Ram Pump
Ram Pump
Ram Pump
The Department Technology Unit of Warwick University
For this module, the main source of information comes from the DTU of Warwick
University and their book “Hydraulic Hydraulic Ram Pumps – A guide to Hydraulic
Ram Pump water supply systems”. Their recommendations were adapted to the
local context of the province of NTT, Indonesia.
Allowing the use of their experience for training purposes is very much appreciated.
Dominique Browne
Table of contents
Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................ i
Table of contents ......................................................................................................... ii
Table of figures .......................................................................................................... iv
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
I. Principle ................................................................................................................... 3
I.1. Theory .......................................................................................................... 3
I.1.1. Energy .................................................................................................... 3
I.1.2. Water hammer effect .............................................................................. 3
I.2. Application for the Hydraulic Ram Pump ...................................................... 4
II. Components and their functions of the system ....................................................... 6
II.1. The Hydraulic Ram Pump System................................................................ 6
II.1.1. Objectives .............................................................................................. 6
II.1.2. Description ............................................................................................. 6
II.2. Header tank .................................................................................................. 8
II.2.1. Objectives .............................................................................................. 8
II.2.2. Description ............................................................................................. 8
II.2.3. Example ................................................................................................. 9
II.3. Drive pipe ..................................................................................................... 9
II.3.1. Objectives .............................................................................................. 9
II.3.2. Description ............................................................................................. 9
II.4. Pump basement ......................................................................................... 10
II.4.1. Functions ............................................................................................. 10
II.4.2. Description ........................................................................................... 10
II.4.3. Example ............................................................................................... 11
II.5. Delivery pipe ............................................................................................... 12
II.5.1. Description ........................................................................................... 12
III. The pump ............................................................................................................. 14
III.1. General description .................................................................................... 14
III.2. Description of components ......................................................................... 15
III.2.1. The pump body ................................................................................ 15
III.2.2. Impulse valve ................................................................................... 16
III.2.3. Delivery valve ................................................................................... 17
III.2.4. Air vessel.......................................................................................... 18
III.2.5. Snifter valve ..................................................................................... 19
IV. Application on site ................................................................................................ 20
IV.1. Project management of a Hydraulic Ram Pump project ............................. 20
IV.2. Survey a potential site ................................................................................ 22
IV.2.1. Calculation of the delivery flow ........................................................ 22
IV.2.2. Constraints ....................................................................................... 22
IV.3. Installation .................................................................................................. 24
IV.4. Starting the Hydraulic Ram Pump System ................................................. 28
IV.5. Common problems and maintenance ......................................................... 30
V. Local manufacture of the pump ............................................................................ 31
V.1. Starting a local manufacture ....................................................................... 31
V.1.1. Skilled technician ............................................................................. 31
V.1.2. Supply of material............................................................................. 31
V.1.3. Equipment and tools......................................................................... 31
V.2. Steps to follow for local manufacture .......................................................... 32
V.2.1. Flanges, reducer, top of the air chamber and plates ........................ 32
V.2.2. Pump body ....................................................................................... 33
V.2.3. Snifter valve ..................................................................................... 35
V.2.4. Delivery valve ................................................................................... 35
V.2.5. Impulse valve ................................................................................... 36
V.2.6. Air chamber ...................................................................................... 38
V.2.7. Finishing ........................................................................................... 38
Appendices ............................................................................................................... 39
Table of figures
Figure 1: Hilly landscape of NTT, Indonesia ................................................................ 2
Figure 2: Water hammer effect .................................................................................... 3
Figure 3: Application of the water hammer effect on the Hydraulic Ram Pump .......... 5
Figure 4: Hydraulic Ram Pump System ...................................................................... 6
Figure 5.a: Header tank for 6 pumps from AID Foundation ......................................... 9
