Risk Management Philippine Setting

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Riskis the potential of losing something
of value, weighed against the potential to
gain something of value. Values (such as
physical health,social status, emotional
well being or financial wealth) can be
gained or lost when taking risk resulting
from a given action, activity and/or
inaction, foreseen or unforeseen.
Risk management refers to the practice of
identifying potential risks in advance,
analyzing them and taking precautionary
steps to reduce/curb the risk.
The term risk management did not come into
use until the 1960s. However, the practice of
risk management dates back in 4000BC with the
practice of Bottomry ( a maritime lawa contract
whereby the owner of a ship borrows money to
enable the vessel to complete the voyage and
pledges the ship as security for the loan).
In education, past history has been simply that
of alerting schools of possible danger areas and
providing some workshops related to health and
accident hazards.
are emergencies that cannot be handled by those
affected without outside assistance.
They are caused by natural or manmade events
wherein communities experience severe danger
and incur loss of lives and properties causing
disruption to their social structure and to all or
some of the affected communities essential
Disasters are inevitable. They are caused by
unsustainable development that has not taken
account of possible hazard impacts in that
location. They can be less damaging if the
population has better understanding of locally-
Overview of Disaster Risk

In disaster risk management a whole range of

elements need attention depending on the nature
of the hazards in that location. These include:
Risk Reduction.
Vulnerability and hazards are not dangerous if
taken separately. They become risk and disaster
factors when they unite.
Risks can be reduced or managed, and measures
can be employed to ensure that hazards will not
result in disasters if people reduce the
weaknesses and vulnerabilities to existing
hazards in the location.
Risk management is needed for disaster prevention
to ensure sustainable development so that people
can lead a good, healthy, and happy life without
creating damage to the environment.
Risk management includes identifying health and
safety hazards, determining probability of their
occurrences, estimating their potential impacts to
the schools and the communities at risk,
enumerating and implementing the following risk
reduction measures: hazard mapping; vulnerability
analysis; potential losses estimation; and strategic
disaster prevention / mitigation development.
Essential Components in Determining

The following are essential components in the

determination of risk, each of which should be
separately quantified:
Hazard occurrence probability is the likelihood of
experiencing a natural or technological hazard at a
given location or region. Quantifying hazard
probability involves assessing not only the probability
of occurrence but the probability of magnitude.
Elements at risk. Identifying and making an inventory
of people
or school buildings or other elements which would be
affected by the
hazard if it occurs, and when required, estimating their
economic value.
Vulnerability of the elements at risk. How
affected the school buildings or school
children or other elements would be if
they were to experience some levels of
hazard impact. Vulnerability is the
relationship between the severity of
hazard impact and the degree of
damaged caused. Each element is
affected differently by hazards of
different severity
Loss Management
These are the pre and post disaster actions designed to
keep the losses at the minimum in human, structural
and economic aspects.
Pre-disaster loss management are activities focusing
on reducing the community vulnerability to hazards.
Actions include improving the resistance of physical
structures such as school buildings, developing
improved safety plans for the occupants, and
increasing / diversifying the network of social support
mechanism available to communities in threatened
Post-disaster loss management focuses on improving
the emergency response and broadening the range of
support given to victims that includes facilitation of
relief delivery and stimulating a rapid recovery.
Control of Events
This is the most critical element of disaster risk
management. Control is maintained through the
following measures:
Anticipation of disaster and the cause/effect
relationship generated by each type of event;
Mitigation or reduction of the risk of disaster;
Disaster preparedness;
Accurate information collection and assessment;
Balanced response;
Timely actions;
Effective leadership; and
Discipline among those handling the relief
and disaster management.
Equity of Assistance
Disaster assistance should be provided in an
equitable and fair manner. Fairness should be
the basis of relief and reconstruction policies
in order to ensure that disaster victims receive
equal treatment and are able to obtain adequate
access to resources available. The special needs of
women, children, and the elderly are catered for.
Resource Management
In order to meet all competing needs
and demands of a post disaster environment,
resource management becomes essential. The
use of available resources should be maximized
to the greatest advantage. Affordable locally
available resources are preferred.
Impact Reduction
Disasters can have impact far beyond the
immediate human, physical or economic losses.
Disasters represent a loss of opportunity not
only to
individuals but also to the entire education
community. They can also be a setback to
development program of the country which
in effect
can erode whatever gains the education
envisions to achieve.
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Prevention and mitigation are actions
taken to make sure that the impact of
a hazard is lessened. We cannot stop
natural hazards from happening but we
can reduce the damages if we institute
prevention and mitigation measures.
Taking measures in order to avoid an event
turning into a disaster is prevention, which
includes planting trees in order to prevent
erosion, landslides and drought.

