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Automation terminal

of the Inline product range

User manual
User manual
Automation terminal of the Inline product range

IL SYS INST UM E, Revision 09 2018-05-30

This user manual is valid for:

All automation terminals in the Inline product range without

bus couplers and bus-specific special features

PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG • Flachsmarktstraße 8 • 32825 Blomberg • Germany
Table of contents

Table of contents
1 For your safety ...........................................................................................................................9
1.1 Labeling of warning notes...................................................................................... 9
1.2 Qualification of users ............................................................................................. 9
1.3 Product changes ................................................................................................... 9

2 Documentation landscape of Inline ..........................................................................................11

3 The Inline product range ..........................................................................................................13

3.1 Features .............................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Product description.............................................................................................. 14

4 Important information about voltage areas ...............................................................................17

4.1 Voltage areas for Inline Modular IO and Inline Block IO....................................... 17
4.2 Correct usage...................................................................................................... 18
4.3 Notes for Inline Modular IO .................................................................................. 18
4.3.1 Safety notes for use in the low voltage area ......................................... 18
4.3.2 Safety notes for electrical equipment used in industrial plants with a
400 V AC voltage ................................................................................. 19
4.3.3 Installation instructions and notes for low voltage terminals ............. 19
4.3.4 Electronics base and connectors for the different voltage areas .......... 21
4.3.5 Safety mechanisms to prevent incorrect connection of terminals for
different voltage areas ......................................................................... 22
4.3.6 Response to the connection of a 120 V AC or 230 V AC terminal
in the 24 V DC area .............................................................................. 23

5 Inline product groups ...............................................................................................................25

5.1 Supported bus systems ....................................................................................... 25
5.2 Inline Modular IO terminals .................................................................................. 26
5.2.1 Versions ............................................................................................... 26
5.2.2 Scope of supply ................................................................................... 27
5.2.3 Transmission speed in the local bus .................................................... 28
5.2.4 Example of an Inline station ................................................................. 29
5.2.5 Bus couplers and terminals with remote bus branch ............................ 30
5.2.6 Power, segment, and accessory terminals ........................................... 31
5.2.7 I/O terminals ......................................................................................... 38
5.2.8 Power-level terminals ........................................................................... 40
5.2.9 Safety modules .................................................................................... 41
5.2.10 Intrinsically safe terminals for the Ex area (Ex i) ................................... 44
5.2.11 Programmable logic controllers (PLC) ................................................. 51
5.2.12 Branch terminals .................................................................................. 52
5.2.13 Typical structure of an Inline Modular IO station .................................. 54

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5.3 Inline Block IO modules ....................................................................................... 55

6 Structure and dimensions ........................................................................................................57

6.1 Structure and dimensions of Inline Modular IO terminals..................................... 57
6.1.1 Basic structure of terminals in the 24 V DC and 120 V AC/230 V AC
areas .................................................................................................... 57
6.1.2 Electronics base .................................................................................. 58
6.1.3 Connectors for terminals in the 24 V DC and 120 V AC/230 V AC
areas .................................................................................................... 58
6.1.4 Basic structure of power-level terminals ............................................... 59
6.1.5 Connectors for power-level terminals ................................................... 60
6.1.6 Function identification and labeling ...................................................... 61
6.1.7 Housing dimensions of terminals in the 24 V DC and
120 V AC/230 V AC areas .................................................................... 62
6.1.8 Dimensions of power-level terminals ................................................... 67
6.2 Structure and dimensions of Inline Block IO modules.......................................... 68
6.2.1 Basic structure of modules ................................................................... 68
6.2.2 Function identification and labeling ...................................................... 69
6.2.3 Housing dimensions ............................................................................ 70

7 Inline connectors ......................................................................................................................71

7.1 Basic structure and dimensions of Inline connectors ........................................... 71
7.2 Connectors for the 24 V DC area......................................................................... 73
7.3 Connectors for the 120 V AC/230 V AC area (Inline Modular IO)......................... 75
7.4 Numbering and labeling of terminal points........................................................... 77
7.5 Terminal point keying .......................................................................................... 79

8 Electrical potential and data routing (Inline Modular IO) ...........................................................81

8.1 Circuits and provision of supply voltages............................................................. 81
8.1.1 Bus coupler supply .............................................................................. 81
8.1.2 Logic circuit .......................................................................................... 82
8.1.3 Analog circuit ....................................................................................... 82
8.1.4 Main circuit ........................................................................................... 83
8.1.5 Segment circuit .................................................................................... 84
8.1.6 Mains voltage for power-level terminals ............................................... 85
8.1.7 Example of a circuit diagram ................................................................ 86
8.2 Electrical potential and data routing..................................................................... 88
8.2.1 Arrangement of potential and data jumpers ......................................... 88
8.2.2 Current and voltage distribution ........................................................... 92

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Table of contents

9 Diagnostic and status indicators ..............................................................................................95

9.1 Indicators on Inline Modular IO terminals............................................................. 95
9.1.1 Indicators on bus couplers and terminals with remote bus branch ....... 95
9.1.2 Indicators available on different terminals in the Inline system ............. 96
9.1.3 Indicators on power and segment terminals ......................................... 97
9.1.4 Indicators on I/O terminals .................................................................. 98
9.1.5 Indicators on power-level terminals .................................................... 101
9.2 Indicators on Inline Block IO modules................................................................ 102
9.2.1 Indicators in the bus system function area (BUS) ............................... 102
9.2.2 Indicators in the supply function area (PWR) ..................................... 103
9.2.3 Indicators in the I/O function area (IN, OUT, IN/OUT) ........................ 104

10 Mounting/removing devices ...................................................................................................107

10.1 Installation instructions ...................................................................................... 107
10.1.1 Unpacking .......................................................................................... 107
10.1.2 Replacing a device ............................................................................ 107
10.2 Basic information about mounting ..................................................................... 108
10.3 Mounting distances ........................................................................................... 110
10.3.1 Mounting distances for Inline Modular IO terminals ........................... 110
10.3.2 Mounting distances for Inline Block IO modules ................................ 114
10.4 Grounding concept ........................................................................................... 115
10.4.1 Functional earth ground (FE) ............................................................. 115
10.4.2 Protective earth ground (PE) (Inline Modular IO) ............................... 117
10.5 Shielding concept .............................................................................................. 118
10.5.1 Inline shielding concept ...................................................................... 118
10.5.2 Shielding when connecting analog sensors and actuators ................. 118
10.6 Mounting/removal.............................................................................................. 120
10.6.1 Inline Modular IO: Mounting/removal ................................................. 120
10.6.2 Inline Block IO: Mounting/removal ..................................................... 128
10.6.3 Order of the Inline Modular IO terminals ............................................ 129

11 Connecting cables .................................................................................................................133

11.1 Connecting cables using Inline connectors ....................................................... 133
11.1.1 Connecting unshielded cables ........................................................... 133
11.1.2 Connecting shielded cables using an Inline shield connector ............ 134
11.1.3 Connecting shielded cables using an Inline connector ...................... 137
11.2 Connecting the power supplies ......................................................................... 138
11.2.1 Inline Modular IO: Supply options ...................................................... 138
11.2.2 Power supply requirements ............................................................ 139
11.3 Recommendation for supplying the supply voltage and resetting the
voltage with regard to Inline Modular ................................................................. 140
11.3.1 Supply at the bus head ...................................................................... 140
11.3.2 Supply at power terminals and boost terminals .................................. 141

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11.3.3 Supply when connecting sensors and actuators in 1-wire technology 141
11.3.4 Testing the supply during startup ....................................................... 142
11.3.5 Behavior during reset at the bus coupler, Inline controller or field
multiplexer ......................................................................................... 142
11.4 Connecting the bus............................................................................................ 143
11.5 Connecting sensors and actuators .................................................................... 144
11.5.1 Connection methods for sensors and actuators ................................. 144
11.5.2 Connections used for digital input and output terminals ..................... 145
11.5.3 The various connection methods for sensors and actuators .............. 146
11.6 Connections on a power-level terminal (Inline Modular IO) ............................... 149
11.6.1 Connecting or forwarding the incoming mains .................................. 150
11.6.2 Connecting the motor circuit connector .............................................. 152
11.6.3 Connecting the brake module and brake (optional) ........................... 154
11.6.4 Connecting the hand-held operator panel .......................................... 155
11.6.5 Enabling the power level/24 V isolation .............................................. 156

12 Inline Modular IO: Technical data and ordering data ..............................................................157

12.1 Technical data for Inline Modular IO .................................................................. 157
12.2 Ordering data .................................................................................................... 165

A Appendix: Inline Modular IO: Additional information ...............................................................167

A1 Use of Inline terminals at an elevation of more than 3000 meters ...................... 167
A2 Tips for working with Inline................................................................................. 168
A3 Configuration help for selecting the optimum analog input device for temperature
recording ........................................................................................................... 169
A 3.1 Inline Modular IO ................................................................................ 169
A 3.2 Inline Block IO .................................................................................... 171
A4 Maximum cable lengths for analog devices ....................................................... 172
A 4.1 Inline standard ................................................................................... 172
A 4.2 Analog output ..................................................................................... 173
A 4.3 Analog I/O ......................................................................................... 173
A 4.4 Inline ECO terminals .......................................................................... 174
A5 Temperature response of the terminals ............................................................. 175
A6 Calculation examples for power dissipation and working points ........................ 176
A 6.1 Constant power dissipation of the housing over the operating temperature
range .................................................................................................. 176
A 6.2 Power dissipation of the housing within the operating temperature range
depending on the ambient temperature ............................................. 178

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Table of contents

B Appendix: Software support....................................................................................................181

B1 Overview of the software ................................................................................... 181
B2 Project+ ............................................................................................................. 182
B3 CLIP PROJECT ................................................................................................. 183
B4 Other software ................................................................................................... 183

C Appendix: Explanation of abbreviations and symbols.............................................................185

C1 Explanation of abbreviations ............................................................................. 185
C2 Representations used in basic circuit diagrams................................................. 186
C3 Frequently used symbols................................................................................... 187

D Index.......................................................................................................................................189

E Appendix: Revision history .....................................................................................................193

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For your safety

1 For your safety

Read this user manual carefully and keep it for future reference.

1.1 Labeling of warning notes

This symbol indicates hazards that could lead to personal injury.

There are three signal words indicating the severity of a potential injury.
Indicates a hazard with a high risk level. If this hazardous situation is not
avoided, it will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium risk level. If this hazardous situation is not
avoided, it could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a low risk level. If this hazardous situation is not avoided,
it could result in minor or moderate injury.
This symbol together with the NOTE signal word alerts the reader to a situation
which may cause damage or malfunction to the device, hardware/software, or
surrounding property.
Here you will find additional information or detailed sources of information.

1.2 Qualification of users

The use of products described in this manual is oriented exclusively to electrically skilled
persons or persons instructed by them. The users must be familiar with the relevant safety
concepts of automation technology as well as applicable standards and other regulations.

1.3 Product changes

Changes or modifications to hardware and software of the device are not permitted.
Incorrect operation or modifications to the device can endanger your safety or damage the
device. Do not repair the device yourself. If the device is defective, please contact
Phoenix Contact.

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Documentation landscape of Inline

2 Documentation landscape of Inline

The documentation for the Inline product range is modular, providing you with the optimum
information for your specific bus system, Inline Modular IO terminal or Inline Block IO

The documentation can be downloaded at
For a comprehensive list of the documentation, please refer to the ordering data (see
Section “Ordering data” on page 165).
Terminal-specific documentation can be found in the download area for the corresponding
Make sure you always use the latest documentation.

"Automation terminals of the Inline product range" user manual, IL SYS INST UM E
(this manual)
For Inline Modular IO and Inline Block IO.
This manual is the higher-level system manual for Inline and describes the use of
terminals/modules for all bus systems.

User manuals (system, bus coupler or special terminal)

For Inline Modular IO.
The additional user manuals either describe:
– A bus system (e.g., INTERBUS)
– A bus coupler in association with a bus system (e.g., PROFIBUS DP) or
– A special Inline terminal (e.g., counter terminal, positioning terminal)
Each manual only describes the relevant terminal and/or bus-specific special features. As
the higher-level manual, the "IL SYS INST UM E" user manual also applies.

"INTERBUS & AUTOMATION - Terms and definitions" reference manual,

This manual provides an overview of technical terms and definitions in the field of

Quick Start Guides

For Inline Modular IO.
A Quick Start Guide is available for various topics. A Quick Start Guide describes the startup
of a system or a terminal step-by-step using an example.

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Terminal/module-specific data sheets

For Inline Modular IO and Inline Block IO.
The data sheet describes the specific properties of each device.
This includes at the very least:
– Function description
– Local diagnostic and status indicators
– Pin assignment/terminal point assignment and connection example
– Programming data/configuration data
– Technical data

Application notes
For Inline Modular IO and Inline Block IO.
Application notes provide additional information about special topics, such as:

– Overview of Inline terminals that can be used at AH IL BK IO LIST

various bus couplers The document will be replaced
by the Project+ configuration
– Information about addressing 16-channel AH ILB 24 DI/DO 16 ADDRESS
Inline Block IO modules
– Information about addressing 32-channel AH ILB 24 DI/DO 32 ADDRESS
Inline Block IO modules
– General information about the safety-related AH EN IL SAFE
segment circuit
– General information about use in AH EN IL EX ZONE 2
zone 2 potentially explosive areas
– Example for the use of a terminal with a specific
software tool
– Example for the communication of a terminal with
a specific control system
– Information about firmware versions of specific
– Information about firmware updates

Package slips
For Inline Modular IO and Inline Block IO.
A package slip contains key information for the electrical installation of a device or group of
devices. This includes, for example:
– Short description
– Safety notes
– Mounting/removal
– Terminal point assignment

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The Inline product range

3 The Inline product range

The Inline product range consists of:
– Inline Modular IOs: Modular terminals
– Inline Block IOs: Compact remote I/O modules

This manual mainly describes the Inline Modular IOs, which are referred to as Inline
terminals. For information about the Inline Block IOs, please refer to the module-specific
data sheets.

3.1 Features
Inline Modular IO
– Can be easily installed side by side without tools
– Open, flexible, and modular structure
– Terminals of varying widths can be combined to create a time-saving, compact, and
cost-effective station structure
– 2-slot terminals:
These terminals enable optimum adaptation to the desired configuration. They enable
a flexible and compact station structure without unnecessary reserve installation
– 8-slot terminals:
These terminals provide a fast and effective station structure for larger stations.
– Functional orientation of the control box or control cabinet
The modular structure makes it possible to assemble standard function blocks in
advance. Parts of the system can be started up independently of one another. This
means that pretests can be carried out when the system is set up and the whole system
can be adapted and extended.
– Automatic creation of isolated groups, potential circuits, and data circuits
– The amount of costly parallel wiring is reduced
Within a station, potential and data routing can be carried out without additional wiring.
– Supports all popular bus systems

Inline Block IO
– Integrated bus interface for all popular bus systems
– High channel density
– Compact 55 mm flat design
– Can be easily installed without tools
– Same look and feel as Inline Modular IO

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3.2 Product description

Automation terminals with various functions are available within the Inline product range.
With just a few exceptions, the automation terminals consist of an electronics base
(Inline Modular IO) or an electronic module (Inline Block IO) and one or more connectors for
connecting the I/O or power supply. The electronics can be replaced without removing a
single wire from the connector.

Inline Modular IO versions The Inline product range offers terminals for all automation tasks:
– Bus couplers to integrate the Inline station into various bus systems, some with input
and output function for digital signals
The bus can be connected using copper or fiber optic technology.
– Terminals with remote bus branch for opening an INTERBUS remote bus branch
The remote bus branch can be connected using copper or fiber optic technology.
– Terminals for supplying the supply voltages and segmenting the station (with and
without fuse)
– Accessory terminals (potential distributor terminals, distance terminals)
– Input and output terminals for digital and analog signals
– Power-level terminals for switching, protecting, and monitoring three-phase standard
– Branch terminals for integrating further product ranges (e.g., integration of a Fieldline
Modular local bus in the Inline station) or to extend the local bus by several rows
– Terminals for open and closed-loop control, communication, and position detection
– Safety modules
– Programmable terminals (CPU and Inline Controller)

Inline Block IO versions – Input modules, output modules, and I/O modules for digital and analog signals
– Bus interface is integrated in the module

Mounting location Inline Modular IO terminals and Block IO modules meet IP20 protection. They can be used
in closed control cabinets or in control boxes (terminal boxes) with IP54 protection or higher
according to EN 60529. The compact design means that most Inline Modular IO terminals
and all Block IO modules can be installed in standard terminal boxes.
Please observe the mounting distances when selecting the housing (see Section “Mounting
distances” on page 110).

Mounting Inline Modular IO terminals and Block IO modules can be snapped onto DIN rails without
tools. Potential and data jumpers are automatically created when the Inline Modular IO
terminals are properly installed.
See Section “Mounting/removing devices” on page 107.

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The Inline product range

Bus connection (network) Inline Modular IO: The Inline station is integrated in the bus system via a bus coupler or
controller. The bus is controlled by the Inline station through data routing.
Inline Block IO: The bus interface is integrated in the module. The bus is connected directly
to the I/O module.

I/O connection The Inline terminals and Block IO modules have connectors for 1, 2, 3, and 4-wire sensors
or actuators. The wires are connected using spring-cage technology. For more detailed
information, please refer to the individual sections.

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Important information about voltage areas

4 Important information about voltage areas

4.1 Voltage areas for Inline Modular IO and

Inline Block IO
Inline Block IO modules are available for the SELV area
Inline Modular IO terminals are available for the SELV and low voltage areas. The terminals
are divided into three product groups according to their use in a specific voltage area and
their function.

Table 4-1 Voltage areas and corresponding terminal designations for Inline
Voltage area Voltage used for Inline Product group
SELV 24 V DC Low-level signal terminals;
Inline Block IO modules
Low voltage 120 V AC Low voltage terminals; AC
230 V AC terminals

400 V AC Power-level terminals

Observe the safety notes in the following sections when working outside the SELV area.

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4.2 Correct usage

Inline Block IO modules and Inline Modular IO terminals should only be used according to
the instructions in the terminal-specific data sheets and this user manual. Phoenix Contact
accepts no liability if the device is used for anything other than its designated use.
When used in the SELV area:

NOTE: Disregarding this warning may result in malfunction

Do not replace terminals while the power is connected.
Before removing or mounting a terminal, disconnect power to the entire station.
Make sure the entire station is reassembled before switching the power back on.
When used in the low voltage area:

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

Do not replace terminals while the power is connected.
Before removing or mounting a terminal, disconnect power to the entire station.
Make sure the entire station is reassembled before switching the power back on.

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

Please note that there are dangerous contact voltages when switching circuits that do
meet SELV requirements.
When working on the terminals and wiring, always switch off the supply voltage and
ensure it cannot be switched on again.

4.3 Notes for Inline Modular IO

4.3.1 Safety notes for use in the low voltage area

Only qualified personnel (qualified electricians or persons instructed in electrical
engineering) may work on Inline terminals outside the SELV area.

The instructions given in the terminal-specific data sheets must be followed during
installation and startup.

An electrician is a person who, because of their education, experience, and instruction,

and their knowledge of relevant standards, can assess any required operations and
recognize any possible dangers. (Definitions according to DIN VDE 1000-10:1995).
A person instructed in electrical engineering is someone who has been instructed by
an electrician in their required tasks and the possible dangers caused by incorrect handling
and, if necessary, has also been informed of the necessary safety equipment and safety
measures. (Definitions according to DIN VDE 1000-10:1995).

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Important information about voltage areas

4.3.2 Safety notes for electrical equipment used in industrial

plants with a 400 V AC voltage

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

The electrical power-level terminals for the 400 V AC area and connected machines refer
to equipment used in industrial plants. During operation, this equipment has dangerous,
live, moving or rotating parts. These can therefore cause considerable damage to health
or equipment, e.g., due to the unauthorized removal of protective covers or inadequate
– Only qualified personnel may work on the power-level terminals or system (for the
definition, see Section 4.3.1 on page 18).
– When working on the power-level terminals and the system, you must always keep
the operating instructions and other items of product documentation to hand and
observe the information therein.
– It is prohibited for unqualified personnel to work on the power-level terminals, on the
machine or in their vicinity.
The instructions given in the terminal-specific data sheets must be followed
during installation and startup.
The notes on the procedures and the circuit details presented in the terminal-specific data
sheets should be understood in a general sense and the relevant application should be
tested to see if they apply.
Phoenix Contact cannot guarantee the suitability of the procedures or the circuit
suggestions described for the relevant application.

4.3.3 Installation instructions and notes for low voltage termi-


WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

Please note that there are dangerous contact voltages when switching circuits that do
meet SELV requirements.
Connecting and disconnecting the terminals for the 120 V AC and 230 V AC voltage areas
is only permitted if the power supply is disconnected.
When working on the terminals and wiring, always switch off the supply voltage and
ensure it cannot be switched on again.

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage in the event of ground faults

(e.g., because the FI circuit breaker has not tripped or the star point connection is "free")
Inline terminals for the 120 V AC and 230 V AC voltage areas should only be operated in
grounded AC voltage networks (AC networks). Structure of a 120 V AC/230 V AC area

A 120 V AC/230 V AC area must have a power terminal at one end and an end terminal at
the other.

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I/O terminals for these voltage areas can be used between these terminals. The number of
terminals is limited by the system limits of the bus system and the Inline system (see
Section 12, “Inline Modular IO: Technical data and ordering data”).

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

6 4 5 2 A 0 0 3

Figure 4-1 Typical structure of an Inline station with different voltage areas

1 Bus coupler
2 Power terminal for the 120 V AC or 230 V AC area
3 Various I/O terminals for the 120 V AC or 230 V AC area
4 End terminal for the 120 V AC or 230 V AC area
5 Power terminal for the 24 V DC area
6 Various I/O terminals for the 24 V DC area Fuse protection for a 120 V AC/230 V AC area

Each 120 V AC/230 V AC area must be protected by its own external fuse. Select the rating
of the fuse according to the strength of the cable. The maximum fuse value is 8 A. For
additional restrictions, please refer to the data sheets for the power terminals.

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Important information about voltage areas Connecting the power supply and I/O in the 120 V AC/230 V AC area

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

The supply voltage must only be provided at the appropriate power terminal.
If you provided voltage to several places in an incomplete Inline station, there would be a
danger of touching live parts.
The connecting cables of all actuators and sensors must only be connected to the Inline
terminals for the relevant voltage area. The use of external bus bars for group potentials is
not permitted. Interrupting PE jumpering in the 120 V AC/230 V AC area

The PE jumper begins at the power terminal of the 120 V AC/230 V AC area and, in a
complete AC voltage area, ends at the end terminal.
If a terminal is removed from this area, the PE jumper is interrupted.
If the installation instructions have been followed, all subsequent terminals will be

4.3.4 Electronics base and connectors for the different voltage

Power-level terminals are located in a power housing.
Low-level signal terminals and low voltage terminals are located in the same type of
housing, which is referred to as low-level signal housing. An external feature that
distinguishes the base and the corresponding connectors of low voltage terminals from the
base and connectors of low-level signal terminals is their color:
Table 4-2 Base and connector colors for the different voltage areas

Area Terminal Connector Other differences

Low-level signal Green Green or Light color for function identification
(24 V DC) black (e.g., light blue)
Low voltage Gray Gray Dark color for function identification
(120 V AC/ (e.g., dark blue) with white lightning bolt
230 V AC)

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4.3.5 Safety mechanisms to prevent incorrect connection of

terminals for different voltage areas Protection against the insertion of 24 V DC terminals and power-level

terminals in the 120 V AC/230 V AC area
Low-level signal terminals and power-level terminals cannot be snaped-on within a low
voltage area because there is no keyway on the right-hand side of the low voltage terminals
(120 V AC/230 V AC).

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

The power terminals for the 24 V DC area can be inserted in a 120 V AC/230 V AC area.
The minimum isolating distance in this case is the distance between two adjacent
connectors. This isolating distance is not permitted. Therefore, only use end terminals that
are designed for terminating the 120 V AC/230 V AC area. Protection against the connection of 24 V connectors to 120 V AC/230 V

AC terminals
The two terminal points for the low voltage I/O terminals are closed using filler plugs. The
connectors for low-level signal terminals therefore do not fit on the low voltage terminals.
Exception 1: The low-level signal connectors can be plugged into 120 V AC/230 V AC
power terminals.
This connection error has no hazardous effect on the electrical components, but it can lead
to system malfunctions.
Only the appropriate connectors should therefore be plugged into the low voltage power
Exception 2: The low-level signal connectors can be plugged into relay terminals. Because
the relay outputs are floating, this connection error has no adverse effects. Protection against the connection of live 120 V AC/230 V AC connectors

in the 24 V DC area
If the connectors for the I/O terminals are wired according to the installation instructions,
they are disconnected from the power supply when removed.
The following connectors may be live in the low voltage area:
1 Connectors of the power terminals for the 120 V AC and 230 V AC areas
2 Connectors for relay terminals
These connectors are closed using filler plugs in some places and therefore do not fit on the
terminals of the 24 V area.

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Important information about voltage areas

4.3.6 Response to the connection of a 120 V AC or 230 V AC ter-

minal in the 24 V DC area
An AC terminal can be inserted in the 24 V DC area. The effects are described in Table 4-3.

A 24 V DC terminal cannot be inserted accidentally in an AC area as these terminals are

not mechanically compatible.

Table 4-3 Response to the connection of an AC terminal in the 24 V DC area

AC terminal in the 24 V DC Effect/description

AC power terminal in the 24 V Specified interface between a 24 V DC area and an AC area.
DC area
The AC power terminal consists of two function parts:
– The left-hand part interrupts the jumpering of US, UM, GND, and FE
– The connections for the power supply and the jumper contacts for L, N, and PE are
on the right-hand part
Digital AC output terminal in No direct danger to people.
the 24 V DC area
If the output is activated, the Triac output may be forced to trip and no longer switch off
because the supply voltage does not pass through zero.

NOTE: Possible malfunction

This is likely to be caused by a malfunction of the actuator connected to the
relevant output.

Digital AC input terminal in the No danger to people or machines.

24 V DC area
The input does not function due to missing ground.
Relay terminal in the 24 V No direct danger to people.
DC area
The module has no diagonal routing, so there is no direct danger from the terminal, even
with a 230 V connector. This means that the shortest isolating distance is the distance
from one connector to the next. This isolating distance is not permitted. Therefore, insert
a distance terminal (order designation IB IL DOR LV-SET) before and after the relay
AC end terminal in the 24 V No danger to people or machines.
DC area
The terminal offers neither diagonal routing nor connector connection.

