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An Architecture for Peer-to-Peer Information

Karl Aberer, Fabius Klemm, Martin Rajman, Jie Wu

School of Computer and Communication Sciences

EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
July 2, 2004

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems are very large computer networks, where peers
collaborate to provide a common service. Providing large-scale Information
Retrieval (IR), e.g. for searching the Word Wide Web, is an appealing applica-
tion for P2P systems. The research community has presented several proposal
for P2P-IR. However, so far the concepts of P2P and of IR have been intermin-
gled. In this paper, we propose an architecture to structure P2P-IR systems.
We differentiate between concepts belonging to the construction and main-
tenance of a P2P overlay network, and those belonging to IR. Furthermore,
we distinguish basic P2P-IR concepts, which are likely to be needed in all
P2P-IR systems, and advanced P2P-IR concepts, that rather depend on the
flavor of the system. This decomposition of the P2P retrieval process is an
important step towards a structured implementation of such systems. Fur-
thermore, it allows a systematic sharing of methods and resources needed to
perform retrieval. The next generation of global information retrieval systems
will combine these distributed resources in new ways to provide more efficient
web search.
Keywords: Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval (P2P-IR), architecture,
key-based routing (KBR), P2P web search

1 Introduction
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems are decentralized, large-scale computer networks,
where peers operate as clients and servers at the same time. Peers can join
and leave the system at any time. The power of P2P systems lies in their ca-
pability to provide services with practically unlimited scalability based on the
principle of resource sharing. In the context of information retrieval (IR) the
principle of sharing also applies to the knowledge on document collections and
retrieval models. Existing P2P systems form already very large networks with
hundreds of thousands or even million of computers participating. Combining
the resources of a very large number of peers, we can expect a qualitative shift
in information retrieval systems of the future.
The World Wide Web is growing at such a pace that even the biggest
centralized search engines are able to index only a small part of the avail-
able documents. Federated, decentralized search engines, where the effort is
shared among a very large number of computers, seem to have the potential
of building IR systems with almost unlimited capacity.
The research community has presented several approaches to perform P2P-
IR. The proposed systems can be categorized into IR over unstructured P2P
systems [4, 6] and IR over structured P2P systems [10, 11]. These approaches

focus, however, mostly on the use of P2P overlay networks for distributed
indexing of document collections.
While planning the implementation of a P2P-IR system, we noticed that
in the proposed solutions, different concepts are not clearly separated into
levels of abstraction. We therefore started to develop a generic architecture
for a P2P-IR system. In this architecture we propose to decompose the IR
process in a P2P environment into four different layers: 1) Transport Layer
Communications, 2) Structured Overlay Networks, 3) Document and Content
Management, and 4) Retrieval Models. In this way, we separate different con-
cerns and allow different solutions at the higher layers to take advantage of the
same infrastructure provided at the lower layers. This separation of concepts
increases modularity of design and thus reusability of components offering ba-
sic services. Furthermore, it provides a step towards making different P2P-IR
solutions interoperable, as it is unlikely that a single approach will prevail.
In this paper we give an overview of the key concepts of our architecture.
From this concepts we derive prototypical interfaces between the different
architectural layers. We concentrate particularly on layer 3 (document and
content management), which plays an important role with respect to perfor-
mance and flexibility when implementing a specific retrieval model in a P2P
environment. We also identify key-based routing (KBR) of (structured) P2P
overlay networks as the key contribution of P2P systems to support P2P-IR
efficiently, and clarify how P2P-IR solutions can take advantage of this func-
tionality. Last but not least, as a proof-of-concept, we discuss a case study
based on [10], a P2P-IR proposal from outside our group, to demonstrate that
our architecture has the potential to accommodate a wide variety of systems.
Our architecture will be the basis to explore a wide range of potential solutions
for efficient and scalable P2P-IR. We explicitly turn our attention to text-based
retrieval in this paper. We do not explicitly address, for example, link-based
ranking. However, after only slight extensions, it will be also possible to fit
such advanced retrieval concepts in our model.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 gives an overview of our P2P-
IR architecture. In Section 3, we provide the detailed concepts and interfaces
between the layers. Section 4 describes how document indexing and query
processing is carried out within the architecture. Section 5 introduces the
case study. We finish with our conclusions and future work in section 6.

