Mystic Oils

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Mystic Oils

The purpose of Oils is to direct

the Candle to a proper plane
of existence. For instance a Yellow Solar
Blast Candle needs Oils that
belong to that sphere; you would confuse
matters by putting on an Oil say
like Dixie Love Perfume, a Passion Oil, when
we are inspiring joy and
happiness. Just as Colors and Incense have
their range so naturally do
Oils. There is also a correct way to dress
or Anoint a Candle.
Starting from the centre, coat the
entire TOP HALF. This is
done by putting some of the Oil in your palm
or on your finger and
rubbing all the way up to the top of the
Candle. Then taking some more
Oil you begin the same process working your
way down. The reason for
this is first you are sending your prayer
upward and then you are
drawing the answer downward. As above, so
below. What goes up must come
down. So as the Candle dissolves into the
atmosphere it must come back
with an answer since it cannot re-
materialize itself.

Oils have been used for may

centuries for Magickal purposes, and
it should be pointed out that a difference
does exist between Oils,
Perfumes, and Incenses. The Oils are
mixtures of the extracts from the
Herbs in their purest form. Perfumes and
Essences are dilutions of the
Oils, and therefore will be weaker in their
power. We strongly suggest,
that only the Oil form be used by anyone who
is serious in his/her
Rituals and Magickal Practices.

More Power To You

{ A }

ABRAMELIN: One of the Oldest Wiccan Oils to

develop the Power of your
Ritual. Used to induce a trance
state when used with Incense.

ACACIA: Used as a Holy Oil for Candles

and your Altar.

Adam and Eve: Anoint the body to bring

your lover to you. Have some on
your hand when seeing your
intended; put some on his or
her and he/she will be yours
from then on.

ALGIERS: Used to induce fast luck for

gambling purposes. It has powder
and Herbs in it. Good only 24
Hrs., but one of the Strongest.

ALL SAINTS: This Oil brings success to any

Ritual. It is used in
conjunction with other Oils,
and is also used around your

All SPICE: Used around and on your Altar.

Has Spiritual vibrations,
and strengthens any Ritual.

ALMOND: Attracts money. Rub some on your

money before spending it.

ALOE: Used for healing purposes. Good for

the skin and Hair. A few
drops in a Mojo Bag makes it more

ALTAR: This Oil brings Spirits in who will

assist you and make your
work stronger. Place some on your
Candles and your Altar. A
drop on the forehead will assist you
in Spiritual work.

AMERICAN VOODOO: Brings success to your

venture. Rub it on the Charm
Or anoint the forehead.
Rub on the Voodoo Dolls when
working with them.

ANGEL: Anoint a red Candle, and it brings

Love. When placed on the body,
it brings people to you. If placed
on your intended, it will bind
him/her to you.

ANGEL'S DELIGHT: Same usage as Angel Oil,

but stronger for a short
period of time.

ANISE: Brings good luck. Sprinkle around

the home and vehicle. Rub on
your money before gambling and, if
wearing a Charm or Amulet,
anoint it before gambling.

ANOINTING: This is used to obtain

Blessings. Anoint the Candles for
extra Power in the Ritual. When
used on White Candles, it
calls in Spirits to assist you.

APPLE BLOSSOM: Add it to your bath, and it

will bring success in any
venture. If used in a
shower, put some on your head
and allow the shower to
distribute the Oil over your
body. Place some on the
towel when drying down.
AQUARIUS: To be used by Aquarians on their
Astral Candles for good
vibrations. Used to bring an
Aquarian to you if a Pink
Astral Candle is anointed with

ARABIAN NIGHTS: Brings out the passions of

love. Anoint the body before
retiring, and it will be a
night of passion.

ARIES: Used by Aries on their Astral

Candles for good vibrations. Used
to bring an Aries to you if anointed
on a Brown Astral Candle.

ARNICA: Used to repel evil individuals or

Spirits. Rub over your
doorway and widows; this will
prevent their entrance. A very
Spiritual Oil, with high

ASTRAL: Used to assist in Astral Travel and

meetings. If you wish to
meet somebody new, anoint your body
with this Oil, and after
seven days, you will meet someone

ATTRACTION: Anoint Pink Candles to bring

him/her to you. If anointed on
a Charm or Amulet, it will
bring someone new to you. Brings
your lover back when placed on
a Red Candle. To bring in
more money, anoint your wallet
or purse, and more Cash will
be attracted.

