Clay Shale
Clay Shale
Clay Shale
In May of 1999, melting snow cover combined with heavy rainfalls in the northeastern part of Switzerland resulted in the
occurrence of numerous shallow landslides. Many of these slides were located in the subalpine Molasse, a series of interbedded
marls, conglomerates and sandstones. The subalpine Molasse is highly prone to such sliding activity given the dip of bedding,
the surface topography and the weak nature of the marls that rapidly degrade when exposed to weathering. Historically, the
subalpine Molasse has been the source of numerous slides of varying orders of magnitude and the surficial morphology is
primarily dictated by previous rockslides, which periodically reactivate as secondary soil slips. Given the conditions
contributing to the slope failure and the history of previous sliding, similar slides within the region are highly probable. This
paper presents the findings from a detailed investigation of one such slide, the 1999 Rufi slide. Results from a detailed
engineering geological investigation show that the initial rockslide failure plane predominantly developed and passed through
the marl beds, as dictated by the penetration of the weathering front into the marls, and not along reactivated shears or the
bedding plane contact between the marls and overlying conglomerates. Numerical modelling results based on a coupled
hydromechanical distinct-element analysis were able to reproduce this mechanism by incorporating a progressive strength
degradation procedure correlated to mapped weathering grades.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Rockslide mechanisms; Molasse; Weathering; Strength degradation; Marls; Distinct-element analysis
1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Presently: Geological Engineering/ Melting snow cover combined with heavy rainfalls
Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, in the year 1999 resulted in over 350 recorded
Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z4. Tel.: +1 604 827 5573; fax: +1 604
landslides and debris flows in Switzerland (Lateltin
822 6088.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E. Eberhardt). et al., 2001). These slides resulted in 2 deaths and over
Presently: Engineering Geology, Technical University of 100 million SFr in direct losses. In the prealpine belt
Munich, Munich, Germany. of northern Switzerland, numerous shallow landslides
0013-7952/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
36 E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56
occurred in the subalpine Molasse, a series of conditions, it is not surprising that earlier failures
interbedded marls, conglomerates and sandstones. preceded the 1806 event, including one in 1354, and
The subalpine Molasse is highly prone to such sliding that remnants of prehistoric slides cover the lower
activity given the dip of bedding subparallel to the Rossberg slopes (Eisbacher and Clague, 1984). Since
surface topography. the 1806 event, smaller slides have also occurred,
Historically, the subalpine Molasse has hosted notably in 1874 and 1910, the latter involving the
numerous slides of varying sizes. Heim (1932) reactivation of old slide debris (Heim, 1932).
describes numerous slides involving the conglomer- Similar landslide problems involving weak mud-
ates of the subalpine Molasse (bNagelfluhQ). Most of stones, shales or marls have been encountered in
these instabilities involve the breaking off, toppling numerous other regions as well, many of which
and/or sliding of conglomerate blocks, which collect suggest interbedding, solifluction/periglacial disturb-
over time as debris at the foot of the slope. If adverse ance and/or weathering as key factors in promoting
groundwater conditions were present and the slope of failure. For example, Yue and Lee (2002) describe an
piled-up debris was steep enough, these bdebris interbedded slope failure in southwestern China
streamsQ, as they were termed by Heim (1932), would involving planar sliding along the bedding contact
reactivate to form a debris slide/debris flow. between an upper weathered mudstone and a lower
Probably the best-known failure in the subalpine more competent sandstone. Deere and Patton (1971)
Molasse was the Goldau rockslide (also referred to as point to interbedded shales and sandstones as being
the Rossberg slide or Goldauer Bergsturz; Figs. 1 and one of the most slide-prone geologic settings through-
2). The 1806 failure claimed 457 lives when a slide out the world. In some cases, the weak nature of these
involving 20 million m3 of rock was triggered by a rocks may be such that with heavy precipitation, the
rapid snowmelt coinciding with heavy rainfall (Eis- material liquefies above the more competent under-
bacher and Clague, 1984). The slide mass primarily lying sandstones or limestones producing mudslides/
consisted of conglomerate beds dipping between 158 mudflows; e.g. landslides in the shales of the Ionian
and 308, purportedly failing along bedding plane flysch in northwestern Greece (Christaras, 1997) and
contacts with the underlying marls (Fig. 1). Given the the Boule Mondorès landslide within the marls of the
kinematic feasibility promoted by the geological southeastern French Alps (Bogaard et al., 2000).
