Probation and Parole in Pakistan

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The key takeaways are that probation and parole services aim to rehabilitate offenders through non-custodial measures like conditional release and supervision in the community. However, these alternatives are underutilized in Pakistan's criminal justice system.

Parole refers to the conditional release of an offender who has already served part of their prison sentence, while probation refers to the conditional release of an offender by a court as an alternative to incarceration.

Some recommendations to improve the probation system include better implementation of juvenile justice laws, developing pilot diversion projects through public-private partnerships, increasing use of conditional discharge and utilizing alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

By Haidar (NOA)

Probation and Parole in Pakistan

Pakistan after partition of sub-continent in 1947 continued to reinforce the Government of British India's laws
for maintaining the probational aspect of the criminal justice system. It included the Good Conduct Prisoners
Probational Release Act 1926, and sections 380 and 562-564 of the Indian Code of Criminal Procedure. Later
on the Indian Code was renamed the Criminal Procedure Code. Reclamation and Probation Departments
(RPD) were established in all provincial governments in 1927, to deal with the release of prisoners on parole.
After independence, Punjab was the only province in Pakistan that had a RPD in place. The rest of Pakistan
established RPDs in 1957. The Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act 1926 was effective in
providing an opportunity for convicted prisoners who demonstrated good conduct for social reintegration
through early conditional release, however its scope was limited in addressing the early conditional release of
prisoners with short term sentences. The colonial government of British India tried to pass separate legislation
on probation. In 1931, the All India Probation Bill was drafted and was circulated to all the provincial
governments for their comments, however the Bill was not passed into law mainly due to the political crisis in
the country associated with the ongoing independence movement. After independence in 1947, the
Government of Pakistan passed legislation on probation, namely, the Probation of Offenders Ordinance
1960/Rules 1961. The Probation of Offenders Ordinance 1960 is largely an amended version of the 1931
Probation Bill. However, it mandates the RPDs to establish the probation arm of the department and enabled
probation officers to be appointed for offenders on trial before the courts.
Recently, another development took place when the government of Pakistan introduced the Juvenile Justice
System Ordinance 2000 (JJSO) in compliance with its international obligations of the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Section 11 of the JJSO highlights the release of juvenile offenders on

Parole and probation are procedures for release of convicted offenders or adjudicated delinquents on a
conditional basis in order to assist them in pursuing a non-criminal life, with the proviso that they may be
committed or returned to a correctional institution if their behaviour after release fails to meet standards of the
releasing authority. If granted by government to someone who already has served part of a term of
confinement this release is usually called parole in Pakistan and the United States and license in Britain. If
granted by a court as an alternative to incarceration this release is generally called probation. These provisions
were primarily promulgated for the benefit of “first time” and offenders seen as able to reform who are capable
of leading a useful and productive life so as to minimise their chances of becoming hardened criminals due to
the effects of imprisonment.
Existing Criminal Justice System of Pakistan
In the existing criminal justice system of Pakistan alternatives to imprisonment have their legal basis at the
pre-trial stage in the form of bail; at the sentencing stage with fines and probation; and at the post-sentencing
stage with parole. The public are comparatively more familiar with the term bail and it is the most commonly
exercised non-custodial measure in court settings. In contrast, probation and parole services are the least
practiced alternative, depriving people in conflict with the law of their inherent right to freedom, family life
and of becoming productive citizens of society. In recent decades, the retributive model of punishment is
losing ground to the more humane models of community rehabilitation and restorative justice, which are often
more effective at reducing reoffending, and enhancing the importance of non-custodial sanctions that serve the
best interest of the offender and the victim. Evidence suggests that successful community reintegration of an
offender also benefits the community in terms of safeguarding them from the negative impacts of crimes as
well as giving better value of taxpayers' money in comparison to public expenditure on an offender in prison.
In Pakistan the majority of the prisons are overcrowded, which contributes to the emerging issues of poor
health and hygiene, high risk behaviour (e.g. suicide, unprotected and forced sexual contact, drug misuse), and
By Haidar (NOA)

