q= m3/sec, CVRTL= USGPM, υ = m2/sec

0.076 .Q.Fd
R ev  * Q= m3/ hr, CVRTL= USGPM, υ = m2/sec

76 ,000 .Q.Fd
R ev  Q= m3/ hr, CVRTL= USGPM, υ = centistokes

(centistokes = m2/ sec x10-6) * This is equation (A1) in IEC 60534-2-1 but
omitting the bracket holding the velocity of approach term )

Approximate values of K may be calculated from:

C 2.14  10 -3
for standard trims where V2  0.016 K 2
d1  CV 
 2 
 d1 
C  C 

for reduced size trims where V2  0.016  0.001 K  1  1.384  10 3  V2  
d1   d1  
when  0.001 K = 1 constant
Values of K (turbulent) calculated from these equations may differ slightly
from the turbulent K values indicated in figures 7 and 8 which are considered
to be the more realistic.

For high capacity valves where  0.047 K (turbulent) as calculated from
 C  2.14  10 3
the equation  V2   will result in values less than 1. This initially
 d1  K
seems strange since K is an indication of a valve’s resistance to flow so it is
reasonable to expect its value to be in excess of 1.The low value is due to
these valves having very high velocity of approach factors Kap and very low
pressure recovery factors FL.

Worked example (1)

Viscous liquid
 = 162 centistokes
Q = 17 m3/ hr
Δp = 25 kPa
G = 0.92

Valve style selected – globe single seat V-port Fd = 0.48 FL =0.9

Calculate CVT for turbulent flow: Q = 8.65 X 10-2.CVT
17 = 8.65 X 10-2.CVT
CVT = 37.7

Increase CVT by 90% = 71.6 which is an estimate of the rated CV required for
non-turbulent flow. Select a valve having the nearest rated CV equal to or
greater than 71.6.
This is a 75mm valve with a rated CVRTL = 120.
To arrive at the rated CV of the valve required for turbulent flow, increase CVT
by 20% giving 45. This suggests a 50mm valve with CVRT = 50.

C VRT 50
  0.020
d1 2,500
This is required for reading the values of KL and f from the tables. The value
of Rev is also required:
76 ,000  Q  Fd
Rev =
76,000  17  0.48
Rev = = 368
162  120  0.9
From fig 3. KL has the same value as the loss coefficient for turbulent flow K =

From fig 5. f = 0.403Rev0.084 = 0.403 x 3680.084 = 0.660

K 1 5.35
FR  f      0.660 = 0.660 for FL=1, or = 0.733 for FL= 0.90
KL  FL  5.35

The Cv of the valve require to pass the require flow under non-turbulent
conditions is
37 .7 37 .7
CVL =  57 .12 , or  51 .43
0.660 0.733
This compares favourably with the CVRTL of the chosen 75mm valve = 120

If, in some cases, the CVRTL indicates a valve greater than the one selected at
the beginning of the procedure, the calculation must be repeated with C VT
increased by more than 90%.

Worked example(2):

Highly viscous liquid

 = 1,100 centistokes
Q = 17 m3/ hr
Δp = 25 kPa
G = 0.92

Valve style selected – globe single seat V-port Fd = 0.48 FL =0.9

Calculate CVT for turbulent flow: Q = 8.65 X 10-2.CVT
17 = 8.65 X 10-2.CVT
CVT = 37.7

Increase CVT by 120% = 83 which is an estimate of the rated CV required for

non-turbulent flow. Select a valve having the nearest rated CV equal to or
greater than 83.
This is a 75mm valve with a rated CVRTL = 120.
To arrive at the rated CV of the valve required for turbulent flow, increase CVT
by 20% giving 45. This suggests a 50mm valve with CVRT = 50.

C VRT 50
  0.020
d1 2,500
This is required for reading the values of KL and f from the tables. The value
of Rev is also required:

76 ,000  Q  Fd
Rev =
76,000  17  0.48
Rev = = 54
1,100  120  0.9

From fig 3. KL = 610 / Rev = 610 / 54 =11.29 K = 5.35

From fig 4. f = 0.63

K  1 5.35
FR =  f      0.63 = 0.43 for FL=1, or = 0.48 for FL= 0.9
KL  FL  11.29
The Cv of the valve require to pass the require flow under non-turbulent
conditions is:

37 .7 37.7
CVL =  87 .67 , or  78 .54
0.43 0.48
This compares favourably with the CVRTL of the chosen 75mm valve = 120