Fig. 1. Lateral release margin at the top of the Goldau rockslide showing dipping interbedded conglomerates and marls.
E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56 37
However, these slope hazards do not always involve Molasse of Switzerland. Given the propensity for
failure of weaker material overlying stronger materi- failures in the interbedded marls and clastic rocks of
als. Citing experiences from the Big Horn Mountains the subalpine Molasse, a detailed investigation of one
(Wyoming, USA), Deere and Patton (1971) observed such slide, the 1999 Rufi slide, was conducted
modes of failure similar to those experienced in the immediately following its occurrence. This paper
subalpine Molasse arising from contrasts in strength presents the results from this study, which includes
where the maximum resistance of the weaker under- the detailed mapping and analysis of the underlying
lying shales is exceeded leading to sliding of over- processes and mechanisms contributing towards
lying large blocks of stronger rock (e.g. dolomite, shallow planar sliding in interbedded conglomerates
sandstone, etc.). Xu et al. (1998) describe creep and marls. The paper primarily focuses on the
deformations in mudstones along the Jialin Jiang geological and geomechanical factors contributing to
River in China where the overlying sandstones crack the initial rockslide event. Results are presented with
in tension leading to slope failure. Similar time- respect to a series of coupled hydromechanical
dependent downslope movements in the form of distinct-element models, constrained by field obser-
solifluction have been described by Hutchinson et vations and data, which focus on comparing alter-
al. (1973) as preceding a landslide in Etruria Marls native failure mechanisms: (1) failure being solely
(Staffordshire, UK), where periglacial disturbance and controlled by slip along bedding planes and (2) failure
pore pressures along pre-existing slip surfaces were incorporating both slip along bedding planes and
key factors in reactivating and promoting instability. weathering-induced strength degradation of the marls.
Periglacial disturbance and other forms of weathering
in the context of promoting slope failures in mudrocks
have been reviewed by Taylor and Cripps (1987), 2. The 1999 Rufi slide
where in addition to describing the various processes
under which these rocks may disintegrate, show that The Rufi slide is located near the town of Rufi in
in natural slope investigations, the mudrocks may the Canton St. Gallen in northeastern Switzerland
undergo significant losses in cohesion with smaller (Fig. 2). As previously noted, the year 1999 in
decreases in the effective friction angle. Switzerland was marked by extraordinary precipita-
Many of these features and processes can be tion events. Most notable were heavy snowfalls that
observed in landslide prone areas within the subalpine fell in the Alps over a 4-week period towards the end
Fig. 3. Airphoto of the 1999 Rufi slide, outlining the slide boundaries (after Bollinger et al., 2000).
of January and into February, and strong rainfalls that reactivation of the lower colluvium was mostly in
occurred in May. The latter produced considerable the form of destroyed or disturbed forest and pasture-
flooding and landsliding. The primary events of the land (approximately 1 km2). Several days after the
Rufi slide occurred during this period on the night of main event, and over the course of several weeks
May 13th. (each time coinciding with heavy precipitation
The slide events involved the initial failure of events), a series of smaller secondary slide events
conglomerate and marl bedrock that in turn loaded occurred involving heavily saturated fine-grained
and caused the failure of weathered slide debris materials located in the toe of the debris slide deposit
(colluvium) below it (Figs. 3 and 4). The total (Fig. 6).
distance from the head scarp of the rockslide to the
toe of the debris slide deposit was approximately 800
m. According to local reports, the rockslide occurred 3. Geological overview
suddenly overnight carrying with it a 30-m stretch of
road. Asphalt from the road was found 150 m The Molasse basin of northeastern Switzerland
downslope (Fig. 5). Damage resulting from the consists of thick beds of detrital sediments deposited
Fig. 4. Travel path of the 1999 Rufi slide showing lower portion of slide debris.
E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56 39
Fig. 5. Detailed geological map of the Rufi slide area (after Luginbuehl, 2001).
Fig. 6. Geological section of the 1999 Rufi slide showing the primary upper rockslide, subsequent debris slide and later soil slips.