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Inline product groups

5 Inline product groups

The following sections provide an overview of the Inline product groups. For specific
information about the individual terminals/modules, please refer to the specific data sheets
and the individual sections in this manual.

The product range is continuously growing. Additional information can be found in the
latest catalog or on the Internet at

5.1 Supported bus systems

Inline devices are available for the following bus systems:

Table 5-1 Bus systems supported by Inline

Bus system Inline Modular IO Inline Block IO
Ethernet/IP™ Yes Not at present
Ethernet TCP/IP Yes Yes
Modbus/TCP Yes Yes
Modbus/RTU Yes Not at present
Sercos II Yes Not at present
Sercos III Yes Yes
DeviceNet™ Yes Yes
CANopen® Yes Yes
Mechatrolink Yes Not at present
Bluetooth Not at present Yes

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5.2 Inline Modular IO terminals

5.2.1 Versions Extreme conditions version (IB IL ... -XC-PAC)

Thanks to special engineering measures and tests as well as coated PCBs, the XC modules
can be used under extreme ambient conditions.
For use in the extended temperature range from -40°C to +70°C, please observe Section
“Tested successfully: use under extreme ambient conditions”, and the notes in the terminal-
specific data sheet.
The function of an XC version is the same as the function of the corresponding standard

Tested successfully: Use under extreme ambient conditions

XC terminals have been tested successfully over 250 temperature change cycles in
accordance with IEC 61131-2 in the range from -40°C to +70°C.  
The following conditions were observed:
– The Inline devices for all connecting cables were connected with a minimum conductor
cross section of 0.5 mm²
– The Inline station was assembled on a wall-mounted horizontal DIN rail
– Fans were used to ensure continuous movement of air in the control cabinet
– The Inline station was not exposed to vibration or shock
– The Inline station was operated with a maximum of 24.5 V (ensured by using regulated
power supply units)
3 h + 30 min
Tmax + 2 K

(3 + 0,6) K/min

Tmin + 3 K
3 h + 30 min

Figure 2 Temperature change cycle

Temperature in the control cabinet/ambient



The terminal is not approved for use in potentially explosive areas.
The terminal is not approved for use in safety technology.

26 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups ECO version (IB IL ...-ECO)

ECO version
Inline ECO terminals enhance the Inline portfolio by inexpensive and especially simple ter-
minals providing basic functionality. You can recognize these terminals by the “ECO” spec-
ified in the order designation. You can install Inline ECO terminals in series behind Inline bus
couplers or Inline controllers, and combine them with standard terminals. Please note that
if an Inline ECO terminal is used, the permissible ambient temperature for the station is lim-
ited to 0 °C to 55 °C.
Features of Inline ECO terminals
– No parameterization required (for digital and analog input and output terminals)
– Limited temperature range for operation: 0 °C ... 55 °C
– Scope of supply: electronics base and required connectors
– Analog and function terminals come without shield plug.
For notes on shielding, please refer to Section “Connecting cables using Inline
connectors” on page 133.
– Labeling fields are not included.
For ordering data for labeling fields, please refer to the Section “Ordering data for
accessories” on page 165.

5.2.2 Scope of supply

Depending on the type, Inline terminals are available with varying accessories. Type “-PAC”
and “-ME” Inline terminals come with:
– The electronics base,
– all required Inline connectors, and
– all required labeling fields.
Inline connectors are designed for connecting the cables. They are required for correct op-
eration of the terminal.
Labeling fields are used for clear marking. They are optional accessories.
In the past, Inline terminals were available as stand-alone items without accessories. For a
stand-alone item without accessories, the Inline connectors have to be ordered separately.
If your item comes without labeling field, you can separately order labeling fields as optional

Table 5-1 Scope of supply for Inline terminals, depending on the type
Type (example) Connector Labeling field
IB IL 24 DO 4-PAC included in scope of supply included in scope of supply
IB IL 24 DO 4-ME included in scope of supply included in scope of supply
IB IL 24 DO 4/EF-ECO included in scope of supply accessories (optional)
IB IL 24 PWR IN accessories (required) accessories (optional)

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5.2.3 Transmission speed in the local bus

It is possible to operate at a transmission speed of 500 kbps or 2 Mbps within an Inline
Items designed for 2 Mbps are indicated by the extension "-2MBD" in the order designation.
The versions without this extension are designed for 500 kbps.

In the product range, terminals with 500 kbps are basic versions. Some (not all) of the
terminals are also available as 2MBD versions. Additional information about the available
terminals can be found in the latest catalog or on the Internet at

Use the same transmission speed throughout an Inline station. The station cannot operate
otherwise. Make sure that your bus coupler supports this transmission speed in the local
For INTERBUS, a separate bus coupler version is available for each transmission speed.
Bus couplers for other bus systems may only support terminals with 500 kbps or even both
transmission speeds in the local bus.

For details of which transmission speed your bus coupler can use within the local bus,
please refer to the corresponding documentation.

Examples Examples of order designations:

IB IL 24 DO 4-PAC 500 kbps; complete with accessories (connector and labeling field)
IB IL 24 DO 4-2MBD-PAC 2 Mbps; complete with accessories (connector and labeling field)

Convention for this The PAC version for 500 kbps is used in the following examples. However, all information
document also applies for the versions for 2 Mbps and the versions without accessories.

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Inline product groups

5.2.4 Example of an Inline station

Figure 5-1 shows a typical Inline station. It contains just a few terminals from the extensive
product range. The functions and special features of the individual product groups are
described in the sections below.
In addition, Figure 5-1 also shows the structure of the main and segment circuits. This
structure can be created using power and/or segment terminals (see Section “Power,
segment, and accessory terminals” on page 31).


1 2 2 4 5 4 6 2 2 2 7 8

3 9
Figure 5-1 Typical Inline station

1 Bus coupler (here: with supply voltages supplied)

2 I/O terminals for 24 V area
3 Power-level terminal
4 Power and end terminal for a 230 V area
5 Output terminal for 230 V area
6 Power terminal for 24 V area
7 Segment terminal
8 Branch terminal (here: to connect Fieldline Modular M8 devices)
9 Fieldline Modular M8 devices
M1, M2, M3 Main circuit 1, 2, 3
S1.1 Segment circuit 1 in main circuit 1
S3.1, S3.2 Segment circuit 1 and 2 in main circuit 3

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5.2.5 Bus couplers and terminals with remote bus branch


O1 8
E 2 7
D 1
2 3
UL 4
BF 3






Bus coupler for Profinet: Terminal with remote bus branch:

Figure 5-2 Example: Bus coupler and terminal with remote bus branch Bus coupler

A bus coupler is required to connect an Inline station to a bus. Bus couplers are available
for various bus systems (see Table 5-1).

The bus couplers are described in detail in a separate document.

Not all Inline terminals can be used with every bus coupler. For an overview of the
compatibility between Inline terminals and bus couplers for various bus systems, please
refer to "AH IL BK IO LIST". Terminals with remote bus branch

A terminal with remote bus branch can only be used in an INTERBUS system.

For more detailed information about this, please refer to the IB IL SYS PRO UM E user
manual or the data sheet for the terminal with remote bus branch.

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Inline product groups

5.2.6 Power, segment, and accessory terminals

For more detailed information about the voltages used within an Inline station, please refer
to Section “Circuits and provision of supply voltages” on page 81. Overview of power and segment terminals

Power terminals and segment terminals are available to supply the station with I/O voltage.
The segment terminals extend the power terminals. The segment terminals make it possible
to create different segments within a main circuit. Different types can be used to meet your

Table 5-2 Overview of power and segment terminals

Designation Type Supply/ Fuse Diagnostics Fused area

provision (bus device)
No No None
IB IL 24 PWR IN/F-PAC Yes No Main circuit
Main circuit and
IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F-PAC Yes No
segment circuit
IB IL 24 PWR IN/F-D-PAC Yes Yes (500 kbps) Main circuit

UM/US Main circuit and

IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F-D-PAC Yes Yes (500 kbps)
segment circuit
Main circuit and
IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F-D-2MBD-PAC Yes Yes (2 Mbps)
segment circuit
Main circuit and
IB IL 24 PWR IN/2F-DF-PAC terminal Yes Yes (500 kbps)
segment circuit
Main circuit and
IB IL 24 PWR IN/2F-DF-2MBD-PAC Yes Yes (2 Mbps)
segment circuit
IB IL 24 PWR IN/R/L-0.8A-PAC U24V (UL) No No None
IB IL 24 PWR IN/R-PAC U24V No No None

IB IL 120 PWR IN-PAC No No None

IB IL 230 PWR IN-PAC L No No None
IB IL 230 PWR IN/F-D-PAC Yes Yes (500 kbps) Main circuit
IB IL 24 SEG-PAC No No None
IB IL 24 SEG/F-PAC Segment Yes No Segment circuit
IB IL 24 SEG/F-D-PAC terminal Yes Yes (500 kbps) Segment circuit
IB IL 24 SEG-ELF-PAC Yes (electronic) Yes (500 kbps) Segment circuit

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Table 5-2 Overview of power and segment terminals

Designation Type Supply/ Fuse Diagnostics Fused area
provision (bus device)
XC versions
UM / US Main circuit and
IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F-XC-PAC Power Yes No
segment circuit
U24V (UL/UANA) /
IB IL 24 SEG/F-XC-PAC US Yes No Segment circuit

UM Main voltage
US Segment voltage
U24V 24 V supply, generated from voltages UL and UANA
UL Communications power
UANA Analog voltage

NOTE: Consequential damage

Protect the power supply externally, regardless of the power and/or segment terminal

Terminals that are not bus devices can be used in a local bus with 500 kbps as well as a
local bus with 2 Mbps.

32 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups Power terminals

A power terminal is used to supply the required voltages to the internal station potential
jumpers. Several power terminals can be used in one station. This means that different
circuits can be electrically isolated and areas with different voltages can be created within
the station (e.g., 24 V DC and 230 V AC).
All power terminals are used to supply the main voltage and/or segment voltage.
A 24 V supply voltage is also supplied at the IB IL 24 PWR IN/R-PAC and
IB IL 24 PWR IN/PS-PAC terminals, from which the communications power UL and the
analog voltage UANA are generated. These terminals are mainly designed to boost the
communications power and analog voltage when the maximum current carrying capacity of
the potential jumpers for UL/UANA or the maximum current carrying capacity of the bus
coupler for UL/UANA is reached.



Figure 5-3 Example of a power terminal: IB IL 24 PWR IN-PAC

Voltage areas Depending on the power terminal, it is possible to work with 24 V DC, 120 V AC or 230 V AC
within an Inline station.
To utilize different voltage areas within a station, a new power terminal must be used for
each area.

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

When the power terminal is removed, the metal contacts are freely accessible. With 120 V
AC or 230 V AC power terminals, it should be assumed that dangerous contact voltage is
present. You must disconnect power to the station before removing a terminal.
If these instructions are not followed, there is a danger of damage to health or
even of a life-threatening injury.

Observe safety notes

Observe the notes provided in Section “Important information about voltage areas” on
page 17 when using voltages outside the SELV area.

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Potential jumpers The power terminal interrupts all potential jumpers for the voltages to be reinjected, and
recreates all potential jumpers (see also Section “Electrical potential and data routing
(Inline Modular IO)” on page 81).

Carrying capacity of the The maximum current carrying capacity of the jumper contacts on the side is specified in
jumper contacts Section “Current and voltage distribution” on page 92.

Electrical isolation The power terminal is used to create electrically isolated I/O areas within a station.

Functional earth 24 V power terminals are connected to functional earth ground when they are snapped onto
grounding (24 V DC) the grounded DIN rail via the FE spring on the bottom of the terminal. This spring is
connected to the FE potential jumper and to the terminal points for an FE connection.
If the previous terminal is a 24 V terminal, the power terminal is connected to the FE potential
jumper of the station when it is snapped onto this terminal.

Required additional A 120 V AC and 230 V AC voltage level area interrupts the FE jumper, which is connected
functional earth to FE via the additional functional earth grounding at the bus coupler. A 24 V DC power
grounding (24 V DC) terminal that is at a different voltage area must therefore be reconnected to functional earth
ground via the FE connection to ensure reliable functional earth grounding of the station
even if the FE spring is dirty or damaged. Connect the terminal points for the FE connection
to a grounded PE terminal (see Section “Grounding concept” on page 115).

Protective earth The PE terminal point of the power connector connects the 120 V AC and 230 V AC power
grounding terminals to protective earth ground (PE). This terminal point is connected to the PE
(120 V AC/230 V AC) potential jumper, which is led through the entire 120 V AC or 230 V AC voltage area.

Additional documentation

For more detailed information about the function, properties, and wiring of the individual
terminals, please refer to the terminal-specific documentation.

34 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups Segment terminals

Segment terminals can only be used in the 24 V DC area. Segment terminals can be used
to create partial circuits (segment circuits) within the main circuit.
On segment terminals without a fuse, the connection between the main circuit UM and the
segment circuit US must be established using a jumper or a switch. Segment terminals with
a fuse establish this connection automatically.



Figure 5-4 Example of a segment terminal: IB IL 24 SEG-PAC

UM The potential jumper for the main circuit UM is not interrupted in the segment terminal. The
potential for the segment circuit US is tapped from the potential jumper at the segment

US The segment terminal interrupts the segment circuit US in the potential jumper of the
previous terminal.
For more detailed information about the supply voltages, please refer to Section “Circuits
and provision of supply voltages” on page 81.

Carrying capacity of the The maximum current carrying capacity of the jumper contacts on the side is specified in
jumper contacts Section “Current and voltage distribution” on page 92.

Functional earth The terminal is connected to functional earth ground when it is snapped onto the grounded
grounding DIN rail via the FE spring on the bottom of the terminal. This spring is connected to the FE
potential jumper and to the terminal points for an FE connection.
When snapped onto the previous terminal, the segment terminal is connected to the FE
potential jumper of the station.

Additional documentation

For more detailed information about the function, properties, and wiring of the individual
terminals, please refer to the terminal-specific documentation.

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IL SYS INST UM E Accessory terminals

Potential distributor terminals and distance terminals are available as accessory terminals.
Potential distributor terminals (for GND and 24 V) are designed for the economical return
wiring of sensor and actuator cables when using Inline terminals with 1-wire termination.

The distance terminal set creates the specified creepage distance when using AC
terminals. Both distance terminals interrupt the potential jumpers for the main voltage,
segment voltage, ground, and functional earth ground.



Figure 5-5 Example of a potential Figure 5-6 Distance terminal set:

distributor terminal: IB IL DOR LV-SET-PAC

Additional documentation

For more detailed information about the function, properties, and wiring of the individual
terminals, please refer to the terminal-specific documentation. Supply and segmentation options

Figure 5-7 provides an overview of supply and segmentation. For more detailed
information, please refer to Section “Electrical potential and data routing
(Inline Modular IO)” on page 81.

36 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups

Supply and segmentation Structure of an AC area

Segment terminals can be used to create different segment Special AC power and segment terminals can be used to
circuits within a 24 V area of an Inline station. create AC areas within an Inline station.

Integration of power-level terminals

A 400 V power bus is supplied at the first power-level

terminal and jumpered further.
Figure 5-7 Supply and segmentation options

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5.2.7 I/O terminals

Functions Terminals with different functions are available for low-level signals. These include the
following terminals, for example: The text in brackets indicates the function according to the
order designation.
– Digital input and output terminals (DI, DO)
– Analog input and output terminals (AI, AO)
– Relay terminals (DOR)
– Temperature measurement terminals (TEMP)
– Communication terminals
– Communication terminals with serial interface (RS232, RS485/422)
– Inline/AS-i master (ASI MA)
– DALI terminals (DALI)
– Position detection terminals (INC-IN, IMPULSE-IN, SSI-IN)
– Terminals for open and closed-loop control
– Function terminals (PWM, CNT)
– Positioning terminals (SSI, INC)
– Temperature controller terminals (TEMPCON)
Digital input and output terminals and relay terminals are available for the low voltage area.
These terminals are available in different sizes. This enables you to set up the station in a
modular way so that it meets your application requirements.

D 2
1 2


Figure 5-8 Example of a digital input terminal: IB IL 24 DI 8-PAC

Protection Overload protection of the system is provided centrally by a fuse in the power terminal or by
an external fuse provided by the operator. The rating of the preconnected fuse must be such
that the maximum load current is not exceeded. For the maximum permissible load current
of an I/O terminal, please refer to the terminal-specific data sheet.

Carrying capacity of the The maximum current carrying capacity of the jumper contacts on the side is specified in
jumper contacts Section “Current and voltage distribution” on page 92.

Grounding (FE or PE) Connection to functional earth ground (24 V DC area) or protective ground (120 V AC or
230 V AC area) is established via the corresponding potential jumpers when the terminal is
snapped onto the previous terminal.

38 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups

Voltage areas I/O terminals are available for different voltage areas. Depending on the power terminal, it
is possible to operate with 24 V DC, 120 V AC or 230 V AC.
To utilize different voltage areas within a station, a new power terminal must be used for
each area.

Shielding Inline shield connectors are available for connecting shielded cables.

Parameterization Some terminals can be parameterized via process data or PCP. For detailed information,
please refer to the terminal-specific data sheet.

Data formats The measured values and the corresponding output values of analog and temperature
measurement terminals can be represented in different data formats depending on the
terminal used and its configuration. These formats are listed in the relevant terminal-specific
data sheets.

Diagnostics The scope of the diagnostics depends on the terminal used and is specified in the relevant
terminal-specific data sheet.

Additional documentation

For more detailed information about the function, properties, wiring, and parameterization
of the individual terminals, please refer to the terminal-specific documentation.

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5.2.8 Power-level terminals

5 5 2 0 A 1 2 8

Figure 5-9 Power-level terminal

Different power-level terminals are available for direct switching, protection, and monitoring
of three-phase standard motors via a bus system:
– Power-level terminal as electronic direct starter
for motors up to 1.5 kW/400 V AC
– Power-level terminal as electromechanical direct starter
for motors up to 3.7 kW/400 V AC
– Power-level terminal as electronic reversing load starter
for motors up to 1.5 kW/400 V AC

Features – Electronic motor protection

– Motor current parameterization via a bus system
– Motor current monitoring
– Quick shutdown
– Mains voltage up to 400 V AC or 520 V AC, maximum (without tolerance in
electromechanical versions)
– Nominal output power of 1.5 kW to 3.7 kW depending on the version
– Hand-held operator panel mode
– Can be extended with brake function as an option
– Thermal motor monitoring using connected thermistor terminal

Connections Connections for the mains supply input, remote cabling, motor output, hand-held operator
panel mode, and a brake are available on a power-level terminal.

Carrying capacity of the The maximum current carrying capacity of the jumper contacts on the side is specified in
jumper contacts Section “Current and voltage distribution” on page 92.

Protective earth The power-level terminal is connected to protective earth ground via the mains connection.
grounding (PE)

Voltage area Power-level terminals must be installed in a 24 V DC area within an Inline station. Operation
in a different voltage area is not permitted.

Additional documentation

For more detailed information about the function, properties, wiring, and parameterization
of the individual terminals, please refer to the terminal-specific documentation.

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Inline product groups

5.2.9 Safety modules Bus-independent safety modules

IB IL 24 SAFE 2-ECO The Inline ECO safety module with sensor circuits is designed for use within the 24 V area
of an Inline station.
The module monitors two sensor circuits. The sensor circuits can be designed as sin-
gle/two-channel, non-equivalent/equivalent.
If at least one sensor circuit is interrupted, the safety module initiates the safe state, and
switches off the subsequent segment circuit for safety.

Possible signal generators

– Emergency stop button
– Safety door monitoring
– Light grid
Suitable up to category 4, PL e (EN ISO 13849-1), SILCL 3 (EN 62061)


2 US


Figure 5-10 Safety module IB IL SAFE 2-ECO

Safety-related segment The safety module can be used to create a safety-related segment circuit.
The structure of the safety-related segment circuit in the Inline system is such that
actuators/controlled devices, which are connected to output terminals, can be switched
separately via the bus system and can be switched off safely on a safety demand to the pre-
connected safety module.
The safety-related segment circuit starts at a safety module and finishes at the last Inline
terminal before another power supply unit or at the end of the station. Only Inline terminals
that are specifically designed for the safety-related segment circuit may be used. They are
listed in the "Safety-related segment circuit" application note, AH EN IL SAFE. Please also
refer to the data sheet for the safety module in use.

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IL SYS INST UM E Safety modules in a bus system with a safe protocol

In addition to the use of bus-independent, conventional safety modules (such
as IB IL SAFE 2-ECO) in an Inline station, safety modules can also be used in a bus system
with a safe protocol (SafetyBridge technology, PROFIsafe). In this type of bus system, the
safe data is transmitted between the safe controller and the safety modules via the bus
using a safe protocol. This means that the same cable is used for both safety-related
communication and standard communication.

1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2

2MBD Mode1

9 87 65 4 2
3 1 0

Figure 5-11 Example of a safety module: IB IL 24 PSDO 8-PAC

SafetyBridge Technology SafetyBridge Technology means that input and output modules exchange safety-related
signals with each other. Since the modules process the safety functions themselves, they
use the standard controller and network only for transport purposes.
Without a safety controller or safe fieldbus system, this is a cost-effective solution for func-
tional safety in standard applications.
With SafetyBridge Technology, safety functions with the following requirements can be met:
– up to category 4, PL e according to standard EN ISO 13849-1,
– up to SILCL 3 according to standard EN 62061.
Within the Inline product group, the following safety modules, for example, are available for
SafetyBridge Technology:
– IB IL 24 PSDI 16-PAC
– IB IL 24 PSDO 4/4-PAC

For detailed information, please refer to the module-specific user manuals.

42 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups

PROFIsafe PROFIsafe is a profile for PROFIBUS and PROFINET certified according to IEC 61508.
PROFIsafe can be used to achieve safety functions with the following requirements:
– up to category 4, PL e according to standard EN ISO 13849-1,
– up to SILCL 3 according to standard EN 62061.
Within the Inline product range, the following safety modules, for example, are available for
– IB IL 24 PSDI 16-PAC
– IB IL 24 PSDO 4/4-PAC

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5.2.10 Intrinsically safe terminals for the Ex area (Ex i) Terminals for different zones in potentially explosive areas

There is a large selection of standard I/O terminals for use in potentially explosive areas up
to Zone 2 available for this purpose.

For an overview of the Inline terminals that are approved for potentially explosive areas up
to Zone 2, please refer to the AH EN IL EX ZONE 2 application note. It can be download-
ed from the Internet at It is available in the download area
for the approved terminals.

Furthermore, intrinsically safe, blue I/O terminals are available: They can be installed in non-
potentially explosive areas or potentially explosive areas of Zone 2. These terminals can be
used for input or output signals present in Zone 1 or Zone 0.

“Safe” area


ZONE 1 / 21

ZONE 0 / 20

Figure 5-12 Use of Inline terminals in potentially explosive areas

44 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups

Table 5-3 Use of Inline terminals in potentially explosive areas

Inline terminal ATEX Installation in Use of sensors/actuators
approval zone in zone
for Zone 2 Safe 2 Safe 2 1 0
Inline bus coupler/Inline controller without I/Os    – – – –
Inline bus coupler/Inline controller with I/Os       
standard I/O terminals
Inline bus coupler/Inline controller without I/Os       
Inline bus coupler/Inline controller with I/Os       
standard I/O terminals
Intrinsically safe I/O terminals       

DANGER: Explosion hazard

If at least one terminal in the Inline station does not have ATEX approval for Zone 2, the
entire station must not be installed in this area.
In this case, install the station in a safe area.

Not all bus couplers support the operation of intrinsically safe I/O terminals.
Table 5-5 on page 50 shows which bus couplers can be used in combination with intrinsi-
cally safe I/O terminals.

Check if the terminals you use are ATEX approved for Zone 2. Conformity is explained in
the CE Declaration of Conformity. In addition, the terminals are marked accordingly.
For an overview of Inline terminals for use in Zone 2 potentially explosive areas, please
refer to the application note AH EN IL EX ZONE 2.

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IL SYS INST UM E EX-IS terminals

The following Inline terminals are available for creating an intrinsically safe Inline I/O system:

Table 5-4 Terminals for creating an area with intrinsically safe Inline terminals

Order Type Description Remark

Intrinsically safe Inline terminals
2869910 IB IL EX-IS PWR IN-PAC Inline power terminal for supplying Using this power terminal is manda-
power to intrinsically safe I/O termi- tory if IB IL EX-IS…IO… terminals
nals are used in the Inline station.
2869911 IB IL EX-IS DIO 4/NAM-PAC Intrinsically safe digital Inline I/O ter-
minal, four configurable NAMUR in-
put/output channels
2869912 IB IL EX-IS AIO 4/EF-PAC Intrinsically safe analog Inline I/O ter-
minal, four configurable input/output
2869913 IB IL EX-IS TEMP 4 RTD/TC- Intrinsically safe Inline temperature
PAC terminal, four configurable input
Standard Inline terminal
2869909 IB IL EX PWR-ISO-PAC Inline terminal for use as an isolator The use of this isolator terminal block
between non-intrinsically safe Inline is mandatory if intrinsically safe In-
I/O expansion and intrinsically safe line I/O terminals are to be used to-
Inline power supply gether with standard Inline I/O termi-
nals within an Inline station.

For detailed information on the terminals, please refer to the terminal-specific data sheets.
They are available on the Internet at

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Inline product groups Examples for using terminals in the Ex area

1. Inline station with EX-IS terminals only
A simple intrinsically safe Inline Ex I/O station must comprise of the following terminals:
– Inline bus coupler or Inline controller with integrated I/Os or without I/Os
– IB IL EX-IS PWR IN-PAC: Inline power terminal for supplying power to intrinsically safe
I/O terminals
– IB IL EX IS ... I/O modules

Only one IB IL EX-IS PWR IN-PAC power terminal can be installed in an Inline station.
Create a new Inline station if the maximum station size is reached.

