Manual For Design Using Etabs PDF

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Prepared by·
Structural Department, Atkins Dubal




The primary objective of this document is to make sure that ETABS is used consistently by the structural
engineers in Atkins office in Dubai in terms of:
• modelling and analysis procedures
• use of applicable built-in international codes
• And complying with local authorities specific requirements.

This document is intended to complement the ETABS manuals and other relevant technical papers published

o by CSI. It is assumed that the user of this manual has a good command of ETABS and is familiar with the
following codes:
• UBC 97 seismic provisions

n • ASCE 7 provisions for wind loading

• BS codes of practice

o Local Authority specific requirements are covered in Appendices at the end of this document.

o The procedures in this document are based on standard practice in Dubai. However, for specific projects, some
parameters or procedures need to be revised. This shall be done in accordance with the design statement and
in conjunction with the project lead engineer.


Manual for Analysis & Design using ETABS Atkins

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Table of Contents:
1. File Menu

1.1 Open a Pre-defined Template

1.2 Import Geometry

Import DXF file of architectural grid
Import DXF floor plan
Import DXF file of 3D model

2. Material properties

2.1 Concrete
Define Concrete grade
Define Concrete mass and weight per unit volume
Define Concrete modulus of Elasticity
2.2 Reinforcement

3. Definition & Sizing of Elements

3.1 Define Frame Elements

3.2 Define Shell Elements
3.3 Assign Frame or Shell section properties
3.4 Assign Frame section modifiers
3.5 Assign Shell section modifiers
3.6 Assign Pier / Spandrel Labels
3.7 Assign area object mesh options
3.8 Assign auto-line constraint

4. Supports

4.1 General Support Conditions

4.2 Modelling Piles as Supports (define spring stiffness values)

5. Loading:

5.1 Dead Loads

Assign Self weight
Define Imposed dead load
5.2 Live Loads
5.3 Mechanical Loads
5.4 Wind Loads
Codified Method
ASCE 7 Method
SS 6399 Method
Extracting Wind Loads from Wind Tunnel Test Results
5.5 Earthquake Loads
Equivalent Static Force Method
Response Spectrum Analysis
Define Response Spectrum functions as per USC 97 requirements
Define Response Spectrum cases and parameters

6. Load Combinations

6.1 Define Load combinations for Serviceability State

6.2 Define Load combinations for Ultimate State
6.3 Define Load combinations for Pile Design

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7. Analysis Options:

7.1 Dynamic analysis options (Ritz vs. Eigenvector)

7.2 P-Delta analysis options
For Local Authorities other than JAFZA

8. Post-Analysis Checks:
8.1 Analysis log & results
Global force balance
8.2 Deformed shape and modal animations
8.3 Modal characteristics (modal amplitude, mass participation ratio)
9. Reinforced Concrete Design Module

9.1 Shear Walls Design Module (BS 8110-97)

9.2 Reinforced Concrete Frame Design (BS 811 0-97)Beams

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1. File Menu
1. 1Open a pre-defined Template

To ensure that a consistent procedure is adopted for modelling in ETABS throughout ATKINS Dubai,
two templates are prepared and stored in the Structural Models network drive (U-drive):


These templates are based on the requirements of local authorities; JAZFA and DM/Tecom
] respectively. These templates incorporate as many of the requirements as possible, however it
should be noted that many of the local authorities requirements may only be implemented while a 3D
... model is developed, therefore a thorough review during modelling is essential to ensure that these
provisions are properly taken into account.

HB-The metric unit is used for ATKINS office in Dubai where the force unit is kilo-Newton (kN) and
J the length is expressed in meters (m). These units are used in the templates.

1.2 Import geometry
.." 1.2. 1 Import .DXF file of Architectural grid
To ensure that the architectural grid is appropriately imported in ETABS, make sure that the DXF
layer names are consistent with the architectural grid you need to import.
A form appears that has drop-down boxes associated with ETABS elements such as beams,
walls, floors and the like. Use the drop-down boxes to select the DXF layer names that contains
the lines and insertion points in the DXF file as the ETABS corresponding elements. Select the
layer names to be imported by highlighting them. ETABS then imports the lines from any layer in
the DXF file as ETABS grid lines and imports the insertion point of any block as an ETABS
reference line.

1.2.2 Import. DXF floor Plan

Import the floor plan from a DXF file as follows:

To ensure an accurate geometric modelling in ETABS, it is recommended that the structural

floor plan is used as far as possible. Make sure that appropriate layers are selected to be

.... Note1: ETABS will import 3-d Face and Polyline entities in the DXF drawing as floors or
openings and line entities as beams/columns.

Note 2: Use the Story Level Combo box to select the plan location/story level of the entities to be
imported from the DXF file into ETABS.

Note 3: The following procedure may be used to create a .DXF file for the model from the
Architectural AutoCAD floor plan:

a) Create a layer" ETABS-TYP"

b) Draw lines along the floor extent
c) Draw diagonal lines for columns

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d) Draw centerlines for shear walls
e) Draw centerlines of transfer / lateral beams
f) Draw X-V axis to represent origin in ETABS (geometric center of floor)
g) Save drawings as *.DXF file
h) Import *.DXF file in ETABS as outlines above.

1.2.3 Import. DXF file of 3D model

This option may be used when a 3-D model is available in DXF format. Since 3-D representation is
not used for typical floor plan and elevation in Atkins Dubai, this option will not be covered in this
manual. The user may refer to ETABS manual for further reference.

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WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

2. Material Properties
-.., 2. 1 Concrete
2. 1. 1 Define Concrete Grade

The following concrete grades are often used in ATKINS Dubai: C45, C50, C60 & C70.These
grades are already pre-defined in ETABS template files.Use of other grades may be justified
based on project's specific requirements. Use the Define menu> Material Properties command to
access the Define Materials form. Use that form to add, modify, or delete material properties.

2. 1.2 Define Concrete mass and weight per unit volume

1 3
The concrete mass and weight per unit volume are taken as 2.54 Ton/m and 25 kN/m

... respectively unless specifically stated in the project documents otherwise .

2.1.3 Define Concrete modulus of Elasticitv

The concrete modulus of elasticity shall be determined based on BS 8110-2 as follows:

Ee=20+0.2 feu. 28 (1)
., Therefore, for the typical concrete grades used in ATKINS Dubai, the corresponding module of
elasticity will be as follows:

Concrete Grade
Modulus of Elasticity (GN/m"')
CSO 30
C60 32
C70 34

Note: The Poisson's Ratio and Coefficient of thermal expansion shall be taken as 0.2 and
9.9x10-6 (rC) respectively unless other specific values are approved in special cases.

2.2 Reinforcement

The reinforcement properties for gravity design shall be based on BS-811 0 which is taken as
f y =460 N/mm2. This value is the same for bending and shear reinforcement.
According to local authorities' requirements, the seismic design of reinforced concrete elements
shall be based on ACI 318 provisions. As per ACI 318-05 provisions (Section 3.5), the
reinforcement yield value of fy=420 N/mm2 shall be used. The reinforcement properties that are
pre-defined in ETABS templates are consistent with ACI design approach and should be revised
for designs based on BS-811 O.
..., 3. Definition and Sizing of Elements
3. 1 Define Frame Elements

Frame sections may be defined to the desired dimension or be imported from one of the
section databases available in ETABS. The user may also import the sections from a user-
defined database with" .pro" extension. Complex, unsymmetrical shapes may be modelled
using the built-in section designer module. The following general tips may be useful for
defining frame sections. The reader is urged to refer to ETABS user manual for further details.

1. It is generally recommended that the material properties are defined first. This assures
correct material assignment to the member and allows defining similar sections with different
material property. This feature is particularly useful for tall buildings where grade of concrete
... 2.
will change in height.
Rectangular and circular sections may be easily modelled from the available drop-down
menus, however for irregular shapes the user should use the Section Designer module by
selecting Define Frame Properties>Add SD Section option. For further information about this
module, refer to Section Designer Manual published by CSI (1].
3. For reinforce concrete rectangular and circular sections, the user may specify one of the
design types, e.g., Column or Beam. The column design option allows the provided
reinforcement to be checked or designed, whereas the beam design option is limited to just
designing the required reinforcement value.
4. Section property modifiers may be assigned to each section at this stage or later. However it
should be noted that property modifiers for all frame types may be revised anytime by
selecting the appropriate member (beam, column or brace) and there is no need to define
them separately for each section. This will be discussed more in this chapter.

