Wavelet-Galerkin Solution of Some Ordinary Differential Equations

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Wavelet-Galerkin solution of some ordinary

differential equations
Sanja Kostadinova Jasmina Veta Buralieva Katerina Hadzi-Velkova Saneva
Institute of Mathematics and Physics Faculty of Informatics Institute of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering University Goce Delcev Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Information Technologies Shtip, Macedonia and Information Technologies
Skopje, Macedonia Email: [email protected] Skopje, Macedonia
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Abstract—In this paper we apply the wavelet-Galerkin method In this paper we apply the wavelet-Galerkin method to some
to some special types of Sturm-Liouville differential equation. special types of Sturm-Liouville differential equation. We use
We use a scaling function that allows us to find the numerical a scaling function that allows us to find the numerical solutions
solutions of nonhomogeneous differential equation such as Van
der Pol equation. of nonhomogeneous differential equation such as Van der Pol
I. I NTRODUCTION This article is organized as follows. Section II is of prelim-
Wavelets have generated significant interest from both the- inary character; we describe the spaces of functions that we
oretical and applied researchers over the last few decades. use throughout this paper; we also recall some basic wavelet
The concepts for understanding wavelets were provided by tools such as multiresolution analysis (MRA) and describe the
Meyer, Mallat, Daubechies, and many others, [1], [2]. Since classical Galerkin method for numerical solving of ordinary
then, the number of applications where wavelets have been differential equations. In Section III we apply the wavelet-
used has exploded. In areas such as time-series analysis, Galerkin method to the one dimensional second order differen-
approximation theory and numerical solutions of differential tial equation u00 (t) + αu(t) = f (t), t ∈ [0, 1], α is a constant,
equations, wavelets are recognized as powerful weapons not with Dirichlet boundary conditions u(0) = u(1) = 0. We
just tools. solve a differential equation of this type, whose exact solution
In general it is not always possible to obtain exact solution is known and compute the absolute error of our numerical
of an arbitrary differential equation. This necessitates either solution. We also applied the wavelet-Galerkin method to the
discretization of differential equations leading to numerical differential equation of the form u00 (t) + g(t)u0 (t) = f (t),
(approximate) solutions, or their qualitative study which is t ∈ [0, 1] with the same Dirichlet boundary conditions u(0) =
concerned with deduction of important properties of the solu- u(1) = 0, where g(t) and f (t) are a real-valued continuous
tions without actually solving them. The Galerkin method is functions on [0, 1]. After that, we find a numerical solution
one of the best known methods for finding numerical solutions of the known Van der Pol equation which depends on one
of ordinary and partial differential equations. Its simplicity parameter and which does not have analytic solution.
makes it perfect for many applications. The wavelet-Galerkin
method is an improvement over the standard Galerkin methods II. P RELIMINARIES AND N OTATIONS
by using a compactly supported orthogonal functional basis,
[4], [5], [6], [8]. The translates of a wavelet for all dilations A. Spaces of functions
form an unconditional orthonormal basis of L2 (R) and the
L2 (R) is the Hilbert space of square integrable functions
translates of a scaling function for all dilations form an
on R with the inner product
unconditional orthonormal bases for Vj ⊂ L2 (R), which is
a great improvement over the standard polynomial basis or a Z
trigonometric basis which not necessary have to be uncondi- < f, g >= f (t)g(t)dt,
tional. In many cases, the wavelets also provide better basis
of the approximation spaces than other basis in the following where g(t) is a complex conjugate of g(t). The Hilbert space
sense. First, the representations of the differential operators of square integrable functions on [0, 1] with the inner product
are almost diagonal on the wavelet bases, that improves the
conditioning of the discrete algebraic equations. Second, the
Z 1

wavelet representations are effective in the adaptive procedures < f, g >= f (t)g(t)dt,
so that the complexity of calculations can be reduced. Further-
more, when the solution has a certain singularity, its wavelet is denoted by L2 ([0, 1]). The space of twice differentiable
representation can automatically capture the singularity. functions on [0, 1] is denoted by C 2 ([0, 1]).

