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A Beginner’s Guide to

Total Knee
No sponsorship or benefits have been received from any
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This book does not advocate or propagate any particu-lar
brand, design or company or their total knee joints or brand of
bone cement. That choice is left to the reader.
All profits from the sale of this book would be used for pure
and applied research into normal and abnormal joints, and for
performing surgeries on economically underprivileged patients.

L. Prakash
June 2016
A Beginner’s Guide to

Total Knee

L Prakash MS (Orth), M Ch (Orth) (Liverpool)

Institute for Special Orthopaedics,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu

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A Beginner’s Guide to

Total Knee

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Dedicated to
Dr KH Sancheti
The inventor of Indus Knee, my knee Guru and the person who
taught me many things about knee joint.
Dedicated to
Dr Raymon Gustilo, MD
The Inventor of Genesis Knee, my old friend and a brilliant
Orthopaedic teacher.

I first met Dr L Prakash around twenty seven years back, when he

was doing a live demonstration of a cemented total knee re-
placement and I was moderating the session in the hall with a live
video broadcast before over a hundred surgeons. There was no
doubt that he was an exceptional surgeon, because few dare to
operate on a complex case in the presence of a live audience. The
surgery went off well; he was almost an artist, the tissues seemed
to part before his fingers. Despite not using a tourniquet, every-
thing was clear and the audience gave a standing ovation.
The interesting part was that the surgery was completed in forty
minutes even while he was explaining each step in detail and per-
forming the knee replacement in an unhurried manner. I still re-
member it was a complex rheumatoid knee with gross fixed flex-
ion and varus deformities. That evening in the banquet we had an
interesting conversation.
“Prakash! You must write a book. An atlas rather. Explain your
master techniques in detail.”
“Well Venkat! You know my workload. Where do I have the
time? So many patients and such a long list of patients waiting for
“And Prakash, when you do the book, it should have excellent
drawings. Not black and white ones. Proper colour ones like F. H.
Netter illustrations.”
“Venkat! That is the main difficulty. Where will I find an artist
like that? I need an artist who is a surgeon himself and can illu-
strate things better than a photograph. Maybe if I get a proper art-
ist, I’ll do it. Probably after my retirement!”
Last week when I visited him in Chennai, I got a wonderful sur-
prise. This book was almost ready, and I was given the pleasant
task of writing its foreword. The illustrations were really good, the
operative pictures exceptionally clear, and the multimedia videos
really educative.
I have great pleasure in presenting this book to orthopaedic
surgeons of the world. Written like a graphic novel, with 90%
8 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

pictures and 10% text, this book is a pleasure to read, while full of
knowledge. Dr L Prakash has himself painted water colours for all
pictures and the photos are from his own cases taken by his assistant.
He has himself edited the videos, and done part of the formatting
and design of the book. I was envious that one man could do so
many different things!!
This book is a must-read for a surgeon planning to embark on
the arduous but fascinating journey of becoming a primary knee
arthroplasty surgeon. It is also an essential read for those doing
knee replacements, sporadically or occasionally. For those doing it
regularly, this will be an exceptional refresher, while it will be an
invaluable addition to any operation theatre library. Even an
experienced arthroplasty surgeon like me could glean many
valuable tips from this fascinating book. Combining illustrations,
photographs, videos and multimedia content is a brilliant idea and
this book shows years of hard work and ceaseless toil to write.
It is with pride and pleasure that I write this foreword and dedi-
cate the book to the orthopaedic fraternity.
S. Venkateswaran
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
North East London NHS Treatment Centre,
King George Hospital, Ilford, Essex.IG3 8YY.
Ph: 0208 598 4600.
Consulting Rooms in London & Birmingham
10 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF. Phone 02074678301
Guildhall Back Care Centre, Navigation Street,
Birmingham B24BT. Phone: 0121632 5332
Contents 9


M y parents Mr TS Lakshmanan, and Radha Lakshman. I owe

my existence to them.
Dr TS Ramaswamy and Dr Pramila Ramaswamy, who made my
life worth living, and because of whom I am now a medical teacher
and scientist.
Dr Mayil, my best friend, and more importantly, my foul weather
TG Seshadri, my medical assistant who learnt photography,
designed a sterilizable camera sleeve, and who scrubbed up in every
case to take the brilliant close up photos and the excellent videos in
this book.
Dr Vijay Sharma, Dr Simon Thomas, Dr Mithin Aachi, Dr Vivek
Mahajan, and Dr Anuj Agrawal, the new generation of arthroplasty
surgeons from our country, who have taught me new tricks, shared
their clinical cases with me, and have agreed to co-author the second
part of this book, ‘Master Tips and Tricks: Total Knee Replacement
made easy’.
Jagga my biomedical engineer, Puliarasi my orthopaedic nurse,
and Babu my Man Friday who help me to stretch my day beyond
twenty four hours.
Mr LR Ashok, my editor who has rendered the book flawless as
far as the language and grammar is concerned.
My patients, who placed their trust in me from the time I began
implanting locally forged and machined implants twenty five years
L. Prakash
July 10th 2016

Foreword xiii

Acknowledgements xiii

1. Introduction 1

2. Historical aspects and Design criteria of total knee

arthroplasty 6

3. Bio-materials of the artificial knee 55

4. The making of a knee prosthesis 83

5. Biomechanical considerations 92

6. Knee design considerations and types of knee

Replacements 104

7. Indications and contra indications of total knee

replacement 116

8. General principles of the surgical technique 122

9. Surgical technique 135

10. Instruments for primary Total knee replacement 253

11. Post operative treatment, mobilization, and

Physiotherapy 276

12. Fixed varus and valgus deformities 279

13. Tricks and tips with Mediolateral deformities 301

14. Fixed flexion and recurvatum deformities 302

15. Recurvatum deformity of the knee 308

16. Knee replacement in Osteoarthritis 309

17. Knee replacement in Rheumatoid arthritis 316

18. Total knee replacement in old tuberculous knees 326

12 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

19. Total knee replacement in the haemophillic knee 335

20. Total knee replacement in the grossly unstable knee 337

21. Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty 341

22. Complications of knee Replacement and their

Management 372

23. Revision knee replacement 400

Conclusions 439
Bibliography 441


K nee replacements have now come of age. In the Asian

continent, the importance of this method of treatment is
paramount, because the incidence of knee arthritis in our parts
is much more than that in the western world.
As opposed to the hip joint, which is hidden and camouflaged
by layers of muscle and fat, the knee is an exhibitionist that the
patient sees and feels each day. Globally there is a tremendous
difference between the epidemiology of primary osteoarthritis
of the knee and the hip. John Goodfellow of Oxford and former
editor of the JBJS always used to remark, “I am surprised that
primary osteoarthritis of the hip is practically unknown amongst
the Asians. I suppose that this is very well compensated by the
extremely prevalent primary knee arthritis. I suppose that the
extremes of flexion during squatting somehow protects the hip at the
cost of the knee joint.”
Primary knee arthritis is nine times as common as hip arthritis
in our country. Most of us have seen an elderly granny in the
house with a pair of painful knees.
With the new generation modular knees providing over 130°
of flexion, and the average lifespan of knee replacements
approaching that of second generation Charnley’s hips, this
procedure is no doubt unsurpassed amongst other transient and
temporary surgical methods for the cure of knee arthritis.
Knee replacement surgery has now been established as a
definite method of relieving painful and crippling knee joint
arthritis. Over the last 55 years, acceptable results from this
procedure have been published in the literature.
2 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Squatting probably causes a higher incidence of osteoarthritis of the

knee while sparing the hips.

On a review of the literature, one fact that emerges very clearly

is that long-term success of knee replacement is dependent upon
four factors:
1. Proper soft tissue releases
2. Correct balancing of ligaments
3. Precise bone cuts
4. Perfect component placements
Irrespective of the knee design used, it is imperative that the
biomechanical principles are clearly understood and correct
operative steps followed to achieve consistent long-lasting and
reproducible results.
This surgery is not devoid of its demerits. Prohibitive cost of
the imported knees, innumerable designs, a plethora of
instrumentation, lack of basic knowledge of arthroplasty, poor
operation theatre facilities, and long-lasting crippling
complications (when they occur) bring diffidence and hesitation
in the minds of our Indian surgeons when they embark upon
this procedure.
This book is an attempt to clear a few of these confusions and
challenge many prevailing myths. The facts mentioned in
subsequent chapters may well be unconventional and may not
all be in conformity with established norms described in
conventional textbooks, but one fact lends weight to all that is
said. Whatever is written here is tried and tested.
Introduction 3

An Indian patient may well want to squat pain-free more than

want to walk a mile. An Indian male may well be more concerned
about his postoperative ability to use an Indian toilet rather than
to play golf.
However, once the standards of the femoral and tibial
dimensions of an average accidental patient are defined either
by a pioneer in knee surgery or a highly powerful multinational
surgical firm, these dimensions tend to become Hammurabi
codes chiseled in stone, which no Indian surgeon has the courage
to challenge. Rather than fit a shoe to the foot it fits, we are
advised to either trim the foot or use too many paddings to make
it fit. This attitude has gone unchallenged for many many
decades. Now a time has come to question these ‘Hammurabi

Asian patients have their own special needs.

4 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

We have come to realize that Asian patients are different. They

have a different average national height; they have different
social habits needing entirely different degrees of motion; they
are financially constrained, with most of them not covered by
insurance and have different demands from the surgical
procedure and implants. The facilities available for the average
surgeon are all too different, as are the skills, exposure and
training in arthroplasty.
Initially, knee replacements were performed only in specialist
centres with exceptional theatre and back-up facilities. However,
with increasing commercialisation, half trained or even
untrained surgeons began performing knee replacements in
operating rooms not having adequate infrastructure. This led
to numerous complications, and things have deteriorated to such
an extent that (a) I am currently doing more revisions than
primary and (b) most knees I currently revise are less than
10 years old, and symptomatic enough to demand revision.
Something has gone wrong or is still going wrong!
I have identified a few reasons for these avoidable complica-
tions, and principal amongst them are:
1. Non-standardisation of sizes, of implants or designs of
instruments. You cannot use instruments from company
A to implant B knees.

Modern knees are accompanied with an excess baggage of a

plethora of instrumentation and jigs, each specific to one implant.
Introduction 5

2. Companies insisting on sending non-doctors as surgical

scrub assistants, who end up doing most of the surgery.
3. Shift of the TKR paradigm from gardening to carpentry.
Now all that is considered important is the precision of
bone cuts. Nobody bothers about mid flexion gaps, and
for that matter, no instruments are available to measure
this important parameter.
4. The knee that fits perfectly in AP overhangs or is
undersized in lateral or vice versa.
5. The current mantra seems to be bone cuts, bone cuts and
bone cuts. The current belief is that soft tissues will balance
automatically with time. But the most important point is
forgotten. HDPE is forgiving for the first five years.
Imbalance caused wear is symptomatic or radiologically
apparent only between six to eight years.

The book, originally written in 1991, which helped a generation of

Indian surgeons to embark upon their career as arthroplasty surgeons.

The first edition of the book was primarily based on a single

author’s experience. This (second edition) is completely
rewritten; though a single author’s opinionated treatise, it
includes all that I have learned in the 25 years that elapsed after
the first edition.
At the end of this volume, I have listed some excellent works
on this subject that will constitute further reading for serious
students. I would consider my ambitions fulfilled if readers get
at least a tenth of the pleasure from reading this book as I have
had writing it.
6 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Historical Aspects and
Design Criteria of
Total Knee Arthroplasty

A rthroplasty arrived on the orthopaedic scene in the mid-

nineteenth century. when surgeons started their attempts
to improve mobility of ankylosed joints by resection of the joint
itself. But as is apparent, simple resections do not give long-
lasting pain-free mobility and there is a definite tendency for
the joint surfaces to rejoin. It has been always been bewildering
to surgeons that bones and joints seem to have minds of their
own. When we attempt to produce a pseudoarthrosis, nature
tends to glue up the ends. And where we desire union, we
frequently end up with pseudoarthrosis. Thus attempts were
made to interpose substances between the resected surfaces, first
biological, then man-made.
Resection arthroplasty of the knee was first reported by
Fergusson in 1861 and interposition arthroplasty by Verneuil in
1863. The latter used the knee joint capsule to prevent the bone
ends from fusing. Later, various materials like fascia, skin,
muscle, chromatized pig’s bladder, glass, bakelite and ivory were
tried without significant long term success.
The concept on which total joint replacement is based can be
traced only after 1880, when Thermestocles Gluck gave a series
of lectures describing a system of joint replacement by a unit
made of ivory. He stabilized it in bone with cement made of
colophony, pumice and plaster of Paris.
In the early 1940s, Boyd and Campbell and Smith-Peterson
tried a metallic hemi-arthroplasty for the knee, which predictably
failed after a short while. Likewise, tibial sided hemi-arthroplasty
designs by Maceever and Macintosh also suffered from early
loss of fixation and painful loosening.
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 7

Thermestocles Gluck, first surgeon to per form a “Total Knee


Gluck’s classic paper describing his ivory hinge fixed with pumice
and POP as cement.
8 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Macintosh tibial buttons. Original implants from Dr Prakash’s collection.

Failure of Macintosh buttons at six years. Surprising that it lasted for

six years.
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 9

In the early 1950s, Walldius, Shiers, Guiepar, etc. developed

hinges to replace both the femoral and tibial surfaces
simultaneously and achieved limited success. These and their
modifications are even now being regularly used in tertiary
revisions, tumour resections, and customized mega prosthesis

Walldius hinge prosthesis from the author’s collection.

10 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

In condylar replacement knee prostheses, the femoral and

tibial hemiarthroplasty surfaces are replaced with non-connected
artificial components. Work on the design of an implant that
resurfaced the distal femur and proximal tibia without any direct

The original Freeman Swanson total knee replacement.

A Freeman Swanson knee surviving for 17 years. Remarkable indeed!

Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 11

mechanical link between the components began at the end of

the 1960s at the Imperial College, London. The original design,
known as Freeman-Swanson prosthesis, consisted of a metal
“roller” placed on the distal femur that articulated with a
polyethylene tibial tray and required resection of both cruciate
Gunston can be really called the father of modern knee
replacements. In 1971, he developed minimally constrained
cemented surface replacements with plastic articulating with
metal based on Charnley’s concepts. These met with generous
success and heralded the start of a new era of knee replacements.
With the success of the Gunston model in a limited way and
with increasing knowledge of the mode of its failure, newer
models were developed.
Increasing research into bio-mechanics, modern computer
controlled design applications, advances in metallurgical and
plastic technology and an evidence-based assessment of the
performance and failure pattern of the implanted knees studied
over a period of years gave an insight into the modern design of
knee replacements.

Gunston is considered the father of modern knee replacements.

12 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The original Gunston Knee. Copied from the internet and not from
the author’s personal collection.
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 13

The following chart chronicles the development of knee

replacements from 1940 till now (2016).

Hemiarthroplasties of the knee, femoral replacements

1940, Willis Campbell: Four cases. Early satisfactory results.
Vitallium prosthesis for Abandoned because of poor medium term
the distal end of femur results. In hindsight, cause of failure fully
attributable to complete resection of cruciates.
1952, Lachertez: Described as the treatment of ankylosed
Acrylic femoral endo knees!
1954. Kraft and Good short term results. Initially for Giant
Levinthall: Acrylic cell tumour.
1967, Jones: Vitallium Few publications with good 3- to 5-year
distal femoral prosthesis results
1954, DePalma: Tibial One of the earliest reported tibial
plateau replacement replacements.
1955, Maceever Tibial plateau replacement with a metallic
ledge polished on one surface and a flange
for fixation into the cancellous tibia.
1958, Mclntosh Uni- or bi-compartmental tibial replacement
with a D shaped plate with rough underside
and polished upper side for femoral
1964, Townley Tibial replacement anchored with screws

Total knee replacements

1950, Majnoni Hinged acrylic knee prosthesis, which for the
d’lntignano first time replaced both femoral and tibial
surfaces. Unsuccessful in outcome.
1954, Moeys Experimental study of hinged prosthesis on
dogs. Limited success, but his efforts were
the forerunner for later models of hinged
1957, Walldius Hinged acrylic prosthesis, later changed to
hinged VITALLIUM prosthesis. Good short-
term results and poor long-term results.
14 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Total knee replacements (Contd.)

1961, Shiers Hinged prosthesis with a long intramedullary
stem for cementless fixation. Same problems
as Walldius hinge.
1963, Young Hinge prosthesis.
1973, Maza The Guepar hinge knee prosthesis.
1973, Gunston Father of modern total knee replacements.
He described a cemented non constrained
knee arthroplasty: Two independent
polycentric metallic runners cemented to the
lower part of femur that articulated with two
plastic tibial bearings. He published the
results of his first 224 cases. This was by far
the most successful knee to be designed till
that date.
1973–1978, Marmor, Modifications of the Gunston knee! More
Savastano, Cavendish, anatomic femoral components and better
Shaw and Chaterlee fitting tibial runners. Both cruciates were
retained. Better instrumentation was
designed for a more anatomic insertion of
the prosthesis. Some of these knees did very
well for short to medium term follow-up,
whereas others failed fairly rapidly. The
complexity of insertion, with retention of
both cruciates, and the practical difficulties
in restoration of the knee alignment resulted
in some knees implanted perfectly and others
not in a correct axis. The former survived for
considerable periods giving good to excellent
1973, Ranawat and Moved from four components to three, by
Shin linking both the femoral condyles, but
retaining the tibial bearings as separate units.
1973–1976, Coventry, First modern knee with a metal bridge bet-
Skolnick ween the femoral components and a ledge
between the tibial components. Better
instrumentation and operative principles
towards alignment.
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 15

Total knee replacements (Contd.)

1973, Waugh Designed the UCI prosthesis; the shapes were
a bit more anatomic with a horseshoe shaped
tibial component. This implant allowed some
degree of rotation and roll back.
1978, Freeman and An essential departure from the existing
Swanson designs. The roller trough design with a thick
tibial component. Possibly one of the first
knees to have an anterior flange to the
femoral component for accommodating the
patellar articulation. Finned HDPE pegs for
immediate weight bearing in a cementless
situation without depending on bone
1979, Insall and First total condylar knee design with a
colleagues patellar resurfacing button; the generic knee
on which most knee designs are based
somewhat roughly.
1980–1990 Kenna and Hungerford describe universal
Cementless designs, porous coating,
hydroxyapatite coating, meniscal bearing,
revision stems, etc.
1990–2000 Kyocera Bisurface knee, Medial pivot knee,
3D knee, LCS knee
2000–2010 High flex knee, Biphasic knee, Ceramic
femoral components
2010 to the present Oxidized zirconium coating, oxinium
ceramic coating, mobile bearing posterior
stabilized, single medial pivot knees, single
radius high flex knees.


In 1940, Willis Campbell introduced Vitallium prosthesis for the
distal end of femur. He did four cases with early satisfactory
results, but the procedure was abandoned because of poor
medium term results. In hindsight, cause of failure was fully
attributable to complete resection of cruciates.
16 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Campbell’s original prosthesis made by Howmedica in 1940s. One

of my prized collectibles.

Campbell’s Vitallium prosthesis.

Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 17

Vitallium was just then introduced in orthopaedic surgery;

his concept and design were far ahead of his time.
In 1952, Lachertez introduced an acrylic femoral
endoprosthesis. He described it for the treatment of ankylosed
knees! Just like Judet hips, these too met with spectacular initial
success and disastrous consequences in 12 to 18 months.
In 1954, Kraft and Levinthall devised an acrylic prosthesis
which was first used for a Giant cell tumour of the lower end of
femur. They then expanded the indications to include fused
knees, with results similar to those of Lachertez.
In 1967, Jones introduced a Vitallium distal femoral
prosthesis. A few publications showed good 3- to 5-year results.
This was one of the earliest successful total knees of those

Jones’s Cobalt chrome femoral hemiarthroplasty. Surprisingly the

component looks very much like a modern TKR.
18 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


In 1954, DePalma replaced the tibial plateau. This was one of
the earliest reported tibial surface replacements.
In 1955, McKeever described a tibial plateau replacement with
a metallic ledge polished on one surface and a flange for fixation
into the cancellous tibia on the other.
In 1958, MacIntosh described both uni- and bi-compartmental
tibial replacement with a D-shaped stainless steel plate having
a rough underside and polished upper side for femoral
articulation. This met with limited success and provided pain
relief for 5 to 7 years, especially for varus knees.
In 1964, Townley invented a tibial replacement anchored with
screws. This too met with initial limited success.
However, by now it was understood that hemi replacements
for knee were bound to fail, and the need for designs replacing
both femoral and tibial surfaces was understood.

MacIntosh buttons.


In 1950, Mainoni d’lntignano described his hinged acrylic knee
prosthesis which, for the first time, replaced both femoral and
tibial surfaces. However, this was a failure and abandoned.
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 19

The original Walldius hinge.

In 1954, Moeys published results of his animal experiments

and probably produced the first prototype (which was a simple
hinge) of a working total knee. His meticulously documented
study on hinge prostheses in dogs was the forerunner of modern
knee replacements.
Between 1957 and 1963, Walldius, Shiers and Young
independently devised almost similar designs of Vitallium hinge
prostheses with intramedullary stems. These knees enjoyed
limited success in some patients, while they lasted for as long as
20 years in others!
In 1973, Maza described his hinge with good medium term
results. The constrained hinge thus became an acceptable design
and is in use even today.
Again, in 1973, Gunston described a cemented non constrained
knee arthroplasty. His design had two independent polycentric
polished runners cemented to the lower femur, articulating with
two cemented tibial bearings.
He retained both cruciates. Though not successful in all cases,
in most it provided sustained pain relief without significant loss
of motion. Gunston should thus be rightly called the father of
modern knee replacements.
20 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The original Gunston knee prosthesis.

From 1973 to 1978 came modifications by Marmor, Savastano,

Cavendish, Shaw and Chaterlee. They designed more
anatomically accurate femoral components and better fitting
tibial runners. Both cruciates were retained. Better
instrumentation was designed for a more anatomic insertion of
the prosthesis. Some of these knees did very well for short to
medium term follow-up, whereas others failed fairly rapidly.
The complexity of insertion with retention of both cruciates,
and the practical difficulties in restoration of the knee alignment
resulted in some implants placed perfectly and others not in a
correct axis. The former survived for considerable periods, giving
good to excellent results at 10 to 20 years.
The anatomical approach uses prostheses that preserve both
cruciate ligaments, allowing the femur to roll back on the tibia.
Yamamoto, from the Okayama University Medical School in
Japan, was the first to report implanting an anatomical femoral
component with a minimally constrained single-piece
polyethylene tibial component in 1970.
Called the Kodama-Yamamoto knee, it consisted of an
anatomical femoral mold component, including an anterior
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 21

The Kodama-Yamamoto mark one and two knees.

femoral flange, made of COP alloy (Co, Cr, Ni, Mo, C, and P).
There was a one-piece, mildly dished polyethylene tibial
component with a central cutout for preservation of both cruciate
ligaments. He also designed an instrumentation set to give
perfect reproducible cuts.
Others authors who followed the same approach were Waugh
(in 1973 at the University of California UCI), Townley (in 1974
with the cemented anatomical knee) and Sheedom (who
designed the Leeds knee around the same time).
Each of these prostheses had a horseshoe shaped tibial
component with a space behind and centrally for the retention
of both anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments.

The original Kodama-Yamamoto knee instrumentation set.

22 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

X-ray of a Townley total knee.

During the early 1970s, the Duocondylar knee was redesigned

at the HSS with an anatomical and symmetrical design and
renamed Duopatellar.

The Duocondylar knee.

Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 23

An anterior femoral flange, patellar button, and a more dished

tibial surface were added. The tibial component had a fixation
peg, identical to the Total Condylar, the archetype of the functional
approach, and, for the first time, a posterior rectangular cutout,
specifically designed for the preserved posterior cruciate ligament.
Meanwhile in Boston, Robert Breck developed his own design
of posterior cruciate sparing knee implant in which the medial tip
of the femoral trochlear flange was removed, creating right and
left designs based on the asymmetry of the proximal femoral flange.
This was done to reduce the medial overhang seen in small female
rheumatoid patients. The posterior cruciate-sparing version of
the Robert Brigham Hospital would later evolve into the PFC knee
(Cintor Division of Codman; later, Depuy, Johnson & Johnson).
In 1973, Ranawat and Shin simplified the design by reducing
the components from four to three. They linked both femoral
condyles, while tibial bearings were separate for medial and
lateral compartments.
By 1976, Coventry and Skolnick had introduced the two
component design, the father of the current day condylar designs.
Waugh too devised a similar two component arthroplasty system.

The Coventry knee, father of modern knee design.

24 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

In 1978, Mike Freeman introduced a design which was a

tangential shift from earlier designs. A roller trough single radius
femoral articulation, a thick tibial bearing and some sort of tibial
midline constraint were combined with a deep patellar flange.
His components were uncemented and depended on exact bone
cuts for maximum surface contact. In addition, the components
were affixed to the cancellous bone by self-locking finned HDPE
pegs, screwed into the components.
These knees have an 80% survival at 20 to 25 years. I had the
good fortune of learning my knee replacement from Mr. Freeman
In 1979, the modern knee was born. John Insall and his
colleagues designed a total condylar knee and a patellar button
for resurfacing the under surface of patella. This met with
spectacular success. Later, they introduced a tibial constraint,
with introduction of a posterior stabilized knee. This is the design
on which most current knees are based.

Freeman Swanson knee replacement.

Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 25

The total condylar knee.

At the same time, Peter Walker, Clement Sledge and Fred

Ewald continued the Duo-patella concept in the posterior
cruciate retaining version of the Kinematic knee (Howmedica),

Kinemax Plus systems from Howmedica.

26 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

which was introduced by Ewald in June 1978. This later evolved

into the posterior cruciate sparing version of the Kinematic II,
Kinemax, and Kinemax Plus systems (Howmedica).
The 1980s saw significant advances in knee arthroplasty,
particularly in the area of surgical technique and instrumentation.
Kenna, Hungerford, and Krackow participated in the design of
instruments that were later called Universal Instruments. Their
instruments were based on the anatomical concept of measured
resection rather than the more functional approach of creating
equal and parallel flexion and extension gaps which were being
used until then.

Drawings from Kenna’s US Patent application.

The principal aspect of this new concept was that the bone
and cartilage removed were to equal the thickness of the
prosthetic material replacing them.
The drawings submitted by Dr Kenna for his US Patent are
extremely interesting are reproduced below.
Until this time, fixation of the condylar total knee was
primarily achieved with cement.
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 27

These universal instruments form the basis of most of today’s

instrumentation sets.

Instruments for distal, femoral and upper tibial cuts.

28 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Various jigs and positioning devices.

Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 29

Trial prostheses and measuring jigs.

30 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

In January 1980, the first Porous-Coated Anatomical Knee

(PCA) was implanted by Hungerford at Johns Hopkins. The
implant was anatomical with asymmetric medial and lateral
femoral condyles (similar to the Leeds and the original Townley
designs). However, for the first time, it introduced porous
coating in a total condylar knee for a cementless fixation.
Each of the three components was backed with metal and
had a 1.5 mm thick sintered porous coating of cobalt chrome beads.

The porous coated anatomic knee.

Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 31

The Miller Galante knee.

The Miller-Galante total knee, one of the first knee replacements
designed for use with cement or cementless fixation, was first
implanted in 1986. The principal innovation of this implant was
the choice of a titanium fibre composite for the bony ingrowth
surface, because of its well-recognized biocompatibility, and the
use of a Titanium, Aluminium and Vanadium alloy (Ti6Al4V).
The implant was fixed to the tibia with titanium screws and
pegs. The uncemented version for patellar resurfacing consisted
of a metal-backed patella fixed with fibre-mesh pegs. Modularity
of tibial polyethylene inserts was introduced to allow better
ligamentous tension and possibility of future isolated
polyethylene replacement.
“Cruciate retaining” prostheses developed from the
anatomical concept were all different; some consisted of a

The Genesis II knee.

32 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

relatively flat surface on the sagittal and transversal plane

(Kinemax, PCA) while others maintained a more congruent
surface on the sagittal plane. Genesis II (Smith & Nephew),
Duracon (Howmedica), Nexgen CR (Zimmer), PFC CR (Depuy)
represent some actual examples of this conception.
The functional approach simplifies the knee biomechanics by
removing both cruciate ligaments. The first system derived from
the functional concept is represented by the Total Condylar
prosthesis developed in 1973 at the Hospital for Special Surgery
of New York.
The Total Condylar prosthesis consisted of two symmetric
condylar surfaces with a posterior decreasing radius of curvature
and an articular surface made of polyethylene, perfectly
congruent in extension and partially congruent in flexion.
The Total Condylar Knee would prove to be highly successful,
widely used, and would later demonstrate long survival. Two
concerns, however, pointed out the early failures of its clinical
use. The femoral component would shift forward, particularly
in flexion. In rare cases, this would even result in tibial loosening
or anterior dislocation. The second concern was the limited
flexion achieved. Average knee flexion was about 90°.
In 1978, the Insall-Burstein prosthesis was designed to correct
these problems by replacing the posterior cruciate ligament with
a mechanical lock to reduce posterior translation of the femoral

The IB II prosthesis.
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 33

component by using a mechanism of a cam articulated with a

post on the tibial component.
The cam of the femoral component connected with the tibial
central spine at about 70° of flexion and then the femur could
roll-back so to increase flexion. The first Insau Burnstein Posterior
Stabilized knee, implanted in 1978 by Insall at the HSS, became
one of the most successful total condylar knee designs. Anterior
femoral subluxation was eliminated and average flexion reached
up to 115°. A metal-backed monoblock tibial component with
direct-molded polyethylene was introduced in November 1980:
the Insall-Burstein Modular knee.

The Insall-Burstein two knee in its original packing.

34 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The HSS posterior-stabilized knee design would evolve into

the Insall-Burstein Modular (IBPS II) knee in 1988, the Optetrak
Posterior-Stabilized knee (Exactech) in 1994, and the Advance
Posterior-Stabilized knee (Wright Medical) in 1994.
In the 1980s and 1990s, many variations of these functional
designs were introduced by different manufacturers. All of them
had features to produce their movements through a so-called
guided motion, which means that some characteristics of the
motion, such as rollback, were produced by mechanical
interaction between the femoral and tibial components.
In the Kyocera Bi-Surface knee (Akagi et al., 2000), the knee
behaves as a standard condylar replacement with moderately
conforming bearing surfaces for the major part of the flexion
range. Beyond that, the load is transferred to a spherical surface
protruding behind from the femoral intercondylar region,
contacting within a spherical depression at the posterior of the
plastic tibial component.
Another example of guided motion knee is The Medial Pivot
knee (Wright Mfg. Co.). In that prosthesis, the femoral component
owns a single radius of femoral curvature and a high level of
conformity in the medial compartment where a ball-and-socket
configuration is present.

Optetrak and advance posterior stabilized knees.

Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 35

The Kyocera bi-surface knee.

