07.challenges of National Integration

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Syed Jawad Shah & Waseem Ishaque*

National integration is the pursuit for harmony within the State. Irrespective of
religion, race, creed, ethnic background and language, national integration binds every
segment of society for a unified cause of serving and development of a nation state;
therefore, it has great relevance and a direct bearing on national security. Integration
is also a consistent development in which diverse sections of society are provided with
identical prospects and equal rights to enjoy several amenities devoid of any
discrimination. The process of national integration will be strengthened on the
precondition that governance at national level should be able to provide strong sense
of national identity and national pride by equal development and ensuring equal rights
for all communities, regions and the federating units. The significant task confronted
by the leaders of most of the post-colonial countries is to generate national identity
out of varied linguistic, regional and cultural identities1. A number of developing
nations particularly in Africa and Asia are confronted with problems of national
integration and Pakistan is no exception. This research article sketches out the
theoretical aspects related to national integration and draws its relevance by
identifying challenges and implications for Pakistan. In the last part, suggestions in
the form of recommendations have been proffered for enhancing national integration
in the country.

Keywords: National Integration, National Security, Nationalism,

National Development


T he struggle launched by Muslims of India for a separate homeland under

the banner of All India Muslim League and the charismatic leadership of
Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah succeeded on 14 August 1947 in the
shape of a sovereign country, Pakistan, appearing on the world map.

Syed Jawad Shah has done M.Phil in Media Studies from Hazara University Mansehra and Dr.
Waseem Ishaque is currently serving as Assistant Professor at Department of International
Relation, National Defence University, Islamabad.



However, Pakistan commenced its life from infancy in an extremely

challenging environment demanding enormous struggle for consolidation
and survival. The task of nation building remained relegated and later on,
driven by evolving circumstances, proved to be a very difficult process.
Early deaths of the central leadership, financial and administrative
difficulties in the 1950s, political instability and crises pulling the military in
power, Indian aggressions of 1948 and 1965 and finally the dismemberment
of the country in 1971; complicated the national integration process
manifold and generated several issues, which later on pushed the nation
into identity crises. On the internal front, sub-nationalist tendencies
sponsored by foreign powers, socio-economic disparities, impact of Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan and revolution in Iran were some of the regional
factors which kept the governments distracted from core focus on internal
issues through deliberate consultative and negotiated settlements. While
national identity challenges as an Islamic state, moderate state, socialist
state etc have also been contributory factors, socio-economic inequalities,
political instability and rising trends of terrorism extremism are also
additional deviators affecting the national integration in Pakistan.

Significance of Research Article

In the contemporary national and regional environment, Pakistan will

be in a far better position to confront the challenges of the evolving
strategic landscape if internal cohesion and harmony are capitalized for
synergetic responses. Security forces and other state institutions with full
support of the nation have responded to existing and emerging challenges
in a befitting manner, however, many unaddressed socio-political and socio-
economic factors have generated a degree of concern among the masses
which needs to be addressed at priority for enhancing national integration
and denying space to anti-state elements using the fissures as an excuse.
This article is an effort to highlight existing challenges of national
integration with suggested course of action for enhancing national harmony
and integration. The article has been constructed by addressing following



 What are the theoretical and conceptual aspects related to national

integration for common understanding and comprehension of the
subject at hand?

 What are the challenges of national integration in Pakistan from

historical to contemporary times?

 What should be Pakistan’s strategic response towards enhancing

national integration?

Core Concepts Related to National Integration

To discuss the subject of national integration, it is pertinent to define

related concepts which include nation, integrate and national integration.

Nation. The nation is described as a collection of people, sharing common

traditions, customs, values and feelings and pursue shared objectives of
national development2. The nation is referred to an entity that has cultural
and social underpinnings instead of legalistic insinuations 3.

