Comm BLDG Report

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Mr. Gangaram Sharma

Itahari Sub- Metro Politician City, Sunsari

This report comprises the summary of the Commercial/ Residential building of Mr. Gangaram
Sharma Itahari-5 Sunsari, Nepal. The reports consist of the design procedures adopted, the
assumptions made, the inputs made in the design and the design output. During the design, it is
assumed that the client will completely follow the architectural as well as the structural design.
It is also assumed that the construction will be supervised by professional engineer.

The designer will not be responsible if any alterations to the structural system is made by the
client or the contractor without the prior written permission from the designer, or the
alterations to non-structural system is made such that the weight of each individual floor or the
weight of the whole building is altered by more than 10% of design weight of each floor and
the total weight.

The design calculations and derivations are limited to only a minimum to let the concerned
people know the methodology adopted. However, the calculations may be provided to the
client or concerned authorities when needed, upon request.




S.N. Title Page No.

1 Introduction 1

2 Salient features 1

3 Design Approach and Methodology 3

4 Preliminary Design 6

5 Final Analysis 7

6 Design Methodology 8

7 Analysis Output 10

8 Design of Members 16
1.0 Background
This report summarizes structural analysis and design of the Commercial/ Residential building
for Itahari Sub-Metro Politician City. The analysis and design has been based on the prevailing
codes that are in practice in Nepal, the National Building Code of Nepal and the IS codes at

2.0 Salient Features

2.1 Project Information:
Owner : Mr. Gangaram Sharma
Building Type : Commercial/Residential Building
Location : Itahari -5
Plot no. : 3625
Land Area : 0-0-16.5
Plinth Area : 1264.69 sq.ft

2.2 Building Features:

Type of Structure: RCC Framed Structure
Storey: 3 Storey
Storey Height: 3.175 m
Total Height: 9.525 m

2.3 Site Condition:

Soil Type: II (for seismic consideration as per NBC 105)
Seismic Zone Factor: 1.0
Safe Bearing Capacity: 120 KN/m2 (assumed)

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2.4 Material Specification:
Considering Architectural, Economic and strength demands reinforced cement concrete (RCC) is
used as the major structural material. The selected material also confirms the availability and
ease in construction. The concrete grade used is M20 as per Indian Standard Specification. This
material provides minimum grade of structural concrete and favorable for easy production and
quality control as well.
Fe 500 is provided as longitudinal and shear reinforcing in Beams, Columns, foundations, and
slabs wherever RCC is used.

Considerations of material for loading and strength parameter are as detailed below:

Structural Components:
Grade: M20
Characteristic Compressive Strength: 20 N/mm2
Unit Weight: 25.0 KN/m3
Young’s Modulus of Elasticity (E): = 5000  fck N/mm2
≈ 22360680 KN/m2 (for M20)
Steel Reinforcement:
Grade: Fe 500 (for both longitudinal and shear reinforcement)

Non-Structural Components:
Brick wall:
Unit Weight: 18.85 KN/m3
Strength: Not Available

Unit Weight: 20.4 KN/m3
Flooring: Screed + Punning
Unit Weight per meter: 1.1 KN/m2

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2.5 Loading Details
Number of Storey 3 Storey
Loading in General Structural Self Weight
(Gravity loads) Live Load for residential services
Dead load of finishing materials for floor
Panel walls 250mm & 125mm thick brick walls without openings
125mm thick brick walls with 30% openings
Partition walls 125mm thick (half brick) walls with 30 & 20% openings
Parapet walls 125 mm thick (half brick) wall height 0.8m
Live Load As per IS 875 Part II
Lateral Loading As per NBC 105:1994

 The loads distributed over the area are imposed on area element and that distributed over
length are imposed on line element whenever possible.
 Where such facility is not feasible, equivalent conversion to different loading distribution is
carried to load the Model near the real case as far as possible.
For lateral load, necessary calculations were performed and checked using IS 1893:2002 for
Seismic coefficient method.
Different load combinations based on Codes are developed and used for design purposes.
 Load Combinations:
1.5 DL + 1.5 LL
1.2(DL + LL EQX )
1.2(DL + LL EQY)
0.9 DL  1.5 EQX
0.9 DL  1.5 EQY
1.5 DL  1.5 EQX
1.5 DL  1.5 EQY
For seismic loading, mass equivalent to the load that composed of 100% of Dead load and 25%
of Live load is taken into consideration.
The Earthquake lateral loads were used in the combination from the Self-Generated Load on the
Seismic coefficient Method.
Modal analysis is carried out using FEM Based three dimensional analyses.