40 E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56
during the alpine emergence in the Alpine foreland marls (Fig. 7). The conglomerates make up approx-
trough. Its greatest thickness reaches 5000–6000 m imately 50% of the conglomerate–sandstone–marl
along its southern margin below the front of the sequence thickness. Most of the clasts in the
Alpine nappes (Trümpy, 1980). The subalpine conglomerate are derived from dolomites and lime-
Molasse forms the transition between the thrusted stones from the prealpine nappes, and show fining
alpine nappes of the Helvetic belt and the flat-lying upwards. The relative strength of the conglomerates
Molasse. The subalpine Molasse units are strongly makes them more resistant to weathering resulting
overthrusted and generally consist of thick slabs of in the formation of cliffs with heights of 2–20 m
conglomerates (bNagelfluhQ), dipping SE between 208 (Figs. 7 and 8). The sandstone consists of coarse-
and 808, which act to build-up entire mountains. grained, cross-bedded calcarenite. It appears grey in
These conglomerate beds are generally several meters colour when weathered and brown when fresh. The
thick and alternate between sequences of thin sand- marls are grey to bluish grey in colour and are
stone and marl beds. highly susceptible to weathering. Laboratory testing
shows that the carbonate content of the marls
3.1. Site geology belonging to the Rufi slide is in the range of 40–
50% (Luginbuehl, 2001).
A detailed geological, geomorphological and The tectonics of the investigation area are
geotechnical mapping investigation was carried out representative of the subalpine Molasse, consisting
for the site immediately following the slide events of thick over-thrusted layers which were pushed over
(Luginbuehl, 2001). The rock units found in the by the folded Helvetic nappes. For this reason, the
Rufi slide area consist primarily of Tertiary sedi- different tectonic units are easily differentiated. In
ments from the deposits of the lower Freshwater the slide area the bedding layers dip to the south-
Molasse (Upper Oligocene and early Lower Mio- west and are cross-cut by near-orthogonal joint sets
cene). These sediments were deposited within a (Fig. 8). These joints, found primarily in the
continental alluvial fan environment and consist of a conglomerate and sandstone units, play a major role
series of interbedded conglomerates, sandstones and in promoting instability.
Fig. 7. Bedding sequence of the interbedded conglomerates and marls along the margin of the Rufi slide.
E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56 41
Fig. 9. Upper Rufi slide surface showing the stepped nature of slide surface down through marl layers (note camera lens cap in centre of photo
for scale).
42 E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56
Fig. 10. Daily precipitation records for the Rufi region during the first half of 1999. Note that the slide occurred May 13th following a large
precipitation event the day before (May 12th).
Fig. 11. Model geometry and modelled material zones used for distinct-element modelling of the Rufi slide with cut-away showing finite-
difference mesh.
E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56 43
the disintegration of the different materials during reactivated slide material covering the lower slopes.
weathering. Numerous indications of post-glacial slide events can
Following deglaciation, numerous debris fans be found in lower sections of the slope, one dating
evolved covering the slopes (Fig. 5). The debris back 800 years (as determined through tree dating by
consists of weathered material and deposits from Bollinger et al., 2000; the black solid circle in Fig. 3
smaller block falls. These deposits are mostly found marks the location where the date was derived). The
at the foot of conglomerate cliffs. The conglomerate first recorded slide at the Rufi site, as noted by local
cliffs outline the scarps of previous shallow rockslides residents, occurred around 1900. To stabilize lower
that have been retrogressively working their way up sections of the slope, a surface drainage system was
slope. Above these scarps, the conglomerate bedrock is constructed.
largely undisturbed. Below, the lower slopes are Given this history of previous sliding, activities
covered by weathered/ancient slide debris. Numerous along the slope can be described as a series of
signs of subsurface creep are observable in these areas, retrogressive, multiple translational slides. The mate-
as are colluvial material incorporating large blocks that rial found along the profile of the slope thus involves
appear to reactivate during heavy precipitation events. undisturbed, in-place rock in the upper sections
Typically, the areas with coarse blocks (lower slopes) (interbedded conglomerates and marls) and weath-
and the undisturbed conglomerate bedrock (upper ered, disturbed debris along the lower sections. The
slopes) are covered with forest. Areas with finer debris 1999 slide reflects this complexity and can be viewed
have been converted into pastureland. as a composite slide for which two events involving
different materials can be discerned. The first event
3.3. Site hydrogeology was the planar failure of conglomerate and marl
bedrock from the upper sections of the slope. The
Surface drainage in the area runs north-east to second was the reactivation and failure of weathered
south-east eventually draining into the Linthebene colluvium that the initial failed rock mass slid onto.
