An Essay On The Divine Matrix by Gregg B
An Essay On The Divine Matrix by Gregg B
An Essay On The Divine Matrix by Gregg B
DSc. Information Technology
Winter 2017
Table of Contents
The Wheel
This essay is organized like a wheel. Part I is the hub of the wheel,
a concise discussion of the Divine Matrix, what it is and why it is
significant. The hub is the center of the wheel where the rest of the
parts originate; symbolically, just as the Matrix is for our universe.
The rim and tire of the wheel, the ones that unify and hold the different parts to form
the whole, constitute Part III. This last part puts together in a most simplistic format,
the lessons from the book for the benefit of the casual reader.
The holographic and nonlocal character of the Divine Matrix will be discussed in more detail in
Part II of this paper.
Part I: Conscious Creation in a Participatory Universe
The principles presented in the book are powerful, but only to those who choose to
believe. It compels the reader to pick a side. Do we honestly believe that we are mere
subjects of a cosmic interaction that we have absolutely no power to influence;
or are we co-creators to a universe that encourages our participation? The shift
in thinking from being mere passive observers to participators of our reality is a radical
interpretation of our relationship with the world. The act of observation is creation,
and consciousness makes it possible. This is the whole premise of the book.
Even if the universe was completed billions of years ago, we are creating and adding
to it as we pass through. This is possible through collective human consciousness,
the very stuff that the universe is made of. Matter changes when we observe it.
We are not just casual observers waiting for the world to happen. We can create
our experiences intentionally.
The observed reality is a projection of our thoughts and feelings, a result of decisions
that we have made. Past, present, and future exist in the same plane and woven
together by an unseen energy, a higher intelligence, and an ubiquitous force in the
universe, which Braden calls the Divine Matrix. The implications of being a co-creator
to an impressionable world is both powerful and rather frightening. How our reality
~ Neil Gaiman
As is customary to Braden’s style, he organized the book into 20 keys, which he called
“code of change”, our story and an indication of the power to create our own reality.
The book is once more a reminder that we will find hope whenever we go looking for it;
to trust the universe and find forgiveness and compassion in a planet overwhelmed by
revenge and fear. Through these keys, we are able to develop skills on how to bring
joy, love, and healing to our lives. The book seeks to offer a sense of possibility and
empowerment “in a world that often makes us feel small, ineffective, and helpless.”2
Key 1: The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between
all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have created.
Location 295 in the Kindle version of the book.
Throughout history, we have wandered away from the balance that we have with nature
– the gift of inner power that can heal our bodies and our world. We have forgotten who
we were and consequently built things outside that remind us of who we are on the
inside. And herein lies all the troubles that we are currently experiencing. As we further
our wanderings, the more separated we are from our inner lives and the more cluttered
our outside lives become. We lose sight of what will make us truly happy, the more
salient things in our lives. We feel empty, helpless, and abandoned. This compels us
consume things that will only bring momentary relief. So much of our inner power has
been given away to trivial diversions.
The vicious cycle manifests in the reverse order by which we control our world.
We fight disease rather than live a healthy lifestyle. We build a stockpile of weapons
to prevent war rather than cooperate for peace. The world is surviving rather than
The greatest problem that humanity faces is to think that we are separate from one
another and that our existence is limited. Physics experiments have already
demonstrated that at a particle level, everything is connected and infinite, boundaries
Location 371 in the Kindle version of the book.
There is seemingly a vast energy field that connects and bathes all things, a quantum
net that holds the universe together. The question is, how deep is the connection?
It somehow exists because of collective human consciousness – the sum total of
everything in our lives and how it is turning out. This means that a small shift in our
perceptions can compel the universe to act according to our true desires.
Key 3: To tap the force of the universe itself, we must see ourselves as part of the world
rather than separate from it.
Quantum experiments reveal that particles of light, called photons, have been observed
to bilocate – to be in two different places at precisely the same instant even when
separated by miles. In other experiments, data has reached its destination before it was
even sent. Perhaps these anomalies at the quantum level is fundamentally how the
physical universe works. The freedom of movement of particles – traveling faster than
the speed of light and being in two places at once, can be a defiance to physical laws.
Will this hold true for us?