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3.0 Design Approach and Methodology:
3.1 Introduction
The structure is analyzed for full Finite Element. Beams and columns modeled as frame (line)
elements with five and three internal stations. All floor slabs are modeled as Shell (Area)
elements with sufficient and appropriate meshing. Modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio for
used material i.e. M20 grade concrete (as per Indian Specification) are taken accordingly and
section properties used are based on Preliminary section sizing with consideration for deflection,
minimum size specified and serviceability. Computation for stiffness as a whole is carried out
using FEM based latest software.
Full Modal Analysis is carried out up to twelve modes confirming more than 95 % seismic mass
participation and it is applied for lateral seismic force distribution that generated with NBC 105
based Spectral Function for Soil Type-II.
For Section Design and Check, suitable Load combinations as suggested in NBC105:1994 and if
not covered in that, IS 1893- 2002 is referred with consideration of Envelopes of internal Forces
Foundation design is carried out to satisfy strength and stability requirements.
3.2 Software used: (Introduction to Analysis software)

The analysis for the structural system was carried out using Etabs 2016 ver 16.2.0 is a product of
computers and structures Inc, Berkeley. It is a FEM based software having facility of RC Design
based on IS-456:2000

3.3 Structural Performance:

Structural response under limit state of serviceability is thoroughly checked. The force and
stiffness relationship resulting the deflection under various load cases and combined action of
forces are duly evaluated. Basically short-term elastic deflection due to vertical loads and lateral
deflection due to seismic forces are of major importance along with the long-term deflection of
beam elements under sustained loading condition due to shrinkage and creep are also taken into

3.4 Deformation under Vertical Loads:

Maximum vertical deflection in all components that resulted under vertical load of combined
effect of self, imposed dead and live load are checked for every element and maintained to be
within permissible limit. Short-term elastic deflection and long-term deflection due to shrinkage

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and creep due to sustained loads also are maintained within permissible limits for all the

3.5 Deformation under Lateral Loads:

Effect of lateral load due to seismic force is analyzed using self-generated seismic load
compatible with Codal provision. The distribution of lateral force at different parts of the
structure is done based on the response under unit force. Using Complete Quadratic Combination
(CQC) method of modal combination combines the deformations, and related forces reported.

3.6 Recommendations:
The following recommendations are made:
 Materials used shall confirm minimum standard specified before use. Primarily the cement,
aggregate, sand and steel shall be used that confirms to NS or IS standard.
 Batching, mixing, placing and curing of concrete and steel fabrication and placing shall be
done as per standard practice.
 Construction safety shall be well planned and implemented.

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4.0 Preliminary Design
The Preliminary Design was done using the prevailing thumb rules and span consideration.
Slab: The slab is designed based on IS456:2000. The slab is designed to meet the deflection
criteria for the slab.
Beam: The beam is designed based on IS456:2000. The slab is preliminarily designed to meet
the deflection criteria as well as the moment requirements for the span.
Column: The column is preliminarily designed to meet the stiffness criteria for the building.
Staircase: The staircase is designed to satisfy the moment requirement as well as the deflection

The sizes of the structural components are as given below:

Sizes of Structural Components:
Slab: 5” thick RCC (M20) Slab

Beam: Rectangular Beams size- 10”X14”,10”X12”,12”X18” (BXD)

Column: Square size- 15” X 15” (HXB)

Staircase: Waist Slab thickness: 5.4” thick

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5.0 Final Analysis
5.1 Load Calculations:
Refer Table: Load Intensity of Building Components
Live Load: 2.0, 3.0 KN/m2 (for all rooms)
Live Load: 4.0 KN/m2 (for staircases and lobbies)
Roof Live Load: 1.5 KN/m2 (for roof accessible), 0.75 KN/m2 (for roof inaccessible)

