Land Ports Authority of India (Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2013

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P-M Hl-JLiU NO [J I. -liKJWW

(Lhe ©alette of 3n<Aia

VFT H — 1 3 ^ 3 — ^ T T T T ( u ,
PART I I — Section J—Sul>-»ecti(»n{ii)


K. I6S1| ^ f ^ 5 ? f t , ^ r P r f ( W T T , ^ a T J 18, 2013/OTH* 27, 1935

NaUg|| NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 2<M3/ASA»HA 27, 1935

(«tnr S « I H fawn)

T^ferfl, 15 $50^3013

2i»6(3T).—Hiwra *{fa TTR ^rfaavpn irfyfr'ffl, 2010 (2010 an 31) aft MHI 35 'art <T?-»IRI (2) ^
«E(ao 5m ITCH Ttf-ftr^l an Trqtn * ^ ^n, ^rraro ^fa W I wfwfJW, aV<t*r HWR <£ 3rjqRi TI, T^T^RI f=r=rfcrfs?i
fafwf I4BB t, « * ^ :—
• 1. TTf$ra ^rm i^a vrr«*.— (13 f Ww'fi "*i SiftW Wi *iu<ffa ^fN vifl srfvartii (a»ri if^fcH)fafaan,2013
(2) 3 *raT* 3 3prt v*rera ad arfag a ?mi Eft 1
• 2. nftnmn(,— (1) F faft^tf a", ^nt <ia; fa; w i a' w-^m 3rifiyra ^ ii,~-
(^) " 3 T f V f W l " ^ HRcit^ ^ TtT-ITTfy^nm J l f v f W I , 2010 (2()lf)a>l 3 ) ) 3 r f a f c f 5 ;
(13) "Tirf*raT>r a 3rfvfaan aft W& 3 * wrta irfact KtrciUf *jfa w i yrfva^ «fv^a | j
( i ) " Muna" an asi «'J tfti "* onftrfwi aft *tm 2 at ws (13) a' saat fan fan *pn t 1
(a) "w^Pi" a^var-cr a n F W wfaTat 1
2. t ^ ^ & ^ ^ ^ T*3 ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ f r * 1 ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ w ^ ^Mifaa i at <*?l «*i tfffl
Jtl a i f a f w i 4 T T ^ fas, 5^171: fa* an E I

i yifa47rm aft tea; * i w w n^ w n . — C1) wfvnTi ait as* 5<T* fa^ft 1wn gssf^rs ^ n+t+<i ^ * ^ *

(2) w f w m aft aaai iftt atrrt a' a>a a amna; arc rtnt I
(3) afc. M'^tw CffSB •t'"nTn 3 wf'-ran^ art t*iit asa; A ?irfwa t ^ 4 3raq«l rrdi i at as* 4 <rrfwa fl^
Sin -J-11 T«T *lt jnq ijotanfri* HiOai a-i* <tf -JIMIWBI art-ni 1
Jlftlt,1/201 j ">

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(4) y r f V ^ m ^ few fer^ m y y ^ Tnft ytf ^ i M q v f c m R* McKH+irf w 4 ^ * ^ R sra h.

jfn^n afti «rcRft ( ^ ) ^t fwra 4 m&i *n 3TR3 wpferfti 3 Msiwtn ^RT T5i ^ ^ -RTITH ^tm i

(2) «tqy "3TH fwfa 4 ^a^; Jpftjp ^ra p Wran«f *ff3 3 ar^R Tr^fqt" I3t) 3TT^ TRW frrfen q" i&ft qR r s l
^Tfft t feffl ^rflt " ^ WIrft HkllRd ^3?T "£ f w j ^rt faf¥fe faRT TRl ^ I

5. fe^ ^ fplTf ^tfeq.—( | }tfrfV37R!%il TTr^fT THym, # (TofRT *TRcT q' t , ift 3TTC*JR(1 ^ F T) faR yota i d *

(3)31-fR3qq (2) q* 3TflR^ !%# IRf # ^ ^ *ft, & r i q ^ ^1 $ TtfZfl ^ $ fetft * f l T> feft ^Ht
fe* ^ ^rrftcT i$j( q'+c-q atfwqTR *?§? Vrm i

(4) 3q-fqftqq Cl j if Sfari^^ i % ^ -Wis ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , l i t f f e F S i ^ ^ # 3 ^ i l 5 ? ^ 3Rfcg^^tr ^R^KTeTT=II# H^ faFTHt