3.2 Define Shell Elements

Shell elements are used to define floor, wall and ramp objects as discussed below:

Define Floor and Ramp Objects

There are three options to model floor elements in ETABS; Deck, Plank or Slab. A deck
option may be used to model one way joist and slab, one way slab or metal deck systems.
Plank and slab options may be used to model one-way or two way slabs with or without one-
way special load distribution. Appropriate shell, membrane or plate property shall be
assigned to floor members based on their actual behaviour. A membrane element may be
used to include only in-plane stiffness properties for the member (e.g. walls) where as plate
type behaviour means that only out-of-plane plate bending stiffness is provided for the
section. Shell type behaviour considers both in-plane and out-of-plane stiffness properties
are considered. This type is generally recommended unless the user is confident about the
realistic behaviour of the member. For membrane and shell type elements, different
membrane or bending thickness may be defined based on the actual behaviour of the slab
system as shown in the following example.

Pre-cast slab with 75mm topping.
Bending thickness - 75 mm
Membrane thickness - 325 mm

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For thick shell and membrane element, the program is capable of considering the out-of-
plane shear deformation in the analysis. This option is recommended when modelling thick
floor such as rafts and transfer slabs.

The section property modifiers may be assigned to each section at this stage or later.
However it should be noted that property modifiers for all floor objects may be revised
anytime by selecting the appropriate member (floor, ramp or wall) and there is no need to
define them separately for each section . This will be discussed more in this chapter.

Define Wall Objects

Walls may be defined as shell or membrane elements. However shell behaviour type is
recommended by ETABS manual [2]. Other modelling features are similar to what has been
discussed for slabs except for section modifiers which will be discussed more in this chapter.

3.3 Assign Frame or Shell Section Properties

Walls and columns may be modelled using either shell or frame sections, however it should
be noted that using shell elements provide more flexibility and accuracy for modelling
openings and / or variation in member dimension (width, length) along height.

When using a frame element (beam) to model a shear wall spandrel, keep in mind that the
analysis results obtained are dependent on the fixity provided by the shell element that the beam
connects to. Different sized shell elements provide different fixities and thus, different analysis
In general, for models where the spandrels are modelled using frame elements, better analysis
results are obtained when a coarser shell element mesh is used; that is, when the shell elements
that the beam connects to are larger. If the shell element mesh is refined, consider extending the
beam into the wall at least one shell element to model proper fixity.

If the depth of the shell element approaches the depth of the beam, consider either extending
the beam into the wall as mentioned above, or modelling the spandrel with shell elements
instead of a frame element.

The following criteria may be used for modelling coupling beams:

Length / Depth < 1.0 or Shell Element

Length/thick < 5
Length / Depth> 1.0 or Frame Element
Length/thick> 5

3.4 ASSign Frame Section Modifiers

Use the ASSign menu> Frame/Line> Frame Property Modifiers command to bring up the
Analysis Property Modification Factors form to assign modification factors for the following frame
analysis section properties in your model.
o Cross-section (axial) area
o Shear Area in 2- direction
o Shear Area in 3-direction
o Torsional Constant
o Moment of Inertia about the 2-axis
o Moment of Inertia about the 3-axis
The modification factors are multiplied by the section properties specified for a frame element to
obtain the final analYSis section properties used for the frame element. Note that these
modification factors only affect the analysis properties. They do not affect the design properties.

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The section modifiers for Ultimate limit state analysis for Line Objects are shown in the
following table based on UBC 97, clause 1910.11.

Column Beam
122=133=0.7IQ b2=133=0.35
A=1.0 Aa A=1.0 Aa
*When tensile stress IS Induced In particular elements under any of the defined ultimate load
combinations, the modifier shall be reduced to 0.35 for those elements.

Ig = Moment of Inertia based on Gross Cross sectional Properties assuming rectangular sections
for beams. Member design will be based on end-face moments (not centre-point).

This analysis will be used in arriving at the following results;

• Structural design of all elements
• Pile loads
• Building drift / story drift under seismic loads only

The Service limit state analysis shall be carried out with the augmented section modifiers as per
ACI 318 clause 10.11.1 and its commentary, R 10.11.1 that allows multiplying the above section
modifiers (as per UBC Clause No. 21.3.1) by 1.43. Slabs and beams section modifiers are as
per ultimate limit state provisions as mentioned above. This analysis will be used to check:

• Wind Drift (Overall and story drift)

J • Acceleration
A detailed finite element analysis shall be performed to check the stresses in columns and walls.
If the stress in any member exceeds the allowable tensile stress value, appropriate section
modifiers corresponding to the cracked section properties shall be assigned to that member. The
drift and accelerations shall be checked accordingly.
To ensure that the stiffness modifiers are assigned to all the elements, it is generally
recommended to assign the stiffness modifiers after completion of the model and prior to the
analysis using the "Select by Object Type" option in ETABS. This not only relieves the laborious
task of defining the stiffness modifiers separately for each frame section, but also provides a
quick, yet reliable way to change these modifiers in no time.

3.5 Assign Shell Section Modifiers

Use the Assign menu> Shell/Area> Shell Stiffness Modifiers command to bring up the Analysis
Stiffness Modification Factors form. Here you can specify Stiffness Modifiers for the following
shell analysis section stiffness in your model.
D Membrane f11 Modifier
D Membrane f22 Modifier
D Membrane f12 Modifier
D Bending m11 Modifier
D Bending m22 Modifier
D bending m12 Modifier

The stiffness for each of the items calculated based on the section properties specified for a
shell element are multiplied by the specified modifiers to obtain the final stiffness used for the
shell element in the analysis. Note that these modification factors only affect the analysis
properties. They do not affect any design properties.

The f11, f22 and f12 modifiers are essentially equivalent to modification factors on the thickness
(t) of the shell element. The m11, m22 and m12 modifiers are essentially equivalent to
modification factors on the (t) 3 of the shell element.

The section modifiers for Ultimate limit state analysis for Area Objects are shown in the
following table based on UBC 97, clause 1910.11.

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Wall{lJ,l:l) Coupling Beams Slab
m11= m22=0.7 (Uncracked) f11=f12= f22=m22=0.35 m11= m12=m22=0.25
m11= m22=0.35 (Cracked)

(1)- The correct parameters that need to be modified to reflect cracked section properties for
walls are f11 & f22' however due to the inevitable axial shortening, JAFZA requires that m-
parameters be revised. Refer to the discussion below for further clarification.

(2)-lt should be noted that revising stiffness modifiers to cater for cracked sections in shell
elements in trivial. The gross section area based on UBC 97 (Clause 1910.11) and ACI
318(Section 10.11) provisions should not be changed. This may be easily accounted for
frame elements by just revising the section modifier for moment of inertia. However, the
axial and bending stiffness for shell elements can not be de-coupled, i.e., changing the
bending stiffness will inevitably affect the axial stiffness. This may cause displacement
incompatibility with adjacent frame column which in turn may require revising the axial
stiffness for vertical frame elements, as opposed to code explicit provisions.

(3)-Lower stiffness modifier values may be assigned for coupling beams based on the actual
state of cracking in the element from the analysis results.

3.6 Assign Pier / Spandrel Label

The pier / spandrel labelling is a convenient way to get the design forces for walls and
coupling beams especially when they are modelled as shell elements. Special care shall be
taken when defining these labels to ensure realistic values. The reader is urged to refer to
CSI's ETABS Manual and Shear Wall Design Manual for further details.

A wall pier can consist of a combination of both area objects (shell elements) and line objects
(frame elements). If you want to get output forces reported for wall piers, or if you want to design
wall piers, you must first define them. Define a wall pier by selecting all of the line and/or area
objects that make up the pier and assigning them the same pier label. If a wall pier is made up of
both line and area objects, assign the pier label to the line and area objects separately.

A wall spandrel can consist of a combination of both area objects (shell elements) and line
objects (frame elements). If you want to get output forces reported for wall spandrels, or if you
want to design wall spandrels, you must first define them. Define a wall spandrel by selecting all
of the line and/or area objects that make up the spandrel and assigning them the same spandrel
label. If a wall spandrel is made up of both line and area objects, assign the spandrel label to the
line and area objects separately.