5.2 Earthquake Load

The earthquake load is calculated to the seismic coefficient method of static analysis using
equivalent lateral force procedures in accordance with IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002. The static forces in
the structure are derived from the design base shear (Vb) given by:

Vb  AhW
(Cl. 7.5.3)

W = Seismic weight of the building equal to the total dead load plus appropriate amounts of
specified imposed load

Ah = Design horizontal seismic coefficient given by:

ZI  Sa 
Ah   
2R  g  (Cl. 6.4.2)
Adopted coefficients are as follows:

Z= 0.36 Seismic zone factor (Zone V) (Cl.6.4.2, table-2)

I= 1 Important factor (Cl. 6.4.2, table -6)

R= 5 Response reduction factor (Cl. 6.4.2, table-7)

Sa/g = Average response acceleration coefficient depending upon soil type and fundamental
natural period of structure (Ta) (Cl.6.4.2, figure 2)

The approximate fundamental natural period of vibration (Ta), in seconds, of a moment resisting
frame building without brick infill panels may be estimated by the empirical expression:

Ta = 0.075 h0.75 for RC frame building

= 0.085 h0.75 for steel frame building


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h= Height of building, in m. This excludes the basement storeys, where basement walls are
connected with the ground floor deck or fitted between the building columns. But it
includes the basement storeys, when they are not so connected. (Cl.7.6.1)

Similarly, the approximate fundamental natural period of vibration (Ta), in seconds, of all other
buildings, including moment-resisting frame buildings with brick infill panels, may be estimated
by the empirical expression:

Distribution of earthquake load

The design base shear (Vb) computed in Cl.7.5.3 shall be distributed along the height of the
building as per the following expression:

Qi =Vb*


Qi = Design lateral force at floor i,

Wi = Seismic weight of floor i,

hi = Height of floor i measured from base, and

n = Number of storeys in the building is the number of levels at which the masses are located.
Note: In calculating the seismic weight of floors, the full dead load at each storey is considered,
while the imposed load is considered as per following criteria (IS 1893:2002, Table 8)

If IL >3 kN/m2 -consider only 50% of IL

If IL ≤ 3 kN/m2 -consider only 25% of IL

For Roofs - NIL

TABLE: Auto Seismic - IS 1893:2002

Load Pattern Type Direction User T Top Story Bottom Story Z Type Z Soil Type I R Period Used Coeff Used Weight Used Base Shear
sec sec kN kN
EQX Seismic X + Ecc. Y 0.505 Story4 Base Per Code 0.36 II 1 5 0.505 0.09 5008.7634 450.7887
EQY Seismic Y + Ecc. X 0.505 Story4 Base Per Code 0.36 II 1 5 0.505 0.09 5008.7634 450.7887

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TABLE: Base Reactions
Load Case/Combo FX FY FZ MX MY MZ
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m
EQX -448.7622 0 0 -7.724E-07 -3580.9758 2106.453
EQY 0 -448.7622 0 3580.9758 -0.000001295 -3496.9316

5.3 Load Cases:

Dead : Self Weight of the building structural components (Beams, columns and slabs)
Finish : Weight of the finishing of the slabs as well as staircases (including steps).
Wall : Wall loads (inclusive of plaster)
Live : Live load in the building area elements.
Rlive : Live load in the terraces both accessible and inaccessible (not including in seismic
QX : Spectral Seismic Load in X – Direction
QY : Spectral Seismic Load in Y – Direction

5.4 Load Combination:

DL = 1.5Dead + 1.5Finish + 1.5 Wall + 1.5 Rlive + 1.5Live
DEQX = 0.9 Dead + 0.9 Wall + 0.9 Finish ± 1.5RQX
DEQY = 0.9 Dead + 0.9 Wall + 0.9 Finish ± 1.5 EQY
1.2(DLEQX) = 1.2 Dead + 1.2Wall + 1.2 Finish + 1.2 Live ± 1.2 EQX
1.2(DLEQY) = 1.2 Dead + 1.2 Wall + 1.2 Finish + 1.2 Live ± 1.2 EQY
1.5(DEQX) = 1.5Dead + 1.5Finish + 1.5 Wall ± 1.5EQX
1.5(DEQY) = 1.5Dead + 1.5Finish + 1.5 Wall ± 1.5EQY

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6.0 Design of Structural Members

6.1 Design Assumptions:
The Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) of the soil is taken to be 120 KN/m2. The depth of the
foundation is taken as 1.67m. It is assumed that the soil below is converted to a firm base by
sufficient compaction through any convenient means or as directed by the site engineer.

