Detailed Project Report (DPR) :model Template: For NHB Scheme No.1 For Aonla

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Detailed Project Report (DPR)

:Model template
for NHB Scheme No.1 for Aonla

Scheme.1 Development of Commercial Horticulture through Production and

Post-Harvest Management Horticultural crops
1. Open field condition
2. Integrated Post Harvest Management

Crop Tick mark

Scheme 1. 1.Open field condition of NHB Within overall cost ceiling
components specified crops +Farm Mechanisation
+Good Agri. Practices (GAP)
+Plastic Mulching
2. 2.Integrated PHM
2.1. Integrated Pack House
2.2 Pack house
2.3. Pre-cooling unit
2.4. Cold Room (Staging)
2.5. Primary Processing
2.6. Refer Van
2.7. Retail outlet

Submitted by
------------------ Applicant with full correspondence address

Detailed Project Report (DPR) duly to be signed by

the applicant (s) / authorised person ( in case of legal entity) on each page with date – along
with Horticulture and Project Finance Expert wherever applicable

Project at a Glance
1 About the Applicant /Promoter and his/her entrepreneurship
2 Details of benefits availed by the Applicant / Promoter
3 About Project -Name, Rationale, Management and Description
1. Name of Project, Activity, Objectives and expected Outcomes
2. Rationale / Justification for the project
3. Site/ Land details- RoR/ Ownership / Registration of lease/ Map etc.
4. Location of the Project- Identification
5. Current usage of land of proposed Project Area
6. Current infrastructure and assets possessed by the Applicant:
7. Lay out plan of the project
8. Conversion of Land Use (CLU)
9. Whether project site is part of production belt / cluster / hub
10. Rationale for the location of the project
11. Compliance of project site for food safety
12. Components / Activities of the Project with justification
13. Operations planning
14. Month wise operational chart / Implementation schedule
15. Backward and Forward linkages.
16. Manpower (Skilled & Unskilled labour etc.) availability
17. Employment generation
18. Infrastructure & Connectivity
19. SWOT Analysis
20. Monitoring and evaluation
4 NHB Scheme under which the project is proposed with rationale /
5 Project details
5.1 Agro-climatic suitability / feasibility
1. Origin, introduction and distribution of crop in the said location,
India and in the world (briefly)
2. Agro-climatic / Horticultural zones and suitability of the crop (s)
3. Soil type and latest health-suitability for the crop
4. Water (irrigation) source, availability, Quality and suitability
5.2 Market viability
1. Commercial and Nutritive importance / significance, composition and
2. Target Market (s)
3. Statistics: India and State: Area, Production and Productivity in the
District, State and India for the last 5 years
4. Clusters of the project crop in the state.
5. Demand and Supply gap
6. Global producers- Country, Area, Production, Productivity and global
market share in the last available 5 years.
7. International trade and potential (for export oriented projects)
8. Seasonality of crop / produce and its comparison with other available
crop/ produce
9. Price variation of commodity in the State and nearby markets

10. Balance sheet of commodity in the State
11. Transportation
12. Value Addition scope
13. Central and State Government policy
14. Value chain in the commodity
15. Proposed Business strategy for Market viability
5.3 Financial viability
1. Due diligence status
2. Project Cost
3. Means of Finance
4. Investment in Horticulture
5. Key financial Indicators
6. Project Financing
1. Rate of Interest
2. Percentage of Term loan against total project cost
3. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
4. Cost of Production and Profitability
5. Yield and Sales Chart
6. Proposed Balance Sheet
7. Proposed Cash flow Statement for repayment period.
8. Proposed Profit & Loss Account
9. Proposed Repayment of Term loan and Schedule
10. Break Even Analysis
11. NPV (Net Present Value)
12. Economic Rate of Return
13. Depreciation
7. Risk Analysis and management
8. Statement of Assets and liabilities
9. Farm record keeping/ Maintenance proposed
5.4 Land development and Crop Husbandry
5.4.1.Land development
5.4.2.Selection of Quality Planting Material
1. Recommended and popular Cultivars- varieties/hybrids, their specific
characteristics, requirements and yields.
2. Cultivar/Hybrid/Variety selected and Criterion adopted for selection
3. Propagation methods.
4. Accredited / Good Nurseries in the area
5. Planting material-source, quality and suitability
5.4.3.Orchard / Site planning, Lay out and management
1. Planning, establishment and layout systems
2. Land preparation
3. Planting Season / time and density and transplanting
4. Water and Nutrient management
5. Intercultural operations including Weed management
6. Plant canopy architecture management/ training and pruning
7. Use of Pollinators & pollinisers
8. Use of Plant growth regulators
9. Flowering& fruiting

10. Integrated Pest and Disease Management and Food Safety
11. Physiological disorders- causes, preventive and management
12. Special problems if any
5.4.5.Farm Structures and Mechanisation
1. Farm Mechanisation
5.4.6.Harvesting and Fruit / flower care management
5.5 Post-Harvest Management
1. Post-Harvest infrastructure scenario in horticulture sector in the State
and specially for the proposed crop / component
2. Product/ Process Flow chart
3. Lay out / Floor Plan of post-harvest operations
4. Post-harvest operations
1. Pre-cooling
2. Curing
3. Cleaning / Washing
4. Sorting and Grading
5. Packing and labelling
6. Ripening
7. Transport
8. Storage- Low cost / cold storage/ CA
5. Post-harvest infrastructure – Integrated Post-harvest Management
1. Integrated Pack house
2. Pack House
3. Pre-cooling unit
4. Cold Room (Staging)
5. Primary Processing
6. Refer van
7. Retail outlet
8. Labour/ Store room
5.6 Marketing
1. Connectivity
2. Aggregation & Assembling: Marketing infrastructure
3. Market Institutions and agents
4. Demand and Supply trends and forecast both in local and National
5. Traceability record
6. Proposed value chain / method of Marketing by the Applicant
5.7 Value addition / Processing
6 Technology providers
1. ICAR /CAU/ SAU/SHU / Research Stations and Experts names
2. Experts-whose services are availed
3. Agri/Horti-Business incubators

7 Food Safety -With /Without GAP certification

1. GAP Certification if any
2. Food safety measures

1. Pre-planting
2. Crop husbandry
3. Harvestings
4. Post-harvest
8 Innovation if any
9 Profitability of the project (Horti-business): Critical observations of
10 Checklist
11 Declaration from Crop Expert and Project Finance Expert
12 Self-declaration by the Applicant

Annexure: Proposed stages in NHB Scheme Implementation

Checklist of documents to be submitted at Market Viability and Financial Viability stage and
during JIT.

Project at a Glance

1. Applicant (s)/ Legal entity Name

2. Constitution / Applicant nature / beneficiary
3. NHB Scheme for which DPR is made
4. Project Activity
5. Nature of project- Green field/ pre-existing- expansion / component
6. Products, By-products and services
7. Land
1. Land ownership: Owned or on registered lease for minimum of 10
effective years from the date of IPA. In other words ideally one
should have 11 Years of registered lease including a processing
period of 1 Year from the time of application for Technical
2. Project Area and Survey /khasra/ Gat/Dag No.
3. Project Site Address with Postal Code and Police Station Name
8. Technical feasibility
1. Agro-climatic suitability
2. Research institution whose technology and package of practices are
proposed to be followed
3. Crop husbandry / PHM is based on evidence based R&D
9. Existence of similar project activity in the said District
10. Whether the project is located in the crop cluster/ hub/ belt Yes/No
11. Project economic period/ economic life
12. Total Project Cost of the proposal
13.  Open field condition or Protected Cover
 Integrated Post Harvest Management
 Total
14. Project completion period ( in months)
Expected Implementation Commencement
timeline Completion
15. Total Eligible Project cost as assessed by the Applicant as per NHB
16. Bank/ Financial Institution identified for Term loan
17. Proposed Means of Promoters contribution (in Lakh Rs.)&%
Finance Bank Term loan (in Lakh Rs.) &%
Un secured loan (in Lakh Rs.) &%
18. Gestation period
19. Projected Key Current Ratio other than export units
20. Financial Parameters CR-Export units
Average DSCR
Debt to Equity Ratio i.e. DER
Promoters Contribution
Break Even Point

Security Coverage Ratio
Repayment period
21. Productivity expected (in MT/Qtl/Kg/numbers)
22. Likely Gap in productivity compared to National /Global average
23. Potential Market (s)for the commodity and distance from the project
24. Employment generation Direct- regular per annum
In-direct – Man days per annum

1. About the Applicant / Promoter and his/her entrepreneurship

A. About Applicant / Promoter

1.1.In case of Individuals or Group of farmers (if applicable)

1. Name of Farmer /
Entrepreneur/Individual/ Proprietor
2. Parents or spouse name of Individual
Group of Farmer growers / SHG- Promoters
1. Name of Group
2. Names of all members of group with their
father, mother/husband/ wife name
1.2.In case of Legal entity (if applicable)
Name / Title
1. Incorporation / Registration number/ CIN& date of registration
2. Act under which Registered
3. Registering authority
4. Name of Promoter / CEO/CMD/MD/
5. If it is FPO/ FPC/ Producers Co-op society / Growers Co-operative
Marketing federation- Please specify
6. If it is Reg. Society/ Company/ Corporation / Partnership firm /
Proprietary firm- Please specify
7. Name of Promoter (s)/ Board of Directors/ Partners etc.
8. Status of the promoter / applicant in the legal entity-please specify
9. Whether the promoter / applicant is authorised by the Legal entity-
10. In case of Company/partnership firms / legal person
a. Certified copy of Company/Partnership incorporation/ registration
certificate issued by Competent Authority, as applicable
b. Certified copy of MoA/Bye Laws
c. Certified copy of Board of Directors Resolution duly passed and
authorizing signatory of application to apply for IPA
d. Certified copy of latest Audit Report, if applicable
i. (are to be made available in case the project and the
application is considered for processing.- State Yes/No
11. NGO- Specify- give details of registration
1.3.Government Institutions / Organisations-- Please specify (if applicable)
(i) Marketing Board / Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee APMC
(ii) Municipal Corporation
(iii) PSU/ Agro-Industries Corporation
(iv) ICAR/CAU/SAU/ Government R&D Institution

1.4.Statutary registration ( As per applicability)
a. PAN No
b. Aadhaar No. Yes/No
c. Udyog Adhaar No.
d. GST
e. Passport No if any
1.5.Correspondence Address Postal Address with PIN code
Email id
Fax if any:
1.6.Project / Site Address

1.7.Social Category General / SC/ST

( In case of legal entity the OBC
CEO and Board of Directors Minority
social category is to be (Muslim/Christians/Sikhs/Buddhists/Parsis/Jains)
mentioned) In case of SC/ST applicants a Certified copy of
Caste Certificate issued by Competent Authority
is to be enclosed. In case of others a self-
declaration is to be enclosed.
1.8.Location: TSP / NE Region In case of TSP a self-attested copy of notification
/ Hilly States is to be enclosed.
1.9.Gender Male / Female/Transgender

B. Applicant/ Promoters’ Entrepreneurship:

1.10. CV / Biodata of Applicant (s) / Promoter (s) (Authorised by legal entity) in brief: (If
applicants are more than one, all are to provide their CV / Biodata)

a. Name of Applicant/ Promoter:

b. Fathers’ & Mothers’ name:
c. Spouse name:
d. Date of Birth
e. Place of Birth (village/town/city, District and State)
f. Permanent Address:
g. Educational qualification (Higher Secondary, Under graduation Degree and above)

Education Name of Board / Year of Remarks

Metric/ U education / College / Pass
specialisation University/

h. Horticulture and project proposal specific Trainings if any undergone

Training Duration and Institute with Purpose for undergoing
Period address training

i. Current profession with details of Turnover, Accomplishments if any.

j. Previous profession during the last 5 Years with details of Turnover,

Accomplishments if any

k. Experience- General and Horticulture

a. General (Other than Horticulture) specify the activity, establishment/ Office,

location etc.

b. Horticulture-General: State specific activity- crop production, PHM etc.

including project site, area, number of years, accomplishments etc.

c. Horticulture-Experience in proposed activity: provide the name of

establishment/office, location, number of years, specialisation etc.

l. Any information that establishes the applicants’ entrepreneurship (Should be able to

enclose evidence during Market & Financial Viability stage and during JIT):

1.11. Registrations with any Government Agency if any

Government Agency Provide registration No. details with date and

location of registration
e. Any other

1.12. Commitment by the applicant: In case the project is approved for pre-IPA, the
promoter / CEO/CMD and their technical personnel (minimum 2 in numbers) should undergo
a 2 Weeks (min.10 working days) project specific training programme in one of the
ICAR/CAU/SAU/SHU/ Research Station/ Centres of Excellence/ related Central or State
Government institution/ others as found appropriate / approved by NHB.

In case of a Partnership firm/ Company / Legal person

a. Whether the proposed activity is covered under the objectives as per Memorandum of
Association (MoA) / Rules explicitly: If so please provide the Article and Rule in

b. Professional history of Legal entities Farmers Producer Organisations (FPOs), Self

Help Groups, Partnership/ Proprietary Firms, NGOs, Companies (as a Board of
Director), Corporations, Cooperatives, Co-operative Marketing federations/
Government Institutions.

c. Management structure if it is a company/ firm etc depicting the position of the


2.Details of benefits availed/ proposed to be availed by the applicant- either individually
or as a member of Association of growers, Group of Farmer Growers/consumers, Farmers
Producer Organisations (FPOs), Self Help Groups, Partnership/ Proprietary Firms, NGOs,
Companies (as a Board of Director), Corporations, Cooperatives, Co-operative Marketing
federations from (i) NHB and (ii) other Ministries/ organisations of Central Government and
(iii) State Governments including NHM for Horticulture related projects.