{ B }

BALSAM: Used to release Hexes and Curses.

Rub onto the doors and windows,
and then the body of the one who is
Hexed or Cursed. Anoint four
Purple Candles and burn in the house
every week for additional

BAT'S BLOOD: Used to cause tension and

disorder. Anoint an Astral Candle
of the one you wish to disturb.

BAYBERRY: Brings in more money. Anoint the

money in your wallet or purse,
and then the wallet. Sprinkle on
the front doorway of your
business to help it thrive.

BENEFICIAL DREAM: Anoint the forehead to get

a good night's sleep and
induce dreams. Used to get
numbers for gambling.

BENZOIN: Brings peace of the mind and

quietness. Anoint the neck and
the shoulders.

BERGAMOT: Increases the Power of other Oils.

Add a few drops of this Oil
to others for a fast, increase of

BERRY OF FISH: Arouses sexual desire of your

lover. Rub your entire body
before going to bed, it will
be a night of passion.

BIBLE: Helps to bring success to a Ritual.

Anoint the Altar and the Altar
Candles. Will bring in the Power of
the Bible to assist you.

BLACK ARTS: Used to put strong Power into

your work against others. Can
be sprinkled in the path of one
you do not like, and it will
cause him/her pain. When rubbed
on a doorknob which is
touched by your opponent, he/she
will likely leave you alone
from then on.

BLACK CAT: Applied to Amulets and Mojos to

bring good luck. Place a few
drops in your bath for continued
good luck.

BLACK DEVIL: Stops unfaithfulness. Rub some

of the Oil on the shoes of
the individual to be affected.
A few drops in the food is
also effective.

BLESSING: Will bring Spirits to your

assistance. Anoint three White
Candles and burn them as Altar
Candles, and you will hold
them there to help you.

BOSS FIX: Sprinkle across the doorway or on

his/her chair. Contact with
the Oil will bring a raise or a
promotion, and more money
to you.

BUDDHA: Will bring Spiritual Guidance from

Buddha. Anoint the forehead
while meditating, and you will gain
His wisdom.

{ C }

CARNATION: Brings good luck while gambling.

Rub it on the hands before,
and you will have a good night.

CALIPH'S BELOVED: Used to increase love.

Anoint the body, and his love.
Anoint the body, and his
love for you will be
Intensified. Anoint an
Astral Candle of his and burn
it; he will remain with
you more and more.

CAMPHOR: Mixed with Control Incense, it

increases the Power. When
anointed on Candles it promotes
peace and harmony in the home.

CANCER: Astrological Oil for Cancerians.

When anointed on an Altar
Candle of your lover, it brings him
to you.

CANDLE: Used to Bless Candles and other

objects. Anoint the objects and
say the appropriate Prayer or Spell
as directed. Can be used to
increase the Power of other Oils in

CAPRICORN: Anoint an Astral Candle to obtain

success { by a Capricorn }.
To bring one to you, anoint the
Oil on a green Astral Candle.

CARNATION: Anoint the head of a sick person

to bring about a fast
recovery. To prevent illness,
anoint the throat and ankles.

CASSIA: Used to increase your Power of

concentration. Anoint the arms
and ankles before doing any Work for

CHINESE: Used to attract money for a

business venture. Rubbed on a High
John The Conqueror root it develops
strong attraction for more

CHYPRE: Anoint the body for good dealings

with others in financial
affairs. Rub the telephone and cash
registers for good and
increased business.

CINNAMON: Add to floor wash to increase

business. Rub on the coins in
your pocket to bring in more.

CIPRIANO: Rub on your hands before meeting

your intended, then rub on
his/her clothing. The target will
be attracted to you.

CITRONELLA: Attracts friends and lovers.

Will give increased knowledge
and reason.
CITRUS: Stops unwanted visitors. Rub over
door, and anoint an Orange
Candle for this purpose.

CIVET: Rub on the hands for protection from

others. If rubbed on the
Solar Plexus, it brings Spiritual
enlightenment. If placed on
the breasts, it becomes a love

CLEO MAY: Lucky Oil for gambling. For good

business, wrap a dollar bill
around a High John The Conqueror
root and anoint with the Oil.
Good luck and good business will be

CLEOPATRA: Used by lovers to increase sexual

enjoyment; anoint the bodies
and the bed sheets. To bring back
a drifting lover, anoint 7
Red Candles made of beeswax.
Place them in a Circle, and burn
1 each night at midnight.

