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Australian Safety
and Efficacy
Register of New
Procedures - Surgical

Systematic Review

Surgical simulation for training: Skills

transfer to the operating room


July 2007

Australian Safety & Efficacy Register of

New Interventional Procedures – Surgical

The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Surgical simulation for training: Skills transfer to the
operating room

ISBN 0909844 83 6
Published July 2007

This report should be cited in the following manner:

Sturm L, et al. Surgical simulation for training: Skills transfer to the operating room.
ASERNIP-S Report No. 61. Adelaide, South Australia: ASERNIP-S, July 2007.

Copies of these reports can be obtained from:

PO Box 553,
Stepney, SA 5069
Ph: 61-8-8363 7513
Fax: 61-8-8362 2077
E-Mail: [email protected]
The Systematic Review of Surgical Simulation for Training:
Skills Transfer to the Operating Room
was ratified by:

The ASERNIP-S Management Committee on

June 2007
The Council of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons on
July 2007

Table of Contents
Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. iv
The ASERNIP-S Classification System ............................................................................ vii
The ASERNIP-S Review Group ........................................................................................ ix
1. Introduction................................................................................................................... 1
Objective ............................................................................................................................. 1
Context................................................................................................................................ 1
Surgical training ............................................................................................................. 1
Surgical simulation ........................................................................................................ 2
Types of surgical simulation ........................................................................................ 3
Synthetic (inanimate) models and box trainers .................................................... 3
Live animal models................................................................................................... 4
Cadaveric models...................................................................................................... 4
Ex vivo animal tissue models ................................................................................... 5
Virtual reality (computer-based) models ............................................................... 5
Hybrid simulators ..................................................................................................... 6
Skills transfer to the operating theatre ....................................................................... 6
Summary ............................................................................................................................. 7
2. Methodology.................................................................................................................. 8
Literature search protocol ................................................................................................ 8
Inclusion criteria............................................................................................................ 8
Literature search strategies ............................................................................................... 9
Databases searched and search terms used ............................................................... 9
Search terms .............................................................................................................. 9
Literature database & exclusions ................................................................................ 9
Data extraction and assessment of study quality......................................................... 10
Data analysis ..................................................................................................................... 10
Ongoing and Unpublished Trials ............................................................................. 10
3. Studies included in the review................................................................................... 12
Literature Search Results ................................................................................................ 12
Designation of Levels of Evidence and Critical Appraisal........................................ 12
Description of studies ..................................................................................................... 13
4. Results........................................................................................................................... 24
Performance on simulators ............................................................................................ 24
Skills transfer outcomes .................................................................................................. 26
Overall performance of patient-based procedure....................................................... 26
Performance time ............................................................................................................ 28
Success rate of patient-based assessment..................................................................... 30


Ability to complete procedure independently ..............................................................31

Supervising surgeon takeover .........................................................................................34
Use of assistants................................................................................................................36
Performance errors...........................................................................................................37
Errors - combined outcomes..........................................................................................38
Flow of operation.............................................................................................................39
Time and motion ..............................................................................................................40
Economy of movement - combined outcomes ...........................................................42
Procedural knowledge......................................................................................................43
Knowledge of instruments..............................................................................................44
Instrument handling.........................................................................................................45
Respect for tissue..............................................................................................................46
Ability to identify landmarks...........................................................................................48
Ability to insert scope safely ...........................................................................................49
Ability to adequately visualise the mucosa on withdrawal..........................................50
Staff productivity ..............................................................................................................51
Other patient-based assessment related outcomes......................................................51
Patient morbidity/mortality ............................................................................................53
Patient discomfort ............................................................................................................54
Participant satisfaction of training .................................................................................57
Surgical confidence...........................................................................................................58
Training costs....................................................................................................................60
5. Discussion..........................................................................................................................62
Limitations of the evidence.............................................................................................62
Transfer outcomes ...........................................................................................................64
Other considerations........................................................................................................67
Future research .................................................................................................................68
6. Conclusions and Recommendations..............................................................................70
Classification and Recommendations............................................................................70
Clinical and Research Recommendations ................................................................70
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................70
References ..............................................................................................................................71
Appendix A – Excluded studies.....................................................................................78
Appendix B – Hierarchy of evidence ............................................................................86
Appendix C – Methodological assessment and study design tables .........................89
Appendix D – Results tables ....................................................................................... 110
Appendix E – Summary of simulators and patient-based training ........................ 130
Appendix F – Summary of critical appraisal ............................................................. 133


List of Tables
Table 1 Databases searched................................................................................................. 9
Table 2 Summary of included studies .............................................................................. 19
Table 3 Description of training in included studies ....................................................... 21
Table 4 Description of statistical analyses used in included studies............................ 22
Table 5 Patient-based assessments: overall performance results ................................. 27
Table 6 Patient-based assessments: performance time results ..................................... 29
Table 7 Patient-based assessments: success rate results ................................................ 31
Table 8 Patient-based assessments: ability to complete the assessment operation ... 32
Table 9 Patient-based assessments: supervising surgeon takeover and need for
assistance ............................................................................................................................... 35
Table 10 Patient-based assessments: the use of assistants ............................................ 36
Table 11 Patient-based assessments: errors made during assessment operations ..... 37
Table 12 Patient-based assessments: error scores – combined outcomes.................. 38
Table 13 Patient-based assessments: flow of operation and economy of movement
................................................................................................................................................. 39
Table 14 Patient-based assessments: time and motion outcomes ............................... 41
Table 15 Patient-based assessments: economy of movement – combined outcomes
................................................................................................................................................. 42
Table 16 Patient-based assessments: knowledge of procedure .................................... 44
Table 17 Patient-based assessments: knowledge of instruments* ............................... 45
Table 18 Patient-based assessments: instrument handling*.......................................... 46
Table 19 Patient-based assessments: respect for tissue ................................................. 47
Table 20 Patient-based assessments: ability to identify landmarks .............................. 48
Table 21 Patient-based assessments: ability to insert scope safely............................... 49
Table 22 Patient-based assessments: visualisation of the mucosa on withdrawal ..... 50
Table 23 Patient-based assessments: patient discomfort .............................................. 55
Table 24 Patient-based assessments: surgical confidence ............................................. 59

List of Figures
Figure 1 Process for selection of studies retrieved from the literature database ....... 12


Executive Summary

To assess whether skills acquired via simulation-based training transfer to the
operative setting.

Search strategy – Studies were identified by searching MEDLINE, EMBASE,
CINAHL, The Cochrane Library and Current Contents from inception to December
2006. The Clinical Trials Database (US), NHS Centre for Research and
Dissemination Databases (UK), National Research Register (UK), Meta Register of
Controlled Trials, and the Australian Clinical Trials Registry were also searched in
December 2006.
Study selection – Only studies that reported the use of simulation for surgical skills
training, and reporting on the transferability of these skills to the patient care setting
were included for review. The articles included must have contained training and/or
measures of performance in the simulated setting and measures of performance in
the operative setting. Measures of surgical task performance included accuracy of
skills, time to complete technique, efficiency of movement, error rates and
achievement of performance to criterion levels.
Data collection and analysis – Data from the included studies was extracted by an
ASERNIP-S researcher using standardised data extraction tables developed a priori
and checked by a second researcher. Statistical pooling was not appropriate due to
the heterogeneity of the included studies.

A total of 12 randomised controlled trials and two non-randomised comparative
studies were included in this review. The review looked at simulation as a concept,
and as such included studies with various training techniques in the surgical setting.
There were differences in indications, simulation-based training methods, training
times, and the amount of guidance and feedback provided to trainees. In most cases,
simulation-based training was an add-on to normal surgical training programs. Only
one study compared simulation-based training with current training methods
(patient-based training).
For laparoscopic cholecystectomy, participants who received simulation-based
training prior to conducting patient-based assessment generally performed better
than their counterparts who did not have this training. This improvement was not
universal for all the parameters measured, but the untrained group never
outperformed the trained group. Trained groups generally made fewer errors, and


had less instances of supervising surgeon takeover than participants who did not
have the training.
For colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy, simulation-based training prior to patient-based
assessment generally appeared to provide participants some advantage over their
untrained controls, particularly during the initial stages of learning.
For catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease and TEP hernia repair,
simulation-based training appeared to show benefits for participants when later
conducting patient-based assessment.
There were no differences in performance between endoscopic sinus surgery
simulator-trained residents compared with controls when performing endoscopic
sinus surgery.
The study that compared patient-based training with simulation-based training for
colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy found that participants who received training in the
assessment procedure exhibited better performance than those who had trained
exclusively on a simulator without any mentoring or supervision.

Classification and Recommendations

On the basis of the evidence presented in this systematic review, the ASERNIP-S
Review Group agreed on the following classifications and recommendations
concerning the transferability of skills acquired via simulation-based training to the
surgical setting:

Evidence rating
The evidence-base in this review is rated as average. The studies included were of
variable quality, and did not have comparable simulation-based methods for the same
indications, resulting in an inability to draw solid conclusions.

Clinical and Research Recommendations

It is recommended that further research be done into the transfer of skills acquired
via simulation-based training to the patient setting to strengthen the current evidence
base. Future studies could explore:
• the nature and duration of training required to deliver the greatest transfer effect
• the stage of training at which trainees receive maximum skill transfer benefits
from different forms of simulation,
• the effect of different levels of mentoring during the training period on transfer
rates, and
• changes in staff productivity as a result of simulation-based training.


Important note
The information contained in this report is a distillation of the best available evidence
located at the time the searches were completed as stated in the protocol.


The ASERNIP-S Classification System

Evidence Rating
The evidence for ASERNIP-S systematic reviews is classified as Good, Average or
Poor, based on the quality and availability of this evidence. High quality evidence is
defined here as having a low risk of bias and no other significant flaws. While high
quality randomised controlled trials are regarded as the best kind of evidence for
comparing interventions, it may not be practical or ethical to undertake them for
some surgical procedures, or the relevant randomised controlled trials may not yet
have been carried out. This means that it may not be possible for the evidence on
some procedures to be classified as good.

Most of the evidence is from a high quality systematic review of all relevant
randomised trials or from at least one high quality randomised controlled trial of
sufficient power. The component studies should show consistent results, the
differences between the interventions being compared should be large enough to be
important, and the results should be precise with minimal uncertainty.

Most of the evidence is from high quality quasi-randomised controlled trials, or from
non-randomised comparative studies without significant flaws, such as large losses to
follow-up and obvious baseline differences between the comparison groups. There is
a greater risk of bias, confounding and chance relationships compared to high-quality
randomised controlled trials, but there is still a moderate probability that the
relationships are causal.
An inconclusive systematic review based on small randomised controlled trials that
lack the power to detect a difference between interventions and randomised
controlled trials of moderate or uncertain quality may attract a rating of average.

Most of the evidence is from case series, or studies of the above designs with
significant flaws or a high risk of bias. A poor rating may also be given if there is
insufficient evidence.

Research Recommendations
It may be recommended that an audit or a controlled (ideally randomised) clinical
trial be undertaken in order to strengthen the evidence base.


Clinical Recommendations
Additional recommendations for use of the training techniques in clinical practice
may be provided to ensure appropriate use by sufficiently qualified/experienced
centres and/or individuals.


The ASERNIP-S Review Group

ASERNIP-S Director
Professor Guy Maddern
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
PO Box 553
Stepney SA 5069
Protocol Surgeon
Professor John Windsor
Department of Surgery
University of Auckland
PO Box 92019
Auckland New Zealand
Advisory Surgeon
Mr Patrick Cregan
PO Box 1124
Penrith NSW 2751
Advisory Surgeon
Mr Peter Hewett
142 Ward Street
North Adelaide SA 5006
Advisory Surgeon
Mr Peter Cosman
PO Box 196
Brighton Le Sands NSW 2216

ASERNIP-S Researcher
Lana Sturm
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
PO Box 553
Stepney SA 5069


Conflicts of Interest
• Professor John Windsor
Director and Educational Advisor, Go Virtual Medical Ltd.
Founding Director, Advanced Clinical Skills Centre, University of Auckland.
• Mr Patrick Cregan
Medical Director, Medic Vision Pty. Ltd.


1. Introduction

The objective of this systematic review is to assess whether skills acquired via
simulation-based training transfer to the surgical setting.

Surgical training consists of developing cognitive, clinical and technical skills, with
the latter traditionally acquired through mentoring in the operating theatre. Current
surgical skills training programs are under pressure due to increased service
requirements, new and emerging techniques, a greater focus on surgeons’
competence, and concerns regarding patient safety. In order to face these challenges
and to improve surgical education, many surgical colleges are re-engineering their
training curricula with an increased interest in the use of rapidly developing and
emerging educational strategies. Surgical simulation offers the opportunity for
surgical trainees to practise surgical skills (mental practice and reinforcement) before
entering the operating room and allows for detailed feedback (proximal and
technical), and objective assessment of performance. To establish whether there is
benefit in using simulated environments to teach surgical skills, it must be shown that
the skills acquired through simulation-based training can positively transfer to clinical

Surgical training
Surgical skills training to date has largely been conducted via the mentored or
‘apprenticeship’ approach. It involves surgical trainees learning surgical skills in the
operating theatre by first observing, then assisting mentors, before being permitted
to operate under supervision. As the trainee’s experience grows, he or she is able to
take on a more active role, until eventually he or she is able to work unsupervised. In
this environment, unskilled trainees learn to perform skills on actual patients.
Competency is subjectively assessed by supervising surgeons.
The movement toward increased specialisation in academic teaching hospitals has
resulted in more complex and challenging surgical problems (Grober et al. 2004),
greater volumes of cases, increased service responsibilities, and a need for surgeons
to work at maximum efficiency with minimal interruption. The mentoring approach
is also dependent on the flow of patients through a hospital and can result in trainees
having random ad hoc exposure to less common procedures.
The mentored approach is dependent on skilled surgeons having the time and
resources to train and supervise trainees. A survey in 2005 found that 91% of the
current Australian Fellowship are involved in training supervision, providing on
average, 10.2 hours of training supervision per week (Royal Australasian College of


Surgeons 2005). This survey also found that the current workforce is ageing and
within the next five years, one third of the current active Fellowship is expected to
retire from emergency call work and two thirds of this group are also intending to
retire from operative practice. This will reduce the number of Fellows available to
provide training, supervision and mentoring. In addition to this, legislated
restrictions on surgeons’ working hours have reduced the number of hours during
which experienced surgeons are avaliable to observe and assist trainees. It has also
reduced the number of hours trainees can expect to be supervised (Woodrow et al.
2006). In the Australian system, as in many other countries, working shifts of 36
hours or more are now largely outlawed and have been replaced by maximum
working periods of 13 to 14 hours with mandated rest periods (Maddern 2003). The
impact of these changes has resulted in a more consultant-led supervision of care, an
increase in the number of surgical trainees per surgical unit, and competition for the
surgical cases available from which to gain surgical experience during the course of
training (Maddern 2003).
The move away from open surgery to less invasive techniques has meant that trainee
surgeons now have less opportunity to learn an open procedure prior to learning the
minimally invasive technique. For example, cholecystectomy, anti-reflux and
bariatric surgery are now being done using a laparoscope (Aggarwal et al. 2006)
instead of the open surgical approaches used previously. Minimally invasive
procedures using a laparoscope as well as other endoscopic techniques differ from
open surgery in the way of direct tactile contact and visual feedback, and an increased
need for hand-eye coordination (Gallagher et al. 1998). Although the skills needed
for these surgical modalities, like those needed for open surgery, can be taught in the
operating theatre, simulation allows trainees to practise these skills before entering
the operating theatre environment.

Surgical simulation
Simulation is an instructional strategy used to teach technical skills, procedures, and
operations, by presenting learners with situations that resemble reality (Krummel
1998). Surgical simulation involves the use of objects, devices, electronic and/or
mechanical surgical simulators, cadavers, animals and animal organs to reproduce or
represent, under test conditions, situations that are likely to occur in actual
performance (Krummel 1998).
Surgical competence encompasses a combination of requisite knowledge, technical
skills, cognitive skills, decision-making ability, communication skills, leadership skills,
and professional ethics (Moorthy et al. 2003). Of these, technical skills make up the
majority of the objective data on surgical training and assessment, although cognitive
skills are likely to play a larger part (Satava et al. 2003). Simulated training allows
trainees to practise the cognitive and technical skills of a procedure under various
conditions without the pressures of the operating room, and allows for the teaching
of rare or unusual cases. The trainees actions can be analysed, errors identified and


corrected, and performance scored under standardised, though not real, conditions.
Simulation-based skill training allows an individual to acquire skills to the point
where many psychomotor skills and spatial judgments have become automated
(Gallagher et al. 2005). This allows the trainee to focus more on learning the steps of
the operation and how to handle intraoperative complications, than on the
refinement of technical skills (Gallagher et al. 2005). Simulation-based training using
flight simulators has been mandatory in the United States aviation industry since
1955 (Kaufmann 2001). All commercial and military pilots must train and be
certified on a simulator before actual flight (Cohen et al. 2006a). Anaesthesiology has
applied principles similar to those used in pilot training and now has over 30 years of
history in simulation-based training (Reznek et al. 2002).

Types of surgical simulation

A range of simulation devices and models now exist, and many hospitals and medical
schools have developed skills laboratories where learners from a range of disciplines
can practise their skills (Dent 2001). In general, surgical simulation allows for the
repetitive performance of a single task to allow the trainee to develop hand-eye co-
ordination and motor skills before entering the real-patient setting. It has been
shown that training a single task results in better performance than training a variety
of skills at once (Kirk 1996). Speed, efficiency and precision are developed with
practice and automaticity in the skill is eventually achieved.
The different forms of simulation are described below.

Synthetic (inanimate) models and box trainers

Simulation using physical objects usually involves models of plastic, rubber and latex.
These objects are used to render different organs and pathologies and allow a trainee
to perform specific tasks and procedures (Cisler and Martin 2006). A box trainer
uses the actual instruments and optical system used clinically to manipulate
‘synthetic’ tissues (Fried 2006). Some physical simulators may also reproduce the
haptics (tactile sensations) of the actual surgical environment. Physical simulators are
generally part-task trainers and help develop the hand-eye co-ordination and motor
skills necessary for specific tasks such as cutting, suturing, grasping or clipping
structures. Skills such as suturing and knot-tying can effectively be acquired on these
models (Grober et al. 2004).
Physical simulators must be re-equipped after each use which requires some time
investment. These models have a number of limitations, including limited realism
and haptics, and no inherent metrics (performance measurements taken by simulator)
for assessment. Physical simulator models do not directly measure movements or
skills, and require a trained observer to determine performance (Fried 2006).
Assessment occurs when trainees perform a series of standardised tasks, and
performance is rated using a task-specific checklist or a global rating form (Reznick
and MacRae 2006).


Although some trainees using these types of simulators have found the training
unrealistic and boring due to their low fidelity (the extent to which the model
imitates reality) (Hyltander 2003), studies show that they are valid and reliable
instruments for training specific surgical skills (Grantcharov et al. 2004; Seymour et al.
2002). Their relatively low acquisition cost, high availability and easy portability,
make this type of simulator the most widely available and most validated surgical
training system (Roberts et al. 2006).

Live animal models

Anaesthetised, live animals provide a high fidelity, non-patient environment that
allows trainees to develop the psychomotor and cognitive skills required for the
operative setting (Wagh and Waxman 2006). Animal models enable trainees to work
together as a team on an operation, providing additional insight into setting up an
operative case with regard to functional team relationships, hierarchies and gradients
of authority (Roberts et al. 2006). Animal models have been used extensively in both
open (Chapman et al. 1996) and laparoscopic (Fried et al. 1999; Korndorffer, Jr. et al.
2005) surgical training. Anatomical differences between humans and animals make
some animal models better than others for training purposes. Examples of animals
in use for training include porcine, canine, ovine, baboon and avian models. Training
surgical skills using live animals requires access to large animal care facilities and
veterinary staff, which is expensive (Cisler and Martin 2006). Live animal model
training is more involved than other simulation models because there is a need for
sedation, analgesia and peri-operative monitoring (Cisler and Martin 2006), and in
some cases require the presence of a training supervisor to train and assess trainees.
Animal models provide realistic haptic feedback but the numbers of animals needed
as well as cultural, financial and ethical issues limit their use.

Cadaveric models
The use of human cadavers allows surgical trainees to develop a detailed
understanding of human anatomy and are a valuable tool for the teaching of whole-
body anatomy and the interaction between different body parts when affected by
disease processes (Parker 2002). In addition to anatomical dissection courses,
surgical trainees have used human cadavers to practise many procedures, including
laparoscopy (Levine et al. 2006), endoscopy (Rivron and Maran 1991), and saphenous
vein cutdown (Wong and Stewart 2004). Preserved human cadavers (including
cadavers preserved by plastination) do not bear the same tissue elasticity as live or
recently deceased cadavers, thereby losing some fidelity as a surgical instructional
model (Herbella and Del Grande 2001). In addition to this, considerable expense is
involved in the provision of cadaveric specimens, which are single use and not
portable (Wong and Stewart 2004). The limited supply of cadavers in Australia, the
decline of anatomical dissection courses in Australian medical schools (Parker 2002),
concerns regarding disease transmission from human tissues and fluids, and ethical
and cultural issues limit this mode of training.


Ex vivo animal tissue models

Using anatomic sections or tissues from euthanased animals is another form of
simulation in surgical skills training. These sections or tissues can be attached to, and
supported by, synthetic frames configured to mimic human anatomy and may
provide approximate haptic feedback (Hochberger and Maiss 2006). This form of
training allows for organs to be prepared and frozen ready for use at a later time.
Although individual ex vivo models are limited in the variety of procedures they can
train, they may, as with some inanimate models, prove beneficial as training tools for
skills that require repetitive practice (Hochberger and Maiss 2006). Costs associated
with this type of training are relatively low in comparison to live animal training, but
still require staff to prepare the organs for simulation, and to supervise and assess
trainees (Cisler and Martin 2006). Dedicated ‘wet rooms’ within skills centres are
mandatory if this training model is to be employed. Although data supporting the
benefits of ex vivo simulation are starting to accrue, more evidence is required to
confirm that the use of this simulation model improves outcomes in clinical
performance (Hochberger and Maiss 2006).

