2017 Eupbm Authorities en PDF
2017 Eupbm Authorities en PDF
2017 Eupbm Authorities en PDF
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels
Building national programmes of
Patient Blood Management (PBM)
in the EU
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This report was produced under the EU Health Programme (2008-2013) in the frame of a service contract with the Consumers, Health, Agriculture
and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) acting on behalf of the European Commission.
The content of this report represents the views of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH and is its sole responsibility; it can in no way be
taken to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or Chafea or any other body of the European Union. It has no regulatory or legally–
binding status but is intended as a tool to support authorities and hospitals in EU Member States in establishing PBM as a standard to improve
quality and safety of patient care. In order to ensure appropriate and optimal use of blood and blood components, transfusion decisions should
always adhere to current evidence-based guidelines, and be taken after careful evaluation of a variety of patient-specific and patient-group-
specific factors.
The European Commission and/or Chafea do not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this report, nor do they accept responsibility for
any use made by third parties thereof.
More information on the European Union is available on the Internet (http://europa.eu).
ISBN 978-92-9200-717-1
Health Programme
Authors Axel Hofmann, Astrid Nørgaard, Johann Kurz, Suma Choorapoikayil, Patrick Meybohm,
Kai Zacharowski, Peter Kastner and Hans Gombotz
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to experts from the European Blood Alliance and the EU
Member State Competent Authorities for Blood and Blood Components, for their
critical reading and constructive comments on this document.
The authors also want to express their gratitude to the National Blood Authority,
Canberra, Australia for their helpful input to this project.
1 The Framework for National Authorities to Actively Pursue the Dissemination and Implementation of
Patient Blood Management within their Territories.......................................................................................................................... 9
2 The Development of Patient Blood Management across the Globe ......................................................................... 11
3 The Opportunity for National Authorities to Improve Patient Outcomes and Safety through
Dissemination and Implementation of PBM ...................................................................................................................................... 13
4 Using the Donabedian Model to Identify Current Quality Gaps in Ensuring PBM as a National Standard
of Care..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1 The Donabedian Model Points to the NAs as Key Players for Disseminating and Implementing
PBM 18
5 Using the WHO Europe’s Scheme of Essential Public Health Operations (EPHO) as a Structural
Framework to Disseminate and Implement PBM ........................................................................................................................... 22
5.1 Service Intelligence and PBM................................................................................................................................................ 23
5.1.1 Surveillance of anaemia, transfusion and outcome in the hospitalised population .................. 23
5.1.2 Monitoring health hazards........................................................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Service Delivery and PBM ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.2.1 Health protection through PBM ................................................................................................................................ 29
5.2.2 Health Promotion including action to address inequity and social determinants of health .. 30
5.2.3 Disease prevention .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.3 Service Enabling and PBM ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
5.3.1 Assuring governance for the national dissemination and implementation of PBM ................... 34
5.3.2 Workforce, equipment and facilities enabling PBM ...................................................................................... 38
5.3.3 Organisation and Funding of PBM .......................................................................................................................... 41
5.3.4 PBM Communication....................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.3.5 PBM Research ..................................................................................................................................................................... 44
6 Summary Table of the EU-PBM Strategy to Help National Authorities to Disseminate and Implement
PBM in Hospitals across the EU ................................................................................................................................................................ 46
7 Past and Current PBM Activities of NAs in the Developed World ............................................................................... 51
8 Appendix: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
8.1 Appendix 1 - List of PBM-related web-links (last access: 13/04/2016) ...................................................... 54
8.2 Appendix 2 - List of specialities known to be high blood users........................................................................ 56
8.3 Appendix 3 - Proposed content of PBM Curricula ..................................................................................................... 63
8.4 Appendix 4 - List of PBM related e-learning courses ............................................................................................. 67
8.5 Appendix 5 - Job descriptions for PBM workforce in a hospital ....................................................................... 68
8.6 Appendix 6 - Organisation of the hospital’s PBM committee ............................................................................ 72
8.7 Appendix 7 - Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems (CPOE) .............................................................. 74
9 References.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 75
List of Figures
Figure 1. Quality framework with three main dimensions: quality of structure, quality of process and
quality of outcome ......................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2. Quality framework and PBM........................................................................................... 21
Figure 3. Three main clusters of public health services and related essential operations, adapted
from (143) ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 4. Step I: Mandatory introduction of basic key performance indicators (KPI) for inpatients:
RBC transfusion rate, transfusion index and rate of patients admitted with and/or operated with
anaemia. ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 5. Recommended integration of different data sources to provide advanced KPIs which
allow continuous surveillance of the utilisation of blood and blood components (RBC, FFP, PLT,
Cryoprecipitate) (144, 145). .......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 6. PBM Governance Structure ........................................................................................... 36
Figure 7. Three pillar PBM concept (adapted from (163, 173)) ...................................................... 43
List of Tables
Table 1. Meta-analyses comparing outcomes with restrictive vs. liberal transfusion strategies ..... 15
Table 2. List of National Authorities (NAs) ..................................................................................... 35
Table 3. List of external stakeholders in support of the PBM governance and policy development
process ......................................................................................................................................... 35
Table 4. List of professions with needed input on the creation of PBM guidelines ......................... 36
Table 5. Summary Table: EU-PBM Strategy to help National Authorities to disseminate and
implement PBM in hospitals across the EU ................................................................................... 46
Table 6. List of PBM-related web-links .......................................................................................... 54
Table 7. Red blood cell (RBC) utilisation by old-age patient groups .............................................. 56
Table 8. Red blood cell (RBC) utilisation by ICD code .................................................................. 57
Table 9. Relative numbers of RBCs transfused by operations or procedures ................................ 58
Table 10. Relative numbers of blood components (RBCs, platelets, FFP) transfused by main
operation ....................................................................................................................................... 59
Table 11. Relative numbers of transfused RBCs by specific procedure ........................................ 59
Table 12. Red blood cell (RBC) utilisation by specific procedure or DRG ...................................... 60
Table 13. Red blood cell (RBC) utilisation of surgical population................................................... 61
Table 14. Proposed content of PBM Curricula .............................................................................. 63
Table 15. Functions and role of the PBM committee ..................................................................... 72
Table 16. Reorganising transfusion committee to PBM committee (Adapted from Shulman and
Saxena (199)) ............................................................................................................................... 73
Table 17. Expansion of clinical software for clinical decision support system in the scope of optimal
blood use ...................................................................................................................................... 74
ACQSHC Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Health Care
ACBSA Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability in the United States
AR Anaemia Rate
CCG Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG)
CPOE Computerised physician order entry
DBAC Data Collection, Benchmarking and Analytics Committee
ICD International Classification of Disease
JDoH Jurisdiction’s Departments of Health
EPAS Electronic Patient Administration System
EPHO Essential Public Health Operations
EU European Union
FFP Fresh Frozen Plasma
GRADE Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations
GSC Guidelines and Standards Committee
FTE Full time equivalent
HTA Health Technology Assessment
ICU Intensive Care Unit
IT Information Technology
JPAC Joint United Kingdom Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional
Advisory Committee
LIS Laboratory Information System
MoH Minister of Health
NA National Authority
NBA National Blood Authority
NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council
NHS National Health Service
NHSBT National Health Service Blood and Transplant
PBM Patient Blood Management
PLT Platelets
QoL Quality of Life
RBC Red Blood Cells
SDH Social Determinants of Health
TI Transfusion Index
TIS Transfusion Information System
TR Transfusion Rate
TReg Transfusion Registry
USDHHS US Department of Health and Human Services
WHA World Health Assembly
WHO World Health Organization
This is why over the last decade the focus in the EU, and elsewhere, has shifted from ensuring safety and
quality of blood and blood components (product focused) towards a broader concept that takes a holistic,
multi-disciplinary approach to caring for each patient’s haematopoietic system in a manner that aims to
ensure the best possible outcome (patient-focused). This widely accepted approach is referred to as
Patient Blood Management (PBM).
According to the WHO, patient blood management (PBM) is a "patient-focused, evidence based and
systematic approach for optimising the management of patients and transfusion of blood products to
ensure high quality and effective patient care" (1). In 2010 the World Health Assembly Resolution
WHA63.12 endorsed PBM specifically referring to the three-pillar concept “bearing in mind that patient
blood management means that before surgery every reasonable measure should be taken to optimise the
patient’s own blood volume, to minimise the patient’s blood loss and to harness and optimize the patient-
specific physiological tolerance of anaemia” (2). The resolution urges WHO Member States to promote
PBM where appropriate. It also requests the Director General of the WHO to provide guidance, training and
support to Member States on safe and rational use of blood products and to support the introduction of
transfusion alternatives and PBM.
In March 2011 the WHO organised the “Global Forum for Blood Safety: Patient Blood Management” in
Dubai, stating in its concept paper that “Patient blood management (PBM) is a patient-focused, evidence-
based and systematic approach to optimize the management of patient and transfusion of blood products
for quality and effective patient care. It is designed to improve patient outcomes through the safe and
rational use of blood and blood products and by minimizing unnecessary exposure to blood products.
Essential elements of patient blood management include: the prevention of conditions that might
otherwise result in the need for transfusion (through health promotion and screening for early detection),
appropriate diagnosis and optimal treatment, including the use of alternatives to transfusion, good
surgical and anaesthetic techniques, the use of alternatives to blood transfusion and blood conservation.”
The priorities for action agreed on in this forum were grouped into clinical/hospital, national and
international levels (4). Some of the actions requested on the national level are:
Identify major national clinical needs, and based on these, develop and implement national
guidelines on blood use including patient blood management
Establish a minimum data set that can be captured at each hospital
Conduct multi-centric studies
o Patient outcomes
o Alternatives
Conduct benchmarking studies to compare practices in different hospitals and clinicians
Develop educational curriculum
o Pre-service
o In-service
o Post graduate educations (multiple disciplines)
Focus on outcome research
Translate - Make available current evidence through desk research - meta analysis
o Move forward on randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
o Need more funding for RCTs in Patient Blood Management
Resolution WHA63.12 and the subsequent WHO Global Forum on Patient Blood Management set the
framework for National Authorities (NAs) of the 194 WHO Member States to actively support the
dissemination and implementation of PBM.
Resolution WHA63.12 and the subsequent WHO Global Forum on Patient Blood Management set the
framework for National Authorities to actively support the dissemination and implementation of PBM.
In recognition of the important role of PBM in promoting patient safety and improving clinical outcomes,
the European Union (EU) Public Health Programme called for tenders in 2013 for a service contract that
would support the progress of PBM in the EU. The contract was awarded to a team led by the AIT Austrian
Institute of Technology GmbH.
This guide for national authorities, and an equivalent one for hospitals, were delivered to the European
Commission under that contract. They have no regulatory or legally–binding status but are intended as
tools to support NAs and hospitals in EU Member States in establishing PBM as a standard to improve
quality and safety of patient care. In order to ensure appropriate and optimal use of blood and blood
components (5, 6), transfusion decisions should always adhere to current evidence-based guidelines, and
be taken after careful evaluation of a variety of patient-specific and patient-group-specific factors.
