Navratri, Nine Days Puja

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Goddess Durga is the most popular Goddess in Hindu Mythology. She is divine
universal mother, who is considered as the force behind creation, preservation and
destruction of all. Her devotees worship her for success, courage and prosperity, in
return she protects her followers against all evils and protect them from all the ill-
effects. Her powers are infinite and those who believe in her are not alone and feel
her presence with them. You can also book Goddess Durga Puja by our well-
versed and experience Purohits

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Navratri or “nine nights” is the celebration of Goddess Durga. She is considered to be

the most powerful of all the Goddesses. Goddess Durga is considered to be the power
or Shakti behind every creation, preservation and destruction in this universe.

Navratri‟s are being observed to feel the power, blessings of our mother Durga and
we humans are her children. Goddess Durga is considered to be our mother imparting
us with all the energy, strength and courage to face tough situations.

There is an interesting reason behind celebrating this festival for 9 days. The first
three days mark the purification of our soul and destroying our evil. This role is
played by Goddess Durga. The next three days are being played by Goddess Lakshmi
which showers her blessing in the form of wealth. The final three days mark the
worship of Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of wisdom.

The Navratri‟s are being celebrated twice a year. This is done so to maintain the
balance in nature and its power. Also one should celebrate this festival for 9 days and
observe fast to thank Lord for giving them life and blessing them with all the
happiness. The Vedas too talk about the power of Goddess Durga or Shakti.

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First Day (Pratipada): Worship Goddess Shailputri – Devi Shailputri is a daughter

of Himalaya. She is best known to be the goddess of inspiration and nature. Navratri
Puja begins with the puja of Goddess Shailputri. She is the first aspect of Maa Durga.
She carried the trishul and the lotus in her hands. The mount of Devi Shailputri is
bull, she recognizes the form of „Shakti‟.

Chant the mantra to worship Goddess Shailputri:-

वन्देवाञ्छछतलाभायचन्राधधकृतशेखराम।् वृषारुढा़ांशल
ू धरा़ांशैलपत्रु ींयशञ्ववनीम।् ।

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Second Day (Dwitiya): Worship Goddess Brahmacharini – Devi Brahmacharini is

the second modification of Maa Durga who is worshipped on the second day of
Navratri. Here word “Brahm” Refer to “Tapa”. So Brahmacharini means Tapa
Charini – The one who perform Tapa or penance. Devi Brahmacharini had two-
armed, clad in white and carries a Rudraksha mala and sacred kamandal. Goddess
Brahmacharini is the store house of knowledge and wisdom. The person who
observes the fasts and worships the goddess with full faith and dedication is blessed
with happy and peaceful life.

Chant the mantra to seek Devi Brahmacharini divine blessing: -

यादेवीसवधभतू ेषमु ााँब्रह्मचाररणीरूपेणस़ांञ्वथता।नमवतवयैनमवतवयैनमवतवयैनमोनम:।।दनाकरपद्माभ्यामअक्षमालाकमण्डल।ू देवीप्रसीदतुमईब्रह्म

चाररण्यनत्तु मा।।

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Third Day (Tritiya): Worship Goddess Chandraghanta – The third manifestation of

Goddess Durga is Goddess Chandraghanta. Those who worship Devi Chandraghanta
on the third day of Navratri are blessed with eternal strength and everlasting
happiness. The Goddess wears the half-moon in a bell shape, hence his form of the
Goddess is known as Chandraghanta. She is charmful and bright. She is Golden color.
She has weapons in her eight hands. She is frequently depicted seated on a lion. She is
unprecedented image of bravery. The frightful sound of her bell terrifies all the
demons, villains and danavas.

Chant the Mantra for Devi Chandraghanta:-

यादेवीसवधभतू ेषमु ााँच़ांरघ़ांटारूपेणस़ांञ्वथता।नमवतवयैनमवतवयैनमवतवयैनमोनम:।।

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Fourth Day (Chaturthi): Worship Goddess Kushmanda -Devi Kushmanda is the

fourth avatar of Goddess Durga, is worshipped on the 4th day of Navratri. She lives in
the core of the sun (Surya). It is her splendor that diffuses creature and every plant of
this universe. The Devi name Kushmanda is made of three words that are “Ku +
ushma +Amnda = Kushmanda”, here “Ku” is “Little”, “ushma” is “Energy or cosmic”
and “Amnda” is “Egg”, meaning who create the universe as “Little Cosmic Egg”
with the energy of her, is called “Kushmanda”.

