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Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

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Journal of Manufacturing Systems

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Security of smart manufacturing systems T

Nilufer Tuptuk , Stephen Hailes
Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, United Kingdom


Keywords: A revolution in manufacturing systems is underway: substantial recent investment has been directed towards the
Smart manufacturing development of smart manufacturing systems that are able to respond in real time to changes in customer
Sustainable manufacturing demands, as well as the conditions in the supply chain and in the factory itself. Smart manufacturing is a key
Design for manufacturing component of the broader thrust towards Industry 4.0, and relies on the creation of a bridge between digital and
Internet of Things
physical environments through Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, coupled with enhancements to those di-
Information security
Cyber-physical systems
gital environments through greater use of cloud systems, data analytics and machine learning. Whilst these
individual technologies have been in development for some time, their integration with industrial systems leads
to new challenges as well as potential benefits. In this paper, we explore the challenges faced by those wishing to
secure smart manufacturing systems. Lessons from history suggest that where an attempt has been made to
retrofit security on systems for which the primary driver was the development of functionality, there are in-
evitable and costly breaches. Indeed, today's manufacturing systems have started to experience this over the past
few years; however, the integration of complex smart manufacturing technologies massively increases the scope
for attack from adversaries aiming at industrial espionage and sabotage. The potential outcome of these attacks
ranges from economic damage and lost production, through injury and loss of life, to catastrophic nation-wide
effects. In this paper, we discuss the security of existing industrial and manufacturing systems, existing vul-
nerabilities, potential future cyber-attacks, the weaknesses of existing measures, the levels of awareness and
preparedness for future security challenges, and why security must play a key role underpinning the develop-
ment of future smart manufacturing systems.

1. Introduction communicate and interact with each other in real time [2]. As a result,
since its inception in 2013, Industry 4.0 has recognised central role to
Levels of investment in smart manufacturing have been rising ra- be played by IoT as a key enabler for advanced smart manufacturing.
pidly – more than half of manufacturers have invested at least Germany is not alone in this ambition, there are a number of other EU-
$100 million in the activity. Industry is starting to see rewards from level initiatives [3] and China's Made in China 2025 initiative [4] to
this: according to Capgemini [1] smart manufacturing has helped fac- digitalise and automate their manufacturing to preserve their compe-
tories achieve productivity gains of 17–20% whilst simultaneously titiveness in highly globalised and competitive markets. The most sig-
achieving quality gains of 15–20%. It is no surprise then that many nificant risk in this rush towards flexibility, quality and productivity is
manufacturers – with numbers reaching as high as 67% for industrial that security is seen as being of secondary concern rather than an es-
manufacturing – have smart factory initiatives and, if Capgemini's es- sential component of the process of development and deployment. The
timates are to be believed, the result will be a gain to the global increase in cyber-based attacks on industrial and manufacturing sys-
economy of $500 billion to $1.5 trillion over the next five years. tems shows that even existing systems are vulnerable, those vulner-
Much of this projected growth is predicated on the use of Internet of abilities are poorly understood and, as a result, organisations are not
Things (IoT) technologies, coupled with cloud computing, data analy- prepared for the security threats that exist. Since smart manufacturing
tics, machine learning and AI. In this, it is IoT that provides the bridge capabilities are predicated on levels of technical sophistication, in-
between the digital domain, including new analytical methods, and the tegration and automation far beyond those conventional manufacturing
physical domain of the plant and within the supply chain. This aligns processes, there will be new vulnerabilities and the lack of clarity on
well with the Industry 4.0 vision of transforming the supply chains into security is doubly concerning.
a smart network of connected intelligent and autonomous objects that In the past, security in manufacturing systems was achieved through

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N. Tuptuk), [email protected] (S. Hailes).

Received 6 November 2017; Received in revised form 21 February 2018; Accepted 11 April 2018
Available online 15 May 2018
0278-6125/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

isolation based on the control of physical access. Recently, for reasons incorporated into many other models and standards in the manu-
of cost and convenience, Ethernet and the IP protocol stack are be- facturing industry. The model is divided into five layers in which
coming a core part of plant and factory networks, with the consequence general purpose network protocols are used at higher layers, and spe-
that connecting such networks to wider corporate systems is becoming cial protocols are utilised at lower layers to deliver increasingly tight
easier and more common. Similarly, to extend network infrastructure to latencies and more specialised requirements. As illustrated in Fig. 1, on
remote areas, increase sensing capacity, handle mobility and reduce the top level the Enterprise/Corporate Level, the decisions related to
installation costs, there is an increase in the deployment of wireless the operational management which define the work flows to produce
networks. Both approaches have the potential to leave networks vul- the end product are made. At the Plant Management Level, these de-
nerable and the scale of this vulnerability is under-appreciated in the cisions are managed locally on the plant management network. On the
industry: according to data collected from Project SHINE, between April Supervisory Level, various manufacturing cells are managed, each
2012 and January 2014, an excess of 500,000 Internet-accessible performing a different manufacturing process. At the Cell Control Level,
manufacturing devices in control system environments were found [5]. different actions of the process are performed. At the bottom level,
The custom-designed search engine for searching Internet-connected Sensor-actuator level, controllers, sensors and actuators are integrated
things, SHODAN, was used to search for devices such as Programmable to perform the physical process. This model is vulnerable to security
Logic Controller (PLC) systems, Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) systems, attacks because it is insecure by design. Communication protocols used
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) servers, Human to support this infrastructure such as Modbus, Distributed Network
Machine Interface (HMI) servers, Distributed Control Systems (DCS) Protocol (DNP3), PROFIBUS, Building Automation and Control Net-
sensors and Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) that are used to working (BACnet), Industrial Ethernet are widely used on the super-
monitor and control systems. As the increase in the number of cyber- visory and control level to connect devices, buses or networks. These
attacks illustrates, adapting Internet-connected devices without con- communication protocols were not designed with security in mind, and
sidering security is making the manufacturing industry one of the top lack mechanisms to provide authentication, integrity, freshness of the
industries targetted and amongst the most vulnerable [6]. data, non-repudiation, confidentiality and measures to detect faults and
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: in Section 2 we abnormal behaviour.
discuss current and smart manufacturing systems and introduce some of The concept of CIM differs from the Industry 4.0 vision, as it is ra-
the reported attacks on these systems. In Section 3, we discuss why ther rigidly structured. At the lower layers (3-1), master/slave archi-
security should be a key characteristics in smart manufacturing systems tectures are widely used, in which communication is typically initiated
and examine some of the incidents against manufacturing systems and by the master. Industry 4.0 and other similar initiatives for cyber-
technologies. In Section 4, we explain the fundamental differences be- physical systems propose a more decentralised architecture in which
tween the IT and manufacturing system security, and discuss the vul- elements of the CIM model are autonomous. Autonomous elements are
nerabilities, types of attacks and adversaries. In Section 5, we discuss aware of their environment and can communicate with other elements
the existing active and passive countermeasures, we report on some of to control what is required. This results in a decentralised autonomous
the standards and guidelines, cryptographic techniques, and intrusion model in which products and machines will become active participants
detection systems. In Section 6 we discuss future research directions, in the IoT, behaving as autonomous agents throughout the production
and in the final section, we provide an overview and conclude with line. As the product moves through the production line, it will com-
some recommendations. municate with each machine, and tell it the process that it requires at
that point, enabling flexible control between products and machines.
2. Current manufacturing systems Within this vision, decentralised decision making is key, acquiring data
and processing it on the spot in real-time. Self-governance, self-
The research and development efforts from academia and industry awareness, self-organisation, self-maintenance and self-repair are some
on networked control systems, robotics, industrial wireless sensor net- of the attributes used to describe the capabilities of the components and
works, and smart manufacturing [7], together with innovation efforts systems of future factories and plants.
for manufacturing SMEs [8] are all directed towards the creation of Such an open environment is prone to a wide range of both passive
smart factories delivering cost-effective, efficient (machine, labour, and active security attacks ranging from conventional eavesdropping
energy and material), sustainable and safe manufacturing systems. and denial of service (DoS) attacks to man-in-the-middle attacks that
The Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) model illustrated in subtly alter the quality or consistency of the end product. Compared to
Fig. 1 shows the hierarchical architecture of computer systems and attacks on conventional networks, the consequences of attacks on ele-
communication connections that are found in manufacturing automa- ments of manufacturing systems can be catastrophic as they have the
tion systems. This is a highly integrated model that has been used and ability to cause physical damage to production, people and the physical
environment. The only way to address this problem is to embed con-
sideration of security (and the ongoing management of security) from
the design stage, a lesson that was learned the hard way in conventional
networked systems [9]. The openness of the architecture, the flexibility
in reconfiguring it, and the use of data analytics in effecting internal
change lead to complex dynamic behaviours that are hard to reason
about. Most particularly, it is not currently possible robustly to ar-
ticulate the expected behaviour in detail and so it is hard to reason
about the source of problems or the particular set of dynamic interac-
tions that led to problems. This means that the range of possible attacks
are larger in the Industry 4.0 model than for CIM, but the chances of
detection are lower and the approach to mitigation is unclear.

