Cases Laws Notebooks Sign In: Arellano, C.J.

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31 Phil. 160

[ G. R. No. 9421, July 24, 1915 ]




On December 30, 1910, Maximina Ch. Veloso, the wife of Manuel M. Tio
Cuana, and Domingo Franco, the first named with the consent of her
husband, executed and signed a document of the following tenor:

"For value of the goods we have received in La Cooperativa Filipino, we

promise to pay jointly and severally to Michael & Co., S. en C, or its order,
in the municipality of Cebu, the sum of six thousand three hundred and
nineteen pesos and thirty-three centavos (P6,319.33), in the manner
hereinafter set forth, with interest on such part of said principal as may
remain unpaid at the end of each month at the rate of one and a half per
cent per month until the principal shall have been completely paid. The
said sum of/six thousand three hundred and nineteen pesos and flirty-three
centavos (P6,319.33) shall be paid at the rate of five hundred pesos (P500)
monthly on or before the 15th day of each month, and the interest shall also
be paid monthly. In case said monthly payments are not made in the
manner that we have promised hereinabove, then all the unpaid principal
shall become immediately demandable, at the option of the owner of this
promissory note. In case suit be brought for the collection of the amount of
this promissory note or any part thereof, we bind ourselves jointly and
severally to pay an additional and reasonable sum as fees of the plaintiff's
attorney in said suit.



"I consent to my wife, Maximina Ch. Veloso, signing the foregoing



"CEBU, P. I., December 30, 1910"

This promissory note was indorsed to L. L. Hill on January 12, 1911. The
following indorsement appears on the back:

"January 12,1911. "Pay to the order of L. L. Hill.

"E. MICHAEL, S. en C.
"By E. MICHAEL, Gerente"

Two thousand pesos have been paid on this note that is, four installments
of P500 each on February 10, March 16, April 16, and May 22, 1911,

On July 5,1911, L. L. Hill brought the present suit to recover the following
sums: P4,319.33, with interest thereon at the rate of 1½ per cent per month
from July 1,1911, until said sum should be entirely paid; P473.18 as interest
on the principal of said note from December 30 to June 30, 1911; P1,000 as
fees for plaintiff's attorney in this suit and for the costs of the proceedings
against the defendants, Maximina Ch. Veloso and Manuel Martinez Tio

Defendants, in answer to the complaint, alleged as a special defense that

"about the middle of December, 1910, the deceased Domingo Franco, who
was their son-in-law, had stated to them that attorney Martin M. Levering,
in his capacity of guardian of the minor children of Potenciano Chiong
Veloso, had suggested to the said Franco the necessity of the defendants'
executing in Levering's behalf a document in which it should be set forth
that the defendants would pay to Levering, in his capacity of guardian of
said minors, the sum of P8,000 which defendants had borrowed from
Damasa Ricablanca, the former guardian of these minors, in view of the fact
that the court had removed thislatter from office and appointed said
attorney in her stead; that, by reason of this statement by Levering to
Franco, and having, as they did have, confidence in said decedent, Domingo
Franco, on account of his being a member of their family, defendants were
willing to execute in behalf of the said attorney, Levering, a document that
should set forth the sum owed by them to the wards represented by
Levering; that, consequently, said Domingo Franco had defendants sign,
outside his office, a blank paper, stating to them that said paper would be
filled out inside his office by recording on the sheet the obligation
contracted by them in behalf of said wards; that defendants did in fact sign
the said paper for the purpose indicated, and, up to the death of said
Domingo Franco, which occurred in May of the present year (1911) confided
in his good faith and in the belief that the paper which they had signed had
been duly filled out with the obligation contracted by them in behalf of said
wards and had been delivered to attorney Martin M. Levering as guardian
of said minors, but that after the said Franco died they learned that at no
time had he ever delivered to said attorney any document whatever signed
by defendants; that they believed that the paper which said deceased had
them sign for the alleged purpose aforementioned was filled out with a
totally different obligation from that which they had been made to believe
would be set forth therein. Defendants therefore alleged that, as they had
had no transaction whatever with Michael & Co., S. en C, nor with the
plaintiff, and as they had not received any kind of goods whatever from said
firm, and it appearing that they, together with the deceased Domingo
Franco, seemingly signed the promissory note, plaintiff's Exhibit A, all
these reasons induced them to believe, and they so alleged, that the said
deceased, without their consent, utilized the aforementioned paper for the
execution of said promissory note. Defendants further alleged that at no
time did they intended to execute any promissory note in behalf of Michael
& Co., S. en C.; that it was false that Michael & Co. delivered goods to them
in La Cooperativa Filipino,; and that, of their own free will, they did not
execute any document whatever in behalf of the creditor mentioned in said
promissory note."