Virtual reality (computer-based) models

Virtual reality (VR), surgical simulators are the next development in the area of
surgical simulation, and are receiving widespread attention. VR systems use
computer generated instruments through specially designed interfaces to manipulate
computer generated objects. To date, laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery, rather
than open surgery have received most of the developmental focus in surgical VR
simulators (Carter et al. 2005; Seymour 2005). In part, this is the result of efforts to
address outcome deficiencies identified early in the clinical experience with
laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Deziel et al. 1993). It is also attributable to the fact
that laparoscopic and endoscopic scenarios are more easily recreated by VR
simulators than open surgery because they comprise a two-dimensional visual system
with limited haptic interactions (Hyltander et al. 2002).
An attractive feature of VR surgical simulators is that they can provide objective and
repeated measurements, such as the time taken to complete a task, the errors made in
the process and also the efficiency with which the movements were made in the
accomplishment of the task (Haque and Srinivasan 2006). These metrics present the
opportunity for the assessment of competency without the need for an observer to
be present. VR trainers allow trainees to practise independently, and can be
incorporated into a structured curriculum (Roberts et al. 2006).
Most surgical VR systems function as part-task trainers, that aim to increase surgeon
skill by shaping behaviours required for performing surgery (Seymour and Rotnes
2006). Realistic tactile sensations (ie haptics) in the use of surgical instruments is
imperfect in some VR simulators (Seymour and Rotnes 2006). Although work is
progressing to further incorporate haptics into VR trainers (Roberts et al. 2006), this
is expensive, and studies indicate that a high level of fidelity may not be essential to


train some surgical skills, particularly to junior level trainees (Anastakis et al. 1999;
Grober et al. 2004). Studies comparing VR simulators have demonstrated that they
are useful in training students in such procedures as upper endoscopy (Cisler and
Martin 2006), haemostasis (Maiss et al. 2006), flexible sigmoidoscopy (Datta et al.
2002; Tuggy 1998) and colonoscopy (Cohen et al. 2006b; Sedlack and Kolars 2003).

Hybrid simulators
Hybrid simulators are a combination of physical simulators and VR simulators. They
consist of a physical object (frequently a mannequin) being linked to a sophisticated
computer program that provides visual images and/or feedback (Satava 2001). The
computer program can simulate patient responses, both physically on the mannequin
and physiologically in response to a procedure (Satava 2001). These simulators go
beyond basic skills training and are designed to recreate specific anatomy and
physiology, and allow trainees to practise all the skills necessary to perform a
particular operation (Roberts et al. 2006). They allow the production of realistic
clinical environments where teams work within simulated scenarios to practise crisis
management, team response, communication, and other complex tasks. These
simulators will not replace basic skills training, but may help to bridge the gap to the
operating room (Roberts et al. 2006). Hybrid simulators are expensive and are limited
in use due to high demands of time and effort needed to prepare and run them
(Sewell et al. 2004). In anaesthesia and critical care medicine, there is extensive
research supporting the use of hybrid simulator models for training (Cooper and
Taqueti 2004).

Skills transfer to the operating theatre

Training in the operating room is expensive in terms of staffing and time (Roberts et
al. 2006). Surgical skills training courses delivered through dedicated skill
laboratories, and using surgical simulation, are becoming accepted as standards of
training. In recent years, VR trainers have become increasingly popular and appear
to be gaining acceptance into surgical training programs, although not yet reaching
widespread adoption (Satava 2001). These types of simulators are expensive due to
their low production volume and high development cost.
The fundamental assumption of surgical simulation-based training is that the skills
acquired in simulated environments are directly transferable to the clinical setting.
Although the effectiveness of individual simulators to teach surgical skills has not yet
been proven (Dutta et al. 2006; Sutherland et al. 2006) and there is little strong
evidence to indicate that they can be used for the determination of competence
(Feldman et al. 2004), many studies have demonstrated improved simulator
performance after simulator training (Haque and Srinivasan 2006; Sutherland et al.
2006). Many studies attempting to determine construct validity (that simulator
performance correlates with actual technical ability) have focused on being able to
discriminate levels of experience, and compare experienced surgeons to those with
less or no surgical experience (McDougall et al. 2006; Schijven and Jakimowicz 2005;


Srivastava et al. 2004). In live animal models, studies have demonstrated improved
operative performance in anaesthetised animals after simulation-based training
(Hyltander et al. 2002; Korndorffer, Jr. et al. 2005; Van Sickle et al. 2006).
To date, less attention has been focused on correlating simulator performance with
operative performance on live human patients. If the positive relationship between
technical skills measured in a simulated environment and the technical skills
measured in the operating room are robust, simulation-based training could not only
predict a trainee’s future performance in the operative setting, but could also go
some way towards justifying the cost of these training devices. Without evidence that
transfer is occurring, simulation-based training will battle to find relevance and
acceptance into surgical skill training programs.

Increasing demands on current surgical training programs has resulted in other
approaches to training being investigated and employed. The ability to learn specific
technical surgical skills requires deliberate practice, and evidence suggests that many
of the skills required for surgery can be acquired away from the operating theatre
(Hamdorf and Hall 2000). Surgical simulation-based training is attractive in the field
of surgical training because it does not require the use of patients for skills practice,
and is less reliant on supervising surgeons’ time. Simulation-based training also
ensures that trainees have opportunities to practise under various conditions,
facilitates the teaching of rare or unusual cases and provides opportunity for
objective standard assessment. In order for surgical simulation-based to gain
significance in training environments, it is essential to demonstrate that these skills
can be transferred to real patients.


2. Methodology

Literature search protocol

Inclusion criteria
Articles were selected for inclusion in this systematic review on the basis of the following
Types of studies
Systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials (RCTs), RCTs, and non-randomised
comparative studies were included for review. Where appropriate, additional relevant
published material in the form of letters, conference material, commentary, editorials and
abstracts were included as background information.
Surgeons, surgical trainees (residents), medical students, or other people involved in
human patient care.
Only studies that reported on the use of surgical simulation-based training for surgical
skills training, and reporting on the transferability of these skills to the patient care setting
were included.
New intervention
Surgical skills training with surgical simulation.
Comparative intervention
No surgical simulation-based training.
Studies that reported at least one of the following outcomes were included:

™ Measures of surgical task performance in the simulated setting and the clinical
setting, which could include, but not be limited to:
• accuracy of skill/technique
• time to complete skill/technique
• efficiency of movement.
• error rates
• achievement of performance to criterion level.

™ Mortality, morbidity and discomfort of patients.

Language restriction
Searches were conducted without language restriction. Foreign language papers were
subsequently excluded unless the findings provided additional information over that
reported in well designed studies published in the English language.


Literature search strategies

Databases searched and search terms used
Searches are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Databases searched

Database Platform Edition

Cochrane Library Issue 2, 2006
Current Contents Ovid Searched 14/12/2006
EMBASE Ovid Week 1 1980 to 14/12/2006
MEDLINE Ovid 1966 to 14/12/2006
CINAHL Webspirs 1982 to 14/12/2006
PubMed Entrez 1953 to 14/12/2006
Clinical Trials Database (US) Searched 14/12/2006
NHS CRD (UK) NHS HTA (UK) Searched 15/12/2006
National Research Register (UK) Issue 2, 2006
Current Controlled Trials (mRCT) Searched 14/12/2006

Search terms
In the Cochrane Library the search term used was:
surgical simulation
For MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and Current Contents Connect the following
search terms were used:
surg* AND simulat* AND (skill* OR train*)
The NHS CRD databases were searched using the above terms. The National Research
Register,, Meta-Register and the Australian Clinical Trials Registry were
also searched using the above search terms for RCTs in progress.
Note: * is a truncation character that retrieves all possible suffix variations of the root
word e.g. surg* retrieves surgery, surgical, surgeon, etc. In Cochrane the truncation
character is *; in Current Contents, EMBASE, CINAHL and MEDLINE (Ovid) it is $.
# is a wildcard symbol that substitutes for one required character in Current Contents,

Literature database & exclusions

Articles were retrieved if they were judged to possibly meet the inclusion criteria based
on their abstracts. Two ASERNIP-S researchers independently applied the selection
criteria and any differences were resolved through discussion. The number of articles
retrieved for each search category is listed in Figure 1. In some cases, when the full text
of the article was retrieved, closer examination revealed that it did not meet the inclusion
criteria specified by the review protocol. Consequently, these papers were not used to
formulate the evidence base for the systematic review (see Appendix A). However,
relevant information contained in these excluded papers was used to inform and expand


the review discussion. The bibliographies of all publications retrieved were manually
searched for relevant references that may have been missed in the database search

Data extraction and assessment of study quality

Data from all included studies were extracted by one researcher and checked by a second
using standardised data extraction tables that were developed a priori. Data were only
reported if stated in the text, tables, graphs or figures of the article, or could be accurately
extrapolated from the data presented. If no data were reported for a particular outcome,
in particular adverse outcomes, then no value was tabulated. This was done to avoid the
bias caused by incorrectly assigning a value of zero to an outcome measurement on the
basis of an unverified assumption by the reviewer.

Data analysis
The included studies were categorised initially by the non-simulation-based training
method (ie simulation-based training vs. no training, and simulation-based training vs.
patient-based training). Studies were then categorised by intervention, and then by the
level of evidence. It was judged that no data were suitable for statistical pooling due to
the variability in simulation devices and training methods. Where data could not be
grouped, the main outcomes have been reported narratively.

Ongoing and Unpublished Trials

Searches of the Clinical Trials Database, NHS CRD, NHS HTA, Current Controlled
Trials and the National Research Register identified a number of unpublished studies.
The details for each are provided below:
1. Evaluation of Surgical Simulator for Practicing a Vascular Anastomosis.
University of Western Ontario, Canada ( identifier
NCT00318279). May 2006 – September 2007. Expected enrolment n =40.
Design: prospective randomised double-blinded intervention study. To
determine if practicing an aorto-saphenous vein anastomosis on a low-fidelity
surgical simulator allows trainees to produce a higher quality anastomosis in a
shorter period of time, than a group that only learns by watching a video (it is
unclear whether this study will assess trainees on a simulator or a human patient).
2. Transfer of Skills from VR-Trainer to Operation Room (
identifier NCT00311792). Rigshospitalet, Denmark. April 2006 – August 2008.
Expected enrolment n =24. Design: prospective randomised double-blinded
intervention study. To determine if skills obtained by training in the
laparoscopic virtual reality simulator LapSimGyn can be transferred to a real
laparoscopic operation measured as improved score in a technical skills
3. Laparoscopic Simulator Training Study (National Research Register number
N0504163844). UK. January 2005 – November 2006. Expected enrolment; n =


10 surgeons, n = 20 medical students. To determine if a structured training

program incorporating simulator technology with in-built measures of
performance can improve a surgical trainee's performance on a laparoscopic
task/procedure when compared with a control group that does not incorporate
simulator technology.


3. Studies included in the review

Literature Search Results

Details of the searching and retrieval process are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Process for selection of studies retrieved from the literature database

References identified 4721

Duplicates 2372
References excluded on title or abstract 1999
General background information 146

References retrieved for more detailed evaluation 102

References excluded after detailed evaluation 88

Relevant references included in systematic review 14

Randomised controlled trials 12 Non-randomised comparative studies 2

Designation of Levels of Evidence and Critical Appraisal

The evidence presented in the included studies was classified according to the National
Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Hierarchy of Evidence (see Appendix
B). Study quality was assessed according to the methods given in Section 6 of the
Cochrane Reviewers’ Handbook (Higgins and Green 2005) on a number of parameters
such as the quality of the reporting of study methodology, methods of randomisation and
allocation concealment, blinding of patients or outcomes assessors, attempts made to
minimise bias, sample sizes and their ability to measure ‘true effect’, applicability of
results outside of the study sample as well as examining the statistical methods used to
describe and evaluate the study data.
The included studies are shown in Table 2. The study profiles for these studies are given
in Appendix C.1 and C.2, and the data extraction is given in Appendix D. Table 3
provides a description of the training method used within each study.



Some authors and/or centres have published more than one report on the transfer of
skills acquired via surgical simulation to the patient-based setting. As a result, some
studies published by the same group may have common pools of patients. These studies
have been identified.

Description of studies
A total of 12 randomised controlled trials and two non-randomised comparative studies
were included in this review (Table 2). There were a total of 287 participants in the
included studies. Table 3 summarises the training program used with the simulator or
simulation in each study, and Table 4 describes the statistical analyses used within each
study. The simulator device specifications and a description of patient-based training are
given in Appendix E. A summary of the critical appraisal is given in Appendix F.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Four RCTs compared operative laparoscopic cholecystectomy performance in
participants that had trained using simulation with those who had not received
simulation-based training (Grantcharov et al. 2004; Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999;
Seymour et al. 2002) (Table 2). In Grantcharov et al. (2004), untrained participants
performed a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and were then given either simulator training
or no simulator training before conducting another laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In
Scott et al. (1999) and Scott et al. (2000) untrained participants performed both a
laparoscopic cholecystectomy and were tested on a simulator at baseline. They were then
given either simulator training or no simulator training, after which they were again
assessed on a laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure and on the simulator. In Seymour
et al. (2002) participants had pre-study (visuospatial, perceptual and psychomotor) tests to
determine baseline performance. Participants were then given either simulator training or
no training. All residents then performed a laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Scott et al. (2000) used a random numbers table to randomise participants. The method
of randomisation was not stated in the other three studies (Grantcharov et al. 2004; Scott
et al. 1999; Seymour et al. 2002). Seymour et al. (2002) stratified participants by
postgraduate year. Allocation concealment was not described in Scott et al. (1999), Scott
et al. (2000), and Seymour et al. (2002). Grantcharov et al. (2004) used sealed envelopes to
conceal the allocation of participants.
All four studies reported elements of blinding. Grantcharov et al. (2004) stated that the
supervising surgeon for the assessment procedure was blinded, as well as the surgeons
that reviewed and assessed the videotaped procedures. Scott et al. (1999) stated that the
raters who assessed the operations were blinded to the training status, and Scott et al.
(2000) stated that both the supervising surgeons for the operative procedures and the
evaluators assessing these operations were blinded to the training status of the



participants. Seymour et al. (2002) stated that surgeon-investigators present at the

assessment procedure were blinded to the participants’ training status.
None of the four studies stated whether they employed an intention to treat analysis
(Grantcharov et al. 2004; Scott et al. 1999; Scott et al. 2000; Seymour et al. 2002).
Three of the four studies did not state if they used a power calculation (Grantcharov et al.
2004; Scott et al. 1999; Seymour et al. 2002). Scott et al. (2000) stated that a
nonparametric power analysis was performed to determine the sample size needed to
detect an effect of training. It was found that twenty seven or more participants were
required to provide a power of at least 0.8 with a type I error of 0.05 if the equivalent
effect size equaled or exceeded unity.
Losses to assessment were reported by Grantcharov et al. (2004) (video recorder
malfunction, training: n = 2, control: n = 2) and Scott et al. (2000) (scheduling difficulties,
training: n = 4, control: n = 1). Scott et al. (1999) and Seymour et al. (2002) did not
report on any losses of participants before assessment.
The study period (the month and/or years during which each study took place) was
stated for two studies (Grantcharov et al. 2004; Scott et al. 2000), but not the other two
studies (Scott et al. 1999; Seymour et al. 2002).
The global rating scale for the assessment of operative performance used by Grantcharov
et al. (2004), Scott et al. (2000) and Scott et al. (1999) was originally created and validated
by Reznick et al. (1997). It was not stated by Seymour et al. (2002) whether the assessment
methods of the operative procedure had been previously validated, but the test used to
assess pre-study abilities had been validated.
For all four studies, inclusion criteria were reported as being surgical residents (at various
years of training) (Grantcharov et al. 2004; Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999; Seymour et
al. 2002). Exclusion criteria were not reported for any of the four studies (Grantcharov et
al. 2004; Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999; Seymour et al. 2002).
The reporting of baseline characteristics of the participants in the studies varied.
Grantcharov et al. (2004) reported gender, age, time since graduation and the median
number of previous cholecystectomies performed. Scott et al. (2000) reported the mean
number of previous cholecystectomies performed and Seymour et al. (2002) reported the
gender of the participants. Scott et al. (1999) did not report any baseline characteristics.
There were no differences in baseline characteristics between the trained and untrained
groups in the four studies (Grantcharov et al. 2004; Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999;
Seymour et al. 2002).

Non-randomised comparative studies

Schijven et al. (2005) compared the operative performance of participants who had
undergone a laparoscopic cholecystectomy training course to those who had not done
the course. Assessment operations were taped and the videotape assessors were blinded
to the participants training status. Losses to assessment were reported as being due to



videotape recording failures (training: n = 2, control: n = 2). Baseline characteristics were

reported and included age, gender, years of training, right handedness, the number of
previous laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed and the number of participants that
had conducted simulator training courses. There was a significant difference for the
number of laparoscopic cholecystectomies in favour of the control group (p = 0.008).
The study period and inclusion criteria were reported. No exclusion criteria were
reported and it was not reported whether the operative assessment methods had been

Randomised controlled trials

Five RCTs investigated transfer of colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy skills learned on a
simulator to a live patient (Ahlberg et al. 2005; Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al.
2004; Cohen et al. 2006b; Tuggy 1998). In all five studies participants either trained on a
simulator or received no simulator training before conducting colonoscopy or
sigmoidoscopy procedures in patients.
Cohen et al. (2006b) used a random number table to randomise participants. The method
of randomisation was not stated for the other four studies (Ahlberg et al. 2005; Sedlack
and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004; Cohen et al. 2006b; Tuggy 1998). Ahlberg et al. 2005
reported using sealed envelopes to conceal allocation of the participants into the two
arms of the study, but allocation concealment methods were not reported for the four
other studies (Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004; Cohen et al. 2006b; Tuggy
In Ahlberg et al. (2005), the supervising surgeons were blinded to the training status of
the participants, but it was unclear whether these surgeons also conducted the assessment
of the procedure. The surgeons supervising and assessing colonoscopies in Cohen et al.
(2006b) were blinded to participants training status. Evaluating staff in Sedlack and
Kolars (2004) and Sedlack et al. (2004) were not blinded to participant training status. In
Tuggy (1998), patients were blinded to the experience and training status of the
None of the five studies reported an intention to treat analysis (Ahlberg et al. 2005;
Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004; Cohen et al. 2006b; Tuggy 1998).
Cohen et al. (2006b) generated Kaplan-Meier curves to determine the number of blocks
of 20 cases needed for each group to reach a median of 90% objective and subjective
competency. The four other studies did not report on power analyses (Ahlberg et al.
2005; Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004; Tuggy 1998).
Losses to assessment were reported by Cohen et al. (2006b) as being due to protocol
violations (group not specified: n = 4). The other four studies did not report on any
losses to assessment (Ahlberg et al. 2005; Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004;
Tuggy 1998).



Only one out of the five studies reported the study period (Sedlack et al. 2004).
It was stated that face and construct validity of the AccuTouch® endoscopy simulator
used by Ahlberg et al. (2005) was demonstrated by Datta et al. (2002) but it was not stated
whether the methods used to assess performance had been validated. Sedlack and Kolars
(2004) stated that the AccuTouch® colonoscopy device used within the simulation
curriculum had been previously validated by Sedlack and Kolars (2003) and Sedlack and
Kolars (2002) but it was not reported whether the methods used for assessment had been
validated. It was also not stated by Sedlack et al. (2004) whether the assessment methods
had been validated. Cohen et al. (2006b) reported that validation data for the
AccuTouch® simulator was presented in Sedlack and Kolars (2004) and that for patient-
based assessment, an evaluation form previously used by Cass et al. (1996) was used (this
study was published as an abstract and does not elucidate the assessment tool). Tuggy
(1998) did not report whether the simulator or assessment methods had been previously
The reported inclusion criteria for the studies included the training level of participants
(Ahlberg et al. 2005; Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004), no prior experience in
flexible sigmoidoscopy (Tuggy 1998) and the training directors’ adherence to the study
protocol (Cohen et al. 2006b). Exclusion criteria were listed in one study to be prior
performance of more than 10 colonoscopies and an inability to adhere to the study
protocol (Cohen et al. 2006b). None of the other studies listed exclusion criteria
(Ahlberg et al. 2005; Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004; Tuggy 1998).
Baseline characteristics of participants were reported as gender and pervious experience
in colonoscopy for Ahlberg et al. (2005) and Sedlack and Kolars (2004), and pre-
colonoscopy experience for Cohen et al. (2006b). Sedlack et al. (2004) stated that no
participant had prior endoscopy training. No baseline characteristics were reported for
the participants of Tuggy (1998).
Cohen et al. (2006b) reported that there were no significant differences between the
groups prior to training. Ahlberg et al. (2005) reported that participants came from eight
different institutions in Sweden and were at different levels of experience (from the 2nd to
5th postgraduate year), but had the common feature that they had no previous experience
in colonoscopy and were designated to start colonoscopy training. Sedlack and Kolars
(2004) and Sedlack et al. (2004) did not state whether there were any significant
differences between the two groups prior to training. Tuggy (1998) stated that matched
pairs of residents performed examinations sequentially on the same patient to reduce the
risk of encountering different colon structures which could affect their performance.
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trials

Chaer et al. (2006) reported that their participants were randomised to receive either
training on the Procedicus VIST™ simulator, or to no additional training. After the
training period, all residents conducted two consecutive mentored catheter-based



interventions for lower extremity occlusive vascular disease in an operating

room/angiography suite. In this study, the method of randomisation was not stated.
Allocation concealment was through sealed envelopes. The surgeons assessing
participants were blinded to the training status of participants. An intention to treat
analysis and power calculations were not reported. There were no reported losses to
assessment and the study period was not stated. Objectives of the study were to validate
the use of the simulator. It was reported that the construct validity of the simulator had
been previously established, but it was not reported whether all of the assessment
methods had been previously validated. The global rating scale used to assess the
endovascular technique and the ability to complete the case was adapted from a
previously validated scoring system (Reznick et al. 1997). Inclusion criteria included
general surgical residents with no endovascular experience. No exclusion criteria were
described and although baseline characteristics were collected, they were not reported.
The authors reported that there were no pre-study differences between the simulator-
trained group and control group prior to training.
Total extraperitoneal (TEP) hernia repair

Randomised controlled trials

Participants of Hamilton et al. (2001) performed a laparoscopic TEP hernia repair to
determine baseline operative performance. They were then randomised to either receive
training using an instructional video, interactive CD ROM and a moulded rubber hernia
simulator, or no additional training. After the training period, each participant’s operative
performance was again measured while performing a laparoscopic TEP hernia repair in
the operating room. The method of randomisation and allocation concealment were not
reported in this study. Surgeons acted as assistants and evaluators, and were blinded to
the residents training status. Intention to treat analyses and power calculations were not
reported. Operative performance was evaluated by a global assessment tool previously
validated by Reznick et al. (1997). Inclusion criteria were 3rd and 4th year surgery
residents. No exclusion criteria or baseline characteristics were reported. The study
period was given and there were no reported losses to assessment. The authors reported
one baseline difference between the groups prior to training.
Endoscopic sinus surgery

Non-randomised comparative studies

Four participants in Edmond (2002) performed endoscopic sinus surgery. Two had
trained on the simulator, and two had not. Proctors evaluated patient-based operative
performance. The procedures were videotaped and were assessed by videotape assessors
who were blinded to the participant’s training status. Validation of the simulator was the
first phase of this study. It was not stated whether the operative assessment methods
had been validated. Inclusion criteria included 1st year ear-nose-throat residents. Any
exclusion criteria, the study period and losses to assessment were not reported. The level
of experience was the baseline characteristic collected. Some participants had previous



training on the simulator but it was difficult to ascertain if there were baseline differences
between the two groups.