2 Overview of the P2P-IR Architecture

In this section we introduce the proposed P2P-IR architecture. Figure 1 shows
the architecture, which consists of four layers. Each layer can be conceived
as a space of objects with a specific topology (e.g. a similarity measure or
distance function), and with certain operations to access and manipulate these
objects. Each layer primarily uses operations of the layer underneath it to
implement its operations. Objects at higher layers are related to (one or more)
objects at lower layers. The problem of P2P-IR consists essentially in locating
document objects (on layer 4) that are semantically close to a given document
(respectively query) at peers (on layer 1) that store these documents.
On layer 4, the objects are documents. The ranking functions of specific IR
models define the semantic distance between two documents. The algorithms
of these ranking functions are typically based on computations performed on
keys (short for keyword sets), which are extracted from the documents. Keys
are the objects on layer 3 and serve as the building blocks for semantic distance
on layer 4.
In a P2P system a large number of peers shares resources (and the exe-
cution of tasks on them). The key idea of structured P2P overlay networks
is to partition resources. We achieve such a partitioning by associating peers
and resources with identifiers from the same (application-specific) space. The
basic function of a structured overlay network is to efficiently route resource

requests, which any peer can submit, to responsible peers in the network. In
the literature this service is referred to as key-based routing (KBR)1 [2]. By
mapping keys of layer 3 to identifiers of layer 2, we associate certain document
management tasks to specific peers. In this paper, we concentrate on struc-
tured overlay networks for layer 2. An adaptation to unstructured overlays is
part of future work.
The purpose of layer 2 is to provide a logical network, which is indepen-
dent of the inherent dynamics (e.g. because of network failures, dynamic IP,
or mobility of peers) of the physical network (layer 1). The reason for choosing
different spaces for identifiers on layer 2 and keys on layer 3 is that methods
for managing a structured overlay network impose certain properties on the
identifier space that are not necessarily satisfied by a key space, which has to
fulfill IR requirements. Nevertheless, mappings with distance-preserving prop-
erties are an important tool for optimizations in P2P-IR. Similarly, distance-
preserving mappings from identifiers on layer 2 to physical addresses on layer
1 support optimizations of the physical access to peers.
In the following section, we will introduce the four different layers in more
detail, with a particular emphasis on layers 2 and 3 and their relationship.

Retrieval Models
Relevance, Ranking,
Rank Aggregation
Layer 4
Document and Content
keys Management

Document Repository,
Layer 3 Vocabulary, Crawling,
Indexing, Clustering

ids Structured Overlay


Layer 2 Key-based Routing (KBR)

Transport Layer
physical addresses Communications

Layer 1

Figure 1: Overview of the peer-to-peer search engine architecture.

3 Detailed P2P-IR Architecture

3.1 Layer 1: Transport Layer Communications
Layer 1 handles the communication between two peers. We assume that two
applications communicate via the UDP/IP and TCP/IP protocols, which are
message-based and asynchronous. A peer runs an application, which is a
program that can be accessed via the network by a, possibly temporary, IP
address and port number. Thus, IP address and port number serve as layer-1
identifier for an application running on a peer. As this identifier can change
(many computers have dynamic IP addresses), layer 2 has to keep track of the
mapping between layer-2 identifiers and layer-1 physical addresses.
An application can exchange messages with any other application in the
network. Current implementations of P2P systems typically use proprietary
protocols based directly on UDP and TCP. UDP packets are neither acknowl-
edged nor automatically retransmitted in case of loss. To send data via TCP,
1 Note that we use the term identifier instead of key on layer 2, as we already use the term key

on layer 3.

an application first opens a connection with the destination using a three-way
handshake protocol. TCP packets are acknowledged and lost packets are au-
tomatically retransmitted. A two-message protocol is used to close a TCP
Layer 1 provides TCP and UDP sockets as interface to the upper layers.