3.7 Assign Area Mesh Option

Selected areas can be meshed using the Edit>Mesh Areas command toolbar button. Several
options are available in the Mesh Selected Areas form:
r Auto Mesh Area (Horiz): This option meshes the selected area into smaller areas. The
smaller areas are three-sided or four-sided and must have beams on all sides.

n Cookie Cut at Selected Line Object (Horiz): This option meshes the selected area at the
selected lines. Select one or multiple lines. If the selected line passes through more than one
area, all of the areas will be meshed. Note that this and the Auto Mesh Area option only work in
plan view.

n Cookie Cut at Selected Point at [Specified] Angle: Use this option to mesh areas at a
specified point and angle. The angle will be measured in the counter clockwise direction for the x
and y-axis. If the point lies in the overlapping region of two areas, both of the areas will be
meshed at the given angle.

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o Mesh Quadsrrriangies into [Specified Number] by [Specified Number] Areas: This option
meshes the selected area in the number of areas specified by the user. For example, specifying
a meshing of 2 by 8 means that the selected area will be meshed into 2 areas along the x-axis
.1 and 8 areas along the y-axis. The size of the meshed areas will be uniform along a given
direction. Only quads and triangles can be meshed using this option.

o Mesh Quadsrrriangies at Intersections with Visible Grid Lines: This option meshes each
selected area at any location where it intersects a visible grid line, regardless of the coordinate
system associated with the grid line.

o Selected Point Objects on Edges: Selecting this option will mesh the area (horizontally and
vertically) using the selected point at the edge as reference. One more points can be selected
for this type of meshing.

o Interactions with Selected Line Objects: The areas selected are meshed with the line
intersecting the area. More than one line can be selected to mesh a desired area.

Note the following about Meshing Area Objects:

OThe property assignments to meshed area objects are the same as the original area object.

OLoad and mass assignments on the original area object are appropriately broken up onto the
meshed area objects .
DWhen this menu item is dicked, all edges of the currently selected area will be split at their
J mid-points. If clicked again for the same selected area, they will be divided in half again, and so

J The program does not offer any automatic meshing for walls, however, for slab elements, the
automatic meshing option may be done as shown below.
Area Object Auto Mesh Options .. ;

Floor Meshing Options - - - - - - -

Default (Auto Mesh at Beams and Walls if Membrane· No Auto Mesh if Shell 01 Plate)

For Defining Rigid Diaphragm and Mass Only (No Stiffness - No Vertical Load Transfer)
r NoAuto Meshing (Use Object as Structural Element)
r. Auto Mesh Object into Structural Elements
P" Mesh at Beams and Other Meshing Lines
P" Mesh at Wall and Ramp Edges
r Mesh at Visible Grids
.J lFui"iflei""S"uhdi"vT(j"e"A'u"t~""Mesh"w,th"M'a";C,mum"tiement"STze"o"f,
P" ..............................................................................................................................................
Ramp and Wall Meshing Options
r. No Subdivision of Object
r r Subdivide Object into I vertical and I horizontal

lr Subdivide Object into Elements with Maximum S_iz_e_o_

f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '

OK Cancel

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Note-1: In general, slab elements may be drawn manually, but this is time consuming and may
lead to unrealistic results if local axes of slabs are different or unsuitable mesh sizes are used.
Complex floor systems supporting many walls and columns (e.g. Raft) may be meshed in other
finite element programs such as Robot and then imported into ETABS .

Note-2: In general triangular plate-bending element, with shearing deformations, produces

excellent results. However, the triangular membrane element with drilling rotations tends to lock,
and great care must be practiced in its application . Because any geometry can be modelled
using quadrilateral elements, the use of the triangular element presented can always be
avoided .

3.8 Assign Auto-Line Constraint

Auto-line constraint is a technique in ETABS that is very useful in reducing the hassle of fine-
tuning meshing of adjacent objects. If the meshes on common edges of adjacent area objects do
not match up, automated line constraints are generated along those edges. These Line
Constraints enforce displacement compatibility between the mismatched meshes of adjacent
objects and eliminate the need for mesh transition elements.
The following figures show the difference in results when applying auto-line constraint to a
simple model where slab and wall meshing does not match.
The auto-line constraint is the default option in ETABS and needs to be removed manually if
required .

Case1 : Without Auto-line constraint Case2: With Auto-line constraint

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4. Supports
4. 1 General Support Conditions

• In reinforced concrete structures on single or mat foundation, the support conditions

are taken as fixed (all rotational and translational degrees of freedom are locked).

• Where raft (or single) piles are modelled in ETABS, however, the support conditions
may be taken as free (no rotational and translation D.O.F is locked) or pinned. The piles
for this case need to be modelled with appropriate springs. Some guidelines for this
purpose is explained in the following section .

4.2 Modelling Piles as Supports
• Piles are modelled in ETABS as springs where the spring stiffness-corresponding to
the pile vertical and horizontal stiffness- is used by ETABS for analysis purpose. The
stiffness of these springs may be calculated based on the maximum allowable axial
force and settlement of the pile.

• The maximum allowable axial stress on a pile may be limited to 0.25fcu . On the other
hand, the maximum allowable settlement for a pile is generally given by the
geotechnical expert. In lieu of these data (and as directed by JAFZA), this value may
, be taken as 1% of pile diameter (in mm). Therefore the vertical spring stiffness may
be expressed as:

k = O. 25 fclI· A pile = O.25fclI· ml2 ;;; 20d

v 8 all 4xO.Old

• The horizontal pile stiffness is taken as 10% of the vertical value .

r WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

L 5. Loading
5. 1 Dead Loads
Since ETABS can calculate the self-weight of different elements defined and apply their
load in static analysis, it is important to define dead loads appropriately. The self-weight
and imposed dead loads shall be defined separately as explained below:
1 5.1. 1 Assign Self Weight

The self-weight multiplier controls what portion of the self-weight is induded in a load
case. A self-weight multiplier of 1 means that the full self-weight of the structure is
included in that load case.
5. 1.2 Define Imposed Dead Load

This type of loading shall be used to define any other type of permanent load acting on the
structure, exduding the self-weight of structural elements that are modelled in ETABS.

o Load associated with floor finishes, raised flooring, ceiling, services and permanent
partitions are examples of this type of loading.

-ow , Loads Click To:

Self Weight Auto
Add New Load
Load Type Multiplier Lateral Load
DEtan n~An
........... ~ O v
Modify Load
( I-Jill
" - """
~ .~ . m .[!il · -.j
Modify Lateral Load...
......... -"
Delete Load



5.2 Live Loads

5.2. 1 General

Live loads shall be defined as reducible or irreducible based on their magnitudes. As per
ASCE7 provisions (which is also adopted in UBC), lie loads in excess of 4.79 kN/m2 shall
be taken as irreducible.
The live load values shall be assigned in accordance with the values adopted in Design
Statement and the specific code requirements.

5.2.2 Reduction of Live Loads

A live load that is specified as reducible is reduced automatically by the program for use
in the design postprocessors (and hence doesn't have any effect in the analysis results).
The live load reduction parameters are specified using the Options menu> Preferences
> Live Load Reduction command.
It is important to ensure that the self-weight multiplier is set to zero (0) for all load cases
except self-weight.
It should also be noted that Load Combinations do not include live load reduction unless
required specifically. Therefore, this shall be considered when using other supplementary
design software (e.g . PROKON).

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5.3 Mechanical Loads

Mechanical loads are irreducible live loads that are generally used to represent the effect
of areas with special equipment or facility (substations, plant rooms, etc). This definition
will help to differentiate between the live loads that are NOT permitted by the code to be
reduced. For example, as stated earlier in this chapter, ASCE7 and USC 97 define any
live load exceeding 4 .79 kN/m2 as irreducible live load. Therefore these loads shall be
defined as a MECH load to ensure that they are not reduced for member design.

