4.4 Sorting Out The Protocols: W. A. Pratt, JR

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Sorting out the Protocols


Communications protocols have been around a very long time. Some of the earliest data transfer protocols used semaphores, and messages were transferred using ags and torches in Greek and Roman times. Semaphores and signaling ags are still in use. One of the earliest electronic communication protocols (starting in 1841, and still used today) was the 4 Morse code. Today, electronic communication is a rapidly 11 growing eld. Over 100 protocols can easily be identied. Communication protocols will continue to evolve and the number of protocols will continue to increase. Today, a large number of communications protocols compete for the attention of instrument engineers and for their business. Of course, not all of these protocols are open and interoperable. This section attempts to sort out this large number of protocols and provide some insights to evaluate them. Unfortunately, it is not possible to review all eldbus contenders here. This was not intended to slight any particular protocol. Rather, the network examples highlighted were chosen to illustrate a diversity of solutions. This section should provide a basis for categorizing and evaluating any protocol the reader encounters. THE PERFECT NETWORK There is no single perfect network. Furthermore, there will always be many different viable networks. Communications simply cannot be solved using a one-size-ts-all approach. Communications protocols are tools just like saws (e.g., table saws, jig saws, and chain saws). Each saw has a function for which it was invented. Even though a chain saw can be used to build a china cabinet, who would want to? The industrial networks discussed in this section are simply tools. Understanding the origins and specialization of a network will help when selecting the tools. PROTOCOL LAYERING When evaluating industrial protocols, understanding the basic organization of a communications system can be very helpful. This subsection discusses two technical approaches to organizing and specifying a communications protocol. Understanding these organizational models assists in evaluation of 478
2002 by Bla G. Liptk

an industrial protocol. Because communications protocols are very detail oriented, it is common practice to separate the problem into parts with clearly dened responsibilities. These domains of responsibilities are called protocol layers or protocol hierarchies. These are standard models for describing any protocol. However, actual implementations may not completely adhere to these divisions of labor (e.g., because of throughput optimizations, or to simplify communications software design). Two different approaches to modeling communications systems are common: the Open System Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model (layered) and 1,2 the model used by the Internet protocol (hierarchy). The layered approach divides a communications protocol into objects containing specic responsibilities. In addition, an object can only access services provided by an immediately adjacent layer. In theory, one data link layer could then be replaced with another without affecting the adjacent physical or network layers. In practice, this is not the case. The hierarchical approach is less restrictive. It considers a communications system to be a collection of objects. An individual object on one computer communicates with a peer object on another. The hierarchical approach blurs the OSI layers. OSI Model The OSI model is the best-known scheme for organizing communications specications and teaching communications technology (Figure 4.4a). The OSI model, released in 1984, 7 describes seven communications layers and details how a communications layer should be specied (see also Sections 4.2 and 4.3). Note: Because the OSI model does not specify a communications system, it does not directly affect interoperability or how open a protocol may be.

In reality, no set of protocol specications follows the OSI model 100% of the time. Even industrial protocols that claim to require only the physical data link and applications layer often mix in functions found in other layers. For example, many protocols have the ability to associate a tag name with a particular node. This is especially true with device networks. The protocols also generally have a mechanism to

4.4 Sorting out the Protocols


OSI Layer 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Application Presentation Session Transport

Network Data Link Physical

Function Provides the user with network-capable applications Converts application data between network and local machine formats Connection management services for applications Provides network independent, transparent message transfer End-to-end routing of packets; resolving network addresses Establishes data packet structure, framing, error detection, bus arbitration Mechanical/electrical connection; transmits raw bit stream

When evaluating industrial networks, separating the lower-level and upper-level functionality can be useful. Pursuing a clear understanding of what the upper levels provide is very benecial in protocol evaluations. Be persistent. Anyone truly knowledgeable should be able to explain technology in a simple and easy-to-understand way. TCP/IP Model TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/Internet protocol) was developed in the 1970s and its basic structure was established 3 between 1977 and 1979. TCP/IP development was initially funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and is actually a collection of protocols. The DOD had a wide assortment of communications equipment including radios, land lines, and satellite systems. As a result, the principal purpose behind TCP/IP is to link together different communications networks. This resulted in the hierarchy shown in Figure 4.4b. The Internet level of the TCP/IP suite starts at about level 3 in the OSI model. In other words, TCP/IP does not specify the details of the communications across a single local-area network (LAN). It delegates responsibility for the LAN. One result is that TCP/IP operates on almost any communications network including packet radio, Ethernet, satellite systems, and dial-up telephone lines. This exibility has led to widespread acceptance worldwide. In fact, TCP/IP was in widespread use long before Web browsers became popular. As mentioned above, the purpose of the hierarchy is to provide a loose collection of building blocks to support network-capable applications. Unlike in the OSI model, the differing standards are not required to access services only 1 in adjacent levels. They can access whichever services best suit their objective. The Internet Activities Board (www.iab.org and www. 3 ietf.org) governs TCP/IP standards. The standards documents are called RFCs (requests for comment) and the ofcial set are listed in the latest RFC titled, Internet Ofcial Protocol Standards. The Internet set of standards is continuously growing (there are hundreds of RFCs in effect today). Consequently, this RFC is replaced several times per year with a new RFC with the same title. An RFC is never modied (i.e., there are no revision numbers); instead, it is replaced by a new RFC.

FIG. 4.4a OSI reference model.

translate the tag into a physical network address. This function is, strictly speaking, a network layer responsibility. Despite the lack of precision used in discussing the relation of a protocol to the OSI model, understanding its basic nature is useful. The lower, network-specic layers (physical, data link, and network) standardize interconnection of devices via a physical medium (e.g., twisted-pair wiring, radio transmission, ber-optic cable). This is the most basic standardization a protocol can provide and some (e.g., Ethernet) provide little other standardization. The upper layers (application, presentation, and session) generally contain a variety of protocol specications. These levels enable the meaningful exchange of information. Although the transportation of data is important, the meaning 22 of the data is crucial. Communications address many problem domains each with its own needs, jargon (language semantics), and device types (e.g., limit switches, bar code readers, robot welders, weigh scales, pressure transmitters). This results in many different specications tailored to specic problem domains. This is also the subject of contentious debate. Users want the meaning standardized of as much data as possible. Manufacturers often feel threatened and are concerned about disclosing proprietary technology. They resist standardization of application layer data. Even when the data can be standardized, the standardization sometimes is vague and abstract, an optional protocol requirement, or only denes the absolute lowest common denominator set of data. In other cases, interoperability is claimed by wrapping the application layer in a presentation or integration tool (e.g., EDS, GSD, DDL, FDT/DTM, and others). These tools certainly make universal conguration tools possible and they are very valuable tools. However, accessing the data in the low-level controllers, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and input/output (I/O) frequently requires software, processing power, and technology that is not available to these embedded, real-time products.

Domain Process-Application Host-Host Internet

Function Allows the sharing of resources and access between computers Delivers data between two processes (threads) executing on different computers Allows data to traverse disparate networks transparently; routes datagrams

FIG. 4.4b TCP/IP communications hierarchy.