In the EU, the change in approach from 'product focused' to 'patient focused' first led to an EU Public
Health funded project entitled EU Optimal Blood Use (8) which explored blood transfusion processes,
making recommendations to ensure the safety, clinical effectiveness and efficiency of blood transfusions.
A Manual of Optimal Blood Use was developed by transfusion experts from 18 EU countries and is
available in nine languages. Subsequently, several national PBM programmes were developed including
Better Blood Transfusion in Scotland (9), PBM by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) in England (10),
initiatives in Italy (11, 12) and in four University hospitals in Germany (13).
In other parts of the world also, an increasing number of leading organisations and transfusion medicine
specialists support the PBM concept, including the American Association of Blood Banks (14). Experience in
Australia and New Zealand has shown that, although PBM was first developed in elective surgery, the
principles can also be applied to emergency surgery, trauma, medical settings and obstetrics (15-23).
Furthermore, the effect of PBM on transfusion utilisation is not confined to red blood cells. Its principles
can be extended to pre-empt the transfusion of platelets, fresh frozen plasma and other blood products
that also carry risk.
PBM initiatives across the globe have contributed to good practices to treat anaemia, minimize blood loss
and avoid unnecessary transfusions while improving patient outcomes. Such results were achieved with
the state-wide Western Australia Department of Health PBM program (23), the ONTRraC Blood
Conservation Program in Ontario (24), PBM programs of hospital groups and single institutions, but also
several programs for specific patient populations (25-35). Studies looking at single PBM modalities, for
example anaemia management across different patient populations (36-51) or bleeding management
including point-of-care coagulation management in populations with high bleeding risk (52-65), have
demonstrated safety, effectiveness and improved outcome.
Large government driven PBM initiatives and hospital based PBM programmes are currently expanding. They
have demonstrated that unnecessary transfusions can be avoided by correcting anaemia and minimizing
blood loss while improving patient outcomes. Numerous studies including randomized controlled trials
looking at single PBM modalities have demonstrated safety, effectiveness and improved outcome.
Large observational studies point to the high overall treatment cost associated with transfusion and the
cost savings achieved through implementation of PBM in large healthcare systems (23, 24, 66-68).
Several randomized controlled trials comparing usual care with single or combined PBM measures
demonstrate significant reductions in blood product utilization and other economically relevant factors in
the intervention group (37, 39, 52, 55, 61, 62, 69), and Health Technology Assessments (HTA) for some
PBM modalities are available (70, 71). Certain PBM measures in certain indications might not be cost-
effective (72) or might require additional evidence due to conflicting results (73). The economic aspects of
PBM were not within the scope of this contract and are therefore not addressed further in this document.
Anaemia is a global epidemic and accounted for 8.8% of the world’s total disability from all conditions in
2010, with iron deficiency anaemia as the most common cause. The anaemia prevalence in Western
Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe was 11.1%, 15.9% and 15.5% for males and 15.3%, 20.2%
and 27.7% for females respectively. (74). In the context of an aging population in the developed world, it
is important to note that anaemia prevalence increases with age. In particular, pre-operative anaemia
prevalence in various surgical populations is much more pronounced than in the general population (19-
75% of elective surgery patients, 24-26% of cardiac surgery patients, 30-40% of non-cardiac surgery
patients, 19-38% of orthopaedic surgery patients and 70% of colorectal surgery patients) (75-82).
The evidence strongly suggests that anaemia is an independent risk factor for adverse outcomes including
mortality, morbidity (e.g. cardiac, respiratory, urinary tract, wound events, sepsis, and venous
thromboembolism), length of hospital stay and postoperative admission to intensive care (81, 83). In
addition, the literature and the Australian PBM guidelines state that anaemia is a contraindication for
elective surgery (84-86). However, in the vast majority of surgical patients anaemia remains uncorrected.
Given the estimated number of more than 74 million major surgeries1 in Europe (Western Europe with
56.3 million, Central Europe with 5.9 million and Eastern Europe with 12.0 million) (87, 88), it is widely
acknowledged that practice change could have a sustainable impact on improved outcomes for millions of
patients along with considerable health economic improvements every year.
Anaemia is a global epidemic with high prevalence in the aging and surgical population.
The current evidence strongly suggests that anaemia is an independent predictor for adverse outcomes
including mortality, morbidity and length of hospital stay and increases cost of care. In addition, guidelines
state that anaemia is a contraindication for elective surgery. Practice change towards routine anaemia
management in elective surgical patients could have a sustainable impact on improved outcomes for
millions of patients along with considerable health economic improvements every year.
Any intervention occurring in a hospital operating theatre involving the incision, excision, manipulation, or suturing of tissue, usually
requiring regional or general anaesthesia or sedation
Blood loss is another independent risk factor for adverse outcomes. Severe bleeding events increase
mortality and morbidity by up to three times (89-93). However, data show a high variability of surgical
blood loss for matched patients (75, 94, 95). Therefore, poorly controlled blood loss represents a serious
patient safety issue that should be addressed by blood conservation strategies, including meticulous
surgery and a number of evidence-based anaesthesiological measures and techniques. This underlines the
importance for NAs to explore all possible avenues to promote the minimisation of patient blood loss as
recommended by WHA63.12 ” (96). It also supports that the correction of pre-operative anaemia should
be a standard of care, because this increases the patients’ safety margin in the event of severe bleeding.
A further patient safety issue is the routine phlebotomy practice on wards and ICUs that is not always
indicated. The haematopoietic system of a healthy individual produces roughly 40ml of blood per day.
However, the total amount of blood phlebotomised in an ICU patient is often a multiple of this volume. A
study at the Cleveland Clinic in the U.S. showed that that an average patient-day in the cardio-vascular
ICU involved a total volume of about 116 ml of blood drawn (97). Over the entire ICU stay, this sometimes
leads to a patient’s iatrogenic blood loss equivalent to several units of packed red blood cells (RBCs) (97-
Blood loss through poorly controlled bleeding or unnecessary iatrogenic causes is another independent
predictor for adverse outcomes. It also induces and exacerbates anaemia. Practice change could mitigate
risk and therefore improve patient safety.
For decades the default treatment for blood loss and/or anaemia has been allogeneic blood transfusion
which is the most common therapeutic intervention in hospitalised patients (103). In settings such as
critical bleeding and bone marrow failure, blood transfusion is an essential intervention and is potentially
life-saving. However, accumulating evidence shows that particularly in haemodynamically stable patients,
transfusion is another independent risk factor for adverse outcomes. For example, some systematic
reviews and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (graded as 1A evidence) have shown some
evidence of increased risks (including infection, cardiac events, re-bleeding and in hospital mortality) from
liberal transfusion (Table 1) (104-108). In addition, large numbers of risk-adjusted observational studies
have shown an independent dose-response association between transfusion and increased morbidity,
length of hospital stay and mortality (109-123). Some of these effects may be attributable to transfusion
related immunomodulation (124, 125) and should be considered together with other immunological risks
of transfusion, such as immediate and delayed immunological reactions to blood cells (126), transfusion-
related lung injury (127) and post-transfusion antibodies/immunological memory, which may compromise
future transfusions and pregnancies (126) as well as organ transplantations (128) and haematopoietic
stem cell transplantations (129).
Table 1. Meta-analyses comparing outcomes with restrictive vs. liberal transfusion strategies
Other adverse outcomes due to physiologic influences of blood component transfusions are also observed.
In particular cardiac/circulatory overload, which have recently been shown to be more frequent than
hitherto thought (130-132). These pose perioperative risk in vascular, transplant and thoracic surgeries, in
intensive care patients (133), the elderly, and patients with kidney failure, fluid overload or cardiac failure
(134, 135). All of which are frequent transfusion recipients. The summary of the 2014 annual reporting of
serious adverse events and reactions (SARE) lists transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO) as
the leading cause of transfusion-related death (see
It is challenging to capture fully all these clinical transfusion associated reactions in the current
procedures established for haemovigilance. However, in the future there might be possibilities to link
incidence data on healthcare associated infections [see https://www.vicniss.org.au] and possibly other
adverse outcomes with transfusion and haemovigilance data. Such more comprehensive reporting might
accelerate the uptake of PBM.
In the setting of critical bleeding and bone marrow failure, blood transfusion is potentially life-saving.
However, accumulating evidence shows that in the majority of clinical settings with most patients being
haemodynamically stable, transfusion is another independent risk factor for adverse outcomes.
In the future, haemovigilance systems might use opportunities to link incidence data on healthcare associated
infections, ischaemic events, mortality and other adverse outcomes with transfusion and haemovigilance data
to accelerate the uptake of PBM.
Effective information and education on the current evidence for adverse outcome from anaemia and
blood loss, but also on all potential adverse reactions from the transfusion of allogeneic blood
components (including the directly infectious, the non-infectious, the immunological, physiological, acute,
delayed and long-term adverse events) is equally important for a more rapid dissemination and
implementation of PBM. This needs to reach out to the majority of health professionals, including general
practitioners, but also to patients. Raising awareness fosters the physician-patient discussion on PBM and
better enables informed consent and ultimately patient autonomy.
NAs have the opportunity to improve patient outcomes and patient safety through facilitation and
coordination of information and education related to all known risks of anaemia, bleeding and transfusion,
and to PBM as the new standard of care to largely pre-empt these risks. This approach needs to reach out to
health professionals, but also patients, to ensure fully informed consent and patient autonomy.
By many, the Donabedian Quality Framework (136, 137) is considered the predominant model for quality
improvement used in public health settings. It allows grouping each quality measure of a health system
under one of three quality categories, namely the quality of:
process and
The fundamental concept behind this model is that a good structure leads to improved processes and thus
improved results.
Figure 1. Quality framework with three main dimensions: quality of structure, quality of process and
quality of outcome
The first dimension is the adequate quality of healthcare structure and is the basic condition to enable an
effective continuum of healthcare for the public. It includes timely surveillance and monitoring of issues
critical to healthcare, services aimed at the protection and promotion of health as well as the prevention
of disease. To sustainably ensure and improve these services, healthcare structures requires governance,
human resources, training, education, equipment, technology and facilities. In addition, they require
organisation, including not only management and reporting systems and funding, but also relevant
The second dimension is the actual quality of process or care, asking and evaluating what is actually done
to and for patients. The focus here is on the quality of diagnostic and therapeutic services, the quality of
prevention and patient preparation, and the quality of patient education, empowerment, autonomy and
pathways to establish informed consent.
The third dimension is the quality of outcomes. It refers to the consequences of the interaction between
patients and the healthcare system. Parameters to measure actual outcomes include, but are not limited
to, mortality, morbidity and quality of life, readmission and reoperation rates, average length of hospital
stay and patient satisfaction.