1 2 3

Figure 5-13 Inline station with EX-IS terminals only

1 Inline bus coupler or Inline controller with integrated I/Os or without I/Os
2 IB IL EX-IS PWR IN-PAC: Inline power terminal for supplying power to intrinsically safe
I/O terminals
3 IB IL EX-IS ...: intrinsically safe Inline I/O terminals according to the requirements of
your application

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2. Inline station with standard terminals, safety modules, and EX-IS terminals

1 2 4 5 6

Figure 5-14 Inline station with standard terminals and EX-IS terminals

1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 5-15 Inline station with standard terminals, a safety module, and EX-IS terminals

1 Inline bus coupler or Inline controller with integrated I/Os or without I/Os
2 Standard Inline terminals according to your application, without or with approval for po-
tentially explosive areas of Zone 2
3 Safety modules according to your application
4 IB IL EX PWR-ISO-PAC: isolator between the non-intrinsically safe Inline I/O expansion
and intrinsically safe Inline power supply
5 IB IL EX-IS PWR IN-PAC: Inline power terminal for supplying power to intrinsically safe
I/O terminals
6 IB IL EX-IS ...: intrinsically safe Inline I/O terminals according to your application needs

In mixed stations, standard terminals including safety modules must only be used before
the isolator terminal.
Standard terminals must not be used after the EX-IS terminals.

48 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups Voltage supply

There are two options for supplying voltage to the intrinsically safe area:
– Supply the 24 V supply voltage to an IB IL EX-IS PWR IN-PAC power terminal.
– Supply the 24 V supply voltage to the IB IL EX-IS PWR IN-PAC power terminal by
bridging it from the 24 V supply voltage US.

Do not bridge the supply voltage from UBK in order to avoid negative impact.


(+PWR IN) PWR-IN-PAC ... ...

Local bus

7,5 V UL
5V 24 V
24 V

24 V 24 V


+ - - +

BK (+PWR IN) Inline bus coupler with feed-in of the supply voltages UBK, UM, US

6452_en_09 PHOENIX CONTACT 49 / 196

IL SYS INST UM E Bus couplers that support the operation of intrinsically safe I/O termi-
Not all bus couplers support the operation of intrinsically safe I/O terminals.
Table 5-5 shows which bus couplers can be used in combination with intrinsically safe I/O
The bus coupler in the right-hand column marked with "?" are ATEX approved for Zone 2.
Install theses bus couplers in a safe area or in the potentially explosive area of Zone 2.
Bus couplers marked with "?" do not have the corresponding approval. Only install these
bus couplers in the safe area.

Before installing a bus coupler, check if it is ATEX approved for Zone 2. Conformity is ex-
plained in the CE Declaration of Conformity. In addition, the bus coupler is marked ac-
For an overview of Inline bus couplers for use in Zone 2 potentially explosive areas,
please refer to the application note AH EN IL EX ZONE 2.

Table 5-5 Bus couplers that support intrinsically safe I/O terminals

Network/bus system Order No. Type ATEX approval for

Zone 2
2878379 IL PN BK DI8 DO4 2SCRJ-PAC 
2702132 IL PB BK DI8 DO4/EF-XC-PAC 
Modbus/TCP (UDP) 2703981 IL ETH BK DI8 DO4 2TX-PAC 
2701388 IL ETH BK DI8 DO4 2TX-XC-PAC 
Modbus/RTU 2878696 IL MOD BK DI8 DO4-PAC 
EtherNet/IP™ 2897758 IL EIP BK DI8 DO4 2TX-PAC 
2702131 IL EIP BK DI8 DO4 2TX-XC-PAC 
® 
EtherCAT 2702507 IL EC BK-PAC
CANopen® 2702230 IL CO BK-PAC 
2702635 IL CO BK-XC-PAC 
2862165 IBS IL 24 BK-LK/45-PAC 
2701150 IBS IL 24 BK-T/U-XC-PAC 
2863070 IL IB BK-PAC 
2897169 IBS IL 24 BK-E2000-PAC 
2742586 IBS IL 24 BK DIO 16/16 
2861506 IBS IL 24 BK RB-LK-PAC 
2861580 IBS IL 24 BK-T/U-PAC 
2861593 IBS IL 24 BK-DSUB-PAC 

Sercos bus couplers do not support intrinsically safe I/O terminals.

50 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups

5.2.11 Programmable logic controllers (PLC)

Programmable logic controllers, so-called Inline controllers, are available for control tasks.
Using an Inline Controller, the Inline station becomes a distributed control system. The Inline
Controller integrates an IEC 61131-programmable PLC CPU in the Inline system. The Inline
Controller enables direct signal processing of the distributed I/O points. The Inline Controller
also enables the creation of independent subnetworks, which process automation tasks

Figure 5-16 Example of an Inline Controller: ILC 151 ETH

For more detailed information, please refer to the terminal-specific data sheets and user

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5.2.12 Branch terminals Branch terminal for integrating a Fieldline Modular local bus in an Inline



Figure 5-17 Example of a branch terminal: IB IL 24 FLM-PAC

These branch terminals can be used to integrate sensors and actuators in close proximity
to the station, which are connected to the Fieldline Modular M8 or M12 local bus with
IP65/67 protection, in your bus system.
The terminal converts the physical transmission method of the Inline local bus to the
physical transmission method of the Fieldline Modular local bus.

For additional information, please refer to the terminal-specific data sheet and the
documentation for Fieldline Modular.

52 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups Local bus extension (jumping between two rows)

An Inline station can be extended by one or more rows. A combination of an
IB IL 24 FLM-PAC branch terminal and an IB IL 24 LSKIP-PAC local bus extension terminal
is used for this.
The branch terminal is installed at the end of a row of an Inline station and the local bus
extension terminal is installed at the start of the following row.
The data is transmitted between the two terminals via the RS-422 protocol.


1 2 1 2 5 7
3 4 3 4 6 8
0 0
2 2
12 4 4
1 2
10 6 6
8 9 8

x10 x1
1 11

2 22

3 33

X1 4 44




1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 11 11 11 1

2 22 22 22 2

3 33 33 33 3

4 44 44 44 4

Figure 5-18 Example: Jumping between two rows within an Inline station

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5.2.13 Typical structure of an Inline Modular IO station


4 2T I1
DI8 4 7
BK 0399 5
IL PNr-No.: 27 0 .xx 8
/10 O1
Orde : 00xx.xx.xx E 2 6
/FW : D
HW Addr. T 1
OF 2 3
PR 1
UL 4
BF 3







Figure 5-19 Example station with power-level terminals and 24 V DC terminals

The example Inline station shown in Figure 5-19 consists of the following elements:
1 End clamps
2 Bus coupler (example)
3 Power-level terminals
4 Terminals for the 24 V DC area (e.g., I/O terminal)
5 End plate (end of the station)

54 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline product groups

5.3 Inline Block IO modules

Block IO modules are available for inputting and/or outputting digital and analog signals to
various bus systems (see Table 5-1).

1 2



E3 AI4


E2 AI3


E1 AI2





6 8 9 0 A 0 0 1

Module for PROFIBUS with four analog Module for INTERBUS with 16 digital
inputs and two analog outputs: inputs: ILB IB 24 DI16
Figure 5-20 Example: Modules of the Inline Block IO product range

Scope of supply Inline Block IO modules are available as complete items. The following are supplied as
standard with a complete item:
– The electronics base
– All required Inline connectors

Bus system Inline Block IO modules are available for various bus systems (see Table 5-1).

Power supply All the required voltages are supplied at each individual Inline Block IO module.

Voltage areas Inline Block IO modules are available for the 24 V DC voltage area.

Functions Inline Block IO modules are available with various functions. These include the following
modules, for example: The text in brackets indicates the function according to the order
– Digital input and output modules (DI, DO, DIO)
– Analog input and output modules (AI, AO)

Protection Overload protection of the system must be provided by the operator. The rating of the
preconnected fuse must be such that the maximum load current is not exceeded. For the
maximum permissible load current of an I/O module, please refer to the module-specific
data sheet.

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Grounding (FE) All Inline Block IO modules have an FE spring (metal clip) on the bottom of the electronics
base. This spring establishes an electrical connection to the DIN rail. Use grounding
terminals to connect the DIN rail to protective earth ground. The module is grounded when
it is snapped onto the DIN rail.
To ensure reliable functional earth grounding of the module even when the DIN rail is dirty
or the metal clip is damaged, Phoenix Contact also recommends grounding the module via
one of the FE terminal points of a power connector.

Shielding Shield connectors are available for connecting shielded cables.

Parameterization Some modules can be parameterized via process data or PCP. For detailed information,
please refer to the module-specific data sheet.

Data formats The measured values and the corresponding output values of analog modules can be
represented in different data formats depending on the module used and its configuration.
These formats are listed in the relevant module-specific data sheets.

Diagnostics The scope of the diagnostics depends on the module used and is specified in the relevant
module-specific data sheet.

Additional documentation

For more detailed information about the function, properties, wiring, and parameterization
of the individual modules, please refer to the module-specific documentation.

56 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Structure and dimensions

6 Structure and dimensions

6.1 Structure and dimensions of Inline Modular IO ter-


6.1.1 Basic structure of terminals in the 24 V DC and

120 V AC/230 V AC areas
Regardless of the function and design width, an Inline terminal for these voltage areas
consists of the electronics base and the snap-on connector (Inline connector).
ZBFM marking field for connector

Back connector
shaft latching Keyway for attaching marking field
ZBFM marking field for signal 1/2
Signal terminals 1/2
Potential terminals
Diagnostic and status
indicators FE or signal terminals 3/4
function encoding D
ZBFM marking field for signal 3/4
1 2
3 4
Back DI
snap-on mechanism
ZBFM marking field connector shaft latching
for module marking

Electronics base

Data jumpers Slot encoding

(knife contacts)
Potential jumpers snap-on mechanism
(knife contacts)

Latching on
DIN rail
Feather of
keyway/featherkey connection
Figure 6-1 Basic structure of an Inline Modular IO terminal

ZBFM: Zack marker sheets, flat

(See also Section “Function identification and labeling” on page 61)

The components required for labeling are listed in the Phoenix Contact catalog.

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6.1.2 Electronics base

The electronics base holds the entire electronics for an Inline terminal and the potential and
data routing.

Potential and data routing Potential and data routing are located in the base. As all terminals are snapped onto the DIN
rail, the position of the interfaces between the terminals in relation to the DIN rail is the same
for all terminals. The advantage of this is that terminals of different sizes can be integrated
into the station.
The knife contacts are located on the left-hand side of the terminal (shown in Figure 6-1).
They snap into the featherkeys of the next terminal on the left when the station is mounted.
The type of routing contacts (i.e., potential or data) that are on each terminal depends on
the function of the terminal and is shown in the circuit diagram of the relevant terminal-
specific data sheet.

Snap-on Pressing the front and back snap-on mechanism at the same time releases the latching,
mechanism/latching enabling the terminal to be removed by pulling it straight back from the DIN rail (see Section
“Basic information about mounting” on page 108).

Keyway/featherkey The featherkeys are on the left-hand side of the terminal (Figure 6-1). They snap into the
connection keyways of the next terminal on the left when the terminal is mounted on the DIN rail. The
featherkeys are also referred to as locking clips and the keyways as guideways.

Base colors The base and the appropriate connectors for the different voltage areas are of different
colors (see Section “Electronics base and connectors for the different voltage areas” on
page 21).

6.1.3 Connectors for terminals in the 24 V DC and

120 V AC/230 V AC areas
The I/O or supply voltages are connected using a pluggable connector. For more detailed
information about the Inline connectors, please refer to Section 7, “Inline connectors”.

58 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Structure and dimensions

6.1.4 Basic structure of power-level terminals

Power-level terminals are located in a power housing.
The power housing consists of the following parts:
S lo t fo r h a n d - h e ld
o p e ra to r p a n e l R e le a s e fla p

D ia g n o s tic a n d s ta tu s
in d ic a to r s

Z B F M la b e lin g fie ld
S lo t fo r
in c o m in g m a in s ( 4 0 0 V A C )

S lo t fo r o u tg o in g m a in s ( 4 0 0 V A C )

R e le a s e fla p

S lo t fo r m o to r
o u tp u t c o n n e c to r

S lo t fo r
b r a k e m o d u le

la b e lin g fie ld
D a ta ju m p e r s

P o te n tia l r o u tin g fo r
lo w - le v e l s ig n a ls

L a tc h in g o n
D IN r a il

F e a th e r o f
6 4 5 2 A 0 1 5
k e y w a y /fe a th e r k e y c o n n e c tio n

Figure 6-2 Basic structure of Inline housing for power-level terminals

ZBFM: Zack marker sheets, flat

(See also Section “Function identification and labeling” on page 61)

The components required for labeling are listed in the Phoenix Contact catalog.

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The entire electronics for the Inline power-level terminal, the potential routing for the 24 V
DC area, and the data routing are located in the power housing.

Potential and data routing The potential and data jumpers that are led through the 24 V DC terminals are not
interrupted by the power-level terminals. For more detailed information about the jumpers,
please refer to Section “Electrical potential and data routing (Inline Modular IO)” on
page 81.

Release flaps Remove the power-level terminal from the DIN rail by pulling both release flaps (see Section
“Mounting/removing power-level terminals” on page 126).

Keyway/featherkey The featherkeys are on the left-hand side of the terminal (Figure 6-2). They snap into the
connection keyways of the next terminal on the left when the terminal is mounted on the DIN rail.

6.1.5 Connectors for power-level terminals

The mains voltage, motor output, brake module, hand-held operator panel mode, and the
enable power level/24 V isolation functions are connected via connectors.

Power connector/ A power connector is available for supplying the mains voltage (IB IL 400 CN-PWR-IN).
power bridge/
A power bridge is available for forwarding the mains voltage between power-level terminals
(IB IL 400 CN-BRG).
A cover is available for covering unused connections for the 400 V mains connection of the
Inline power-level terminals (IB IL 400 CN-COV).


Figure 6-3 Power connector, power bridge, and cover

Other connectors All other connectors are connected using COMBICON or MINI-COMBICON connectors
(see Phoenix Contact catalog).

60 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Structure and dimensions

6.1.6 Function identification and labeling

Housing The basic fields of application for Inline Modular IO terminals can be identified by their
housing type or color.

Table 6-1 Field of application and housing

Housing type Housing color Connector Field of application
Low-level signal housing Green Green Low-level signal (24 V DC) All functions except supply,
safety, DALI
Black Low-level signal (24 V DC) Supply, segmentation
Yellow Yellow Low-level signal (24 V DC) Safety
Gray Gray Low-level signal (24 V DC) DALI
Low voltage I/O, supply
(120 V AC/230 V AC)
Power housing Green Power

Function identification The area for the diagnostic and status indicators on the terminals is color-coded to enable
visual identification of the functions (1 in Figure 6-4).

3 4

Figure 6-4 Function identification

The following colors indicate the functions:

Table 6-2 Color-coding of terminal function

Color Terminal function

Gray Bus couplers, terminals with remote bus branch
24 V DC area
Black Supply/segmentation
Light blue, blue Digital input
Pink, red Digital output
Light green, green Analog input, temperature recording
Light yellow, yellow Analog output
Orange Open and closed-loop control, communication,
position detection, programmable terminals

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Table 6-2 Color-coding of terminal function

Color Terminal function
120 V AC/230 V AC area
White Distance
White with lightning bolt Supply
Dark blue with lightning bolt Digital input
Dark red with lightning bolt Digital output

Identification of Terminals with a transmission speed of 500 kbps have solid color-coding.
transmission speed Terminals with a transmission speed of 2 Mbps are identified by a white stripe at the level of
the D LED.

-> 500 kbps -> 2 Mbps

1 D 1 D
2 2
3 3
4 4
DO 4 DO 4

Figure 6-5 Identification of transmission speed

6.1.7 Housing dimensions of terminals in the 24 V DC and

120 V AC/230 V AC areas
Today, small I/O stations are frequently installed in 80 mm standard control boxes. Inline
terminals are designed so that they can be used in this type of control box.
The terminal housing dimensions are determined by the dimensions of the electronics base
and the dimensions of the connector.
The width of the terminal depends on the electronics base used (housing).
When a connector is plugged in, each terminal has a depth of 72 mm.
The height of the terminal depends on the connector used and is a maximum of 141 mm.
For the dimensions of the terminals, please refer to the relevant terminal-specific data

62 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Structure and dimensions Dimensions of the electronics base with possible connectors

BK housing,
example: 40 71,5


Figure 6-6 Dimensions of BK housing (in mm)

BK IO housing,
example: 80 71,5

Figure 6-7 Dimensions of BK IO housing (in mm)

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Container housing,
example: 85 71,5

Figure 6-8 Dimensions of the electronics base (container housing 1, in mm)

Container housing,
ILC 3xx ...
182 73



Figure 6-9 Dimensions of container housing 4 (in mm)

64 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Structure and dimensions

Container housing,
example: 109,8 71,5
ILC 200 IB



Figure 6-10 Dimensions of container housing 3 (in mm)

Dimensions of 2-slot, 4-
slot, 8-slot housing 12,2 24,4 48,8 71,5



Figure 6-11 Dimensions of the electronics base with possible connectors
(2-slot, 4-slot, 8-slot housing, in mm)

Examples for 2-slot, 4-slot or 8-slot housing:

2-slot housing 4-slot housing 8-slot housing

These bases take one, two or four 12.2 mm wide connectors.

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Container housing,
example: 73 71,5


Figure 6-12 Dimensions of container housing 2 (in mm)

66 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Structure and dimensions

6.1.8 Dimensions of power-level terminals




Figure 6-13 Dimensions of power housing

Please note the additional space required when inserting a connector for a hand-held
operator panel.

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6.2 Structure and dimensions of Inline Block IO


6.2.1 Basic structure of modules

Regardless of the function, an Inline Block IO module consists of the electronic module and
the snap-on connectors (Inline connectors).

function encoding
1 2
1 2
1 2 3 4
3 4
Diagnostic and status

1 2
1 2
3 4
3 4

1 2 3 4 I5

1 2 3 4 I4

1 2 3 4 I3

US 3 4 I2

Electronics module





Latching on
DIN rail

ZBFM marking field

for module marking Snap-on mechanism

Figure 6-14 Basic structure of an Inline Block IO module

ZBFM: Zack marker sheets, flat

(See also Section “Function identification and labeling” on page 61)

The components required for labeling are listed in the Phoenix Contact catalog.

Electronic module The electronic module holds the entire electronics for an Inline Block IO module.
Pressing the snap-on mechanism releases the latching, enabling the terminal to be
removed by pulling it straight back from the DIN rail (see Section “Basic information about
mounting” on page 108).

Connector The I/O or supply voltages are connected using a pluggable connector. For more detailed
information about the Inline connectors, please refer to Section 7, “Inline connectors”.

68 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Structure and dimensions

6.2.2 Function identification and labeling

Housing Apart from their width, Inline Block IO modules have the same appearance in terms of their
housing type and housing color (green).

Function identification The Inline Block IO modules are color-coded to enable visual identification of the function
areas (1 in Figure 6-15).

1 2
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 I4

1 2 3 4 I3

1 2 3 4 I2

1 2 3 4 I1

1 2 3 4 O4

1 2 3 4 O3

US 3 4 O2






Figure 6-15 Function identification

The following colors indicate the functions:

Table 6-3 Color-coding of module function areas

Color Module function area
Gray Bus/supply
Light blue Digital input
Pink Digital output
Purple Digital input or output
Green Analog input
Yellow Analog output

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6.2.3 Housing dimensions

Today, small I/O stations are frequently installed in 80 mm standard control boxes.
Inline Block IO modules are designed so that they can be used in this type of control box.
The terminal housing dimensions are determined by the dimensions of the electronic
module and the dimensions of the connector.
The width of the electronic modules depends on the function and is either 95 mm or
156 mm.
When a connector is plugged in, each terminal has a depth of 55 mm.
The height of the terminal depends on the connector used and is a maximum of 141 mm.
For the dimensions of the modules, please refer to the relevant module-specific data sheet.


Figure 6-16 Maximum dimensions (dimensions in mm)

70 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline connectors

7 Inline connectors
Inline connectors are used on Inline Modular IO terminals and Inline Block IO modules.

7.1 Basic structure and dimensions of Inline connec-

Connector width The connectors have a width of two terminal points.

Connector colors To distinguish between the functions and voltage areas, the connectors have been
assigned different colors:

Green Connectors for low-level signal terminals (24 V DC, excluding

power/segment terminals)
Black Connectors for low-level signal power/segment terminals (24 V DC)
Gray Connectors for terminals in the 120 V AC and 230 V AC areas (not required
for Inline Block IO modules)

Basic structure
ZBFM marking field for connector

Back connector
shaft latching Keyway for attaching marking field
ZBFM marking field for signal 1/2
Signal terminals 1/2
Potential terminals
FE or signal terminals 3/4

ZBFM marking field for signal 3/4

connector shaft latching
Slot encoding
Figure 7-1 Basic structure of an Inline connector

ZBFM: Zack marker sheets, flat

(See also Section “Function identification and labeling” on page 61)

The components required for labeling are listed in the Phoenix Contact catalog.

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112,4 mm (4.425")

134,5 mm (5.295")
132 mm (5.197")

137 mm (5.394")
12,2 mm
12,2 mm 12,2 mm
(0.480") 12,2 mm

Figure 7-2 Connector dimensions


A Standard connector
B Shield connector for connecting one cable
C Shield connector for connecting two cables
D Extended double signal connector
The depth of the connector does not influence the overall depth of the Inline Modular IO
terminal or Inline Block IO module.

72 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline connectors

7.2 Connectors for the 24 V DC area

Connector types The following connector types are available for the 24 V DC area:


Figure 7-3 Connector types for Inline terminals

A Standard connector
The green standard connector is used for the connection of two signals in 4-wire
technology or 8 signals in 1-wire technology (e.g., digital I/O signals).
The black standard connector is used to supply the supply voltage. Some of the
adjacent contacts can be jumpered internally (see Figure 7-4 on page 74).
B Shield connector for connecting one cable
C Shield connector for connecting two cables
Green connectors B and C are used for signals connected using shielded cables
(e.g., analog I/O signals, high-frequency counter inputs, remote bus cable).
FE or shielding is connected via a shield connection clamp rather than via a terminal
D Extended double signal connector
The green double signal connector is used for the connection of four signals in 3-wire
technology (e.g., digital I/O signals).
The black double signal connector is used to supply the supply voltage. Some of the
adjacent contacts can be jumpered internally (see Figure 7-4 on page 74).

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Connector identification All connectors are available with and without color print. The connectors with color print
(indicated with CP in the order designation) have terminal points that are color-coded
according to their functions. The following colors indicate the signals of the terminal points:

Table 7-1 Color-coding of terminal points (24 V DC)

Color Signal at terminal point
Red +
Blue -
Green Functional earth ground (FE)
Green/yellow Functional earth ground (FE);
This marking may still be seen on older connectors. Functional earth
ground is marked in green on modern connectors.

Internal jumpering Depending on their function, the connectors may support internal jumpering.

NOTE: Disregarding this warning may result in malfunction

To avoid malfunction, only snap the connector onto an appropriate terminal. Refer to the
relevant terminal-specific data sheet to select the correct connectors.
Only place black connectors on power or segment terminals.
When the terminal points are jumpered in the black connector, potential is routed through
the jumpering in the connector and not through the printed circuit board of the terminal.
The complete current carrying capacity is ensured through this jumpering.
A black connector must not be placed on a terminal that is to be used for a double signal
connector. Incorrect connection may lead to a short circuit between two signal terminal


Figure 7-4 Internal jumpering in connectors for the 24 V DC area

74 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline connectors

A Green connector for connecting the I/O

B Black connector for supplying the supply voltages
with jumpering of the terminal points for power supply
C Black connector for supplying the supply voltages
without jumpering of the terminal points for power supply
D Green shield connector for connecting shielded cables; the terminal points are
jumpered via the shield connection.
E Green double signal connector for connecting the I/O
F Black connector for supplying the supply voltages
with jumpering of the terminal points for power supply
The shield connector is jumpered between terminal points 1.4 and 2.4 through the shield
connection as seen in Figure 7-4. All other connectors are jumpered internally through the
terminal point connections in the connector.

7.3 Connectors for the 120 V AC/230 V AC area

(Inline Modular IO)
Connector types Gray standard connectors (see A in Figure 7-4) are available for the 120 V AC and
230 V AC areas. They have different color print according to their function.

Special features The special features of the connectors and base for the 120 V AC and 230 V AC areas are
described in Section “Electronics base and connectors for the different voltage areas” on
page 21.

Table 7-2 Color-coding of terminal points (120 V AC/230 V AC)

Color Signal at terminal point
Black Phase (L)
Blue Neutral conductor (N)
Green/yellow Protective earth ground (PE)

The connectors for terminals used to isolate different voltage areas are color-coded with
two colors. This includes connectors for power terminals and end terminals for the
120 V AC and 230 V AC areas, as well as distance terminals.
The green marked side must point in the direction of the 24 V area and the gray marked
side in the direction of the AC area.

6452_en_09 PHOENIX CONTACT 75 / 196


Internal jumpering and Depending on their function, the connectors may support internal jumpering. In addition,
special features of the some terminal points are not used or are indeed closed.
terminal points

NOTE: Disregarding this warning may result in malfunction

To avoid malfunction, only snap the connector onto an appropriate terminal. Refer to the
relevant terminal-specific data sheet to select the correct connectors.

1.1 2.1 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.1

1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2
1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2
1.2 2.2

1.3 2.3 1.3 2.3 1.3 2.3 1.3 2.3 1.3 2.3

1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4


Figure 7-5 Internal jumpering and special features of connectors for the
120 V AC/230 V AC area

X Connector contact not present

Terminal point without metal contact

Terminal point closed

A Gray connector for plugging onto the left-hand side of a power terminal (start of the
AC area)
B Gray connector for supplying the supply voltage
C Gray connector for connecting the I/O
D Gray connector for connecting the cables to a relay terminal
E Gray connector for plugging onto an end terminal

76 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline connectors

7.4 Numbering and labeling of terminal points

Labeling/terminal Terminal point numbering is explained using the example of an 8-slot Inline Modular IO
numbering terminal.

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1.1 2.1
1.1 2.1
1.2 2.2
1.2 2.2
1.3 2.3
1.3 2.3
1.4 2.4
1.4 2.4 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.1

1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 8.2

1.3 2.3 1.3 2.3 1.3 2.3 1.3 2.3 1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3

1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.4 8.4

Figure 7-6 Terminal point numbering

Slot/connector The slots (connectors) on a base are numbered consecutively. This numbering is not
indicated on the terminal (shown above the terminals in Figure 7-6).