Note: The beneficiary should be truthful. In case any information is received later on at any
stage about his/her availing of benefit which is not disclosed hereunder will entitle NHB to
reject the current proposal and recover the funds if already released.

2.1.In this / proposed project and location:

1. Whether the proposed project proposal has been submitted for consideration under
any State Government or Central Government Scheme for financial grant? If yes give

2. Whether any subsidy has been availed from the Board, other Central Govt.
organisation or State Government for the same activity on the same piece of land,
khasra/ Gat/Dag/ etc. either in his / her own name individually or in the name of
his/her family members or through any legal entity in which he/she is the beneficiary
either in the same location, project. - Yes/ No. If Yes, Please provide details

Constitutio Ministr Schem Project Project Land Eligibl Total Current

n– y/ e code & Locatio Surve e subsid status of
Individuall Organi Name Activit n y No Project y/ project-
y or in any sation y cost grant Operational
form /
( ( underutilise
lakhs) lakhs) d / closed

2.2.In earlier/ any other Project (s) : Either in his / her own name individually or in the
name of his / her family members or through any legal entity or in any form or constitution,
in which he / she is the beneficiary either in the current proposed project location or any other

2.2.1.From NHB : Whether any assistance in the form of soft loan and subsidy has been
availed earlier from the National Horticulture Board? If yes, give details thereof

Year Scheme Project Project Land Eligible Total Current status

Name code & Location Survey Project subsidy of project-
Activity No cost /grant Operational /
availed underutilised /

2.2.2.From Central Government- Ministries / Organisations:

Year Scheme Project Project Land Eligible Total Current status

Name code & Location Survey Project subsidy / of project-
Activity No cost grant Operational /
availed underutilised /

2.2.3.From State Governments:

Year Scheme Project Project Land Eligible Total Current status

Name code & Location Survey Project subsidy of project-
Activity No cost /grant Operational /
availed underutilised /

2.3. Operational status of earlier projects under NHB scheme and other Central Ministries
and State Government.

Ye Organisa Activit Dates As on Annu Expo Profita Rema

ar tion / y for Subsi Project Comme date al rts if ble or rks /
Ministry which dy comple nced Project Turno any loss Reaso
which assista recei ted producti Operati ver makin ns
released nce is ved on onal (of g
assistanc availe status previo
e d& (Runnin us
code g or Year)

* in case of completed projects and where proposals envisioning expansion/ modernisation

are proposed, Annual Reports and Audited Statement of Accounts of the last 3 years are to be
made available along with Bank appraisal during Market and Financial Viability stage both
online and offline.

2.4.Please provide map of earlier / other subjects and this project- Key map of project land
showing project details and land boundary details

2.5. Provide the following details:

a. Have you ever been refused / denied subsidy claim from NHB, NHM, APEDA,
NCDC, MoFPI? If Yes please provide details of (i) Project code, (ii) Name of
Applicant, (iii) Address (iv) Project activity etc. and the reason for such refusal /

b. If you were a recipient of Government subsidy, have you / your Bank/FI ever been
asked to refund the subsidy / call back? If Yes please provide details of (i) Project
code, (ii) Name of Applicant, (iii) Address (iv) Project activity etc. and the reason for
such refusal / denial:


1. In case the project application is considered for Pre-IPA, the applicant shall have to
enclose No Objection Certificate from State Government / State Horticulture Mission that
there is no duplication of funding for the project and the applicant shall also submit self-
declaration that he/she is not availing government subsidy / grant / assistance from any
other ministry.

4. About the Project, Rationale, Management and Description

2.1.About the Project

1. Name of the Project
2. Correspondence Address:
3. Address of Project Site :
4. Project Activity and Scheme components (Should be as per NHB scheme latest
scheme guidelines- please verify):

Name of the scheme and component Unit Tick mark


5 Development of Commercial Horticulture through
Production and Post-Harvest Management of
Horticulture Crops
1. Open field condition
2. Integrated PHM
a. 3.1.Pack House
b. 3.2.Integrated Pack house
c. 3.3.Pre-cooling unit
d. 3.4. Cold Room (Staging)
e. 3.5 Primary Processing
f. 3.6 Refer Van
g. 3.7.Retail outlet (environmentally

6. Details of Crop in case of Open field condition

Name of the Variety / Area ( acres ) No. of plants Source of

Crops Hybrid/ Planting
Cultivar Material

7. Products, product Mix, by products and Services of the Project

8. Objectives of the Project
9. Expected Outcomes of the Project
10. Socio-economic benefit to the region /District / State

3.2. Rationale / Justification for the project

3.2.1. Rationale

3.2.2. Details of similar projects / crop in the neighbourhood and the District -Area,
Production and Productivity briefly. Provide more details in Market viability chapter.

3.2.3. Raw Materials: How quantity and quality of inputs/ raw materials is assured.

3.3. Project Site/ Land details:

3.3.1. Proposed Project Area:

Activity Area proposed

1 Cultivation –
Open Cultivation (Ha)
3 Plant and Machinery
4 Any other activity

3.3.2. Land details- RoR/ Ownership / Registration of lease/ map etc.

A Name of Owner of land proposed for the

project as per Land Revenue Records
Whether title of the land is clear in the name
of applicant and is free from any litigation
How Title is Ancestral
derived Purchased (with details
of date)
Encumbrances if any
B Name of the Owner in case of joint ownership Survey/ Area in Share
Gat / Ha

Whether land boundaries are demarcated for Yes/No

the applicant clearly.
Whether land is in possession of the Applicant
C In case of Partnership
1. Whether land is owned by Partnership Yes/No
firm or jointly by its partners
2. NOC: If land is owned by one of the
partner, an undertaking by land owner
is required stating that he/she will not
withdraw, sale or transfer his/her land
during currency period of the project
Whether land is in possession of the Applicant
D In case of Lease
1. In case the land is that of leased,
Registration details of the said leased
land in the office of Sub-Registrar
2. No.of Years of lease
3. Whether lease is entered in RoR Yes/No
Whether land is in possession of the Applicant
E Whether land is mortgaged? If yes provide
details of mortgagor and mortgagee

3.4. Location of the Project- Identification (Longitude, Latitude, Altitude, Village, GP,
Block, District, State), Area, Number of growers.

1. Location Address
2. a. Survey/Khasra/ Dag/ Other No
3. b. Habitation/ Village
4. c. Gram Panchayat / Urban body
5. d. Block / Urban body
6. e. Sub-Division
7. f. District
8. g. State /UT
9. Location Longitude, Latitude& Altitude
10. Total Area of land owned (ha)
11. Total Area proposed for project (ha)

Google map with coordinates:

3.5. Current usage of land of proposed Project Area

Proposed Project Current usage

Survey / Dag Nature of Area (ha) Activity / Area (ha) Mortgage
etc. No. land Crop Yes/No
Dry/ If Yes with
Irrigated/ whom
Waste land

3.6. Current infrastructure and assets possessed by the Applicant:

Category Asset Name Year of Make Capacity Cost

Fixed Tube well
Dug Well
Drip irrigation
Electric Motors
Transport vans
Vermi compost shed
Pack house
Labour room
Water harvesting pond
Operating Planting Material
Support system
Tools and implements

3.7. Lay out plan of the project/ Map of Farm / production/ Operations unit / project land
showing project details and land boundary details

3.8. Conversion of Land Use (CLU) if applicable

Whether Land in possession of the applicant is with/ without approval for industrial
use/Whether CLU permission for the project has been received from competent
authority: If Yes- Please provide details of the authority approved with full
designation, address contact numbers and email id, approval No. and date

3.9. Whether project site is part of production belt / cluster / hub? If yes, provide details
of working relations with other farmers

3.10. Rationale for the choosing the said Location for implementation of the project /
Location advantages and disadvantages

Connectivity :

Road National High way

connectivity- State Highway
Distance from Fright Corridor
Golden Quadrilateral
Rail connectivity
Air connectivity
Water ways

Supply side suitability: Raw material Catchment area

Whether project site is part of production belt / cluster / hub? If yes, provide details
of working relations with other farmers

Road National High way

connectivity- State Highway
Distance from Fright Corridor
Golden Quadrilateral

Rail connectivity
Air connectivity
Water ways
Map of Catchment Area:

Demand side suitability

Proximity and connectivity of project site to major consumption centres /Mandies

Demand centres Names Distance from the proposed

Agriculture Primary
Market Committees -
APMCs / Mandies
Tier-1, 2 and 3 cities

Map of consumption Centres

Other Merits/ Advantages:

3.11. Compliance of project site for food safety

The information on soil condition and site on water logging, industrial waste and effluents.

Run off and contaminated water is not allowed to enter fields.

3.12. Components / Activities of the Project with justification (Please refer NHB scheme

Name of the scheme and component Justification

1 Development of Commercial Horticulture
through Production and Post-Harvest
Management of Horticulture Crops
1. Open field for specified crops
2. Protected cultivation for specified crops
3. Integrated PHM
3.1.Integrated Pack house
3.2.Pack House
3.3.Pre-cooling unit
3.4. Cold Room (Staging)
3.5 Primary Processing
3.6 Refer Van
3.7. Retail outlet (environmentally

Component wise cost of the Project and NHB Norms

Scheme Items Sub- items Capacity/ Units/ Likely NHB

Component Area/ Numbers / unit Norm
spacing/ cost
Open field Cultivation Planting material
Cultivation Expenses Input cost
(Labour, Manure
& Fertilisers,
pesticides etc.)
Irrigation Tube well/ bore
well/ Open well
Cost of Pipeline
from source of
irrigation to
production unit
(Length, Size &
Water harvesting
structure / Water
tank min. 300
Non lined
Drip / Sprinkler
Civil Functional pack
Infrastructure house
Store & Pump
house (Area in
sq.ft with size)
Labour room & go
down (Area in
Sq.ft with size)
Farm Tractor up to 20
Mechanisation BHP
(AC) Power Tiller HP
driven by Tractor/
Power Tiller
Mulch laying
hort. Machinery

Other tools and
equipment’s as per
Sub Mission on
Land Soil levelling /
Development Digging/Fencing
Others if any
Land if newly purchased but not
before one year from date of
sanction of Term loan (indicate
Vermi Compost Unit
 1. Permanent Structure
 2, HDPE Vermibed (12ft X 4ft X2 ft)
Certification of Good Agricultural
Practices (GAP) including
infrastructure (AC)
Plastic Mulching
Grand Total
Scheme Capacity/ Units/ Likely NHB
Area/ Number /Unit Norm
Spacing cost
Integrated 1. Integrated PHM
PHM 3.1.Pack House
3.2.Integrated Pack house
3.3.Pre-cooling unit
3.4.Cold Room (Staging)
3.5.Refer Van
3.6 Primary Processing
3.7.Retail outlet (environmentally
Note: NHB Norm: means over all ceiling in project mode with add on component as per NHB Scheme guidelines.
(Appendix 1-A)
AC: Add on component: Over and above the cost ceiling.

3.13. Operations Planning

1. Name of Farm / Project Manager (working directly

under the applicant / CEO) if any.-optional
2. Name of agency providing technical know-how
and turn key for cultivation- and contact person
Name and contact numbers
3. Operations:
1. Land preparation Own / custom hiring
2. Procuring planting material/seeds Own / outsourcing
3. Orchard planning, layout Own / outsourcing
4. Water and nutrient management Own / outsourcing
5. Pruning & Training Own / outsourcing
6. Pollinators & Pollinsers Own / outsourcing
7. Plant growth regulators Own / outsourcing
8. Integrated Pest & Disease management Own / outsourcing
9. Physiological disorders Own / outsourcing
10. Farm Mechanisation Own / outsourcing
11. Harvesting/ Fruit/Flower care management Own / outsourcing
12. Post-Harvest Management Own / outsourcing
a. Pre-cooling Own / outsourcing
b. Curing Own / outsourcing
c. Cleaning / Washing Own / outsourcing
d. Sorting and Grading Own / outsourcing
e. Packing and labelling Own / outsourcing
f. Ripening Own / outsourcing
g. Transport Own / outsourcing
h. Storage- Low cost/ Cold Room/ CA Own / outsourcing
i. Refer van Own / outsourcing
j. Retail outlet Own / outsourcing
k. Cold chain Own / outsourcing
13. Marketing Own / outsourcing
14. Processing Own / outsourcing

3.14. Profile of Agency executing erection of Protected Structure/ Post Harvest
Infrastructure (based on project / applicability etc.

1. Name of agency providing technical know-how and

turnkey basis with full address of its Hq
2. Agency local Address
3. CIN / Company Incorporation No.
4. GST No.
5. CEO of the Agency
6. Contact person Name and contact numbers
7. Details of Technical Manpower available (Desirable)
8. Number of years of experience of the Company / (Desirable)
9. No of plants set up till date during the last 5 years in (Desirable)
the State
10. Turnover of the Agency (Desirable)
11. Whether firm has been blacklisted ever by any (Desirable)
government or corporate firm

3.15. Quality of Services of Agency executing Post Harvest Infrastructure (based on

project / applicability etc.

1. Hardware: Guarantee offered Guarantee Period &

conditions if any
2. Hardware: Warranty offered Warranty period &
conditions if any
3. Services: Supervision and After sales service Free service Period

4. Others

3.16. Month wise operational chart / Implementation schedule: Commencement to

Project Implementation period in case of approval: Months.

