Unit 3: Adjectives: 1. Position and Function of Adjectives

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1. Position and function of adjectives

- Comes before noun and describes the noun in different ways, eg: a tall boy,
an angry man, a beautiful flower
Ex: We are seeking……………individuals to participate in those outdoor
A. Interest B. interested C. interestingly
- When modifying indefinite pronouns as Something, anything, nothing…,
adjectives come after the pronoun they modify
Ex: We need to think of something special in order to attract customers
- Comes after “be”
Ex: The company‘s profit were………………enough to attract potential
A. Impressive B. impression C. impress
- Comes after linking verbs
These verbs are used in the same position as “be”
Verbs: get; become; remain; seem; look; sound; stay
Ex: Workers will become accustomed to operating the machine.
- Used as an object complement after such verbs as “make; keep; find”
Ex: His speech made the audience encouraged
I find music impressive

2. Commonly used adjective suffixes

-able Capable employee

-ible Eligible participants
-ic Economic growth
-ed Detailed information
-ing Interesting film
-less Hopeless project
-ful Successful candidate
-ent Current position
-ous Various benefits
-ial Potential customers
-ory Compulsory registration
-ish Selfish person
-ly Timely manner
-ate moderate
-ive Competitive price

3. Confusable adjectives
- Adjectives that look like adverbs
Note that some adjectives are formed by adding-ly to nouns
and some adverbs are formed by adding –ly to adjectives

Daily timely weekly orderly

Monthly costly quarterly lively
Yearly lonely friendly elderly
Lovely deadly silly

- Adjectives confusable in meanings

Appreciable Industrial
Appreciative Industrious
Beneficent Memorable
Beneficial Memorial
Classic Momentary
classical Momentous
Continual Responsible
Continuous Responsive
Considerable Sensitive
Considerate Sensible
Economic Respectful
Economical Respective
Healthy Successive
Healthful Successful
1. Job seekers spend…………..time writing their résumé’s and cover letter.
A. Consider C. considerate
B. Considerable D. consideration

2. We are…………..of your doing business with us.

A. Appreciable C. appreciate
B. Appreciate D. appreciating

Directions: Mark the choice that best complete the sentences

1. This ticket remains…………..for three months

A. Effective C. effect
B. Effectively D. effectual
2. The nuclear power plant will not become…………..until all the safety equipment
has been thoroughly tested.
A. Operate C. operation
B. Operational D. Operative
3. The warranty doesn’t cover damage caused by …………..maintenance
A. Improper C. improperly
B. Property D. properly
4. Surprisingly, the General Manager’s…………..occupation was serving in the
A. Former C. formerly
B. Formal D. formality
5. We are pleased to recommend Elizabeth because she is………….and diligent
A. Reliable C. reliant
B. Reliably D. rely

A. Frequently used ADJ in TOEIC

1. Additional thêm, bổ sung add (v);

addition (n)
Additional funds
2. Limited hạn chế limit (v);
limitation (n)
Limited numbers
3. Defective có lỗi defect (n)
Defective merchandise
4. Promising đầy hứa hẹn promise (v/n)
Promising candidates
5. Convenient thuận tiện convenience
B. Exercises
1. Employees are the most (valuable/upcoming) asset in our company
2. We guarantee a full refund for any (prior/defective) items.
3. There is a need to hire (additional/ comprehensive) programmers to finish the
project on time.
4. Ms Weiss is one of the most (promising/similar) members in the marketing team.
5. Technological advances are (likely/positive) to help improve staff productivity

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