Proceedings of the XI International Conference ETAI 2013, 26th -28th of September 2013, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
B. Galerkin method for ordinary differential equations C. Wavelets
We consider the class of ordinary differential equations Let ψa,b , a > 0, b ∈ R be a family of functions defined as
(known as Sturm-Liouville equations) of the form translation (or shifting) by a factor b and dilatation (or scaling)
by a factor a of a function ψ ∈ L2 (R)
d du  1


Lu(t) ≡ − a(t) + b(t)u(t) = f (t), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 (1) ψa,b (t) = √ ψ .
dt dt a a
with Dirichlet boundary conditions The function ψ (called a wavelet or a mother wavelet) is
assumed to satisfy the admissibility condition
u(0) = u(1) = 0. (2) Z ∞
Cψ = dω < ∞,
Let a(t), b(t) and f (t) be a real-valued functions, such that −∞ |ω|
f (t) and b(t) are continuous functions and the function a(t)
has a continuous derivative on [0, 1]. where ψ̂(ω) is the Fourier transform of ψ(t). The admissibility
condition implies that
For the Galerkin method, we suppose that {vj } is a com- Z ∞
plete orthonormal system (orthonormal basis) for L2 ([0, 1]),
ψ̂(0) = ψ(t)dt = 0. (8)
and that every vj is C 2 ([0, 1]) function that satisfies −∞
Z ∞ Z ∞
vj (0) = vj (1) = 0. One can prove that, if ψ(t)dt = 0 and (1 +
−∞ −∞
|t|α )|ψ(t)|dt < ∞ for some α > 0, then Cψ < ∞.
We select some finite set Λ of indices j and consider the
In most situations, it is usefully to restrict ψ to be well
localized both in time and frequency domains, i.e. ψ(t) and
S = span{vj , j ∈ Λ}, its derivatives must decay very rapidly. For frequency local-
ization, ψ̂(ω) must decay sufficiently fast as |ω| → ∞ and
i.e. the set of all finite linear combination of the elements {vj }, ψ̂(ω) must become flat in the neighborhood of ω = 0. The
j ∈ Λ. flatness is associated with the number of vanishing moments
We look for an approximation us of the exact solution u of of ψ(t) since
the equation (1) in the form Z ∞
X tk ψ(t)dt = 0 ⇔ ψ̂ (k) (0) = 0 (9)
us = xk v k ∈ S (3) −∞

k∈Λ for k = 0, 1, ..., n. It means that larger number of vanishing

moments more is the flatness when ω is small.
where the coefficients xk , k ∈ Λ are unknown. Our criterion
for determining the coefficients xk is that us should behave D. Multiresolution analysis
like the true solution u on the subspace S, i.e. The notion of multiresolution analysis (MRA) was intro-
duced in 1988/89 by Mallat and Meyer as a natural approach
< Lus , vj >=< f, vj >, ∀j ∈ Λ. (4) to the wavelet orthonormal basis. One can easily obtain
a wavelet basis associated to the particular multiresolution
If we substitute the equation (3) in (4) we obtain approximation as follows.
X A multiresolution analysis of the space L2 (R) consists of
hLvk , vj ixk = hf, vj i, ∀j ∈ Λ. (5) a sequence of closed subspaces {Vj }∞ j=−∞ (called approxima-
k∈Λ tion spaces) with the following properties:
1. Vj ⊂ Vj+1
Let X denote the vector (xk )k∈Λ and let Y be the vector
2. ∪j∈Z Vj = L2 (R)
(yk )k∈Λ where yk = hf, vk i. Let A = [aj,k ]j,k∈Λ where
3. ∩j∈Z Vj = {0}
aj,k = hLvk , vj i. Thus, (5) is a linear system of equations
4. f (t) ∈ Vj ⇔ f (2t) ∈ Vj+1
X 5. f (t) ∈ Vj ⇔ f (t − k) ∈ Vj , ∀k ∈ Z
aj,k xk = yj , j ∈ Λ, (6)
6. there exists a function φ (called scaling function or father
wavelet) such that φj,k (t) = 2j/2 φ(2j t − k), k ∈ Z constitute
or orthonormal basis for corresponding subspace Vj .
Let φ ∈ L2 (R) be compactly supported scaling function of
AX = Y. (7)
MRA (the support of a function is the closure of the set of
points where the function is not zero-valued). Then,
For each subset Λ we obtain an approximation us ∈ S to the Z ∞
true solution u by solving the linear system (7) for X, and
φ(t)dt 6= 0, (10)
then we determine us by equation (3). −∞