3. Smart manufacturing systems

As is the case with many emerging technologies, there is no single

universally accepted definition of smart manufacturing. In the main it is
Fig. 1. Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) model. defined rather loosely, often in terms of its objectives or the

N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

systems; there is widespread ignorance of likely threats and adversaries;

and, whilst there are standards for all aspects of manufacturing, many
ignore security on the presumption that there is no need credible threat.
If one adds in the richness of smart manufacturing, the threats one
might expect to face are not yet even well identified, let alone re-
The remainder of this paper is dedicated to exploring these issues in
more detail, starting with an examination of some of the incidents that
have been reported in respect of attacks on manufacturing systems.

3.1. Reported incidents against manufacturing systems

Fig. 2. Characteristics, design principles and enabling technology defining
smart manufacturing [10].
In view of the fact that the deployed base of smart manufacturing
systems is considerably smaller than that of conventional manu-
contributing technologies. In Fig. 2 we re-present an ontology drawn facturing systems, it is perhaps unsurprising that there are few reported
from the recent review found in [10], which explains smart manu- attacks against them. This is not an indication of the lack of vulner-
facturing in terms of eleven technology characteristics, five defining abilities in such systems, but argues more strongly towards their re-
principles and three enabling technologies that are used to define smart lative novelty and complexity. This, in turn, suggests that, with the
manufacturing. possible exception of governmental information warfare programmes,
The mixture of characteristics includes aspects of technology (visual the hacking community have yet to acquire the specific knowledge that
technology, data analytics, intelligent control, IoT, CPS/CPPS, and cy- would allow them to launch successful attacks. To rely on this re-
bersecurity), aspects of process (3D printing, cloud manufacturing, IT- maining the case would be foolhardy in exactly the same way that re-
based production management), aspects of input, reusability and tra- lying on the discouraging effect of the challenges in attacking con-
ceability (Smart products/parts/materials), and aspects of sustain- ventional manufacturing systems has proved to be. To that end, an
ability (Energy efficiency). This clearly is not an exhaustive list of any of awareness of the attacks that have been reported against conventional
the above – for example, energy use is common, but rarely the only systems is an important precursor to understanding the potential for
consumable one wishes to use efficiently. attacks against smart manufacturing systems.
From a security viewpoint, a number of interesting things emerge The reported attacks targeting industrial and manufacturing systems
from this categorisation: demonstrate that the threats are real, and that the consequences of
these attacks can be severe. One of the most recent attack against
• IT-based production management links planning systems within the manufacturing systems was the attack on Ukraine's power grid in
IT domain to the CPPS that are extend onto the shop floor. As a December 2015 [11]. Combining a number of tactics, including using
consequence, the security of the full smart manufacturing process malware and denial of service, attackers managed to bring the elec-
depends on the joint and several security properties of the IT do- tricity distribution infrastructure into an undesirable state, causing
main, the CPPS domain, and the communications link that must power outages. These outages resulted in several blackouts, causing
exist between them. 225,000 customers to lose power across Ukraine.
• Subverting the process of data analytics and intelligent (adaptive At the end of 2014, attackers gained access to a steel factory in
and/or learned) control by poisoning the data on which analysis or Germany. According to the report [12] written by the German Federal
learning is undertaken could have significant effects on the physical Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in derInfor-
integrity of the plant or the quality of its output. Since the data mationstechnik), the attackers leveraged spearphishing and social en-
provided is typically high dimensional, and small changes might gineering techniques to gain access to control network through the
have significant effects on learning methods that are often more corporate network. As a result, the attackers managed to cause un-
fragile than might be commonly understood, such problems are specified, but massive, physical damage to the system by manipulating
extremely hard to detect. The problem is exacerbated by the fact individual control components, thereby bringing the blast furnace
that we are only just beginning to explore learning systems in which under their control. The skill sets required to carry out this attack were
a human-understandable narrative about what was learned emerges not only in the field of information security, but extended to the in-
from the learning process. dustrial control systems and production processes [12].
• Cybersecurity is regarded as a characteristic rather than a design Another key incident in 2014 was Havex/Dragonfly, in which a
principle. This misconception has led to the production of insecure Remote Access Trojan (RAT) was used to compromise industrial control
systems throughout the Internet. Security is not a product that can systems including SCADA, PLC and DCS used within the energy sector
be bought and added to a system: instead, it is a process that starts at [13] across the globe. The aim of the RAT was industrial espionage.
or before the design stage and must pervade all aspects of the system Security companies observed targetted spearphishing attempts with
produced. Moreover, it is a continuing process: the emergence of PDF attachments against mainly US and UK companies from the energy
new threats may necessitate a fundamental review of the security of sector from early 2013 [14]. A Watering-hole attack was used to install
the entire plant, which can only be understood from the perspective the RAT on the machines operating industrial control systems. Legit-
of system design. Naturally, the flexibility to add or remove modular imate energy vendor websites were compromised and redirected to
subsystems further complicates matters. download malware from attackers’ servers.
In 2011, a sophisticated instance of a RAT known as Duqu infected
The enabling factors in Fig. 2 are given as standardisation, educa- control systems in Europe, Asia and North Africa. Duqu's payload
tion and law/regulation. These enabling factors are every bit as critical modules contained remote access capabilities that were used to connect
to security as they are to other aspects of smart manufacturing. Since to a command and control (C&C) server (a computer that issues com-
manufacturing has been computerised for many years one might expect mands and receives reports from the infected machines) and download
that progress would have been made in developing standards, educa- additional executables including those used to perform network enu-
tion and law that are tailored to the needs of manufacturing industry. meration, record keystrokes and collect system information. The in-
However, this is far from the case: if security is even considered, there is tention of the RAT was to gather intelligence that could be used to carry
frequently an implicit assumption that all computer systems are like IT out future attacks on industrial control system facilities and other