Chant the Following Mantra to worship Maa Kushmanda:-

सरु ासम्पणू धकलश़ांरुञ्धराप्लतु मेवच।दधानाहवतपद्माभ्या़ांकूष्माण्डाशभु दावतुमे॥

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Fifth Day (Panchami): Worship Goddess Skandamata – The Fifth day of Navratri is
dedicated to Devi Skandamata. When the Goddess Parvati became mother of
“Kartikeya”. Her Son Kartikeya is also known as Skanda. Thus she is known as
Skandamata. She possesses Four Arms, in Upper 2 hands she hold lotus flower. One
of her hand is hold her son Skanda in her lap and keep the other, she in abhaya
Mudra. She is also known‟s as “Padmasana” because she sits on the lotus. She mounts
on the lion.

Chant the Mantra to worship Devi Skandamata…

ञ्स़ांघासनगताञ्नत्यमपद्माञ्ितकरद्रया |शभु दावतुसदादेवीवकन्दमातायशञ्िनी ||

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Sixth Day (Shashthi): Worship Goddess Katyayani – The 6th of the day of Navratri
festival is dedicated to Devi Katyayani. In this form of Shakti 4 arms, she has shield,
a sword and lotus and fourth hand is in blessing gesture. She mounts on Lion.
Goddess Durga‟s sixth from appeared as a daughter to sage katyaayana. She came to
be named as „katyaayana‟ as she was the daughter of sage Katyaayana. As soon as
Devi Katyayani was born, she assumed a massive and huge form. Seeing her
universal form, sage katyaayana recline to her with great obeisance and worshipped
her for 3 days from the Bright seventh to ninth. Having accepted the worship of the
sage, Devi Katyayani killed demon Mashisha.

Chant this mantra to worship Goddess Katyayani :

कात्यायञ्नमहामायेमहायोञ्गन्यधीिरर।नन्दगोपसतु ़ांदेञ्वपञ्त़ांमेकुरुतेनमः॥

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Seventh Day (Saptami): Worship Goddess Kalratri – The 7th day of Navratri is
dedicated to Devi Kalratri. Here kal mean time and death and Kalratri means the one
who is the death of Kaal. In this form of Shakti posses 4 armed. She have sword,
noose, trident and 4th hand is in blessing gesture. In this form of Shakti is repulsive
and dark in morph. She have 3 eyes in her forehead which are round like as the
universe itself. The hair on her hand is very long-winded but disheveled. She respires
out terrible and horrible flames of fire.

Chant this mantra to worship Devi Kalratri…..

वामपादोल्लसल्लोहलताकण्टकभषू णा |वधधनमधू धध्वजाकृ ष्णाकालराञ्त्रभयधङ्करी ||

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Eighth Day (Ashtami): Worship Goddess Maha Gauri – The 8th day of Navratri is
dedicated to Maa Maha Gauri. The 8th incarnation of Maa Durga. In this form of
Shakti posses 4 armed. She have Damaru in the left hand and varada mundra in
another left hand. She have trishul in the right hand and abhaya mundra in another
right hand. She mounts on bull or a white Elephant. All the sins of the adorer are
adjusted to ashes by her worship. She gave unbeaten powers and provides merits on
her adorer. She destroys all the distresses of her adorer and blesses them.

Chant this mantra to worship Devi Mahagauri………….

िेतेवषृ ेसमारूढािेताम्बरधराशञ्ु चः |महागौरीशभु द़ां द्यान्त्रमहादेवप्रमोददा ||

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Ninth Day (Navami): Worship Goddess Siddhidatri – Devi Siddhidatri is

worshipped on the 9th day of Navratri. Devi Siddhidatri grant her devotee all sorts of
achievements and is capable of giving all sorts of occult powers. In this form of
Shakti posses 4 armed. She has lotus flower in the one left hand and shankh in the
other left hand. Gada in the one right hand, chakra in the other right hand. She seat on
lotus flower. In the beginning of the universe Lord shiva who prayed to her to provide
him with perfections. For this purpose the universal Maa durga created Devi
Siddhidatri from her own person. As the order of the Maa Durga, Devi Siddhidatri
provided 18 kinds of rare perfections and powers and siddhis on Lord Shiva.

Chant this mantra to worship Devi Siddhidatri………

ञ्सद्धगधवधयक्षाद्यैरसरु ै रमरै रञ्प।सेव्यमानासदाभयू ातञ्सञ्द्धदाञ्सञ्द्धदाञ्यनी।।

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Benefit of Performing Navratri Puja

Get financial benefit and profit.

Relief from ill health.
Boon for long life.
Find a loving partner.
Success in all your endeavors.
Improve marital relationship and harmony in family front.
Brings peace and calmness.
Spiritual and materialistic blessings.

We hope that Maa Durga always blesses you and your family with health, wealth and

Wish you all a very Happy Navratri


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