CLOVER: A love Oil placed on the pillow of

your lover. This will keep
him/her faithful and loving.

CLOVES: Place at the base of the neck and

back of the knees. You will
get the one you want. Strong love
COCONUT: Used to break Spells...take your
picture and place it face
upward. Rub the Oil over it; this
will break all Spells placed
against you.

COME TO ME: Used to anoint the breasts to

entice love. When a Red Astral
Candle is anointed, you can draw
the one you want to come to
you. To bring in money, anoint a
Green 7 Day Candle and burn
it to completion. You will get
the money during the time the
Candle burns.

COMMANDING: Used to get another to do your


COMPEL: To gain Power for yourself. Anoint a

7 Day Orange Candle, and
say out loud your intention. You
will gain your objective while
the Candle burns. To regain money
lent out, write the amount on
a piece of parchment paper, anoint
it, fold it up and the burn it.

CONCENTRATE: To make the correct decision

concerning a problem, anoint
the forehead. Meditate, and the
right procedure or method
will e revealed to you.
CONSECRATE: Used to consecrate your tools or
materials while doing Spell
work. This ensures good results
and strong ones. Used to
Bless a Ritual; anoint the Altar
and the Circle.

CONFUSE: Put several drops in the path of

the person hindering or
bothering you. He or she will have
problems, and leave you alone.

CONJURE: Used to call Spirits; anoint a

Purple Candle, and call on their

CONQUERING GLORY: To gain Power over others.

Anoint an Orange Candle, and
inscribe their name {s} on
it. Burn the Candle, and you
will have their

CONTROL: Rub on the forehead for peace and

quiet. To control another, rub
the Oil on the shoes of the person
or his/her clothing. Anoint
a Pink Candle, put the person's
name on it, and burn it.

CORIANDER: Ensures a long lasting love

COUNTERACTING: Anoint the wrists and feet to
stop all other Spells and

COURT: Wear on the forehead, before going

into court.

CROSSING: Rub on a Voodoo doll or Image

Candle for Hexing or Jinxing.
Sprinkle in your opponent's path,
or around the home, so
that the person must cross it.

CROWN OF SUCCESS: Helps gain success in all

ventures. Anoint the Candles
for strong influence over
others. When added to Business
Incense, financial help
will come to the business.

CRUCIBLE OF COURAGE: Stops all Hexes and

Inhexes. Rub on the forehead and
the body. Wear a violet
scarf after a day's wait.

{ D }

DAMNATION: A Crossing Oil. Place on the

person that you wish to Jinx or
Hex. This will cause great
discomfort and distress.

DESIRE: Inspires romance, and someone else

to want you. Get the Oil on the
person's clothing, or send him or
her a letter with Oil on it.

DEVIL'S SHOESTRING: Gives 2 hours.

DOVE'S BLOOD: Anoint the feet before going

to court. This will help you
to win your case.

DRAGON'S BLOOD: An Uncrossing Oil. Put into

a wash, and wash the floors

{ F }

FAST LOVE: Will bring him to you rapidly.

Anoint his clothes or shoes.
Put some on your hand, and rub it
on him.

FAST LUCK: A super mix for gambling and

numbers. Rub some on your
forehead, and you will pick the
right numbers.

FAST SCRUBBING: Brings money fast; rub on

lucky stone or Tiger's Eye,
and carry it in your pocket.

FIERY COMMAND: Enhances stronger love

desires. Put some on your lover,
or his/her pillow, and he or
she will love you more.


the outside of your home for

FIRE OF LOVE: Strengthens love between two,

if the Oil is placed on
the forehead of each at the
same time.

FINANCE: Used to increase business, sprinkle

around the office or
building. Place on the cash

FIVE CIRCLE: Used to guide the Spirits

through the Five Planes to
assist you. Helps to get
Visions of the future.

FIVE FINGER GRASS: Protection from harm Oil.

Anoint the car and or
boat. Rub the clothing

FLAME OF DESIRE: Used to bring in the new

lover. Wear as a body Oil when
you see him, and he will be
trapped by you.

FLAME OF POWER: Anoint with this Oil as

protection from Hexes. Very

FLYING DEVIL: Burn with Jinx Removing

Incense to ward off all Voodoo
and Hexes. Very strong.

FOLLOW ME BOY: Used to win court cases.