2002 by Bla G. Liptk


Buses and Networks

COMMUNICATION BASICS This subsection will review some basic concepts that allow communications to be successful. Data Transmission There are four fundamental methods of data transmission: 1. Digital data using digital signaling (e.g., LANs and eldbus) 2. Digital data using analog signaling (e.g., HART and telephone modems) 3. Analog data using digital signaling (e.g., CD-ROMs and telephone networks) 4. Analog data using analog signaling (e.g., 420 mA current loop and AM/FM radio) In some cases, these techniques are also mixed. For example, a cell phone digitizes voice (digital data representing analog signal). These digital data are then modulated (analog signal transmitting digital data) and transmitted. This subsection will briey discuss the rst two methods: digital communications and modulation (analog signaling) techniques. Most computer networks use digital signaling for communications. Digital signaling transmits data one bit at a time using a series of pulses. The data bits must be encoded and transmitted synchronously or asynchronously. Two encoding schemes are NRZ (nonreturn to zero) and Manchester (Figure 4.4c). NRZ encoded data are used by the serial port found in many PCs. The signal level (high or low) indicates a 1 or 0. NRZ encoding results in very simple transmitters and receivers. However, NRZ encoding does not allow the boundary between bits to be directly identied. Additional information is required. In other words, the bit rate at which the data are being transmitted is needed before the data can be received. With NRZ data the bit rate often must be manually set and this, at times, can result in confusion



FIG. 4.4c NRZ and Manchester digital data encoding.

during the commissioning of a system. Such questions as What direction was I supposed to set the dip switch? can arise. Asynchronous Communications and Serial Ports Asynchronous communication is often used with NRZ encoding. Because the clock generators have nite tolerances, there will be slight frequency differences between the transmitter and the receiver. Over the course of a long data packet, the clock differences accumulate and can result in communications errors. Asynchronous communication compensates for the clock differences. For each byte of data, a start and one or more stop bits are added. A start bit is a 1-to-0 transition that tells the receiver that the byte is about to start (Figure 4.4d). In effect, the start bit triggers the receivers clock. The data are received (clocked in). The stop bit ensures that the signal line returns to a 1. The communication can remain idle for a while with the line remaining high. This is called marking. The next start bit resynchronizes the transmitter and receiver. The overall result is that any minor clock speed differences do not accumulate for more than 1 byte and cause communi8 cation errors.

Start Bit 1

Data Bits

Parity Bit

Data Bit 0 increasing time Data Bit 7

Stop Bit

FIG. 4.4d RS-232 asynchronous serial data stream.

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4.4 Sorting out the Protocols


PC serial ports typically communicate using RS-232 signal amplitudes, NRZ digital encoding, and asynchronous data transmission. Note: RS-232 and RS-485 (see Section 4.2) species voltage levels for communication. They are simply physical layers. No assumptions should be made about effort required to communicate with a device supporting RS-232 or RS-485. The number of protocols based on these physical layers is huge.

in software or in hardware using a relatively simple circuit. CRCs are very good at detecting a burst of errors in data. CRCs were originally used with magnetic media (e.g., oppy disk drives) and are now widely used in communications protocols. Today 16- and 32-bit CRCs are common, and the longer the CRC, the longer the error burst that can be detected. In addition to knowing the length of the CRC, the value of the polynomial used in calculating the CRC must be known. Analog Signaling Digital data are also widely communicated using analog signaling. PC modems, cell phones, and wireless networks all modulate the digital data for commu1 nication. There are basically four modulation techniques (Figure 4.4e): 1. Amplitude shift keying (ASK) varies the signal level to transmit the data. 2. Frequency shift keying (FSK) encodes the data by varying the frequency. HART and public telephone network caller ID services use FSK signaling. 3. Phase shift keying (PSK) varies the phase angle of the transmitted signal to encode the data. Cell phones and 802.11 wireless networks use PSK variants. 4. Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) varies both the phase and amplitude. QAM is primarily used in high-speed telephone modems. Modulated communication can require a more complex interface chip than digital communications. However, analog

Parity Parity (odd or even) is a simple error-checking scheme often used in asynchronous communications. Parity generators count the number of 1 bits in the byte and the parity bit is set accordingly. The receiver counts the total 1 bits (including the parity). If odd parity is specied and the receiver counts an even number of 1 bits, then the data have been corrupted. In some communications protocols, this concept is carried one step farther by adding a check byte to the 12 message. A check byte or block check character provides a parity check on the entire message. In other words, some protocols use vertical parity across an individual byte and horizontal parity (i.e., the check byte) across the entire message. Manchester Encoding and Synchronous Communications Manchester encoding includes the clock information in the data stream. In other words, the receiver does not need to be supplied the data rate. The receiver recovers the clock from the data stream itself, thus eliminating errors due to any clock speed differences with the transmitter. This has advantages, especially at higher data rates where clock tolerances become critical. Consequently, Manchester encoding is widely used in networks. In Manchester-encoded signals there is always a signal 1 transition in the center of the bit time. This allows the clock to be recovered and ensures the value of the bit is always sampled by the receiver at the right time. The direction of the signal transition indicates the value of the bit. A low-tohigh transition indicates a 1 and a high-to-low a 0. Because the data transmission is synchronized by embedding the bit clock, synchronous communication is often used with Manchester-encoded digital signaling. In synchronous communications there are no start and stop bits and the bytes are transmitted back to back with no space between them. This (slightly) improves efciency. Cyclic Redundancy Codes More sophisticated error detection coding is usually employed with synchronous transmissions. One of the more common is a cyclic redundancy code (CRC). CRCs are calculated by considering the data being transmitted a single large number. 8 This large number is divided by a specied value. The quotient is discarded and the remainder is sent with the message. The divisor is specied as a polynomial and the division uses modulo-2 arithmetic. This means that CRCs can be calculated


1 FSK (Bell 202)

00 PSK (V.26 bis)








001 QAM (V.29)








Note: Each waveform contains eight symbols

FIG. 4.4e Data modulation techniques. Note: Each waveform contains eight symbols.

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Buses and Networks

signaling requires less bandwidth than digital signaling and can operate at lower signal-to-noise levels. With digital signaling, it is relatively easy to identify the data values in a picture of a waveform. With modulated communication this may not always be the case. For example, binary FSK uses only two signal frequencies and the data can be seen. They can be heard, as well. However, a V.34 modem uses 1024 phaseamplitude combinations and the noise it makes negotiating a connection is data. Unlike digital communications, baud and bits per second are not equal to each other with modulated communications. Baud is symbols per second. For digital signaling there is normally 1 bit per baud. For modulated signals there can be many bits per baud. For example, a V.34 modem operates at 10 (up to) 3429 baud with 9 bits transmitted per baud. Framing Messages So far, basic techniques for transmitting data have been discussed. In addition, the start and end of a message and the message payload (i.e., the data) must be reliably extracted from the transmission. All messages have a preamble, start of message, data, and end of message. The preamble allows the receiver to synchronize to the data stream. The preamble is a special sequence that ends with the start of message. Consider the Hays modem protocol. 8 Every message starts with the characters AT. This allows the modem to change the bit rate and identify the start of a message. In some cases, the preamble is much more sophisticated. For example, some modulation standards send special phaseamplitude combinations as a preamble. The start of message can be a special symbol or can be implied by reaching the end of the preamble. Similarly, the end of message can be a special symbol or derived based on the number of bytes specied in the message itself. The message contains the protocol-specied structure of information. This may include addressing, control, status, error detection codes, and application layer data. Framing of the message is critical to successful sharing of the communication channel. Sharing the Communication Channel The last subsection discussed several methods for transmitting data. However, most communication must also share the communications channel. In other words, only one device should transmit a message at a time. Here, an overview of methods to arbitrate (share) access to a channel is provided. The simplest networks contain a single master and (possibly) several slave devices. In these networks arbitration is easy: the master sends a message and the slave answers. In other words, only the master can initiate a messaging cycle. In most 2 networks, the communication is half-duplex. In other words, the communications ow in only one direction at a time. When several nodes can initiate message cycles, bus arbitration (i.e., medium access control) becomes much more important. Three basic arbitration techniques are discussed

here: carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD); token passing; and time division multiple access (TDMA). Note: The physical wiring of a network may not have anything to do with the bus arbitration technique in use. Ethernet is often wired in a star topology (e.g., 100BaseT) and some tokenpassing networks are wired as a bus.