Figure 5.b: Header tank for 2 pumps from AID Foundation ......................................... 9
Figure 6: Drive pipe and flanges ............................................................................... 10
Figure 7: Construction of pump basement, NTT ....................................................... 11
Figure 9: Delivery pipes............................................................................................. 13
Figure 10: Example of Hydraulic Ram Pumps around the world ............................... 14
Figure 11: Hydraulic Ram Pump from ACF design ................................................... 15
Figure 12.a: Pump body ............................................................................................ 15
Figure 12.b: Pump body with supports, flanges and reducer .................................... 16
Figure 13: Impulse valve and its components ........................................................... 16
Figure 14: Delivery valve ........................................................................................... 18
Figure 15: Air vessel.................................................................................................. 18
Figure 16: Snifter valve ............................................................................................. 19
Figure 17: Efficiency formula ..................................................................................... 22
Figure 18: Topography and drive pipe position ......................................................... 23
Figure 19: Community meeting ................................................................................. 24
Figure 20: Aligning header tank and pump basement ............................................... 25
Figure 21: Burring delivery pipe ................................................................................ 25
Figure 22: Construction of the pump basement ........................................................ 26
Figure 23: Drive pipes and supports.......................................................................... 26
Figure 24: Choice of route for the delivery pipe ......................................................... 27
Figure 25: Why priming ............................................................................................. 29
Figure 26: Priming the Hydraulic Ram Pump ............................................................ 29
Figure 27: Tools and equipment ................................................................................ 32
Figure 28: Cutting the iron plate ................................................................................ 32
Figure 29: Flanges, plates, reducer, and top of air chamber manufacture ................ 33
Figure 30: Welding the pump body ........................................................................... 33
Figure 31: Supports on pump body ........................................................................... 34
Figure 32: Snifter valve manufacture......................................................................... 35
Figure 33: Delivery valve manufacture ...................................................................... 35
Figure 34: Manufacture of the support for the impulse valve guide ........................... 36
Figure 35: Manufacture of the top of the impulse valve plate .................................... 36
Figure 36: Manufacture of the bottom of the impulse valve plate .............................. 37
Figure 37: Manufacture of the stem of the impulse valve .......................................... 38
Figure 38: Manufacture of the air vessel ................................................................... 38
A technology that avoids constrains of water supplies in rural areas
In many parts of the world, villages are situated above the spring: it does not allow
water to flow to compounds by gravity. For example, in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)
province, Indonesia, 70 percent of the population lives upstream the closest source
of water. A pump is needed to lift the water from this source to their compound.
Dr. Terry Thomas from the Warwick University, UK explained in 1994 that “whilst in
general the power for water-lifting can come from engines, electrical mains, animals,
humans or renewable (climatic) sources, in the particular context of rural areas in
poor countries the choice is more constrained.
In many such countries:
There are virtually no rural electrical mains;
Engines pose problems of both fuelling and maintenance;
Draught animals may be unavailable or difficult to apply to water lifting; and
Renewable are erratic, complex and import intensive.”
The Hydraulic Ram Pump (Hydram) stays away from these constrains:
The source of energy of this technology is the water itself and gravity. It has a
low cost maintenance cost;
It works as long as water is available;
The pump has very few moving parts that are simple to produce locally and to
maintain by the community itself.
A technology to be reintroduced
Dr Terry Thomas followed his explanation on Hydraulic Ram Pumps: “they were
invented 200 years ago and are still manufactured in over ten countries. They were
once commonplace in Europe, The Americas, Africa and some parts of Asia. They
have however been largely displaced by motorized pumping in richer countries,
whilst in developing countries their use is concentrated in China, Nepal and
Generally, in rural areas of developing countries, this skill has been lost since about
1950, and the intermediaries that used to connect manufacturers to users have
disappeared. Old systems lie broken for lack of fairly simple maintenance: new
systems are few.”
Even if the Hydram technology is not trivial: designing systems that are reliable,
economic and durable (e.g. against flood, theft, silt) takes some experience, it is
possible to reintroduce this technology for rural communities and local
manufacturers. Skills to manufacture, design, implement and maintain are basic and
it is believed that this module will allow technicians to undertake the installation of
Hydraulic Ram Pump Systems (RPS).
The development of the RPS is also an opportunity for irrigation which consumes a
lot of water. There is a difference between water for agriculture and drinking water:
the quality standard is low. It implies that most of the stream could be a potential site
for installing a Hydram. The Gravity Fed System (GFS) can avoid the use of pipe
which increases the cost efficiency. Moreover, most of the fields are close to the
streams (i.e. the difference of altitude is not important) which allows a high volume
Disregarding social and organizational factors, the technical niche of the Hydram can
be described as moist hilly rural areas where there is no mains electricity but a need
for lifting water from streams or springs.
I. Principle
I.1. Theory
I.1.1. Energy
Cars, airplanes, light bulb, water pumps, computers, the human body have all
something in common: they need energy to work. This energy can come from many
sources such as electricity, fuel, manpower, food.