River and afterwards into Lake Zurich (Fig. 2). The
substratum typically consists of jointed rock cover
and weathered debris. Infiltration occurs in the upper 4. Instability mechanisms in interbedded marls
slopes where the permeability in the underlying bed- and conglomerates
rock is largely joint-controlled. Vertical joint systems
in the thick conglomerate sequences (Fig. 8) allow for Examination of the pre-failure slope conditions
easy infiltration and circulation of groundwater. Un- suggests that the uppermost sections of the slide mass
derlying marl layers act as aquitards. Fracture systems involved a thin interval of interbedded conglomerate
in the conglomerate layers together with the interbed-
ded sandstones also help to store large volumes of
Table 1
frozen water during the winter months. Upon thawing,
Material properties for distinct-element based back analysis of
the water is released to drain along the orthogonal bedding plane failure mechanism of Rufi landslide
fracture systems and their contact with the imperme-
Parameter Conglomerate Marl
able marls. Flow anisotropy in the subsurface due to
Density (kg/m3) 2600 2400
lithology changes, structure or weathering results in the Young’s modulus (GPa) 25.0 5.0
formation of numerous springs. Weathered debris Poisson’s ratio 0.20 0.30
material in the lower sections of the slope is found to Joint normal stiffness (GPa/m) 5.0 1.0
be largely impermeable owing to the large proportion Joint shear stiffness (GPa/m) 1.0 0.5
of silts and clays that the rocks break down into. Joint friction (8) 30 varieda
Joint cohesion (kPa) 0 0
Joint aperture (mm) 0.5 0.05
3.4. History of earlier slide events
Values are based on representative properties taken from the
Prior to the 1999 event, a history of previous a
Varied through successive model runs as part of the back
instabilities had determined the composition of the analysis.
44 E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56
and marls. Contrary to reports involving other slides these scarps, the stratigraphy is preserved and undis-
in the subalpine Molasse, where the contact between turbed (Fig. 7). At the back scarp, the slide surface
the conglomerate and the underlying marls was most closely coincides with the contact between the
assumed to form the failure surface (e.g. the 1806 conglomerate and marl. The sliding surface in this
Goldau slide), observations at the Rufi site indicate upper section is planar and dipping at approximately
that the slide surface passed primarily through the 228. Moving down slope, the slide surface progres-
marls (Luginbuehl, 2001). Furthermore, these obser- sively cuts down into the marls in a step-like fashion
vations suggest that the slide surface occurred along a (Fig. 9) over a slope length of 100–200 m.
weathering boundary within the marls, separating the
upper highly weathered layers from the underlying 4.1. Geological controls and triggering event con-
moderately weathered layers. tributing to the Rufi slide
Examination of the slide scarp and lateral bounda-
ries indicates that the thickness of the conglomerates The 1999 Rufi slide can be viewed as a cause–
was approximately 2 m at the head of the slide. Within effect scenario in which the bcauseQ is attributed to
Fig. 12. Friction (upper) and cohesion (lower) shear strength properties of marl for different weathering grades (after Reigmüller, 1997).
Weathering grades W0 to W5 correspond to those outlined in Fig. 13 and described in Table 2.
E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56 45
several geological controls and processes relating to yearly averages. In the 1-week precipitation period
structure, bedding, weathering and strength degrada- preceding failure, approximately 200 mm fell. These
tion within the slope mass. The trigger that initiated intense precipitation events likely also led to the
the slide was an intense precipitation event, one of release of large stored water volumes through
several that fell throughout Switzerland that spring. accelerated snow melt and ground ice thaw, thereby
Precipitation records for the Rufi area show that two both saturating the marls and increasing groundwater
intensive precipitation events occurred on May 12th pressures along open fractures.
and 21st, involving rainfalls of almost 100 mm in a
24-h period (Fig. 10). The primary Rufi slide 4.2. Back-analysis of coupled hydromechanical pro-
occurred following the first of these two events on cesses assuming slip along bedding planes
the evening of May 13. In terms of relative
magnitude, it can be noted that monthly precipitation Given the role of the conglomerate/marl bedding
totals for February and May 1999, exceed their plane contact reported in earlier slides located within
Fig. 13. Schematic diagram of the weathering profile mapped in the Rufi slide area. Descriptions for the different weathering classes are given in
Table 2.
