Troubleshooting Automotive Computers, Sensors & Network PDF

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Happyson Gavi


Chapter 1. PCM in a Bus Network


Chapter 2. CAN BUS System

Chapter 3. Onboard diagnostics OBDI & OBDII

Chapter 4. Automotive Computer Fundamentals

Chapter 5. PCM to Sensor Communication & Storage Devices

Chapter 6. PCM Architecture

Chapter 7. Sensing Devices

Chapter 8. I deal Air/Fuel Ratio

Chapter 9. Sensors used to calculate air/fuel ratio

Chapter 10. Introduction to Emission Control

Chapter 11. Automotive Emission Controls

Chapter 12. Dealing with Common DTCs

Chapter 13. Charging System

Chapter 1

1.1 PCM in a BUS Network

The abbreviation PCM stands for Power Control Module. PCM is the main automotive
computer used to achieve various purposes mostly oriented toward transmission, engine
management and performance. The PCM is one of the several on-board computers that
are interconnected in an automotive vehicle forming a network system called CAN BUS,
(CAN) for Controller Area Network, BUS is a form of network topology in which
different in board computers / modules on different locations are connected to the main
cable. BUS network topology is similar to passengers inside a bus sitting on seats that are
located on different locations but sharing the same passage. CAN network provide an
intercommunication system of various vehicle computers to make a CAN BUS system.
The CAN BUS system shares data to each computer connected to the data link. Each
computer in the data link is sometimes called a node. The PCM which is the main
computer has the ultimate control of the Data BUS.

In brief the PCM’s primary function is to manage Powertrain. This includes the ignition
system, fuel system and emission system. PCM’s ultimate goal is to ensure that the
sensors work properly and that the car is non-polluting.

Fig1.1: A diagram illustrating a general BUS network topology.

1.2 What is BUS topology?

In such type of topology, a long backbone cable (twisted pair cable in CAN BUS) is used
to link all the devices in the network. Wires are twisted to eliminate electrical noise.
Twisted pair cable is used to link all the devices in the network. Drop lines and taps are
used to connect different nodes/modules to this backbone. This topology allows only one
device to transmit at a time since all nodes on the network share a common BUS. The
node to transmit next is determined by distributed access protocol. This network topology
helps to eliminate redundant wiring to the modules / ECU ’ s that need the same sensor

1.2.1 Advantages of BUS topology

Requires less cabling and therefore less expensive as compared to mesh, star and tree
Easier to install than other topologies
Weight reduction due to fewer components

1.2.2 Disadvantages of BUS topology

It ’ s difficult to add new devices
It ’ s difficult to do reconfiguration

It ’ s difficult to isolate faults in nodes

Limited cable length required

Limited number of nodes that can be connected

The number of accessories inside automobile increased rapidly in the last three decades.
A typical late model vehicle will have 10 or more modules. This therefore implies that the
number of actuators, sensors, navigation, entertainment, climate control etc. and their
corresponding electronic control modules increased as well. Since modern electronics is
almost completely digital this therefore implies for the need for efficient communication
that is immune to interruption and noise using defined protocol. The communication
between all on-board computers requires a network. This network allows all on-board
computers to communicate with each other as well as scan tool communications.
Engineers noted that BUS network topology was an effective mode of communication and
came up with CAN BUS system

Chapter 2

2.1 CAN BUS system
A serial BUS that was developed in 1983 by Robert Bosch GmbH and was officially
released in 1986 at the Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE) congress in Detroit
Michigan for in-vehicle network in cars. CAN BUS employ twisted wires to eliminate
radio frequency interference (RFI) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) from entering
the system. The twisted wire is terminated at each end with 120 Ohm resistor called a
Termination Resistor. The total resistance of the two terminating resistors connected in a
twisted pair BUS sums up to 60 Ohms since the 2-resistors are connected in parallel. If
one end of a twisted pair wire is open a 120 Ohm will be measured across pin 6 and 14 of
the data link connector (DLC) with the ignition switch turned off and negative battery
terminal being disconnected. If both wires are open an OL will be indicated on a DMM.
Such CAN BUS is not reliable for data transmission and in many cases it might fail to

CAN is the fastest network and its twisted wire can transmit at speeds up to one million
bits per second.

CAN network allow different modules to share common sensor data like vehicle speed,
outside air temperature, coolant temperature and density of air. Such information is
essential for fuel trim and transmission shifting. Examples of modules that were
programmed to use same vehicle speed signal are powertrain control module (PCM),
cruise control module (CCM), anti-lock brake control module (ABS)and driver ’ s door
module (DDM)

CAN system was also designed to function in the harsh automotive / truck environment.
The CAN BUS is one of the 5-protocols used in the on-board diagnostics or OBD2
diagnostic standard. The OBD2 has been maintained for all cars and light truck sold in the
USA since 1986.

2.1.1 Why 120 Ohms terminating resistor?
The 120Ω came up as a result of considering the Transmission Line Theory of Physics

This theory takes into consideration the length of BUS wires

The length is determined in terms of wavelengths

The terminating resistors prevent signal reflections causing interference

All devices in the network have to conform to the BUS impedance
When CAN BUS is at 60Ω (meaning two 120 Ω in parallel as shown in Fig 2.1.1) the
BUS can absorb all energy for maximum efficiency of the system

Fig 2.1.1: illustration of a CAN BUS network with 120 ohm terminating resistors

2.2 CAN Communications Protocols
Protocols are a system of digital rules or procedures for data exchange within or between
computers. More precisely Protocols have more to do with the way data is formatted,
transmitted and received.


ISO13230-4 (Keyword Protocol 2000)

ISO15765-3SAE J2480
J1859 PWM (Class B)
J1859 VPW

2.2.1Classes of CAN Network
Class A = one wire low speed data, less than 10 Kbs, generally used for trip computers
and entertainment.

Class B = two wire mid speed data, 10-125Kbs, generally used for information transfer
among modules such as temperature sensor data.
Class C = twisted 2-wire high speed for PCM, ECM, Airbags, Antilock brakes. Class is
basically 100 times faster than Class B. Class 6 & 14 of the DLC
Class D = is at speeds of up to 1.0 Mbit / second and appears on some late model cars.

When CAN communication is possible or communicates with the scan tool it implies no
wiring problems. The technician’s job dealing with CAN BUS network is to ensure that:

The CAN BUS network is in good condition. The battery has proper B+ voltage 12.6V
No loose connection exists on a wire harness
All the control units are operating properly
Good ground on B- (GND) pin 4 & 5 of DLC
Proper B+ voltage on pin 16 of DLC

If all the above conditions are met then the CAN BUS system can be relied on such that
trouble shooting and repair won’t be a big deal. I will explain that in the proceeding
chapters. Problems that normally occur in the BUS communication are opens, shorts, and
unwanted resistance. Diagnosing and troubleshooting these problems requires a DMM
and an analogue meter. I will explain the diagnosis and troubleshooting procedures in the
accompanying chapters.

2.2.2 Summary of CAN features

Faster than other BUS communication protocols, with maximum speed of 1000 000 bps.

Cost effective because it eliminates redundant wiring and it is an easier system to use as
compared to others
Less affected by EMI and RF due to twisted wires

Message based rather than address based which makes it easier to expand
No wake up needed because it is a 2- wire system

Supports up to 15 modules including a scan tool

Uses a 120 Ω terminating resistor at the ends of each pair to reduce electrical noise

Applies 2.5V on both wires:

A CAN_H (High) signal exists from 2.5V to a high approximately 3.5V when active
A CAN_L (Low) signal exists from 2.5 V to a low approximately 1.5V when active

Possibility of assigning priority to messages and guaranteed maximum latency times[1]

Detection of possible permanent failures of nodes and automatic switching off of defective

2.3Voltage levels of CAN BUS Digital Signals
CAN uses a differential type of module communication where the voltage of one wire is
equal but opposite to voltage of another wire. When no communication occurs both wires
have a voltage of 2.5V applied. So 2.5V is a reference level. If there is no data being sent
the voltage at CAN_H (High) and CAN_L (Low) will be 2.5V if the DMM is connected to
the chassis GND which happens to be pin 4.

The voltage difference between the peak of CAN_H (+) and the peak of CAN_L (-) ≈
2Volts in amplitude.

Peak CAN_H (+) - Peak CAN_L(-) ≈ 2Volts

When communication is occurring, CAN_H (High) goes by 1Volt up to 3.5 Volts and
CAN_L (Low) goes down 1 Volt to 1.5 Volt.

2.3.1 CAN Electron Current
Current carrying wire has magnetic field around it, such fields induces voltage but in
opposite direction according to Lenz’s Law of electromagnetism. This induced voltage
termed voltage spike can destroy electronic components that are fundamental to an
automotive system and therefore twisted pair cable is a good idea to curb such problems.
CAN_H and CAN_L wires are twisted pair and therefore the electron signal current will
flow in different directions and that signal is in a state of balanced. This makes the CAN
BUS immune to electrical noise since any electrical noise and induced voltage present in
one wire exists in the other but in opposite directions and therefore cancellation effect will
occur. This will minimise signal loss and increase signal conductivity of the lower level
of the CAN signal.

2.3.3 Measuring the Resistance of CAN BUS network

The rule of thumb says measure the resistance when no current is flowing. Measuring the
resistance of the CAN network is done on pin 6 & 14 of the DLC. Extreme caution should
be exercised whenever dealing with the DLC since the pins on DLC are very delicate and
vulnerable. The following steps to be taken when measuring the resistance of the CAN

Before measuring the CAN network resistance disconnect B- of the battery first.
This is because some voltage will still be present on pin 6 & 14 even at Key Off.
The B- is disconnected first because electric current flows from negative to
Wait for maximum of 10 minutes before probing pin 6 & 14 with a DMM to ensure
that voltage is negligible.
Measure the resistance on pin 6 & 14 after you are sure that voltage does not exist
on those pins
The DMM test leads should be on pin 6 & 14, red test lead on CAN_H (High) and
black test lead on CAN_L (Low)

2.3.4 CAN BUS network resistance values interpretation
If both wires are open an “ OL ” will be indicated on a DMM
If one end of a twisted pair wire is open a 120Ω will be measured across pin 6 and
14 of the data link connector (DLC), this shows that the two terminating resistors
are no longer connected in parallel.
A 0.0 Ω or very low resistance far much less than 60 Ω implies that the twisted
wires are shorted together
The data bus will remain operational when one of the two modules containing a
terminating resistor is not connected to the network. However the data bus will fail
when both terminating resistors are not connected to the network.

Do a thorough visual inspection and look for network wire insulation damage, repair or
even replace the wire if possible, look for loose connections as well. Repair the damaged
resistors if possible. A reading of 60 Ω implies a perfect connection between different
control units and the CAN BUS.