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training


Randomised controlled trials

Gerson and van Dam (2003) randomised participants into two groups that received
either sigmoidoscopy simulator training or patient-based training (performance of 10
supervised sigmoidoscopic examinations). All of the other included studies in this review
compared simulation-based training with no simulation-based training, where as this
study compared simulation-based training with patient-based training. The difference in
comparator meant that this study was treated separately. For assessment, all participants
performed five patient-based sigmoidoscopies. For randomisation, participants were
sequentially allocated by the investigator, but allocation concealment was not reported.
Investigators and assessors were not blinded to the training status of participants,
although the patients used for the assessments were. An intention to treat analysis was
not reported. The authors conducted a power calculation, and found that using a
comparison of the means of two independent samples, the sample size required to detect
a magnitude difference between arms of 30%, a power of 90% and an alpha value of
0.05, was calculated to be 30 examinations in each arm of the study (assuming 5% of
examinations would not be completed, and another 5% due to patient intolerance, 33
patients would need to be recruited per arm). It was stated that there were no losses to
assessment, but the study period was not stated. It was not stated whether the
assessment tools used for assessment had been validated. Inclusion criteria included
internal medicine residents. Exclusion criteria included prior experience in flexible
sigmoidoscopy and the prior use of the simulator. Age and the extent of computer usage
were the baseline characteristics collected.



Table 2 Summary of included studies

Study Study type Level Training method Comparator* Indication

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training
Grantcharov et al. RCT II MIST-VR simulator no simulator training laparoscopic
2004 (Denmark) cholecystectomy
N 10 10
Seymour et al. RCT II MIST-VR simulator no simulator training laparoscopic
2002 (Northern cholecystectomy
N 8 8
Scott et al. 2000 RCT II SCMIS GEM video trainer no simulator training laparoscopic
(USA) cholecystectomy
N 13 14

Scott et al. 1999† RCT II Video trainer‡ no simulator training laparoscopic

(USA) cholecystectomy

N 9 13
Schijven et al. comparative III-2 4 day laparoscopic no training course laparoscopic
2005 study cholecystectomy training course cholecystectomy
N 12 12

Ahlberg et al. RCT II AccuTouch® VR endoscopy§ no simulator training colonoscopy

2005 (Sweden) simulator
N 6 6
Sedlack et al. 2004 RCT II AccuTouch® flexible no simulator training sigmoidoscopy
(USA) sigmoidoscopy simulator
N 19 19
Sedlack and Kolars RCT II AccuTouch® colonoscopy no simulator training colonoscopy
2004║(USA) simulator
N 4 4
Cohen et al. RCT II Simbionix GI Mentor™ simulator no simulator training colonoscopy
2006b (USA)
N 22 23
Tuggy 1998 RCT II Gastro-Sim® flexible no simulator training sigmoidoscopy
(USA) sigmoidoscopy simulator
N 5 5

Chaer et al. 2006 RCT II Procedicus VIST™ simulator no simulator training catheter-based
(USA) intervention for
occlusive disease
N 10 10

Hamilton et al. RCT II TEP hernia repair rubber model no simulation training TEP hernia repair
2001 (USA) simulator, instructional video and
interactive CD ROM
N 10 11

Edmond 2002 comparative III-2 ESS simulator no simulator training endoscopic sinus
(USA) study surgery
N 2 2



Table 2. Summary of included studies continued

Study Study type Level Training method Comparator* Indication

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training
Gerson and van RCT II VR sigmoidoscopy simulator supervised patient- sigmoidoscopy
Dam 2003 (USA) based sigmoidoscopies
N 9 7
* No simulator training/no training course, refers to control groups who did not receive training on a simulator, or did not participate in a training course, but
did continue normal surgical training.
† Potential patient overlap with Scott et al. 2000.
‡ Video trainer likely to be SCMIS GEM.
§ Referred to as endoscopy simulator throughout study, but likely to be colonoscopy simulator.
║ Potential patient overlap with Sedlack et al. 2004.

MIST-VR Minimally Invasive Surgical Trainer - Virtual Reality

SCMIS GEM Southwestern Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery Guided Endoscopic Module
VIST Virtual Interventional Simulator Trainer
GI Gastrointestinal
TEP Total extraperitoneal
ESS Endoscopic sinus surgery



Table 3 Description of training in included studies

Study Training method Description of training n/N

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Grantcharov et al. MIST-VR simulator 10 repetitions of 6 tasks. 10/20

RCT Level II

Seymour et al. 2002 MIST-VR simulator Training until criterion levels reached (3 – 8 hours). 8/16
RCT Level II

Scott et al. 2000 SCMIS GEM trainer Separate 30 minute sessions for 10 days. 13/27
RCT Level II Tasks practised an average of 138 times (range 94 – 171

Scott et al. 1999 Video trainer Separate 30 minute sessions for 10 days. 9/22
RCT Level II

Schijven et al. 2005 Laparoscopic 4 day course including videos, oral presentations, table 12/24
Comparative study cholecystectomy training sessions, instrument displays and repetitive sessions of VR
course software simulations using the Xitact LS500 laparoscopy
Level III-2
simulator platform. Both psychomotor VR simulation (MIST-
VR) and procedural laparoscopic cholecystectomy
simulation, including the clip-and-cut, navigation and
dissection modules (Xitact) were featured.

Ahlberg et al. 2005 AccuTouch® endoscopy Median total training time 20 hours (range 15 -25) over at 6/12
RCT Level II simulator least 4 days.

Sedlack et al. 2004 AccuTouch® flexible Independent, supervised 3 hour simulator based training 19/38
RCT Level II sigmoidoscopy simulator curriculum involving brief multimedia tutorial followed by 8 –
10 simulated scenarios.

Sedlack and Kolars AccuTouch® colonoscopy 6 hours of simulator training over a 2 day period. 4/8
2004 simulator Performance of 20 – 25 simulated colonoscopies.
RCT Level II

Cohen et al. 2006b Simbionix GI Mentor™ 10 hrs over 8 week period. 22/49
RCT Level II

Tuggy 1998 Gastro-Sim® flexible Initially 5 hours. Then an additional 5 hours. 5/10
RCT Level II sigmoidoscopy simulator

Chaer et al. 2006 Procedicus VIST™ A single session of not more than 2 hours duration (mean 90 10/20
RCT Level II ± 21 minutes).

Hamilton et al. 2001 TEP hernia repair rubber 10 separate 30 minute sessions over a 2 week period. 10/21
RCT Level II model simulator, instructional Participants asked to alternate daily between simulator and
video and interactive CD CD ROM.

Edmond 2002 ESS simulator Not stated. 2/4

Comparative study
Level III-2

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

Gerson and van Dam VR sigmoidoscopy simulator Unlimited time on simulator during 2 week period. 9/16
2003 Overall time on simulator was 138 ± 28 mins (range 66 –
RCT Level II 287) per resident.
Patient-based training 10 supervised sigmoidoscopic examinations during 2 week 7/16



Table 4 Description of statistical analyses used in included studies

Study Training method Statistical analysis

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Grantcharov et al. MIST-VR simulator Normal distribution of the data was confirmed using Q-Q plots. The primary outcome
2004 (n = 10) measure was the difference in performance scores during laparoscopic cholecystectomy
RCT Level II No simulator training in the operating theatre between the first and second procedures. An independent
(n = 10) samples t-test was used to examine the difference in improvements demonstrated by
the two groups.
Result was considered statistically significant at P ≤ 0.05.

Seymour et al. 2002 MIST-VR simulator Statistical comparisons were performed by chi-square analysis, analysis of variance
RCT Level II (n = 8) (ANOVA), and Mann-Whitney test.
No simulator training Result significant at P < 0.05.
(n = 8)

Scott et al. 2000 SCMIS GEM trainer To determine whether there were differences between the control and trained groups at
RCT Level II (n = 13) baseline testing, a two-tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used. To determine if training
No simulator training was beneficial, within-person changes in performance were compared for the control
(n = 14) and the trained groups. The amount of improvement varied with baseline performance,
so a linear covariance adjustment was used to compensate for differences in baseline
scores. The covariance-adjusted improvements for residents in the control and trained
groups were compared using a Wilcoxon rank-sum test. To test the hypothesis that the
trained group achieved greater adjusted improvement than the control group, a one-
tailed test was used. Questionnaire data regarding comfort with laparoscopic surgery
were analysed using Fisher’s exact test.
Tests were considered significant at P ≤ 0.05.

Scott et al. 1999 Video trainer To determine differences between control and trained groups after simulator training as
RCT Level II (n = 9) well as to determine differences between control and trained groups after patient-based
No simulator training assessment, an exact Wilcoxon test was used.
n = 22
(n = 13) P was considered significant at P < 0.05.

Schijven et al. 2005 Laparoscopic Normal distribution of the primary outcome parameter judgment and the secondary
Comparative study cholecystectomy outcome parameters fluency and carefulness was confirmed using Q-Q plots. To
training course determine differences in performance status between the two groups, a Mann-Whitney
Level III-2
(n = 12) U test was used.
n = 24
No training course P was considered significant at P ≤ 0.05.
(n = 12)

Ahlberg et al. 2005 AccuTouch® The number of successful colonoscopies for the two groups was evaluated using a
RCT Level II endoscopy simulator binary logistic regression analysis, controlling for patient gender, order of operation and
(n = 6) student background. Confidence intervals were calculated using the profile likelihood
n = 12
No simulator training estimation. The nine colon segments were categorised into three groups (1 – 4, 5 – 8
(n = 6) and 9), and an ordinal logistic regression analysis was carried out, and controlled for the
same factors as mentioned above. The evaluate the training effect on the mean
performance time per section, a stratified Mann-Whitney U test was performed. The
time was ranked within each segment, and gender, gastroscopic experience, and
procedure order was used as strata. Multiple regression analysis, controlling for the set
of confounders, evaluated the association between training and the total procedure time
for the trainees who completed the colonoscopy. The patient’s pain score was
categorised in three groups and ordinal logistic regression, controlling for different
confounders, was used to assess the effect of training.
A P < 0.05 was used as a criterion for inclusion in the statistics packaged used for the
regression models.

Sedlack et al. 2004 AccuTouch® flexible Median scores for each parameter graded by staff, resident, and patients were analysed
RCT Level II sigmoidoscopy by using Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Median differences between paired staff and resident
simulator (n = 19) evaluation scores were compared by using a Wilcoxon signed rank test.
n = 38
No simulator training
(n = 19)



Table 4. Description of statistical analyses used in included studies continued

Study Training method Statistical analysis

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Sedlack and Kolars AccuTouch® The analysis of the staff evaluations and patient surveys were compared between the
2004 colonoscopy simulator two groups of Fellows. Comparisons were made of all colonoscopies performed as well
RCT Level II (N = 4) as by examining procedures in chronological groups of 15 based on the order of
No simulator training performance (ie colonoscopies 1 – 15, 16 – 30, 11 – 45 etc). Rates of independent
(N = 4) procedure completion were analysed using a t-test. All other results were analysed
using Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
P was considered significant at P < 0.05.

Cohen et al. 2006b Simbionix GI Mentor™ A 2-sample t-test was used to compare the difference in objective competence,
RCT Level II (N = 22) subjective competence, and observed patient discomfort between the simulator group
n = 49 No simulator training and no-simulator group at every group of 20 cases (each 20 cases called a block). All of
(N = 23) the blocks' data were then combined, and a mixed-effects model was applied to
compare the difference between groups at every block simultaneously: in the mixed-
effects model, a random effect was used to take into consideration the correlations
between the observations from the same Fellow over time; fixed effects included each
block as a categorical variable, a group indicator (simulator and no-simulator), and the
interaction between them. A log-rank test was performed to compare the two groups.
A Bonferroni correction was made on multiple comparisons, and a comparison was
considered to be statistically significant if the P value was below 0.005.

Tuggy, 1998 Gastro-Sim® flexible The paired t-test was used to compare the differences between the mean scores of the
RCT Level II sigmoidoscopy two groups at the designated points in the study protocol. The Mann-Whitney U test was
simulator (N = 5) used to analyse the qualitative assessment of colon viewing.
n = 10
No simulator training It was not stated for which value P was significant.
(N = 5)

Chaer et al. 2006 Procedicus VIST™ Wilcoxon 2-sample test and Fisher’s exact test were used to evaluate for statistically
RCT Level II (N = 10) significant changes in performance pre- and post-training.
n = 20 No simulator training Mean differences were considered significant for a P < 0.05.
(N = 10)

Hamilton et al. 2001 TEP hernia repair Within-group comparisons of individual and composite global assessment scores were
RCT Level II rubber model simulator, performed using Wilcoxon signed rank tests. Between-group comparisons were
instructional video and performed using the Wilcox rank sum test to accomplish an analysis of covariance
n = 21
interactive CD ROM (ANCOVA) with pre-test scores serving as the covariate. Questionnaire data were
(N = 10) analysed using a Fisher’s exact test.
No simulation training Statistical significance was set at a threshold of P < 0.05.
(N = 11)

Edmond, 2002 ESS simulator Statistical analyses not reported.

Comparative study (N = 2)
Level III-2 No simulator training
(N = 2)

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

Gerson and van Dam VR sigmoidoscopy Quantitative data were analysed using the paired Student’s t-test. Categorical data
2003 simulator analysis was conducted using Fisher’s exact test.
RCT Level II (N = 9)
The level of significance was set at P < 0.05.
n = 16 Patient-based training
(N = 7)



4. Results

The results have been presented in two main sections. Initially, the results of
participants training on the simulators are presented (ie participant simulator
performance results), after which results for participant’s performance on patients in
the operating theatre are presented (ie the evidence pertaining to transfer of skills).
The different parameters measured during operating room performance have been
grouped together as closely as possible into tables, but it should be noted that there
were many differences in assessment tools and techniques, which have been
described in footnotes.
Studies were categorised initially by the non-simulation-based training method (ie
simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training and; simulation-based
training vs. patient-based training), then by the intervention, and the level of
The terms trainees, Fellows, residents and participants all refer to people included in
the studies, who were at the beginner-level of the surgical interventions studied.

Performance on simulators
There was considerable variation in the reporting of performance data (metrics)
between studies.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Eight studies reported simulator performance data for simulator-trained participants
(Ahlberg et al. 2005; Chaer et al. 2006; Cohen et al. 2006b; Scott et al. 1999; Scott et al.
2000; Sedlack et al. 2004; Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Seymour et al. 2002).
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Scott et al. (2000) reported improvements (adjusted for baseline) in simulator
performance for participants using the SCMIS GEM video trainer in comparison
with the group that had no training with this device (both groups received baseline
and final testing on the simulator). The trained group had significantly larger median
time reductions for all five video trainer tasks compared with the control group (p <
0.05 for all). A similar RCT reported performance time data for video trainer
performance for all participants in the study at baseline and at the end of the study.
The simulator-trained group performed all five video trainer tasks significantly faster
than the control group (p < 0.05 for all, data not shown) (Scott et al. 1999).
Seymour et al. (2002) reported that residents in the MIST-VR simulator group all
successfully achieved the required criterion levels of performance in 3 – 8 training
sessions. No further detail was reported.



Randomised controlled trials

Ahlberg et al. (2005) reported that all six trainees in the AccuTouch® VR endoscopy
simulator group successfully reached the expert criterion level. The expert criterion
level was defined in the simulator by calculating mean values from five expert
colonoscopists after a period of familiarisation with the simulator.
Sedlack and Kolars (2004) reported that the four participants in the AccuTouch®
colonoscopy simulator-trained group completed an average of 21 simulated cases
(range 19 – 26) prior to patient-based procedures. In a similar study, Sedlack et al.
(2004) reported that the 19 participants in the AccuTouch® sigmoidoscopy
simulator-trained group completed an average of 9 simulated cases (range 7 - 19)
prior to patient-based flexible sigmoidoscopies.
Cohen et al. (2006b) reported that participants showed longitudinal improvement in
skills on the Simbionix GI Mentor™ simulator between hour 1 and hour 10 of
training on the device in the second year of the study (13/22). By the 10th hour of
training, participants demonstrated significantly faster times to the caecum (p =
0.022) and total procedure time (p < 0.001), and significantly improved efficiency
scores (p < 0.001) for both case 1 and case 2. There was no significant difference for
percentage of mucosal surface examined and the number of episodes of excessive
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trials

Chaer et al. (2006) reported that all residents receiving training with the Procedicus
VIST™ simulator were able to complete the mentored simulator training session in
less than two hours (mean of 90 ± 21 minutes).

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

One study reported outcomes for simulator performance for simulator trained versus
patient-trained participants (Gerson and van Dam 2003).

Randomised controlled trials

Gerson and van Dam (2003) reported that on average, residents spent over two
hours on the VR sigmoidoscopy simulator performing the simulated cases. The
average distance obtained with the simulator was 42 cm, demonstrating that most
residents were unable to complete the simulated cases successfully to the level of the
splenic fixture. In order to determine whether residents’ performance improved on
the simulator over time, data regarding procedure time, insertion length and
retroflexion ability was calculated for each resident during the first 3 cases performed


on the simulator compared with the last 3 cases on the simulator (data not shown).
None of the parameters significantly improved over time.

Skills transfer outcomes

Overall performance of patient-based procedure
The parameter overall performance was a global summary of all the performance
parameters measured (during patient-based assessment procedures) within the

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Three studies reported on the overall performance in the clinical setting between
simulation-trained and non-simulation-trained participants (Cohen et al. 2006b; Chaer
et al. 2006; Edmond 2002) (Table 5).

Randomised controlled trials

Cohen et al. (2006b) reported objective and subjective competence results for each
session for Simbionix GI Mentor™ trained individuals compared with controls.
Participants who had received training on the Simbionix GI Mentor™ scored
significantly higher in objective competence (the ability to reach the transverse colon
and the caecum without assistance, and the ability to correctly recognise and identify
abnormalities) during sessions two (p < 0.0001), three (p < 0.0001), four (p <
0.0001), and five (p = 0.03) of the 10 session assessment. For subjective competence
(measured on a 5-point scale; 1, totally unskilled to 5, competent and expedient), the
trained individuals scored significantly better in sessions two (p = 0.004) and three (p
= 0.005) of the 10 session assessment.
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trials

Chaer et al. (2006) reported on overall performance between Procedicus VIST™
simulator-trained and untrained participants for two catheter-based interventions for
occlusive vascular disease. The trained group scored significantly higher than
controls during the first (p = 0.0015) and second (p = 0.0006) endovascular
intervention. A subjective evaluation of resident performance was also conducted
and trained participants scored higher overall on the global rating scale of
endovascular performance for the first (p = 0.0052) and second (p = 0.0015)
intervention. Resident performance did not improve from the first to the second
intervention for either the simulator-trained group or the untrained group.


Table 5 Patient-based assessments: overall performance results

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Cohen et al. Intervention N = 49* Mean objective competence† for each session
2006b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Simbionix GI 22 50.4 64.5 74.0 76.7 76.8 77.8 80.8 89.5 87.8 92.7
Level II Mentor™
No training 23 40.9 52.0 62.0 64.4 70.2 77.6 80.5 83.7 85.2 90.9
P-value 0.06 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.03 0.91 0.89 0.01 0.02 0.04
Intervention N = 49* Mean subjective competence‡ for each session
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Simbionix GI 22 47.6 68.6 76.3 78.0 81.3 82.0 86.1 88.8 88.9 90.8
No training 23 36.6 57.4 68.4 75.4 79.4 82.3 84.1 86.4 86.8 90.5
P-value 0.08 0.004 0.005 0.32 0.28 0.88 0.32 0.11 0.32 0.82
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease
Chaer et al. Intervention N = 20 Overall assessment, mean check list scores ± SD
2006 Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Procedicus VIST™ 10 50 ± 6 53 ± 6
Level II No training 10 33 ± 9 36 ± 7
P-value 0.0015 0.0006
Intervention N = 20 Overall assessment, mean global rating scale scores ± SD
Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Procedicus VIST™ 10 30 ± 7 33 ± 6
No training 10 19 ± 5 21 ± 6
P-value 0.0052 0.0015
Endoscopic sinus surgery
Edmond 2002 Intervention N=4 Overall rating, mean ± SD
Baseline After training
Level III-2 ESS simulator 2 NA 6.7 ± 1.1
No training 2 NA 4.0 ± 6.7E-02
P-value NA NS
Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training
Gerson and Intervention N = 16 Mean score§ ± SEM
van Dam After training
Sigmoidoscopy 9 NA 2.9 ± 0.2
Level II
Patient-based 7 NA 3.8 ± 0.2
P-value NA < 0.001
* 4 participants lost to assessment; groups not specified.
† Objective competence is the ability to reach the transverse colon and the caecum without assistance, and the ability to correctly recognise and
identify abnormalities.
‡ Measured on a 5 point scale; 1 (totally unskilled) to 5 (competent and expedient).
§ Measured on a scale of 1 (unable to clear the rectum) to 5 (independent examination less than 20 minutes in duration).
NA not applicable
NS not significant
NR not reported
SEM standard error of the mean
SD standard deviation


Endoscopic sinus surgery

Non-randomised comparative studies

Edmond (2002) reported on the overall performance between endoscopic sinus
simulator-trained and untrained participants for endoscopic sinus surgery. The two
simulation-trained residents were rated better than the two control residents across
all measures, but these differences were not significant.

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

One RCT reported on the overall performance on simulation-trained vs. patient-
trained participants (Gerson and van Dam 2003) (Table 5).

