Modelling and Simulation of Distributed Processes: Diffusers in The Sugar Industry
Modelling and Simulation of Distributed Processes: Diffusers in The Sugar Industry
Modelling and Simulation of Distributed Processes: Diffusers in The Sugar Industry
Abstract after it has been washed and cut into thin strips,
called cossettes.
This paper describes how a diffuser used in the sugar A countercurrent flow of hot water extracts the sugar
industry has been modelled and simulated with from the cossettes.
EcosimPro. Because of its physical and operating
characteristics, the mathematical model of this It is essential that this stage be well designed because
equipment can be described by partial derivatives the maximum amount of sugar must be extracted
which requires the discretization of the system. This using as little water as possible. This is why a method
work shows in a practical way how these types of of countercurrent extraction is used, in which water
problems can be resolved using EcosimPro. with less sugar concentration is put in contact with
cossettes with less sugar concentration so that the
Key words: Simulation, EcosimPro, distributed concentration gradient, which forces the mass
systems, mass and energy transfer. transfer, is maximised at all times.
These operations are carried out in equipment known
as diffusers. Although the process is governed by the
1 INTRODUCTION same physical principles, there are different types of
diffusers with different operating characteristics. In
this case we are going to use the RT diffuser which is
The objective of this work is to show how to model a widely used in Spain.
system whose mathematical model of behaviour is
represented by differential equations in partial
First of all, the physical system is described in order
to offer a better understanding of the process.
Later, an explanation will be given of the
methodology followed to transform the EDP model
into an ODE model.
This will be applied to a particular case: a diffuser in
the sugar industry. The use of simulation for these
types of systems will be justified and the mass and
energy balances needed to model the system will be
Lastly, the results obtained through the simulation
with EcosimPro will be presented.
Figure 1. Elements comprising an RT 2 diffuser [1]
1 and 2 helicoidal plates which form two separate
channels for the juice; 3 transversal plate; 4 chutes for
the cossettes; 5 transverse screens.
Diffusion is one of the first stages in the beet sugar
production process. The object of this stage is to
extract the maximum amount of sugar from the beet
1st Meetng of EcosimPro Users, UNED, Madrid, 3-4 May 2001
1st Meetng of EcosimPro Users, UNED, Madrid, 3-4 May 2001
1st Meetng of EcosimPro Users, UNED, Madrid, 3-4 May 2001
1st Meetng of EcosimPro Users, UNED, Madrid, 3-4 May 2001
1st Meetng of EcosimPro Users, UNED, Madrid, 3-4 May 2001
Non-sugar solubles 1.77 1.77 The following describes how the sugar concentration
in different parts of the diffuser are affected by a
Total dry substance 15.42 15.64 variation in the flow of refresh water that is being
Water content 84.35 84.56 added. The water flow varies from 24.20 kg/s up to
32.40 kg/s. The graph shows discretisation points 1,
Outlet mass 91.53 91.61 5, 10, 15 and 20. By default in the experiments, the
x axis represents the time in h.
Table 1
While the values for the exhausted pulp that is
C c a z[1]
discharged from the diffuser are: 0.16
C c a z[5]
Outlet Juice
C c a z[10]
Substance % weight % weight
simulation theoretical
0.06 C c a z[15]
Sugar 3.85 3.55
0.04 C c a z[20]
Non-sugar solubles 0.70 0.69
Frame 5.60 5.60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
1st Meetng of EcosimPro Users, UNED, Madrid, 3-4 May 2001
It can be seen that the further the peaks are from the We can carry out a three-dimensional analysis of
disturbance, the lower and more symmetrical they what happens. Figure 10 shows the variation in the
become. This corresponds with the results obtained if sugar concentration with time and with distance as
we connect n tanks in series. the quantity of water added to the diffuser is
Let us see what happens if, due to heater failure, the
cossettes enter at 15°C instead of 69°C.
Salto en la cantidad de
Figure 8 shows how the temperature of the juice
agua a la entrada.
decreases along the length of the diffuser as it makes Desde 71.3 hasta 100 kg/s
contact with the cold cossettes.
50 Td[5]
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Figure 10
Figure 8
1st Meetng of EcosimPro Users, UNED, Madrid, 3-4 May 2001
1 = SUM (j IN Mix; C[j])
EXPAND(j IN Mix EXCEPT setofElem(Mix,1)) Wi[j] = C[j] * W Cc concentration in the cossette expressed as a
W=SUM(j IN Mix;Wi[j])
ratio per unit weight.
Pureza = zona(Pol,max((Brix/100),0.01),0) Ccag water concentration in the cossettes inside
the differential element, expressed as a ratio
Pol = C[azucar]
per unit weight.
Brix = 100 * (C[azucar]+C[no_azucar])
Ccage water concentration in the cossettes at the
H = H_juice(T,Brix,Pureza) inlet expressed as a ratio per unit weight.
f_energ = W * H
Ccags water concentration in the cossettes at the
Rho = Den_juice(T,Brix,Pureza) outlet expressed as a ratio per unit weight.
W=F*Rho Ccaz sugar concentration in the cossettes inside
the differential element expressed as a ratio
END PORT per unit weight.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ccaze sugar concentration in the cossettes at the
inlet of the element expressed as a ratio per
The following physical properties were included: unit weight.