Proceedings of the XI International Conference ETAI 2013, 26th -28th of September 2013, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
and satisfies a dilation equation where φ is a scaling function of MRA and ck are unknown
X coefficients that should be determined. It is clear that the larger
φ(t) = ak φ(2t − k) (11) integer j is used, the more accurate solution is obtained.
The boundaries of the support of uj (t) given by (18) are
where ak are real coefficients and ak 6= 0 for only finitely 1−L L − 1 + 2j
and . Subsequently, the original boundaries
many k ∈ Z (the number of nonzero coefficients ak in the 2 2j
series (11) is denoted by L). Since φj,k (t) = 2j/2 φ(2j t − k), 0 and 1 are now changed to fictitious boundaries, i.e. the
j, k ∈ Z are orthonormal in L2 (R), we have boundaries on both sides of 0 and 1 are extended by an
Z ∞ amount without affecting the solution within [0, 1], so
φ(t − n)φ(t − k)dt = δk,n , (12) h1 − L i
−∞ the affected solution is within the intervals , 0 and
h L − 1 + 2j i 2j
where δn,k is the Kronecker delta function defined by 1, .
0, n 6= k In this paper, we do not use the Daubechies scaling func-
δn,k = . (13) tions (the explanation is given in Remark 1). We will work
1, n = k
with the function
If φ ∈ L2 (R) is compactly supported scaling function of  1 3
MRA, one can construct the wavelet ψ such that ψj,k (t) = 
 6 (2 + t) , t ∈ [−2, −1]
1 2 3
 6 (4 − 6t − 3t ), t ∈ [−1, 0]

2j/2 φ(2j t − k), j, k ∈ Z constitute an orthonormal basis for

1 2 3
L2 (R).
φ(t) = 6 (4 − 6t + 3t ), t ∈ [0, 1] . (19)
1 3
(2 − t) , t ∈ [1, 2]

In 1988, Ingrid Daubechies defined scaling function as

 6
0, t ∈/ [−2, 2]

X This function satisfies the following dilatation equation
φ(t) = ak φ(2t − k), (14)
k=0 1 1 3 1 1
φ(t) = φ(2t+2)+ φ(2t+1)+ φ(2t)+ φ(2t−1)+ φ(2t−2),
where L is a positive even integer and denotes the genus 8 2 4 2 8
of the Daubechies wavelet. The functions generated with the so we conclude that L = 5. We take j = 0 and look for the
coefficients ak have support [0, L − 1] and ( L2 − 1) vanishing solution u0 of differential equation (16) in the form
wavelet moments. The wavelet function ψ(x) is given by 1
u0 (t) = ck φ(t − k), t ∈ [0, 1]. (20)
ψ(t) = (−1) a1−k φ(2t − k). (15)
k=2−L Substitute (20) in (16) we get
1 1
Daubechies wavelets are compactly supported functions and d2 X X
therefore there are useful for representing the solution of c k φ(t − k) + α ck φ(t − k) = f (t). (21)
k=−4 k=−4
differential equation with boundary conditions. A complete
wavelet theory can be found in [1], [2], [7], [9], [11]. Without any loss of generality, let α = −1. Taking inner
product with φ(t − n), n ∈ {−4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1} we have
ck φ00 (t − k)φ(t − n)dt −
We will consider two special types of Sturm-Liouville k=−4 2j
differential equation (1). The first one is of the form 1 Z L−1+2j
X 2j
− ck φ(t − k)φ(t − n)dt =
u00 (t) + αu(t) = f (t), t ∈ [0, 1], (16) 1−L
k=−4 2j
with Dirichlet boundary conditions Z
= f (t)φ(t − n)dt,
u(0) = u(1) = 0, (17) 1−L

where α is a constant and f (t) is a continuous function i.e.