Integration. Integration means diverse collections within a dominion that

are privileged by law with similar rights irrespective of their financial, social
and educational background or regional associations. Integration is the
process, under which all state institutions are struggling to provide uniform
and equal attention to the residents of the state irrespective of their race,
creed, and origin.4 Integration is therefore a continuously evolving process
aimed at reinvigorating national rejuvenation and pride by establishing
norms and commitment to pattern of political behavior 5.
National Integration. National Integration is the determination of the
people aimed at living together sharing traditions, ideals, culture, history,
religion, language and customs etc.6 National integration can, therefore, be
summarized as a sea containing rivers of diverse cultures and backgrounds
blended together for a supreme cause of national harmony, unity and pride.



National Integration Models According to Different

Sociological Perspectives
Assimilation Model. It is founded on social integration. Distinguishing
cultures are blended to be incorporated with the national culture through a
process of assimilation. The assimilation can be accomplished through
socialization and abandoning of Socio-political cultural loyalties of various
small ethic groups, with their absorption into the major / dominant group.
In an orderly transition, some willingly accept and adopt dominant culture,
while others revolt if imposed forcefully by the state or dominant group.
The overriding criteria remains the willing absorption and acceptance of
assimilation process with the bigger aim of integrating into mainstream
economic, political and social affairs in the country for even development
and creating a harmonized society.

Differentialist Model. This is based on the perception to curtail the

acquaintances with ethnic minorities. In this model, the conflicts are coped
and resolved through a procedure of eradication of ethnic minorities 7. Its
manifestation has been witnessed during genocide in Rwanda, where
800,000 people were killed moreover apartheid policies in South Africa and
segregation policy against African American in USA and to some extent
post 9/11 policies against Muslim immigrants are few examples.

Pluralist Model. A pluralist society is described as a social order

comprising segregated cultural groups living together, yet without blending
in one political unit. One segment dominates the power and controls state
institutions8. State practices are generally geared to accommodate the
interests of the main ethnic groups.

Federalism Modal. This is another system which appreciates diversity

within the federal structure of state and the federating units. The
governments of federating units and the central government are
acknowledged as legitimate and supreme establishments within respective
jurisdictions. The common pronouncement of federalism is unity with
diversity. Pakistan, Australia, India and Nepal are some of the examples of



Factors Affecting National Integration

Culture. Culture is described as "a way of life, especially the beliefs and
customs of specific group of people at a particular time”. National
integration in multi-cultural societies has been an attempt to forge “unity in
diversity”, pursuing to minimize socio-cultural differences and
implementing uniformity despite cultural diversity of even a complex

Language. In multilingual civilizations and societies, language is an

extremely important tool which has inbuilt paradox of unifying the nation
by promoting national consciousness and unity or disintegrating the fabrics
of society by creating a sense of alienation and marginalization. The
traumatic incident of separation of East-Pakistan as Bangladesh had its
origins in the language riots, which later transformed into full-fledged
rebellion against the West Pakistan.

Religion. Religious harmony with interfaith dialogue and accommodation

is an essential requirement for furthering national integration. Enduring
harmony and sustainable national solidarity can only be built on ethical
values which protect human dignity. Religious freedom is right of every
citizen and earnest obligation of every government. This freedom must be
ensured and respected, as it has enormous potential for national integration
therefore; mutual respect and religious freedom have enormous potential
for enhancing national integration.

Ethnicity. Ethnicity is a challenging factor, whose character is conflictual

instead of being consensual. It is a conscious conduct established on
identity or loyalty, which is aimed at advancing the interests of the group or
the individuals. One example can be quoted form the United States, where
diverse ethnic groups and nationalities of different backgrounds are blended
together to form one American identity and shared values of enjoying equal
democratic rights.



Challenges of National Integration for Pakistan

Having discussed the background and theoretical aspects of national

integration, the stage is now set for the core subject, which relates to the
challenges of national integration for Pakistan. This part comprehensively
analyzes these challenges as they are presented as a result of strategic scan
of domestic, regional and international environments.

Language Riots

After promulgation of Urdu as a national language of then united

Pakistan, East Pakistanis strongly protested demanding Bengali as an official
language for East Pakistan. This eventually became a political movement in
1952, however, its subsequent handling led to violent conflicts with security
forces and ultimately triggered sequential events, which resulted in the
dismemberment of Pakistan in 1971. The years between 1947 and 1971 were
traumatic and highly destabilizing for the integration of federation.
However the subsequent years were devoted towards consolidating the
West Pakistan.