CSMA/CD allows any node to initiate communications. The device listens to the network and, if no signal is present, begins transmitting a preamble (e.g., Ethernet sends 7 bytes 20 of 10101010). At the same time, the device listens to the bus and, if the device receives something different, it cancels its transmission. The device continues monitoring its transmission and aborts if the network signal is corrupted. This signies a collision. In effect, everyone monitors the networks and speaks if the network is silent. If a collision is detected, then the devices back off a random amount of time and try again. Collisions reduce CSMA/CD network throughput. In the case of a busy Ethernet network with many nodes, throughput can be a fraction of the maximum rated capacity. Token-passing networks are much more efcient and can easily operate at their maximum rated capacity. In a tokenpassing network, the device with the token has permission to transmit. The token may be a special message or implied by previous communications. The main drawback to token passing is the time it takes to recover a lost token. Algorithms are designed into the protocol to allow a new token to be generated when a communications error disrupts normal bus arbitration. TDMA establishes a network cycle time. This is then subdivided into slots for messages. During that cycle, all devices are provided a time slot for transmitting data. This allows network access to all devices on a very predictable basis. Many 5 of the emerging high-speed networks use this technique, and it is suitable for time-critical applications like voice and video data transmission. Although there is a possibility that network capacity will be wasted, determinism is optimized. Bus arbitration techniques do not end here and, in many cases, combinations or variations on the above techniques are employed in industrial network protocols. NETWORK SOUP There have been a number of efforts to compare networks. Here, some common industrial communication protocols are classied by focusing on the native application domain. Understanding network classication should permit choice of the right tool for the job. This subsection segregates communi6 cations protocols into the following four basic categories (Figure 4.4f): 1. Sensor networks that encompass protocols initially designed to support discrete I/O 2. Device networks that were originally focused on process instrumentation

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4.4 Sorting out the Protocols


Enterprise Networks

Control Networks

Sensor Networks

Device Networks

Manufacturing Automation

Process Automation

FIG. 4.4f Network classications.

the eld up the automation pyramid, enterprise networks are pushing down ever further into the historic domain of the control system. This results in a very blurred line between control networks and enterprise networks. Enterprise networks are really a collection of LANs, wide-area networks (WANs), and a wide range of communication protocols. Frequently, several protocols are in simultaneous use on the same physical connection. The data carried on these networks are diverse, including process and production data, e-mail, music, images, and a wide range of business and nancial transactions. The number of network-capable applications is growing rapidly and adding to the network trafc. Because there is a huge and growing number of nodes, the cost per node is very low. Of course, these categories are a simplication because the separation between the categories is often blurred. In many cases, a protocol that best ts in one category can perform some or many of the functions from another. For example, AS-i (developed for discrete I/O) can communicate analog data (like temperature), and some process instruments support MODBUS (a control network). Sensor Level This subsection provides an overview of several sensor-level 14 protocols. In a given plant there may be 10 or 100 discrete points for every process transmitter and positioner. Consequently, sensor-level networks have the potential to encompass the largest number of nodes in the industry. Any successful sensor-level bus must meet the following requirements: Simplicity. Discrete I/O is simply an on/off contact, an indicator light, or a motor starter. Although there is often important high technology involved, the driving force is not generally electronics. Simple networks best serve simple transducers. Fast cycle times. High-speed manufacturing equipment like automatic welders, robots, and packaging equipment use a large amount of discrete I/O. Consequently, this is a prime application area for sensor networks and these applications require fast cycle times. Very low cost. Adding a sensor network to high-volume, discrete transducers adds cost to what is already a costsensitive product. The sensor network must be sufciently low cost to compete against dumb transducers connected to discrete I/O cards. Because the machines using the network may be standard products selling on competitive bids, pricing is very sensitive.

3. Control networks that are typically used to connect controllers and I/O systems 4. Enterprise networks that focus on information technology applications Sensor-level protocols are the simplest networks around today. These networks are principally focused on supporting discrete sensors and actuators (i.e., digital). These buses target manufacturing automation: sensors such as limit switches and push buttons, and actuators such as solenoid valves and motor starters. These protocols tend to have very fast cycle times. Because these buses are frequently promoted as an alternative to PLC discrete I/O, the cost of a network node must be relatively low. Device-level protocols tend to support process automation and more complex transmitters and valve-actuators. In the process automation domain, the activities tend to be fundamentally continuous and analog. Typical transmitters include pressure, level, ow, and temperature. Actuators may include motorized valves, I-P controllers, and pneumatic positioners. Data tend to be oating point, and status information is usually available. Because the functions performed are more sophisticated than in a simple discrete device the cost per node tends to be higher. Control-level protocols are typically used as backbones for communications between I/O systems, controllers, operator stations, and supervisory systems. Consequently, these networks often move chunks of heterogeneous data and operate at high data rates. The large number of industrial networks signies that control systems are evolving from simple inputs and outputs toward bidirectional communication with smart eld devices. Although bidirectional communication moves from

Five networks are reviewed in this subsection: AS-i, CAN, DeviceNet, Interbus, and LON. All these networks have an established and substantial base of business and meet the above requirements. In addition, these examples encompass four very different approaches to sensor network design. The sensor-level networks are summarized in Table 4.4g.

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TABLE 4.4g Sensor Network Characteristics

Masters AS-i Single Signaling Alternating pulse modulation NRZ; bit rates programmable Nodes 31 Data (bytes) 4 bits Pros Extremely simple with innovative twowire cabling; no connectors, instead wiring clamps to the AS-i node Simple, fast, and reliable with unique, priority-based collision avoidance scheme; high volume results in lowcost interface chips Cons Limited network size; not well suited for anything other than discrete transducers Only physical and link layer specied; limited message length complicates support for complex devices Installed Base Widespread use in manufacturing automation especially for replacing discrete I/O wiring in assembly and packaging equipment CAN was invented by Bosch and is used in a wide variety of automobiles; huge number of nodes and many microcontrollers provide integrated CAN support; provides basis for several others (e.g., DeviceNet CANOpen, SDS) Recommended network for semiconductor industry; widespread use for discrete I/O, operator panels, simple devices, and assembly and packaging systems Large installed base in manufacturing automation connected to discrete transducers; widely used in material handling, assembly, and packaging Large installed base in building automation and HVAC controls; limited support in manufacturing and process automation


Multiple CSMA



Multiple CSMA

NRZ; bit rates programmable


CAN-based with well-dened application layer; connectors, cabling, and power distribution standardized; devices can be hot-swapped High-speed deterministic cyclical communication; network address automatically assigned, simplies commissioning Standardized data (SNVTs); Internetworking support (i.e., networks of networks) built into LON

Wide range of messaging schemes can make troubleshooting difcult; limited message length best supports simple devices Bad node can break the ring



Ring topology; virtual shift register model Multiple physical layers; bit rates programmable




Multiple CSMA/CD



Network collisions are possible and reduce determinism

2002 by Bla G. Liptk

4.4 Sorting out the Protocols


Arbitration / Message identifier



Control field

Data field 1 recessive

The wire
0 dominant

Device 1

Device 2

Device 2 has the lower priority message and stops its transmission

FIG. 4.4h CAN medium access control.