Because of its configuration, the medial side remains in the

same position during flexion, but the lateral femoral condyle
can displace behind with flexion. The purpose of the medial pivot
design is to reproduce a more physiological kinematics.

The medial pivot knee.

36 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

In contrast with this type of solution, a new design has recently

been introduced in the market: the 3D knee which provides
A/P stability similar to ACL deficient valgus knees through a
concave lateral compartment. The lateral compartment is fully
congruent in extension and allows 15° of axial rotation. As the
knee flexes, a greater range of femoral motion is possible, but is
controlled by the concave lateral compartment. The aim of the
3D knee is then to accommodate and control the cruciate
deficient patterns of motion without constraint in shape to
reproduce the normal kinematics of the knee.

A 3D knee versus a conventional knee.

Implant design compensates cruciate deficiency.

Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 37

One of the most innovative functional approaches to condylar

total knee design evolved from a collaboration between Frederic
Buechel, an orthopaedic surgeon at the New Jersey Medical
School, and Michael Pappas, a professor of mechanical
engineering. Their project to achieve low polyethylene contact
stresses while maintaining knee flexion and avoiding overload
of the implant bone interfaces started in 1977 (Buechel & Pappas,
1986) with the introduction of the Low Contact Stress (LCS) knee
It was the first complete systems approach to total knee
replacement using meniscal bearing surfaces.
The principal characteristic of the femoral component was
based on the same spherical surface on the mediolateral plane
while a decreasing radius of curvature from extension to flexion
was present on the lateral side. This shape maintained full area
contact on the upper meniscal bearing from 0 to 45° (at which
walking loads are encountered), and maintaining at least
spherical line at deeper flexion angles.

The LCS knee.

38 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

In its origin, the LCS was proposed as a system inclusive of

both cruciate-sparing meniscal bearing and PCL-sacrificing
rotating platform variant, with the latter gaining the majority of
popular usage over time.
After the introduction of the LCS system, several types of
mobile bearing knees were produced. They are categorized
according to their conformity (partially or fully conforming),
and a third group represented by the posterior stabilized MB.

Full contact with the bearings during extension in LCS knees.

Partially conforming mobile bearing The LCS was the

forerunner of all the MB prostheses that followed. Its second
version (prototype of the partially conforming MB) had a single
plastic bearing freely rotating about its post seated in a hole in
the tibial tray.
The Self Aligning MB (Sulzer) designed by Bourne and
Rorabeck in 1987 is also partially conforming. Its oval recess in
the posterior aspect of the polyethylene allowed unlimited
rotation and limited AP translation about a tibial tray peg.
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 39

The self aligning rotating bearing.

The mobile bearing knee TACK (produced by Waldemar Link

in Hamburg in 1990) is characterized by the tibial tray having
two semicircular guides that engage circular tracks on both sides
of the polyethylene platform, permitting wide rotational
The Interax Integrated Secure Asymmetric (Howmedica)
prosthesis has nearly fully conformity between femoral condyle
and tibial surface in extension, but the conformity gradually
decreases in flexion. The tibial base plate has two central posts
that engage a curved, T-shaped guide track within the meniscal
In Italy, Prof. Ghisellini designed the Total Rotating Knee
(TRK) (Cremascoli) characterized by a central tibia post
projecting from the centre of the tibial tray.
Two types of plastic bearings were available: the R type (to
allow freedom of rotation) was intended to be used in case of
PCL excision, whereas the RS (allowing 10 mm of AP sliding
and freedom of rotation) was indicated when PCL was retained.
Fully conforming mobile bearing The progenitor of fully
conforming MB knees is certainly the Rotaglide total knee system
40 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The Rotaglide TKR system.

(Corin, Cirencester, UK) designed in 1986 by Polyzoides and

Tsakonas. The Rotaglide femoral component has a constant
flexion radius of curvature in the femoro-meniscal articulation,
each condyle being part of a sphere of diameter 24 mm. This
design ensures that congruency is retained throughout the range
of flexion. The mobile meniscal bearing has two undercuts which
permit up to 5 mm of anteroposterior translation and 25° of
rotation, 12.5° for each side.
The tibial plateau has an anterior bollard (that prevents
anterior dislocation while restricting the rotation of the platform)
and another bollard in the middle of the tray (that resists
posterior dislocation).
The Medially Biased Kinematics (MBK) Knee was developed
by J. Insall, P. Aglietti and P. Walker in 1992 (Fig. 10 a-b). The
design concept of this prosthesis is complete conformity between
the femoral component and the polyethylene insert at any degree
of flexion and during rotation, and AP translation of the tibial
insert on the tibial tray.
The prosthesis design allows a medially biased kinematics
guided by the natural knee’s stronger medial structures and
greater lateral mobility. The polyethylene has approximately 20°
of both internal and external rotation on the tibial base plate
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 41

Catalogue description of MBK knee.

about a D-shaped “mushroom” post. The tibial base plate

translates 4.5 mm in an AP direction. An anterior stop prevents
the plastic bearing from sliding off the tibial tray.
Posterior stabilized mobile bearing These designs are based
on the “cam and post” mechanism on a rotating polyethylene
The common feature is the presence of a cam situated between
the posterior femoral condyles that engages a post projecting
from the mobile polyethylene platform. The “cam and post”
mechanism acts as a third weight-bearing condyle to help

The PFC sigma PS mobile bearing knee.

42 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

improve, load transfer and minimize polyethylene stress. The

Two Radii Area Contact (TRAC) Biomet, introduced in 1997,
belongs to this category. More recent designs are the P.F.C. Sigma
RPF (Deputy) and the LPS mobile Flex (Zimmer).
Patello-femoral joint Symptoms related to the patello-
femoral joint have been reported to be a frequent cause of failure
following total knee arthroplasty. During the 1980s, up to 30%
of patients suffered complications associated with the patello-
femoral joint (Rhoads et al., 1990). This disappointing feature of
what was otherwise a successful procedure led to a debate
between surgeons as to whether the articular surface of the
patella should be replaced and if so, exactly how this should be
performed. At the same time, various authors (Grace & Rand,
1988; Yoshii et al., 1992) pointed out the importance of prosthetic
femoral and patella components.

Two radii area contact (TRAC) knee from Biomet.

Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 43

This problem started with the improvement of flexion allowed

by the second generation of resurfacing condylar knee. Minimal
patello-femoral problems were associated with the TC which
permitted only about 90° flexion, but with increasing flexion
achieved by newer designs, the principal concern of designers
was to avoid patellar problems. Surgeons began to perform a
deeper trochlea such that its floor could extend behind and cover
the intercondylar notch to provide a surface for the patella to
articulate against in full extension.
In an effort to obtain a suitably designed trochlea, Kulkarni
and Freeman (Kulkarni et al., 2000) stressed the importance that
the trochlear surface that would extend proximally sufficiently
to enable even the highest patella to articulate with the femur in
full extension.
In their philosophy, this part of the femoral prosthesis should
be provided with a lateral wall and floor to ensure that the patella
remains in contact with the floor of the trochlea from 0° to 20° of
flexion. Lastly, the Kulkarni and Freeman trochlea surface should
have a lateral wall of the trochlear groove sufficiently steep to
provide a distinct resistance to lateral subluxation.

The Freeman mark II knee from the author’s collection.

44 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The high femur and a deep notch is friendly to all patellar situations.

According to these criteria, most of the designs introduced

during the 1990s have incorporated multiple changes in the
geometry of the trochlear groove, which have been shown to
have a positive impact on the patellar complication rate
(Bindelglass & Dorr, 1998; Kavolus et al., 2008; Mont et al., 1999).
The welcome reduction in patello-femoral complications over
the years is undoubtedly due to these useful changes and
attention to the rotational alignment of the femoral component.
Polyethylene In spite of designers’ success in solving some
of the above-mentioned problems, the 1990s marked a period of
concern regarding the catastrophic failure of polyethylene.
Polyethylene (UHMW) and its low friction properties makes it
very resistant while articulating with metallic and extremely
smooth surfaces of prostheses. The survival curves after 15 years
is still over 94% for knee prostheses using UHMWHDPE (Insall
& Scott, 2001).
Despite these characteristics, failure is a problem, especially
among young active patients. The damage mechanisms of
polyethylene are delamination, usually caused by adhesive and
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 45

abrasive wear mechanism. Many factors can negatively affect

the mechanical properties of polyethylene, some due to type of
prosthesis and material, others by clinical conditions (post
operative alignment, weight, age of patient, etc.).
Polyethylene properties can be modified by sterilization by
radiation and by exposure to oxidative environment; the effects
are increase in the material’s density and elasticity.
Since 1995, virtually all manufacturers modified polyethylene
sterilization procedures by eschewing gamma ray sterilization.

An all poly cruciate sparing tibial component.

Author’s design of a rotating bearing cruciate sparing design.

46 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Five year wear of a gamma radiated polyethylene component.

Sterilization in inert environment, gas plasma, and ethylene

oxide are the most common sterilization methods in current use.
At the same time, packaging and conserving systems have been
Radiation-induced cross-linking is not always beneficial, and
though the same has been tried and used extensively in hip
replacements, their role in knee bearings of a flatter architecture
is limited. Having experienced the results of virgin, non-cross-
linked, non-irradiated polyethylene for over twenty years, I am
still skeptical of this step during manufacture of a knee
High flexion knee and new materials Some important issues
have characterized the beginning of the new millennium in
efforts to improve movement and research for new materials.
Both these issues are directed for better performing prostheses
for younger more active patients who wish to run, play tennis,
and ski.
Range of Motion (ROM) after total knee arthroplasty is an
important issue in determining clinical outcome and better
patient satisfaction. In efforts to expand the indication of total
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 47

knee arthroplasty to younger and more active patients, their

demands and expectations have increased, including secondary
goals other than pain relief, such as restoration of "normal-like"
joint function, especially weight-bearing range of motion, to suit
their desired lifestyles (Noble et al., 2006). Apart from being
influenced by the condition of the patient and surgical technique,
the final outcome, at least in part, depends on the implant design.
Therefore, implant manufacturers have strived and continue
to strive to design TKAs that better accommodate knee
mechanics in high flexion up to 155°. Since it has been shown
that posterior cruciate ligament retaining designs generally have
erratic motion (with potential for paradoxical roll forward), most
new designs are posterior cruciate substituting prostheses
(Dennis et al., 1998).
These new high-flexion designs are not radically different
from their traditional (non high-flexion) counterparts, but
incorporate subtle changes in the components’ geometry to allow
improved contact mechanics in the high-flexion ranges
(compared to traditional designs).
Regarding the sagittal geometry of the femoral component, a
reduction of the femoral condyles’ radii in the mid- and high-
flexion ranges has showed some advantage when compared with
traditional implants.

The high flex knee.

48 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

In order to eliminate edge loading on the femoral component

on the posterior tibial articular surface, newer designs extend
the posterior femoral condyles.
In addition, an extended posterior femoral condyle helps to
restore the posterior condylar offset (Bellemans et al., 2002) as
an important factor in achieving high flexion. In that study, the
authors observed that for every 2 mm decrease in posterior
condylar offset, the maximal obtainable flexion was reduced by
a mean of 12.2°.

Reduction of the posterior condylar offset reduces final flexion achieved.

Some designers prefer mobile bearings with the opinion that

a large internal rotation of the tibia is needed for achieving deep
knee flexion, which occurs with extreme posterior shift of the
lateral femoral condyle over the posterior tibial plateau in this
state (Kurosaka et al. 2002; Nakagawa et al. 2000).
These changes are incorporated into a modified cam/post-
mechanism which allows an increased jump distance and avoids
dislocation at deep flexion angles.
Other characteristics of high flex design include the patello-
femoral joint, which is designed to accommodate high angles of
knee flexion.
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 49

A high flex knee with a mobile bearing.

The femoral trochlear articulation is deep enough to reduce

the contact stresses on the patella, which glides smoothly
through a full range of motion. In such prostheses, the anterior
margin of the tibial articular component has been recessed in
order to reduce extensor mechanism impingement during deep

Deep patellar trough with high femur to prevent patellar problems

during extreme flexion.
50 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

To accommodate the oriental lifestyle in Japan, where people

sit more often on the floor than on chairs, a new design (originally
called KU) was developed in 1989 (Kyoto University Knee). The
most outstanding feature of this model is an auxiliary ball-and-
socket joint at the centre of the posterior part, which not only
facilitates a rollback movement, but also adds a rotational function.

Almost full flexion with the Japanese knees.

During a gait under load, the femorotibial articular surface in

a conventional design works as for the standard design, but
when the flexion increases, the auxiliary joint functions as a
rotation centre in the flexion motion. This auxiliary joint
represents a certain type of posterior-stabilized knee and works
to achieve a rollback; when in flexion, rotation of tibia is also
achieved. Because this knee was unique in its biphasic surface
structure for different purposes, weight bearing, and flexion
movement, it was later called bisurface knee (BS knee). Another
characteristic of this prosthesis is the presence of zirconia
ceramics (ZrO2) for the femoral component.
Others companies modified this design, incorporating a lateral
compartment which is fully congruent in extension, but
relatively lax in flexion (Mikashima et al., 2010).
Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 51

Biphasic knee replacement with ceramic femoral component.

This articular geometry provides anteroposterior stability and

acts through the lateral femoral condyle in a manner similar to
the function of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). In addition,
the modified design has a more posterior tibial sulcus and the
maximum femoral posterior condylar offset occurs later in the
flexion arc.
However, further improvement in the longevity of the
arthroplasty can be achieved with more durable bearing
materials. Due to the nonconforming shape of the bearing
surface, hard-on-hard articulations are unlikely to have a role
in TKA, hence polyethylene (PE) will remain an important
bearing surface material. Research and efforts are continuing
towards development of femoral bearing surfaces which would
wear out a minimal amount of polyethylene.
Previous studies have shown that roughening of the cobalt-
chromium (CoCr) alloy surface can potentiate wear of the PE
(Fisher et al. 2004; White et al. 1994). This wear can then lead to
osteolysis, instability, and loosening of the implants from the
underlying bone.
Designers are now concentrating on researching different
alloys (as alternatives to the classic CoCrMo) for femoral
52 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

components, in the form of both complete ceramic or metals

coated with ceramic surfaces. A longer lasting prosthesis with
ceramic femoral components should be useful for younger
patients with higher functional demands. Moreover, ceramic is
useful when dealing with patients affected by allergies to metallic
The advantages of ceramic bearing surfaces in terms of
superior lubrication, friction, and wear properties compared to
cobalt-chrome alloy (CoCr) surfaces in total joint arthroplasty
are well recognized (Greenwald et al., 2001; Jacobs et al., 1994).
Laboratory and clinical data have demonstrated that ceramic
bearings are associated with fewer wear particles that incite a
less intense inflammatory host-immune response than metal-
on-polyethylene articulations that are the accepted standard in
total hip arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty (Mont et al.,
2003; Spector et al. 2001).
The brittle nature of ceramics and their inability to withstand
high-impact tensile forces is of concern in clinical applications.
However, more than 10 years’ long-term follow-up of different
ceramic cemented knees from Japan showed satisfactory results
with low rate fractures of ceramic component.
An important improvement has recently been introduced in
Europe by CeramTec (AG, Polchingen, Germany) using BIOLOX

A ceramic femoral component.

Historical Aspects and Design Criteria ... 53

Ceramic femoral component.

Delta, a composite matrix material containing 82% vol. alumina

(Al 2 O 3 ) and 17% vol. zirconia (ZrO 2 ) providing good
mechanical characteristics in terms of strength and resistance.
Using this material, it was possible to develop a femoral
component with a tensile strength that met the demands for
application in TKR. A prospective international multicentre
study was started in 2008 to evaluate the clinical and
radiological outcomes of the unconstrained Multigen Plus total
knee system (Lima-Lto) with the new BIOLOX Delta ceramic
femoral component.
In USA, an alternative strategy has been followed to decrease
PE wear in THA and TKA, by the surface transformation of metal
to oxidized zirconium. A wrought zirconium alloy (Zr-2.5%
Niobium) is oxidized by thermal diffusion to create a 5 mm
oxidized zirconium layer (Oxinium, Smith & Nephew, Memphis,
TN; Laskin, 2003). Although existing data are encouraging
(Innocenti et al., 2010), further studies are needed with both
strategies to define the precise indications and outcomes of
ceramic surfaces in TKA.
From 2005 to the present, only cosmetic design changes have
been made. In my opinion, nothing new which could be called a
significant breakthrough has emerged in knee replacement
design in the last decade. However, multinational companies
54 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Oxidized zirconium-oxinium knee.

wax eloquent about various revolutionary changes, but whether

any of these will stand the test of time will be only known after
25 years!
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 55

Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee

Metals, plastic and acrylic cement form the three common
materials used in arthroplasty. Ceramics have now made their
appearance on the scene. This chapter will give you enough
knowledge not to be fooled by snake oil salesmen, the employees
of multinational companies selling those exotic high priced knees
at 50 plus times the manufacturing cost!
The materials for knee arthroplasty were based on the
materials successfully used in total hip replacements, so let us
begin with the common origins. In the beginning, when hemi-
arthroplasties were done, the implant material varied from heat
cured acrylic to resins, then to stainless steel. Stainless steel
showed less wear than acrylic and soon replaced it. The fact
that the non-replaced acetabulum showed significant wear
prompted research into total joints. Charnley’s work laid the
foundation of modern arthroplasty. In spite of continuing
research in implant materials, the time-honoured combination
of metal articulating with ultra high molecular weight
polyethylene is yet to be challenged. However, the choice of
metal has changed from stainless steel of Charnley’s time to
stronger steel alloys, then to cobalt-chromium and titanium-
aluminium-vanadium. Ceramics are also used because of their
excellent frictional and wear characteristics, but have their own
disadvantage of brittleness.
There is a lot of confusing terminology whilst describing
materials, e.g. yield strength, toughness, ultimate tensile
strength, ductility, elasticity, and fatigue strength. This book is

56 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

A very wide range of materials are used for knee replacements.

not a treatise on material science, hence the reader may have to

read more advanced manuals for those details. I would however
teach you enough about biomaterials and biomechanics, so that
when a high flying scientist from a multinational implant
manufacturing company tries to bamboozle you with highly
cross-linked poly, or plasma coated surfaces, Chiruleen, Gur 10/50,
titanium dinitride coatings, or alumina ceramics, you can ask
him some questions, the answers to which he would probably
not know!!

Stainless steel: This no doubt the cheapest material, tried and
tested for a long period (since 1900). 316L stainless steel is
popular for implants as it is the most corrosion resistant when
in direct contact with biological fluids. What makes 316L ideal
as an implant material is the lack of inclusion. Alloys with
inclusion contain sulphur, which is a key ingredient in
accelerating metallic corrosion.
Stainless steel is an iron alloy. By adding 16% chromium it
becomes corrosion resistant stainless steel. The addition of 7%
nickel helps stabilize the austenite to stainless steel. Type 316L
stainless steel selected for surgical implants contains
approximately 17–19% chromium and 14% nickel. Molybdenum
added to the alloy forms a protective layer, sheltering the metal
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 57

from exposure to an acidic environment. Corrosion resistance

can also be achieved with the carbon element, but only when
the carbon is in a solid solution state.
Stainless steel can be heat forged, cold worked, machined from
blocks, or cast into complex shapes. Its final mechanical
properties entirely depend on how it is made.
It has to be stressed that the ferrite element (which gives the
alloy a magnetic property) should not be incorporated, as the
magnetic property could interfere with Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) equipment. One of the most apparent problems
with using magnetic implants is their susceptibility to heating
which could change their shape and/or structural composition.
If we evaluate all types of metallic implants that have gone
into the human body since the 1900s, roughly 70% would be
stainless steel, 20% cobalt chrome alloys and 10% titanium.
However, among the currently available commercial knee
implants, SS 316L is no longer used. Only the higher priced cobalt
chrome alloys or titanium form the basic materials for most
femoral and tibial components, the purported reason being their
better strength and biocompatibility.
However, if the steels available today are compared with
cobalt-chrome alloy, the steels are only marginally weaker. But
cobalt-chrome alloys are heavier, and if cast, seldom approach
the strength of forged virgin stainless steel. Cobalt chrome
molybdenum alloy, most commonly used in knee implants, is

A cast stainless steel implant.

58 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

about three to four times as expensive as stainless steel. Total

joints were initially made with stainless steel on HDPE
constructs; the initial 100,000 plus hips made by Charnley and
Thackeray were stainless steel have exhibited excellent
mechanical properties and tolerances, Yet stainless steel is
surprisingly no longer in current use as an implant material for
knee replacements.
One would thus like to question the wisdom of generically
moving away from stainless steel in implantable joints, though
it is extensively used in most internal fixation and trauma
products. Maybe commercial considerations outweigh patients’

Cobalt Based Alloys

The material approved for orthopaedic use is ASTM F75. Though
superior to stainless steel based alloys in corrosion resistance
and fatigue failure, there is a tendency for the alloy grains to
become non-homogenous, leading to different implant strengths
in different batches. It is indeed surprising that in the United
States, this is the most popular alloy for all endoprosthesis (and
steel based alloys are almost out). From the surgeon’s point of
view, this assumption is a little biased, because Charnley’s initial
experience using simple stainless steel 316L is a definite
landmark that is still to be equaled or excelled.

Cast cobalt chrome femoral component.

Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 59

The ASTM F75 standard specifies that the alloy should contain
cobalt as its principal element, with 27 to 30% chromium, 5 to
7% molybdenum, and limits on other important elements such
as manganese and silicon, less than 1% iron, less than 0.75%
nickel, less than 0.5% of nitrogen, tungsten, phosphorus, sulphur,
boron, etc.
Besides cobalt-chromium-molybdenum (CoCrMo), cobalt-
nickel-chromium-molybdenum (CoNiCrMo) is also used for
implants. The possible toxicity of released Ni ions from CoNiCr
alloys and also their limited frictional properties are a matter of
concern in using these alloys as articulating components. Thus,
CoCrMo is usually the dominant alloy for total joint arthroplasty.

Titanium Based Alloys

These are the best as far as modulus of elasticity, weight and
corrosion resistance are concerned, but the adhesive and abrasive
wear properties are much less than the above two. In addition,
despite the low weight and good strength, titanium and its alloys
suffer from a paradox of excellent bio-compatibility when fixed
firmly and a very poor tissue response when loose (leading to
particulate debris). Consequently, if a bearing surface is to be
made of titanium, it is indeed imperative that it is either anodized
or coated with a non degradable substance to allow for a high quality
of abrasive resistant mirror polish. Added to this, the cost of the metal
is very high. In many cases, especially in our country, its cost may
deteriment it from being selected in implant manufacture.
Recent studies from the western world do show that the choice
of titanium for an implant material is indeed not a wise one! The

Titanium knee implants are still being evaluated and are not widely used.
60 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

bio-degradation of the implants fixed not too snugly has not only
led to early loosening, but also to massive osteolysis, migration
of the titanium particles, and even black stained lymph nodes at
sites distant from the joint, which confirms that inertness may be
a more important factor than higher elasticity and lower weight.


1. Modulus of Elasticity
The modulus of elasticity is the ratio of applied stress to the
resultant strain in the linear (elastic) portion of the stress–strain
curve. This is also referred to as “Young’s modulus ‘E’”. This
parameter corresponds to the stiffness of a material; thus a high
modulus of elasticity would mean a stiffer implant, while a low
modulus of elasticity would mean a more elastic implant.

2. Specific Gravity or Density

Weight by volume is density, with water having a density of
1 gm/cc. A litre of water weighs a kilogram. Incidentally, when
Archimedes jumped out of his bath tub and displayed his
testicles to the whole of Athens, it was this discovery, his EUREKA
moment. Thus materials with high density or specific gravity
will be heavier than an identically sized implant of lower SG.
Cortical bone has a Young’s modulus varying in the direction
of deformation; for a tibia it is about 5 to 10 in transverse axis
and 11 to 23 in longitudinal axis. Compared to this, 316L SS is
186, cobalt chrome is 241, and titanium 5 is 105.
The SG of human bone is between 1.7 and 2.3; that of titanium
is 4.5, stainless steel 7.9 and cobalt chrome alloy 8.36.

3. Other Mechanical Properties

Metal Ultimate Yield Elongation % Area

tensile strength reduction %
strength MPa MPa
SS 316l 480 170 40 0
ASTM F75 890 517 20 20
Titanium 5 900 520 15 25
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 61

The four characteristics we look for in implantable materials are

UTS (ultimate tensile strength), YS (yield strength), elongation
and reduction. This is how the three metals compare:
What do these numbers mean? None of the three metals are
as light or as elastic as human bones. What is the relevance? If
you leave aside the commercially motivated research papers,
the clear conclusion is that there is no significant difference
between cobalt and SS except that the latter is about 25% the
cost. Titanium, which is 15 times as expensive as SS, is lighter
and more elastic. The elasticicity may be desirable in implants
to avoid stress shielding. However in total knees, where a fairly
rigid, noncorrosive, non deforming, cancellous contact flat
implant is used, in my opinion titanium is a bad metal to use.
The 50% lighter than SS is a characteristic with questionable
Likewise, the ultimate tensile strength and yield strength
might be relevant only in thin plates or hollow nails. With cast
femoral and tibial components for the knee with such big
dimensions, and no part is thinner than 6 mm; even deep
thinking and repeated discussions with scientists in the field
could not convince me about the advantages of using titanium
as a knee implant. But if we look into emerging trends, almost
all implant manufacturers are racing towards their own titanium
models, which in my opinion is due to one solitary factor:
I still believe that stainless steel 316L is one of the best materials
for knee implants. Easily available, manufactured in India,
capable of excellent finish, economical to invest cast, easy to
machine and with proven 18 to 24 years of life! I am working on
bringing a commercial model of a sub 200$ knee, and only time
will tell if I will succeed.
Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene: HDPE was an
accident, but probably one of the luckiest accidents which has
brought a wide smile to millions of patients suffering from pain
and immobility due to crippling arthritis. It all began with
Charnley’s experiments in total hip arthroplasty! Charnley first
began using Mckee Farar hips (highly polished metal-on-metal
hips fixed with cement). While some failed soon, others lasted
surprisingly long, some even up to 23 years. When Charnley, a
62 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

keen observer and excellent clinician, examined a few Mckee

Farar hips, he heard squeaks. His engineer friends told him that
it was a friction squeak, and he became interested to know all
about friction. Friction is resistance to two surfaces rubbing
against each other. You do not need to learn complex physics to
know logical, self explanatory facts about friction.
1. Area: Smaller the area, lesser the friction. It is easier to slide a
rupee coin on a table than a dinner plate.
2. Surface: Smoother the surface, lesser the friction. Two
sandpapers rubbing against one other will have more friction
than two mirrors.
3. Lubrication: A good lubricant naturally reduces friction.
With these points in mind, John Charnley began his
experiments with the bearing surface for his hips. Metal was
out. He began experimenting with industrial plastics. Teflon or
PTFE (polytetrafluroethylene), was a new plastic with wonderful
properties. Lab tests showed that the friction in stainless steel
rubbing against PTFE was practically zero.
Charnley, an engineer and surgeon, devised a prosthesis made
of stainless steel which he machined himself on a lathe and
implanted in a patient. He replaced the cup surface with one of
Teflon. The initial results were very good; his patients were pain
free immediately after the operation. People who had not walked
for years started running. Charnley was thrilled. He went before
the orthopaedic surgeons of England and announced that he
had discovered an operation he would even do on his mother!!
So spectacular were the results!
But unfortunately the results were shortlived. In his initial
enthusiasm, Charnley miscalculated wear and tear. So engrossed
was he with friction that he did not anticipate the possibility
that Teflon can rub out after constant movement against metal.
In a human body the hip is put through vigorous movements
with sufficient load over prolonged periods, which causes a
significant Teflon wear.
The Teflon material just wore away in a year’s time and
Charnley was left with a hundred failed hip joints.
Way back in the 1960s, you could get away with a hundred
failed operations without a Consumer Protection Council above
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 63

Rapid wear of Teflon cup in Charnley’s initial experiments.

your head. Charnley was shattered. He went back before the

same British orthopaedic surgeons and told them that the
operation was no good, so he would not do it even on his own
Then Charnley was given a piece of HDPE (High Density
Polyethylene). He saw another plastic and was not impressed.
A hundred failures had disillusioned him. But he did make a
trial cup and put it on a machine which he used to test the wear.
Someone forgot to switch off the machine that weekend and
what was found on Monday was a spinning system which would
have been in the human body for two years. Charnley measured
the wear and found none! This amazed Charnley. He put it
through further tests and the results were the same. Polyethylene
did not wear out. At least in experiments its wear was not even
a fraction of Teflon’s. Further research resulted in the final
UHMUHDPE being discovered. Ultra high density, ultra high
molecular weight polyethylene to be precise.
UHMWPE is a member of the polyethylene family of polymers
with the repeat unit [C2H4]n, with n denoting the degree of
polymerization. The International Standards Organization (ISO
64 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

11542) (ISO) defines UHMWPE as having a molecular weight

of at least 1 million g/mole, resulting in a minimum degree of
polymerization of n 36,000, while the American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM D 4020) (ASTM) specifies that
UHMWPE has a molecular weight greater than 3.1 million
g/mole (n 110,000). The UHMWPEs used in orthopaedic
applications typically have a molecular weight between 2-6
million with a degree of polymerization between 71,000–214,000.
UHMWPE is a linear (non-branching) semi-crystalline
polymer which can be described as a two phase composite of
crystalline and amorphous phases. The crystalline phase
contains chains folded into highly oriented lamellae, with the
crystals being orthorhombic in structure. The lamellae are 10–
50 nm thick and 10–50 µm long. The lamellae are oriented
randomly within the amorphous phase with tie molecules
linking individual lamellae to one another.
The two resins of UHMWPE currently used in orthopaedics
are GUR 1020 (3.5 million g/mole) and GUR 1050 (5.5–6 million
g/mole). These resins can either be compression moulded into
sheets or ram extruded into rods. Both resin and conversion
methods are significant predictors of tensile mechanical

UHMWHDPE has exceptional wear properties. The cups retrieved by

the author show minimal wear at 9 years (left) and wear at 19 years
(right). This is noncross-linked virgin poly!
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 65

Early Muller cups showed much greater wear for two reasons. Thin
cup due to large head and gamma radiation.

properties and impact strength. Virgin UHMWHDPE, a non-

cross-linked, nongamma irradiated plastic, was first used in joint
replacements. This is plastic with slight deformative properties,
a reasonable modulus of elasticity and return to shape after
deforming forces are removed.
Charnley autoclaved his femoral components, but gas
sterilized (Ethylene Oxide) the HDPE cups. Around the same
time, Maurice Muller of Switzerland began making larger head
(32 mm) hips. He gamma radiated both the stems and cups.
Initial results of the two systems were similar, but at five years,
the wear rate of Muller’s radiated cups was extremely high
compared to Charnley’s nonirradiated cups.
It was at this time that scientists began to worry about plastic
wear. It was found that radiation produced cross-linking of the
molecules and when gamma sterilized in the presence of air,
the cups underwent oxidative degradation, making them brittle
over the years, leading to progressive wear.
The German company Ruhrchemie AG first introduced a
UHDPE for orthopaedic use: RCH 100 [(R)uhr (CH)emie 100].
This company then became Hoechst and the next gen
66 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

UHMWHDPE produced by them was named Chirulen. Now

the company is called Tikona and the plastics are called GUR or
(G)ranular (U)hmwhdpe (R)uhrchemie. The product is
designated with a four digit number, e.g. GUR 1050, GUR 1020,
etc. The first digit is the loose density, the second is presence or
absence of calcium strerate, the third digit is molecular weight
in million and the last digit is the resin grade.
Application of heat and pressure produces sheets or extruded
rods, which are then machined to the correct component
dimensions. Though some manufacturers directly moulded the
granules to the desired component using a die, it was later found
that these extra polished components wore out faster. The
current concept is to use machined parts from stock blocks of
larger size.
Virgin HDPE has stood the test of time, so long as it is not
irradiated and the components are not too thin. However, the
principal cause of knee revision was found to be wear. Scientists
thus began experimenting with gilding the lily to produce better
variants. Carbon reinforced polymer composite was one such
disaster; Zimmer had to recall its entire stocks and discontinue
the product seven years after release. Heat pressing was another
Cross-linking is currently being used in an attempt to improve
the wear performance. Normally HDPE is linear linked with
long molecular chains. It was assumed that this was the defect
of the polymer, causing wear. By adding linking agents like
peroxides or silanes, and gamma radiating the plastic to
controlled levels, the molecular structure was reorganized to
allow linking in both linear and transverse directions, producing
what is known as a cross-linked polymer.
Though hip cups have shown some degree of wear resistance
due to cross-linking, only commercial publications wax eloquent
about cross-linking in knee replacements. Some studies have
shown that cross-linking actually makes the plastic more rigid
and brittle, more susceptible to fractures and early failure.
Cross-linking reduces crystallinity, and thereby makes the
plastic more brittle, less elastic, stronger in one way but weaker
in another. Whether it is actually beneficial in the long run is a
matter to be seen with time.
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 67

Ceramics: Ceramics are non-metallic inorganic materials and

vary in composition. They are made by mixing fine powders of
the ingredient material with water and adhesive binder. This
dough is then squeezed into a mould to obtain the desired shape,
air dried, and the binder is then burned out by thermal treatment.
Firing or sintering at this stage at a high temperature (over 100°C)
makes the residual material extremely dense.
The final microscopic structure of the resultant ceramic is
greatly dependent on the thermal process used, highest
temperature reached and duration of furnace heat treatment.
Five types of ceramics are used in arthroplasty:
1. Glass
2. Plasma-sprayed polycrystalline ceramic
3. Vitrified ceramic
4. Solid state sintered ceramic
5. Polycrystalline glass-ceramic
Other factors determining the mechanical and biological
properties are the purity of the powder, the size and distribution
of the grains, and the porosity.
Ceramics used in orthopaedic surgery are classified as bioactive
or inert according to the tissue response when implanted in an
osseous environment.