poor prison management leading to torture, riots and corruption. The lack of proper rehabilitation services also
puts prisoners at a high risk of reoffending, particularly criminalising first time offenders or those who have
committed minor offences. According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, about 64% of the total
prison population are remand prisoners awaiting their court decision. An effective and efficient probation and
parole system can play a vital role in community rehabilitation of offenders and reducing the prison
population, which in turn contributes to better prison management and the overall improvement of prison
Structure and functioning of Probation and Parole system in Pakistan
As an alternative to imprisonment, release of prisoners on probation and parole is managed by provincial
Directorates of Reclamation and Probation working as departments attached to the provincial Home
Departments in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Each Provincial Directorate is headed
by a Director of Reclamation and Probation (R&P) supported by Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors,
probation and parole officers, office superintendents and other administrative and support staff. The overall
mandate of the Directorates of Reclamation and Probation include: to 'kill the crime not the criminal'; to reduce
overcrowding in prisons; to cut down government expenditure on prisons; and to rehabilitate and re-integrate
offenders as law-abiding citizens. However, a lack of political will, inadequate human/skilled resources and
weak infrastructure are hindering their potential to play an effective role in the criminal justice system of
1. Provincial differences do exist in the distribution and designation of staff, however overall functioning
is identical and governed by the legal instruments of:
2. Probation of Offenders Ordinance (XLV of 1960); and the West Pakistan Probation of Offenders
Rules, 1961
3. The Good Conduct Prisoners' Probational Release Act, 1926; and the Good Conduct Prisoners'
Probational Rules, 1927
4. Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000 and its Rules for Implementation
5. Juvenile Justice System Act 2018
Under the Probation of Offenders Ordinance 1960, probation is the suspension of the imposition of a sentence
of imprisonment or the postponement of final judgment in a court case. It is a judicial warning given to an
offender for non-serious offences for the opportunity to reform him/herself and commit no more offences, as
well as be subject to additional conditions which may be imposed by the court and under the supervision and
guidance of a probation officer.
The Probation of Offenders Ordinance 1960 now contains 15 sections (after omission of 7 two of its sections).
According to section 3, the following courts are empowered to exercise the power under the said ordinance:
1) High Court
2) Court of Session
3) Judicial Magistrate
4) Any other magistrate specially empowered
Before making an order for conditional discharge, the court shall explain to the offender in ordinary language
that if he commits any offence or does not remain of good behaviour during the period of conditional discharge
he will be liable to be sentenced for the original offence.
SIR and Role of Probation Officer
Once released on probation, the concerned probation officer is to supervise, monitor and facilitate
rehabilitation of the offender in the community. In practice however, a probation officer's role is ineffective in
the rehabilitation of offenders due to an inadequate institutional and personal capacity. The probation officer
has been assigned an important role in the whole process of preparing and submitting the “social investigation
By Haidar (NOA)

report” (SIR) to the court. On the directive of the court, a probation officer prepares a SIR that includes
information about an offender's character, background, commission and nature of offence, home surroundings
and other circumstances. In practice, the court put a majority of the cases directly on probation without a
formal SIR. Such practices on the part of the court need further exploration as this might be either due to the
small number of probation officers, the lack of confidence the court has regarding the professional abilities and
skills of probation officers or the time it takes to provide one, as in a large number of the cases the courts
release people on probation upon confession without asking probation officer for SIR. Whatever the case may
be, the court has the powers to decide whether to put an offender on probation or to decide against it. SIRs are
prepared to assist the courts to arrive at an appropriate decision.
Leniency towards Female Offenders
The probation law is applicable to both male and female offenders, however the law is more lenient towards
female offenders. In addition to the offences punishable by death or life imprisonment, the probation law is not
applicable to male offenders convicted of offences of heinous nature as described in the Pakistan Penal Code
of 1860 under the following sections:
216 - harbouring robbers or dacoits,
311 - being a thug,
328 - causing hurt by means of poison etc, with intent to commit an offence,
346 - kidnapping or abducting in order to murder,
382 - theft after preparation made for causing death, hurt or restraint in order to commit the theft,
386 - 389 - putting a person in fear of injury or death in order to commit extortion
392 - 402 - commitment of robbery, dacoity or belonging to a gang of thieves,
413 - habitual dealing in stolen property,
455 - house-trespass or house-breaking after preparation for hurt or assault,
460 - where several persons are jointly concerned in house-trespass or housebreaking by night and death or
grievous hurt was caused by one of them
Chapter VI - offences against the state,
Chapter VII - offences relating to the Army, Navy and Air Force
Offence of Zina Ordinance 1979 – offences of rape, adultery and fornication
Offence of Qazf Ordinance 1979 - offence of false accusation of zina (rape)
In contrast, female offenders are eligible for a probation order in all offences except offences punishable by the
death penalty.