The beams are assumed to be rectangular. The preliminary design of the beam is carried out
considering the deflection criteria as well as the loading condition.

The longest span slab is designed and for uniformity in construction, all the slabs are detailed
according to the designed slab. The slab is designed based on IS 456:2000, for adjacent edge
discontinuous. However during detailing, the torsion in the free edges is considered.

6.2 Design Methodology:

The design of beams and columns that are the structural components in the building are carried
out using the results and analysis for critical responses and also checking with manual
calculations is carried out. The design of the foundation is carried out based on the base reactions
as obtained from the software with necessary adjustments. The design of slabs and staircases are
carried out based on the prevailing design practices, following the codal provisions.

6.2 Calculation of Wall Loads.

The calculations of the loads are given in the following tables:

Load Intensity of Wall

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Static loading on the Building
As per IS 875 part I:
Dead Load Unit Wt. of Materials:
Rein. Cement Concrete= 25.00 KN/m3
Brick Masonary= 18.85 KN/m3
Finishing Work :
Cement Plaster = 20.4 KN/m3
Screeding= 20.4 KN/m3
Marble Finish Work= 26.67 KN/m3
Glass work= 25 KN/m3
Steel= 78.6 KN/m3
Wall Load per meter Bldg Ht= 3.176 m
Finishing Self Total per Building Components Width Height Units Remarks
Load Weight load
(b) m (H) m
1 10" outer wall without opening 0.25 2.726016 1.39 12.85 14.24 KN/m 12.5mm both side plaster
2 10" outer wall without opening 0.25 2.726016 1.39 12.85 14.24 KN/m 12.5mm one side plaster
3 5" outer wall without opening 0.25 2.726016 1.39 12.85 14.24 KN/m 12.5mm both side plaster
4 10" outer wall without opening 0.25 3.026016 1.54 14.26 15.80 KN/m witout beam
5 5"Parapet Wall 0.127 0.8 0.41 2.07 2.48 KN/m

Per unit Building Components Units
1 10" outer wall with 20% opening 11.39 KN/m
2 10" outer wall with 30% opening 9.97 KN/m
3 10" outer wall with 40% opening 8.54 KN/m
4 10" outer wall with 50% opening 7.12 KN/m
5 5" outer wall without opening 7.12 KN/m
6 5" outer wall with 20% opening 5.69 KN/m
7 5" outer wall with 30% opening 4.98 KN/m
8 5" outer wall with 40% opening 4.27 KN/m
9 5" outer wall with 50% opening 3.56 KN/m

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Result from Structural models and analysis

3D Model of the Building

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Design Plan (First Floor)

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Shear Force Diagram (Sample only)

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Axial Force Diagram (Sample only)

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Bending Moment Diagram (Sample only)

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8.0 Design of Members
Design of Beams and Columns

The design of beams and columns are done from the software itself. However, it is to be notified
that the limitations of the design by the software have been evaluated and the adjustments have
been made accordingly. The samples (summary) of the design through the software based on
IS456: 2000 has been presented hereunder.

Output for the Reinforcement Area (Beams and Columns)

Grid -A

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Grid –B

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Grid –C

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Grid –D

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Story- 1st

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Story- 2nd

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Story- 3rd

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Story- 4th

Column Reinforcement
Column Type Ground floor First floor Top-floor Staircase -floor STIRRUPS
C-1 (15"X15") 4-20Ø+8-16Ø 4-20Ø+8-16Ø 12-16Ø X
C-2 (15"X15") 12-20Ø 12-20Ø 6-20Ø+6-16Ø X 8mm DIA @ 4" C/C Th.
C-3 (15"X15") 6-20Ø+6-16Ø 6-20Ø+6-16Ø 12-16Ø 12-16Ø