Different technologies are used to transform one source of energy to another. For
example, car engines transform the chemical energy of the fuel into mechanical
energy allowing wheels to rotate. Another example related to water supply projects is
electric pumps: they use electricity to transform electrical energy into potential
energy of the lifted water.
The potential energy is the energy of every object due to its altitude. The object
needs another source of energy to be lifted and will lose its potential energy if it falls.
Hydrams are designed to lift water (i.e. give potential energy to the water) from a low
cost source of energy. Avoiding using fuel and electricity, the water hammer effect
has shown to be efficient and is the principle of Hydrams.
If the velocity of the water in a pipe is high enough, a fast closure of the pipe will
cause a water hammer effect as shown in Figure 2. The water flowing will be
compressed to the valve which has been closed suddenly. As a comparison, if a
hundred people run very fast in a corridor and suddenly, they face a closed door, the
space between them will be reduced, everybody will touch each other. In the same
way, with velocity, water has kinetic energy. By closing quickly the pipe, this kinetic
energy will be transformed into pressure.
This effect is characterized by a loud noise that is similar to a hammer banging a
metal component.
No pressure
High velocity
No velocity
Figure 3: Application of the water hammer effect on the Hydraulic Ram Pump
II. Components and their functions of the system
II.1. The Hydraulic Ram Pump System
II.1.1. Objectives
A RPS has different objectives:
Lift water from a source of water to a targeted community;
Resist to external aggressions such as time, rain, mud, organic matter,
shocks, theft, and landslide; and
Resist to internal fatigue due to the shocks of the water hammer effect.
II.1.2. Description
2 3
5 and 6
Composition of a Hydraulic Ram Pump System
A RPS is used within a GFS. The water entering in the storage tank of a GFS comes
from the RPS.
A RPS has 7 main components as shown in Figure 4:
1. A spring or stream catchment;
2. A feed pipe;
3. A header tank;
4. One or multiple drive pipes;
5. A pump basement;
6. One or multiple Hydrams;
7. One or multiple delivery pipes; and
8. A storage tank.
The water comes from a stream or a spring. If the source of water is a stream, the
water quality is most likely unable to reach ACF standards (please refer to Module 1
Introduction for further information about water quality treatment) for drinking
In addition, sedimentation can be used to avoid silt and sand in the pump.
Following the route of the water in the Hydraulic Ram Pump System
1 and 2 The water is caught by the spring catchment (or the stream catchment)
and driven to the header tank by the feed pipe. The spring or stream catchment is
the first barer to prevent organic matters to enter in the system and to reduce the
efficiency of the system. Since the design is the same as a stream or spring
catchment for a GFS already detailed in Module 4 Construction; refer to this module
for further information.
3 The header tank allows a continuous flow to the drive pipe and the pump(s); it
is as well the last barer to prevent sediments to enter in the pump.
4 and 5 The drive pipe is made from galvanized iron (G.I.). It has to support the
water hammer effect which is running continuously. The drive pipe is designed to
conduct water as fast as possible to the pump: it must be straight.
6 The Hydram is the most critical infrastructure of the system. A full chapter is
dedicated to its description and local manufacture.
7 The Hydram is attached to the pump basement. It has to absorb the shocks of
the water hammer effect. The pump basement has to be carefully design because it
is subject to the fatigue of the water hammer effect and is very difficult to maintain
without stopping the pump from running.
8 The delivery pipe conducts the water from the pump to the storage tank. The
delivery pipe is designed like a delivery pipe of a GFS: the pressure of the delivery
water, the flow of the delivery water, and its route are the main input to choose the
type of pipes needed.
9 The storage tank is used to hold water before it is delivered to communities by
a GFS. This infrastructure is detailed in Module 2 Principles and sizing; refer to this
module for further information.
II.2.2. Description
In order to fulfill the uses of the header tank, the design of the header tank depends
on the characteristics of the water that flows in:
Quality: impurities, sand, leaves, mud; and
Quantity: flow available by the source of the water.
A Hydram cannot work automatically if air enters inside the Hydram body. It means
that the entrance of the drive pipe must be always under water. As a consequence,
the size of a header tank is decided according to the flow available by the source of
water. Then, if the quality of the water is poor (e.g. from a stream), it is important for
the sediments to have time in the header tank to settle down in the bottom of the
tank. Two compartments can be constructed.
The volume of the header tank for a RPS can be calculated like the header tank for a
GFS; refer to Module 2 Principles and sizing for further details.