Terminal point Connectors are available with different forms of marking. In general, the numbering format
X.Y is marked above the terminal point.
1 Terminal point numbering by connector (detail A in Figure 7-6):
On these connectors:
X: Number of the terminal point column on the connector.
Y: Number of the terminal point within the terminal point column.
2 Terminal point numbering by channel (detail B in Figure 7-6):
For terminals with 8, 16 or 32 I/Os, connector sets are available in which the terminal
point rows are numbered by terminal (1 to 8) rather than by connector (1 and 2).
X: Number of the terminal point column on the Inline terminal.
Y: Number of the terminal point within the terminal point column.

Select the necessary connectors from the Phoenix Contact catalog.

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Additional labeling In addition to this connector marking, you can identify the slots, terminal points, and
connections using Zack marker strips and labeling fields.

1 3

1 2
3 4

Figure 7-7 Labeling

Various options are available for labeling the slots and terminal points:
1 Each connector can be labeled individually using Zack marker strips.
2/3 Another option is to use a labeling field. Labeling fields are available in two widths,
either as a labeling field covering one connector (2; IB IL FIELD 2) or as a labeling
field covering four connectors (3; IB IL FIELD 8). You can label each channel
individually with free text. On the upper part of the connector there is a keyway for
attaching this labeling field. The labeling field can be tilted up and down. In each end
position a light latching ensures that the labeling field remains in place.
4/5 Each signal can be labeled individually using Zack marker strips. On a double signal
connector, the upper keyway (4) is designed for labeling signals 1 and 2 and the
lower keyway (5) is for signals 3 and 4.
6 On the electronics base, each slot can be labeled individually using Zack marker
strips. These marker strips are covered when a connector is plugged in.
Using the marker strips on the connector and on the electronics base, you can clearly assign
both connector and slot.
Insert strips for use with a laser printer are available for insertion in the IB IL FIELD 2 and
IB IL FIELD 8 labeling fields (see Section “Ordering data for accessories” on page 165).

The components required for labeling are listed in the Phoenix Contact catalog.

78 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline connectors

7.5 Terminal point keying

In order to prevent connectors being mixed up, the connection points between connectors
and terminals can be keyed using the IL CP keying profile.

Figure 7-8 Connector and terminal keying

A 1. Insert a keying section of the keying profile in the corresponding keyway of the
terminal point on the electronic housing.
2. Twist the keying profile to break off the keying section.
B Remove the keying tab from the corresponding slot keying on the connector.
C Insert the keyed connector in the corresponding slot.

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80 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Electrical potential and data routing (Inline Modular IO)

8 Electrical potential and data routing (Inline Modular IO)

The Project+ software provides support when configuring an Inline station (see Section
“Appendix: Software support” on page 181).

8.1 Circuits and provision of supply voltages

There are several circuits within an Inline station. These are automatically created when the
terminals are properly installed. The voltages of the different circuits are supplied to the
connected terminals via potential jumpers.
An example of the circuits within an Inline station is given in Section “Example of a circuit
diagram” on page 86. The descriptions in the following sections refer to this example.

Please refer to the terminal-specific data sheet for the circuit to which the I/O circuit of a
specific terminal is to be connected.

Carrying capacity of the Observe the maximum current carrying capacity of the jumper contacts on the side for each
jumper contacts circuit. The current carrying capacities for all potential jumpers are given in the following
sections and are summarized in Section “Current and voltage distribution” on page 92.
For the arrangement of the potential jumpers and information about current and voltage
distribution on the potential jumpers, please refer to Section “Electrical potential and data
routing” on page 88.
The connection of the supply voltages is described in Section “Connecting the power
supplies” on page 138.

For voltage connection, please observe the notes in the terminal-specific data sheets.

8.1.1 Bus coupler supply

Please refer to the documentation for your bus coupler to determine the correct supply
voltage for the bus coupler.

The voltages for the logic circuit UL and the supply of the terminals for analog signals UANA
are always internally generated from the bus coupler supply.

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8.1.2 Logic circuit

The logic circuit with the communications power UL starts at the bus coupler or at a power
terminal (IB IL 24 PWR IN/R-PAC; IB IL 24 PWR IN/PS-PAC) and is led through all the
terminals of an Inline station.

Function The logic circuit (e.g., protocol chip, microcontroller) of the devices in a station is supplied
with voltage from the logic circuit.

Voltage The voltage in this circuit is 7.5 V DC ±5%.

Provision of UL The communications power UL is provided by the bus coupler or a corresponding power
terminal from the connected supply voltage.

Current carrying capacity The maximum current carrying capacity is 2 A. If this value is reached, the voltage must be
boosted via a power terminal or a new station must be created using a bus coupler.
The current consumption from the logic circuit of each device is specified in the
DB GB IB IL DEVICE LIST data sheet and the relevant terminal-specific data sheet.
The communications power is not electrically isolated from the 24 V DC input voltage for the
bus coupler.

This maximum current carrying capacity can be limited by certain bus couplers or
corresponding power terminals. Please refer to the information in the terminal-specific
data sheets.

8.1.3 Analog circuit

The analog circuit with the supply for the analog terminals (also referred to as analog
voltage) UANA starts at the bus coupler or at a power terminal (IB IL 24 PWR IN/R-PAC;
IB IL 24 PWR IN/PS-PAC) and is led through all the terminals of an Inline station.

Function The I/O for analog signal terminals is supplied from the analog circuit.

Voltage The voltage in this circuit is 24 V DC (+20%, -15%).

Provision of UANA The analog voltage UANA is provided by the bus coupler or a corresponding power terminal
from the connected supply voltage.

Current carrying capacity The maximum current carrying capacity is 0.5 A. If this value is reached, the voltage must
be boosted via a power terminal or a new station must be created using a bus coupler.
The current consumption from the analog circuit of each device that is supplied from UANA
is specified in the DB GB IB IL DEVICE LIST data sheet and the relevant terminal-specific
data sheet.

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Electrical potential and data routing (Inline Modular IO)

8.1.4 Main circuit

The main circuit with the main voltage UM starts at the bus coupler or a power terminal and
is led through subsequent terminals until it reaches the next power terminal.

Please note the special requirements of Inline terminals with relay outputs. These
terminals interrupt the potential jumpers UM and US.

A new circuit starts at the next power terminal. This circuit is electrically isolated from the
previous one if electrically isolated power supply units are used.
Several power terminals can be used within one station.

Function The segment voltage US can be tapped from the main voltage UM using different segment
terminals. Several independent segments can thus be created within the main circuit. The
main circuit provides the supply voltage for these segments.
Some terminals access the main circuit directly. For example, the encoder supply for
positioning terminals is tapped from the main circuit, while the I/O is supplied from the
segment circuit.

Voltage The voltage in this circuit must not exceed 30 V DC.

Current carrying capacity The maximum current carrying capacity for the main circuit is 8 A (total current with the
segment circuit).

This maximum current carrying capacity can be limited by certain terminals. Please refer
to the information in the terminal-specific data sheets.

If the limit value of the potential jumpers UM and US is reached (total current of US and UM),
a new power terminal must be used.

Provision of UM In the simplest case, the main voltage UM can be supplied at the bus coupler.
The main voltage UM can also be supplied via a power terminal. A power terminal must be
used if:
1 A bus coupler that cannot supply the main voltage is used.
2 Different voltage areas (e.g., 24 V DC and 120 V AC) are to be created.
3 Electrical isolation between different I/O areas is to be created.
4 The maximum current carrying capacity of the potential jumpers UM, US, and GND
(total current of US and UM) is reached.

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8.1.5 Segment circuit

The segment circuit with segment voltage US starts at the bus coupler or a power or
segment terminal and is led through the subsequent terminals until it reaches the next
power or segment terminal.

Please note the special requirements of Inline terminals with relay output. These terminals
interrupt the potential jumpers UM and US.
You can use several segment terminals within a main circuit and therefore segment the
main circuit.

Function Almost all the terminals in the Inline station except the analog terminals are supplied from
the segment circuit (e.g., digital input terminals, digital output terminals).
The segment circuit also provides the auxiliary voltage for controlling circuit breakers and
Some terminals access both the segment circuit and the main circuit. For example, the
encoder supply for positioning terminals is tapped from the main circuit, while the I/O is
supplied from the segment circuit.
The segment circuit can be switched off or fused using the safety or segment terminals. It
has the same reference ground as the main circuit. This means that circuits with different
fuses can be created within the station without external cross-wiring.

Voltage The voltage in this circuit must not exceed 30 V DC.

Current carrying capacity The maximum current carrying capacity for the segment circuit is 8 A (total current with the
main circuit).

This maximum current carrying capacity can be limited by certain terminals. Please refer
to the information in the terminal-specific data sheets.

If the limit value of the potential jumpers UM and US is reached (total current of US and UM),
a new power terminal must be used.

Provision of US There are various ways of providing the segment voltage US:
1 The segment voltage can be supplied at the bus coupler or a power terminal.
2 The segment voltage can be tapped from the main voltage at the bus coupler or a power
terminal using a jumper or a switch.
3 An IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F...-PAC power terminal with fuse for the main and segment
circuit or a segment terminal with fuse for the segment circuit can be used. In these
terminals the segment voltage is automatically tapped from the main voltage.
4 A segment terminal can be used without a fuse and the segment voltage can be tapped
from the main voltage using a jumper or a switch.

The creation of segments is not possible for the 120 V AC and 230 V AC voltage levels.
Here, only one circuit is used, which corresponds to the main circuit.

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Electrical potential and data routing (Inline Modular IO)

8.1.6 Mains voltage for power-level terminals

The mains voltage for power-level terminals is not provided via the potential jumpers. It is
either supplied to the power-level terminal via a power connector or led between directly
adjacent power-level terminals via power bridges.

Voltage The mains voltage must have the following values:

IB IL 400 ELR ... IB IL 400 MLR ...

Nominal voltage during 400 V AC 400 V AC
operation (conductor
Voltage range 187 V AC ... 440 V AC + 0% 187 V AC ... 519 V AC + 0%
with safe isolation between with safe isolation between
mains and SELV mains and SELV;
187 V AC ... 600 V AC + 0%
with basic insulation
between mains and SELV

Frequency The frequency of the mains voltage must be 50 Hz or 60 Hz.

Current carrying capacity The maximum current carrying capacity for the incoming mains must be 20 A. If this value
is reached, it must be reinjected.

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8.1.7 Example of a circuit diagram

M1 M2
S1.1 S1.2 S2.1 S2.2


ELR 1-3A

ELR 1-3A
IB IL 400

IB IL 400

Protocol Local bus
7,5 V UL-
24 V


-U + -

+ -

Figure 8-1 Potential routing within an Inline station

The illustrated Inline station is a typical example. It shows the supply and provision of
different voltages and their forwarding via potential jumpers. Explanations for this can be
found in the following sections.

Mx Main circuit (e.g., M1, M2)

Sx,y Segment circuit y in main circuit x (e.g., S2.1, S2.2)
BK (PWR IN) Bus coupler in conjunction with a power terminal, if required
UBK Bus coupler supply (supply for bus coupler, generates UANA and UL)
UM Main supply (I/O supply in the main circuit)
US Segment supply (I/O supply in the segment circuit)
UANA I/O supply for analog terminals
UL Communications power
Local bus Data jumper for the local bus
Ground (GND for the supply voltages UM and US)

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Electrical potential and data routing (Inline Modular IO)

Noiseless ground (functional earth ground, FE)

Protective earth ground

I Indicates the interruption of a potential jumper

Main circuit M1/ The supply voltage for the bus coupler UBK is supplied at the bus coupler (BK). In addition,
segment S1.1 the main voltage UM1 is supplied at the bus coupler or a subsequent power terminal.
The communications power UL and the supply voltage for the analog terminals UANA are
generated from the bus coupler supply and led through the entire station.
Electrical isolation between logic and I/O is created through the separate supply of the bus
coupler supply UBK and the main voltage UM1.

If these voltages are not supplied separately (e.g., only the voltage UM1, from which UL
and UANA are also generated), there is no electrical isolation between logic and I/O.
No terminals are used in segment S1.1.

Segment S1.2 In a segment terminal with fuse, the segment voltage US for segment S1.2 is automatically
tapped from the main voltage UM1. This segment circuit is protected by the internal fuse.

This segment terminal has been specifically used to create a protected segment circuit
without the need for an additional external fuse. If this is not necessary, the terminal does
not have to be used. In this case, the connection between UM and US on the bus coupler
must be established using a jumper (as shown on the IB IL 24 PWR/IN-PAC terminal) or a
switch (as shown on the IB IL 24 SEG-PAC terminal).

Main circuit M2/ The supply voltage for the power-level terminals and the subsequent terminals should be
segment S2.1 supplied separately. For this, a new power terminal (e.g., IB IL 24 PWR/IN-PAC) is used,
which supplies the supply voltage UM2.
Using a jumper, the segment voltage US for segment S2.1 is tapped from the main voltage
UM2 at this terminal.

Segment S2.2 The segment voltage US is provided at the IB IL 24 SEG-PAC segment terminal via a
switch. Output terminals installed here can therefore be switched externally.

Examples of errors and their effects:

1 In this example structure, a short circuit in segment S1.2 would not affect the terminals
in other segments. The fuse in the IB IL 24 SEG/F-PAC segment terminal means that
only segment S1.2 is switched off.
2 If an error occurred in the system, the terminals in segment S2.2, for example, could be
switched on or off without affecting the terminals in other segments.

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8.2 Electrical potential and data routing

8.2.1 Arrangement of potential and data jumpers

An important feature of Inline is its internal potential routing system. The electric connection
between the individual station devices is created automatically when the station is installed.
When the individual station devices are connected, a power rail is created for the relevant
circuit. Mechanically, this is created by interlocking knife and featherkey contacts from the
adjacent terminals.
This potential routing eliminates the need for additional external potential routing or cross-

The 400 V AC mains voltage for power-level terminals is not led via the internal station
potential routing. It is supplied via a power connector and is led between two power-level
terminals via power bridges.




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


8 Local bus 9 9 Local bus 8

Figure 8-2 Basic arrangement of potential and data jumpers

Potential jumper for the 24 V AC voltage area

L N Potential jumper for the 120 V AC and 230 V AC voltage areas

88 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Electrical potential and data routing (Inline Modular IO)

Table 8-1 Potential and data jumpers (24 V DC area)

No. Function Meaning
See Figure 8-2 “Basic arrangement of potential and data jumpers” on page 88
Potential jumpers
1 7.5 V DC UL+ Communications power for the bus interface
2 24 V DC UANA I/O supply for analog terminals
3 GNDL UL- Ground of communications power and I/O supply for analog terminals
4 24 V DC US Segment circuit supply
(if necessary with overload protection)
5 24 V DC UM Main circuit supply
(if necessary with overload protection)
6 GND GND Ground of segment and main supply
7 FE FE Functional earth ground
(9) FE spring FE contact to the DIN rail
(for bus couplers, segment terminals, and power terminals for the SELV area)
Data jumper
8 Local bus

Terminal inputs and outputs are supplied with voltage via the segment circuit.
The voltage for the segment circuit can be tapped from the main circuit. In addition, some
terminals tap the voltage directly from the main circuit.
For more detailed information about the circuits that are created via the potential jumpers
UL, UANA, UM, and US, please refer to page 81.

Depending on the terminal function, not all of the jumpers listed in Figure 8-2 are present
on a terminal. Please refer to the circuit diagram of the terminal to see which jumpers are
available for a terminal and how they are internally connected. The circuit diagram is
shown in the terminal-specific data sheet.

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GND This potential jumper is ground for the main and segment circuits.
(24 V DC area)

NOTE: Overload
Please note that the GND potential jumper carries the total current of the main and
segment circuits. The total current of the main and segment circuits must not exceed the
maximum current carrying capacity of the potential jumpers (8 A). The maximum current
carrying capacity is determined not only by the potential jumpers, but also by the
power/segment terminal used.
Calculate the current in the station. Refer to the data provided in the terminal-specific data
sheets for your particular application.

The Project+ software provides support when calculating the currents (see Section
“Appendix: Software support” on page 181).

FE The FE potential jumper is connected to the grounded DIN rail via the FE spring at each bus
(24 V DC area) coupler, each 24 V power terminal, and each segment terminal and is led through all
subsequent 24 V terminals.
In addition, connect the FE connection to a grounding terminal at the bus coupler.
If the FE jumper is interrupted by a 120 V AC/230 V AC voltage level, reconnect the FE
connection to a grounding terminal at the subsequent 24 V DC power terminal.

Please also observe the information in Section “Grounding concept” on page 115.

FE spring This spring creates the FE contact between the bus coupler, a 24 V DC power terminal or a
(24 V DC area) segment terminal, and the grounded DIN rail.

Data routing The bus signal is also transmitted within the station using a connection that is created
(all areas) automatically when the station devices are snapped on.

Current carrying capacity The maximum total current flowing through the potential jumpers is limited. The maximum
(all areas) current carrying capacity for each circuit is specified in Section “Circuits and provision of
supply voltages” on page 81.

Please also observe the information about the current carrying capacity of the power and
segment terminals provided in the terminal-specific data sheets.

NOTE: Malfunctions
If the current carrying capacity of the potential jumpers UL or UANA is reached, the voltage
must be boosted via a power terminal, or a new station must be created using a bus
If the current carrying capacity of the potential jumpers UM, US, and GND is reached (total
current of US and UM), a new power terminal must be used.

The Project+ software provides support when calculating the currents (see Section
“Appendix: Software support” on page 181).

90 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Electrical potential and data routing (Inline Modular IO)

Table 8-2 Potential and data jumpers (120 V AC/230 V AC area)

No. Function Meaning

See Figure 8-2 “Basic arrangement of potential and data jumpers” on page 88
Potential jumpers
1 7.5 V DC UL+ Communications power for the bus interface
2 24 V DC UANA I/O supply for analog terminals
3 GNDL UL- Ground of communications power and I/O supply for analog terminals
4 120 V AC/ L1 Phase L1
230 V AC
5 0V N PEN conductor
6 – Not present
7 PE PE Protective earth ground
(9) – Not present
Data jumper
8 Local bus

Depending on the terminal function, not all of the jumpers listed in Figure 8-2 are present
on a terminal. Please refer to the circuit diagram of the terminal to see which jumpers are
available for a terminal and how they are internally connected. The circuit diagram is
shown in the terminal-specific data sheet.

PE The PE potential jumper is used in the 120 V AC/230 V AC area. It must be connected to
(120 V AC/230 V AC area) protective earth ground via the corresponding connection at the power terminal for these
voltage areas.

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8.2.2 Current and voltage distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 (9)
Figure 8-3 Current and voltage distribution

Table 8-3 Current and voltage distribution in potential and data jumpers (24 V DC)

No. Function Voltage to contact1 Current

Minimum Maximum Maximum
Potential jumpers
1 7.5 V DC UL+ 7.0 V DC 7.87 V DC 2A
2 24 V DC UANA 19.2 V DC 30 V DC 0.5 A
3 GNDL UL- 0 V DC 0 V DC 2.5 A
4 24 V DC US 19.2 V DC 30 V DC
5 24 V DC UM 19.2 V DC 30 V DC
6 GND GND 0V 0V 8A
7 FE FE Not defined Not defined Not defined
(9) FE spring
Data jumpers
8a Bus signal
8b Bus signal
8c Clock
Contact no. 3 is reference potential for the logic.
Contact no. 6 is reference potential for the I/O.
If there is no electrical isolation between logic and I/O, both have the same potential.

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Electrical potential and data routing (Inline Modular IO)

Table 8-4 Current and voltage distribution in potential and data jumpers
(120 V AC/230 V AC)
No. Function Voltage to contact1 Current
Minimum Maximum Maximum
Potential jumpers
1 7.5 V DC UL+ 7.0 V DC 7.87 V DC 2A
2 24 V DC UANA 19.2 V DC 30 V DC 0.5 A
3 GNDL UL- 0 V DC 0 V DC 2.5 A
4 120 V AC/230 V L1 12 V AC 253 V AC 8A
5 PEN conductor N 0V 0V 8A
6 –
7 PE PE Not defined Not defined Not defined
(9) –
Data jumpers
8a Bus signal
8b Bus signal
8c Clock
Contact no. 3 is reference potential for the logic.
Contact no. 5 is reference potential for the I/O.

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94 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Diagnostic and status indicators

9 Diagnostic and status indicators

All Inline Block IO modules and Inline Modular IO terminals (referred to below as the device)
are equipped with diagnostic and status indicators for quick local error diagnostics. They
enable the clear localization of system errors (bus errors) or peripheral faults.

Diagnostics The diagnostic indicators (red, yellow or green) provide information about the state of the
device and, in the event of an error, provide information about the type and location of the
error. The device is operating correctly if all of its green LEDs are on.

Status The status indicators (yellow) indicate the status of the relevant input/output and the
connected I/O device.

Extended diagnostics Some devices have extended diagnostics. A short circuit or overload of the sensor supply
is indicated for each input. If a short circuit occurs at an output, each channel is diagnosed
individually. Information about the supply voltage is also reported. Information about
peripheral faults is sent to the control system with precise details of the error type and is
displayed using status indicators.

For information about the diagnostic and status indicators on a specific device, please
refer to the device-specific data sheet.

9.1 Indicators on Inline Modular IO terminals

9.1.1 Indicators on bus couplers and terminals with remote bus


For the meaning of the diagnostic and status indicators of the bus coupler and the
terminals with remote bus branch, please refer to the corresponding documentation.

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9.1.2 Indicators available on different terminals in the Inline

Some indicators can be found on various terminals (see section below) and generally have
the same meaning:

UM Green LED Supply in the main circuit

ON: Supply present in the main circuit

OFF: Supply not present in the main circuit

US Green LED Supply in the segment circuit

ON: Supply present in the segment circuit

OFF: Supply not present in the segment circuit

D Green LED Diagnostics

ON: Data transmission active within the station


0.5 Hz: Communications power present,

(slow) data transmission not active within the station

2 Hz: Communications power present,

(medium) peripheral fault
(e.g., fuse has blown, voltage not present)

4 Hz: Communications power present,

(fast) error at the interface between previous and flashing terminal (the
terminals after the flashing terminal cannot be addressed).
(E.g., loose contact at the bus interface, terminal before the
flashing terminal has failed, another terminal was snapped on
during operation (not permitted))

OFF: Communications power not present

96 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Diagnostic and status indicators

9.1.3 Indicators on power and segment terminals

1 1 1 3




Figure 9-1 Possible indicators on power and segment terminals

Diagnostics The following states can be read on power and segment terminals:
Power terminal
UM (1) Green LED Supply voltage in the main circuit (for meaning see page 96)
Segment terminal
US (1) Green LED Supply voltage in the segment circuit (for meaning see page 96)
Power terminal with fuse and diagnostics/
segment terminal with electronic fuse
D (3) Green LED Diagnostics (for meaning see page 96)
Also on terminals with fuse
E (2) Red LED Fuse status
ON: Fuse not present or blown
OFF: Fuse OK

On terminals with fuses, the green UM or US LED indicates that the main or segment
voltage is present on the line side of the fuse, meaning that if the green LED is on, there
is voltage on the line side of the fuse. If the red E LED is also on, the fuse has blown or is
missing and no voltage is applied after the fuse.

If the red E LED is on and the green D LED is flashing at 2 Hz on terminals with fuse and
diagnostics, there is no voltage present after the fuse.
Thus, a blown fuse is indicated by both diagnostic indicators (E and D).

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9.1.4 Indicators on I/O terminals

In this section, I/O terminals are all terminals that acquire or output signals, i.e., all
terminals excluding bus couplers, power, segment, and power-level terminals.

The LEDs of the I/O terminals are electrically located in the logic area.
This may mean that the LED of an output is on but the output cannot be controlled due to
an error between the logic area and the digital output. The LED does not monitor the output
state. In the event of an error, the actual output state may differ from the state indicated by
the LED.

1 1
1 D 1 1 1 1 D
2 2 2 2 2
4 2

Figure 9-2 Indicators on I/O terminals

Diagnostics The following states can be read on I/O terminals:

D Green LED Diagnostics (for meaning see page 96)


Status The status of the input or output can be read from the relevant yellow LED:.

1, 2, Yellow LED Status of the input/output

3, 4 ON: Corresponding input/output set
OFF: Corresponding input/output not set
For terminals with extended diagnostics
E1, E2, Yellow LED The meaning depends on the terminal. It is described in the
E3, E4 terminal-specific data sheet, e.g.,:
Short circuit/overload of the initiator supply
Short circuit of an output
Diagnostic input error message
ON: An error has occurred
OFF: No error

Additional diagnostic or status indicators can be found on the terminals. They are
described in the corresponding documentation.

98 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Diagnostic and status indicators

Assignment between status LED and input/output

The figure shows the general principle of the assignment of a status LED to its input or
1 2 3 4

1 1 D 2 1 1 D 2 1/1 1 D 1 1 1 4/2
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
DI 2 DI4 DI16

3 4 1/3 4/4

Figure 9-3 Assignment between status LED and input/output

Please refer to Section “Function identification and labeling” on page 61 for an explanation
of the numbering.
With an 8-slot terminal, the LEDs of a slot belong to the terminal points of this slot. Every slot
can be considered a 2-slot terminal.
For a 2-slot terminal with four inputs or outputs (middle example in Figure 9-3), the following
LEDs belong to the following terminal points:

LED 1 Terminal point 1.1

LED 2 Terminal point 2.1
LED 3 Terminal point 1.4
LED 4 Terminal point 2.4
On the 8-slot terminal in Figure 9-3 and Figure 9-4, e.g., with 4/2, LED 2 on slot 4 is
indicated. The LED belongs to input 14 at terminal point 4.2.1 (slot 4, terminal point 2.1).

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1 2 3 4

1/1 1 D 1 1 1 4/2
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4

1/3 4/4











Figure 9-4 Assignment between status LED and input/output using the example of an
IB IL 24 DI 16-PAC terminal

For every terminal, the assignment is specified in the terminal-specific data sheet.