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ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 Column Section Design

Column Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
Story2 C5 176 C 15X15 UDCon7 0 3175 0.823

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
381 381 56 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) f y (MPa) f ys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For P u , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
425.6629 50.217 160.5506 8.5133 8.5133 3494 2.41

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment
Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major Bend(M3) 0.676026 2719 64.2202 0 8.5133
Minor Bend(M2) 0.791856 2719 20.0868 0 8.5133

Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3

Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 111.821 125.1887 49.5295 111.821 422.31
Minor, Vu3 61.9386 125.1887 49.5295 61.9386 422.31

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear, Vu2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Minor Shear, Vu3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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(1.1) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Major Ratio Minor Ratio

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
1451.6 34.9 2616.6836 597.0302 425.6629 1

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth Ma
Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded Moment (kN-m)
Major Bending (M3 ) Yes 0.856 381 4.824 12 No 0
Minor Bending (M2 ) Yes 0.856 381 5.651 12 No 0

N/A: Not Applicable
N/C: Not Calculated
N/N: Not Needed

ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 Beam Section Design

Beam Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
Story1 B55 40 B-12X18 UDCon8 190.5 5642.5 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
304.8 457.2 304.8 0 25.4 25.4

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) f y (MPa) f ys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

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ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

Factored Factored Factored Factored
Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
-189.533 0.0288 164.5461 -9.5806

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
-189.533 0.0424 0 -189.5754

Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, M u3 & Tu

Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required
-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2 Axis) -189.5754 1200 11 1200 300
Bottom (-2 Axis) 0 600 11 0 600

Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu

Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
206.075 78.8029 127.4235 77.0526 817.74

Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, T u & VU2

Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
0.0288 164.5461 274 426.4 0

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Slab Design

Input Parameters
Length of shorter span (lx) = 2.40 m
Length of longer span (ly) = 2.70 m

Support condition 4
Slab type
 = 23
 = 1
 (assumed) = 1.25
ly/lx = 1.13
Design two way slab

Assume grade of concrete (fck) = M 20

Assume steel (fy) = Fe 500
Thickness of marble finishing = 12.00 mm
Thickness of screed = 50.00 mm
Thickness of plaster = 13.00 mm
Unit weight of marble = 26.70 KN/m3
Unit weight of screed = 20.40 KN/m3
Unit weight of plaster = 20.40 KN/m3
Unit weight of concrete = 25.00 KN/m3
Live load = 4 KN/m2
Assume bar diameter = 8.00 mm
Effective depth of slab (d)  83.48 mm
Assume, d = 107.00 mm
Total depth of slab, D = 126.00 mm

Dead load calculation of slab

Dead load of slab due to concrete = 3.15 KN/m2
Dead load due to floor finish (marble) = 0.32 KN/m2
Dead load due to screed = 1.02 KN/m2
Dead load due to plaster = 0.27 KN/m2
Partition load = 1.00 KN/m
Total dead load = 5.76 KN/m
Dead load + Live load = 9.76 KN/m2
Design load = 14.63 KN/m

Bending moment Coefficients Max. bending moment

x = 0.0413 Mx = 3.48 KNm
x = 0.0548 -Mx = 4.61 KNm
y = 0.0350 My = 3.73 KNm
y = 0.0470 -My = 5.01 KNm
Mmax = 5.01 KNm

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Check depth for moment

Required depth for moment = 42.62 mm
Provided depth, d = 107.00 mm
Required depth is < Provided depth
O.K. safe

Area of steel
Solving quadratic equation
0.025 Ast + -107.00 Ast + 8583.25 = 0
0.025 Ast + -107.00 Ast + 11526.07 = 0
Bottom bars Top bars
Ast = 4198.22 mm2 Ast = 4169.42 mm2
2 2
Ast = 81.78 mm Ast = 110.58 mm
Spacing required
8  rods @ 614.3 mm c/c Bottom bars
8  rods @ 454.3 mm c/c Top bars
Spacing provided
8  rods @ 150.0 mm c/c Bottom bars
8  rods @ 150.0 mm c/c Top bars