In a patient-centric health system, the quality of outcome should mainly determine the quality of structure
and process. This is in line with the key components of a well-functioning health system responding in a
balanced way to meet a population’s needs and expectations as defined by the WHO
4.1 The Donabedian Model Points to the NAs as Key Players for Disseminating and Implementing
The three key questions to evaluate the three Donabedian quality dimensions are well suited to identify
the weaknesses and quality gaps in ensuring PBM as a new healthcare standard.
First, the question of what happens to the patient when treated according to PBM principles (quality of
PBM outcome) is being answered through a large and increasing body of clinical evidence; including many
large observational studies, pre-and post-implementation studies, and randomised controlled trials (23-
29, 31, 32, 37, 39, 138, 139). They clearly demonstrate that modifying the triad of independent risk
factors for adverse outcomes – anaemia, bleeding and transfusion – by applying the three-pillar-concept
of PBM significantly reduces adverse patient outcomes. This includes morbidity, mortality, readmission
rates, and hospital length of stay at reduced overall cost.
Second, the question of what is and could be done to treat and improve the outcome in anaemic and
bleeding patient populations (quality of PBM process) is satisfactorily answered. The EU-PBM pilot project
carried out as part of the EU Public Health Programme contract, and numerous PBM programmes
described in the literature demonstrate that PBM can be sustainably implemented in single hospitals and
even across state wide public hospital systems (24, 138, 139).
Third, the question of what is the healthcare structure that can broadly enable PBM (quality of PBM
structure) reveals large structural deficits and obstacles for establishing PBM in daily clinical practice.
Despite the compelling scientific evidence in support of PBM and its practicality, it is still far from being
implemented routinely as a standard of care. Specific factors limiting the uptake of PBM are:
The Donabedian quality framework helps identify quality gaps and points such as structural deficits and
obstacles limiting the uptake of PBM as standard of care. It primarily lies in the executive power and public
responsibility of the NAs to remove these impediments to fully enable healthcare providers to routinely
practise PBM for improving the overall quality of care. PBM needs to be prioritised in order to achieve the full
improvement potential in the growing patient population segment at risk.
Usually the Ministry of Health (MoH) takes on the overall responsibility for delivering “the right care in the
right place at the right time”. However, in this era of rapidly growing and often changing evidence “right
care” is constantly refined and often re-defined. Growing demand for health services influenced by current
population dynamics and budgetary constraints pose additional challenges. In this dynamic environment,
the chief administrators of the MoH are urged to act as “change managers”. To adjust the healthcare
structure and its functionality to newly identified needs, systems managers are required to take the lead
through prioritisation, coordination and delegation.
Activities under the governance of the MoH to overcome structural deficits and obstacles limiting the
uptake of PBM could include:
It primarily lies in the power and public responsibility of NAs to remove these structural impediments in
order to fully enable healthcare providers to practice PBM and achieve improved overall outcomes for a
large and growing patient population.
In a growing number of countries, public health authorities seek to achieve what is now called the triple
aim (140):
1) improving the patient and provider experience of care,
2) improving the health of populations, and
3) reducing the per capita cost of healthcare.
Engaging in the dissemination and implementation of PBM represents a unique opportunity to reach the
triple aim on a large scale.
Service delivery, incorporating the main areas of health protection, health promotion and disease
prevention, are informed by robust public health intelligence and enhanced by enablers (Figure 3).
Understanding the structure and the 10 EPHOs helps identify what the specific structural deficits and
obstacles for the uptake of PBM are and how the NAs could overcome them. The most effective and
efficient method of delivering these operations is through an integrated approach, rather than through
vertically organised programmes.
Figure 3. Three main clusters of public health services and related essential operations, adapted from
Policy-makers need to have a clear and timely picture of how health is maintained in a given population,
and what indicators contribute to or reduce opportunities to be healthy. Surveillance systems have the
purpose of fulfilling this task. They are designed to continuously feed information and intelligence to
assess health needs, detect trends, respond, plan or adjust activities aimed at improving health and
measure their impact.
Each year an estimated 20 - 40% of all major surgeries in the EU Member States are in patients with
uncorrected anaemia (75-82). This often leads to allogeneic blood transfusions and concomitant
additional risks that could be pre-empted when applying PBM modalities. Since this ongoing practice has a
significant negative impact on patient outcomes across the EU, adequate surveillance measures by NAs to
control and mitigate the risk for anaemia and transfusion are strongly recommended.
1. Stepwise introduction of mandatory continuous collection of patient level data on anaemia, transfusion
and outcome to measure and guide the implementation of PBM as a standard of care
Most hospitals’ electronic patient administration systems (EPAS) routinely capture patient demographics,
admission details, ICD diagnoses, procedures and outcome data. They are essential for coding, billing and
reimbursement of each single case. Sometimes, these systems also capture whether a patient has been
transfused in the course of the hospitalisation, which allows transfusion rates to be derived for different
patient groups. Sometimes EPAS also capture whether patients are anaemic when admitted.
However, patient level data on pre- and postoperative haemoglobin levels, point of care coagulation tests,
platelet counts, the number and type of blood components transfused, and other relevant parameters are
usually not available on EPAS. This information is usually only found on the hospitals’ Laboratory
Information System (LIS) and Transfusion Information System (TIS) or transfusion registry (TReg). Usually
LIS and TIS/TReg are not automatically linked to EPAS.
The quality of the process of care-data should reflect the relevant patient populations at risk (hospitalized,
scheduled for surgery, anaemic, bleeding) and the PBM elements and transfusion process within these
populations. In addition, outcome data should be in place to continuously monitor the effect of changes to
the process of care (survival, adverse reactions, length of stay, re-admission). NAs should therefore
strongly recommend the data linkage between EPAS, LIS and TIS, in order to establish key performance
indicators on anaemia, bleeding and adherence to transfusion or preferably PBM guidelines. The
developmental stages of electronic data collection and automation between EU Member States might still
largely differ in terms of quality, compliance and degree of implementation. Therefore, a stepwise
introduction of mandatory continuous collection of patient level data adapted to measure and guide the
implementation of PBM is recommendable.
In some EU Member States, a number of key performance indicators (KPIs) are already monitored and
analysed by national haemovigilance organisations. A practical and efficient recommendation could be to
extend haemovigilance tasks to aggregate and monitor also PBM KPIs, as listed in this Guide.
Key measures to provide basic KPIs for inpatients are transfusion rate (TR), transfusion index (TI) and
anaemia rate (AR) at admission. TR is the percentage of patients transfused, TI is the number of
transfusions per patient and AR is the percentage of anaemic patients. These parameters should be
regularly reported to clinical department heads and the hospitals’ quality and safety managers. TR, TI and
AR should be calculated across all hospitalised patients as well as for subgroups based on demographic
data (gender, age), admission details (planned or emergency interventions), ICD diagnostic codes and
procedures, and patient outcome information (e.g. complications, nosocomial infection, length of hospital
stay and mortality).
Figure 4. Step I: Mandatory introduction of basic key performance indicators (KPI) for inpatients: RBC
transfusion rate, transfusion index and rate of patients admitted with and/or operated with anaemia.
After successful implementation of systems to provide basic KPIs, the system should be enhanced by
using the individual case identification codes to link EPAS, TIS and LIS. Type and units of blood and blood
components (RBC, FFP, PLT, Cryoprecipitate) transfused, laboratory values pre-transfusion, and at
admission and discharge should be linked in order to allow automated electronic processing of the
following KPIs for blood and blood components (RBC, FFP, PLT, Cryo) per 1.000 discharges. Data coverage
(e.g. the percentage of units transfused with a pre-tranfusion trigger within a relevant time frame) should
be actively reported for all indicators:
AR at admission and discharge
AR prior to elective surgery
Intraoperative blood loss (external measured bleeding volume)
Perioperative total blood loss (external and internal) calculated by total red cell mass before and
after surgery (preferably at day 5)
Rate (%) of single RBC units transfused
Mean RBC transfusion triggers and targets
Mean pre / post PLT transfusion platelet counts/ platelet function tests
Mean pre / post FFP transfusion coagulation tests (international normalised ratio (INR)/viscoelastic
point of care tests)
Use of antifibrinolytic medication (tranexamic acid) during certain types of surgery
Correct management of antithrombotic medication perioperatively (documentation of guideline-
compliant medication + monitoring of platelet function tests and/or coagulation tests in high risk
Utilisation rate of topical haemostatic agents in certain types of surgery
Utilisation rate of autotransfusion in selected types of surgery
(see additional/complementary information under “Establishing continuous PBM benchmarking and
reporting systems” in “Supporting Patient Blood Management (PBM) in the EU A Practical Implementation
Guide for Hospitals”)
Figure 5. Recommended integration of different data sources to provide advanced KPIs which allow
continuous surveillance of the utilisation of blood and blood components (RBC, FFP, PLT, Cryoprecipitate)
(144, 145).
The mandatory electronic documentation, collection and evaluation of basic patient level KPIs on anaemia,
transfusion and outcome and their provision to decision makers, health care professionals and the public are
strongly recommended.
Once a basic data system has been implemented, the development of an advanced PBM data system is
Benchmarking is a valuable tool used to continuously monitor and evaluate quality of care at different
levels. There are two main approaches: continuous measurement of one’s own performance (internal) and
comparison with best performer’s (external) benchmarking. The aim of internal benchmarking is to
compare the situation pre- and post-implementation of certain measures, and to monitor the outcome at
regular intervals. The aim of external benchmarking is to compare the outcome of institutional procedures
and behavioural habits within a typical group of organisations, and to learn about the latest methods and
practices of other organisations. Benchmarking programmes are usually implemented either at a regional
level initiated by health authorities, or in an institution-initiated model where one site identifies key
indicators and invites other institutions to participate. The reliability of the results, both within an
institution and between institutions or healthcare systems, strongly relies on the validity of data derived
from each source.
For reliable and high quality PBM benchmarking results, it is recommended to set up an automated
process for data aggregation by linking EPAS, TIS and LIS based on the individual case identifier and
providing direct data export at regular intervals (monthly or quarterly). PBM reports should include data
analyses with standard tables and diagrams. Reports of KPIs should be presented as time series to follow
the utilisation of blood and blood components and the association with patient outcome. For clinical
department heads, hospital managers, and NAs it is highly recommended to perform an intra- and inter-
institutional comparison of KPIs between hospitals with comparable procedures and patient populations.
Clinical department heads and hospital administrators must know how patient outcomes and the
transfusion practice of their institution changes over time and how this compares with other hospitals. For
sustainable and successful implementation of PBM it is highly recommended for NAs to strengthen and
encourage their hospitals to participate in national and international benchmarking processes.
Actively monitoring health problems and hazards in the community is pivotal for health authorities to
react in a timely manner when a crisis is developing, setting the right priorities and responding effectively
to emergencies. Monitoring the change in health hazards from transfusion during the transition to PBM is
useful to demonstrate the need for PBM.