Parole refers to the conditional release of prisoners or offenders in certain cases before the completion of the
term of imprisonment to which they have been sentenced. With parole the prisoners serve the last portion of
their sentence in the community after completing a mandatory period of substantive sentence in prison as
required under the good conduct Prisoner's Probational release Act, 1926 and Rules 1927.

Under these rules, the Executive (Home Secretary) of the province is empowered to release certain offenders
on parole. When the provincial government is satisfied that a prisoner's track record or good conduct behind
bars suggests that he or she would likely abstain from crime and would lead a “useful and industrious life” in
the community, it may grant a license of release on the condition that the prisoner remains under the
supervision of a parole officer or a “secular institution or of a person or society professing the same religion as
the prisoner”.

The parolees, under the supervision of a parole officer, are employed on fixed wages and under specific terms
and conditions with the approved employers of the respective provincial R&P Directorates. Any person or
institution can apply to be a potential employer to the R&P Director who, after proper scrutiny and on the
recommendations of the relevant district administration where the potential employer belong to, decides
whether to approve the employer or reject the application if it does not fulfil the selection criteria. The required
By Haidar (NOA)

standards for the employer include: to be resident of the same province, being of a good repute, not involved in
any illegal trade/activities, being able to provide accommodation, clothes, food and wages to the parolee.

Selection for Parole

Prisoners may be selected for parole on an application by themselves or their family members; or on the
recommendation of the Superintendent (governor) of the jail. The Assistant Director and parole officer are also
authorised to visit the jails to select suitable prisoners for release on parole. The evidence shows these visits are
not frequently carried out due to a low number of parole officers and weak coordination between prison
management and the parole officers. In most of the districts, the probation officers have been assigned
additional duties of a parole officer to cover the issue of under-staffing.

Functions of a Police Officer

Responsibilities and functions of the parole officer after the release of prisoners on parole include supervision
and rehabilitation of offenders, periodic visits to parolees, collecting wages and submitting reports to his/her
supervising officer (for example to the Assistant Director R&P about a parolees work performance) and to
process any complaints.

Other responsibilities and functions of the parole officer after the release of prisoners on parole include
supervision and rehabilitation of offenders, periodic visits to parolees, collecting wages and submitting reports
to his/her supervising officer (for example to the Assistant Director R&P about a parolees work performance)
and to process any complaints.

Scope of Parole System

The parole system is primarily based on The Good Conduct Prisoners' Probational Release Act, 1926 and its
Rules, 1927; and executive orders for implementation. Some of the provisions/executive orders limit its scope
and need addressing, for example: Parolees must be employed a minimum of 45 miles away from their
immediate families and can meet their families by taking casual leave with the approval of the relevant parole
officer. The parolee becomes eligible for casual leave after completion of the first six months of the parole
period. This is a clear violation of the right to family life and contradicts the basic philosophy of community
reintegration of the prisoner released on parole.

Difference between Probation and Parole

Probation and parole both serve the purpose of community rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders. The
main structural and procedural differences between the two non-custodial sanctions are: probation is given by
the judiciary while parole is authorised by the Executives; probation refers to suspending the sentence or
postponement of decision while parole is given in the last portion of the sentence after a prisoner's has
completed mandatory imprisonment; and the judiciary is responsible for probation revocation while parole
revocation is made by the Executive.

Problems in Existing System

Probation is the supervision of a suspended sentence or postponed final judgment of the court which does not
require deprivation of liberty and where the offender is sent back to community for a period of not less than
one and not more than three years. The probation officer on the directives of the court prepares a SIR to assist
the court in reaching a decision regarding whether or not the offender is released on probation. In the context
of parole, it is the early conditional release of a good conduct prisoner in the last part of his/her imprisonment
under the supervision of a parole officer.
By Haidar (NOA)

The probation system becomes active once a trial begins. It has no assigned role under the law at the pre-trial
stage of criminal proceedings to provide or monitor alternatives to pre-trial detention or offer mediation; with
the exception of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000 where the probation officer has some role to play
at the police station level. It is stated that at the time of arrest the officer in charge of the police station in
which the child is detained shall, as soon as may be, inform (a) the guardian of the child, and (b) the concerned
Probation Officer to enable him to obtain such information about the child and other material circumstances
which may be of assistance to the juvenile court for making inquiry. In practice there are no such precedents
where police have contacted probation officers at the time of arrest of a juvenile. Evidence shows that most of
the police are even unaware of the very existence of probation officers.