AS-i AS-i can be thought of as a network-based replacement for a discrete I/O card. Therefore, AS-i offers a simple network consisting of up to 31 slave devices. The master polls each slave. The master message contains four output bits and the slave answers immediately with four input bits. Diagnostics is included in each message. In other words, the messages are xed with four input and four output bits per message. A complete network of 31 slaves results in 248 I/O bits and a worst-case scan time of less than 5 ms. AS-i is perhaps the simplest network in use. This simplicity carries over to the wiring as well. Standard AS-i wiring consists of a yellow, at, mechanically coded, two-wire cable. This cable is clamped to the AS-i device and, in doing so, the cable is pierced, making an environmentally sealed electrical connection. The molded shape of the cable ensures the correct connection with the device. The two-wire connection provides both power and communications to the device; connectors or terminal blocks are optional. Data rates are xed and, as a result, no confusion over baud rates and parity settings occur. AS-i slave devices can be very simple as well. In most cases the AS-i interface chips (ASICs) support the entire protocol and the network electronics can be very small (often 2 less then 2 cm ). Because the ASICs provide most of the ASi support needed, networking and software-related development expenses are minimized for manufacturers of discrete transducers (e.g., limit switches and solenoid valves). If AS-i is a replacement for a discrete I/O card, then connectivity is important for success of the protocol. AS-i has good support and connectivity to a variety of PLC and control system vendors, single board computers, and other networks (e.g., PROFIBUS, MODBUS, DeviceNet, and Interbus). CAN Bosch developed the controller area network (CAN) in the 1980s for automotive applications. Today it is used in a large number of vehicles and in a variety of other applications. As a result, a large number of different chips and vendors support CAN. The total chip volume is huge, and the parts cost is small (less than U.S. $1).

CAN was developed to provide simple, highly reliable, and prioritized communication between intelligent devices, sensors, and actuators. Because of its origins in target vehicle applications, reliability is paramount. Network errors that occur while on a highway or interstate are a bad thing. CAN denes only basic, low-level signaling, and mediumaccess specications. These are both simple and unique. Although CAN medium access is technically CSMA/CD, this classication can be misleading (Figure 4.4h). All data are encoded as an NRZ bit stream, and when the network is idle (i.e., the signal is high) a device can begin a message by sending a start of frame. All devices on the network synchronize to the resulting high-to-low transition. Note: Because CAN sends NRZ data, the bit rate must be congured. In addition, propagation delays limit the maximum bit rate suitable for a given cable run length.

The start of frame is followed by the arbitration sequence. CAN uses a nondestructive bit-wise arbitration technique. In effect, all devices wanting to access the bus place a message identier on the bus during the arbitration interval. As the 1s and 0s are clocked onto the network, the device monitors the network. When it sees a 0 where it placed a 1 on the network, it loses its bid for the bus. The devices losing their bids for the bus listen to the communication and when the bus goes idle again they can attempt to access the network. This arbitration technique ensures there are no collisions on the bus and highest priority message receives rst access. Note: A CAN device generally supports more than one message type and the different messages can have different priority levels. CAN application layer protocols sometimes use a combination of a message group and the node address to form the message identier.

The CAN data eld can contain up to 8 bytes of data. This is consistent with CAN objectives for supporting discrete transducers. It also allows simple numeric information

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Buses and Networks

to be transferred. Larger, more complex data can be transported using segmented data transfer. The high chip volumes and low costs have resulted in several protocols dening upper layers that are based on CAN. These include CANOpen, J1939 (for trucks and buses), SDS, and DeviceNet. DeviceNet will be reviewed as an example of an upper-layer protocol for CAN. DeviceNet In 1994, the semiconductor industry reviewed a variety of industrial networks. Reports recommended selection of a CAN-based solution combined with an appropriate 19 upper-layer protocol. This eventually resulted in widespread use of DeviceNet in the semiconductor industry. Today, DeviceNet is a well-established machine and manufacturing automation network supported by a substantial number of products and vendors. DeviceNet species physical (wiring, power distribution, connectors, network terminators) and application layer operation based on the CAN standard. Because CAN medium arbitration is very exible with no explicit master, DeviceNet provides congurable structure to the operation of the network. This allows (for example) the selection of polled, strobed, cyclic, or event-driven network operation. All the popular application layer hierarchies are supported (e.g., master/slave; peer-to-peer; client/server; and publisher/subscriber). However, in practice, most devices only support master/slave operation, resulting a signicantly lower cost position. Data can be accessed simply as blocks of I/O data or explicitly as part of an application layer object. Explicit data access allows application layer objects to be organized into proles that support different kinds of transducers and applications. Its node address, object and instance identiers, and attribute number identify a specic property (i.e., datum) within the object. This combination of four enumerations allows data to be identied and explicitly transferred across the DeviceNet network. Note: Several protocols use the term prole. A prole generally refers to a standardized set of data and procedures that supports a particular transducer or application layer function. Example proles might be dened for (1) a tangible device, such as a motor starter, variable speed drive, limit switch, or a position sensor, or (2) an abstract concept, such as a message router or a connection.

Interbus uses a ring topology with each slave having an input and an output connector. Interbus can be thought of as a large network-based shift register. In other words, a bus cycle begins with the network master transmitting a bit stream. As the rst slave receives the bits, they are echoed, passing the data on to the next slave in the ring. Simultaneous with the data being shifted from the master to the rst slave, data from the rst slave are being shifted into the master. Interbus is one of the few protocols that is full duplex (i.e., data are transmitted and received at the same time). The resulting communication is cyclical, efcient, fast, and deterministic. For example, 4096 digital inputs and outputs can be scanned in 14 ms. One nice feature of Interbus is the simplicity of commissioning. Because of its ring topology, node addresses are not required. The master can automatically identify the nodes on the network. In addition, slaves provide identication information that allows the master to determine the quantity of the data provided by the slave. Using this identication data, the master explicitly maps the data to and from the slave into the bit stream as it shifts through the network. This also allows precise identication of the fault position in the ring to be provided, thus simplifying troubleshooting (if a malfunction should occur). Unlike other high-speed industrial networks, terminators are not required. Connectivity is good with many PLCs and systems supporting Interbus. Interbus also supports connections to other networks (e.g., AS-i). Standardized proles are dened for such equipment as robotic controllers, encoders, and variablespeed drives. LON Echelon Corp. developed LON (local operating network) in the 1980s. The concept was to simplify sensor and control networks dramatically by embedding the entire communications stack in a microcontroller (i.e., the Neuron chip). Therefore, LON is focused on moving simple sensing and control information between LON devices. To support product development Echelon produces some of the nest (albeit expensive) network development tools in 19 use. The combination of a network on a chip and the corresponding tools allows a LON device to be developed very quickly. As a result, one strong application area is using LON chips to create a proprietary network that is embedded in a variety of products (e.g., between sensors in a ow computer or within an ofce telephone system). Of course, many open systems products exist and the LONMark user group supports conformance testing. In terms of open system products, the vast majority are for building automation. In this industry segment, LON may be the preferred sensor-level solution. LON supports a wide range of physical layers including twisted-pair wiring and even via the mains power. The data communication bit rate depends on the physical layer and in some cases the device is powered via the network wiring. Medium access uses CSMA and collisions can degrade response times and determinism. However, LON includes a

The combination of low-cost network chips, moderate message size (up to 8 bytes of data), exible messaging, and standardized application objects allows DeviceNet to address a signicant number of automation problems. Connectivity is good with support from many PLC and control system companies. In addition, connection of DeviceNet to other protocols (e.g., AS-i; MODBUS, PROFIBUS-DP, Ethernet) is available. Interbus Interbus was developed in 1984 by Phoenix Contact and is a popular industrial network (especially in Europe).