6. T^KR.— ( i ) qifv^rcn ^ fUnH ^ 3 ^ if a ^ # ^ 3?t rtft I R cw fo 3rft ^ F 3 ^ a q<wF ^ ^JR ^ ^

^ ^ \ q ^ W i ^trfwci ^T H:^a Tf^q # feft ft^r ^ ^ ^ t w * siqU-^ti s^f frpn ^UTRT 1

m 3?«ffl lT?kq ^ T f ^ # T) id 5 R T M # ^1 TT^uft I I

g. iw'i^niT -^ nR^id-i •* ?ITT ^nt TraiH^r.— (i) ^i # +1^1^ fro^n #5r?n aifii^m ^ f^ ^i^^^,
f P * ! R ^ ^ -T^qRhw ^ t ^R?TR TT^ p tTr^R ^TO! ^ ffrsp TTvft TKwH ^ TT#r ^ -qR chf'Mldf * t f f t ^ r ^ ^ "^ SKI cnt
^ -^ ^ «GHS ~R&?i f&Hft^TT13RR jmm ^ r t sui ^sgE^f ^ ^rgtra T> qfrETTf?f(T 3Rn a r ^ f a ^ri Tmm w V ^ R
TT^n^t afa "4i«r+"i(t ?ki ^Ni ^ra w^r^ Tnfv^rui ^ ^te^r ^' imfci fen TRT ^t i

^ ^ ^ K ^wmhiTOjafafrqi jfT^n 3?K ^ 'yifM^ui ^m ^ f e ^ ^ ^ <mitm ^ R # f^nj; Trrtm Tt aro^: 3^1 w f ^ r m

p sia TC W ^ I ^ lie T« TR^T TT 3 i ^ R ^ 3^f' fafRT ^THi ^ift^ (A 7?o m^v crRT^iTi ^ran ^ 3 ^ f e r ^ q A 7-RT^
fjm serai ^ ^ T ^ g^ra 3gt # n , ^tei # F R ^ I ^t; ?r«flfq p qg^ ^ i =F^ 3TTyfttH s«rai ^ T £ wpRs^i ^ f ^ ^

(3) ^R f^Tft ^ T M £ S i t irwidH ^ OTTT^[' ^ ^ B fell ^ T fft TKFJJ ^ 7 ^ ^ 3 t § §?8 3fflft, ^

9il^[^ ^T -^Tdy JlRfeTTTRI ^ I

(4^^-^TWTFf q f ^ i r d t l t^RT sHaf^Nft HR^WH ^ IRJTR ^ ^ ^ ' ^ - ^ T ^ ^ T^feT " f e j l ^TTrrn [

9. * 3 ^ ^TT * I J ^ T I . — ( i ) TTR^ i^g; •$ ^ i % 3 wg TRki ^ 3 ^ s | iP&g # ^rra ^ R i W f ^ * ^ i35; ^

aTHTW3T ^TR R ^ oqffe ^ fT^7I T^ f^TR f?Rl 3 f H p 31K 3Tf^ ^T^ # ^ R W^i ^ ^R^lfacl f ^ R I ^JTRTl I

(2)"3q-f^T3^R ( l ) ^ 3 T T J T R ^ f ^ ^ 7 T ^ T f t f ^ ^ ^ n ^ ' ^ 3 T ^ ^fsffatl^.^^K

SRM^Rl ^ •^TH BTTcft "MTTtRTT'l ^ t ^R?ft %tt $ 'tR^I 1^RT Jflinn I

(3) H^FTl i ) TJT<1 Tj^R ^R f j ^ l ^ ^ "^33R ^t'TOTrcR f ^ R f t R l -ll^M] "3R "^r%fT ? H ^ TTTOt TTR?[ f^RI ^TTT I

(4) TTf^ R ^ ^ T> Tpf 3^RT * I ' i ( j r l Sft 3RTRn ^ ^ft ^ feft * I ^ l i ^7t 3Ts|u 3^[' ttHT "^STTRT I

T^fcrtl T? t r f M ^ Sf?l ^fTiTTt TTm 3i?ftem oaff^Ri ^Rl "JTI ^ ?RTW f^TJ. WT!7t I

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p i l ' l 1! '•<''•'• l(ii_}J qpRI ap >i«m MMiMin-i

fem ^pn oTn i

I T I •«. 13/4/2013 * ^ ^ l tntiTri* 1 &%)]


(Department of Border Management)




S.O,2l86(K>. In exercise of the powers conferred bye lause (a) of sub-section (2) of Section 35 of the Land
P o m Authority of India Act. 2010 (31 ol 2010). the U n d Ports Authority of India with the approval of the Central
t i.ivcrnment, hereby makes, the lollowing regulations, namely

L S n o r t l i t k a n d e o m n i c n t t r n e n L — ( I ) T h e * regulations may be called the Land Pom Authority of India