The ceramics, materials and technology used in hips are no different

from those used in toilets and wash basins.
68 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The bioactivity of a material can be defined as its ability to

bond biologically to bone. An inert ceramic merely elicits a minor
fibrous reaction. In clinical practice, inert fully-dense ceramics are
used as bearings in total joint replacements because of their exceptio-
nal resistance to wear; bioactive ceramics are used as coatings
to enhance the fixation of the femoral stems or acetabular shells.
Sliding ceramics: The most widely used bearing combination
in total joint replacements is metal-on-polyethylene. The long-
term survival of the artificial joint is dependent on the wear of
its components. It is the poly wear which ultimately leads to
osteolysis around the implant, leading to an inflammatory
response induced by wear debris occurring from both the
articulating and non-articulating surfaces.
Pierre Boutin first introduced ceramics in orthopaedics in the
early 1970s to tackle complications related to polyethylene wear.
Ceramics are mainly used in total hip arthroplasty as femoral
heads articulating against polyethylene, and as cups in the
alumina-on-alumina combination. Because of their relatively
brittle nature, fracture of ceramic femoral heads has been, along
with cost, the main limitation to their expanded use worldwide.
The risk of fracture, however, has been virtually eliminated
because of a great improvement in the manufacturing process

Currently the most popular use of ceramics is as a bearing with HDPE.

Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 69

with increased purity and density, increase in the size and

distribution of the grains and better quality control.
Accurate fixation of the ceramic ball to the femoral stem
through a well-designed Morse taper avoids undesirable stresses
in the head and improved surgical techniques augment the
longevity of the implant.
The fracture rate of ceramic heads has been evaluated as 0.02%
for alumina heads and 0.03% for zirconia heads, indicating that
fracture of the ceramic head is no longer a constraint.
Alumina ceramic: Dense alumina of surgical grade is obtained
by sintering alumina powder at temperatures between 1600 and
1800°C. The resultant material is in its highest state of oxidation,
allowing thermodynamic stability, chemical inertness and
excellent resistance to corrosion.
Improvement in the manufacturing process has lowered the
size and distribution of the grains, which are major factors in
avoiding cracks and fractures.
Alumina is a brittle material with excellent compression
strength but the bending strength is limited. The Young’s
modulus is 300 times greater than that of cancellous bone, and
190 times higher than polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA).

Alumina and zirconia ceramics are not too different in look and feel
on the operating table.
70 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Alumina has been a standardized material since 1984

(International Standard Organisation, ISO 6474). The tribological
properties of alumina ceramic against itself are outstanding, with
a linear wear rate 4000 times lower than that of metal-on-
The excellent frictional characteristics are due in part to a high
wettability because of the hydrophilic surface and fluid film
lubrification which minimizes adhesive wear.
These properties, demonstrated both in vitro and on analysis
of retrieved implants, are responsible for the limited amount of
wear particles produced and the subsequent moderate biological
reaction to ceramic wear debris.
The clearance between the two components in the case of the
alumina-on-alumina combination should be around 50 nm to
avoid Hertz stresses at the surface of the alumina (which may
result in detachment of grains and third-body wear). Hertz stress
causes geometrically progressive wear, as the particles are
produced exponentially.
Wroblewski, Siney and Fleming recently described the results
of 22 mm alumina femoral heads articulating against cross-
linked polyethylene in a ten-year follow-up. A running-in rate
of penetration was noted, which then decreased to 0.022 mm/
year after the first 18 months. It is difficult, however, to conclude
from this study whether the alumina head, the small diameter
of the femoral head, or the cross-linked nature of the polyethylene
cups was responsible for the low rate of wear observed.
Comparative physical properties of alumina and zirconia
ceramics of surgical grade:
Property Alumina Zirconia
Purity (%) >99.8 >97.0
Density (g/cm3) 3.98 6.05
Bending strength (MPa) 595 1000
Compressive strength (MPa) 4250 2000
Young’s modulus (GPa) 380 210
Hardness (Vickers hardness no.) 2000 1200
Fracture toughness KIC (MN/m3/2) 5 7
Grain size (µm) 3.6 0.2 to 0.4
Surface finish (Ra, µm) 0.02 XXX
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 71

Zirconia ceramic was introduced in the manufacture of

femoral heads for total hip replacements because of its higher
strength and toughness (which would reduce the risk of
fracture). Pure zirconia is an unstable material showing three
different crystalline phases: Monoclinic, tetragonal and cubic.
The phase changes result in a large variation in volume and
significantly degrade its mechanical properties due to cracks
produced. Zirconia is stabilized by adding oxides to maintain
the tetragonal phase.
Yttrium-stabilized tetragonal polycrystalline zirconia (Y-TZP)
has a fine grain size and offers the best mechanical properties
(Table I).
This material was standardized in 1997 (International
Standard Organisation, ISO 13356). Zirconia femoral heads
should articulate only against polyethylene sockets since both
zirconia against alumina and zirconia against zirconia 20 have
been shown to produce catastrophic rates of wear in vitro.
Zirconia-on-polyethylene has demonstrated similar rates of wear
as alumina-on-polyethylene in vitro, but in vivo, the results have
not been so favourable.

A zirconia ceramic head with a hydroxyappatite coated stem.

72 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Allain et al. recently described a consecutive series of 78 hips

using a zirconia femoral head and a polyethylene cup. Complete
radiolucent lines were observed around the cup in 23% of the
hips, and 17% of the femoral implants had radiolucency greater
than 1 mm. Survival at 8 years was 63%. These worrying results
were confirmed by Hernigou and Babrami in a study comparing
wear of the cup and osteolysis in 40 hips over a period of
10 years.
2 comparable groups of 20 hips each had either a 32 mm
alumina or a 28 mm zirconia femoral head. During the first
5 years, the zirconia group had a lower rate of wear of 0.04 mm/
year compared with 0.08 mm/year, and osteolysis on the calcar
measured in square millimetres was similar in both groups.
Between 5 and 10 years, however, the rate of wear increased
dramatically in the zirconia group to 0.15 mm/year at 10 years
as opposed to 0.07 mm/year in the alumina group. Osteolysis
of the calcar was significantly greater in the zirconia group at
135 mm compared with 65 mm.
These results are of concern. The long-term performance of
zirconia ceramic may well be altered by degradation in vivo
with the material transforming into its monoclinic unstable
Another explanation was suggested by Lu and McKellop, who
measured the frictional heating of polyethylene cups in a hip
joint simulator. The steady-state temperature of the polyethylene
reached 99°C with heads of zirconia ceramic compared with 45°C
with alumina prostheses.
This may account for the long-term wear because the
consequent structural changes may also produce precipitation
of lubricant proteins. Better results are apparent in current
clinical trials.
Mixed-oxide ceramics: A new class of materials has been developed
recently to combine the tribological properties of alumina and
the mechanical characteristics of yttrium stabilized zirconia.
These mixed-oxide ceramics containing 40% to 80% zirconia
have shown rates of wear in vitro comparable to those of alumina
ceramic. Preliminary results in hip joint simulators have been
promising, but further investigations are needed to assess their
long-term performance.
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 73

Bioactive ceramics: These are osteoconductive, acting as

scaffolds to enhance bone formation on their surface, and are
used either as a coating on various substrates or to fill bone
defects. An osteoconductive material can only elicit bone
formation in an osseous environment, whereas an osteoinductive
substance can promote bone formation even in an extraosseous
Calcium phosphate ceramics: HA and tricalcium phosphate
(TCP), two bioceramics belonging to the calcium phosphate
family, have had extensive evaluation as orthopaedic implants.
Stochiometric synthetic HA (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2), with a calcium-
to-phosphate atomic ratio of 1.67, was introduced as a bone-
graft substitute because its formula is similar to that of the
inorganic mineral phase of bone.
Biological HA, however, is Ca deficient and a carbonated
apatite. The bonding mechanism of HA to bone, although not
completely understood, seems to be due osteogenically-
competent cells getting attached to the surface of the HA, and
later differentiating into osteoblasts.
A cellular bone matrix is then formed at the surface of the
HA. An amorphous area is present between the surface and the
bone tissue containing thin apatite crystals. As maturation
occurs, this bonding zone shrinks and HA becomes attached to

A hydroxy appatite coated stem.

74 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

bone through a thin epitaxial layer, resulting in a strong interface

with no layer of fibrous tissue interposed between the bone and
Bone formation grows from the surface of the HA towards
the centre of the pores. HA coating (usually applied by plasma
spray) is widely used on femoral prostheses and on sockets as a
means of fixation in order to avoid complications related to the
use of PMMA.
An American multicentre study has reported excellent results
with a rate of femoral revision of 0.3% at a mean follow-up of
8.1 years, with 1 case of loosening out of 324 implants.
However, it has not yet been clearly shown that HA offers
improved fixation when compared with bone cement. The
thickness of the coating, the chemical composition of the material
and the roughness and nature of the metal substrate seem to be
key factors in ensuring good results.
The main disadvantages which have limited the clinical
application of HA as a bone-graft substitute are related to its
brittle nature and poor tensile strength. Consequently,
information on the clinical use of ceramic bone-graft substitutes
is scarce.
TCP has been evaluated in spinal fusion with results
comparable to those with autogenous bone.
Bioactive glasses: Bioactive glasses, first developed by Hench
and Wilson, have a vitreous structure. They bond chemically to
bone. The model in this class of materials is Bioglass 45S5 of
which the composition (by weight) is: 45% SiO2, 24.5% CaO, 6%
P2O5 and 24.5% Na2O.
The bonding mechanism of silicate bioactive glasses to bone
has been attributed to a series of surface reactions ultimately
leading to the formation of a hydroxycarbonate apatite layer at
the glass surface.
Greater production of bone has been demonstrated with
Bioglass 45S5 when compared with HA, but due to its poor
mechanical properties, this material has not been used in load-
bearing applications.
Recently, in order to improve the reactivity of the material,
sol-gel processed glasses, hydrolysed at ambient temperatures,
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 75

have been developed to obtain bioactive gelglasses in the SiO2-

CaO-P2O5 system, with an initial high specific surface area.
These materials have osteoconductive properties similar to
those of melt-derived glasses, but improved degradability.
The low temperatures used to produce sol-gel glasses allow
them to be used as a coating on alumina substrates. When
implanted in an animal model, sol-gel glass-coated alumina has
demonstrated the ability to form an interface mainly composed
of newly-formed bone by 24 weeks.
In this class of material, apatite wollastonite (CaO-SiO2) glass
ceramic developed by Kokubo et al. has osteoconductive
properties similar to Bioglass 45S5 but increased mechanical
strength. It has been used with favourable results as a spacer at
the iliac crest, for vertebral prostheses and as a shelf in
procedures about the shoulder.
Bioactive bone cements: Bioactive bone cements have been
explored as an alternative to PMMA in order to avoid
complications related to PMMA debris and to enhance fixation
of the prosthesis. These materials, which have undergone
extensive basic research, include calcium-phosphate based bone
cement and glass-ceramic bone cement. A strong cement-bone
interface is obtained by the formation of HA at the surface of
the cement. Moreover, calcium phosphate cements are
resorbable and are progressively replaced by newly-formed

Bone, bioactive glass interface at 26 weeks.

76 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Ceramic or ceramic coated knees are still being evaluated.

Ceramic coatings provide an attractive alternative for
biological fixation. In the near future, ceramic substitutes for
bone grafts will probably be used in association with
osteoinductive materials (such as bone morphogenetic proteins
or mesenchymal stem cells) to further accelerate bone formation.
Polymethyl Methacralate: Polymethyl methacrylate remains
one of the most enigmatic but enduring materials in orthopaedic
surgery. With a central role in the success of total joint
replacement, it is also used in newer techniques such as
percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty.
In reality, “cement” is a misnomer, because the word cement
is used to describe a substance that bonds two things together.
However, PMMA acts as a space-filler that creates a tight space
and holds the implant against the bone, thus acting as a ‘grout’.
Bone cements have no intrinsic adhesive properties; instead, they
rely on close mechanical interlock between the irregular bone
surface and the prosthesis.
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) was first employed by
orthopaedic surgeons over 60 years ago and remains a key
component of modern practice. The understanding of its
properties has evolved and progressed alongside the advance
of the specialty, and has indirectly helped improve implant
design, particle science, cell biology and biomechanics. The use
of acrylic by orthopaedic surgeons is likely to continue, and
knowledge of the properties and applications of this material
remains essential. Polymethylmethacrylate was unveiled by the
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 77

chemical industry in 1843 and named ‘acide acrylique’ on

account of the acrid smell of the monomer. In 1936, it was noted
that mixing ground polymer with monomer produced a dough
that could be manipulated and moulded; hence it became one
of the earliest biomaterials.
Early applications were in dentistry. Its use as a grout to
improve implant fixation was pioneered in 1953 by Haboush.
However, the major breakthrough in the use of PMMA in total
hip replacement (THR) was the work of Charnley in 1970, who
used it to secure fixation of the acetabular and femoral
components and to transfer loads to bone.
Sir John Charnley can well be credited with introducing bone
cement in Orthopaedics. Working alone, constantly researching,
improvising and improving, he invented what we can call the
first modern total joint replacement. The early results were
spectacular. And the results remained spectacular. Hundreds
upon hundreds were relieved of pain and crippling. They
remained pain free for a long period, so joint replacements had
come to stay. Once the principles were established, replacement
of other joints began to follow. Charnley, the meticulous and
dedicated scientist, was working very hard on all aspects of this
specialty. Theatre asepsis, lamellar air flows, antibiotic
prophylaxis, deep vein thrombosis, cement polymerization,
cement bone interaction—these were among the subjects on
which Sir John conducted research.
The American surgeons at this time were keen to try out hip
replacements on their own. And as was the custom, bone cement
was sent to the FDA (the agency that monitors quality and
standards of consumables in the US) for testing. They found
that cement was carcinogenic in the mice they tested them in!
Approval for use of bone cement was withheld, hence American
surgeons could not use bone cement or perform hip
This was in the early 1960s. Plane loads of patients flew into
England and got their hips replaced. Back in the US, they
thumbed their nose at the FDA!!! This state of affairs persisted
for a decade. Indignant US surgeons demanded a reevaluation
of the facts. And it was found that the mice on which cement
was tested and found carcinogenic were indeed carcinogen-
78 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Argentinian black market cement used in USA when FDA had not
yet approved the use of bone cement.

susceptible mice in the first place! The experiments were

repeated; this time it was found to be reasonably safe, and only
in the early 1970s was cement approved for use in the US. This
gave a 10-year lead to the British in the field of hip surgery.
The use of bone cement was considered a weak link in the
development process of joint replacements. Since early days,
there have been efforts to design and develop a prosthesis that
can be anchored without bone cement. As a matter of fact, Austin
Moore’s endoprosthesis depended on a self-locking mechanism
as a result of bone ingrowth to help anchor the prosthesis in the
Bone cement is available in two components: a polymer and
a monomer. The polymer is a white powder (usually sold in
40 gm sachets), in a double or triple packing and sterilized by
gamma irradiation. The monomer is a liquid (usually available
in 20 ml ampoules), again double packed and sterilized by
gamma irradiation.
PMMA is a self-curing acrylic polymer, unlike the heat cured
version used in the original Judet hips. There is a catalyst in the
powder and an accelerator in the liquid. Both act together in
causing a polymerization, forming longer chains of the acrylate
which changes its constituency with the passage of time. The
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 79

The original low viscosity cement, best for injection under pressure.

Antibiotic loaded bone cements are slightly less viscous.

cement is not glue and does not have any adhesive qualities. As
a matter of fact, it is a grout or a filler to enable a more uniform
transmission of forces.
As it sets and is mouldable, it is distributed uniformly all over
the surfaces transmitting weight proportionately across all
dimensions of the implant. Due to the absence of mechanical
bonding properties, the cement does not adhere to the polished
surfaces of the prosthesis. However, it does slightly bond to the
rough metallic surfaces or the plastic tibia. Some manufacturers
choose to precoat the surface of the implant with a thin coat of
PMMA to enhance its bonding qualities. However, since the time
of Sir John, cement was never intended to be glue; it was never
intended to bond either the prosthesis or the cup to the body.
80 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Cement can be hand pressurized or injected with a gun or syringe.

Especially with knee replacement, it is to be understood that it

is a rigid and brittle structure; only when it fully conforms to
the outer surface of the implant will it act as a uniform weight
Recent studies have shown that bone cement is 3 times
stronger in compression than with shear forces. Actually a good
analogy would be the Portland cement between bricks. This
supports a strong ceiling and a weight on the ceiling, but cannot
withstand a blow from the side (as is used to demolish buildings).
Thus in the long run, failure would often occur because the
cement was not packed tightly enough and the crevices in it
would fail due to the rotatory and bending movements (rather
than compression).
Subsequent studies have shown that the properties of the
cement implant bondage not only depend upon the stage at
which it is introduced; they also depend upon constant pressure
exertion at the time of setting and absence or diminution of air
Biomaterials of the Artificial Knee 81

bubbles (which lead to porosity of the cement) in the mixture.

Newer methods like vacuum stirring and pressure injection
address this problem. A closed cavity onto which liquid cement
is pushed with pressure will of course enhance the bondage
between the walls and the cement; hence the newer techniques
of syringe injection are currently used.
Many surgeons advocate adding antibiotics to bone cement.
It has been found that less than 2 grams of heat stable antibiotics
(powder) added to 40 grams of the cement powder does not
significantly inhibit the tensile and compressive strength. Very
recent studies do show that fatigue strength may be
compromised by such addition; hence their routine use in
primary arthroplasty is not recommended. Further, as the
chances of infection are much less in a primary replacement
arthroplasty than in revision, and as routine antibiotic-loaded
cement usage in primary arthroplasties may cause resistant
strains of organisms to develop, adding antibiotics in cement is
not routinely recommended.
Radio-opaque substances like barium sulphate are now being
routinely added. These are very important for an accurate
correlation in follow-up radiographs. The use of cement without
this is almost given up. After remaining in the body for a
sufficient time, the cement tends to attain a light brown shade;
in many revision cases, it may be difficult to distinguish this
from cortical bone. To help identify cement in revision
procedures, certain companies now add pigments like methylene
blue and chlorophyll.
A word here about hypotension induced by cement. It has
been found that between 3 and 4 minutes after femoral
cementation, a transient hypotension is noticed. This is more
marked with liquid preparations than with doughy masses. The
reason for this is the absorption of the monomer into the blood.
The absorbed monomer is subsequently metabolized as
methacrylic acid and then to carbon dioxide. The anaesthetist
should be forewarned and the blood pressure has to be kept a
little high to avoid complications.
Almost all brands of cement are available in India. The shelf
life of the monomer is less than that of the polymer and one
must note the expiry date carefully while purchasing. There is
82 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Mixing of radio-opague substances with bone cement allows us to

radiologically study the cement bone interface.

not much to choose between the various forms of cement, except

when you are using pressurization techniques and the need to
use a cement gun. Low viscosity cements available include
Surgical Simplex and CMW. Doughy mixes include Zimmer,
Palacos and Sulfix.
In conclusion, bone cement is a good thing, but only as long
as one understands how to use it properly. Use it well and it
will last for years; bad cementation will lead to early failures.
Even today, best results of cemented hips are superior to
cementless knees, both in short and long term.
The Making of a Knee Prosthesis 83

The Making of a Knee Prosthesis

D esign, development and manufacturing of a total knee

prosthesis is no rocket science. In engineering terms, despite
the major hype generated by the big companies, the technology
is fairly basic.
It is pertinent that Sir John Charnley made his initial 500 hips
in his own lathe in his workshop. Mckee personally hand
polished the head of his first hip. Our own Dr KH Sancheti,
began making his Indus Knees in his basement workshop.
Throughout the world, surgeon innovators have participated
in the process of manufacturing the total knee implants, and
even if the reader doesn’t intend to manufacture his/her own
prosthesis, knowledge of the complete manufacturing process
improves one’s understanding of the product and procedure.
The first step is to do a dimensional analysis of bones, radio-
graphs and CT scans to get the sizes of the knees of the popula-
tion spread.

Skeletal measurements to get bone size spread.

84 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Anthropometric and cadaveric measurements for dimensional analysis.

First raw design of shape and dimensions of the prosthesis.

CAD design of the components.

The next step is designing the actual components. Most

modern knees are very similar with minor differences. The basic
design is made on a CAD programme, and the same is fed into
a multi axis CNC machine to produce the first prototype
The Making of a Knee Prosthesis 85

Output in the form of IGES or STEP file.

Component prototype for making the die.

The next step is making a die for wax patterns as the metallic
components are going to be cast by investment casting or lost
wax process.
86 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Silicone rubber dies for wax patterns.

A wax pattern from the mould.

The dies can be made in metal or silicone rubber. Metal dies
would give thousands of pieces while rubber dies have to be
frequently replaced.

These wax patterns are coated with layers of fine ceramic clay and
dried to form clay moulds with the pattern inside.
The Making of a Knee Prosthesis 87

Irrespective or the metal used for casting, this step remains the same.

At this stage, we get the metallic component replicas in wax

with dimensional tolerances accurate up to 0.2 mm. These are
coated with fine ceramic clay by repeated dipping in a clay
The dies are allowed to air dry to remove moisture, then oven
fired to melt the wax and produce a single-use ceramic casting
die into which molten metal is poured.

Ceramic shell trees being air dried and fired to make one time
ceramic dies.

Molten metal, most often cobalt chrome molybdenum alloy, is

poured into the dies. On cooling, the outer shells are broken open to
extract the components.
88 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The rough castings undergo radiographic testing, followed

by metallurgical analysis and material testing, both destructive
and non-destructive. Only components which pass the tests are
taken up for the next stage.
The cast component is machined by a multi-axis vertical
machine centre to match the drawings. VMC machines easily
achieve tolerances up to 0.1 mm.
Repeated quality checks are conducted at each stage to ensure
that every product is perfect.
UHMWHDPE comes in blocks or sheets. One metre square
and fifty millimetre thick sheets are the standard. They are
machined in a VMC and the CAD programme ensures dimensio-
nal accuracy of each component.
All that remains to be done now is polishing of the
components. This can be done either by automatic tumbler

Radiological and other tests are done to choose the approved castings.

A 5-axis VMC is used to accurately machine the articular surfaces,

which will be polished later.
The Making of a Knee Prosthesis 89

HDPE sheets for tibial inserts.

Machined in a VMC to appropriate shape.

An all poly component machined in a VMC.

90 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Polishing of the components to achieve mirror finish.

polishers which use ceramic grinding wedges, or manually using

buffing wheels of increasing softness.
The aim is to achieve a mirror polish without any imperfec-
tions. The long-term success of a knee replacement certainly
depends on the polish of the femoral articulating surface.
Finished components are laser marked with sizes and batch
numbers. Each component bears a serial number essential for
traceability and process control.

Inspection with metallurgical microscope for surface finish and

absence of scratches or imperfections.
The Making of a Knee Prosthesis 91

Prototype components of the Madras High Flex Knee designed by

the author.

The components are repeatedly cleaned at each stage. Once

complete and inspected, the entire operation shifts to a clean
room with laminar air flow and restricted entry.
The components are packed appropriately and readied for
sterilization. The metallic components are sterilized by Gamma
radiation and two centres in India do this: RASHMI in Bengaluru
and BARC in Mumbai.
The plastic components are sterilized by ethylene oxide
sterilization. Certain companies use low dose radiation, with
the components packed in vacuum or nitrogen. However,
evidence currently supports non-radiation sterilization of plastic
components for a longer in bio life and diminished brittleness
and failure.
92 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Biomechanical Considerations

T he surgeon contemplating to start this procedure must bear

in mind that a total joint significantly differs from other
orthopaedic implants like plates and screws. The latter are used
only as temporary supports until the bone heals but with a joint,
it is for good. (At least we hope so.)
Thus, one has to consider the constant forces acting on the
joint day in and out, the effects of cyclic loading of 2 to 10 times
body weight on the implant, and the fact that technical flaws
resulting from an improper understanding of the biomechanical
problems will cause failure with disastrous consequences of
marked pain and disability, which on occasions may be greater
than the problems for which the surgery was performed in the
first place.
By all standards, these implants are very expensive. Thus
their use in an average patient is restricted not only by
availability, but also by cost. Unlike a simple ball and socket
joint of the hip, the knee is a complex diarthrodial joint with
large joint surfaces. A human knee is not inherently or
structurally stable by the bone shape congruity; rather, the joint
depends considerably on the ligaments and soft tissue around
it for stability, support and movement.
Thus if an artificial knee joint is expected to last long, its design
should incorporate features that would ensure some stability
based upon the available ligaments and soft tissues around the
knee. Its surfaces should be congruent enough to spread the area
of contact over large surfaces and at the same time, should not
be too congruent to cause constraint amongst the joint surfaces,
increasing friction dramatically.
Biomechanical Considerations 93

The following parameters are important:

1. Knee biomechanics and loading
2. Alignment of the components
3. Congruency of the implant surfaces
4. Inbuilt implant constraints
5. Soft tissue balance

Knee Biomechanics and Loading

The human knee (according to the anatomist) is a diarthrodial
ginglymus. However in the actual sense, the knee is not a simple
hinge, and movements of flexion, extension, abduction,
adduction, and rotation all occur in it!
In a normal knee, the cruciates form an important part to
determine its functionality and competence. And as one or both
are invariably sacrificed, the implant design has to compensate
for it.
The above diagram displays this fact clearly. AB is the
direction of neutral fibres of ACL. CD is the direction of neutral
fibres of PCL. BD is the link between the tibial attachment sites,
and CA is the femoral insertion point.
The points of insertion between links AB and CD make the
flexion axis. Understanding this concept is very important in
knee design. This is represented in a normal human knee by a

Flexion axis for a normal knee.

94 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

screwhome mechanism, wherein there is an external rotation of

the tibia over the femur as the knee is straightened from a flexed
position. The winding and unwinding of the cruciates
accomplish this maneuvre; if one or both cruciates are removed
during a knee replacement surgery, the implant design should
contribute to compensate this deficiency and ensure stability by
introducing sufficient constraint in the implant.
The knee has a constant changing centre of rotation from
flexion to extension, with a polycentric curve comprised of a
slide, glide and a roll-over motion. Thus with these diverse axes
of motion, the knee’s stability is dependant both on the
anatomical shape of the joint as well as the ligaments and
The loads transmitted across the knee are tremendous; up to
3 times the body weight is transmitted in level walking and up
to 4 times in stair climbing. Despite the knee being a large joint,
all weight is not uniformly transmitted across the knee.
Relatively small areas of the tibial surface transmit the loads,
and menisci play a significant part in force dissipation. The
medial compartment bears a greater load than the lateral!

The knee is capable of motion in all 3 planes.

Biomechanical Considerations 95

A knee has a constant changing centre of rotation from flexion to


Alignment of the Components

Mediolateral Axis: The hip joints are fixed structures. When a
person is standing or walking, the two relevant points of the
plumb line that represent the line of weight transmission are
the centre of the hip joint and the centre of ankle joint. If a straight
line drawn through the two passes through the centre of the
knee joint, then weight will be transmitted uniformly over the
entire area of the joint surface. However, if the line passes
through one compartment or the other, then it invariably follows
that one-half of the joint will bear all the forces, will consequently
suffer from unequal load distribution and also an early wear.
When a person stands on one leg (Trendelenburg stance), the
partial body weight W is held by the lateral tension band T in
equilibrium. The resultant force R thus passes through the centre
of the knee joint.
Thus if the knee is in a neutral axis, we find that the line of
weight bearing is passing through the medial compartment alone
as shown in the following diagram. If the knee happens to be in
a varus, then the line of weight transmission will pass through
96 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The forces generated in the knee while standing on one leg.

the space medial to the medial-most part of the joint, which is a

disaster because the wear will be restricted to the most medial
part of the medial compartment and there will be no weight
transmission through the lateral half of the joint.
However, if the knee is in a valgus position, it is apparent
that the weight is transmitted more or less through the centre of
the knee joint; it hence follows that there will be a uniform
distribution of the stresses, hence preferential loading of a single
compartment of the knee is avoided. The importance of the above
statements cannot be over emphasized!
Biomechanical Considerations 97

As most osteoarthritic knees are in varus, it follows that the

medial compartment bears the major brunt of all forces and
wears out first.
If there is one single lesson that the reader remembers from
this book, it should be the above. In a physiological knee, if there
is a varus, there is definite early medial compartment arthritis.
However, a valgus knee of up to 7° or 9° can become a more
global arthritis as the years pass by!
As a corollary, knees that are in gross valgus will suffer from
lateral compartment arthritis. Thus to repeat: A varus to rectus
knee will have a medial arthritis, a moderate valgus will have a global
arthritis and a markedly valgus knee will surely have a lateral
compartment arthritis.
The friction forces on a synovial cartilage/synovial cartilage
articulation are very minimal and no man-made bearing surface
ever matches this. The following chart shows the friction on
various bearing surfaces!
With such excellent natural bearing surfaces, if misalignment
causes wear within the life span of the individual, it necessarily
follows that with man-made inferior material, a mal-alignment
will cause a much more rapid wear and failure!