Randomised controlled trials

Gerson and van Dam (2003) reported on the overall performance between VR
sigmoidoscopy-trained and patient-trained participants for sigmoidoscopy. The
mean score in patient-trained participants was significantly better than the simulator-
trained participants (p < 0.001).

Performance time
Performance time was reported as the time taken, in minutes or seconds, to conduct
the patient-based assessment procedures.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Five studies reported performance times between simulator-trained and untrained
participants for five different interventions (Grantcharov et al. 2004; Seymour et al.
2002; Ahlberg et al. 2005; Tuggy 1998; Sedlack and Kolars 2004) (Table 6).
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Two studies reported procedure or dissection times for laparoscopic
cholecystectomy after MIST-VR trained participants and participants who did not
have this training (Grantcharov et al. 2004; Seymour et al. 2002). Grantcharov et al.
(2004) assessed the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure from the point at which
the clips were applied to the cystic artery and cystic duct, to the dissection of the
gallbladder from the liver bed. The study found that participants who received
MIST-VR training performed two such laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedures
significantly faster than those in the control group (p = 0.021). Seymour et al. (2002)
also assessed the clip and cut part of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure
and found that the duration of the dissection for the MIST-VR trained group was
29% less than the standard training group, but this result was not significant.


Table 6 Patient-based assessments: performance time results

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Grantcharov Intervention N = 20* Duration of procedure (minutes), median (range)
et al. 2004 Baseline Final
MIST-VR 20 62 (46 - 80) 53 (46 - 62)
Level II No training 20 55 (43 - 58) 57 (43 - 74)
P-value NS 0.021
Seymour et al. Intervention N = 16 Duration of dissection (minutes)
2002 Baseline Final
Level II MIST-VR 8 NA 14.5
No training 8 NA 20.5
P-value NA NS
Ahlberg et al. Intervention N = 12 Time to reach caecum (minutes), median, (IQR)
2005 Baseline Final
AccuTouch® 6 NA 30 (17 – 38)
Level II No training 6 NA 40 (25 – 45)
P-value NA 0.008
Sedlack and Intervention N=8 Time to reach maximum insertion (minutes), median (IQR)
Kolars 2004 Baseline Final
C† 1-15 C† 16-30 C† 31-45 C† 46-60
Level II AccuTouch® 4 NA 23(19–30) 21(19–28) 21(18–28) 17(12–25)
No training 4 NA 25(20-30) 22(15-30) 20(15-30) 20(15-27)
P-value NA 0.155 0.947 0.321 0.090
Tuggy 1998 Intervention N = 10 Total examination time (seconds)
After 5 hr training After 10 hr training
Level II Gastro-Sim® 5 530 323
No training 5 654 654
P-value 0.31 0.01
Intervention N = 10 Time to reach 30 cm (seconds)
After 5 hr training After 10 hr training
Gastro-Sim® 5 286 119
No training 5 357 357
P-value 0.52 0.03
Intervention N = 10 Time to reach 40 cm (seconds)
After 5 hr training After 10 hr training
Gastro-Sim® 5 341 211
No training 5 518 518
P-value 0.27 0.03
Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training
Gerson and Intervention N = 16 Time per case, (minutes), mean ± SEM
van Dam 2003 Baseline Final
Sigmoidoscopy 9 NA 24 ± 1.0
Level II simulator
Patient-based 7 NA 24 ± 1.1
P-value NA > 0.05
* 4 participants lost to assessment; Trained group n = 2, Control group n = 2.
† Colonoscopies grouped in blocks of 15

IQR interquartile range

NA not applicable
NS not significant
NR not reported
SEM standard error of the mean



Randomised controlled trials

Ahlberg et al. (2005) reported the time required to reach the caecum during
colonoscopy for participants that had been trained on the AccuTouch® endoscopy
simulator compared with those that had not received this training. There was a
significant decrease in procedure time in favour of the simulator-trained group (p =
0.008). Sedlack and Kolars (2004) reported the time to reach maximum insertion
during patient-based colonoscopy after AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator training
or no simulator training, and found no significant difference between the two groups.
Tuggy (1998) reported total examination time for patient-based sigmoidoscopy for
participants that had been trained on the Gastro-Sim® flexible sigmoidoscopy
simulator for five and 10 hours compared with those that had not received this
training. There were no significant differences between the five hour-trained group
and the untrained group for the following parameters: time to reach 30 cm, time to
reach 40 cm, and total examination time. After 10 hours of training on the simulator,
the simulator-trained group achieved significantly faster insertion times to 30 cm (p
= 0.03), and 40 cm (p = 0.03), and a shorter mean length of examination (p = 0.01).

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

One study reported time outcomes for participants that had undergone simulator-
training in comparison to participants that had received patient-based training
(Gerson and van Dam 2003) (Table 6).

Randomised controlled trials

Gerson and van Dam (2003) reported the time taken per sigmoidoscopy after
participants had been trained either using a VR sigmoidoscopy simulator or by
patient-based methods and found no significant difference between the two groups.

Success rate of patient-based assessment

Success rate was described as the percentage of participants able to complete the
patient-based assessment as specified in the study methods.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Two studies reported on the success rate of patient-based assessment operations
(Seymour et al. 2002; Ahlberg et al. 2005) (Table 7).
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Seymour et al. (2002) reported that all participants in both the MIST-VR-trained
group and the control group successfully completed the dissection of the gallbladder
from the liver bed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.


Table 7 Patient-based assessments: success rate results

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Seymour et al. Intervention N = 16 Success rate (%)
2002 MIST-VR 8 100
No training 8 100
Level II P-value NR
Ahlberg et al. Intervention N = 12 Success rate* (%)
2005 AccuTouch® 6 52
No training 6 19
Level II P-value 0.0011†
* Success rate defined as intubation of the caecum within the given time limits.
† In addition, patient gender significantly (p = 0.016) affected success rate. It was 3 times more likely that a colonoscopy would be successful in a
male patient than a female patient. The number of previously performed gastroscopies influenced success rate (p = 0.006) equally in both groups.
It was 3.76 times more likely that a participant with a precious experience exceeding 50 gastroscopies would succeed with colonoscopy.
NR Not reported


Randomised controlled trials

Ahlberg et al. (2005) reported a significant increase in success rate for trainees that
had trained on the AccuTouch® endoscopy simulator in comparison to controls
who did not have any training (p = 0.0011).

Ability to complete procedure independently

The ability of a participant to complete the case independently referred to the ability
of a participant to conduct the patient-based assessment without assistance. Studies
that used a global assessment form developed by Reznick et al. (1997) (Scott et al.
2000; Scott et al. 1999; Hamilton et al. 2001) described a parameter they called overall
performance as the ability of a participant to complete the patient-based assessment
procedure independently.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Six studies reported results in relation to the ability of participants to complete the
patient-based assessment operation independently (Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999;
Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004; Chaer et al. 2006; Hamilton et al. 2001)
(Table 8).


Table 8 Patient-based assessments: ability to complete the assessment operation

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Scott et al. Intervention N = 27* Overall performance†, median global assessment scores (25th – 75th
2000 percentile)
Baseline Adjusted improvement‡
Level II SCMIS GEM 13 2.5 (2.0 – 3.0) 0.7 (0.6 – 1.0)
No training 9 3.0 (2.3 – 3.0) 0.2 (-0.5 – 0.6)
P-value 0.581 0.007
Scott et al. Intervention N = 22 Overall performance†, mean global assessment score ± SD
1999 Baseline Final
Video-trainer 9 NR 3.4 ± 0.3
Level II No training 13 NR 2.8 ± 0.7
P-value NS < 0.05
Sedlack and Intervention N=8 Resident completed independently (%) (IQR)
Kolars 2004 C§ 1-15 (%) C§16-30 (%) C§ 31-45 (%) C§ 46-60 (%)
AccuTouch® 4 38 (27-50) 59 (46-71) 50 (37-63) 72 (59-84)
Level II No training 4 20 (9-31) 34 (21-46) 50 (37-63) 58 (46-71)
P-value 0.027 0.007 1.000 0.128
Sedlack et al. Intervention N = 38 Competent to perform endoscopy independently, median score ║ (IQR)
2004 Staff-assessed Self-assessed
AccuTouch® 19 8 (7 – 9) 8 (5 – 9)
Level II No training 19 8 (7 – 9) 8 (4 – 10)
P-value 0.893 0.791
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease
Chaer et al. Intervention N = 20 Ability to complete the case¶, mean global rating scale score
2006 Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Procedicus VIST™ 10 2.4 2.6
Level II No training 10 1.4 1.4
P-value 0.03 0.01
TEP hernia repair
Hamilton et al. Intervention N = 21 Overall performance†, mean global assessment score ± SD
2001 Baseline Final
TEP hernia repair†† 10 2.4 ± 0.8 3.6 ± 0.7
Level II No training 11 1.9 ± 0.7 2.4 ± 0.9
P-value NS < 0.05
Intervention N = 21 Composite score** (%) ± SD
Baseline Final
TEP hernia repair†† 10 44.6 ± 24.6 65.7 ± 15.5
No training 11 29.6 ± 15.7 41.0 ± 23.5
P-value NS NS
Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training
Gerson and van Intervention N = 16 Resident completed independently n/N (%)
Dam 2003 Sigmoidoscopy 9 10/32 (29%)
Level II Patient-based 7 23/32 (72%)
P-value 0.001
* 5 participants lost to assessment; Trained group n = 4, Control group n = 1.
† The parameter called ‘overall performance’ was measured on a scale of 1 (unable to perform operation independently) to 5 (clearly superior, able
to perform operation independently with confidence).
‡ Improvement defined as post-training minus baseline scores, calculated individually for each participant, adjusted by linear analysis of covariance
for differences in baseline scores.
§ Colonoscopies grouped in blocks of 15.
║ Measured on a scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 10 (strongly disagree).
¶ Measured on a scale of 0 (not able to complete the case) to 4 (able to complete the case independently).
** Calculation of composite score not reported.
†† Including instructional video and interactive CD ROM.
IQR interquartile range, SD standard deviation, NR not reported, NS not significant

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Scott et al. (2000) reported on the ability of participants to complete the case
(referred to as overall performance) between SCMIS GEM trained and untrained
participants for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. They found that the trained group
had significantly better adjusted improvement scores than controls (p = 0.007). A
similar RCT reported on the ability to complete the case (referred to as overall
performance) between participants who were trained using a video-trainer compared
with untrained participants for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Scott et al. 1999).
After the training period, there was a significant improvement in overall performance
(the ability to complete the case) for participants who had used the video-trainer as
opposed to untrained controls (p < 0.05).

Randomised controlled trials

Sedlack and Kolars (2004) reported the percentage of colonoscopies completed
independently for participants who had AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator training
in comparison with participants did not have this training. Simulator-trained
participants performed significantly better than non-simulator trained participants
during their first 15 colonoscopies (p = 0.027) and the following 15 colonoscopies (p
= 0.007). There were no significant differences for the two blocks of colonoscopies
Sedlack et al. (2004) reported staff-assessed scores as well as participant self-assessed
scores for being competent to perform endoscopy independently and found that
there were no significant differences between AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator-
trained and untrained scores as well as no differences between staff-assessed and self-
assessed scores.
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trials

Chaer et al. (2006) reported on the ability of participants to complete two catheter-
based interventions for occlusive vascular disease after Procedicus VIST™ training
or after no simulation-based training. A significant difference in favour of the
simulator-trained group was seen for the first (p = 0.03) and second (p = 0.01)
TEP hernia repair

Randomised controlled trials

Hamilton et al. (2001) reported on the ability to complete the case (referred to overall
performance) between TEP hernia repair curriculum-trained and non-simulator
trained participants for TEP hernia repair. After training, the trained group had
significantly higher scores for the ability to complete the case than did controls (p <


0.05). There was no significant difference in composite scores between the two
groups after the training period. When conducting an internal group comparison,
both the trained and untrained groups demonstrated significant improvements in
overall performance and composite scores after the training period (p < 0.05), but
the post-training scores for the control group were significantly lower than the
trained group (p value not reported).

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

One study reported on the ability of participants to complete live-patient assessment
procedures independently after either simulator-training or patient-based training
(Gerson and van Dam 2003).

Randomised controlled trials

Gerson and van Dam (2003) reported a significant improvement in individuals who
had performed 10 live-patient sigmoidoscopic examinations with an attending
gastroenterologist compared with individuals who had VR sigmoidoscopy simulator
training prior to conducting assessment sigmoidoscopies (p = 0.001).

Supervising surgeon takeover

Supervising surgeon takeover (also called attending takeover) referred to instances
where the supervising attending surgeon was required to take control of the
procedure when a participant encountered difficulties.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Two RCTs reported on the need for assistance and supervising surgeon takeover
between simulator-trained and non-simulator-trained participants when conducting
live patient assessment (Seymour et al. 2002; Chaer et al. 2006) (Table 9).
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Seymour et al. (2002) found that the attending surgeon had to take over for six out of
eight control trainees, compared with zero out of eight trainees who had trained on
the MIST-VR simulator.
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trials

Chaer et al. (2006) reported a significantly better mean global rating score in
supervising surgeon takeover for the two patient-based assessed interventions after
participants had Procedicus VIST™ training compared with no simulator training
(intervention one, p = 0.003 and intervention two p = 0.006). Likewise, the
requirement for verbal prompts was significantly better in the simulator-trained
group (intervention one, p = 0.03 and intervention two, p = 0.01).


Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

One study reported on supervising surgeon takeover for participants that had either
received training via a simulator, or via patient-based methods (Gerson and van Dam
2003) (Table 9).

Randomised controlled trials

Gerson and van Dam (2003) reported that significantly fewer participants who had
patient-based training required assistance to perform a sigmoidoscopy than those in
the VR sigmoidoscopy simulator-trained group (p = 0.001).

Table 9 Patient-based assessments: supervising surgeon takeover and need for assistance

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Seymour et al. Intervention N = 16 Attending takeover* (n)
2002 Baseline After training
Level II No training 8 NA 6
P-value NA NR
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease
Chaer et al. Intervention N = 20 Attending takeover†, mean global rating scale score
2006 Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Procedicus VIST™ 10 2.6 2.9
Level II No training 10 1.4 1.7
P-value 0.003 0.006
Intervention N = 20 Need for verbal prompts‡, mean global rating scale score
Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Procedicus VIST™ 10 2.3 2.4
No training 10 1.0 1.4
P-value 0.03 0.01
Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training
Gerson and Intervention N = 16 Required assistance§, n/N (%)
van Dam 2003 NA After training
Sigmoidoscopy 9 NA 24/34 (71%)
Level II simulator
Patient-based 7 NA 9/32 (28%)
P-value NA 0.001
* The supervising attending surgeons takes the dissecting instrument (right hand) or retracting instrument (left hand) from the resident and
performs a component of the procedure.
† Measured on a scale of 0 (occurred at every stage) to 4 (ability to complete the case without attending takeover).
‡ Measured on a scale of 0 (repeatedly needed verbal prompts) to 4 (able to complete the case without prompts).
§ If the participant encountered difficulties, the attending physician was allowed to takeover the instrument in order to pass the area of difficulty and
then was expected to return the colonoscope to the participant.
NA not applicable
NR not reported


Use of assistants
Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training
Three studies reported on the appropriate use of assistants during the assessment
operation after simulation-based training or no simulation-based training (Scott et al.
2000; Scott et al. 1999; Hamilton et al. 2001) (Table 10).

Table 10 Patient-based assessments: the use of assistants

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Scott et al. Intervention N = 27* Use of assistants†, median global assessment score (25th – 75th percentile)
2000 Baseline Adjusted improvement‡
SCMIS GEM 13 2.0 (1.5 - 2.8) 1.0 (0.8 – 1.6)
Level II No training 9 2.0 (1.5 – 3.0) 0.7 (-0.4 – 1.0)
P-value 0.785 0.035
Scott et al. Intervention N = 22 Use of assistants*, mean global assessment score ± SD
1999 Baseline Final
Video-trainer 9 NR 3.3 ± 0.6
Level II No training 13 NR 2.8 ± 0.7
P-value NS < 0.05
TEP hernia repair
Hamilton et al. Intervention N = 21 Use of assistants*, mean global assessment score ± SD
2001 Baseline Final
TEP hernia repair§ 11 2.5 ± 1.3 3.5 ± 1.1
Level II No training 10 1.6 ± 0.7 2.1 ± 1.1
P-value NS < 0.05
* 5 lost to assessment; Trained group n = 4, Control group n = 1.
† Measured on a scale of 1 (failed to use assistants) to 5 (strategically used assistants to the best advantage at all times).
‡ Improvement defined as post-training minus baseline scores, calculated individually for each participant, adjusted by linear analysis of covariance for
differences in baseline scores.
§ Including an instructional video and interactive CD ROM.
NS not significant
NR not reported
SD standard deviation

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Scott et al. (2000) reported a significant difference in favour of the SCMIS GEM
trained group compared with controls in relation to use of assistants. SCMIS GEM
trained participants performed significantly better in relation to the use of assistants
than did untrained controls when performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy (p =
Scott et al. (1999) reported a significant difference in favour of the video-trainer
trained group compared with controls in relation to the use of assistants. Video-
trainer trained participants scored significantly higher in relation to the use of
assistants than did untrained controls when performing laparoscopic
cholecystectomy (p < 0.05).


TEP hernia repair

Randomised controlled trials

Hamilton et al. (2001) reported a significant difference between baseline and mean
global assessment scores for TEP hernia repair curriculum-trained and untrained
groups after training compared with untrained controls for patient-based TEP hernia
repair (p < 0.05) for use of assistants.

Performance errors
Performance errors were described as movements or events outside the normal

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Two studies reported error data for simulator-trained and non-simulator-trained
participants for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Seymour et al. 2002; Tuggy 1998)
(Table 11).

Table 11 Patient-based assessments: errors made during assessment operations

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Seymour et al. Intervention N = 16 Total errors*, mean
2002 Baseline Final
MIST-VR 8 NA 1.19
Level II No training 8 NA 7.38
P-value NA < 0.006
Tuggy 1998 Intervention N = 10 Directional errors† (n)
After 5 hrs simulation After 10 hrs simulation
Level II Gastro-Sim® 5 2.8 1.6
No training 5 8.6 8.6
P-value 0.01 < 0.01
* 8 events associated with the excisional phase of procedure defined as errors and chosen as study measurements: lack of progress, gallbladder injury,
liver injury, incorrect plane dissection, burn non-target tissue, tearing tissue, instrument out of view and attending takeover.
† Defined as the inability to direct the sigmoidoscope correctly toward the lumen when it was visualised. Measurements taken from videotaped
NA not applicable

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Seymour et al. (2002) showed a significant improvement in total mean errors from
baseline for MIST-VR trained residents compared with controls who did not have
training before performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy (p < 0.006). This study
found that the group without simulator training had significantly more errors in
relation to lack of progress (p < 0.008), gall bladder injury (p < 0.039), and burning
of non-target tissue (p < 0.039) (data not shown). There were no significant


differences for liver injury, incorrect plane of dissection, tearing tissue, instrument
out of view, and non-contact cautery injury.

Randomised controlled trials

Tuggy (1998) assessed hand-eye skills by the amount of directional errors that were
made during a sigmoidoscopy examination. Directional errors were defined as the
inability of the examiner to direct the sigmoidoscope correctly toward the lumen
when it was visualised. The study showed significant reductions in directional errors
in residents after five hours (p = 0.01) of training in the Gastro-Sim® flexible
sigmoidoscopy simulator as well as after 10 hours (p < 0.01) of training on the
simulator as compared with controls who had no simulation-based training.

Errors - combined outcomes

One study reported combined outcomes for errors (Table 12). These outcomes
could not be separated so could not be reported with the other error results.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Grantcharov et al. (2004) used a modified version of a global assessment form
developed by Reznick et al. (1997). Errors were assessed using a combination of a
parameter from the original publication, respect for tissue, and a new parameter
called precision of operative technique. The study found that MIST-VR trained
participants showed significantly greater improvement in their error scores than
controls who had not received simulation-based training prior to performing
laparoscopic cholecystectomy (p = 0.003).

Table 12 Patient-based assessments: error scores – combined outcomes

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Grantcharov Intervention N = 20* Error† scores, median (range)
et al. 2004 Baseline Final
MIST-VR 8 6.8 (4 – 9) 3 (3 – 6)
Level II No training 8 6 (3 – 9) 5.8 (4 – 9)
P-value NS 0.003
* 4 lost to assessment; Trained group n = 2, Control group n = 2.
† Error was a combination of respect for tissue and precision of operative technique from Reznick et al. (1997) global assessment form. It was
measured on a scale of 1 (consistently handled tissue appropriately with minimal damage, and fluent, secure and correct technique in all stages of the
operative procedure) to 5 (frequently used unnecessary force on tissue or caused damage by inappropriate use of instruments, and imprecise, wrong
technique in approaching operative intentions).
NS not significant


Flow of operation
Flow of operation referred to the ability of a participant to move continuously and
fluently through the procedure, confident of each step.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Five studies reported results on the flow of the procedure for simulator-trained and
non-simulator-trained participants (Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999; Schijven et al.
2005; Chaer et al. 2006; Hamilton et al. 2001) (Table 13).

Table 13 Patient-based assessments: flow of operation and economy of movement

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Scott et al. Intervention N = 27* Flow of operation†, median global assessment score (25th – 75th percentile)
2000 Baseline Adjusted improvement‡
SCMIS GEM 13 2.0 (2.0 – 3.2) 1.0 (0.6 – 1.2)
Level II No training 9 3.0 (2.0 – 3.2) 0.4 (-0.5 – 1.2)
P-value 0.356 0.090
Scott et al. Intervention N = 22 Flow of operation† mean global assessment score ± SD
1999 Baseline Final
Video-trainer 9 NR 3.5 ± 0.4
Level II No training 13 NR 3.0 ± 0.8
P-value NS NS
Schijven et al. Intervention N = 24§ Fluency rating║
2005 Observer 1 Observer 2
Training course¶ 10 NR NR
III-2 No training 10 NR NR
P-value NS 0.0037
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease
Chaer et al. Intervention N = 20 Flow of operation** mean global rating scale score
2006 Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Procedicus VIST™ 10 2.4 2.8
Level II No training 10 1.4 1.2
P-value NS 0.002
TEP hernia repair
Hamilton et al. Intervention N = 21 Flow of operation†, mean ± SD
2001 Baseline Final
TEP hernia repair †† 10 2.8 ± 1 3.7 ± 0.7
Level II No training 11 2.1 ± 0.8 2.6 ± 1.1
P-value NS < 0.05
* 5 lost to assessment; Trained group n = 4, Control group n = 1.
† Measured on a scale of 1 (frequently stopped operating and seemed unsure of next move) to 5 (planned course of operation effortless flow from one
move to the next).
‡ Improvement defined as post-training minus baseline scores, calculated individually for each participant, adjusted by linear analysis of covariance for

differences in baseline scores.