Anoint a Mojo Bag, and carry
it into court. To get another
to work with you, anoint
two White Candles, and bring
him to you.

FLORAL: A mild mixture used to control him.

He will think only of you
when you are wearing this Oil.

FORGET ME NOT: Put the Oil on him, and he

will never forget you.

FRANGIPANI: Used to attract a new lover.

Place on an orange and sit it
outside your door. Within two
days, you will meet someone

FRANKINCENSE: Used to anoint for the most

highly Spiritual interests.
Brings many Blessings.

FRENCH LILAC: Used for protection of the

home. Sprinkle it all around
the interior.

FRENCH LOVE: Develops a strong love

relationship. Put it on the pillows
each night, and wear as an Oil.

{ G }

GALANGAL: Used to win in court; anoint the

hands before entering the

GAMBLING: Win at gambling with cards and

dice. Rub the hands and
the shoes.

GALBANUM: Brings success in ventures,

finding things, and new business.

GARDENIA: Protective Oil from stresses of

everyday life.

GEMINI: Worn by Geminis to increase their

Power. Put on a Brown Astral
Candle to bring a Gemini to you.
GERANIUM: Used as a Hex breaker. Mix with
Incense and be free of Hexes
and Curses.

GET AWAY: Runs Evil out the door. Put some

on your doorknobs, and Evil
cannot come in.

GINGER: Anoint the body, and you will enjoy

the day more fully.

GLORY: Enhances your character, and makes

you feel better.

GLOW OF ATTRACTION: A strong Attraction Oil.

Place behind the ears,
and attract new lovers
to you.

GUINEA: A strong Protection Oil. Sprinkle a

few drops across the front
of your home. It will stop all Evil
from coming in.

{ H }

HAS NO HANNA: Anoint your body once a day

and you will never be without
some money.
HEALING: Rub on the body and it will be

HEATHER: Makes dreams come true. Anoint the

forehead, and you will
dream more.

HEART: Strengthens the Power of the heart's

desire, and gets you want.
You must anoint the heart area every

HEMLOCK: Used when you want to travel more.

HELIOTROPE: For Spiritual use, and to direct

your life to do good, and
get the most happiness.

HIGH CONQUERING: Wear under the arm when

involved in a court problem or
debate. You will think more

HI ALTAR: Strong Blessing Oil. Use around

the Altar and on Amulets.

HI JOHN THE CONQUEROR: Strong good luck. For

betting and playing numbers.

HOLY: Used to bless objects, or yourself.

HOLY SATURATED: Use like Holy Oil, but only

when great strength is needed.
HONEYSUCKLE: Anoint the cash register, and
more money will come in. It
will also attract the opposite

H & H: Gives protection in the bedroom.

Sprinkle it around, and the room
will always be protected.

HOT FOOT: Used to make someone leave. Put on

shoes and socks, and he/she
will move out.

HYSSOP: A Blessing Oil, and a protective.

{ I }

INCENSE: Added to Incense to increase the


INDIAN GUIDE: Brings help from your Guides

when needed.

INVOCATION: Used to invoke Good Spirits, and

to keep all Evil away from
your Altar.

IRRESISTIBLE: Anoint the body, and you will

attract the opposite sex.
ISIS: Anoint the forehead, and call the Old
Goddess to assist you.

{ J }

JACINTH: Brings good luck. Anoint a 7 day

Green Candle, and good luck
will follow you.

JALOP: If you want to travel anoint your

telephone and a travel offer
will develop.

JASMINE: Used in Love Drawing Spells. You

must evoke the Goddess of
Love, and ask for assistance.

JEZEBEL: Anoint your head, and you will

always have your way with any man.

JINX REMOVING: Anoint the body, and all

Jinxes and Curses will be removed.

JOB: Wear as a body Oil to get a new job.

JOCKEY CLUB: Anoint you mail and the phone

when thinking of your lover.
This will make your love
JOHN THE CONQUEROR: Promotes clear thinking
and good will. Assists you
in all Spells. A strong
gambling assistant. Added
to baths and shower.

JOY: Use to change a man's attitude. Makes

you enjoy life, and feel

JU JU: Protection from Curses. When worn, no

Curse or Hex can be placed
against you. Must be worn daily.

JUPITER: Worn by one who wants riches.

JUNIPER: A Healing Oil, used by those who

have heart problems.

{ K }

KEEP AWAY ENEMIES: Worn as a protection from


KEEP AWAY HATE: Worn at work to stop all

hate from others.