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4.4 Sorting out the Protocols


prioritization algorithm that minimizes the probability of a collision. LON devices can be grouped into a domain consisting of subnets (communication channels) containing a number of nodes. This allows data to be routed across multiple subnets (i.e., internetworking is supported). This subnet scheme, similar to that used by TCP/IP, is discussed in Section 4.2. LON has not made signicant penetration into manufacturing and process automation. Connectivity to other industrial networks is limited. Device Networks Whereas sensor networks are mainly a product of manufacturing automation, device networks are a product of process automation. For manufacturing automation, functions like discrete I/O and high speed are main concerns. On the other hand, process automation grew from the need to accurately measure and control continuous physical processes. In effect, manufacturing automation is predominantly digital and process automation is analog. The following characteristics are commonly found in device networks: The devices tend to be more complex than those found in sensor networks. The functions are basically analog and measure or control a continuous process. Because the devices are more complex, the status information becomes richer and more varied. Floating-point numbers with engineering units generally represent the data. Precision and accuracy are critical and the calibration of the device is fundamental. Message sizes tend to be larger and more complex. The devices tend to have a one-to-one connection to the process, as opposed to sensor buses where many discrete devices are often connected to a single node. Of course, multivariable devices are popular. However, all the measured or derived process data tend to relate to the process connection (e.g., differential pressure and calculated ow, level gauges calculating volume). Continuous processes tend to be much slower, and communication can be slower. However, determinism is still important and consistent sampling intervals tend to reduce aliasing of the data.

Perhaps the most important characteristic is the FF focus 21 on the network is the control system. This is fundamentally different from the controller and I/O approach used in traditional systems. In other words, FF species not only a communication network but control functions as well. As a result, the purpose of the communications is to pass data to facilitate proper operation of the distributed control application. The success of FF in this endeavor relies on synchronized cyclical communication and on a well-dened applications layer. Communications occurs within framed intervals. These frames are of xed time duration (i.e., a xed repetition rate) and are divided into two phases. In the rst phase, scheduled cyclical data exchange occurs and, in the second, acyclic (e.g., conguration and diagnostics) communication is performed. The Link Active Scheduler (LAS) controls the communication. The LAS polls the network, prompting the process data to be placed on the bus. This is done by passing a special token to grant the bus to the appropriate device. The net result is that the cyclic data are generated at regular intervals. The application layer denes function blocks. These include analog in, analog out, transducer, and the blocks traditionally found in a distributed control system (DCS) (e.g., PID and ratio control). The data on the network are transferred from one function block to another in the network-based control system. The data are complex and include the digital value, engineering units, and status of the data (e.g., to indicate the PID is manual or the measured value is suspect). Note: Function blocks are supported by several industrial protocols. The role of function blocks differs from protocol to protocol. Great care should be taken when comparing function block capabilities.

This sophistication comes at a cost. The FF network has signicant overhead and even the simplest devices contain large amounts of memory and processing power. The protocol stack is sufciently complex that a certied stack and function blocks are usually licensed by the product developer. The FF installed base is relatively small: however, it is being promoted heavily by several major vendors. Because FF represents a major shift in thinking, plant procedures and engineering practices should be changed before its benets 17 can be maximized. HART HART was developed by Rosemount Measurement in the 1980s and today is owned by the independent HART Communication Foundation (see Section 4.11). HART is different from every other network discussed in this section because it is fundamentally an analog communications protocol. In other words, all the other protocols use digital signaling and HART uses modulated communications. This allows HART to support two communications channels simultaneously. The rst is a one-way channel carrying a single process value (i.e., the 420 mA signal). The second is a bidirectional channel used to communicate digital process values, status, and diagnostics. HART digital communications

Three networks are reviewed here: Foundation Fieldbus H1, HART, and PROFIBUS-PA (Table 4.4i). Foundation Fieldbus H1 The concept of eldbus has been discussed in international technical committees for many years. Generating consensus has been difcult. One approach to solving these problems was the Interoperable Systems Project (ISP). This organization merged with FIP North America and formed the Fieldbus Foundation in 1994. This, in turn, led to the release of the Foundation Fieldbus (FF) H1 specications in August 1996 (see Section 4.12 for more information).

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TABLE 4.4i Device Network Characteristics

Masters Foundation Fieldbus (H1) Multiple using token passing Signaling Manchester 31.25 kbps (SP-50 physical layer) Modulated using FSK/PSK Nodes 30 Data (bytes) 128 Pros The network is the control system; process-related standardized function blocks (e.g., AO, AI, PID, etc.) Large range of devices and applications; simple for plant personnel to understand; lowest-cost process instruments Proles for common instrument types simplify conguration Cons Complex, expensive devices requiring large computer resources and high communications overhead Lots of multivariable eld devices; however, support for access to secondary process variables is poor in some hosts (i.e., DCSs, PLCs) Requires PROFIBUS-DP backbone connection Installed Base Process automation principal focus; small but growing installed base; sometimes considered the U.S. eldbus Supported by most smart 420 mA devices; diverse range of products including many niche applications; huge and growing installed base Process automation principal focus; small but growing installed base; sometimes considered the European eldbus


Multiple using token passing





Manchester 31.25 kbps (SP-50 physical layer)



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4.4 Sorting out the Protocols


is actually a modulated analog signal centered in a frequency band separated from the 420 mA signaling. HART focuses on enhancing smart 420 mA eld devices by providing two-way communication that is backwardcompatible with existing installations. In other words, HART devices can be used in traditional 420 mA applications. In addition, HART is compatible with current plant personnel and practices. Furthermore, utilization of HART technology can be gradual, avoiding the step change forced by purely digital protocols. One of the biggest challenges facing a HART eld device developer is power. The typical two-wire HART-compatible device must operate on 30 to 40 mW. Consequently, HART is a simple (not trivial) protocol designed with the eld device designer in mind. Other facts about HART include (see Section 4.11): Two masters are supported using token passing to provide bus arbitration. HART also allows a eld device to publish process data (burst-mode). Cyclical process data include a oating-point digital value, engineering units, and status. Operating procedures are standardized (e.g., for loop test, current loop re-ranging, and transducer calibration). Standardized identication and diagnostics are also provided.

PROFIBUS-DP slot-index addressing is used to support simple function blocks in PROFIBUS-PA devices, such as physical, transducer, and analog input (AI) and output (AO) blocks. The physical and transducer blocks contain some device-specic data. AO and AI blocks are used for scaling and to provide process data. PROFIBUS-PA also denes proles for common process instruments. These proles include both mandatory and optional properties (data items). When a eld device supports a prole, some conguration of the device should be possible without device-specic knowledge (such as provided by a Device Description (DD) or Device Type Manager (DTM)). The PROFIBUS-PA installed base is relatively small; however, it is being promoted heavily by several major vendors.

Control Networks Device and sensor networks are principally focused on communication with primary elements such as solenoid valves, limit switches, positioners, and pressure transmitters in a process unit or manufacturing cell. Control networks are more focused on providing a communication backbone that allows integration of controllers, I/O, and subnetworks. Control networks are at the crossroads between the growing capabilities of industrial networks and the penetration of enterprise networks into the control system. Technology and networks at this level are in a state of ux and, in many cases, the technology is relatively new. Some characteristics of control networks include: Control networks can handle large amounts of complex data. Usually, a control-level protocol includes specications for modeling the data. Control networks generally support multiple masters. Communications techniques like peerpeer, client/ server, and publisher/subscriber are generally offered. In many cases, support for subnetworks and internetworking is included, allowing access to large numbers of nodes and devices.