Evidence was adduced by the parties, after which the Court of First
Instance of Cebu, who tried the case, rendered judgment absolving
defendants from the complaint, with their costs.
Plaintiff appealed, and his appeal having been heard and the evidence
reviewed, it appears: That the trial court sustained defendants' special
defense in all its parts, making it the principal ground for his judgment, to
wit, that defendants' signatures on the promissory note were obtained by
means of the fraud alleged in their answer to the complaint and that
defendants at the trial explicitly acknowledged their signatures. The
defendant Maximina Ch. Veloso testified that her son-in-law, Domingo
Franco, had her sign the document in blank; that when she did so it
contained no writing; and that if he made her sign it, and if she did sign it,
it was because Franco had told her that Levering compelled her to execute a
document in his behalf "for the minor children of Damasa Ricablanca," her
sister-in-law and widow of Potenciano Ch. Veloso, who had deposited with
her P8,000 belonging to her minor children to whom witness
acknowledged herself to be indebted in the said sum of P8,000.

Assuming this to be true, by the recognition of the signature of the

promissory note, the document became completely effective, unless there
be proof of some exception permitted by law. Were there such an exception,
the maker was the person obliged to prove it and, in the present case, that
person is the defendant; and the latter has presented absolutely no proof of
the mistake by reason of which she says she signed the promissory note,
nor of the fraud or deceit she charges to her son-in-law, Domingo Franco,
now deceased. Far from it, something else was shown to have "been proven
by her own testimony and acts. On her being cross-questioned as to
whether it was true that, as she says, she signed the promissory note in
blank thinking that she was signing an obligation in behalf of Levering as
guardian of the estate belonging to the minor children of her deceased
brother, she replied that it was, that she had been told by the said Domingo
Franco that it was such an obligation, and so she was willing to sign it,
because "it was really a debt."

From this testimony of Maximina Ch. Veloso and from her written answer,
it appears that in December, 1910, she signed in blank the promissory note
now in question; that she signed it in the belief that the obligation which it
would contain would be that of acknowledging her debt of P8,000 in favor
of the minor children of Damasa Ricablanca and of paying it to Levering,
who at that time was the guardian of the said minors; that for this reason,
in her written answer of August 4, 1911, she set up that special defense of
error and deceit, when she saw that the obligation contained in the
document signed in blank was a promissory note made out to Michael &
Co. for P6,319 and some centavos. It appears that Levering, as guardian of
the minor children of Damasa Ricablanca, commenced proceedings on
November 1, 1911, to recover the P8,000 owed by the defendant Maximina
Ch. Veloso, and that the latter, on January 15, 1912, answered the complaint
stating that her debt was owing to Damasa Ricablanca herself in her own
right, but not in her capacity of guardian of her minor children. (Record,
pp. 34 and 36.)

If she said this in 1912, it cannot be maintained that in 1910, on being

required to recognize and pay the debt of P8,000, she consented to sign a
document in blank recognizing the debt and binding herself to pay it to
Levering as the then guardian of the minor children of Damasa Ricablanca.
What would have been natural and logical is that then, as in 1912, she
would have refused to execute said obligation in writing in favor of
Levering, as she did reject it on January 18, 1912, since she did not consider
herself to be in debt to the minors, but to their mother.

This being shown by the record, the allegation of that other fact, entirely
contradicted at trial by the same person, cannot be considered as proof of
the error and deceit alleged in this action.

It is likewise proven in this case that during the trial, after the defendant
Veloso had acknowledged the debt owing the minors represented by
Levering, she was cross-questioned as to why she had denied it in 1912
when she was sued for its payment; she replied that possibly demand had
been made upon her for payment, but that she did not remember, and on
being cross-questioned as to whether she remembered that judgment had
been rendered against her, she replied that she did and that she had been
informed of it by her own attorney.

This is the only thing in the record which may be opposed to the truth and
presumption of truth offered by the contents of a document freely and
willingly signed.

This is not proof, much less preponderant proof, that can outweigh the
contents of the promissory note that is the basis of the complaint; on the
contrary, it is conclusive proof of the falsity of the other cause of debt
alleged in the special defense.
But even granted that no such proofs existed in the case; even granted that
it was proven at trial that Domingo Franco acted in the manner stated in
the answer and in the defendant Maximina Ch. Veloso's testimony, yet even
so, the deceit and error alleged could not annul the consent of the
contracting parties to the promissory note, nor exempt this defendant from
the obligation incurred. The deceit, in order that it may annul the consent ,
must be that which the law defines as a cause. "There is deceit when by
words or instaious^nachinations on the part of one of the contracting
parties, the other is induced to execute a contract which without them he
would not have made." (Civ. Code, art. 1269.)