The resultant force R in a varus knee passes fully through the medial
98 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Material Lubrication Coef. of friction

Metal on metal nonpolished Dry 100.00
Tyre on road Dry 1.00
Nylon on steel Dry 0.20
PTFE on PTFE Dry 0.07
PTFE on PTFE Water 0.04
SS on SS Water 0.36
CoCr on CoCr Water 0.38
SS on HDPE Water 0.04
CoCr on HDPE Water 0.04
Human Knee Joint Water 0.009

Alignment and axes of the knee.

Anterio-posterior axis: There should be a slight posterior slope

to allow for a greater flexion. A slope from back to front is a
mechanical disadvantage because on weight bearing and
standing, the femoral component will have a tendency towards
unrestricted forward fall, leading to rapid failure.
Based on the above logical inferences, one can conclude that
the distal femur should be cut at 5° to 7° of valgus, the upper
tibia should be parallel to the floor or up to 2° slope posteriorly.
Congruency of implant surfaces: When a person stands or
walks, different loads are transmitted through various joints in
different phases of activity like level walking, running, stair
climbing, or jogging. Two logical assumptions can be made at
this stage. Smaller the area, more the load transmitted per square
Biomechanical Considerations 99

mm. Just imagine sliding a brick on the table, first wide side
down, and then on its edges. Naturally the same load distributed
over a wider area will be lesser per square mm.
However, the exact opposite is true of friction-induced wear.
Larger the contact area, greater the surfaces rubbing against one
another, more the friction and more the wear. These points
should receive very careful consideration while a knee implant
is being designed.
In addition to the nature of the articulating surfaces, loading
depends on the surface area. To give a simple example, it is easier
to push a brick that lies flat, than when it is standing upright.
As the material that is going to be used is a constant, the design
of the knee must provide minimal contact surfaces to produce
lowest friction possible.
Friction on the contrary depends on the area of contact; thus,
a smaller contact area will have a lower friction than a larger
area of contact, the bearing surfaces being constant! By these
statements it is apparent that friction and wear are independent,
and both are of concern to the surgeon.

This is a limited contact implant. See areas of point contact stresses.

100 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

In this design of implant, the contact is more uniform and a larger

surface area articulates.

A newer design knee allowing limited contact in full flexion, but rather
full contact in extension.
Biomechanical Considerations 101

Limited areas of contact causes point loading and rapid boring

sort of wear at areas of high stresses. Thus designs should avoid
small areas of intense contact. If both the components are
spheroidal in shape, it would increase conformity and constraint.
An increase in constraint will cause increased stresses at the
implant bone interface, leading to early loosening.
Another important point is that a normal physiological knee
has femoral condyles articulating with a rather flat tibial surface,
with its contour enhanced by the presence of menisci. In a normal
knee, the area of contract in flexion is lesser than that in extension.
So the design of knee should also take this factor into
Thus the optimal knee design should allow for a large area of
contact between the femoral and tibial components, but the two
surfaces should only roughly match in profile and not be very
congruent. Moreover, the areas of contact should be shaped so
as to allow a slight glide and roll as the knee moves from
extension to flexion.
Inbuilt implant constraints: Unlike a hip joint (which is a simple
ball and socket joint), a normal knee has cruciates, which are
strong structures that keep the knee stable. The collaterals too
play an important part in the stability of the knee. If any of these

The PCL retaining designs have a central projection to compensate

for ACL that has been removed.
102 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

A knee design in which both cruciates are removed should have a

projecting cam from the middle of tibia to provide an inbuilt constraint
for the joint.

stabilizing factors are missing, the design of the implant should

build in a constraint to overcome the deficiency.
Thus with an absent posterior cruciate, the tibial and femoral
surfaces should have a posterior stabilizer. Most designs achieve
this by sacrificing the anterior cruciate and having a central
bridge on the tibial surface.
With collateral laxity, the lax side has to be fine tuned by
stretching that side, either by using bone or wedges incorporated
into the prosthesis. And if all stabilizing structures are deficient,
a hinge joint may be needed, especially in salvage procedures
and after resections. However, one has to remember that the
more one depends on the implant to provide constraints, greater
will be the loosening and wear.
Soft tissue balance: As discussed previously, the restoration of
alignment prior to the bony resections is the key to long-lasting
results of replacement. If an arthroplasty is performed where
the limb looks aligned but the straightness of the limb is achieved
by obliquity of bone cuts rather than release of tight structures,
the joint will invariably fail due to the unbalanced loading of
the surfaces.
Biomechanical Considerations 103

The author’s design of a soft tissue balancer and flexion extension

gap measurement device.

This instrument measures and balances the flexion and extension

gap, a step very important for the long-term survive of an implanted
knee prosthesis.
To achieve long-lasting results, all deformities should be
corrected by correct soft tissue release procedures prior to bone
cuts. Despite earlier observations to the contrary, it is now well-
established that knees with perfect alignment, adequate soft
tissue balance and precise bone cuts will be the only ones that
succeed in the long run!
104 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Knee Design Considerations and
Types of Knee Replacements

Introduction: Till date, well over 1000 designs of total knee

replacements have been described. With continuous additions
of newer models and more recent Mark XXXs, telling us that (a)
the ideal knee is still under development and (b) we as surgeons
lack the patience to wait long enough to know if a particular
design works well. Based on theoretical studies, an ideal knee
should perform the following functions:
1. It should allow motion as near to the normal knee as possible
in all three planes.
2. The joint surfaces should contribute to an excellent stability
in extension and reasonable stability in flexion.
3. The artificial articular surface should provide a constantly
changing centre of rotation like the normal knee.
4. The design should allow for maximum preservation of
available ligaments and supporting structures in the knee that
is being replaced.
5. By its shape and structure, the design should compensate
ligaments and structures that are deficient.
6. The shape should lend itself to an equal transmission of load
through its entire surface to minimize wear and assure a long-
lasting joint.
As discussed in the previous chapter, a greater congruency
of the tibial and femoral surfaces leads to a fairly uniform
distribution of stresses, which will lower the wear. However, a
greater congruency will definitely increase the constraint and
thus contribute to greater stresses at the implant cement
interface, which will lead to loosening. The converse is also true:
Knee Design Considerations and Types of Knee ... 105

A very limited contact will have a minimal constraint and hence

no implant bone stresses; however, the very minimal articulating
surfaces will be subject to tremendous point contact loads and
thus lead to disproportionate wear and failure. The compromise
will be a joint in which the surfaces roughly match but are NOT
an exact fit.

Types of Knee Designs

Over the years, the various knee joints that have made their
appearance can be classified into the following designs based
on the shape of the articular surface:
1. Spherocentric designs
2. Roller trough designs
3. Condylar designs
4. Anatomic designs
5. Single radius medial contact designs
6. Meniscal designs
Based on the implant criteria and instrumentation, the designs
can be classified as:
1. Universal designs (left and right interchangeable)
2. Anatomic femoral only (left and right femoral components)
3. Anatomic femoral and tibial
4. Gender specific knees.
5. Patient specific implants
6. Modular designs
Regarding metal-backing of the plastic and patellar shapes, the
following designs are available:
1. Non metal-backed tibial component
2. Metal-backed fixed HDPE tibial component.
3. Metal-backed detachable HDPE tibial component
4. Non metal-backed patellar component
5. Metal-backed patellar component.
As we move from the minimally constrained towards the more
constrained implants, the use gets restricted to grossly unstable
knees, revision cases, bone loss, and resection in tumours. These
hinged or constrained devices are of the following types:
1. Fixed hinge joints
106 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

2. Axial hinge joints

3. Rotating hinge joints
In so far as the method of fixation is concerned, the following
types of fixation are available:
1. Fixation with bone cement
2. Fixation with porous coating for bone ingrowth
3. Fixation with hydroxyapatite (HA) coated implants
It follows that each type of knee design will incorporate
features from all the above criteria. Some of the above criteria
have distinct proven advantages over the other. I shall now give
a brief description of the parameters and also list their
advantages and disadvantages. This would help you to choose
the ideal design that incorporates all the desirable features and
avoids features proved to be undesirable.
Spherocentric surface design: These were the very early shapes
that came in immediately after the fixed hinge joints failed. The
femoral component is a section of a large sphere and the tibial
component is a mirror image of the same. These early designs
have now been more or less given up. They are mentioned just
for the sake of completeness. Examples of this design are the now
obsolete. Spherocentric knee and Stabilocondylar prosthesis.
Roller trough design: Here the femoral component is a part of a
cylinder rather than a sphere. It is relatively flat at the distal
end. The tibial surface roughly matches the femoral condyle but
is not an exact fit. Its advantages are:
1. Low constraint, hence less stresses at the implant bone interface.
2. Differential contact in flexion and extension, with an increased
contact in full extension providing inherent stability.
3. Range of motion up to 130° possible in a properly implanted
Its disadvantages are:
1. There is no constant changing centre of rotation.
2. The stability in flexion is less.
3. There is a definite constraint in extension that may
theoretically lead to implant bone interface loading.
Examples of this design are Freeman-Samuelson Mark II knee,
Whiteside knee, etc.
Knee Design Considerations and Types of Knee ... 107

Freeman-Samuelson Mark II knee.

Condylar Designs: Possibly the most implanted knee design in

existence, it also has the longest follow-up amongst all knees
that have been replaced to date. The shape is a mix between the
above two with rather spherocondylar femora and somewhat
flat tibial bearings. The edge between the two tibial compartments
is raised and may provide an additional constraint by locking
with the femur in cruciate deficient knees. The surfaces give a
fairly uniform and wide area of contact in extension, good contact
in flexion, and over 100° of motion. Its advantages are:
1. The design is a compromise between total contact and extreme
low contact designs.
2. Instrumentation is easy and implantation is more or less
3. About 110° or more of motion is achieved.
4. Wide dissipation of forces allow for reduced wear.
Its disadvantages are:
1. The increased conformity increases the cement-bone interface
stresses, with a theoretical chance of increasing failure.
2. The flexion achieved is less than the more anatomic or
meniscal designs.
108 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The original total condylar knee.

The most popular examples of this design are the Insall

Burnstien II, Total Condylar II, Ranawat Total Condylar, etc.
Anatomic Designs: These copy the normal anatomy of the
human knee. The femoral condyles are reasonably flat distally
and well cylindrical posteriorly. The medial and lateral femoral
condyles are shaped differently to match the anatomic model of
the knee. The tibial surface is flattish and approximates a bony
tibia with the meniscus. The contact areas in flexion and
extension are different. Its advantages are:
1. Good range of motion, which may exceed 120°.
2. Excellent total contact in extension, leading to good contact
and low wear.
3. Roller glide from extension to flexion, allowing a constant
changing centre of rotation as in a normal knee.
4. Low contact in flexion allowing diminution of implant bone
stress and hence lowering chances of failure.
Its disadvantages are:
1. Point contact in flexion may lead to increased wear.
2. The roll on glide increases the laxity of the knee.
Knee Design Considerations and Types of Knee ... 109

The porous coated anatomic PCA knee.

3. Because of the precise shape of the components, the

implantation has to be perfect; even a little mal-alignment will
result in tremendous loads across the joint and lead to early
The common examples of this type are the PCA, Kienamatic,
Genesis II, Miller Galante, etc.

Genesis II knee.
110 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Meniscal Designs: These are new generation knees designed to

overcome the problems faced by anatomic designs. The tibial
plastic acts as a bipolar bearing and articulates with polished
femoral as well as tibial surfaces. This design has a good total
contact with both surfaces, yet avoids increased contact stresses.
Its advantages are:
1. Bipolar movement and thus less wear.
2. Good contact between the metal and HDPE in almost all
phases of movements, which will lead to a very uniform stress
3. Glide roll more than other designs; hence possibly a few more
degrees of flexion.
Its disadvantages are:
1. New design, hence sufficient follow-up is not available.
2. An additional moving part is introduced.
3. Wear on both surfaces of tibia rather than one.
4. Possibility of dislocation of the meniscus.
5. The implant relies very heavily on the precision of
ligamentous balance and perfection of the bone cuts. Thus
the procedure has a long learning curve and mistakes are not
The common examples are the New Jersey LCS, Oxford, etc.

A mobile bearing tibial insert.

Knee Design Considerations and Types of Knee ... 111

The author’s design of a mobile bearing.

The other criteria useful for choosing implants are listed
below. One has to take all the points listed into consideration
before making an intelligent choice about the right type of
implant for a patient.
Universal Designs: Advantages:
1. Simple and easy to use.
2. Less inventory in the operating room leading to lesser patient
3. Simpler and easier instrumentation.

Universal femoral component fits both left and right.

112 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

1. Need for greater surgical skill for precise alignments.
2. Patellar tracking is not as good as anatomic knees.
3. Prosthesis cannot have inbuilt features for left and right.
Consequently bone cuts should differ on left and right side to
allow for a valgus positioning of the prosthesis.
Anatomic femoral components: Advantages:
1. Better patellar tracking.
2. Prosthesis insertion is easy.
3. Instrumentation needs much less eye balling.
4. Designs can have a thicker medial and thinner lateral part of
the femoral component, needing a much lesser amount of bone
to be removed.
1. Increased inventory and costs.
2. More (number) and more complicated instrumentation.

Anatomic Tibial Components

The anatomic femoral component.

Knee Design Considerations and Types of Knee ... 113

These are very recent designs in which the medial and lateral
tibial articulations differ in shape and size. The medial aspect is
larger and slightly deeper compared to the lateral side. It has a
lot of theoretical advantages, but the follow-up is short and it is
much more expensive.
Nonmetal-backed tibial component: Studies have shown that
a metal-back in tibia dissipates forces much better, leading to
much lesser stresses and lesser plastic deformation. However,
the thickness of the plastic should be a minimum of 5 mm in the
thinnest part. Otherwise if the plastic wears out over the years,
there will be a severe metallosis by the grinding between the
femoral component and the tibial metal base plate.
There is an increasing interest and resurgence of studies
towards nonmetal-backed tibial components now. All poly tibias
have now made a comeback and still have a place in the very
elderly low demand knee.
Metal-backed fixed and modular tibial components: Most tibial
components presently available are metal-backed. More recent
ones are all modular. However, there are a few designs that still
have a fixed metal-back. The modular design has an advantage
of greater control, especially in the final stages of surgery. Here

An all poly tibial component, which is now making a comeback.

114 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Fixed and mobile tibial bearings.

if one finds that after cementation, the knee is a bit tight or loose,
one can just change the polyethylene liner to get a better fit.
Modular designs: Here the modularity pertains to the
interchangeability between the tibial and femoral components.
In the first generation knees, one could use only the same-sized
femur with the same-sized tibia. Later designs became
compatible one size up or down. The present generation modular
knees are practically universal, where one can allow articulation
with any femur and tibia.

A current modular knee.

Knee Design Considerations and Types of Knee ... 115

For example, if a patient takes a medium or large femoral

component, and the tibia is cut a bit too low because of bony
defects, leading to the use of a much smaller tibia, the
components will still match and articulate perfectly.
Patellar components metal-backed and nonmetal-backed:
Though there was an initial surge of interest in metal-backed
patellar components, these are seldom used now. The reason is
that the thickness of the patellar button even normally is lesser
than 4 mm. To accommodate the metal-back, one will have to
make a thinner button. This will wear off pretty soon and result
in a knee where the femoral component rubs directly against the
patella, leading to severe wear debris and associated problems.
Status of hinge designs: Hinge designs are no longer used as
primary replacements. However, there are specific indications
for their use, mainly in the following conditions:
1. After resection in bone tumours.
2. As a last stage for revisions with severe bone loss and complete
ligamentous instability.
However, one must understand that a hinge only offers a
temporary solution and the patient must be informed that it will
definitely fail over a period of time.
Fixation of the implants: Of the various modalities available,
fixation by bone cement has the longest and most successful
outcome. However, the difficulties in revision and bone loss
associated with loose cemented components has made some
surgeons consider alternative methods of fixation, especially in
younger patients. The Freeman HDPE serrated pegs, which snap
fit without cement for both femur and tibial components, have
a reasonable amount of success in the medium to long term.
Recent results of the cementless porous coated and hydroxyapatite
coated implants too are fairly impressive.
For a beginner, the following points should act as a reasonable
Elderly, low demand patients and rheumatoid knees at any age
should have a cemented knee.
Relatively younger patients and those with good bone stock should
have a cementless implant.
116 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Indications and Contraindications of
Total Knee Replacement

Indications: Pain, stiffness and deformity are usually co-existent

in most patients and together form a triad of symptoms for which
knee arthroplasty is indicated. Of the three symptoms, pain is
the primary and main indication. Pain interfering with normal
daily activities, pain at rest and pain not relieved by nonsurgical
methods—all account for a reasonable indication for a knee
replacement. The common conditions where this amount of pain
is present and where the procedure is indicated are:
1. Osteoarthritis: Primary osteoarthritis of the knee is a very
common problem, especially in the Asian patient. The social
activity of squatting somehow protects the hip against primary
osteoarthritis, and this is probably compensated by a much
larger incidence of knee arthritis.

Severe osteoarthritis of the knee.

Indications and Contraindications of Total Knee ... 117

Bilateral OA with wind swept deformities.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis with increasing pain and stiffness.

Tri-compartmental rheumatoid arthritis.

118 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

3. Other seronegative spondylo-arthropathies like ankylosing

spondylosis, psoriatic arthritis, gout, Crohn’s disease, etc.
(provided the first criteria of pain is met).

Seronegative knee arthropathy.

Indications and Contraindications of Total Knee ... 119

4. Post-traumatic arthritis, secondary to trauma, or intra-articular

fractures. One must ensure that the knee is sufficiently painful
before contemplating an arthroplasty.
5. Arthritis that has started to become painful after a high tibial
6. Haemophiliac arthritis with severe joint destruction. Due care
should be taken to manage the haemophilia and sufficient
factor replacement should be available prior to contemplating
7. Post-tubercular degenerated knee, provided the disease
process is quiescent. A prophylactic course of anti-tubercular
treatment is mandatory prior to taking up surgery.
8. Painfully stiff knee ankylosis, with an incomplete arthrodesis.
9. Old septic arthritis with painfully degenerated or ankylosed
knee in which the infection has been eradicated and the knee
is quiescent.

Absolute Contraindications
1. Active sepsis, either in the knee or elsewhere in the body.
However an old septic arthritis is not a contraindication as
mentioned above, so long as the infection has been eradicated.
2. Charcot’s disease with absent joint proprioceptive function
is doomed for failure because of abnormal and un-mechanical
loading of the joint.
3. Absent quadriceps mechanism likewise is an absolute
4. A painless arthrodesis in a good functional position.

Relative Contraindications
1. Young age is a contraindication, as this is at best a salvage
procedure, the reliability and longevity of which are still under
investigation. However, even young patients with very
severely crippling disability and a low life expectancy can be
favourably considered.
2. Obesity is a relative contraindication. Increased body weight
puts an increased demand on the replaced joint, thereby
reducing the life expectancy of the implants. In my setup,
120 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

patients weighing over 110 kg are refused the operation unless

they reduce their weight.
3. Level of Activity: Patients with a very high demand may well
be treated with other methods as palliative procedures until
such time that the demand on their knee reduces and they
become fit for surgery.
4. Mechanical problems like malunited fractures in the femoral
or tibial shaft, an absent patella, old partial patellectomy,
predominant patellofemoral or unicompartmenal disease, etc.
form relative contraindications for a beginner who is advised
to refer these problems to more experienced colleagues.

Checklist for a Knee Replacement Programme

In my set up, I follow the following checklist and document the
answers. I give points for each parameter and only then reach a
decision regarding arthroplasty. Surgeons contemplating to start
this procedure or use it routinely are advised to check this list
and modify it to suit their needs. In these days of increasing
litigation and consumer protection, one is better off being
cautious in case selection, meticulous in surgical technique,
precise in patient monitoring and advice, and critical in follow-
up and documentation to avoid problems.
1. Diagnosis
2. Range of motion
3. Walking distance
4. Degree of pain, including night pains. Analgesics taken
presently, dosage, frequency
5. Age and gender
6. Body weight
7. Septic focus: Teeth, prostrate, bowels, bladder, others.
8. Associated conditions: Diabetes, hypertension, benign
prostatic hyperplasia
9. Anaesthetic fitness.
10. Chest expansion, cervical spine and lumbar spine in
rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylosis.
11. X-ray findings, involvement of all three compartments,
stress and weight bearing films.
12. Occupation and lifestyle. Demands on the replaced knee.
Indications and Contraindications of Total Knee ... 121

13. Social background. Rural or urban. Religion. Squatting.

14. Psychological profile. Motivation. Demands and
15. Financial status. Affordability of hospitalization, implants,
western toilet facilities, etc.
In my clinic I have a model of the implant on a plastic bone.
In addition, I also have a short video clip of the operation and a
few pictures of the pre-operative and post-operative activities
of some patients. Detailed counselling is done and all the pros
and cons of the operation are explained fully.
In addition, a specific day of each month is the long-term follow-
up day. All old patients are asked to report on this day for clinical
and radiographic evaluation. New patients on the waiting list
for this procedure are called on the same day and invited to
interact with old patients to get first-hand “user feedback” about
the operation, its advantages and limitations.
122 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

General Principles of
the Surgical Technique

T otal knee replacement is a surgical procedure that is an

epitome of perfection in component placement. For good long
term results, it is imperative that all the components are placed
precisely and all the soft tissues surrounding the implants
perfectly balanced to allow for a uniform stress and load
distribution over the components and consequently produce a
longer life of the implant and a pain- and complication-free
functioning knee joint to that patient.
It is not an exaggeration to state that the procedure is more of
a soft tissue surgery rather than a bony surgery. One must desist
from making even the first bone cut unless a perfect soft tissue
balancing has been achieved. Attempts to correct deformities
by obliquity of bone cuts will surely lead to disastrous results!
On a review of the literature, the fact that emerges very clearly
is that long-term success of knee replacement is dependent upon
precise bone cuts and perfect component placement. Irrespective
of the knee design used, it is imperative that the following critical
steps be followed:
1. The distal femoral cut should be in 5° to 7° of valgus.
2. The upper tibia should be in neutral to 2° of varus and a 3°
to 5° slope from anterior to posterior.
3. All ligaments should be balanced so that there should
neither be instability nor tightness.
4. After bone cuts, the gap between the femur and tibia should
be the same in flexion and extension.
5. The instrumentation should allow an exact fit of the
component used.
General Principles of the Surgical Technique 123

Most designs of total knee replacement have their own

instrumentation to achieve the above goals. These instrumentation
vary from very simple limited instrument sets that rely heavily
on “eye balling”, to the very recent highly complex ten tray
instrumentation sets that are a pain to learn and far too complex
for the theatre sister.
I am now describing the essentials of the procedure
irrespective of the instrumentation used.
Preoperative evaluation: We are treating the patient as a whole,
not just replacing a knee. Thus a preoperative planning and
evaluation schedule is very important and should be strictly
followed. My personal schedule that has stood me well is to
check and document:
1. History of past and present problems, special mention of
diabetes mellitus, hypertension, bleeding and coagulation
disorders. History of infections or sepsis anywhere in the
body. Drug allergies and past medication.
2. Clinical examination of the affected and opposite knee, both
hips and spine. Peripheral vascular status of the affected and
opposite limb to be examined.
3. General examination to assess heart, lungs, exclude systemic
diseases, status of teeth and prostate. On occasions, it may be
wise to get a physician's opinion as to the fitness of the patient
for such a major surgical procedure.
4. Blood and urine examination and chest radiograph are
mandatory, both from the surgical and anaesthetic point of
view. Specific compulsory investigations include bleeding and
clotting times, blood urea and creatinine, haemoglobin , PCV
and a urine culture.
5. Average blood replacement needed is about two units of fresh
blood; adequate preparation for the same should be made.
Preoperative radiographic planning: A correct preoperative
radiographic planning allows us to achieve the following
1. Choose the correct sized implant.
2. Assess the stage of the disease.
3. Know about the bony defects that need to be filled.
4. The axial alignment of the joint that needs to be restored.
124 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

5. The status of bone density.

6. Old fractures or malunions above or below the joint line.
It is not enough to just have a small film with the anterio-
posterior and lateral radiographs of the knee joint. A lot of
information is missed and one may get into serious trouble at
the operation by not having anticipated the unexpected!
In our set up we take the following X-rays:
A. Standing AP and lateral views of the affected and opposite
B. Varus/valgus stress X-rays.
C. Full length ortho roentgenogram with the hip, knee and
ankle in a weight bearing, standing stance to assess the
true axial alignment.
D. Cervical and lumbar spine X-rays to assess the possibility
of intubation or spinal anaesthetic. This is especially
important in rheumatoids and ankylosing spondylosis.

A full length X-ray with hips, knees and ankles in a single frame helps
to plan the surgery properly.
General Principles of the Surgical Technique 125

Preoperative surgical planning: A complete range of

instrumentation is a must for a proper job. Different implants
need different instrumentation sets and are supplied by the
manufacturers. A full set of retractors, all the cutting blocks and
a saw system are mandatory. Full sets of femoral and tibial trials
are essential and it would be unwise to embark upon the surgical
procedure without them.
If there is a preexisting internal fixation device or prosthesis,
instrumentation needed for its removal is also necessary. For
revision knees, one must have the special cement removal chisels.
Bone cement of the appropriate type and in sufficient quantity
is mandatory. Adequate range and sizes of the prosthesis,
including one size above and below, and all thicknesses of tibial
components must also be kept ready and handy. Though the
preoperative evaluation would have indicated the approximate
size and removed much of the guesswork, a cautious surgeon is
always prepared for the unexpected.
Preoperative anaesthetic planning: An anaesthetist reviews the
patient a few days before the operation and does all the

Each instrumentation set comes with its own trials.

126 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

assessment needed. He reviews the investigations and plans for

the type of anaesthesia depending upon the patient’s condition.
A regional anaesthesia is always preferred; over 97% of our knees
are done this way. In simple uncomplicated cases, a Sensorcaine
spinal anaesthesia is used. If the surgery might take longer, a
continuous epidural anaesthesia administered with a plastic
catheter is used. General anaesthesia is rarely used in our set
up. The final choice of the anaesthetic agents and mode of
administration is left entirely to the anaesthesist. An anaesthetic
chart is maintained in which preoperative, intraoperative and
postoperative parameters are recorded.
Preoperative theatre requisites: Much has been written about
the operation theatre conditions needed for arthroplasty. A lot
has been said about the unsuitability of average operating rooms
for a knee replacement. A laminar flow with space suits, though
ideal, is a very expensive proposition for most average operating
rooms. Bio-occlusive clothing too is not easily available in our
country as it is all imported. If one looks into the literature, the
original Charnley series of total hip replacements had an
incidence of about 8% infection. He opined that airborne
microbes were the cause and set about to remedy it. Whilst
working on this problem, he took the help of persons
maintaining clean air in breweries and distilleries, where a strict
abacterial status is essential for proper fermentation. He
postulated that the air in the operating room must be changed
many times and the fresh air blown into the theatre should be
ultra filtered, abacterial and aparticulate. Further, he postulated
that the surgeon emits bacteria from his skin and breath. So if
the surgeon is encompassed in a space suit-like contraption
with hoods and if all the air expired by the surgeon is let out
through a separate outlet, infection must be reduced. He was
Using these methods, he managed to reduce his infection rate
from 8% to less than 1%. Simultaneously, surgeons found that
prophylactic antibiotics also reduce the infection rate despite
the surgery being performed in a conventional operation theatre.
Nelson and Phillips reported a reduction of infection in a
conventional theatre from 5.8% to just 1.3% with the use of
antibiotics. It has been postulated that clean air, prophylactic
General Principles of the Surgical Technique 127

antibiotics and clothing all act complementary to each other

and their use together reduces the infection rate to less than
In our circumstances, not all hospitals are equipped with a
laminar air flow, though most modern orthopaedic operating
rooms have them. Proper clothing and prophylactic antibiotics
are easier to achieve. As far as the cost effectiveness goes,
prophylactic antibiotics are the cheapest, followed by clothing,
then air delivery systems.
It is the personal experience of the author that the infection
rate has been acceptably low just by meticulous observation of
detail and prophylactic antibiotics. With just 3 infections in the
first consecutive 300 knees done, of which about 250 were
performed in our set up and the others in district hospitals all
over the country, a special protocol for the Indian circumstances
has been devised.
The following are the steps to be taken:
1. The operating room must not be used on the previous
day and must be cleaned thoroughly. It should be properly
fumigated and an ultraviolet lamp illuminated all night.
2. One or two air conditioners allow for a flow of clean
filtered air into the theatres. This also keeps the
temperature of the operating room cool, avoids the
surgeon and theatres staff sweating, and allows the cement
to set slowly.
3. The Boyle’s machine, theatre furniture, and all loose and
bulky machinery and objects in the operating room are
cleaned and wiped with lysol the evening before surgery.
4. The patient is prepared in a side room; all ward clothing
is discarded and the patient re-gowned prior to entering
the operation theatre.
5. The operating team’s outer garments are all autoclaved.
Two caps and masks are worn; in the case of female
personnel, the hair should be completely covered.
6. The procedure proceeds with proper planning, minimum
time is wasted, and a quick, precise job is done with a
minimum of the wound being exposed to the outside.
7. In the initial stages, entry of too many personnel into the
operating room was not allowed. But subsequently, as the
128 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

number of visitors from outside the city rose, the rule was
relaxed. So as many as six observers were inside the theatre
on many occasions without any problems, so long as all
personnel followed the theatre protocol.
8. Special drapes are used. Made of thick cotton, very large
in size, they completely drape the patient and isolate the
operating field from the anaesthesist’s end. Further details
of the type of drapes used and the method of draping is
described in the section on operating technique. The
currently available disposable paper drapes are also good,
so long as one uses large drapes that stretch from floor to
floor on both sides.
It has been found that it is easy to enforce this sort of a
discipline in operation theatres where only orthopaedic
operations are routinely performed. In general nursing homes,
and those with a great turnover, it might be sometimes difficult
to enforce all the above conditions. However, it must be
emphasized that each of the above needs to be followed
religiously to avoid any complications. An infection in an
arthroplasty is a disaster. Sir John spent all his life working
towards 0% infection. We all must treat an infection as our own
personal responsibility, taking all precautions and making all
efforts to minimize it.
Antibiotic prophylaxis: The current pharmacological literature
tells us that airborne bacteria are prone to cause infection only
during the actual surgical period. Sufficient concentrations of
antibiotics present at and immediately after the operation are
sufficient to avoid infection. Prolonged administration of
antibiotics will only encourage resistant strains to grow and
cause problems. Any of the newer wide spectrum antibiotics
can be used. A good rule of thumb is to avoid popular antibiotics
commonly used by general practitioners as rarer the antibiotic,
lesser the chances of resistant strains. Presently we use
Cefuroxime sodium 1.5 gm in 6 doses every 12 hours beginning
from just before anaesthetic induction.
An intravenous administration assures peak serum
concentrations, especially when the joint is open. I do not use
antibiotics in the cement (except in revision cases and tubercular
hips where I add streptomycin to the cement).
General Principles of the Surgical Technique 129

The Scrub and Drape Routine

I shall now describe my own personal theatre scrub and drape
routine. There are no very hard and fast rules so long as one
pays meticulous attention to the principles of asepsis. Most
surgeons start off with a routine; over a period of time, they add
append and modify the same until the system and routine gives
optimum results. Once the standards have been set, it usually
remains a fixed routine unless there is overwhelming evidence
that modifications in the routine can result in a better outcome,
or fewer complications. The following points will be described
in the same order as it is performed!
1. Initial cleaning and ward preparation.
2. Scrub routine for surgeons, assistants and nurses.
3. Role of tourniquet in knee replacement surgery.
4. Cleaning and draping of the operative part.
5. Special tips and tricks.
Initial cleaning and ward preparation: The patient preparation
starts a day before the surgery. A shampoo bath and thorough
cleaning of head and hair is done. All nails are cleaned and
clipped, and the limb is thoroughly cleaned from the toes to the
groin. Special care is taken to clean the inter-digital area between
the toes. No shaving is done. In the case of a hairy individual, it
is a standard practice to shave just a small strip of skin especially
in the operative area inside the theatre just before the surgery.
Studies have shown that small cuts occurring during shaving
tend to become infected. Also, shaving performed in the 12 hours
before surgery actually increases the chances of infection. That
is why no shaving is done in the ward. From umbilicus down to all
toes (including the inter-digital area), povidine iodine scrub
solution is applied with a cotton gauze, thoroughly scrubbed
and wiped with water. No brush is used, as this may cause deeper
layers of skin to scale and bring out Staphylococcus epidermidis.
The night before the surgery, the patient has a mild laxative
like paraffin or Cremaffin gel, and takes a liquid diet. Fasting is
started from appropriate intervals.
On the morning of surgery, the operative side is again cleaned
with povidine iodine solution. A glycerine enema is given. The
patient then wears a sterile theatre gown and is shifted into the
130 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

operating room after administration of the appropriate

premedication. In our set up, we have two stretcher trolleys and
stretchers: (a) a “clean set”, which does not leave the operating
room complex, and (b) another set, which goes between ward
and OT entrance. Once the patient reaches the theatre, he is
shifted to the theatre trolley and stretcher, and re-dressed in
another sterile theatre dress. All ward clothing goes back with
the ward stretcher.
The surgeon and other theatre personnel: Enforcing strict
discipline and a strict protocol are mandatory in each case.
There are no relaxations to any of the rules. Bio-occlusive
clothing and paper gowns were not easily available in our
country when I began this, hence I used specially tailored
garments: Standard theatre uniform (pyjamas and tops made
of fine cloth with very small pores) for all theatre staff
(anaesthesist, nurses, radiographers and theatre boys). The
groin and chest areas had double layers of cloth. These dresses
were autoclaved.
Now of course if the patient can afford it, I do not hesitate to
use disposable bio-occlusive clothing.
Disposable theatre caps and masks are used. I routinely use
two caps and two masks. All theatre staff is instructed to have a
bath on the morning of the surgery. All theatre personnel wash
their feet and wear rubber slippers. No panty hose or stockings
allowed for nursing staff. Each item of apparel worn is
autoclaved prior to use. A separate set of linen is kept exclusively
for joint replacements and is not used for other routine
orthopaedic cases.