N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

industries. The intelligence collected was encrypted and packed into an

empty JPG image file received from the C&C server. Duqu had a
number of variants, and made use of C&C servers located in various
places including India, Belgium and Vietnam. By default, Duqu was
configured to run for 3 days, and then remove itself from the system
automatically. However, adopting a peer-to-peer C&C model, it had the
capability to receive additional commands to extend the length of the
Stuxnet [15], first reported in 2010, is believed to be the first worm
that was designed with the sole aim of causing physical damage. There
is very little irrefutable information about its heritage but it is thought
to have been created by or on behalf of a government due to the
technical expertise and resources needed perform such an attack.
Analysis carried out by Symantec [15] showed most of the infected
machines (approximately 60%) were from Iran. This led the security
experts to suspect the attack was specifically targeting Iran's uranium
enrichment facility at the Natanz enrichment plant. Researchers esti-
mated Stuxnet may have destroyed about 1000 (10%) of the centrifuges
installed at the time of the attack [15]. The malware was designed to Fig. 3. Mirai botnet operations.
attack two models of Siemens PLC (Siemens S7-125 and S7-417) which
were controlled by Siemens’ Step 7 software. It exploited four zero-day
high-profile IoT botnet Mirai [18], which caused the largest ever seen
vulnerabilities, propagated itself via removable media and USB drives
distributed denial of service attack, is a salutary example of this failure.
that would later be connected to the control systems, and used ad-
The operation of Mirai botnet is illustrated in Fig. 3. Mirai identifies
vanced techniques to mask itself under legal programs to avoid detec-
vulnerable IoT devices by scanning those that can be reached using the
tion. The worm used legitimate certificates, using private keys stolen
Internet. Once these devices are identified, a brute force attack with a
from two separate companies to sign the device drivers on the Windows
simple dictionary attack (composed of factory default usernames and
operating system [15].
passwords such as admin/admin) [19] is carried out (1). The bots re-
In 2005 a worm called Zotob disabled 13 of Daimler Chrysler's car
port the identified IP addresses of the vulnerable devices to report
manufacturing plants [16] across the US, causing them to be offline
servers (2), which then distribute the vulnerable devices to load servers
from 5 to 50 min (a substantial amount of production time), stopping
(Mirai had three) (3). A load server loads malware specific to the vic-
the activities of 50,000 assembly line workers. The worm exploited a
tim's operating system (4). Once the device runs the malware it be-
buffer overflow vulnerability on a TCP Port found in Windows 2000
comes a bot (5), and receives new commands from the command and
systems and some earlier versions of Microsoft Windows to open a
control server (C&C server) (6). Mirai also had capabilities to eradicate
backdoor. According to the reports [17], while executing the worm the
other malware processes by closing all processes that use SSH, telnet
operating systems became unstable, resulting in an unplanned cycle of
and HTTP ports, and searches for and then kills other botnet processes
shut down and rebooting. It is believed that the worm and the new
that might be running on the device. The C&C server communicates
variants of it affected more than 100 companies including the con-
with report server to keep an eye on the infected devices (7). Bots carry
struction and mining equipment company Caterpillar.
out distributed denial of services attacks (DDoS) on targets (8), and they
The analysis of security incidents is beset by under-reporting. This
continue to scan and infect new victims, and receive new instructions
has been examined more thoroughly in the case of Internet-related
from the C&C server (9).
systems, and usually occurs either because an incident was not identi-
The Mirai botnet and its variants [20,21] show how attacks could
fied as the result of a security breach or because the reputational da-
leverage the lack of security in IoT devices and conduct successful at-
mage was considered to be too significant to publicly report a security
tacks that could cause production downtime and equipment failure, or
failure. The Internet community have moved forwards somewhat, and
reputational damage as the source of the attack on other systems.
there are annual reviews of cybersecurity incidents that better reflect
the lived experience of business. Unfortunately there is still rather little
reporting of incidents relating to manufacturing and the most promi- 4. Smart manufacturing systems security fundamentals
nent examples are those that caused significant damage or that appre-
ciably failed to remove the evidence of their existence. 4.1. Difference between manufacturing systems and IT systems

3.2. Reported incidents against smart manufacturing systems technologies A common misconception in manufacturing is that the challenges of
computer security are similar irrespective of which computers are being
As discussed above, it is not unexpected that the numbers of attacks secured. Whilst it is certainly the case that lessons learned from the
against smart factories has been low. However, there have been some Internet world are often applicable to other networked systems, the
significant attacks launched against some of the enabling technologies characteristics of manufacturing systems makes their security require-
for smart manufacturing, most notably IoT. ments distinct from the IT systems that are used at the corporate level.
Typical IoT nodes combine a relatively low-powered processor with Table 1 presents a comparison between the system, operational, and
wireless networking capabilities and so can be attacked directly by security aspects of the two domains. The components used within the
individuals within their radio range. This undermines the traditional smart manufacturing systems domain are heterogeneous, with a high
model of security in which there is a defined perimeter and devices (e.g. number of legacy systems and devices, that can have a lifetime up to 20
firewalls and intrusion detection systems) that are responsible for se- years. Tasks, managed by a small number of users (operators and en-
curing that border. Instead, each device must be at least partially re- gineers), have real-time constraints that need to be imposed to ensure
sponsible for its own security, a task that is made more difficult by the the continuity of the process. These systems have complex interactions
reduced processing capabilities of a typical IoT node. Naturally, this is with physical processes, and failures can manifest in physical events.
not helped when manufacturers fail to appreciate the large-scale im- Regular patching and upgrades are a sine qua non of IT systems security,
plications of failing to secure individual devices appropriately and the and most companies patch at least monthly and sometimes on an ad hoc

N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

Table 1
Comparison between manufacturing systems and IT systems.
Category Attributes Manufacturing systems IT systems

Systems Components Heterogeneous Homogenous

Lifetime Long (< 20 years) Short (< 5 years)
Network protocols Real-time proprietary protocols and some open protocols Open protocols
Network Serial, Ethernet Ethernet
Users Low High

Operation Real-time Time-critical Best-effort

Availability Critical Outages, rebooting tolerable
Resources Limited Enough resources for security
Patching and upgrading Not frequent Frequent

Security Order of priorities Safety, availability, integrity, confidentiality Confidentiality, integrity, availability
Awareness Inadequate Good
Experts Low High
Prevention Physical protection Defence in depth
Forensics Limited Available

Impact Losses Catastrophic (monetary, deaths and injuries, damage to physical equipment and Recoverable (monetary)
Incident recovery and contingency Rare Common

basis, as the importance of a threat becomes apparent. Patching and

upgrading are becoming more common in industrial control operations;
however, these need to be planned carefully because halting systems for
a patch or an upgrade may involve a whole production line in sig-
nificant downtime, with costs to match. Indeed, many manufacturing
systems owners may not patch immediately, and may decide not to
patch to avoid the risk associated with some of these challenges. To be
able to patch, vendors need release patches, and the time between
vulnerability disclosure and patch release may not be sufficiently short
Fig. 4. Dependability and security attributes [22].
to prevent attacks. Another challenge associated with patching ICS is
that it often requires people with expert skills to carry out the patching
process. design parameters for industrial and manufacturing systems for dec-
This is one instance in which IT systems are typically constructed to ades; however the focus of this is on prevention and diagnostic cap-
maintain an adequate level of service given the inevitability of delays abilities to prevent conditions arising (hazards and failures) that could
and downtime driven by the need to manage security subsystems. The cause harm to humans and the environment, damage to or loss of
traditional approach to manufacturing systems design emphasises the process, equipment or any other assets. With the increase of cyber-
primacy of operational performance, but this optimisation is done crime, the tools and methodologies to carry digital forensics and handle
without considering the need to maintain system security as an in- digital evidence have emerged and gained importance as a research
tegrated part of that process. It is assumed that it can be added at a later field within the IT infrastructures; however, forensics for manufacturing
date. It is no surprise, then, that the industry currently relies heavily on systems infrastructures is still in its infancy.
a large number of legacy systems that have little security (e.g. default Looking forwards, one might expect that lessons learned from se-
passwords, no access control and undocumented backdoors), and relies curing IoT, cloud computing and data analytics deployments outside of
on vendors to provide security services. By definition, these should be manufacturing might be applicable to smart manufacturing systems,
holistic, but they often extend no further than basic encryption. and most of them will be. However, for the same reasons that the les-
Through experience and necessity, the IT industry has built better se- sons learned from IT systems are not the only knowledge needed to
curity awareness, skills and people than the industrial and manu- secure manufacturing systems, the lessons learned from isolated de-
facturing sector. Moreover, the security priorities of the both sectors are ployments of the component parts of smart manufacturing systems are
fundamentally different. In IT systems, the security is often defined in unlikely to encompass the knowledge needed to secure the integrated
terms of three key principles: confidentiality, integrity and availability whole of smart manufacturing systems. This is particularly true for IoT
(also known as the CIA-Triad). Confidentiality focuses on ensuring as- since, at present, the most sophisticated uses of IoT technologies lie
sets are not disclosed those entities who are not authorised to view it; precisely within smart manufacturing rather than in more general de-
integrity relates to protecting assets from unauthorised modifications; ployments. That said, the MIRAI botnet and the various spinoffs from it,
and availability is defined in terms of making the assets accessible to discussed in Section 3.2, illustrate the damage that can be done when
authorised entities at all permitted times. The CIA-triad helps to de- IoT security is neglected.
termine the security risk management priorities. The greatest concern
for industrial and manufacturing systems is generally the availability 4.2. Vulnerabilities
and integrity (which one comes first depends on the system), as lack of
data and false data could damage the process or production. The con- To understand the likely avenues of attack, one needs to understand
fidentiality goal is not unimportant; however, budgetary constraints the vulnerabilities of systems. Again, little has been done to explore this
might mean availability and integrity goals will have a higher priority. for smart manufacturing systems, but there has been work for manu-
Similarly, for corporate networks, the importance of the data itself facturing systems as a whole that is pertinent to the broader under-
means that more is invested in confidentiality and integrity. The safety standing of risk. Fig. 5 shows the number of vulnerabilities reported and
aspects of systems in the computing world has been discussed under logged in ICS-CERT (Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Re-
dependability (Fig. 4). Safety and reliability have been important sponse Team) from 2010 to 2015 [23]. This is not a comprehensive