Domingo Franco is not one of the contracting parties who may have
deceitfully induced the other contracting party, Michael & Co., to execute
the contract. The one and he other of the contracting parties, to whom the
law Refers, are the active and the passive subjects of the obligation, the
party of the first part and the party of the second part who execute the
contract. The active subject and party of the first part of the promissory
note in question is Michael & Co., and the passive subject and party of the
second part are Maximina Ch. Veloso and Domingo Franco; two, or be they
more, who are one single subject, one single party. Domingo Franco is not
one contracting party with regard to Maximina Ch. Veloso as the other
contracting party. They both are but one single contracting party in
contractual relation with, or as against, Michael & Co. Domingo Franco, like
any other person who might have been able to induce Maximina C. Veloso
to act in the manner she is said to have done, under the influence of deceit,
would be, for this purpose, but a third person. There would then not be
deceit on the part of one of the contracting parties exercised upon the other
contracting party, but deceit practiced by a third person.

"In accordance with the text of the Code, which coincides with that of other
foreign codes, deceit by a third person does not in general annul consent,
and in support of this opinion it is alleged that, in such a case, the two
contracting parties act in good faith (on the hypothesis set forth, Michael &
Co., and Maximina Ch. Veloso); that there is no reason for making one of
the parties suffer for the consequences of the act of a third person in whom
the other contracting party may have reposed an imprudent confidence.
Notwithstanding these reasons, the deceit caused by a third person may
produce effects and, in some cases, bring about the nullification of the
contract. This will happen when the third person causes the deceit in
connivance with, or at least with the knowledge, without protest, of the
favored contracting party: the most probable suppositions, in which the
latter cannot be considered exempt from responsibility. Moreover, and
even without the attendance of that circumstance, the deceit caused by a
third person might lead the contracting party upon whom it was practiced
into error, and as such, though it be not deceit, may vitiate consent.
In any case, this deceit may give rise to more or less extensive and serious
responsibility on the part of the third person, and a corresponding right of
action for the contracting party prejudiced" (in the present hypothesis,
Maximina Ch. Veloso against Domingo Franco). (8 Manresa, 659, 2d Ed.)

With respect to the true cause of the debt or cause of the contract, it is not
necessary to set forth any consideration whatever, because, as the deceit
and error alleged cannot be estimated, it is of no importance whether the
La Cooperativa Filipina, whose goods were the cause of the debt, exclusively
belonged to one or the other of the debtors, the obligation of debt and
payment being joint. But if any consideration with respect to this error
alleged on appeal were necessary it would only be that the evidence against
the finding contained in the judgment appealed from is very conclusive.
Isabelo Alburo, a witness for the defense and manager of La Cooperativa
Filipina, testified that the goods furnished by Michael were received in the
store La Cooperativa Filipina; that he signed the bills for collection; that the
bill-heads bore the printed legend "La Cooperativa Filipina de Maximina
Ch. Veloso;" and that all the forms, books and accounts were printed in the
same manner. The municipal treasurer exhibited the registry books and
testified that the license for that establishment was issued in the name of
Maximina Ch. Veloso, and the appellee herself testified that she was aware
that it was conducted in her name.

The third assignment of error should be considered like the foregoing two.
The statement is in all respects inadmissible that the promissory note in
question is absolutely null and void, not merely annulable, and that in such
cases the Supreme Court has decided that no rights can be acquired by a
person who obtains a promissory note by indorsement, in support of which
averment the decisions in the cases of Palma vs. Canizares (1 Phil. Rep.,
602) and Lichauco vs. Martinez (6 Phil. Rep., 594) are cited.

In neither of these decisions is such a doctrine set up The syllabus in the

first case says: "A promissory note which represents a gambling debt and is
therefore unenforceable in the hands, of the payee, obtains no greater
validity in the hands of an assignee in the absence of showing that the
debtor has consented to and approved of the assignment."

And that of the second case: "Money lost at a prohibited game cannot be
recovered, though the loser deliver to the winner his note for the amount

"An assignee of such note who took it after it became due has no more
rights than his assignor"

Both of these decisions deal with a promissory note for a sum of money lost
at a prohibited game; and, in the case at bar, we have not to do with a
promissory note of this nature. "The promissory note in question says the
trial court was indorsed to L. L. Hill on January 12, 1911.

The note had then already become due, although the date specified in the
note for the payment of the first amount of P500 of the principal had not
yet arrived." (Bill of ex., p. 13.)