2.3.5 Measuring Voltage of CAN BUS network

The rule of thumb says measure voltage when current is flowing in the circuit. This is
done to monitor communications and to check the CAN BUS for proper operation. The
following steps are to be taken when measuring voltage of the CAN network;

Check the battery voltage, the battery voltage should be at least 75% state of charge
before Measuring Voltage of CAN BUS network
Use a DMM set to DC volts
Pin 4/5, 6 & 14 to be used for voltage measurements
0.0 Volts indicates short-to-ground, check for the short by disconnecting one
module at a time until a module causing problems is found.
When no communication occurs both wires have a voltage of 2.5V applied and this
phenomenon is called recessive state.
Signal that is 12 Volts all the time indicates short-to-voltage, the BUS circuit could
be shorted to 12 Volts. Check the repair history of the car with the customer before
doing anything, and then start unplugging one module at a time until a problem is
Variable voltage indicates a normal operation of the CAN BUS; this usually
indicates that messages are being transmit sent (Tx) and received (Rx) by a
transceiver circuit embedded in different modules.

Battery Voltage State of charge

12.66 100%
12.45 75%

12.24 50%

12.06 25%

11.89 0%

Summary of network communication diagnosis
Check the battery voltage, the battery voltage should be at least 75% state of charge before
doing any electrical diagnosis.

Do a thorough visual inspection to check accessories that do not function properly as this
will help to identify a module or a BUS circuit at fault. A power window that does not
work properly can be due to a BCM problem. A miscommunication between an engine
and transmission can be attributed to a TCM in some cars. I remember fixing a Nissan
extera 2001 model that had such problem, it was cranking with no start condition.

Use a scan tool usually a factory scan tool to perform module status test. Check if the
components/ systems/ actuators can be controlled by the scan tool

Check CAN BUS network for voltages

Disconnect the PCM terminals and check for corrosion, spray anti- corrosion solvent to
remove rust on PCM pins, W40 is a good solvent to achieve that. Corrosion causes PCM
intermittent malfunction.
Check for loose terminals in a connector

Check for loose ground connections

Check owner’s manual for procedures and steps to fix BUS network problems

2.4 No network communication diagnosis
Check the battery voltage, the battery voltage should be at least 75% state of charge
before doing any electrical diagnosis
Check pin 16 of the DLC for the presence of B+ voltage. At least 10Volts should be
available at pin 16 during cranking when the battery is good. If no voltage is found
on pin 16 check the (1) B+ cable to the PCM if properly connected, if properly
connected check for (2) a damaged PCM fuse or circuit breaker, PCM fuses are
normally damaged when the B+ polarity is reversed. The B+ pin which is fused
maintains the PCM’s volatile memories such as KAM and DTC’s memories when
the ignition is turned off. If (1) & (2) is valid check for any loose connections in the
wire harness that might cause a no communication. If the above mentioned steps
are valid the following procedures listed below may be done:
Be sure that your scan tool is not a problem; you may as well test it on a different
Test for 5 volt reference signal from any accessible sensors like MAF, TPS and
MAP. The 5 volt reference originates from the PCM. If the 5 volt reference signal
is present then the PCM is partially operational, and if no 5 volt reference exists
then one of the sensors is shorted to ground, implying that it pulls all the 5 volt
reference to the ground. The best procedure to deal with that problem will be to
disconnect one sensor after the other until the 5volt reference appears on line. This
could be very monotonous but we have to do it.
In some cases check the PCM relay
Check the PCM for any external damages, PCM can be damaged by overcharging
alternator, alternator with shorted rotor excessive moisture or any catastrophic
Use an oscilloscope to check for voltage measurements on testing points, in this
exercise you have to open the PCM before the testing and then afterwards run the
testing whilst the ignition is running.
Consult a PCM connector diagram to determine the configuration of the connector

Fig2.4: A schematic diagram of a MAP sensor of one of the GM cars. The MAP sensor
has 3-wires as signified by A,B & C. Wires C which is grey in colour is the 5-volt
reference signal that is used for testing described above. The above diagram can be pulled
from ALLDATA online program. For those without access to the internet and
subscriptions to ALLDATA a T-pin together with a DMM can be used to identify the 5-
Volt reference signal. That grey wire can be inspected to check if not shorted to the

2.5 Effects of bad PCM grounds
Bad PCM grounds can cause serious problems to the computer due to incorrect voltage
drop. The PCM was designed to work with 5V reference implying that any voltage drop
will affect the normal operation of a computer. Listed below are some of the problems
caused by poor PCM ground:

No start conditions

Abnormal PCM reference voltage

Wondering trouble codes

Intermittent driveability problems

Poor engine performance

2.6 OBD2 Data Link Connector (DLC)

DLC or Data Link Connector is an OBDII standardized and has got 16 pin configurations.
It has been used in all automobiles manufactured since 1996. DLC design and location
depends on the manufacturer however most vehicles have DLC located under the dash.
Some pins function is standard like pin (4,5, 6,14 & 16 ) and required by all
manufacturers, while others like (1,8 & 12) are left to the individual manufacturer’s
discretion. DLC is very delicate and vulnerable and extra care and caution is required
whenever dealing with it.

DLC has pins 1-8 running on the upper segment of DLC and 9-16 running on the lower
segment of the DLC as shown below:

Fig 2.6: A diagram showing standard OBDII Data Link Connector with 16 pin

2.6.1The DLC allows you to:

Turn ON / OFF actuators using a bidirectional scan tool
Test Signal & Chassis ground
Testing of computer network system, protocol communication & signalling
Provides power to the Scan tool
In brief it is a diagnostic tool


2 BUS +ve line (square wave signal)

3 OEM reserved
4 Chassis ground

5 Signal / Sensor ground

6 CAN_ H

7 K Line ISO 9141 Protocol

8 OEM reserved


10 BUS –ve

11, 12 & 13 OEM reserved

14 CAN_L
15 L Line ISO 9141 Protocols

16 B+ voltage

Different modules have different network speeds. Network speeds are classified into
different classes i.e. Class A, Class B, Class C & Class D. Electrical pulses which are
square wave

Signals are used to communicate on a Serial line. Electrical pulses are a series of 0’s and
1’s. Logic “1” is at 5V and Logic “0” is at 0V. TTL (Transistor-Transistor- Logic) is the
Logic circuitry language inside various computers, its voltage levels are represented by a
“1” or “0”, Logic ‘1” being at 5V & “0” being at 0V.. Each of the Logic “1” or “0” is
called a bit. A byte is made up of 8-bits. Each byte represents a small amount of
information or data. A chain of bytes constitute to a message when it is sent to a CAN
BUS network. The “1’s” or “0’s” dictates the type, origin & importance of the signal.
The frame of information is broken down to start, identifier & priority sections. The
priority section is indicated by “1” or “0”. A signal with “0” has high priority than a
signal with “1”. This is done to prevent collision problems within a network and allows
signals from modules like the ABS Controller to have a higher priority than modules for
power seat, power window and climate control.

2.6.2 Accessing OBD2 Data Link Connector (DLC) pins
Breakoutbox (BOB) offers easy access to DLC pins for diagnostic measurements. The
BOB is a true reflection of the DLC. The BOB protects the possible damage of DLC if
probed with DMM test leads. BOB has 16 pins that match the 16 pins on the DLC. Pin
2,4,5,6,7,10 & 16 have LEDs that light up. LEDs are used to indicate status of power,
grounds and communication activity on each of the pins listed above of the DLC.

Pins 2, 6, 7, 10 light up to identify vehicle data OBD-II protocol and activity.

A CAN_ H & CAN_L voltage appears on pin 6 & 14 of DLC respectively. Pin 16 has B+
voltage at Key ON and charging voltage at Key ON Engine ON. The intensity of
brightness of LED on pin 16 increases during charging as compared to Key ON. The
diagram below illustrates the BOB with the 16 pins configurations and two connectors.
One connector will be connected to the DLC and the other to the scan tool.

Fig2.6.2: illustration of OBD2 Breaker - out - box

Chapter 3

3.1Onboard diagnostics OBDI & OBDII
OBD1 was the generation of automotive engine control system instituted by the
government. OBDI was meant to keep track of limited amount of information making use
of O2 sensor, EGR sensor and fuel trim unlike OBDII which is more complex and makes
use of various sensors

OBD11 is a second generation of automotive engine control system instituted by the

government with much stricter standards and uniformity. To be more precise OBDII was
designed to detect electrical, chemical and mechanical failures in the vehicle emission
control system that might threaten emission levels. This book is going to focus only on
OBDII automobiles.
Ideal emission levels after combustion in a vehicle:

O2 = 0.5%
CO2 = 12-15 %

CO = 0.5%

3.1.1OBD II Monitors
OBDII checks the entire system unlike OBDI. It runs a series of tests called monitors.
OBDII monitors checks information from various sensors for rationality such process is
called a rationality check.

3.1.2 What exactly are OBDII MONITORS?

Monitors are experiments, when you perform an experiment in a lab you expect to get
some results, analyse the results and draw some conclusions. This is analogous to the
concept of operation of monitors. Monitors have the ability to run tests of multiple
components and make judgements about system efficiency. To be more precise we can
safely say that monitors are carefully planned experiments done by the PCM to verify if
the sensors in a subsystem are working together to produce acceptable emissions. Below
is a list of examples of monitors that may be run by the OBDII system:

Comprehensive component monitors

Misfire detection monitors

Fuel system monitors
Heated Catalyst monitors

Catalyst Efficiency monitors

EGR system monitors

Evaporative system monitors

Heated Oxygen sensor monitors

Air injection monitors

3.1.3 When do monitors run?
The following 3-monitors run continuously:

Comprehensive component monitor (CCM)

Misfire Detection monitor (MDM)
Fuel system monitor (FSM)

CCM – Check computer controlled devices for opens, rationality & shorts-to-grounds.

MDM – Prevents the conditions that threatens the efficiency of the catalytic converter

FSM - Prevents the conditions that threatens the efficiency of the catalytic converter

The remaining monitors run once per trip. The next chapter will explain the meaning of
the term trip as used in OBDII system.

The sole purpose of running monitors continuously is to protect a catalytic converter from
imminent threats such as over fuelling and engine misfire. These two threats can
completely destroy the catalytic converter and that will pose a serious threat to our
environment. I regard OBDII as one of the greatest scientific invention done in the USA
considering the threats posed by fossil fuels to the environment. Global warming is
causing catastrophic weather changes across the globe and if we don’t take serious step the
whole world will be very much inhabitable. Thanks to the scientist who came up with the
idea of OBDII.

3.1.4 When do other remaining monitors run?

Depends on the enabling criteria like for example it is wise to test an O2 sensor during a
closed loop status otherwise fuel trim is not accurate. In similar fashion it is wise to test
EGR flow with the engine running since the EGR is closed at idle. Most of the tests have
to be done when the coolant is under normal operating temperatures otherwise the tests
won’t be rational. The PCM has to wait for normal operating conditions to be met before
running the monitors.