N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106


4.3. Attack types

Given the lack of understanding of the precise vulnerabilities of

smart manufacturing systems, we can only consider how similar sys-
tems have been attacked in the past. In this section, we consider the
general classes of attack that have been seen in networked systems in
the past. Ideally, this would include substantial detail about attacks on
manufacturing systems; however, the number of manufacturing systems
attacks made public and confirmed are relatively low [27]. The rela-
tively small number of reported attacks is likely down to some combi-
nation of four factors: (i) attacks are hard: they require specialist
knowledge of manufacturing systems that is not widely present in the
community of potential attackers; (ii) attackers shun manufacturing
systems for their own social reasons: given a similar amount of effort, it
may be possible to generate an IT systems attack that has global reach
Fig. 5. Reported manufacturing vulnerabilities [23]. and so generate greater kudos for the attacker; (iii) people are simply
unaware that they are under attack because the effects of those attacks
analysis, but it illustrates the significant increase that has happened are subtle or because there is a failure to associate the symptoms with
since 2010. Others have also reported similar growth in the number of the possibility of an attack; (iv) attacks are simply not reported, because
industrial control system vulnerabilities in technologies that are widely to do so would damage business credibility. It would be extraordinarily
used in manufacturing systems in 2015 [6,24]. In this section, we de- foolish to rely on the first two reasons above remaining the case. The
scribe how vulnerabilities are introduced to the systems. communication network protocols used for industrial automation were
Manufacturing systems have typically either been designed without not designed with security in mind, and rather little analysis has been
security in mind, or with the explicit presumption that the system is done of their security properties in comparison to similar Internet
isolated and so not subject to (outsider) attack. Secure software de- protocols. That which has been done suggests that their security
velopment practices focusing on the prevention of software vulner- properties vary significantly, leaving both known and (presumably)
abilities, including the specification of security requirements, and the unknown vulnerabilities.
implementation of the security properties, including testing, code re- To design security it is essential to understand from where the po-
view, and patch management have not been widely considered when tential threats arise. Attacks can be launched over all network links:
building these systems. Attempts to retro-fit security to existing systems through enterprise connections, connections through other networks at
in the light of attacks has a poor track record: in view of the fact that the the control network layer, and/or connections at the field device level.
system is operational, it is hard to ensure that the new security systems Some of the common attacks are:
are as fully tested as the original design, and as a result they are often
overly conservative in places whilst failing fully to protect the system • Denial of service (DoS) attack: This attack aims to deny the
and introducing new bugs and vulnerabilities. Thus consideration of availability of some assets such as a network, a system device, or any
security is vital at each phase of the system's life cycle [25]. other computational resources such as memory, process or file
Adopting commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, such as open system to legitimate users. Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
protocols and workstations running well known operating systems such (DDoS) employ multiple compromised systems, which are infected
as Microsoft Windows or Linux, has reduced the installation costs and with malware to attack a target. In the past one year, several high
provided greater interconnectivity. However, these also inherit the profile IoT botnets, such as the Mirai botnet [18], was responsible
vulnerabilities of these products and provide greater opportunity to for some of the largest DDoS attacks seen to date. These botnets
attack these systems. Industrial Control Systems make use of a wide compromised hundreds of thousands of IoT devices, demonstrating
variety of insecure communication protocols such as Modbus, PROFINET, the invulnerability. New Mirai-like botnets are emerging, such as the
DNP3 and EtherCAT. Although Modbus and DNP3 began as serial Brickerbot [28] and the Repaer [29] botnets, demonstrating the
protocols, they were both extended to work with TCP/IP and Ethernet, danger of set up and forget approach to IoT devices.
and they are widely used to connect devices on different field buses or • Eavesdropping attack: By monitoring the network, an adversary
networks. These systems do not have the security mechanisms to sup- can gain sensitive information about the behaviour of the network
port authentication (for example, anyone can masquerade as a master (passive reconnaissance) to perpetrate further attacks. Network
and send commands to slave devices), integrity of packets, anti-re- traffic analysis, even of encrypted packets, can reveal information
pudiation or anti-replay [26]. (e.g. who is talking to whom and when) and compromise privacy.
Vulnerabilities are often introduced to manufacturing systems • Man-in-the-middle attack: In this attack, the adversary sits be-
through poor security policies and practices. Even today, commonly ac- tween communicating devices and relays communication between
cepted and ‘obvious’ good practice such as disabling unnecessary con- them. For example, it could sabotage the key exchange protocol
nections and changing default connection settings and passwords are (many industrial control systems do this in the clear without any
rather less common in the industry than one might reasonably antici- encryption) between a control system and an actuator device.
pate given the history of attacks. It should not be surprising then that, • False data injection attack: A false injection attack is a deception
given the novelty of IoT systems and given the uncertainties introduced attack, in which the adversary injects false information into the
into those systems by the dynamic changes that arise from opaque network; for example, by sending malicious commands on a field
learned behaviours, there is no commonly agreed view of what the bus.
vulnerabilities of smart manufacturing systems might be. Without such • Time delay attack: An attacker injects extra time delays into
an understanding and without the action that follows from it, part of measurements and control values of the systems which can disturb
which can admittedly only come from experience, the inevitable con- stability of the system and cause equipment to crash [30,31].
clusion is that such systems are vulnerable in ways we have yet to • Data tampering attack: Data tampering attacks cause unauthorised
alteration of data, which could be in storage or in transit. For