Prevention and mitigation in schools begins with:
Knowing which hazards and risks the school is
exposed to (hazard mapping);
Meeting with all stakeholders in education and
making plans to reduce those hazards and
risks; and
Implementing plans to reduce vulnerabilities.
Hazard is an event or occurrence that
has the potential to cause harm to life and
damage property and the environment.
Risk is the probability of harmful
consequences, or expected loss of lives,
people injured, livelihoods, disruption of
economic activities and damages to the
environment as a result of interactions
between natural or human induced hazards and
vulnerable / capable conditions.
Vulnerability comprises conditions
determined by physical, social, economic,
and environmental factors or processes,
which increase the susceptibility of a community,
school, or certain area in a locality to the impact
of hazards.
Capacities are those positive resources and
abilities which are helpful to individuals,
families and community in mitigating,
preparing for, responding to and recovering
Overview of Policies and Principles
of Disaster Risk Reduction

Legal Basis
Executive Order No. 159, series of 1968, mandates
that all heads of departments, bureaus, offices,
agencies, instrumentalities and political sub-
divisions of the government, including all
corporations owned and controlled by the
government, the armed forces, government
hospitals and public educational institutions to
establish their respective disaster control
Presidential Decree No. 1566 of June 1978,
Strengthening the Philippine Disaster Control,
Capability and Establishing the National Program
on Community Disaster Preparedness stresses on
the hardships endured by our people due to a
hostile environment and has continually sought
survival against hazards, both natural and human-
made. Furthermore, the Decree stated the urgency
of the need to direct, control and coordinate the
manpower, material, monetary, and spiritual
resources of the entire Filipino nation to reduce the
impact of hazards.
Rule 1040 of the Occupational Safety and
Health Standards (as amended) which
states that EACH AGENCY provide for the
organization of disaster control
groups/health safety committees in
every place of employment and the
conduct of periodic drills and exercises in
work places;
Guiding Principles
The Department has adopted the following
guiding principles in disaster risk reduction
management in 2005 to implement the Hyogo
Framework for Action.
Making Disaster Risk Reduction a Priority
ensures that disaster risk reduction is a
national and local priority with a strong
institutional basis for implementation. This
principle emphasizes that collaboration is key.
Knowing the Risks and Taking
identifies, assesses and monitors disaster risks and
enhances early warning. This principle believes
that early warning saves lives.
Early warning is to relay to individuals, groups or
populations messages which provide them with
information about: the existence of danger; and
what can be done to prevent, avoid or minimize
the danger. Warnings issued
by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical,

Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA),

Philippine Institute on Volcanology and
Seismology (PHIVOLCS), Operations Center,
National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) are
being communicated to the general public
The Secretary of the Department of National Defense, as
Chairman of the National Disaster Coordinating Council
(NDCC) is also given the authority to suspend classes in
coordination with the Local Government Units (LGUs),
DepED and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
as the need arises.