The following monitors run non- continuous

Heated Catalyst monitors

Catalyst Efficiency monitors
EGR system monitors
Evaporative system monitors
Heated Oxygen sensor monitors
Air injection monitors

3.1.5 How does the PCM know when conditions are right to run the tests?
Enabling criteria should be right to run a monitor. The tests are run during a trip. Trip
definition differs and usually depends on the type of monitor that the PCM wants to run.
In simple terms Trip is defined as Key ON / Engine RUN / Key OFF cycle.

NOTE; A Trip exists once the Key is set ON whilst Engine is RUNNING under certain
conditions to meet enabling criteria so that monitors RUN and then Key OFF / Engine
The enabling criteria is managed by the computer software sometimes called task manager

Enabling Criteria summary

Warm up cycle
MIL condition: OFF
MIL condition: ON Steady
MIL condition: Flashing

3.1.6 What is a readiness monitor?

If a test has been completed, the system status will be reported “ready.” An uncompleted
test will be reported “not ready” and therefore an OBDII vehicle will not pass the annual
inspection unless the required monitors are “ready.” The Vehicle Inspection Report from
the test equipment will identify monitors that are not ready. The US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines allow up to two monitors to be in a “not ready” state
for model year 1996 through 2000 vehicles and one monitor “not ready” for 2001 or
newer model year vehicles.

3.1.7 What Causes a “Not-Ready” Report?
If the battery had been recently disconnected or replaced; or,
If the vehicle’s computer requires a software update; or,
Recent vehicle repairs in which diagnostic trouble codes have been cleared with a scan
tool; or,
A pending problem has not yet illuminated the “check engine” light; or,

3.1.8 Generic Drive Cycle

1. The OBDII drive cycle begins with a cold start (coolant temperature below
122 degrees F and the coolant and air temperature sensors within 11 degrees of each
2. The ignition key must not be left on prior to the cold start – otherwise the
heated oxygen sensor diagnostic may not run.
As soon as the engine starts, idle the engine in drive for two and
one-half minutes, with the air conditioning (A/C) and rear defrost turned on, if
Turn the A/C and rear defrost off, and accelerate to 55 mph
under moderate, constant acceleration. Hold at a steady speed of 55 mph for three
Decelerate (coast down) to 20 mph without braking (or
depressing the clutch for manual transmissions).
Accelerate again back to 55 to 60 mph.
Hold at a steady speed of 55 to 60 mph for five minutes.

Decelerate (coast down) to a stop without braking[4].

3.2Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) / Check engine light

Figure 3.2: A typical malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) often called Check Engine Light.

3.2.1 What turns the MIL light ON?

Only Emission related DTCs will turn ON the MIL. MIL light turns ON after a single trip
or two trips depending on the nature of the threat to the catalytic converter. A severe
misfire like P0300 or electrical failure of a signal input is common single trip faults.
Other faults will require a two trip before turning on MIL. The first detection of a failure
that would set a two trip fault is stored in the PCM memory specifically RAM. The MIL
light will turn ON unless the fault is repeated during the next consecutive trip when it
matures. Fuel & Misfire DTCs require more trips to turn ON MIL. As soon as the MIL is
requested ON the PCM turns ON the trip counter and start keeping track of how many
trips are made after the faulty is recorded. In short a MIL is turned ON when a DTC is
stored is a computer memory, the DTC should be mature and emission related. With
KOEO the MIL stays ON for bulb check.

3.2.2 What is a DTC?
Diagnostic Trouble Codes includes numbers, letters or a combination of both generated by
the PCM to help technicians to pinpoint problems with the computer systems, sensors,
CAN BUS network, transmission issues and engine performance. DTCs will only tell
technicians the problem area such as sensors, actuators, circuit integrity and other factors
concerning the basic operation of a vehicle.

3.2.3 Length of Period a DTC stays in a memory
It depends on the type of faulty and the system design of a vehicle. As soon as the MIL is
requested OFF by the PCM after 3 good trips, a warm up counter will start. When a warm
up counter gets to 40, the DTC will be erased provided the faulty has not been repeated
during that time. However in some vehicles some faults may require more warm up
cycles e.g. Fuel & Misfire faults may require 80 warm up cycles before a DTC and freeze
frame is erased. A warm-up cycle is counted at Key ON / Engine Running / ECT @
160 ° F < PCM has to see 40 ° F in ECT>

3.2.4 Flashing MIL

The MIL will flash if a misfire or fuel trim condition exists that can cause damage to the
catalytic converter.

3.2.5 How to manually erase a DTC from a PCM?

The following steps as explained below are used to erase a DTC manually:
Disconnecting a negative terminal of a battery, a DTC will be lost since it is stored in
volatile computer memory.
Erase a DTC using a scan tool
Removing a PCM fuse, a DTC will be lost since it is stored in volatile computer memory.

However the preferred method to clear diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) is to use a scan
3.2.6 DTC priority List
CARB mandated that all DTCs be stored according to individual priority. DTCs with a
higher priority overwrite those with lower priority.
OBDII DTC priority list is shown below:

Priority 0 – Non emission related codes 1-trip failure of 2-trip fault for non-fuel

Priority1- 1-trip failure of 2-trip fault for non-fuel, non-misfire codes

Priority2 - 1-trip failure of 2-trip fault for fuel or misfire codes

Priority3 - 2-trip failure or matured fault for non-fuel or non-misfire codes

Priority 4- 2-trip failure or matured fault for fuel or misfire codes

3.2.7 Summary of DTCs storage

Key ON

Enabling Conditions met


Diagnostic Trouble Code Storage

3.3 Freeze frame data
Stores the system condition at the instant a DTC is stored. Freeze frame is important in
that it allows a technician to duplicate the conditions under which the fault occurred in the
first place and to determine the reason the DTC was stored.

Typical Freeze frame data include:

Calculated load value

Engine Speed (RPM)

Short term & long term fuel trim %

Fuel system pressure (on some vehicles)

Vehicle speed (MPH)

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)

Intake Manifold Pressure (IMP)

Closed / Open loop status

Fault code that triggered the freeze frame code

If a misfire code is set identify which cylinder is misfiring

3.4 OBD II DTC Numbering System Designation

Fig3.4: OBDII DTC identification format [2]

3.4.1DTC Numbering Explanation

P0100- Air metering fuel system fault

P0200 – Fuel system (fuel injector only) fault

P0300 – Ignition system / misfire

P0400- Emission control system faulty

P0500- Idle speed control, VS sensor

P0600- Computer output circuit

P0700- Transaxle, Transmission faults

A scan tool is used to retrieve the diagnostic trouble codes (DTCS)

3.5 What exactly is a scan tool?
An electronic displaying tool that allows technician to interface with the automotive
computer system to retrieve information in regards to diagnosing and repairing computer
operated vehicles. Data is transferred in serial format from the PCM to the Scan tool. The
PCM receives electrical signals from various sensors, interprets those signals and then
creates the serial data words it eventually sends to the scan tool. Scan tools can be
aftermarket or Generic.

3.5.1Scan tool function

Retrieve DTCs and Freeze Frame information
Allow life sensor data to be observed

Allow technicians to capture and record data for later diagnosis

Allow technicians to activate actuators such as relays, motors & solenoids

Erase DTCs
Reprogram PCM & BCM

3.6 Rationality
The PCM compares information from different sensors and expect them be within a
programmed range. The PCM expect the information from some sensors to be logical
when compared to one another.

3.6.1 How does a technician check for PCM rationality?

Using a scan tool check the ECT equals IAT after an overnight cold soak

Look carefully at all major sensors and compare the readings to the normal readings that
would be accepted

Compare the charging voltage displayed on the instrument cluster with the one on the scan
tool display; a technician might as well use a DMM to check the charging voltage. A
labscope might be used by the technician as an alternative as well to check for voltage
signals, other signals and temperature.

If a PCM fails to display correct values reprogramming / replacement might be necessary.

Chapter 4

4.1Automotive Computer Fundamentals
Automotive computer has several names depending on the manufacturer. In this book we
will be using the term PCM to designate automotive computer. Below is a list of names
given to automotive main computer, they all mean the same thing.

PCM Power Control Module

ECA Engine Control Assembly GM


Engine Controller

PCM = ECM (Engine Control Module) + TCM (Transmission Control Module)

Given below is a diagram of a typical PCM found in many vehicles[5].

4.2 Automotive Power Control Module (PCM)
An automobile engine is controlled by three main factors i.e. (1) Compression (2) electric
spark (3) Air / Fuel mixture. If an automobile engine looses any one of the listed factors it
will misfire and more often than not it will not run at all. If an engine fails to run
automatically the transmission will fail as well since the two coupled together. It therefore
makes a lot of sense that if the fuel injection, ignition spark timing and emission controls
has to be controlled and managed one has to alter any / all of the above three mentioned
factors that controls an automobile.

PCM is responsible for managing four primary engine tasks:

Fuel injection

Ignition spark timing

Emission controls

Idle controls

Today’s technological world is fully digital, automotive computer system is not an

exception to the ever evolving techworld. Digital computers are preferred to analog
computers because digital computers process information fast and that will trigger
responsive operation of spark controls, fuel delivery and emission controls. Most of the
actuators in today’s vehicle are PCM controlled. It is the PCM drivers that will be
responsible for turning them ON/OFF / controlling Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
mechanism. Technically speaking, PCM drivers are solid state components, specifically
switching transistors. These transistors control either the Ground side / Power side of
actuators. Below is a schematic of Mitsubishi charging system using both an internal
voltage regulator controlled by the PCM. Notice the NPN driver transistor that controls
the voltage regulator which in turn controls the field current. It is a driver because it
drives current from the ground and allows it to flow through it up to the voltage regulator
and then eventually to B+.

Fig4.2: An illustration showing NPN driver transistor that controls the voltage regulator of
a Mitsubishi charging circuit.

4.2.1 In simple terms what does the PCM do?
Receives various sensor input

Calculate ignition system and fuel requirement like long term / short term
Controls actuators like relays, motors and solenoids

Receives power from the battery and ignition switch

Provides regulated and steady 5V- reference to many sensor circuits

Controls the charging system voltage by controlling the generator field current

Chapter 5
5.1PCM to Sensor Communication & Storage Devices
Sensors provide input to the PCM in regards to position, temperature, pressure and other
physical characteristics of various components. The input to the PCM provided by each
sensor is in form of voltage or frequency signal. The signal from each sensor will be sent
to a specific pin on the connector of the PCM. Most sensors produce an analog signal; the
analogue signal produced by most sensors is converted to digital signal through an
analogue to digital converter (ADC) inside the PCM. This is because the PCM can only
understand the digital language which is in form of “bits”. This is the language used by
modern computer systems.