46 E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56
the subalpine Molasse (e.g. Goldau), a back analysis the model, as in the actual slope, structure provided
was performed for the 1999 Rufi slide using the both discrete surfaces along which failure could be
commercial two-dimensional distinct-element code accommodated and pathways for fluid flow within
UDEC (Itasca, 2000). UDEC treats the problem the slope mass (i.e. fracture permeability and
domain as an assemblage of deformable blocks for connectivity in the form of cross-cutting joints).
which the dynamic equation of equilibrium for each Fig. 11 shows the geometry used, which incorporates
block in the system is formulated and repeatedly an upper conglomerate bed underlain by two marl
solved until the boundary conditions and laws of layers resting on a base of conglomerate and sand-
contact and motion are satisfied. The method thus stone. The bedding plane contacts were assumed to
accounts for complex non-linear interaction between be cohesionless.
blocks (i.e. slip and/or opening/closing along dis- Permeability and fluid flow in the UDEC formu-
continuities). The method is also capable of model- lation is controlled by the input for the fracture
ling the deformation and material yielding of the aperture as dictated through the cubic law:
joint-bounded intact rock blocks. UDEC is partic-
ularly well suited to problems involving jointed a3 dp
q¼ ð1Þ
media and has been used extensively in the inves- 12l dl
tigation of rockslide failure mechanisms (Eberhardt,
in press). where q =unit flow rate, a = contact hydraulic aper-
The objective of this first-step modelling exercise ture, l =the dynamic viscosity of the fluid and dp/dl =
was to back-calculate a range of bedding-plane hydraulic gradient for a fracture of unit width. The
contact strengths. Given the uncertainty of the problem may be analysed such that the fracture
groundwater conditions prior to failure, several apertures are stress dependent (i.e. fully coupled) or
different groundwater/coupled-hydromechanical sce- constant (partially coupled). In this study, the hydro-
narios were tested, including: (i) a dry slope, (ii) a mechanical coupling was assumed to be partial to
water table located 1.25 m below surface, (iii) a water reduce solution run times and constant fracture
table at surface and (iv) artesian conditions. Within apertures were adopted approximated from outcrop
Fig. 14. Schematic cross-section of the Rufi landslide prior to failure showing location of the slide plane through the weathered marls (after
Luginbuehl, 2001).
E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56 47
observations. This assumption was held to be valid coupled back calculated friction values for failure
given the relatively shallow depth of failure and along the conglomerate/marl bedding contact are
therefore the diminished influence that stress would relatively low (i.e. 21–238).
have on fracture aperture (as opposed to greater This agrees with field evidence that showed that
depths where apertures may be significantly reduced the extent of the failed slope mass encompassed more
under higher overburden loads). Input values for the than the conglomerate blocks, and that a large
fracture apertures were varied between the conglom- percentage of marl material was also involved owing
erates and the marls. Values for the conglomerate- to the down stepping of the failure surface through the
hosted cross-joints were based on observations of intact marls (Fig. 14). Thus, to properly model the
open fractures at surface, whereas those for the marls Rufi sliding/failure mechanism, consideration should
at depth were assumed to be tighter. Material proper- also be given to the effects of weathering on the intact
ties used in these model runs are given in Table 1, and marl materials.
were based on field observations and representative
values found in the literature. 4.3. Strength degradation of marls due to weathering
Modelling results assuming dry slope conditions,
produced a back-calculated limit equilibrium friction 4.3.1. Weathering of Rufi marls
angle along the conglomerate/marl contact of 218. Detailed mapping and some laboratory analysis
This value is in agreement with the overall average was performed on the weathering characteristics of the
bedding dip angle of 218 (20.58 in the upper slope Rufi marl. As noted above, the weathering profile and
steepening to 228 over the lower slope). Failure
occurs in a planar fashion. Similar limiting-equili-
brium frictional strength values were determined for Table 2
the second case where the water table was located Description of weathering grades for the Rufi landslide profile
1.25 m below surface (i.e. 1.25 m above the (based on designations by Einsele et al., 1985; see Fig. 13)
conglomerate marl bedding contact). When the water Weathering grade Description
table is assumed to be located at surface (i.e. pore W0 fresh fresh and intact rock
pressures along marl/conglomerate contact corre- W1 slightly weathered bright-grey marl with slightly
weathered joint surfaces,
sponding to 2.5 m head) or artesian (5 m head), the
blocks are well formed up
back calculated friction angle for which failure occurs to 20 cm and water permeable
is approximately 238. W2 moderately weathered bright-grey marl with higher
To put these back calculated values into perspec- water permeability; can be
tive, comparisons can be made to those obtained divided in 3–8 cm large blocks
with a hammer, block size
through laboratory testing of marls reported in the
increases with depth, red-brown
literature. Of course, these may not be indicative of joint surfaces with slightly
those in place for the marl-conglomerate contact. plastified surfaces
Depending on the degree of weathering, Chandler W3 highly weathered dark-grey to black marl with
(1969) reported laboratory-based peak friction frequent microcracks, red-brown
weathered surfaces, slightly
angles, /, for Keuper Marls between 258 and 428.
