Procedure Checklist Chapter 23: Locating Intramuscular Injection Sites

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Chapter 23: Locating Intramuscular Injection Sites

Check (9) Yes or No


1. Palpates the landmarks and the muscle mass to ensure
correct location and muscle adequacy.
Deltoid Site
2. Uses this site for small amounts of medication or when
the ventrogluteal or vastus lateralis sites are
3. Completely exposes the patient’s upper arm, removing
the garment if necessary.
4. Locates the lower edge of the acromion process and goes
two fingerbreadths down.
5. Draws an imaginary line out from the axillary crease.
The resulting inverted triangle is the deltoid site.
6. An alternative approach is to place four fingerbreadths
across the deltoid muscle with the top finger on the
acromion process. The injection goes three fingerbreadths
below the process.
Dorsogluteal Site
7. Uses this site only if no other sites are available.
8. Has the patient lie prone.
9. Locates the greater trochanter and the posterior superior
iliac spine.
10. Draws an imaginary line between the greater
trochanter and the posterior superior iliac spine.
11. In the middle of the line, goes superior (up)
approximately 1 inch to locate the site.
Rectus Femoris
(Not a site of choice)
12. Divides the top of the thigh from groin to the knee into
thirds and identifies the middle third. Visualizes a rectangle
in the middle of the anterior surface of the thigh. This is the
location of the injection site.
Vastus Lateralis
13. Has patient assume supine or sitting position.
14. Locates the greater trochanter and the lateral femoral

Copyright © 2007, F. A. Davis Company, Wilkinson & Van Leuven/Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing
15. Places hands on patient’s thigh with one hand against
the greater trochanter and the edge of the other hand
against the lateral femoral condyle.
16. Visualizes a rectangle between the hands across the
anterolateral thigh. The index fingers of the hands form the
smaller ends of the rectangle. The long sides of the
rectangle are formed by (a) drawing an imaginary line
down the center of the anterior thigh, and (b) drawing
another line along the side of the leg, halfway between the
bed and the front of the thigh. This box marks the middle
third of the anterolateral thigh, which is the injection site.
Ventrogluteal Site
17. Has patient assume a side-lying position, if possible.
18. Locates the greater trochanter, anterior superior iliac
spine, and the iliac crest.
19. Places palm of hand on the greater trochanter, index
finger on the anterior superior iliac spine, and the middle
finger pointing toward the iliac crest. (Uses right hand on
the patient’s left hip; uses left hand on the patient’s right
20. The middle of the triangle between the middle and
index fingers is the injection site.

Recommendation: Pass ______ Needs more practice ______

Student: Date:

Instructor: Date:
Copyright © 2007, F. A. Davis Company, Wilkinson & Van Leuven/Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing

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