N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

example, the data held in data historians’ and engineers’ work- manufacturing systems has increased, there has also been an increase in
stations could be altered, or the network data packets could be the amount of complex malware with advanced evasion capabilities
changed causing, significant damage to the operation of the plant. targeting manufacturing systems. Malware is often installed on these
• Replay attack: In a replay attack, legitimate packets can be re- systems via removable media such as infected USB drives; spearphishing
transmitted by an adversary. This can happen in several ways: an attacks (tricking the user into downloading malware from a malicious
authentic but compromised node could send the data, e.g. an ad- server, opening an email, or installing an application that contains
versary who managed to intercept an authentication message. malware); and watering-hole attacks (a compromised legitimate site
• Spoofing attack: Spoofing attacks are where an attacker's node visited by operators and engineers used, to install malware). In the past
impersonates a system entity. A lack of adequate authentication attackers made use of a collection of malware tools called rootkits to
control mechanisms means that entities can masquerade as one obtain unauthorised access to systems, thereby providing the attacker
another by falsifying their identity to gain illegitimate access. with sufficient privilege to access confidential data, hide their presence
• Side channel attacks: Side channel attacks are carried out using a and have the ability to install other malicious software [42]. Rootkits
variety of techniques that analyse information leakage from hard- adopt a stealth strategy, hiding themselves within objects (e.g. pro-
ware and software such as analysing power consumption, light cesses, files and network connections), while carrying out malicious
emissions, optical signal, traffic flow (e.g. to gain knowledge about activities on the infected system [43]. These activities include logging
the network topology), timings (e.g. time it takes for an operation), user keystrokes, disabling security software, and installing backdoors
electromagnetic, acoustic and thermal emission from hardware for other malicious activities [44]. Rootkits are, by and large, installed
components and faults that occur in the system. along with other malicious programs such as backdoors or trojans [45].
• Covert-channel attacks: This is an attack that makes use of a Stuxnet [15] is believed to be the first rootkit targeting a plant. Readily
compromised device, and legitimate communication channels to available attack toolkits, known as exploit kits have been around for
leak sensitive information out of a secure environment, bypassing some time, containing prepackaged software tools, that can be used by
security measures [32]. attackers with unsophisticated skills to carry out an entire attack. The
• Zero day-attacks: These are attacks that exploit unknown vulner- kits are used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in software, down-
abilities (those that are not disclosed publicly) to exfiltrate data or load malware automatically onto users’ computers without their con-
sabotage the system. The average duration of zero-day attacks is 312 sent, known as the drive-by download method, and manage attacks.
days; however, for some it has taken 30 months to discover the at- Symantec claims these kits are responsible for two thirds of web attack
tack, fix the code and distribute a software patch [33]. Once these activity and on average, contain about 10 exploits, mainly browser
vulnerabilities are disclosed, the number of attacks exploiting them vulnerabilities [46]. When new exploits are found, they are in-
may increase in an attempt to find unpatched systems. There is a corporated into old kits, and published as new releases. The BlackHole
growing market for zero-day attacks, with buyers paying over exploit kit was first spotted in 2010, and increased in popularity until
100,000 USD for certain exploits [34]. 2013 with new versions and a sound rental strategy (e.g. rentals were
• Physical attack: By gaining physical access to manufacturing sys- available from $50 a day to an annual license fee of $1500, and support
tems equipment, attackers can manipulate the devices that are ac- for the duration of the rental). To best of our knowledge, there are no
cessible, for example de-calibrating sensors to modify input signals; exploit kits that come with pre-packaged multiple exploits that will try
changing the location of a device (e.g. a sensor), causing the re- to exploit known vulnerabilities in manufacturing systems. However, as
ceived input to contain errors; introducing a rogue device into the attackers become more interested in manufacturing systems similar
network to masquerade as a legitimate device; and attacking phy- tools are likely to emerge.
sical properties of the devices (e.g. through glitch attacks involving
modification of the clock or the power supply to the chip to ma- 4.4. Adversary model
nipulate the operation of the system).
• Attacks against machine learning and data analytics: Machine The motivation for, and sources, of attacks against these systems
learning techniques are widely used in security from biometrics to encompass a wide number of adversaries, including nation states, for-
network security monitoring. For smart manufacturing systems, eign intelligence services, rival organisations, terrorist groups, orga-
data analysis lies at the heart of the benefits that this smart approach nised crime, hacker hobbyist, hacktivists and insiders (current and
is likely to bring. As a result, if machine learning process can be former employees). There is little reason to suggest that the pool of
subverted either directly or through the poisoning of the data on attackers will differ significantly for smart manufacturing systems, and
which it relies, consequences will follow. Given the opacity of the the population of attackers at any moment in time is likely to evolve
learning process it is not always clear, either to the attacked or even from those with significant resources and/or knowledge (nation states,
the attacker, what the consequences might be or how to identify insiders) to hobbyists and script-kiddies, in the same way as has been
such an attack. Examples of attack on machine learning include seen for other forms of system. Attacks on computer systems, particu-
spam filtering [35], malware classifiers [36–38] and biometric re- larly those for which source code can be obtained, gradually become
cognition systems [39]. Machine learning can be subjected to at- public goods and, whilst there are often patches available by the time
tacks during training and inference phases. Potential attacks during that hobbyists obtain them, the very many unpatched systems remain
training include manipulating the training sample to control the vulnerable.
model's accuracy; attacking the availability of the sample data to In this section, we illustrate some of the attacks carried out by these
reduce the confidence of the model [40], and confidentiality attacks classes of attackers.
that reveal information about the training model. Oracle attacks can
be carried out during inference to extract confidential information • Nation-state and state-sponsored actors are highly sophisticated
about the model and exploratory attacks can be carried to cause adversaries that are significant threats to manufacturing systems.
malicious behaviour identified as legitimate [41]. The capabilities of these attackers mean that espionage, sabotage
and destruction attacks that could cause physical damage are all
4.3.1. Malware plausible. It is not surprising that most countries are developing
The most common route to carrying out attacks on manufacturing cyber security capabilities and the ability to target other nations.
systems is by installing malware with the intentional or unwitting help Recently, the German Chancellor said they were dealing with cyber
of insiders. Malware can threaten the availability, integrity and con- attacks that could influence the coming German election [47]. The
fidentiality of manufacturing systems. As the number of attacks against USA claimed spies from China, Russia and other countries tried to

N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

penetrate their electricity grid. State sponsored attacks can be very communities; for example, a hacker collective called the Syrian
sophisticated and their potential to cause damage is high as they Electronic Army (SEA) has targetted the national infrastructure of
have the ability to draw on sources of finance, resources and people Israel [52].
with advanced skills, and may be able to influence vendors to • Insiders are current and former employees, business partners,
modify software or hardware systems/devices and install malware contractors, service providers, vendors, visitors, and anyone else
or backdoors with which they can carry out these attacks. While that has access to the organisation's assets. The most common in-
attribution of cyber attacks is technically very difficult, it is an area sider attacks are unauthorised access to, and use of, corporate in-
that is also not receiving enough attention from the academic re- formation; unintentional exposure of private or sensitive data;
search community at the present; the existing work in this area is viruses, worms or other malware; and theft of intellectual property.
probably carried out by state agencies and so remains hidden. When However, threatening insider behaviour occurs in many contexts
the cyberattack on Ukraine's energy grid took place in December and appears in various forms, and, often only becomes public if legal
2015, Ukraine's intelligence services were quick to blame the Rus- action is taken against the attacker. In many cases this does not
sian state-backed hackers [48]; however, there was little concrete occur due to concerns about negative publicity, being unable to
evidence to attribute this to the Russians. identify the individual/s committing the act, and lack of evidence
• Terrorist Groups motivated by ideology may want to attack the [53]. A well known insider attack happened in 2000 in which, an ex-
operation of manufacturing systems to threat national security, employee of Hunter Watertech, the water treatment control system
cause causalities, damage the economy and create fear. These at- supplier to Maroochy Shire Council of South East Queensland, too
tacks have the potential to be very sophisticated as these groups control of sewage equipment by masquerading as an authorised
often have the necessary means to finance them. So far we are not controller [54]. He was able to stop the normal operation of the
aware of any instances of manufacturing systems attacks that have pumps, and the communication (including alarms) between the
been classified as terrorist attacks. However, as crime is moving pumps and central computers. The attack caused 800,000 l of
online, it is only natural for these groups to try to carry out and sewage to be pumped into the environment, including onto local
coordinate their attacks remotely. parks and into rivers and hotels. The motives behind insider attacks
• Rival organisations or companies may carry out attacks to damage include financial gain, espionage, emotional backlash, ideology,
reputation or for industrial espionage to steal intellectual property. fear/coercion and excitement [55]. Not all apparent attacks from
• Cybercriminal attacks by individual criminals or organised net- insiders are malicious: insiders may cause unintentional exposure of
works of criminal entities are usually motivated by financial gain. sensitive data or systems by error or misuse. Furthermore, rules are
Criminals are currently very active in the online world. By analogy, often broken due to deadline pressures, lack of awareness or in-
attacks on control systems may be carried out for monetary gain, effective policies.
including intellectual property theft and threatening asset owners
for ransom. Ransomware is emerging as one of the most dangerous 4.5. Lifecycle of a targetted attack
cyberthreats organisations are facing today, with 17% of the man-
ufacturing sector infected [49]. Increasingly, new types of ransom- The targetted attacks discussed in Section 3.1, launched to date
ware are emerging in the cybercrime underground. Groups are against industrial and manufacturing systems, such as Stuxnet [15], a
buying these as services, since they can be used by those with no steel factory [12] in Germany and Ukraine's electricity grid [48] have
technical skills. The WannaCry ransomware [50] attacked relatively had clear objectives, and they have usually been specifically tailored to
soft targets around the world, including hospitals. It encrypted target particular organisations. There are two primary motivations be-
users’ data and demanded a ransom in bitcoins, to release access to hind these targetted attacks aimed at control systems: (1) exfiltration:
the data. Whilst there is some debate about how targetted Wan- harvesting sensitive information from the system and (2) sabotage:
naCry was, the scale of the impact will undoubtedly have awakened disrupting the operation of a system. The attacks discussed in Section
the interest of cybercriminals. Going forwards, systems that have 4.3 can be used for sabotage (e.g. DoS, replay, spoofing, data tam-
critical characteristics will be most attractive to criminals. pering) and exfiltration attacks (e.g. man-in-the middle, covert chan-
• Hacker Hobbyists are typically motivated by curiosity, the thrill of nels, keyloggers). As discussed earlier, these attacks are carried out by
doing something not permitted, or the desire for recognition and installing malware, exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities, and with the
status. These attacks are generally unsophisticated, often exploiting help of insiders. The current skill set and investment required means
vulnerabilities that are public, but can still cause substantial da- that many of these attacks are attributed with nation-state hackers.
mage. Over the past few years, independent security researchers Based on the past targetted attacks such as Stuxnet, discussed in
have reported most manufacturing systems vulnerabilities to ICS- Section 3.1, the basic steps of the targetted attacks are illustrated in
CERT (the Department of Homeland Security's Industrial Control Fig. 6. Pre-Entry activities consist of the ground work to design and
Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team) [23] around the world. implement the attack. This involves identifying targets and goals (ob-
As in the Internet world, as the market for manufacturing systems jectives); acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, resources and tools
attacks increases in size, there may be hacker hobbyist with ad- to develop and implement the attack; identifying the routes to infect the
vanced skills that are motivated to find manufacturing systems system; and testing the attack (e.g. in a mirrored environment).
vulnerabilities, and either exploit them or sell them to third parties. Methods used for initial infection include the exploitation of insiders;
• Hacktivists are patriotic hackers that are often driven by a political the use of social engineering tactics (e.g. phishing or spear phishing
ideal; hactivism a form of online activism [51]. The motivations for with aggressive tactics); and hacking the supply chain (e.g. watering
their actions may be anything from defence of free speech to an anti- hole attacks in which malware is placed with the original software
nuclear stance. Over the past years, two powerful hacking collec- updates from a compromised trusted vendor website). The propagation
tives, Anonymous and Lulzsec, carried out a large number of attacks phase involves infecting other systems and devices to escalate privileges
on the Internet. These attacks include support for election protests in to gain access to necessary resources (sensitive data or systems of in-
Iran; protesting against the Australian Government's Internet fil- terest). Propagation is typically achieved by exploiting other vulner-
tering legislation and web censorship regulations; compromising abilities. Sometimes, an attack might need simply to maintain a lis-
web sites and emails of oil and gas companies to protest against tening presence until further instructions are received from the
rising oil prices; and bringing attention to WikiLeaks and other controller. While in the system, attacks may send data and receive
political causes. Security services with responsibility for critical updates via peer-to-peer communication or a C&C server. The operation
national infrastructure have also been targetted by hacking phase consists of carrying out the necessary steps to achieve the