Proposed/ Tentative dates of Bench mark / Activity Approximate date
Project Commencement Land development or Land/
Site Preparation
First Commercial Crop / plantation /
operations if any / Plant & Machinery
Project Completion

Activity Units Months

1. Land development √ √
2. Land preparation √
3. Procuring planting material/ √ √
4. Orchard planning and layout √
5. Water and nutrient √ √ √
6. Pruning & Training √ √
7. Pollinators& Pollinisers √
8. Plant growth regulators √
9. Integrated Pest & Disease √ √
10. Physiological disorders √
11. Farm Mechanisation-
12. Farm Mechanisation √ √
13. Harvesting/ Fruit care √ √ √ √
14. Post-Harvest Management
a) Pre-cooling √ √ √
b) Curing √ √ √
1. Cleaning / Washing √ √ √
c) Sorting and Grading √ √ √
d) Packing and labelling √ √ √
2. Ripening √ √ √
3. Transport √ √ √
e) Storage- Low cost/cold √ √ √
storage/ CA
f) Cold chain √ √ √
15. Marketing √ √ √
1. Value/ addition Processing √ √ √
Note: The table can be extended as per need.JF: January/ February; MA: March/April and similarly other abbreviations.
3.17.Number of days of Operation / Crop etc:

3.18. Backward and Forward linkages

1. Backward linkages -with growers, input suppliers etc.

Operations Agency / Agents / providers (specify Distance Remarks

the proposed location)
Seed/ Planting Material
Bio fertilizers
Bio pesticides
Pesticides / Insecticide

2. Forward linkages- for Domestic and Export Market

Operations Agency / Agents / Service providers Distance Remarks

(specify the proposed location)
Storage Unit
Processing Unit
Local Market
Terminal market
Farm Market

3. Briefly explain as to how the produce will be consolidated (backward linkages) and
marketed/exported (forward linkages)

4. How transportation of raw material and produce is planned?

3.19. Manpower (Skilled Labour, Expertise etc.), Required, Already available, Gaps and the
management in a Year.

3.19.1. Managerial and Technical

Managerial Technical Gap

Requirement Availability Requirement Availability S US
Number No.of Number No.of N D N D
Days Days

a) Manager 1 270 2 270

b) Finance & 1 * 1 90
c) Typing / IT 1 * 2 90

3.19.2. Skilled and Unskilled Labour

Skilled Labour Unskilled labour Gap

Requirement Availability Requirement Availability S US
Numbe No.o Nu No.o N D N D
r f mb f
Days er Days
Operations/ activity
d) Administration 2
e) Manager 2 270
f) Finance & Accounts 2 90
g) Typing / IT 2 90
h) Watch man 2 150 4 240
Crop husbandry
a) Planting 5 2
b) Basin preparation 3 5
c) Pit preparation 5 5
d) Irrigation(1 2 2
e) Manuring & 2 5
f) Plant protection(3 6 9
g) Weeding, hoeing 8 10
h) Pruning 5 10
i) Harvesting, grading, 4 50
packing etc.
3.20. Employment Generation per annum

No. of man days / Annum 445

Permanent man power -Permanent (on rolls)
Casual / Temporary

3.21. Infrastructure and connectivity (Power, Fuel, Water, Plant and Machinery, Effluents
treatment etc.)- Required, Already available, Gaps and the management.

Utility Requirement Remarks

Power Likely Daily power requirement

Likely Annual Power requirement

Proposed Source of Power

Access to Power is assured or not

Alternative Source of Power in case of


Whether renewable alternate energy to

power is under consideration

Water Source – Ground Water /Surface Water

Existing or New source

Whether NOC has been taken from CGWB / Yes/No

State Government Ground water regulation
Water measurement systems is planned
Daily Water requirement

Whether water harvesting is planned Yes/No

Water productivity parameters proposed if
Quantity of effluents likely
Water treatment plant if any proposed Yes/No

Fuel Access to fuel to power- Generators-


Nearest fuel depot

Water Source – Ground Water /Surface Water

Existing or New source
Plant &
Vermi compost If available Numbers and Capacity.
Types: 1. Permanent Structure and 2, HDPE
Vermi bed (12ft X 4ft X2 ft)
Animal Details of Animals
Husbandry Capacity / Income
issues of the
project if any

Any other

3.22. SWOT Analysis

1 Strengths Well adapted with climatic condition

Plenty number of varieties and their adoptions in different
agroclimatic conditions make the availability of produce for
expanded time.
Less water requiring crop suitable rain fed crop due to
coincide critical stages with abounded moisture period and
summer deciduous nature.

2 Weaknesses Perishable commodity

Low productivity in moisture stress conditions
Harvesting labour consuming
Inadequate post harvest handling and processing

3 Opportunities Climate variability can be used advantageously for extended

harvest and availability in aonla
New varietal developments give competitive advantage for
the export promotion.
Crop of poor man’s so better accessibility for tribal as
nutritional security better opportunities.

4 Threats Inadequate infrastructure set up in the direction of post

harvest management.
Productivity wide gap (rainfed vs irrigated conditions)

Attention of the applicant:

1. Applicant shall not change project land, proposed crop / activity / component, area and
bank / financial institution in the proposal during the project implementation period. Thus
any change in crop or project site shall make the component or project, as the case may
be, ineligible for getting subsidy.

(Signature of the Applicant)

with date and time.

4 NHB Scheme under which the project is proposed with rationale/

1. Scheme.1: Scheme guidelines

2. Cost Norms and pattern of assistance: Copy paste scheme guidelines

3. Rationale for justification for taking up the proposed project under the scheme No.1
and its components.

5.Project details

5.1 Agro-climatic suitability

5.1.1. Origin, History, and Distribution

1. Origin of the crop and its introduction into India:

Aonla or Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Syn. Phyllanthus emblica) is
one of the important indigenous fruits of Indian subcontinent, known for its
medicinal and therapeutic properties and considered as a wonder fruit for health
conscious population. It has been grown and known in India for last more than 3500
years. In fact, it finds a special mention in ancient Indian text ‘Ayurveda’ by
Saushruta, the father of ancient medicine (during 1500 BC-1300 BC). Naturally
growing trees of aonla have been reported from India, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Puerto Rico,
Hawaii, Florida, Iran, Iraq, Java, West Indies, Trinidad, Singapore, southern
Thailand, Pakistan, Malaya and China and Panama Canal regions. However, its
cultivation is more common in India, particularly in the state of Uttar Pradesh where
it is cultivated in the districts of Pratapgarh, Raibareli, Jaunpur, Sultanpur, Banda,
Kanpur, Agra and Mathura districts. The major concentration of aonla cultivation is
in Pratapgarh district. The natural distribution of wild aonla is found on the
Himalayas, Chota Nagpur, Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, North Circars, Deccan,
Karnataka and in Western Ghats.

2. Distribution of crop across the country

In India, the homeland of aonla, domestication was first started in Varanasi
(earlier known as Benaras) district of Uttar Pradesh with the initiative of Maharaja of
Kashi. Banarasi, a superior genotype was selected from the wild aonla trees available
in large number in the nearby Vindhyan hills. Authentic information regarding its
cultivation dates back to 1881-82 in the Partapgarh district of Uttar Pradesh. The
ailing state owner of the district (King) was advised for regular consumption of
aonla fruit in one way or other. As per information available, few aonla trees were
introduced from Varanasi and few from Gujarat. Those brought from Varanasi were
named as ‘Banarasi’ and those brought from Gujarat were known as Francis and
later on as Hathijhool (because of its drooping branches). A seedling of Banarasi,
with prolific bearing and flat fruits was named as Chakla and now it is known as
Chakaiya.The new cultivars, agro-techniques and commercial orcharding in the
country were promoted based on research and development work at Narendra Dev
University of Agriculture and Technology (NDUAT), Kumarganj, Faizabad, Uttar
Pradesh, India. Aonla was also included in All India Coordinated Arid Fruit
Improvement Project and cultivars developed at NDUAT, Faizabad were planted at
the on different SAUs and ICAR institutes as varietal trial:

5.1.2.Agro-climatic / Horticultural zones including Rainfall, temperatures at critical
stages and suitability of the project (Not applicable to standalone PHM projects)

Parameter Recommended@ Project Remarks /

location deviations
1. Climate Tropical and sub tropical
2. Altitude Up to 1800 msl
3. Climateric / Non Climateric Non-climacteric
4. Thermosensitivity of crop Aonla flowers best with
average day temperature
of 27°C (180 c to 320c).
Temperature below 0oC
is injurious for the plant.
Temperature above 40°C
and moisture stress affect
the growth, flowering
and fruiting of aonla.
5. Photosensitive Not applicable
6. Temperature range 0-45°C
1. Mean monthly / Average 18-35°C
temperature for growth and
2. Av.Max.temperature 36-40°C
3. Av.night temperature 15-25°C
4. During fruiting phase 22-35°C
a) Flowering 18-30°C
b) Fruiting 30°C
c) Maturity 25-36°C

7. Rainfall / Water resources 400-2500 /annum

8.1 Land preparation Summer months; needs
less water / rain
8.2 Flowering Spring(February- March)
; needs no water
8.3 Fruiting Rainy and winter season
8.4 Maturity Winter
8. Humidity Humid summer and dry
1. Vegetative growth 78-92%
2. Shoot/Flush maturity 55-60%
3. Flowering 70-80%
4. Fruiting 80-90%
5. Maturity 65-75%
6. Season Winter
9. Winds during crop season 8-15 km/h

1. Wind velocity Mild
2. Wind direction Westerly winds during
fruit development and
maturity. Easterly wind
direction during fruiting
results in to more attack
of pests.
10. Fruit quality attributes 09-11°B TSS and 1.92-
2.20% acidity ,vitamin c
11. Harvesting Season October-January (North
and Central India)
December-January (in
South India)
@ Note: Recommendations of CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Godhra, Gujarat
# Provide source (could be IMD/Agric. Univ/State Govt.) and web link if possible

Risk management/ Deviation Management if any:

Conclusion: Whether project crop is recommended for the project location Yes/No

5.1.3. Soil type-composition required and that of project suitability
(Not applicable to standalone PHM projects)

As recommended Project location Deviation if Date on which

aonla CHES data as per latest any and soil health is
(ICAR-CIAH) Soil health test Management tested and the
Godhra, Gujarat name of the
Soil type Fertile alluvial soil
to marginal land
Texture Sandy loam, clay
pH 7.5-9.5
Organic carbon 0.4-1%
Electrical ˂ 0.2-0.7 dSm-
(can tolerate up
to9 dSm-1
Chlorine ----
Sodium low
Potassium 150kg/ha
Nitrogen 130kg/ha
Phosphorus 12 kg/ha
@ Recommendations of CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Godhra, Gujarat
#: Provide details of Soil Test Laboratory (should be that of Agriculture Dept/ Agric.Univ/
Central or State Government) where Soil is tested with contact details of Head of Laboratory/
Analyst with telephone and mobile details and weblink if possible. A self-attested copy of the
laboratory results should be submitted in case project is qualified for processing for subsidy

Whether project location is a problematic soil-Alkalinity/Salinity/Others: if yes.

1. Causes
2. Reclamation / Management/ Amendments proposed:

Whether project location soil is suitable for the crop / activity.

5.1.4.Water/ Irrigation water Quality -requirements and that of project suitability
(Not applicable to standalone PHM projects)

As recommended Project location data as

CHES(ICAR-CIAH) on per latest Water Analysis
Aonla, Godhra, Gujarat test#
pH 7.5-9.5
EC Normal
Total salt concentration, Low
Sodium Absorption Ratio Low to medium
Bi-Carbonate Nil
Boron concentration Medium
Heavy metals Nil
Pesticide residue Nil

@ Recommendations of CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Godhra, Gujarat

#: Provide details of Laboratory (should be that of Agriculture Dept/ Agric.Univ/ Central or
State Government) where water is tested with contact details of Head of Laboratory/ Analyst
with telephone and mobile details. A self-attested copy of the laboratory results should be
submitted in case project is qualified for processing for subsidy claim.

Conclusion: Whether project location water source is Yes / No

suitable for the crop / activity.

5.2. Project- Market viability of the Project

5.2.1. Commercial (and nutritive -where ever applicable) importance / significance,

composition and uses.
The fruit is the richest source of vitamin C among the fruits except Barbados cherry
and. It contains 500-1800 mg vitamin C, 0.2mg nicotinic acid, 1.2mg iron, 0.5g protein, 0.1g
fat, 0.7g minerals, 2.0-3.4g fibres, 14-21.80g carbohydrate, 0.02g phosphorus and 0.05g
calcium/100g fruit pulp. . The fruit contains chemical substance known as leucoanthocyanins
(polyphenols), which retard the oxidation of vitamin C which make the fruit as rich source of
vitamin C. Aonla is very popular for its medicinal properties mentioned both in Ayurvedic
and Unani system of medicines. Fruit is acidic, cooling, refrigerant, laxative and diuretic.
Dried fruits are useful in chronic dysentery, diarrhoea, diabetes, dyspepsia, cough, anemia
and jaundice. Aonla and its preparations may be useful in piles, fracture, constipation,
vomiting, nausea, diseases related to vision and eye, hick up, fever, jaundice, liver disease,
skin disease and diabetes. The excellent nutraceutical and therapeutic values of fruit has great
potentiality for processing into various post harvest products. It widely used in Ayurvedic
medicine for making Triphala and Chyavanprash.
5.2.2. Targeted market (s):
Domestic or International. In case of International market, the applicant has to refer APEDA
export requirements and should specify compliance appropriately within the document. In
case of domestic market specify the intended market briefly while more details are provided
in marketing chapter.
1. Quality grades/ specifications/ kinds of products and their targeted Domestic/
International market.
2. Existing / Proposed Market linkages:
3. MOUs/ Contract documents / undertakings/ LoA if any
4. Target consumption centres/ key domestic markets
5. Export targets/ Plans if any
6. In case of export, details of volume to be exported / export destination / statutory
norms of export destination should be provided in the DPR.