When there is a field of energy that connects everything, then surely these connections
can be forged by making our imaginations concrete through the sheer force of
consciousness and awareness. This energy field has been described in the ancient
Budhist Sutras as “a wonderful net that stretches infinitely in all directions”; in the Hopi
creation story, “Spider Gransmother spinned the great web that connects all things”.
Greek mythology referred to it as the ether, the essence of space itself, the conduit
through which waves move. Newton described the ether as “an invisible substance
that permeates the entire universe”.
In 1929, Edward Hubble made a landmark observation that wherever you look, distant
galaxies are moving away from us. This means that the universe is expanding.
There was a time, about ten or twenty thousand million years ago, they were all exactly
in the same place, therefore the density of the universe is infinite.6 We were once a big
compact space, with everything joined in a state of compression. While it was tiny,
the temperature within this compact space is an unimaginable 18 billion million million
million degrees Fahrenheit. The singular big bang event resulted in the birth of the
galaxies that sent forth a burst of energy that is still expanding in the cosmos. Braden
suggests that this energy is the quantum essesnce of things that connects our lives as
the Divine Matrix.
The big bang event also allowed the particles to drift in all directions though the
connections seemed not to have been severed. Physicists refer to this mysterious
Ken Amis, 2002
Konrad Finagle, 1898
Stephen Hawking, 1988
1. That everything exists within the Divine Matrix, hence everything is connected.
2. The Divine Matrix is holographic – any portion of the field contains everything in
the field. As consciousness is also holographic, for example, the prayers we
recite already exist to where it is intended!
3. The Divine Matrix is the container that holds time, therefore the past, present,
and future are intimately joined.
What exactly does participating in the universe mean? It means that we are both
channels as well as actors in the experiences that we create – and these two events
happen simultaneously, albeit unconsciously for the uninitiated ones. Looking
somewhere, examining, and observing are creative acts in and of itself. An erroneous
Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two
or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects
may be spatially separated. As a result, measurements performed in one system seem to be
instantaneously influencing other systems entangled with it.
Key 6: We have all the power we need to create all the changes we choose.
We possess the inner technology to change our world. Fundamentally, our DNA
connects us to the energy that permeates the world, to the Divine Matrix itself.
A change in attitude and in consciousness seem to be the solution to the problems we
face. It is living from the answer rather than finding a way to achieving the desire.
Where is this place of creative power? Physics tell us that the consciouness of the
observer determines how the energy will behave. Particles contain potential and their
behavior is determined from a world of quantum possibilities and chosen by
consciousness and the act of observation.
Key 7: The focus of our awareness becomes the reality of our world.
“If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
This is a philosophical question that begs answers depending on perspective.
How can it be proven that a sound was made if no one was there to observe it?
Or does the presence of an observer change the course of the event? It depends
on the interpretation of observable reality – another reality may be happening to an
alternate space that can’t be seen.8 The many-worlds interpretation suggests each
The Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics by Everett (1957) holds that there are
many worlds which exist in parallel at the same space and time as our own. The existence of the other
worlds makes it possible to remove randomness and action at a distance from quantum theory and thus
from all physics.
Another physicist, Sir Roger Pensrose suggests that the quantum possibilities in other
realms are a form of matter. Since all matter creates gravity, it takes energy to maintain
this. It is impossible to sustain all probabilities, hence they collapse into a single state –
the most stable one is what we see as our reality.9
To choose a quantum possibility, we must become that way of being – the feeling is the
prayer. In the Bible, we are encouraged to pray, believe that we have received it, and
what is being asked for is granted.10 For our prayers to accomplish much, doubt must
be abandoned. Prayer is the level of consciousness that connects the world and the
universe; and compassion is the glue. Compassion is both a force of creation and
human experience.
Tim Folger, 2002.
The Gospel according to Mark 11:24.
It is the state of being that we are in that determines the answer to our prayers,
not what we do at any given time. If the feeling is the prayer and our emotions
determine the answer, then we must be in a place of non-judgment, devoid of our ego.
This state offers a direct and effective connection to the Divine Matrix. When we are
free from wrong motives and self-importance, our prayers are more powerful.