1 1
on [0, 1]. This equation is the one dimensional counterpart
ck Ωn−k − ck an,k = bn , (22)
of Helmholtz’s equation that arises in many problems of k=−4 k=−4
electromagnetic radiation, seismology and acoustics.
Let the solution u(t) of the equation (16) be approximated n ∈ {−4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1}, where
Z 5
by its j-th level scaling function expansion on the interval 00

(0, 1) Ωn−k = φ (t − k)φ(t − n)dt, (23)

X Z 5
uj (t) = ck φj,k (t), k ∈ Z, (18) an,k = φ(t − k)φ(t − n)dt, (24)
k=1−L −4

Proceedings of the XI International Conference ETAI 2013, 26th -28th of September 2013, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
Z 5
bn = f (t)φ(t − n)dt. (25) the Daubechies scaling functions can be applied only to a
−4 homogeneous differential equations when f (t) = 0. In that
We should note that we work only with the scaling function case B is a null-matrix and an,k = δn,k since the scaling
φ and not the actual wavelet ψ. The problem can arise from functions φj,k , j, k ∈ Z are orthonormal. Our main goal is
the formula (25) for the coefficients bn if f (t) is a polynomial application of this method to nonhomogeneous differential
since the wavelet ψ has ( L2 − 1) vanishing moments, (9). So, equations, and therefore we use the function φ given by (19).
according to (10), it is much more suitable to work with the Example 1. Let us consider the differential equation
scaling function. u (t) − u(t) = t − 1, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, (29)
By using Dirichlet boundary conditions (17), we obtain the
next two equations with Dirihlet boundary conditions u(0) = u(1) = 0.
The exact solution of this equation is
u0 (0) = ck φ(−k) = 0, i.e. 1 e2 −t
et +
u(t) = − e − t + 1.
k=−4 1−e 1 − e2
c−4 φ(4)+c−3 φ(3)+c−2 φ(2)+c−1 φ(1)+c0 φ(0)+c1 φ(−1) = 0, Using the formulas (23) and (25) we obtain the elements of
(26) the matrix T and B respectivly.
and 
1 0 0 0
 1 − 397 2 1 1 397
u0 (1) = ck φ(1 − k) = 0, i.e.  81 1680 − 3 − 252 8 − 1680
1 1 397 2 151
k=−4 5 − 42 8 − 1680 − 3 − 630

T =  1 − 1 1 1 1 397
c−4 φ(5)+c−3 φ(4)+c−2 φ(3)+c−1 φ(2)+c0 φ(1)+c1 φ(0) = 0.  120 5040 5 − 42 8 − 1680
1 1 1 1
 0 120 − 5040 5 − 42
0 0 0
The equations (26) and (27) give the relation between the co-
1 2 1

efficients ck , k ∈ {−4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1}. Now, we eliminate 6 3 6
1 1 1 1
5 − 42 120 − 5040
the first and the last equation of a system (22) and in that 0 
1 397 1 1 1 1

places equations (26) and (27) are included respectively. So, 8 − 1680 5 − 42 120 − 
5040  ,
we get the following matrix equation − 23 − 1260
599 1
8 − 397
5 − 1

1 397 2 151 1 397
8 − 1680 − 3 − 315 8 − 1680

T C = B, (28) 1 2
0 6 3
B T = 0 − 60 7
− 19 28
15 − 15 − 1 0 .