3.2 Layer 2: Structured Overlay Networks

Layer 2 deals with the P2P programming concepts we rely on. Structured P2P
systems, such as CAN [7], Chord [9], Pastry [8], and P-Grid [1], provide an
abstraction for overlay networks for resource location called key-based routing
(KBR), in our context more suitably called identifier-based routing. Each peer
is responsible for a certain range of identifiers. The cost of routing a message
to a peer responsible for a given identifier scales gracefully with the size of
the network and is usually O(Log(NP )), where NP is the number of peers in
the system. The implementation of structured overlay networks relies on the
transport layer communication mechanisms.
It is important to observe that a service is provided by a group of undistin-
guishable peers, i.e. the service can be requested from each peer of the group
in a uniform way.
In the following, we first introduce the abstract concepts that underlie
identifier-based routing. From these concepts we then derive a prototypical
interface, which layer 2 provides to upper layers for the implementation of
higher-level services. We present these interfaces in an object-oriented style
(e.g. in the spirit of IDL, JAVA, or UML notations) in figure 3.2. Note that
the interfaces are prototypical: the specification of such interfaces would be
typically part of a standardization process. Furthermore, we omit details of
data and function specifications as well as possible refinements and extensions.
Our main intention is to outline the principles of our architecture proposal, i.e.,
we concentrate on the essential core concepts. Also note that the structures
we introduce, such as the set of peers, are in general dynamic.

Virtual Identifiers: We use a large space of virtual identifiers Id to ad-

dress peers and data in the system. All peers participating in a structured
overlay network agree on a common identifier space. The identifier space has
a distance function to exploit proximity for efficient routing.

Peers: A structured overlay network results from the cooperation of a set

of peers. Each peer has a unique associated identifier idx ∈ Id and is, de-
pending on idx , responsible for a defined subset of identifiers in Id. Peers
connect to each other using layer-1 primitives and construct a layer-2 network
to implement (efficient) routing protocols.

Network Maintenance: A peer can join and leave the group of peers
forming the overlay network. Maintenance ensures the integrity of the struc-
tured overlay network under such changes. It also performs load balancing.
To join a group of peers, a new peer has to be able to communicate with a least
one peer in the group. The joining peer therefore uses an outside bootstrap
mechanism to obtain the physical address of a peer in the group. Cooperative
peers may announce when they leave the network to support maintenance.

Routing: Given an identifier idi ∈ Id, a peer can route a message with
arbitrary payload to a peer responsible for the identifier (method route()).
The interpretation of the payload is left to applications on higher layers. More
refined versions of the routing method might return the physical address of
the target peer to allow the implementation of complex protocols directly with
this peer. To route a message with identifier idi , each peer maintains a routing
table, which contains links to peers that are closer to a peer responsible for

Class Identifier
equal(id: Identifier): Boolean;
distance(id: Identifier): Real;

Class Peer
identifier(): Identifier;
address(): IPAddress;
neighbors(): {Peer};
join(addr: IPAddress);
route(id: Identifier, payload: ByteString);
broadcast(payload: ByteString);
history(id: Identifier, query: HistoryQuery): HistoryData;

Figure 2: Interfaces supported by peers on layer 2.

idi . The construction and maintenance of these routing tables, as well as the
routing strategy itself, depend on the implementation of the structured overlay
network and are hidden from upper layers. In a network of NP peers, the
average cost of routing a message to a responsible peer is usually O(Log(NP ))
overlay hops.

Broadcasting: This method efficiently broadcasts a message to all peers

in the structured overlay network. Such a broadcast is typically possible with
O(NP ) messages and with a delay of O(Log(NP )). [3] present, for example,
such an algorithm for standard structured overlay networks.

History: When routing messages, each peer maintains a history of the

identifiers and payloads of messages it has processed. Peers can query the
histories of other peers. A peer pi can, for example, query another peer pj
about how many identifiers idi peer pj has forwarded during a certain period
of time. Among other things, such a history is important to analyze the load
distribution in the network or to allow higher layers to generate usage patterns
on document collections. The specific format of history data and the history
query language is subject of a refined design.
The services we described in this subsection are implemented by peers,
which communicate through layer-1 primitives. The protocol to build and
maintain the overlay and the message types that are exchanged between peers
depend on the implementation of the specific overlay, e.g. CAN, Chord, Pas-
try, or P-Grid [7, 9, 8, 1].

