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WBP কনস্টেবল প্রশ্নপত্র(২০১৩,১৬,১৮) RB/EC/2413



Time allowed: lj hours

Full marks: 90
Answer all the questions.

Questions are of equal marks.

Serial No. Roll No.

Signature of the Candidate:


Candidates should read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions:

1. This booklet consists of 24 pages including this front page. Verify the Page Nos. and Test Booklet Series
on each page and bring to the Invigilator's notice discrepancy, if any. This booklet contains 90 questions
in 2 languages: English and Bengali. In case of any doubt/discrepancy in Bengali language papers you may
refer to the English versions.

2. Answers will have to be given on the Special Answer-Sheet (OMR Answer Sheet), supplied for the purpose,
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Cafi. Do not fold the Answer-Sheet as this will result in error.in your marks.
4. All questionshavefour probable answers (A), (B), (C) and (D). Find out which of the four answers appear
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[Please Turn Over

c-11 RB/EC/2013

[Bexcx,I Vrnsrox]
r. ,{sE 'il(E <iFs6frTt{ q$lrt {FTsfr{ freq qs t o. q6mqr gcqr Gmfrf<q ft an'furm ffia ont
<fr:o crt{Frii{ zotg E'tR-c{ "ilemq-tofs6qa,
wr {rqfrwf,+ t'f<qEq {& t , tt, N<t +-+t q'f a1-96< lt I

7fu2: ql, dFrcsK q-{l6ls fts q-'[6 qlTK

(A) 25;[65rK qfifi< qrel
(B) lsTFT (al Ew{&q0-s
(c\ 294Ffir (gl {&t q6s
(D) ({l qw?t ffi rcl l&zqfr-s
z. ft(u-fr Es cercs'x' €T TIaI <rs qr<?
pl EealeW
2 4 3
Z. fro< cnsrt qTfte-s fu ca[cF qr$r 13iEt6{ Eap
4 5 4 Gqfr <ql4
3 6 2
18 54 x
m K X
@ @ + X x o
(A) 18 (1) (2) (3)
(B) 16 A A ,l (4)

(cl 27 (A) 1

(D) 14 (B) 4
g. ..{sE fifi& r+IV <lzrqF <FGT DARTEELING 6S
(c) 3

6E{t qE FCTLGcNKPI e+? ftft< (D) 2

(B) IQXGTPGOPV E.** ojfr+ 30-1 ,4T{E
(A) 5
(B) 1
4. c ,qr srcq F qr ccrGr s:[ firg s E{ carrs cEEl BFFI (c) 1
qlcqt E qr <ircq c.qr ceIGF 6{q} frE F qr calrs
ol Bm qftqt rrrcur{ dR-<? (D) 0
(A) S
(B) G
(C) F 9. ftcus qioefr e<5F fiffi qm flqr{t qte I
(D) E qi+F
l, 4, 9, L6, 25, 36, 49, ...
s. fto< csqB 6srFlr{?
(A) 909/1000 (A) ss
(B) e.0e (B) 60
(c) 909/100 (c) 64

(D) 9090/1000 (D) e8

Please Thrn Over

RBLEC|2o13 c-12

10. He had to repent whathe had done. 15. He chose the path of religion of his own accord.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate Choose the exact meaning of the underlined
preposition given below. words in the above sentence from the following.
(A) at (A) Forcibly
(B) of (B) Helplessly
(C) over (C) Half-heartedly
(D) for (D) Wiuingly

11. She is so that she easily catches cold. 16. Out of the given alternatives; choose the one
use the correct word from the following to fill in which can be substituted for the given sentence
the blank. One who hates mankind.
(A) sensible
(A) Philanthropist
(B) sincere (B) Misanthrope
(C) sensitive (C) Cannibal
(D) sober (D) Terrorist

12. Pick out the word opposite in meaning to the 17. The car suddenly.
given word-'Accepted" Fill in the blank with an appropriate choice from
(A) Rejected the following.
(B) Considered - off
(A) broke
(C) Noted (B) broke down
(D) Followed (C) broke out
(D) broke up