Check for shear

Provided Ast = 334.93 mm2
p% = 0.31 k= 1.3
c' =
0.39 N/mm IS 456:2000 (Table 19)
c =
0.51 N/mm
Max.shear force (Vu) = 17.56 KN
v = 0.16 N/mm2
c > v
O.K. safe

Check for minimum steel

Minimum steel (0.12%) Provided steel
2 2
128.40 mm < 334.93 mm

Check for deflection

 = 23 fs = 70.809  = 1
 = 1  = 2.000  = 1

Allowable L/d = 46.00

Actual L/d = 22.43
Allowable L/d > Actual L/d

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Design of Staircase

Concrete M20 20.00 N/mm2

Steel Fe500 500.00 N/mm2
Riser R 0.15 m
Thread T 0.30 m

SQRT(R2+T2)/T 1.12

Effective Span l 3302.00 mm

Assumed effctive Depth d 73.38

Cover 12.00 steel Diameter 12

Overall Depth D 91.38

Take Overall Depth D 138.00 mm

Effective Depth d 120.00 mm

Load Calculation for Waist Slab

Self wt. of waist Slab 3.86 kN/m2 1`
Floor Finishes 2.00 kN/m
Live Load 4.00 kN/m2

Total Load w 9.86 kN/m2

Load wu 11.83 kN/m2
Considering 1m wide strip of Slab
Length Left 1.1 Center 2 Right 1.13
Load/m2 5.91433 11.83 5.91433

Reaction at support 18.42314

Max. Bending Moment 37.64841


Provided Effective Depth

Reqd Depth d 118.97 mm (d)=120> 118.97
Hence Safe ok

Calculation for Reinforcement

Mu/bd2 R 2.61 Mpa

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(Ast)reqd 900.00 mm2
Provide 16 mm dia bar
Spacing s 125.56

Provide 12mm bar @112c/c( Main Bar)

Steel Provided Steel =1130mm2

(Ast)prvd 2010.00 mm2
provoded > 900 mm2 , Hence Safe ok

Calculation for distribution bar

(Ast)reqd 165.60
Required mm2
Provide 10mm dia bar
Spacing s 307.97
Provide 10 mm bar @150c/c
Steel Provided Steel =255mm2 >
(Ast)prvd 255.00 mm2
provoded 162.0mm2 , Hence Safe ok
Provide 12mm bar @112 c/c (Main Bar)
Provide 10mm bar @150 c/c (Distribution Bar)

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Isolated Footing Design

Foundation Type : F-1
Required Data
size of colunm=
l= 0.375 m
b= 0.375 m
Bearing Capacity of Soil= 120 KN/m²
Strength of Steel (fy)= 500 N/mm²
Strength of Concrete (fck)= 20 N/mm² ( M 20 )
Factor Load= 599
Axial Load = 399.33 KN

Approximate area of footing= 3.33 m²

Weight of footing including earth= 111.15
Axial Load = 399.33 KN
Total weight on soil= 510.48 KN
Actual Area= 4.25 m²
Size of Square Footing = 2.063 6.767

Adopted size=
L= 2.100 m
B= 2.100 m
Actual area of footing = 4.41 m²
Net Pressure acting upwads = 135.83 KN/m²
B. M. at the face of column about an axis = 115.52 KN-m

The effective depth required is given by

BM= 0.133 fck*bd^2

d= 141.18 mm

Adopt d = 2 to 3 Times of calculated value of d for Shear considerations.

Adop. d= 350 mm
D= 400 mm
Check for one-way Shear action
The critical section is taken at distance d away from the face of column

Shear force Vu= 156.88 KN

Nominal shear stress (Tv) = Vu/b*d = 0.21 N/mm²

Allowable Shear Stress of Concrete for pt% of Steel < = 0.15 & ( M 20 ) 0.28
For 0.143% Tc = 0.28 N/ (From IS 456: 2000, table 19)
Hence, OK
Tc should be equal to or greater than Tv

Check for two-way Shear action

The critical section is taken at a distance of 0.5d away from the face of column ,
Shear force Vu= 541.61 KN
Nominal Shear Stress(Tv) = Vu/b'd (Where b' is the periphery of critical section )
and b' = 2600 mm

