K.N.ravichitra, Et Al
K.N.ravichitra, Et Al
K.N.ravichitra, Et Al
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(3): 115-119
It has even replaced Escherichia coli in Microbiology. A total of 698 pus, 312
some centers as a nosocomial pathogen. It sputum and 2176 urine samples were
causes pneumonia, urinary tract infection, collected during this period with universal
other pyogenic infections, septicemia and safety precautions and were transported to
rarely diarrhea (Arti Kapil, 2013). the laboratory without delay. The pus
samples were either aspirated by
Biochemically typical strains of Klebsiella disposable syringes or collected onto
pneumoniae are resistant to a wider range sterile cotton tipped swabs. Sputum and
of antibiotics than are most Escherichia clean voided midstream urine was
coli strains. They are nearly always collected into screw top containers (Patrica
naturally resistant to ampicillin (Patrick R M. Tille, 2014). Samples were obtained
Murray, 2005). Resistance of Klebsiella to from both inpatients and outpatients, of all
previously sensitive antibiotics is also age groups and of both sexes.
increasing in the recent years due to
overuse and misuse of antimicrobial Characterization of bacterial isolates
agents and or natural causes.
Pus, sputum and urine samples were
Of particular concern is the Extended aseptically inoculated on to Blood and
Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) MacConkey agar plates and incubated
producing Klebsiella pneumoniae that overnight at 370C. Klebsiella isolates were
have been steadily increasing over the past identified by their morphology and
years and rapidly spreading worldwide biochemical characteristics. Morphology
that pose a serious threat for healthcare of Klebsiella identified were large dome
associated infections. Increasingly the shaped colonies on blood agar and lactose
ESBL Klebsiella pneumoniae are also fermenting mucoid colonies on
showing co-resistance to other MacConkey agar. In gram staining, gram
antimicrobial agents like quinolones and negative, short, plump, straight rods were
aminoglycoside antibiotics. Both seen .The biochemical characters
morbidity and mortality is increased when identified were positive Voges-Proskauer
infection is caused by these drug resistant test, positive citrate utilization test,
organisms. Antibiotic sensitivity pattern positive urease test, acid and abundant gas
may change from time to time and place to production from glucose, lactose, sucrose,
place. maltose and mannitol sugar fermentation
tests (Elmer W. Koneman, 2006; J.
Therefore updated knowledge of the drug Gerald collee, 2012).
resistance pattern in a particular region is
useful in clinical practice. This work gives Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
an account of isolation of Klebsiella from
clinical pus, sputum and urine samples, Was done for all the isolates on Mueller-
their antibiogram and presence of resistant Hinton agar plates by Kirby-Bauer disc
strains in various samples. diffusion method according to the CLSI
guidelines 2012 (CLSI, 2012). Reduced
Materials and Methods susceptibility to cefotaxime (30 g) and
Collection of samples Ceftriaxone (30 g) with zone sizes
27mm and 25mm respectively were
This study was carried from November used as screening method for ESBL
2012 to October 2013 at the Department of production.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(3): 115-119
Pus Sputum
Antibiotics Urine
R% S% R% S% R% S%
Amoxyclav 58.2 41.8 78.4 21.6 65.9 34.1
Ofloxacin 35.4 64.6 33.3 66.7 40.3 59.7
Cefotaxime 23.1 76.9 19.8 80.2 8.7 91.3
Ceftriaxone 20.6 79.4 22.1 77.9 9.8 90.2
Gentamicin 12.7 87.3 37.6 62.4 40.3 59.7
18.9 81.1 11.8 88.2 10.9 89.1
5.1 94.9 19.6 80.4 10.1 89.9
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2014) 3(3): 115-119