The Scrubbing Routine

This again is the standard practice with minor modifications.
With a povidine iodine scrub solution the hands, and forearms
down to the elbows are thoroughly washed. A nail brush may
be used, but is optional. We do not advocate the practice of
rubbing a thick bristled brush on the entire forearm and causing
the deeper layers of staphylococci to rise up.
A thorough wash continuously under clean running water is
done for the whole duration of the scrub. Then the hands and
forearms are doused in povidine iodine solution which is
General Principles of the Surgical Technique 131

allowed to stay on for about 30 seconds, then washed off with

boiled water. A handful of sterilium or spirit is then rubbed up
to the wrist and the personnel enter the operation theatre.
In the theatre, each person first dons a glove of the appropriate
size. The sterile gown is picked with the gloved hand; once it
has been tied, the second glove is worn. This is because even
after a good surgical scrubbing routine, the hands are just clean,
not sterile. By picking the gown with bare hands, one tends to
unsterilize it. Once a sterile glove is worn, the gown can be
On occasions, the surgeon uses a third pair of gloves. All this
may seem too exacting, but a recent study did show that over
26% of gloves developed holes after surgical procedures and
two or three gloves considerably minimize the risk of
contamination by hand.

The Theatre Infrastructure

A special set of linen, maintained exclusively for arthroplasties,
consists of eight large sheets 275 cm by 366 cm. Each sheet has
2 layers of thick green cloth stitched together at the edges, also
stitched across the surface to keep the layers aligned uniformly.
In addition, about 6 smaller sheets (183 cm by 122 cm) are needed.
A large sheet (about 183 cm by 305 cm) with centre hole is also
needed. A big stockinet at least 92 cm long is stitched at one end
and rolled (for the foot). Bio-occlusive plastic adhesive
(transparent, adhesive polyurethane film which allows the skin
to breathe) for op sites are an optional extra and are indeed useful
if available.
A closed suction drain system is essential and should be kept
ready. Appropriate suture material as described later must also
be within reach. All the requisite implants and the cement are
prominently placed on a trolley for easy retrieval.
The geography of the actual operation theatre is very
important. We prefer to avoid shelves, racks and unnecessary
equipment, all of which tend to gather dust and glove powder,
and require extensive effort to keep clean. Four stainless steel
trolleys are routinely used. One is for linen placement, later used
as a cement mixing area and also to place the actual implants
before final cementation.
132 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The second keeps all the general surgical instruments and is

set in the standard manner of keeping all tips and clean ends
towards the centre and all handles towards the periphery. The
assisting nurse makes it a point to only handle the ‘dirty’ end of
each instrument; the ends of the instruments entering the wound
are scrupulously kept untouched.
The third trolley contains the knee instrumentation and
cement bowls. The latter are transferred to the linen trolley once
the draping has been completed. The last trolley contains power
instruments on fully charged batteries.
It is our standard practice that the nurse only handles
instruments from the linen and basic trolley. The first assistant
can on occasion help to pick up instruments from the instrument
trolley. The power instrument trolley is handled by the surgeon
alone. All these trolleys are placed on the side from which the
surgeon is operating.
I do not encourage the scrubbing up of company personnel,
because I find that most possess no medical qualification.
The suction and diathermy machines are placed on the
opposite side. As the regularity of these operations increases, a
specific protocol evolves and each member of the team exactly
fits into his or her role.

The Role of Tourniquet in Knee Replacement Surgery

Tourniquet application does make the surgery elegant and the
bloodless field makes the life of the operating surgeon very easy.
Furthermore, the bloodless cancellous cut surfaces allow for a
proper cement application. In my early practice, it was a matter
of routine to use a tourniquet in all cases. However, with the
passage of time, based on the available data in literature, the
frequency of tourniquet application became lesser.
The editorial by Klenerman in JBJS questioned the need for a
routine tourniquet application in all knee replacement surgeries
and also listed the complications of the same in elderly
rheumatoids with a poor skin condition.
At about the same time, I started a small study to assess
whether the benefits of a tourniquet outweigh the resulting
complications. In this simple study, all patients undergoing
bilateral simultaneous knee replacements had a tourniquet
General Principles of the Surgical Technique 133

applied for one side but not on the other side during surgery. If
one knee was more severely damaged, surgery without a
tourniquet was done on this knee. This study is still continuing;
its conclusion and results shall be published at a later stage.
However, the preliminary findings of this study reveal that:
1. The average time taken for operation with tourniquet was
55 minutes (63 minutes without tourniquet).
2. Immediate postoperative pain was significantly less on
the side without the tourniquet.
3. Total blood loss was more or less the same with or without
a tourniquet.
4. Intra-operative bleeding was higher without a tourniquet.
5. But drainage was significantly higher when a tourniquet
was used.
6. The sum total of both was more or less the same.
7. Skin problems and delayed healing were significantly
lower in the group without the tourniquet, rather than
the tourniquet group.
Hence I have presently stopped using tourniquet in almost
all cases. However for a beginner, I still recommend the use of a
tourniquet, except in cases of rheumatoids with a very soft and
papery skin.

Operative Scrub and Drape Routine

Once anaesthetized, the patient is laid supine on the table. I do
not use any sand bag or other aids. With the theatre assistant
holding the foot, the whole limb is painted with povidine iodine
based surgical scrub solution. The upper level is the groin and
buttock and the lowest level is the heel. The same area then is
painted with povidine iodine solution, followed by an alcohol-
based sterilizing solution. Now the scrubbed and gowned
operating assistant holds the calf using a thick multi-layered
sterile towel and the foot is prepared.
The operating table is covered with a rubber sheet or a plastic
sheet, with three large sheets over it, covering the table from all
three sides. The fourth large towel is put across the patient above
the limb, brought down and clipped with a towel clip. Three
more large sheets are used on the upper half of the patient. The
134 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

last of these is drawn up like a curtain and clipped to two saline

stands to isolate the anaesthesist from the operating area.
A small towel is used for covering the foot, as the toes should
be identifiable under the drapes. Stockinet is now wrapped from
the foot until mid-thigh and clipped with a towel clip to the
upper drape. Suction and diathermy connections are given and
these leads and tips are kept in specially tailored pouches clipped
to the drapes on the table.

Special Tricks and Tips

1. Wear the first glove before wearing the gown.
2. Wear two gloves and keep changing the outer glove every
30 to 40 minutes.
3. Use large drapes which provide adequate cover.
4. Do not use a bulky drape for the foot lest it camouflages the
toes and make toe identification difficult at the operation.
5. Do not shave the operative part.
6. Follow strict theatre discipline!
Surgical Technique 135

Surgical Technique

T he basics of the surgical technique for all knee arthroplasties

remain the same, irrespective of the knee design used, or
whether the implant is cemented or not. This chapter will
cover the basics of the procedure independent of the knee
The Skin Exposure
Of the various exposures available for knee arthroplasty, the
most favoured is the straight midline anterior approach. A
straight incision starts about 6 cm above the patella, extends
down over the centre of patella and stops just below the tibial
tubercle. Using a soft pad, the skin is gently teased from the
incision, making sure that a generous amount of underlying soft
tissue is retained along with the skin.
Using a deep knife, the quadriceps tendon is cut in the
middle, with this incision extending up to the upper surface of
the patella. Another incision is made from the lower border of
patella till the tibial tuberosity. The two incisions are joined on
the medial side skirting along the medial border of patella
leaving enough soft tissue attachment for subsequent
reattachment. Using a big gauze, the patella is held between
the operating surgeon’s thumb and index finger and everted
out laterally as the knee is flexed. This will deflect the patella
laterally and afford a clear view of the interior of the knee. We
have to be very careful in this step and ensure that we have
given enough clearance above and below the patella. Unless
this has been done, there is a likelihood of avulsing the patella
at the patellar tendon.
136 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Soft Tissue Techniques

Once the interior of the knee is visualized, we proceed with soft
tissue methods to achieve the following:
1. Thorough visualization of the interior of the knee.
2. Release of contracted structures and achieving soft tissue
3. A thorough pericapsular release of the distal femoral and
upper tibial surfaces to allow for an adequate anteroposterior
translation of the femur over the tibia and vice versa.
4. An adequate clearance of the osteophytes for full visualization
of the articular surfaces.
5. Soft tissue releases to allow for accommodation of all the jigs
and instrumentation.
These are achieved in the following manner:
All bleeders are caught and coagulated. Using a cutting
diathermy, a portion of the patellar fat pad is excised for better
visualization. The anterior cruciate is excised to allow for an
anterior translation of the tibia over the femur. Both the
menisci are removed. Using a nibbler, all osteophytes are
removed from the circumferences of the distal femur, proxi-
mal tibia and patella. The knee is straightened and inspected
to see if there is any fixed varus, valgus flexion or recurvatum
deformities. If the same are present, then further releases are
performed to get a balanced and straight knee in 5° to 7° of

The Distal Femoral Cut

Using an 8 mm drill bit, a hole is made just anterior to the
insertion of the anterior cruciate ligament. Through this, an
intramedullary rod is inserted and the distal femoral cutting
guide attached to it. The guide and its operation depend upon
the type of instrumentation being used.
Some recent guides allow for a choice of the valgus cut from
rectus to 9° in 2° or 3° increments. Other systems may have a
fixed jig that allows only one angle. Irrespective of the system
employed, one must ensure that the distal femoral cut is exactly
parallel to the floor in the front-to-back axis and is in some degree
of valgus from side to side.
Surgical Technique 137

The Upper Tibial Cut

Various jigs are available for this, intramedullary as well as
extramedullary. Unlike the femur, which is enveloped in bulky
thigh muscles, the medial aspect of tibia is more or less
subcutaneous and palpable throughout its length. Thus it does
not matter whether one uses an intra- or extramedullary guide.
Most guides have a provision for a few degrees posterior slope.
The upper tibial cut should be exactly parallel to the floor in the
side-to-side axis and tilted posteriorly in the front-to-back axis.
Once this cut is made, the knee is straightened and checked for
a complete correction of all deformities.
Soft Tissue Balancing and Additional Releases
The original Kenna instrumentation had an instrument called
the graduated tensioner. Mike Freeman and John Goodfellow
too had their own designs of tensioners. These were devices
which would stretch the medial and lateral gaps first in
extension, then in 90° flexion and later in mid-flexion.
I too have designed a tensioner which I use at this stage. Unless
the medial and lateral structures are in equal tension and when
the jaws of the tensioner are opened to achieve this, and the
knee is in 5° of valgus at this stage, I do not proceed further.
Any ligamentous imbalance is corrected at this stage. This
problem is particularly irksome in varus knees, and the following
additional steps are performed:
1. Externally rotating the tibia and using a periosteal
elevator, the medial structures are stripped further back.
2. This would uncover posterior osteophytes of medial tibial
condyle which are nibbled.
3. The tibia is fully anteriorly translated and osteophytes in
the intercondylar area, if any, are nibbled away.
4. Now the soft tissue balancer is introduced again and the
tissue tension is evaluated.
5. Additional releases are performed, if needed.
6. Unless the knee is dead straight in AP axis and in a good
valgus in ML axis, do not proceed to bone cuts.
The anterior and posterior femoral cuts and chamfers: Using
an appropriate cutting guide of the correct size, the anterior and
posterior femoral cuts are made. These should be parallel to each
138 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

other and the two surfaces should be parallel in a slight external

rotation. This will allow for a better patellar tracking. A cut of
these surfaces that positions the femoral component in internal
rotation is a disaster and should be scrupulously avoided.
The patellar cut and preparation: Using an appropriate device
or instrument, the patella is cut across half of its. It is essential that
enough bone should be cut so that after insertion of the patellar pros-
thesis, the thickness of the remaining patella plus the prosthesis
should be equal to the thickness of the patella before the cut!
Trial components and trial reduction: Now appropriate holes,
slots and marks are made over the cut surfaces of the femur,
tibia and patella. The exact method and system is instrumenta-
tion dependant, and varies from design to design. The trial com-
ponents are inserted and the knee is put through full range of move-
ments checking for laxities, deformities and patellar tracking.
The following tips are useful irrespective of the system employed:
1. If the knee is fully extendable and is wobbly in the side-to-
side movement, it means that one has to use a thicker tibial
component. Try the next bigger size until the knee is stable in
side-to-side axis in full extension.
2. If the knee is not fully extendable, either the posterior releases
have not been performed or the tibial thickness is too much; a
tibia of one size smaller thickness is used.
3. If the tibial base plate does not rest circumferentially over the
cortical bone of the upper cut surface of the tibia, or if there is
an overhang with the tibial component protruding beyond
the bone, an appropriate resizing of the tibial size is done.
4. If the patella does not track into the femoral groove on its
own from flexion and extension, or if it is necessary to use a
thumb to keep the patellar tracking (“Variance from the no
thumb rule”), then lateral release of the patella is mandatory.
The final prosthesis and fixation: After a perfect trial reduction,
the actual implants of the correct sizes are removed from their
sterile wrappings and inserted without cement. A trial reduction
is again performed and due attention is paid towards
deformities, laxities, and patellar tracking. Once everything is
confirmed to be satisfactory, the implants are fixed with or without
cement depending on implant design and method of fixation.
Surgical Technique 139

Drainage and closure: The wound is washed and inspected for

any bleeders that might be present. All bleeding points are
caught and ligated. Check that the implants are in the correct
position. The patellar tendon is deflected back medially.
Two drain tubes are connected to a closed suction system.
Using thick synthetic suture (like Daxone or Vicryl number one),
the patellar tendon is repaired. Subcutaneous sutures are put
using a one zero vicryl. Skin is sutured using a one nylon or
prolene. We routinely use a continuous suture. I do not use staples
and my idea has been vindicated by current studies, which have
categorically proved that metal staplers are inferior to nylon.


The surgery is performed under general or regional anaesthesia. The

limb is prepared from groin to toe.
140 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Painting and draping of the limb. Bulky towels should be avoided over
foot, as we need to check toe orientation during surgery.
Surgical Technique 141

Patella is the landmark over which the incision is centred.

142 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Straight midline skin incision over patella up to the tibial tuberosity.

Surgical Technique 143

The incision can be extended superiorly or inferiorly as needed in

each case.
144 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Quadriceps tendon is incised in the line of its fibres, and the deep
incision skirts around the medial patellar border straightening down
below it, up to the tibial tuberosity.
Surgical Technique 145

It is usual to make two deep linear incisions, one above and one
below the patella and then curve it around the medial patellar border,
retaining enough soft tissue for subsequent suturing.
146 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The patella is deflected laterally, exposing the knee.

Surgical Technique 147

The interior of the knee is now visualized.

148 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Flexion of the knee shifts the patella further laterally and gives a
decent exposure.
Surgical Technique 149

Anterior cruciates are invariably present even in the most damaged

osteoarthritic knees, while they are damaged and frayed in
150 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Anterior translation of tibia stretches the ACL.

Surgical Technique 151

Judicious placement of Homman retractors allows good visualization

of knee interior.
152 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The anterior cruciate is excised.

Surgical Technique 153

Excision of anterior cruciate and infrapatellar fat pad facilitates full

anterior translation of tibia, essential for proper instrumentation.
154 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Both menisci are excised.

Surgical Technique 155

Depending on the compartment involved, meniscus on one side is

usually more damaged than the other.
156 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

A Homman retractor in the intercondylar area pulls the tibia well

forward providing a decent view of the knee interior.
Surgical Technique 157

The correct position for Homman retractors.

158 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Osteophytes on both femoral and tibial side are removed with a

Surgical Technique 159

In most cases, removal of overhanging osteophytes corrects a

significant amount of deformity.
160 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Additional medial or lateral soft tissue releases are done to correct

residual deformities.

By external rotation and stripping the periosteum with medial

collateral structures, a proper medial release is performed.
Surgical Technique 161

Internal rotation allows for release of tight structures on the lateral


A good method of medial release is to make an incision bone deep

and lift a periosteal flap, including all the medial collateral structures.
162 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Most stubborn varus deformities can be corrected to a great extent

by this method. This is a very important step.
Surgical Technique 163

In extreme varus, release up to the semimembranosus tendon may

be required.
164 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

In valgus deformities, an extensive medial release right up to the

popliteus tendon is needed. Occasionally, release of the tendon may
be required.
Surgical Technique 165

After soft tissue releases, ensure that all deformities are corrected
before beginning the first bone cut.

Soft tissue releases are the most important part of a knee

replacement surgery.
All deformities should be corrected before the first bone cut.
Knee arthroplasty is more like gardening than carpentry.
TKR needs 5 bone cuts to femur and 1 to tibia in a precise
166 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The six bone cuts for every knee arthroplasty independent of the
Surgical Technique 167

The distal femoral cut should be parallel to the ground in AP axis and
in 3° to 5° valgus in ML axis.

The anterior and posterior femoral cuts should exactly match the inner
dimensions of the prosthesis to be used.
168 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Anterior and posterior chamfer cuts again mirror the implant.

The upper tibial cut should be parallel to the floor front side-to-side
and in a 3° to 5° posterior slope in the anterioposterior axis.
Surgical Technique 169

The patellar cut can either be for a replacement or patelloplasty/

170 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Measurement of the distal femur in AP and side-to-side axes is the

first step after soft tissue releases. This tells us about the size of the
implant to be used.
Surgical Technique 171

Actual measurement helps us to narrow down on the prosthesis size

to be used.
172 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

With a chisel, an opening is made in the intercondylar notch above

the insertion of ACL.
Surgical Technique 173

The chisel hole opening will guide the drill bit for intramedullary
174 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The hole is enlarged with an appropriate drill bit.

Surgical Technique 175

This hole will be used for the intramedullary alignment rod.

176 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The drill bit is see-sawed to locate central medulla.

Surgical Technique 177

The distal femur is now ready to take the intramedullary broach.

178 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The long broach is pushed right up to the isthumus. This is essential to

ensure that the distal jigs are in a precisely defined alignment to the
long axis of the femoral shaft.
Surgical Technique 179

The intramedullary rod thus lies in the long axis of femur.

180 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The distal cutting guide is slid over the intramedullary rod.

Surgical Technique 181

Different designs have their own methods to provide the desired

valgus to the femoral cut. However, most systems are based on
Kenna's patented universal knee instrumentation system with a few
minor modifications.
182 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The jigs ensure that the distal femoral cut is parallel to the floor in AP
axis, and in 3° to 6° of valgus in the ML direction.
Surgical Technique 183

The rotational alignment is then checked.

184 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Different designs of instrumentation have their own valgus and

rotation evaluation markings.
Surgical Technique 185

The distal cutting guide is pinned in the correct position.

186 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The distal femoral cutting block is now pinned to the anterior aspect
of distal femur.
Surgical Technique 187

The cutting slot in this block will be in correct relation to the long axis
of femur because of the intramedullary guide.
188 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The thickness of bone removed depends on the implant type and

the knee condition.
Surgical Technique 189

An attempt must be made to cut wafer thin slivers of bone.

190 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

It is better to err on the side of thinner cuts initially, which can be subse-
quently refined.
Surgical Technique 191

The bone removed should be more or less equal to the thickness of

the femoral component.
192 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Different instrumentations have different designs of this block.

In case a non-slotted block is used, the saw blade should remain

flush to the block.
Surgical Technique 193

The block pins should be retained in place because after the tibial
cut, if an additional femoral cut is needed, the distal cutting block
can be reinserted over the same pins.
194 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Each prosthesis design has its own femoral measuring gauges.

Surgical Technique 195

Some devices are simple while others are complicated. This step tells
us the correct size of the femoral component that will eventually be
196 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Even a simple stainless steel measuring scale can be used to

determine the size of the femoral component.
Surgical Technique 197

After the correct sized block is pinned, the anterior and posterior distal
femoral cuts are made. Thin slivers should be removed, especially
anteriorly, to avoid femoral notching.
198 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Each company has its own design for the block. If the saw blade is
not passing through the slot, one should keep it flush with the block
to ensure the correct axis of the cut.
Surgical Technique 199

The next step is chamfer cutting. This block can either be a prismatic
wedge or a solid block with beveled slots.
200 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

These cuts are in the precise angle to match the interior of the femoral
component and will ensure a perfect fit, especially in a cementless
Surgical Technique 201

After the distal bone cuts, the femoral surface should match the
interior of the prosthesis perfectly.
202 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Tibial referencing is usually done by an extramedullary guide, which

is a straight rod extending from tibial tuberosity to the centre of the ankle.
Surgical Technique 203

The slot in the jig ensures that the upper tibia is in 3° to 5° of posterior
204 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

One should attempt to take the thinnest possible wafer thin cuts. It is
always safer to err on the side of thinner cuts, which can later be
improved upon if needed.
Surgical Technique 205

The combined thickness of the femoral and tibial cuts should match
the thickness of the two components combined.
206 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The average bone cuts in a typical knee replacement.

Surgical Technique 207


The earlier soft tissue releases will ensure that the gaps in flexion and
extension are equal. This is the most important step in a knee

Most gap balancers also measure the gap to indicate the correct
size of HDPE insert thickness.
208 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Different instrumentation deigns come with different gap balancers.

Surgical Technique 209

The basic design invented by MAR Freeman is an easy and precise

instrument for this purpose.
210 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

My design of the gap balancer. I consider this the most important

instrument for the long term success of a TKR.
Surgical Technique 211



The next step is insertion of the trial implants and a trial reduction.
212 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Towel clips to deep medial structures ensure correctness of patellar


The clips will indicate the state of tension in the quadriceps

Surgical Technique 213

Extremes of flexion should not open the clips. If they do, additional
soft tissue releases may be required.
214 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Insertion of trial components.

Surgical Technique 215

Towel clips and checking of stability in flexion and extension.

216 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

If a posterior stabilized implant is used, this is the time to make the

notch cuts.
Surgical Technique 217

After the notch cut, a posterior stabilized implant is put through the
same range of motions.
218 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

There should be no deformities in full extension and the knee should

flex up to 110°.
Surgical Technique 219

If the design of femoral components has pegs, now is the time to make
peg holes.
220 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The tibial size is next measured.

Surgical Technique 221

There should be no medial or lateral overhang. The seating should

be uniform over the upper tibial surface.
222 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Pinning of the correct sized tibial guide.

Surgical Technique 223

Depending on the design, the proximal tibial notches are drilled and
224 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Proximal tibial preparation.

Surgical Technique 225

The next step is patellar shaving. One can either replace patella or
just resurface and trim the edges.
226 Guide to Total Knee Replacement



The actual implants are now unpacked.

Surgical Technique 227

The actual components are inserted without cement and pushed in

place. If cementless implants are used, proper impaction of the
prosthesis completes this step.
228 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Once again a trial reduction is performed and knee stability is

Surgical Technique 229


In case of a cemented knee, this is the time to open and mix the
230 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The surfaces should be clean and dry. Liquid cement is poured over
the tibial cancellous surface and the component pressed in.
Surgical Technique 231

Rather than hammering the tibial component, a sustained pressure

is applied until the cement sets.
232 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Liquid cement is now poured over the lower femoral cut surfaces.
Nonantibiotic loaded cements are more liquid in the initial stages
and provide better cancellous integration.
Surgical Technique 233

An important step is to put cement in the posterior condylar area in

the prosthesis itself.
234 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The femoral component is now pushed in place. Again, hammering

should be avoided and sustained pressure should be applied.
Surgical Technique 235

Extending the knee and holding it in hyperextension for 15 minutes

will ensure that the cement bonds both components.
236 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Excess cement is removed either by a chisel or a curette.

Surgical Technique 237

The six basic knee arthroplasty cuts:

1. Distal femur
2. Proximal tibia
3. Anterior femoral
4. Posterior femoral
5. Anterior chamfer
6. Posterior chamfer


The lower tibial and upper femoral cuts.

238 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The anterior posterior and chamfer cuts.

Surgical Technique 239

Flexion and extension gap balance is the most important step of total
knee replacement.
240 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

After removal of excess cement, the joint is thoroughly washed.

Surgical Technique 241

Towel clips will confirm that the patella does not tend to snap out
during flexion.
242 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The knee can be put through a full range of motion at this stage.
Surgical Technique 243

No deformities should be present now. The knee should be

extendable fully, be in slight valgus and lock steady in mediolateral
244 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The knee is now inspected carefully, washed thoroughly and all loose
cement bits removed patiently.
Surgical Technique 245

The joint is again put through full range of movements with and without
the towel clips.
246 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


The joint is again put through full range of movements with and without
the towel clips.
Surgical Technique 247

The quadriceps mechanism is sutured by strong absorbable sutures.

A suction vacuum drain is inserted deep into the knee.
248 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Subcutaneous absorbable sutures approximate the skin, which is

closed by stapler application.
Surgical Technique 249

A sterile adhesive bandage is now pasted over the incision.

250 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Cast padding and crepe bandage provide compression.

Surgical Technique 251

As mentioned previously, the total bone removed should not be more

than the thickness of the two components.
252 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

A postoperative radiograph is taken for evaluation of component

Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 253

Instruments for Primary
Total Knee Replacement

I rrespective of the implant design or brand, the instruments

achieve exactly the same goals, namely:
1. Cutting the lower femur in a few degrees valgus and parallel
to the floor.
2. Cutting the upper tibia neutral to floor mediolaterally but with
a slight posterior slope.
3. Ensuring a proper rotational alignment during anterior,
posterior and chamfer cuts of distal femur.
4. The surface and taper cuts of distal femur should exactly
match the undersurface of the femoral component.
5. Adequate trials for checking all cuts and releases before
6. Instrumentation to ensure that gaps in flexion and extension
are equal.

254 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


The intramedullary broach and alignment rod is available in different

combinations from the simplest to the most complicated. This is the
first instrument used and locates the long axis of the femur. The rod
should be inserted deep enough into the medulla to catch the isthmus
to ensure that a wrong axial identification is avoided. The distal
femoral cutting guide is attached to this block.
Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 255


Various designs of distal cutting blocks achieve the same purpose

with minor technical variations in the instrumentation.
256 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Each instrument can provide valgus cuts from 3° to 7° in small

increments to tailor the cut according to the patient.
Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 257


These blocks can vary from simple Freeman and Insall designs (top
and bottom) to the complex fourth generation magnetic snap-on
258 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


The upper tibial cutting guides too come in various designs. They cut
7 mm of upper tibia with a slight posterior slope.
Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 259



The gap balancing can be either static or dynamic. Static balancers

are just spacers of different thicknesses which are tried in flexion and
extension to ensure that the knee is neither too tight nor too wobbly.
260 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


The dynamic gap balancers expand the gap with a turn screw and
even mid-range gaps can be measured. Long-term success of a
knee depends on proper gap balancing and equalization of tension
in all quadrants.
Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 261


Each implant design has its own femoral size template. It is useful to
have a metal scale to correctly measure the cut dimensions and
ensure that the right size implant is used.
262 Guide to Total Knee Replacement



The four-in-one cutting blocks do the anterior, posterior, anterior

chamfer and posterior chamfer cuts.
Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 263



Each design is different, but they are all based on the same scientific
principles and produce the same end result. The one in blue is a light
titanium cutting block designed by me in 1994.
264 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Tibial sizers match the implant and differ from company to company.
Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 265



In case a posterior cruciate ligament scarifying design is used, a box

cut is needed; each implant design has its own box device.
266 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Femoral trials are available in many sizes and designs depending

on the manufacturer.
Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 267



Early generation knees had universal (common left/right) femoral

components in 3 or 4 sizes. Modern knees have 10 left and 10 right
femoral components each in CR and CS designs.
268 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Each set comes with its own tibial trials, some in 1 mm difference,
others in 2, 3 and 5 mm differences. Separate trials exist for CS and
CR designs.
Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 269


Some designs have pegs to convert CR trials to PS ones. Some have

as few as 4 thicknesses, while others have up to 9.
270 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Different designs and their trial reductions.

Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 271


On top is Freeman Mark II and at bottom is IB I, both time-tested classic

gold standard designs.
272 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Tibial preparation depends upon type of implant, and includes

guides, drills and fin cutters.
Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 273


Other designs use box chisels or broaches to match the tibial metal-
274 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Impactors for femur and tibia.

Instruments for Primary Total Knee Replacement 275

Block pins, extractors, angle strips, and other nuts and bolts.
276 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Postoperative Treatment,
Mobilization and Physiotherapy

T he patient is shifted to the ward. In case a spinal anaesthetic

is used, and for elderly patients with a history of prostatic
or urinary symptoms, it is usual to catheterize in the theatre
On the first postoperative day, the catheter is removed. If the
patient has a good pain threshold, one can make him stand.
Walking with a walking frame is started on day two and weight
bearing is allowed up to pain tolerance.

Patient is mobilized with a walker early.

Postoperative Treatment, Mobilization and Physiotherapy 277

Drain is removed on second or third day after it has stopped

The bandages are loosened on the fifth day and knee flexion
is started. Using a smooth mica board with talcum powder on
it, the patient is encouraged to rub the heel on the board allowing
gradual flexion.

Knee flexion begins on the fifth day.

278 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The patient climbs stairs on the fifth day and if comfortable,

is discharged on the sixth. The operated knee is moved first while
climbing downstairs and second when climbing upstairs.

Most patients climb stairs on the fifth day and go home by the sixth.

By the tenth postoperative day, flexion of up to 90° is usually

Stitches are removed on the 14th day. One X-ray is taken
immediate postoperative and another on the 14th day at suture
The patient is called for follow-up at two months, six months
and annually thereafter for clinical and radiographic evaluation.
Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 279

Fixed Varus and
Valgus Deformities

I t is not possible normally to make a correct assessment of the

degree of fixed varus or valgus preoperatively, because the
patients’ spasms, pain, and apprehension often exaggerate the
deformity. Once the patient is anaesthetized, one can make a
better assessment of the deformity.
In osteoarthritis, a varus deformity is much more common.
Valgus deformity with associated predominant lateral

Gross varus on standing.

280 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The deformity is correctable to a great extent under anaesthesia.

Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 281

compartment arthritis may be seen in some OA knees but is not

very common. An occasional patient may present with a varus
on one side and valgus on the other (windswept knee).

A characteristic windswept deformity.

Rheumatoids may present with varus or valgus with equal

In rheumatoid and ankylosed knees with a fixed flexion
deformity, the varus or valgus component may get camouflaged.
To plan for adequate and proper releases, one has to make a
very careful assessment once the patient has been anaesthetized.
Fixed varus deformity: The deformity is normally due to a
combination of both bony and soft tissue components.
Overhanging osteophytes and bone loss contribute to a
significant amount of deformity and as the patient bears weight,
this deformity exaggerates, causing some laxity and elongation
of the lateral structures. Over a period of time, the medial
structures tend to contract and will result in a fixed varus
In rheumatoid arthritis, contracture of the ligaments is less
common that in osteoarthritis. But one thing is certain. Even in
the most severe deformities, the ligaments do not actually
282 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

contract too much and we should never cut them. Simple erasure
from the bony attachments with a sharp chisel or periosteal
elevator will provide sufficient laxity to allow for correction of
The following steps need to be followed to correct the fixed
varus deformity:
1. Exposure as described in the previous chapter.
2. All the osteophytes from the femur are removed using a
nibbler. One must ensure that after this is done, the true
confines for the distal femur are visible.
3. All the osteophytes from the tibia are now removed as far
as the exposure will allow.

Osteophytes from both tibia and femur are removed.

4. Using the knife, a linear incision is made extending from
the tibial tuberosity until the upper lip of tibia. This incision
is bone deep; the medial structures are elevated sub-
periostealy from the medial to posterior using a cutting
diathermy, sharp chisel, an osteotome or a broad
periosteum elevator.
Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 283

Medial structures are elevated as a single flap.

5. The assistant rotates the limb externally as the release is

performed until the tibia is fully externally rotated and the
posterior cruciate attachment is visible!

External rotation of the leg translates the tibia forward.

6. At this stage one can identify the remaining osteophytes
from the upper border of the medial aspect of tibia and
start nibbling them.
7. Sometimes the osteophytes may be overhanging so much
that the tibia itself may seem to be very wide. One may
have to chisel off these and get a proper picture of the actual
size of the tibia!
284 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Only after osteophyte removal is the true extent of tibial defect

8. The knee is straightened again and checked if the varus is
corrected. One must be able to get a 5° to 7° of valgus. This
step is very important and should proceed the first bony
cut or interference! If the knee is still in varus or just about
neutral, we go to step 9.

Both flexion and varus deformities should be correctable at this stage.

9. If the knee cannot still be brought into neutral, the next
step is to release the posterior cruciate! The assistant keeps
on externally rotating the limb so as to bring the taut
posterior cruciate into view.
Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 285

10. The next step depends upon the type of the tibial implant
that one plans to use. If using a posterior stabilized implant,
one can resect the posterior cruciate ligament with impunity
and be at ease.
11. If one is using a posterior cruciate retaining prosthesis, it is
better to scrape the posterior cruciate off the back of the tibia!

The posterior cruciate is visualized by anterior translation of tibia.

The posterior cruciate is resected and the knee is pulled forward.

286 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

12. Many question the wisdom of using a posterior cruciate

sparing design in a knee with a deformity severe enough to
need a posterior cruciate release. But my personal experience
shows that if I erase the attachment of the posterior cruciate
using a small sharp chisel, but without actually cutting it, I
do get a reasonable amount of correction of the varus
deformity; postoperative bracing is seldom needed!
13. On rare occasions, it may be found that even after the
marathon efforts described above, it may not be possible
to correct the fixed varus deformity! Very early descriptions
in the literature, especially by Insall and Freeman, have
advocated oblique cuts to the bones to compensate for the
residual deformities.
14. But it has been proved time and again that a well-balanced
knee is the key to a successful arthroplasty! Bone cuts cannot
and will not compensate for inadequate soft tissue releases!
At the cost of repetition, one must stress that when a
resident starts knee replacements, he must not be allowed
to buzz along with a saw until all the soft tissues are
15. So what does one do if even all the above procedures have failed
to get the proper correction? The controversial answer is a

Resection of the medial capsular sleeve to correct final varus deformity.

Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 287

resection of the medial capsular sleeve! A transverse

incision is made in the sleeve distal to the pes anserinus
and a valgus strain is applied to the knee! The entire
medial flap is erased and allowed to slide proximally,
which will invariably correct all the residual varus
16. One must not accidentally cut the tibial collateral ligament
at the joint line level, as this would surely lead to a joint
laxity that no bracing or immobilization will correct! As
Dr Sancheti always remarks, “Stay close to the bone! Erase
and do not cut. Use a periosteum elevator, not a knife and
you will be safe!”
17. If all the above steps have been diligently followed, one
must invariably have corrected the fixed varus
deformity and proceed towards a proper component

Bilateral varus deformities due to OA knee.

288 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Full correction of the varus knee shown previously.

Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 289

Another case of severe valgus, treated by medial wedges and

stemmed tibia.
290 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

A very gross varus managed with graft and screw, and using an 8 mm
insert, avoiding a tibial stem or wedges.
Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 291

Another knee in gross varus and flexion managed by soft tissue

releases and a thin HDPE insert, without wedges or tibial stem.
292 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Fixed valgus deformity: Slightly less common than the former,

fixed valgus deformity is commonly caused by a lateral soft
tissue contracture associated with a laxity of the medial
structures. In many valgus knees, there may be an extensive
laxity of the medial side and an associated subluxation or
dislocation of the patella. In all cases of valgus, it is better to do
a proper release and soft tissue balance to achieve a rectus knee
before planning for bone cuts. The sequence of events towards
correction of a fixed valgus deformity is:
1. Exposure as described in the previous chapter.
2. All the osteophytes from the femur are removed using a
nibbler, after which one must ensure that the true confines
for the distal femur are visible.
3. All the osteophytes from the tibia as far as the exposure
will allow are now removed. An internal rotation of the tibia
will allow for visualization of the posterolateral aspect of
upper tibia and a full and clear view of all the osteophytes.

Internal rotation exposes the lateral side and facilitates removal of

Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 293

4. The patellar fat pad is now excised, and all the capsular
attachment from the lateral part of upper tibia is scraped
using a sharp chisel or a periosteum elevator.
5. All the attachments and adhesions between the iliotibial
band and the lateral tibial plateau are detached. This will
allow for freeing of the lateral structures.

Additional lateral releases are performed.

6. The knee is now extended and a varus strain applied to see

if the deformity is correctable and if the knee can be brought
to a rectus position.
7. If the above is not enough, then the iliotibial band is
released. With the knee flexed and a varus strain applied,
the band stands out as a taut chord and is palpable from
inside the knee. Using a sharp knife, it can be cleanly cut.
8. If the above procedures are still inadequate to allow for a
full valgus correction, a tenotomy of the popliteus tendon
and the lateral collateral ligament is done.
9. In all valgus corrections, the lateral popleteal nerve is at
risk; hence it is a good idea to visualize it near the fibular
head, release it from its sheath and allow it to slide to a
comfortable position.
294 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Precise and adequate soft tissue releases will correct the most
stubborn deformities.

10. The knee is again extended to check if the deformity is

corrected and if a rectus position is achievable. The soft
tissue balance can be checked either by the use of spacers,
tensioners, or by two lamina spreaders to see if the gaps
are equal on both sides.

The knee is extended and brought to neutral.

Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 295

Tensioner will evaluate the degree of deformity correction.

A characteristic windswept deformity.

296 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

X-ray of the case.

Full restoration of both knees to the correct axis.

Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 297

Final clinical picture.

Another case of valgus deformity of the knee.

298 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Due to ligamentous laxity, the knee is fully correctable under


The gross osteoporosis of RA can be appreciated.

Fixed Varus and Valgus Deformities 299

The components and cuts are correct giving a proper correction.

A grossly unstable knee with valgus deformity.

300 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

X-ray immediately postreplacement.

Tricks and Tips with Mediolateral Deformities 301

Tricks and Tips with
Mediolateral Deformities

1. After the extensive releases mentioned above in severely

deformed knees, the gap created may be fairly large. It is thus
mandatory that all sizes of tibial thickness are available to get
a good fit.
2. If the deformity is very gross, one can do a limited release on
the affected side and perform a reefing or tightening of the
opposite side. Theoretically this is a possibility that finds use
specifically when one finds that the inventory in the theatre
lacks extra thick tibial components.
3. Extreme care should be taken in rheumatoid knees whilst
performing releases.
4. Be very careful of the lateral popleteal nerve with valgus
5. All valgus knees will need a lateral popleteal release to
improve and optimize the patellar tracking.

302 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Fixed Flexion and
Recurvatum Deformities

D eformities in the anterioposterior plane manifest as a fixed

flexion or a recurvatum deformity. A fixed flexion is much
more common than a recurvatum. Most rheumatoids who come
for an arthroplasty in our country are severe enough with
marked flexion deformities.
Fixed flexion deformity: This is defined as a situation in which
there is a block to full extension. The deformity as seen in the
clinic may appear markedly more than actual because of a
painful hamstring spasm that will keep the knee in flexion for a
few degrees more than the actual flexion deformity. The
following are the steps for correction of a fixed flexion deformity:
1. The true extent of the flexion deformity is determined under
anaesthesia by passively straightening the knee.
2. The knee is exposed as described in the previous chapter.
3. Once the patella is deflected laterally, the superior surface
of the tibia is visualized. In most cases with a fixed flexion
deformity, there is a large anterior osteophyte which is the
main culprit. This is removed with a nibbler or a sharp
4. The knee is straightened to check if it can be fully extended.
In most osteoarthritis with less than 15° of fixed flexion,
this manoeuvre alone will straighten the knee. However if
it is still not possible to straighten the knee, then the
following steps are taken.
5. The tibia is first externally rotated, next, using a sharp chisel
or a periosteum elevator, the posterior capsular adhesions
are scraped from the posterior tibia. Then the leg is
Fixed Flexion and Recurvatum Deformities 303

Stretching the knee under anaesthetic will reveal the true extent of
fixed flexion deformities.
304 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The large anterior osteophyte on the tibia is the main culprit for
causing fixed flexion deformities.

The knee is straightened to see if the deformity is fully corrected.

Fixed Flexion and Recurvatum Deformities 305

Additional releases are now performed.

internally rotated, and using a Homman retractor placed

beneath the patella, the posteriolateral corner of the upper
tibia is visualized. The capsular adhesions from this part
are now scraped.
6. The knee is straightened to see if a full correction and full
extension are achievable.
7. If the above is not adequate, one has to excise the posterior
cruciate ligament. If this is done, it is imperative that a
posterior stabilized knee is used to avoid instability.
8. If the flexion deformity persists despite resecting the
posterior cruciate, one has to erase both the medial and
lateral heads of the gastrocnemius. The knee is flexed
beyond 130° and the two heads are palpated. Using a
periosteum elevator, the two heads are erased. This step
can also be performed after the lower femoral and upper
tibial cuts to allow easier access to the heads of
9. Any residual deformity is corrected by a resection of the
posterior capsule. This is done by hyperflexing the knee
and allowing the popleteal vessels to fall back. A curved
artery forceps is introduced behind the tibia and brought
306 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Gastrocnemius head is released after first bone cuts for residual

flexion deformity.

Posterior capsular resection in very severe flexion deformity. This can

only be done after the first bone cuts to get space.
Fixed Flexion and Recurvatum Deformities 307

out on the other side. This will protect the vessels. The
capsule is now resected.
10. The knee is straightened and the deformity correction is
assessed. In majority of cases, this is enough to get a full
correction. However, if full correction is not achievable, one
must resect an extra amount of distal femur. This will result
in a superior displacement of the femoral component and
will lead to a laxity in the quadriceps mechanism. The
resulting extensor lag will take a few months to disappear.
This final step is necessary only if the fixed flexion deformity
is more than 60° or in nonambulant patients.

Most stubbornly flexed knees can be straightened out by appropriate

soft tissue releases.

In Indian circumstances, where most patients come for surgery

as a last resort, we have had quite a few patients with 70° to 90°
of fixed flexion deformity. By sequentially following the above
steps it will always be possible to straighten out the knee.
308 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Deformity of the Knee

U nlike other deformities where releases will work, with

recurvatum one has to resect the posterior cruciate, do an
adequate soft tissue balancing and use an implant thick enough
to tense the structures after the cuts are made.
Recurvatum knees demand a more constrained prosthesis,
and their long-term survival is not assured. Hinges, central
pivots or centrally stabilized implants may be needed in these
The beginners to whom this book is addressed are well
advised to leave these knees alone and refer them to more
experienced colleagues or a centre where complex knees
surgeries are being performed regularly.

Knee Replacement in Osteoarthritis 309

Knee Replacement in

U nlike hip arthritis, knee osteoarthritis is very common in

Asian patients. The nonexistent primary OA in the hip is
very well compensated in our demography by a preponderance
of knee arthritis. Knee arthritis accounts for a large percentage
of all orthopaedic outpatients visiting most government and
private hospitals. After all first line methods like analgesia,
physical therapy, walking and bracing aids, etc. are exhausted,
one is left with no option but to consider surgical methods.
Knee replacement is possibly the last resort after treatment
by other methods of less invasive surgical exercises are
exhausted. The simplest option is an arthroscopic lavage and
debridement. This does give some short term relief; at most, it
can be called a delaying procedure. A high tibial osteotomy is
an excellent operation. Indeed, when performed for the correct
indication, may be more rewarding than a total knee arthroplasty
itself. A unicompartmental replacement too is an excellent
operation, but most of us would consider it a form of replacement
arthroplasty with all the associated problems of the same. For
predominantly medial compartment arthritis, with varus and a
practically normal lateral compartment, I have devised a fibular
osteotomy, called the PFO or Prakash Fibular Osteotomy. This
is again outside the scope of this book and described in detail
The important points encountered while performing a knee
replacement in osteorthritic knee are given pointwise with
possible remedies:
1. A varus deformity is much more common than a valgus
deformity. Apart from the bone loss that has been discussed
310 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The average OA knee that confronts most of us.

Knee Replacement in Osteoarthritis 311

subsequently, it is very important to perform a precise soft

tissue release on the medial side. The steps are osteophytes,
subperiosteal release, and medial collateral release. No
ligaments should be cut. They should be gently erased or
scraped from the bony surface of the tibia. An external
rotation of the leg by the assistant will allow for a proper
visualization of the posterior structures and enable for a
thorough medial release. One must not start bone cuts prior
to a complete soft tissue release and correction of the
2. Severe bone loss from the medial side is often encountered.
In many cases, there is a corresponding hypertrophy of the
medial femoral condyle; after the distal femoral bone cut,
all bone should be preserved. In most cases, one can invert
this and use it as a graft to fill the defect. When the upper
tibia is being cut, be very careful not to cut too much bone!
It is always better to cut to a reasonable level of the tibial
condyle and fill the gap with grafts, rather than cut too

A tibial defect has been grafted with bone from distal femur and
affixed with a screw.
312 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

3. When enough grafts are not available, up to 6 mm of defect

can be compensated by cortical screws! After drilling and
tapping a few equally distributed holes on the area of the
defect, one can insert a few cortical screws. Their protruding
heads will allow for a 6 mm increase and the area in between
can be filled with grafts and liquid cement.
4. On occasion, the tibial and femoral surfaces may be very
hard and present some difficulty for sawing. This is
especially true if the cut is close to the damaged articular
surface, and it is a common error to cut the surfaces a bit
obliquely (as the saw blade follows the line of least
resistance). One has to be extremely careful in these
circumstances to maintain an accurate cut to avoid
5. In osteoarthritis, the problem is mostly bilateral, so the
choice—whether to replace the two sides one after the
other or simultaneously—is entirely based on the facilities
available and the interest and experience of the surgeon.
In our set up, if both knees need to be replaced, we
routinely replace both the knees under a single anaesthetic;
to date, we have not faced any significant complications.
A double knee replacement has its own advantages and
disadvantages. The disadvantages are increased operating
time, increased blood loss, and the need for two sets of
instrumentation. In addition, the surgeon must be
physically fit to perform the two operations simulta-
neously. However on the credit side, the patient benefits
from a single hospitalization, shorter stay, one single
episode of pain, a quicker recovery and a much easier
6. Whilst planning for a bilateral surgery, there are certain
important factors to be considered. The two procedures
should be treated as independent procedures and separate
sets of linen for each side are mandatory. Two sets of
instrumentation including power tools are essential. A very
well-trained nurse and proper assistance is mandatory, and
last of all, a proper preoperative counselling is essential to
assess the patient’s psychological profile to ensure his/her
total postoperative cooperation.
Knee Replacement in Osteoarthritis 313

7. The type of anaesthetic employed is very important. In our

set up, most cases are done under regional anaesthesia. In
the initial stages, we used continuous epidural anaesthetic
because of the time taken. However, as the procedure
became routine and common, we switched over to a spinal
anaesthetic. Most cases, including bilateral knees, are
presently routinely replaced under a spinal anaesthetic,
unless there is a specific contraindication for administering
8. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylosis
(where the patient is bedridden and unable to walk),
patients with osteoarthritis are invariably more
independent and have greater expectations. It is
imperative to counsel such patients preoperatively and
assess their habits and social circumstances. If the disease
has been progressive enough to cause limitations of
movements and make the use of an Indian toilet
impossible, it does not matter much. However, if the
patient uses an Indian type closet despite difficulties, one
has to be very particular in counselling the patient
regarding the change in toilet habits and the need to use
an European closet thereafter.
9. Obese patients are another risk element who have to be
tackled with due diligence and care. A body weight of
over 100 kg is a definite risk factor to the extent of being
a contraindication. Very short and extremely obese
patients are asked to come back after they have shed
appropriate weight after diet, medication and exercises.
However, a borderline overweight patient should not be
denied the benefits of the operation, because the
immobility due to the pain may be a cause of lethargy
and overweight.
10. In the Asian circumstance, there may be patients with gross
arthritis but surprisingly good range of motion. These
patients are often accustomed to using Indian toilet and
squatting. It is essential to counsel them preoperatively,
and tell them that after replacement, both squatting and
use of Indian toilet is prohibited.
314 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

A typical OA knee.
Knee Replacement in Osteoarthritis 315

Treated with a typical cemented TKR.

316 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement in
Rheumatoid Arthritis

T otal knee replacements have heralded a new era in relieving

the pain, stiffness and deformity of patients with rheumatoid
and allied disorders. The rheumatoid family includes Still’s
disease, psoriatic arthropathy and other collagen disorders. Most
of these patients are generally disabled with multiple joint
involvement and may be immobile. Because of the disease being
long-standing, there may be gross destruction of bones, joints
and a distortion of the normal anatomy. If hips and knees are
involved simultaneously, one must replace the knees before
attempting to replace the hips, because extreme flexion needed
for making the cuts during a knee replacement might dislocate
the hip. The following points are important while planning a
replacement in these patients:
1. A complete assessment of the whole patient, including skin
condition, musculature and psychological status is needed
prior to planning an operation.
2. Most of these patients have a severe degree of anaemia and
this will have to be corrected by repeated blood transfusions
prior to performing a procedure.
3. The disease might involve the cervical spine leading C1,
C2 subluxation and the anaesthesist should be made aware
of this fact if he plans to give a general anaesthesia and
intubate the patient.
4. The bones are grossly osteoporotic and one must be
extremely careful in all manoeuvres. Whilst subluxating
the patella laterally, enough soft tissue must be released so
as to not avulse the tibial tuberosity.
Knee Replacement in Rheumatoid Arthritis 317

5. Extreme care should be exercised while drilling the pilot

hole for the intramedullary alignment rod. The very soft
bone will yield very easily to the power drill. After this,
extra caution should be exercised while inserting the
intramedullary rod, as a slight deviation could cause the
rod to perforate the lateral or anterior cortex.
6. There is usually a degree of osteoporosis varying from
moderate to marked, which might lead to fracture of the
shaft of femur or tibia while the knee is put through various
manoeuvres. After soft tissue balance, while one tries to
correct the varus or valgus and attempts to see the degree
of correction, it is possible to accidentally crust the articular
7. The diseased synovium may on occasions be very
proliferative and extensive. This may present difficulties
in proper identification of the entire bony surfaces of the
femur and tibia. Thus a proper and extensive synovectomy
should precede bone cuts and the use of other instrumen-
8. Once the exposure has been made and the steps proceed
towards bone cuts, extra care should be used whilst using
the oscillating saw. The blade may cut like a knife through
butter and may accidentally damage soft tissues. Also, if
the direction of the blades is even slightly oblique, one will
end up with improper cuts.
9. ln rheumatoids, the ligaments becomes very lax. Hence,
one will end up using much thicker tibial components to
keep the ligaments tight. Thus it is imperative to have the
entire range of components, including thicker ones.
10. Occasionally, these knees will have very gross deformities.
Further, due to the poor quality bone stock and gross
osteoporosis, enough grafts will not be available. In such
circumstances, a proper preoperative evaluation is essential
and if needed, implants with bone defect wedges should
be used.
11. It is a good idea not to go on extensively with the chamfer
cuts. After making the distal, anterior and posterior cuts,
just inserting the femoral component will squeeze the soft
cancellous bones into the perfect shape of the interior of
318 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

the femoral component. Likewise, it is not essential to make

big holes or rasp the area for the tibial stem. A gentle push
of the tibial component over the upper tibial surface will
compress the cancellous bone and achieve the desired tight
12. While performing trial reductions, one must avoid
fracturing the femoral or tibial shaft by not using any
aggressive manoeuvre.
13. As these patients are usually on steroids, special care must
be taken to maintain steroids therapy pre- and post-
operatively to avoid steroid withdrawal shock.
14. As the skin and soft tissues are very delicate and fragile,
one must take special care while inserting powerful
retractors to avoid bruise or tearing of the skin. If one is
not careful with the skin edges and with the soft tissues,
there may be a wound dihisence or a delayed healing of
the soft tissues.
15. Rheumatoid tissues are non-elastic and non-retractile and
hence have a tendency for considerable oozing and
bleeding. Soft tissue handling should thus be very
meticulous, a thorough cautery of all the bleeders should
be performed and adequate drainage employed to avoid
postoperative haematoma formation.
Knee Replacement in Rheumatoid Arthritis 319

A typical case of rheumatoid knee.

Bilateral replacements done and correct balance achieved.

320 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Fixed flexion deformities on both sides have been fully corrected.

Another typical case of rheumatoid arthritis.

Knee Replacement in Rheumatoid Arthritis 321

Properly placed components and deformities are fully corrected.

322 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The following case operated by Dr Vijay Sharma in a single

sitting clearly demonstrates that even the most grotesque
rheumatoids can be managed wonderfully with a little planning
and attention to meticulous detail.
Knee Replacement in Rheumatoid Arthritis 323
324 Guide to Total Knee Replacement
Knee Replacement in Rheumatoid Arthritis 325
326 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Total Knee Replacement in
Old Tuberculous Knees

T hough the role and value of knee replacement in burnt out

tuberculosis is meagrely covered in Western literature,
encouraging reports have been given by various Asian surgeons.
In our institution, the indications for replacing the joint in
patients with tubercular arthritis of the knee are:
a. Stiff painful knees in patients aged above 40.
b. Incomplete fusion leading to restricted motion and pain.
c. Fusion (or failure of fusion) of long-standing duration
presenting a severe back or hip pain.
d. Solid fusion in a functionally unacceptable position.
e. With evidence of active disease, we prefer to administer anti-
tubercular treatment for at least three months prior to
The following points are to be noted while attempting to replace
knees with old or existing tuberculosis:
1. Intensive chemotherapy using a four-drug regime is
2. The chemotherapy should be started four weeks before
surgery and should be continued up to nine months after
3. Knees with evidence of superinfection with non-tubercular
organisms (as evidenced by positive cultures of knee aspirate)
should not be taken up for replacement.
4. The bones are osteoporotic and soft; hence due care must be
taken to avoid fracturing of the tibia or femur, or splitting the
patella while dislocating it.
Total Knee Replacement in Old Tuberculous Knees 327

5. Usually there is some amount of synovial and pencapsular

thickening and hypertrophy around the joint. This must be
generally exercised prior to soft tissue releases.
6. In cases where there is an apparent subluxation of the joint or
a very gross valgus or varus, adequate soft tissue releases must
be performed as described in the chapters on soft tissue
releases and deformity corrections.
7. We routinely add 2 gm of streptomycin powder to the
cement polymer while mixing the cement. Experimental
studies in our laboratory show that the drug continues to
leach out of the cement for up to 18 months. Addition of
streptomycin to the cement does not significantly hamper
its strength.
The following pictures demonstrate a case of one such
problem managed by a well-done TKR. This case is from Dr.
Anuj Agarwal.

A case of burnt out tuberculosis of knee with fixed flexion deformity

of 70°.
328 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The fixed flexion deformity has handicapped the patient to a

considerable extent.

See the extensive tricompartmental disease and the almost absent

joint line. Even the patella has a degree of fibrous ankylosis.
Total Knee Replacement in Old Tuberculous Knees 329

One can appreciate that the joint is practically fused.

An osteotomy was needed to separate femur and tibia.

330 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

After releases, the deformity was corrected and a posterior stabilized

knee implanted.

To prevent joint line errors, anatomical references are strictly followed.

Total Knee Replacement in Old Tuberculous Knees 331

A near complete correction is achieved on the table.

Immediate postoperative picture.

332 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Postoperative radiograph.

Clinical picture at two weeks.

Total Knee Replacement in Old Tuberculous Knees 333

Gradually improving flexion.

Good power and ability to straight leg raise within a few days of
334 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Clinical result. See the correct patellar tracking.

Final postoperative X-ray.

Total Knee Replacement in the Haemophillic Knee 335

Total Knee Replacement in
the Haemophillic Knee

H aemophilia causes severe damage to the articular surfaces

of joints into which recurrent and regular bleeding occurs.
Being the largest joint, knee is usually affected in haemophiliacs
surviving beyond middle age. In haemophillics, knee arthritis
is quite a crippling disability.
There are centres abroad that have extensive experience of
total knee arthroplasty in the haemophiliac patient. However,
in my series of just four cases with very limited experience, I
have found this a very gratifying and satisfying procedure for
the patient as well as the surgeon.
I apologize if this chapter seems anecdotal and does not teach
you anything new. (Readers with this opinion may seek deeper
knowledge from other orthopaedic literature.)
About 20 years ago, I was referred a patient with haemophiliac
arthritis of the knee. This patient had come from very far off
and the condition of his knee warranted a replacement clinically
and radiologically. However, the mere thought of doing such a
major operation on a haemophiliac was a nightmare. I phoned
the haematologist, who was aghast! He opined that the large
cancellous areas left after bone cuts would surely make the
patient bleed to death!
I then called the pharmacist of a leading local medical shop
which is famous for stocking imported and rarely available drugs
and medicines. He told me that anti-haemophiliac factors are
available in plenty. All we need is to give factor eight for
haemophilia and factor nine for Christmas disease.
I then referred to Campbell, where it was mentioned that even
patients with 50% normal factor level can withstand surgery.
336 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Pronto came the factor and the surgery went on well. The first
patient was followed up for nine years and did well.
After that I have had three more patients—two classical
haemophiliacs and one with Christmas disease—and all have
gone home without problems, except one patient with Christmas
disease who had a large haematoma that had to be drained. The
re-operation caused some infection in the knee and this persisted
for some time. The patient eventually ended up with an
arthrodesis after removal of the implants.
Total Knee Replacement in the Grossly Unstable Knee 337

Total Knee Replacement in
the Grossly Unstable Knee

K nee instability occurs due to various factors. The patient

with degeneration associated with instability loads the knee
to the direction of least resistance, leading to gross deformities;
eventually this may result in a massive bone loss and major bony
defects. This in turn stretches the ligaments on the opposite side,
making them very lax. Conditions like Charcot’s joint (neuropa-
thic osteoarthropathy) in themselves present with joint laxity.
Certain important points should be considered whilst planning
for a knee joint with laxity:
1. Conditions like Charcot’s joint are an absolute contraindication
to this procedure.
2. Most wobbly knees present with an absence of both cruciate
ligaments. It is imperative that a posterior stabilized type of
implant is used with a fairly thick tibial component which
will stretch the loose ligaments.
3. In case the knee is very loose, one may elect to use a hinge or
a rotating platform type of knee to confer stability to the joint.
4. Soft tissue balancing is very important. With the judicious
use of spacers or lamina spreaders, the joint space on both
sides is to be essentially equalized. After stretching the
ligaments on both sides, a correct assessment of the
appropriate thickness of the tibial component is to be made.
5. With bone defects and bone loss, one must not cut to the
parallel level of the defect. Rather one must cut to the level of
the healthy bone, and build up the deficient side with the
correct use of wedges or grafts.
6. If a constrained implant is being considered, its limitations
and disadvantages should be communicated to the patient so
that he/she is well prepared.
338 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

An unstable knee due to severe osteoarthritis.