It is easier to construct a square tank (i.e. for the construction of the molds for
concrete). The side in which the drive pipes are casted must allow at least 10
centimeters of space between two pipes.
The height of the tank must allow the water to be at least 30 centimeters above the
drive pipes.
The inlet of the header tank is the feed pipe.
The outlets of the header tank are:
The drive pipes;
The wash out pipe on each compartment; and
The overflow pipe.
The maintenance of the header tank is allowed by a manhole located on the top; if
two compartments exist, the trap must allow cleaning both.
The drive pipes cannot only be casted in the wall of the tank; the wall thickness is not
enough to hold the shocks of the water hammer effects. It is recommended to add
concrete around the entrance of the drive pipe.
For maintenance purposes, it is recommended to install ball valve to allow an easy
opening of the drive pipes. Ball valve are recommended over gate valve: gate valve
close automatically under the effect of the water hammer effect when the pump is
II.2.3. Example
The header tank for the RPS differs from the one from the GFS only by adding the
drive pipe as straight as possible toward the pump basement. It is recommended to
reinforce the wall where the drive pipes are: this solution allows the header tank to
sustain against the water hammer effects.
II.3.2. Description
A drive pipe is linked to only one pump. It cannot be made out of plastic because it
cannot sustain the pressure. It is highly recommended to use first quality galvanized
iron (G.I.) pipes. Poor quality of G.I. pipes will lead to difficult maintenance soon after
the installation such as repairing leakage.
The efficiency of the pump increases if the components of the system do not absorbs
the shocks of the water hammer effect. For the drive pipe, it means that it must be
very rigid and tightly hold with clamps on supports casted into concrete.
Finally, the shock wave that goes along the drive pipe at each water hammer effect
leads to a fatigue of the weakest part of the pipe: the threads at each end. This is a
main cause of leakage. It is highly recommended to weld flanges all along the pipe
and to insert a rubber seal between them. AID Foundation„s experience has proven
that it increases the longevity of the drive pipe.
The design of the flange for a 2” drive pipe is given in the appendix xx.
II.4.2. Description
The pump basement must be made out from the most solid concrete. Four screws
are casted in the basement: the Hydram is to be located thanks to these screws.
The only critical part of constructing a pump basement is the alignment with the
pump basement so that the drive pipe is perfectly straight. How to do this task
properly is explained in the part Application on site.
II.4.3. Example
It is useful to prevent people to access to the Hydram apart from the water
committee for security constraints (i.e. children playing, thieves attracted by
bolts and nuts)
References to Module 2
The delivery pipe for a RPS is designed as a delivery pipe for a GFS; refer to Module
2 for further details:
It needs to be buried to avoid external aggression;
The delivery height minimizes the internal diameter of the pipe (i.e. the small
diameter creates more head losses);
The delivery height also designs the pressure that the pipe can hold and as a
consequence, the material of the pipe; and
The route of the pipe must avoid going alternatively up and down and should
stay straight as much as possible.
Delivery pipes buried in the ground and rocks show the position
III. The pump
III.1. General description
The Hydram has many designs all over the world.
Figure 11: Hydraulic Ram Pump from ACF design
Tee Elbow
Figure 12.b: Pump body with supports, flanges and reducer
Two supports are also welded to allow the fixation of the Hydram on the pump
The water enters from the drive pipe into the pump body and flows directly to the
impulse valve.
Guide Stem
The impulse valve of the ACF design of the Hydram is mainly based on the design
from the DTU. It is composed of three components:
The plate;
The plug; and
The locking bolt.
The impulse valve is the part that allows the water to create continuous water
hammer effects. The plug needs to be wide enough so that the water pushes it
The closure needs to be fast and clear. This is why it is important to guide the plug
vertically. Also, it is recommended that the contact surfaces between the plate and
the plug are conical: this contact is better than flat surfaces for waterproof purposes.
The locking nut is used to stop the plug falling downward. It allows the modification
of the length of the stroke of the plug. This option is better than putting simple nuts
on the plug. One or two nuts are not enough: they get loose by the continuous hits
when the plug goes down. This device makes sure that the length of the stroke stays
the same until further modification during maintenance.
Bottom Top
Rubber Machine
III.2.5. Snifter valve
The snifter valve is a device to allow the air to enter in the air vessel.
It is important to have this supply of air because the air in the air vessel is mixed with
the water while the Hydram is running. As a consequence, the volume of air reduces.