100 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Diagnostic and status indicators

9.1.5 Indicators on power-level terminals

1 1

2 2
M1 R1
LOC 5520A080

3 3
5 IB IL 400 MLR 1-8A 5 IB IL 400 ELR R-3A
IB IL 400 ELR 1-3A

Figure 9-5 Indicators on power-level terminals

Diagnostics The following states can be read on power-level terminals:

D (1) Green LED Diagnostics (for meaning see page 96)
ERR Red LED Group error message/motor protection
(2) ON: Operating error (motor protection has been triggered, contactor
cannot be controlled)
OFF: No error

Status The status of the motor and manual mode can be read from the corresponding yellow LED:

M1 Yellow LED Motor

(3) ON: Motor switched on
OFF: Motor not switched on
R1 Yellow LED Motor in direction of rotation 1
(3) ON: Motor in direction of rotation 1 switched on
OFF: Motor in direction of rotation 1 not switched on
R2 Yellow LED Motor in direction of rotation 2
(4) ON: Motor in direction of rotation 2 switched on
OFF: Motor in direction of rotation 2 not switched on
LOC Yellow LED Manual mode (local)
(5) ON: Manual mode active
OFF: Bus mode active

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9.2 Indicators on Inline Block IO modules

An Inline Block IO module can be divided into the function areas bus system, supply, and
I/O. Local diagnostic and/or status indicators are assigned to each function area.

9.2.1 Indicators in the bus system function area (BUS)

For the meaning of the diagnostic and status indicators in the bus system function area
(BUS in Figure 9-6 on page 103) of the modules, please refer to the corresponding

102 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Diagnostic and status indicators

9.2.2 Indicators in the supply function area (PWR)

1 2 1 2

1 2 3 4 RC RD 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 I4 1 2 3 4 I8

BUS1 BUS2 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 I3 I7

1 2 3 4 I2 1 2 3 4 I6

1 2 3 4 I1 1 2 3 4 I5

1 2 3 4 IO
4 1 2 3 4 I4

1 2 3 4 IO
1 2 3 4 I3

1 2
UA A2 3 4 IO
US 3 4 I2



R1 R1





Figure 9-6 Possible indicators in the supply function area

Diagnostics The following states can be read on the Inline Block IO modules:

E Red LED Sensor supply undervoltage

ON: Sensor supply voltage too low
US Green LED Sensor supply
ON: Sensor supply present
OFF: Sensor supply not present
US1/2 Green LED Sensor supply 1/2 (for connector ... to connector ... sensors)
ON: Sensor supply 1/2 present
OFF: Sensor supply 1/2 not present
UA Green LED Actuator supply
ON: Actuator supply present
OFF: Actuator supply not present
UA1/2 Green LED Actuator supply 1/2 (for connector ... to connector ... actuators)
ON: Actuator supply 1/2 present
OFF: Actuator supply 1/2 not present
UL Green LED 24 V communications power
ON: 24 V communications power present
OFF: 24 V communications power not present

The UL LED may be located in the supply (PWR) or bus (BUS) function area.

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9.2.3 Indicators in the I/O function area (IN, OUT, IN/OUT)

The LEDs of the I/O function area are electrically located in the logic area.
This may mean that the LED of an output is on but the output cannot be controlled due to
an error between the logic area and the digital output. The LED does not monitor the output
state. In the event of an error, the actual output state may differ from the state indicated by
the LED.

1 E 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
I1 I2 I3 I4

1 2
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 I4

1 2 3 4 I3

1 2 3 4 I2

1 2 3 4 I1

1 2 3 4 IO

1 2 3 4 IO

UA A2 3 4 2


1 E 1 1 E 1
2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4


Figure 9-7 Indicators on I/O terminals

Status The status of the input or output can be read from the relevant yellow LED:
1, 2, Yellow LED Status of the input/output
3, 4 ON: Corresponding input/output set
OFF: Corresponding input/output not set
For terminals with extended diagnostics
E Red LED The meaning depends on the module. It is described in the
(1) module-specific data sheet, e.g.,:
Short circuit/overload of a sensor supply
Short circuit at one or more outputs in the group
ON: An error has occurred
OFF: No error

104 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Diagnostic and status indicators

Assignment between status LED and input/output

The figure shows the general principle of the assignment of a status LED to its input or
1 2 3 4

1/1 E E 4/2
2 1 E 1 1 1 4/2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3
IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 I1 I2 I3 I4 4 4 4 4
I1 I2 I3 I4

1/3 4/4

Figure 9-8 Assignment between status LED and input/output

Each slot in the LED area is labeled with the function, in Figure 9-8, e.g., IO1, IO2, ... I3, I4.
The principle of assignment between the LED and terminal point is the same for all slots. For
each slot with four inputs or outputs, the following LEDs are assigned to the following
terminal points:
LED 1 Terminal point 1.1
LED 2 Terminal point 2.1
LED 3 Terminal point 1.4
LED 4 Terminal point 2.4
On the module in Figure 9-8, e.g., with 4/2, LED 2 on slot I4 is indicated. According to the
data sheet, the LED belongs to input 30 at terminal point I4.2.1 (slot I4, terminal point 2.1).

For every module, the assignment is specified in the module-specific data sheet.

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106 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Mounting/removing devices

10 Mounting/removing devices

10.1 Installation instructions

10.1.1 Unpacking

ESD regulations

NOTE: Electrostatic discharge

The devices contain components that can be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic
discharge. When handling the devices, observe the necessary safety precautions against
electrostatic discharge (ESD) according to EN 61340-5-1 and IEC 61340-5-1.

All devices are supplied in an ESD bag.
Only qualified personnel should pack, unpack, mount, and remove the device while
observing the ESD regulations.

10.1.2 Replacing a device

When replacing a device, please observe the following.
– In the SELV area:

NOTE: Disregarding this warning may result in malfunction

Do not replace devices while the power is connected.

Inline Modular IO:

Before removing or mounting a terminal, disconnect power to the entire station.
Make sure the entire station is reassembled before switching the power back on.
– In the low voltage area (Inline Modular IO):

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

Do not replace devices while the power is connected.
Before removing or mounting a terminal, disconnect power to the entire station.
Make sure the entire station is reassembled before switching the power back on.

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10.2 Basic information about mounting

Mounting location Modules and terminals of the Inline product range have IP20 protection and are therefore
designed for use in a closed control cabinet or control box (terminal box) with IP54
protection or higher.

DIN rail Install Inline Block IO modules and Inline Modular IO terminals on a DIN rail with the follow-
ing properties.
– 35 mm standard DIN rail (see “Ordering data for accessories” on page 165)
– DIN rail height: 7.5 mm
– Mounted on a level surface
If these requirements are met, the module or terminal rests on the mounting surface.

Figure 10-1 Level surface with a DIN rail height of 7.5 mm

The distance between DIN rail fasteners must not exceed 200 mm. This distance is
necessary for the stability of the rail when mounting and removing devices.

Figure 10-2 Fixing the DIN rail (in mm)

108 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Mounting/removing devices

Mounting position No specific mounting position is specified for the Inline Block IO modules or
Inline Modular IO terminals. However, please refer to the ambient temperatures and any
other special requirements (such as derating) specified in the data sheets.
Analog terminals are a special case. The accuracy data specified in the data sheets for
these devices refers to the documented mounting position (usually horizontal DIN rail;
Figure 10-3, detail A). The typical tolerance values for the relevant configurations are
determined in this mounting position. Experience from previous testing indicates that the
typical tolerances of analog terminals are slightly affected by the mounting position. This
means that another mounting position is also possible in principle.
To ensure sufficient mechanical fixing for the Inline station or Inline Block IO module when
mounting on a vertical DIN rail (Figure 10-3, detail B), we recommend the E/AL-NS 35 end
clamp. This prevents the station or module from slipping down, particularly in the event of



US 1 D 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1
BF 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2




1 2

1 1

2 2

3 3

E/AL-NS 35



4 4



CLIPFIX 35-5 6452A050

Figure 10-3 Mounting positions for an Inline station

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10.3 Mounting distances

The space required for cable routing depends on the number of cables to be installed and
must be left free on the left and/or right-hand side.
In order to minimize the parallel installation of signal and power supply lines, the cable duct
on the left can be used for the signal and bus lines, for example, and the duct on the right for
the power supply lines. This ensures that the parallel installation of these cable types is kept
to a minimum and limits interference on the signal lines.
For the distances of the upper and lower cable ducts or the cable routing to the devices,
please refer to the sections below.

10.3.1 Mounting distances for Inline Modular IO terminals Mounting distances for terminals in the 24 V DC, 120 V AC, and
230 V AC areas (excluding terminals with fiber optic connections)

30 mm 75 mm
(1.181") (2.953")
60 mm
190 mm

60 mm

40 mm

Figure 10-4 Mounting distances for terminals in the 24 V DC, 120 V AC, and 230 V AC

If the distances are smaller, the minimum bending radius of the cables, easy handling
during installation, and a clear structure cannot be guaranteed.

110 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Mounting/removing devices Mounting distances for terminals with fiber optic connections

The bending radius and the space required for mounting terminals with fiber optic
connections depends on the fiber optics used. Furthermore, the connector that is used
affects the mounting distances.

Observe the instructions in the "IBS SYS FOC ASSEMBLY" fiber optic installation
guidelines when determining the mounting distances.

According to the guidelines valid at the time of publication (Revision 03, 01/2007) the
minimum bending radius for individual wires is 30 mm, and the minimum bending radius for
a cable is either 50 mm or 65 mm depending on the cable. Using a fast connection
connector with bend protection, for example, results in the following mounting distances:

1 0 0 m m
(3 .9 3 7 ")
6 6 ,5 m m
3 0 m m
(2 .6 1 8 ")
(1 .1 8 1 ")

2 8 ,5 m m
U L (1 .1 2 2 ")
(2 .3 6 2 ")

6 0 m m


(7 .4 8 0 ")
1 9 0 m m

F O 1
F O 2


(2 .3 6 2 ")
6 0 m m


4 0 m m
(1 .5 7 5 ")
5 5 2 0 A 1 1 1

Figure 10-5 Example mounting distances for the IBS IL 24 BK-LK-PAC bus coupler
when using individual wires (bending radius 30 mm)

6452_en_09 PHOENIX CONTACT 111 / 196

IL SYS INST UM E Mounting distances for power-level terminals

NOTE: Overheating
The minimum vertical mounting distances shown in Figure 10-6 must be observed for
power-level terminals to ensure sufficient ventilation of the power-level terminals.

Ensure additional space for installing the cables.

5 0 m m
1 1 5 m m
(1 .9 6 9 ")
(3 .2 2 8 ") (4 .5 2 8 ")
8 2 m m
(1 2 .7 1 7 ")
3 2 3 m m

(5 .5 5 1 ")
1 4 1 m m

5 0 m m
(1 .9 6 9 ")
5 5 2 0 A 1 1 2

Figure 10-6 Mounting distances for power-level terminals

112 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Mounting/removing devices Mounting distances for mounting outside a terminal box

If the Inline stations are housed, e.g., in a control cabinet rather than a terminal box, the DIN
rail distances depend on the previously specified mounting distances and the particular
configuration of the individual Inline stations. The possible mounting distances are shown in
Figure 10-7.

R 1 R 1 D D
1 1
R 2 R 2
2 2
1 1 D 1 1 1
2 2 E 2 2 2 D O 2 -2 A D O 2 -2 A
D O 2 -2 A D O 2 -2 A P W R IN D O 2 -2 A D O 4 D O 2

(1 .5 7 8 ")
4 0 m m
(6 .2 9 9 ")
1 6 0 m m

(1 .9 6 9 ")
5 0 m m
(1 0 .7 4 8 ")
D 1 D 1 1 1 1 D 1 D D

2 7 3 m m
E 2 2 2 2 2 2

S E G -E L F D I8 D I2 D I2 2 R T D

(1 .9 6 9 ")
5 0 m m

(7 .5 5 9 ")

1 9 2 m m

R 1 D D D D D
1 1 D 1 1 1
R 2 E
2 2 2 2 2
L O C 3
D O 2 -2 A D O 2 -2 A P W R IN D O 2 -2 A D O 4 D O 2

R 1 D D D D D
1 1 D 1 1 1
R 2 E
2 2 2 2 2
L O C 3
D O 2 -2 A D O 2 -2 A P W R IN D O 2 -2 A D O 4 D O 2

(1 .9 6 9 ")
5 0 m m
(9 .8 8 2 ")
2 5 1 m m

1 D 1 D D 1 D 1 D 1 D
2 2 E 2 2 2
D O 2 -2 A D O 2 -2 A P W R IN D O 2 -2 A D O 4 D O 2

6 4 5 2 A 0 0 5

Figure 10-7 Mounting distances for mounting outside the terminal box for different
station structures

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10.3.2 Mounting distances for Inline Block IO modules




Figure 10-8 Mounting distances (in mm)

If the distances are smaller, the minimum bending radius of the cables, easy handling
during installation, and a clear structure cannot be guaranteed.

114 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Mounting/removing devices

10.4 Grounding concept

Within an Inline station, a distinction is made between functional earth ground (FE) and
protective earth ground (PE).
For Inline Block IO modules, only functional earth grounding is used.

Protective earth Protective earth grounding protects people and machines against hazardous voltages. To
grounding (PE) avoid these dangers, correct installation, taking the local conditions into account, is vital.

Functional earth Functional earth grounding is used to improve noise immunity. All devices must be
grounding (FE) grounded so that any possible interference from data transmission paths is shielded and
discharged to ground.
A 1.5 mm2 wire must be used for grounding spring-cage terminals.

10.4.1 Functional earth ground (FE)

Functional earth ground is a low-impedance current path between circuits and ground. It is
not designed as a safety measure but rather, for example, for the improvement of noise

Functional earth ground (FE) is only used to discharge interference. It does not provide
shock protection for people.

Functional earth ground is used within the 24 V DC area (SELV).

To ensure reliable functional earth grounding of the station, various points must be

Inline Modular IO For Inline Modular IO terminals, functional earth ground is led from the grounded bus
coupler through the 24 V DC area of the station using the FE potential jumper.
1 The bus coupler, power terminals, and segment terminals have an FE spring (metal
clip) on the bottom of the electronics base. This spring establishes an electrical
connection to the DIN rail. Use grounding terminals to connect the DIN rail to protective
earth ground. The terminals are grounded when they are snapped onto the DIN rail.
2 Phoenix Contact also recommends grounding the Inline Modular IO bus coupler via the
FE terminal point of the corresponding connector to ensure reliable functional earth
grounding even if the DIN rail is dirty or the metal clip is damaged (see terminal-specific
data sheet).
3 A 120 V AC or 230 V AC voltage area interrupts the FE potential jumper. Therefore, a
24 V DC power terminal, which is installed directly after such an area, must also be
grounded via the FE terminal point (see terminal-specific data sheet).
Any additional Inline low-level signal terminals are automatically grounded via the
FE potential jumper when they are properly installed.
The FE potential jumper is looped through the power-level terminals.

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1 2
1 2
1 2 2

1 2 DO

1 2
1 2
1 2
4-PA I1
DI8 6 7 2
BK 7892 5 DI
IL PB-No.: 28 8
er O1
Ord 2 6
PR 2 3
BF 1
UL 4
0 2 FS 3
4 US
0 2 6 UM
6 x1
10 8




Figure 10-9 Additional functional earth grounding of a bus coupler

(Example: IL PB BK DI8 DO4-PAC)

Figure 10-9 shows the additional grounding for a bus coupler using the example of the
IL PB BK DI8 DO4-PAC bus coupler. Connect the additional grounding to your device
according to the terminal-specific documentation.

Inline Block IO 1 The modules have an FE spring (metal clip) on the bottom of the electronics base. This
spring establishes an electrical connection to the DIN rail. Use grounding terminals to
connect the DIN rail to protective earth ground. The modules are grounded when they
are snapped onto the DIN rail.
2 Phoenix Contact also recommends grounding the Inline Block IO module via the
FE terminal point of the corresponding connector to ensure reliable functional earth
grounding even if the DIN rail is dirty or the metal clip is damaged (see terminal-specific
data sheet).

116 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Mounting/removing devices

10.4.2 Protective earth ground (PE) (Inline Modular IO)

Protective earth ground is a low-impedance current path that minimizes the risk to the
operator in the event of an error (including a high voltage and/or current error between an
electrical circuit and ground).
In Inline terminals, protective earth ground is used outside the SELV.

WARNING: Disregarding this warning may result in the loss of electrical safety
Every power terminal of the 120 V AC or 230 V AC area must be connected to the DIN rail
with low impedance, otherwise no protection is provided.

The PE (protective earth ground) potential jumper is led from the power terminal of the
120 V AC or 230 V AC area through this entire area to the next power terminal.
Power-level terminals are connected to PE using the power connector and voltage
continuation between power-level terminals is ensured using the power bridge.

D 1
1 DO
1 AC

L 12

1 2 0 PW

1 2
1 2
1 2
4-PA I1
DI8 6 7 DI
BK 7892 5
IL PB-No.: 28 8
er O1
Ord 2 6
PR 2 3
BF 1
UL 4
0 2 FS 3
4 US
0 2 6 UM
6 x1
10 8



Figure 10-10 Additional grounding of a bus coupler and protective earth ground
(Example: IL PB BK DI8 DO4-PAC)

Figure 10-10 shows the additional grounding and protective earth ground connection
using the example of the IL PB BK DI8 DO4-PAC bus coupler. Connect the additional
grounding and protective earth ground to your devices according to the terminal-specific

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10.5 Shielding concept

Shielding is used to reduce the effects of interference on the system.

10.5.1 Inline shielding concept

In the Inline system, shielded cables are used with the following terminals:
– Remote bus cables
– Connecting cables
– At terminals for analog signals (analog input, analog output, temperature
– At terminals for open and closed-loop control
– At communication terminals
– At detection terminals
– At programmable terminals
Observe the following points when installing shielding:
– Secure the shielding so that as much of the braided shield as possible is held
underneath the clamp of the shield connection.
– Make sure there is good contact between the connector and base.
– Do not damage or squeeze the wires.
– When connecting the shielding, observe the specifications for the connector wiring.

10.5.2 Shielding when connecting analog sensors and actuators

– Always connect analog sensors and actuators with shielded, twisted pair cables.
– Connect the shielding via the Inline connector with shield connection (see Section
“Connecting shielded cables using an Inline shield connector” on page 134).

When connecting the cables, observe the instructions in the terminal-specific data sheets.

– As a rule, shielding must only be connected directly to the PE potential on one side. This
is to prevent any occurrence of voltage equalization currents via the shielding.
– If necessary, integrate the shielding concept for analog I/O cables into the system
concept, for example, it is useful to use a central FE shield connection at the control
cabinet entry.

118 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Mounting/removing devices

Example: Integration of analog shielding in a concept with central equipotential

bonding at the control cabinet entry




Figure 10-11 Integration of analog shielding in a concept with central equipotential
bonding at the control cabinet entry

1 Lead the analog cable into the Inline connector making sure to maintain the cable
2 Use shielded twisted pair cables.
3 Connect the strain relief directly to PE potential.
Connect the shield for the entire analog transmission path to PE potential at just one
point. In the example above, this point is the jumpering level (C).
4 Lead the sensor cable into the sensor making sure to maintain the cable insulation.

NOTE: Possible malfunctions

When integrating the shielding of analog I/O cables in an equipotential bonding concept,
make sure that direct connection to the PE potential is only made at one point (e.g., at the
central grounding point of the jumpering level).

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10.6 Mounting/removal

10.6.1 Inline Modular IO: Mounting/removal

Mounting side by side An Inline station is set up by mounting the individual components side by side. No tools are
(Inline Modular IO) required. Mounting the components side by side automatically establishes the potential and
bus signal connections between the individual station components.
After a station has been set up, individual terminals can be exchanged by pulling them out
or plugging them in. Tools are not required.

End clamps Mount end clamps on both sides of the Inline station. The end clamps ensure that the Inline
(Inline Modular IO) station is correctly mounted. End clamps secure the Inline station on both sides and keep it
from moving from side to side on the DIN rail. For the recommended end clamps, please
refer to Section “Ordering data” on page 165.
When mounting on a horizontal DIN rail, the end clamps can be snapped onto the DIN rail
at any point during station assembly.
When mounting on a vertical DIN rail, secure the end clamp on the left at the start of station
assembly, so as to prevent the station from slipping down.

End plate The end plate terminates an Inline station. It has no electrical function. It protects the station
(Inline Modular IO) against ESD pulses and the user against dangerous contact voltages. The end plate is
supplied with the bus coupler and does not have to be ordered separately.

Order of the Inline When mounting, observe the correct order of the Inline terminals (see Section “Order of the
terminals Inline Modular IO terminals” on page 129).

120 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Mounting/removing devices Mounting/removing/replacing terminals in the 24 V DC and

120 V AC/230 V AC areas

Mounting When mounting a terminal in these areas, proceed as shown in Figure 10-12 on page 122:
• Disconnect the power to the station.
• First snap on the electronics base, which is required for mounting the station,
perpendicular to the DIN rail (detail A).

When doing this ensure that all featherkeys and keyways on adjacent terminals are
securely interlocked (detail B).
The keyway/featherkey connection links adjacent terminals together and ensures that
data and potential routing is created safely.

• First, insert the data jumper for the bus interface in the guideways by snapping it
onto the previous terminal (detail B1).

NOTE: Malfunction in the event of no contacting

Press gently against the adjacent terminal on the left to make sure that the featherkey has
snapped into its keyway on the bus interface.

• Then insert the other potential jumpers into their guideways and snap the
featherkeys into the corresponding keyways (detail B2).
• Detail C1 shows a common error. Here, the bus interface has not contacted
properly. The featherkey is not in the keyway. The bus is not running or is running
with errors ("loose contact").
• Detail C2 shows secure contacting of the data jumpers and the interlocking
keyway/featherkey connection.

• Once all the bases have been snapped on, plug the connectors into the
appropriate bases.
First, place the front connector shaft latching in the front snap-on mechanism
(detail D1).
Then press the top of the connector towards the base until it snaps into the back snap-
on mechanism (detail D2).

The keyways of an electronics base do not continue on a connector. When snapping on

an electronics base, there must be no connector on the left-hand side of the base. If a
connector is present, it will have to be removed.

6452_en_09 PHOENIX CONTACT 121 / 196




C C1
D D2

Figure 10-12 Mounting a terminal

Removal When removing a terminal, proceed as shown in Figure 10-13 on page 123:
• Disconnect the power to the station.
• If there is a labeling field, which covers several connectors, it may have to be removed
(detail A1).

If a terminal has several connectors, all connectors of the terminal must be removed. The
following describes how a 2-slot terminal is removed.
• Lift the connector of the terminal to be removed by pressing on the back connector shaft
latching (detail A2).

When using extended double signal connectors (long connectors), please ensure that you
do not bend them back too far, as you may break the front snap-on mechanism.
• Remove the connector (detail B).
• Remove the adjacent connectors of the neighboring terminals (detail C). This prevents
the potential routing knife contacts and the keyway/featherkey connections from being
damaged. You also have more space available for accessing the terminal.

122 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Mounting/removing devices

• Press the snap-on mechanism (detail D1), and remove the electronics base from the
DIN rail by pulling the base straight back (detail D2). If you have not removed the
connector of the adjacent terminal on the left, remove it now in order to protect the
potential routing knife contacts and the featherkeys of the keyway/featherkey




Figure 10-13 Removing a terminal

Replacing a terminal If you want to replace a terminal within the Inline station, follow the removal procedure
described above. Do not snap the connector of the adjacent terminal on the left back on yet.
Insert the base of the new terminal.

When doing this ensure that all featherkeys and keyways on adjacent terminals are
securely interlocked.

Then reconnect all the connectors.

The top connector latching must click into place.

6452_en_09 PHOENIX CONTACT 123 / 196

IL SYS INST UM E Replacing a fuse

The 24 V DC power and segment terminals are also available in versions with a fuse. If a
fuse is not present or faulty, you must insert or replace it.

WARNING: Observe the following notes when replacing a fuse for the protection
of your health and your system.
1. Use the screwdriver carefully to avoid injury to yourself or other persons.
2. Lift the fuse out at the metal contact. Do not lift the fuse out at the glass part as this
may break it.
3. Carefully lift the fuse out at one side and remove it by hand. Make sure the fuse does
not fall into your system.
When replacing a fuse, proceed as shown in Figure 10-14 on page 125:
• Lift the fuse lever (detail A).
• Insert the screwdriver behind a metal contact of the fuse (detail B).
• Carefully lift out the metal contact of the fuse (detail C).
• Remove the fuse by hand (detail D).
• Insert a new fuse (detail E).
• Push the fuse lever down again until it clicks into place (detail F).

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Mounting/removing devices




Figure 10-14 Replacing a fuse

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IL SYS INST UM E Mounting/removing power-level terminals

Observe the following safety notes and warning instructions when working on power-level

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

Only work on power-level terminals and connectors when the power is disconnected.

Observe the safety notes and warning instructions provided in the terminal-specific data

Mounting When mounting a power-level terminal, proceed as shown in Figure 10-15:

• Snap on the power housing, which is required for mounting the station, perpendicular
to the DIN rail (detail A).

When doing this ensure that all featherkeys and keyways on adjacent terminals are
securely interlocked.
The keyway/featherkey connection links adjacent terminals together and ensures that
potential routing is created safely.

The keyways of an electronics base do not continue on the connector of terminals for the
24 V DC area. When snapping on a power housing, there must be no 24 V connector on
the left-hand side of the housing. If a connector is present, it will have to be removed.

5 5 2 0 C 0 8 8

Figure 10-15 Mounting a power-level terminal

• Next, attach the required connectors to the housing.

The available connections are described in Section “Connections on a power-level
terminal (Inline Modular IO)” on page 149.

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Mounting/removing devices

Removal When removing a terminal, proceed as shown in Figure 10-16:

• If adjacent terminals belong to the 24 V DC or 120 V AC/230 V AC area:
Remove the adjacent connectors of the neighboring terminals (Figure 10-13 on
page 123). This prevents the potential routing knife contacts and the
keyway/featherkey connection from being damaged.
• Lift the release flaps towards the center of the power-level terminal (Figure 10-16,
detail A).
• Remove the power-level terminal by uniformly pulling the release flaps straight back
from the DIN rail (detail B). If you have not removed the connector of the adjacent
terminal on the left, remove it now in order to protect the potential routing featherkeys
and the keyway/featherkey connection.


5 5 2 0 B 0 8 9

Figure 10-16 Removing a power-level terminal

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10.6.2 Inline Block IO: Mounting/removal



Figure 10-17 Snapping on the base Figure 10-18 Snapping on a connector
• Place the base onto the DIN rail from above (Figure 10-17, A) and press down firmly

• Plug the connectors into the base (Figure 10-18).