§ 4 lost to assessment; Trained group n = 2, Control group n = 2.
║ Measured on a scale of 0 (completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree) to statement: Pattern of movement is fluent, precise and efficient (few

unnecessary/random movements).
¶ The training course consisted of a variety of teaching elements, including videos, oral presentations, table sessions, instrument displays and

repetitive sessions of VR software simulations using the Xitact LS500 laparoscopy simulator platform. Both psychomotor VR simulation (MIST-VR)
and procedural laparoscopic cholecystectomy simulation, including the clip-and-cut, navigation and dissection modules (Xitact) were featured.
** Measured on a scale of 0 (frequently stopped; seemed unaware of next move) to 4 (obviously planned course; effortless flow).
†† Including an instructional video and interactive CD ROM.

NS not significant
NR not reported
SD standard deviation


Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Scott et al. (2000) reported no significant difference between the median global
assessment scores for the flow of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for individuals who
had received SCMIS GEM training versus participants who had not had this training.
Scott et al. (1999) also reported no significant differences in mean global assessment
scores for the flow of the cholecystectomy procedure for individuals who had
received video-trainer training versus participants who had not had this training.

Non-randomised comparative studies

Schijven et al. 2005 reported a significant improvement in fluency, as rated by one of
two observers, during laparoscopic cholecystectomy for participants of a four day
laparoscopic cholecystectomy training course involving a variety of teaching
modalities, in comparison with the control group who did not attend this training (p
= 0.0037). The second observer did not find a significant difference for this
Catheter-based interventions for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trials

Chaer et al. (2006) reported a significant improvement in the flow of the operation
for the second of two catheter-based interventions for occlusive vascular disease
after Procedicus VIST™ training compared with controls who had no training with
this device (p = 0.002).
TEP hernia repair

Randomised controlled trials

Hamilton et al. (2001) reported a significant within-group difference for the flow of
the operation between pre-training and post-training scores (p < 0.05) in the training
group after performing a TEP hernia repair procedure, and a significant between-
group difference between trained and untrained groups after training (p < 0.05) after
performing a TEP hernia repair procedure.

Time and motion

Time and motion was reported in studies that used the global assessment form
developed and validated by Reznick et al. (1997) (Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999;
Chaer et al. 2006; Hamilton et al. 2001). This parameter measured a participant’s
ability to conduct the patient-based assessment procedure with efficiency and
economy of movement.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Four studies reported time and motion for participants that received training via
simulation compared with participants who did not receive simulation-based training
(Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999; Chaer et al. 2006; Hamilton et al. 2001) (Table 14).


Table 14 Patient-based assessments: time and motion outcomes

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Scott et al. Intervention N = 27* Time and motion†, median global assessment score (25th – 75th percentile)
2000 Baseline Adjusted improvement‡
SCMIS GEM 13 3.0 (2.0 - 3.0) 0.3 (0.1 – 0.8)
Level II No training 9 2.5 (2.0 - 3.0) -0.3 (0.1 – 0.8)
P-value 0.781 0.075
Scott et al. Intervention N = 22 Time and motion†, mean global assessment score ± SD
1999 Baseline Final
Video-trainer 9 NR 3.0 ± 0.4
Level II No training 13 NR 2.6 ± 0.7
P-value NS < 0.05
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease
Chaer et al. Intervention N = 20 Time and motion§, mean global rating scale scores
2006 Procedure 1 Procedure 2
Procedicus VIST™ 10 2.3 2.6
Level II No training 10 1.4 1.7
P-value NS 0.01
TEP hernia repair
Hamilton et al. Intervention N = 21 Time and motion†, mean global rating scale scores ± SD
2001 Baseline Final
TEP hernia repair║ 10 2.7 ± 1.1 3.5 ± 0.7
Level II No training 11 1.8 ± 0.6 2.4 ± 0.9
P-value < 0.05 < 0.05
* 5 participants lost to assessment; Trained group n = 4, Control group n = 1.
† Measured on scale of 1 (many unnecessary moves) to 5 (clear economy of movement and maximum efficiency).
‡ Improvement defined as post-training minus baseline scores, calculated individually for each participant, adjusted by linear analysis of covariance for

differences in baseline scores.

§ Measured on a scale of 0 (many unnecessary moves) to 4 (clear economy of motion; maximum efficiency).
║ Including an instructional video and interactive CD ROM.

NR not reported
NS not significant
SD standard deviation

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Two studies reported time and motion for participants undertaking laparoscopic
cholecystectomy after receiving video-trainer training or no simulation-based training
(Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999). Scott et al. (2000) reported no significant
differences in median improvements in time and motion global assessment scores
between the SCMIS GEM trained group and the control group for laparoscopic
cholecystectomy. Scott et al. (1999) reported mean global assessment scores for time
and motion for participants undertaking laparoscopic cholecystectomy after receiving
video-trainer training compared with no simulation-based training. The trained
residents scored significantly higher (ie better) than the controls (p < 0.05).
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trials

Chaer et al. (2006) reported mean global rating scale scores for time and motion for
participants that had undergone Procedicus VIST™ training and participants with no


simulator training. There was a significant difference in time and motion for the
second intervention only (p = 0.01).
TEP hernia repair

Randomised controlled trials

Hamilton et al. (2001) reported baseline and final mean differences for TEP hernia
repair curriculum-trained participants and participants who did not receive this
training, for patient-based TEP hernia repair. There was a significant difference
between trained and untrained groups for time and motion prior to training (p <
0.05). In each group there was a significant difference between pre-training and
post-training time and motion scores (p < 0.05). Between the groups, there was a
significant difference for time and motion between trained and untrained groups
after training in favour of the trained group (p < 0.05). For the group not trained,
there was also a significant difference between pre-training and post-training scores
for time and motion (p < 0.05) but the post-training score was significantly lower
than the scores for the trained group (p value not reported).

Economy of movement - combined outcomes

One study reported combined outcomes for economy of movement (Table 15)
which could not be separated and reported with the other time and motion data.
(Grantcharov et al. 2004).

Table 15 Patient-based assessments: economy of movement – combined outcomes

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training
Grantcharov et Intervention N = 20* Economy of movement†, median rating (range)
al. 2004 Baseline Final
MIST-VR 8 5.8 (4.5 – 6) 3.3 (2 – 6)
Level II No training 8 6 (6 – 8) 6 (4.5 – 9)
P-value NS 0.003
* 4 lost to assessment. Trained group n = 2, Control group n = 2.
† Economy of movement was a combination of two parameters, unnecessary movements and confidence of movements (referred to as time and
motion, and instrument handling in original global rating scale developed by Reznick et al. (1997)). Economy of movement was measured on a
scale of 1 (clear economy of movement and maximum efficiency, and; fluent moves with instruments and no awkwardness) to 5 (many
unnecessary moves, and; repeated tentative awkward or inappropriate moves with instruments).
NS not significant

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Economy of movement was a combination of two parameters, unnecessary
movements and confidence of movements (referred to as time and motion, and
instrument handling in the original published global rating scale developed by
Reznick et al. (1997)). The study found significant improvements in economy of
movement during laparoscopic cholecystectomy in participants who had received


MIST-VR training compared with controls who had not had this training (p =

Procedural knowledge
The parameter procedural knowledge was reported in studies that used the global
assessment form developed and validated by Reznick et al. (1997) (Scott et al. 2000;
Scott et al. 1999; Chaer et al. 2006; Hamilton et al. 2001) and focussed on a
participant’s knowledge and familiarity with the patient-based assessment procedure.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Four studies reported on specific procedural knowledge of participants (Scott et al.
2000; Scott et al. 1999; Chaer et al. 2006; Hamilton et al. 2001) (Table 16).
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Scott et al. (2000) reported no significant difference in adjusted improvement of
knowledge of specific procedure for participants trained on SCMIS GEM compared
with individuals with no simulation-based training before performing laparoscopic
cholecystectomy. Similarly, Scott et al. (1999) reported no significant difference in
mean global assessment scores for knowledge of specific procedure for participants
trained on a video-trainer compared with individuals without this training prior to
performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trials

Chaer et al. (2006) reported a significant increase in knowledge of procedure for
participants that had trained on the Procedicus VIST™ simulator compared with
individuals that had no training on this device prior to conducting two catheter-based
interventions for occlusive vascular disease (p = 0.005 for the second intervention
TEP hernia repair

Randomised controlled trials

Hamilton et al. (2001) reported differences in participants trained with the TEP
hernia repair curriculum in comparison with individuals without this training. There
were significant differences in favour of the trained group between pre-training
scores and post-training scores (p < 0.05). There was also a significant difference in
favour of the trained group for knowledge of procedure between trained and
untrained groups after training (p < 0.05).


Table 16 Patient-based assessments: knowledge of procedure

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Scott et al. Intervention N = 27* Knowledge of specific procedure†, median global assessment scores (25th –
2000 75th percentile)
Baseline Adjusted improvement‡
Level II SCMIS GEM 13 3.0 (2.5 – 3.2) 1.0 (0.4 – 1.3)
No training 9 3.0 (2.5 – 3.6) 0.4 (0.0 – 1.1)
P-value 0.433 0.100
Scott et al. Intervention N = 22 Knowledge of specific procedure†, mean global assessment score ± SD
1999 Baseline Final
Video-trainer 9 NR 3.8 + 0.6
Level II No training 13 NR 3.5 ± 0.9
P-value NS NS
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease
Chaer et al. Intervention N = 20 Knowledge of procedure§, mean global rating score
2006 Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Procedicus VIST™ 10 2.0 2.4
Level II No training 10 1.4 1.1
P-value NS 0.005
TEP hernia repair
Hamilton et al. Intervention N = 21 Knowledge of procedure†, mean ± SD
2001 Baseline Final
TEP hernia repair║ 10 2.5 ± 0.6 3.8 ± 0.9
Level II No training 11 2.0 ± 0.8 2.6 ± 0.9
P-value NS < 0.05
* 5 lost to assessment; Trained group n = 4, Control group n = 1.
† Measured on a scale of 1 (required specific instruction at most steps) to 5 (familiar with all aspects of the operation).
‡ Improvement defined as post-training minus baseline scores, calculated individually for each participant, adjusted by linear analysis of covariance for

differences in baseline scores.

§ Measured on a scale of 0 (deficient knowledge) to 4 (familiar with all aspects of the procedure).
║ Including an instructional video and interactive CD ROM.

NS not significant
NR not reported
SD standard deviation

Knowledge of instruments
Knowledge of instruments was described as the ability of a participant to use the
correct instrument for the procedure, and was reported in three of the four studies
that used the global assessment form developed and validated by Reznick et al. (1997)
(Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999; Hamilton et al. 2001).

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Three studies reported on the knowledge of instruments between simulation-trained
residents and residents that had no prior simulation-based training (Scott et al. 2000;
Scott et al. 1999; Hamilton et al. 2001) (Table 17).
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Scott et al. (2000) reported a small additional improvement in knowledge of
instruments between SCMIS GEM trained residents and residents that had no


simulation-based training prior to performing the final laparoscopic cholecystectomy

that was of borderline significance (p = 0.058). Similarly, Scott et al. (1999) reported
no significant differences in knowledge of instruments between video-trainer trained
residents and residents that had no simulation-based training prior to performing the
final live-patient laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure.

Table 17 Patient-based assessments: knowledge of instruments*

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Scott et al. Intervention N = 27† Knowledge of instruments, median global assessment score (25th – 75th
2000 percentile)
Baseline Adjusted improvement‡
Level II SCMIS GEM 13 3.0 (2.3 – 3.3) 0.6 (0.5 – 1.5)
No training 9 3.0 (2.5 – 3.5) 0.4 (0.0 – 1.0)
P-value 0.433 0.058
Scott et al. Intervention N = 22 Knowledge of instruments, mean global assessment score ± SD
1999 Baseline Final
Video-trainer 9 NR 3.9 ± 0.6
Level II No training 13 NR 3.5 ± 0.9
P-value NS NS
TEP hernia repair
Hamilton et al. Intervention N = 21 Knowledge of instruments, mean global assessment score ± SD
2001 Baseline Final
TEP hernia repair§ 10 3.0 ± 1.3 3.7 ± 0.8
Level II No training 11 2.9 ± 1.5 2.9 ± 0.4
P-value NS 0.05
* Measured on a scale of 1 (frequently asked for wrong instrument or used wrong instrument) to 5 (obviously familiar with instruments and their
† 5 lost to assessment; Trained group n = 4, Control group n = 1.
‡ Improvement defined as post-training minus baseline scores, calculated individually for each participant, adjusted by linear analysis of covariance for

differences in baseline scores.

§ Including an instructional video and interactive CD ROM.

NS not significant
NR not reported
SD standard deviation

TEP hernia repair

Randomised controlled trials

Hamilton et al. (2001) found a significant difference in favour of the trained group in
knowledge of instruments between trained and untrained groups after training using
the TEP hernia repair curriculum for TEP hernia repair (p = 0.05).

Instrument handling
Instrument handling was described as using the appropriate instrument skilfully and
correctly, and was again reported in three of the four studies that used the global
assessment form developed and validated by Reznick et al. (1997) (Scott et al. 2000;
Scott et al. 1999; Hamilton et al. 2001).


Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Three studies reported on instrument handling between trained residents and
residents that had no simulation-based training (Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999;
Hamilton et al. 2001) (Table 18).
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Scott et al. (2000) reported a significant adjusted improvement in median global
assessment scores for instrument handling when performing laparoscopic
cholecystectomy in favour of the SCMIS GEM trained group compared with
controls (p = 0.005). Scott et al. (1999) found a significant adjusted improvement in
mean global assessment scores for instrument handling when simulator-trained
participants performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy compared with untrained
participants after training (p < 0.05).
Hamilton et al. (2001) found a significant difference between pre-training and post-
training scores (p ≤ 0.05), and a significant difference between trained and untrained
groups after TEP hernia repair curriculum training (p = 0.05).

Table 18 Patient-based assessments: instrument handling*

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Scott et al. Intervention N = 27† Instrument handling, median global assessment score (25th – 75th percentile)
2000 Baseline Adjusted improvement‡
SCMIS GEM 13 3.0 (2.0 – 3.2) 0.6 (0.4 – 0.8)
Level II No training 9 3.0 (2.5 – 3.0) 0.3 (-0.4 – 0.3)
P-value 0.782 0.005
Scott et al. Intervention N = 22 Instrument handling, mean global assessment score ± SD
1999 Baseline Final
Video-trainer 9 NR 3.4 ± 0.3
Level II No training 13 NR 2.9 ± 0.6
P-value NS < 0.05
TEP hernia repair
Hamilton et al. Intervention N = 21 Instrument handling, mean global assessment score ± SD
2001 Baseline Final
TEP hernia repair§ 10 2.9 ± 1.0 3.7 ± 0.7
Level II No training 11 2.1 ± 0.7 3.1 ± 0.9
P-value NS 0.05
* Measured on a scale of 1 (repeatedly makes tentative or awkward moves with instruments by inappropriate use of instruments) to 5 (fluid moves
with instruments with no awkward moves).
† 5 lost to assessment; Trained group n = 4, Control group n = 1.
‡ Improvement defined as post-training minus baseline scores, calculated individually for each participant, adjusted by linear analysis of covariance

for differences in baseline scores.

§ Including an instructional video and interactive CD ROM.

NS not significant
NR not reported
SD standard deviation

Respect for tissue

Respect for tissue was defined as the reduction of unnecessary tissue damage during
patient-based procedures.


Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Four studies reported on respect for tissue between trained residents and residents
that had no simulation-based training (Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999; Hamilton et
al. 2001; Edmond 2002). Three of these studies used the global assessment form
developed and validated by Reznick et al. (1997) (Scott et al. 2000; Scott et al. 1999;
Hamilton et al. 2001) (Table 19).

Table 19 Patient-based assessments: respect for tissue

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Scott et al. Intervention N = 27* Respect for tissue†, median global assessment score (25th – 75th percentile)
2000 Baseline Adjusted improvement‡
SCMIS GEM 13 3.0 (2.8 - 3.2) 0.3 (0.3 – 0.5)
Level II No training 9 3.0 (2.4 – 3.2) 0.1 (-0.6 – 0.5)
P-value 0.445 0.035
Scott et al. Intervention N = 22 Respect for tissue†, mean global assessment score ± SD
1999 Baseline Final
Video-trainer 9 NR 3.3 ± 0.3
Level II No training 13 NR 2.9 ± 0.6
P-value NS < 0.05
TEP hernia repair
Hamilton et al. Intervention N = 21 Respect for tissue†, mean global assessment score ± SD
2001 Baseline Final
TEP hernia repair§ 10 3.1 ± 1.1 3.5 ± 0.9
No training 11 2.7 ± 0.9 3.1 ± 1.0
P-value NS NS
Endoscopic sinus surgery
Edmond 2002 Intervention N=4 Tissue respect║, mean rating ± SD
Baseline After training
Level III-2 ESS simulator 2 NA 5.5 ± 3.1
No training 2 NA 2.8 ± 0.2
P-value NA NS
* 5 lost to assessment, Trained group n = 4, Control group n = 1.
† Measured scale of 1 (frequently and unnecessary force on tissue or caused damage by inappropriate use of instruments) to 5 (consistently handled

tissues appropriately with minimal damage).

‡ Improvement defined as post-training minus baseline scores, calculated individually for each participant, adjusted by linear analysis of covariance for

differences in baseline scores.

§ Including an instructional video and interactive CD ROM.
║ Measured on a scale with 1 (adequate) to 10 (perfect).

NA not applicable
NS not significant
NR not reported
SD standard deviation

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Scott et al. (2000) reported respect for tissue for SCMIS GEM trained residents and
non trained controls when performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. There was a
significant difference in median global assessment scores for respect for tissue in
favour of the simulator-trained group (p = 0.035). Scott et al. (1999) reported respect
for tissue for residents who used a video-trainer compared with non-trained controls


when performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. There was a significant difference in

mean global assessment scores in favour of the simulator-trained group (p < 0.05).
TEP hernia repair

Randomised controlled trials

Hamilton et al. (2001) did not report a significant difference in respect for tissue for
TEP hernia repair for participants that had undergone training with the TEP hernia
repair curriculum compared with untrained controls when conducting TEP hernia
repair procedures.
Endoscopic sinus surgery

Non-randomised comparative studies

Edmond (2002) found no significant difference in mean values for tissue respect for
individuals that had trained using the ESS simulator training compared with the
control group.

Ability to identify landmarks

During laparoscopic cholecystectomy, misidentification of the common duct, cystic
duct, and in some cases the aberrant right hepatic duct can result in biliary injuries.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Two studies described the ability of simulator-trained and non-simulator trained
participants to identify landmarks during patient-based assessment (Sedlack and
Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004) (Table 20).

Table 20 Patient-based assessments: ability to identify landmarks

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Sedlack and Intervention N=8 Identifies landmarks, median score* (25th – 75th IQR)
Kolars 2004 C† 1-15 C† 16-30 C† 31-45 C† 46-60
AccuTouch® 4 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0)
Level II No training 4 6.0 (5.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (5.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 7.0 (5.5 – 7.0)
P-value 0.041 0.044 0.166 0.439
Sedlack et al. Intervention N = 38 Identifies landmarks, median score‡ (25th – 75th IQR)
2004 Staff-evaluated Self-evaluated
AccuTouch® 19 5 (4 – 7) 3 (2 – 4)
Level II No training 19 5 (4 – 5) 4 (2 – 4)
P-value 0.715 0.362
* Measured on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).
† Colonoscopies grouped in blocks of 15.
‡ Measured on a scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 10 (strongly disagree).

IQR interquartile range



Randomised controlled trials

Sedlack and Kolars (2004) found that participants trained on the AccuTouch®
colonoscopy simulator were able to identify landmarks significantly better during
their first 30 patient-based colonoscopies than participants that had trained not using
the simulator (p = 0.041 for colonoscopies 1 – 15; p = 0.044 for colonoscopies 16 –
30). There were no significant differences for the remaining colonoscopies.
Sedlack et al. 2004 reported no significant differences in the ability of AccuTouch®
sigmoidoscopy simulator trained and non-simulator trained participants to identify
landmarks during patient-based colonoscopies. They also found no significant
differences between staff-evaluated scores and participant self-assessed scores.

Ability to insert scope safely

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training
Two studies described outcomes for simulator-trained and non-simulator trained
participants to insert the scope safely during patient-based colonoscopy assessment
(Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004) (Table 21).

Table 21 Patient-based assessments: ability to insert scope safely

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Sedlack and Inserts in a safe manner, median score* (25th – 75th IQR)
Kolars 2004 Intervention N=8 C 1-15
† C† 16-30 C† 31-45 C† 46-60
AccuTouch® 4 7.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 7.0 (6.0 – 7.0)
Level II No training 4 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0)
P-value 0.008 0.274 0.256 0.559
Sedlack et al. Intervention N = 38 Inserts scope safely, median score‡ (25th – 75th IQR)
2004 Staff-evaluated Self-evaluated
AccuTouch® 19 3 (3 – 6) 2 (1 – 3)
Level II No training 19 3 (2 – 5) 2 (1 – 3)
P-value 0.336 0.792
* Measured on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).
† Colonoscopies grouped in blocks of 15.
‡ Measured on a scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 10 (strongly disagree).
IQR interquartile range


Randomised controlled trials

Sedlack and Kolars (2004) found that participants who had trained on the
AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator were able to insert the scope safer during their
first 15 patient-based colonoscopies than participants that had not trained using the
simulator (p = 0.008). There were no significant differences for the remaining
colonoscopies. Sedlack et al. 2004 reported no significant differences in the ability of
AccuTouch® sigmoidoscopy simulator trained and non-simulator trained


participants to insert the scope safely during patient-based colonoscopies. They also
found no significant differences between staff-evaluated scores and participant self-
assessed scores.

Ability to adequately visualise the mucosa on

Adequately visualises mucosa on withdrawal was defined as the ability of a
participant to manoeuvre the colonoscope or sigmoidoscope effectively inside the
colon in order to view the mucosa.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Two studies described outcomes for simulator-trained and non-simulator trained
participants on the ability to adequately visualise the mucosa on withdrawal during
patient-based assessment (Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004) (Table 22).