The snifter valve allows maintaining a necessary level of air inside the air vessel.
The DTU design uses a valve with a rubber seal. If the hole is very small (i.e. 1 to 2
mm of diameter), the system is working and the pressure will not reduce too much
even if there is water going out. ACF chose to use just a small hole.
IV. Application on site
This part is essentially based on the very useful book Hydraulic Hydrams from the
The complexity of the topography and the system (i.e. number of pumps,
number of route and of storage tank)
Agricultural and cultural calendar.
The duration of a project varies from one site to another: they last between 2 to 3
months long.
Cost management
The range of the cost of a RPS varies from USD 2,000 to 6,000. The figures below
are an example from AID Foundation that gives a good estimation of the amount
spent on each component:
Spring catchment tank USD 80
Drive tank USD 59
Hydram foundation USD 62
Hydram and accessories USD 322
Diversion pipe USD 834
Drive pipe USD 201
Delivery pipe USD 468
Distribution line & 3 tap stands USD 148
Management and Training USD 1,044
Community cost (in kind) USD 307
Appendix xx is dedicated to the cost analysis of an example of a RPS.
IV.2. Survey a potential site
The DTU design assignment procedure to survey a potential site is adapted to the
reality of the field and very helpful to the designer. It is presented in appendix xx.
Important points are described in the following paragraphs.
IV.2.2. Constraints
From the position of the storage tank
A too high delivery height causes not only the reduction of the delivery flow and the
important reduction of the efficiency of the pump but also, it will cause stress on the
pump itself due to the pressure in the delivery pipe.
The DTU recommends that the delivery height does not exceed 100 meters for their
Hydraulic Ram Pump S2. The ACF design is based on the DTU Hydraulic Ram
Pump S2.
Children are naturally playing with water: designs should avoid allowing
children to play on pipes, on tanks (i.e. for security reasons).
The material used to construct a RPS is attractive: bolts, nuts, screw,
maintenance material, pipe should be kept from the temptation as much as
In order to avoid as much as possible these problems, experience is the best tool.
The community knows best their land, their people and their habits. Dialogues, ideas
and initiatives from the community need to be encouraged by the project manager.
IV.3. Installation
1 For the implementation of the project, it is important to start by the stream or
spring catchment. The catchment tank will give the flow available compared to the
estimated flow found during the survey. Modifications of the design of the rest of the
system may be useful.
Position the beginning of the feed pipe toward the header tank.
2 Then, according to the topography, construct the header tank and position:
the end of the feed pipe toward the stream or spring catchment; and
The drive pipes toward the pump basement.
The drive pipes need to be as straight as possible. A method is to use a string
attached on the position of the beginning of the drive pipe to the future position of the
Hydram as shown in the following picture.
The 4 screws casted in the pump basement need to be perfectly aligned with
the drive pipe to ensure an optimum positioning of the Hydram.
6 The digging and burial of the delivery pipe is a long and human resource
demanding task. It can be started in parallel to the tasks described previously. It is
important to start by the bottom (i.e. position of the pump basement) avoid digging
and installing the pipe.
IV.4. Starting the Hydraulic Ram Pump System
Before starting the Hydraulic Ram Pump
Make sure that:
Bolts are tight (air vessel, pump body);
The feed pipe flow is constant, header tank is clean and full and overflow is
The pump basement is clear; and
The impulse valve is removed.
To remove all undesired material inside the drive pipe:
Open the ball valve at the drive pipe gently from closed to full; and
Close the drive pipe.
Clean the snifter valve; and
Put back the impulse valve.
Figure 25.a: when starting the Hydram, the water flows not only through the impulse
valve but also through the delivery valve. This is because the delivery valve stays
open: there is not any pressure above the valve to close it. As a consequence, not
enough water flows through the impulse valve to create a strong hammer effect.
Without a strong hammer effect, the depression that allows the impulse valve to
open is not possible. It is why priming is needed to help the impulse valve going
Figure 25.b: After that the water in the delivery pipe reaches the same height as the
header tank, the situation changes and the pump can work automatically. The
pressure above the delivery valve is greater than below when the water is
accelerating and flows only through the impulse valve.
It creates a strong hammer effect that increases the pressure to open the delivery
valve, let the water flow in the delivery pipe, and allows a depression. This
depression makes the impulse valve open and the cycles of the Hydram can run
The longer the stroke the stronger the water hammer effect is. When the plug is
down, more waste water is able to flow out increasing the velocity of the drive water.