First, insert the front connector shaft latching (A).
Then press the top of the connector towards the base until it snaps into place (B).




Figure 10-19 Removing a connector Figure 10-20 Removing the base

• Disconnect the power to the module.
• If there is a labeling field, which covers several connectors, it may have to be removed.

Before removing the base, disconnect all the necessary connectors, so as to provide
access to the base latch.
When using extended double signal connectors (long connectors), please ensure that you
do not bend them back too far, as you may break the front snap-on mechanism.
• Lift the connector that is to be removed by pressing on the back connector shaft
latching (Figure 10-19, A).
• Remove the connector (B).
• Insert a tool in the base latch and pull gently upwards (Figure 10-20, A). Pull the module
out from the DIN rail (B, C).

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Mounting/removing devices

10.6.3 Order of the Inline Modular IO terminals General order

The order of the terminals within an Inline station should depend on the current consumption
of the I/O from the potential jumpers UM and US.
As the voltage at every power terminal is reinjected into the potential jumpers UM and US,
the section (main circuit) between a bus coupler and a power terminal or between a power
terminal and another power terminal must always be considered when calculating the
current. If power terminals are not used, the entire station is a main circuit.
Within a main circuit, install the terminals according to their current consumption. Install
the terminals with the highest current consumption first. This has the advantage that the
high supply current does not flow through the entire main circuit and thus does not flow
through all the terminals.
The following order is recommended.
Table 10-1 Order of the Inline terminals within a main circuit
Function Abbreviation in order Function Note
designation identification
1 Digital output DO, SDO Pink, red, In descending order of current consumption
dark red
2 Digital input DI, SDI Light blue, blue, In descending order of current consumption
dark blue
3 Relay DOR, SDOR Dark red
4 Power ELR, MLR, Dark red See also
5 Special functions Orange In descending order of current consumption
– Open and PWM, CNT,
closed-loop SSI, INC, TEMPCON
– Communication RS, ASI MA, DALI
– Detection INC-IN, SSI-IN,
– Safety SAFE Please observe any special requirements
(subsequent safety-related segment circuit or
subsequent power-level terminals).
6 Analog output AO Yellow In descending order of current consumption;
see also
7 Analog input AI, SGI, TEMP Green In descending order of current consumption;
see also
IB IL TEMP 2/UTH-PAC As the last terminal

Please also observe the following notes:

– In the event of any further restrictions regarding the position of a terminal, please refer
to the terminal-specific data sheet.
– For the current consumption of the terminals, please refer to the relevant terminal-
specific data sheet.

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IL SYS INST UM E Remote bus branch in an Inline station

If you want to integrate a remote bus branch into an Inline station, please note that the
terminal with remote bus branch must be placed directly after a bus terminal, an Inline
Controller or another terminal with remote bus branch.

Please refer to the corresponding data sheets to see if any other special requirements
should be observed. Positioning terminals for analog signals

High current flowing through potential jumpers UM and US leads to a temperature rise in the
potential jumpers and inside the terminal. This reduces the measuring accuracy and
shortens the service life of the terminal.
To keep the current flowing through the potential jumpers of the analog terminals as low as
possible, always place the analog terminals after all the other terminals at the end of the
main circuit.

Within the analog terminals, position the

IB IL TEMP 2/UTH-PAC terminal after all the other terminals to keep the current flowing
through all the potential jumpers for this terminal as low as possible. Positioning power-level terminals

In a 24 V DC area, position the power-level terminals anywhere in the main circuit, but
before the analog terminals.
In a 24 V DC area, power-level terminals can be positioned anywhere in the main circuit
before terminals with a special function and analog terminals. Due to noise emissions,
power-level terminals with mechanical load relay (MLR) should be positioned away from
analog terminals, i.e., they must not be placed adjacent to them.

Please note that only adjacent power-level terminals can be connected for potential
jumpering using power bridges.

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Mounting/removing devices Example of the structure of a main circuit

Table 10-2 Example: Structure of a main circuit

Terminal Type Reason for position

1 IB IL 24 DO 16-PAC Digital output terminal DO, current higher than
for 2;
please observe note below
2 IB IL 24 DO 2-PAC Digital output terminal DO
3 IB IL 24 DI 16-PAC Digital input terminal DI, current higher than for 4
4 IB IL 24 DI 2-PAC Digital input terminal DI
5 IB IL 400 MLR 1-8A Power-level terminal Any, before analog
6 IB IL CNT-PAC Function terminal
7 IB IL AO 2/SF-PAC Analog output terminal AO
8 IB IL TEMP 2/UTH-PAC Analog input terminal AI, after all others

In the event of high simultaneity of digital outputs and maximum current load, insert a
power terminal after the IB IL 24 DO 16-PAC terminal.

If the maximum load of the outputs is 0.2 A, an additional power terminal is not required. This
configuration is in Figure 10-21.

Figure 10-21 Suggested solution

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Connecting cables

11 Connecting cables

11.1 Connecting cables using Inline connectors

Excluding a few exceptions, the cables for the I/O and supply voltages are connected via
Inline connectors using the spring-cage method. This means that signals up to
250 V AC/DC and 8 A can be connected with a conductor cross-section of 0.08 mm2 to
1.5 mm2.

Please observe the permissible lengths for sensor/actuator cables (see Section “Cable
connection method/cross-section” on page 163 or terminal-specific data sheet).
Both shielded and unshielded cables are used with Inline Modular IO terminals or
Inline Block IO modules.

11.1.1 Connecting unshielded cables

Figure 11-1 Connecting unshielded cables

Wire the connectors according to your application.

For the connector pin assignment, please refer to the corresponding terminal-specific data

When wiring, proceed as follows:

• Strip 8 mm off the cable.

Inline wiring is normally done without ferrules. However, it is possible to use ferrules. If
using ferrules, make sure they are properly crimped.
• Push a screwdriver into the slot of the appropriate terminal point (Figure 11-1, detail 1),
so that you can insert the wire into the spring opening.
Phoenix Contact recommends using a SZF 1 - 0,6X3,5 screwdriver
(Order No. 1204517).
• Insert the wire (Figure 11-1, detail 2). Remove the screwdriver from the opening. This
clamps the wire.
Following installation, the wires and the terminal points should be labeled (see also Section
“Function identification and labeling” on page 61).

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11.1.2 Connecting shielded cables using an Inline shield

Shielded cables can be connected via IB IL SCN-6 SHIELD and
IB IL SCN 6-SHIELD-TWIN shield connectors. The IB IL SCN-6 SHIELD shield connector
is designed to connect one shielded cable. Two shielded cables can be easily connected
via the IB IL SCN 6-SHIELD-TWIN shield connector. In principle, cables are connected via
the shield connector in the same way as shown in Figure 11-2 on page 135 and Figure 11-3
on page 136.
Figure 11-2 shows the connection of a shielded cable using a remote bus cable as an
example. In this example, the cables are twisted pair cables.
Figure 11-3 shows the connection of two shielded cables, using the wiring of the
IB IL AI 2/SF-PAC terminal as an example. As two channels can be used here, the
IB IL SCN 6-SHIELD-TWIN shield connector is used.
When connecting the cables proceed as shown in Figure 11-2 and Figure 11-3:

Stripping cables • Strip the outer cable sheath to the desired length (a) (detail A).
The desired length (a) depends on the connection position of the wires and whether the
wires should have a large or small amount of space between the connection point and
the shield connection.
• Shorten the braided shield to 15 mm (detail A).
• Fold the braided shield back over the outer sheath (detail B).
• Remove the protective foil.
• Strip 8 mm off the wires (detail B).

Inline wiring is normally done without ferrules. However, it is possible to use ferrules. If
using ferrules, make sure they are properly crimped.

When using twisted pair cables, keep the wire twisted until just before the terminal point.

Wiring the connectors • Push a screwdriver into the actuation shaft of the appropriate terminal point
(Figure 11-1 on page 133, detail 1), so that you can insert the wire into the spring
Phoenix Contact recommends using a SZF 1 - 0,6X3,5 screwdriver
(Order No. 1204517).
• Insert the wire (Figure 11-1 on page 133, detail 2). Remove the screwdriver from the
opening. This clamps the wire.

For the connector pin assignment, please refer to the corresponding terminal-specific data

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Connecting cables

Connecting the shield Figure 11-2 shows the shield connection for the IB IL SCN 6-SHIELD connector. The
procedure for the IB IL SCN 6-SHIELD-TWIN connector (shown in Figure 11-3) is the same.
• Open the shield connection (detail C).
• Check the position of the shield connection clamp in the shield connection (see also
“Shield connection clamp” on page 137).
• Place the cable with the folded braided shield in the shield connection (detail D).
• Close the shield connection (detail E).
• Tighten the screws on the shield connection with a screwdriver (detail F).

To ensure that the shield connection clamp remains in place when the shield connection
is closed, first secure the shield clamp with screws and then close the shield connection.

A a
15 mm 8 mm
(0.59") (0.31")


Figure 11-2 Connecting a shielded cable via the IB IL SCN-6 SHIELD shield connector

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A 15 mm
B 8 mm
(0.59") (0.31")



Figure 11-3 Connecting two shielded cables via the IB IL SCN 6-SHIELD-TWIN shield

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Connecting cables

Shield connection clamp The shield connection clamp (a in Figure 11-4, detail B) in the shield connection can be
used in various ways depending on the cable cross-section. For thicker cables (e.g., bus
cable), the dip in the clamp must be turned away from the cable (Figure 11-4, detail B). For
thinner cables, the dip in the clamp must be turned towards the cable (Figure 11-4, detail F).
If you need to change the position of the shield connection clamp, proceed as shown in
Figure 11-4:
• Open the shield connection housing (detail A).
• The shield connection is delivered with the clamp positioned for connecting thicker
cables (detail B).
• Remove the clamp (detail C), turn it to suit the cross-section of the cable (detail D), then
reinsert the clamp (detail E).
• Detail F shows the position of the clamp for a thin cable.



Figure 11-4 Shield connection clamp alignment

11.1.3 Connecting shielded cables using an Inline connector

With analog, function, or communication terminals without Inline shield plug, shielding can
be connected by separate accessories. Connect the shielding with the shielding accesso-
ries given in the ordering data.
Please refer to the “Ordering data for accessories: shield connection” on page 165 for the
recommended accessories. You will also find the relevant information in the terminal-spe-
cific data sheet.

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11.2 Connecting the power supplies

Inline Modular IO To operate an Inline station you must provide the supply voltage for the bus coupler, the
logic of the terminals, and the sensors and actuators.
Connect the power supplies using unshielded cables as described in Section “Connecting
unshielded cables” on page 133.

For the connector pin assignment of the supply voltage connections, please refer to the
terminal-specific data sheets for bus couplers, power terminals, and segment terminals.

Inline Block IO When using Inline Block IO modules, the supply voltage for the module and the sensors and
actuators must be provided. Depending on the module, connection can be via Inline
connector or COMBICON connector.
The power supplies are connected using unshielded cables. For connection via Inline
connector, see Section “Connecting unshielded cables” on page 133.

For the connector pin assignments for connecting supply voltages, please refer to the
relevant module-specific data sheet.

11.2.1 Inline Modular IO: Supply options

Bus coupler supply

For detailed information, please refer to the documentation for your bus coupler.

Power terminal supply

Depending on the type of power terminal, the following supply voltages can be supplied or
– UM and US (I/O supply voltage)
– U24V (generation of UL and UANA), UM, and US (communications power and I/O supply

Please also refer to the information provided in Section “Power, segment, and accessory
terminals” on page 31.

Providing the segment voltage at segment terminals

At segment terminals, the segment voltage US is provided from the main circuit UM.

Please also refer to the information provided in Section “Power, segment, and accessory
terminals” on page 31.

Notes on supply voltages

The bus coupler supplies the module electronics of the connected terminals with
communications power (UL), which is generated, for example, from the bus coupler supply
voltage (UBK). If the supply voltage UBK is disconnected, the bus stops.

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Connecting cables

The supply voltage to the sensors and actuators (UM/US) should be installed and protected
independently of the bus coupler supply (UBK). In this way the bus continues to run even if
some I/O devices are switched off.

11.2.2 Power supply requirements

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

Only use power supply units that ensure safe isolation between the primary and secondary
circuits according to EN 50178.

For additional power supply requirements, please refer to the documentation for your bus
coupler and the power terminals.

Inline Modular IO: Supply voltage requirements that differ from the system
The specifications for Inline system supply voltages are described in “Technical data for
Inline Modular IO” on page 157. However, some terminals have specific requirements.
Therefore, always refer to the corresponding data sheet.
This section provides information about the various possible requirements within an Inline

Table 11-1 Supply voltage requirements of various products (example)

Inline IB IL 400 MLR 1-8A

(system requirements)
Nominal voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC
Ripple ±5% ±5%
Permissible voltage range 19.2 V DC to 30.0 V DC 19.2 V DC to 28.8 V DC
(including ripple)
Documented in “Technical data for Data sheet
Inline Modular IO” on
page 157

If you are using Inline in a system with other product ranges, also observe the technical
data for these product ranges. Please refer to the corresponding documentation for this
technical data.

Two options are available when using terminals, which have special requirements regarding
the power supply:
1 Observe the specific parameters for the power supply in the entire system.
2 Observe the specific parameters in the main circuit where the terminals are located.

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11.3 Recommendation for supplying the supply voltage

and resetting the voltage with regard to Inline Mod-

11.3.1 Supply at the bus head

In the Inline terminals, electrical isolation is implemented between the logic and I/O devices.
To prevent decreasing the electrical isolation, the voltages for supplying the logic and for
supplying the I/O devices must be provided separately using two separate power supply

UL+ (7,5 V)
UBK UANA+ (24 V)
US (24 V)
UM/US UM (24 V)

24 V 0 V 24 V 0 V

24 V DC 24 V DC

Figure 11-5 Schematic example for supplying the supply voltage at the bus coupler (BK)
using two separate power supply units

Depending on the device that forms the head of the Inline station, the voltage which is used
to generate the UL communications power and the UANA voltage for the analog terminals
has different designations.

Table 11-2 Designation for the voltages

Device Designation of the voltage which is used to generate UL

and UANA
Bus coupler UBK
Inline controller UILC
Field multiplexer UMUX
Other U24V

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Connecting cables

11.3.2 Supply at power terminals and boost terminals

To ensure electrical isolation through the entire station, make sure that the power terminals
and boost terminals are also supplied separately.
(UL, UANA) ... ... ...
U24V U24V

24 V 0V 24 V 0V 24 V 0V 24 V 0 V 24 V 0V 24 V 0V

24 V DC 24 V DC

Figure 11-6 Supply of the power terminals and boost terminals using two separate
power supply units

Table 11-3 Inline power terminals and boost terminals

Type Supply of
IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F(-D)-PAC X –
IB IL 24 PWR IN/R/L-0.8A-PAC – X

11.3.3 Supply when connecting sensors and actuators in 1-wire

If you are not supplying 1-wire technology sensors and actuators using the IB IL 24V-PAC
or IB IL GND-PAC potential distributor terminals, these terminals must also be supplied
from the power supply unit that was used to supply UM/US.
DI.../HD DO.../HD

1.1 2.1

BK 1.1 2.1

UBK 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2


(UL, UANA) ... 1.3 2.3

... 1.3 2.3

+24 V
1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4

+24 V
24 V 0V 24 V 0V

24 V DC 24 V DC

Figure 11-7 Supply when connecting sensors and actuators in 1-wire technology

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11.3.4 Testing the supply during startup

During startup, make sure that all GND connections of the supply connectors of an Inline
station are connected to GND (0 V) of the relevant power supply unit by means of measure-
ment. For this purpose, remove all power connectors from the relevant terminals and mea-
sure the connection.
When using power terminals, make sure that they are assigned to the correct power supply
unit in order not to decrease electrical isolation within the station.

11.3.5 Behavior during reset at the bus coupler, Inline controller

or field multiplexer

NOTE: Malfunction
If you want to perform a reset at the head of the Inline station by switching the supply volt-
age off and on again, disconnect power to all I/O devices connected.
Disregarding this measure may lead to unwanted feedback.

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Connecting cables

11.4 Connecting the bus

The bus cable for your system is connected directly to the module in the case of
Inline Block IO and to a bus coupler in the case of Inline Modular IO. Table 11-4 below lists
the basic options for connecting the bus.

Table 11-4 Connection options for the individual fieldbus systems

Fieldbus Connection method Connection is
(to the Inline Block IO module or available
the Inline Modular IO bus coupler) Inline Inline
Modular Block IO
PROFINET IO RJ45 female connector Yes Yes
SCRJ female connector Planned No
INTERBUS Inline shield connector Yes Yes
9-pos. D-SUB female connector/ Yes Yes
9-pos. D-SUB male connector
F-SMA female connector Yes No
E2000 female connector Yes No
PROFIBUS DP 9-pos. D-SUB female connector Yes Yes
Ethernet/IP RJ45 female connector Yes –
Ethernet TCP/IP RJ45 female connector Yes Yes
Modbus/TCP RJ45 female connector Yes Yes
Modbus/RTU 9-pos. D-SUB female connector Yes –
Sercos II F-SMA female connector Yes –
Sercos III RJ45 female connector Yes Yes
DeviceNet 2 x 5-pos. TWIN-COMBICON male connectors Yes Yes
CANopen 2 x 5-pos. TWIN-COMBICON male connectors Yes No
9-pos. D-SUB female connector No Yes
Mechatrolink USB type A Yes –
Bluetooth Radio, antenna connection with SMA female – Yes


Yes Connection method is available

Planned Connection method is not available at present, but is planned
No Connection method is not available at present
– No devices are available at present for this bus system

Connect the fieldbus according to the documentation for your Inline Block IO module or
Inline Modular IO bus coupler.

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11.5 Connecting sensors and actuators

Sensors and actuators are connected using connectors. The relevant terminal-specific data
sheet indicates which connector(s) can be used for which terminal.
Connect the unshielded cables as described in Section “Connecting unshielded cables” on
page 133.
Connect the shielded cables as described in Section “Connecting shielded cables using an
Inline shield connector” on page 134.

11.5.1 Connection methods for sensors and actuators

Most of the digital I/O terminals in the Inline product range support the connection of sensors
and actuators in 1, 2, 3 or 4-wire technology.

Because of the different types of connectors, a single connector can support the following
connection methods:
– 8 sensors or actuators in 1-wire technology
– 2 sensors or actuators in 2, 3 or 4-wire technology
– 4 sensors or actuators in 2 or 3-wire technology
– 2 sensors or actuators in 2 or 3-wire technology with shield
(for analog sensors or actuators)

When connecting analog devices, please refer to the terminal-specific data sheets, as the
connection method for analog devices differs from that for digital devices.

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Connecting cables

11.5.2 Connections used for digital input and output terminals

Different connection options are described below using 24 V DC terminals as an example.
For the 120 V AC/230 V AC area, the data changes accordingly. A connection example is
provided in the relevant terminal-specific data sheet.
Table 11-5 Overview of the connections used for digital input terminals

Connection Representatio 1-wire 2-wire 3-wire 4-wire

n in the figure
Sensor signal IN IN X X X X
Sensor supply US/UM US (+24 V) – X X X
Ground GND GND () – – X X

Ground/FE shielding FE () – – – X

X Used
– Not used

Table 11-6 Overview of the connections used for digital output terminals

Connection Representation in the 1-wire 2-wire 3-wire 4-wire

Actuator signal OUT OUT X X X X
Actuator supply US US (+24 V) – – – X
Ground GND GND () – X X X

Ground/FE shielding FE () – – X X

X Used
– Not used

In the following diagrams, US is the supply voltage because this potential jumper is
accessed in the majority of terminals. The relevant terminal-specific data sheet specifies
whether the I/O is supplied from the main circuit UM or the segment circuit US.

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11.5.3 The various connection methods for sensors and actua-


1-wire technology





+24 V (US)
Figure 11-8 1-wire termination for digital devices

Sensor Figure 11-9, detail A, shows the detection of a sensor signal schematically. The SW switch
provides the input signal. The sensor signal is led to terminal point IN1. The sensor is
supplied by the voltage US.

NOTE: Malfunction due to potential shifts

Supply the sensors and US of the Inline station from the same power supply. Make sure
that there is at least one common GND as reference potential.
This will prevent potential shifts, which can have undesirable effects on the function of the

Actuator Figure 11-9, detail B, shows the connection of an actuator. The actuator is supplied by
output OUT1. The load is switched directly via the output.

NOTE: Malfunction due to potential shifts

Make sure that GND of the actuators and GND of the supply voltage US, which supply the
actuators, have the same potential.
This will prevent potential shifts, which can have undesirable effects on the function of the

At the time of going to print, the IB IL 24 DI 32-PAC and IB IL 24 DO 32-PAC Inline

terminals are designed to connect sensors and actuators in 1-wire technology. For
connection examples, please refer to the corresponding data sheets.

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Connecting cables

2-wire technology



+24 V

Figure 11-9 2-wire termination for digital devices

Sensor Figure 11-9, detail A, shows the connection of a 2-wire sensor. The sensor signal is led to
terminal point IN1. The sensor is supplied by the voltage US.

Actuator Figure 11-9, detail B, shows the connection of an actuator. The actuator is supplied by
output OUT1. The load is switched directly via the output.

3-wire technology




+24 V


+24 V


Figure 11-10 3-wire termination for digital devices

Sensor Figure 11-10, detail A, shows the connection of a 3-wire sensor. The sensor signal is led to
terminal point IN1 (IN2). The sensor is supplied via terminal points US and GND.

Actuator Figure 11-10, detail B, shows the connection of a shielded actuator. The actuator is
supplied by output OUT1 (OUT2). The load is switched directly via the output.

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4-wire technology



+24 V

+24 V
Figure 11-11 4-wire termination for digital devices

Sensor Figure 11-11, detail A, shows the connection of a shielded 3-wire sensor. The sensor signal
is led to terminal point IN1. The sensor is supplied via terminal points US and GND. The
sensor is grounded via the FE terminal point.

Actuator Figure 11-11, detail B, shows the connection of a shielded actuator. The provision of the
supply voltage US means that even actuators that require a separate 24 V supply can be
connected directly to the terminal.

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Connecting cables

11.6 Connections on a power-level terminal

(Inline Modular IO)

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

Only connect and remove the connectors of a power-level terminal when the mains
voltage is disconnected and cannot be switched on again.

A power-level terminal has slots for the following connections:

2 A 2 B

6 0 4 9 B 0 0 9

Figure 11-12 Power-level terminal with all possible connectors

Table 11-7 Slots and connectors of a power-level terminal

No. in Slot Connector/connection

Figure 11-12
1 X11 Incoming mains (here: power connector)
2 X12 Outgoing mains (power bridge (2A) or cover (2B))
3 X10 Motor output
4 X8 Brake module (including brake switch and connection for brake)
5 X9 Connection of the brake to the brake module
6 X32 Hand-held operator panel connection (hand-held operator panel mode)
7 X18 Enable power level

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11.6.1 Connecting or forwarding the incoming mains

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

Only remove or insert the power connector or the power bridge when the mains voltage is
There are two ways of connecting the incoming mains to a power-level terminal:

You can connect the incoming mains using a power connector.

When assembling the power connector, proceed as shown in Figure 11-13:
• Strip approximately 80 mm off the cable sheath (detail A) and 7 mm off the wires
(detail B). Fit the wire ends with ferrules.
• Connect the wires to the connector (detail C). The assignment is shown in
Figure 11-14.

A c a . 8 0 m m
(a p p ro x . 3 .1 5 ") C

B c a . 7 m m
(a p p ro x .0 .2 8 ")

6 4 5 2 A 0 3 5

Figure 11-13 Assembling a power connector

X 1 1 X 1 2

L 1 L 1

L 2 L 2

L 3 L 3
L 1
L 2
L 3

6 4 5 3 A 0 0 7

Figure 11-14 Power connector assignment

X11 Incoming mains

X12 Outgoing mains

150 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Connecting cables

The PEN conductor (N) is not required for power-level terminals. However, the connectors
offer the option of connecting and forwarding the PEN conductor.
Insert the assembled connector into connection X11 (Figure 11-14) of the power-level
terminal (Figure 11-15).

6 0 4 9 1 0 0 5

Figure 11-15 Connecting a power connector

You can forward the mains supply using a power bridge.

If several power-level terminals are connected one after the other, a power-level terminal
can be connected to the preceding power-level terminal using a power bridge. If the
preceding terminal is supplied with voltage, this voltage is led via the power bridge.
• Insert the power bridge on two adjacent power-level terminals so that connection X12
(outgoing mains) of the preceding terminal is connected to connection X11 (incoming
mains) of the following terminal. The power bridge can carry a maximum of 20 A.

6 0 4 9 1 0 0 6
6 0 5 2 1 0 0 8

Figure 11-16 Inserting a power bridge Figure 11-17 Power-level terminals with
a mains connector and
power bridge

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11.6.2 Connecting the motor circuit connector

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage

Only connect or remove the motor circuit connector when the mains voltage is

The motor output is connected via a 4-pos. HV-COMBICON connector.

When assembling the motor circuit connector, proceed as shown in Figure 11-18:
• Strip approximately 30 mm off the cable sheath (detail A) and 7 mm off the wires
(detail B). Fit the wire ends with ferrules.
• Connect the wires to the connector (detail C). The pin assignment is shown in
Table 11-8.

A ca. 30 mm
(approx. 1.18") B C
ca. 7 mm
(approx. 0.28")



Figure 11-18 Assembling the motor circuit connector

2 6 4 5 2 A 0 2 4
Figure 11-19 Motor output assignment

152 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Connecting cables

Table 11-8 Pin assignment of the motor circuit connector (HV-COMBICON)

Pin X10 (motor)
1 Motor: T1
2 Motor: T2
3 Motor: T3
4 Motor:

Insert the assembled connector in connection X10 (Figure 11-20).

6 0 5 2 1 0 1 1

Figure 11-20 Inserting the motor circuit connector

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11.6.3 Connecting the brake module and brake (optional)

The brake module can be used to control the brake on motors with a brake. It contains a
passive semiconductor, which can be used for quick motor braking. The brake module is
designed for motors with a nominal voltage of 400 V AC.
Assemble the connector for the brake as shown in Figure 11-21:
• Strip approximately 30 mm off the outer cable sheath (detail A).
• Strip approximately 7 mm off the wires (detail B).
• Fit the wire ends with ferrules and connect the wires to the connector (detail C).