The processed information will be compared to programmed values and instructional

programs that are stored in the PROM or other PCM memory. The main PCM objective
will be to calculate correct output for fuel, spark timing and emission controls. The
overall ultimate goal by the PCM is to protect the Catalytic converter from possible
damage caused by excessive fuel injection and misfiring problem. The moment the PCM
observes such threats it will turn ON a flashing MIL.

Fig5.1: An illustration of various sensors as input to the ECU.

In this diagram at KOEO, pin 86 of FP Relay receives power from the B+ and this will
energise the coil creating magnetic field around it. The magnetic field created will reach
pin 30 forcing it to connect to pin 87 which connect to the Fuel Pump, 12V will be
delivered to the Fuel Pump turning it ON. The ground signal will be provided by the ECU
terminal pin 85, we expect between 0.1-0.2V to be at pin 85 during that time. If we get
12V or close to battery voltage on pin 85 then either the relay is bad or the ECU. Fuel
pump will start pumping out fuel from the tank to be sent to the injectors once the injector
solenoids are REQUESTED to open by the ECU when certain conditions are met. Each
sensor in the above diagram generates a voltage or frequency signal that is sent to a
specific pin of the connector of the ECU. Most sensors above produce analogue signals,
therefore the analogue signals must be sent to an analogue to digital convertor inside the
ECU so that the ECU can interpret the Language. The PCM takes the processed
information using its memory and pre-programmed information and calculates correct
output for fuel, spark timing and emission controls. The PCM will eventually
COMMAND actuators to do the job. That is the point whereby we see inj. #1 and inj. #2
opening up, the pulse width depends on other sensor input such as TPS, MAP, ECT, ATS
& HO2 sensors (close loop). The PCM will COMMAND the ignition coil as well. This
will happen very fast since most modern automotive computers are 32 bit. This means
that they can process a piece of information consisting of 32 numbers & letters as a single
piece of data. A 32 bit computer can store as much as 4GB in its internal memory.

5.1.1 OBDII DTCs associated with the PCM malfunction include:

P0600 Serial Communication Link

PO601 Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum Error

P0602 Control Module Programming Error

PO603 KAM error

P0604 RAM error

P0605 ROM error

P0606 ECM / PCM error

P0607 Control Module Performance

P0608 Control Module VSS output A

P0609 Control Module VSS output B

P0610 Control Module Vehicle Options Error

If you see any of the above codes when diagnosis a vehicle using a Scan tool mostly likely
the PCM is dead and need to be replaced. However if the MIL turns ON with the same
codes after PCM replacement then there is still a problem with the vehicle, the problem is
not the PCM. In that case further diagnosis may be required otherwise the PCM may not
function properly.

5.2 What are sensors?
Sensors are mostly solid state components that provide input to the PCM pertaining to
temperature of liquid or outside air, position or speed of rotating devices, pressure of
liquid or air, oxygen content of exhaust etc.

5.3 What are actuators?

Actuators are output devices that actually do the job. Examples are fuel pump relay,
control modules, idle speed motor, fuel injectors, ignition coils etc.

5.4 What is the difference between Body Control Module (BCM) and
Power Control Module (PCM)?
BCM differs to PCM in that BCM is responsible for managing Body Electrically relating
components like Courtesy Lights, Power Window, and Door Locks etc.

5.5 What is an ABS Module?

ABS stands for anti- lock brake system, it is sometimes called Hydraulic Control Unit as
shown below; it is a computer responsible for managing anti-skid and traction control.

Chapter 6
6.1PCM Architecture
This section will talk about the internal part of the PCM and how each component that
makes up the internal part relates to each other as shown in the diagram below;

Above is a simplified block diagram of interconnection of various sensors as input to the
sensor interface & signal condition and then eventually to the microprocessor after being
processed. A microprocessor evaluates the input processed information and compares it to
stored reference data and determines the correct course of action using calculations. A
clock crystal provides timing mechanism that ensures that all these calculations are
synchronised and processed in the correct order. The synchronisation allows all the
various sensor input data to work in harmony. The clock will definitely improve the
performance of microcontrollers. Eventually the microcontrollers will turn ON / OFF

6.1.1PCM interfaces
The PCM needs interfaces to handle its input and outputs. These interfaces do two main
(1) Protect the CPU from voltage surges in electrical circuits

(2) Converts analogue sensor inputs to binary code for the CPU

6.1.2 PCM internal structure
PCM is made up of four major components that include:

Voltage regulator




Voltage regulator ROM
Amplifier RAM
AD Converter
Transistors KAM



6.1.3 Voltage Regulator
Voltage goes above 12.6V during charging and slightly above 10V during cranking. It is
imperative that voltage need to be regulated for stability. A PCM cannot work with
fluctuating voltage. Voltage regulator provides 5V reference to most cars.

6.1.4 So what is the importance of 5 V-reference?

It is a signal sent to the sensors by the PCM; the signal will be modified by the sensors and
then returned to the PCM so that the PCM knows the sensor value to determine the action
to carry forward. It is important for a PCM to have good Ground and Power side
connections otherwise there will be too much voltage drop and the reference voltage
regulator will not function properly. A minimum of 9.6V is required as input to produce a
voltage regulator output of 5V. A good battery is required as well to have a good 5V
reference output.

6.1.5 Amplifier
Strengthens and filter out any interference from sensor input signals. Micro processor
needs a clean signal.

6.1.6 Analogue to Digital Converter

Takes Analogue sensor signals and converts them into Digital signals that the
microprocessor can comprehend. Digital signals are conveyed as “bits” a stream of “1s”
or “0s”.

0 1 0 1 0 0 1



8bits = 1 byte
1 word = 2bytes / 16
2 word = 4bytes / 32

Since there are 8bits it implies that we have 2^8 = 256 different sequences for 1 byte
ranging from 00000000 - 11111111. Characters, letters, decimal digits and special
characters are replaced with bytes.

In essence an 8 bit computer has 256 different words in its language. What it means is
that an 8 bit computer can divide an input voltage into 256 binary communication for its
internal decision making. A TPS sensor has the following voltage specifications:

0.5V @ Closed Throttle (CT)

4.5 V @ Wide Open Throttle (WOT)

Idle = 10 % of WOT
A TPS sensor ranges from 0.5 - 4.5 V, 0 - 255 sequences may be assigned to each voltage
change within that range from 0.5 - 4.5V which are analogue signals. This is done in
order to convert each specific analogue voltage reading to digital, the only language that a
CPU can only understand.

6.2 Hexadecimal
Scan tools communicate with the PCM and other on-board computers using binary code.
This binary code will be converted to hexadecimal values for ease in reading information.
As a result scan tools display their information in hexadecimal numbering system.
Hexadecimal values are generally referred to as “hexcodes” and may be identified by $
sign in front of the value.

6.2.1Binary- to- hex conversion

Binary Hexadecimal Binary Hexadecimal

Equivalent Equivalent

0000 = 0 1000 = 8

0001 = 1 1001= 9

0010 = 2 1010 = A

0011 = 3 1011= B

0100 = 4 1100= C

0101= 5 1101= D

0110= 6 1110= E

0111= 7 1111= F

Binary 0011 1111 0100 1101


Hex Codes 3 F 4 D

6.3Microprocessor (CPU)
Evaluates the sensor input information, compares it to stored reference data (Program) and
determines the appropriate action. Different PCM memories is utilized i.e. ROM, RAM or
KAM. The processed information then leaves the PCM in the form of output commands
through the Drivers to the various actuators.

ROM stands for read only memory, ROM is built into the PCM during manufacturing and
has the primary control over the computer. Microprocessor can only read and not write to
it. ROM is responsible for storage of permanent information the PCM uses moreover it
contains lookup tables and MAPS and responds to signal inputs. ROM is a non-volatile
kind of memory, meaning that it retains its information during Key OFF Engine OFF and
even when the battery is disconnected. In brief we can say ROM “remembers”
information when power is lost.

RAM stands for Random Access Memory. Microprocessor can only Read / Write to it.
RAM is also used by the microprocessor to do maths necessary to do the PCM output,
including adaptive strategy value such as fuel trim and storage of accumulated mileage on
vehicles with digital odometer. DTCs are also recorded in RAM. RAM exists in twofold;
we have volatile and non volatile RAM. Volatile implies that during Key OFF Engine
OFF, all information will be erased. In brief we can say volatile RAM “forgets” when
power is lost and non volatile RAM “remembers”.

KAM stands for Keep Alive Memory. It is sometimes called volatile RAM. Similar to
RAM except that it is direct connected to the Hot wire so that it receives constant power
even at Key OFF Engine OFF. KAM constantly updates its memory and stores new data.
This is important because this is where adaptive memory and learned values live. After
doing major service like:

Sensor replacement

Vacuum leaks
Replacement of clogged air / fuel / filter

It is a good idea to pull the PCM fuse to erase KAM. Otherwise, it will still be using all
those learned values that it does not need any more, and may run badly.

PROM stands for Programmable Read Only Memory. Earlier PROMs were removable
from the PCM unlike in late model cars whereby it is soldered in PCM. PROM contains
very specific engine family information. PROM cannot be written to by a microprocessor
however it can be electrically erased and then reprogrammed by external equipment.
PROMs have evolved to Electronically Programmable Read Only Memory or EPROMs
and now to Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory or EEPROMs
sometimes called Flash EPROMS. EEPROMs and EPROMs can be reprogrammed by
external equipment. The information in these memories is protected during power loss.

6.4 Reprogramming a PCM

The PCM need good information to make good decisions. The information comes from
various sensor inputs. The PCM need information to understand vehicle operating
conditions. With age and high mileage sensors and harness tend to age as well and
therefore will not give good information to the PCM. It is imperative that a PCM will
need to be reprogrammed at certain point in time.

6.4.1Why is it important to reprogram a PCM at certain point in time?

Usually after 60 000 miles the intake vacuum changes; the EGR value takes some time to
respond as it ages, therefore cleaning / replacing an EGR may not fix the problem. A code
P1406 is set that indicates the problem with EGR. Therefore a PCM will need
reprogramming / reflash the PCM with new instructions that allow more time for EGR

PCM measures air densities and temperature then stores them. As you drive it uses that
stored information / data to decide fuel trim. This implies that during winter or rapid
temperature changes the density of air changes and old settings becomes less efficient.

The intake vacuum decreases after 60 000 miles. This creates a rich fuel condition P0172
and P0175. The solution is to flash the PCM with new instruction

Fix factory bugs

If a car sets false DTCs

To fix idle roughness problem

Stalling problems

Emission failure

Change the shift characteristics of an automatic transmission

Chapter 7
7.1Sensing Devices
The PCM need good information all the time to make good decisions. The information
comes from various sensor inputs. Sensors in automotive are divided according to three
main physical quantities i.e.