As a consequence, this high velocity is causing a strong water hammer effect.
However, this relation is not linear: the velocity reaches even if the stroke is at its
maximum. It is causing a waste of water much greater than the increase of the
delivery flow: the efficiency reduces.
On the opposite, a too small stroke cannot create a water hammer effect strong
enough to have the required delivery flow, or even not strong enough to make the
Hydram work automatically.
The DTU gives well explained recommendations on tuning the Hydram for different
“Peak output
When there is plenty of drive water available (e.g. wet season) the pump should be
tuned for peak output (i.e. the delivery of as much water as possible). This usually
coincides with a long impulse valve stroke allowing the velocity of water in the drive
pipe to build up, increasing the energy available for pumping. It should be
remembered, however, that tuning for peak output also raises those forces in the
pump that accelerate failure. For this reason, never exceed the recommended
maximum stroke.
Peak efficiency
When there is a limited amount of drive water available (e.g. dry season), it is
important that the pumps installed are tuned down to use most of the drive water to
be lifted and delivered. This corresponds to a small length stroke.”
V. Local manufacture of the pump
V.1. Starting a local manufacture
V.1.1. Skilled technician
The manufacture of the Hydram designed by ACF needs skills available in NTT and
in most part of the world. The technician has to know how to:
Weld for waterproof connections and with different material;
Cut iron plate;
Use a lathe machine;
Read technical drawing.
A mechanic that has worked for repairing car or motorbikes is adapted to this job.
Safety goggles, safety gloves, ear plug, mask to protect from metallic dust;
A generator in case of black-out of electricity.
The PCD are concentric circles on the surfaces that will be in contact to the rubber
seal. It helps the rubber seal to anchor and resist to the high pressure given by the
water hammer effect. If not, the rubber moves and leakages appear.
Finally, drill the holes for the bolt and flanges are ready for being welded to the pump
This step is the same for the flanges for the drive pipe and for reducing on end of the
tee for connecting the drive pipe. A pipe used for the drive pipe (i.e. 2”) is welded on
to create the inlet of the pump.
Figure 29: Flanges, plates, reducer, and top of air chamber manufacture
Two 90˚ profiles are cut and holes are drilled in them to create the support of the
pump. The position of the holes needs to match the position of the screws on the
pump basement. Then, it is ready to be welded to the pump body.
V.2.3. Snifter valve
The snifter valve is a 2 mm hole in the pump body 2 cm below the delivery valve.
The technician needs to weld a point on the pump body to add material and then,
drill inside. If the hole is too big while the pump is running (i.e. too much leakage of
water), a nail can be placed inside the hole to reduce it.
V.2.5. Impulse valve
The impulse valve is the most complicated component to manufacture in the
The plate
Starting with a plate like the flanges, do not make the hole in the center in the
beginning: this step will be at last. Then, produce the support for the guide with
rectangles from the iron plate.
Figure 34: Manufacture of the support for the impulse valve guide
The iron plate is cut to produce rectangles that will support the guide. After, all steps
are done on the lathe machine.
First, the top is manufactured: the top side faces the cutting tools:
Surface the top;
Position and weld the support for the guide;
Drill a hole to put the guide inside the top rectangle;
Weld the guide;
Drill inside the guide (i.e. the technician is sure that the edge and the inside of
the guide are aligned: this is important for the movement of the plug).
Make the PCD;
Figure 37: Manufacture of the stem of the impulse valve
V.2.7. Finishing
To finish, it is important to protect the all parts except from the stem and the bolts
from corrosion:
Paint a layer of anticorrosion paint, then a layer of color paint.
Efficiency discs from DTU
System design procedure from DTU
Common problems and maintenance from DTU
Personal notes
Personal notes
The ACF Hydraulic Ram Pump 2” characteristics
5 exercises are presented below in order to understand better the process presented
by the DTU. Corrections are following.
The pump characteristics are the one of the ACF Hydraulic Ram Pump 2” given
above except for the efficiency. In these exercises, the efficiency µ is estimated to be
The staff on field faces 5 different potential sites. The goal is to avoid the sites where
the demand of the community cannot be reached. Then, if the site can provide
enough water, drive height, drive flow, number of pumps, delivery height, and
delivery flow must be calculated.
The characteristics of the site have been evaluated during a site survey and are
collected in the table below.