N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

security is open to debate: when security is regulated, companies start

to look for ways to escape regulation. For example, the experience
drawn from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation
showed that companies removed black-start capabilities to avoid
paying for compliance [65,66]. The consequences of heavy regulations
may lead to organisations to create new vulnerabilities in bypassing
demanding regulatory approaches.
There are number of special guidelines to guide the security of in-
dustrial systems The National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) special publication NIST SP 800-82, Guide to Industrial Control
Systems (ICS) [67], guides the industrial control sector on how to
achieve security of SCADA systems, Distributed Control Systems (DCS),
and other control systems; the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
provides several documents aimed at increasing the security of in-
dustrial control systems including the Catalog of Control Systems Se-
curity: Recommendations for Standards Developers [68] and the Control
Systems Cyber Security: Defense in Depth Strategies document [69]. The
Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) in the UK
provides a set of good practice guidelines on Cyber Security Assessments
of Industrial Control Systems [70] and Securing the move to IP-based
SCADA/PLC networks [71].
Table 2 illustrates some cross-level standards standards available to
develop, implement and maintain the security of manufacturing sys-
tems. Much as for guidelines, there are many international and national
standardisation efforts, most of which are aimed at industrial automa-
tion and control systems. Although these standards do have great im-
Fig. 6. Lifecycle of the targetted attack. portance for manufacturing, there are currently no standards for cy-
bersecurity specific to manufacturing, let alone smart manufacturing.
Moreover, what organisations should do with all of this information,
objectives of the attack (i.e. disrupt the operation of the system, harvest
and how to select and integrate the most suitable standards into their
data). Finally, throughout the lifecycle of the attack, the attackers may
own organisations, is not obvious. Addressing this problem requires not
carry out clean-up operations to evade detection and extend their
only expert skills but the ongoing resources required to evaluate and
presence within the network.
monitor the effectiveness of a selected approach. This requires sig-
In most cases, manufacturing industry has no mechanisms to pre-
nificant investment and a clear perception of the likely value to be
vent, detect, and recover from targetted attacks, and, when things go
obtained. Unfortunately, the evaluation and monitoring process is also
wrong, manual approaches are used to bring the system back to a
problematic: there are no success metrics with which to analyse sup-
normal operating state. The response is invariably reactive and, given
posedly secure systems and determine how well they work. Indeed, a
the novelty of Internet-facing manufacturing systems to the attacker
significant risk is that these standards and guidelines can provide a false
communities, the potential variety of attacks is extensive and unknown.
sense of security.
The only way we can begin to understand our exposure to the risk of
attack is to develop research programmes in which systems and ideas
are actively attacked in advance of deployment. Failing to do this
5.2. Cryptographic techniques
simply means that the attackers have an easier task: the exploits they
use might attack systemic failings in deployed systems that could have
Industrial and manufacturing environments consist of hundreds or
been detected earlier, and the time available to respond to an attack is
even thousands of devices. These devices use software and networking
shorter than that available to patch a vulnerability.
protocols to communicate with other devices and human operators.
Cryptographic countermeasures are widely used in corporate networks
5. Security solutions for manufacturing systems to achieve confidentiality and integrity of the data. Use of symmetric
encryption algorithms, public key infrastructure (PKI), hybrid encryp-
Existing security solutions for manufacturing systems can be divided tion schemes, cryptographic hash functions, digital signatures, key
into two main categories: static and active defence. The static defence agreement and distribution protocols are widely used to ensure only
method focusses on following regulations, typically derived from in- authorised entities. Use of encryption, identity and context-based access
dustrial standards and guidelines. Dynamic defence methods are cryp- control are not widely used in automation and manufacturing industry.
tographic countermeasures, intrusion detection and prevention sys- Existing key management techniques are often manual, and require the
tems, training and incident management. In the following sections, we operator to carry out the necessary actions such as renewing or re-
discuss some of the most relevant of these security solutions. voking a key manually. The difficulties for designing appropriate key
management systems for these environments are discussed in [72]. A
5.1. Regulations, standards and guidelines number of studies including [73–76], proposed key management sys-
tems for industrial environments but these do not meet the diverse
Traditionally, most of the demands for security came from reg- deployment challenges and performance requirements of plant and
ulatory bodies that regulate critical national infrastructure such as factory settings. In these, the key management system needs to be
water, gas, oil and electricity. Over the years, a huge amount of effort scalable; must work well with limited computational power; must un-
by governmental bodies, professional societies and industry has been dertake key exchange while not interfering with the the real-time
dedicated to standardisation. Although standards are not regulations, availability of the process; must provide interoperability among systems
regulators may dictate compliance with a standard such that it becomes and devices; and must provide automated key revocation when under
part of the regulation. The benefits of regulation and how well it fosters attack.

