David v. Agbay

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David v. Agbay (2015)  land.

Dispute between the two families

*issue and rationale focus entirely on the topic of jurisdiction* ensued.
  ● June 3, 2008 - CENRO rejected David’s
Villarama, JR., ​J. MLA, ruling that his reacquisition of
citizenship did not cure the defect of his MLA
I. Issue:   (citizenship defect), making it void ab initio.
● W/N the MTC properly denied petitioner’s ● 2010 - Information for Falsification of Public
motion for re-determination of probable Document and a warrant of arrest were
cause on the ground of lack of jurisdiction issued against David.
over the person of the accused. ​NO​. ● Feb. 11, 2011 - petitioner filed an Urgent
  Motion of Re-Determination of Probable
II. Relevant Facts:  Cause which the MTC denied ​on the
● 1974 - Petitioner, Renato David, migrated to ground of lack of jurisdiction over the
Canada and became a naturalized Canadian person of the accused and for the lack of
citizen. But upon his retirement, he went merit​. MTC reasoned that this is because
back to the PH with his wife. the crime was committed on 2007, during
● 2000 - David and wife bought a 600sqm lot this year, David was still a Canadian citizen.
in Tambong, Gloria, Oriental Mindoro, and ● David elevated the case to the RTC and
built a residential house there. asserted that, ​jurisdiction over the person
● 2004 - They found out that the portion where of an accused cannot be a pre-condition
they built their house on is public land and for the re-determination of probable case
part of the salvage zone. by the court​.
● April 12, 2007 - Petitioner filed a MLA ● RTC denied the petition. Petitioner argued
(Miscellaneous Lease Application) for the that compelling him to return to his legal
subject land and indicated, herein, that he is residence in Canada and to surrender or
a Filipino citizen (even though he wasn’t yet). allow himself to be arrested under a warrant
● Respondent, Editha A. Agbay, opposed this (that he has a right to question) is
application, contending that petitioner is pre-empting his right to question the validity
disqualified to own this land because he is a of the said warrant of arrest against him
Canadian citizen. She then filed a criminal before it was implemented—this, according
complaint for falsification of public to him, was tantamount to a denial of due
documents (Art. 172). process.
● Petitioner thereafter reacquired his
citizenship under RA 9225 on Oct. 11, 2007 III. Rationale: 
(issued by Toronto Consulate of the ● OSG: In seeking an affirmative relief from
Philippines). the MTC when he filed the Urgent Motion for
● As a defense, petitioner said that when he Re-determination of Probable Case,
filed the MLA, he already ​intended t​ o petitioner is deemed to have submitted his
reacquire his citizenship that was why he person to the said court’s jurisdiction by his
already declared that he is a Filipino. He also voluntary appearance. Nonetheless, the
alleged that Agbay was the one who didn’t RTC still did not make a mistake in ruling
have the right to sell the land as it is public that MTC did not commit grave abuse of
discretion because the motion is correctly
denied by virtue of the arguments it
● SC: MTC did not err in finding probable
cause for falsification of public document
under Art. 172, par. 1. (Relevance: warrant is
valid, there is probable cause, despite the
issue on jurisdiction)
● SC: Custody of the law is not required for the
adjudication of reliefs other than an
application of bail. According to ​Miranda v.
Tuliao, ​jurisdiction over the person of the
accused is deemed waived when he files
any pleading seeking an affirmative relief,
except in cases when he invoked the special
jurisdiction of the court by impugning such
jurisdiction over his person. ​MTC erred ​in
stating that it lacked jurisdiction over David’s
person, considering that he sought
affirmative relief in filing his motion for
re-determination of probable case. However,
the denial of this motion is still valid since
MTC did not commit grave abuse of
discretion, since the motion lacks merit.

IV. Dispositive: 
● Petition denied. RTC decision affirmed and

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