2 8 10 0,24 120
3 5 15 0,62 70
4 7 12 0,4 100
5 8 15 0,15 135
6 5 15 0,18 100
8 5 15 0,18 66
9 8 8 0,18 90
10 8 5 0,2 70
Site 1:
Step B.3: not valid. There is not enough drive head available to run this pump. The
water could not get enough speed and kinetic energy to produce a strong water
hammer effect. The technician has to find another site with greater drive head.
Hmax < Hp,min
1.5 < 6
Site 2:
Part B is valid: the site can allow at least one pump to run.
Part C is valid: the demand of the community is reached. If all drive head and drive
height is used, the maximum delivery flow is:
h = h1 + H = 120 + 10 = 130
qmax = H x Q x µ / h = 10 x 8 x 0.55 / 130 = 0.33 l/s
qmax > qreq
0.33 > 0.24
Now, the technician has to find value to avoid wasting money (i.e. in pipes).
Part D:
Step 1: the maximum drive height is greater than 6 meter.
Hmax = 10 > 6 Go to step 2
Step 2: the maximum drive flow is greater than the flow to run 4 pumps.
Qmax = 8 > 1.3 x 4 = 5.2 = 4 x Qp,av Go to step 7
Step 7: the drive flow Q is set at 5.2 l/s for 4 pumps. The drive head calculated using
a 5.2 l/s requires 11 meters of drive head.
H = h1 x qreq / (µ x Q - qreq) = 120 x 0.24 / (0.55 x 5.2 – 0.24) = 11
Step 8: the drive head required is not available. H = 11 > 10 = Hmax
The drive head is now set at its maximum H = Hmax = 10 meters Go to step 11
Step 11: the delivery head is now equal to h = h1 + H = 120 + 10 = 130 m
The drive flow equals 5.7 l/s per second (i.e. 1.4 l/s per pump for 4 pumps).
Site 3
Part C is not valid: the required flow is cannot be reached even if one pump can run.
The required flow is too great.
qmax = Hmax x Qmax x µ / (h1 + Hmax) = 5 x 15 x 0.55 / (70 + 15) = 0.49 < 0.62 = qreq
The technician has to find another site.
Site 4
Part B and Part C are valid: the technician can install a RPS on this site.
Part D
Step 1: the maximum drive height is greater than 6 meter.
Hmax = 10 > 6 Go to step 2
Step 2: the maximum drive flow is lower than the flow to run 4 pumps.
Qmax = 5 < 1.3 x 4 = 5.2 = 4 x Qp,av Go to step 3
Step 3: the drive flow is set at its maximum. Q = 5 l/s. 4 pumps are still chosen to
propose more flexibility in term of maintenance and for potential future needs.
N = 4 and the flow per pump equals 1.25 l/s.
The drive flow Q is 5 l/s for 4 pumps. The drive head is:
H = h1 x qreq / (µ x Q - qreq) = 100 x 0.18 / (0.55 x 5 – 0.18) = 7
Step 4: The delivery head is equal to h = 7 + 100 = 107 meters.
Site 5
Part B and Part C are valid: the technician can install a RPS on this site.
Part D
Step 1: the maximum drive height is lower than 6 meter.
Hmax = 5 < 6 Go to step 11
Step 11: The drive height is set at its maximum H = Hmax = 5; so the delivery height
is h = hmax = h1 + H = 70 + 5 = 75.