KEEP AWAY TROUBLES: A good luck Oil, worn

for peace and tranquility.
KHUS KHUS: A strong love Oil to bring him

KING: Used to stimulate a sexual interest.

Worn on the intimate parts
of the body, to attract the one that
you want.

KING SOLOMON: Anoint the forehead, to gain

Power and Wisdom.

KYPNI: Used to obtain success. Anoint any

writing or contracts, and
you will be right.

{ L }

LA FLAMME: Wear it to get a man who is not

to willing. Wear it over
the heart.

LADY LUCK: Used to win at cards, and while

picking a Lucky Number.
Anoint the hand, and then pick.

LAVENDAR: Sprinkle on the bed sheets and

pillows for successful love.
Sprinkle around your home for
peace and tranquility.
LEMON: Used to call Spirits and hold them.
Anoint a Blue Candle, and
call for their assistance.

LEMON GRASS: A Healing Oil, rub over the

affected area, and it will be

LEO: Worn by a Leo for good luck and good

health. To draw a Leo to you,
anoint a Yellow Astral Candle and put
his/her name on it.

LIBRA: Worn by a Libra for health and luck.

To draw a Libra to you,
anoint a Blue Astral Candle, and
write his/her name on it.

LILAC: Used to call in good Spirits in a

seance. Anoint the Candles,
and they will come.

LILY OF THE VALLEY: A Blessing Oil for the

most sacred items.

LOTUS: Used in magickal Ceremonies to call

in the Spirit wanted.

LIME: To keep a man faithful, sprinkle some

on his clothes.

LODESTONE: Brings good luck. Rub on your

belt and your money. More
money will come in.

LOVE: Anoint the body, and draw him to you.

If both are anointed over
the heart, the love will be eternal.

LOVE BAIT: Used to entice a man into a

relationship. Wear the Oil on the
wrists, and you will draw him in.

LOVE BATH: Mix into the bath water, and love

will come to you.

LOVE DROPS: Apply to the sexual areas, and

your lover will always want
to be with you.

LOVE BREAKER: Apply to a letter or card,

this will break the love ties.

LOVAGE: A strong enducement to obtain a

lover. Out it on him or her,
and the person is yours.

LOVERS: Put on both people around the heart

area and the sexual parts.
This will bind you together always.

LOVE'S FIRES: Used to generate an interest

by another. Mix into Incense,
and burn in his/her presence.
Wear it and carry it as an
LUCKY: A gamblers Oil. Anoint your money and
shoes. You will always win.

LUCKY DOG: Anoint a Southern John The

Conqueror root and win at gambling
and numbers.

LUCKY HAND: Anoint the hands and win.


going to court, and stop
interference from
the law.

LUCKY LADY: A woman's luck gambling Oil. Put

it on your hands and money.
You will win at dogs and

LUCKY LODESTONE: An Attraction Oil to bring

in more money. Anoint a
Green Candle, and then go

LUCKY NINE: A Mixture of nine Oils to bring

you luck. Best on the 9th
day of the month.

LUCKY PLANET: Anoint your Astral Candle with

this Oil and draw on your
Planet to help you win and
hold money.

LUCKY THIRTEEN: A Lucky Oil good only on the

13th day of the month.

LUV LUV: To bring someone to you as a new

lover and away from someone
else. Must be put on a Mojo or
Conjure Bag, and worn.

{ M }

MAGNET: Strong Oil. Anoint a Red Conjure Bag

to draw your love to you.
Anoint a Green Conjure Bag to draw
money to you. Can also be
used as a Healing Oil.

MAGICK: Put into your bath as a last resort,

this is very strong. Used
for any Spell to increase Power.

MAGNOLIA: Used as a Psychic aid. Anoint the

forehead, and increase your
Psychic abilities.

MANDRAKE: Good protection Oil. Also used to

induce your lover to marry
you. Anoint a Purple Bag, and
carry it on your person.

MAN TRAP: A " last resort " Oil to get the

man of your dreams. Put
on a lime, and set it on the
Windowsill facing the street.
You will meet him within 7....

...then handle your

problems. Good when dealing with
contracts and legal matters.

MARRIAGE: Rub this Oil on the hair of your

lover, and then he will want
to marry you.

MARS: Gives energy, virility and passion to

the wearer.

MARS WATER: Used in Rituals to increase


MASTER: Add to your bath water to keep Evil

away. Worn on the body,
attracts new friends.