Velocity / Position Load Sensors Temperature Sensors

Transmission Turbine Fuel Tank Pressure Engine Coolant Temperature

Shaft Speed Sensor Sensor
Sensor (ECT)

Vehicle Speed Sensor A/C Pressure Sensor Intake Air Temperature Sensor

Camshaft Position Manifold Absolute Transmission Fluid Temperature

Sensor (CMP) Pressure Sensor (TFT)

Throttle Position Sensor Mass Air Flow Sensor


Crankshaft Position


Knock Sensor (KS)

Heated Oxygen Sensor


7.2PCM inputs / outputs
The table below illustrates PCM inputs & outputs
PCM inputs PCM outputs

CMP sensor Fuel Pump Relay

CKP Sensor MIL

MAP Sensor IAC Motor

ECT Sensor EGR Solenoid

IAT Sensor TCC Solenoid

HO2 Sensor Fuel Injectors

A/C Pressure Sensor ICM

TFT Sensor Ignition Coils

VSS Sensor Generator Field Current

TPS Sensor Fan Control relay

KS sensor A/C Clutch Relay

EVAP Solenoid

TPC Solenoid

TSS Solenoids

Most technicians are now mere parts changers just because they do not know basic
electrical / electronic circuits. It is difficult to diagnose, troubleshoot and fix any modern
car without having knowledge on sensors and PCM networking with various sensors.
This table below gives a summary of various sensor applications and it is important for
every technician to understand fully this table below.

Sensor Application(s)

MAP Measures manifold absolute Pressure /


MAF Measures the density and volume of air

entering the intake manifold

ECT Measures the engine coolant

temperature at all the time

HO2S Measures the O2 content in the exhaust

CKP Measures the engine speed

CMP Signals the position of the camshaft

intake lobe relative to the CKP signal &
the opening of the intake valve for fuel
injection on each cylinder

A/C Pressure Sensor Measures pressure of the high side A/C


TFT Measures the temperature of the

transmission fluid

KS It detects engine knock / detonation

VSS Measures the transmission speed which

is the vehicle speed

Fig 7.2.1: Network of sensors as found in various vehicles

Chapter 8

8.1 Ideal Air / Fuel Ratio
Air is a mixture of gases mostly Nitrogen (N2) = 78 %

& Oxygen (O2) = 21 %

Therefore every molecule of O2 we have 3.76 N2

The equation of combustion says:

Gas + Air Carbon dioxide + water

C8H18 + (O2 + 3.76 N2) CO2 + H2O + N2

After balancing the equation we have:

C8H18 + 12.5(O2 + 3.76 N2) 8CO2 + 9H2O +47N2

= 15: 1

Assumptions made

Octane is not pure. We assumed that it’s pure.

Nitrogen cannot be exactly 79%

Because of those assumptions the idea air / fuel ratio becomes 14.7: 1
The 14.7:1 ratio implies that we have 14.7 parts of air to 1 part of fuel as measured by
weight. This ratio has to be maintained in a vehicle under all the various driving
conditions like cold start, idling in heavy traffic, cruising on a freeway, driving up an
inclined surface etc.

8.1.1So why 14.7:1 air / fuel ratio in modern cars
Provides low emissions since by maximising the production of CO2 & H2O and therefore
this minimises the potential production of CO, HC & NOX

Good fuel economy

Provides enough power for the engine load

In brief we can say that the ideal fuel ratio ensures that we do not have 02 & fuel left over
after combustion process. Lean mixture can damage the engine due to the longer
residence time of combustion taking place in the cylinder. Moreover lean mixture lead to
the overproduction of NOX this will cause uncontrolled engine overheating problems
which may lead to engine destruction.
Fig 8.1.1: Summary of air-fuel ratios at different vehicle modes, the ideal air fuel ratio is
achieved during cruising mode.

8.1.2 Fuel trim
Most fuel problems are caused by defective MAP, MAF, IAT, TPS and vacuum leaks. A
proper understanding of sensors and fuel trims can result in quicker diagnosis and alert the
technician of any pending problem with your car.

Most fuel trim numbers are expressed as either positive or negative. A PCM is designed is
programmed to achieve ideal and chemically perfect 14.7: 1 air / fuel ratio. This is the
ratio that we assume a complete combustion of hydrocarbons and oxygen.

A +15% number indicates that PCM is adding 15% more fuel than originally calculated to
achieve ratio 14.7 : 1 for a particular driving cycle. A +15% fuel trim is a response to the
engine lean conditions. A -15% number indicates that the PCM is subtracting fuel. GM
motors use a different numerical system in which 128 is considered zero fuel trim.
Numbers above 128 indicates that PCM is adding fuel and numbers below 128 indicates
that the PCM is subtracting fuel. The process of adding or subtracting fuel to achieve a
chemically perfect 14.7 : 1 air / fuel ratio is known as fuel trim. Fuel trim can be
categorised as short term fuel trim (STFT) or long term fuel trim (LTFT). The HO2S are
the drivers of fuel trim such that changes in HO2S voltages will cause a direct change in
fuel injection. When fuel trim consists of more than two digits number being added /
subtracted a DTC will be set.

8.1.3 STFT
STFT1 is specifically for bank 1

STFT2 is specifically for bank 2

STFT is the PCM’s immediate response to adjust the air / fuel ratio up to a certain
optimum level whereby there is no more fluctuations between lean and rich. It is at this
point that the LTFT is introduced. STFT occurs several times per second.
+ve fuel trim is fuel addition in response to a lean condition

-ve fuel trim is fuel subtraction in response to a rich condition

STFT is a quick response to O2 sensor input. STFT is not stored in KAM implying that at
Key off Engine Off all information will be lost and automatically resets to zero for the
next drive cycle

8.1.4 LTFT
LTFT1 is specifically for bank 1
LTFT is specifically for bank 2

LTFT is learned over a period of time whilst in close loop. To be more precise LTFT is
defined as changes in STFT averaged over a long period of time. It is stored in the KAM
so that it can be used for open loop calculation like cold start, WOT, etc.

NOTE: It is good to evaluate fuel trim at idle or at rpm between 2000 - 2500 for
meaningful results.

8.1.5 What is the normal STFT & LTFT?

A STFT should generally fluctuate between negative and positive single digits maximum
of 3times / second. Usually STFT stays around 5% if the engine is still good. However it
might go up to close 10% as the engine ages, components ages, vacuum leaks and some
other variable factors. A normal LTFT since it is the average of STFT over a long period
of time. Under normal engine operating conditions LTFT should be close to zero or
negative or positive single digits. LTFT fluctuates very slowly almost static unlike STFT
that do many times per second. A double digit STFT will set a DTC. An engine running
lean will set a DTC, P0171 or P0174. Conversely if the engine is running rich a DTC,
P0172 or P0175 will be set.

8.1.6 Explaining STFT and LTFT of an engine running lean

If a car has a vacuum leak leading to unmetered air reaching the intake manifold, the
HO2S will detect will detect too much O2 in the exhaust manifold and will run lean. The
PCM will notice abnormality in the waveform and will compensate to that by adding more
As the fuel is added by the PCM the STFT will start to increase immediately. While the
PCM is adding the fuel it has to simultaneously monitor the HO2S until the HO2S no
longer indicates the lean condition and ideal air / fuel ratio is met. The PCM will maintain
this further fuel addition until the leakage is corrected. The scan tool will show both
STFT and LTFT with readings greater than 10%.
NOTE: PCM can only trim fuel to a maximum calibration of 25%.

8.1.7 Importance of fuel trim
Once we have a +ve fuel trim make us aware of the vacuum leak in the intake manifold,
bad HO2S, low fuel pressure due to restriction, bad pump, bad fuel regulator etc.
-ve fuel trim respond to rich condition due to leaking fuel injector, a faulty pressure
regulator, a bad HO2S etc.
Fuel trim gives a quick overview of the courses of engine under performance

Fuel trim help to fix a problem if no DTC is set in a vehicle

8.2 A rich fuel condition

8.2.1 Causes of rich condition

Leaking fuel injector
A faulty pressure regulator leading to uncontrolled pressure

A faulty ECT

A stuck open thermostat

Dripping fuel injectors

Damaged or disconnected vacuum line to the intake manifold

Stuck open purge solenoid of EVAP canister
Exhaust leaks like pinholes before the HO2S

Low compression
Incorrect camshaft timing

MAF sensor problems

NOTE: If intake manifold is loose / vacuum line damaged / left disconnected this will
lead to a lean mixture, the PCM will notice a difference in the air / fuel ratio. The PCM
will then compensate for the lean mixture by holding the injector open for longer period of
time resulting in an enriched mixture.

8.2.2 Symptoms of rich / fuel condition

Black exhaust smoke

Fouled spark plugs

Poor engine performance

Poor fuel economy

8.3 A lean fuel condition
A lean fuel condition occurs when air / fuel ratio is more than 14.7:1.

8.3.1Causes of lean condition

Fuel delivery issues

Water contaminated fuel

Low fuel pressure

Restricted fuel pressure

MAF problems
HO2S faults

Vacuum leaks from intake gaskets / hoses

Unmetered air

Clogged or dirty fuel injectors

Exhaust restrictions causing back pressure

Exhaust leaks
Loose HO2S thereby allowing extra O2 into the exhaust manifold

Typically the check engine light is illuminated if the 10% is added / subtracted from the
ideal ratio.

8.3.2 Diagnosis of a lean condition using freeze frame data

RPM 850 2 500

STFT +20% +2%

LTFT +13% -1%

MAF 1.4 g/s 37.2 g/s

ECT 195 ° F 195 ° F

TPS 1.0% 15%


The above data was taken from a vehicle equipped with a 4 cylinder engine. The vehicle
has an illuminated MIL and stored system too lean (Bank1) DTC. So we are to verify the
causes of the problem using STFT & LTFT data analysis.

T he fuel trim correction at idle is very positive indicating a lean condition. At higher
engine RPM there is very little trim correction. This problem is caused by unmetered air
entering the intake manifold system and is mostly predominant at low engine RPM. At
higher engine RPM more air enters the intake manifold system and the leak becomes
insignificant. In conclusion the causes of this problem are a vacuum leak. A regulated
smoke gas is supposed to be injected into the system to check the leak.

Chapter 9

9.1Sensors used to calculate air / fuel ratio

A PCM uses the following sensors as input to calculate air / fuel ratio:

ECT Engine Coolant Temperature

IAT Intake Air Temperature

TPS Throttle Position Sensor

HO2S Heated O2 Sensor (Fuel trim)

MAP Manifold Absolute Sensor

Inputs Outputs

HO2S Injector # 1

Injector # 2

ECT PCM Injector # 3

IAT Injector # 4
TPS Injector # 5

Injector # 6

9.1.1 ECT
ECT is a variable resistor sensor commonly called NTC thermistor. The sensor voltage
changes according to temperature of the engine coolant stream. The resistance of the
sensor decreases with increasing coolant temperature or vice versa. This means that the
sensor decreases in resistance as engine warms up to operating temperature. The sensor
values range from -40°F to 248°F (-40°C to 120°C). At 212°F (100°C), the sensor reading
is 0.46 volts and resistance around 177Ω. The ECT sensor voltage increases with
increasing resistance, the voltage signal will be sent to the PCM.