Loads Click To:

Self Weight Auto
Add New Load
Load Type Multiplier Lateral Load
I LIVE Modify Load

I Modify Lateral Load. .. ,

Delete Load


5.4 Wind Loads

In general, there are two ways to define lateral loads (Wind, earthquake, etc) in ETASS:
Use one of the built-in options that will automatically calculate the lateral loads as per
available design codes or specify the lateral loads manually. The latter is used to apply the
wind loads determined from the Wind Tunnel Test.

5.4. 1 Codified Methods

Codified wind loads that are approved by JAFZA are limited to ASCE 7 and AS/NZS
1170.2. However, DM I Tecom currently also accept design wind loads as per BS 6399,
Part-2. The procedures to define codified wind loads as per ASCE 7 and BS 6399 Part-2
are described briefly below: Define Wind Load Parameters as per ASCE 7

The ASCE 7-02 wind load parameters shall be determined from respective Code sections
and input in the ASCE 7-02 Wind Loading Table of ETABS. Then ETABS will automatically
calculate the wind loads acting on each story level and use it in the static analysis
processor. A sample form of ASCE 7-02 wind parameters is shown below followed by a
brief description on key items.

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Exposure and Pressure Coefficients Wind Coefficients

@ Exposure from Extents of Rigid Diaphragms Wind Speed (mph)
o Exposure from Frame and Area Objects Exposure Type

lQ1)ortance Factor

r-I------,1 ~I
Wind Exposure Parameters Topographical Fact~, Kzt

Wind Direction Angle ~. .

Gust Factor

Windward Coefl. Cp
~I =====:1.
~. 8 Directionality Factor, Kd

Leeward Coefl. Cp Solid I Gross Area Ratio

Case (ASCE 7-02 Fig. 6-9)

e2 (ASeE 7-02 Fig. 6-9)
e1 (ASCE 7-02 Fig. 6-9)

tv! odify/Show ExposLle Widths...

Exposure Height
Top Story I STORY4 III
Bottom Story I BASE I
D Include Parapet Cancel
Parapet Height I

Design Wind Load Case: Choose Create All Cases, so that all design wind load
cases are determined as per Fig.6-9 of ASCE 7-02, taken into account the
.... torsional moment effects .
Eccentricity: Determine the eccentricity values for the structure as per Clause and Fig.6-9 of ASCE 7-02. For rigid structures, defined as structures
with natural frequency of greater than 1 Hz (T1<1 sec.), the eccentricity shall be
taken as equal to 15% of the building dimension in the perpendicular direction.
Otherwise, use Equation (6-21) in Clause of ASCE 7-02 to calculate this
Wind Speed: In lieu of reliable wind tunnel studies, the basic wind velocity shall
be taken as 45 m/sec (101 mph) as per local authority requirements. Note that
the basic wind speed shall be input as mph in ETABS.
Other Parameters: Other parameters shall be determined as per provisions of
ASCE 7. The exposure type is generally taken as Exposure C for Dubai, but
should be verified with the wind specialist accordingly. An approved design
spreadsheet may be used to reliably calculate all the parameters of ASCE 7-02
wind load data. Define Wind Load Parameters as per as 6399-Part-2

The BS 6399-95, Part-2, wind load parameters shall be determined from respective Code
sections and input in the BS 6399-95 Wind Loading Table of ETABS. ETABS will
automatically calculate the wind loads acting on each story level and use it in the static
analysis processor. A sample form of BS 6399-95 wind parameters is shown below
followed by a brief description on each item.

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WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

Exposure and Pressure Coefficients Wind Coefficients

@ Exposure from ElCtents of Rigid Diaphragms Effec Speed. Ve 1m/sec)
o Exposure from Area Objects
Size Effect Factor. Ca

Dyn Augment Factor. Cr

Wind Exposure Parameters

Wind Direction Angle 10.

Front Coef!. Cp 10.8
Rear Coef!. Cp 1'-0_.3_ _ _-'

Modify/S how Exposure Widths...

Exposure Height

Top Story I STORY4 iii

Bottom 5 tory IBASE "I

o Include Parapet Cancel

Parapet Height

Effective Speed: The effective wind speed shall be determined as per Clause
2.2.3 of BS 6399-2. The Site Wind Speed (Vs) required for this calculation shall
be taken as 26 m/sec for Dubai in lieu of reliable wind tunnel stUdies.
Size Effect Factor: The size effect factor shall be determined from Clause of BS 6399-2.
Dynamic Augmentation Factor: The dynamic augmentation factor shall be
determined from Clause 1.6.1 and Fig .3 of BS 6399-2.

Note 1- An approved design spreadsheet may be used to reliably calculate all the
parameters of BS 6399 wind load data.

Note 2- As per BS 6399-97, Part-2 provisions of Section, accidental torsional

effects on the buildings may be accounted for by displacing the wind loads on each
face horizontally by 10% of the face width from the centre of the face . This can not be
directly taken into account in ETABS and needs to be applied manually. For this
purpose, wind loads may be determined as per note-1 and then applied to the
building as a User Defined Load in Auto Lateral Load drop-down menu. Refer to
Section 7.4.2 for more details.

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5.4.2. Extracting Wind Loads from Wind Tunnel Test Results

The results of a reliable wind tunnel test may be used in lieu of the codified values for
wind analysis in ETABS. These loads are generally calculated by recognized wind
tunnel testing laboratories based on the dynamic properties of the structure as
modelled during the preliminary or concept design stages. Wind loads are reported
as separate load cases that should be combined through the set of load
combinations as reflected in the wind tunnel report. It is important to note that these
loads shall be applied to the analytical model at the same reference points that were
initially defined for the wind tunnel consultant. Moreover since the Wind consultants
generally carry out their calculations at the center of the diaphragm of each floor, it is
recommended that these points are taken in locations where are as close to the
center of mass of diaphragm as possible .
Wind loads obtained from wind tunnel studies may be defined in ETABS as a User
Defined Lateral Load. A separate wind load case shall be defined representing the
load case as per wind tunnel report. The load values may directly be copied from a
spreadsheet. Various load combinations shall also be defined accordingly. The
following figures show an example of defining user defined wind load cases.

t ,I •

Lateral Load
- 1
Add NIIW Load

-" a IUser Defined &II Mocify Load
0 , I
131101' ~fljIOI. I !I.. 1 '.,lm if:) [ Mocify Lllterlll Load...

Delete Loed

/ OK
CMeet I

USet W"ind Loads on O~agm.

StOI)J Oiaph,a!JTl FX FY MZ X.(J,d Y.(J,d "'1
TOP 01 353.1 O. O. 18.1392 ·7. 429E~ I
55TH (ROOF) 01 219.9 O. O. 181392 ·7. 429E~
54T H[BAR) 01 237.6 O. O. 19.1392 ·7. 429E~
53TH REST 01 246.2 O. O. 18.1392 ·7. 429E~
52TH SERVICE 01 241 .7 O. O. 18.1392 ·7.429E.(J'
51TH 01 185.8 O. O. 18.1392 ·7.429E~
50TH 01 181 .5 O. O. 18.1392 ·7.429E~
49TH 01 177.3 O. O. 18.1392 ·7.429E-O'
48TH 01 174.9 O. O. 18.1392 ·7.429E·O::
47TH 01 170.9 O. O. 18.1392 ·7.429E·O'
46TH 01 167. O. O. 18.1392 ·7.429E~
45TH 01 163.2 O. O. 18.1392 ·7.429E~
44TH 01 159.5 O. O. 19.1392 ·7. 429E~
43TH 01 157.4 O. O. 18.1392 ·7. 429E~
42TH 01 153.9 O. O. 18.1392 ·7. 429E~
41TH 01 150.5 O. O. 18.1392 ·7. 429E~
40TH 01 147.3 O. O. 18.1392 ·7.429E~
39TH 01 145.2 O. O. 18.1392 ·7. 429E~
38TH 01 142.2 O. O. 18.1392 ·7.429E~

It,..,..n, ",...,..,
i n .. ,..
1 n1.,,,..., .~.~~;!~

Cancel ]

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WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

5.5 Earthquake Loads

The earthquake effects shall be determined based on the provisions of USC 97, Chapter 16. The
Response Spectrum Method shall be used for all buildings with more than 12 storeys in height as
per JAFZA requirements. However, the results of response spectrum analysis may be scaled to
the Equivalent Static Force Method as per Clause 1631.5.4 of USC 97. Therefore, the Equivalent
Static Force Method shall be initially used. The following SUbsections review the basic parameters
required in ETASS.
5.5. 1 Equivalent Static Force Method Define Earthquake Parameters as per uac 97