φ(4) φ(3) φ(2)
 Ω1 − a−3,−4 Ω0 − a−3,−3 Ω−1 − a−3,−2
 Ω2 − a−2,−4 Ω1 − a−2,−3 Ω0 − a−2,−2 Using the Gaussian elimination algorithm we solve the
T =  Ω3 − a−1,−4 Ω2 − a−1,−3 Ω1 − a−1,−2 matrix equation T C = B and get
 Ω −a Ω − a Ω − a
0,−4 3
0,−3 2
c−4 = − 2215101437733534 499827906129216
43246859986663 , c−3 = 43246859986663 ,

φ(1) φ(0) φ(−1) c−2 = − 463553467007022 c−1 = 183867171805800
Ω−2 − a−3,−1 Ω−3 − a−3,0 Ω−4 − a−3,1  43246859986663 , 43246859986663 ,
Ω−1 − a−2,−1 Ω−2 − a−2,0 Ω−3 − a−2,1  
Ω0 − a−1,−1 Ω−1 − a−1,0 Ω−2 − a−1,1  c0 = − 49031245814880
43246859986663 ,
c1 = 43246859986663 .
Ω1 − a0,−1 Ω0 − a0,0 Ω−1 − a0,1
 So the approximate solution is
φ(2) φ(1) φ(0)
and     u0 (t) = c−1 φ(t + 1) + c0 φ(t) + c1 φ(t − 1), t ∈ [0, 1].
c−4 0

 c−3 

 b−3

 c−2  , B =  b−2
C= .

 c−1 

 b−1

 c0   b0  Case t numerical solution u0 exact solution u absolute error
c1 0 0 0 0 0
0.1 0.0276352 0.0265183 0.00111691
By Gaussian elimination algorithm we get the coefficients 0.2 0.0453501 0.0442945 0.00105559
0.3 0.0545619 0.0545074 0.0000544741
ck , k ∈ {−4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1} and the approximate solution 0.4 0.0566876 0.0582599 0.00157229
u0 using (20). 0.5 0.0531447 0.0565906 0.0034459
Remark 1. The authors of [6] used the Daubechies scaling 0.6 0.0453501 0.0504834 0.00513329
0.7 0.0347212 0.0408782 0.00615698
functions for the wavelet-Galerkin method. Because there are 0.8 0.0226751 0.0286795 0.00600449
no closed-form formulas for the Daubechies wavelets and 0.9 0.0106289 0.0147663 0.00413736
scaling functions, the element of the matrix B can not be 1 0 0 0
computed. Therefore, the wavelet-Galerkin method based on

Proceedings of the XI International Conference ETAI 2013, 26th -28th of September 2013, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

φ(1) φ(0) φ(−1)
Ω−2 − d−3,−1 Ω−3 − d−3,0 Ω−4 − d−3,1 

Ω−1 − d−2,−1 Ω−2 − d−2,0 Ω−3 − d−2,1 

Ω0 − d−1,−1 Ω−1 − d−1,0 Ω−2 − d−1,1 

Ω1 − d0,−1 Ω0 − d0,0 Ω−1 − d0,1 
φ(2) φ(1) φ(0)
and    
c−4 0

 c−3 

 b−3

 c−2  , B =  b−2
  
We now consider the differential equation of the form C= .

 c−1 

 b−1

u00 (t) + g(t)u0 (t) = f (t), t ∈ [0, 1], (30)
 c0   b0 
c1 0
with the same Dirichlet boundary conditions
Example 2. Let us consider the Van Der Pol equation
u(0) = u(1) = 0, (31)
00 0