Uncorrected anaemia and poorly controlled bleeding are hazardous for patients and lead to additional
hazards due to increased utilisation of allogeneic blood components that could be avoided. Thus, high
variability of blood utilisation in matched patient populations is an indicator for sub-optimal quality and
safety. Institutions with PBM programmes systematically reduce the described patient risks as indicated
by more homogenous and relatively low levels of blood utilisation, while the opposite is observed in those
without PBM programmes. Numerous studies have shown transfusion variability for matched patients
between 0 and 100%, (75, 94, 146, 147). Although the literature shows that the prevalence of under-
transfusion (148) is clearly less than the prevalence of over-transfusion (149-158), transfusion
monitoring also helps to detect this risk.
To foster quality of care through PBM and prevent unnecessary health hazards, particularly in high-risk
populations, it is recommended to routinely flag institutions with TR and TI outliers and to link these
results with patient-level data on transfusion thresholds, pre-transfusion anaemia and outcomes,
including major morbidity and mortality..
Routine monitoring and flagging of institutions with TR and TI outliers and linking these results with patient-
level data on transfusion thresholds, pre-transfusion anaemia and patient outcomes will support NAs in
fostering PBM, thus preventing health hazards.
Additional benefits from monitoring and addressing high levels of blood utilization:
Reducing blood utilization through PBM and the monitoring of extreme transfusion variability will also
reduce the risks from transfusions that are usually monitored by haemovigilance systems such as the
small, but remaining risk of transfusion transmitted viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, transfusion-
related acute lung injury (TRALI), transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO), wrong unit
transfused and others.
Health protection encompasses activities to ensure conditions for healthy living, avoid conditions for
unhealthy living, and protect health. NAs have available a number of instruments to achieve these
purposes, including public information and campaigns, specific information, training and education for
health professionals, education and empowerment of high-risk patient groups, but also legislation and
Intelligence gathered from PBM related surveillance, monitoring (see sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2) and newly
emerging evidence is essential to develop relevant informational and educational contents to protect
health. Based on this, single health protective measures might be legislated.
Recommend active and passive patient support from patient advocacies and patient safety groups
to disseminate PBM.
For clinicians, quality and safety managers, hospital administrators and public health
Create a framework and develop materials to inform and educate clinicians, quality and safety
managers, hospital administrators and public health representatives on the triad of independent
risk factors for adverse outcome and PBM as an evidence-based, safe and cost-effective standard
of care.
For the coordination of framework building, content development, legislation and other
activities see section 4.3.1 Governance.
To raise public awareness about the risks of anaemia, blood loss and transfusions
To educate patients in PBM, its treatment modalities with their risks and benefits, and empower them
to shared decision-making
To create a framework for experts to regularly analyse PBM and relevant surveillance and monitoring
To create a framework and contents to inform and educate clinicians, quality and safety managers,
hospital administrators and public health representatives on PBM as an evidence-based, safe and
cost-effective standard of care.
5.2.2 Health promotion including action to address inequity and social determinants of health
The purpose is to promote and improve population health and well-being by reducing inequalities and
addressing the broader social and environmental determinants of health.
One of the social determinants of health (SDH) is the social condition that people live in. The anaemia
prevalence in Central Europe, and even more so in Eastern Europe, is very high compared to Western
Europe (74). At the same time, blood safety levels are lower and blood availability is more restricted in
areas with higher anaemia prevalence (159). Another SDH is the patient’s gender. Women are more likely
to receive allogeneic RBC transfusions and a greater quantity of blood than men. In some patient
populations this is also associated with increased mortality in females when compared to matched or
comparable male patients (160-162). To some degree, these regional and gender inequalities of patients’
health status can be mitigated by instituting PBM as standard of care, and in particular by routinely
correcting anaemia pre-operatively (first pillar of PBM).
Anaemia in general, iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia could be broadly addressed by a national
or international/global health promotion campaign. Introducing and supporting a “World Anaemia Day”
could improve health literacy on anaemia, its symptoms, treatment, nutritional aspects and outcome. It
would not only raise the awareness within the global society including the healthy and diseased, but also
of health professionals. It might also trigger research initiatives and new pharmacological and nutritional
developments. Potential partners to promote and sustain the “World Anaemia Day” could be WHO, United
Nations World Food Programme, ICEF, MoHs, the World Bank, select professional societies and
In addition, national initiatives and measures to raise the awareness for anaemia, its associated health
risks and its avoidance might be recommendable and gain international traction when coordinated and
organised in parallel by some of the EU Member States.
Integrating PBM and anaemia management into health promotion efforts is indicated. According to a
recently published epidemiological study, and despite causing so much disability and mortality, “anaemia,
does not receive its requisite attention in many public health spheres. Such inattention may be partly
because anaemia is thought of as a by-product of other disease processes rather than as a target for
intervention in and of itself“ (74). However, the proper recognition and management of anaemia may
improve both the recognition of underlying but overlooked diseases as well as alleviating the
consequences of anaemia.
Recommended health promotion measures for the NAs:
Increase awareness in the public and amongst health professionals to draw attention to anaemia with its
associated risks, social determinants, consequences and its avoidance
Integrate anaemia in the pathways of health promotion
The purpose of this EPHO is to prevent disease through actions at primary, secondary, tertiary and
quaternary levels. Primary prevention aims to prevent hazards and diseases before they might occur. This
is done by prevention of exposures to hazards, changing behaviour and patterns that can lead to disease
or injury, and increasing resistance to disease or injury in case exposure occurs. Secondary prevention
aims to detect early the disease or injury that has already occurred. This often includes screening
programmes and regular examinations for certain high-risk populations to detect whether disease has
occurred at all. Immediately addressing disease in its earliest stages halts or slows its progress and
reduces its immediate and potential long-term impact. Secondary prevention also includes patient-specific
strategies to prevent disease recurrence. Tertiary prevention aims to soften the impact of chronic disease
or permanent disability. This includes measures to improve quality of life (QoL) by reducing symptoms,
improving functional capacity and expanding life expectancy. Quaternary prevention aims to avoid
unnecessary or excessive interventions and their consequences.
Most measures to prevent fall within the duties and responsibilities of health professionals and healthcare
PBM is essentially the practice of preventative medicine. Its rationale lies in the pre-emption of three
modifiable risk factors for adverse patient outcomes, namely anaemia, bleeding and transfusion (163).
Primary prevention
Creating a sense of urgency for PBM as a new evidence-based standard of care through clinical training
and education is an important measure of primary prevention. It should emphasise the awareness about
anaemia and iron deficiency among clinicians to improve timely recognition and management of these
Secondary prevention
PBM goes beyond the concept of appropriate use of blood products, because it pre-empts and significantly
reduces the need for transfusion by addressing modifiable risk factors that might lead to transfusion long
before a transfusion may even be considered (163). This includes routine early pre-operative detection
and correction of both anaemia and bleeding disorders as key elements. These measures are associated
with significant reduction of morbidity (including nosocomial infection and ischaemic events), mortality,
hospital length of stay and the likelihood to be transfused (see section 2). In addition, the timely
identification of peri-operative bleeding, its cause and immediate correction (“stop the bleeding first”) is
part of secondary prevention. Standard use of viscoelastic coagulation testing and targeted therapy in
bleeding patients is also considered secondary prevention (164, 165).
Tertiary prevention
Tertiary prevention might be achieved by applying PBM modalities in cancer patients for the improvement
of Quality of Life (QoL), disease free survival and the reduction of tumour progression and cancer
recurrence (166), and in patients with chronic heart failure with the improvement in fatigue and physical
performance (36, 48) as well as reduction in hospital admission rates.
Quaternary prevention
The combination between PBM and the concept of optimal blood use leads to quaternary prevention. PBM
reduces or pre-empts transfusion. Optimal blood use, particularly the use of restrictive haemoglobin
triggers and single-unit ordering for the non-massively bleeding patient, is a cornerstone of quaternary
prevention. This can be achieved by implementing evidence-based transfusion guidelines (e.g. Grading of
Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) based guidelines (167) which may
be applied internationally. Compliance with guidelines can be enhanced by, for example, (interactive)
computerised physician order entry (CPOE) system policies, by regular audits of hospital and department
transfusion practices or by automated data capture and analysis (see 8.7 Appendix 7 - Computerized
Physician Order Entry Systems (CPOE).
5.3.1 Assuring governance for the national dissemination and implementation of PBM
Intelligent governance is the necessary condition to ensure policy development that leads to well-
functioning, effective public health services. It requires efficient methods, processes and integrated
institutions to maintain accountability, quality and equity with taxpayers’ money spent. This also includes
the availability of well-qualified staff within the NAs and expertise and support from competent
stakeholders outside the NAs.
Ideally, the “National PBM Steering Committee” should be formed with representation from select MoH
departments, the public health insurance system, the National Medical Association, the quality and safety
agency, the centre of disease control and the public hospital trusts (including representation from
administration, finance, quality and safety, legal, information technology (IT) and finance departments).
Creating, instituting and empowering a National PBM Steering Committee provides a strong driver for the
successful dissemination and implementation of PBM as a new standard of care.
Establishing the inter-sectoral link between the MoH and the relevant ministries of Education and
Research might be helpful to support the integration of PBM teaching modules into under- and post-
graduate curricula of the various health professions (see Appendix 3 – Proposed content of PBM
Participation of ministries responsible for research along with public research institutions fosters the
integration of PBM research (see 5.3.5).
Good strategic planning and evidence-based policy development aimed at measurable health goals and
public health activities at national, regional and local levels require the linkage and participation of
stakeholders outside the NAs. This includes key opinion leaders in the field of PBM and official delegates
from professional societies representing clinicians who particularly deal with a high prevalence of
anaemia and moderate to severe blood loss, pharmacists, nurses, perfusionists, laboratory physicians,
transfusion medicine specialists and general practitioners. Due to the strong emphasis on the surveillance
and monitoring (see 5.1.1 and 5.1.2) of PBM KPIs, benchmark and data analysts should also be integrated.
Concerning the medico-legal aspects and patient rights and empowerment, the participation of medico-
legal experts, ethicists, patient rights experts, patient advocacies and patient representation is advisable.
Table 3. List of external stakeholders in support of the PBM governance and policy development process
List of External Stakeholders Partnering in Support of the PBM Governance and Policy Development
Key opinion leaders in the field of PBM
Official delegates from professional societies representing clinicians who particularly deal with a high
prevalence of anaemia and moderate to severe blood loss, pharmacists, nurses, perfusionists,
laboratory physicians, transfusion medicine specialists and general practitioners.
Benchmark and data analysts
Medico-legal experts
Patient rights experts
Patient advocacies
Patient representatives
To change and adapt the current healthcare structure to the needs of PBM, the Steering Committee would
then institute and authorise a number of necessary committees, subcommittees and temporary task
forces (Figure 6). It would also ensure that all communication channels deemed useful to disseminate all
relevant information for the various target audiences and the public at large would be fully utilised.