3.3 Layer 3: Document and Content Management

Independent of which semantic models are used for retrieval, certain tasks of
document management are common to all models and will serve as building
blocks for the definition of retrieval models. Such common tasks are, for ex-
ample, maintaining a distributed document repository, associating term sets
with documents, maintaining vocabularies, and cluster hierarchies. We there-
fore separately identify these tasks through a set of generic primitives that
view documents as structured data objects. The specific choice of these prim-
itives has been driven by an analysis of the needs of common retrieval models
and by the principle of providing a simple, yet sufficiently powerful model to
satisfy the needs of a wide range of models. In particular, we identify share-
able resources and address issues of distribution. The distributed, and thus
scalable, implementation of such functions relies on the primitives provided
through structured overlay networks on layer 2. From these primitives we
derive interfaces, which layer 3 provides to upper layers (figure 3.3.1).

3.3.1 Concepts Supported on Layer 3
Most of the concepts we introduce on layer 3 correspond to standard concepts
from text-based information retrieval.
One not so obvious decision was to identify clusters as the main abstrac-
tion for document management. The reason is that documents in very large
collections are often clustered to allow access on higher levels of granularity,
e.g. for indexing or query answering. Furthermore, we separate cluster hier-
archies from vocabularies because retrieval models frequently apply different
document indexing methods to the same hierarchically organized document
From a distributed data management perspective we observed an impor-
tant requirement for distributed data access: To differentiate between query
and data shipping. We also point out some limitations we deliberately in-
troduced, such as the restriction of keys to term sets, which is a frequent
approach, however, not a universal principle in text retrieval.

Document Collection: The P2P network provides the capability to store

and retrieve documents based on unique identifiers associated with documents.
A document is a string, which is not further interpreted, and represents the
smallest addressing granularity.

Clusters: A cluster is a set of documents with a unique identifier. A docu-

ment can be member of multiple clusters. They are the basic unit of document
processing and can be organized into hierarchical structures. Clusters are a
key mechanism for document providers and document analysis tools, because
they make the semantic interpretation of the document collection explicit.

Vocabularies: Vocabularies establish a context for the interpretation of

the document collection (or parts of it) by means of derived statistics and
ranking functions. Each vocabulary is related to a cluster respectively a cluster
hierarchy. In our setting we will use keys as the basic feature to represent
documents for retrieval. A key is a set of terms. Terms are strings (e.g.
words, phrases), typically extracted from the document content. In addition to
features (i.e. keys), a vocabulary also contains (global) statistical information,
such as inverse document frequencies of keys, which is necessary for document
Advanced retrieval techniques can put different vocabularies into relation
with each other, e.g. with linear transformations. An example is latent seman-
tic indexing (LSI). We therefore introduce generic transformation functions to
produce derived vocabularies. A retrieval model can then first perform searches
for suitable vocabularies and document sets before searching for documents

Posting Lists: A posting list manages the association of a key with a set
of clusters and statistics of the key (e.g. the frequency of the key in a cluster).
We call this information the cluster digest. As keys, posting lists are always
unambiguously associated with a defined vocabulary.
Posting lists provide key-based retrieval of documents, which is an elemen-
tary function in IR. An important aspect in a distributed environment is the
possibility to send a key-based query together with a filter, which we call digest
query. Such a digest query can already filter the cluster digests of a posting
list in place. Possible criteria passed with digest queries are limitations on
the result size or containment in a specific (sub-) cluster. Digest queries thus
allow to choose between different query and data shipping strategies.

Queries: A query consists of a set of keys from a specific vocabulary. A

query retrieves all posting lists that are associated with its query keys. In

addition, vocabularies maintain histories of queries, which can be exploited
by retrieval models, e.g. for usage-based ranking or keyword selection (as
suggested in [5]).

Document Management: Document management allows to add and

delete documents from the document collection. A document is always acces-
sible by its unique identifier.

Document Indexing: An application can join documents from the col-

lection into any cluster using a method associate(). This association method
indexes the document in the cluster, i.e. it generates a document representa-
tion, which consists of a document digest and keys for indexing. The document
is indexed for all vocabularies that are associated with the cluster hierarchy
of the cluster. In addition, the corresponding vocabularies have to update the
statistical information they maintain. Note that a vocabulary is potentially
replicated over many peers. Such an indexing operation may therefore affect
a number of different peers. Efficient maintenance strategies for vocabularies
will thus be a key element of successful implementations of P2P-IR systems.