5.2.3. Statistics: India and State.
1. India: Area, Production and Productivity in the area, State and India for the last 5-10 years
National picture
Year Area in ha Production Productivity Global Productivity data T/Ha
MT T/ha
India has highest productivity
among aonla growing countries

Year wise data are not available

2. State wise picture- Top 10 producing states

State Area in ha Production T Productivity T/ha
Uttar Pradesh 15750 63000 4.0
Gujarat 10050 30150 3.0
Tamil Nadu 5500 16500 3.0
Rajsthan 5000 6000 1.2
Maharashtra 4000 5600 1.4
Andhra Pradesh 3000 9000 3.0
Karnataka 1800 5400 3.0
Bihar 1350 4050 3.0
Haryana 600 3100 5.2
Mizorum 70 200 2.9
others 3000 8000 3.0
Total 50120 160000 3.0

3. Project State Picture (Mandatory)

Year Area in Production States’ Productivity Gap in Productivity (T/Ha)
ha MT contribution T/ha State National Global
to Nation Av. Av Highest


4. Project State-district wise performance in the said crop producing districts in Last Year
Area Production Productivity
District Area % of District Production % of State District Productivity Ranking
(ha) State (MT) Production (T/ha)


5. Project crop in the state: Time trend of Area, Production and Productivity (Mandatory)
District Item Current Year CY-2 CY-3 CY-4
District.1 Area

6. Share of project Crop- in terms of Area and Production in overall fruits/vegetables.

Crop Area Production

Ha % MT %

Total 100 100

7. Availability of Storage facilities in the project area / District / State Source: (Desirable Data)

Year Commodity Low cost storage structures Cold storage CA Storage

No. Capacity Capacity No. Capacity Capacity No. Capacity Capacity
utilisation utilisation utilisation

Gap Analysis in Project Area

Commodity / produce Storage Storage Gap Remarks
required in the available in the
area area

7.2.4 Clusters/ Zones Crop clusters in the State (Mandatory)
Cluster District No.of villages No.of farmers Total Area

54 Crop Agricultural Economic Zones in the State / UT, if any (Desirable)
Cluster District No.of villages No.of farmers Total Area

5.2.5. Demand for the commodity: (based on the available data- minimum for the project
area, district and the state)
Demand -Supply gap for the commodity
Unit Demand No.of growers Supply / Gap Remarks
Nos. Area
Project area
where project
is located
Note: Applicant may take the help of District Horticulture Officer.
5.2.5. A. Projections of production, productivity, targets for domestic and export market
Year Production Productivity Local Value Terminal Value Export Value
Market in Rs. market in Rs. Market in Rs.

5.2.6.Global producers- Country, Area, Production, Productivity and global market share for
the last 5-10 years
Major producing country Production (MT)

5.2.7. International trade market and potential:

Country 2015-16 2016-17
Quantity (MT) Rupees (Lakh) Quantity Rupees (Lakh)

It is not a crop of major importance, though some amount is exported to Maldives and Gulf
countries but statistics are not available.

.2.8. Seasonality matrix of the fruit (Desirable Data):
Seasonality matrix of the crop with reference to other fruits / vegetables

Crop Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Lean Season
Peak Season
Demand and Supply issues specific to project area

5.2.9 Price variation of Commodities at State / UT Capital or at a Major Fruit &
Vegetables Market
A.At local Market

Local Market: 1 Unit=Rs. Per Qtl/MT/Kg

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

B.At nearest / Major Terminal Market

Year Major Terminal Market: Rs/kg

2014 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Vadodara - - - - - - - - 20 15 15 20
Lucknow - - - - - - - - 20 10 10 10
Hyderabad - - - - - - - - 20 15 15 10
Dehradun - - - - - - - - 30 20 20 20
Delhi - - - - - - - - 30 20 20 20
Guwahati - - - - - - - - 30 15 15 15
Jaipur - - - - - - - - 30 30 20 20
Jammu - - - - - - - - 30 20 10 10
Kolkata - - - - - - - - 30 20 20 20
Patna - - - - - - - - 30- 20 20 20
Raipur - - - - - - - - 30 20 15 15

Projected prices of project produce (If possible)

Market: ………………………… Unit=Rs. Per Qtl/MT/Kg
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Source: Could be applicants’ own assumption / horticulture expert giving justification

5.2.10.Balance sheet of commodity in the State / District (Desirable Data/ Voluntary)

Year: Qty: 000Tons

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Carry in
Total Usage
Carry out


5.2.11. Whether transportation infrastructure is available.

1. Mode of transportation / arrangement:

2. Whether cold chain facility available locally if so details of service providers and contact
person name.

5.2.12. Value Addition scope/ potential

Aonla has tremendous scope for value addition through processing. protocol for
various post harvest product have been developed. Many post harvest products like morabba,
chatni,squash, candy toffee shreds, sauce, aonla pulp; Ayurvedic medicines as chvanprash,
ttrifla, syrup, powder and in coslmetic industry as shampoo, hairoil, dyes etc Such processed
products not only increases the product mix but also increases the duration of availability of
the crop and reduces post harvest losses. Aonla is perishable fruit like other fruit crops.
Generally farmer’s pack their produce in gunny bags during transportation and marketing in
bulk. Perforated plastic lined bags and CFB boxes as well as polyethylene sleeves packaging
have good scope for reducing post harvest loss in this crop. ICAR-CIAH has designed a CFB
box for packaging and developed processing protocols for various processed products such as
candy, aonla juice, etc.

5.2.13. Central and State Government policies to promote aonla:

(towards its promotion, area expansion and organised marketing, processing and export).
The applicant should mention about the government initiatives like establishment of aonla
export zone, region specific fruit belt for aonla, schemes to promote aonla, Development
infrasturctures for aonla crop in detail.

5.2.14. Value chain in aonla

Ideal value chain

Farmers Auction Whole seller Local/distant market Consumer


5.2.14 Existing value chain: The applicant should reflect the existing value chain and
marketing channels of aonla in project area or state

5.2.15. Proposed Business Strategy by the Applicant for Marketing and Market viability

5.3.Financial Viability of the Project
( To be prepared and certified by Project Finance Expert on each page)

5.3.1: Due Deligence Status

Date of Due Deligience Remarks
1 Examination of CIBIL report Yes/No
2 Credit rating / scoring is done Yes/No
3 Whether name of promoters/company
appearing in the list of-
a) RBI defaulter list Yes/No
b) RBI willfull defaulter list Yes/No
c) ECGC SA list Yes/No
4 a)Verfication of CERSAI (Central Yes/No
Registry of Securitisation Asset
Reconstruction and Security Interest)
b) In case of company whether Yes/No
financial data verfied with ROC .

5.3.2.Project Cost (Rs in Lakhs) – (subitems are to be decided based on need)

Scheme Items Sub- items Capacit Units/ unit Cost Cost as

Component y/ Numbe cost per
Area/ rs NHB
spacing norms
Open field Cultivation Planting material
Cultivation Expenses Input cost (Labour,
Manure & Fertilisers,
pesticides etc.)
Irrigation Tube well/ bore well/
Open well (Nos.)
Cost of Pipeline
(Length, Size &
Water harvesting
structure / Water
tank min. 300
Non lined
Drip / Sprinkler
Civil Functional pack
Infrastructur house
e Store & Pump house
(Area in sq.ft with
Labour room & go

down (Area in Sq.ft
with size)
Farm Tractor upto 20 BHP
Mechanisati Power Tiller HP
on Equipments- driven
(AC) by Tractor/ Power
Mulch laying
Self-propelled hort.
Other tools and
equipment’s as per
Sub Mission on
Land Soil levelling /
Developmen Digging/Fencing etc.
t Others if any

Land if newly purchased but not

before one year from date of
sanction of loan (indicate year)
Support system for Grapes
Vermi Compost Unit
Certification of Good Agri Practices
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
including infrastructure (AC)
Plastic Mulching
Grand Total
Scheme Capacit Units/ Like NH
y/ Numbe ly B
Area/ r /Uni Nor
Spacin t m
g etc. cost
Integrated 2. Integrated PHM
PHM 3.1.Pack House
3.2.Integrated Pack house
3.3.Pre-cooling unit
3.4.Cold Room (Staging)
3.5.Mobile Pre-cooling unit
3.6.Ripening Chamber
3.7 Primary Processing
3.8.Retail outlet (environmentally

Summary of Project Cost

Project Max.possible
Cost NHB support
1. Open field condition With add on components
Without add on
2. Integrated PHM
21. Pack house
2.2. Pre-cooling unit
2.3. Cold Room (Staging)
2.4. Primary Processing
2.5. Refer Van
2.6. Retail outlet
Grand Total

5.3.3 Means of Finance ( Lakhs)

S.No Item Components
1 Promoters share
2 Bank/FI Term loan
3 Un secured

5.3.4. A Information on subsidy available under different schemes:- (For information)

1. Subsidy from NHB
2. Subsidy from State *
3. Subsidy from Centre *
4. Subsidy from other *

5.3.5.Hypothecation Security if any:

5.3.6.About Bank/ FI: Name of the Bank/FI, branch and its code identified for Term loan
and Rationale

Name of Bank/ FI
Bank/FI Branch Address
Bank/FI Branch contact Number
IFSC code

5.3.7.Investiment in Horticulture Sector

Bundles of opportunities in form of subsidies available in the cultivatioin of aonla like othe
fruit crops viz., orchard establishment, nursery/propagation, farm machineries & harvesting
tools as well as low cost storage structures etc. This crop also attracting the investors with the
involvement of new sp./ varieties and value added possibilities in this crop.

5.3.8 Projected / existing operational profitability of the Project : (Rs. In Lakhs)

Estimated projections
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8
Tangible Net
Net Working
Current Ratio
Net Sales
Op. Profit
Net Profit Before
Net Profit After
Debt-equity ratio
Retained Profit

Justification for the above (wherever figures are on higher side)

NOTE:- In case of existing business / project, the promoter has to provide the audited data
for the last three years apart from estimated and projected data for covering the entire
repayment period.

5.3.9 Project Financing:

1) Rate of Interest :
2) Percentage of Term loan against total project cost
3) Internal Rate of Return (IRR):
4) Cost of Production and Profitability (Annexure)
5) Yield and Sales Chart (Annexure)
6) Proposed Balance Sheet: (Annexure)
7) Proposed Cash flow Statement for repayment period (Annexure)
8) Proposed Profit & Loss Account: (Annexure)
9) Proposed Repayment of Term loan and Schedule (Annexure)
10) Break even Analysis (Annexure)
11) NPV (Net Present Value)
12) Economic Rate of Return
13) Depreciation

5.3.9 Sensitivity analysis of the project.

Base Case 2018-19

(First Full
Year of
Case I Decrease in capacity utilization by 10%.
Case II Decrease in Sales by 10%.
Case III Increase in Raw Material Cost by 10%
Base Case Case I Case II Case III

5.3.10 Key Financial Parameters for the proposal:

Sl. Ratio Benchmark As calculated by Project Finance Expert

1styr 2ndyr 3rdyr 4thyr 5thYr
1. Current Ratio 1.25:1
other than export
2. CR-Export units 1.10:1
4 DSCR* 1.50:1
5 Average DSCR
6 Debt to Equity 3:1
Ratio i.e DER
7 TOL/TNW 4:1
8 Promoters 25%
Contribution minimum
9 Break Even Point Lower the
% is better
10 Security More than
Coverage Ratio 100% of
11 Repayment Up to 7
period Years
but not to
exceed an
tenor of 10

5.3.11 Statement of Assets & liability as on……...
1. Immovable Assets
(Rs. In lakh)
Sl.No Description Extent Location Face value Market value
1 Land
2 Building
3 Plant & machinery
4 Commercial plots

2. Movable Assets
Sl.No Description Model Face value Market value
1 Car/Scooter/Truck/Bus/Mobile

3. Bank/FI balances and cash

Sl.No. Name of the institutions Date of Face value Market

opening value/Present

4. Shares & debentures

Sl No Name of the Date of Face value Market value

Company/Institutions purchase

5. Investment in business & other associates concern

Sl No Name of the Date of Face value Market value
Company/Institutions Investment

Total assets……............
1. Liabilities

Sl.No. Nature of the loan Name of the Date of loan Face Market value/
institution value Present value

Total liabilities…….....................
Net of assets & liabilities…….....

Date: Signature of the Promoter/Guarantors/Directors /partner

5.3.13.Risk Analysis& Management

A. Promoters & Management Risks:

B. Project Completion and Operational Risk:
C. Other Risks:

Risk Recommendation Proposed management

Excess production / Glut There should be unit for value
situation in Market addition/storage
Crop failure Crop insurance
Price volatility-low prices Storage facility to stabilize price
Pests and Diseases Standard protocols should be
Natural calamities- fire, Insurance
cyclone, Floods etc.