(1 ransaction of Hustnccs I Regulations, 2013

(2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2 Definition). (1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise rcguires —

(a) 'Act*' means the I .and Ports Authority of India Act, 2010(31 of2010);

<b) "Authority" means the Land Ports Authority ot India constituted under section 1 of the Act,

(c) •'Chairperson" shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (b) of section 2 of the Act,

(d) "Member" means a member of the Authority

(2) Words and expression unsed herein and not defined, but defined in the Act, shall have the same meanings
icspctlively assigned to tliem in the Act

j Time and pUce of meeting oftheAuthorily.—(I > The Authority shall meet at its headquarter at Delhi or i t the
location of Integrated C a M * Post or at any other place as the Chairperson may determine.

(2) The Authority shall meet at least once in three months

(3) The Chairperson, it for any reason, is unable to attend any meeting of the Authority, any other whole-time
Member chosen bs the Members present at the meeting shall at the meeting

(4) All issues placed before any meeting of the Authority shall be decided by a majority of the members present
and voting, arid in the event ol a tic, the Chairperson, or in his absence the person presiding shall have and exercise a
casting vote
a P t m e r l u call a m « t m g or the Authority.— (I > The Chairperson may. at any time, call a meeting of the
(2) The Chairperson shall call a meeting if a reouismnn tor thai purpose is presented to him in writing by not
less than five members specifying the subject of the meeting proposed to be called.

•> ISoticetornicelmg ( I ) I V Authority shall give not less thanlen clear days noi.ceof csery meeting.other
than m adjourned meeting to each member *ho is for die time being in India

( ' . A M i t c n u v b e served upon a Membei e.ihe. pe^.niUly .* rlcctromc.ll> . r u l i n g fax. r-rmnlor by post
orcoone. addic-.sed IB M * or by any such mean, of c o m m u n i o n as deemed fit

chSot-ithstamhng anything contained if. sob-regulation <2| any omission io give am such notice to am of

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i i
the members shall not invalidate any resolution passed at any SUCJl meeting,
(4)Notwithstanding anyting contaiiwdinsub.regylttio^<1))am«cttng(>fth« Authority atwhich anymatfci
which is considered urgent by the Clwiitperson has to be taken, may be called 8! H shorter notice

6. Quorum.— (I) No business shall be transacted in meeting of (he Authority unless ill ere arc at Icsisl one fourth
of the total members present in such meeting and no vacant post of member shall he counted foi the purposes of quorum

7 Adjournment ofmcctinR — (O'llieChairpcrsonmay, with the consent of the members present at any mcelmg
of the Authority, adjourn the meciing from time to time.

(2) No business other than that which is included in the agenda shall be transacted at any such adjourned
meeting except with the consent of the Chairperson.

8. Transition of business by circulation of papers, -- (1) Any business which it may be necessary for the
Authority to transact may, if the Chairperson directs, be dealt with by circulation of papers without prejudice to the
confident ially of the matter, among all the members lor the tune being in India at then usual address, and uny resolution so
circulated and approved by a majority of the members signing, shall be as effective and binding as if the resolution 4iad
been passed at meeting of the Authority.

(2) Every resolution approved under sub-regulation (1) shall be laid, as sewn as may be, after it is approved
before the next ordinary meciingoflhc Authority, and if the Authority agrees in making any modification in the resolution
or the Authority agrees thatthe resolution should not be ratified, the resolution shall thereafter have elTect only in such
modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or non-ratification shall be
without prejudice to die validity of anything previously done under dial resolution

(3j When any business is so referred to the members by circulation, a period of not less than ten and not more
than thirty clear days shall be allowed lor the receipt of replies from the members, such period to be counted from the
dale on which the notice of business is issued

(4)ira resolution is circulated, the result of circulation shall be communicated to all members.

9 Minutes of the meeting.— (I) The draft minutes of each meeting shall be prepared under the direction of the
person presiding over the meeting within seven working days of the dale of the meeting and shall thereafter be forthwith
circulated to all Members.

(2) The proceedings of every meeting prepared in accordance with sub-regulation (1) shall be placed at the
next meeting of the Authority held after the meeting to which die minutes relate.

(3) The suggestion or comments as may be received from Members shall be considered at the meeting where the
minutes are placed before it.

(4) Any action taken pursuant to the minutes, prior to placement, shall not be rendered invalid.

(5) The minutes recording the proceedings at every meeting of the Authority and the names of the Members
present there at shall be entered in the Minutes folio and signed by the person presiding.

(6) The Minutes folio shall be open for inspection by any Member of the Authority without payment at the
office of the Authority at all reasonable times.

[ F.No. l3/4f20n-BADPtTPAI)]


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