where g(t) and f (t) are continuous functions on [0, 1]. u (t) + µ(t2 − 1)u (t) = −t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, µ ∈ R (39)
At the similar way, we want to find the approximate solution
with Dirihlet boundary conditions
of this equation of the form
X u(0) = u(1) = 0. (40)
u0 (t) = ck φ(t − k), t ∈ [0, 1]. (32)
k=−4 The Van der Pol [10] oscillator was originally proposed
Substitute (32) in (30) we get by the Dutch electrical engineer and physicist Balthasar van
der Pol while he was working at Philips. Van der Pol found
d2 X stable oscillations, which he called relaxation-oscillations and
ck φ(t − k)+
dt2 are now known as limit cycles, in electrical circuits employing
vacuum tubes. The Van der Pol equation has a long history of
d X being used in both the physical and biological sciences. The
+g(t) ck φ(t − k) = f (t). (33) equation has also been utilized in seismology to model the
two plates in a geological fault.
Taking the inner product with φ(t − n), n ∈ The goal here will be, in absence of the exact analytic
{−4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1} we obtain solution, to find numerical solution using the wavelet-Galerkin
1 1 method. In the limits or small or large values of the parameter
µ, the reduced equations are amenable to asymptotic analysis.
ck Ωn−k + ck dn,k = bn , (34)
k=−4 k=−4 For the case of large values of the parameter µ (relaxation
oscillations) an analytic solution to the problem is provided
n ∈ {−4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1}, where that is exact up to O(µ−2 ).
Z 5
00 Two interesting regimes for the characteristics of the
Ωn−k = φ (t − k)φ(t − n)dt, (35) unforced oscillator are:
1. When µ = 0, i.e. there is no damping function, the
Z 5 00

dn,k = g(t)φ0 (t − k)φ(t − n)dt, (36) equation becomes u (t) + t = 0. This is a form of the
−4 simple harmonic oscillator and there is always conservation
Z 5
of energy.
bn = f (t)φ(t − n)dt. (37) 2. When µ > 0, the system will enter a limit cycle. Near
−4 the origin u = du/dt = 0 the system is unstable, and far
We get the following matrix equation from the origin the system is damped.

T C = B, (38) Using the formulas (35) and (37) we obtain the elements of
where   T and B respectively.
the matrix
φ(4) φ(3) φ(2) 0 0 0
 Ω1 − d−3,−4 Ω0 − d−3,−3 Ω−1 − d−3,−2  1 − 16553µ − 2 + 1359µ 1 + 8203µ
 81 353µ 5040 3 1120 8 3360
− 1411µ − 23 + 302µ

 Ω2 − d−2,−4 Ω1 − d−2,−3 Ω0 − d−2,−2 
5 − 630 8 1120 315
T = T = 1
 23µ 1 41µ 1 1361
Ω3 − d−1,−4 Ω2 − d−1,−3 Ω1 − d−1,−2  120 − 3360 5 − 210 8 − 10080

µ µ
 1 1
 Ω4 − d0,−4 Ω3 − d0,−3 Ω2 − d0,−2  0 120 − 672 5 + 70
φ(5) φ(4) φ(3) 0 0 0

Proceedings of the XI International Conference ETAI 2013, 26th -28th of September 2013, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
1 2 1 
6 we found numerical solutions of nonhomogeneous differential
1 1
5 + 210 120 + 480 0 known as Van der Pol equation which does not have analytic

1 8507µ 1 µ 1 µ

8 + 10080 5 + 30 120 − 1120

, solution.
− 23 + 151µ
8 − 96
7µ 1 43µ
5 − 630


1 1039µ 2 1 1039µ
8 + 3360 −3 8 − 3360

1 2
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Case µ=0.05 µ=0.1 µ=1

0 0 0 0
0.1 0.0838955 0.218264 0.240269
0.2 0.137675 0.358176 0.394288
0.3 0.16564 0.430931 0.474378
0.4 0.172093 0.44772 0.49286
0.5 0.161338 0.419738 0.462057
0.6 0.137675 0.358176 0.394288
0.7 0.105407 0.274229 0.301877
0.8 0,0688374 0.179088 0.197144
0.9 0.0322675 0.0839475 0.0924113
1 0 0 0

As a result of an increased utilization of the wavelet
analysis to solving mathematical and engineering problems,
the numerical wavelet methods for differential and integral
equations are becoming increasingly important research field.
In this paper, we used multioresolution analysis and scaling
functions when studding the wavelet-Galerkin method and we
applied the method to some special types of Sturm-Liouville
differential equation. In example 1, we can see how this
method is applied to concrete differential equation (29), and
there we make comparison between the exact solution of this
equation and our numerical solution. Also, in example 2,

Proceedings of the XI International Conference ETAI 2013, 26th -28th of September 2013, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

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