plastified, can easily be broken
Similar results were obtained by Reigmüller (1997) in small pieces by hands
for direct shear tests performed on weathered W4a completely weathered dark-grey to black marl mixed
Kfssener marls (Fig. 12; the corresponding weath- with completely decomposed
ering grades are depicted in Fig. 13 as compiled for light brown silty-clayey soil,
very inhomogeneous material
the Rufi marls). Close inspection of these test values
W4b completely weathered light brown silty-clayey soil
indicate that with the exception of one test value, mixed with remnants of marls
where / =178, a range of effective friction angles in sizes of 1–5 cm, red-brown
between 238 and 298 can be resolved (Reigmüller, colours dominate
1997), and values less than 258 require very high W5 residual soil brown debris with coarse material
mixed with a clayey, sandy silt
degrees of weathering. Thus, the hydromechanically
48 E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56
degree of weathering in the marl beds appeared to still be promoted through water content fluctuations
control the development of the failure surface along over large periods of time. The penetration depth of
sections of the Rufi slide profile. Fig. 13 shows the frost action may also be limited, but in the pre-alps
weathering profile derived for the marls in the slide can reach depths of 120 cm (Prinz, 1997). Physical
area based on methods by Einsele et al. (1985). These weathering through swelling pressures generated by
weathering grades are described in Table 2. The clay minerals is attributed to the Montmorillonite
degree of weathering of the marl below the slide found in the marls. Chemical weathering was also
surface was characterized as W1 (slightly weathered). believed to be significant in the Rufi case due to
The upper marl layers constituting the slide body reactions of the marls with slightly acidic rainwater.
range in their weathering state from W2 to W5 Such reactions in which the calcite would be
(moderately weathered to residual soil). Field obser- progressively dissolved would lead to increased pore
vations suggest that the more defined the weathering volumes, thereby allowing more water to seep into the
contrast between the marl layers, the greater the marls. This would significantly aid the physical
tendency for overlying conglomerate blocks to creep weathering process and, as a consequence, cause the
along the weak interfaces or incompetent layers intact strength properties of the marls to degrade
formed in the marls (Fig. 15). (Fig. 12).
Weathering of the marls involves both physical and With increased weathering comes further strength
chemical processes. Physical weathering appears to degradation of the over-consolidated marls in the form
involve material strength degradation through wet– of fractures opening along bedding planes and other
dry cycling, freeze–thaw cycling and swelling pres- tectonic structures in the marls. These features then
sures created by the clay fraction in the marls. In help to promote further weathering at a much quicker
general, wet–dry cycling may be considered limited in rate, increasing the degree of segmentation between
depth of penetration to areas immediately neighbour- layers within the marls. Field observations suggest
ing fractures in the otherwise low permeable marl. that these processes were the controlling factor with
However, fracture permeability and connectivity are respect to how deeply the slide surface cut down into
not deemed entirely necessary as wet–dry cycling can the marls.
4.3.2. Numerical analysis of strength degradation of In other words, the continuum behaviour of the intact
marls promoting planar slope failure rock also contributes to the development of the
Stead and Eberhardt (1997) and Eberhardt and instability in the discontinuous rock mass and must
Stead (1998) demonstrated that when analysing slope therefore be incorporated in the analysis to properly
failures in weak bedded rock, the continuum behav- model and predict the correct failure mechanism. As
iour of the intact rock is of comparable importance to presented earlier, a failure mechanism for the Rufi
that of the discontinuum behaviour of discontinuities. slide based solely on shear slip along bedding planes
Fig. 16. Model geometry and simulated weathering progression used for distinct-element analysis examining strength degradation effects in the
Rufi marls. The progressive weathering sequence adopted in this first model series assumes a dcontinuousT weathering penetration rate with
depth. The weathering grades correspond to those given in Fig. 13 and described in Table 2. Results are presented in Fig. 17.