Regional Identities

Growing inclination towards regional identities instead of united

Pakistan was another challenge. Pushtonistan in erstwhile Frontier
Province, Sindhu Desh in Sindh Province and several sub-nationalist groups
were operating in Balochistan. All such elements were supported by India,
Afghanistan and other international agencies with the aim of keeping
Pakistan in perpetual state of destabilization. While Pushtonistan and
Sindhu Desh issues have been handled pragmatically by each successive
government in Pakistan, however, sporadic incidents of attacks on innocent
civilian and government installations in Balochistan are still going on at a
low scale. While several political initiatives by the governments are
appreciable, however, more efforts are required to take the reconciliation
process to a logical conclusion.



Sub Nationalist Tendencies

Since the inception of Pakistan, the federation could not amicably settle
issues of language or provincial status, which set the stage of sub
nationalism in Pakistan. In due course, perceived oppressed nationalities
and neglected provinces gave birth to a number of sub nationalist
movements, which continued to appear on the national scene. Prolonged
negligence, parochial political interests, tribal culture and weak governance,
exploited by anti - state elements and abetted by their foreign supporters
has given rise to sub - nationalism and a militant culture that thrive on
vandalism and brutality threaten the social fabrics and national integration
process in the country. The security force’s operations since 2001 in
Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Raddul Fasad inside
mainland Pakistan are cases in point, where the menace of terrorism is
being persistently handled with full support of Pakistani nation.

Ideological Identity

After 68 years of independence, voices are still resounding that revolve

around political and ideological construct of the State and the role that
Islam has to play in it. As per Stephen P Cohen,

“The most significant struggle in Pakistan is not a civilizational clash

between Muslims and non-Muslims but a clatter between diverse
conceptions and interpretations of Islam, predominantly how Pakistan
should implement Islamic identity in State’s outlook”.

Unfortunately, the historical precedence empirically proves that Islamic

ideology as founding father’s vision, socialism during era of 1970s,
Islamization during 1980s and moderate Islam during years 1999 onwards
have kept us debating on the very fundamentals of our identity. As a result
the policy makers remained embroiled in the issues which have become
very sensitive, heatedly debated and have made the society intolerant, while
distracting from other core issues affecting socio –economic prosperity and
development. However Pakistan’s ideology remains firmly rooted in its
Islamic identity, such debates have invariably cast negativity and have been



a sources of persistent friction in the society and have kept the nation
divided along religious-ethnic lines.

Sectarianism and Extremism

The underlying issue in Pakistan has been delegation of religious

interpretation to madrassa trained clergy, which provided them the
exclusivity and monopoly over religious issues. Matters worsened in post
Afghan Jihad scenario, when due to indulgence of external players the
religiously divisive forces thrived. Over a period of time, sectarianism has
evolved as the most intricate challenge to Pakistan’s security and stability.
Seeds of conflict were sown when various religious denominations gave
divergent interpretations of Islam and insisted on the sole validity of their
respective understanding of faith. Instead of serving as a unifying force such
myopic religious discourse has acted as a constituent of division and
disharmony in Pakistani society 9. Religion itself is not dogmatic and anti-
innovation, however, discerning interpretations and extremist tendencies in
individual behavior sharpened due to the West’s attempt to brand Islam
and post 9/11 interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. Subsequent
developments resulted in promoting extremism, militancy, terrorism and
hatred within Pakistan further complicating the integration process.

Governance and Economic Development

Weak governance in Pakistan is reflected in precarious law and order

situation, social deficit, lack of equal opportunities for progress,
development and disillusionment among the people. 10 The situation has
become even serious due to ongoing incidents of terrorism, though
controlled to a large extent, yet sneaking opportunities are exploited by
terrorists, which have affected the fabrics of society and have repeatedly
generated heated media debates pointing fingers on the efficacy of security
arrangements thus adding to frustration in the society. Delayed justice,
inefficient institutions, rampant corruption and lack of accountability are
some of the major contributory factors to the overall prevalent
demoralization in the society creating breeding grounds for religious
schisms and space for provincial and ethnic sentiments affecting the