Being surrounded by the answer also means having a feeling of healing, peace, and
abundance, as if they are already realities. We do not ask to be healed, we claim the
Key 11: We must become in our lives the things that we choose to experience as our
The predisposition for co-creation is to be what we want our reality to be. If we desire
loving relationships, we should be lovable ourselves. To live an abundant life, we must
embody a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. The inner power to alter the
The Gospel according to John 16:24.
Location 1712 in the Kindle version of the book.
Living within the Divine Matrix that connects all beings, defy the laws of physics as
evident in the next set of keys:
Key 12: We are not bound by the laws of physics as we know them today.
Key 13: In a holographic “something,” every piece of something mirrors the whole
As discussed earlier, the universe is one compact space with a tremendous amount
of potential energy. A singular event exploded the components of the universe into
many directions and still continue to expand even today. Particles that used to be in
one space continue to be connected even when miles apart. This requires a sort of
signal-sending but the message has to travel faster than the speed of light.
Nevertheless, the nonlocal nature of the universe allow this communication to happen
instantaneously. In the traditional sense, the message never left nor was carried
anywhere. It’s just is. In the nonlocal hologram of the universe, the energy that links all
things also connects them. The holographic principle discloses that everything we need
is everywhere, all the time. There is no here or there, just everywhere.
Co-creation based on the holographic principle are discussed in the following keys:
Key 14: The universally connected hologram of consciousness promises that the
instant we create our good wishes and prayers, they are already received at their
Changes that we want to see in our world, doesn’t need to be sent. When our prayers
are inside of us, they’re already everywhere. The answers have already been received
before they were even sent. In Mark’s account of the resurrection story, Jesus
demonstrated this holographic connection. He predicted that many will fall away from
the faith because of fear, even Peter; that the apostles will be persecuted and hunted
down. Nevertheless, He assured them that after He has risen, He will go ahead of them
in Galilee.13 The answer to the disciples’ prayer of protection has been given even
before they uttered it. As soon as Jesus resurrects in Jerusalem, He promised to go
ahead in Galilee – 142 kilometers away! Galilee was the native country of the apostles,
to which they were purposing to return, that they might live more safely among their own
Changing something in one part of the hologram likewise means a change everywhere.
Massive changes can result from even the subtlest change. The faith the size of the
mustard seed avails much.15 The kind of faith that moves mountains is a confidence
in what we hope for and assurance for things that we do not see.16 While there is no
obvious consciousness, we believe that something is so and the truth is the foundation
of faith. When we persist in the assumption that our desires are already fulfilled,
our world has no choice but to conform to this assumption.
The Gospel according to Mark 14:27-28.
Marshall, 2012.
The Gospel according to Luke 17:6.
Hebrews 11:1.
The next set of keys is an exploration of the self, our inner fears, and how these affect
our relationships and perception of the world:
Before the universe was born, there was no time – only eternity past and eternity
future.17 Our perception of time is that it moves only in one direction – forward. Einstein
said that space-time together forms the realm of our three-dimensional experience.
However, he also believed that “the distinction between past, present, and future is only
a stubbornly persistent illusion.”18
“St. Augustine was once asked: What did God do before the beginning of the universe? He
didn’t reply: He was preparing hell for people who ask such questions. Instead, he said that
time was a property of the universe that God created, and that time did not exist before the
beginning of the universe.”
The Divine Matrix is the bridge that connects the past, present, and future. It allows us
to communicate across time spans before our conscious minds perceive it.
Some civilizations, such as the Hopi, believe that we live in a universe where everything
is alive and happening now. Our relationship with space and time suggests that they
cannot be separated. Distance and time becomes immaterial and altogether
Hawking, ibid.
Location 2288 of the Kindle version of the book.
Key 17: The Divine Matrix serves as the mirror in our world of the relationships that we
create in our beliefs.
Key 18: The root of our “negative” experiences may be reduced to one of three
universal fears (or a combinatin of them): abandonment, low self-worth, or lack of trust.
