NSTMIS Advt 2018 19 - 2
NSTMIS Advt 2018 19 - 2
NSTMIS Advt 2018 19 - 2
The Scientific and Technological activities play a vital role in the economic, social and physical
development of a country. Scientific and technological research needs huge investments and calls for a
judicious utilisation of scarce resources like investment, trained manpower, raw materials etc. A better
planning of S&T resources has become very crucial for the Government in directing and regulating
Science and Technology. The growth of Science and Technology, its performance and impact on
society and economy are indicators to assess the effectiveness of planning and policy formulation. For
the development of Science and Technology, its effective utilisation of available resources and for
proper planning and for formulating S&T policies, it is necessary to build Science and Technology
Information on a continuous basis. The National Science and Technology Management Information
System (NSTMIS) Scheme under CHORD Division of Department of Science and Technology is
entrusted with the task of collection, collation, analysis and dissemination of vital S&T information at a
national level for evidence based policy planning for the S&T sector.
Technology Studies
Studying of technology trends in new and emerging technology.
Indigenous disruptive technology and employment generation.
Mapping of low-cost technologies for masses.
Mapping of traditional knowledge for the benefit of healthcare system.
Issues involved in commercialization of Indigenous technologies and interventions.
Impact assessment of new & emerging technology on lives and livelihood.
Mapping of technologies to meet emerging challenges related to environment, energy,
resources, health, agriculture and habitat in line with technology vision 2035.
Impact Studies
Impact assessment of Government funded major Programmes / Missions such as
NMITLI, BIRAC, TDB, Nano Mission, Fly Ash etc.
Consolidation of already completed studies under the NSTMIS to identify new research
questions and gap areas.
Thematic grouping of the existing studies of NSTMIS for easier dissemination to the
Macro study of socio-economic impact of S&T done during last decade.
S&T Databases
Database on scholarships / fellowships awarded in S&T sector.
Study of open access data and institutional repositories.
Database on Indian Scientific Periodicals.
Database of agricultural technologies and their impact.
Database of agri-input manufacturing units in India.
Database of Intensified Integrated Farming System (IIFS) Models.
S&T Manpower & Institutions
Measuring performance indicators of R&D institutions.
Value addition of human resources associated with high cost scientific infrastructure
especially in higher education institutions.
Study on national and international collaborations in S&T.
Study of manpower demand and supply pattern in S&T sectors.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Eco-system
Social Entrepreneurship Models Involving S&T.
Innovative Entrepreneurship Models Involving S&T.
Study of the ecosystem on S&T entrepreneurship.
Assessment of training needs in the area of Science, Technology & Innovation.
Study of factors affecting S&T innovation eco system and its performance in global
S&T Policy
Role of policies and institutional structures in the promotion of inclusive innovation.
Study of S&T policies and associated learning from BRICS.
Mapping of resource required for understanding the climate change patterns and
Ethical and regulatory issues in health care.
Bibliometric Studies
Scientometric mapping in S&T areas such as climate change, cyber security, leather,
waste management, precision agriculture, cognitive science & Yoga, national missions
Approval mechanism: Proposals are screened first by the Division and then referred to the Programme
Advisory Committee (PAC) for technical evaluation before final approval.
Where to apply: The guidelines for formulating/submission of project proposals including prescribed
format can be downloaded from the NSTMIS website www.nstmis-dst.org. Proposals may be
submitted to the Head, CHORD (NSTMIS) Division, Department of Science and Technology
(DST) at e-PMS (onlinedst.gov.in).
Two (2) hardcopies of uploaded research proposal should also be sent to Dr HB Singh, Scientist
‘E’, Department of Science and Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-
110016 by Speed Post. A soft copy of the proposal may also be mailed at [email protected]. The
envelope may be superscribed with "Call for Proposals under CHORD (NSTMIS)”.