The ECT sensor maintains engine operating temperature and is located in the coolant
stream usually around thermostat housing or the intake manifold. This sensor senses the
engine coolant temperature all the time.

Temperature Temperature Sensor Ohms

°F °C Voltage Ω

248 120 0.25 __

212 100 0.46 177

176 80 0.84 332

150 66 1.34 __

140 60 1.55 667

104 40 2.27 1 459

86 30 2.60 2 238
68 20 2.93 3 520

32 0 3.59 9 420

-4 -20 4.24 28 680

-40 -40 4.90 100 70

Fig4: Temperature, Voltage and Resistance relationships of ECT, IAT sensors.

9.1.2 Importance of the ECT input signal to the PCM

Input of the ECT may be used by the PCM for the following control functions:

Start up fuel enrichment on fuel injected engines. When PCM receives a cold
signal from ECT it increases the PW of an injector to create a richer fuel mixture.
Purge Solenoid of EVAP to remain closed until engine warm up
Idle speed control. The PCM will usually increase idle speed when cold engine is
first started to prevent stalling
Operation of the cooling fan depends entirely on the ECT
The ECT signal controls the TCC. Solenoid is energized when engine coolant
temperature reaches 150 ° F (66 °C) & vehicle is at 40 mph

9.1.3 DTCs associated with ECT failures

P0116 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Range/Performance
P0117 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Low Input
P0118 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit High Input
P0119 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Intermittent

9.1.4 ECT Sensor diagnosis

Perform visual inspection to check for corrosion, shorts and loose connections
Use a DMM to check for resistance and compare to specifications, low resistance
shorted sensor, high resistance open sensor. Such a sensor should be replaced.
If the resistance of ECT is OK but the engine fails to enter closed loop status, then
the fault is with wiring / PCM.

9.2 IAT

Intake Air Temperature sensor is an NTC thermistor that changes its resistance according
to intake air temperature. The PCM will provide a rich air fuel ratio as cool air passes the
sensor. This is because cool air is denser than warm air. IAT sensor just like the ECT
sensor increases in voltage reading as the temperature drops.

9.2.1Problems caused by bad IAT

Extended starting time
Miscalculation of air/fuel mixture
Affect the EGR valve opening in some cars

9.2.2 DTCs associated with ECT failures

P0111 IAT sensor 1 circuit, range / performance problem

P0112 IAT sensor 1circuit, low input

P0113 IAT sensor circuit, high input

P0114 IAT sensor circuit, intermittent failure

IAT diagnosis steps are just similar to ECT diagnosis steps above.

9.3 TPS
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) is a 3 wire non-adjustable potentiometer that indicates
throttle angle to the PCM. As the throttle angle varies voltage varies as well. Voltage
reading varies from 0.45V- 4.5V.
Closed throttle = 0.45V

WOT = 4.5V
Closed throttle = 10% WOT
The information above will be used to control injector pulse width & timing. The fuel
injectors and ignition timing are adjusted by the PCM as the throttle plate is moved. If a
vehicle is accelerated to WOT the PCM would read 4.5V signal.

Fig9.3: A 1996 Saturn TPS connected to the PCM. Gray wire being the 5V-ref, Dark wire
being the signal & Black wire being the ground.

9.3.1Common symptoms of a bad TPS sensor

Delayed acceleration
Random stalling, this may occur during idling / engine running

Sudden surge in car’s speed especially in highway

Difficult to change gears

Poor fuel economy

Rough idling
Bucking and jerking in the vehicle

Transmission shifting problems

9.3.2Diagnosis of a bad TPS sensor
Check the TPS adjustment before you do anything.
Check for terminal corrosion and loose connections
Check the voltage changes on a scan tool using live data at idle, closed throttle and
Check for good ground & 5V-refeence using a DMM.

9.3.2 TPS waveforms

Fig 9.3.2: illustration of TPS waveforms[6]

9.4 O2 Sensor
Lean is low O2: 0 - 0.45V

Rich is high: 0.45 - 1.0V


The O2 sensor provides a voltage signal between 0 & 1 Volt. This voltage varies
according to the O2 content in the exhaust system.

Once O2 sensor reaches 600 ° F it begins to create its own voltage, this is a closed loop
status. In closed loop mode the PCM attempts to maintain 14.7: 1. 02 sensors contain
zirconium or titanium and two different plates. One plate is exposed to the atmosphere
and the other exposed to the exhaust manifold. Amount of voltage generated depends on
an imbalance between the O2 in the ambient air and O2 inside the exhaust. If the
difference is high, sensor generates a higher voltage, more fuel combine with O2; less is
left in the exhaust manifold. If the difference is low, sensor generates low voltage
implying lot of O2 in the exhaust manifold and usually indicates lean fuel / air mixture.
Most O2S have 3 / 4 wires, usually Grey / Black wire stand for signal and white stand for

Fig9.4: An illustration of an exhaust manifold.

9.4.1HO2 Sensor locations

According to the above diagram, Bank 1 Sensor 1, Bank 1 Sensor 2 & Bank 2 Sensor 1
(Upstream sensors) are used for closed operation and OBDII monitoring. Bank 1 Sensor
3 (Downstream sensor) and is used for OBD II monitoring of catalytic converters.
Catalytic Converter has to be hot for a while before attaining a good signal output.

9.4.2 Symptoms of a bad HO2S
Poor fuel economy. A defective HO2S will likely cause air / fuel mixture to be rich

Hesitation during acceleration

Spark knock

9.4.3 Causes
A faulty HO2S

Loose electrical wiring connections

Bad ground

Burnt HO2S fuse

High resistance in the circuit

Opens / shorts in the circuit

PCM problems

9.4.4Troubleshooting HO2S problems
If a code related to HO2S is set a technician should do the following steps listed below in
order to mitigate the problem:

The first thing to do is to check the integrity of HO2S fuse

If fuse is not blown then check for a loose electrical connections and unwanted resistances
as well. If everything is OK then you have to disconnect the sensor and measure the
resistance across the heater, an open indicates a damages heater and low resistance below
the specs indicates a shorted heater. If the resistance of the H02S is according to spec then
the following should be done:

Reconnect the H02S and back probe the ground and signal wire of the HO2S and measure
the voltage changes at idle (cold), idle (warm), acceleration and deceleration using DMM.
The test results should correspond to the values given below:

Condition Voltage across H02SS & SRTN

KOEoff 0V

Idle (cold) 0 V
Idle (warm) 0 - 1.0V

Acceleration 0.5V - 1.0V

Deceleration 0 - 0.5V

If the voltage readings are approximately equal to those in the table, then the sensor is

If the readings are different then replace the HO2S, if the problem still persists after sensor
replacement then check the PCM.

It is advisable to buy a new H02S from a dealer because aftermarket HO2S may give
louse voltage readings

A scan tool can be used as well to check the voltage changes of an HO2S.

NOTE: If a car is found to have a defective head gasket or a cracked head an HO2S
sensor might have to be replaced since additives in conventional coolant such as silicates
and phosphates can coat the HO2S causing the sensor to give false readings.

9.4.5 Oxygen sensor waveforms

Fig 9.4.5: illustration of various oxygen sensor waveforms[7]

9.5 Closed & Open loop mode
During closed loop O2 sensor start communicating with the PCM. The system goes on
open loop mode on cold, WOT and high load conditions. The HO2S signal is ignored by
the PCM; the PCM will enrich the mixture to accommodate immediate demand. In open
mode fuel injector pulse width is calculated from various sensors combined with the
engine speed.

9.6 PCM does not go to close loop

Chances are high that the ECT / HO2S is not working properly. A technician should
perform a thorough visual inspection on those sensors.

9.7 Signal output as a result of a good / bad Catalytic Converter

9.7.1Testing for the integrity of catalytic converters
An infra red thermometer may be used, large differences in temperatures at a point before
and after the catalytic converter illustrates a bad catalytic converter, acceptable
temperature difference should be between 25 - 50 ° F.
A vacuum gauge may be used to check the integrity of a catalytic converter, when a needle
drops steady during acceleration is an indication of a failed catalytic converter.

A failed catalytic converter will cause numerous driveability problems.

A bad catalytic converter will give wrong information to the HO2S which will then
misinform the PCM
A scan tool data can be used, STFT, LTFT & HO2S information can be used to verify the
integrity of catalytic converters.
Downstream HO2S can tell us the efficiency of the catalytic converters

NOTE: A clogged catalytic converter causes excessive backpressure in the exhaust
manifold; this may trick the MAP sensor into indicating there is a load on the engine. This
may result in rich condition.

A restricted exhaust does not set a DTC.

9.7.2Diagnosis of catalytic inefficiency using sensor live data

RPM 3000 HO2S

Sensors CLSD

HO2S11 (mV) 680 HO2S21 (mV) 545

HO2S12 (mV) 730 HO2S22 (mV) 690

STFT 1 (%) -5 STFT 2 (%)


LTFT 1 (%) LTFT 2 (%)

-30 28



The above information shows sensor live data of a certain car that can be used to diagnose
catalytic inefficiency. The LTFT of Bank 2 indicates that the Bank 2 primary catalytic
converter is clogged. A clogged catalytic converter causes a backpressure, this effect will
make a MAP sensor into thinking that the car is under an extra load and thus the PCM will
command the injectors to lengthen their ON time and hence the LTFT & STFT will
indicate a rich condition as shown in the table above.

9.8 MAP / BARO Sensor
MAP sensor stand for manifold absolute pressure, it measures pressure / vacuum changes
inside the intake manifold when the engine is running. Pressure inside the intake manifold
indicates engine load. Vacuum is created during intake stroke whereby air is drawn in
during this process. Vacuum is defined as a pressure less than 14.7 psi which is the
atmospheric pressure.

14.7psi = 101.3 KPa

Barometric Pressure - MAP reading = intake manifold vacuum

A PCM supplies 5V to the MAP sensor, a resistor inside the MAP moves relative to the
intake manifold pressure between 1 - 4.5V depending on intake manifold pressure which
signifies engine load. The voltage signal will be returned to the PCM to indicate manifold
absolute pressure / vacuum.