Loads Click To
Self Weight Auto
Type Add New Load
load Multiplier Lateral Load
DEAD DEAD 1 . ~1I!1
Modify Load
LIVE LIVE 0 Rr ," Modify loterollood...
':IIn: PUma BOCA 96
LJIoJRrrq" 1..:1 D
.!...! Delete Lood
IBC ~g~g
Chinese 2002 ~ OK


Direction and Eccentricity Seismic Coefficients

Ox Oir O Y Oir ® Per Code

• Dir+EccenY O Y Oir + EccenX
Soil Profile T ~
Oir· EccenY O Y Dir· EccenX
Seismic Zont..::...J
1 cc. Ratio (All Diaph.) User Defined Ca
Override Diaph. E=e User Defined Cv

Time Pellod Near Source Factor

o Method A • Per Code User Defined
® Program Calc Seismic SOUlce Type [--
o User Defined
Story Range
Dist to Source (km)

User Defined Na
Top Story User Defined Nv

BoUom Story

Factors Il Other Factors

Overstrength Factor. R~"":~~7'----..J I Importance Factor I

OK Cancel

Page 60f11
[" WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

The parameters that need to be defined in this form are briefly described below:

[!J o Direction and Eccentricity: Use the % Eccentricity edit box to specify a value for
1 eccentricity. Five percent is the default and is entered as 0.05. The eccentricity options
have meaning only when diaphragms have been assigned to joint/point or shell/area
objects. The program ignores eccentricities where diaphragms are not present.

Note that since the Equivalent Static analysis is often used for scaling the Response
,.... Spectrum parameters, the eccentricities need only be calculated for both directions with
only one direction of eccentricity (Le. X+ey and Y+ex)

Time Period: If using the Program Calculated option, the Ct coefficient shall be input in
Imperial units. This value shall be taken as 0.02 for RC Shear Walls and 0.03 for RC
Moment Resisting Frames.

~o Story Range: By default the bottom story is the base of the building and the top story is
the uppermost level of the building.
o In most instances, specify the top story as the upper-most level in the building,
typically the roof. However, in some cases, a lower level may be chosen . For
example if a penthouse is included in the model, it may be best to calculate the
automatic lateral load based on the roof level, excluding the penthouse roof level, as
the top story, and then add in additional user-defined load to the load case to account
for the penthouse.
o The bottom level would typically be the base level. However, if, for example, a

o building has several below-grade levels, and the seismic loads are assumed to be
transferred to the ground at ground level, it may be best to specify the bottom story to
be above the base of the building.

.... Note: No seismic loads are calculated for the bottom story. They are calculated for the
first story above the bottom story and for all stories up to and including the top story.

Overstrength Factor: Determine the strength reduction factor as per UBC 97, Table16-
N based on the structural system used . For Bearing Shear wall system use a value of
R=4.S and for Building frame system with shear walls use R=S.S. Refer to Section 1629.6
of UBC 97 for definition of different structural systems. In general, if the majority of gravity
loads are taken by the shear walls, take R=4.S.

Note: For structures where more than one system is used throughout all or part of the
...J structure, the provisions of UBC 97 for Dual systems shall be met. Alternatively, one
system may be assumed to take all the lateral loads and the other is taken as a building
frame system. For such cases, the lateral forces need to be scaled up to ensure that all
the lateral loads are carried by respective system.

Seismic Coefficient: For Dubai, the seismic zone 2A (corresponding to z=0.1S) is taken
unless otherwise stated by a site-specific seismic hazard study approved by local
authorities. The Soil profile type shall be taken from the site soil investigation
report. [Note: Most geotechnical consultants recommend soil profile type Sc for Dubai]

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5.5.2 Response Spectrum Method Define Response Spectrum Functions as per uac 97

Add UBC 97 Spectrum from the drop-down list to display the Response Spectrum
uac 97 Function Definition form.

J I·

Response S pectr a Click to:

Add Spectrum from File...

Function Name lUBe

Parameters Dehne Function
Seismic Coefficient Ca Period Acceleration

Seismic Coefficient Cv

I [ Convert to User Defined I

I Function Graph

Display Graph ( 8.5764 . 0.0292)

OK Cancel

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WS Atkins & Partners Overseas


r,-, . Parameters : Specify parameters for Seismic Coefficient Ca and Seismic

~oefficient Cv based on seismic zone and soil profile type (See Tables 16-0 and 16-R in
the 1997 UBC). For seismic zone 2A and soil profile type Sc (Typical of Dubai), take Ca
=0.18 and Cv =0.25, respectively.
,..., Define Response Spectrum Cases

The following topics describe key parameters for the response spectrum case data:

Spect,,, Cick. to:

Spedlu. Case Hallie ISPED<
Structural and Function Damping
[ Cancel
Dcnping [!] .'O. ._ffi,.,..._-'
Modal Combination
'--_--'I f2 1'--_----'1

f [!] 0 Structural and Function Damping Orthogonal SF

This item specifies modal damping that is present

oMociied SRSS {ChileseJ
for all modes in the response spectrum analysis. Input Response Speetra
Also, ETABS assumes that the response spectrum FU"dion ScaIe Factor
functions specified for the response spectrum case
are all specified for this particular damping ratio.
As per local authorities provisions, a damping ratio
of 5% is assumed for response spectrum analysis. uz '---~I 1 I
J Elicitation <I'
([) lZJ
Do Modal Combination
Ece. Ratio [All Oiaph.J ~l
Select QQQ method since it provides good
estimates of the results for most practical cases. Override Diaph. Eccen. I Override...
D 0 Directional Combination OK I CaM I
Select ~ method since it provides good
estimates of the results for most practical cases
and is also consistent with UBC-97 provision for
orthogonality effects.

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o 0 Input Response Spectra

Specify the defined USC-97 response spectrum function for each of the three local
coordinate system directions as separate response spectrum case.

~o Scale Factor

The scale factor has units of Length/seconds and that its value will change as you
change the units in your model . Essentially ETASS assumes the response spectrum
functions are unitless (normalized) and that the scale factor converts them into the
appropriate units (i.e. use a scale factor of 9.81 to convert USC 97 spectrum into
acceleration (m/sec »

If you are scaling your response spectrum to match some static analysis results (e.g.,
static base shear), you may want to include that in the scale factor specified for the
response spectrum function in the input response spectra area. In that case you
would input a scale factor equal to the product of the scale factor to convert the
spectrum to the appropriate units and the scale factor to scale the response spectrum
base shear to the appropriate level.

It is recommended that a uniform approach is adopted to provide a consistent

method of incorporating scale factors. The method used in Atkins office in Dubai is to
use the scale factor of g/R in this area to convert the spectrum into m/sec units.
Then based on the results of first-run, the appropriate scale factor between the
equivalent static method and the response spectrum method may be calculated and
used in an appropriate Load Combination. The advantage of this method is that it
doesn't require any additional analysis, since Load Combinations can be modified
anytime, even after an analysis. Appendix (---) includes an example that helps to
illustrate this issue.

o 0 Excitation Angle

The excitation angle is an angle measured from the positive global X-axis to the
response spectrum case positive local 1-axis. A positive angle appears counter
clockwise as you look down on the model.

It should be noted that when SRSS method is used for directional combination of
responses, the response would be independent of the excitation angle. However,
using an appropriate angle -along the principal axes of the building- may be useful
(and sometimes required) when uni-directional response parameters are of interest.
The reader may refer to Wilson book [Ref. 1] for further details.

o 0 Eccentricity Ratio

The eccentricity ratio is initially taken as the accidental eccentricity (5%), but may
need to be adjusted if Torsional Irregularity exists in the model based on provisions of
uac 97, Clause 1630.7 and definitions of uac 97, Table 16-M.

To revise the eccentricity ratio, a preliminary analysis shall be carried out assuming
the minimum code mandatory ratio of 5%. The displacement values of four points at
the corner edge of the building for each story is then determined. The amplification
factor for accidental torsional response, Ax. i for each floor is calculated based on the
provisions of USC 97, Clause 1630.7 from the average and maximum displacement
results as follows:

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The maximum value of Ax. i is used to amplify the eccentricity ratio. It should be noted
that this amplification need only be applied once and need not be revised iteratively.