MECCA: Worn for protection, and against


MEDITATION: An aid for meditation. Anoint

the body, and your
meditation will be better.

MEMORY DROPS: Anoint the body to remember

things easier.

MIMOSA: Used so that you can remember your

dreams. Mix into Incense,
and burn before going to bed.

MILLIONAIRE: Wear this Oil, and riches will

come to you.

MISTLETOE: Used to attract customers and

increase business. Sprinkle
around the store or building.

MINT: Brings favorable Spirits to assist


MOJO: Anoint any Mojo or Conjure Bag and add

Power to it. If you need
a special favor, anoint the wrists and
ankles before you talk, and
ask for the favor.

MONEY DRAWING: Anoint a Green Mojo or

Conjure Bag and carry it with
you. Rub some on your money,
and more will come. Must
be done every day.

MONEY MIST: Rub this Oil on your wallet or

purse, and more money will be
drawn to you. You will also have
protection, so that you
will not loose your money.

MOSS: Sprinkle around, an no one will rob

you of your money.

MOUNT: Place your change in a jar, and

anoint with this Oil. You will
always have coins, and more will keep

MOSES: Used to gain more Wisdom.

MOVING: Sprinkle around the house of someone

that you want to leave. Put
some across their front walk, and
they will move shortly.

MUSK: Use on the ands and feet each morning

to give strength and
confidence for the day. Also draws
love and affection from others.

MYBRANE: Used to break Hexes and Curses. Rub

over doors and windows.
Prevents Evil from coming in.

MYRRH: Used to guard against Evil. Mix into

Incense and burn it. Also
for the same purpose.

MYRTLE: Use to induce love from an old


MYSTIC: Used to become invisible in a group.

Used in Spells and
Ceremonies to gain strength.

{ N }
NAOMI: Aids in overcoming problems. Anoint
the body a, and
anoint him or her with the Oil.
Burn the Candles, and the
Evil Spirits out.
NARCISSUS: Rub on the body for calmness and
harmony in the home.

NATURE: Put into your bath, and increase

your sexual Powers.

NINE MYSTERIES: Allows the wearer to gain

secret knowledge.

NOTRE DAME WATER: Wear for protection

against sickness and Evil. Assists
is overcoming problems.

NUMBER 20: A gambling Oil. Anoint your

money. When used in love, it
intensifies his love.

NUTMEG: Releases Hexes and Spells. Anoint an

egg and then bury it; all
Spells will be returned to the one
who sent them.

{ O }
OBEAH: Applied to the temples, allows you to
gain secret knowledge. Added
to other Oils, increases their

OLIBANUM: A Holy Oil; when anointed, you

have Blessings and protection.

OCCULT: A Candle dressing for purity of the

Spell or Ceremony.

ORANGE: Highly magnetic, and used to draw

men to women.

ORANGE BLOSSOM: Used to start marriage


ORIENTAL: When the heart is anointed,

Spiritual aid is received.

ORRIS: A Love Oil for the beginner. Brings a

man to you, and you
are in control.

{ P }

PASSION: Apply to the arms and legs. This

will arouse the passion and the
love of the one that you want. Can
be added to the bath also.

PATCHOULI: Sprinkle around the home for

peace and quiet. Used to obtain
money for specific reasons only.
Anoint a contract or an
agreement before signing it.

PEACE: Sprinkle around the house for

continued peace and harmony. Must
be done each week faithfully.

PEACE WATER: Used as a Blessing on Candles

and Altars.

PEONY: Brings luck to business. Sprinkle

around the store or business.
Peppermint can also be added.

PEPPERMINT: Makes things change in your

life. Wear as an Oil on the body.

PINE: A Sacred Oil used for purification and

cleansing. Put into wash and
do the entire home or business. Brings
Spiritual aid in.

PISCES: Anoint the body for good luck and

health. To bring a Pisces to
you, anoint a Purple Astral Candle
and inscribe his/her name on
it. Burn it.
POPPY: Anoint your money and more will come.
When burned in an Incense,
Spiritual aid is received.

POWER: Anoint your Amulets and Charms to

give you Power to overcome any
obstacle. Put some in your bath each
day, and your strength will

PROSPERITY: Anoint the body every day, and

increased wealth and money
will come to you.

PROTECT: Anoint the body and your house for

protection form all Evil.