- Juice (conductivity, density, viscosity, steam Ccazs sugar concentration in the cossettes at the
pressure, enthalpy) outlet of the element expressed as a ratio per
unit weight.
- Cossettes (enthalpy) Ccnaz concentration of non-sugars in the cossettes
- Water (viscosity, density, enthalpy) inside the differential element expressed as a
ratio per unit weight.
Ccnaze concentration of non-sugars in the cossettes
8 PROBLEM EXTENSION at the inlet expressed as a ratio per unit
The diffuser is the central part of the diffusion Ccnazs concentration of non-sugars in the cossettes
section. Although this section has not been described at the outlet expressed as a ratio per unit
in this paper, it has been modelled in its entirety. weight.
The following figure shows an image of the diffusion
section obtained through the graphic connection of Cd concentration in the solution expressed as a
different components created with EcosimPro. ratio per unit weight.
Graphic connection was made using the SmartSketch Cdag water concentration in the solution inside the
program which allows different components created differential element expressed as a ratio per
with EcosimPro to be quickly connected. It also unit weight.
generates the simulation code of the complete Cdage water concentration in the solution at the
assembly. inlet of the element expressed as a ratio per
Figure 11 shows the result of the connection of all the unit weight.
components. Cdags water concentration in the solution at the
outlet of the element expressed as a ratio per
unit weight.
Cdaz water concentration in the solution inside the
differential element expressed as a ratio per
unit weight.
Cdaze sugar concentration in the solution at the
inlet of the element expressed as a ratio per
unit weight.
Cdazs sugar concentration in the solution at the
outlet expressed as a ratio per unit weight.
Cdnaz concentration of non-sugars in the solution
inside the differential element expressed as a
ratio per unit weight.
Cdnazs concentration of non-sugars in the solution at
Figure 11 the inlet of the element expressed as a ratio
per unit weight.
1st Meetng of EcosimPro Users, UNED, Madrid, 3-4 May 2001
Cdazs concentration of non-sugars in the solution at Wce mass flow of cossettes which enters the
the outlet of the element expressed as a ratio element, kg/s.
per unit weight. Wcs mass flow of cossettes which is discharged
Hc specific enthalpy of the cossette inside each from the element, kg/s.
cell, in kJ/kg. Wde mass flow of solution which enters the
Hce specific enthalpy of the cossette at the inlet element, kg/s.
of each cell, in kJ/kg. Wds mass flow of solution which is discharged
Hcs specific enthalpy of the cossette at the outlet from the element, kg/s.
of each cell, in kJ/kg. Wnaztransf mass flow of non-sugars which is transferred
Hj specific enthalpy of the juice inside each inside the element, kg/s.
stage, in kJ/kg.
Hje specific enthalpy of the juice at the inlet of Acknowledgements
each stage, in kJ/kg.
This work has been carried out within the framework
Hjs specific enthalpy of the juice at the outlet of
of the project “Simulation of sugar factories to
each stage, in kJ/kg.
optimise the process and personnel training” (FEDER
Htc enthalpy transferred from the juice to the TAP 1FD97-1450) carried out at the “Centro de
cossette due to the effect of the temperature Tecnología Azucarera” (Sugar Technology Centre) of
difference, in kJ/kg. the University of Valladolid. The author thanks all
Htm enthalpy transferred from the cossette to the the persons involved in the project.
juice due to the effect of mass transfer, in
kJ/kg. References
kag proportionality constant, which is
adimensional. [1] Sugar Technology. Beet and Cane Sugar
kaz mass transfer coefficient for the sugar, in P.W. van der Poel, H. Schiweck, T. Schwartz
Bartens 1998
knaz mass transfer coefficient for non-sugars, in
kg/s. [2] Analysis and Simulation of Processes
magt mass flow of water which is transferred from David M. Himmelblau, Kenneth B. Bischoff
the cossettes to the juice, in kg/s. Reverté S.A. 1986
mazt mass flow of sugar mass which is transferred
from the cossettes to the juice, in kg/s. [3] Heat and Mass Transfer
Eckert, E. R. G. y Dake, R.M.
mc cossette mass inside the differential element, McGraw Hill, 2nd edition 1959
mcag water mass in the cossettes inside the [3] Manual de energía para fábricas de azúcar
differential element, kg. Tone Baloh, Enrique Wittwer
mcaz sugar mass in the cossettes inside the Ed Bartens, 2ª Edición
differential element, kg.
mcnaz non-sugar mass in the cossettes inside the [4] Beet-Sugar Technology
differential element, kg. R. A. Mc Ginnis
Beet Sugar Development Foundation
md solution mass inside the differential element, 3rd edition
mdag water mass in the solution inside the
differential element, kg.
mdaz sugar mass in the solution inside the
differential element, kg.
mdnaz non-sugar mass in the solution inside the
differential element, kg.
mt mass of sugar or non-sugars which is
transferred, in kg.
Wagtransf mass flow of water which is transferred
inside the element, kg/s.
Waztransf mass flow of sugar which is transferred
inside the element, kg/s.
1st Meetng of EcosimPro Users, UNED, Madrid, 3-4 May 2001