It would be the responsibility of the National PBM Steering Committee to institute the GSC and to make
available the resources for the development and regular updating of the guidelines and standards. This
GSC should seek the input from the professional groups listed in table 4. This must happen through a
formalised process and involve the coordination with the respective professional societies, professional
bodies, associations and institutions.
Table 4. List of professions with needed input on the creation of PBM guidelines
Recommended professions giving input for the creation and updating of PBM guidelines and standards
Burns specialists
Cardio-thoracic surgeons
Clinical haematologists
General practitioners
General surgeons
Gynaecologists and obstetricians
Hospital pharmacists
Intensive care specialists
To create synergies, GSCs of the different EU Member States might jointly develop PBM guidelines and
standards and seek the professional input from various European professional societies. It could be useful
to seek cooperation with the National Blood Authority (NBA), Australia and European NAs. The NBA has
sponsored the development of the world’s first comprehensive set of National PBM guidelines under the
auspices of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in Australia (see section 6). The
NBA is now aimed at regularly updating these guidelines that are in accordance with WHA63.12. Following
the GRADE methodology (or similar), the NBA PBM guideline and other guidelines achieving sufficient
scores using the AGREE tool, evidence based recommendations (GRADE) may be directly exchanged
between countries.
In line with three recommendations from the 2011 WHO Global Forum for Blood Safety: Patient Blood
Management, namely to 1) establish a minimum PBM data set captured at each hospital, 2) conduct
benchmarking studies to compare practices in different hospitals and clinicians, and 3) focus on outcome
research, the National PBM Steering Committee should institute a National PBM Data Collection,
Benchmarking and Analytics Committee (DBAC). This committee could outsource the actual data collection
and management to qualified contractors. DBAC could also become part of a joint European effort. This
would allow for continuous inter-country benchmarking and pan-European outcomes research with a large
and fast growing database.
4. Create a Subcommittee for PBM Human Resources and Structural Requirements Planning and Provision
Fully enabling PBM requires sufficient facilities, a standard set of devices and equipment, IT and foremost
a skilled workforce. To quantify these requirements mid and long-term, the National PBM Steering
Committee could create a subcommittee with responsibility for PBM Human Resources and Structural
Requirements Planning. Input from the GSC’s findings and results from the DBAC would allow for better
5. Create a Subcommittee for the Proposition and Coordination of National and International PBM
research efforts
In accordance with the recommendation from the 2011 WHO Global Forum for Blood Safety: Patient Blood
Management to focus on related outcomes research, including multi-centric studies and “to move forward
on randomised controlled trials”, the National PBM Steering Committee could create a subcommittee to
foster, initiate and coordinate national and international PBM research programmes.
6. Create Task Forces for the Allocation and the Management of PBM Transformation Funds and the
Development of PBM Reimbursement Schemes
Accumulating evidence shows that PBM is associated with significant reductions of average length of
hospital stay, complications, costs and transfusions (138). The favourable cost-effectiveness of PBM is a
compelling argument for its implementation. However, some initial capital investments have to be made
to enable the transformation or conversion from the old to the new standard of care before returns will be
realised. A task force under the supervision of the PBM Steering Committee could carry out the planning
and management of these financial requirements.
Some PBM modalities are not adequately reflected in the reimbursement schemes of public health
insurances, for instance the routine detection and management of pre-operative anaemia. A task force
under the PBM Steering Committee and with representation from clinical experts, hospital administrators
and public health insurance could be established to resolve such disparities.
As for each work process, the three fundamental elements of structure are a qualified and trained
workforce, necessary equipment/technology, and appropriate facilities.
Identification of hospitals and medical departments for implementation activities and ensuring a
sufficient workforce starts with staff requirement planning. The Subcommittee for PBM Human Resources
and Structural Requirements Planning and Provision should carry out this task.
Based on each hospital’s own empirical data for different patient populations, procedures with the highest
blood utilisation should be identifiable. In order for the Subcommittee to pragmatically derive quantitative
PBM staff requirements, it should combine this information and the identification of the hospitals with the
biggest overall use of blood components, and then apply the Pareto principle or the so-called “80 to 20
Selecting the top 20% of all hospitals in the country in terms of their absolute blood component
utilisation would probably account for around 80% of the national utilisation. The necessary data
could be supplied by the haemovigilance authorities or the DBAC. All their anaesthesia
departments, intensive care units, pharmacies, and quality and safety departments would require
a workforce skilled in PBM.
Identifying the procedure codes in the selected hospitals (in many institutions this will include at
least orthopaedic, cardio-thoracic and abdominal procedures) would account for approximately
80% of the hospitals’ total blood utilisation. All clinical departments responsible for these
procedures would be identified along with the personnel requiring training and skills in PBM. All
relevant data could be supplied by the hospitals’ own information system.
With this approach, a relatively small fraction of hospital departments will cover approximately two thirds
of the national PBM caseload. The criteria for how NAs, or their respective representatives, can best
choose hospitals or hospital departments eligible for PBM programmes is simply based on the Pareto rule,
combining the data of hospitals and procedures with maximum blood utilisation. How to estimate the
required number of staff is demonstrated by the following example:
Generic example for how to estimate clinical PBM staff and training requirements across
national health systems
A country with approximately 200 hospitals reports a total annual RBC utilisation of 300,000 RBC units.
Applying the Pareto rule, the 40 biggest of these hospitals (20%) with an estimated 20 clinical
departments each or 800 departments in total are expected to use 240,000 units (80%). Applying the
Pareto rule once more, 160 of these departments are expected to use 192,000 RBC units or 64% of the
country’s overall utilisation. To ensure appropriate PBM, the following staff with a minimum PBM skill set
and a certain level of seniority is required:
For the vast majority of this staff, practice change following educational measures will be sufficient to
enable PBM. However, each of the 40 hospitals would need at least one clinical lead for PBM with 0.25 –
0.5 FTE, one PBM coordinator with 0.25 – 0.5 FTE and one clinical nurse coordinator with 0.5 – 1.0 FTE.
Job descriptions for clinical PBM leads, PBM coordinator and clinical PBM nurse coordinators are in the
appendix of this document (see 0 page 68).
Ensuring a competent workforce requires staff education and evaluation. This task should also fall under
the responsibility of the Subcommittee for PBM Human Resources and Structural Requirements Planning
and Provision. The recommendation from the 2011 WHO Global Forum on Patient Blood Management was
to develop educational curricula for both under- (“pre-service”) and post-graduates of multiple disciplines.
This includes physicians, nurses, pharmacists and quality and safety managers. Proposals for the design
of PBM curricula and training courses are in the appendix of this document. PBM certification for clinical
PBM leads, PBM nurse coordinators and the hospital’s quality and safety managers should become
A number of interactive PBM e-learning courses and educational video clips are offered by different
professional institutions (see 0
Appendix 4 - List of PBM related e-learning courses). Some of the material is freely available and can be
easily integrated in under- and postgraduate curricula (see 8.3 Appendix 3 - Proposed content of PBM
PBM training and education for post-graduates could also be an integral part of the exchange
programmes for clinicians organised by The European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) (168).
Throughout EU countries, HOPE seeks to promote improvements in the health of citizens, a uniformly high
standard of hospital care, and to foster efficiency, effectiveness and humanity in the organisation and
operation of hospital services and of the health systems within which they function.
Planning for and providing sufficient PBM workforce and its education encompasses:
Undergraduate PBM education (nurses, physicians and other health professionals)
Postgraduate PBM education (nurses, physicians and other health professionals)
PBM job descriptions and recruitment plans
PBM certification for clinical leads, nurse coordinators and quality and safety managers
PBM exchange programmes for clinicians (HOPE programme)
Based on the guidelines and standards recommended by the GSC, and possibly on HTAs in some of the EU
Member States, the Subcommittee should also plan and ensure that each hospital with a PBM programme
has the necessary state-of-the-art technology available to fully enable PBM. This might include the
procurement of equipment for routine microsampling (particularly in ICUs), non-invasive tissue
oxygenation monitoring, minimised circuits in heart-lung machines, viscoelastic coagulation testing at the
point-of-care, cell-salvage, administration of haematinics in the pre-operative setting (e.g. infusion chairs),
and laboratory devices for the routine pre-operative testing of anaemia, iron-deficiency and coagulation-
disorder related parameters. It might also include CPOE software for managing quaternary disease
prevention (see 5.2.3).
Infusion chairs
Laboratory devices
Most PBM modalities can be applied during hospitalisation, particularly those grouped under the second
and third pillar of PBM. However, routine detection and treatment of pre-operative anaemia and
coagulation disorder requires dedicated space on hospital sites. This includes patient reception, waiting
areas and treatment rooms. Therefore, the Subcommittee should ensure public hospitals with PBM
programmes have dedicated premises.
Efficient, effective and responsive healthcare services require appropriate organisation and financing.
A national template for the in-hospital PBM organisation needs to be developed using the available
workforce, equipment and facilities specific to PBM. This should be done under the direction of each EU
Member States’ PBM Steering Committee and the respective Subcommittee for PBM Human Resources
and Structural Requirements Planning and Provision. This corresponds to the recommendations from the
Supporting Patient Blood Management (PBM) in the EU – A Practical Implementation Guide for Hospitals.
Following the Kotter model for change management as an integral part of the PBM Implementation Guide,
it is essential to “create a clinical (PBM) reference group as a guiding coalition” and to “empower the PBM
The job descriptions with tasks and responsibilities for the PBM clinical lead, the PBM coordinator and the
PBM nurse coordinator as well as the recommendations for tasks and responsibilities of the hospitals’
PBM committees serve as a general direction for integrating and anchoring the PBM organisation into the
hospitals’ overall organisational structure (see 8.6 Appendix 6 - Organisation of the hospital’s PBM
The evidence clearly demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of PBM programmes, generating multiple
returns of investment within short- to mid-term planning horizons (24, 30, 138, 169, 170). The significant
reduction and pre-emption of blood component utilisation, related laboratory work, and numerous pre, -
intra- and post-transfusion services allows immediate reallocation of financial resources already
budgeted and provided for within the public health system (66, 67, 169, 171, 172). However, even under
such favourable preconditions, the reallocation of available funds may need to be authorised and
stipulated by NAs.
Based on proposals produced by the Task Force for the Allocation and the Management of PBM
Transformation Funds, the Steering Committee should secure the necessary resources. The provision of
financial means to build the in-hospital PBM structure and organisation is also in line with the change
management recommendations of the PBM Implementation Guide, namely to “empower the PBM team”.