13. Choose the word nearcst in meaning to the given

word- "fnedible" lE. ftoafrc.f{q6qrlqfrqt fiefr{ olm<
(A) Polluted
(a) rrw
(B) Unfit for human consumption
(B) vw
(C) Vitiated
(c) ux
(D) Eatable
(D) ry
14. Choose the exact meaning of the idiom/phrase
in the sentence- 19. \Mhy did you not spoken to me earlier?
The prices are going up by leaps and bounds. Cor.rect the sentence by using the following one.
(A,) Irregularly (A) did not spoke
(B) Gradually (B) did yau not spoke
(C) Rapidly (C) did you not speak
(D) Systematically (D) were you not spoken

c-13 RB/EC/2013

20. Since we are living in Bombay, we are unwilling 26. ftcur EF uem cckFrqts Es,s fr-{E{ GFq s
to move to another city.
Replace the underlined words in the above
fuqaemrfffi o6oro
sentence by the appropriate words given below: a. eBt-NTt 11}lT6s'Iff< 1. 6s <q< <Tq qfr
(A) Since we have been living RERq&
(B) Being that we are living b. ?rrqK ERc$rdk Rdr{& 2.62iiEK Ts{'qfs
(C) Since we were living c.vt3t-(Eit s-q-oqK wg 3. 6 <qfr <l 65<rq< rmn
(D) None of the above qGtT cq;rlcrdr qfr-.q<{C$ oFoq
21. HrV qreaTt fu(
6sf{Er Et;tt E$E[ WfF {fcr ? d. TrqJ'lldr 4. 5 <q<
(A) o1-g^aSsqtFrmorm Codes:
(B) qt{Kq dtutan< <,<rQ-* orm (a) (b) (c) (d)
(c) r[q'J strt srd c<fFI (A)1234
(D) qa1-g c{si-{ T{qK T-<r6q
22. 1. \5$ <;rrFCO2q< +ffamq (c)2134
2. \t$ <m {re {lg,fua
wU <,<rqF ort qs (D)3241
3. qE carcshsft <3FF \r$ <irBm ceBFful
E"rcr< serefr{ mraFlconofr qfr{rr
zz. ftu-* coqF R{ Ersw{ q<( qffiqaffirffi wr
(A) C$<Fr 1 qLftmr
(B) cs<ET2 (A) CFcfitfo{
(c) q<( 2
1 (B) of{-vR-qgRufirfu
(D) 1,2.4<( 3 (c) I+cqq{
(D) frcq{fifr{
ai. "qrcrE-rtr ffiqcffi" qr a{F Erqll
(A) {qrs{ rtR'r rErqr pT-T{ 2E. He was advised to abstain- all alcoholic
(B) TT$fir Ers{ drinks.
(c) yfifu qfrocqrWs{ Fill in the blank with most appropriate
preposition from the following.
(D) {R<il{c{dEffi{
(A) in
24. Ef3rcs-?r qTq frsF ftE{ mr{ mm qqom 'FFI ? (B) at
(A) tlT qq qq$safiE6 (C) from
(B) ffiEmr e<i?uqftqBqttqn (D) by
(C) tN q<\ 51q $qe[kc{
29. Questions will be answered by a of
(D) Dt .q1i ffi $qc[q6
25. flqq? fr{DT{ eF merl< qft$rd Fill in the blank in the above sentence by an
(e) dfrsqFmr appropriate word given below-
(A) staff
fsl rIqffi'$qR-st< (B) panel
(c) qRfiqfr-$R (C) bunch
(D) TrqR-s qlt-sK (D) band

Pleaselhrm Over

RBlEC/2013 c-14

30. 1930 qRn {QEl rtffi qE5 \NEI qIrtFr{ ET 3s. ftcu-{ qFro 1F ccrr+:t6s Bs{ R-{5{ GFr 3

srsl vt@ot-t v7fu1-n

(A) CrKtdlGr Cwfivl Gqq)
(e) vt&N a. q';qftqwtfiv 1. dq-{
tcl qa<q&-N b. ffiiR-$wFtv 2.6{{
(o) srt{t^s- c. qstFrsw]frs 3. E$6t

d. qRffswfu 4. ES qQ
31. <r<rfr wilsE (1928) < G{sl
fa> ffi<HgsR"ul&q (a) (b) (c) (d)
G) {Aql 'ffr (A) 2 4 3 1
rcl <-ewRcq "B16-{ (B) 2 3 4 I
(D) {QIk< ffitR
(c) 4 3 I 2

sz. for-{ etfr-st (E corr+ 1vtfrw-tq<( s/6@Fz)