The varus is about 25° on either side.

Total Knee Replacement in the Grossly Unstable Knee 339

Under anaesthesia the deformity is correctable to a large extent.

See the residual varus, which needs to be corrected by medial releases.

340 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Deformity is fully corrected and the knee is stable.

Postoperative radiograph. The defect in tibia is managed by bone

grafting and a screw. Standard implants were used, avoiding wedges
and stem.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 341

Knee Arthroplasty

In most cases, arthritis of the knee first starts in one compartment.
Depending on the axis and loading, an uneven force distribution
across the joint will cause one-half of the joint to wear out first.
This will secondarily lead to a deformity on the side of
degeneration and consequently exaggerate the wear to that side.
As a consequence, the degenerated side continues to wear; in
the initial stages, the eccentric loading of the joint actually
protects the opposite compartment! Once the cartilage on medial
side is fully worn off, the opposite side starts wearing too and
the arthritis proceeds from a uni- to a bi- and tri-compartmental
The idea of just replacing the damaged compartment seems
very attractive in theory and looks more sensible than osteotomy
and realignment to bring the forces to act upon the undamaged
side. However, a protracted and difficult history of unicompart-
mental knees with a lot of initial failures has put this procedure
into disrepute!
Relevant Biomechanics
The knee joint, unlike the hip, is a very complex articulation
indeed. To simplify our understanding, we can consider the knee
as made up of three different joints: the medial compartment,
the lateral compartment and the patellofemoral compartment.
The medial compartment has the medial collateral as its
medial stabilizer and the anterior cruciate as its lateral stabilizer,
with the patella and the posterior structures as the saggital
anteroposterior stabilizers.
342 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Likewise, the lateral compartment has the posterior cruciate

as its medial stabilizer and the lateral collateral as its lateral
stabilizer, with the patella and the posterior structures as the
saggital anteroposterior stabilizers.
The patellofemoral articulation has the quadriceps mechanism
at its front. If we analyse the loading pattern, both the
tibiofemoral articulations are loaded whilst walking and the
patellofemoral articulation is loaded from extension to flexion,
the maximum load being in extremes of flexion.
In an anatomical model of the knee, the articular surfaces are
polycentric and no two surfaces show the same radius of
curvature. While acting as mobile cushions, the menisci also
increase the curvature radii of the flat tibial upper surface! Thus
an eccentric loading of the joint consequent to degeneration in
one compartment will cause tightening and contracture of the
structures on the concave side and will also lead to a stretching
and laxity of the structures on the opposite side!
Consequently, whatever the attempts made to either realign
or resurface the damaged compartment, one must ensure that
all ligaments are balanced to achieve success. The balancing of
ligaments in a unicompartmental arthroplasty is indeed more
important and essential than in a total knee arthroplasty!


High tibial osteotomy is indeed an excellent operation for a single
compartment disease. It has a sufficiently long follow-up and
predictable results to allow for its continued advocation. However,
it is very important to select the cases very carefully to get the best
results. As both an osteotomy and unicompartmental replacement
are performed for more or less similar indications, one has to know
the potential advantages and disadvantages of both the procedures.
Advantages of a HTO:
1. Simple procedure that can be performed in most setups.
2. Good to excellent short term to medium term results as far as
pain relief is concerned.
Disadvantages of a HTO:
1. Very meticulous preoperative planning and execution to
avoid under- or over-correction.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 343

2. Loss of 5° to 10° of flexion.

3. It takes six weeks with internal fixation and four months
without fixation for the patient to get to normal activities.
4. Not suitable for bi- or tri-compartmental arthritis.
5. Not suitable for the very elderly.
6. Better results with a varus knee rather than with a valgus
7. Long-term results are not very satisfactory.
Advantages of unicompartmental replacement:
1. Excellent pain relief.
2. Loss of flexion is practically nonexistent.
3. Excellent ligament balancing is achieved.
4. Mechanical realignment of the joint with the large number of
tibial bearings available.
5. Easy conversion to a total knee at a later stage.
6. Equally suitable for both medial and lateral compartment
7. In a bi-compartmental disease, two joints can be used.
Disadvantages of unicompartmental replacement:
1. Complex procedure needing sophisticated instrumenta-
2. Not suitable in all district hospital level operation theatres.
3. Exacting and critical procedure.
4. Not suitable for the grossly overweight patient.
5. More expensive than a high tibial osteotomy.
Studies in Oxford and Bristol reveal that as the indications of
both the procedures are more or less similar, the choice of
procedure is more surgeon dependant than the patient’s
condition. These studies also found that a uni-compartmental
replacement has a little edge over HTO as far as pain relief and
motion is concerned.
Surgical technique: As the commonest indication is medial
compartment arthritis in a varus knee, the following steps
give the procedure for a medial compartment replacement.
Isolated lateral compartment osteoarthritis is rare and I do
not have much experience of isolated lateral compartment
344 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The incision is medial and begins from the medial part of

lower pole of patella and extends to the medial border of tibial

Once the skin is incised, the fat and the subcutaneous tissue
are separated by a pad to allow for a correct and proper
visualization of the patellar tendon and the patella.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 345

Now an incision is made in the patellar tendon to allow a

proper visualization of the medial border of patella. Using an
oscillating saw, a small strip of the medial patellar border is
346 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Removal of the patellar strip exposes the medial compartment

more fully.
The joint is spread with lamina spreaders to expose the medial
compartment of the knee.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 347

The upper tibial guide is pinned in place. The design ensures

that no more than 5 to 6 mm of upper tibia are cut.

This guide ensures that the medial portion of the upper tibia
is cut exactly parallel to the floor in mediolateral direction and
in a 3° posterior slope.
348 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

With an oscillating saw, the upper tibial cut is made.

Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 349

Using a reciprocating saw. the lateral edge of the medial

compartment is cut deep enough to join the upper tibial cut.
Care must be taken not to injure attachment of cruciates.

The knee is straightened and the gap inspected.

350 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The distal femoral cutting block is pinned in place and the

distal femoral cut is made. As this has an attachment to a plate
resting on the cut surface of tibia, this cut becomes exactly
parallel to the tibial cut.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 351

The cutting block is now removed.

It can be seen that only a thin (5 to 6 mm) flake of bone has

been removed.
352 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Homman retractors on either side expose the lower end of

femur for placement of the anterior and chamfer cutting block.

The anterior and chamfer cuts are now made.

Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 353

The posterior soft tissues are excised, taking due care to ensure
that the medial collateral and anterior cruciate remain
354 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Trial femoral and tibial components are now placed over the
cuts. It is ensured that the undersurfaces of both components
exactly match the bone cuts and the components seat perfectly.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 355

The ligament balance is assessed in both flexion and extension.

In extension, the knee should be in 5° of valgus.
356 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Femoral anchorage holes are now made using the special jig.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 357

Femoral prosthesis is placed over the cut surface once again

and its seating is checked.

The tibial template is positioned and appropriate drill holes

are made.
358 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The jig ensures that the pegs on the underside of the actual
tibial metal-back seat perfectly on the cut surface of upper tibia.

The actual component is placed and its seating is checked.

Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 359

A plastic piece wrapped in a small stockinette held in a needle

holder forms a cement pressurizing trowel.
360 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The joint is packed with adrenaline soaked gauze.

As liquid cement penetrates well into the cancellous area, it

should be used as far as possible. When the cement is in a liquid
state, it is poured into a 10 cc syringe.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 361

Cement is now injected over the upper cut surface of tibia.

Excess cement is now removed with an artery forceps or a

small curette.
362 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The cement is now pushed home with the trowel fabricated


Additional cement is now applied to the under surface of the

tibial component. This is now placed over the tibial surface and
pressed home.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 363

Liquid cement is now injected over the cut femoral surface

and pressed back with the trowel to push it into cancellous

We must ensure that the cement mantle is uniform all around

the femoral cut surface.
364 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The prosthesis is now pressed home, taking care to ensure

that it seats in its correct position.

Using an impactor, the prosthesis is pushed home and

sustained pressure applied till cement sets. A cement which is
setting should never be hammered. Sustained pressure is the
key to successful cementation.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 365

The joint is now washed to remove all loose cement bits.

A spacer is now inserted into the cemented components.

366 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The joint is now put through the full range of motion and its
stability checked in flexion, extension and mid-range.

The knee should be in varus, and rock solid in extension, while

permitting a small mediolateral rock in mid-flexion. At this stage
the spacer thickness is decided.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 367

The joint interior is washed thoroughly to clear it of all cement


Appropriate sized HDPE insert is removed from its packing.

368 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The insert is pushed into position and hammered for a snap


The knee is once again put through the full range of motion.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 369

The incision is less than 100 to 125 mm and a drain is usually

The wound is closed in layers and compression bandage is
370 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The postoperative radiograph should show the following:

The knee should be in 4° to 6° of valgus.
The joint line should be parallel to the ground with the patient
The components should be seated properly.
Steps for cementation of unicompartmental knees:
These steps are essentially similar to those for cemented knees.
For the sake of completeness, the correct cementation technique
is described once again.
The correct implants are removed from their sterile wrappings
and inserted without cement. The knee is put through full range
of movements after the patella is put back. In case there is a
laxity, the next higher thickness is chosen. Likewise, in case of a
knee with a flexion deformity on extension, a thinner component
is chosen.
The cut surfaces are thoroughly washed with saline. Using a
nylon brush mounted on a pneumatic drill, the cancellous area
is scrubbed and washed once again. The complete cementation
area is packed dry with a swab soaked in adrenaline and kept
dry until cementation.
Cement is mixed. It is better to start cementation while the
cement is semi-liquid. About 30 cc are poured over the flat
surface of the tibia with a spoon, else it is poured into a syringe
and injected over the tibial surface.
There should be no blood on the gloved hands of the surgeon
or the assistant. The component is shoved in and sustained
pressure applied with a tibial pusher. A small pad is kept on the
posterior aspect of the tibia to avoid thermal necrosis and
damage to popliteal vessels.
By this time the cement gets a bit more tacky and is dabbed
on the interior of the femoral component. The remaining cement
is applied as a single layer over the cut surface of the femur.
Some surgeons prefer to use a second mix, and while liquid,
pour it into the syringe and inject it under pressure into the
femoral holes. The prosthesis is now inserted, and sustained
pressure applied to compress the cement and remove air bubbles.
A curette is used to scrape off all overflowing cement from
both surfaces and the knee is reduced with a trial spacer in place.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 371

The knee is pushed into hyperextension, by which both

components will pressurise each other. Sustained pressure is
applied until the cement sets.
Once the cement is fully set, the knee is flexed again, the spacer
removed and the interior inspected for the presence of loose
cement bits. Overhanging cement from either the tibia or the
femur is gently tapped off using a small sharp chisel. The interior
of the knee is washed thoroughly, and the knee extended.
A drain tube of size 12 is inserted. The patellar tendon is
sutured with a good absorbable suture like 1 Vicryl or 1 Daxone.
Subcutaneous and skin closure is routine. The drain tubes are
connected to a closed suction drainage system. The skin is closed
with a 1 nylon or 1 zero proline. A sterile dressing is applied
over the sutured area and cotton and crepe are applied in two
The patient is shifted to the ward. In case a spinal anaesthetic
is used, and for elderly patients with a history of prostatic or
urinary symptoms, it is usual to catheterize in the theatre itself.
On the first postoperative day, the catheter is removed. If the
patient has a good pain threshold, one can make him stand.
Walking with a walking frame is started on day two and the
bandages are loosened on the fifth day and knee flexion is started.
Using a smooth mica board with talcum powder on it, the patient
is encouraged to rub the heel on the board allowing gradual
The patient climbs stairs on the fifth day and if comfortable,
is discharged on the sixth. By the tenth postoperative day, flexion
of up to 90° is usually achieved. The operated knee is moved
first while climbing downstairs and second when climbing
Stitches are removed on the 14th day. One X-ray is taken
immediately postoperative and another is taken on the 14th day
at suture removal. The patient is called for follow-up at two
months, six months and annually thereafter for clinical and
radiographic evaluation.
372 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Complications of Knee
Replacement and their Management

K nee replacement is a major surgical procedure and

consequently subject to various complications that may
occur from any procedure of this magnitude. The fact that such
a large amount of foreign body is implanted into a joint so
superficially, and the fact that the circumferential soft tissue
coverage is so less, leads to certain complications that really
trouble the surgeon and the patient.
The commonly occurring complications are given below. The
list, by no means exhaustive, should not scare away the beginner
from attempting to perform this procedure. Rather, these should
make the surgeon forewarned and forearmed, so as to prevent
these; should these complications occur, he should be well
knowledgeable and prepared to overcome the problems.
Early complications:
• Thrombosis and thromboembolism.
• Skin problems and poor wound healing.
• Superficial and deep infections.
• Joint instability
• Fractures
• Patellar tendon rupture
Late Complications:
• Delayed infection
• Fractures
• Patellar problems
• Loosening
• Wear and deformation
• Component breakage
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 373

Thrombosis and Thromboembolism:

Clinical evidence of DVT is between 1 and 10%, but routine
fibrinogen scans and venography show a much higher incidence
(up to 60%). Most of these studies have been conducted in the
West and published in the western literature. There have been
no publications of the incidence or fatalities due to pulmonary
embolus in Indian patients.

Various anticoagulants and regimes are in use.

374 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Using anticoagulants to a therapeutic level is indeed riskier

with a knee replacement than in a hip because of the larger
implant size and closer proximity to the skin. Thus the
complications of poor wound healing and haematoma formation
are much higher with anticoagulated patients. In the West, most
centres use a protocol of partial or total anticoagulation using
Heparin, Minihep, Warfarin, etc. In my centre, however, I do
not use anticoagulants at all. A specific tailored regime is used
ONLY for high risk patients and those with a proven history of
associated problems.
Skin problems and poor wound healing:
Up to this point, all the clinical pictures in this book are from
my own patients, and drawings drawn by me. The radiographs
are either those of my patients or belong to my coauthors.
It is a fortunate coincidence that I have not faced any of the
complications described below. So I had to depend on the
internet to download these photos. But it is essential to know
about these problems, so that they can be solved with confidence
if they occur.

Signs of inflammation, the earliest sign that all is not well.

Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 375

The commonly found skin problems are:

1. Marginal skin necrosis
2. Extensive sloughing of the wound
3. Complete sloughing of the entire operated area
4. Partial healing with a sinus formation
5. Small haematoma
6. Large haematoma
At this stage, one must not delay in trying to diagnose and
solve the problem. Early infection is imminent in the above
picture. It needs opening up, a thorough wash, lavage, cultures,
antibiotics and intense efforts to prevent it from becoming a deep
infection and needing removal of the implant.

Superficial infection, if left unattended, will become deep and then

need more extensive management. All infections or suspected
infections need aggressive treatment from the earliest point of
376 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Culture of the discharge and appropriate antibiotics sometimes

settles the fulminant stage of infection.
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 377

Superficial infection eventually healing with antibiotics.

378 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

It is better to prevent these complications. When they occur,

they warrant very aggressive management to prevent deep
infection and disastrous results.
The following are the methods to avoid the problems:
1. Avoid tourniquet as far as possible, especially in rheuma-
toid arthritis.
2. Gentle soft tissue handling is the key.
3. Avoid excessive use of diathermy.
4. Avoid crushing of soft tissues.
5. Take thick skin flaps and whilst performing soft tissue
releases, elevate bone deep, thick periosteal and capsular
6. Meticulous water-tight skin closure is mandatory.
If problems develop, their management has to be aggressive
and thorough. Simple marginal dehiscence demands a wound
debridement and closure. Larger areas will necessarily need split
or full thickness skin grafts.

A large anticoaglant induced haematoma, needing evacuation and

a thorough wash on the sixth postoperative day.
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 379

Small hematomas may be managed conservatively, but large

ones will need evacuation in the operation theatre under sterile
conditions. Sinuses should be excised and closed, and occasional
large defects will warrant the help of a plastic surgeon for a
thorough skin closure.
Superficial and deep infection: The most dreaded complication
that can occur, both from a surgeon’s and patient’s point of view,
is infection. An infection in arthroplasty is catastrophic, painfully
disabling, and may require removal of implants. In a patient
with an elective surgery, such a complication will result in either
a fused knee or a loose, unstable, painful and short limb with
the associated mortality and morbidity.

A knee with deep infection treated by removal and cement spacer

380 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Sir John Charnley was the pioneer who contributed

extensively towards the prevention of infection in joint
replacements. In the early era of arthroplasty, the rate of infection
was well in excess of 6 to 10%, a major problem to be reckoned
with. Later developments have resulted in a substantial
reduction, and present figures work range from 1 to 2%.
Primary infection is usually airborne and results from
contamination of the operating field at the time of surgery. The
host responses determine if this bacterial contamination will
result in infection or not. Wroblewski in 1984 reported that the
incidence of infections in patients undergoing arthroplasty and
with no antibiotic prophylaxis was 0.3% in osteoarthritis, 1.2%
in rheumatoids, 6.2% in patients who had undergone a TUR
prostate, and 5.6% in diabetic individuals. Thus it is evident that
whereas there are controllable factors—asepsis and surgical
technique—that the surgeon can tackle, there are also some host
dependant factors to be considered.
There are various precautions that a surgeon can take to avoid
or at least reduce the chances of infection; these are listed in a
combined order of priority and practicality. Some are very easy;
others are cumbersome and difficult. Some cost practically
nothing; others are far too expensive to be implemented in an
average Indian hospital. What is required is a balance between
practical and affordable steps necessary to reduce infection. The
measures include:
1. Preoperative evaluation of infective foci.
2. Avoid shaving the skin and causing abrasions.
3. Avoid preoperative hospitalization above two days.
4. Atraumatic surgical technique, double gloves, hemostasis,
quick efficient surgery.
5. Prophylactic antibiotics.
6. Ultraviolet light and good fumigation of theatres.
7. Large thick impervious drapes, bio-occlusive clothing and
impervious headwear and masks.
8. Reduction of airborne bacteria in the operating room by
reduction of personnel.
9. Laminar or vertical airflow with a number of air changes
per minute.
10. Space suits with body exhaust system.
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 381

The first eight are reasonably easy to achieve and affordable.

The last two may be a little out of the budget of the average
hospital. In a multi-centre trial done by the British Medical
Research Council for the study of infection in hip arthroplasty,
it was found that clean air, antibiotics and impervious clothing
all play equal parts and are independent of each other in reduction
of the infection rate. Thus it was found that without any of the
three, the rate of infection was in the order of 6%; this fell to 3%
with any one of the methods used. Using two of these together,
the infection rate fell to about 1 to 1.5%.
Combining all the three reduced the rate of infection to less
than 0.6%. Antibiotics and reasonably impervious clothing are
easy to achieve and do not cost much. Laminar flow on the other
hand is a tad expensive to install. In my centre, I routinely operate
in a standard air-conditioned theatre, and have an infection rate
of less than 1%.
The purpose of the above statement is not to dilute the value
of air flow systems, but to emphasize that even without such
sophisticated systems, knee replacements can be performed with
a reasonable outcome. If facilities exist, it is always of great
advantage. The other methods outlined above are very easy to
achieve and are detailed in the section on surgical procedure
and techniques. But in any case, it is quite easy and safe to follow
all the protocols and methods that one has at his disposal to
avoid infection, rather than attempt to treat it once it occurs.
Once infection occurs, its management involves one or more
of the following:
1. Antibiotics
2. Incision and drainage and wound lavage
3. Removal of components and an arthrodesis
4. Revision arthroplasty
5. Very rarely, excision arthroplasty with external bracing
Infections present from day 4 to up to day 70 after surgery
usually result from wound contaminants or due to seeding of the
haematoma with secondary infection from the bladder or some
other focus. In our set up we do not open the dressings until
14 days after the operation. We believe that unnecessary opening
of the operated site predisposes the wound to secondary contami-
nation by hospital bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics.
382 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

A good rule of thumb is to not remove the sterile dressings

applied in the theatre until suture removal, unless there is a
pressing reason to remove them and inspect the wound. Unless
the patient complains of very severe pain at the operation site
accompanied by a rise of temperature and a raised ESR, we do
not recommend removal of dressings in the ward. Surgeons are
usually complacent and do not like to accept that operations
done by them can ever get infected. Thus a sensible balance has
to be struck between the temptation to open all wounds post-
operatively and to allow them to rot even if they unfortunately
happen to get infected.
The diagnosis of an early postoperative infection is not
difficult as the classical symptoms of fever, local warmth,
increased pain and a raised ESR are all present. At this stage,
rather than hope for some other cause for these findings, the
surgeon must suspect infection and immediately start the patient
on a broad spectrum antibiotic.
The response to this administration will reveal if the infecting
pathogen is susceptible to the antibiotic administered. If the
symptoms have started prior to suture removal, it may be a good
idea to inspect the wound and see if the edges are inflamed, if
there is tension in stitches, and if there is any ooze; in the last
case, a swab is taken for culture.
If the infection is in the superficial planes only without the
deep haematoma being infected, there may be a good prognosis.
But if the infection extends deep down, right up to the prosthesis,
the prognosis is guarded at the least and might even be
disastrous. In our set up, we have not had many infections, hence
the management outlined subsequently is based on our
experiences abroad and other references. A panic reaction and
sudden removal of implants should not be done immediately.
There are 6 progressive steps:
1. Antibiotics alone.
2. Superficial drainage, swabs and antibiotics.
3. Limited drainage, wash, and closure or grafts.
4. Complete opening right up to the implant, irrigation with
antibiotic solutions and leave it packed and allow the
wound to granulate from inside out. Follow this by plastic
surgery procedures.
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 383

5. Complete removal of all the implants and cement, and

immediate replacement under massive antibiotic cover.
6. Complete removal of the implants, A spacer application to
retain the gap and prevent arthrodesis, followed by a second
stage revision after the infection has been controlled.
7. Complete removal of all the implants and cement followed
by arthrodesis.
8. Complete removal of all implants and cement, converting
it into a loose joint and either leaving it alone, or exchange
operation after an interval of a few months.
If step 1 fails, go to step 2, and so on. If the first 4 steps
(followed in the same order) eliminate the infection, both surgeon
and patient are lucky. However, if these steps fail, the choice
lies between a resection arthroplasty with an orthosis,
arthrodesis or an exchange revision, immediate or delayed.
Arthrodesis is a good salvage procedure and must be
attempted if the patient is anaesthetically fit and willing.
However as per the literature, the rate of fusion is in the range
of 70 to 85% only.
The advent of Ilizarov’s methodology has increased the
chances of fusion to almost 100%. The following examples show
knee fusion by both Ilizarov and conventional railroad fixators.
The cause of fusion failure is either persistent infection or gross
loss of bone stock. Ilizarov’s methodology has caused a
considerable improvement in the success rates of the procedure.

An infected knee, treated by implant removal and arthrodesis by a

railroad fixator.
384 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Ilizarov fixator gives a three-dimensional compression and helps joint

Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 385

A recent advent in management of deep infections is a two

stage exchange procedure. In the first stage, the prothesis is
removed and PMMA spacer inserted. This spacer mimics the
original knee prosthesis, gives some movement, keeps the joint
well stretched, and encourages function during the waiting
period between the two stages.

A bone cement spacer and silicone rubber mould (author’s design).

The spacers are either fabricated on the table or are available
readymade. The most common antibiotic impregnated into the
cement is gentamicin. However, additional or different
antibiotics can be mixed, depending upon the culture result of
the aspirate.
The spacer method and two-stage revisions are now being
recognized as producing better results than one-stage revisions.
The advantages are:
1. A thorough infection clearance is achieved before
proceeding to the next step.
2. The joint space is maintained.
3. Ligaments kept under proper tension avoids the need to
cut the bone during definitive surgery.
4. Mobility and stability (most important ingredients of
restoring function) are provided, allowing the patient to
be more comfortable and self-sufficient.
386 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Elderly, ill, and those with multiple joint involvement can

safely be persuaded to undergo a resection arthroplasty, but they
will need to use a knee foot ankle orthosis for the rest of their
The operative procedure is quite simple. The implants,
cement and all the necrotic and infected tissue are removed
and the wound is closed under a couple of drains. Intravenous
antibiotics are administered for four weeks and the knee
encased in a plaster cylinder for six weeks. Occasionally, the
knee might fuse up, but even when it does not, enough scar
and fibrotic tissue will develop to give the knee a reasonable
amount of mediolateral stability. However, the patient will
need a knee foot ankle orthosis for the rest of his life for weight
bearing stability.
Reimplantation or exchange revision is an ideal option,
provided it works. A one-stage revision is probably less
successful than a two stage-revision. In a small series lnsall and
colleagues have reported a 100% success with a two-stage
The current concept regarding revision for infected knee
arthroplasty involves the following steps:
1. Removal of all components and cement, through
debridement and wash.
2. An Ilizarov or other fixator to distract the joint and
stabilize it whilst maintaining the joint space. Else an
acrylic cement spacer constructed in a shape and size
similar to the components is implanted and retained until
the infection is fully controlled.
3. Complete antibiotic administration parenterally until the
infection is completely eliminated.
4. Re-operation under antibiotic cover.
5. Use of antibiotic loaded acrylic cement.
6. Careful and meticulous follow-up to assess the state of
recurrence, if any.
Joint instability or persistent deformities: The reported incidence
of these complications is between 1 and 6% and the origin of
these complications can be directly traced to technical errors,
either in the technique or the choice of implants.
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 387

Laxity: Laxity commonly occurs due to the following factors:

1. Too thin a tibial component.
2. General joint laxity needing a more constrained prosthesis,
where a surface replacement prosthesis has been emplo-
3. Absent anterior and posterior cruciates, where a nonposterior
stabilized knee has been used.
4. Charcot’s or neuropathic joint where the joint replacement
was contraindicated in the first place.

The gross side-to-side movement is clearly visible in the above lax

388 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Laxity can be avoided by choosing the correct type of

constraint in the implant that is being employed. On the table,
after the trial components are inserted, it is essential to test the
stability of the joint in all directions, and to ensure that the joint
is tight and stable. If not, one must elect to use a thicker tibial
component or a more constrained type of implant.
But if this complication is manifested in the postoperative
period, the knee has to be braced permanently in minimal laxities
and revised in gross laxity to prevent abnormal wear of the
components due to tremendous amounts of uneven loads
distributed across the unstable joint.
Persistent deformity is a calamitious complication that can
be directly attributed only to poor surgical technique. A residual
flexion deformity is invariably due to (a) an obliquity of the bone
cuts in the coronal plane or (b) too tight a tibial component. A
varus or valgus deformity is either due to one or a combination
of oblique bone cuts and/or insufficient soft tissue releases.
These should not occur; if they occur, they would rightly be
termed technical errors rather than complications!
Fractures and patellar tendon rupture:
Acute fractures and patellar tendon ruptures may occur in very
soft and osteoporotic bones or frail soft tissues, especially in
rheumatoid knees. The treatment is operative and depends upon
the type and site of fracture. Displaced fractures are internally
fixed, after which the implant is cemented. Adequate

Distal femoral fracture managed by a revision with a locking stemmed

Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 389

immobilization is needed until the fracture heals. An acute

rupture of the patellar tendon usually occurs by forcibly flexing
the knee and everting the patella in frail tissue rheumatoids
without reasonable release. It is better to prevent this
complication, but if it does occur, the same should be repaired
with strong non-absorbable synthetic suture material and the
knee immobilized properly and adequately.

A similar fracture managed by a distal femoral locking plate.

Proximal tibial fracture managed by dual plating. The pictures below

show the final outcome.
390 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

An injury due to a fall producing a spiral fracture with a large butterfly,

treated by minimally invasive plate.
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 391

Delayed infection: These occur spontaneously months or years
after the replacement in a normal and functioning knee. The
source is usually haematogenous and secondary to throat, chest,
tonsils or bladder infection. The patient suddenly develops
severe pain and swelling. The function is dramatically affected
and initial radiographs may not present any abnormality. It is
very important to diagnose the problem early by an aspiration
under aseptic conditions in the operating theatre, and start an
aggressive management after proper cultures have been done.
The sequence of events in managing late infections is identical
to that of early infections and the same steps should be followed.
Fractures: Delayed fractures occur due to trivial trauma in
osteoporotic bones, especially with stemmed or constrained
implants. A femoral fracture may occur near the tip of the stem
in a stemmed implant. Most of these fractures occur in the bone
just adjacent to the prosthesis as the bones here are markedly
weaker than the ones embedded with prosthesis and cement.
Whether to treat these fractures conservatively or operatively
depends on their location and type. Most will heal well when
treated conservatively. However, in the interests of early
mobilization, they are usually fixed with a suitable implant.

A delayed fracture managed by an exchange revision.

392 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Patellar problems: Delayed patellar problems occur both in

knees with and without patellar replacements. However, these
constitute the largest number of complications after a total knee
arthroplasty and the literature reports 10 to 40% complication
rate. Commonly seen complications are:
• Subluxation
• Dislocation
• Articular surface erosion
• Fracture
• Component loosening
• Separation of metal-back from the HDPE
• Retropatellar pain
To avoid patellar problems, it is imperative that the post-
replacement thickness of the remaining patella and the implant
should be equal to the prereplacement thickness of the entire
patella. A lateral release should be performed whenever deemed
necessary. Prior to closure, it is essential to see the patellar
tracking, to strictly adhere to the ‘no thumb rule’ and ensure
there is no tendency for the patella to snap out laterally. A metal-
backed patella should not be used. The positioning should be
critical. Once this complication occurs, its management depends
on the specific condition.
Loosening: Aseptic loosening of the tibial component is much
more common than femoral loosening in the unconstrained knee.
Loosening in the constrained knee occurs with equal frequency
both femoral and tibial components. Loosening was very
common with earlier designs, but improvements (in shapes and
sizes, precision of instrumentation to give accurate reproducible
positioning, improvements in cementation techniques, etc.) have
resulted in much lower incidence of aseptic loosening.
Current literature talks about a 5 to 7% loosening rate for a 5-
year follow-up. Clinically, the presentation is pain and some
instability, which is manifested radiologically as a radiolucent
line of more than 2 mm in the entire area of contact between the
tibial component and the cancellous tibial area. As the condition
progresses, there is a rapid loss of bone stock, which in turn
increases the rate of loosening.
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 393

These knees have to be revised to alleviate the symptoms; if

the condition is identified early before much loss of bone stock
and absence of gross instability, it can be revised with a semi or
unconstrained implant. However, if the bone loss is severe or
the laxity is gross, one may need a more constrained knee like a
rotating hinge!