9.8.1MAP principle of operation

Engine mode Pressure Vacuum Voltage Signal

WOT ↑ ↓ ↑

Idle ↓ ↑ ↓

CT = 101.3 KPa = 0 ↓ = 4.0 V ↑

9.8.2MAP sensor voltage, vacuum & pressure relationships

Vacuum at sea Manifold Sensor Voltage Fuel Mixture

level ( Inc. Hg) Absolute

0 101.3 4.0

3 91.2 3.5

6 81.0 3.0

9 70.8 2.5

12 60.7 2.0

15 50.5 1.5

18 40.4 1.0

21 30.2 0.5

24 20.0 0.0

The table above shows that as the manifold absolute pressure increases the car will start to
run rich. This is because the engine load increases with increase in manifold pressure and
hence the PCM has to command the injector pulse width to be prolonged to compensate
for this load increment
The diagram below is an electrical wiring diagram of a MAP sensor connected to the
PCM. Inside the MAP sensor is a variable resistor that changes its resistance relative to
engine pressure. When the pressure is high the diaphragm pushes the variable resistor
close to the 5V- reference. However when the pressure is low the variable resistor reads
far lower than the 5V-reference signal, the diaphragm will be pulled by vacuum in the
opposite direction. The measured signal will be sent back to the PCM via the MAP sensor
signal. If the pressure is high the PCM will command the fuel injectors to open up over a
period of time so that the engine produces more power. At the same time the PCM will
retard the ignition slightly to prevent detonation that can completely destroy the engine
and affect its performance. If the pressure is low (high vacuum) the PCM will command
the injectors to open over short period of time so that the engine produces less power. At
the same time the PCM will advance the ignition timing for good fuel economy. The
MAP sensor signal is also used by a transmission computer to help to decide when to shift
the gears. Some GM cars use a MAP sensor for this purpose. I remember having a hard
shift on my transmission of Chevrolet Malibu 2003 model for a while, after a thorough
visual inspection and scan tool live data analysis I discovered that the MAP sensor was
disconnected. By reconnecting the MAP sensor I then fixed the hard shifting problem.

Fig 9.8.2: illustration of internal components of MAP sensor

9.8.3Symptoms of a bad MAP sensor

DTC P0170 is present

Bad fuel economy

Extended cranking time

Black smoke coming out of the tailpipe

Hesitation during acceleration

Gear shifting problems

Rough idle

Spark plug fouling due to rich condition

9.8.4Most common causes
A bad MAP sensor

Loose or broken electrical wiring connections

Engine with low compression
A fuel pump not supplying not enough volume

A timing belt that is not synchronised correctly

A bad PCM
Loose / damaged vacuum hose

Shorted MAP sensor

Bad EGR / EGR leaks

Clogged air filter

Chapter 10
10.1 Introduction to Emission Control

An internal combustion engine emits 3-major pollutants into the air: hydrocarbons (HC),
carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). Moreover an internal combustion
engine also gives off many small liquid or solid particles such as sulphur, lead, carbon and
other particles which contribute to pollution.

10.1.1Hydrocarbons (HC)

Hydrocarbons are the main components that make up all fossil fuels. Gasoline is a fossil
fuel and therefore made up of hydrocarbons. The three major sources of hydrocarbon
emissions in an automobile are as follows: [1]

Fuel system evaporation - 20%

Crankcase vapors - 20%

Engine exhaust - 60%

10.1.2 Carbon monoxide (CO)

CO gas is a product of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. A rich mixture will often
result in incomplete combustion. To make a complete combustion the ideal stoichiometric
ratio of 14.7:1 should be met in the combustion process in order to produce a required CO2

10.1.3 Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)

Air is a mixture of gases: 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen and 1% other gases. When the
combustion chamber temperature reaches 2 500 ° F (1 371 ° C) or greater, the Nitrogen
and Oxygen in the air-fuel mixture combine to form large quantities of oxides of nitrogen
(NOx). This chemical reaction requires large amount of temperatures since Nitrogen
molecule is made up of triple bonds that requires large quantities of energy to break. NOx
& HC levels have to be monitored to avoid pollution and some other environmental

NOx can be lowered by cooling the combustion chamber through the use of EGR and HC
levels can be lowered by the use of the PCV and the EVAP system. This chapter will
explain exactly how these major pollutants can be reduced.

Chapter 11

11.1 Automotive Emission Controls

Automotive emission controls employs the EVAP System, PCV System and the EGR

11.1.1EVAP System
Evaporative emission controls (EVAP) system controls the evaporation of HC vapors from
the fuel tank, pump, carburetor and fuel lines from escaping into the atmosphere. It
achieves that by containing, storing & sending evaporative gas mixed with air to the intake
manifold for combustion purposes in order to keep the environment clean and improve gas
economy. The EVAP system is made up of the following listed below components:

Non-vented gas cap

Sealed fuel tank
Purge canister solenoid
Vent solenoid

Storage carbon canister

Fuel tank pressure sensor

Fuel evaporates within the tank and the vapors need to be safely removed, drawn through
the lines to the carbon canister storage. When the engine is running these gases are purged
from the canister to the intake manifold. The process happens as follows: At WOT, the
PCM commands the purge and vent solenoid to open, when the purge opens fuel is drawn
from the tank and storage canister, canister vent allow air in to mix with the gas in the
carbon canister.

Once at KOEO the PCM waits a predetermined amount of time before it proceeds to
check the pressure sensor. If the pressure inside the tank is greater than ≈ 1.5 in. H2O then
the test is aborted. If the pressure is within the range the pressure sensor by the PCM and
the canister vent solenoid is commanded to close sealing the EVAP system. All this
happens at KOEO.

The PCM monitors any pressure drop inside the tank and if everything is OK, the PCM
commands normal operation. If the PCM detects a drop in pressure it knows that there is
a leak somewhere within the EVAP system. To determine the size of the leak it sets a
pending code until a drive cycle / trip is completed. If the problem exists after the trip MIL
will be illuminated. Pressure changes can be caused by a loose gas cap, some external
leakages on the EVAP system and rapid temperature changes. A vehicle with enhanced
EVAP system will turn ON MIL due to small leak. The gas cap contains a vacuum and
pressure relief valve; a small leak will be indicated.

11.1.2 Common EVAP DTCs

P0440 - vacuum deficiency

P0441 - no flow during purge cycle

P0442, P0456, P0457 - small leak

P0455 - large leak

P0443, P0446, P0449 - purge solenoid (blocked / inactivated)

11.1.3 Dealing with common EVAP DTCs
If you find a P0440 & P0455 DTC, first check to verify if the gas cap is tightly closed, a
click sound is normally heard if the cap is tightly closed.

If the above condition is met remove the gas cap to check for any form of damage.

After doing the above and if still the problem persists replace the gas cap. If it doesn’t
solve the problem, check for leaks using a smoke machine. Smoke is passed through a
green port of the EVAP system in some other car like GM motors.

P0443, P0446 and P0449 DTC, first check the resistance of the purge solenoid to verify if
the resistance is according to spec. A good solenoid’s resistance should normally not
exceed 50Ω
NOTE: Cracked / disconnected hoses would result in vapor odor.

If the EVAP system purges vapors from the canister at idle, rough idle will result.

Fig 11.1.3: A diagram illustrating EVAP system made up of different components.

EVAP System components include:

Purge valve
The purge valve is responsible for venting the evaporative gas into the intake manifold.
This is done by the PCM after certain conditions are met. A stuck open purge valve would
cause the engine to run richer than normal due to extra fuel added to the engine and this
can eventually ruin the catalytic converter.

Fuel tank pressure sensor

An input used by the PCM to indicate if the EVAP system is discharging evaporative gas
into the atmosphere.

Vent valve
Vent valve allows fresh air to enter the canister. The valve is used by the PCM to assist in
monitoring purge valve operation. The vent valve is used on enhanced OBDII EVAP

Charcoal canister
Charcoal absorbs and retains hydrocarbons until they are blended into the air/ fuel
mixture, this happens in the closed loop mode.

Gas cap
The gas cap contains an integral vacuum and pressure relief valve so as to stop
deformation of the gas tank.

Fuel tank
The tank does not fill all the way to the top to allow space for expansion. Overfilling the
gas tank may damage the canister or may cause leakages in the EVAP system.
11.2Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) Valve

An EGR is not a sensor but a valve. Its primary purpose is to relocate the exhaust gas
back to the intake manifold thereby cooling down the engine by minimizing NOX. Most
late model vehicles use a PCM to actuate a solenoid. This will allow engine vacuum to go
to the valve when requested thereby allowing exhaust gases to recirculate to the intake
manifold. A diagram below is simplified to illustrate EGR principle of operation.

11.2.1 Problems associated with malfunctioning EGR

A stuck open EGR valve will result in excessive exhaust gas flow into the intake
manifold. This results in engine stumble at idle. The reason of idling is due to the fact
that exhaust gas dilutes O2 molecules concentration and therefore affects air / fuel mixture
in the combustion chamber.
A stuck closed EGR valve will result in excessive NOX emissions and this will manifest as
engine knocking or detonation. An EGR can be stuck closed due to failed solenoid, PCM
and blocked EGR passages. A common DTC associated with EGR blockage is P0401. A
diagram below illustrates the symptoms of P0401. P0401 is a stuck closed EGR.
Cleaning the EGR passages usually solves the problem.

NOTE: In some late model cars a defective break switch may cause EGR malfunctioning.

Chapter 12

12.1Dealing with Common DTCs

12.1.1 P0107
When DTC P0107 is set, the PCM sees a MAP registering a low voltage / low pressure. It
will command fuel injectors to extend its duty cycle and hence the vehicle will run rich.

12.1.2 Troubleshooting P0107
First check that the manifold vacuum is within the specifications, at idle you should
expect vacuum between 18” - 21” inch.Hg.
Check for loose connections and corroded terminals
Check for any shorted wires
Check for good ground and 5V-reference using a DMM.
Vacuum pump @ KOEO, the MAP voltage reading should fall as seen from the
scan tool.

12.2 P0171 & P0174
P0171 and P0174 mainly apply to V6 and V8 with 2-Banks since a 4-cylinder engine is
just 1-Bank. However there are a few expectations.

P0171 - fuel system too lean Bank 1

P0174 - fuel system too lean Bank 2

12.2.1 Symptoms associated with P0171 & P0174

Engine performance problems
Rough idling when engine is warm and at stoplight
Lack of power during acceleration
Bad smelling due to misfire

12.2.2 Common causes of P0171 & P0174

Lack of PCM software update, as the engine ages it wears and vacuum leaks,
changes in piston-cylinder clearance etc are inevitable and therefore the PCM fuel
software inaccurately compensates vacuum leaks and some engine changes.
Vacuum leaks (Intake manifold, Vacuum hoses, PCV hoses, Cracks inside an
engine block etc)
Defective MAF sensor especially if both P0171 & P0174 codes are set
Plugged / dirty fuel injectors
Stuck closed fuel injectors
High resistance on fuel injector connections
Plugged fuel filter
Under-performing fuel pump due to sometimes low voltage reaching the pump

12.2.3 Troubleshooting P0171 & P0172
First check that the manifold vacuum is within the specifications, at idle you should
expect vacuum between 18” - 21” inch.Hg. If between 5’ - 10’ Hg. inches is
recorded then an intake vacuum leak is detected
Connect scan tool and check for STFT & LTFT
Do visual inspections to check for damaged PCV and vacuum hoses
Check for loose connections and corroded terminals of MAF sensor
Check for any shorted wires of MAF sensor
Check for good ground and 5V-reference using a DMM
Check voltage drop measurements across the fuel pump.
Check and verify that fuel pressure & delivery are at spec. In some cars the fuel
pressure & delivery can be checked on Schrader valve located on the fuel injector
rail, keep in mind that some late model cars do not have Schrader valves.