Make sure that the brake is connected with the correct polarity, otherwise it may not
operate correctly.

c a . 3 0 m m

(a p p ro x . 1 .1 8 " )

O +
1 4 1 3

B c a . 7 m m
(a p p ro x . 0 .2 7 6 ")

5 5 2 0 A 0 9 0

Figure 11-21 Assembling the connector for the brake

The brake module is snapped into connection X8 of a power-level terminal using a 3-pos.
inverted COMBICON connector. The 2-pos. COMBICON connector for the brake is
snapped into connection X9 of the brake module.

154 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Connecting cables

Connect the brake as shown in Figure 11-22:

• If the motor connector is plugged in, remove it. The entire module should be prepared
(power-level terminal with brake module) before the I/O is connected.
• Lift up the lower release flap (detail A1).
• Snap the brake module into connection X8 (detail A2). Fasten the brake module by
turning the interlocking screw (1) 90°. This secures the interlocking screw in a
ventilation slot of the power-level terminal.
• Put the lower release flap down again (detail B1).
• Insert the assembled motor circuit connector into connection X10 (detail B2). (See also
Section “Connecting the motor circuit connector” on page 152.)
• Insert the assembled connector for the brake into connection X9 of the brake module
(detail B3).


A1 B1
1 5
Figure 11-22 Snapping on the brake module and the connector for the brake

For additional information about the brake module, please refer to the module-specific
data sheet.

11.6.4 Connecting the hand-held operator panel

Hand-held operator panel mode (manual mode) is enabled via a temporarily connected
external hand-held operator panel. This panel is connected to the power-level terminal
using a 4-pos. MINI-COMBICON connector. The slot is under the upper release flap
(6 in Figure 11-12 on page 149). The hand-held operator panel can only be connected
when the release flap is upright.

For the ordering data for the hand-held operator panel, please refer to the
Phoenix Contact catalog.

For additional information about hand-held operator panel mode, please refer to the data
sheets for the power-level terminals.

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11.6.5 Enabling the power level/24 V isolation

The MINI-COMBICON connector for terminal strip X18 (enable power level/24 V isolation)
is under the upper release flap of a power-level terminal.

1 2

6 0 4 9 A 0 2 2

Figure 11-23 Assignment of the enable power level/24 V isolation connection

Table 11-9 Enable power level X18 (MINI-COMBICON)

Pin X18 (enable)
1 1 (24 V DC segment voltage US)
2 2 (enable power level)

The control voltage for the power level and the brake is supplied via pin 2 of the
MINICOMBICON connector. The power level cannot be controlled without the 24 V control
The segment voltage US is used to enable the power level and can be made available using
a jumper or a switch:
1 By default upon delivery, terminal strip X18 is supplied with a jumper inserted between
pins 1 and 2.
If no switch is connected to X18, the jumper can remain inserted. The power level of the
power-level terminal is enabled because the 24 V segment voltage is directly available.
2 If an external switch is connected between pins 1 and 2 on terminal strip X18, the power
level of the power-level terminal is enabled when the switch is closed.

For additional information and safety notes, please refer to the data sheets for the power-
level terminals.

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Inline Modular IO: Technical data and ordering data

12 Inline Modular IO: Technical data and ordering data

For the system data for your bus system, please refer to the corresponding
If you are using Inline in a system with other product ranges, also observe the technical
data for these product ranges. Please refer to the corresponding documentation for this
technical data.

The following values are standard values for the preferred mounting position (horizontal
DIN rail). For different values, please refer to the terminal-specific data sheets.
The technical data does not claim to be complete. Technical modifications reserved.

12.1 Technical data for Inline Modular IO

System data
Number of devices in an Inline station 63 devices, maximum; see documentation for bus couplers
Maximum current consumption of the Inline terminals See terminal-specific data sheet or

When configuring an Inline station, observe the power supply through the bus couplers, power terminals, and
segment terminals, as well as the current consumption of each device. This information is provided in the
DB GB IB IL DEVICE LIST data sheet and in the relevant terminal-specific data sheet. It can differ depending
on the individual terminal. If the maximum current carrying capacity of a potential jumper is reached, a new
power terminal must be used or a new station must be created.

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General data

This table provides standard data. For different values, please refer to the terminal-specific data

Instructions Developed according to EN 50178/IEC 62103, UL 508

Ambient temperature
Ambient temperature (operation) - standard versions -25 °C ... +55 °C
Ambient temperature (operation) - XC version -25 °C ... +55 °C (standard)
-40 °C ... +70 °C (extended, see Section “Tested
successfully: Use under extreme ambient conditions” on
page 26 and the data sheet.)
Ambient temperature (operation) - ECO version 0 °C ... +55 °C
Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -25°C … +85°C
Temperature cycles 0.5 K/min (no condensation)
(Speed of changing from positive to negative temperatures
and vice versa)
Permissible humidity (operation/storage/transport) 10 % ... 95% (no condensation)
The humidity requirements have been verified in
accordance with
IEC 60068-2-30.
Permissible air pressure (operation/storage/transport) 70 kPa ... 106 kPa (up to 3000 m above sea level)
Degree of protection IP20
Class of protection IEC 61140
Protective extra-low voltage (24 V DC ... 60 V DC, III
24 V AC ... 35 V AC) II (The electrical design complies with protection class II.
Extra-low and low voltage (>60 V DC, >35 V AC) Because the mechanical requirements for protection class II
cannot be met due to the IP20 degree of protection, the
devices comply with protection class II only when operated
in a control box (IP54).
Air and creepage distances According to IEC 60644/IEC 60664A, DIN VDE 0110 and
EN 50178/IEC 62103, DIN VDE 0160
Housing material Plastic, PVC-free, PA6.6, self-extinguishing (V0)
Pollution degree according to EN 50178 2; condensation not permitted during operation
Overvoltage category
Protective extra-low voltage (24 V DC ... 60 V DC, II
24 V AC ... 35 V AC) III
Extra-low and low voltage (>60 V DC, >35 V AC)

158 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline Modular IO: Technical data and ordering data

General data (continued)

Gases that may endanger functions according to DIN 40046-36, DIN 40046-37
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) Concentration 10 ±0.3 ppm
Ambient conditions
- Temperature: 25°C (±2°C)
- Humidity: 75% (±5%)
- Test duration: 10 days
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Concentration 1 ±0.3 ppm
Ambient conditions
- Temperature: 25°C (±2°C)
- Humidity: 75% (±5%)
- Test duration: 4 days
Resistance of the housing material to termites Resistant
Resistance of the housing material to fungal decay Resistant

Mechanical requirements
Vibration test 5g load, 2 hours in each direction
Sinusoidal vibrations according to (24 V DC, 120 V AC, and 230 V AC areas)
IEC 60068-2-6; EN 60068-2-6 2g load, 2 hours in each direction
(400 V AC area)
Shock test according to 25g load for 11 ms, half sinusoidal wave,
IEC 60068-2-27; EN 60068-2-27 three shocks in each direction and orientation
Broadband noise according to 0.78g load, 2.5 hours in each direction
IEC 60068-2-64; EN 60068-2-64

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Conformance with EMC directive 2014/30/EU

This table provides standard data. For different values, please refer to the terminal-specific data sheets.

Noise immunity test according to EN 61000-6-2

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) EN 61000-4-2/ Criterion B
IEC 61000-4-2 6 kV contact discharge
8 kV air discharge
Electromagnetic fields EN 61000-4-3 Criterion A
IEC 61000-4-3 Field strength: 10 V/m
Fast transients (burst) EN 61000-4-4/ Criterion B
IEC 61000-4-4 Remote bus: 2 kV
Power supply: 2 kV
I/O cables: 2 kV
Criterion A
All interfaces: 1 kV
Surge voltage EN 61000-4-5/ Criterion B
IEC 61000-4-5 AC supply lines:
1.0 kV/2.0 kV (symmetrical/asymmetrical)
DC supply lines:
0.5 kV/0.5 kV (symmetrical/asymmetrical)
Signal lines:
1.0 kV/1.0 kV (symmetrical/asymmetrical)
Conducted interference EN 61000-4-6 Criterion A
IEC 61000-4-6 Test voltage 10 V
Noise emission test according to EN 61000-6-4
Noise emission of housing EN 55011 Class A

Data transfer in the local bus

Protocol IEC 61158
Transmission speed 500 kbps or 2 Mbps
Transmission Inline data jumpers

24 V bus coupler supply (UBK)

Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Ripple ±5%
Permissible voltage range 19.2 V DC ... 30.0 V DC, ripple included
Connection Inline connectors

The communications power UL (7.5 V) and the analog supply UANA (24 V) are generated from the bus coupler
supply UBK.

160 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline Modular IO: Technical data and ordering data

7.5 V supply of the bus logic (UL; generated from UBK)

Nominal voltage 7.5 V
Ripple ±5%
Load current See terminal-specific data sheet
Maximum 2A
Terminal-specific 0.7 A (e.g., IL IB BK-PAC)

Observe the specifications in the terminal-specific data sheet for the terminal used for power supply (UBK).
These terminals can limit the maximum permissible load current.

Connection Inline potential jumpers

Remark Voltage is generated in the bus coupler by a DC/DC
converter from the 24 V supply voltage.
UL is not electrically isolated from the 24 V bus coupler
supply voltage.
UL is electrically isolated from the I/O voltages UM and US.
The communications power UL is electronically short-circuit-

Supply of terminals for analog signals (UANA; generated from UBK)

Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Tolerance -15%/+20%
Ripple ±5%
Permissible voltage range 19.2 V DC ... 30.0 V DC, ripple included
Maximum load current 500 mA
Connection Inline potential jumpers
Remark Decoupling of the 24 V input voltage by means of a diode.
Smoothing via  filter with base frequency of 9.8 kHz and
attenuation of 40 dB/decade.
UANA is not electrically isolated from the 24 V bus coupler
supply voltage and the 7.5 V communications power.

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Supply of terminals for digital signals (UM, US) in the 24 V area

Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Tolerance -15%/+20%
Ripple ±5%
Permissible voltage range 19.2 V DC ... 30.0 V DC, ripple included
Load current at UM (main supply) See terminal-specific data sheet or
Maximum 8A
Terminal-specific 6 A (e.g., IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F-PAC)
4 A (e.g., IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F-D-PAC)
Load current at US (segment supply) See terminal-specific data sheet or
Maximum 8A
Terminal-specific 6 A (e.g., IB IL 24 SEG/F-PAC)
4 A (e.g., IB IL 24 SEG/F-D-PAC)
2.5 A (e.g., IB IL 24 SEG-ELF-PAC)

Observe the specifications in the terminal-specific data sheet for the terminal used for power supply (UM/US).
These terminals can limit the maximum permissible load current.

Connection to corresponding terminals for supply Inline connectors

Connection within the Inline station Inline potential jumpers

Supply of terminals for digital signals (L) in the 120 V AC and 230 V AC areas
Nominal voltage 120 V AC
230 V AC
Tolerance -15%/+10%
Ripple ±5%
Permissible voltage range 12 V AC ... 253 V AC, ripple included
Load current 8 A, maximum
Connection Inline potential jumpers

162 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline Modular IO: Technical data and ordering data

Voltage dips and interrupts to the I/O supply

Intensity PS1 Interrupt time < 1 ms
Time interval between voltage dips <1s
Behavior Evaluation criterion 1
A dip in the supply voltage < 1 ms is not registered by the
Intensity PS2 Interrupt time < 10 ms
Time interval between voltage dips <1s
Behavior Evaluation criterion 3
Bus disconnection, all system outputs are reset.

Current and voltage distribution in data and potential jumpers

See Section “Current and voltage distribution” on page 92.

Cable connection method/cross-section

Cable connection method for the low-level signal and low Spring-cage terminals
voltage levels
Cable connection method for the power level Screw terminals
Cable cross-section for the low-level signal and low voltage
typical (solid/stranded) 0.08 mm² ... 1.5 mm² , AWG 28 ... 16
for UL approvals (solid/stranded) 0.2 mm² ... 1.5 mm², AWG 24 ... 14
Cable cross-section for the low-level signal and low voltage 1.5 mm²; AWG 16; cable is as short as possible
(Connection of the protective conductor PE)
Cable cross-section for the power level 0.2 mm² ... 2.5 mm²; AWG 28 ... 14
(Power connection, motor connection, brake connection)
(stranded and solid cables)
Length of the sensor/actuator cables
For digital terminals < 30 m
For analog terminals See Section “Maximum cable lengths for analog devices” on
page 172

Electrically isolated areas

See terminal-specific data sheets.

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Air and creepage distances (according to EN 50178, VDE 0109, VDE 0110)
Isolating distance Clearance Creepage Impulse voltage
distance withstand level
Technology for 24 V area
Incoming bus/bus logic 0.3 mm 0.3 mm 0.5 kV
Outgoing bus/bus logic 0.3 mm 0.3 mm 0.5 kV
Incoming bus/outgoing bus 0.3 mm 0.3 mm 0.5 kV
Bus logic/I/O 0.3 mm 0.3 mm 0.5 kV
Technology for area up to 250 V DC
Bus logic/I/O 3.1 mm 1.1 mm 4 kV
Technology for 230 V AC area single-phase (up to 253 V AC); safe isolation according to EN 50178
Bus logic/I/O 5.5 mm 5.5 mm 6 kV
I/O/PE 3.2 mm 3.2 mm 4 kV
Technology for 400 V AC area three-phase; safe isolation according to EN 50178
Bus logic/400 V AC I/O 5.5 mm 3.2 mm 6 kV
24 V DC I/O/400 V AC I/O 5.5 mm 3.2 mm 6 kV
Bus logic/24 V DC I/O 0.3 mm 0.3 mm 0.5 kV
Relay outputs
Main contact/N/O contact See terminal-specific data sheet
Relay contact/bus logic See terminal-specific data sheet

Test voltages
Isolating distance Test voltage
Technology for 24 V area (up to 60 V DC)

For information about the test voltages between the bus and other potential areas, please refer to the
documentation for the bus coupler.

7.5 V communications power, 24 V bus coupler 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.

supply/functional earth ground
7.5 V communications power, 24 V bus coupler supply/24 V 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.
main supply, 24 V segment supply
24 V main supply, 24 V segment supply/functional earth 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.
Technology for area up to 250 V DC
Bus logic/I/O 2500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.
Technology for 230 V AC area single-phase (up to 253 V AC)
Bus logic/I/O 2500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.
Routine test 1200 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.
Relay outputs
Main contact/N/O contact 1000 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.
Relay contact/bus logic 2500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min.

164 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Inline Modular IO: Technical data and ordering data

12.2 Ordering data

Ordering data for Inline terminals and corresponding connectors
For the ordering data for the Inline terminals and corresponding connectors, please refer to
the corresponding data sheet or the catalog. The catalog is available in electronic form at

Ordering data for accessories

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Power supply units QUINT-PS ...
Keying profile IL CP 2742683 100
Zack marker strip to label the terminals ZBF 6 ...
Zack marker strip to label the terminals ZBF 12 ...
Labeling field covering one connector IB IL FIELD 2 2727501 10
Labeling field covering four connectors IB IL FIELD 8 2727515 10
Insert strips for IB IL FIELD 2, perforated, can be labeled ESL 62X10 0809492 1
using a laser printer, marker pen or CMS system (72 strips)
Insert strips for IB IL FIELD 8, perforated, can be labeled ESL 62X46 0809502 5
using a laser printer, marker pen or CMS system (15 strips)
DIN EN 50022 DIN rail, 2 meters NS 35/7,5 PERFORATED 0801733
NS 35/7,5 0801681
Standard end clamp; snapped on without tools CLIPFIX 35-5 3022276 50
End clamp for CANopen and DeviceNet CLIPFIX 35 3022218 50
snapped on without tools
End clamp for use in the event of vibrations or installation on E/AL-NS 35 1201662 50
vertical DIN rail; secured with screws
Screwdriver according to DIN 5264, blade SZF 1 - 0,6 x 3,5 1204517 1
width 3.5 mm (9/64 in.)

Ordering data for accessories: shield connection

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Shield connection clamp, for shield on busbars, SK 8 3025163 10
contact resistance < 1 mΩ
Shield connection clamp, for shield on busbars, SK 14 3025176 10
contact resistance < 1 mΩ
Shield connection clamp, for shield on busbars, SK 20 3025189 10
contact resistance < 1 mΩ
Shield connection clamp, for shield on busbars, SK 35 3026463 10
contact resistance < 1 mΩ
Support bracket for busbars AB-SK 3025341 10
Support bracket, Bracket for busbars, set every 20 cm, AB-SK 65 3026489 10
Length: 95.5 mm, Width: 6.2 mm, Color: gray

6452_en_09 PHOENIX CONTACT 165 / 196


Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Support bracket, Bracket for busbars, set every 20 cm, AB-SK/E 3026476 10
Length: 10 mm, Width: 56 mm, Height: 20 mm, Color: silver
PEN conductor busbar, 3mm x 10 mm, length: 1000 mm NLS-CU 3/10 SN 1000MM 0402174 10
Connection terminal block, Connection method Screw AK 4 0404017 50
connection, Cross section: 0.5 mm² - 6 mm², Width: 7 mm,
Color: silver
Connection terminal block, Connection method Screw AKG 4 GNYE 0421029 50
connection, Cross section: 0.5 mm² - 6 mm², Width: 7 mm,
Color: green-yellow
Connection terminal block, Connection method Screw AKG 4 BK 0421032 50
connection, Cross section: 0.5 mm² - 6 mm², Width: 7 mm,
Color: black

Ordering data for documentation

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

"INTERBUS & AUTOMATION - Terms and definitions" IBS TERM RG UM E 2743695 1
user manual
"Summary of key data for Inline devices" DB GB IB IL DEVICE LIST – –
data sheet
"I/O modules at bus couplers" AH IL BK IO LIST – –
application note
"Inline terminals for use in zone 2 potentially explosive AH EN IL EX ZONE 2 – –
application note

The comprehensive documentation listed above and all terminal-specific documentation

can be downloaded at
Make sure you always use the latest documentation.

166 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

A Appendix: Inline Modular IO: Additional information

A1 Use of Inline terminals at an elevation of more than

3000 meters
This section applies to terminals of the Inline product group that are operated with a DC volt-
age of < 60 V DC.

WARNING: Dangerous contact voltage/loss of safety function

This section does not apply to the following modules or applications:
– Terminals that are not operated with PELV (Protective Extra Low Voltage) (e.g. 120 V
or 230 V)
– Terminals with safety functions (e.g. SafetyBridge, Profisafe)
– Use of a safe signal path
– Use in potentially explosive areas (IEC Ex, ATEX, Hazardous Location).
– XC variants
In these cases, consider the individual terminal or application separately.
The Inline terminals are approved for use up to an elevation of 3000 m above sea level, see
“Technical data for Inline Modular IO” on page 157.
The maximum permissible ambient temperature decreases at elevations above this level.
Therefore, keep temperature derating in mind when using the terminals at an elevation
greater than 3000 m up to 5000 m.
T [°C]






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

h [m]

Figure A-1 Derating of the permissible ambient temperature depending on the operat-
ing elevation


T [°C] Maximum ambient temperature (operation) in °C

h [m] Elevation in m

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A2 Tips for working with Inline

Safe grounding When grounding, always observe the notes in Section “Grounding concept” on page 115.

Order of the terminals During configuration, observe the notes in Section “Order of the Inline Modular IO terminals”
on page 129.

168 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Configuration help for selecting the optimum analog input device for temperature recording

A3 Configuration help for selecting the optimum

analog input device for temperature recording

A 3.1 Inline Modular IO

Table A-1 Configuration help for selecting Inline Modular IO terminals for temperature recording (RTD)


2861328 2863915 2897402 2702499 2702501
2701217 2701218
RTD RTD detection Yes Yes Yes Yes (Pt 100) Yes (Pt 1000)
detection (Inputs for resistance
detectors, e.g., Pt100,
Pt1000, Ni100,
Number of RTD 2-wire 2 8 8 4 4
Number of RTD 3-wire 2 8 8 – –
Number of RTD 4-wire 1 - 8 – –
Dynamic Dynamic response of High Very high Low Medium Medium
response measuring inputs
Measurements/ 30 … 50 4 … 165 0.3 … 0.5 1.6 1.6
(typical for all
Precision Precision High Medium Very high Medium Medium
Typical tolerance of ±0.26 K ±0.50 K ±0.09 K ±0.8 K ±0.8 K
Pt100 or TC
(at TA = +25°C)
Maximum tolerance of ±1.0 K ±2.13 K ±0.19 K ±1.7 K ±1.7 K
Pt100 or TC
(at TA = +25°C)

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Table A-2 Configuration help for selecting Inline Modular IO terminals for temperature recording

Criterion IB IL TEMP 2 IB IL UTH 4/J- IB IL UTH 4/K- IB IL UTH 4/L-

2861386 2702502 2702503 2702504
TC TC detection Yes Yes (type J) Yes (type K) Yes (type L)
detection (Thermocouple inputs,
e.g., type B, C, E, J, K, E, R, S, T,
U, W, HK)
Number of TC 2-wire sensors 2 4
Internal cold junction Yes Yes
compensation for thermocouple
Additional connection option for Yes No
an external cold junction sensor
(Pt1000, Ni1000)
Dynamic Dynamic response of measuring High Medium
response inputs
Measurements/second 30 1.6
(typical for all channels)
Precision Precision Medium Medium
Typical tolerance of Pt100 or TC 0.6 K + ±2.5 K ±2.7 K ±2.5 K
(at TA = +25°C) tolerance of (incl. tolerance of cold junction)
cold junction
(TC type K)
Maximum tolerance of Pt100 or 2.4 K + ±5.1 K ±5.5 K ±5.1 K
TC (at TA = +25°C) tolerance of (incl. tolerance of cold junction)
cold junction
(TC type K)

170 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Configuration help for selecting the optimum analog input device for temperature recording

A 3.2 Inline Block IO

Table A-3 Configuration help for selecting Inline Block IO modules for temperature recording

Criterion ILB IB AI4 AO2 ILB PB AI4 AO2

2878777 2878874
RTD RTD detection Yes Yes
detection (Inputs for resistance temperature detectors, e.g., Pt100,
Pt1000, Ni100, Ni1000)
Number of RTD 2-wire sensors 4 4
Number of RTD 3-wire sensors 4 4
Number of RTD 4-wire sensors 4 4
Dynamic Dynamic response of measuring inputs Very high Very high
response Measurements/second 43 ... 192 43 ... 192
(typical for all channels)
Precision Precision High Medium
Typical tolerance of Pt100 or TC (at TA = +25°C) ±0.3 K ±0.5 K
Maximum tolerance of Pt100 or TC (at TA = +25°C) ±1.6 K ±1.9 K

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A4 Maximum cable lengths for analog devices

A 4.1 Inline standard

Please also observe the information in the terminal-specific data sheet.

The following applies for the section below:

– The values for the maximum cable length are valid in accordance with the installation
instructions and have been determined using the following reference data for the
sensor or actuator cable:

Cable type LiYCY (TP)

N x 2 x 0.5 Where:
N = Number of wire pairs
0.5 = Conductor cross-section A in mm2
Inductance 0.67 mH/km (typical)
Effective 120 nF/km (Between the wires)
– The values in the tables also apply for versions of the specified terminal with
comparable technical properties (e.g., -2MBD or non-PAC versions).
– Information about longer lengths or other cable types is available on request.

A 4.1.1 Analog input and temperature recording

Table A-4 Maximum cable lengths: Analog input


2861302 2861412 2861661 2861577 2878447 2700458 2700459
Number of 2 8 8 2 4 4 4
Maximum cable 250 m 250 m 250 m 250 m 250 m 500 m 500 m

Table A-5 Maximum cable lengths: Temperature recording

Criterion IB IL TEMP 2 IB IL TEMP 4/8 IB IL TEMP 4/8

2861328 2863915 2897402
Number of 2 8 8
Maximum cable 250 m1 250 m1 250 m

Please observe the specified tolerances for the selected connection method (2, 3 or
4-wire) (see data sheet).

172 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Maximum cable lengths for analog devices

A 4.2 Analog output

Table A-6 Maximum cable lengths and immunity to short-circuiting: Analog output

Criterion IB IL AO1/SF- IB IL AO1/U/ IB IL AO 2/U/ IB IL AO 2/UI- IB IL AO 2/SF- IB IL AO4/8/

2861315 2861399 2861467 2700775 2863083 2878036
Number of 1 1 2 2 2 8
Signals 0 V … 10 V 0 V … 10 V -10 V … +10 -10 V ... +10 V 0 V … 10 V -10 V … +10 V
0 mA ... 20 mA V 0 V ... 10 V 0 mA ... 20 mA 0 V ... 10 V
4 mA ... 20 mA 0 V ... 10 V 0 mA ... 20 mA 4 mA ... 20 mA -5 V ... +5 V
4 mA ... 20 mA 0 V ... 5 V
-20 mA ... +20 mA
Maximum cable 250 m 250 m 500 m 500 m 250 m 250 m
Immunity to Yes, 1 minute Yes, 1 Yes, 1 minute Yes, continuous Yes, 1 minute Yes, 1 minute
short-circuiting minute
of analog
voltage output
Immunity to Yes, Not present Not present Yes, continuous Yes, Not present
short-circuiting continuous continuous
of analog
current output

A 4.3 Analog I/O

Table A-7 Maximum cable lengths and immunity to short-circuiting: Analog I/O

Criterion ILB xx AI4 AO2

Number of channels for input 4
Number of channels for output 2
Signals -10 V … +10 V
0 V ... 10 V
-5 V ... +5 V
0 V ... 5 V
0 mA ... 20 mA
-20 mA ... +20 mA
4 mA ... 20 mA
Maximum cable length 250 m1
Immunity to short-circuiting of Yes, continuous
analog voltage output
Immunity to short-circuiting of Yes, continuous
analog current output

1 Please observe the specified tolerances for the selected connection method (2, 3 or
4-wire) (see data sheet).

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A 4.4 Inline ECO terminals

Please also observe the information in the terminal-specific data sheet.

Table A-8 Maximum cable lengths: Temperature recording


PT100-ECO PT1000-ECO 4/J-ECO 4/K-ECO 4/L-ECO
2702499 2702501 2702502 2702503 2702504
Number of chan- 4 4 4 4 4
Cable type/ LiYCY(TP) LiYCY(TP) Type J according Type K according Type L accord-
standard N x 2 x 0,5 N x 2 x 0,5 to DIN EN 60584-3 to DIN EN 60584-3 ing to DIN 43710
Maximum cable 30 m* 100 m 100 m 100 m 100 m

* Observe the cable resistances when carrying out a tolerance inspection (see termi-
nal-specific data sheet).