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So, Nominal Shear Stress(Tv) = 0.60 N/mm²
Shear Strength of concrete is
Tc = 1.12 N/
T'c = Ks*Tc Where Ks=(0.5+Bc)
Bc=length of shorter side of column/length of longer side of
Bc= 1
Ks= 1.5 should not be greater than 1
Take(Ks)= 1
T'c= 1.12 N/mm²
Hence, OK T'c should be greater than Tv

Area of Steel Calculation,

Area of Steel is given by formula, BM = 0.87* fy* At*{d-fy*At/(fck*b)}
Ast = 779.42 > Ast min = 0.12% of b * d
Ast per m = 371.15 420 mm²
Req. Area of steel = 420.00 mm²
% of steel= 0.106
Steel requied as 12 mm bar @ 269.28 mm c/c distance.

Provide Steel as = 12 mm bar @ 150 mm c/c distance.

Provided steel = 753.98 mm²
Hence Ok.

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Grade 20 N/mm2 Xumax/d 0.46
Steel 500 N/mm2 R 2.66
Design of Strap footing
Pcorner 507 Area req 9.73 Xl 2.17551789
Pcentre 555 Width prov 2.43 c 8.04507756
Soil bearing 120 Total Length 3.70 b -4.71
Cent Col Size 0.3 L1 2.15 a 0.3
Cornor Col
Size 0.3 L2 1.95
Dist betw.
Col. 4.56
Slab Design
Width of beam 1.00 depth 147.95
Projection 0.72 d prov 400
Max B.M at face 45.31 At/m 320.88
Shear Force at distance d 55.84 Min Ast 480
Depth at critical SF 232.17 12@5" 566.00
Appl Shear stress 0.24 Act At/m 566.00
 Value 7.14 Actual B 7.14 Bar dia. 12.00
Lim Sh
Stress 0.35 Dev. Lt OK
The Section is Safe
Shear force
Per M
pressure 430.7727 Shear Force Bending Moment
SF at central column face 311.80 112.84
SF at inner face -391.97 100.82
SF at end of central slab -80.17 -70.05
SF at end of corner slab -80.17 -221.23
SF at cornor column face 630.77 233.11
SF at cornor 0.00 317.73
Required depth 547.50 mm
Provide depth 550 mm
Overall depth
(D) 600 mm 400.00
Width of beam 350.00 mm
Ast required 1438.334 mm^2
max shear 630.77
Top Th
Bottom 6-16Th 600

12@5" 2.43

Provide 4L-10mm stirrups @4"C/C

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Concrete Grade 20 N/mm2 Xumax/d 0.46

Steel 500 N/mm2 R 2.66
Design of Continuous Combine foundation(CF2)
CG/from Left of
Pleft 643.33 Area req 12.40 Force 2.4343
Pright 710.00 Width prov 2.14
Soil bearing Total Length 5.8 Check Value 5.3762
Cent Col Size 0.375 Left Projection 0.17
Cornor Col Size 0.375 Projection 0.33
Dist betw. Col. 4.64
Slab Design
Width of beam 0.35 Req depth 184.17
Projection 0.89 d prov 400
Max B.M at face 70.21 At/m 503.69
Shear Force at distance d 86.86 Min Ast 480
Depth at critical
SF 265.17 12@5" 566.00
Appl Shear stress 0.33 Act At/m 566.00
 Value 8.16 Actual B 8.16 Bar dia. 12.00
Lim Sh Stress 0.33 Dev. Lt OK
The Section is Safe

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List of design code and Standards

1. NBC-000-114:1994 : All relevant design codes in Nepal

2. IS 456 – 2000 : Code for practice for plain & Reinforced concrete

3. IS 875 – 1987 : Code of practice for Design Loads (other than

earthquake load) for building & structures.

4. IS 1893(part-I)-2002 : Code of practice for earthquake resist design of


5. IS 13920 – 1993 : Code of practice for Ductile detailing of Reinforced

Concrete structures subjected to seismic forces.

6. SP: 16 – 1980 : Design aids for Reinforced concrete to IS 456 -1978

7. ETABS 2016 V 16.2.1 : Proprietary program of Research Engineers.

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