Switchgear & Protection: - in An Electric Power System, Switchgear Is The Combination of Electrical Switches

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•In an electric power system, switchgear is the combination of electrical switches,

fuses or circuit breakers used to protect , control and isolate electrical equipment.

Prof. Rizwan F, AIKTC SoET

Module 1- Instrument Transformers
There are two types of Instrument Transformers 1. Current Transformers (CT) 2. Potential or Voltage
Transformers (PT Or VT)
1. Current Transformes (CT)
• The Current Transformer ( C.T. ), is a type of “instrument transformer” that is designed to produce an
alternating current in its secondary winding which is proportional to the current being measured in its
• Current transformers reduce high currents to a much lower value and provide a convenient way of
safely measuring using a standard ammeter.
• The current transformer consists of only one or very few turns as its primary winding. This primary
winding can be of either a single flat turn or just a conductor or bus bar placed through a central hole as
• Due to this type of arrangement, the current transformer is often referred as a “series transformer”.
• The secondary winding however, may have a large number of coil turns wound on a laminated core of
low-loss magnetic material.

Prof. Rizwan F, AIKTC SoET

• The secondary current is usually rated at a standard 1 Ampere or 5 Amperes for larger primary current
• If CT rating of 5 amps with the primary and secondary currents being expressed as a ratio such as 100/5.
This means that the primary current is 100 times greater than the secondary current so when 100 amps is
flowing in the primary conductor it will result in 5 amps flowing in the secondary winding,
• Generally current transformers and ammeters are used together as a matched pair.
• There are three basic types of current transformers: wound, toroidal and bar.
1. Wound Current Transformer – The transformers primary winding is physically connected in series with the
2. Toroidal Current Transformer – These do not contain a primary winding. The line on which its installed will
acts as primary.
3. Bar-type Current Transformer – This type of current transformer uses the actual cable or bus-bar of the
main circuit as the primary winding.
• A current transformer, like any other transformer, has turns ratio is equal to

Prof. Rizwan F, AIKTC SoET

2. Voltage Transformer (Potential Transformer VT or PT)

• Potential transformers are also known as voltage transformers and they are basically step
down transformers.
• Potential transformers step down the voltage of high magnitude to a lower voltage which
can be measured with standard measuring instrument.
• These transformers have large number of primary turns and smaller number of secondary
• A potential transformer is typically expressed in primary to secondary voltage ratio. For
example, a 600:120 Potential Transformer would mean the voltage across secondary is 120
volts when primary voltage is 600 volts.

Prof. Rizwan F, AIKTC SoET

Some terms related to VT
• Rated primary voltage: This is the rated voltage of the system whose voltage is required to
be stepped down for measurement and protective purposes.
• Rated secondary voltage: This is the voltage at which the meters and protective devices
connected to the secondary circuit of the voltage transformer operate.
• Rated burden: This is the load in terms of volt-amperes (VA) posed by the devices in the
secondary circuit on the VT.
• Accuracy class required: The transformation errors that are permissible, including voltage
(ratio) error and phase angle error. In a protection VT, the VT is required to be accurate from
5% upto the rated voltage factor times the rated voltage.


1. Write a note on instrument transformers. Nov 2014 [5M]
2. Explain working principle of CT. May 2016 [5M]

Prof. Rizwan F, AIKTC SoET

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