Some Recommendations
1. Investment in human capital is necessary in order to yield the desired results. At present no regular
trainings are held for R&P personnel. It is recommended that chapters on probation and parole system
should be added to the training curriculum of judicial academy, police training academies and to
update the syllabus of the National Academy for Prison Administration. Multi-agency focused
trainings are required to empower the key players in criminal justice system to offer their services in a
more holistic and integrated manner. This will also help to bridge the communication gap between the
judiciary, police, probation and prison departments. The capacity building component can best be
achieved through involvement of civil society organisation to design public private partnerships.
2. Releases of prisoners on parole are comparatively lower than releases of offenders on probation.
Obvious reasons include the low number and less exposure of parole staff to prison settings. The R&P
Directorates should make monthly visits of parole officers compulsory in their respective yearly
activity planner supported by regular supervision meetings on part of the R&P senior management. It
also puts an obligation on prison management to make best use of parole services in order to reduce
overcrowding in prisons.
3. Additional measures need to be taken to address the issue of overcrowding in prisons. For example,
introducing the use of cautions at the police station to divert the offender in minor cases from the
formal criminal justice system. A caution is a formal warning about future conduct given by a senior
police officer, usually in a police station, after a person has committed an offence and admitted guilt.
It is used as an alternative to a charge and possible prosecution. Likewise the provision of conditional
discharge under section 4 of the Pakistan Probation of Offender Ordinance 1960 needs to be brought
to the immediate attention of the judiciary to increase releases on conditional discharge. Musalihat
Anjumans can also play a vital role in this case through victim-offender mediation.
4. Implementation of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000 and now JJSA 2018 needs to be
improved. Special Juvenile Courts and panels of lawyers for free legal aid must be constituted and
made functional as a priority. The competent courts during the trial of a first time juvenile offender
should exercise the release on probation as a first option through the active involvement of probation
officers. This will prevent chance offenders from becoming hardened criminals during incarceration.
5. Pilot projects on probation through public-private partnership should be developed in specialised
sectors, for example juveniles in conflict with the law, substance misusers and women in prisons. For
instance, by designing a diversion project for first time juvenile offenders integrating police,
probation, district judiciary, prison, child protection commission, Musalihat Anjumans (Alternate
Dispute Resolution Committees), human rights directorate, social welfare department and other skill
training institutes in the best interest of the offender and victim.
6. Similarly pilot projects can be designed for drug dependent persons to be diverted into drug treatment
and rehabilitation facilities under the supervision of a probation officer from the level of police station
and courts. Women prisoners with minor children also require our special attention and such non-
custodial probation-led projects would provide women offenders equal opportunities to better
reintegrate into community not only for their own self but also for their children and loved ones.
7. Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) has strong roots in Pakistani society in the form of jirga,
punchayat. Despite facing functioning criticism, it still retains an important place in the social fabric
By Haidar (NOA)

of Pakistan the Reconciliation Committee will be very effective in victim offender mediation if linked
with diversion projects.
8. In the government hierarchical service structure, probation and parole officers stand as a universal
constant, hired and retired in the same grade most of the time. The R&P department unlike other
government departments lacks proper service structure which manifests itself in the form of
demotivated staff always looking for other job opportunities with good service structure resulting in
loss of skilled manpower.
9. Among the government department, R&P department remains a low priority area when allocating
financial resources.
10. Data collection and data management is another area that needs to be a focus for effective service
delivery and research purposes. Development of an extensive database system will also help the key
criminal justice partners in sharing valuable information about offenders to ensure public safety and
reduce recidivism.

Critical Analysis
It is encouraging that releases on probation have increased in recent years particularly in cases of child
offenders; however practice shows in most of the cases release orders are issued in cases where the state is the
party e.g. narcotics offences. Cases in which a private party is a victim, the courts exercise considerable
restraint to the extent that even in appropriate cases the courts do not pass orders for release on probation due
to the apprehension that the victim may take the law into its own hands and resort to revenge 12 outside the
court . The overriding influences of special laws like the Anti-terrorism Act further limit the practice of non-
custodial sentencing.

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