5.3.14 Farm record keeping/ Maintenance proposed

Records of all purchases (seed for intercrop, agro-chemicals, media, etc.), observation of data
(flowering dates and fruit set per cent, marketable yield etc.), labourerr engagement and
attendance, sales, pest and disease outbreaks, permanent and temporary stocks (including
species wise seedling stocks) and movement register are required to be maintained up to date.
Various records of expenditure and income are recorded in different book viz., purchase
book, sales book, ledger, cash book, dispatch register, monthly crop calendar, elite plant
identification etc.

5.4: Land development and Crop husbandry
5.4.1.Land development: ( in case of waste/ barren land)
The bushes should be removed. Field should be deep-ploughed and levelled. Under sloppy
lands, contour system should be followed. Pits of size 1m x 1m x 1m should be prepared in
summer followed by filling with good substrate (top soil+ FYM + sand in black cotton soil).
If necessary, pit soil should be replaced with good soil. (For details, recent publications of
CHES-CIAH should be referred).
5.4.2. Selection of Quality Planting Material
1.Recommended and popular Cultivars-varieties/hybrids, their specific characteristics,
requirements and yields and list of reputed /accredited Nurseries

1. Recommended and popular cultivars/ Name of variety / Hybrids/ cultivar (with

varieties/ Hybrids State wise potential yield)
a. Bihar NA-7, NA-6, Chakaiya, Banarasi
b. Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand NA-4, NA-5, NA-7, NA-6, Chakaiya,
Banarasi, NA-10
c. West Bengal Banarasi, Chakaiya, NA-7
d. Punjab and Haryana Goma Aishwarya, NA-7, NA-6, Chakaiya,
Francis, Laxmi-52
e. Gujarat and Maharashtra Goma Aishwarya, NA-7, Anand-1, Anand-2
2. Classification of cultivars based on crop
a. Early NB-9, Krishna, Banarasi, Goma Aishwarya
b. Mid Francis, NA-7, Anand -2, Anand-1
c. Late Kanchan, Chakaiya, NA-8, BSR-1, NA-6
3. Classification of cultivars / Varieties/
Hybrids based on purpose
a. Powder Chakaiya, Kanchan, Anand-1 and Anand -2
b. Murabba and Candy Banarasi, NA-7 and NA-4, Laxmi-52
c. Pickle BSR-1 and BSR-2

2.Cultivar/Hybrid/Variety / Planting material Selected:
Cultivar/Hybrid/Variety Parentage Area Medium/ Requirement
/ Planting material High/ Ultra Quantity
High density

3.Method of Propagation / technology

Budding/ Grafting
Method recommended by ICAR-CIAH Budding/grafting
Proposed method under the project Patch budding/Softwood grafting
Do’s and Don’t’s proposed / taken in  Select healthy scion for propagation
propagation  Maintain good health of plants in nursery
 Ensure proper root development in the
 Removal of budding tape after successful
union as well as removal of root stock
Expert guiding the project
Source: Singh, R. S. and Krishna H. 2014. Nursery Management for Production of Quality Planting
Materials. In: Propagation of Horticultural Plants: Arid and Semi-arid Regions (Eds. Singh, R. S. and
Bhargava, R). New India Publishing Agency, Delhi, India. pp. 91-112. Technical bulletins on aonla,
pub. CIAH, Bikaner, Rajasthan

4. List of Nurseries having Virus Indexing: Not required in aonla

5. List of NHB accredited Nurseries : availability of quality seeds / planting material.

ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner , ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur, PAU, Ludhiana (Punjab)
ND University of Agriculture & Technology faizabad
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow
CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Godhra, Gujarat

6. List of reputed / authorised store / Nursery from where quality seeds / planting material is
planned to source in the project:

7.Planting material-source, quality and suitability

1. Proposed cultivar / variety

2. Criterion / Rationale for Selection
3. Nursery / Shop from where seeds/ Name of Nursery/ Shop:
planting material is procured/ purchased Proprietor Name
Contact Number:
4. Whether variety/ hybrid/ cultivar
registered under Section 39 (2) of The
Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers
Right Act, 2001 (PPVFR Act)
5. Authority which provides compensation Registrar General, PPV & FRA is the
to the farmers in case a registered designated officer for redressal of Public
variety does not perform as per the Grievances and can be addressed to:
claim made by the breeders. Registrar General Protection of Plant
Varieties and Farmers’ Right Authority S-2,
A Block, NASC Complex, Opp. Todapur
Village New Delhi -110012
6. Applicability of Seed Act and any State
Act on nursery/ planting material
7. Authority which provides compensation
to the farmers in case a registered
variety does not perform as per the
claim made by the breeders under Seed
Act / State Nursery Act if any
8. Parentage if known
9. Original manufacturer / Source of
planting material
10. Name of Tests with date and lab-
conducted to assure pest and disease free
ness of seeds/ propagation by the
11. Whether the planting material is
imported. If Yes, whether plant
quarantine and disease free certification
was done

5.4.3. Orchard/ Site planning Lay out and management / Sowing Planning of orchards / Site establishment and layout systems / Types of


Square, rectangular, Hedgerow, double hedgerow high density planting can be adopted
As recommended by
1. Singh A. K., Singh Sanjay, Hiwale, S. S., Appa Rao, V. V. and
Godhra, Gujarat Joshi, H. K. (2014). Production technology of aonla under
rainfed conditions of western India.Pub CHES (ICAR-CIAH),
1. Singh, A. K., Singh. Sanjay, Appa Rao, V. V., Meshram, D. T,
Bagle, B. G. and More, T.A. (2010). High density planting
system in aonla. Pub. CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1- 15.
Action taken / proposed
by the applicant
Points of Deviation if any
and justification

72 Land preparation including pit preparation

As recommended by
1. Singh A. K., Singh Sanjay, Hiwale, S. S., Appa Rao, V. V. and
Joshi, H. K. (2014). Production technology of aonla under rainfed
conditions of western India.Pub CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1-36.
2. Singh, A. K., Singh. Sanjay, Appa Rao, V. V., Meshram, D. T,
Bagle, B. G. and More, T.A. (2010). High density planting system
in aonla. Pub. CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1- 15.

Action taken / proposed

by the applicant
Points of Deviation if
any and justification

73 Planting Season / time and density
Recommended @ Proposed Remarks in case of
Planting Season / Monsoon season
Spacing 8m × 8 m, 5 m × 5 m,
Plant density per As per spacing
Acre selected
Planting Material Hardening of plants
treatment before planting
Depth of planting Earth-ball should be
properly placed in
prepared pit at 20-30
cm from collar
Transplanting age 1-1.5 years
@: Recommended by CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Godhra on Aonla,

74 Water and Nutrient Management
1. Water requirements, Source and irrigation methods
a. Critical stages for Irrigation and water required under Drip Irrigation(Please refer the
mentioned publications for details)
Critical stages Proposed action
Vegetative flushing
Fruit set
Fruit development

b. Method of Irrigation: Surface (basin irrigation and drip irrigation)

Methods Recommendation Proposed practice Remarks
Ring Basin At fortnight interval
require after fruit set
to development stage
Drip For orchard
c.Water source, demand and availability

Water Source Water Quality Water Last Year Current Year

Availability consumption demand

d.Water harvesting measures : In situ water harvesting, Full moon and half moon terracing,
soil moisture conservation by mulching
2.Nutrient management
FYM 30-40 kg, Neem cake 2.5 kg, 1 kg N, 500gP, 500g K to mature tree per plant.
However, actual will vary as per soil test report of the orchard.
Dated Institute

Soil Health Recommended range Proposed site Remarks

Soil type Alluvial sandy loam,
clay loam soil
Texture Sandy loam
pH 7.5-9.5
Organic carbon .5-1%
Electrical ˂ 2 dSm-1
Potassium 150kg/ha
Nitrogen 130kg/ha
Phosphorus 12 kg/ha
Chlorine < 300 mg kg-1

As recommended ICAR-CIAH Publications(Technical bulletins on aonla)

1. Singh A. K., Singh Sanjay, Hiwale, S. S., Appa Rao, V. V. and

Joshi, H. K. (2014). Production technology of aonla under rainfed
conditions of western India.Pub CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1-36.

2. Singh, A. K., Singh. Sanjay, Appa Rao, V. V., Meshram, D. T,

Bagle, B. G. and More, T.A. (2010). High density planting system in
aonla. Pub. CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1- 15.

Action taken /
proposed by the
Points of Deviation if
any and justification

Availability of Water and Nutrient management plan: Yes/ No Intercultural operations including weed management

As recommended ICAR-CIAH, Publication(Technical bulletins on aonla)

1.Singh A. K., Singh Sanjay, Hiwale, S. S., Appa Rao, V. V. and Joshi, H.
K. (2014). Production technology of aonla under rainfed conditions of
western India.Pub CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1-36.
2. Singh, A. K., Singh. Sanjay, Appa Rao, V. V., Meshram, D. T, Bagle,
B. G. and More, T.A. (2010). High density planting system in aonla.
Pub. CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1- 15.

Action taken /
proposed by the
Points of
Deviation if any
and justification

76 Plant canopy architecture management/ training and pruning

Aonla plants trained on the single main trunk up to 70 cm from ground level, 4 or 6
well-spaced and favourably located main branches are allowed to grow to make proper
canopy. Pruning is not required in aonla. Criss cross, dried and infected branches should be
removed. During initial years proper training is required for better canopy. For better fruiting
proper aeration within the canopy is required. Unwanted branches should be removed timely
to provide proper framework to the plant

As recommended CIAH, Publications (technical bulletins on aonla)

by ICAR-
1. Singh A. K., Singh Sanjay, Hiwale, S. S., Appa Rao, V. V. and Joshi,
H. K. (2014). Production technology of aonla under rainfed conditions
of western India. Pub CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1-36.
2. Singh, A. K., Singh. Sanjay, Appa Rao, V. V., Meshram, D. T, Bagle,
B. G. and More, T.A. (2010). High density planting system in aonla.
Pub. CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1- 15.

Action taken /
proposed by the
Points of
Deviation if any
and justification

77 Use of Pollinators & Pollinizers
Impact of pollinators in enhancing pollination and increasing yield and to provide
supplementary income to farmers.
Item Recommended Proposed Remarks
Name of Pollenizers Two varieties should Chakaiya x Francis,
be planted together NA-7 x Krishna,
Banarasi x NA-6,
Kanchan x NA-6
No.of pollenizers Not applicable

78 Use of Plant growth regulators (including waiting period): Generally in aonla, PGR is
not required.

As recommended ICAR-CIAH Publications (Technical bulletins on aonla)

by ICAR- Aonla: In Hand book of horticulture edited by KL Chadha
Action taken /
proposed by the
Points of
Deviation if any
and justification

79 Flowering& Fruiting
Including Problem of unfruitfulness / Growth, fruiting habits and methods for inducing
Aonla has a tendency of regular bearing. However, few cultivars especially Banarasi
is shy bearing cultivar due to less number of female flowers. In order to achieve flowering
and fruiting year after year, timely application of recommended doses is required. For better
fruiting cross compatible varieties should be planted together in aonla orchard.

As recommended ICAR-CIAH Technical Bulletins on Aonla,

by ICAR-
1. Singh A. K., Singh Sanjay, Hiwale, S. S., Appa Rao, V. V. and Joshi,
H. K. (2014). Production technology of aonla under rainfed conditions
of western India.Pub CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1-36.
2. Singh, A. K., Singh. Sanjay, Appa Rao, V. V., Meshram, D. T, Bagle,
B. G. and More, T.A. (2010). High density planting system in aonla.
Pub. CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1- 15.
Action taken /
proposed by the
Points of
Deviation if any
and justification

80 Integrated Pest and Diseases Management including Biological control and
Food Safety
The important insect- pests, their nature of damage in brief, and the strategies of
management on aonla are given in the following paragraphs, which are effective, economical,
and eco-friendly.
Pest and disease management
Aonla is generally free of any serious disease but the insect pest damage the crop
considerably, especially when environmental conditions are very conducive. The important
pests and diseases and available recommended control measures which were adopted for
aonla under high density planting systems are mentioned herewith. The suitable, effective and
economical IPM strategies for boosting up the production potential of the aonla crop under
high density planting system was developed based on seasonality and their peak period of
occurrence. They are as under:
Peak period of activities of the sucking pests (aphid and mealy bug) is February -March
and July-August for defoliators and borers. Symptoms and nature of damage are described in
Aphids (Cerciaphis emblica): Nymph and adults suck the cell sap from tender shoots, leaves,
and devitalize the plants. The exude honeydew on which sooty mould develops.
Mealy bug (Caloptilia vastator): Nymph and adults suck the cell sap from tender shoots,
leaves, and devitalize the plants.
Leaf twister (Caloptilia acidula): The caterpillar on hatching twists the leaf and feed within.
In severe infestation plants show sickly symptoms.
Hairy caterpillar (Euproctis flava): The caterpillar on hatching feed voraciously and
gregariously on tender leaf and defoliates the plants. The larvae later on migrate to entire
plant and feed on leaves leading to marked defoliation.
Shoot gall maker (Betousa stylophora): The caterpillar on hatching enters into the
shoots and feed within causing a gall on the tender shoots.
Fruit borer (Virochola isocrates, Meridarchis scyrodes): The caterpillar bore into to
the fruits and feed within causing premature drop of the fruits during monsoon
season. Maximum damage is caused during July and August.
Bark eating caterpillar (Inderbela terraonis Moore): The larvae bore usually at the joint
between twig and main stem and tunnel straight downward. Presence of silken web
comprising of excreta of larvae indicates the damage.
Management strategies of Pests
1-Orchard sanitation is effective for bark eating caterpillars and borers.
2-Inject petrol, Dichlorovos or CS2 and plug the hole with mud for effective control of bark
eating caterpillars.
3-Foliar application with Dimethoate (0.05%) or Monocrotophos followed by Endosulfan
(0.07%) at tri-weekly interval control the overall pest effectively. However, based on the
seasonality and their sequence in occurrence, insecticidal schedules involving tri-weekly
application of Dimethoate ( 0.05%) alternatively followed by NSKE (5%) at 10 days interval
along with Bavistin (0.1%) commencing from fruit set to fruit development has been found
significantly better in reducing the incidence of borer and fruit rot in aonla.
Rust (Ravenaliia emblicae): Rust characterized by brown or brown to black, pustules on
fruits in concentric ring also infects aonla. Spray with Wettable Sulphur (02%) or Mancozeb
75 w p (0.2%) manages the disease effectively.
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum state of Glomerella cingulata): Characterized by circular
depressed, blackish brown spots on fruits with concentric rings having the center bearing

dark coloured fungal mass. For managing disease, spray with Mancozeb 75 w. p. (0.2%) or
Cuman –L (0.3%),or Captaf (0.2%) or Chlorothalonil (0.2%) or Copper Oxychloride 50 w p
at 0.3% concentration practices deep plugging and healthy cultivation.
Penicillium fruit rot (Penicillium indicum): A post-harvest disease characterized by circular
to irregular water soaked blotch with bluish grey fungal mass in the center with sporadic
orange-red islands on fruits surface.
1. Collect and destroy the infected fruits.
2. Avoid injury to fruits while harvesting, handling or transporting or storing.
3. Before storage, dip the fruits in 10% Brine solution.
4. Pre harvest sprays (one week before harvesting) with Blitox, Bavistin or KH2PO4.