50 E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56
Fig. 17. Distinct-element results showing slope failure due to progressive strength degradation of the marls, assuming a continuous weathering
penetration rate (as given in Fig. 16). The upper diagram shows the location of intact rock damage in the form of tensile failure and shear
yielding, whereas the lower diagram outlines the extent of the modelled failure surface by means of horizontal displacement contours.
location of which is marked by arrows in Fig. 17). way through the marl bed (i.e. W5 in the upper two-
Further model simulations showed that these short- thirds of the marl and W4 in the lower-third; Fig. 16).
comings were due to the adoption of a continuous The modelled failure therefore leads to an over-
weathering penetration rate in which each modelled prediction of the depth of failure, specifically in the
weathering stage represented a uniform one-step upper sections of the slope.
increase in weathering class (e.g. W1 to W2, W2 to A second series of models was therefore developed
W3, etc.) down through each marl bed (Fig. 16). In for which the weathering penetration rate was
other words, the weathering rate was assumed to be assumed to decrease with depth (i.e. discontinuous).
the same at surface as at depth. As a result, the The basis for this assumption was that weathering
penetration of the W5 weathering grade at the point of near the surface would occur much more quickly than
modelled failure reaches a depth extending 66% of the at depth. As such, the modelling sequence for the
52 E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56
advancement of the weathering front incorporated a Another key insight into the failure mechanism as
three-stage delay for the middle and lower marl layers disclosed by these models, is the yielding of the marls
with respect to the initial penetration of the weath- in the region where the slide’s toe develops (magni-
ering front. Once the weathering front completely fied in the inset diagram of block deformation in the
penetrated the layer, it was assumed that the layer lower corner of Fig. 19). Whereas in the upper slope,
would weather at the same rate as the layer above it where the driving forces are lower, the modelled
(Fig. 18). Results from these models show a similar failure surface is controlled by the W5 weathering
mode of failure as those in which the progressive grade, in the lower slope, where the driving forces are
weathering sequence was modelled as being contin- greater, failure occurs in the marl beds where strengths
uous, only a much better fit was obtained between the correspond to the W4 weathering grade. As such, the
modelled failure and the mapped slide surface. Fig. 19 accumulation of yield and damage in the less
shows the evolution of tensile failure and yield (i.e. weathered marls can be seen to play a significant
intact shear) in the conglomerate and marl blocks as a role in the overall failure mechanism, especially with
function of progressive strength degradation of the respect to the evolution of shear stresses and strains in
marls. As the degree of weathering increases, failure the lower sections of the slope. The models show a
develops through intact shearing of the marls. The failure mechanism where failure initiates through
resulting increased deformation subsequently causes yielding of the intact marls at the toe of the slope,
tensile damage to develop in the overlying, stronger, allowing for the kinematic release and failure of the
more brittle conglomerate blocks. This failure mech- upper slope.
anism can be compared to spreading type failures and/ Inspection of Fig. 19 confirms that damage in the
or soil creep processes evident in the slopes neigh- marls and conglomerates initiates and begins to
bouring the Rufi slide where large blocks of the accumulate in the early stages, i.e. for weathering
conglomerate slowly sink into the softer underlying grades as low as W1. The accumulative nature of
marls and creep down the slope. the damage results in the gradual deformation of the
Fig. 18. Simulated weathering progression used in second series of distinct-element models examining strength degradation effects in the Rufi
marls. The progressive weathering sequence adopted in this second model series assumes a ddiscontinuousT weathering penetration rate with
depth. The weathering grades correspond to those given in Fig. 13 and described in Table 2. Results are presented in Figs. 19–21.