The authority was issued by President Gloria Macapagal

Arroyo in Administrative Order No. 196 dated September
11, 2007 entitled Empowering the Secretary of National
Defense and Concurrent Chairman of the National
Disaster Coordinating Council to Declare the Suspension
of Classes in Times of Disasters or Calamities.
In order to know the risks and vulnerability to
natural hazards of existing schools, the DepED
shall continue the School Mapping Exercise (SME)
project to include all schools not only those
covered by the Third Elementary Education
Project (TEEP) and the Secondary Education
Development and Improvement Project (SEDIP),
both foreign assisted projects that started the
School Mapping Exercise (SME).
The National Mapping and Resource Information
Authority (NAMRIA) was commissioned by the
Department to train DepED Engineers on the
basics of hazard assessment, map layout,
digitizing, gathering and consolidation of data,
analysis and interpretation.
Reducing Risk means to reduce the underlying
risk factors. One of the ways to reduce risks is by
building local resilience in order to protect school
communities. The Department can build resilience
to disasters by investing in simple, well-known
measures to reduce risk and vulnerability. For
Locating / relocating schools away from hazard-
prone areas, such as fl ood plains, shorelines,
earthquake fault lines, etc;
Building schools and facilities strong enough to
withstand the impacts of all
Encouraging reforestation and protection of
Presidential Decree No. 856, Code on Sanitation of
the Philippines, Presidential Decree No. 1185, Fire
Code of thePhilippines; and Presidential Decree
No.1096, Building Code of the Philippines.
Encouraging participation in the National Schools
Maintenance Week or Brigada Eskwela wherein
parents and local volunteers come together for
one week in May before the start of the
schoolyear in order to do minor repair
andmaintenance of school facilities to get
theschools ready and safe for the children to use.
Being Prepared and Ready to Act.
Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective
response at all levels. This principle believes that
disaster preparedness needs practice.
Preparedness Activities:
Development and regular testing of contingency
Appropriation of the calamity fund to support
preparedness, response andrehabilitation
activities through the NDCC;
Development of coordinated Regional, Division,
District and school approaches for effective
disaster response;
Regular dialogue between response agencies,
planners and policy-makers, and development
Coordination with Local Disaster Coordinating
Councils for better
collaboration and synchronization, and
convergence of assistance;
Establishment and maintenance of bilateral
coordination among cluster members, partners
and stakeholders for timely and effective
humanitarian response;
Conduct Quarterly Earthquake Drills in Schools;
Drill Exercises like fire drill, and evacuation drills.
Natural Hazards
The Philippine Islands are prone to all
kinds of natural hazards because of their
geographical location and physical
environment. The country is strategically
located in the path of turbulent and
destructive cyclones in the Pacific, and
the Ring of Fire.
Types of Natural Hazards

Hydro-Meteorological Phenomena and

A cyclone is an intense low pressure system which
is characterized by strong
spiral winds towards the center, called the Eye in
a counter-clockwise fl ow in the northern
hemisphere. Hazards due to tropical cyclones are
strong winds with heavy rainfall that can cause
widespread flooding/flashfloods, storm surges,
landslides and mudflows.
Tropical Depression maximum winds from 35
kph to 63 kph
A typhoon is a large, powerful and violent
tropical cyclone. It is a low pressure area
rotating counterclockwise and containing
rising warm air that forms over warm
water in the Western Pacific Ocean. Less
powerful tropical cyclones are called
Tropical Depressions and Tropical Storms.
A tornado i s described as a violently
rotating column of air extending from a
thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes
come in many sizes but are typically in
the form of a visible condensation funnel
whose narrow end touches the earth and
is often encircled by a cloud of debris.
A thunderstorm is a weather condition that
produces lightning and thunder, heavy
rainfall from cumulonimbus clouds and
possibly a tornado. It is a violent local
atmospheric disturbance accompanied by
lightning, thunder, and heavy rain, and
often by strong gusts of wind, and
sometimes by hail.
Flood i s the inundation of land areas which
are not normally covered by water. A flood
is usually caused by a temporary rise or
the overflowing of a river, stream, or other
water course, inundating adjacent lands or
Storm Surge
Storm surge is a rise of seawater above normal sea
level on the coast, generated by the action of
weather elements such as cyclonic wind and
atmospheric pressure. Sea level is raised and
driven towards the coast. Where the depth is
shallow and the slope of the sea bed is gradual,
the natural fl ow of the water is delayed by the
effect of friction on the sea bed.
A landslide is a massive outward and
downward movement of slope-forming
The term landslide is restricted to
of rocks and soil masses. These masses may
range in size up to entire mountainsides.
movements may vary in velocity.
Global Warming
Global Warming is the process of warming the
earth caused by the so-called enhanced green-
house effect which traps the solar radiation in
the atmosphere due to the presence of
greenhouse gases.
Global warming causes changes in rainfall
patterns, a rise in sea level due to melting of
polar icecaps and ice fi elds, and a wide range of
negative impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans.
Extreme Climatic Variabilities
Climate Change is the direct impact of
global warming. Rising temperatures will
cause changes to weather patterns. As
global warming occurs, most places will be
warmer. This will cause changes in the
amount and pattern of rain and snow, in
the length of growing seasons, in the
and severity of storms, and in sea level
Heat Waves
Heat can kill by pushing the human body
temperature beyond its limits. Elderly people,
young children, and those who are sick or
overweight are more likely to become victims of
extreme heat.
El Nino and La Nina
La Nina is associated with extreme climatic
variability such as devastating rains, winds,
drought, anomalies in rainfall, temperature
and tropical cyclone activities. The deeper,
warmer water of El Nino limits the amount of
nutrient rich deep water and since fish can no
longer access this rich food source, many of
them die. The different water temperatures
tend to change the weather or promote climate
variability in the affected areas.
Geological Phenomena and Hazards