N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

Table 2
Standards available for managing the security of manufacturing systems.
Standard Domain Scope

ISA/IEC 62443 Industrial Automation and Control Builds on the ISA99 (on industrial automation and control Systems security) [56], and the current status of
Systems (IACS) the work consists of set of sub-standards, grouped into four categories: general, policies and procedures, system,
and components [57]. It provides detailed guidance on management, operation and product development of
IACS components
ISO/IEC 27019-2013 Energy utility industry Provides information security management guidelines for process control systems specific to energy sector
[58]. Provides guidance based on the ISO/IEC 27000 series of international standards to the process control
and automation domain. A new standard ISO/IEC 27019 [59] is currently under development which is
primarily based on the 2013 version, ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002 (the information security standards), ISA/
IEC 62443, and IEC 62645 (provides security guidance for computer-based systems used within the nuclear
power plants)
ISO/IEC 27033-1:2015 IT network security Provides guidance on the network security (management, operation and use of information system networks,
and their interconnection), and aimed at anyone operating or using a network [60].
ISO/IEC 29180:2012 Sensor networks Provides security framework for telecommunications and information exchange between systems for
ubiquitous sensor networks [61].
IEC 61508 Electronics in industry Provides functional safety standard applicable to all kinds of industry with systems comprised of electrical
and/or electronic elements [62].
IEC 61784 Industrial communication networks Provides a set of specific standards for communication device and profile standard for fieldbuses involved in
communications in factory manufacturing and process control. The series includes functional safety and
security [63].
ISO/IEC 27000-series All domains – information security Consists of more than a dozen of standards to help organisations keep information assets secure. The
management standards provides guidelines and practices to keep their critical assets (e.g. financial information,
intellectual property, employee details) secure and manage risks [64]. They are aimed at helping
organisations implement, maintain, and improve their information security management.

5.3. Intrusion detection systems for production or process systems As a result they are unable to detect new intrusions or those exploiting
previously unknown vulnerabilities (e.g. zero-day attacks).
Security is a dynamic process that requires a range of measures to IDS research for manufacturing systems and IoT systems is still
cope with the attacks that are continuously evolving. Regardless of the immature, and the studies are poorly implemented due to limited
degree of preparation, vulnerabilities will remain, and attackers will try testbed availability and a paucity of data from real incidents. A
to find them by attacking the system. To counter this, it is necessary to common complaint about research in this area is that credible empirical
observe the dynamic behaviour and seek to determine whether it is evidence is often not provided when IDS systems are evaluated. These
abnormal. In this section, we explain some of the proposed intrusion shortcomings make it difficult to make any reliable inference about how
detection system (IDS) approaches that have been built by academia well academic IDSs will perform in real smart manufacturing environ-
and industry, specifically to undertake this endeavour for industrial ments, the more so because such environments are adaptive by design
control systems. IDS are classified by source of data (audit source) and and so past history is not necessarily a good guide to current behaviour,
detection technique (the data needed for analysis). The former is often even in the absence of attack.
classified as network-based or host-based, and the latter knowledge-based,
Host-based IDS are based on gathering data on a single host, and 5.4. Security skills training and human factors
therefore make use of data maintained by that host to determine un-
authorised behaviour. Network-based intrusion detection collects evi- One of the challenges of building secure systems in smart manu-
dence from the whole or segment of the network. In smart manu- facturing is the shortage of skilled security personnel. This shortage
facturing systems, in which IoT nodes may be attacked individually by applies to the entire manufacturing hierarchy from the corporate level
utilising their wireless connections, at least part of the intrusion de- to right down to the field/factory level – not just users, but engineers
tection infrastructure will have to run on each (resource poor) host. and security managers that are building, managing or using these ser-
This is a challenge because intrusion detection systems are typically vices. This will become more critical with the move towards IoT sys-
relatively compute intensive, and we are at an early stage in the de- tems. Developing security policies that are feasible and usable is not a
velopment of such techniques. See, for example, [97,98]. trivial task, even in well-understood systems; doing this efficiently for
Knowledge-based (also known as signature or pattern-based detec- adaptive systems, in which security policy may affect both performance
tion) is based on collecting knowledge about previous attacks and and the freedom to adapt, is currently too complex to countenance in
vulnerabilities, and looking for patterns to identify intrusions. practical deployments. If security policies and procedures become a
Behaviour-based (also known anomaly-based) intrusion detection sys- burden to users, history suggests that they will be unwilling to comply
tems look for anomalies with respected to the ‘normal’ or ‘expected’ with these policies and procedures [99,100] and may misuse the system
behaviour. Normal behaviour is often determined by learning normal deliberately. Indeed, despite the increase in personnel awareness
system behaviour under conditions in which there is believed to be no training, a large number of incidents are related to the misuse of sys-
attack, using techniques such as machine learning. An approach to tems by the personnel [101]. The standards and the guidelines men-
behaviour based intrusion detection is a specification-based technique, tioned in Section 5.1 give some directions on staff awareness and
which relies on modelling the system operation to derive deviations training, and emphasise that security is as much a human issue as it is a
from the norm. The performance of intrusion detection systems are technical one. However, most of this advice is based on studies on
often rated by a Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve, which corporate networks and, despite the awareness and training pro-
illustrates the detection probability versus false alarm probability. grammes, users continue to become victims of social engineering
Table 3 illustrates some of the studies in this area. As illustrated in the methods: they regularly fall for phishing attacks [6], for example there
table, most effort in this area has been placed on behaviour-based is a lack of empirical studies looking at the human factors in security
network intrusion systems since knowledge-based IDS require detailed management at the plant level and on factory floors; the importance of
knowledge of previous exploits to define characteristics of the attack. this will grow with the increase in attacks.

N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

Table 3
Proposed intrusion detection systems for process systems.
Application Detection principle Audit source Attack type Data source

SCADA systems [77] Behaviour Network Modbus TCP attacks Operational (communication headers, requests and
specification responses)
SCADA systems [78] Behaviour Network DoS attacks Operational (server input and output flows)
SCADA systems [79] Knowledge Host Unauthorized access and modification Operational (authentication commands, events)
Wireless process control systems Knowledge Network Attack against the wireless network No dataset
SCADA systems [81] Behaviour Network Common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) Operational (HTPP and TCP traffic captured from the
security vulnerabilities perimeter and process control networks)
SCADA systems [82] Behaviour Network Critical state detections (zero-day attacks) Operational (Modbus over TCP traffic)
SCADA systems [83] Behaviour Network Modbus TCP attacks Operational (network traces)
Embedded control systems [84] Behaviour Host Malware (kernel hijacking) Operational (operating system kernel)
SCADA systems [85] Behaviour Network Denial of service, unauthorized access, probing Public (KDD Cup 1999 Data)
SCADA systems [86] Behaviour Network Profinet IO attacks Operational (Profinet IO frames)
Wireless industrial sensor Behaviour Network Packet jamming, impersonation, flooding Operational (communication traffic, e.g. monitoring
networks [87] modification, eavesdropping neighbor node's traffic)
Power transmission system [88] Behaviour Network Fault replay, command injection, zero-day Simulation (synchrophasor measurement data and
audit logs)
Smart grid [89] Behaviour Host Denial of service, unauthorized access, probing Public (NSL-KDD dataset
Fluid flow system [90] Behaviour Knowledge Deviations from expected packet stream Operational (Ethernet network traffic)
SCADA systems [91] Behaviour Network DoS and integrity attacks simulation testbed (sensor, controller and actuator
SCADA systems [92] Behaviour Network Sequence attacks (exploiting valid events) Operational (data traces from water treatment and
specification purification facility)
Electric substation automation Knowledge Network Password crack attacks, DoS attacks and forged Simulation (address resolution protocoL traffic)
[93] address resolution protocol attacks
SCADA systems [94] Behaviour Network Modbus/TCP attacks Operational (Modbus/TCP request messages)
SCADA systems [95] Behaviour Network Passive and tampering attacks Simulation testbed
SCADA systems (water treatment Behaviour Network SCADA-specific attacks, network attacks, shut- Operational (testbed using EtherNet/IP and CIP
system) [96] down attack protocol)