harmony and integration. Additionally, imbalanced provision of resources,

uneven infrastructural and industrial developments and lack of employment
opportunities. All this resulted in uneven development, disparity in
economic well-being of people and the created space was exploited by sub-
nationalists sponsored by their foreign abettors. At the same time failure to
address water distribution and energy resources coupled with demands for
the right to royalty has further
The disproportionate growth in
exacerbated the prosperity and
population vis-à-vis national
integration of the country. resources has unfavourable effects
Moreover, the disproportionate for economic development and gives
growth in population vis-à-vis rise to a number of social ills.
national resources has
unfavourable effects for economic development and gives rise to a number
of social ills. The lack of development especially in Balochistan and Tribal
Areas, which are the poorest regions with under-developed infrastructure
and lack of economic opportunities, therefore, poverty levels are highest in
these areas. Thus lackadaisical approach by successive governments has
generated alienation among the population and triggered militancy with
serious consequences and repercussions affecting national integration.


Corruption Govt Effectiveness

Pol Stability Regulatory Quality
Rule of Law Accountability

World Bank - Worldwide Governance Indicators



Socio –Cultural Dimensions

Pakistan’s national integration predicament has to take into account

both macro and micro level politico-economic and social dimensions, which
are disproportionate and unevenly distributed. Disparity between rich and
poor, misuse of power, lawlessness, selective application of law and
multiplicity of administrative mechanisms such as in FATA, PATA, FRs and
Cat B Areas in Balochistan are breeding a culture of negativism in Pakistan.
Heterogeneity in social, cultural and ethnic outlook are the main attributes
of society in Pakistan. Ethnic divide in Pakistan has grown due to non-
acceptance of cultural and linguistic heterogeneity, power struggle between
dominant and non-dominant groups and problematic relations between
center and provinces are major areas of concern. Moreover, Pakistani social
life is further fragmented around family and kin. In certain traditional
aspects, kinship forms the fundamental source of identity especially in
remote regions across all the federating units in Pakistan, resulting in
relegating the primacy of national interests.

International Dimensions

India has consistently sought to fan separatist tendencies and overt

support to secessionist elements in Pakistan. The capture of Kalboshan from
Balochistan and asylum request by Baramdagh Bugti and Harbiyar Murri for
stay in India are testimony to Indian involvement in fueling sub nationalist
propensities in Pakistan. The ongoing sectarian fissures in Islamic World is
also casting negative aberrations affecting Pakistan’s religious harmony.
Moreover, delicate balancing between international alliances and sectarian
management within the country is the need of time, which warrants extra
ordinary pragmatism in management of this religiously sensitive and
politically explosive environment.

Concluding Reflections

The prevalent sectarianism and extremism exploited by external players

has affected internal stability. If kept unchecked, it can tear apart the fabric
of national cohesion even further. Self-serving interest groups based on



ethnic, social and cultural affinities are causing fragmentation in the society.
Mismanagement in the governance has resulted in dysfunctional
institutions leading to socio-economic disparities and prevalent sense of
deprivation amongst neglected segments. Population growth and
disproportionate economic opportunities are leading to despair and rise in
social ills. In the absence of standardized judicial and administrative system,
tribal and feudal culture has thrived.

Strategies for Enhancing National Integration

National Identity and Nationalism

There is no denying that Pakistan was created on the basis of Islam and
Pakistani constitution respects religious freedom for all communities living
here. The debate of form of Islam appropriate for the country should be
discouraged and more focus should be given to development and socio-
economic prosperity instead of embroiling into endless discussions. Every
citizen should feel honoured in his love and affection for Pakistan, which
must be generated through national
The relevant departments need
songs, historical documentaries and
to evolve a religious narrative
instilling pride in being Pakistani. against the sectarian and
This warrants hectic activities, extremist interpretations.
inclusive policies, across the board
development and equal opportunities for all. It is recommended that all
educational institutions from schools to universities must make
comprehensive plans to rejuvenate the young generation and instill
nationalism and national pride through curricular and co-curricular
Religious Harmony

Religious scholars should present Islam in true spirit and discourage

sectarian sentiments. The relevant departments need to evolve a religious
narrative against the sectarian and extremist interpretations. It is also
recommended that extensive media programs should be organized, where
religious scholars from across all sects and backgrounds should educate on



religious harmony, tolerance and instill integration rather than division on

religious lines.