Randomised controlled trials

Sedlack and Kolars (2004) found that participants who had trained on the
AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator were able to better visualise the mucosa on
withdrawal during their first 15 patient-based colonoscopies than participants that
had not trained using the simulator (p = 0.009). There were no significant differences
for the remaining colonoscopies.
Sedlack et al. 2004 reported no significant differences in the ability of AccuTouch®
sigmoidoscopy simulator-trained and non-simulator trained participants to
adequately visualise mucosa on withdrawal during patient-based colonoscopies.
They also found no significant differences between staff-evaluated scores and
participant self-assessed scores.

Table 22 Patient-based assessments: visualisation of the mucosa on withdrawal

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Sedlack and Intervention N=8 Adequately visualises mucosa on withdrawal, median score* (25th – 75th IQR)
Kolars 2004 C† 1-15 C† 16-30 C† 31-45 C† 46-60
AccuTouch® 4 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 7.0 (6.0 – 7.0)
Level II No training 4 6.0 (5.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (5.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (5.5 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0)
P-value 0.009 0.396 0.230 0.518
Sedlack et al. Intervention N = 38 Adequately visualises mucosa on withdrawal, median score‡ (25th – 75th IQR)
2004 Staff-evaluated Self-evaluated
AccuTouch® 19 7 (3 – 8) 3 (2 – 5)
Level II
No training 19 5 (4 – 7) 3 (2 – 4)
P-value 0.330 0.880
* Measured on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).
† Colonoscopies grouped in blocks of 15.
‡ Measured on a scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 10 (strongly disagree).

IQR interquartile range


Staff productivity
The number of colonoscopies/sigmoidoscopies a staff member was able to perform
whilst trainees trained on the simulator was compared with the number of
procedures performed whilst in the presence of trainees. This was used to determine
whether training on a simulator could impact staff productivity.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Two studies measured the number of procedures staff were able to perform when
not in the presence of trainees (ie when trainees were using the simulator) and in the
presence of trainees (Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004).

Randomised controlled trials

Sedlack and Kolars (2004) reported that during the 2 half-days of AccuTouch®
colonoscopy simulator training, faculty without an accompanying Fellow were able to
complete an average of 8 colonoscopies (range 7–9) per half-day while participants
worked with the simulator. Faculty of the group that started assessment straight
away (ie were trained without the simulator) completed an average of 3.5 procedures
(range 2–4) per half-day during the same initial training interval. This allowed an
average of 9 additional colonoscopies to be performed by the staff endoscopists for
each Fellow trained with the simulation curriculum. There was no significant
difference between supervising staff volumes once simulator-trained participants
began patient-based colonoscopy.
Sedlack et al. 2004 reported an increase in staff productivity as a result of simulator
training. During the simulator training interval, non-teaching staff performed an
average of 7 procedures per half day while operating independently compared with
an average of less than 3 procedures when students began assessment procedures
straight away (ie no simulation-based training). The 3 hour AccuTouch®
sigmoidoscopy simulator training session allowed an average of 4 additional
procedures to be performed by staff for each participant trained via the simulator.

Other patient-based assessment related outcomes

Other patient-based procedure related outcomes are described below. These
outcomes were procedure-specific and could not be grouped, and therefore have
been reported narratively.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Five studies reported patient-based procedure related outcomes between trained
residents and residents that had no simulation-based training (Tuggy 1998; Sedlack
and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004; Chaer et al. 2006; Edmond 2002).



Randomised controlled trials

In Tuggy (1998), after 5 hours of Gastro-Sim® simulator training, there was a
significant difference for quality of viewing 360o (p = 0.05) in favour of trained
participants. There were significant improvements of hand-eye skill measures of the
trained group in percentage of colon visualised (p = 0.02), and viewing quality of
examination (p = 0.03) in the trained group after 10 hours of simulator training when
compared with the control group's initial performance on live patients. There were
no significant differences between the group that had 5 hours of simulator training
and the untrained group for time in red-out and percentage of colon visualised. After
10 hours of training, there were no significant differences for time in red-out
compared with the untrained group.
In Sedlack and Kolars (2004) an analysis of procedures broken down in
chronological groups of 15 demonstrated that AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator-
trained Fellows scored significantly better in all parameters during the first 15
colonoscopies performed (p < 0.05) with the exception of time to reach maximum
insertion. The simulation-trained Fellows inserted the endoscope further with a
median depth score of 4.0 vs. 3.0 (p = 0.003) and reached the caecum independently
in 38% of procedures compared with 20% (p = 0.027) during this initial training
period. Simulator-trained Fellows continued to have a significantly greater depth of
insertion throughout the first 30 colonoscopies (p < 0.05). Beyond 30
colonoscopies, there were no statistical differences in any of the measured
parameters between the two groups.
Sedlack et al. 2004 compared sigmoidoscopy performance between participants that
had AccuTouch® sigmoidoscopy simulator training before beginning patient-based
procedures to those who did not have simulator training. Participants were evaluated
at the end of the training period and participants also conducted a self-assessment.
There were no significant differences between the simulator-trained or non-simulator
trained groups for any of the staff-reported procedural skill scores. Resident
evaluations demonstrated no significant differences between groups in any of the
parameters measured.
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trials

In Chaer et al. (2006) there were significant improvements in mean checklist scores
for the following individual measures of performance for Procedicus VIST™
simulator-trained residents compared with non-simulator trained residents for the
first intervention: advance wire atraumatically (p = 0.05), constantly visualise wire tip
(p = 0.005), mount and advance catheter wire (p = 0.01), position imaging catheter
(p = 0.04), advance balloon over wire (p = 0.006), centre balloon over stenosis (p =
0.009), balloon inflation (p = 0.003) and balloon pressure (p = 0.003). For the
second intervention, there were significant improvements in mean checklist scores


for the following individual measures of performance for simulation-trained residents

compared with non-simulator strained residents: Advance wire atraumatically (p =
0.03), constantly visualise wire tip (p = 0.001), position imaging catheter (p = 0.03),
knowledge of anatomy (p = 0.04), walk catheter back over wire (p = 0.05), advance
balloon over wire (p = 0.02), centre balloon over stenosis (p = 0.003), balloon
inflation (p = 0.003), balloon pressure (p =0.002), walk balloon back over wire (p =
0.006), advance stent over wire (p =0.01), centre stent over stenosis (p = 0.01),
accurately deploy stent (p = 0.01), walk stent shaft out over wire (p = 0.006), and
completion angiogram (p = 0.04). For the first intervention, there were significant
improvements in mean endovascular global rating scale scores for wire and catheter
handling (p = 0.002), awareness of wire position (p = 0.005), and precision of
wire/catheter technique (p = 0.03). For the second intervention, there were
significant improvements in mean endovascular global rating scale scores for wire
and catheter handling (p = 0.009), awareness of wire position (p = 0.005), wire
stability (p = 0.04), fluoroscopy usage (p = 0.003) and precision of wire/catheter
technique (p = 0.005). Resident performance did not improve from the first to the
second intervention.
Endoscopic sinus surgery

Non-randomised comparative studies

In Edmond (2002), there were no significant differences between mean rating scores
for any procedure-related outcomes for residents trained with the ESS simulator
compared with those residents not trained with the simulator.

Simulator training vs. patient-based training

One study reported procedure-related outcomes between simulator-trained residents
and patient-trained residents for sigmoidoscopy (Gerson and van Dam 2003).

Randomised controlled trials

In Gerson and van Dam (2003) there was no significant improvement in flexure
recognition, but there was a significant improvement in retroflexion completed (p =
0.02). With regards to patients’ assessments of satisfaction between VR
sigmoidoscopy simulator-trained and patient-trained residents, there were no
significant differences in general care and technical competence.

Patient morbidity/mortality
Patient morbidity and mortality were regarded as complications or deaths as a result
of procedures being conducted on patients by trained or untrained participants
during each study period. There were no reported deaths in any of the studies.
Studies instead focussed on complications that occurred at the time of the


Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Four studies reported mortality/morbidity outcomes for the patients used in
assessment procedures (Seymour et al. 2002; Ahlberg et al. 2005; Sedlack et al. 2004;
Chaer et al. 2006).
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Seymour et al. (2002) used an assessment technique that emphasised operative errors.
They defined errors as specific events that represented significant deviations from
optimal performance, but stated that they did not link these events with adverse
outcomes or proximate causes.

Randomised controlled trail

No major complications were reported by Ahlberg et al. (2005). Sedlack et al. (2004)
also reported no adverse events with any of the procedures during their study.
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trail

Chaer et al. (2006) stated that no peri-operative complications developed because of
the study.

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

One study reported mortality/morbidity outcomes for the patients used in
assessment procedures (Gerson and van Dam 2003).

Randomised controlled trail

Gerson and van Dam (2003) stated that no adverse events occurred during the test

Patient discomfort
Patient discomfort was described as either the pain felt by the patient undergoing the
procedure, or the pain felt by the patient as determined by the assessor.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Five studies reported patient discomfort outcomes for patients undergoing
assessment procedures after participants had received simulation-based training or no
simulation-based training (Ahlberg et al. 2005; Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al.
2004; Cohen et al. 2006b; Tuggy 1998) (Table 23).


Table 23 Patient-based assessments: patient discomfort

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Ahlberg et al. Intervention N = 12 Patient assessed discomfort on visual analog scale, median (IQR)
2005 AccuTouch® 6 4 (2.5 – 6)
Level II No training 6 5 (4 – 7)
P-value 0.02*
Sedlack and Intervention N=8 Patient reported pain score†, median score (25th-75th IQR)
Kolars 2004 C‡ 1 – 15 C‡ 16 – 30 C‡ 31 – 45 C‡ 46 – 60
AccuTouch® 4 2.0(1.0-4.0) 2.0(1.0-4.0) 2.0(1.0-4.0) 1.5(1.0-4.0)
Level II No training 4 4.0(1.5-5.0) 2.0(1.0-4.0) 2.5(1.0-4.3) 2.0(1.0-3.0)
P-value 0.019 0.343 0.531 0.731
Intervention N=8 Responds appropriately to patient discomfort§ median score (25th-75th IQR)
C‡ 1 – 15 C‡ 16 – 30 C‡ 31 – 45 C‡ 46 – 60
AccuTouch® 4 6.5 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (5.8 – 7.0) 6.0 (5.0 – 7.0) 7.0 (6.0 – 7.0)
No training 4 6.0 (5.3 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 – 7.0) 6.0 (6.0 - 7.0) 7.0 (5.0 – 7.0)
P-value 0.019 0.560 0.137 0.771
Sedlack et al. Intervention N = 38 Patient reported pain score†, median score (25th-75th IQR)
2004 AccuTouch® 19 3 (2 - 5)
No training 19 4 (2 - 6)
Level II P-value < 0.01
Intervention N = 38 Responds to patient discomfort, median score (25th-75th IQR)
Supervisor-assessed ║ Self-assessed¶
AccuTouch® 19 3 (3 – 5) 2 (1 – 3)
No training 19 3 ( 1 – 6) 2 (2 – 3)
P-value 0.278 0.394
Cohen et al. Intervention N = 49** Proctor assessed patient discomfort score†† for each session
2006b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Simbionix GI 22 25.7 23.2 16.7 16.0 16.7 13.4 11.9 10.5 10.7 8.9
Level II Mentor™
No training 23 31.4 19.1 19.5 18.2 16.5 13.9 11.3 10.4 11.8 9.2
P-value 0.42 0.14 0.22 0.39 0.94 0.85 0.74 0.99 0.55 0.81
Tuggy 1998 Intervention N = 10 Patient reported pain scale (units NR)
Level II Gastro-Sim® 5 NR
No training 5 NR
P-value NS
(table continued over page)


Table 23. Patient-based assessments: patient discomfort continued

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

Gerson and Intervention N = 16 Had a lot of pain
van Dam 2003 Agree‡‡ (%) Disagree§§ (%)
Sigmoidoscopy 9 53 37
Level II simulator
Patient-based 7 42 45
P-value NS
Intervention N = 16 More comfortable than expected
Agree‡‡ (%) Disagree§§ (%)
Sigmoidoscopy 9 33 47
Patient-based 7 42 29
P-value NS
Intervention N = 16 Caused great discomfort
Agree‡‡ (%) Disagree§§ (%)
Sigmoidoscopy 9 43 53
Patient-based 7 31 61
P-value NS
* In addition, male patients reported less pain (p = 0.001) compared with female patients.
† Measured on scale of 1(no pain) to 10 (worst pain of life).
‡ Colonoscopies grouped in blocks of 15.
§ Score rendered by supervising faculty. Measured on scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).
║ Score rendered by supervising faculty. Measured on scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 10 (strongly disagree).
¶ Score rendered by participant. Measured on scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 10 (strongly disagree).
** 4 lost to assessment; groups not specified.
†† Measured on scale of 1 (very comfortable) to 5 (severe pain to patient).
‡‡ Measured on scale of 1(strongly agree) to 7(strongly disagree). Includes patients who agreed or strongly agreed with the question.
§§ Measured on scale of 1(strongly agree) to 7(strongly disagree). Results include patients who disagreed or strongly disagreed with the questions.

IQR interquartile range

NR not reported
NS not significant


Randomised controlled trials

One study reported median patient-assessed discomfort outcomes for patients
undergoing colonoscopy by AccuTouch® endoscopy simulator-trained and
untrained participants (Ahlberg et al. 2005). Significantly less patient discomfort was
reported in the simulator-trained group than controls (p = 0.02).
Sedlack and Kolars (2004) reported patient-reported pain scores for patients
undergoing colonoscopy by AccuTouch® colonoscopy trained Fellows or Fellows
that had no exposure to the simulator. Patient surveys demonstrated a lower median
discomfort score during the first 15 colonoscopies performed by simulator trained
Fellows (p = 0.019). This study also reported median supervisor scores for whether
the participant responded adequately to patient discomfort during the procedure.
The simulator-trained participants responded better to patient discomfort than the
non-simulator trained participants (p = 0.019).


Sedlack et al. (2004) reported pain scores for patients undergoing sigmoidoscopy by
AccuTouch® sigmoidoscopy simulator-trained participants or participants that had
no exposure to the simulator. Median patient-reported discomfort scores were
significantly lower for simulator-trained residents (p < 0.01). There were no statistical
differences between the trained and untrained groups and there were no significant
differences between supervisor-assessed and self-assessed scores.
Cohen et al. (2006b) reported no significant differences in proctor-assessed patient
discomfort between the Simbionix GI Mentor™-trained group or the untrained
controls during patient colonoscopies at any time during the study.
Tuggy (1998) stated that there were no significant differences between the Gastro-
Sim® flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator-trained residents compared with non-trained
controls in patient pain scores after five hours of simulator training (data not

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

One study reported patient discomfort outcomes for patients undergoing
sigmoidoscopy (Gerson and van Dam 2003) (Table 23).

Randomised controlled trials

Gerson and van Dam (2003) reported pain outcomes for patients undergoing
sigmoidoscopy by VR sigmoidoscopy simulator-trained trainees or patient-trained
trainees. Almost half of the patients in both groups experienced discomfort, but
there were no significant differences between the simulator-trained and patient-
trained groups.

Participant satisfaction of training

To determine participants’ opinions of the simulation-based training they had
received, some authors administered questionnaires to participants at the end of the
study periods, or observed participants during the study.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Five studies reported outcomes for participant satisfaction after training (Ahlberg et
al. 2005; Cohen et al. 2006b; Tuggy 1998; Schijven et al. 2005; Hamilton et al. 2001).

Randomised controlled trials

Ahlberg et al. (2005) stated that none of the trainees complained about the amount of
AccuTouch® endoscopy simulator practice needed. They reported that participants
were eager to continue with training until the criterion level was reached (no data


Cohen et al. (2006b) administered a survey and found that respondents rated the
overall satisfaction with the Simbionix GI Mentor™ simulator training as moderately
useful to useful, with a mean score of 3.5 (range, 1 [no use] to 5 [very useful]).
Tuggy (1998) stated that the residents' survey responses indicated they strongly
agreed that the Gastro-Sim® flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator training was valuable
and would enhance the likelihood of their mastering the skill later in practice. No
statistical analysis was done on the survey data. Tuggy (1998) further reported that
participants showed a willingness to commit to the necessary hours of using the
simulator during the study and that all residents voluntarily trained on the simulator
on their own time despite normal work schedules. They also reported that many
trainees commented that some colons in the simulator were more challenging than
the live examinations.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Non-randomised comparative studies

Schijven et al. (2005) reported that the experimental group valued their training
course highly in terms of their laparoscopic surgical skills improvement, and the use
of VR simulators in the surgical curriculum, but no statistical analysis was shown.
TEP hernia repair

Randomised controlled trials

Hamilton et al. (2001) reported that questionnaire outcomes after training revealed
that 10 of 10 residents in the TEP hernia repair curriculum trained group felt their
ability to perform a laparoscopic TEP hernia repair improved over the study period
compared with 5 of 11 in the control group (100% vs. 45.5%, P= 0.01). Additionally,
all the residents in the trained group (100%) reported that their understanding of the
operation improved over the month of the training compared with 5 of 11 residents
(45.5%) in the control group (p = 0.01). Compared with controls, residents in the
trained group also expressed an increased willingness to offer laparoscopic TEP
hernia repairs to patients with concurrent, unilateral hernias (p = 0.02).

Surgical confidence
To determine the level of surgical confidence of participants included in the studies,
investigators either administered a survey to participants after the training period or
evaluated them during the patient-based assessment operation.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Three studies reported outcomes for the surgical confidence of trainees (Scott et al.
2000; Tuggy 1998; Edmond 2002) (Table 24).


Table 24 Patient-based assessments: surgical confidence

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Scott et al. Intervention N = 27* Number of residents comfortable with laparoscopic skills (n/N)
2000 Baseline Final
SCMIS GEM 13 5/9 8/9
Level II No training 9 3/13 6/13
P-value NR NS
After training, 9/9 felt that training had improved their video-eye-hand coordination
and 8/9 felt that training had improved their operating skills.
Tuggy 1998 Intervention N = 10 Gained confidence for live patient examination
Strongly Agree (%) Neutral Disagree (%) Strongly
Level II agree (%) disagree (%)
Gastro-Sim® 5 55 45 0 0 0
No training 5 NA NA NA NA NA
Endoscopic sinus surgery
Edmond 2002 Intervention N=4 Surgical confidence†, mean rating ± SD
Baseline After training
Level III-2 ESS simulator 2 NA 6.5 ± 0.7
No training 2 NA 2.8 ± 0.2
P-value NA 0.09
* 5 lost to assessment; Trained group n = 4, Control group n = 1.
† Measured by assessing surgeons on a scale of 1 (adequate) to 10 (perfect).

NA not applicable
NR not reported
NS not significant
SD standard deviation

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Scott et al. (2000) reported that when initially asked if they felt comfortable with their
laparoscopic skills, 3 of 13 control residents and 5 of 9 SCMIS GEM trained
residents replied ‘yes’. On the completion questionnaire, 6 of 13 control residents
and 8 of 9 trained residents felt comfortable with their laparoscopic skills at the end
of the rotation. Of those who were not comfortable with their laparoscopic skills at
baseline, 3 of 10 in the control group were comfortable at the end of the rotation, in
contrast to 3 of 4 in the trained group, however this difference was not statistically
significant. After training, 9 of 9 residents improved their hand-eye-hand
coordination and 8 of 9 felt that the training had improved their skills in the
operating room.

Randomised controlled trials

Tuggy (1998) administered a survey to participants that underwent Gastro-Sim®
flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator training. Responses showed that 55% strongly
agreed and 45% agreed with the statement ‘gained confidence for live patient
examination’. No statistical analysis was done on this survey data.


Endoscopic sinus surgery

Non-randomised comparative studies

Edmond (2002) reported no significant differences between the simulator-trained
group and controls for surgical confidence as rated by the assessing surgeons.

Training costs
The reporting of costs in relation to the purchase of surgical simulators, as well as
cost savings, if any, associated with their use, varied between studies.

Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Randomised controlled trials

Scott et al. (2000) indicated that the price range for the SCMIS GEM ranged from
$US215,000 to $US285,000 (depending on the quality of video-imaging equipment
installed). The authors stated that at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical
centre, 186 residents trained in general surgery, urology, and gynaecology and the
cost of training residents using the video-trainer was $US270 per graduating resident.
They then compared this figure to a published study by Bridges and Diamond 1999
that estimated the cost of operating room time to train residents to be approximately
$US48,000 per graduating resident, and stated that training outside of the operating
room, using a video-trainer such as the SCMIS GEM seems cost effective.

Randomised controlled trials

Ahlberg et al. (2005) believe that the eventual training effect from using a simulator
similar to the one used in the study (the AccuTouch® flexible endoscopy simulator
at a unit cost of approximately $US100,000) is obvious and substantial.
Cohen et al. (2006b) found that the benefits of simulator training levelled off after
approximately 80 cases, and subsequently asked whether the purchase cost of a
simulator of $US50,000 or more can be justified. The authors suggest that
simulators may have a greater value in training practitioners who have access to fewer
cases during their formal training than colonoscopy residents.
Sedlack and Kolars (2004) observed an increase in staff productivity during the time
that Fellows trained on the AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator. They equated that
the nine additional staff-performed colonoscopies translated into approximately
$US4,200 of recaptured education dollars per Fellow (calculations based on 2002
Medicare reimbursement data of $US466 per colonoscopy [$US216 physician fee,
plus $US250 facility fee]). The cost of colonoscopy simulators, was estimated to be
between $US30,000 and $US45,000 (these costs include the simulator platform and
lower endoscopy software only), which needs to be balanced with the recaptured
procedure revenue.


Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease

Randomised controlled trials

Chaer et al. (2006b) discussed the cost versus benefit of Procedicus VIST™
simulation. The average cost of available simulators is approximately $US200,000 to
$US400,000 which includes a variety of software material for carotid, renal and
iliofemoral interventions. They used the published estimated training cost of
approximately $US50,000 per surgical resident over a training period of four years
(due to increased operative time and decreased efficiency that occur when operating
with a trainee) (Bridges and Diamond 1999) to argue that a durable benefit of
simulation (even beyond the two cases described here) would likely need to be
established before any cost advantage would be recognised. They suggested shared
use of regional simulation centres would be a practical alternative to all institutions
having a simulator.
TEP hernia repair

Randomised controlled trials

Hamilton et al. (2001) stated that after the initial cost of the training system is met,
this type of ex vivo system is relatively inexpensive, due to the reusable nature of all
components of the curriculum.

Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training


Randomised controlled trials

Gerson and van Dam, estimated that the cost of VR sigmoidoscopy simulator was
$US50,000 (cited as personal communication, Immersion Medical Inc in article).


5. Discussion

Limitations of the evidence

The purpose of this systematic review was to assess whether skills acquired using
simulation-based training transfer to the operative setting. It has included studies
irrespective of the type of patient-based assessment procedure, or type of simulation.
Many factors determine the transfer of skills, including those that relate to the
simulator design and functionality (see Appendix E for a summary) and the way that
it is used as a training device, including pre-learning, the nature and type of
proximate and summative feedback, and opportunities for reinforcement of learning.
In practice, this means that the evidence for transference reported in this review
cannot be attributed to the simulators alone.
Simulation-based training was, in most cases, an add-on to normal surgical training
programs. In one instance only (Gerson and van Dam 2003) was simulation-based
training compared with structured patient-based training. This study design was
quite different to the other studies, and resulted in the study being treated separately
in this review.
Determining the training methods used in some studies was made difficult because
the terms ‘traditional teaching’ or ‘bedside teaching’ were used to represent groups
who did not receive simulation-based training but did participate in normal surgical
training. In addition to this, it was difficult to delineate between different phases of
some studies (Cohen et al. 2006b; Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al. 2004),
because patient-based procedures that were assessed were referred to as training and
not assessment.
Reporting of methodological detail in the included studies was generally inadequate
(Appendix F provides a summary of the critical appraisal). More than half of the
RCTs did not report the method of randomisation, allocation concealment, intention
to treat, power calculations, losses to assessment, study period, and exclusion criteria.
In addition to this, three of the RCTs did not blind assessors to the training status of
the participants (Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Tuggy 1998; Gerson and van Dam 2003).
Only three studies reported power calculations for the minimum number of patients
or procedures required to detect significant differences between the trained and
untrained groups (Scott et al. 2000; Cohen et al. 20006; Gerson and van Dam 2003).
The sample sizes within the included studies were generally quite small, with the
study groups in all but one RCT (Cohen et al. 2006b) having less than 20 participants
per group. Six of the included studies had less than 10 participants per group.
Simple statistical analyses were generally used within the studies, and there was
multiple testing of many variables within each study, often over a number of
procedures, or over a number of assessments (Table 3). This increases the likelihood
of type I error. The small sample sizes were acknowledged within many of the


studies and were attributed to the relatively small numbers of surgical trainees
available to participate. This may be an unavoidable limitation in studies of
psychomotor skill training in surgery.
Two studies (Grantcharov et al. 2004; Seymour et al. 2002) modified a previously
validated global rating scale for the assessment of surgical performance, which may
have compromised the validity of the results. One of these studies (Gratcharov et al.
2004) modified the global rating scale substantially by combining performance
There were large variations in the length of time participants were trained (Table 4)
and varied from less than two hours (Chaer et al. 2006) to unlimited access to the
simulator (Gerson and van Dam 2003). It can be argued that the short duration of
simulation-based training may have resulted in a positive transfer effect not being
evident, although simulator-trained groups did not always show superiority over
groups who did not have the training. The end-points of training were often ill-
defined and were not consistent between studies, making it difficult to comment on
the skill level at the end of the training.
Statistical comparisons between studies was made difficult because of other factors
that were not consistent between the studies. Variables in the operating room such
as differences in the severity of patient disease, the degree of independence granted
by clinicians and various staff assistants, the mentoring given to residents during the
training period, and the complexity of the assessment operations, differed between
studies. The different parameters measured during the assessment operations were
often ill-defined, making direct comparisons between studies difficult. In addition to
this, there may have been pre-existing faculty assessor bias about individual resident’s
abilities that may have influenced their evaluations and the results of the studies
(Hamilton et al. 2001). Inherent differences between participants used for these
studies will always exist, and include variations in hand-eye skills between trainees
(Ahlberg et al. 2005) and the ability of some trainees to learn and master techniques
faster than others (Chaer et al. 2006).
The adjustments made for any baseline differences were not uniform between
studies, making direct comparisons in changes in performance difficult. Some
studies did not perform baseline testing of participants, while some others used the
device used for training, or the performance of the assessment procedure, or both.
Using the simulator, or a patient for baseline testing in itself allows a participant to
gain familiarity with the procedure or device, and hence can lead to improvements in
clinical performance. This was evident in Hamilton et al. (2001) where untrained
controls also improved their performance over the study period. The authors
attributed the improvement in the control group over time to a progression in skill
and knowledge just by performing resident duties, and because they may have
studied the subject more than they normally would have to compare favourably with
their trained counterparts. Not withstanding these considerations, the improvements
seen in the simulation-trained group significantly exceeded those observed in the


untrained group for almost all the measured parameters. Similarly, Scott et al. (2000)
stated that improvement in the control group was expected because residents were
exposed to each task three times during the initial testing session and because they
were undergoing ‘on-the-job’ training while performing different operative cases on
their surgical rotation. Likewise, the improvements seen in the simulation-trained
group significantly outweighed those observed in the control group for many of the
parameters measured.
Although training methods and training duration varied, participants who trained
using simulation improved their simulator performance over time, as indicated by
direct improvements in performance parameters, reaching criterion levels, or the
completion of a certain number of simulated cases.

Transfer outcomes
Simulation-based training vs. no simulation-based training
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic surgery is particularly suited to technical skills training as it requires a
skill set based on instrumentation, depth perception, and fine motor control
(Valentine and Rege 2004; Villegas et al. 2003). Five studies were included for
laparoscopic cholecystectomy, covering three different modes of simulation (MIST-
VR, video-trainers and training course). The simulators in the studies taught simple
tasks and were of low fidelity, which are sufficient for novice learners, like those
included in the studies. There were large variations in assessment methods within
this intervention, with Scott et al. (2000) and Scott et al. (1999) assessing the
performance of the entire laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure, Schijven et al.
2005 and Grantcharov et al. (2004) assessing the clip and cut part of the procedure,
and Seymour et al. (2002) assessing only the gallbladder excision from the liver.
Despite these variations in assessment, participants who underwent simulation-based
training prior to conducting patient-based laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed
better than their counterparts who had no contact with the simulators. This
improvement was not universal for all the parameters measured however, but the
untrained group never outperformed the trained group.
Gallagher et al. (2005) suggest that the most valuable metrics that simulation-based
training can provide involve the measurement of errors. Two studies (with small
sample sizes) reported outcomes for errors during laparoscopic cholecystectomy
(Seymour et al. 2002; Grantcharov et al. 2004), and it was found that the trained
groups generally made fewer errors than untrained groups.
Supervising surgeon takeover was measured in one study (Seymour et al. 2002) and
referred to instances where a surgeon had to take control of the procedure. Events
such as these have large clinical significance, as they represent catastrophic failures in
technique, and the point where patient safety is compromised. Simulation-trained


participants had fewer instances of supervising surgeon takeover than untrained

participants (level of significance, if any, was not reported). The flow-on effects of
skills failure in these settings would likely indicate other (both technical and
cognitive) breakdowns, but were not measured for ethical reasons. It is important
that surgical trainees are provided with sufficient technical and non-technical skills
training to reduce the incidence of error, which translates to improved patient safety.
The results of the studies for laparoscopic cholecystectomy indicate that skills
acquired on a simulator can subsequently transfer to a patient in an operating theatre.
Five studies were included for this intervention, covering three different modes of
simulation (AccuTouch®, GI Mentor™ and Gastro-Sim®) and a variety of training
durations. Simulation-based training prior to patient-based colonoscopy/
sigmoidoscopy appeared to provide participants some advantage over their untrained
colleagues. Sedlack and Kolars (2004), Cohen et al. (2006b) and Ahlberg et al. (2005)
showed that simulation-trained residents performed patient-based procedures
significantly better than untrained controls during the initial stages of learning, after
which there were no differences. This is an important finding, indicating that the
learning curve can be reduced by simulation-based training, and hence can reduce
risks to the patient of training.
The participants in the included studies had between six and 20 hours of training on
their respective simulators. In accordance with this, Tuggy (1998) showed that there
was a greater improvement in patient-based sigmoidoscopy skill after participants
received 10 hours of simulator training compared to when they had only received
five hours of training. One study (Sedlack et al. 2004) found no significant
differences between the simulator-trained and untrained groups for all but one
measured parameter (patient discomfort) during patient-based assessment.
Participants in this study received only 3 hours of training and this may not have
been sufficient to translate into a positive transfer effect. The results of these studies
indicate that the duration of training is very likely to be an important factor to the
transfer of simulator-based acquired skills to patients during colonoscopy/
sigmoidoscopy. The minimum case number recommended for competency in
patient-based flexible endoscopy by international endoscopic societies ranges from as
low as 50 to as high as 300 cases (Cass 1999).
Results for patient-assessed discomfort during colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy appeared
favourable for the simulator-trained group, with two out of three studies reporting
significant differences in patient discomfort, and one study showing a significant
difference in patient discomfort for the first block of 15 colonoscopies. When
assessed by the proctor, two studies reported no significant differences for patient
discomfort, whereas one study showed significant improvement in discomfort scores
for the initial stages of training. Drawing conclusions from this data is difficult, as
the pain relief given to patients before and during the procedures was not
standardised or documented in the studies. Sedlack and Kolars (2004) have


questioned patient clarity when completing questionnaires after a procedure

performed under sedation, and it has been suggested (Cohen et al. 2000) that the
recollection of pain may be influenced by the amount of sedation used, reflecting
operator skill and/or the practice of the supervising gastroenterologist.
Two studies measured differences in staff productivity when experienced staff were
in the presence and absence of trainees (Sedlack and Kolars 2004; Sedlack et al.
2004). These studies found that staff were able to conduct more procedures whilst
not in the presence of trainees (when trainees were training on the simulator), but no
statistical significance was reported for either study. Sedlack et al. (2004) reported an
increase in staff productivity during the time that participants trained on the
simulator, but at the same time found no significant difference in procedural skills
between the simulator-trained participants and controls. This could indicate that even
if simulation-based training provides no benefit greater than traditional training in
terms of procedural skill acquisition, endoscopy units and patients could still benefit
from increased productivity.
Catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease
For catheter-based intervention for occlusive vascular disease, training using
simulation (Procedicus VIST™ simulator) prior to patient-based procedures
appeared to show benefits indicating that transfer of skills is possible from a
simulator to a patient for this procedure. Improvement was seen in the completion
of specific steps during two catheter-based interventions, including improvements in
catheter and guidewire manipulation, catheter exchange and over-the-wire balloon
technique. There were also significant improvements in terms of supervising surgeon
takeover and the need for verbal prompts, further indicating the benefits of
simulation-based training.
TEP hernia repair
For TEP hernia repair, residents trained using the simulation-based curriculum
(consisting of a moulded rubber simulator, an instructional video and an interactive
CD ROM) showed a significant improvement in operative performance compared
with their untrained controls, suggesting that training using this curriculum can allow
the transfer of skills to the patient-based setting.
Endoscopic sinus surgery
There were no differences in performance of ESS simulator trained residents
compared with controls. This study had an unclear study methodology, a small
number of participants and did not clearly define the duration of training for the
included participants. The authors of this study stated that skills transfer was
occurring, but the lack of statistical significance for any of the measured parameters
does not allow for the same conclusion to be drawn for this review.


Simulation-based training vs. patient-based training

Only one study compared structured patient-based training with simulation-based
training (Gerson and van Dam 2003). This simulation-based training was not
supervised and participants were not mentored. This was the only study to compare
the methods currently being used to train surgeons with a completely non-patient-
based method. Participants who received training in the assessment procedure
exhibited better performance than those who had trained exclusively on a simulator
without any mentoring or supervision. In addition to reporting no clinical
improvement after simulation-based training, the authors also reported no
improvement in simulator performance during training (results not shown). The fact
that learning did not actually take place during the training period means that
transference could not be demonstrated.

Other considerations
One of the benefits of demonstrating successful skills transfer following simulation-
based training is the reduced need to use patients for training. This is likely to
increase patient safety, to address some risk management concerns, and to improve
operating theatre efficiency.
The development of technical skills is only one part of surgical training, and no single
parameter measured in a simulator can by itself demonstrate that a trainee has
acquired an expert level of proficiency or competence (Ahlberg et al. 2005). A good
example of this is performance time, which was measured by many of the included
studies. Although more rapid task completion is a recognised feature of expert
performance, measurement of this variable alone does not give any indication of the
quality of the task performed, and caution should be taken when interpreting it
without any additional objective quality data.
Gallagher et al. (2005) suggest that simulation-based training allows for the
development of the ‘pre-trained novice’; an individual who has been trained to the
point where many psychomotor skills and spatial judgments have been automated,
allowing them to focus more on learning operative strategy and how to handle
intraoperative complications, rather than wasting valuable operating room time on
the initial refinement of psychomotor skills.
With adequate pre-training, the trainee can gain maximum advantage from the
supervised opportunities for training in the operating room. Many skills (including
the cognitive skills of anatomical recognition, decision making, leadership, and
communication) must be incorporated into the training of a surgeon. The place of
simulation-based training in a rich curriculum incorporating these other skills, has yet
to be defined. Such a curriculum will use a range of skill training modalities, didactic
teaching methods and evaluation techniques (Alhberg et al. 2005). The aim of a
training program should be to integrate training for technical and non-technical skills


with team skills training in order to make the most effective use of available
resources and to maximise patient safety.
At the present time simulation-based training programs are often 'add-ons' to
traditional surgical training and they are often voluntary, which is reflected in the
included studies. Although data (survey data or subjective evidence) regarding the
participants’ views on training were positive (Schijven et al. 2005; Ahlberg et al. 2005;
Cohen et al. 2000; Tuggy 1998) (data not shown), they were volunteers, indicating a
pre-study willingness to participate. A study by Chang et al. (2007) found that when
given the opportunity to train in a simulation laboratory, many residents chose not to
use it for reasons relating to time, location and lack of interest. To increase
participation rates, and for simulation to be an effective part of a training curriculum,
the authors suggest that simulation-based training will need to be made mandatory,
and fully integrated within the curriculum (Gaba 2004). Other approaches to
improve participation in simulation-based training include training in a variety of
settings, the use of multi-disciplinary approaches (Dunkin et al. 2007), and to increase
motivation by using defined performance criteria to define specific training goals for
which to aim (Ahlberg et al. 2005).
The cost of providing simulation-based training is often used as an argument against
its use. It is difficult to comment on the cost of simulator-based training from the
included studies because of the variations in the devices and the cost of current
training methods (Haluck et al. 2005). In addition to this, no cost estimations were
reported for training curricula that used more than just a simulator as the training
tool; however, most authors agreed that it was important to justify the cost of
simulation-based training. Data is not yet available to demonstrate the money saved
through improved operating room efficiency and/or the reduced risk to patients.
The cost associated with the integration of simulation-based training into surgical
training programs will depend on the approach taken by organisations responsible
for surgical training (Gaba 2004). It is expected that the costs of simulation-based
training will decrease as it becomes viewed as an integral part of surgical training
(Villegas et al. 2003; Haluck et al. 2005).

Future research
The challenges to surgical training are substantial and simulation has the potential to
make a significant contribution to the evolution of surgical curriculum. It is very
important that further studies be undertaken to provide the best evidence to
determine how simulation-based training can be used in the most beneficial way.
It is recommended that further research be done into the transfer of skills acquired
via surgical simulation to the patient-based setting to strengthen the current evidence
base. While critical of the quality of study design in the included studies, it is
acknowledged that there are challenges in conducting RCTs in this area. One of these
is to bring the appropriate statistical and design discipline, as there is a tendency to
use criteria common within educational research, but which many in the surgical


community would view as being less stringent than those normally used in clinical
trials. Such challenges however, should not be used as an excuse to undertake
inferior studies, or provide a justification for inadequate reporting of methodological
detail. Similarly, they should not be deemed to justify avoiding a decision on the
utility of simulation-based training strategies.
Future studies will have the opportunity to explore other important dimensions to
the issue of skills transfer. These would include:
• the nature and duration of training required to deliver the greatest transfer effect
• the stage of training at which trainees receive maximum skill transfer benefits
from different forms of simulation,
• the effect of different levels of mentoring during the training period on transfer
rates, and
• changes in staff productivity as a result of surgical simulation-based training.


6. Conclusions and Recommendations

The aim of this systematic review was to determine whether skills acquired through
simulation-based training are transferable to the operative setting. The studies
included in this review were of variable quality and design, which limited the strength
of the conclusions. Overall the evidence available demonstrates that simulation-
based training results in skills transfer to the operative setting. It would therefore
appear that simulation-based training provides a safe, effective and ethical way for
trainees to acquire surgical skills before entering the operating room. Higher quality
studies are required to confirm these findings, and will need to examine different
simulation technologies, clinical procedures, training regimens and assessment
techniques, if the place of simulation-based training within surgical training programs
is to be determined.

Classification and Recommendations

The evidence-base in this review is rated as average. The included randomised
controlled trials and non-randomised comparative studies were limited by small
sample sizes and poor reporting of methodological detail. Outcomes were often not
comparable between studies.

Clinical and Research Recommendations

It is recommended that further research be done into the transfer of skills acquired
via surgical simulation-based training to the patient-based setting. Well designed
studies should be conducted to strengthen the current evidence base. Consistency in
training and assessment methods across studies would help provide further insight
into the benefits of surgical simulation-based training.

The authors wish to acknowledge Dr Karen Facey and Ms Prema Thavaneswaran for
their assistance during the preparation of this review. The ASERNIP-S project is
funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing and the
South Australian Department of Health.



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undergraduate teaching. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2002; 72: 910-912.
Reznek M, Harter T, Krummel T. Virtual reality and simulation: training the future
emergency physician. Academic Emergency Medicine 2002; 9: 78-87.

Reznick RK and MacRae H. Teaching surgical skills - changes in the wind. The New
England Journal of Medicine 2006; 355(25): 2664-2669.

Reznick RK, Regehr G, MacRae H, Martin J, McCulloch W. Testing technical skill

via an innovative 'bench station' examination. American Journal of Surgery. 1997;
173(3): 226-230.


Rivron RP and Maran AGD. The Edinburgh FESS trainer: A cadaver-based bench-
top practise system for endoscopic ethmoidal surgery. Clinical Otolaryngology &
Allied Sciences. 1991; 16(4): 426-429.

Roberts KE, Bell RL, Duffy AJ. Evolution of surgical skills training. World Journal of
Gastroenterology 2006; 12(20): 3219-3224.

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) (Eds). The Surgical Workforce

2005. Based on the 2005 census of the surgical workforce. March 2005.

Satava RM. Accomplishments and challenges of surgical simulation. Surgical Endoscopy

2001; 15(3): 232-241.

Satava RM, Gallagher AG, Pellegrini CA. Surgical competence and surgical
proficiency: Definitions, taxonomy, and metrics. Journal of the American College
of Surgeons. 2003; 196(6): 933-937.

Schijven MP and Jakimowicz J. The learning curve on the Xitact LS 500 laparoscopic
simulator: profiles of performance. Surgical Endoscopy 2003; 18: 121-127.

Schijven MP and Jakimowicz JJ. Validation of virtual reality simulators: Key to the
successful integration of a novel teaching technology into minimal access
surgery. Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies: Mitat. 2005; 14(4-5):

Schijven MP, Jakimowicz JJ, Broeders IA, Tseng LN. The Eindhoven laparoscopic
cholecystectomy training course - improving operating room performance
using virtual reality training: results from the first E.A.E.S. accredited virtual
reality trainings curriculum. Surgical Endoscopy 2005; 19(9): 1220-1226.

Scott DJ, Bergen PC, Euhus DM, Guo WA, Jeyarajah DR, Laycock R, Rege RV,
Tesfay ST, Thompson WM, Valentine RJ, Jones DB. Intense laparoscopic
skills training improves operative performance of surgery residents. American
College of Surgeons Surgical Forum 1999; 50(L): 670-671.

Scott DJ, Bergen PC, Rege RV, Laycock R, Tesfay ST, Valentine RJ, Euhus DM,
Jeyarajah DR, Thompson WM, Jones DB. Laparoscopic training on bench
models: Better and more cost effective than operating room experience?
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2000; 191(3): 272-283.

Sedlack RE and Kolars JC. Colonoscopy curriculum development and performance-

based assessment criteria on a computer-based endoscopy simulator. Academic
Medicine 2002; 77: 750-751.

Sedlack RE and Kolars JC. Validation of a computer-based colonoscopy simulator.

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2003; 57(2): 214-218.

Sedlack RE and Kolars JC. Computer simulator training enhances the competency of
gastroenterology fellows at colonoscopy: results of a pilot study. American
Journal of Gastroenterology 2004; 99(1): 33-37.

Sedlack RE, Kolars JC, Alexander JA. Computer simulation training enhances patient
comfort during endoscopy. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2004; 2: 348-

Sewell C, Morris D, Blevins N, Barbagli F, Salisbury K. An Event-Driven

Framework for the Simulation of Complex Surgical Procedures. Proceedings
of the International Conference on Medical Imaging Computing and
Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol II. St. Malo, France: 2004.

Seymour NE. Virtual reality in general surgical training. European Surgery - Acta
Chirurgica Austriaca Supplement. 2005; 37(5): 298-303.

Seymour NE, Gallagher AG, Roman SA, O'Brien MK, Bansal VK, Andersen DK,
Satava RM. Virtual reality training improves operating room performance:
results of a randomised, double-blinded study. Annals of Surgery 2002; 236(4):

Seymour NE and Rotnes JS. Challenges to the development of complex virtual

reality surgical simulations. Surgical Endoscopy 2006; 20(11): 1774-1777.

Srivastava S, Youngblood PL, Rawn C, Hariri S, Heinrichs WL, Ladd AL. Initial
evaluation of a shoulder arthroscopy simulator: establishing construct
validity. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2004; 13(2): 196-205.

Sutherland LM, Middleton PF, Anthony A, Hamdorf J, Cregan P, Scott D, Maddern

GJ. Surgical simulation: a systematic review. Annals of Surgery 2006; 243(3):

Tuggy ML. Virtual reality flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator training: impact on

resident performance. The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice 1998;
11(6): 426-433.

Valentine RJ and Rege RV. Integrating technical competency into the surgical
curriculum: doing more with less. Surgical Clinics of North America 2004; 84(6):

Van Sickle KR, Ritter EM, Smith CD. The pretrained novice: Using simulation-based
training to improve learning in the operating room. Surgical Innovation. 2006;
13(3): 198-204.