3. Developing a reimbursement scheme for PBM services during the pre-hospitalisation phase
Most PBM treatment modalities are provided intramurally, i.e. for hospitalised patients. Related costs are
accounted for by the hospital and reimbursed by the public health insurance system. However, fully
effective correction of anaemia, a measure representing the 1st pillar of PBM in elective surgery patients,
is required several weeks ahead of the intended procedure. In terms of adequate reimbursement, this
poses a structural challenge in many health systems of the EU Member States. Therapeutic measures
performed by hospital departments above a certain number of days prior to the patients’ hospitalization
(e.g. more than five days in Germany) are not reimbursed by the public health insurance. Therefore, these
patients would seek extramural care and see their general practitioner or family doctor to get their
anaemia treated. However, general practitioners are not always inclined to treat their patients’ pre-
operative anaemia, because their standard reimbursement scheme is not sufficient to cover the treatment
To close this gap, it seems necessary to develop appropriate reimbursement schemes for fully integrated
PBM services during the pre-hospitalisation phase. This may fall under the responsibility of the Task Force
for the Development of PBM Reimbursement Schemes under the supervision of the National PBM Steering
Ensuring PBM specific communication to both health professionals and the public at large
In terms of its multi-modality and multi-professionalism, PBM is a rather complex concept. To move more
quickly from policy to practice, the general public, and more importantly many health professionals,
including both in-hospital clinicians, general practitioners, and health administrators need to be
familiarised with this practice. Therefore, to accelerate the dissemination and sustainable implementation
of PBM, NAs might specifically target the professional audiences. Education is needed on the role of PBM
in primary, secondary and tertiary disease prevention, and on the role of transfusion avoidance in
quaternary disease prevention. The NAs’ channels would primarily be electronic, including the MoH’s and
their agencies’ web-portals. Press releases, circulars and statistical briefs as well as symposia sponsored
by the MoH should also be considered.
The general public could be addressed through the MoH’s and patient advocacies’ electronic portals, but
also indirectly through press releases. Leaflets, flyers and posters could be distributed in hospitals,
medical practices and other public health institutions.
To improve health literacy on the burden and avoidance of anaemia, a “World Anaemia Day” might
address the public. This could be organised as a concerted action of NAs around the world.
A key document to be electronically provided and communicated by NAs and patient advocacies is a PBM
fact sheet to educate anaemic patients and patients undergoing surgery or any other procedure with a
potentially clinically significant blood loss. This evidence-based document should use layperson’s terms to
educate patients on PBM treatment modalities. This enables and empowers patients to reach a fully
informed consent with their treating physicians before the intervention.
NAs should provide and distribute a PBM fact sheet for anaemic patients and patients planning to undergo a
procedure with the risk of a potentially significant blood loss. This enables and empowers patients to reach a
fully informed consent with their treating physicians before the intervention.
professionalism of PBM, more research might be needed to answer more specific questions and close
With the DBAC commissioning “Big PBM Data Management” and the Coordination of National and
International PBM Research Efforts, the NAs are in a good position to monitor clinical and scientific
progress to improve evidence-informed PBM policy making. By supporting research, the NAs are also in
line with the recommendations from the 2011 WHO Global Forum for Blood Safety: Patient Blood
Management, to conduct and fund RCTs, to make meta-analyses, to make current evidence available
through desk research, and to translate research into practice (4) (see 5.3.1 Assuring governance for the
national dissemination and implementation of PBM).
Each EPHO contains a package of activities that can be pursued and/or supported by NAs to disseminate
and implement PBM in their respective health systems and hospital.
The asterisks behind each activity indicate whether the NA should consider the facilitation, information,
recommendation, incentives, control/inspection, legislation or enforcement in connection with the
described activity.
Table 5. Summary Table: EU-PBM Strategy to help National Authorities to disseminate and implement PBM
in hospitals across the EU
A Intelligence
1. Surveillance
Continuously collect patient level data on anaemia, transfusion and
outcome to measure and guide the implementation of PBM as a
standard of care
Mandate the collection of basic key performance indicators x x x
(step 1)
Recommend and support the collection of advanced x x x x
performance indicators (step 2)
Recommend and support the collection of comprehensive x x x x
performance indicators (step 3)
Aggregate collected data for continuous benchmarking, analytics
x x
and feedback to health care providers
2. Monitoring
Mortality x x x
Link monitoring for hospitals’ quality improvement with blood
x x x
utilisation data
B Service
3. Health protection
Create a framework of clinical and academic key opinion leaders to
translate the findings from national/European PBM surveillance and
x x x
monitoring data as well as from newly emerged scientific evidence
into practice improvement
4. Health promotion
Support and pursue the idea of a World Anaemia Day x x x
Apply PBM modalities in patients with chronic heart failure with the x x x
improvement in fatigue and physical performance
5d Quaternary disease prevention
C Enabler
6 Governance
Create and Institute a National PBM Steering Committee under the
x x x
authority of the MoH
Establish a multi-professional PBM Guidelines and Standards
x x x
Software x x x x
10 Research
Patient outcomes x x x
Cost-effectiveness x x x
In 2011, the Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability (ACBSA) in the United States (US)
organised an expert meeting under the auspices of the Department of Health and Human Services
(USDHHS) to address the potential role of PBM (http://nih.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=22).
The USDHHS began collecting data on the penetration of PBM across the US. Its latest Blood Collection
and Utilization Survey Report (2011) dedicated a section to PBM.
Within the EU, the NAs of some EU Member States have taken action, reflecting resolution WHA63.12.
Several years before resolution WHA63.12, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health had already initiated
activities that led to a heightened awareness of PBM. In 2003, it issued a call for tender to conduct the
first prospective observational Austrian Benchmark Study on Blood Utilisation across randomly selected
public hospitals. This initiative was a landmark effort that not only confirmed the high prevalence of
extreme inter-institutional transfusion variability for matched elective surgical patients, but was also the
world’s first study to quantify the relative impact of predictors for transfusion in the elective setting (75,
94). The results showed that 97.4% of all transfusion events are predicted by the patients’ level of
anaemia and blood loss, and the clinician’s thresholds triggering transfusions (“transfusion trigger”). These
important findings laid the foundations for PBM. To study the effect of the first Benchmark Study on
blood utilisation, the Austrian Federal MoH funded a follow-up study that included the same hospitals with
approximately the same number of elective surgical patients and the same indications.
The Danish Health Authorities run the Danish Transfusion Database, in which utilisation of blood
components is bench marked between hospitals and regions. In 2014, the Danish Health Authorities
published the first GRADE-based transfusion guideline (National Klinisk Retningslinje for blodtransfusion
af 19. Juni 2014 (176)). It highlights the lack of evidence for beneficial health effects of liberal
transfusion and stresses the need for future PBM. This guideline recommends monitoring transfusion KPI’s
as recommended in this report (e.g. transfusion rates & index, pre-transfusion haemoglobin) and a
subcommittee has defined that it should done on a national level, per region, hospital and for selected
surgical procedures by means of the Danish Transfusion Database. The five regions in Denmark
responsible for running the public hospitals have launched a common quality improvement initiative in
2015 called “Patient Blood Management in the Danish Regions” based on the WHO principles, in which
guideline-adherent transfusion practice, improved perioperative bleeding control and preoperative
anaemia management is endorsed.
In 2013, under the national program of self-sufficiency for blood and blood products, the Ministry of
Health issued the recommendation to. “define and promote the application of multidisciplinary evidence-
based approaches, to improve patient outcomes in a sustainable way by means of maintaining
haemoglobin concentration, optimising haemostasis and minimizing blood loss. To identify patients at risk
of transfusion, and to define plans for their clinical management (patient blood management) to reduce or
eliminate the need for allogeneic transfusion, and reducing related risks and costs” (Gazzetta Ufficiale
della Repubblica Italiana, n. 292 del 13 dicembre 2013, Ministero della Salute, decreto 29 ottobre 2013,
Allegato A).
In 2014, the Ministry of Health issued the following recommendation: “With reference to the medical and
surgical diagnostic and therapeutic pathways with major transfusion impact, during 2013, the Centro
Nazionale Sangue (National Blood Centre), initiated together with technical-scientific collaborations, a
national project for the promoting of the implementation of multidisciplinary and multimodal approaches
to the patient blood management, by identifying patients at risk of transfusion (particularly in elective
surgery patients) and defining management plans to reduce or eliminate the need for allogeneic
transfusion by means of a) maintaining haemoglobin concentration, b) optimising haemostasis and where
applicable, c) minimizing blood loss. The development of the pilot project in orthopaedic surgery is
expected to be rolled out during 2014” (Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, n. 265 del 14
novembre 2014, Ministero della Salute, decreto 24 settembre 2014, Allegato A). In the same year, the
National Blood Centre (Centro Nazionale Sangue), initiated the national “PBM-Italy” program at the
Instituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (Bologna) and at the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana. Starting in the
field of major elective orthopaedic surgery, the program promotes the implementation of multidisciplinary
and multimodal PBM approaches including the early identification and management of patients at risk of
In 2015, the Ministry of Health issued the following decree: “In order to prevent avoidable transfusions,
specific programs (PBM) are defined and implemented in our national territory, with particular reference to
the preparation of patients for elective surgical treatments, based on guidelines to be issued by the
National Blood Centre to be endorsed within six months from the enactment of this decree” (Gazzetta
Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, n. 300 del 28 dicembre 2015, Ministero della Salute, decreto 2
novembre 2015, Art.25 (5)).
According to the premise of the National Program for Plasma and Plasma Derivatives for 2016-2020, a
trend in Italy is observed “following the adoption of policies and patient blood management (PBM) aimed
at implementing methods and tools to ensure the appropriate management, both organizationally and
clinically, of the individual patient's blood, in order to improve outcomes” (Gazzetta Ufficiale della
Repubblica Italiana, n. 9 del 12 gennaio 2017, Ministero della Salute, Decreto 2 diciembre 2016, Allegato
United Kingdom
In 2013, the National Health Service (NHS) in England conducted a survey in all NHS Trusts in England on
their preparedness for PBM and their current activities. The response rate was 98%. One of the NHS’s
official websites now has a full section on PBM and anaemia management with educational material,
algorithms and toolkits for health professionals. The site also offers information for patients (177). The
National Health Services Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) currently employ a clinical director for PBM. The
unit’s special focus is on the North-West Pre-operative Anaemia Project, where a large working group
from trusts in the North West of England drive the implementation of pre-op anaemia management in
every day practice. Pilot sites are in the process of implementing pathways based on regional algorithms
(178). A PBM measuring tool is being implemented in two of the participating hospitals. Clinical
Commissioning Groups (CCG) - NHS organisations set up by the Health and Social Care Act in 2012 to
organise the delivery of NHS services to the public - are discussing large-scale commissioning and design
of anaemia management pathways with the Greater Manchester Elective Orthopaedic group. Bolton Trust
has developed an Anaemia Management in Primary Care Pathway (179).
The National Blood Transfusion Committee’s PBM recommendations were prepared following the Future
of Blood Transfusion Conference. The recommendations are supported by NHS and NHSBT. On its website,
the Joint United Kingdom Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory
Committee (JPAC) features a section on PBM (180).
8 Appendix:
Italy Centro Nazionale Sangue, Ministero della Salute management
United Kingdom National Health Service management/
Switzerland University Hospital Zürich blood-management.aspx
Transfusion medicine societies, transfusion services and related institutions with PBM activities
ARCBS Australian Red Cross Blood Service lood_management
Over the last three decades a number of studies have described how transfusions of blood components
are distributed across patient age groups, international classification of disease codes (ICD-codes), and
specialities, and utilized for surgical patients, respectively. This section summarises the frequency of
utilization based on these categories.