As recommended by ICAR- Technology/Technical/Extension Folders

ICAR- 1. Singh A. K., Singh Sanjay, Hiwale, S. S., Appa Rao, V. V. and
Joshi, H. K. (2014). Production technology of aonla under rainfed
conditions of western India.Pub CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1-36.
2. Singh, A. K., Singh. Sanjay, Appa Rao, V. V., Meshram, D. T,
Bagle, B. G. and More, T.A. (2010). High density planting system in
aonla. Pub. CHES (ICAR-CIAH), Pp.1- 15.

Action taken /
proposed by the
Points of Deviation if
any and justification
Residue Analysis: Address and contact details of NABL approved laboratory proposed for
testing pesticide residue: Physiological disorders- causes, preventive and management measures.

Special Recommendation by Proposal / action taken Points of deviation

Problem ICAR/ by applicant and justification
Flower ando Fruit drop can be
fruit drop managed by proper
soil moisture and
application of FYM.
Irregular o Use cross compatible Chakaiyax Francis, NA-
fruiting varieties in orchard 7x Krishna, Banarasix
NA-6, Kanchan x NA-6
Internal fruito Three spray of Borex@
necrosis 0.6 per cent at fortnightly
intervals from September

82 Special problems if any: No any in this crop

Special Recommendation by Proposal / action Points of deviation and

Problem ICAR/ taken by applicant justification

5.4.5. Farm Structures and Farm Mechanisation Farm Structures- Protected Cover- Structure, Design and Layout( Not
applicable in case of Open field condition project) Farm Mechanisation
Available Machinery and equipment’s / implements

Operations Recommended Available Proposed justification

Machinery and use
equipment’s /
Land Disc plough, Removal of
preparation MB plough noxious bushes
and breaking hard
Weeding/ Harrow Weeds biomass
hoeing incorporation in
Levelling Leveller and Prepared land
Planking wooden plank level for layout

Plant & Machinery proposed to be used or procured on outsourcing and on his own

Operations Recommended Plant & Machinery Out Cost justification

proposed to be sourcing
used / own
Fine Laser leveller OS
Weeding/ Rotovator OP Soil
hoeing and preparation
planking for inter
Basin Power tiller OP Better
cleaning aeration
near trunk

5.4.6. Harvesting and Fruit / Flower care management Harvesting season- Across India
State/UT Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Uttra Pradesh √ √ √ √
Gujarat √ √ √
Bihar √ √ √ √
West Bengal √ √ √ √ √ √
Jharkhand √ √ √ √
Uttarakhand √ √ √
Punjab and Jammu √ √ √
TN/Karnataka √ √ √ √ √ Harvesting season- Across the project state /UT

District/ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
area Harvesting stage based on purpose and market (local/distant market):

Aonla matures at different time period in country. Maturity can be judged by one of the criteria1)
specific gravity (1.07to 1.10), 2) TSS/ Acidity ratio (5-6),3) colour of fruit surface (dull greenish
colour to translucent,4)Fibre appeared on fruit surface and seed colour changed to brown. Harvesting technology and Fruit care management

Global best practices
As recommended by Maturity Index / determination Fibre appearance on seed cover
ICAR- and seed change in brown colour
Technique Harvested in the early morning
hours by manually with the help
of stairs
Devices Individual fruit picking, No
standard device is available
Skills and training Trained man-power to grade the
fruit according to variety and
maturity status
Time/ Period September- February
Handling Optimum temperature during
handling must be maintained and [email protected]

Relevant Photographs
if any
Action taken /
proposed by the
Points of Deviation if
any and justification

85 Expected Yield / Acre and for the project area in a Year:

NA-7 80-120 kg plant-1

NA-4 70-90 kg plant-1
NA-5 95-100 kg plant-1
Banarasi 60-70 kg / kg plant-1
Chakaiya 75-80 kg plant-1

5.5. Post-Harvest Management

5.5.1. Post-Harvest infrastructure scenario in horticulture sector in the State and specially for

Aonal is not considered as table fruit but variety of value added products is prepared. Its post
harvest management starts from right stage of harvesting, handling to packaging and
processing. In cool chain this crop requires pre-cooling, pack house, packaging, cool
chamber, refer van and retail marketing structures.

5.5.2. Product / Process Flow chart- Illustrative
Standard flow chart

Harvesting (Colour turning stage for distant and shining yellow for local market)

Grading (Grade according to size in large, medium and small size group)

Pre cooling (Immediate after harvesting keep in zero energy cool chamber.)

Packaging (Perforated CFB box of 5 kg capacity and with proper cushioning for
distant and LDPE polythene sleeves for local market )

Storage (One week at ambient condition by proper packaging )

Transportation (After proper packaging preferably in refrigerated vehicles )

Marketing/ retail (Maintain temperature by sprinkle water or put in cool dry place)


5.5.3. Lay out/ Floor Plan of Post-harvest operations
1. Sorting/Grading
2. Cleaning / Washing
3. Pre cooling
4. Packing
5. Transport

5.5.4. Post-harvest operations
1. Arrival Area

Activity Recommended Proposed practice Remarks

Handling Manual or
improved harvester
tools use for
harvesting the
mature fruits and
carry in plastic

2.Pre-Cooling ( Also specify protocols to be followed)

Activity Recommended Proposed practice Remarks
Pre-cooling Hydro-cooling @
10°C or air-cooling

3. Cleaning / Washing – manual/mechanised; model/make, size, capacity and protocols.

Activity Recommended Proposed practice Remarks

Cleaning/washing To remove dirt and
pesticides residues
on fruit surface

4.Sorting and grading including manual/mechanised; model/make, capacity and


Activity Recommended Proposed practice Remarks

Sorting Remove bruised,
damaged, injured,
split, misshapen

Grading Fruits can be

graded based on
fruit size depends
upon varieties
Packaging CFB boxes of 6 kg
Storage 3°C
Transportation Refrigerated

5.Pre-treatments (Agro-chemical treatment, etc.) and protocols.
Activity Recommended Proposed practice Remarks
Dip treatment 1 % calcium nitrate

6. Packaging and Labelling

(including steps/ processes, norms, protocols, manual/mechanised; model/make, capacity,
turn over / hour; palletisation; wooden/plastic/ any other. In case of exports are you aware of
compliance requirements as provided by APEDA-

Activity Recommended Proposed practice Remarks

Pre-treatment -BARC protocol
Packaging CFB boxes of 2-5
kg and 7 ply
Labelling As required
Traceability QR code or barcode

7.Mode of Transport including the requirement of Reefer vans

Recommended Present status Gap / Remarks
Transport method
Local Market Open vans or pick
District Market Pick ups
Distant Market Trucks/ Train/Air
Exports Air

8.Storage Cold room and Cold Chain

Activity Recommended Proposed practice Remarks

Cold rooms 4-5 Tonne capacity
and 4-6°C
Cool chain Reefer vans

5.5.5. Post-harvest Infrastructure – Integrated Post harvest Management

Type of project New Project/ Expansion/Modernisation

Location of the Project
Man power employed
(On rolls and on contract)
Business model - Rental, Captive, Part of Supply chain service, mixed
Components of project
Infrastructure under the scheme Tick mark
1.3Integrated PHM √
Pack House √
Pre-cooling unit √
Cold Room √
Primary Processing √
Refer van √
Retail outlet √
Types of products to be Fresh fruits & its value added products

Note: In case the project includes any of the post-harvest infrastructure units. Only the
relevant details and data sheet should be part of the DPR.

Certificates to enclosed during Market and Financial viability stage and JIT:

1. For Civil Works: Chartered Engineer (Civil) Certificate- component wise cost break
up for Civil Works.
2. For Plant & Machinery: Chartered Engineer (Mechanical) Certificate on component
wise cost break up for Plant & Machinery showing basic cost and Taxes separately.

92 Pack house:
1. . Rationale for the proposal
2. Stages / process flow chart.
3. Proposed project location:
4. Number of days proposed to be operational:
5. Raw Material:
a. Types/ Quality of raw material- Grades/ Specifications
b. Raw material availability and procurement: Details of own production if any and
local production annually with 5 years data with future projections. Markets and farm
areas of procurement and reliability. (Obtain past data from Local District
Horticulture Officer. In the absence of scientific data, the authority can give
estimated/projected data with stated assumptions)
c. Catchment area:
S.No Location of Catchment Name of Commodities Qty to be
(Cluster- Primary / Village, to be sourced sourced
Secondary) Block, District

d. Quality control/ assurance /testing

6. Pack house/ Sorting and Grading unit:
a. Existing number of units, available capacity and utilisation in the project block,
district and the State.
b. Products and services and projections.
c. Statutory requirements / licensing details if any.
7. Products, Bi products and services
a. Various products – Quality, specifications etc.
b. Annual output for the last 3 years in the project block, district and state.
c. Projections for 7 years.
d. Packing and labelling
7. Market :
a) Quality grades/ specifications/ kinds of products
b) Demand and Supply data for the products and services.
c) Existing / Proposed Market linkage
d) MOUs/ Contract documents / undertakings/ LoA
e) Target consumption centres/ key domestic markets
f) Export targets/ Plans if any
g) In case of export, details of volume to be exported / export destination /
statutory norms of export destination should be provided in the DPR.
8. Business model for the unit.
9. Source of Technology
10. Pack house unit: Type and Lay out (show the drawing)
11. Technical standards-Civil infrastructure and Plant and Machinery, accessories: Refer NHB
guidelines on Technical Standards (Proposed Design, layout and Photographic evidence
certified by charter engineer is required to be submitted in case the project is considered for

Plant & Recommended Proposed Make No.of Unit Total
Machinery technical units cost cost
Pack Shady but full
house ventilated area
for performing
sorting and

13. List of Manufacturers / Suppliers of Plant and Machinery (enclose quotations during
Market viability and Financial viability stage)

Plant & Manu- Offer product Compliance Quotation Dealers Quotation

Machinery facturer Technical with the cost location is in
Specifications NHB possession
standards of the

14. Protocols

Activity Recommended Proposed Remarks

Grading Dry & cool
sorting place for
packaging extension of
place shelf life

15. Compliance to relevant BIS code and standards- Electrical, Mechanical- Yes/No.
16. Requirement and Availability of
a. Managerial manpower
b. Technical manpower
c. Skilled manpower
d. Un skilled manpower
17.Data sheet

94 Pre-cooling unit
1. Rationale for the proposal
2. Stages / process flow chart.
3. Proposed project location:
4. Number of days proposed to be operational:
5. Raw Material:
a. Types/ Quality of raw material- Grades/ Specifications
b. Raw material availability and procurement: Details of own production if any and
local production annually with 5 years data with future projections. Markets and farm
areas of procurement and reliability. (Obtain past data from Local District
Horticulture Officer. In the absence of scientific data, the authority can give
estimated/projected data with stated assumptions)
c. Catchment area:
S.No Location of Catchment Name of Commodities Qty to be
(Cluster- Primary / Village, to be sourced sourced
Secondary) Block, District

d. Quality control/ assurance /testing

6. Pre-cooling unit:
a. Existing number of units, available capacity and utilisation in the project block,
district and the State.
b. Products and services and projections.
c. Statutory requirements / licensing details if any.
7. Products, Bi products and services
a. Various products – Quality, specifications etc.
b. Annual output for the last 3 years in the project block, district and state.
c. Projections for 7 years.
d. Packing and labelling
7. Market :
a) Quality grades/ specifications/ kinds of products
b) Demand and Supply data for the products and services.
c) Existing / Proposed Market linkage
d) MOUs/ Contract documents / undertakings/ LoA
e) Target consumption centres/ key domestic markets
f) Export targets/ Plans if any
g) In case of export, details of volume to be exported / export destination /
statutory norms of export destination should be provided in the DPR.
8. Business model for the unit.
9. Technology / Source/ Company/Make
10. Pre-cooling unit: Type and Lay out (show the drawing)
11. Technical standards-Civil infrastructure and Plant and Machinery, accessories: Refer NHB
guidelines on Technical Standards (Proposed Design, layout and Photographic evidence
certified by charter engineer is required to be submitted in case the project is considered for