Our daily experiences are messages from deeper realities – a communication from the
Divine Matrix. We also affect other people, our surroundings, and our world by simply
our presence; a resonance with the world. Even inanimate objects respond to our
presence and vibrations. The world physically shows us what we feel inside –
a self-fulfilling prophecy.19
The everyday world sends messages and provides insights about the deepest realms
of our hidden selves. The pattern that runs deeply in the fabric of our collective
consciousness, described as our core or universal fears – abandonment, low self-worth,
and lack of trust. When we experience an event that brings out powerful negative
emotions, something primal is trying to surface. Throughout life, we skillfully mask
these patterns of fear to make them more manageable. Though the reasons for the fear
The self-fulfilling prophecy is a concept used by the American sociologist Robert Merton to
describe how a statement may alter actions and therefore become true.
The key to overcoming our fears is that they don’t necessarily need to be a part of our
reality. We have already learned that a small shift is all that we need. If we want to
change something we need to break the cycle and give the Matrix something different
to ponder. Our daily struggle stems from who we believe we are.
Key 19: Our true beliefs are mirrored in our most intimate relationships.
The relationships we maintain are opportunities to examine our true selves, they are
mirrors that reflect what we value or fear the most. The traits of the people that irritate
us reveal ourselves at that given moment. Healing happens when we recognize the
patters of hurt. When we change the way we feel about our past and extend
forgiveness, it changes the chemistry of our bodies.
When we letting people be, there is no revenge or retaliation – because they live with
what they have done. Blessing others releases long suffering both on us and the
people who have wronged us. It suspends the cycle of pain. Sometimes the
unexpected happens – those who made us suffer will slowly drift away from us without
prompting. Once this pattern is recognized in one relationship, it necessarily cascades
to our other relationships and other levels in our lives.
There are levels of trust we accord to different people based on our discernment.
What we discover from our relationships, whether long gone, touches other aspects
of our lives. We are most vulnerable to people whom we have willingly shared love,
caring, and compassion. These are given away freely, such that when they are lost
We lose something of ourselves when we compromise who we are for the sake of a
greater and socially acceptable good, such as losing our childhood following the loss
of parents. We give up on our beliefs and desires because it means survival.
The question to ask is, “what sacrifices did you have to make to get where you are
today?” The answer will reveal what aspects of ourselves we have given away and
how we have been filling these gaps.
Each piece of ourselves that we have given away needs to be filled. When we find
someone to fill this need, we are immediately drawn to this person and we feel a sense
of closeness. If this happens, Braden invites us not to resist but immerse ourselves
in the moment. Often this is a mutual experience and sometimes lasts only a few
minutes. This is us being whole even for a brief time.
Our greatest fears are revealed in “dark night” experiences – the most painful but the
most powerful agent of change. Once we understand why we hurt so much,
the experience teaches us valuable lessons. The lessons we learn from these mirrors
are stepping stones to greater personal mastery. We must consider daily activities as
our spiritual evolution.
~ Rumi
Key 20: We must become in our lives the very things that we choose to experience in
our world.
For change to occur in our world, we must also change the patterns that we have
become accustomed to – feelings, prayers, and beliefs. These are outputs of
consciousness in the Divine Matrix. The more intentional we become in sending out
positive messages, the bigger the difference we will make. By simply “being,” we
embody the whole of creation. Similar to the Matrix, we are holographic beings
ourselves, capable of reflecting the different pieces of the whole.
Pain and hurt must be transcended then lost in daily existence. In a universe that
reflects our beliefs, angry people cannot create a peaceful world. Every time we choose
love, peace, and forgiveness, we afford healing to ourselves, our loved ones, and to the
rest of the world. The power to create a desirable world lies within our beliefs and
imagination. The very thing we want to see happen in our observable reality must first
be present inside of us.
End note:
Brown, 2010.
Clegg, Brian (ed). “30-second Quantum Theory.” (2014). UK: Ivy Press.
Finagle, Konrad. “What's the Void?.” (1898) Barney Noble. [Excerpts reprinted in Simanek, D. E. and
Holden, J. C. Science Askew. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2002.]
Folger, Tim. “If An Electron Can Be In 2 Places At Once, Why Can’t You?” Web. June
Hawking, Stephen. “A Brief History of Time.” (1988). Great Britain: Bantam Books.
Isaksen, Joachim Vogt. “The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.” Web. 27 December 2012.
Marshall, Taylor. “Why Did Christ go to Galilee after the Resurrection: Three Reasons?” Web. 12 April 2012.
<> “Wisdom Quotes on How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.” n.d. Web. 4 January 2017.