Study Country or region Year(s) of data collection Patient age (years) Share of RBC transfusions
Vamvakas et al. (182) USA 1989-1992 >65 53.3%
Wells at al. use in the original paper the wording “north England” (“The north of England is a geographically well defined region …”)
The overall analysis, of these and a number of other studies, shows that current population dynamics in
most developed countries will lead to an increasing demand for RBC transfusions in the old-age patient
group if transfusion patterns remain unchanged (171, 181, 189). This is supported by another study from
Borkent-Raven et al. They developed mathematical models to predict the demand for RBC units in the
Netherlands. One model is based on demography only and predicts an increase of 23% in RBC demand
from 2008 to 2015. The second model, however, incorporates trends in clinical RBC use based on what
the authors called “optimal or restricted blood use”, predicting a decrease of RBC demand by 8% over the
same period (190). The impact of the old-age patient group on blood utilisation is also clearly
demonstrated by Ali et al. with computerised data collection on all potentially1 transfused patients
covering ≈70% of all blood usage in Finland. The data, for the period from 2002 to 2006, show 70- to 80-
year-olds had an eightfold higher RBC consumption than 20- to 40-year-olds (191).
ICD diagnosis, main group Chiavetta et al. (192) Borkent-Raven et al. (188) Titlestad et al. (185, 186)
Canada Proton Netherlands Fuenen/Denmark
ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-10
(1991-1992) (1996-2005) (2002)
Injury, poisoning and other consequences of external causes 13.4% 10.5% 9.7%
(incl. trauma)
In the original article the wording “potentially” is used but not explained by the authors
The database analysis from Finland, by Palo et al., captured the number of transfused patients and the
combined number of transfused blood components (RBCs, platelets and FFP) by ICD-10 codes (187). In
general, this analysis did not differentiate by the type of component. However, for malignant diseases of
the blood and blood-forming organs (C81-C96) as a subgroup of neoplasms (main diagnostic group II of
the ICD-10 system), the utilisation of each type of component was singled out with 7.4% for RBCs, 46.2%
for platelets and 3.0% for FFP. These data indicate that the large majority of RBCs utilised in patients with
neoplasms might be in the group with solid tumours rather than haematological malignancies. This
distinction is important, because patients with solid tumours, as the primary diagnosis, often require
surgical procedures with specific PBM measures.
Other 1.8%
no procedures 12.9%
Total 100.0%
The database analysis from Finland, by Palo et al., captured the combined number of all blood
components including RBCs, platelets and FFP (a total of 137,530 units in 2003 and 127,286 in 2002)
used for patients undergoing operations. The Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee (NOMESCO)
Classification of Surgical Procedures (NCSP) (version 1.7) of the Nordic Centre for Classification of Health
Care was used (187). Again, three of the first four categories involve visceral/abdominal, cardio-thoracic
and orthopaedic surgeries. However, the ranking is different from the Canadian study by Chiavetta et al.;
this is because all blood components are accounted for, not only RBCs.
Table 10. Relative numbers of blood components (RBCs, platelets, FFP) transfused by main operation
Urinary system, male genital organs and retroperitoneal space 4.2% 4.3%
Chest wall, pleura, mediastinum, diaphragm, trachea, bronchus, and lung 5.0% 6.8%
Medicine 51.6%
Anaemia 23.2%
Haematology 15.5%
Other 1.5%
Other 4.4%
Abdominal 4.4%
Colorectal 2.7%
Other 2.4%
Other 2.1%
Other 2.3%
Urology 2.6%
Transplant 1.7%
Neurosurgery 1.2%
Gynaecology 3.1%
Obstetrics 3.1%
In the second study, Cobain et al. (Western Australia) used diagnosis related groups (DRGs) to identify
diseases and procedures with the highest blood utilisation. Of all 50,605 RBCs transfused during the study
period, 6,991 units were used in orthopaedic DRGs, 5,453 units were used in cardiovascular DRGs, 4,814
in trauma and 133 in hepatic/biliary DRGs. Other DRGs were haematology with 10,494 units, followed by
7,111 in gastroenterology, 2,760 in gynaecology/obstetrics, 2,548 in renal, 1,622 in respiratory, 1,047 in
infection and the remainder in all other DRGs [3] (Table 12).
Table 12. Red blood cell (RBC) utilisation by specific procedure or DRG
Haematology 20.7%
Gastroenterology 14.1%
Renal 5.0%
Respiratory 3.2%
Infection 2.1%
Cardiovascular 10.8%
Hepatic/biliary 1.9%
Greinacher et al. (181) Germany, Mecklenburg-Pomerania 2005 35.1% + an unspecified share from critically ill or
emergency patients
In a European survey by Bruun et al. (197), on average, 61% of red cell units were transfused for medical
indications, 36% for surgical indications and 3% for gynaecological or obstetric indications. In a study
conducted by Tinegate et al. (22), 27% were transfused for surgical and and 6% for obstetric/gynecologic
indications. A recent study conducted in France by Fillet et al. (198) showed that that 34% of patients had
a transfusion in a surgical context, whereas the context for 44.8% of patients was not specified.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the principles of the new PBM paradigm and the structure of the curriculum.
General overview and explanation of the multidisciplinary three-pillar strategy and its multimodality. The main goals of
PBM are the prevention and treatment of anaemia, the avoidance and minimisation of blood loss, and the
optimisation and harnessing of the physiological tolerance of anaemia
Relevance of PBM for conservative medicine and surgery. PBM was first developed in elective surgery but the
principles can be applied to emergency surgery, trauma management, and other medical settings.
History and description of the paradigm shift from product-related transfusion medicine to blood-sparing (“bloodless")
treatment concepts to comprehensive patient blood management.
PBM includes not only the avoidance of RBC transfusions, but of the transfusion of all allogeneic blood components.
Overview of the curriculum.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the main drivers for the paradigm shift from product focussed transfusion medicine towards PBM
Outcome of transfusion and PBM modalities
Lack of evidence for the benefit of transfusion in many patient populations
The risk of known, re-emerging and newly emerging pathogens in transfusions of allogeneic blood components
relative to the risks of PBM.
The physiological and non-infectious risks of allogeneic blood component transfusions
The growing gap between donor blood supply and demand for blood components
Cost and cost-effectiveness of transfusions versus PBM modalities
Ethics, patient education and patient empowerment
Learning Objectives:
Get an overview of the international progress in the dissemination and implementation of PBM and better understand the
reasons for failure and success
International comparison of KPIs derived from surveillance and monitoring data on PBM and transfusions
Analysis and assessment of the differences in structure, process and outcomes related to PBM (Donabedian Quality
Learning Objectives:
Understand the main challenges and obstacles for culture change and how to overcome them methodologically; understand how
to lead change.
Introduction into the theory of paradigm change, culture change and change management on the background of
transfusion being behaviour driven
How to conduct a local SWOT analysis before embarking on the PBM implementation project; focus on the strength
and weaknesses of the hospital’s patient information system
Establish a pre-implementation baseline with KPIs
How to apply Kotter’s eight steps change management model
Learn from case histories: success stories of a full implementation of PBM in various institutions and health systems.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the infrastructural and organisational needs to run a routine PBM program in a hospital
Educational measures, administrative and organisational steps to be taken to sustainably run PBM as a standard of
care in hospitals or hospital systems.
Interdisciplinary PBM coordination within the hospital
Infrastructural needs and adjustments to run PBM as a standard of care in hospitals or hospital systems
o Patient access
o Patient logistics
o Facilities
o Technical standards
6.1 Role of the 1st pillar: optimizing the patient's own red cell mass
Learning Objectives:
Understand the anaemia risk and its role as an independent predictor of adverse outcome; understand the importance of the 1st
pillar and its treatment modalities to modify the anaemia risk
Understanding anaemia and iron deficiency
o Definition and aetiology of the different forms of anaemia
o Prevalence of anaemia and iron deficiency in the general population
o Prevalence of anaemia and iron deficiency in patient populations
o Anaemia and its burden of disease
Identification of risk groups, pathophysiological consequences and the negative impact of a anaemia throughout the
perioperative period
Estimate the risk of anaemia and the risk of transfusion (required red cell mass) Participants should be able to assess
the patient specific anaemia and transfusion risk for the patient as accurately as possible: preoperative investigation,
risk scores, retrospective databases. Learning how to apply the Mercuriali algorithm.
Avoid diagnostic and interventional blood loss
Blood samples and blood loss during interventional procedures constitute a significant risk of anaemia. Participants will
learn to minimize blood loss by reducing the diagnostic inspections to the extent necessary and to choose appropriate
approach for diagnostic. This is particularly important in children and adults with low body weight.
Detection and correction of anaemia and iron deficiency:
o Diagnosis of anaemia: Laboratory methods/parameters for detection and for differential diagnosis of
various forms of anaemia. Participants should be able to clarify pre-existing forms of anaemia in the
situation and undertake appropriate treatments
o Treatment of Anaemia: Guidelines for treatment with iron, vitamin B12, folate and erythropoietin.
Participants should be able to handle at least simple forms of anaemia, such as iron deficiency anaemia
with a standardized treatment plan.
o PBM in septic anaemic patients
Calculation of the required red cell mass: A method of estimating the necessary preoperative erythrocyte mass (type
of surgery and patients related parameters, creating a risk scores, calculation by means of the Mercuriali algorithm),
determination of the patient-specific tolerable blood loss. Participants should be able to assess the appropriate
transfusion risk for the patient as accurately as possible.
6.2 Role of the 2nd pillar: minimising blood loss and bleeding
Learning Objectives:
Understand the risk of bleeding and blood loss as an independent predictor of adverse outcome; understand the importance of
the 2nd pillar and its treatment modalities to modify the bleeding risk
Poorly controlled blood loss in specific procedures and its impact on outcome
Avoidance of diagnostic and interventional blood loss
Perioperative coagulation management: Diagnosis of coagulation disorders with special emphasis on point of care
methods, compliant treatment of pre- and perioperative occurring coagulation disorders. Role of normothermia and
temperature management. Participants should be able to recognize coagulation-related bleeding risks and to treat
without increasing patient's risk.
Methods for reducing blood loss
o Surgical methods: Surgical techniques with minimal blood loss, storage techniques, use of special
equipment (e.g. argon beamer), use of local anticoagulants, Damaged Control Surgery. Participants should
be able to recognize the importance of surgical techniques to minimize blood loss and exert corresponding
influence on the surgical procedure.
o Anaesthetic Methods: Normovolaemic haemodilution, hypotensive anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia,
temperature management. Participants should have knowledge of anaesthesia, which are associated with
lower blood loss.
o Retransfusion of autologous blood: Possibilities and indications for reinfusion of autologous blood (washed,
unwashed, intra- and postoperative), re-transfusion in tumour patients, in patients infected and in obstetrics.