Radiolucent lines at the prosthesis bone interface are always

indicative of loosening and should be tackled aggressively.
394 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

A knee loose at 19 years, revised by stemmed semi-constrained


The wear in the total knee components represents a problem
that is fairly recently envisaged because long-term follow-up of
knee replacements is only now being reported. As would be
apparent, wear in the metallic components would seem to pose
a lot less problem than wear in the plastic components. The
following points are of relevance and shall be individually
discussed later:
1. Entrapment of cement particles between the components.
2. Shape of the articular surfaces and their relation to wear.
3. Stress shielding and cold creep.
4. Metal-backing, metallosis and metallic attrition.
5. Optimal HDPE thickness and the relationship of the same to
6. Gamma sterilization, plastic oxidation and wear.
7. Management of wear and wear related problems.
Cement particle entrapment: Though the friction and wear
between metal and HDPE is quite low and this combination has
proved to last pretty comfortably for a long period, the joker in
the pack is the cement particles. Entrapment of cement particles
is a rule rather than an exception. Despite meticulous lavage
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 395

and cleaning, small cement particles (which invariably remain

behind in most cases) cause problems. The joint tends to attract
these pieces which will eventually gravitate into the joint and
get entrapped between the surface of the joint. The rough
particulate cement abrades the plastic and generates wear debris.
Also secondarily it will cause irregularity in the plastic, that will
wear badly with the metal and cause increasing wear. The
vicious cycle continues; the debris causes a wear particle
granuloma and giant cell formation, leading to osteolysis.
Fortunately, the good cancellous bone of the tibia is less prone
to osteolysis than the hips, where the upper femur almost
disintegrates. Apart from a meticulous cleaning, lavage and a
committed effort to eliminate all cement particles before closure,
one must also make diligent efforts to chop off all overhanging
bits of cement and look deep back into the posterior aspect of
the joint to ensure that no loose bits remain.

Gross wear of the medial plateau and deformation of the HDPE insert
(after 16 years).
Shape of the articular surface and their relation to wear: Unlike
a congruous hip joint (where there is a full conformity between
the two surfaces), an artificial knee is a large complex
asymmetrical joint with minimal constraint and consequently
low contact! The possibility of increased wear between the
contact points is real because of the minimal surface areas of
contact. As the surfaces adapt to the worn-out shape and get
more congruous, the irregular areas become more prone to wear.
396 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The more modern knee designs eliminate this problem by a

scientific and congruent design including the recent meniscal
designs. However, design-related wear problems still remain
very real with older designs.
Stress shielding and cold creep: Experimental studies show that
stress shielding and cold creep are very relevant and important
parameters whilst assessing the wear patterns of a total knee
replacement. There have been several studies about the role of
metal-backing a polyethylene component; over the years, it has
remained a very controversial topic. Though experimental
studies have shown that the metal-backing is beneficial in
allowing a more uniform stress distribution across the surface
of HDPE (especially in the flatter surfaces), this has not been
proved to be very accurate in the human body!
The failures with metal-backed acetabular cups and metal-
backed patellar components have resulted in a switch towards
an all-polyethylene tibial component in recent times. The long
term (20 years) follow-up of all unprotected poly cups of the
Charnley hip system have proved that stress shielding is not a
big problem per se!
In the laboratory, it is indeed a fact that a backing of metal for
polyethylene does result in a much more uniform distribution
of stresses across the plastic and hence theoretically results in
significantly less wear. However this has not been proved correct
in actual practice, because in actual follow-up studies over
10 years, there has been no significant difference in the wear
rates of all poly- and metal-backed tibial components! 2 points
do stand out very significantly:
1. Thin HDPE should not be metal-backed. Especially
patellar components thinner than 4 mm will result in a
premature wear of the plastic and a disastrous metal-on-
metal rub and debris as the metal-back grinds across the
femoral component!
2. For the tibial component, a metal-back is not mandatory
to reduce wear. Meniscal and rotating platform designs
necessarily need to have a metal tibia and femur and a
plastic meniscus to glide in between. However, for a fixed
metal-backed HDPE component, a metal-back allows for
some degree of stress shielding.
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 397

However, if the plastic is very thin and there are entrapped

cement particles, the early wear of the plastic may result in a
direct articulation between the femoral component and the tibial
metal-back with disastrous results!
Gamma sterilization, plastic oxidation and wear: The relation
between gamma radiation for sterilization of plastic and wear
has caught the attention of surgeons and bio-medical engineers
in the very recent past. Sterilization by gamma radiation in an
atmospheric ambience will allow 30% of atmospheric oxygen to
remain inside the sterile wrapping. Over a period of months
and years this will cause the plastic to oxidize, resulting in
increased wear susceptibility. Sir John Charnley used to remark
anecdotally (as oft repeated by Wroblewski, his assistant) that
in the initial stages when we sterilized plastic by either chemical
or gaseous means, they seemed to last much longer than when
we used gamma radiation. To combat the problem of oxidation
and plastic weakening, a lot of American companies manufacturing
knee implants either sterilized the plastic with ethylene oxide
or started packing the HDPE in argon or nitrogen prior to gamma
radiation to prevent the damaging effects of radiation!
Management of wear and wear related problems: Unlike hip
replacements where it is an easy matter to assess wear
radiologically, the large flat tibial surfaces do not lend themselves
to such a form of radiological diagnosis. However, the particle
related problems will become symptomatic and the bony
changes and osteolysis (as a result of wear debris) will manifest
radiologically. Once they are evident clinically and
radiologically, it is imperative that the patient has to undergo a
revision surgery. Extensive bone loss is compensated either by
bone bank bone or bone cement. Revision components with
stems and wedges are used. In addition, some form of constraint
in the knee is needed in view of the knee becoming wobbly as a
result of loosening and wear.
Deformation and Breakage: Plastic deformation is commonly
seen as a result of constant stresses under body temperature; in
engineering terms, it is called cold creep or cold flow. This
deformation results in an irregularity. Plastic contained within
a metal-back or shell tends to dissipate the forces more uniformly
398 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

across the surface, which will protect against deformation and

creep. However, non metal-backed components are much more
prone to this deformation. Once the component gets out of shape,
the contact between the surfaces is no longer maintained,
resulting in stress raisers and wear. So in many cases,
deformation may be a precursor to wear.
Breakage of components is commoner with older designs of
all metal or constrained knees where the maximum loading
occurs at the junction or the hinge. With minimally constrained
knees, this phenomenon is not very common. Breakage of the plastic
may follow its wear when it becomes very thin and some shear
stresses will crack the plastic. Breakage of the femoral component
of an unconstrained knee on its own is practically unknown.
The management of wear and breakage is again revision. After
a correct assessment and preoperative planning, all the
components are revised. Extensive bone loss is compensated
either by bone bank bone or bone cement. Revision components
with stems and wedges are used. In addition, some form of

Plastic deformation, component wear and breakage after 19 years

of implantation.
Complications of Knee Replacement and their Management 399

constraint in the knee is needed in view of the knee becoming

wobbly as a result of loosening and wear.
Certain important points that will help while doing a revision
of a knee are:
1. A comprehensive preoperative planning and a thorough
clinical and radiological examination. Special emphasis
is to be laid on the degree of instability in the knee, the amount
of bone loss, available bone stock, angular and plateau
deformities in both anteroposterior and side-to-side axes.
2. A decision on the type of knee to be used has to be made
preoperatively; in most cases, this will be with a constraint
greater than the current knee implant.
3. Because of significant bone loss, a much greater thickness
of tibial plastic will be needed. Thus one has to have a
good inventory of thicker tibial sizes.
4. Occasionally after removing the femur, there will be so
much bone loss distally, that it would be almost impossible
to delineate the shape of the condyles. This will also make
it extremely difficult to plan for a valgus seating of the
femoral component. These cases will need femoral
components with an intramedullary stem that will help
in a proper valgus alignment.
5. One must have enough allografts or bank bone to fill in
the defects if this is the planned method of filling the
defects; if one plans to use bone cement, again adequate
stocks are necessary.
6. For asymmetrical bone loss on the tibial side, it is necessary
to have metal wedges that will compensate for the defects.
These wedges may either be built into the revision tibial
stem or may be of the design and type where the wedges are
fixed on the table after assessing the degree of the defect.
7. On occasion, one may elect to use a stemmed tibial
component for revision.
8. It is a good idea to use an antibiotic loaded cement, because
revision surgery, especially a superficial joint like knee, is
very prone for infection.
9. After repeated surgeries, patients have a low morale; one
must also counsel them psychologically and explain all
the risks involved in the procedure.
400 Guide to Total Knee Replacement


Revision Knee Replacement

R evision knee replacement is a complex subject and deserves

a book of its own, but for the sake of completeness, I have
outlined the basic steps and also added appropriate photographs.
However, the following points are very important and have to
be kept in mind before embarking on revision knee replacements:
1. Unless the surgeon is well versed with primary knee
replacement, it is better not to venture into revisions.
2. Revision knee replacement is not only a technically demanding
operation, the results are never as good as primary replacements.
3. Complication rate of a revision knee is much higher than for
a primary replacement.
4. The expenses involved in using the range of revision
instrumenting and implants makes this procedure quite
unaffordable for the average Indian patient.
5. The patient who has already suffered tremendously,
physically, mentally and financially from the failed first
surgery must be presented with a realistic view of the probable
results of revision.
Certain important points that will help while doing a revision
of a knee are:
1. A comprehensive preoperative planning and a thorough
clinical and radiological examination. Special emphasis is to
be laid on the degree of instability in the knee, the amount of
bone loss, available bone stock, angular and plateau
deformities in both anteroposterior and side-to-side axes.
Revision Knee Replacement 401

2. A decision on the type of knee to be used has to be made

preoperatively; in most cases, this will be with a constraint
greater than the current knee implant.
3. Because of significant bone loss, a much greater thickness of
tibial plastic will have to be used. Thus one has to have a
good inventory of thicker tibial sizes.
4. Occasionally after removing the femur, there will be so much
of bone loss distally, that it would be almost impossible to
delineate the shape of the condyles. This will also make it
extremely difficult to plan for a valgus seating of the femoral
component. These cases will need femoral components with
an intramedullary stem that will help in a proper valgus
5. One must have enough allografts or bank bone to fill in the
defects if this is the planned method of filling the defects. On
the contrary, if one plans to use bone cement, adequate stocks
are necessary.
6. For asymmetrical bone loss on the tibial side, it is necessary to
have metal wedges that will compensate for the defects. These
wedges may either be built into the revision tibial stem or
may be of the design and type where the wedges are fixed on
the table after assessing the degree of the defect.
7. On occasion, one may elect to use a stemmed tibial component
for revision.
8. It is a good idea to use an antibiotic loaded cement because
revision surgery, especially in a superficial joint like knee, is
very prone for infection.
9. After repeated surgeries, patients have a low morale; one must
also counsel them psychologically and explain all the risks
involved in the procedure.
In normal circumstances, an average surgeon will need to
perform knee replacements for three distinct conditions:
1. A grossly mal-positioned knee that is sure to fail if not
exchanged immediately. This problem is quite frequently seen
in our country after first timers put the components in a
grossly unacceptable position.
2. An aseptic loosening of a knee that has been in place for some
402 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

3. An infected knee, either immediate or delayed. This would

represent possibilities in the form of alternatives to
replacement, a single stage or a two-stage procedure, the entire
plan wholly dependant on the condition of the knee as well
as the experience of the surgeon!
This chapter is not meant to transform an average orthopaedist
into an expert revision surgeon! The advice that can bear
repetition is: Unless fully confident, stay away! Refer when in doubt!
Malpositioned knee and immediate revision: Probably one of
the simplest revisions, it can be safely done by a beginner. The
patient may be your own or that of another surgeon. The time
gap between presentation and the original operation is about
six weeks to six months. The following are the presentation
1. The knee does not look right! The legs are too bandy or too
crow legged. This is the patients' way of telling us that there
is an excess of varus or valgus deformity.
2. The patient cannot straighten the leg fully. One has to carefully
assess the residual flexion deformity.
3. The leg hyperextends. There is recurvatum.
4. The knee is very wobbly.
5. Of course, there will be associated symptoms like pain,
stiffness, clicks, etc.
One has to know well at this point that once it has been
established that there is a component malpositioning, apologetic
and conservative treatment is of no use. An immediate revision
is mandatory! Splints, braces, etc. will only satisfy the surgeon
but will not benefit the patient! One must have sufficient courage
to tell the patient that the components are not perfectly placed.
Left alone, this will cause a dramatic eccentric loading of the
components and the resultant failure will have an accompanying
bone loss that may need more exacting procedures if the revision
is deferred.
The following are the standard steps for revising a knee with
component malpositioning:
1. A preoperative assessment of the exact degree of
malposition and an identification as to whether it is in the
femur or tibia and in what axis!
Revision Knee Replacement 403

2. A provisional plan as to what has to be done.

3. The knee is exposed in the standard manner, going right
through the previous incision if the situation warrants.
4. The patella is deflected laterally and the knee is
hyperflexed to see the interior of the knee joint. At this
juncture it is understood that the revision is not being
performed for patellar problems. If the same is being done
for this, the patella can be replaced and the knee closed.
5. If the previous tibial cut is in too much varus (as often
happens in these cases), one must translate the tibia far
forward to enable removal of the tibial component without
scratching the femoral articular surface.
6. A small chisel is introduced between the tibial component
and the bone and with gentle tapping the tibial component
is extracted. Either one is lucky that the component comes
out along with the full cement mantle or the component
alone comes out, leaving the cement mantle inside the
cancellous tibial area.
7. If cement is left in the tibia, it is painstakingly removed
using a small chisel and curettes until the entire cement
mantle is removed.
8. Using an extramedullary or intramedullary guide, the
proximal tibial surface is cut again, to get a position of
exact parallelity to the floor with a 3° to 5° posterior slope!
9. A thicker trial prosthesis is now inserted and the knee
straightened. Three things are looked for:
a. The knee when straight should be in valgus to rectus
to an acceptable degree.
b. The tibial component should be in a slight 5° posterior
c. The knee should freely be put to a good range of
movement with an uniform soft tissue tension from
flexion to extension.
10. If the above criteria are met, the correct-sized prosthesis is
now removed from the sterile wrappings and cemented!
11. A thorough wash to see that there are no loose cement
bits, a proper haemostasis and a closure complete the
404 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

12. If the malpositioning has been in the femoral component,

the same is removed in exactly the same manner. Proper
recuts are then performed using the appropriate
instrumentation sets and cementation of the femoral
component is done!
Delayed revision for aseptic loosening: This will be a future
problem which our younger surgeons are going to face with
increasing frequency.
The knees may be earlier hinged versions, or the modern
unconstrained versions. They may have been cemented
primarily or may be cementless versions. All present with a
period of satisfactory functioning in the patient's body for years,
then initially start as small niggling pains or wobbliness.
The radiograph taken immediately when the patient comes
may show some radiological evidence of component wear, and
many radiolucent lines in both the femoral and tibial
components. A decision to revise should be made early before
too much of a bone loss makes it an unsalvageable situation. In
most cases, one will need to use a component with a constraint
greater than that of the originally implanted prosthesis.
The following steps outline the brief steps, but one must be
well aware that each loose knee is an individual situation and
the exact operative details will differ from case to case!
1. The choice of exposure depends upon the earlier scars and
surgeries, but the straight anterior incision is preferable if
it is usable!
2. One must be very careful to take out as thick a flap as
possible and include skin, fascia, fat and all the old scars
in one thick unit to avoid skin problems at a later date.
3. Retain as much of the patellar fat pad as possible as this is
an insurance against skin necrosis and pads the revision
4. Most loose knees are wobbly. It is an easy matter to
translate the tibia far anteriorly to visualize its entire
surface. After inspection for wear, debris plastic
deformation and breakage, one has to extract it.
5. Occasionally, the prosthesis is loose enough to be pulled
out very easily. On other occasions, it is indeed a very
difficult proposition with a hard metallic prosthesis firmly
Revision Knee Replacement 405

adherent to stiff cement properly glued to the soft bone

and all violence directed at the implant and cement will
have to be borne by the soft osteoporotic bone.
6. Flexible or thin osteotomes can be inserted between the
prosthesis and the cement and gentle taps will loosen the
implant. After a careful extraction of the same, all loose
cement is diligently removed. One must point out at this
stage that unlike hip revisions (where one works down a
poorly illuminated cortical tube of the femur), cement
extraction from the tibia is much easier and simpler.
7. The next step is removal of the femoral component. Again
insertion of a flexible or small chisel between the cement
and the implant will do the trick. However, one must be
very careful not to remove large chunks of bone along
with the implant. Whenever the old implant resists
removal, please be patient. Do not hurry! Do not use force-
Patience and gentleness will succeed when force and
strength will fail. Remember the axiom: Do not cause damage!
8. The patella, if used previously, can now be removed. All
the cautions mentioned above stand true for patella as
well. Do not fracture the patella and do not avulse the
patellar tendon. Be careful!
9. Once all components and cement have been removed, a
thorough wash with saline is done. All loose cement bits
are painstakingly removed. If available, a pneumatic
powered wire brush is used to roughen all the cancellous
area so that good bleeding surfaces are obtained!
10. Irrespective of the implant design or instrumentation used,
the following points are very relevant:
a. The flexion and extension gaps should be equal. Use
spacers, lamina spreaders or any other tensioning
devices that are available. The key is to have the same
gap in fill extension, 45° flexion and 90° flexion.
b. If the gaps are unequal, it means that the soft tissue
balance has not been adequate. Correct soft tissue releases
as described in the previous chapters are essential to
get the gap right throughout the entire range of motion!
c. Once the gap is equalized, one has to assess the status
of the limb with all the soft tissues fully tensed. With
406 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

the pardonable error of repetition, l have no hesitation

in stressing that the knee should be in VALGUS!
11. If the joint is not in valgus, one must find where the fault
lies. Correct valgus is achieved by giving appropriate cuts
either to the femur or tibia.
12. All the above procedures will invariably result in a much
thicker tibial component. A preoperative preparation to
keep the appropriate sizes is mandatory for the smooth
progress and full success of the procedure!
13. The rest of the steps in using the correct trials, an assessment
of the range of motion, the actual implants, their cementation
and drainage and closure have been covered already.
The following photographs show two revision scenarios and
describe the procedure step by step.

Revision for wear and aseptic loosening. This is a 60-year-old

male with bilateral replacements done by me 19 years ago. The
left side has been revised 5 days ago and the right side revision
steps are shown here.
Revision Knee Replacement 407

Approach here is though the same incision used for

primary surgery. We can appreciate severe metallosis and black
408 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The femoral component is levered out with a small chisel.

Revision Knee Replacement 409

All the cement comes out with the femoral component. The
worn out tibia can be appreciated below.
410 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Next, the tibial component is levered out.

Revision Knee Replacement 411

It can be seen that the tibial component has worn down

considerably and the metal most aspect has rubbed down right
up to the metal.
412 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The granulation and fibrous issue is removed and the joint

gap measured.
Revision Knee Replacement 413

It is essential to balance the flexion and extension gaps; soft

tissue releases are done to ensure that they are equal.
414 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The granulation tissue removed. As a posterior stabilized knee

is planned, the bio-cutter is used to cut the notch.
Revision Knee Replacement 415

Trial femoral and tibial components are now placed over the
surfaces after proper measurement.
416 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The tibial surface is prepared and the insert of appropriate

thickness is pushed home.
Revision Knee Replacement 417

The knee is put through full range of motion; stability mobility

and patellar tracking are checked.
418 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The actual implants are now unpacked.

Revision Knee Replacement 419

The bony surfaces are washed and packed with adrenaline

soaked gauze or pads.
420 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Cement is applied to tibial surface and the inside of the femoral

Revision Knee Replacement 421

It is important to apply cement to the inner side of the lower

femoral condyle.
422 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

The components are pressed home and the knee is kept in

full extension.
Revision Knee Replacement 423

Patelloplasty and excess cement removal.

424 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Final wash and suction drain.

Revision Knee Replacement 425

Closure in layers.
426 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Skin stapling.
Revision Knee Replacement 427

Check that the deformity is corrected.

428 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

A case of severe medial compartment arthritis, treated by

medial unicompartmental Oxford mobile bearing knee.
Revision Knee Replacement 429

Failure within two years because of component malpositioning.

430 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Standard incision and exposure. The meniscal bearing is

dislocated and slipped. This is removed.
Revision Knee Replacement 431

Components are removed and fresh bone cuts performed.

432 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

Cementation of all the three components.

Revision Knee Replacement 433

Postoperative X-ray.


A knee that has failed due to a primary or secondary infection
and needs revision can either be revised as a one-stage procedure
or a two-stage procedure. The choice of the method depends on
various factors. The surgeon, patient, the clinical and radiological
picture and organizational and infrastructural facilities—all play
an important part in choosing the procedure to be employed.
A two-stage procedure involves thorough removal of the
implants, cement, and all dead and necrotic material, followed
by a bone cement block as a spacer. At a later stage this cement
block is removed and a fresh prosthesis is implanted.
In a single stage procedure, the removal, clearance and
reinsertion are completed in one session. This beginner's guide
434 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

is hardly the place for details about such an exacting procedure,

hence the reader may refer to more detailed publications on this


Infection, whether immediate or delayed, is a serious problem.
The steps for tackling the infection are:
1. Diagnosis, clinical and radiological.
2. Bone scan.
3. Aspiration and bacteriology.
4. Plan for revision
5. Single stage revision or
a. Removal of components, cement spacer and delayed
revision or
b. Removal of components, space retention with an external
fixator followed by revision or
c. Component removal and arthrodesis.
6. Special care for soft tissue handling.
The above is a generalized sequence that can be tailored to
each patient individually, depending on the severity of infection,
bacterial nature and virulence, antibiotic sensitivity, sinuses and
scarring, type of original implant used, and patient profile and
make up.
One must inform the patient that there is a high risk of these
revisions failing, and consequently he/she must be prepared
for an arthrodesis if the revision does not succeed in clearing up
the infection or giving an satisfactory function. In very rare and
severe extremes, the patient may also end up with an
The process of decision making in an infected knee:
The first step is diagnosis. As mentioned above, the clinical
picture is very important. The following points are noted:
1. Pain and inflammation.
2. Swelling and haemarthrosis, pyarthrosis.
3. Discharging sinuses and scars
4. Limitation of movement.
5. Laxity and instability.
Revision Knee Replacement 435

X-ray is then analysed to see the degree of bone loss, sequestra

and radiolucent lines. A very careful note is made of the shift
and tilt of the components, breakage of the cement mantle,
subluxations and deformities.
A radio isotope scan is done in doubtful cases to distinguish
between infection and aseptic loosening.
This is followed by aspiration of the knee and sending the
aspirate for culture and cytology. A careful note is made of the
type of growth in culture and the antibiotic sensitivity of the
organisms grown.
Based on the above parameters, one chooses among the
following options:
1. Removal of the prosthesis, lavage, clearance of the
remaining cement, and arthrodesis.
2. A two-stage procedure consisting of removal of all
components, space retention by a cement block spacer or
an external fixator followed by a later revision.
3. A single stage revision.
Arthrodesis: This is a simple option and likely to give a
reasonable long-lasting result and must be discussed with the
patient in all cases. Unlike a single or double stage revision (with
a limited life span and a high chance of failure and recurrence
of infection), arthrodesis offers a pain-free stable knee with a
high chance of eradication of infection. However, a good
percentage of patients may not accept a stiff knee; those who
have had a good run with their primary knee and now have a
delayed infection are a bit difficult to convince. However, if a
decision has been made to remove the components and
arthrodesis the knee, the following are the steps:
1. A preoperative culture and antibiotic sensitivity is
mandatory. The patient is started on appropriate antibiotics
before surgery. A combination of antibiotics must be used
depending on circumstances and a consultation with the
bacteriologist will be of significant advantage.
2. The incision is straight midline. In case there are any
sinuses, these are excised. A thick flap, including the skin,
subcutaneous fat and soft tissues, is removed in one piece
to avoid postoperative sloughing and necrosis.
436 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

3. All components are removed as described under revision

for aseptic revision. Soft tissue bits and pieces of synovium
and fat are removed and sent for culture and histology.
4. All cement is removed and the surfaces are now washed
thoroughly. All loose cement bits are removed. All
adherent cement mantle is painstakingly removed. Using
a wire brush, the cancellous surfaces are scrubbed until
fresh bleeding cancellous bone is visible.
5. The entire interior of the knee is washed with copious
amount of saline and dried thoroughly. The femoral and
tibial surfaces are apposed and checked if the two out
surfaces match. There should be no gaps, and the
unevenness of the surfaces should be smoothened by
minimal shavings of cuts using an oscillating saw.
6. On apposition of the two out surfaces, there must be a 15°
of flexion, and a 5° to 7° of valgus. This is the acceptable
position for arthrodesis. Anything short of this needs to
be corrected with additional bone cuts. One must desist
from making large bone cuts, which may lead to an
unacceptable shortening of the arthrodesed knee.
7. The choice of fixation device depends of the preference
and experience of the surgeon. As a rule, internal fixation
is avoided. The external fixator used can either be an
Ilizarov type of ring fixator, a Charnley type knee
arthordesis clamp or an AO type of fixator. A modified
Hoffman frame is also acceptable.
8. After cleaning and apposing the surfaces, the fixator is
applied if a good fit is present. However, if there are gaps,
they are filled with cancellous bone from the iliac crest
before applying the fixator.
9. The fixator is applied, the surface compressed and a
routine closure performed after adequate drainage.
10. Appropriate antibiotics are administered postoperatively,
and the patient is mobilized in the standard manner.
11. The fixator is tightened and additional compression is
given depending on the situation. The fixator is removed
after radiological and clinical evidence of solid fusion.
Double-stage revision: This is the preferred method where there
is a fulminant infection with large sinuses, a bad skin and a lot
Revision Knee Replacement 437

of slough and scars. The space between the femur and tibia is
preserved, either with a blob of antibiotic-loaded cement or with
an external fixator. The following are the steps:
1. The patient is informed that the first stage is meant to eradicate
infection. If there is incomplete eradication, the patient may
have to undergo an arthrodesis rather than a knee
2. The exposure and component removal are standard as
described above. All the sinuses are excised, and scar tissue
is removed. One may need the assistance of the plastic surgeon
for a good flap coverage in case there is a large skin loss.
4. The two surface are stretched as far apart as possible using
lamina spreaders. Bone cement mixed with appropriate
antibiotic is kneaded to a doughy consistency and packed
into the space. It is a good idea to keep the flat handle of the
Hohman retractor behind the cement blob as the cement sets.
This will prevent thermal damage to the popliteal vessels.
5. In case an external fixator is to be used, the same steps are
employed. But the fixator is used to distract the two joint
surfaces to retain maximum gap. I always prefer the thin pins
of the llizarov type frame to thick Stienman pins.
6. The interval between this and the second surgery depends
on complete eradication of all signs of infection. Once this is
achieved, the second stage is put into action.
7. The steps of reimplanting a fresh knee are similar to those
described for revision of an aseptic loosening. The post-
operative and follow-up are also identical.
Single stage revision for infection: This is the method of choice
in cases with doubtful sepsis, minimal signs of inflammation,
delayed infection, good skin, and absence of bad scars and sinuses.
After a thorough preoperative assessment, the following steps
are employed. These steps are similar to those for revising an
aseptic loosening:
1. The skin incision is straight midline. A thick skin flap is
taken. The debridement of the knee and removal of all
infected material follows.
2. Removal of components and cement is done in a manner
similar to that described under revision for aseptic
438 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

3. Acrylic cement loaded with an appropriate antibiotic is

used for cementing the components. The bone loss present
at the time of surgery may necessitate the use of a
prosthesis either with a larger constraint or a hinged
4. Closure and postoperative management are routine.
This chapter only offers a brief description of the outlines of
management of an infected total knee prosthesis. However, it
must be reemphasized that the operation is not an easy one and
that the chances of failure are high. It is mandatory that all
facilities, proper instrumentation and adequate stocks of all sizes
of implants with a larger constraint are available in the operation
theatre. It is also essential that the surgeon has adequate
experience before undertaking this surgery.
Conclusions 439


I t is with a feeling of immense pleasure that an author reaches

the last chapter of his/her book! The feelings can be compared
to those of successfully delivering a child! Now that I look
through the 700 plus pages l have penned over the last 18 months,
I find a lot of omissions and commissions. At a glance the book
reads like a manual for a self assembly IKEA furniture. On
occasions and in some pages, the impression is that of a simple
carpentry or electronic assembly. It is quite apparent that the
pages of technique and “how to do” far exceed the descriptions
on “when not to do” and “what not to do”.
This chapter is not a summation of the merits and advantages
of knee arthroplasty. l have laid all emphasis on the salient
aspects of pitfalls and trouble spots of this form of surgery in
the Asian circumstance. You, dear reader, are warned that the
operative part may seem (and in most cases is) really easy!
However, the difficult parts (patient selection and counselling,
avoiding of undue promises and preoperative enthusiasm and
a meticulous adherence to systems and procedures) are indeed
is the key to this aspect of orthopaedic surgery.
The following observations regarding knee replacement
surgery sum up the pitfalls, things to do and things to avoid:
1. Patients who have good movements and are accustomed
to squatting and Namaz prayers are not good candidates
for knee replacement unless they are willing to give up
these activities and demand the operation.
2. Results for rheumatoid knees with crippling disability are
much more gratifying than for knees with osteoarthritis.
440 Guide to Total Knee Replacement

3. Obese patients are a taboo and 85 kg is the upper limit.

Ask for a weight reduction before picking up the knife.
4. A very careful preoperative evaluation is mandatory and
all aspects of the patient demand very careful scrutiny.
5. If the theatre is not adequate, do not take chances! Please
try to have an exclusive operating theatre for orthopaedic
and arthroplasty work; avoid sharing the OT with the
general surgeon and gynaecologist!
6. Choose your system of implants and instrumentation very
7. Have the complete range of instrumentation on hand,
including all trials. Ensure that your saw and drill work.
Keep all instrumentation ready.
8. A complete range of implants is mandatory. All sizes, all
thicknesses, good stock of cement!
9. Do the soft tissue part of the operation before the first
bone cut. The tendency of the resident to start whizzing
away with the saw should be discouraged.
10. Be careful in closure and take adequate precautions to
handle the soft tissues gently and meticulously.
11. Antibiotics, bio-occlusive clothing and clean air (in that
12. A strict adherence to the postoperative regime and correct
instructions regarding mobilization and weight bearing
(depending on the implant type) are essential.
13. Discharge soon. As soon as patient is comfortable! This
will avoid hospital contamination and infection.
14. Regular follow-up and correct long-term instructions,
including avoidance of weight gain will ensure a long-
lasting well functioning joint.
15. Should complications develop, avoid the attitude of wait
and watch. Be aggressive and treat complications
immediately and properly.
16. Maintain records for your sake and patients’ sake.
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