- .

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6. Load Combinations
6. 1. Define Load Combinations for Serviceability State

SLC1: 1.0 DL + 0.5 LL+ 1.0 MECH

SLCS01: 0.90 DL + 0.714 SRSS
SLCS02: 0.90 DL - 0.714 SRSS
SLCS03: 1.0 DL + 0.375 LL + MECH + 0.536 SRSS
SLCS04: 1.0 DL + 0.375 LL + MECH - 0.536 SRSS
SLCW1: 1.0DL+1 .0 Wind(x & y)(1)
SLCW2: 1.0DL-1 .0 Wind(x & y)(1)

c 6.2. Define Load Combinations for Ultimate State

ULC1: 104 DL + 1.6 MECH + 1.6 LL 0.5 .c;,.. .1

ULCS01 1.29 DL + MECH + 0.5 LL + 1.0 SRSS [1. 2+0. 5xO. 18x1=1.29]
ULCS02 1.29 DL + MECH + 0.5 LL - 1.0 SRSS
ULCS03 1.11 DL + MECH + 0.5 LL - 1.0 SRSS
ULCS04 1.11 DL + MECH + 0.5 LL + 1.0 SRSS
ULCS05 0.B1 DL + 1.0 SRSS [1 .2-0.5xO.1Bx1=0.B1]
ULCS06 0.B1 DL - 1.0 SRSS
ULCS07 0.99 DL + 1.0 SRSS
ULCSOB 0.99 DL - 1.0 SRSS
ULCUP01 104 DL + 1.6 MECH + 1.6 LL + 1.2 UPLIFT
ULCUP02 1.0 DL + 1.2 UPLIFT
104 DL + 1.2 UPLIFT + 104 WIND(x & y)(1)
104 DL + 1.2 UPLIFT - 104 WIND(x & y)(1)
ULCUP05 1.0 DL + 1.2 UPLIFT + 104 WIND(x & y) (1 )
ULCUP06 1.0 DL + 1.2 UPLIFT - 104 WIND(x & y) (1)
ULCUP07 1.4 DL + 1.2 UPLIFT
ULCUPOB 1.2DL + 1.2 MECH + 1.2 LL + 1.2 UPLIFT + 1.2 WIND(x & y) (1)
ULCUP09 1.2DL + 1.2 MECH + 1.2 LL + 1.2 UPLIFT - 1.2 WIND(x & y) (1)
ULCUP10 1.2DL + 1.2 MECH + 1.2 LL + 1.2 UPLIFT
ULCW01 1.2 DL + 1.2 MECH + 1.2 LL + 1.2 WIND(x & y) (1)
ULCW02 1.2 DL + 1.2 MECH + 1.2 LL - 1.2 WIND(x & y) (1)
ULCW03 1.0 DL + 1.4 WIND(x & y) (1)
ULCW04 1.0 DL - 104 WIND(x & y) (1)
ULCW05 1.4 DL + 104 WIND(x & y) (1)
ULCW06 104 DL - 104 WIND(x & y) (1)
6.3. Define Load Combinations for Pile Design
l SLC1: 1.0 DL + 0.5 LL + 1.0 MECH
SLCS01 0.90 DL + 0.714 SRSS [1/1.4=0.714 SRSS]
SLCS02 0.90 DL - 0.714 SRSS
SLCS03 1.0 DL + 0.375 LL + MECH + 0.536 SRSS [O.75x(1/1.4)=0.536]
SLCS04 1.0 DL + 0.375 LL + MECH - 0.536 SRSS
, SLCW05 O.B DL + OALL + O.B MECH +O.B WIND(x & y) (1)
SLCW06 O.B DL + OALL + O.B MECH -O.B WIND(x & y) (1)

(1)- When wind loads are derived from wind tunnel test results, WIND(x & Y) may be taken
conservatively as the Envelope of all possible wind load combinations as prescribed by Wind
Tunnel specialist.

c 7. Analysis Option
7. 1 Dynamic Analysis Parameters
l •
• Number of Modes: Specify the number of Eigen or Ritz modes that you want ETABS
to capture. Generally use a relatively low number of modes for initial analysis to save
time. A more refined estimate of the proper number of modes may be determined by
interpretation of modal participation factor ratio after the initial run. The total number of
..., modes considered in the analysis shall include at least 90% of the participating mass of
the structure for each principal horizontal direction.
• Type of Analysis options. Choose eigenvector or ritz-vector analysis in this area.
Input in the balance of the form depends on which option is chosen.

o Note: If you are running response spectrum or time history analysis, use ritz-vectors.

o Note: For response spectrum analysis, select the ACCELERATION along X and Y
directions as the Starting Load Vectors.

o 7.2 P-Delta Analysis Options

o • It is recommended [Ref. 1& 2] to use the iterative method in all cases except
those where no gravity load is specified in the model. Iteration Controls:
J Generally an iteration value of 3 or 4 will be adequate. Note that the
maximum number of iterations specified is the maximum number of additional
analyses after the first analysis is run.
[] • P-Delta Load Combination: Specify the single load combination to be used
for the initial P-Delta analysis of the structure. The following load cases shall
be used based on the adopted Design Code:
o Code P-Delta Load Combination
BS 8110 1.00+1 .0 Mech+0.5 LL
UBC-97, ACI318 1.2D+1 .2Mech+0.5 LL

7.2. 1 Provisions for Local Authorities Other Than JAFZA

7.2.2 Provisions for JAFZA
JAFZA requires that P-Delta analysis using Iterative method shall be
carried out for all buildings exceeding 12 storeys in height .However, it should
be noted that according to UBC-97 , Clause 1630.1 .3, P-Delta analysis is not
required when the ratio of the secondary moment to primary moment does
not exceed 10. Due to the relative ease of P-Delta analysis in ETABS, it is
recommended to initialize the design using this method and use the code
exception, whenever applicable, for cases when P-Delta effect results in
excessive responses that need to be avoided.
WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

8.0 Post Analvsis Checks

After a model is analyzed by ETASS it is very important to check the whether the basic
o characteristics of the model matches with the expected behaviour or not. In the following sections
some key features will be addressed.

o 8.1 Analvsis .LOG and Results

The analysis log file may be reviewed either from the File menu> Last Analysis Run Log ...
o command or it can be opened by a text editor from the directory containing the model. There are
two important items that should be checked:

D 8. 1. 1 Warnings

A warning is produced during solution of equilibrium equation in ETASS when there is an error in
o calculation of finite element stiffness matrices, boundary condition or the applied loading. If you
come across warning messages for solution along any degrees of freedom, you will need to
locate the point(s) and check for any potential error .This may be caused by adjacent points

o forming a discontinuous mesh, a free-free end support etc. These warnings may be removed by
reshaping the objects, defining appropriate boundary conditions I supports or any other suitable
action that ensures a sound analytical model.

o 8. 1. 2 Global Force Balance

o Global force balance relative errors are one of the key measures that can be used to ensure the
accuracy in analysis solution. These errors are calculated based on the relative difference in
applied external loads and the base reactions for each load case.

o The global force balance relative errors should be very small -in order of 10- -and less. It should
be noted that this is a necessary but not sufficient condition to ensure a sound modelling and

o 8.2 Deformed Shape and Model Animations

It is recommended to thoroughly investigate the deformed shape of the structure under static
c loads. This may be done by animating the structure for the required load case. The animated
deformation shall match with the anticipated behaviour of the building. Appropriate scale factors
may be used to examine the response.
o 8.3 Modal Characteristic

o Mode shapes of the building give a good insight into the dynamic characteristics of the structure.
The first few modes of vibration are of particular concern since generally they indude most of the
dynamic response; however this shall be verified from the modal participation factor. For example
if a torsional mode shows a high participation factor, the designed may look for revised structural
scheme that may help minimize torsional effects.


WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

9. Reinforced Concrete Design Module

[. 9.1 Shear Wall Design Module (as per as 8110 - 97)
9.1.1 Overview

In the design of shear walls, the program calculates and reports the required areas of steel for

o flexure and shear based upon user defined load combinations. The reinforcement requirements
are calculated at a user-defined wall labelling (wall pier / spandrel labelling).

o The program also performs the following design, check, or analysis procedures in accordance
with BS 8110-97 requirements:

o •

Design and check of concrete wall piers for flexural and axial loads

Design of concrete wall piers for shear

o • Design of concrete shear wall spandrels for flexure

o • Design of concrete wall spandrels for shear

o 9.1.2 Termin%gy

Analysis Section
o These are the objects (area/line) defined in the model to make up the pier or spandrel section.

o Wall pier analysis section is the assemblage of wall & column sections & Wall spandrel analysis
section is the assemblage of wall & beam sections.

[1 Design Section

The section utilized for design as per pier / spandrel definition. The different types of design
sections detailed below;

Uniform Reinforcing section Planar I Three dimensional Designed &

[l Checked

... General Reinforcing section Planar I Three dimensional Designed &

Q. Checked

Simplified pier section Planar Designed

! Spandrel design section Planar Designed


Uniform Reinforcing Section

Uniform reinforcing section is applicable to both planar & coupled shear walls.

For flexural design/check, the geometry is picked up automatically by the program from the area
objects that define the pier section.

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For shear / boundary zone checks, the program automatically (and internally) breaks the analysis
section pier up into planar legs and then performs the design on each leg separately and reports
the results separately for each leg.

The planar legs are derived from the area objects that defined in the model only.

In this process, section will be designed / checked for uniform reinforcing.


General Reinforcing Section

This section is defined using the section designer utility in ETABS module. User can create any
geometric shape as in architectural drawings. User can vary vertical rebar diameter and spacing
and details.

Simplified Pier Section [

This is applicable to planar walls only. Using this design section, user can only design the walls.
Section design (or) Middle strip
Edge design (or) Edge strip

Material design property definition

Naterial Name lim

l L_.
D"~~~ l
Type of Material [ Type of Dos9n- - -
r. Iwbopjc r OrthotJopic I Detlgn IConcrete iJ I
Anofy,i, Plop.rty Dot. DeSign Property 0.t.1858110 57)
Mass per unit Volume 12.5 Cone Cube Camp Slrengt~ feu 127579.
Weig..... per uni Vaume 124.5 Bendirg Reinf. Yiekt Stless, fy 1413685. 1 Definition of material

Modulus 01 EJas1i~ 13OOJOOlO Sh... Reid Yield She.. fy. 1413685.
Poi$$on', A~tio 102 r Lightweight Concrete
She.. >~OfIgth Reduc Fecto< I
Coeff of Thermal Expansion

Shear Modu!u.
11 2500000.
Cancfl I


Wall Pier/Spandrel Design Preferences

D.,.;g, Code 858110.97
Tine Hio~ Oeaian Envelopes
Rebar Units mm"2
Rebarll..ngth Unit. mm"2lm
Garrma(5~ 1.05
G/!11111!1 (Gonaet_) 1. 5
G/!11111!1 (Gonaet. Shear) 1.25
Numbe< of Curves 24
Numbe< of Point; 11
Edoe D...v. PT -Max 0.06
EdgeJ)~ PC-M .. 0..04
Section D...v. IP-Max 0..02
Section DeoQ11P-Min 0..0025
Utizalion Factor Limit 0..95

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o In the Options menu> Preferences> Shear wall design, the design code will be set as BS 8110
97 code with the default design parameters.

o Edge Design PT - Max & PC - Max indicates the limiting percentage of rebar requirement at the
edge strip if the section is being designed as simplified T & C method .

o Section Design IP - Max & Min - This indicates the percentage of maximum and minimum rebar
requirement at the wall section (applicable to user defined pier section or uniform reinforcing

o 9. 1.3 Wall Pier Flexural Design

o Checking of a wall design section

When the wall section is specified to check for the given rebar details, the program creates an

o interaction surface for that pier in three dimensional space at 15 degree intervals (by default) to
determine the flexural demand/capacity ratio for that pier.

o The required number of degree intervals of interaction surface can be overwritten in the
preferences and it is recommended to be 24 or more with number of points required to make an
each curve as 11 or more but this needs to be in odd number.

o Pr
o /'
~ Vc
o I P .( \
o AXI()
~ V /'
Con pressi
~ .......... /
~ ~ V- Ma
Ten ,ion

Two- dimensional Wall Pier Demand / Capacity Ratio

Designing of a wall design section

When the pier section is to be designed, the program creates a series of interaction surfaces for
the pier based on the following factors;

a) The size of the pier as specified in section designer

b) The location of the reinforcing specified in Section Designer.
c) The size of each reinforcing bar specified in Section Designer relative to the size of the
other bars.

The interaction surfaces are developed for 8 different ratios of reinforcing steel area to pier area,
which spans between the maximum and minimum ratios as specified in preferences. These
limiting ratios can be overwritten in the preferences.

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9. 1.4 Wall Pier Shear Design

Wall pier shear design is performed at top and bottom of pier section. ETABS follows the
procedure as per BS 8110, CI. No. 3.4.5.

Concrete shear stress is limited to avoid shear cracking prior to the ultimate limit state, hence the
shear stress is limited to equation 6b in the code.

In the calculation of concrete shear stress, the area of tension reinforcement is considered as
50% of the total area required for the pier section.

The maximum shear stress is limited to 5 MPa and it doesn't consider any enhancement due to
high strength concrete.

The minimum shear steel i.e. horizontal steel is reported for the shear stress is equal to 0.4MPa.

During the shear design process, the reduction in concrete shear capacity will be considered due
to axial tension.

Uniform Reinforcing section

This wall design section will have uniform reinforcing (Edge bar & End bar) throughout the
section. This wall section is applicable to two and three dimension shear wall systems. ETABS
allows us to check & design for the user defined rebars details.

The planar pier sections with uniform reinforcing are designed for major axis moment and the
minor axis moment i.e. out of plane moment is always ignored.

The geometry of a uniform reinforcing pier section is picked up automatically by the program from
the area objects that define the pier section. If the pier section is made up of line objects only, the
line objects are considered by the program when determining the pier geometry.

......... ..
• • • • • • • • • •••

End I
Corner bar

Plan View of Wal~ Pier

Edge bar

Pier section Top Pier section Bottom 3D -view

View of objects as modelled in ETABS

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WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

J o
[ L ] o
Section @ top Section @ bottom

o View of pier section in Section Designer (Flexural Check)

The above picture shows the uniform pier section automatically assumed by the ETABS design
o module for the flexural design check.

Leg 2 The pier is broken up into four legs labelled Leg 1

through Leg 4. The shear design and boundary zone

c check are performed separately for each leg based

on the forces in the leg. This automatically accounts
for torsion in 3D wall piers.

c Leg 4 View of pier section for shear design check

c User needs to select the "Uniform Reinforcing" option in the Pier section type in the above form .

J Un;(orm Reinforcing Pier Section - Design (8S8110 97)

Storg 10: STORY3 Pier ID: P1 X Loc: 9 Y Loe: 12 Units: KN-m

FleKlnl Design for P-ht2-ht3 (RLLF =1_000)

Station Required Current FlellUral Pier
Location Reinf Ratio Reinf Ratio Combo P 1012 ht3 Ag
Top 0.0025 0.0028 COMBl 15000.000 0.000 0.000 0.500
Bottom 0.0025 0.0028 COMBl 15000.000 0.000 0.000 0.500
Shear Design For V2

l Station
Top Legl
mm 2Jm
Bot Leg 1 228.833 COMBl 15000.000 0.000 0.000 1922.744 200.000
The required flexural reinforcing ratio & horizontal shear reinforcing will reported for the governing
design load combination.

Uniform Reinforcing Pier Section - Check (8S8110 97 )

Storg ID: STORY2 Pier 10: P1 X Loc: 9 Y Loc: 12 Units: KN-m

FleKural Check f (RLLF = 1_000)

Station Flexural
Location Combo P ht2 ht3
Top COMBl 15000.000 0.000 0.000
Bottom COMBl 15000.000 0.000 0.000
Shear Design For V2
Station Rebar Shear Capacit, Capacit,
Location mm 2Jm Combo P ht V Vc Vs
Top Leg 1 228.833 COMBl 15000.000 0.000 0.000 1922.744 200.000
Bot Leg 1 228.833 COMBl 15000.000 0.000 0.000 1922.744 200.000

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The same uniform pier section will be checked. The demand / capacity ratio & required shear
reinforcing will be reported. Shear strength can't be checked against the provided horizontal
shear steel.