There are millions of HART eld devices installed and its acceptance continues to grow. In many cases, HART eld devices have become low-cost, commodity-priced instruments. The market share and cost position have resulted in widespread connectivity to PLCs and control systems. In addition, some industrial protocols have developed standards for embedding HART communication. This is resulting in the interesting trend of using HART eld devices connected to remote I/O supported by a backbone protocol (e.g., PROFIBUS-DP). This technical approach reduces costs and wiring in new systems and in control system retrots. PROFIBUS-PA PROFIBUS-PA (process automation) was developed to extend PROFIBUS-DP to support process automation and was introduced in 1997. PROFIBUS-PA operates over the same H1 physical layer as Foundation Fieldbus H1. PROFIBUS-PA is essentially a LAN for communication with process instruments. PROFIBUS-PA meshes well with traditional control strategies using DCSs and PLCs. In other words, control-in-the-eld is not normally employed via a PROFIBUS-PA network. A PROFIBUS-PA network can be thought of as a PROFIBUS-DP spur extending into, for example, the hazardous areas of a process plant. The connection to PROFIBUS-PA network is always via a segment coupler to a PROFIBUS25 DP network. PROFIBUS-PA networks are fundamentally master/slave and sophisticated bus arbitration is not needed or employed.

Some control networks have evolved from manufacturing automation (e.g., ControlNet, PROFIBUS-DP, MODBUS) and other process automation (FF-HSE). In some cases, the networks are an adaptation of another network to TCP/IP (e.g., FF-HSE, Ethernet/IP). Six networks are reviewed in this section: BACnet, ControlNet, Ethernet/IP, Foundation Fieldbus HSE, MODBUS, and PROFIBUS-DP (Table 4.4j). BACnet BACnet (Building Automation and Control Network) was developed by a working group of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) between 1987 and 1995. As its name suggests, this protocol is focused on building and facility management.

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TABLE 4.4j Control Network Characteristics

Masters BACnet Multiple Signaling ARCNET, TCP/IP, LON, Ethernet Nodes Huge Data (bytes) Pros WAN for buildings; standardized objects and functions (e.g., lighting, energy management, air quality) 510 Good support for large sets of complex data; redundancy standard; very deterministic Cons System-level focus rather than hard real-time determinism within a local network of controllers and instruments Relatively expensive; does not support twisted pair wiring Installed Base Targets building automation and facility management



Fiber, coax (Manchester)


Targets control system networks and communications between automation cells; small but growing installed base Relatively new; targets DeviceNet and ControlNet upper layer over TCP/IP Relatively new high speed backbone for internetworking FF H1 subnets



Ethernet (Manchester) Ethernet (Manchester)


Allows integration of DeviceNet and ControlNet object model and services into TCP/IP 128 Process control function blocks can operate across Ethernet; allows redundant networks to be constructed from standard Ethernet components Simple-to-write drivers using standard PC serial port; large numbers of hosts and RTUs

Relatively new technology; released in 2000 Relatively new technology; released in 2000; requires special linking devices to FF H1; rst approved products 2001 Difcult to exchange complex sets of data due to weak application layer standardization

Foundation Fieldbus (HSE)

Multipletoken passing



Asynchronous, NRZ, selectable up to 19.2 kbps



Widely used backbone bus for integrating controllers and I/O systems; supported by a wide variety of products; mature with a huge and growing installed base Mature with huge and growing installed base as a backbone bus for integrating controllers, I/O systems, and instruments; mostly used in manufacturing automation


Multipletoken passing

9600 to 12 Mbps



Scalable in both communication speed and sophistication; operations can be synchronously triggered

A collection of several optional upper protocol layers (DP, DPV1, DPV2, and FMS) can be confusing

RTU = remote terminal units.

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4.4 Sorting out the Protocols


The principal focus of BACnet is on the integration of such building systems as: Fire, safety, and security systems Lighting and energy management HVAC systems Integration with utility providers

Connectivity for ControlNet is good with support and linking devices for a number of other protocols (e.g., FF-H1). Although ControlNet is a standard part of the systems offerings of several vendors, the installed base seems relatively small. Industrial Ethernet Ethernet and the use of commercial off23,24 the-shelf networking products is generating a lot of interest. In addition, many of the industrial communication protocols are specifying mechanisms that embed their protocols in Ethernet. However, Ethernet only addresses the lower layers of communications network and does not address the meaning of the data it transports. In fact, Ethernet is quite good at communicating many protocols simultaneously over the same wire and provides no guarantees that the data can be exchanged between the different protocols. Furthermore, the protocol being adopted is TCP/IP and not Ethernet at all. TCP/IP is generally used to support the session, presentation, and application layers of the corresponding industrial protocol. Two approaches are used. In the rst approach the industrial protocol is simply encapsulated in the TCP/IP. This allows the shortest development time for dening industrial protocol transportation over TCP/IP. The second approach actually maps the industrial protocol to TCP and UDP (universal data protocol) services. Although this strategy takes more time and effort to develop, it results in a more complete implementation of the industrial protocol on top of TCP/IP. UDP is a connectionless, unreliable communication service. This works well for broadcasts to multiple recipients and fast, low-level signaling. Several industrial protocols uses UDP (e.g., for time synchronization). TCP is a connectionoriented data stream. This service can be mapped to the data and I/O functions found in some industrial protocols. Note: Although the industrial protocols may be using TCP/IP services, they will not understand each others communications. In fact, one protocol will not even hear the others communications occurring on the same wire.

In general, BACnet does not focus on hard real-time requirements. Instead, it focuses on data integration between building infrastructure systems. Consequently, its principal focus is on dening standard (albeit abstract) object denitions for common data, instrumentation, and control functions. Many of these objects have standard services like reading the properties of the object. This standardization of common functionality and objects (i.e., building blocks) is similar to the proles found in other protocols. An interesting fact about BACnet is found in its lower protocol layers. BACnet allows the selection of any combination of the lower protocol layers. The lower layers it supports include Arcnet, TCP/IP (i.e., BACnet/IP), LON, and several others. In effect, BACnet starts at the network layer and defers the physical and link layers to other protocols. BACnet appears to have general acceptance in its industry segment and a substantial amount of manufacturer support. Many of the issues it addresses (e.g., integration of equipment from different manufacturers) are very similar to the problems addressed by other protocols in this section. ControlNet Allen-Bradley developed ControlNet in 1996 as a very high performance network suitable for both manufacturing and process automation. ControlNet uses time division multiple access (TDMA) to control access to the network. This means a network cycle is assigned a xed repetition rate. Within that bus cycle, data items are assigned a xed time division for transmission by the corresponding device. Basically, data objects are placed on ControlNet within a designated time slot and at precise intervals. Once the data to be published are identied along with their time slot, any device on the network can be congured to use the data. In the second half of a bus cycle, acyclic communications is allowed to occur. The ControlNet TDMA algorithm results in very low jitter and consistent sampling intervals. Not only is the ControlNet throughput more efcient than polled or tokenpassing protocols, data transmission is also very deterministic. Data objects are dened and instantiated in basically the same fashion used by DeviceNet and Ethernet/IP. This common application layer data model is called control and information protocol (CIP). This strategy allows objects (data items and services) to be shared transparently across any of the three (DeviceNet, ControlNet, and Ethernet/IP) protocols. ControlNet supports both coaxial and ber-optic physical layers. Unlike Ethernet and RS-485, ControlNet can be connected within the hazardous areas of plants. Media and communications redundancy is mandatory for all ControlNet nodes.