Table A-9 Maximum cable lengths: Analog I/O

4/I/4-20-ECO 4/U/0-10-ECO 4/I/4-20-ECO 4/U/0-10-ECO
I2702495 2702496 2702497 2702498
Number of chan- 4 4 4 4
Cable type/ LiYCY(TP) LiYCY(TP) LiYCY(TP) LiYCY(TP)
standard N x 2 x 0,5 N x 2 x 0,5 N x 2 x 0,5 N x 2 x 0,5
Maximum cable 100 m 100 m 100 m 100 m

Table A-10 Maximum cable lengths: Communication

Criterion IB IL RS 485-ECO IB IL RS 232-ECO
2702141 2702795
Number of chan- 1 1
Cable type/ CAT5 CAT5
Maximum cable according to RS-485 specification depending on the transmission
length speed

174 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Temperature response of the terminals

A5 Temperature response of the terminals

Please note that derating or simultaneity limitations must be taken into consideration
depending on the ambient temperature. Notes on this are provided in the terminal-specific
data sheets. The terms used in the data sheets are explained below:

Power dissipation of the The power dissipation of the electronics of a terminal is calculated according to the formula
electronics (PTOT) provided in the terminal-specific data sheet. The calculated value must not exceed the
power dissipation of the housing.

Power dissipation of the The power dissipation of the housing indicates the maximum power dissipation. The
housing (PHOU) maximum power dissipation is specified in the terminal-specific data sheet.
In the permissible operating temperature range, the power dissipation of the housing can be
dependent on or independent of the ambient temperature.
If the power dissipation of the housing depends on the ambient temperature, a permissible
working point must be defined.

Permissible working point Depending on the power dissipation of the housing and the power dissipation of the
electronics at a certain current, the maximum temperature at which the terminal can be
operated with this current can be calculated.

Examples Examples for calculating these values can be found in the section below.

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A6 Calculation examples for power dissipation and

working points

A 6.1 Constant power dissipation of the housing over the

operating temperature range
This calculation is illustrated using the IB IL 24 DO 8-PAC terminal as an example.

Formula to calculate the power dissipation of the electronics

This formula is terminal-specific and is provided in every data sheet.
PTOT = 0.19 W + ∑ (0.10 W + ILi2 x 0.40 Ω)


PTOT Total power dissipation of the electronics

i Index
n Number of set outputs (n = 1 to 8)
ILi Load current of output i

If no output is set, the component with the sigma sign is omitted.

Example: Load currents of the outputs:

IL1 = 0.5 A, IL2 = 0.4 A, IL3= 0.2 A, IL4 = 0.5 A, IL5 = 0.3 A, IL6 = 0.4 A
Outputs 7 and 8 are not used.

Power dissipation of the According to the formula, the electronics of this specific configuration has the following
electronics power dissipation:
PTOT = 0.19 W + [0.1 W + (0.5 A)2 x 0.4 ]
+ [0.1 W + (0.4 A)2 x 0.4 ]
+ [0.1 W + (0.2 A)2 x 0.4 ]
+ [0.1 W + (0.5 A)2 x 0.4 ]
+ [0.1 W + (0.3 A)2 x 0.4 ]
+ [0.1 W + (0.4 A)2 x 0.4 ]

PTOT = 0.19 W + 0.200 W + 0.164 W + 0.116 W

+ 0.200 W + 0.136 W + 0.164 W

PTOT = 1.37 W

176 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Calculation examples for power dissipation and working points

Power dissipation of the The value for the power dissipation of the housing is specified in every terminal-specific data
housing sheet.
The power dissipation of the housing for the specified terminal is 2.7 W within the operating
temperature range of -25°C to +55°C. The calculated power dissipation for the electronics
therefore does not exceed the permissible upper limit.

Maximum load Even with the maximum permissible load current (0.5 A per channel), the upper limit of
2.7 W is not exceeded within the permissible temperature range of
-25 °C to +55 °C.
PTOT = 0.19 W + 8 x [0.1 W + (0.5 A)2 x 0.4 ]
PTOT = 1.79 W

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A 6.2 Power dissipation of the housing within the operating

temperature range depending on the ambient temperature
This calculation is illustrated using the IB IL 24 DO 2-2A-PAC terminal as an example.

Formula to calculate the power dissipation of the electronics

This formula is terminal-specific and is provided in every data sheet.
PTOT = 0.18 W + ∑ (0.20 W + ILi2 x 0.10 Ω)

PTOT Total power dissipation of the electronics
i Index
n Number of set outputs (n = 1 to 2)
ILi Load current of output i

If no output is set, the component with the sigma sign is omitted.

Example: Both outputs are enabled and operating at full load. The load currents of the outputs are
IL1 = IL2 = 2 A.

Power dissipation of the According to the formula, the electronics of this specific configuration has the following
electronics power dissipation:
PTOT = 0.18 W + 2 x [0.20 W + (2 A)2 x 0.10 ]
PTOT = 0.18 W + 2 x 0.6 W
PTOT = 0.18 W + 1.20 W
PTOT = 1.38 W

Power dissipation of the The value for the power dissipation of the housing is specified in every terminal-specific data
housing sheet.
The permissible power dissipation of the housing for the IB IL 24 DO 2-2A-PAC terminal
depends on the temperature.
PHOU = 2.4 W -25°C < TA  -5°C
PHOU = 2.4 W - [(TA - (-5°C))/37.5°C/W] -5°C < TA  +55°C

PHOU Power dissipation of the housing
TA Ambient temperature

At an ambient temperature of up to -5°C, you can load the housing with the maximum power

178 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Calculation examples for power dissipation and working points

Permissible working point At an increased ambient temperature, you must calculate the permissible working point for
the calculated power dissipation.
To do this set PTOT = PHOU.
PTOT = 2.4 W - [(TA + 5°C)/37.5°C/W]
After changing the formula, the maximum permissible ambient temperature, with this load,
is calculated as:
TA = (2.4 W - PTOT) x 37.5°C/W - 5°C
PTOT = 1.38 W (from the calculation for the power dissipation of the electronics)
TA = (2.4 W - 1.38 W) x 37.5°C/W - 5°C
TA = 1.02 W x 37.5°C/W - 5°C
TA = 33.25°C
With both outputs at full load, this terminal can be operated up to an ambient temperature
of 33°C.
If you never operate the outputs simultaneously and if a set output consumes a current of
2 A, you can operate up to an ambient temperature of:
PTOT = 0.18 W + [0.20 W + (2 A)2 x 0.10 ]
PTOT = 0.18 W + 0.60 W
PTOT = 0.78 W
TA = (2.4 W - PTOT) x 37.5°C/W - 5°C
PTOT = 0.78 W (from the calculation for the power dissipation of the electronics)
TA = (2.4 W - 0.78 W) x 37.5°C/W - 5°C
TA = 1.62 W x 37.5°C/W - 5°C
TA = 55.75°C
TA = 55°C (maximum permissible ambient temperature)
As the maximum permissible ambient temperature is 55°C, you can operate under the
conditions specified above in the entire permissible temperature range. This results
in a simultaneity of 50% at 55°C as specified in the data sheet.

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180 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

B Appendix: Software support

B1 Overview of the software

From the planning phase through to system servicing, our software solutions guide you
through every stage of the value added chain of an automation solution.
The software tools from Phoenix Contact are perfectly designed to work together, have a
modular design, and are based on international standards, which means that even complex
applications can be implemented easily.
Software can be used to perform the following tasks:
– Automated planning and configuration of Inline stations:
– Planning, configuration, and labeling of Inline stations (terminal strips):
– Network and device configuration:
PC WorX, Config+, AutomationXplorer+, CMD
– Application programming:
PC WorX, programming blocks, Steeplechase VLC
– System visualization:
Visu+, AX OPC Server
– System diagnostics:

6452_en_09 PHOENIX CONTACT 181


B2 Project+

The Project+ program (Order no. 2988867) enables easy selection and configuration of an
Inline station via a Windows user interface.
Rules for creating an Inline station and technical data for the available Inline and Fieldline
products are stored in the Project+ software. Project+ thus provides comprehensive
support during configuration, which means that the user does not have to have extensive
knowledge of the product range. For example, you have the option of selecting functions
according to your application. Based on this, the software creates a suggested Inline
station, which meets the selected conditions and the system conditions (e.g., for maximum
current carrying capacity).

Please note that software can only provide support. The design engineer is responsible
for ensuring that the configuration is correct.

The tool offers the following functions:

– Generation of an Inline station consisting of Inline and Fieldline products
– Tool support with current monitoring and autocorrect function
– Required additional terminals are inserted automatically (e.g., additional power
– Terminals are positioned in the recommended order
– Notes can be added to channels
– Immediate color visualization of the created Inline station
– Specification of the current consumption and station width
– Specification of Fieldline system cables and cable lengths
– Display of technical data, such as width, data width, cycle time, current consumption of
the station
– Data transfer, e.g., to CLIP PROJECT, MS Word, MS Excel, programming tools
– Data transfer to the e-shop via the clipboard in order to generate orders
– Documentation options (project notes)
– Generation of price information (if a price list is loaded)
– Export and import of release lists

182 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09



Additional information can be found in the latest catalog or on the Internet

The CLIP PROJECT program enables easy selection, configuration, and ordering of
Phoenix Contact products and complete terminal strips via a Windows user interface. The
tool offers the following functions:
– Intelligent product selection with photo support
– Configuration of terminal strips including logic tests
– Immediate color visualization of the created terminal strip
– Autocorrect function, whereby the cover, end clamp, and separating disks are
positioned automatically
– Generation of parts lists, CAD drawings, and labeling data
– Data output to a printer, plotter or file
– Data output in AutoCAD.dxf format
– Data transfer to MS Excel and MS Word
– CSV interface for data exchange with another CAE system
– Management of custom databases and material numbers

B4 Other software

The other software tools listed in Section “Overview of the software” on page 181 are
generally designed to configure, program, visualize, and diagnose automation products
from Phoenix Contact. Therefore, they are not described in the scope of this user manual
for Inline.

Additional information can be found in the latest catalog or on the Internet at

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184 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

C Appendix: Explanation of abbreviations and symbols

C1 Explanation of abbreviations

Ground Ground, general symbol

FE Functional earth ground

Noiseless ground
This ground is free from external noise voltage, and is used to ground cable shields and to
suppress noise and interference voltages.
Functional earth ground is a low-impedance current path between circuits and ground. It is
not designed as a safety measure but rather, for example, for the improvement of noise
immunity (EN 61131).
This ground connection must be separated from parts with hazardous voltage by means of
double or reinforced insulation (EN 60950).

PE Protective earth ground

This ground is used to ground devices. It also provides shock protection for people.
Protective earth ground is a low-impedance current path that minimizes the risk to the user
in the event of an error (EN 61131).

GND 0 V ground; housing or chassis

In this user manual the term ground refers to common voltage return lines. Ground is
electrically isolated from FE and PE. If a jumper is placed between ground and FE or PE,
this isolation is removed.
Various additions to GND (such as F-GND, BC-GND, etc.) indicate separate potentials.

UBK Bus coupler supply

The voltage UBK is used to supply the bus coupler power supply unit. In the power supply
unit, the communications power UL and the analog voltage UANA are generated from the
voltage UBK.

UM Main supply (I/O supply in the main circuit)

The voltage UM supplies all of the devices connected to the main circuit.
The voltage UM is supplied using a bus coupler or a power terminal and is led through the
potential jumper to the next power terminal. (Exception: terminal with a relay output
interrupts the potential jumper)

6452_en_09 PHOENIX CONTACT 185


US Segment supply (I/O supply in the segment circuit)

The voltage US supplies all of the devices connected to the segment circuit.
The voltage US is supplied using a bus coupler or a power terminal or is tapped from the
main voltage UM at the bus coupler, a power terminal or a segment terminal and is led
through the potential jumper to the next power or segment terminal. (Exception: terminal
with a relay output interrupts the potential jumper)

UANA I/O supply for analog terminals

The voltage UANA is used to supply all the terminals for analog signals.
It is generated in the bus coupler or in a special power terminal and is led through the Inline
station by means of potential routing.

UL Communications power
The voltage UL is used to supply all the devices with communications power (supply of the
module electronics).
It is generated in the bus coupler or in a special power terminal and is led through the Inline
station by means of potential routing.

PTOT Power dissipation of the electronics

PHOU Power dissipation of the housing

C2 Representations used in basic circuit diagrams

Local bus This designation represents the data jumpers for the local bus (two jumpers)
(INTERBUS) (sometimes still called INTERBUS).

UL This designation represents the following potential jumpers:

– Communications power (UL+)
– Communications power ground (UL-)
– Supply voltage for analog terminals (UANA)

UANA Supply voltage for analog terminals

US +24 V DC segment voltage

UM +24 V DC main voltage

L Phase in the 120 V AC or 230 V AC voltage area

N Neutral conductor in the 120 V AC or 230 V AC voltage area

186 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

Frequently used symbols

C3 Frequently used symbols

Earth, ground, and equipotentials

Ground, general symbol

Noiseless ground, functional earth ground (FE)

Protective earth ground (PE)

Ground, housing (GND)

1 Ground
In basic circuit diagrams: Different markings indicate the electrical isolations.

1 Shield
In basic circuit diagrams: Different markings indicate the electrical isolations.

Inputs, outputs, and other connections

Analog input

Analog output

Digital input

Digital output

Potential or data jumper with jumper contacts on the side

Terminal point

x Cable(s); x indicates the number of cables

Ideal circuits

Ideal current source

Ideal voltage source

6452_en_09 PHOENIX CONTACT 187


Resistors, capacitors, and inductors

Resistor, general symbol

Capacitor, general symbol


Semiconductor diode, general symbol

LED, general symbol

In basic circuit diagram: Diagnostic and status indicators on the terminals

PNP transistor

NPN transistor (note: the general symbol for transistor (see above) is sometimes also
used for NPN-wired terminals)


Protocol chip
(Bus logic including voltage conditioning)


Converter, general symbol

Analog/digital converter

Digital/analog converter

Coupler with electrical isolation

Power supply unit with electrical isolation, general symbol

Coupling network


Electrically isolated area


188 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09


D Index
Numerics Connection method................................................... 144
1-wire technology ................................................ 146
1-wire technology...................................................... 146
2-wire technology ................................................ 147
24 V isolation............................................................. 156
3-wire technology ................................................ 147
2-wire technology...................................................... 147
4-wire technology ................................................ 148
3-wire technology...................................................... 147
4-wire technology...................................................... 148
120 V AC/230 V AC internal jumpering.................. 76
120 V AC/230 V AC special features ..................... 75
120 V AC/230 V AC types ..................................... 75
AC terminals ............................................................... 17
24 V DC identification............................................ 74
Accessory terminal................................................ 31, 36
24 V DC internal jumpering.................................... 74
Additional functional earth grounding
24 V DC types ....................................................... 73
Bus coupler ......................................................... 116
Colors.................................................................... 71
Power terminal .............................................. 34, 115
Dimensions ........................................................... 72
Air and creepage distances....................................... 164
Special features of 120 V AC/230 V AC
Analog circuit .............................................................. 82 terminal points....................................................... 76
Analog terminals, positioning .................................... 130 Structure.......................................................... 57, 68
Application notes ........................................................ 12 Terminal point ....................................................... 77
Types .............................................................. 73, 75
B Width..................................................................... 71
Basic circuit diagram Control box ............................................................... 108
Explanation of symbols ....................................... 186 See also Terminal box
BK IO LIST .................................................................. 12 Control cabinet.......................................................... 108
Brake ........................................................................ 154 Control terminal........................................................... 51
Brake module............................................................ 154
Bus connection ........................................................... 15 D
Bus coupler ................................................................. 26 Data formats
Additional functional earth grounding .................. 116 IL, I/O terminals ..................................................... 39
Diagnostic and status indicators............................ 95 ILB......................................................................... 56
Bus systems Data routing .................................................... 90, 92, 93
IL ........................................................................... 30 Data sheets................................................................. 12
ILB......................................................................... 55 Data transfer ............................................................. 160
Diagnostic and status indicators ................................. 95
C Bus coupler ........................................................... 95
Cable connection method ......................................... 163 I/O (ILB)............................................................... 104
Cable cross-section .................................................. 163 I/O terminals .......................................................... 98
Circuit diagram, example ............................................ 86 Power and segment terminals ............................... 97
Circuits........................................................................ 81 Power-level terminals .......................................... 101
Connecting cables Supply (ILB) ........................................................ 103
Shielded .............................................................. 134 Diagnostics
Unshielded .......................................................... 133 Extended............................................................... 95
Connecting shielded cables ...................................... 134 IL ........................................................................... 39
Connecting unshielded cables .................................. 133 ILB......................................................................... 56

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Dimensions Grounding
Connector.............................................................. 72 Functional earth grounding.................................. 115
ILB......................................................................... 70 Grounding concept.............................................. 115
Low-level signal/low voltage .................................. 62 I/O terminals .......................................................... 38
Power housing....................................................... 67 ILB......................................................................... 56
DIN rail .............................................................. 108, 110 Protective earth grounding .................................. 115
Documentation landscape .......................................... 11 See also Protective earth grounding
Guideways .................................................................. 58
Electronic module (ILB)............................................... 68 H
Dimensions ........................................................... 70 Hand-held operator panel mode ............................... 155
Structure................................................................ 68 Housing dimensions
Electronics base (IL) ................................................... 58 ILB......................................................................... 70
Dimensions ..................................................... 62–67 Low-level signal/low voltage.................................. 62
Structure................................................................ 57 Power .................................................................... 67
EMC directive............................................................ 160
Enable power level.................................................... 156 I
End clamp (IL)........................................................... 120 I/O (IL)
End plate (IL)............................................................. 120 Diagnostic and status indicators.......................... 104
Errors, diagnostics ...................................................... 95 I/O connection............................................................. 15
ESD .......................................................................... 107 I/O terminals (IL)
EX ZONE 2 ................................................................. 12 Diagnostic and status indicators............................ 98
Grounding ............................................................. 38
F Protection .............................................................. 38
FE ............................................................................... 90 Inline
See also Functional earth ground/grounding Mounting location .................................................. 14
FE spring..................................................................... 90 Product description ............................................... 14
Function identification Terminal versions .................................................. 14
IL ........................................................................... 61 Inline Block IO
ILB......................................................................... 69 Basic structure ...................................................... 68
Functional earth ground ............................................ 115 Housing dimensions.............................................. 70
Functional earth grounding Inline connector
I/O terminals .......................................................... 38 Basic structure ...................................................... 71
Power terminals..................................................... 34 Labeling ................................................................ 77
Segment terminals ................................................ 35 Numbering ............................................................ 77
Functions Inline station
IL I/O...................................................................... 38 Example ................................................................ 54
ILB......................................................................... 55 Order of the terminals.......................................... 129
G Instructions.......................................................... 107
GND............................................................................ 90 Intrinsically safe terminals for the Ex area (Ex i) .......... 44
IP20 .......................................................................... 108

190 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09


Keyway/featherkey connection ................................... 60 Package slips.............................................................. 12
L IL ........................................................................... 39
Labeling ...................................................................... 78 ILB......................................................................... 56
Latching ...................................................................... 58 PE ............................................................................... 91
Lieferumfang ............................................................... 27 See also Protective earth ground/grounding
Local bus transmission speed Potential and data routing ........................................... 58
Identification .......................................................... 62 Arrangement of jumpers........................................ 88
Locking clips ............................................................... 58 See also Data routing
Logic circuit ................................................................. 82 See also Potential routing
Low voltage................................................................. 17 Potential routing
Low voltage terminals Analog circuit......................................................... 82
See Low-level signal/low voltage terminals Current and voltage distribution............................. 92
Low-level signal housing ............................................. 21 Current carrying capacity ...................................... 90
Low-level signal/low voltage terminals FE.................................................................. 90, 115
AC terminals.......................................................... 17 FE spring ............................................................... 90
Accessory terminals .............................................. 36 GND ...................................................................... 90
Basic structure....................................................... 57 Logic circuit ........................................................... 82
Control terminal ..................................................... 51 Main circuit ............................................................ 83
Housing dimensions.............................................. 62 PE ......................................................................... 91
Intrinsically safe terminals for the Ex area (Ex i) .... 44 Segment circuit ..................................................... 84
Power terminals..................................................... 33 Power bridge....................................................... 60, 151
Programmable logic controllers (PLC)................... 51 Power connector
Segment terminals ................................................ 35 120 V AC/230 V AC............................................... 76
Terminals with remote bus branch......................... 30 24 V DC................................................................. 75
Voltage areas ........................................................ 17 Power-level terminals .................................... 60, 150
Power dissipation
M Calculation example............................................ 176
Electronics .......................................................... 175
Main circuit.................................................................. 83
Housing............................................................... 175
Mains voltage for power-level terminals ...................... 85
Working point ...................................................... 175
Manual mode ............................................................ 155
Power supply
Mechanical requirements.......................................... 159
ILB......................................................................... 55
Motor circuit connector.............................................. 152
Power terminal ...................................................... 31, 33
Mounting ..................................................................... 14
Additional functional earth grounding ............ 34, 115
Distances .................................................... 110–113
Diagnostic indicators ............................................. 97
IL, low-level signal/low voltage ............................ 121
Electrical isolation ................................................. 34
IL, power-level terminals...................................... 126
Protective earth grounding .................................. 117
ILB....................................................................... 128
Voltage areas ........................................................ 33
Location............................................................... 108
Power-level terminal ............................................. 17, 40
Mounting position...................................................... 109
Connections .................................................. 40, 149
Positioning........................................................... 130
O Protective earth grounding .................................. 117
Order of the Inline terminals ...................................... 129

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Power-level terminals.................................................. 40 Slot.............................................................................. 77

Basic structure....................................................... 59 Snap-on mechanism ................................................... 58
Housing dimensions .............................................. 67 Status indicators
Programmable logic controllers (PLC) ........................ 51 See also Diagnostic and status indicators
Programmable terminals ............................................. 51 Structure
Protection Connector ....................................................... 57, 68
IL, I/O..................................................................... 38 Electronic module (ILB) ......................................... 68
ILB......................................................................... 55 Electronics base (IL).............................................. 57
Protective earth ground............................................. 117 Inline Block IO ....................................................... 68
Protective earth grounding .......................................... 34 Inline connector..................................................... 71
120 V AC/230 V AC power terminal..................... 117 Low-level signal/low voltage terminals .................. 57
I/O terminals .......................................................... 38 Power-level terminals ............................................ 59
Power-level terminals .................................... 40, 117 Supply terminals
Accessory terminal................................................ 36
Q Power terminal ...................................................... 33
Quick Start Guide........................................................ 11 Segment terminal .................................................. 35
Supply voltages .......................................................... 81
R Bus coupler ........................................................... 81
System data .............................................................. 157
Release flaps .............................................................. 60
Remote bus branch, positioning................................ 130
IL, low-level signal/low voltage ............................ 122 Temperature response.............................................. 175
IL, power-level terminals...................................... 127 Terminal box ............................................................. 108
ILB....................................................................... 128 Terminal point ............................................................. 77
Replacing a fuse ....................................................... 125 Terminal point numbering ........................................... 77
Terminals for analog signals, positioning .................. 130
S Terminals with remote bus branch .............................. 30
Test voltages ............................................................ 164
Safety modules ........................................................... 41
Transmission speed.................................................... 28
Safety-related segment circuit..................................... 12
Scope of supply
ILB......................................................................... 55
Segment circuit ..................................................... 35, 84 User manual................................................................ 11
Segment terminal .................................................. 31, 35
Diagnostic indicators ............................................. 97 V
Functional earth grounding.................................... 35 Voltage areas........................................................ 17, 33
Segmentation.............................................................. 35 IL I/O ..................................................................... 39
SELV........................................................................... 17 ILB......................................................................... 55
Servo amplifier ............................................................ 40
Shielding ................................................................... 118 W
Analog sensors and actuators ............................. 118 Working point............................................................ 175
Concept............................................................... 118 Calculation example............................................ 176
Connecting the shield.......................................... 134
IL ........................................................................... 39
ILB......................................................................... 56
Shield connection clamp ..................................... 137

192 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT 6452_en_09

E Appendix: Revision history

Table E-1 Revision history

Revision Date Contents

B 01/2003 First publication
02 07/2008 Completely revised
– Inline Block IO added
– Adaptation to current product portfolio
03 11/2013 Addition of Section 10.3 Recommendation for supplying the supply voltage and resetting the
voltage with regard to Inline Modular
Additions to Section 11.1 – Cable connection method/cross section:
Cross section for the low-signal and low-voltage levels for UL
– AWG values added
04 02/2015 Correction to Section Surge voltage
Correction AX SALES -> Project+
05 11/2016 Addition XC versions, ECO versions
Revision of Updating of safety modules
Section 4.2.9
Correction in Correction of description
Section 4.2.10
Correction in Correction of dimensions, addition of BK housing
Correction in Section FE -> PE
Addition of Section 10.1.3 Connecting shielded cables using an Inline connector
Correction/additions in – Added ECO and XC ambient temperatures
Section 11.1 – Changed information on humidity
– Corrected information on the protection class
– Corrected information on the overvoltage category
– Updated EMC directive
Additions to Section 11.2 Ordering data for accessories for connecting the shielding using an
Inline connector
Additions to Appendix A2 New items added to tables
06 2017-02-22 Additions to Appendix A A1: Use of Inline terminals at an elevation of more than 3000 meters
07 2017-03-07 Correction in Information on humidity
Section 11.1
08 2017-04-25 Additions to Information on humidity
Section 11.1
09 2018-05-30 New: Section 5.2.10 Intrinsically safe terminals for the Ex area (Ex i)
Additions to Basic information about mounting, Din rail
Section 10.2

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found on the Internet at:
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Subsidiaries If there are any problems that cannot be solved using the documentation, please contact
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Published by PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG
Flachsmarktstraße 8
32825 Blomberg
PHOENIX CONTACT Development and Manufacturing, Inc.
586 Fulling Mill Road
Middletown, PA 17057
Should you have any suggestions or recommendations for improvement of the contents and
layout of our manuals, please send your comments to:
[email protected]

196 / 196 PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG • Flachsmarktstraße 8 • 32825 Blomberg • Germany

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