(D) 4 1 3 2

foo cnert cotvfttq6sBwftdr{rqr{ s

vtffot-t vrfrorn
(gFre3 $.{-d'Flfr eEFFt) Glql) 36. ftru-{ 6a€xt EF slFrct cetmq6-s EErefr qmrl-
a.<|fu r. ietfierty srB-ot-r(fu{ <d{t) qfrEp7r (drq{.{tr)
b. <tfr'tq z.Effit a. fi-< qslrcit TEE{ da 1.{E-{
c. 9(cD-il :. <tlVrle
d. mBr<t a. aftqqa b. ffi-{qrtg--<T$ Sq 2.$
s. eBtq-v c. cfr< q6IF {{cefts 3 1<-t&
Codes: frQx tq
(a) (b) (c) (d)
d.1td{ffirc-{ {q +.46r
(A) 3425 5..fi
(B) 2514
(c) 3524 Codes:
(D) 2415 (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 3 5l
33. rsr{ eHfr{ strdq E{c€<F{q ffiqffi a-{i
(B) 3 5
(al ffiftq c (c) 4 1 23
Gl ffitfr-{a (D) 4 3 2l
(c) ffitfrqn
(o) ffitfr-qr
37. rg43q6qqfur6 {HF16t qfr'1nr{el qqleFFtrl
34. a<, str< ertr ql-ctt q<(
{ oot<r< e+f "r$e qc<t
UiRq|r<-.ilK ftCD I{(.$ 'fl\sTK sf{"t (A) qHr6r
(e) flBq-<q
61 fi'tut"t ol <{x
(c) fr{t"Ir<
1c; vtvrvft.t {ae+aa
pl Rq<q @) xrryca

c-15 RB/EC|2o13

3E. tlvo sB[E A qsfr q& B m Rfr <;[sr I B .i q& 4. Aq<( B qsF s?$TtT 3:2 q{{Iss Rfr'cstut sGil r

C cF t}vo qfF Rfra srd I R Ilq C q&6 fuT €<t c{F qrc:r 5vo \F srr q<( A qR {ffi6K
t&nq qfr A Rfu ffis sF srr "lss'{t ffi p {R'$q < 4,27sq6E c{Fqt69-{ qfr$q
(tt) lOVo (A) < 8,000
(B) 207o
(B) < 7,700
(C) 5Vo
(c) < 7,500
(D) t%e
(D) < 6,500
39. ftcu-{ cfl-{F ffiqqi$1ase
(A) 43
(B) s3 4s. {fr frrq to qtt on<'M $6{ 12 wt 6Er qqtcq.
(c) 8s { 33,600 crrqrfrd E.r*rsm ?qfr-<r tz sfi sr< sM
(D) 71 ?FGr 18 qq 6Els qqIR c{lq6tK crGr

(A) < 40,000

40. deF lsFfrcqtvq$il< 1v
(A) 18 (B) < 35,000
(B) ls (c) < 28,800
(c) 20 (D) < 37,800
(D) U"lrfir Gorfl&{{

41. 30wr <rfr-fl< <ntrK rw 13 {E{ tq-m3 qeFr 18

qT{-< <T6rt-?r rlv' 15 <q< r <tfr 12qr+< <trn-< rlv 6. X,q< \Vo, Y QA AVo 94 :I:Il;t qrE X q< 20%aR
(A) 12<q{ (A\ Yqi t0?o

G) 10 <qn @) Ya< 15Vo

(c) 16<qT (C) Yaa 20Vo
(D) 10.5 <q3 (D) YQa 25Vo

42. qfr =; <* rF ".8* qr {r{

(A) +
47. fi6r csn "mffi qrq frrf, g14 $qe11q{ s5g7

(B) + (A) ersrq

(B) {-s6M
(c) 3
(c) $fu1
1o) E fr<-?r aflqffim
(D) {<6t
43. < 2.04 qlcslir qG firr{tailn rEsK:Tm a& fto
< 2.88 qt6rd q:r fr qfl65 N.flffi qG RffitdN
frElg otcrcrEtTEr<<2.52 ? 4E. ?Fr66a1rrqfrcr ?1q6wra[fuas a6
(A) 2 3
(el wqFfixnqml
(B) 3 2 (B) 6{Rt El{t
(c) s 3 (c) frqrqKr
(D) 3 4 (D) :nteIrryfrcE qKt

