Governors (Allowances and Privileges) Amendment Rules, 2015

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#fg[) gfe gin T^cTo-33004/99

REGD. IMO. D. L.-330D4/99

axette of 3ndia
^TPT i i — ^ r ^ 3—"3T-^rg- (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)

U 77] ^ i ^ f t , n''ieWK, wrm\ 10,20is/nm 21, 1936
No. 77) NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2015/MAGHA 21, 1936

wr.w^. 80(3T).—LI^MH- (qft^fenii, ?Tct 3fk f^nflmnT) srfiriwr, 1982 (1982 % 43) $t m r 13 % T&Z

1.(1) ^£twf^;rmTT^THT^(^4Tf%?ft^^

(i) ^KcT % *ff?rc T T ^ : 3 f t ^ % ^ , TRW^T i i ^ R t ^ ^ " k ^ T j u m #?: ^ ^tf ^ft w , iprerfti vf\n^Q4)''

^smrvrri ' ' .

(iii) Wmm f^r f%%?fr <fft s^^r srq^" TFW %• ^fTfT • q ^ ; ^ , #BT ift TTrntTT fr, ^T % J J T H TT^T TT, arrera- s m r

(iv) 3flwsrwrarfmTK^nflS^n34T%?TT^f/^ ^Ri^i^^^t^f^ir

71SGI/2015 (I)

(g-) ^nr-f^rfr (12)% STPT, f^R#rf%cT g^-f^m aftr: v*rrR?r f w smnrr arafcr;-
"(13) Trmwirerarot ^k% m&<TM1 ffi^#PM?^Hfe ^<j^> fffiftNPM&fr-3rnprr, 5PT%;-

(ii) S5gc[##%4f^fd8W%fera«raT«i?w^tuqfturqRfiNfiki ^ Trspft HRMM<I # ^ H T R T T f ^ r r

fivl ^Tf % fpTTT StH-W fi-t' Trpn?t WITH cSTHrP f^fSjTT fsnT TTTT ailJT nfrr shiUcfciM D^d^ farr warrf^ Trrrft T^TT 7-?t A rcr
V J - ' < < • - , I^j - . 1 . . . . , - - , .1 I . ^ . ^ . , * ,> . . , , . , p -I -^ - • ^ - r i \ i -ii Ji -i i v(j ( <£l, *'l
^ j f l J I 7 T T ^TTQTTT TX" TTTTT T T FJ*I I F, ^ ^ETrr T T I , 3 -J I J TTDL 1 ) 1 1 .-J I _J l i l j l l l
-"TIM i ^ l "-Ti -*.( ~ l T T i l *-\ \ -I -t— V T VI T ^ I I V ^ I I H I ^M ' It ^ L l h ^ l

(iii) TTwrrtf-, Wgfik fin ^ r 3" *T5re%ftsri^m RR-M^ STTSRM-H |r strRffr suTTTfrr (XHIrfrair?: TJ siHmRi) CT«IT

(iv) t|-^MrH%^^ < l ^ 4 R ^ f t r ^ ^ ^ j ^ K H % g T ^ f r T T ^ # sTTfT^TTrrr |

(^T) *.|td t Tf?^RTTT^^R3i^^r=d ^ T f t T T ^ ^ T ^ ^ . l ^ ^ # « i m ^ d : ysfrgFT?T^Tfw J«|I^11, f ^ f 3RTranR^T sm^T

*f 3PM TFKI € ( H 4 W % ^P*TFT # r^ <jtdijQ «Rl=iM^ ?PT "5T3TT ^rnTTTI

(5Q < ? ^ , (TsT) 3 k (TT) # f^%I artTSTRff % 31 RR+a,-

(ii) ^^^'!:T^%^K-wR?t^tg^T5rrq3r«T^^I^d7^T5rrTri"

pfiT. ¥. 7/31/2014-HH^MTI]
fTTTT 3mfa, #g^RT Hf%^"

f^Toft: 3Jef i^TT ¥TRH- % <MM^, ^vTTJTRTn-if, fcm: 30 TT^ 1987 f t s r f & ^ s R T ^ . TTT.^T.Pr. 343(-3T), SJTT ^rrf?m f%TT
TIT ^ 3ftr^Kt ^ |fcrhf?29 iff l987ftsrrlr^nH. tf.wi; 532{ST), f^mr 01 ^ r ^ t I989#at[^^di
t. HT.^T.R 70(3T), f^rr^ 30 : prrt 1990 $t sfimf^rt t. vrr.^r.f^. 675(3f), f^rr^ 15 ^rr^ft 1991
# srflr^RT vt. ^.^1.^.64(31*}, R^rw; 28 fve«n: 1992 # &rRrfr5^T s m.w.ft 949(.sr), f^rhp 11 -RT^1993 ^t
«#MfcH»' % HT.^T.R 275(3T), f^fN: 18 ^ ? T 1993 ff ^rftjpSfT t. mMM 708(^), f^rNr 23 flf 1994
€r siftg^RT t, m.^r.R 475{sr), f&uw 06 ^rrf 1995 £f srr^^rr f. frr.^.f?r. 538(sr), f^rf^ 17 ^ 1997
[«IPTII-TSr^3(i)] Ws\ ^T xt*m : zmvm

• # srf^g^TT C ffiMM. 326(3T), fcvtf 01 ar^T 1998 # srfirfp^T fh K T . ^ . R 166{3r), f^rNr 2 3 a r ^ R