3.3.2 Support Functions of Layer 3

Using a structured overlay network, peers provide support functions to carry
out the services of layer 3. These support functions provide mappings of keys
and document identifiers to layer-2 identifiers. Furthermore, they support lo-
cal data management to execute requests on posting lists, vocabularies, cluster
hierarchies, and document set. Layer 2 also needs information about process-
ing and storage cost to efficiently manage data and to perform load balancing
between different peers.

Mapping of Keys: This function maps a layer-3 key ki ∈ K onto a layer-

2 identifier idi ∈ Id. It typically has distance preserving properties, such that
close keys are mapped to close (or the same) peers. Higher layer functions
use this mapping to access posting list based on keys. A peer maps a key
onto an identifier and then uses layer-2 function route() to send a request to
a responsible peer.

Mapping of Document Identifiers: This function maps a layer-3 doc-

ument identifier iddi ∈ IdD onto a layer-2 identifier idi ∈ Id. Here, distance
preservation typically does not play a role as document identifiers do not relate
to the semantics of documents.

Local data management: Each peers maintains a local database to

manage documents, clusters, and vocabularies. When a peer on layer 2 re-
ceives (from other peers) messages with insertion and retrieval requests as
payload and it is responsible for the identifier included in the messages, it
dispatches them to the local data management functions supporting layer 3.
These functions correspond to the interfaces provided in the specification of
layer 3.

Maintenance: The dynamics of the system on layer 3 is influenced by

changes in the peer population and document collection. The responsibility
of document management tasks may migrate in case of changing peer popu-
lation to further ensure load balancing and failure resilience. To support the
migration of responsibilities, peers provide special functions: Layer 3 provides,
for example, information about the cost of management tasks, such as the cost
of maintaining vocabularies, clusters, or posting lists.
Another aspect of maintenance is providing consistency of vocabularies,
which is handled with document insertion and deletion.

Class Collection
insert(doc: Document, id: DocId);
retrieve(id: DocId): Document;

Class Document
identifier(): DocId;
equal(id: DocId): Boolean;
content(): String;

Class Cluster
identifier(): ClustId;
root(): Boolean;
createChildCluster(id: ClustId);
children(): {Cluster};
containedIn(id: ClustId): Boolean;
associate(doc: DocId);
documents(): {Document};

Class Vocabulary subclass-of Document

keys(): {Key};
frequency(k: Key): Real;
(* may be extended to provide
more statistical information *)
cluster(): ClustId;
(* root of a cluster hierarchy the
vocabulary is associated with *)
updateStatistics(key: Key, id: ClustID, d: ClustDigest);
digest(id: ClustId): ClustDigest;
(* this method provides the document representation
as generated for the needs of a specific retrieval model *)
map(t: Transformation): Vocabulary;
(* generation of derived vocabularies *)

Class PostingList
retrieve(k: Key, q: DigestQuery): {ClustDigest};
insertDigest(key: Key, id: ClustID, d: ClustDigest);

Class ClustDigest
(* data structure together with query language
to represent indexing information *)

Class Key
terms(): Terms;
distance(key: Key): Real;
vocabulary(): Vocabulary;

Figure 3: Interfaces supported by peers on layer 3.

3.4 Layer 4: Retrieval Models
Different retrieval models use the same document and content management
functions of layer 3. Thus, it is important to have a common framework, in
which we can capture the model we would like to use. Such a framework char-
acterizes notions like ranking, relevance, rank aggregation, etc. and should be
probabilistic (in some sense).
Basic concepts on layer 4 are the representation of user queries, the provi-
sion of ranking and clustering functions, and interfaces for basic information
retrieval tasks. Layer 4 provides functions for constructing vocabularies and
document indexing, such as extracting keys from documents. The implemen-
tation of these functions relies on the services provided by layer 3. Due to
space limitations we omit a detailed specification of this layer.

4 Implementation
In this section we sketch how typical retrieval tasks, namely document index-
ing and document retrieval, are implemented using our layered architecture.