Plant & Recommended Proposed Make No.of Unit Total
Machinery technical units cost cost
Water Dipping of Local At
tank harvested least
fruits at 100C two
water for 15 units

12. List of Manufacturers / Suppliers of Plant and Machinery (enclose quotations during
Market viability and Financial viability stage)

Plant & Manu- Offer product Compliance Quotation Dealers Quotation

Machinery facturer Technical with the cost location is in
Specifications NHB possession
standards of the

13.Requirement and Availability of

e. Managerial manpower
f. Technical manpower
g. Skilled manpower
h. Un skilled manpower

97 room
1. Rationale for the proposal
2. Stages / process flow chart.
3. Proposed project location:
4. Number of days proposed to be operational:
5. Raw Material:
a. Types/ Quality of raw material- Grades/ Specifications
b. Raw material availability and procurement: Details of own production if any and
local production annually with 5 years data with future projections. Markets and farm
areas of procurement and reliability. (Obtain past data from Local District
Horticulture Officer. In the absence of scientific data, the authority can give
estimated/projected data with stated assumptions)
c. Catchment area:
S.No Location of Catchment Name of Commodities Qty to be
(Cluster- Primary / Village, to be sourced sourced
Secondary) Block, District

d. Quality control/ assurance /testing

6. Cold room unit:
a. Existing number of units, available capacity and utilisation in the project block,
district and the State.
b. Products and services and projections.
c. Statutory requirements / licensing details if any.
7. Products, Bi products and services
a. Various products – Quality, specifications etc.
b. Annual output for the last 3 years in the project block, district and state.
c. Projections for 7 years.
d. Packing and labelling
7. Market :
h) Quality grades/ specifications/ kinds of products
i) Demand and Supply data for the products and services.
j) Existing / Proposed Market linkage
k) MOUs/ Contract documents / undertakings/ LoA
l) Target consumption centres/ key domestic markets
m) Export targets/ Plans if any
n) In case of export, details of volume to be exported / export destination /
statutory norms of export destination should be provided in the DPR.
8. Business model for the unit.
9. Technology / Source/ Company/Make
10. Pre-cooling unit: Type and Lay out (show the drawing)
11. Technical standards-Civil infrastructure and Plant and Machinery, accessories: Refer NHB
guidelines on Technical Standards (Proposed Design, layout and Photographic evidence
certified by charter engineer is required to be submitted in case the project is considered for

Plant & Recommended Proposed Make No.of Unit Total
Machinery technical units cost cost
ZECC For temporary Depends
storage (165 cmx on
115 cm x67.5cm ) Surplus
for one quintal produce
produce quantity
Cold Maintain 2-5 0C
storage temp with 85-90
% RH

12. List of Manufacturers / Suppliers of Plant and Machinery (enclose quotations during
Market viability and Financial viability stage)

Plant & Manu- Offer product Compliance Quotation Dealers Quotation

Machinery facturer Technical with the cost location is in
Specifications NHB possession
standards of the

13.Requirement and Availability of

a. Managerial manpower
b. Technical manpower
c. Skilled manpower
d. Un skilled manpower Primary Processing unit

1. Rationale for the proposal
2. Stages in Primary Processing and flow chart.
3. Proposed project location:
4. Number of days proposed to be operational:
5. Raw Material:
a. Types/ Quality of raw material- Grades/ Specifications
b. Raw material availability and procurement: Details of own production if any and
local production annually with 5 years data with future projections. Markets and farm
areas of procurement and reliability. (Obtain past data from Local District
Horticulture Officer. In the absence of scientific data, the authority can give
estimated/projected data with stated assumptions)
c. Catchment area:
S.No Location of Catchment Name of Commodities Qty to be
(Cluster- Primary / Village, to be sourced sourced
Secondary) Block, District

d. Quality control/ assurance /testing

6. Industry:
a. Existing number of units, available capacity and utilisation in the project block,
district and the State.
b. Products and services and projections.
c. Statutory requirements / licensing details if any.
7. Products, Bi products and services
a. Various products – Quality, specifications etc.
b. Annual output for the last 3 years in the project block, district and state.
c. Projections for 7 years.
d. Packing and labelling
7. Market :
a) Quality grades/ specifications/ kinds of products
b) Demand and Supply data for the products and services.
c) Existing / Proposed Market linkage
d) MOUs/ Contract documents / undertakings/ LoA
e) Target consumption centres/ key domestic markets
f) Export targets/ Plans if any
g) In case of export, details of volume to be exported / export destination /
statutory norms of export destination should be provided in the DPR.
8. Business model for the unit.
9. Source of Technology

Civil infrastructure. Design, layout and Photographic evidence certified by chartered engineer is
required to be submitted in case the project is considered for processing.

Facility / Recommended Proposed. Remarks


10. Plant & Machinery: Rationale, Design, Capacity, After service, Warranty( Design, layout and
Photographic evidence certified by chartered engineer is required to be submitted in case the
project is considered for processing).

Plant & Recommended Proposed Make No.of Unit cost Total

Machinery technical machinery units cost
standards standards
Grader For uniform
size, shape,
maturity crop
produce in one
Packing Uniform CFB
unit box line with

13. List of Manufacturers / Suppliers of Plant and Machinery (enclose quotations during
Market viability and Financial viability stage)

Plant & Manu- Offer product Compliance Quotation Dealers Quotation

Machinery facturer Technical with the cost location is in
Specifications NHB excluding possession
standards Taxes of the

14. Requirement and Availability of

e. Managerial manpower
f. Technical manpower
g. Skilled manpower
h. Un skilled manpower

101 Reefer Van
1. Introduction

2. Rationale for the proposal
3. Product / Process flow chart.
4. Produce / Raw Material:
i. Types/ Quality of raw material- Grades/ Specifications
ii. Raw material availability and procurement: Details of own production if any
and local production annually with 5 years data with future projections.
Markets and farm areas of procurement and reliability.
iii. Produce/ Raw material quality and assurance testing
5. Enterprise:
i. Existing number of units, available capacity and utilisation in the project
block, district and the State.
ii. Products and services and projections.
iii. Statutory requirements / licensing details if any.
6. Market :
i. Quality grades/ specifications/ kinds of products
ii. Demand and Supply data for the products and services.
iii. Business model for the unit.
7. Source of Technology
8. Civil infrastructure, Plant and Machinery. Design, layout and Photographic evidence certified by
chartered engineer is required to be submitted in case the project is considered for processing.
Facility / utility Recommended Proposed. Remarks

9.Skilled Manpower availability:

105 Retail outlet


2. Rationale for the proposal

3. Product / Process flow chart.
4. Proposed project location:
5. Number of days proposed to be operational:
6. Produce / Raw Material:
a. Types/ Quality of raw material- Grades/ Specifications
b. Raw material availability and procurement: Details of own production if any and
local production annually with 5 years data with future projections. Markets and farm
areas of procurement and reliability.
c. Produce/ Raw material quality and assurance testing
7. Enterprise:
a. Existing number of units, available capacity and utilisation in the project block,
district and the State.
b. Products and services and projections.
c. Statutory requirements / licensing details if any.
7. Market :
h) Quality grades/ specifications/ kinds of products
i) Demand and Supply data for the products and services.
j) Existing / Proposed Market linkage
k) MOUs/ Contract documents / undertakings/ LoA

l) Target consumption centres/ key domestic markets
m) Export targets/ Plans if any
n) In case of export, details of volume to be exported / export destination / statutory
norms of export destination should be provided in the DPR.
8. Business model for the unit.
9. Source of Technology
10. Civil infrastructure, Plant and Machinery. Design, layout and Photographic evidence certified by
chartered engineer is required to be submitted in case the project is considered for processing.

Facility / Recommended Proposed. Remarks


11. List of Manufacturers / Suppliers of Plant and Machinery (enclose quotations during
Market viability and Financial viability stage)

Plant & Manu- Offer product Compliance Quotation Dealers Quotation

Machinery facturer Technical with the cost location is in
Specifications NHB excluding possession
standards Taxes of the

12.Requirement and Availability of

i. Managerial manpower
j. Technical manpower
k. Skilled manpower
l. Un skilled manpower

13. Data sheet:

5.6 Marketing
5.6.1.Connectivity of project site and produce

1. Road connectivity Distance

a. National Highway
b. State Highway
c. Fright corridor
d. Quadri lateral
2. Rail connectivity
3. Air connectivity

5.6.2.Nearest produce Assembling / Aggregation unit/ place if any

5.6.3.Existing Market Institutions – Agri.Produce Market Committees, …………………….

a) Near to Project site

b) Within the District / Neighbourhood districts
c) Within the State
d) In Adjacent State

5.6.4.Alternative Marketing strategies;

a. Pre-harvest contract
b. On Farm Marketing
c. Retail Marketing
d. Wholesale marketing
e. Online Marketing
f. Exports

5.6.5.Traceability Record/ system proposed if any for packs.

5.6.6.Proposed value chain / method of Marketing by the Applicant

5.7 Value Addition/ Processing

Potential for the processing of crop produce / commodity and facilities / infrastructure available
Processing product (s) Infrastructure / Capacity % capacity Remarks
Processing units utilisation

6 Technology providers

6.1. Research Institute (s) [ ICAR/CAU/SAU/SHU etc.] providing / from which technical details are
ICAR-Central institute for Arid Horticulture, Bikaner (Raj.)


SKRAU, Bikaner

CHES(ICAR-CIAH), Godhra, Gujarat

CISH, Lucknow
ND University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad

6.2. Experts-whose services are availed -Crop expert / Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) and
other experts consulted DPR preparation.
Crop Expert Name of Horticulturist/ Crop Expert
(Mandatory) Current profession:
Educational Qualification and University passed
Registration Number if any
Permanent Address:
Contact Number:
Hi Tech Expert Name of Expert
(Desirable) Current profession:
Educational Qualification and University passed
Registration Number if any
Permanent Address:
Contact Number:
Post-Harvest Name of PHM Expert
Management Expert
(Desirable) Current profession:
Educational Qualification and University passed
Registration Number if any
Permanent Address:
Contact Number:
Cold storage / Infra Name of Expert
Expert / Charter
(Desirable) Current profession:
Educational Qualification and University passed
Registration Number if any
Permanent Address:
Contact Number:
Market Expert Name of Expert
(Desirable) Current profession:
Educational Qualification and University passed
Registration Number if any
Permanent Address:
Contact Number:
Project Finance Name of Expert
(Mandatory) Current profession:
Educational Qualification and University passed out
Registration Number if any
Permanent Address:
Contact Number:

6.3.Agri-Business Incubators
1. Contact person address for Advisory / Extension/ Incubator services available on the said crop
specific ICAR institution: Provide the details.

ICAR Institute / Designation of Horticulturist/ Crop

NRC/ Directorate Expert
contact Person for Name of the Contact person
Extension / Postal Address
Advisory/ Business
Incubatory services
Postal PIN code
(Mandatory) Contact Tel:
Contact Mobile Number:
Email id

2. List of Incubators / Extension / Advisory service nearest to the project.

3. If any assistance is taken from the incubators, details

1. List of Incubators nearest to the project.

2. If any assistance is taken from the incubators, details

7 Food Safety – With / Without Good Agricultural Practices Certification
7.1. GAP Optional
Whether the applicant proposes to undertake Good Agricultural Yes/No
If Yes. What brand / kind GAP – Provide details of brand
Provide Certifying Agency details and contact person
NABL lab whose services are proposed to be availed to assure
compliance with regard to pesticide / chemical residue.
7.2.1.Pre-Planting Measures
Activity Action taken /Proposed
to be in the project
1. Site selection
Land or site for fruits and vegetable production should be
selected on the basis of land history, previous manure
applications and crop rotation.
a) The field should be away from animal housing, pastures or
b) Farmers should make sure that livestock waste should not
enter the produce fields via runoff or drift.
2. Manure handling and field application
Livestock manure can be a valuable source of nutrients, but
it also can be a source of human pathogens if not managed
a) Proper and thorough composting of manure, incorporating it
into soil prior to planting, and avoiding top-dressing of
plants are important steps toward reducing the risk of
microbial contamination.
3. Manure storage and sourcing
a) Manure should be stored as far away as practical from areas
where fresh produce is grown and handled.
b) Physical barriers or wind barriers should be erected to
prevent runoff and wind drift of manure.
c) Manure should be actively compost so that high
temperature achieved by well-managed, aerobic compost
can kill most harmful pathogens.
4. Timely application of manure
Manure should be applied at the end of the season to all
planned vegetable ground or fruit acreage, preferably when
soils are warm, non-saturated, and cover-cropped. If
manure is being applied at the start of a season, then the
manure should be spread two weeks before planting,
preferably to grain or forage crops.
5. Selection of appropriate crop
Farmers should avoid growing root and leafy crops in the
year that manure is applied to a Field. Manure should be
applied to perennial crops in the planting year only. The
long period between application and harvest will reduce the