2000 # s r f g r g w t . HT.TT.R. 832(3T), f^FFtT '26 R l d H ( 2001 # SffepRT £ flXW.f^. 696(3T), f^rtWT
22 H ^ , 2002 ^-srf&^FTT t . mm.ft. 781 (ar), 'f^TPF 31 TTFT 2006 # srf&^HT # . p f t # . 193(3T),
Wsm! 08 ^rrf, 2008 *r arfgrg^rr & Wf*C#h 506(3T), fcrw 10 «tee8 2009 # srRr^rr
¥. *nvw.ft\ 87(sr), fcrNr 31 T T T ^ 2 0 1 1 - ^ - 3 r t ^ w t . ¥T.^.f¥.-288(3r)-f3¥r^-21^^
#, ¥T.^TT.R. 5l8(3r),i^n^ii7r#^:20i4*t3rfgrg^T7 t. m.w.R. 788(3,-)^ra^?fr%crf%^TTFTTfi


New Delhi, the 10th February, 2015

G.S.R. 80(E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (g) of Section 13 of the Governors (Emoluments,
Allowances and Privileges) Act, 1982 (43 of 1982), the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the
Governors (Allowances and Priviieges) Rules, 1987, namely:-

(1) These rules may be called the Governors (All •• •••varices and Privileges) Ai
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2- In the Governors (Allowances and Privileges) Rules, 1987, in rule 11,—
(a.) in sub-rule 8, in clause (b), after the proviso and before the Explanation, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely :-
"Provided further that -

(i) before undertaking private visits within India, the Governor shall seek approval of the President and any communication
for such approval shall be forwarded to the President's Secretariat at least two weeks in advance, except in exceptional

(ii) where such private visit is to a foreign country, the communication shall be forwarded to the President Secretariat at least
six weeks in advance;

(iii) the Governor shall leave the State for any foreign visit or, as the case may be s domestic visit outside his State only after
receiving due approval of the President except in emergent or extraordinary circumstances;
(iy) in the case of emergent or extraordinary circumstances, the President's Secretariat shall be intimated as soon as the
programme is finalised and such intimation shall contain details of the circumstances and compelling reasons why it
was not possible to obtain prior permission for the visit and the proposal for according ex-post facto approval shall be
forwarded to the President before the departure of the Governor.";
(b) after sub-rule (12), the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:—
"(13) Any visit by the Governor outside his State shall be regulated in the following manner, namely :—
(a) in case of official visits outside the State,-
(i) all visits outside the State shall be undertaken only with the prior permission of the President and any communication
soliciting such approval shall be forwarded to the President's Secretariat-
(A) in the normal course, at least seven days before the commencement of any such visit; and
(B) in emergent circumstances, as soon as the programme is finalised; - ,'
(ii) no visits shall be undertaken without obtaining the prior permission of the President or in emergent or extra-ordinary
circumstances, without prior intimation to the President's Secretariat;
(iii) in case of emergent or extraordinary circumstances, the intimation shall contain details of the circumstances and the
compelling reasons why it was not possible to obtain prior permission for the visit, and proposal for according ex-post facto
approval shall be forwarded to the President's Secretariat before the departure of the Governor;


(iv) while permission is sought for visits, the details of the finalised engagements and the programmes for which the
permission is sought may be clearly itemised in the communications;
(v) the duration of such visits of the Governor shall not exceed twenty percent of the days in a calendar year;
(b) in case of any official foreign visit,-
(i) the communication seeking approval of the President for undertaking such foreign visits shall be received in the
President's Secretariat at least six weeks in advance;
(ii) the details of engagements during the foreign visit shall be clearly stated and itemised in the communication;
(iii) the Governor shall invariably obtain clearance under the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA clearance) and
Political clearance before undertaking the foreign visit;
(iv) the Governor shall leave the State only after due approval of the President;
(c) the schedule of the visit once approved by the President shall not ordinarily be revised, but in case of any revision in the
schedule in extra-ordinary or emergent circumstances, the approval for revised programme shall be forwarded to the
President's Secretariat as soon as possible and in any case, before the departure of the Governor from his State;
(d) in addition to the requirements contained in clauses (a), (b) and (c),—
(i) copies of all communications soliciting the. approval of the President for visits shall also be endorsed to the Principal
secretary to tuo s nriie nojjuistei aiiu to iue nume ivliiusien
(ii) frequency of visits to the home Stats shall be avoided or limited,"

Footnote: The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide notification number G.S.R. 343(E),
-dated the 30th March, 1987 and subsequently amended vide numbers G.S.R. 532(E).. dated the 29th May, 1987;
. G.S.R: 70(E), dated the lstFebruary,1989; G.S.R. 675(E), dated the 30th July, 1990; G.S.R. 64(E), dated the
15th February, 1991; G.i.R. 949(E), dated the 28th December, 1992; G.S.R. 27.5(E), dated the 11th March, 1993;
r G.S.R. 708(E), dated the i 6th November, 1993; G.S.R. 475(E), dated the 23rd May. 1994; G.S.R. 538(E). dated
the 6th July, 1995; G.S.R. 326(E), dated the 17th June, 1997, G.S.R. 166(E), dated the 1st April, 1998;G.S.R,
832(E), dated the 23rd October, 2000, G.S.R. 696(E), dated the 26th September, 2001, G.S.R. 781(E), dated the
22nd November,'2002, G.S.R. 193(E), dated the 31st March, 2006, G.S.R. 506(E), dated the 8th July, 2008,
G.S.R. 87(E), dated the 10th February, 2009, G.S.R. 288(E), dated the 31st March,2011, G.S.R. 518(E), dated the
21st July, 2014 and G.S.R. 788(E), dated the 11th November, 2014.

Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road. Mayaptiri. New Delhi-1 10064
and-Publisbed by the Controller of Publications, Uclhi-110054

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