4.1 Indexing a new Document

The following steps are taken upon insertion of a new document. Even if a
peer holds documents that are only accessible to authenticated users, it can
still index these documents to make them searchable.
1. A peer p on layer 4 decides to include a document into a search en-
gine using a specific retrieval model. It uses a function to generate the
document digest, i.e. the keys and associated statistics representing the
document according to the retrieval model. p also provides the cluster(s)
in which the document should be included, respectively decides to cre-
ate a new cluster for the document. It generates a unique key for the
2. For implementing the layer-4 operations, p retrieves through layer 3 the
cluster hierarchy and vocabulary that the retrieval model is based on.
These queries are routed on layer 2 as payload to the corresponding peers
and require the layer-3 support functions for converting document and
cluster identifiers into layer-2 identifiers. The receiving peers interpret
the payload using their local document management functions and return
the results (either directly or by routing).
3. The document is now included on layer 3 into the document collection
and associated with the corresponding cluster(s). Next the new or up-
dated cluster digest is inserted into the posting list.
4. For inserting a new cluster digest into a posting list, layer-2 routing is
used and the keys are converted into layer-2 identifiers.
5. The insertion of new documents also triggers updates on the statistics
of the vocabulary. Depending on the usage patterns, vocabularies are
possibly widely replicated. Therefore broadcast functions may be used
to perform these updates efficiently.

4.2 Retrieval Process with Ranking

The following steps are performed when retrieving a document:
1. On layer 4 a peer p receives a query for the retrieval of documents ac-
cording to a specific retrieval model.
2. The peer p needs access to the relevant vocabulary to obtain global
information on distributional properties of keys. Therefore p performs a
search for a peer that stores such a vocabulary.

3. p generates a set of query keys from the application query.
4. The set of query keys is used to retrieve the posting lists using the layer-3
function retrieve(), which in turn is executed by using layer-2 routing
5. After having retrieved the posting lists, which are possibly pre-filtered, p
(on layer 4) computes the ranked result according to the specific retrieval
6. For producing a more compact or better structured representation of
the result, p might exploit the structure of the cluster hierarchy that is
associated with the retrieval model.

5 Case Study
We are currently exploring a number of retrieval models that are particularly
suited for use in a P2P environment. However, for the verification of the
general applicability of the proposed architecture we prefer to check it by
matching other approaches from the literature into our architecture as well.
In the following we provide, for illustration purposes, one example of how a
concrete system proposed independently by C. Tang and S. Dwarkadas [10]
can be mapped on the framework we have introduced.

Layer 4 The vector space model (VSM) is used for mapping documents
onto keys. Therefore, all terms in a document are weighed using a special
algorithm. This algorithm relies on global statistics that are aggregated and
maintained by layer 3. Furthermore, the authors use a stemmer and exclude
stop words. This is represented in our model by the use of a retrieval-model
specific document indexing method.

Layer 3 The authors use keys, which are terms or phrases of terms. Doc-
ument identifiers and posting lists, as well as their insertion and retrieval, are
implicitly introduced. Posting lists also contain document digests instead of
only document references. A document digest consists of a complete list of
terms in the document. Tang and Dwarkadas also use digest queries to select
which document references of the posting lists are returned.

Layer 1 and 2 The authors use Chord [9] as underlying Distributed Hash
Table (DHT). Chord builds and maintains a structured overlay network and
provides key-based routing (KBR). It can be extended to also provide broad-
cast and history functionality on layer 2.
Thus, in summary, we have no difficulties in mapping all concepts intro-
duced in this specific approach into our architectural framework.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we have introduced a framework for information retrieval in
peer-to-peer systems. With this first proposal of a generic architecture for
P2P-IR, we envision to encourage modular design of P2P-IR systems, enabling
resource sharing at different levels of abstractions and thus increasing the level
of sharing of knowledge and resources in global information retrieval.
An important study we currently perform is the design of retrieval models
that allow an efficient implementation on a P2P architecture. In principal, the
design of the retrieval model should be logically independent of the infrastruc-
ture it is implemented in. However, we believe that in practice infrastructure
constraints cannot be ignored.

7 Acknowledgments
The work presented in this paper was carried out in the framework of the
EPFL Center for Global Computing and supported by the Swiss National
Funding Agency OFES as part of the European FP 6 STREP project ALVIS

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