Q = qreq x h / (µ x H) = 0.2 x 75 / (0.55 x 5) = 5.45 l/s
Cost analysis in NTT for a ACF Hydraulic Ram Pump 2”
Cost of the manufacture
Material for 1 unit of Ram Pump Cost for a set of
Item Components Qt Cost per unit Cost Sector 10 pumps
Additional 30% for increase of material cost
101 Galvanised Iron T 4" 1 IDR 140,000 IDR 140,000 I Supply of material IDR 18,083,000
102 Galvanised Iron Elbow 4" 1 IDR 120,000 IDR 120,000
103 Flange 2 IDR 40,000 IDR 80,000 II Transport from supplier
104 End Plate 1 IDR 15,000 IDR 15,000 to manufacturer IDR 1,500,000
105 Bolt 1 1/2" 6 IDR 15,000 IDR 90,000
106 Bolt 2 1/2" 6 IDR 20,000 IDR 120,000 III Labour of manufacture IDR 500,000
107 Spring ring 12 IDR 1,000 IDR 12,000
108 Rubber seals 3 IDR 10,000 IDR 30,000 5% of the supply of the material
109 Galvanised Iron pipe 2" 1 IDR 10,000 IDR 10,000 IV Power for manufacture IDR 904,150
Total Pump body IDR 617,000
20% of the supply of the material
201 Guide 1 IDR 20,000 IDR 20,000 V Depreciation of Machines IDR 3,616,600
202 Impulse valve plate 1 IDR 40,000 IDR 40,000
203 Impulse valve plug 1 IDR 15,000 IDR 15,000 30% of the supply of the material
204 Locking nut 1 IDR 15,000 IDR 15,000 VI Benefit on the manufacture IDR 5,424,900
205 Impulse valve stem 1 IDR 15,000 IDR 15,000
206 Impulse stop valve 1 IDR 30,000 IDR 30,000 Total IDR 30,028,650
Total Impulse valve IDR 135,000
Unit selling price ex-factory IDR 3,010,000
301 Delivery valve plate 1 IDR 40,000 IDR 40,000 US$ 301
302 Delivery valve rubber 1 IDR 20,000 IDR 20,000
303 Screw 1 IDR 4,000 IDR 4,000
304 Nut 2 IDR 1,500 IDR 3,000
305 Spring ring 1 IDR 1,000 IDR 1,000
Total Delivery valve IDR 68,000 Cost evaluation made by ACF in March 2009
Supplies are from Soe and Kupang
401 Bottom flange air vessel plate 1 IDR 40,000 IDR 40,000 Manufacturer in Soe
402 Top end air vessel plate 1 IDR 15,000 IDR 15,000
403 Galvanised Iron pipe 1 IDR 200,000 IDR 200,000 Pump
404 Outlet 1 IDR 10,000 IDR 10,000 Ram Pump 2" ACF
Total Air vessel valve IDR 265,000
Cost break-down of complete Ram Pump System from AID Foundation
Rate Amount Amount
# Item description Quantity Unit
Cost break-down of complete Ram Pump System from AID Foundation
Rate Amount Amount
# Item description Quantity Unit
600 Distribution line & 3 tap stands PHP 6,659 USD 148
601 ISO HDPE Hose 1/2"Øx300m 1 roll PHP 4,338 PHP 4,338 USD 96
602 ISO Plastic Replacement 1/2" 6 piece PHP 54 PHP 324 USD 7
603 ISO Plastic Coupling 1/2" 1 piece PHP 90 PHP 90 USD 2
604 Brass faucet 1/2" 3 piece PHP 150 PHP 450 USD 10
605 Gate Valve 1/2" 3 piece PHP 272 PHP 817 USD 18
606 GI Elbow 1/2"x90˚ 6 piece PHP 15 PHP 90 USD 2
607 GI Coupling 1/2" 6 piece PHP 12 PHP 72 USD 2
608 GI Nipple 1/2"x4" 6 piece PHP 22 PHP 130 USD 3
609 GI Nipple 1/2"x24" 3 piece PHP 66 PHP 198 USD 4
610 Teflon tape 6 roll PHP 25 PHP 150 USD 3
611 Cement 6 bag PHP 210 PHP 1,260 USD 28
612 Sand 0.5 cubic m. PHP 500 PHP 250 USD 6
613 Harcore 0.5 cubic m. PHP 650 PHP 325 USD 7
614 Binding wire 1 roll PHP 1,450 PHP 1,450 USD 32
Cost of a project from AID Foundation
Technical drawings of ACF Hydraulic Ram Pump 2” design
The technician for the manufacture is able to find the technical drawings of:
The ACF Hydraulic Ram Pump 2”;
The impulse valve plug;
The impulse valve plate;
The delivery valve;
The pump body with supports, flanges and the reducer; and
The air vessel.
The ACF Hydraulic Ram Pump 2”
The impulse valve plug
The impulse valve plate
The delivery valve
The pump body with supports, flanges and reducer
The air vessel
Contact list
Action Contre la Faim, Paris Headquarter
Technical advisor
10, rue de Niepce
75013 Paris
ACF, Base of Soe
Program coordinator
JL Gajah Mada 56
TTS, NTT, Indonesia
Phone: (+62) 0388 214 08
Fax: (+62) 0388 22 432
Email: [email protected]
ACF, David Wala
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program Manager
Email: [email protected]
ACF, Dominique Browne
Intern on Hydraulic Ram Pump Systems
Email: [email protected]
References and further reading
Module 1 General information on water and water supplies