There has also been considerable discussion about all primary process instrumentation eventually supporting an 26 Ethernet connection directly. Although this may occur in some cases it will not, in general, be prevalent. Even the slowest 10-mbps link requires substantial memory and computing power. Despite continuing price decreases for memory and processing power, they still are not free. Some of the protocols discussed in this section do not require a microprocessor in an individual node and many of the protocols can be supported with low-cost, highly integrated 8-bit microprocessors. These small microprocessors will continue to be produced in larger volumes and at lower costs than micro26 processors capable of Ethernet communications. Ethernet/IP Ethernet/IP is a companion protocol to Con24 trolNet and DeviceNet. A ControlNet working group developed Ethernet/IP between 2000 and 2001. Despite its name,

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Buses and Networks

Ethernet/IP is a mapping of the the ControlNet and DeviceNet control and information protocol (CIP) to TCP/IP (not Ethernet). All of the basic functionality of ControlNet is supported. Of course, the hard real-time determinism that ControlNet offers is not present. CIP is dened in Volume 1 of the Ethernet/IP standard and the Ethernet/IP standard is available as a free download. CIP is being promoted as a common, object-oriented mechanism for supporting manufacturing and process automation functions. Ethernet/IP is a good contribution to the growing discussion of industrial Ethernet. However, like most industrial Ethernet offerings, Ethernet/IP is a recent development and basically the application of an existing industrial network application layer to the TCP/IP. FF-HSE FF-HSE (high-speed Ethernet) was released by the 21 Fieldbus Foundation in 2000, and is a faithful extension of the FF the network is the control system concept to the TCP/IP environment. In fact, FF-HSE allows a function block application process (FBAP) to operate from one FF-H1 subnet across FF-HSE to another FF-H1 subnet transparently. Time synchronization is also included. The key to FF-HSE is the linking device that acts as a gateway to an FF-H1 spur. Among other things, the linking device (using standard TCP/IP services) maps FF-H1 device addresses to IP addresses. This allows the routing of FF communications using normal IP techniques. It also allows FF-H1 devices to be pinged (see Section 4.2). FF-HSE also supports redundancy across standard Ethernet equipment and networks. As a background activity, diagnostic messages are dispatched. The results are assembled into a table that provides a snapshot of network statistics. Because TCP/IP allows datagrams to traverse across multiple network paths, the table allows the FF-HSE datagrams to use the fastest available path. In addition, since multiple linking devices can reside on the same FF-H1 link, redundancy becomes available at the H1 level, as well. FF-HSE is relatively new. Linking devices were rst registered in 2001. MODBUS MODBUS was developed by Modicon in 1979 and is one of the rst open PLC and remote I/O protocols (see Section 4.2). MODBUS Plus and MODBUS/TCP are also available. MODBUS is a master/slave protocol. Communications can be binary (MODBUS-RTU) or a text stream (MODBUS-ASCII). Note: MODBUS Plus is proprietary successor to MODBUS. It is not as widely supported as the original MODBUS.

Even oating-point numbers are dened by convention rather than being an integral part of the protocol specication. MODBUS is very simple, easy to implement, and widely supported. There are a large number of products including complex instrumentation that support MODBUS. MODBUS drivers are available for almost all PLCs, DCSs, and humanmachine interface (HMI) software packages. However, specic knowledge of the device connected to MODBUS is generally required when integrating a system. PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-DP (decentralized peripherals) was originally developed in cooperation with the German 18 government in 1989. PROFIBUS-DP actually encompasses several protocols. The basic PROFIBUS-DP is a master/slave protocol primarily used to access remote I/O. Each node is polled cyclically updating the status and data associated with the node. Operation is relatively simple and fast. FMS (eldbus message specication) is also supported by PROFIBUS. It is a more complex protocol for demanding applications that include support for multiple masters and peer-to-peer communication. Use of 25 this protocol is expected to decline. DPV1 is a multimaster enhancement to PROFIBUSDP that supports multiple masters using token passing. Network access is divided into cyclic and acyclic. These occur at a xed repetition rate. Cyclic access is similar to that used in the original PROFIBUS-DP and focuses on real-time continuous scanning of the nodes connected to a Class 1 master. Acyclic access is via a Class 2 master and provides for accessing conguration information or other, occasional communications needs. DPV2 is a PROFIBUS-DP variant, targeting motion control.

Although there are standard function codes for some operations, the application layer is largely unspecied. Data transport generally resembles accessing a set of registers in a PLC. This allows the data of interest to be specied and accessed. It does not provide many clues about the meaning of the data.

These variations allow PROFIBUS-DP to be congured to best serve the application including a simple master/slave remote I/O network or a complex multimaster token-passing network. Slot and index address application layer data. A slot, for example, may correspond to a physical I/O card in a remote I/O chassis. The index refers to a block of data. Class 1 cyclic access is always to the same index and is limited to 244 bytes. However, Class 2 access can be to any random slot/index combination. This allows the data to be logically organized as an object instance residing at a specic index. Standard proles are dened for common automation equipment. In addition, data denitions can be described in GSD les and DDL. PROFIBUS-DP also supports FDT/DTM for applications running on MS-Windows PCs. PROFIBUS-DP is supported by most PLCs and control systems. The installed base is large and the majority of the products support manufacturing automation. As with MODBUS, there are process instruments that connect directly to PROFIBUS-DP.

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4.4 Sorting out the Protocols


Enterprise Networking As industrial networks add communications starting at the grass roots of the plant, information technology departments push enterprise networks further into all the nooks and crannies of a plant. In some cases, this results in competition as IT moves down the automation pyramid and industrial networks endeavor to provide improved system integration. Enterprise communications is characterized by a diversity of protocols, LANs, WANs, and communications technologies. In addition, enterprise communications is rapidly increasing in capacity and raw communications speed. The product volumes and the technology rate of change dwarf manufacturing and process automation industry efforts. This section briey reviews: LANs Protocols The Internet

Although not deterministic from a purists view, real-time data are transported over Ethernet (e.g., voice over IP and video conferencing). If one is fast enough, uncertainty and jitter can be reduced to tolerable (and, perhaps, insignicant) levels. Protocols Both Ethernet and 802.3 specify only the lowestlevel communications (i.e., physical and data link layers). In fact, Ethernet was designed to support a variety of protocols from its inception. Today, there are a large number of protocols that operate over Ethernet. This allows the medium to be used to solve a wide variety of problems. Three protocols in particular are commonly used with Ethernet: IPX, NetBEUI, and TCP/IP. When MS DOS was originally introduced, it contained no support for networks. IPX was one of the original networks that supported MS DOS. IPX was developed by Novell and is still commonly used by many IT departments. IPX initially supported le and printer sharing. NetBEUI is a protocol developed by Microsoft for use with its Windows operating systems. NetBEUI supports common network activities like printer and le sharing. NetBEUI is expected to fade as Microsoft moves toward TCP/IP. TCP/IP was developed for the DOD and is now widely used by many applications in addition to the Internet. TCP/IP actually encompasses a large number of protocols. In addition, many protocols are able to be embedded in IP datagrams.