7.2.2. Production Measures
1. Irrigation water quality
Ideally, water used for irrigation or chemical spray should be
free from pathogen. However, potable water or municipal
water is not feasible for extensive use for crop production.
a) Hence, surface water used for irrigation should be
quarterly tested in laboratory for pathogen.
b) Farmers can filter or use the settling ponds to
improve water quality.
c) Fruit and vegetable crops should not be side
dressed with fresh or slurry manure. If side
dressing is required, well composted or well-aged
(greater than one year) manure should be used for
the application.
2. Irrigation methods
a) Drip irrigation method should be used, whenever
possible to reduce the risk of crop contamination
because the edible parts of most crops are not
wetted directly.
b) Plant disease levels also may be reduced and
water use efficiency is maximized with this
3. Field sanitation
a) Farmers should stay out of wet fields to reduce the
spread of plant or human pathogens.
b) Tractors, plant, machinery and equipments that were
used in manure handling should be cleaned prior to
entering produce fields.
c) Animals, including poultry or pets should be allowed to
roam in crop areas for pest control
4. Worker facilities and hygiene
a) Farmers should get proper training to make them
understand the relationship between food safety and
personal hygiene. These facilities should be
monitored and enforced.
b) Ideally, farm workers should be provided clean, well-
maintained and hygienic toilet facilities around the
farming areas separately for the male and female.
7.2.3. Harvest
1. Clean harvest aids
a) Bins and all crop containers have to washed
and rinsed under high pressure. All crop
containers should be sanitized before harvest.
b) Bins should be properly covered, when not in
used to avoid contamination by birds and
2. Worker hygiene and training
a) Good personal hygiene is particularly

important during the harvest of crops. Sick
employees or those with contaminated hands
can spread pathogens to produce.
b) Employee awareness, meaningful training and
accessible restroom facilities with hand wash
stations encourage good hygiene.
7.2.4. Post-Harvest Handling
1. Worker hygiene
a) Hands can contaminate fresh fruits and
vegetables with harmful microbes
b) Packing area should be cleaned and sanitized.
c) Supply liquid soap in dispensers, potable
water, and single-use paper towels for hand
d) Packing area should be cleaned and sanitized.
Supply liquid soap in dispensers, potable
water, and single-use paper towels for hand
e) Workers should be properly educated about
the importance of restroom use and proper
hand washing.
f) Encourage proper use of disposable gloves on
packing lines.
g) Sick employee should not be given food-
contact jobs.
2. Monitor wash water quality
a) Potable water should be preferably used in all
washing operations.
b) Clean water should be maintained in dump
tank by sanitizing and changing water
c) Use chlorinated water and other labeled
disinfectants to wash fresh produce.
3. Sanitize packinghouse and packing operations
a) Loading, staging, and all food contact surfaces
should be cleaned and sanitized at the end of
each day.
b) Exclude all animals, especially rodents and
birds from the packinghouse.
c) Wash, rinse and sanitize the packing line belts,
conveyors, and food contact surfaces at the
end of each day to avoid buildup of harmful
d) Packaging material should be stored in a clean
4. Pre-cooling and cold storage
a) Proper cleanliness of the transportation vehicles
should be ensured before loading.
b) Farmers have to make sure that fresh fruits and

vegetables are not shipped in trucks which have
carried live animals or harmful substances.
c) If these trucks must be used, they should be washed,
rinsed, and sanitized them before transporting fresh
d) For traceability norms, it must be ensured that each
package leaving the farm can be traced to field of
origin and date of packing
Source: http://

8.Innovation if any

In Aonla crop following innovations to be required:

1. Development of frost resistant variety.

2. Development of coloured variety.

3. Improvement in self life.

4. Value addition: Innovation in this area is required to commercialize the crop on large scale.

9. Profitability of the project (Horti-business): Critical observations of Applicant

10 Checklist

Check list for Detail Project Report (DPR)

Mandatory Document / Tick
Information Evidence * Mark
Project at a Glance √
1 About the Applicant /Promoter √
2 Details of benefits availedby the Applicant √
/ Promoter
3 About Project -Name, rationale,
Management and Description
1. Name of Project, Activity, Objectives √
and expected Outcomes
2. Rationale / Justification for the project √
3. Site/ Land details- RoR/ Ownership / √ Certified Land
Registration of lease/ map etc. revenue
4. Location of the Project- Identification √
5. Current usage of land of proposed √
Project Area
6. Current infrastructure and assets √
possessed by the Applicant:
7. Lay out plan of the project √ Lay out Plan
8. Conversion of Land Use (CLU) √ Certificate
9. Whether project site is part of √
production belt / cluster / hub
10. Rationale for the location of the √
11. Compliance of project site for food √
12. Components / Activities of the √
Project with justification
13. Operations planning √
14. Profile of the agencies executing post √
harvest infrastructures based on project/
applicability etc
15. Month wise operational chart / √
Implementation schedule
16. Backward and Forward linkages. √
17. Manpower (Skilled & Unskilled √
labour etc.) availability
18. Infrastructure (Power, Fuel, Water, √
Plant and Machinery, connectivity, Effluents
treatment etc.)- Required, Already available,
Gaps and the management.
19. Employment generation √

20. SWOT Analysis √
21. Attention of the applicant √ Certificate
4 NHB Scheme under which the project is
proposed with rationale / justification.
5 Project details
5.1 Agro-climatic suitability / feasibility
1. Origin and distribution of crop in the said
location and India and in the world (briefly)
2. Agro-climatic/Horticultural zones and √ IMD Data
suitability of the crop (s)
3. Soil type and latest health-suitability for the √ Latest Soil
crop health card
(not more than
1 month old)
4. Water (irrigation) source, availability, Quality √ Latest water
and suitability analysis report
(not more than
1 month old)
5.2 Market viability
1. Commercial and Nutritive importance /
significance, composition and Uses
2. Target Market √
3. Area, Production and Productivity in the
District, State and India for the last 5 years
4. Clusters of the project crop in the state. √
5. Demand and Supply Gap √ State
6. Global producers- Country, Area, Production,
Productivity and global market share in the
last available 5 years.
7. International trade and potential (for export √ @
oriented projects)
8. Seasonality of fruit and its comparison with √
other available fruits
9. Price variation of commodity in the State and √ State Govt.
nearby markets
10. Balance sheet of commodity in the State
11. Central and State Government policy
12. Value chain in the commodity √
13. Proposed Strategy by the Applicant for √
Marketing and Market viability
5.3 Financial viability
1. Due diligence status √
2. Project Cost √ Certified by
3. Means of Finance √ CA
4. A information on subsidy available
under different schemes
5. Hypothecation security if any √

6. About bank/FI √
7. Investment in horticulture √
8. Projected/ existing operational √
profitability of the project
9. Project financing √
a. Rate of Interest √
b. Returns from the Project (IRR): √
c. Cost of Production and Profitability √
d. Yield and Sales Chart (Annexure) √
e. Proposed Balance Sheet: (Annexure) √
f. Proposed Cash flow Statement for √
next 7 years (Annexure)
g. Proposed Profit & Loss √
Account: (Annexure)
h. Proposed Repayment of Term loan √
and Schedule (Annexure)
i. Break even Analysis (Annexure) √
j. NPV (Net Present Value) √
k. Economic Rate of Return √
l. Depreciation √
10. Sensitivity analysis of the project √
11. Key financial parameters for the √
12. Statement of assets and liabilities √
13. Risk analysis
14. Farm record keeping/ Maintenance √ Records
5.4 Land development and Crop Husbandry
5.4.1.Land development
5.4.2.Selection of Quality Planting
1. Recommended and popular Cultivars- √
varieties/hybrids, their specific
characteristics, requirements and yields
2. Cultivar/Hybrid/Variety selected and √
Criterion adopted for selection
3. Propagation methods √
4. Accredited / Good Nurseries in the √
5. Planting material-source, quality and √ Nursery / shop
suitability invoice with
seed quality
5.4.3.Orchard / Site planning, Lay out and
1. Planning, establishment and layout √
2. Land preparation √
3. Planting Season / time and density and √

4. Water and Nutrient management √ written plan
5. Intercultural operations including √
Weed management
6. Plant canopy architecture √
management/ training and pruning
7. Planting systems and transplanting of √
horticultural crops
8. Use of Pollinators & pollinisers √
9. Use of Plant growth regulators √
10. Flowering & fruiting √
11. Integrated Pest and Disease √
Management and Food Safety measures
12. Physiological disorders- causes, √
preventive and management measures.
13. Special problems if any √
5.4.5.Farm Structures and mechanisation √
1. Protective cover structure √ Technical
√ Undertaking of
expertise /
competency by
2. Farm Mechanisation √ Company
5.4.6.Harvesting and Fruit / flower care
5.5 Post-Harvest Management √
1. Post-Harvest infrastructure scenario in
horticulture sector in the State and specially
for the proposed crop / component
2. Product/ Process Flow chart √
3. Lay out / Floor Plan of post-harvest √
4. Post-harvest operations (Based on √ Protocols
5. Pre-cooling √
6. Cleaning / Washing √
7. Sorting and Grading √
8. Packing and labelling √
9. Transport √ Models
10. Storage- Low cost / cold storage/ CA √
11. Post-harvest infrastructure – √ Technical
Integrated Post-harvest Management- (Which Standards
ever component is proposed)
1. Integrated Pack house
2. Pack House
3. Pre-cooling unit
4. Cold Room (Staging)

5. Primary Processing
6. Refer van
7. Retail outlet
8. Labour room
5.6 Marketing
2. Aggregation & Assembling: Marketing √
3. Market Institutions and agents √
4. Demand and Supply trends and forecast both
in local and National markets.
5. Traceability system √
6. Proposed value chain / method of Marketing √
by the Applicant
5.7 Value addition / Processing √
6 Technology providers √
1. ICAR /CAU/ SAU/SHU / Research Stations √
and Experts names
2. Agri/Horti-Business incubators √
7 Food Safety -With /Without GAP
1. GAP Certification if any √
2. Food safety measures √ Clean farm,
a. Pre-planting √ Trained
b. Crop husbandry √ workers;
c. Harvestings √ Protective
d. Post-harvest √ clothing,
First Aid;
Safety and
policy; Waste
8 Innovation if any
9 Risk Management √ Proposed
details if any
10 Checklist √
11 Declaration from Crop Expert and Project √
Finance Expert
Self-declaration by the Applicant √
Note: *: Documents are to be submitted only when NHB accords Pre- IPA approval.

@ In case of export units.
a. Declaration by Crop Expert ( if the Project / Crop specific information, data
and chapters of DPR are prepared by theexpert and not by the applicant)
I have read and understood the latest NHB Schemes operational guidelines and made the
applicant understand the same.
The technical information provided in the Detail Project Report are as recommended by
ICAR/ State Agriculture / Horticulture University/ …….Research Institute as published in
their publication…………./ genuine website……………….
The project is technically feasible and economically viable and is bankable.
Certified that the information/contents as above furnished by me/us in the application are true
to the best of my/our knowledge & belief and nothing material has been concealed.
My details are as follows:
Name of Crop Expert (Could be any working or retired faculty / scientist in
ICAR/ CAU/SAU/SHU/State Horticulture Dept. or
ICAR Agri/ Horti-business incubators)
Current/ previous profession:
Educational qualification and
University passed out
Registration number if any
Permanent address:
Contact Number: Tel

Place Signature
Date Designation and Seal

11.2. Declaration by Project Finance Expert (Chartered accountant)
( If the Market viability and Financial Viability chapters are prepared by the Project Finance
Expert and not done by the applicant on his/her own)

I have read and understood the latest NHB Schemes operational guidelines and made the
applicant understand the same.
The project is technically feasible and economically viable and is bankable.
The Financial and Market viability as provided in the Detail Project Report is true to the best
of my knowledge.
Certified that the information/contents as above furnished by me/us in the application are true
to the best of my/our knowledge & belief and nothing material has been concealed.

Name of Chartered Accountant

Current profession:
Educational qualification and
University passed out
Registration number if any
Permanent address:
Contact Number: Tel

Place Signature
Date Designation and Seal

9. Self-Declaration by applicant
1. I have read and understood the latest NHB Schemes operational guidelines including
conditions, norms and pattern of assistance.
2. The information provided in the Detail Project Report is true to my knowledge.
3. In case the details provided by me viz., (i) my personal details, land, previous benefits availed
by me from either Central and State Government if proved false at any stage NHB is entitled
to recoverany subsidy if any released by it from me.
4. I have personally ascertained technical details of the projector or I have availed the services
of a competent Horticulturist for technical details and viability. Accordingly declaration is
provided herewith.
5. I have personally ascertained Financial and Market viability of the project or I have availed
the services of a competent Project Finance expert for the requisite project finance details and
project viability. Accordingly declaration is provided herewith.
6. In case the project is approved for pre-IPA, I shall undergo a 2 Weeks (min.10 working days)
training programme in case of Open field condition and protective cover (with or without
PHM component) and a minimum of 1 Week programme in case of standalone PHM
component at my own expenses in one of the ICAR/CAU/SAU/SHU/ Research Station/
Centres of Excellence/ related Central or State Government institution/ others as found
appropriate / approved by NHB.
7. I shall adopt scientific package of practices / technology and maintain proper farm accounts.
8. The project is technically feasible and economically viable and is bankable.
9. In case the project application is considered for application processing, I am bound to submit
all required / requisite mandatory documents to establish veracity of my DPR and eligibility
to claim subsidy under NHB Schemes in the form prescribed within 3 months of any such
intimation from NHB for according In principle approval (IPA). Else I acknowledge that my
application stands vacated and rejected by default of my omission.
10. Incomplete/ NPA projects and default cases shall not be eligible for subsidy.
11. In case the project is approved for subsidy claim I shall undertake a MOU with NHB to
comply with all the terms and conditions of the scheme guidelines as effective on the date of
subsidy claim approval and any other condition/ advisory in the interest of projects success
and sustainability.

Applicant (Name and signature) and Seal if any



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