If the date for the payment of the first amount of P500 had not yet arrived,
it follows that the note had not yet fallen due, because it could have no
other due date than that of the first installment, and this fact was finally
recognized by the court in another order wherein he says: "It appears that
the court erred in that part of his order where he held that the promissory
note in question fell due on the date of its conveyance by indorsement to L,
L. Hill." 'Bill of ex., p. 16.)

So that, neither by reason of the indorsement, nor by reason of its object, is

the promissory note null, ox annulable, and the aforecited decisions are
absolutely inapplicable to the case at bar.

The absolution of the defendants from the complaint being unsupported by

any grounds of fact or law, it devolves upon this court to set forth the
conclusions of fact and law on which this decision rests.

The defendants' signatures on the promissory note herein concerned were

identified at the trial.

These signatures were written and the obligation was contracted, without
error or deceit.

There is no evidence whatever that Michael & Co. threatened to bring suit
against Domingo Franco unless Maximum Ch. Veloso signed with Domingo
Franco a promissory note for the said sum.

The facts constituting the consideration for the contract contained in the
promissory note are fully proven (though proof was not necessary, as a
presumption of law, not destroyed by any evidence whatever to the
contrary, lies in its favor), because it has been fully proven that the goods,
the consideration for the debt, were received in the La Cooperatives
Filipina. It was likewise fully proven that the La Cooperativa
Filipina belonged to the defendant, with or without Domingo Franco
having a share therein, and that the goods came from Michael & Co.

There is nothing to support the finding that the sale of the goods by Michael
& Co. was a sale to Domingo Franco only. There is no proof whatever that
Levering, as the guardian of the minor children of Potenciano Veloso, had
required Maximina Veloso in December, 1910, to sign a document
recognizing her debt to said minors, nor that Domingo Franca acted, for
this purpose, as the defendants' attorney and adviser. With regard to the
defendants' debt of P8,000 to the minor children of Potenciano Veloso and
Damasa Ricablanca, the instrument attesting this debt, executed by the
defendants in favor of Damasa Ricablanca who was then the guardian of
said minors, had already existed since June 30, 1907, and appears on page
34 of the record.

The facts alleged in the special defense can not in any wise be held to be
proven-, as above demonstrated in our examination of the parol evidence
adduced in this case, and, besides, because of this other consideration: If,
as stated in the special defense, "Domingo Franco, who was a son-in-law of
the defendants, had told them that attorney Martin M. Levering, in his
capacity as guardian of the minor children of Potenciano Ch. Veloso, had
suggested to Franco the necessity of the defendants' executing an
instrument setting out that they would pay to the said Attorney Martin M.
Levering, in his capacity of guardian of said minors, the sum of P8;000
which defendants had borrowed from Damasa Ricablanca, the former
guardian of said minors;" and if, as held by the trial court in his judgment,
Domingo Franco had then acted as defendants' attorney and adviser, there
is nothing in the record to show why Domingo Franco had to sign such an
instrument attesting a debt to the minors, as the principal obligor, when the
creditor required -no one but the defendants to sign such a document; nor
was it shown why, on such a supposition, Manuel Martinez did not have to
sign the instrument except merely to authorize his wife, by his permission
as her husband, to sign it, when in the special defense it is admitted that the
document in question contains an acknowledgment of the debt of P8,000
"which the defendants had borrowed from Damasa Ricablanca."

The alleged error cannot be sustained. There is no other signed document

than the promissory note presented with the intention, on its being signed,
of securing the payment of the eroods sold to the La Cooperativa Filipina.

That is what the document says, and its contents must be accepted,
pursuant to section 297 of Act No. 190 (Code of Civil Procedure).

The remainder of the principal owing, P4,319.33, must be paid. Payment

must also be made of the covenanted interest at the rate of 1½ per cent per
month from July 1, 1911, until the whole of the said sum be completely paid;
and, finally the P1,000 stipulated in the contract as fees for the plaintiff's
attorney in this case must be paid.

With respect to the P473.18, interest on the principal of said promissory

note from December 30, 1910, to June 30, 1911, this amount cannot be
recovered, because, in conformity with article 1110 of the Civil Code, a
receipt from the creditor for the principal, that contains no stipulation
regarding interest, extinguishes the obligation of the debtor with regard
thereto; and the receipts issued by the International Bank show that no
reservation whatever was made with respect to the interest on the P2,000
paid on account. The judgment appealed from is reversed. Twenty days
after notification of this decision, let judgment be entered against the
defendant Maximina Ch. Veloso ordering the payment of P4,319, with the
stipulated interest thereon at the rate of 1½ per cent per month from July 1,
1911, and of P1,000 as attorney's fees, with costs of first instance, without
special finding as to the costs of this second instance, it is so ordered.

Torres, Johnson, Carson, Trent, and Araullo, JJ., concur.

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