LANs Within LANs, the rapid increase in bandwidth and networked applications feed each others growth. Two basic technologies can be found: Token Ring and Ethernet. Of the two, Token Ring is the most efcient and technically superior. Token passing prevents collisions on the LAN, and, consequently, the full available bandwidth can be used. Ethernet, using CSMA/CD, can rarely use more than 30% of the available bandwidth when several nodes are simultaneously active. However, Ethernet clearly is more widely used, surpassing Token Ring as a result of its lower cost and its everincreasing bandwidth. This is a classic example that the best technology does not always win the battle. Token-passing networks were the rst LAN technology deployed and supported by Arcnet (DataPoint), and Token Ring (IBM). Both technologies are still in use. Arcnet has evolved to be a control network contender and Token Ring is still promoted by IBM. In fact, there is a substantial installed base of Token Ring (mostly in large organizations like government agencies). Xerox conceived Ethernet in the 1970s and a consortium consisting of DEC, Intel, and Xerox released formal speci20 cations in 1980. This is called the DIX standard. Later, IEEE adopted Ethernet under the 802.3 series of publications. The format of an 802.3 packet is different from an Ethernet (DIX) packet. Initially, Ethernet used a bus topology operating over coaxial cable (see Section 4.2). For technical reasons and to simplify troubleshooting, most Ethernet installations now use twisted-pair Category-3 or Category-5 cable and point-to27 point wiring. Initial commercial Ethernet data rates were 10 mbps. However, the twisted-pair point-to-point installations allow backward compatible upgrades to 100 mbps, 1000 mbps, and even 10 gbps. The higher data rates are made possible by using more than one pair of wires in the cable. At the higher data rates, collision avoidance is incorporated into some hubs.

As can be seen, the terms Ethernet and TCP/IP have specic technical meanings; however, these terms are often used in a generic and imprecise way. Care should be used to verify the actual meaning and the extent of actual protocol support implied by product claims. The Internet The word Internet is often used to refer to the World Wide Web. The Internet actually consists of a wide 13 range of protocols and networks. The Internet is fueled by the abundance of bandwidth. The availability of communications bandwidth and tools such as Web browsers are enabling solutions not imagined even a few years ago. Research on Internet2 ensures this trend will continue. Web browsers are commonplace and their use as an HMI is becoming a reality. In fact, some products are even beginning to embed Web servers. OPC (see Section 5.4) is based on DCOM, which is based (in turn), on remote procedure calls (RPC), one of the Internet protocols. OPC can allow data to be captured directly into a spreadsheet. SOAP and XML (more Internet protocols) are also being studied for application into automation systems. We are living in interesting times. On the surface, the Internet appears to be a simple and low-cost alternative to offerings by traditional automation companies. However, within plants or businesses a lot of IT and network managers keep networks and servers running.

2002 by Bla G. Liptk


Buses and Networks

In addition to network management problems, security can be a major issue. Already computer viruses make news headlines. As Ethernet and Internet technologies invade the plant oor, network security will become an increasing concern. In too many cases networks are congured on a trial-and-error basis. As networks that encompass islands of automation are connected, security risks will become a serious concern. Ethernet and the Internet are not silver bullets that solve all the worlds problems. These technologies are simply additional tools to consider and exploit. CHOOSING THE RIGHT NETWORK This section has provided an overview of many protocols. As demonstrated, all have strengths and weaknesses. Each has grown out of solving a particular problem. Within their native problem domains, they are strong. Many have capabilities extending their usefulness into other application areas. However, do not become seduced by the technology. Take a pragmatic approach to solving problems. When evaluating particular needs, possible communications alternatives, and vendor offerings: Focus on the application much more than on the technology. Focusing on the application must be paramount. The person involved understands the particular problems better than anyone else. The specic, measurable benets being sought must drive the selection process. Consider the costs involved. All networks claim to save money and time. The competition for capital is intense and initial costs should be weighed carefully against the less tangible promised future savings. Assess the network connectivity. In the end, it is data that are wanted and connectivity is how the data are obtained. Once the data are obtained, the particular network used in one area or another becomes less important. Understand the hidden changes and impacts. Remember that people can make the worst technology successful and the best technology fail. All communications networks result in changes that affect the people and practices in the plant. The effect of these changes must be realistically assessed although the actual changes that result can be very difcult to foretell accurately. Evaluate the real interoperability. All networks claim to be interoperable. In fact, the word interoperability has been twisted to the point that it has no meaning. Insist on specic and tangible denitions and examples of interoperability. Take a show me attitude. If the interoperability is abstract and difcult to touch and feel, it may not really exist.

maze. Remember that, in the end, networks are simply tools and there is no perfect network. References
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Stallings, W., Data and Computer Communications, New York: Macmillan, 1994. Halsall, F., Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1992. Comer, D. E., Internetworking with TCP/IP, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991. Thompson, L. M., Industrial Data Communications, Research Triangle Park, NC: Instrument Society of America, 1997. Internet2 Website, www.internet2.org. Pinto, J., FieldbusConicting Standards Emerge, but Interoperability Is Still Elusive, http://www.jimpinto.com/writings/eldbus99.html. ISO 7498-1. Open Systems InterconnectionBasic Reference Model, Geneva, Switzerland: International Standards Organization, 1984. Campbell, J., C Programmers Guide to Serial Communications, Carmel, IN: Howard W. Sams and Company, 1987. Kretzmer, E. R., Evolution of Techniques for Data Communication over Voiceband Channels, IEEE Communications Society Magazine, January 1978. Brown, R., A Study of Local Loop Modem Limitations, http://www. agcs.com/supportv2/techpapers/modem_limit.htm. Hulsebos, R. A., The Fieldbus Reference List, http://ourworldtop.cs.com/rahulsebos/index.htm. Leung, C., Evaluation of Undetected Error Performance of Single Parity Check Product Codes, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM-31, Number 2, 1983. RFC 2800, Internet Ofcial Protocol Standards, Internet Engineering Task Force, May 2001. Device-Level Fieldbus Facts, Manufacturing Automation, June 1999, http://www.automationmag.com/downloads/eldbus.zip. Fieldbus Portal, Steinhoff Automation & Fieldbus Systems, 2000, http://www.steinhoff.de/fb_comp.htm. The Synergetic Fieldbus Comparison Chart, Synergetic Micro Systems, http://www.synergetic.com/compare.htm. Sheble, N., Foundation Fieldbus Disappointment, InTech Online, May 31, 2001. Sink, P., Eight Open Networks and Industrial Ethernet, Synergetic Microsystems, 2001. Moyne, J. R., Naja, N., Judd, D., and Stock, A., Analysis of Sensor/ Actuator Bus Interoperability Standard Alternatives for Semiconductor Manufacturing, Sensors Expo Conference Proceedings, September 1994. Spurgeon, C., Charles Spurgeons Ethernet Web Site, http://www. ots.utexas.edu/ethernet/. The Foundation Fieldbus Primer, Fieldbus, Inc., www.eldbusinc. com 2001. Newman, H. M., Control Networks and Interoperability, HPAC Engineering, May 2001. Cleaveland, P. and Van Gompel, D., Moving Popular Industrial Protocols to Ethernet TCP/IP, Control Solutions, July 2001. Realtime Control on Ethernet, ControlNet International White Papers, http://www.controlnet.org/cnet/ethernet.pdf. PROFIBUS Technical Description, PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., September 1999. Sink, P., Industrial Ethernet: The Death Knell of Fieldbus? Manufacturing Automation Magazine, April 1999. Byres, E., Are Buses Traveling Dead-End Roads? WorldBus Journal, March 2001.

10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Most of this advice is common sense, and applying normal evaluation practices can show the way through the networking

2002 by Bla G. Liptk

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