Participants should be able to apply the methods, indications and contraindications of autologous
transfusion of shed blood in accordance with the guidelines.
o Drug therapy: Recognizing and avoiding coagulation disorders, prophylactic therapy with antifibrinolytic
agents. Participants should be familiar with the use of medications to reduce blood loss
Timely management of re-bleeding: Participants should be able to recognize the extent and risks of postoperative
bleeding and to treat them accordingly.
6.3 Role of the 3rd pillar: optimising the physiological tolerance of anaemia
Learning Objectives:
Understand the physiology of profound anaemia and the treatment options to harness and optimise physiological reserves to
cope with it
Methods to increase anaemia tolerance: identification and treatment of anaemia induced comorbidities, improving the
circulatory status, improvement in lung function, myocardial ischemia treatment, treatment of arrhythmias, etc.
Optimised ventilation and the role of oxygen dissolved in the circulatory system
Optimised fluid management and the role of capillary density
Learning Objectives:
Understand the difference between PBM and optimal blood use
Explain the difference between PBM and optimal blood use (“optimal blood use begins where PBM is exhausted or
Explain the advantage of physiological transfusion triggers over numerical triggers
Show the importance of a single-unit transfusion policy
Show the role of interactive computerised physician order entry systems for the transfusion of blood components
Show the importance of benchmarking physician-level KPIs for transfusion
Learning Objectives:
Understand the medico-legal implications of the patient’s self-determination or autonomy
Define what a competent adult patient is and explain what his/her patient rights are, and how they are protected
Define what a mature minor patient is and explain what his/her patient rights are, and how they are protected
Explain what an advanced patient directive is, and how this directive has to be honoured
Explain the importance of a hospital-wide policy on an informed consent that documents in writing the discussion on
PBM treatment modalities, their risks and benefits, as well as on transfusion and its risks and benefits
Interactive learning programs for PBM, optimal blood use and related topics
Australian Governments, the National Blood Authority (NBA), the https://bloodsafelearning.org.au/
Australian Red Cross Blood Service (Blood Service) and the
Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT)
4. Leads a multi-disciplinary team of experts for sustainable hospital-wide implementation of PBM, coordinates and supports the
activities of the PBM representatives of the departments.
5. Fosters PBM research and establish a network with international experts.
Provides centralised management and propagate in cooperation with the PBM representatives of each department the
multidisciplinary program of PBM.
2. Is chair of PBM .committee
3. Sets the development of evidence-based guidelines and their sustainable implementation with interest in best practice and
communicates the related content so that it uniformly improves patient outcomes by PBM programs.
4. Monitor and analyse compliance / implementation of the PBM program by continuously screening benchmarking data and
feedback and organize the needed information from all parties involved.
Develops and continuously improves, together with the PBM coordinator, strategies resulting from the benchmarking process
(treatment protocols, guidelines, standards, methods).
6. Ensures that appropriate training programs, in accordance with PBM, are developed for the clinical staff and implemented.
Regulates the teaching of indication, handling and documentation of blood products.
7. Integrates the PBM approach into quality management system of the hospital, particularly regarding staffing, technical and
organizational features, with the aim of continuous improvement of the quality of care for patients.
Initiates research projects (internal and in cooperation with external expert specialists) to continuous improve PBM.
Represents the PBM program to relevant professional associations, congresses, conferences, public appearances and similar.
Is aware about recent publications in the field of PBM and passes this information further (Education and Knowledge
11. Cooperates closely with medical / clinical directors of PBM in other hospitals.
Selection criteria
Senior physician with very good practical experience and good scientific background in the understanding and treatment of
bleeding and anaemia and in PBM.
2. Postgraduate qualification and professional experience.
3. Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills, written and orally.
4. Pronounced analytical and conceptual thinking.
5. Experience in organizing and conducting clinical research.
6. Leadership at the senior management level.
Desirable qualifications
1. Directs and coordinates a multidisciplinary team to implement PBM program.
Provides clinical leadership in collaboration with the medical director of PBM and consultancy in the fields of nursing, laboratory
work and related fields of medicine with regard to PBM both inside and outside of the health system.
3. Initiates and analyses research.
Initiates, implements and evaluates the best practice methods and provides feedback to the field of PBM both inside and outside
the health system to ensure the best possible patient care.
Develops and promotes evidence-based guidelines, standards, protocols and manuals in accordance with the legal, technical and
economic requirements.
6. Provides advice, guidance and ensure professional patient care.
Develops and manages a comprehensive anaemia management program as an integral part of the PBM (system for complete
7. detection and correction of anaemia) and ensure an ongoing evaluation / optimization of these processes (pre-operative
Offers expertise to a wide range of workers in the health sector and patients and ensures that patients are well informed and
decisions are well-founded (including refusal / acceptance of blood transfusions).
Develops innovative approaches and methods to solve complex problems in the field of PBM both within and outside the health
10. Is a member of the multidisciplinary PBM committee (similar to the concept of a transfusion committee).
11. Develops social component and leadership qualities actively further to promote the PBM program optimally.
Detects and installs when needed new positions for the implementation of the PBM project and formulate job descriptions for
those new positions.
13. Contributes to the recruitment and cares about the introduction of new staff in the organization.
Develops and implements business plans and strategies to optimal use the available personal, financial and structural resources
(IT, knowledge, external expertise) effectively that are in accordance with the department and institution aims.
15. Implements and ensures ongoing performance management.
16. Designs, implements and evaluates education and training programs within and outside the health system.
17. Is responsible for the dissemination of new, relevant information regarding the PBM within and outside the health system.
Is involved in public relations. Submit reports for various public places or toward patient complaints and excitations and other
initiatives and requests that are required.
Possesses basic knowledge in change management and applies appropriate strategies to promote the PBM program both within
and outside the health system.
Selection criteria
1. Senior physician with practical experience and good scientific background in bleeding, anaemia and PBM.
2. Management experience in a clinical speciality.
3. Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills.
4. Expertise and know-how in conjunction with PBM / transfusion medicine, also in emergency medicine.
Desirable qualifications
1. Wide range of experience in healthcare.
2. Knowledge in financing of health care.
Networks among multidisciplinary staff in the healthcare field to assist in making change happen within typical clinical practice in
the field of PBM and transfusion.
2. Directs and assist in the creation and formation of policy and procedure in the field of PBM.
3. Acts as an intermediary between regulatory agencies and the PBM staff
Is responsible for continuous evaluation of PBM competency in all areas of performance including target key performance
indicators (KPIs).
During implementation phase, works with the PBM implementation board as well as the PBM staff in the completion and process
documentation of the PBM program with the intent of expansion to other geographic areas or states.
6. Leads and coordinates PBM nurses and multidisciplinary team to implement the PBM program.
Provides clinical leadership and consultancy to nursing, medical, laboratory and allied health care professionals, and providers in
the area of PBM both within and external to the hospitals/health service.
In collaboration with the PBM medical leader and coordinator, initiates and analyses research, including blood utilization data and
benchmarking, to determine clinical best practice.
Initiates, implements and evaluates best practice activities and provides feedback in order to support the delivery of appropriate
clinical care in the area of PBM both within and external to the hospitals/health service.
Develops, implements and promotes evidence based standards, policies, protocols and guidelines that are compliant with relevant
professional, industrial and legislative requirements, which influence PBM both internal and external to the hospitals/health service.
Provides advanced, complex patient/client care as well as expert consultancy and guidance both within and external to the
hospitals/health service.
12. Leads and develops a peri-intervention anaemia/iron deficiency detection, evaluation management program
Provides expert consultancy service for a broad range of customers and health professionals, including facilitating the requirements
for informed consent/refusal for blood transfusion.
14. Is a member of the multidisciplinary representative Patient Blood Management Committee.
15. Provides leadership in the coordination and implementation of quality improvement activities.
Contributes to the formulation of staffing profiles according to analysis of clinical needs and available resources. Operates within
the allocated/available budgets for the area of responsibility.
17. Implements and maintains performance management activities, where applicable.
18. Leads and develops education and training programs both within and external to the hospitals/health service.
19. Regularly disseminates information on clinical research in the area of PBM both within and external to the hospitals/health service.
Provides a public relations function for the area including where relevant investigation and report preparation for ministerial,
enquiries and consumer complaints.
Selection criteria
1. Eligibility for registration as registered nurse.
Knowledge and ability to provide leadership in a complex health service environment and influences the achievement of objectives
for the area of responsibility.
3. Knowledge and application of physical, financial and human resource principles at a senior nursing level.
4. Ability to contribute effectively as a member of a nursing leadership team and to influence and implement change.
5. Knowledge and application of quality improvement initiatives.
6. Well-developed communication, consultation and negotiation skills.
7. Expert with clinical/professional knowledge in area of transfusion and/or PBM in an acute setting.
8. Expert knowledge and application of research and best practice principles.
Current knowledge of legislative and regulatory requirements in the areas of equal opportunity, disability services and occupational
safety & health, and how these impact on employment, people management and service delivery.
Desirable qualifications
1. Possession of or significant progression toward the attainment of a postgraduate qualification in area of specialty.
2. Demonstrated knowledge of project management.
Function: As a multidisciplinary representative committee that takes the lead in developing, implementing, evaluating and progressing
the program. Members of the committee act as role-models for other healthcare professionals in the program. They address key
questions in relation to the functioning of the program, take the lead in the implementation of guidelines and assist in the adherence to
guidelines. They assist with the development and evaluation of the benchmarking and monitoring databases, education initiatives and
research projects.
Communicate and promote the PBM program vision throughout the institution
Facilitate the change management
Provide forum for discussion and facilitate communication
Provide departmental leadership
Facilitate development and review of protocols, policies, procedures and guidelines
Monitor compliance/ provide feedback on gains and areas for improvement
Collect data (baseline, monitoring, feedback, improvement)
Benchmark outcomes
Initiate educational needs and opportunities
Produce educational materials (including newsletters, brochures, hospital website)
Interact actively with the hospital administration
Develop and review operational policies and protocols
Develop and carry out quality improvement activities
Act as a resource and provide direction
Recommend, develop and review education programs
Initiate proposals for research and clinical trials.
Compile data for analysis
PBM Medical Director (Chair)
PBM Coordinator
PBM nurse coordinator
Medical Administration.
Surgery (representatives from major surgical specialties)
Anaesthesia/Intensive Care
Emergency medicine
General medicine
Transfusion medicine
Paediatrics and neonatology
Nursing (theatre, ICU and ward)
Quality and safety management
Chief hospital administration
Table 16. Reorganising transfusion committee to PBM committee (Adapted from Shulman and Saxena
Table 17. Expansion of clinical software for clinical decision support system in the scope of optimal blood
9 References
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2. WHA. 63.12 - Sixty-Third World Health Assembly , Agenda item 11.17, 21 May 2010 - Availability, safety
and quality of blood products 2010, Available from: http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA63/A63_R12-
en.pdf (last access: 11/07/2016).
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