Facts at Your Fingertips-201010-MSMPR Crystallization Equipment
Facts at Your Fingertips-201010-MSMPR Crystallization Equipment
Facts at Your Fingertips-201010-MSMPR Crystallization Equipment
tion equipment
Department Editor: Scott Jenkins
rystallization is a key purification technique water
for various sectors of the chemical process drive
Cooling Non-condensable
industries (CPI). Several approaches for water inlet gas outlet
industrial crystallization have evolved over time Air
and highly specialized crystallizer designs have
Barometric Barometric
been developed, especially in long-established condenser condenser
industries. Solution crystallization is an impor-
Boiling Body
tant unit operation because the surface
Skirt baffle
process can generate high-purity
Draft Slurry
products from solutions contain- Recirculation Body
pipe mother
ing significant levels of impurities liquor
with relatively low energy input. Settling Settler
One scheme for classifying zone
this equipment is according to Propeller pipe
the method used to suspend the inlet
growing crystals. In this scheme, Source for
Swirl breaker diagrams:
a class of equipment known as Heat Perry’s Chemical
mixed-suspension, mixed-prod- exchanger Circulating pipe Engineers'
Elutriation leg Handbook,
uct-removal (MSMPR) crystalliz- Swenson Process
ers is most important for the CPI. Condensate Equipment
outlet Heating element Steam
MSMPR Expansion Feed
Circulation joint Product Product
pipe discharge discharge
MSMPR crystallizers, also Feed
known as magma-circulation inlet
crystallizers, have found Condensate
widespread application in the
CPI for continuous crystalliza- Forced-circulation (evaporative) crystallizer Draft-tube-baffle (DTB) crystallizer
tion. In this configuration, a feed
solution is continuously introduced
into the crystallizer, which is equipped with against which the circulator must pump. supersaturation by the deposition of solute.
a mechanism to create supersaturation. An Internal circulators reduce the power input and Crystallizers should operate with a minimum
agitation device allows mixing of the feed circulator tip speed, and thereby reduce the 10 wt.% suspended crystals (slurry density)
with the contents of the crystallizer and also rate of nucleation, which is influenced signifi- • Contact the supersaturated liquor quickly with
maintains a uniform suspension in the mother cantly by mechanical circulation. The DTB is an crystals to avoid losses due to time decay
liquor inside the crystallizer. A stream of slurry example (diagram, right). In this type, a large, • Destroy excess nuclei via fines destruction
is continuously removed from the crystallizer in slow-moving propeller is surrounded by a draft configurations. Seeding the crystallizer with
such a way that the fractions of solid particles tube within the body that directs the slurry to fines will lower crystal size
and the particle size distribution in the slurry the liquid surface to prevent solids from short- • Minimize secondary nucleation by keeping
inside the equipment equals that of the slurry circuiting the zone of most intense supersatura- mechanical energy input and crystal attrition
removed from the crystallizer. tion. Slurry that has been cooled is returned as low as possible
to the bottom of the vessel and recirculated • Maintain high slurry densities. In general,
Examples through the propeller, where heated solution is high densities can produce larger average
mixed with the recirculating slurry. A fines- crystal size as long as crystal attrition is not
Among the group of MSMPR-type crystallizers, destruction feature is common, where a heating a negative influence
some of the most common are the forced-circu- element is used to raise the temperature of the • Minimize solids buildup by eliminating local-
lation (FC), draft-tube (DT) and draft-tube-baffle solution removed from a settler to destroy the ized heat- and mass-transfer gradients
(DTB) crystallizers. small crystalline particles that are withdrawn. • Ensure adequate velocities and operation
The baffle can be omitted in cases where fines at low temperature gradients across heat-
Forced-circulation crystallizers destruction is not needed or wanted. exchange equipment
This type of MSMPR crystallizer consists of a In DT and DTB crystallizers, the circula- • Avoid fluctuations in operating conditions,
body through which a slurry of growing crys- tion rate is generally much greater than that such as vacuum, residence time and con-
tals flows, and a tube-and-shell heat exchanger, achieved in a forced circulation device. There- centrations. Employ wash nozzles at liquid
which increases temperatures without vaporiza- fore, DT and DTB crystallizers are applied interfaces
tion (diagram, left). Heated slurry returns to the when it is necessary to circulate large quanti- • Provide a chemical environment (impurities
body via a recirculation line, where it mixes ties of slurry and minimize supersaturation and additives) that favors the desired crystal
with the body slurry and raises the temperature levels within the equipment. These types are shape, purity and size distribution
locally, near the point of entry. During the con- commonly used in the production of granular • Maintain longer crystal retention times,
sequent cooling and vaporization to achieve materials, such as ammonium sulfate, potas- which can result in less liquor occlusions in
equilibrium between liquid and vapor, the sium chloride and other inorganic and organic the crystals
supersaturation created causes deposits on the crystals for which product in the range of 8 to • Keep the feed to the crystallizer slightly
swirling body of suspended crystals until they 30 mesh is required. unsaturated
leave again through the circulating pipe. The
lower limit for economic continuous operation Operating Principles References
of forced-circulation crystallizers is 1–4 ton/d
1. Sutradhar, B.C. Coping with Crystallization Problems.
of crystals, and the upper limit for a single Basic good-operating principles for solution Chem. Eng., March 2004, pp. 46–52.
vessel is 100–300 ton/d of crystals. Units in crystallization apply regardless of what type 2. S chweitzer, P.A. “Handbook of Separation Techniques
parallel can reach higher capacities. of crystallization equipment is used. The follow- for Chemical Engineers,” 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, New
ing represent some of these concepts: York, 1997.
DTB and DT evaporator-crystallizers • Control the level of supersaturation to ensure 3. Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook, 7th ed.
A number of designs have been developed McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997.
low nucleation rates
with circulators located within the body of 4. Couper, James. “Chemical Process Equipment:
• Maintain an adequate slurry density to Selection and Design,” Gulf Professional Publishing,
the crystallizer in an effort to reduce the head provide sufficient surface area to relieve Houston, 2010.