Please Ihrm Over

RB/EC/2013 c-16

49. ,qsF d-st ffitrs< q{TCq 2/z {BEI 60 ftfr ntil 56. The boy said to his mother, "'Where are you
q<( ffi-{Fr qnr & e$e (tr 33la Et'F qtc{ t Q{ going?"
Select the correct form ofthe sentence ifchanged
qrEffis qBmut into indirect narration.
(A) 2sftR/sbt (A) The boy said to his mother that where she
(B) 1sffi/qtt was gomg.
(B) Th9 boy asked to his mother where are you
(c) 2offi/qbt gomg.
(D) loffi/qtt (C) Thg boy asked his mother where she was
so. Bom to fr Er< qtrtar R& or< eo fr@et +07, (D) The boy asked where she was going.
Ets srr{ rffi Etom osBfr qrc4q ftffi54a7
r.q.l t+fr
is) z+tr 57. A boy was by a motor-car.
ici goF use the appropriate words in the blank.
rol ro F (A) run into
(B) run over
51. asq {cq'-{ qtr< colq En$[ 20 <qr< I eq qs t es? (C) run at
1m< <lrs ss. <w & Tqq-{ freq qr< r (D) none of the above.
(A) 8<q<
(B) 10<q3
(c) 12 <qK
58. Do the work at onpe.
(D) 14<qR The correct form ofthe sentence in passive voice
s2. Efr q$rBr q1'tlg 3:4 €{( ot.ql.e. o, qi?B't(E{ is-
q.ql.s. (A) You are directed to do the work at once.
(B) Let the work be done at once.
(A) 12 (C) The work should be done at once.
(B) 16 (D) At once the work be done by you.
(c) 48
(D) 24

53. No one can bear an unprovoked insult. The 59. qs{& p 4fr (66m,q<( e catm p N
carcp a
appropriate interrogative form of the above ffi or< trc< ytfi r {tstTItF mE qr{ tr{ 16
sentence qtt rfttr qTd'tq{frBtft1o r}eTt r[l.:Tt s6{ sr{
(A) Everyone can bear an unprovoked insult. 4 qbt w{ q qrc{ r{fr{\srl rxFnt m-aertq ci{&
(B) Can you bear an unprovoked insult?
(C) Who can bear an unprovoked insult? $Gt g.r{:{5rfr f,t'lr<
(D) Would you bear an unprovoked insult? (A) ls qbt
(B) 20q61
54. He runs as fast as a deer.
The comparative degree of fast is used correctly
(c) 18{bt
in the sentence (D) 12st1
(A) He runs faster than a deer.
(B) A deer cannot run faster than he can.
(C) A deer can run faster than he can.
(D) None of the above. 60. EF 6rffi itf ffiR q?R 90 mrr I sil
{alrq;al 80
TeflcFC{ to firBr*/cn<rs q<( 7 fitDr<lmr+s
55. T.he sun rose. The fog dispersed.
Which of the follciwing sentences is correct, if i&-r<ctf {rr*'rrfi frm EIRg E6 sE' rrsrm
the above sentences are joined in the form of a rBf rBffQ :EfCq?
simple sentence? (A) 20 ffi6Fs
(A) When the sun rose, the fog dispersed. (B) 1s ffir€
(B) The sun having risen the fog dispersed.
(C) The fog dispersed when the sun rose. (c) 17 ffi6Fs
(D) As the sun rose, the fog dispersed. (D) 10 C{GFS

c-17 RB/EC/2013

61. <fqlref{ qrFryrt6l6s fr'{Bo- or<-q 68. 88 qil fur uI{ qc+< TM q"qIF qE
(A) qTtt"t (A) ee44
(B) Gr$qvt (B) e678
1c1 frtt-+ren fr{Bo w.ry'rt.i (c) ee88
fol Rqn{Rqcm fr.{fu qrpuon (D) 8888

69. 1 - 2 +3 -4+ 5 -6 +7 -8+........ qtexE$c<

62. Tfq.rril6fi30t'tcl Sq"l s,fn
1000 etfu q$rK \E qr{
(A) sFrcs-< qqr fu{q& (A) - 4s0
(B) vt=tIp-d <18{C (B) - 500
(c) qRron6r d{F fu{q& (c) - 5s0
1oy frrr+avr< v<m 1p) fr.fus-{rw{;r{
70. ffirRswrq,efr{rq cqrsqfu q{nfi "I{wa a
os. e<rBGsercgmFqm-qffi< rtc4t rlvoRtEl, z+e$f Pq J M
eEK mF r & cEftre qE-qffir q{'ilg ss? 5 , g, 14 , 20 ,....,.....
(1t) 3:2 (A)
(B) 5:2
(C) 2:t
rsr 9
(D) 4:3 (C)Q