An earthquake is a shaking of the ground
caused by sudden slippage of rock masses
below or at the surface of the earth. It is a
wavelike movement of the earths surface.
Drop, Cover, and Hold
The Drop, Cover and Hold protocol (drop to
the floor, cover your head, and hold on to a
solid object), when performed correctly with an
awareness of your surroundings, remains the
most effective way to protect yourself when an
earthquake occurs.
Tsunamis are giant sea waves generated by
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions under the
seabed. Not all submarine
earthquakes, however, cause tsunamis. Tsunamis
can only occur when the earthquake is strong
enough (M7.0+) to displace
the seabed, creating pressures in the water above
it. Other sources of tsunamis include submarine
or coastal landslides, pyroclastic flow and large
volume debris avalanches from oceanic and
partly submerged volcanoes, and caldera
Volcanic Eruption
A Volcanic Eruption is a process wherein volcanic
such as molten or hot fragmented rocks or gaseous
materials are
ejected from a volcano. Hazards from volcanoes
may be of different nature.
Astronomical Hazards
Causes and circumstances of deaths from
astronomical phenomena are not well-
studied, providing an interesting area for
researching into deaths and potential
deaths from Near-Earth Objects (NEOs)
such as comets and asteroid
impacts along with geomagnetic storms and
other forms of space weather. Numerous
websites cite cases of meteorite impact
casualties, but none could be verified.
Human Induced Hazards
Technological Hazards
Technological hazards have little or no warning to
precede the incident. These dangers originate
from industrial accidents, dangerous procedures,
infrastructure failures or certain
human activities, which may cause the loss of life
or injury, property damage, social and economic
disruption or environmental degradation.
Environmental Hazards
Environmental hazards are events that pose
a threat from the surrounding environment
encompassing the broad spectrum of acute and
chronic effects of industrial, agricultural and
naturally occurring microorganisms, chemicals
and radiation in our soil, water, air, food, and
Socio-Economic, Political, Security Hazards
These hazards are caused by criminal and
human violence which pose threat to the
security of a great number of people, and may
be motivated by political or economic reasons.
Types of Human Induced Hazards
Technological Hazards

Structure Collapse
Structure collapse is often caused by
engineering failures such as under-
design of
structural components, by corrosion attack
by aerodynamic resonance in structures.
Fire is composed of three elements heat,
fuel, and oxygen which when combined will
result in a chemical
reaction called burning.