PSYCHIC: Anoint the forehead before

meditation, and your Psychic
abilities will come out.

{ Q }

Q: A Love Oil of fantastic strength. Apply to

your wrists, and your love
will come to you. It will arouse the
sexual desires, and make love

QUEEN OF SHEBA: Used to gain favor from all.

Increases the love of your
husband, and will hold him.

QUEEN OF TIBET: Exotic Love Oil to induce

mad passion from your love.
Wear on the sexual parts of
your body.

{ R }

RAMA DREAM: Increases your Psychic Powers.

Wear on the body, and put
into the bath water.

REVERSIBLE: Used to turn back all Spells

against you. Wear on the body,
and sprinkle on your house and

RETURN: Anoint the Image Candle of the lost

one and inscribe his/her
name on it. Burn the Candle, and
when completed, bury it. He
or she will return to you in 2

ROAD OPENER: Use the Oil when applying for a

job or asking for a raise.

ROSE: A Love Oil to bring him to you and

keep him.

ROSE OF CRUCIFIXION: Dispels fears and keeps

away all Evil. A very
Spiritual Oil with
great strength.

ROSE GERANIUM: A Blessing and Protection Oil

for Altars and Ceremonies.

ROSEMARY: Used as a protection from Black

Magic, Hexes, Curses and
Spells. Rub over the doors, and on
Purple Candles to keep
all Evil away.

ROSEWATER: Anoint the clothing for a good

day and good feelings.

RUE: When carried on a Red Conjure Bag, no

Hexes, Curses or Spells can
be placed against you.

{ S }

SABBATH: A Blessing Oil for the Holidays and

High Ceremonies. Anoint the
body and all Candles for the
greatest amount of Power.
SAFFRON: Used by mediums to increase their
Psychic Abilities. Mixed into
an Incense makes it stronger.

SAGITTARIUS: Worn as a Good Luck and good

Health Oil. To Attract a
Sagittarius, anoint the Oil on
a Brown Astral Candle, and
inscribe the person's name.
Burn the Candle to completion.

SALOME: Used to tease a man, and then bring

him to you. Wear on the
clothing, and be in his presence.

SAN CIPRIANO: Anoint the ears to bring back

a wandering husband. When
worn on the back of the hand,
it brings Spiritual help.

SANDALWOOD: Used as a Healing Oil, anoint

the distressed area, and it
will be healed. For
clairvoyance, anoint the eyelids, and
then meditate.

SASSAFRAS: Used when going to court. Wear on

the back of the hands. It
will also stop all Spells and

SATAN BE GONE: Anoint the home or the person

for Uncrossing them. Anoint
a Purple Candle and burn
during the Uncrossing.

SCORPIO: Worn for good luck and health. When

attracting a Scorpio, dress
a Gold Astral Candle, and inscribe
the name on it. Burn the
Candle, and bury the remains.

SESAME: Used to release a lover from


SEPARATION: Placed on the wrists and

fingertips makes a person separate
from the undesired one. Must be
done daily.

SEVENTH HEAVEN: Strong Love Oil to be used

in sexual relationships to
obtain the highest

SEVEN POWERS: Used to call the 7 Spirits to

help you when in trouble.
Anoint a Gold Astral Candle,
and ask for their assistance.

SEVEN CIRCLE: Used to bring knowledge of the

Holy 7 and all other Spirits.

SNAKE: Put on the wrist when going to court.

If there are money problems,
anoint a Green Candle and burn it to
completion. Place the remains
in an eggshell, and bury in back of
your home. Money will start
coming in.

SNAKEHEAD: Used to deceive others. Anoint

your forehead, and others will
not be able to read your

SPEARMINT: Place with an Incense, and it

will bring Spiritual help.

SPECIAL FAVORS: Wear the Oil on the right

hand when asking for a favor.

SPELL BREAKER: Place in the bath water at

least once a week. Anoint a
White Astral Candle and burn
it to keep all Spells away.

SPIKENARD: A Cleansing Oil for the body. It

cleans away all Evil and evil

SPIRIT: Anoint a Purple Astral Candle to

call in the Good Spirits. They
will remain as long as the Candle

SQUINT: Put on your mate to stop any

wandering or dealing with the
opposite sex.

SQUIRT DROPS: A strong Oil to hold your

lover. Put some on his clothing,
and he will not have any
sexual desires for others.