E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56 53
Fig. 19. Distinct-element results showing evolution of intact rock damage (tensile failure and shear yielding) as a function of progressive
strength degradation of the marls, assuming a discontinuous weathering penetration rate (as shown in Fig. 18). Note that the last diagram in this
sequence shows the occurrence of slope failure (illustrated by means of displacement vectors), kinematically accommodated by yielding and
intact failure of the marls at the slope toe (bottom inset). The two black arrowheads indicate the approximate locations of the mapped head and
toe of the initial rockslide event.
slope eventually leading to catastrophic failure. This marl), a chain reaction begins where catastrophic
is illustrated in the history plot of horizontal slope failure is slowly realised as elements begin to yield.
displacements provided in Fig. 20. These history As elements yield, excessive loads are shed/trans-
plots show that displacements in the slope are ferred to neighbouring elements, which in turn may
gradual and that for the first several weathering yield leading again to the transfer of loads to
stages, the model solution converges to an approx- neighbouring elements. This chain reaction slowly
imate equilibrium. However, when the weathering manifests itself in the form of small slope displace-
grade in the middle marl bed reaches W4 (bounded ments (between 0.05 and 0.25 m over 100,000 time
by W5 in the upper marl and W1 in the lower steps; left-hand plot in Fig. 20), which gradually
54 E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56
Fig. 20. History plot of slope displacement as a function of distinct-element time step, showing horizontal displacements at the head and toe of
the slope for the initial stages of strength degradation (left) and the progressive development of catastrophic slope failure once weathering in the
middle marl layer reaches W4 (right).
increase until they begin to occur on the scale of unstable, saturated colluvial debris covering lower
metres (e.g. after an additional 1 million time steps; sections of the slope, triggering their failure.
right-hand plot in Fig. 20). Eventually, damage and Numerical models were used to better understand
failure in the marls evolve and reach a point where processes relating to the initial bedrock failure by
catastrophic failure occurs (Fig. 21). means of discontinuum techniques (i.e. distinct-
element method). Initial models focussing on a failure
mechanism restricted to planar failure along bedding
5. Discussion and conclusion plane contacts due to increased pore pressures, failed
to reproduce the mapped 1999 Rufi slide surface
Results from a detailed mapping investigation of outline. These models suggest that the resulting slide
the 1999 Rufi slide show that problematic rock slope debris would mostly encompass conglomerate mate-
instabilities in the subalpine Molasse of northern rial (given that the models predict planar sliding of the
Switzerland are largely due to adverse dipping of conglomerates over the underlying marls); field
interbedded conglomerates and marls. Primary sliding observations immediately after failure indicated oth-
can be attributed to strength degradation in the marls erwise, showing that a significant volume of marl was
due to weathering processes and saturation during mixed with the conglomerate in the slide debris.
periods of heavy precipitation. Field observations Models were then further extended to allow for the
reveal that these processes control how deeply into consideration of strength degradation of the marls
the rock mass the slide surface cuts. Thus, under- through weathering processes coupled together with
standing these weathering processes and their tempo- increasing pore pressures between weak layers in the
ral and spatial evolution is necessary for hazard marls. Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters for the
assessment and mitigation of those slopes neighbour- progressively weakening marls were based on labo-
ing the failed Rufi slope mass. As was seen in the ratory derived shear strength values for six different
1999 slide, these rockslide events can lead to larger, weathering grades (W0 to W5). Results based on this
more destructive slides by running onto and loading analysis showed a much better fit to field observations
E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56 55
Fig. 21. Displacement contour plots showing progressive development of catastrophic slope failure once weathering in the middle marl layer
reaches W4 (bounded by W5 in the upper marl layer and W1 in the lower marl layer).
and mapped extents of the slide surface, predicting a geomechanical, hydromechanical and environmental
failure surface that initiated, developed and propa- processes (i.e. weathering). Input and constraints
gated in the weaker intact marls. These findings provided by detailed mapping and field-based inves-
provided key insights into the failure mechanisms tigations were essential in developing and constrain-
responsible for the slide, especially with respect to the ing both hypotheses of likely causes and their
geological factors controlling the location and devel- numerical simulation. Ultimately, such information,
opment of the shear surface. Numerical models analyses and understanding are essential to properly
showed that through the accumulation of damage investigate and mitigate other problematic slopes in
and yielding in the weathered marls, the evolution of the region involving interbedded conglomerates and
shear stresses in the lower sections of the slope led to marls.
the initiation and propagation of failure through the
intact material. Failure was then accommodated along
weak bedding planes within the marls leading to Acknowledgements
catastrophic failure.
Overall, these models demonstrated their useful- The authors wish to thank Dr. Hans Rudolf Keusen
ness in helping to understand complex slope insta- and Prof. Simon Lfw for suggesting this field study
bility mechanisms related to coupled geological, site. As well, thanks are extended to the local
56 E. Eberhardt et al. / Engineering Geology 77 (2005) 35–56
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