Pier Design Overwrites - Uniform Reinforci

o Design this Pier? Yes
o LL Reduction Factor 1.
o Pier Section Type Uniform Reinforcing
o End/Corner Bar Name 10d
o Edge Bar Name 10d
o Edge Bar Spacing 0.25
o Clear Cover 0.0313
o Ml!!lerial CONC
o Check/Design Reinforcing Design



In the above pier design overwrite form; user can define rebar diameter and spacing, material and
live load reduction factor (Minimum 0.5 as per BS).

General Reinforcing section

The concept for this design section is same as uniform reinforcing section with user defined
reinforcing using section designer in ETABS. Here the user defines the geometry of the pier
section and the size and location of vertical rebar.

Shear design will be performed same as uniform reinforcing section.

Define the general reinforcing section using the Design menu> Shear Wall Design> Define
Pier Sections for Checking.

Base material type needs to be defined at this stage, which can't be revised in the design
overwrites form later.


C_liC_k 1_0: ......:.....;,
Add Pie-',S ;;,,:e_clron _.....11
... I SectiDn Name I~
PSECll Add Copy 01 Pie, Seclion.
PSEC3 Base Mate,ial IC40 3
PSEC5 Add Pier
PSEC6 Delete Pier Seclion
PSEC7 r. Add New Pie, Section
PSEC8 r St~'tl,omE",.tingW~I1Pie,
PSEC9 OK Cancel

DefinelEditlShow Section
Seclion Designe, ..

Cancel I

Add the pier section using the Add Pier Section ... Option, Pier section will be added as a new
section or start from existing wall pier.

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WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

Assign the general reinforcing pier section to the existing wall pier using the Design menu>
Shear Wall Design> Assign Pier Sections for Checking ... >General Reinforcing Pier

User defined pier section will be possible to assign at bottom and top of pier section with the
option of design or checking.

Pier Sectiono

c Section at Bottom
Secti..., at Top


co Rm",coment to be Checked
r ReinfOicement to be Designed

User defined section will be checked for the user defined reinforcing pattern. The program will
report the demand I capacity ratio and required shear reinforcing for the governing load

If there is a three dimensional wall system, the shear design will be reported to the first
inadequate leg or Leg requiring most rebar per unit length.

SIOf,ID: lOl Pier 10: P10 X lac: 16.475 Y loc: 11 .5 Unila: KN ·m

Flexural Check 'Of P-M2-M3 (RllF -1.000)

Slation DIC Flexural
location Ralio Combo P M2 M3
Top 0.602 ULTENV 137973.600 11957.388 19615.910
Battom 0.701 ULTENV 136300.534 11502.300 16919.518

Shear Deaign FOf V2 - Firat Inadequate leg or leg Requiring Moel Rebar per Unit length
Station Rebar Shear Capacit, Capacity
location mm 2/m Combo P M V Vc Ve
Top Leg 2 274.600 ULTENV 11008.705 3233.422 236.400 4367.618 912.000
Bot Leg 1 274.600 ULTENV 1661 .322 22.977 104.497 846.059 133.200

J The pier section can also be designed using this option but it reports the required reinforcing ratio
assuming uniform reinforcing pattern.

Slor,ID: lO1 Pier 10: P10 X loc: 16.475 Y loc: 11.5 Unite: KN-m
Flexural Deeign for P-M2-M3 (RllF K 1.000)
Station Required CUllent Flexural Pier
location Reinf Ratio Reinf Ratio Combo P M2 1013 Ag
Top 0.0059 0.0336 ULTENV 137973.600 11957.388 19615.910 7890
Bottom 0.0159 0.0346 ULTENV 136300.534 11502.300 16919.518 6.558
Shear Design For V2 - Firsl Inadequate leg 01 leg Requiring Mosl Rebar per Unit length
Slation Rebar A
Shear Capacit, Capacil,
location mm 2/m Combo P 101 V Vc Va
Top Leg 2 274.600 ULTENV 11008.705 3233.422 236.406 4367.618 912.000
Bot Leg 1 274.600 ULTENV 1661.322 22.977 104.497 846.059 133.200

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WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

Simplified C & T Pier section

The pier geometry is defined by a length, thickness and size of the edge members at each end of
the pier (if any).

tP~~p rt;~M,•p tPoJ1l~

Top of

1 ilc
; LJ/l
t : ~
<I> . CJ>
E .E
: <1>
: C> ~
Qj ' a!
....= Typical Wall Pier

Nole: The dimensions shown
Bottom may be different at the bottom Typical Wall Pier

~M~I of~&
of waD and the top of wall with Edge Members

P~ PtVll-bol
Wall ~i!![ ~levil!ioD

I I I I~


" ...
82. ..

W.1I Pier PiAn

Assign the simplified pier section to the existing wall pier using the Design menu> Shear Wall
Design> Assign Pier Sections for Checking ... > Simplified C and T Section

Perform the simplified C & T section design using the Design menu> Shear Wall Design>
Start Design I Check of Structure

The pier section flexural design will be performed to edge strip of pier section and it ignores the
resistance from the middle strip.

Program will report the required width of edge strip to resist the axial and over turning moment
and required reinforcing in the governing compression and tension load combination.

Program will perform shear design by considering the full length of the pier section and reports
the required shear reinforcing per unit length for the governing load case.

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r WS Atkins & Partners Overseas

Simplified T and C Pier Section - Design (BS8110 97)

u Stor,lO: STORY" Pier 10: Pl X Loc: 9 V Loc: 12 Units: KN-m
FleKural Design for P and M3 (RLLF = 1.000)
D Slation
Left Top O.B75
Location Edge-Length Rebar mm 2

RightT op 0.B75 0.000 COMBl 15000.000 0.000
Left Bottom 0.875 0.000 COMBl 15000.000 0.000
Right Bottom 0.875 0.000 COMBl 15000.000 0.000

Slation Comprellion Co.prealion

Location Edge-Length Rebar mm 2 Combo P lot
Left Top 0.875 6232.150 COMBl 15000.000 0.000
Right Top 0.875 6232.150 COMBl 15000.000 0.000
Left Bottom 0.875 6232.150 COMBl 15000.000 0.000

o Right Bottom

Shear Delign For V2



COMBl 15000.000 0.000

Capacity Capacit}l
Location mm A2/m Combo P M v Vc V,
o Top


In planar walls, the minor axis moment effect will be ignored.

Effects resulting from warping stresses i.e. torsion will be ignored. (wall with numerous
] Assumes that the members with shear reinforcement providing a design shear of
0.4 N/mm2 .

J Shear stress is not limited to the requirement of high strength concrete. (I.e. fcu > 55 MPa)


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9.2 Reinforced Concrete Frame Design (as 8110-97)


To view preferences, select the Options menu> Preferences> Concrete Frame Design

Concrete Frame Design Preferences

Design Code
Time History Design
Number of Interaction Curves
Number of Interaction Points
Consider Minimum Eccentricity
Material strength factors I I

Gamma (Steel) ( 1.05 \

Gamma (Concrete) l 1.5 I
Gamma (Concrete Shear) \l.2§/
Pattern Live Load Factor 0.75
Utilization Factor Limit 0.95


In the design of concrete beams, the program calculates and reports the required areas of steel
for flexure and shear based upon the factored beam moments and shears. The reinforcement
requirements are calculated at a user-defined number of check stations along the beam span .

It is assumed that the design ultimate axial force does not exceed 0.1 fcu Ag (BS; hence,
all the beams are designed for major direction flexure and shear only.


1) Effects resulting from axial forces, minor direction bending and torsion will be ignored.

2) Assumes that the members with shear reinforcement providing a design shear of
0.4 N/mm2. (Minimum shear links)

3) Shear stress is not limited to the requirement of high strength concrete. (Le. fcu > 55 MPa)

4) This design module helps only in the preliminary sizing of beam members. (major flexure &

5) Limit state of serviceability of beams are not determined (deflection, crack width).

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