The leading cause of death in a fire, by a

three to-
one ratio over burns, is asphyxiation
Commonly experienced
Building Fire
Forest Fire
Vehicular Related Accidents
Some students go to school aboard a school
service, like a
bus, jeepney, tricycle or van. It is also a
common practice for parents or guardians
to accompany their children all the way to
school and back.
This school service presents certain risks to
the students safety. Potential dangers
happen especially when students board
and alight from the service vehicle.
C h e m i c a l S p i l l (Laboratory) An
individual may be considered exposed to
chemicals by inhaling, or by the chemical coming
in contact with food, water, medicine or clothing
thus making it hazardous to pupils/students.

The Department has issued DepED Order No. 48,

series 2006 entitled, Observance of Safety
Measures in Science Laboratories directing the
strict implementation of the
guidelines provided in the Laboratory Manual.
Electrical Blackout
Electrical blackout is an interruption of normal
sources of electrical power.
Food Poisoning
This is a contamination of food with biological
contaminants such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and
parasites. Chemical
c o n t a m i n a n t s c a n also poison food, in the
form of agricultural chemicals (pesticides,
insecticides, herbicides,
fungicides), environmental pollutants (mercury,
lead), veterinary products (antibiotics, growth
enhancer) and additives (preservatives, food
Environmental Hazards
Red Tide
Red tide refers to the discoloration of water bodies
due to the
presence of a high level of bloom of a group of
algae called dinofl agellates, which are toxic and
responsible for paralytic shellfi sh poisoning (PSP).
Water Pollution
Water is polluted by substances like sewage,
marine litter, oil and
chemical spills, fertilizers and pesticides entering
the ocean from irrigation.
Socio-Economic, Political, Security
Bomb Threats
Bomb thre a t i s a declaration of an
intention to destroy or injure the target by
means of a bomb.
Kidnapping Threats
If kidnapping happens in the school campus this
a human-made hazard as well as a criminal
Kidnapping happens when one or group of
persons take and carry away another person, by
force or fraud, without the consent of the person
taken and without lawful excuse.
Hostage Taking
Terrorists feel that human lives must be
endangered in order
for their demands to be met. Hostage taking may
happen in public/private Schools,
Civil Disorder
Civil disturbance is typically a symptom of, and a
form of protest against, major socio-political
Philippine Disaster Risk Management
Salient Provisions of PD 1566 (1978)
State policy on self- reliance among local offi cials
and their constituents in responding to disasters
or emergencies;
Organization of disaster coordinating councils
from the national down to the municipal level;
Statement of duties and responsibilities of the
National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC),
Preparation of the National Calamities and
Disaster Preparedness Plan (NCDPP) by OCD and
implementing plans by NDCC member-agencies;
Conduct of periodic drills and exercises; and
Authority for government units to program their
The Department of Education created the
Calamity/Disaster and Fire Control Group
(CDFCG) through DepED Order No.
25, s. 2005. These personnel are tasked to
undertake disaster
preparedness and mitigation activities as well as
response and rehabilitation aside from their
regular functions. With this situation, the creation
of a permanent structure called the Disaster
Risk Reduction Management Office
(DRRMO) is
strongly proposed with their respective duties and
responsibilities. The DRRMO shall be part of the
Relief Team
Receives evacuees/victims from the
evacuation service leader;
Provides housing for displaced persons/
evacuees during emergency;
When Schools Are Used as an
Evacuation Center

Evacuation is the process of moving or transferring

people from hazard threatened or stricken areas
to a safe place or places. There are two types of
evacuation: 1) precautionary, that is
done prior to impact; and 2) post impact, which
involves the movement of victims from hazard
stricken areas into safer surrounding conditions.
What is a School Evacuation Center?
It is a temporary shelter where survivors in
emergencies can take refuge. It is a venue where
evacuees can be helped in coordination with
concerned government and non-government
agencies in their basic needs.
DepED offi cials may allow the use of the school
as an evacuation center when there is no other
safer place where the students/pupils can be
People from the community may be allowed to
use the school as a temporary holding center.
DepED officials and personnel shall be responsible
for the preservation of the school facilities and
properties for
the duration the school is being occupied by
evacuees, so that after the emergency period the
school can resume operation
as soon as possible.

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