KL Equations
Standard size trims

c V
Rev Rev Rev

944 60 – 250 KL =
93.41  250 KL = K = 8.50
0.016 1 – 60 KL= 0.44
Rev Rev

70 – 250 KL =
44.00  250 KL = K = 5.35
0.020 1 – 70 KL= 0.38
Rev Rev

100 – 500 KL =
81.62  500 KL = K =1.96
0.033 1 –100 KL= 0.60
Rev Rev

468 150 – 500 KL =

105.14  500 KL = K = 1.34
0.040 1–150 KL= 0.70
Rev Rev

420 250–1,000 KL =
7.34  1,000 KL = K =1.16
0.047 1– 250 KL= 0.26
Rev Rev

350–1,000 KL =
7.00  1,000 KL = K = 0.79
0.052 1– 350 KL= 0.32
Rev Rev

400–1,500 KL =
6.71  1,500 KL = K = 0.50
0.065 1– 400 KL= 0.36
Rev Rev

Reduced size trims

c V
Rev Rev Rev

250 –700 KL =
28.23  700 KL = K =1.0
0.001 1-250 KL= 0.861 0.51
Rev Rev

280–1,800 KL =
19.77  1,800 KL = K =1.0
0.002 1–280 KL= 0.861 0.40
Rev Rev

425 300–1,850 KL =
31.35  1,850 KL = K =1.5
0.003 1–300 KL= 0.861 0.40
Rev Rev

638 60.73  2,000 KL = K = 2.0

0.005 1–300 KL= 0.861 300–2,000 KL = 0.45
Rev Rev

1–350 KL=
350–2,000 KL =
40.35  2,000 KL = K = 4.0
0.011 0.861 0.30
Rev Rev

Fig 3 Table of loss coefficients K and KL


Tabulated values for “f” the correction factor for KL

Standard size trims

d 12 Rev Laminar
0.016 1 – 70 f = 0.81 d 12 Rev Transitional Phase 2

0.020 1 – 70 f = 0.63
0.016 >70 – 111 f = 0.810

0.033 1 – 250 f = 0.60 0.020 >70 – 114 f = 0.630

0.040 1 – 300 f = 0.57 0.033 >250 – 262 f = 0.600

0.047 1 – 400 f = 0.53 0.040 >300 – 349 f = 0.570

0.047 0.260
0.052 1 – 600 f = 0.48 >400 – 1,800 f = 0.110 Rev

0.052 0.279
0.065 1 – 640 f = 0.45 >600 – 2,000 f = 0.084 Rev

0.065 0.301
>640 – 2,400 f = 0.064 Rev

d 12 Rev
d 12 Rev Transitional Phase 1a
0.016  3,500 turbulent 0.016 >111 – 600 f = 0.498 Rev

0.020  4,000 turbulent

0.033  4,000 turbulent
0.020 >114 – 600 f = 0.403 Rev

0.040  5,000 turbulent 0.033 >262 – 700 f = 0.400 Rev


0.047  5,500 turbulent 0.040 0.073

>349 – 1,000 f = 0.372 Rev
0.052  5,500 turbulent
0.065  5,500 turbulent
>1,800–5,500 f = 0.112 Rev

0.052 0.280
>2,000–5,500 f = 0.083 Rev

0.065 0.351
>2,400–5,500 f = 0.044 Rev

d 12 Rev Transitional Phase 1b

0.016 0.133
>600 – 3,500 f = 0.337 Rev

0.020 0.188
>600 – 4,000 f = 0.210 Rev

0.033 0.274
>700 – 4,000 f = 0.103 Rev

0.040 0.296
>1,000 – 5,000 f = 0.080 Rev

Fig 4. Table of correction factors f for standard size trims.


Tabulated values for “f” the correction factor for KL

Reduced size trims

d 12 Rev Laminar

0.011 1 – 90 f = 0.866Rev

0.005 1 -110 f = 0,711Rev

0.003 1 – 120 f = 0.661Rev

0.002 1 – 215 f = 0.537Rev

0.001 1 – 300 f = 0.395Rev

d 12 Rev Transitional 2

0.011 >90 – 350 f = 0.935

0.005 >110 – 500 f = 0.910

0.003 >120 – 550 f = 0.837

0.002 >215 – 700 f = 0.725

0.001 >300 – 1,000 f = 0.059

d 12 Rev Transitional 1 Rev Turbulent

0.011 >350 – 3,000 f = 0.779 Rev

 3,000 Turbulent

0.005 >500 – 4,500 f = 0.714 Rev

 4,500 Turbulent

0.003 >550 – 5,000 f = 0.512 Rev

 5,000 Turbulent

0.002 >700 – 6,000 f = 0.312 Rev

 6,000 Turbulent
0.001 >1,000 – 7,000 f = 0.152 Rev  7.000 Turbulent

Fig 5 Table of correction factor f for reduced size trims


Cv = valve flow coefficient – USGPM
d1 = valve inlet diameter – mm
dH = hydraulic mean diameter – m
dS = valve trim effective diameter - mm
f = KL correction factor
FP = piping geometry factor.
FR = Reynolds Number factor
G = specific gravity
K = valve turbulent loss coefficient
KL = valve non-turbulent loss coefficient
l = characteristic dimension in Rev - m
N = numerical constant
p = pressure - kPa abs.
Δp = pressure drop across valve - kPa
Q = volumetric flow rate – m3/hr
v = velocity – m/sec
υ = kinematic viscosity – m2/sec or centistokes


(1) IEC -- Std 60534 2 1 - International Electrotechnical

Commission,3 rue de Varembé, PO Box 131,
CH-1211,Geneva 20, Switzerland.
(2) ISA / ANSI -- Std 75.01. The ISA, 67 Alexandra Drive,
Research Triangle Park, NC, 27709 USA.
(3) J.Kiesbauer -- Calculation of the flow behaviour of micro
control valves. – Paper published by Samson AG,
D-60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
(4) H.D.Baumann – What’s new in valve sizing? Chemical Engineering
(1995)McGraw – Hill inc.
(5) H.D.Baumann – Viscosity flow correction for small control
valve trims. - ISA, paper 90-618, Research
Triangle Park, NC, 27709 USA.
(6) H.D.Baumann – A unifying method for sizing throttling valves
under laminar or transitional flow conditions.-
Transactions of the ASME Journal of fluids
Engineering, March 1993, pp166-169.
(7) J.A.George – Evolution and status of non-turbulent flow sizing
for control valves. The ISA, 67Alexander Drive,
Research Triangle Park,NC, 27709 USA.
(8) G. Stiles - Liquid viscosity effects on control valve sizing.
Technical Manual TM17, Fisher Controls
International, Marshalltown, IA, USA.
(9) D. S. Miller - Internal flow systems. – British Hydromechanics
Research Association,Fluids Engineering Series.
(10) H.D.Baumann - Control valve primer. – ISA, 67 Alexander Drive,
12277 Research Triangle Park,NC, 27709 USA

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