NOTE: Fuel pressure & delivery is irrelevant on some cars that have a fuel pump that is
pulse width modulated PWM.

12.3 Dealing with DTC P0300
P0300 random / multiple cylinder misfire is a common DTC which might cause low
power to the engine, poor shifting, rough idling, poor performance of the engine and worst
case engine shacking whilst running. Random misfire is the lack of or loss of combustion
in two or more cylinders. When a misfire happens raw fuel is dumped into the converter.
The converter temperature rises to dangerous level elevating HC output and sometimes
causing a flashing Check engine light as seen on an instrument cluster.

Random misfire is mostly caused by ignition, fuel and engine mechanical problems. A
misfire is said to be random when it involves multiple cylinders simultaneously. In actual
fact two or more cylinders lead to P0300. P0300 is the most common problem
experienced by many motorists in the USA.

12.3.1 What happens to the PCM and HO2S sensor during random
The HO2S will detect excess amount of raw fuel in the exhaust
The excess O2 that was not used during the combustion process results in rapid
switching of the HO2S sensor and in most cases PCM will lose fuel trim control

12.3.2 What causes random misfire?

Warn or malfunctioning ignition components like ignition coils, ignition wires,
ignition spark plugs and ignition control module (ICM)
Leak, restricted or malfunctioning fuel injectors, fuel filter, defective pump and fuel
pressure switch.
Mechanical factors like low compression on multiple cylinders, blown head gasket
and skipped timing belts / chain and water in the combustion chamber
Vacuum leak
Bad battery

12.3.3 P0300 misfire diagnostics
First check for the presence of spark in all the spark plugs
Check the condition of spark plugs, check the spark gap if it is according to spec,
check the spark plug for fuel and oil fouling. If they are bad replace them.
Check for vacuum leaks and restriction by checking for cracks, kinks and looseness
of the vacuum hose
Spray penetration oil around the intake manifold, engine has to be idle; if the idle
speed changes then a leak is present in the intake manifold. A vacuum gauge can
be used to probe for an intake manifold leakage. A reading of 5-10 Hg. Inc at idle
shows a leakage in the intake manifold.
Check for fuel pressure using a fuel pressure gauge
If any of the above steps doesn’t solve the problem measure the compression of
each cylinder

Chapter 13

13.1 Charging system

The generator / alternator is the source of DC voltage needed by the battery, all
accessories, electrical and electronic components of a car. The generator produces DC
voltage by the action of diodes inside a diode bridge. Most generators have six diodes in
order to obtain a full wave rectification. The process of converting AC - DC voltage is
called rectification. The generator charges the battery when the engine is running; this is
possible since battery and generator are always connected in parallel. A good generator
produces DC charging voltage at the B+ output terminal which is normally in the range of
13.8V 15.1V.

The charging system has drastically changed in the last decade to a computerised one. In
the past years the voltage regulator used to inside the generator, nowadays a charging
system is controlled by on board computer. The charging system is a heart bit of a modern
vehicle that you might think of, it therefore needs to be properly checked and regulated. If
the charging voltage is operating too high the battery will suffer from overcharging and
that will eventually destroy the battery. If the charging voltage is too low all electrical /
electronic circuits in on board computers will unable to function at their full potential and
that will cause a lot of driveability concerns. Modern cars charging system depends
mainly on the engine load, engine and air temperature and vehicle speed. Various sensors
and switches are input to the PCM so as to generate a signal(s) that will control the
charging system depending on various conditions as shown in fig 13. The faster the car
moves (engine rpm increases) the higher the output voltage of a generator. The slower the
car moves (engine rpm decreases) the lower the output voltage of a generator.

Fig13.1: Various sensors and switches that controls the performance of the charging

13.2 Inside the Charging system

There are four major components that make up a generator. Fig 13.2 shows a composite
schematic of the internal parts of a basic generator.

Fig 13.2: illustration of the internal assemblies of a generator.

The main components that make up a generator include:

Rotor (field) winding

Stator winding

Diode Bridge
PCM (Voltage regulator)

The Rotor winding is controlled by the voltage regulator. The voltage regulator in this
case is an NPN driver transistor inside the PCM that turns ON and OFF the current
through the Field winding. The voltage regulator regulates the current that goes into the
Rotor windings. The more current that flows into the Rotor windings implies that more
electromagnetic field is produced around the Rotor windings. The less current that flows
into the Rotor windings implies that less electromagnetic field is produced around the
Rotor windings. As long as the current flows through the Rotor windings, the Rotor will
always be an electromagnet. The rotating Rotor enables electrical energy to be induced
the three stator windings by electromagnetic induction. AC current is produced in the
Stator winding during this process. The AC current produced is rectified by the Diode
Bridge. The Diode Bridge consists of six diodes divided into three legs among the three
Stator windings. Each Stator winding has a (+) Diode and a (-) Diode connected in series.
The AC current enters each series diode leg at the common junction point of the two

The faster the Rotor winding spins the higher the output of the generator. The slower the
Rotor winding spins the lower the output of the generator. The Stator winding is always
stationary, and the one shown on Fig 13.2 is called a 3-phase Stator because of its 3-
windings. The Rotor/Field winding is mounted inside the Stator winding and rotates as
the generator pulley is rotated by the serpentine belt. Most common generator failures are
as result of Diode failures due to overheating.

13.3 The charging Voltage

The charging voltage produced by the generator is the voltage across the battery terminals
when the engine is running. The charging voltage varies mostly with engine speed and
ambient temperature. The PCM containing the voltage regulator takes information from
various sensors to determine vehicle operating conditions and ensures the generator is
required to supply voltage required by the electrical system.

13.4 Range of charging voltage according to ambient


15.10V: The maximum charging voltage that should ever appear in a vehicle operating
with 14V electrical / electronic system. This voltage is not acceptable especially in hot
weather since it can completely ruin the PCM.
14.80V -14.40V: Range of charging voltage in cold winter weather

14.20V - 13.80V: Cool - mild warm weather

13.60V - 12.80V: Hot weather

13.00V - 12.80V: Low charge condition

12.66V: Battery voltage, generator under performing

Less than12.66V: Generator is dead, all the electrical / electronic systems running on
battery voltage.

13.5 Factors that affect the charging voltage

Charging voltage is not a fixed value, it entirely depends on temperature, load, speed and
vehicle make and model.

13.5.1 Make and Model of a vehicle

Make and model of a vehicle affects charging voltage. The charging voltage set at factory
is calculated to match the type of battery the manufacturer installs for an original
equipment battery. Vehicles using maintenance free battery tends to have voltage that
ranges between 0.5V -1.0V higher than low maintenance.

13.5.2 Generator electrical load

High electrical load implies that the charging voltage decreases because increased
electrical load pulls the charging voltage down. Conversely, generator output current
increases as electrical circuits demand more current to run efficiently.

Low electrical load implies that the charging voltage increases because decrease electrical
load will definitely cause the charging voltage to rise. Conversely, generator output
current decreases underload as circuits being powered by the generator will be OFF
implying less current demand.

13.5.3 Ambient temperature

Ambient temperature affects charging voltage. In cold weather the charging voltage
increases to overcome battery’s higher internal resistance. In hot weather the charging
voltage decreases because hot battery is easier due to lower internal resistance.

13.5.4 Engine speed

Engine speed affects charging voltage. The faster the car moves (engine rpm increases)
the higher the output voltage of a generator. The slower the car moves (engine rpm
decreases) the lower the output voltage of a generator.

13.6 The charging voltage diagnosis

Testing for undercharge condition
Set DMM to 20V and connect test leads to battery post

Run the engine at 1500 rpm

Turn ON all accessories

Hold this test for 30 seconds

If an undercharge condition is suspected hold this test for 3-5 minutes and watch for
voltage drop across the battery

Look for not less than 13.50V underload

Less than13.50V indicates possible undercharge unless ambient temperature is hot

Less than 12.66V means the generator is dead

Testing for overcharge condition
Set DMM to 20V and connect test leads to battery post

Run the engine at 2000 rpm

Turn OFF all accessories

Hold this test for 30 seconds

If an overcharge condition is suspected hold this test for 3-5 minutes and watch for voltage
increase across the battery

Expect charging voltage in the range of 14.00V -14.60V.

More than 15.20V indicates a faulty voltage regulator, bad wire connection or bad wire.

13.7 Alternator voltage drop measurements

Whenever the charging voltage is overcharged or undercharged, the first thing to do is to
look for a bad wire or connection. The diagrams below illustrate voltage drop test of the
voltage side and ground side of the charging system. Both of these tests are taken whilst
the engine is running and ALL accessories turned OFF. A good voltage drop reading
should not be more than 0.2V.

Fig 37.1: Checking voltage drop measurement on the ground side of charging system

According to Fig 37.1, Connect a Red test lead to -BATT and Black test lead to -GEN.
The DMM reading should be less than 0.2V. More than 0.2 indicates an electrical
problem. Look for corroded terminals, bad connections or damaged wiring.

Fig 37.2: Checking voltage drop measurement on the voltage side of charging system

According to Fig 37.2, connect a Red test lead to +GEN and Black test lead to +BATT.
The DMM reading should be less than 0.2V. More than 0.2 indicates an electrical
problem. Look for corroded terminals, bad connections or damaged wiring.

Problems associated with Generator voltage too high or too low
Higher charging voltage produce higher current causing the battery to overcharge and boil
away electrolyte. This definitely results in shorter battery life.

Higher charging voltage will cause computer to fail and some other electronic / electrical
appliances such as lamps and relays.

Higher electric current cause melting of wire harness causing short to ground, short to
voltage, OPEN and intermittent failures

Low charging voltage cause low current flow causing a lot of drivability issues such as
poor transmission shift, problems with air / fuel mixture ratio maintenance, sluggish fuel
injector operation, low engine power and various electrical problems.

[1] Marco Di Natale, Understanding using the Controller Area Network, 2008
[2] Marco Di Natale, Understanding using the Controller Area Network, 2008
[3] Diagram obtained from ALLDATA online program
[5] Ford Power Train Control Module

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