STAY AT HOME: Put some into their bath water

and on the soles of their
shoes to make them stay at

SUCCESS: Rub the Oil on money, coins,

contracts and all legal papers.
You will have success in all

7 11 Gambling: Anoint your hands to win

fast. Only good for 2 Hr. period.

SEVEN KNOT LOVE: Rub on a Seven Knot Red

Candle to hold your lover. Burn
a knot a day.

{ T }

TABARIS: A Love Oil to hold him. Rub some on

his hair and clothing. As
long as the Oil is there, he is

TAME: Quiets and tames the temper. Rub it on

to stop all arguments and
keep serenity in the home.
TANGERINE: Adds strength to all Rituals and
Potions. Mix this Oil in,
and get more help.

TAURUS: Wear this Oil for good health and

luck. To attract a Taurus,
anoint a Red Astral Candle and
inscribe his or her name on it.
Burn it, and then bury the

TEMPLE: A strong Oil to sprinkle around and

clean up the room and be
free of any evil influences.

TEN COMMANDMENTS: Holy Oil for the Altar and


TIGRE: A strong Oil to make a beast out of a

pussycat. Wear on the
arms and shoulders daily.

TONKA: Used too anoint Tonka beans which are

then carried for good luck.

TRINITY: Oil used to strengthen any


{ U }
UNCROSSING: A strong mixture used to Uncross
anyone. Anoint the body and
a Purple Astral Candle. Burn the
candle, Call out any Evils,
and dispel them.

UNHEXING: Anoint the forehead and all parts

of the body. Say the
strongest Prayer, and call off any

{ V }

VAN VAN: Strengthen the Power of the user.

Anoint a Green 7 Knob Candle
and burn a wish a day with each
knob. After seven days, your
wishes will come to you.

VANILLA: Add to Floor Washes to bring good

luck into your home.

VENUS: Anoint the arms to bring in new

friendships and strengthen
old ones.

VERBENA: Removes all Curses when rubbed on

the leaves of a Plant kept
in the kitchen. As long as the
plant lives, you are protected.

VERTIVERT: Mix with Jinx Removing Incense

and burn it. You will be
given complete protection in your

VIOLET: Wear this Oil and be modest and then

things will come to you.

VIRGO: Wear for good health and luck. To

bring a Virgo to you, anoint
a Black Astral Candle and inscribe
the person's name on it.
After it burns, the Virgo will come
to you.

VISION: Wear on the forehead and mix with

Psychic Incense, and you
will be given the gift of Vision.

VOODOO: A Crossing Oil, used to stop your

enemies. Anoint a Black
Candle, and place your enemy's name
on it; this will cause
confusion, and give you strength.

{ W }

WALL BREAKER: Worn on the neck increases

your Psychic Abilities. When
burned with Success Incense,
it breaks down all obstacles
between you and success.

WALL OF PROTECTION: Sprinkle around the room

and you have complete
protection from

WEALTHY WAY: Worn to attract riches and

money; anoint a White Astral
Candle, and win at the track
and on the numbers.

WHITE GODDESS: Anoint a White Astral Candle,

and call on the Goddess
to assist you in whatever way
you may need.

WHITE ROSE: Anoint the sheets and

pillowcases. This helps to keep
a marriage together.

WILD DESIRE: A strong Oil to get you what you

desire. Wear the Oil on the
hair each day, and receive your
strongest wants.

WINNER'S CIRCLE: Place this Oil on your

money and win at the track.

WINTERGREEN: A strong Healing Oil; also

brings success for examinations
and tests.

WISTERIA: Brings in good vibrations. Put

into a Floor Wash and do your
entire home.

WITCHES': Used to stop interference from

others; place the Oil on their
clothing or towels. They will
leave you alone from then on.

WORMWOOD: Place across the path of your

enemy. As he/she crosses it the
person will have many problems and
will leave you alone from
then on.

{ X }

X Y Z: Brings good feelings and good health

to the entire body.

XX: A double Crossing Oil to stop any double

dealing in a contract
or legal matters.

{ Y }
YLANG YLANG: Used to attract attention to
yourself. Good for business
reasons and sales. Increase
sales and bring better business.

{ Z }

ZODIAC: Anoint the Astral Candle of your

color and attract good
Vibrations from the Planets to help

ZUIA ZUIA: Used to Hex an enemy. Anoint a

Figure Candle or a 7 Knob
Candle, and voice your intent for
your enemy.

Blessed Be

{ More Power To You }

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