5.5. Post incident management Once data are collected about an incident, it is necessary to analyse the
collected information and to document the findings. These are also not
Despite all the security countermeasures, successful attacks will common practices for ICS operators [104], and the complexities of
always happen. Once an incident takes place, the ability to respond undertaking this for smart manufacturing systems have yet to be un-
safely to the incident, to bring the system to a safe state and to resume derstood, let alone explored.
operations as quickly as possible is crucial. In smart manufacturing The threats facing manufacturing systems are critical and incidents,
systems, the consequences of the attack may extend beyond harm to an whether they are malicious or accidental, will take place at least oc-
industrial process: people may be hurt and the environment or the plant casionally. However, it would not be an understatement to say that the
damaged. When an attack takes place, response and recovery should existing approach of manufacturing systems organisations to incident
ideally be immediate to mitigate potential losses including production, management is unsystematic and manual; incidents will be managed
equipment and reputation. Naturally, this requires that resources to do when they are noticed using whatever means happens to be available.
this should be in place before the attack occurs and that there are ap-
propriate policies and guidelines in place to allow the responsible in-
6. Future research directions
dividuals to operate rapidly and effectively. Regulations such as the
North American Electric Reliability Corporation critical infrastructure
Throughout this paper we have argued that the issue of security in
protection (NERC CIP) [102] and Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism
smart manufacturing is receiving too little attention relative to the issue
Standards (CFATS) policy [103] require organisations to have incident
of functionality. The risk in this is that we will deploy systems too early:
management reporting and a response plan.
they may be functional, but they could be highly vulnerable to at-
In practice, little is known about the security incident response and
tackers. Large scale deployments of vulnerable smart manufacturing
recovery capabilities of manufacturing systems operators, and still less
systems on which the economic health of a country becomes dependent,
for smart manufacturing operations. Thus, it is difficult to determine
let alone the emergence of smart critical national infrastructure on
how well the organisations are prepared and responding to security
which the physical health of a country becomes dependent, should be a
incidents. One of the few studies carried out in this area [104] shows
matter of national concern, rather than simply business decisions made
common incident management measures such as documentation,
by individual companies. We are missing fundamental research that
awareness and training, and response, are limited and poorly estab-
would allow us to probe and evaluate the security of smart manu-
lished within the industry. They also report that, despite the standards
facturing systems. In our view, this includes:
and guidelines, there are fundamental differences among operators on
Simulators and testbeds: A substantial impediment to the develop-
what constitutes a security incident.
ment of academic research in the field of security for smart manu-
There is already a vast amount of data available from ICS that could
facturing lies in the practical challenges of conducting that research.
be used to identify not just the source of the attack and the motivations
There are many more academics who would be interested in the se-
of the attackers but also to provide in-depth knowledge of what went
curity challenges of smart manufacturing than there are academics with
wrong. That said, current data collection practices could be adapted to
access to testbeds or real plant on which to conduct experiments. As a
provide more focussed information that is useful in incident manage-
consequence, much of the research that is relevant is instead conducted
ment and forensic analysis [105]; the more complex and adaptive the
either in toy scenarios or on simulated systems. The Tennessee-Eastman
systems, the more data is required to understand how the system failed.
chemical process, a real-world industrial chemical manufacturing

N. Tuptuk, S. Hailes Journal of Manufacturing Systems 47 (2018) 93–106

process, with available Matlab/Simulink code is one of the go-to si- those physically present inside a protected perimeter – is no longer true.
mulator for security work in the field, and NIST have produced a cy- The move to COTS technologies reduces the protection currently af-
bersecurity performance testbed based on this model [106]. There has forded by the implicit requirement for specialised knowledge in at-
been a number of testbeds that have been proposed for industrial tacking manufacturing systems: there is a wealth of prior knowledge for
control systems research [107], however, most of these testbeds fail to attackers to draw upon. Finally, the move towards subsystems that
accurately represent the real system under study. We are not aware of create value through a mix of autonomous, adaptive, intelligent beha-
any testbeds for smart manufacturing that get close to representing viour and real-time interactions increases complexity to the point
reality. For example, it is not, at present, possible to understand the where it becomes hard to reason about the expected behaviour of sys-
implications of information leakage using techniques such as that found tems let alone their reaction to attack. This raises the potential to create
in [32]. Until the tools that permit widespread experimentation are undesirable emergent behaviours through small, hard-to-find, pertur-
available, the pool of researchers in the area of security of smart bations.
manufacturing systems will necessarily be very small. The potential consequences of security attacks on smart manu-
Attack generation and intrusion detection: Much existing security work facturing systems cannot be overstated: injuries, death, and damage to
is undertaken on the basis of traces of real attacks, or hand-crafted physical infrastructure, equipment and environment is likely to occur
attacks of varying degrees of subtlety. For smart manufacturing systems simply because the actuators in manufacturing systems are intimately
there are no traces on which to test new intrusion detection systems; connected to such things. Industrial and manufacturing organisations
moreover, given the complexity of interactions within such a system, it need to consider these concerns and commit to making security a
is not clear that small numbers of traces are ever likely to allow the fundamental activity, bearing in mind the truism that security is a
creation of intrusion detection systems that are sufficiently generic to process not a product. While IT security is moving towards two factor
protect against the panoply of threats. An alternative approach that we authentication, prevention, detection and response models, manu-
are currently researching is to use machine learning approaches to the facturing systems rely on limited security mechanisms such as shared
generation of attacks, in order then to improve intrusion detection short default passwords, rarely encrypted data, firewalls between var-
systems. When coupled with realistic simulations, this approach pro- ious layers of the network infrastructure and the adoption of demili-
mises to allow the creation of intrusion detection systems that can both tarised zone architectures. Not only it is relatively easy to gain access,
leverage information about real attacks and that constantly improve as there is little to stop the attackers from modifying process parameters
the result of constant exercise by intelligent adversaries. once they have access to critical systems or data.
Forensics: In order to secure prosecutions, and in order to under- At present, we are protected only by the difficulties inherent in the
stand more fully the nature of previously unseen attacks, new ap- process of launching an attack on a specialised system, and the lack of
proaches to forensics are needed. The extremely high dimensional in- recognition this is likely to bring within hacker communities as com-
formation on which learning strategies are designed to operate, and the pared to the IT-based alternatives. Since those difficulties could eva-
opaque nature of that learning, may make it hard to explain the form of porate much faster than our ability to counter attacks in smart, highly
a subtle attack that exploits the smart nature of smart manufacturing heterogeneous long-term-deployed systems with a variety of legacy
systems. Research is needed in this space, both to discourage potential components, it is time to establish ways of migrating best practice from
attackers and to allow the sharing of information in a form that conveys the IT sphere to manufacturing systems, as well as to discover and
the nature of the attack without revealing undue detail about the neutralise specific avenues of attack against mart manufacturing in a
commercially sensitive nature of the underlying manufacturing pro- proactive manner. Attackers are imaginative: the current defences are
cesses. Again, credible simulators and testbeds will aid this process neither fit for purpose at present nor easily adaptable or extensible for
since the full ground truth can be revealed alongside the synoptic in- the future. The complexity of the systems, a move towards increased
formation. autonomy, the shortage of manufacturing systems security experts, and
Security policy specification and enforcement: Planning for security the heavy reliance on vendors all impact the effective security of
involves understanding the nature of threats, identifying vulner- manufacturing systems. To develop effective security solutions, the
abilities, quantifying the value to be lost if those vulnerabilities are research and industry communities need to work together and focus on
exploited, and investing in security appropriately. The process of efficient, robust, reliable, low-cost security solutions that can cope with
managing security is typically determined by a policy that captures the deployment and runtime requirements of the current and future
both this high level strategic process and the restrictions that must be manufacturing systems. Any system that fails to consider the human
put in place to reduce the likelihood of breaches of security related to factors inherent in deployment and security management is ever likely
particular vulnerabilities, and the responses to actual breaches, both in to fail, just as they have failed in IT systems. It is essential that the
real time and after the event. Much of this process is generic and as adoption of IoT technology embeds security from the start, integrated
applicable to smart manufacturing as it is to the IT world; however, the with functionality, not as a secondary dimension that can be brought in
detailed specification of what actions are allowed (or required) or not, later and retrofitted: this has never worked effectively, and it is unlikely
under what circumstances, and by what agents is something that must to start working now. Finally, the systems managing the manufacturing
be determined dynamically. In systems with behaviour as complex as of future will run and be maintained by future generations, and it is also
those found in smart manufacturing, it is far from clear how such crucial to start the process of educating the educators of the next gen-
constraints should be expressed or policed, and under what circum- eration of security experts and manufacturing control engineers.
stances they should be adapted. Moreover, there is no automated
system that can currently articulate how the set of such constraints will Acknowledgements
(or may) alter system performance. Considerable work has been un-
dertaken in this field in the IT world, but there is no settled consensus as This work was conducted under EPSRC Grant No: EP/G037264/1 as
to what form of system combines sufficient expressibility with enough part of University College London's Security Science Doctoral Training
ease of understanding that a human can with confidence predict the Centre.
likely real-time effects of their constraints.
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