64. vt-<s e<( &rysr{ {c$ mR a.rfr w<@e

(A) c<Ri dffi 71. 2013 qIFEr {csqrf, {{qlBrr(-{-{ sl'{ ISRG<
(B) q<Tq q6ffr 66TFTI{ fu{
(C) 'f{ d"tffi (A) \rs 6{qer$Ft
(D) rrtr€t a6lla (B) \5s RE. \flf<. rtng
(c) v3 m. Tt{TroT
(D) vs &. qt<T{ TmK
os. coq Frwro EfuqFftq {{t q{ ?
(A) 'tE ftq 72. mr{F 6$rnn?
(B) {r4 frq (A) qER
(c) cof&liMlmfrq (B) mctr*
@) ufiq (Cl e{epr
(D) qFT{
66. 6$fmWK 207o T{!fr 'lf\eTlIl<tWd<U-e[d 20Zo
sGr TF I qfi s{ qt?l{ qr{
zr. qimffir( {Gir qlst Etel {t'tt qs
(A) qa? (A) q,6Eir

(B) 47o zF:l (B) c\5ffi{

(C) 47o 6<{l (C) of'ltrrd
(D) 8zo 6{E} (D) rl{ssffid

67. 56qvt<Qr rfut aqq estm$ qr <rrsr? zt. ot&'sfmqlq{ "116q<fu

(A) E{r$r era (A) futEE e[Trt
(B) ilEA G) Eq{{cq'r"r
(c) qr<& "flq
ffi{ (q sffilF
(D) ,q{. fr. ffi or (D) wmq

Please llrrn Over

RB/EC/201s c-18

7s. mt6rtfrrqst roF aar{ ffi <e-grq +F mgr 79. Which of the following sentences is correct?
ft& qF qB qr lERI.lE<ITt *&-r qRxn (A) There is a university in Kolkata
(A) toEo
(B) He is a university student
(C) A university will be established atAsansol
67 nf;v" (D) None of the above
1c1 nf,u, 80. My brother is younger me.
Which of the following words will be appropriate
1O1 E"rr<-< cotaR r{ to the above senteuce?
(A) than
76. fr'{dqew-+ w*q@ qi$E frffr"t GF6r B
(B) bY
(C) with
(D) to

st. {6Ts 72 ffi 6{cE lroffir<?qrf{ esB ff{ r:z

ffitr ffifrqca qBsE iKF snr 6{r<
(A) 9.8 6{s
(B) 12.1m3
(c) t2.42ffi2
(D) 14.3 6{3

82. I,who yoursuperioqshouldberaspected.

Fill in the blank with the appropriate words
given below:
(A) arn
(B) is
(A) 3s (C) are
(B) 37 (D) was
(c) 45
(D) 46 83. crlE{t RErotrT <m+ nfr-+r< sr{lls 7:5 r {fr &
Rrym-r flF qEr{$t t 200 q{ s6q <tfrsm qiql't
77. The word opposite in meaning to 'Kind' is
(A) s00
(A) Honest
(B) 200
(B) Famous (c) 1000
(C) Similar (D) 700
(D) Cruel
84. mf6rt q'R[qtq:ffi 6q5q 7 { qtrr e<( q-Tt uf{
78. ml6{t q(?B'lcs 4:rlscr 4, 5, 6 qrfl q{ G"(a TellcFC{ fr+ cqrm s r EI6r qlcq I Erfl eKqK w{EFr {ffi{
2, 3 s 4Etrl-c.rr e65q qiffi qa
qgq q-Tt \5Ffu ccfce 19oTqf6{ ep5E I :ffi 6e6E
(A) 2r4 tErwqn
(A) 21sr
(B) 476
(B) 19Er
(c) es4 (c) 238{
(D) 1908 (D) 2NT
C.19 RB/Ee/2013

E5. Murderer of one's father is ss. ft6< m€$ {q<ffigfrN *r*,Er fu rmf$
.m?r$ csnB?
(A) Fratricide
(A) rfi& 3 rrul
(B) Patricide (B) Tr+b s:Rfst t
(C) Homicide (c) qEIq s tr{F
@) Maticide o) qmRHa : ular+

86. frseks q$tltefr qsF frc"F fircq qrqlr{r qrcq r

t9. Raman is the better the two boys.
tdrW{qfr$qiffi<+Eq Fill io the blank with appropriate words given


tt549 650

(A) than
(B) in
(C) to
(A) 421 (D) of
(B) s6l
(c) 322
(D\ 221
90. He lost his mother as soon as he was
Fill in the blank with the appropriate words
E7. cSltrrl lTtc-'l 95 qEir 200 fr6{d rfi frq I 5 fi{ givenbelow:
30 Eiq ?FrtFrl ccl-6p D[af cflq I sv,fr-{ ,h (A) borne
!'rtqF161,? (B) bear
(A) 180
(C) born
(B) 28sif
(c) (D) bore
(D) 28.s
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