Political Stability
Democracy is the best from of governance and best type of the
government for Pakistan. Political stability must continue at all costs. While
the distribution of resources and the share in federal governance is
presently tilted in favour of Punjab due to obvious reason of 60 % of
population, however, the likely political impact has to be evaluated correctly
by keeping the interests of smaller provinces at par. Though 18 th
Amendment has taken care of this issue to a greater satisfaction, yet it
requires magnanimity and pragmatism on part of Punjab for the sake of
national cohesion to sacrifice for under developed federating units.
Extraordinary focus on Balochistan and Tribal Areas is required for poverty
alleviation and removing past injustices to the people by granting special
developmental packages. The most important aspect here is political
reconciliation through two pronged approach i.e., dialogue and
development. Substantial special development programs are to be started
(despite NFC award, CPEC and Aghaz-e-Haqooq Balochistan) to uplift
people’s standards. Quota of Balochistan in Civil Service ensures a sense of
participation in decision making but it has also proved to be a problem as
the number of officers needed in Balochistan is not available on the basis of
quota. Lateral entry on merit may be allowed to fill vacancies by the local
residents. The province may also be given partial ownership in some
federally administered enterprises like NSGP, PPL, Gwadar port etc.

Governance Issues

The Government working should include results oriented,

incentivization of behaviour, development of guidelines for performance,
ongoing accountability of all departments, devolved and decentralize
powers, capacity building and changing the culture of bureaucracy. Further
emphasis should be on delivery of basic services, provision of justice, and
increasing efficiency. Many Reform Commissions reports on good
governance are available; however, the overarching issues of political will



and capacity to implement reforms need to be addressed. It is also felt that

the judicial system especially the lower judiciary should be revamped as
provision of justice is fundamental pillar of national integration. Relegated
and deprived segments of society should be given especial incentives for
their eventual mainstreaming aimed at enhancing national integration of
state. Social action programs for women empowerment, population control,
health etc. are need of the hour. Problems of rising unemployment need to
be tackled prudently and at priority.

Economic Development

Economic development eventually creates all sorts of prosperity for the

nation. The consistent rise in GDP growth rate not only boosts trade etc,
but also creates job markets, which ultimately absorb every segment of
society through respectable
Mega projects like CPEC should
employment opportunities. It is,
instead enhance national
therefore, necessary that we should integration provided they are
bridge gap between various classes, managed through pragmatic way.
areas and provinces through
equitable resource mobilization and distribution. Mega projects like CPEC
should instead enhance national integration provided they are managed
through pragmatic way. Secondly, the present taxation system needs
complete overhauling. It has to be just, progressive, transparent and simple.
And lastly, the tax to GDP ratio has to be increased by all international
standards by implementation of friendly policies instead of regressive
Reviving the Role of Media

Media should play more enhanced and effective role in cultural

amalgamation. A strong counter sectarian and terrorism narratives have to
be broadcasted. It may promote communal peace; counter the foreign
media influence and promote the real soft image of Pakistan. Media code of
conduct is in the right direction, but we should move towards legal
framework to make it more accountable.



There are some serious challenges like sectarianism and governance
issues. We need to give immediate attention to our education system and
madrassa reforms. Balochistan is another weak area and needs dialogue and
development to bring it back completely in the mainstream. However,
despite many challenges, the centrifugal forces are weakening. We have
taken a number of steps for provincial autonomy and economic
development. We don’t hear slogans of ‘Sindhu Desh’ and ‘Pashtunistan’ any
more. We are moving in the right direction and hopeful for a better
Pakistan. National Integration is not a one-time exercise, rather it is a
continuous slow process and achieved over a long period of time. Dedicated
efforts towards prosperity, sense of pride, harmony and national integration
is the need of time, which must be pursued vigorously as a supreme national


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