Villegas L, Schneider BE, Callery MP, Jones DB. Laparoscopic skills training. Surgical
Endoscopy 2003; 17(12): 1879-1888.

Wagh MS and Waxman I. Animal Models for Endoscopic Simulation. Gastrointestinal

Endoscopy Clinics of North America 2006; 16(3): 451-456.

Wong K and Stewart F. Competency-based training of basic surgical trainees using

human cadavers. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2004; 74: 639-642.

Woodrow SI, Segouin C, Armbruster J, Hamstra SJ, Hodges B. Duty hours reforms
in the United States, France, and Canada: Is it time to refocus our attention
on education? Academic Medicine 2006; 81(12): 1045-1051.


Appendix A – Excluded studies
The following articles were excluded from the methodological assessment as outlined
in the methods section of the review.
Excluded Studies

Study Reason for exclusion

Adrales GL, Chu UB, Witzke DB, Donnelly MB, Hoskins D, Mastrangelo Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
MJ, Jr., Gandsas A, Park AE. Evaluating minimally invasive surgery
training using low-cost mechanical simulations. Surgical Endoscopy 2003;
17(4): 580-585.
Aggarwal R, Grantcharov T, Moorthy K, Hance J, Darzi A. A competency- Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
based virtual reality training curriculum for the acquisition of laparoscopic
psychomotor skill. American Journal of Surgery 2006; 191: 128-133.
Ahlberg G, Heikkinen T, Iselius L, Leijonmarck CE, Rutqvist J, Arvidsson D. Assessment in animals
Does training in a virtual reality simulator improve surgical performance?
Surgical Endoscopy 2002; 16 (1): 126-129.
Ahlberg G, Kruuna O, Leijonmarck C-E, Ovaska J, Rosseland A, Sandbu Focus not on skills training
R, Stromberg C, Arvidsson D. Is the learning curve for laparoscopic
fundoplication determined by the teacher or the pupil? American Journal of
Surgery. 2005; 189(2): 184-189.
Alinier G. Determining the value of simulation in nurse education: study Not surgical
design and initial results. Nurse Education in Practice 2004; 4(3): 200-207.
Anastakis DJ, Regehr G, Reznick RK, Cusimano M, Murnaghan J, Brown Assessment in cadaver
M, Hutchison C. Assessment of technical skills transfer from the bench
training model to the human model. American Journal of Surgery 1999;
177(2): 167-170.
Andreatta PB, Woodrum DT, Birkmeyer JD, Yellamanchilla RK, Doherty Assessment in animals
GM, Gauger PG, Minter RM. Laparoscopic skills are improving with
LapMentor training: results of a randomised, double-blinded study. Annals
of Surgery 2006; 243(6): 854-863.
Avinash S, Abhay D, Ramkrishna P, Chetan K, Pritha B. Cadaver as a Assessment in animals
model for laparoscopic training. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2005;
24(2): 111-113.
Beard JD, Jolly BC, Newble DI, Thomas WE, Donnelly J, Southgate LJ. Focus not on skills training
Assessing the technical skills of surgical trainees. British Journal of Surgery
2005; 92(6): 778-782.
Biasutto SN, Caussa LI, Criado del Rio LE. Teaching anatomy: cadavers Assessment in cadaver
vs. computers? Annals of Anatomy 2006; 188(2): 187-190.
Blum MG, Powers TW, Sundaresan S. Bronchoscopy simulator effectively Not surgical
prepares junior residents to competently perform basic clinical
bronchoscopy. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2004; 78(1): 287-291.
Broe D, Ridgway PF, Johnson S, Tierney S, Conlon KC. Construct Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
validation of a novel hybrid surgical simulator. Surgical Endoscopy 2006;
20(6): 900-904.
Burgoyne L and Cyna A. Laryngeal mask vs intubating laryngeal mask: Not surgical
insertion and ventilation by inexperienced resuscitators. Anaesthesia &
Intensive Care 2001; 29(6): 604-608.
Carter MB, Wesley G, Larson GM. Didactic lecture versus instructional Not surgical
standardised patient interaction in the surgical clerkship. American Journal
of Surgery 2005; 189(2): 243-248.
Caversaccio M, Eichenberger A, Hausler R. Virtual simulator as a training Focus not on skills training
tool for endonasal surgery. American Journal Rhinology 2003; 17(5): 283-

Chapman DM, Rhee KJ, Marx JA, Honigman B, Panacek EA, Martinez D, Assessment in animals
Brofeldt BT, Cavanaugh SH. Open thoracotomy procedural competency:
Validity study of teaching and assessment modalities. Annals of
Emergency Medicine. 1996; 28(6): 641-647.
Clark JA, Volchok JA, Hazey JW, Ssadighi PJ, Fanelli RD. Initial Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
experience using an endoscopic simulator to train surgical residents in
flexible endoscopy in a community medical centre residency program.
Current Surgery 2005; 62(1): 59-63.
Datta V, Bann S, Beard J, Mandalia M, Darzi A. Comparison of bench test No comparison between groups
evaluations of surgical skill with live operating performance assessments.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2004; 199(4): 603-606.
Datta V, Bann S, Mandalia M, Darzi A. The surgical efficiency score: a Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
feasible, reliable, and valid method of skills assessment. American Journal
of Surgery 2006; 192(3): 372-378.
Datta V, Mackay S, Mandalia M, Darzi A. The use of electromagnetic Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
motion tracking analysis to objectively measure open surgical skill in the
laboratory-based model. Journal of the American College of Surgeons
2001; 193(5): 479-485.
Duffy AJ, Hogle NJ, McCarthy H, Lew JI, Egan A, Christos P, Fowler DL. Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Construct validity for the LAPSIM laparoscopic surgical simulator. Surgical
Endoscopy. 2005; 19(3): 401-405.
Fearn SJ, Burke K, Hartley DE, Semmens JB, Lawrence-Brown MMD. A Assessment in animals
laparoscopic access technique for endovascular procedures: Surgeon
training in an animal model. Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2006; 13(3):
Ford GS, Mazzone MA, Taylor K. Effect of computer-assisted instruction Not surgical
versus traditional modes of instruction on student learning of
musculoskeletal special tests. Journal of Physical Therapy Education 2005;
19(2): 22-30.
Fried GM, Derossis AM, Bothwell J, Sigman HH. Comparison of No comparison between groups
laparoscopic performance in vivo with performance measured in a
laparoscopic simulator. Surgical Endoscopy 1999; 13(11): 1077-1081.
Friedlich M, MacRae H, Oandasan I, Tannenbaum D, Batty H, Reznick R, Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Regehr G. Structured assessment of minor surgical skills (SAMSS) for
family medicine residents. Academic Medicine. 2001; 76(12): 1241-1246.
Gallagher AG, Smith CD, Bowers SP, Seymour NE, Pearson AMS, Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Hananel D, Satava RM. Psychomotor skills assessment in practicing
surgeons experienced in performing advanced laparoscopic procedures.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2003; 197: 479-488.

Goldmann K and Steinfeldt T. Acquisition of basic fiberoptic intubation skills Case series
with a virtual reality airway simulator. Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia 2006;
18(3): 173-178.
Grantcharov TP, Rosenberg J, Pahle E, Funch-Jensen P. Virtual reality Assessment in animals
computer simulation: An objective method for the evaluation of
laparoscopic surgical skills. Surgical Endoscopy 2001; 15(3): 242-244.
Grober ED, Hamstra SJ, Wanzel KR, Reznick RK, Matsumoto ED, Sidhu Assessment in animals
RS, Jarvi KA. Laboratory based training in urological microsurgery with
bench model simulators: a randomised controlled trial evaluating the
durability of technical skill. Journal of Urology 2004; 172(1): 378-381.

Grober ED, Hamstra SJ, Wanzel KR, Reznick RK, Matsumoto ED, Sidhu Assessment in animals
RS, Jarvi KA. The educational impact of bench model fidelity on the
acquisition of technical skill: the use of clinically relevant outcome
measures. Annals of Surgery 2004; 240(2): 374-381.
Halvorsen FH, Elle OJ, Dalinin VV, Mork BE, Sorhus V, Rotnes JS, Fosse Assessment in animals
E. Virtual reality simulator training equals mechanical robotic training in
improving robot-assisted basic suturing skills. Surgical Endoscopy. 2006;
20(10): 1565-1569.

Hamad MA, Mentges B, Buess G. Laparoscopic sutured anastomosis of Assessment in animals
the bowel. Surgical Endoscopy 2003; 17(11): 1840-1844.
Hamilton EC, Scott DJ, Fleming JB, Rege RV, Laycock R, Bergen PC, No untrained group
Tesfay ST, Jones DB. Comparison of video trainer and virtual reality
training systems on acquisition of laparoscopic skills. Surgical Endoscopy
2002; 16(3): 406-411.
Hance J, Aggarwal R, Moorthy K, Munz Y, Undre S, Darzi A. Assessment Assessment in animals
of psychomotor skills acquisition during laparoscopic cholecystectomy
courses. American Journal of Surgery 2005; 190(3): 507-511.
Hariri S, Rawn C, Srivastava S, Youngblood P, Ladd A. Evaluation of a Not skills training
surgical simulator for learning clinical anatomy. Medical Education 2004;
38(8): 896-902.
Hart R, Doherty DA, Karthigasu K, Garry R. The value of virtual reality- Assessment in animals
simulator training in the development of laparoscopic surgical skills. Journal
of Minimally Invasive Gynaecology 2006; 13(2): 126-133.
Heinrich M, Tillo N, Kirlum HJ, Till H. Comparison of different training Assessment in animals
models for laparoscopic surgery in neonates and small infants. Surgical
Endoscopy 2006; 20: 641-644.
Henkel TO, Potempa DM, Rassweiler J, Manegold BC, Alken P. Lap Focus not on skills training
simulator, animal studies, and the Laptent. Bridging the gap between open
and laparoscopic surgery. Surgical Endoscopy 1993; 7(6): 539-543.
Hochberger J, Matthes K, Maiss J, Koebnick C, Hahn EG, Cohen J. Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Training with the compactEASIE biologic endoscopy simulator significantly
improves hemostatic skill of gastroenterology Fellows: a randomised
controlled comparison with clinical endoscopy training alone.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2005; 61(2): 204-215.
Hyltander A, Liljegren E, Rhodin PH, Lonroth H. The transfer of basic skills Assessment in animals
learned in a laparoscopic simulator to the operating room. Surgical
Endoscopy 2002; 16(9): 1324-1328.
Jacomides L, Ogan K, Cadeddu JA, Pearle MS. Use of a virtual reality Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
simulator for ureteroscopy training. Journal of Urology 2004; 171(1): 320-
Kimara T, Kawabe A, Suzuki K, Wada H. Usefulness of a virtual reality Assessment in animals
simulator or training box for endoscopic surgery training. Surgical
Endoscopy 2006; 20: 656-659.
Knudson MM and Sisley AC. Training residents using simulation Not surgical
technology: experience with ultrasound for trauma. Journal of Trauma
2000; 48(4): 659-665.
Korndorffer J, Jr., Dunne JB, Sierra R, Stefanidis D, Touchard CL, Scott Assessment in animals
DJ. Simulator training for laparoscopic suturing using performance goals
translates to the operating room. Journal of the American College of
Surgeons. 2005; 201(1): 23-29.
Korndorffer JR, Jr., Hayes DJ, Dunne JB, Sierra R, Touchard CL, Markert Assessment in animals
RJ, Scott DJ. Development and transferability of a cost-effective
laparoscopic camera navigation simulator. Surgical Endoscopy 2005;
19(2): 161-167.
Korndorffer JR, Stefanidis D, Scott DJ. Laparoscopic skills laboratories: Focus not on skills training
current assessment and a call for resident training standards. American
Journal of Surgery 2006; 191(1): 17-22.
Kothari SN, Kaplan BJ, DeMaria EJ, Broderick TJ, Merrell RC. Training in Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
laparoscopic suturing skills using a new computer-based virtual reality
simulator (MIST-VR) provides results comparable to those with an
established pelvic trainer system. Journal of Laparoendoscopic &
Advanced Surgical Techniques. Part A. 2002; 12(3): 167-173.
Larsson A. Intracorporeal suturing and knot tying in surgical simulation. Focus not on skills training
Studies in Health Technology Information 2001; 81: 266-271.
Lee SK. Trauma assessment training with a patient simulator: a Not surgical
prospective, randomised study. Journal of Trauma 2003; 55(4): 651-657.

Lehmann KS, Ritz JP, Maass H, Cakmak HK, Kuehnapfel UG, Germer CT, Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Bretthauer G, Buhr HJ. A prospective randomised study to test the transfer
of basic psychomotor skills from virtual reality to physical reality in a
comparable training setting. Annals of Surgery 2005; 241(3): 442-449.

Madam AK, Frantzides CT, Shervin N, Tebbit CL. Assessment of individual Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
hand performance in box trainers compared to virtual reality trainers. The
American Surgeon 2003; 69: 1112-1114.
Madan AK, Frantzides CT, Tebbit C, Quiros RM. Participants' opinions of Assessment in animals
laparoscopic training devices after a basic laparoscopic training course.
American Journal of Surgery 2005; 189(6): 758-761.
Maiss J, Dumser C, Zopf Y, Naegel A, Krauss N, Hochberger J, Matthes K, Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Hahn EG, Schwab D. "Hemodynamic efficacy" of two endoscopic clip
devices used in the treatment of bleeding vessels, tested in an
experimental setting using the compact Erlangen Active Simulator for
Interventional Endoscopy (compactEASIE) training model. Endoscopy
2006; 38(6): 575-580.
Maiss J, Wiesnet J, Proeschel A, Matthes K, Prat F, Cohen J, Chaussade Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
S, Sautereau D, Naegel A, Krauss N, Peters A, Hahn EG, Hochberger J.
Objective benefit of a 1-day training course in endoscopic hemostasis using
the "compactEASIE" endoscopy simulator. Endoscopy 2005; 37(6): 552-
Martin JA, Regehr G, Reznick RK, MacRae H, Murnaghan J, Hutchison C, Focus not on skills training
Brown M. Objective structured assessment of technical skills (OSATS) for
surgical residents. British Journal of Surgery 1997; 84(2): 273-278.
Matsumoto ED, Kondraske GV, Ogan K, Jacomides L, Wilhelm DM, Pearle Assessment in cadaver
MS, Cadeddu JA. Assessment of basic human performance resources
predicts performance of ureteroscopy. American Journal of Surgery 2006;
191(6): 817-820.
McClusky DA, III, Ritter EM, Lederman AB, Gallagher AG, Smith CD. Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Correlation between perceptual, visuo-spatial, and psychomotor aptitude to
duration of training required to reach performance goals on the MIST-VR
surgical simulator. The American Surgeon 2005; 71(1): 13-20.

Molinas CR, Binda MM, Mailova K, Koninckx PR. The rabbit nephrectomy Case series
model for training in laparoscopic surgery. Human Reproduction 2004;
19(1): 185-190.
Moorthy K, Mansoori M, Bello F, Hance J, Undre S, Munz Y, Darzi A. Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Evaluation of the benefit of VR simulation in a multi-media web-based
educational tool. Studies in Health Technology Information 2004; 98: 247-
Moorthy K, Munz Y, Adams S, Pandey V, Darzi A, Imperial C. Self- Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
assessment of performance among surgical trainees during simulated
procedures in a simulated operating theatre. American Journal of Surgery
2006; 192(1): 114-118.
Munz Y, Kumar BD, Moorthy K, Bann S, Darzi A. Laparoscopic virtual Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
reality and box trainers: is one superior to the other? Surgical Endoscopy
2004; 18(3): 485-494.
Nadu A, Olsson LE, Abbou CC. Simple model for training in the Results for two groups not reported
laparoscopic vesicourethral running anastomosis. Journal of Endourology separately
2003; 17(7): 481-484.
Ogan K, Jacomides L, Shulman MJ, Roehrborn CG, Cadeddu JA, Pearle Assessment in cadaver
MS. Virtual ureteroscopy predicts ureteroscopic proficiency of medical
students on a cadaver. Journal of Urology 2004; 172(2): 667-671.
Ost D, DeRosiers A, Britt EJ, Fein M, Lesser L, Mehta AC. Assessment of Not surgical
a bronchoscopy simulator. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical
Care 2001; 164: 2248-2255.

O'Toole RV, Playter RR, Krummel TM, Blank WC, Cornelius NH, Roberts Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
WR, Bell WJ, Raibert M. Measuring and developing suturing technique with
a virtual reality surgical simulator. Journal of the American College of
Surgeons 1999; 189(1): 114-127.
Paisley AM, Baldwin PJ, Paterson-Brown S. Validity of surgical simulation Results for two groups not reported
for the assessment of operative skill. British Journal of Surgery 2001; separately
88(11): 1525-1532.
Peugnet F, Dubois P, Rouland JF. Virtual reality versus conventional Not surgical
training in retinal photocoagulation: a first clinical assessment. Computer
Aided Surgery 1998; 3(1): 20-26.
Richards C, Rosen J, Hannaford B, Pellegrini C, Sinanan M. Skills No comparison between groups
evaluation in minimally invasive surgery using force/torque signatures.
Surgical Endoscopy 2000; 14(9): 791-798.
Ritter ME, McClusky DA, Gallagher AG, Enochsson L, Smith D. Perceptual, Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
visuospatial, and psychomotor abilities correlate with duration of training
required on a virtual-reality flexible endoscopy simulator. American Journal
of Surgery 2006; 192: 379-384.

Rosenthal R, Gantert WA, Scheidegger D, Oertli D. Can skills assessment Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
on a virtual reality trainer predict a surgical trainee's talent in laparoscopic
surgery? Surgical Endoscopy 2006; 20(8): 1286-1290.
Rossi JV, Verma D, Fujii GY, Lakhanpal RR, Wu SL, Humayun MS, De Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Juan E Jr. Virtual vitreoretinal surgical simulator as a training tool. Retina
2004; 24(2): 231-236.
Rulli F, Cina G, Galata G, Cina A, Vincenzoni C, Fiorentino A, Farinon AM. Not skills training
Teaching subfascial perforator veins surgery: Survey on a 2-day hands-on
course. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2004; 74(12): 1116-1119.
Scerbo MW, Schmidt EA, Bliss JP. Comparison of a virtual reality simulator No untrained group
and simulated limbs for phlebotomy training. Journal of Infusion Nursing
2006; 29(4): 214-224.
Schijven MP and Jakimowicz J. The learning curve on the Xitact LS 500 Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
laparoscopy simulator: profiles of performance. Surgical Endoscopy 2004;
18(1): 121-127.
Scott DJ, Rege RV, Bergen PC, Guo WDA, Laycock R, Tesfay ST, Focus not on skills training
Valentine RJ, Jones DB. Measuring operative performance after
laparoscopic skills training: Edited videotape versus direct observation.
Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques -Part A
2000; 10(4): 183-190.
Seymour NE. Integrating simulation into a busy residency program. Assessment in animals
Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technology 2005; 14(4): 280-286.
Smeak DD, Beck ML, Shaffer CA, Gregg CG. Evaluation of video tape and Assessment in animals
a simulator for instruction of basic surgical skills. Veterinary Surgery 1991;
20(1): 30-36.
Srivastava S, Youngblood PL, Rawn C, Hariri S, Heinrichs WL, Ladd AL. Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Initial evaluation of a shoulder arthroscopy simulator: establishing construct
validity. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2004; 13(2): 196-205.
Stefanidis D, Sierra R, Korndorffer JR, Jr., Dunne JB, Markley S, Touchard Case series
CL, Scott DJ. Intensive continuing medical education course training on
simulators results in proficiency for laparoscopic suturing. American Journal
of Surgery 2006; 191(1): 23-27.
Strom P, Hedman L, Sarna L, Kjellin A, Wredmark T, Fellander-Tsai L. Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
Early exposure to haptic feedback enhances performance in surgical
simulator training: a prospective randomised crossover study in surgical
residents. Surgical Endoscopy 2006; 20(9): 1383-1388.

Suzuki N, Thomas-Gibson S, Vance M, Fraser C, Swain D, Schofield G, Case series
Saunders BP. Efficacy of an accelerated colonoscopy training week: Audit
from one national colonoscopy training centre in the UK. Digestive
Endoscopy. 2006; 18(4): 288-293.
Torkington J, Smith SG, Rees BI, Darzi A. Skill transfer from virtual reality Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
to a real laparoscopic task. Surgical Endoscopy 2001; 15(10): 1076-1079.
Van Sickle KR, Ritter EM, Smith CD. The pre-trained novice: Using Assessment in animals
simulation-based training to improve learning in the operating room.
Surgical Innovation 2006; 13(3): 198-204.
Verdaasdonk EG, Stassen LP, van Wijk RP, Dankelman J. The influence of Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
different training schedules on the learning of psychomotor skills for
endoscopic surgery. Surgical Endoscopy 2006;
Watterson JD, Beiko DT, Kuan JK, Denstedt JD. Randomised prospective Assessed in a simulator/via simulation
blinded study validating acquisition of ureteroscopy skills using computer
based virtual reality endourological simulator. Journal of Urology 2002;
168(5): 1928-1932.
Wong K and Stewart F. Competency-based training of basic surgical Case series
trainees using human cadavers. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2004; 74(8): 639-
Woodrum DT, Andreatta PB, Yellamanchilli RK, Feryus L, Gauger PG, Case series
Minter RM. Construct validity of the LapSim laparoscopic surgical
simulator. American Journal of Surgery 2006; 191(1): 28-32.
Youngblood PL, Srivastava S, Curet M, Heinrichs WL, Dev P, Wren SM. Assessment in animals
Comparison of training on two laparoscopic simulators and assessment of
skills transfer to surgical performance. Journal of the American College of
Surgeons 2005; 200(4): 546-551.


Appendix B – Hierarchy of evidence

Level of Evidence Study Design

I Evidence obtained from a systematic review of all relevant randomised controlled trials.
II Evidence obtained from at least one properly designed randomised controlled trial.
Evidence obtained from well-designed pseudo-randomised controlled trials (alternate
allocation or some other method).
Evidence obtained from comparative studies (including systematic reviews of such studies)
III-2 with concurrent controls and allocation not randomised, cohort studies, case-control studies,
or interrupted time-series with a control group.
Evidence obtained from comparative studies with historical control, two or more single arm
studies, or interrupted time series without a parallel control group.
IV Evidence obtained from case-series, either post-test or pre-test/post-test.


Appendix C – Methodological assessment and study design tables
Appendix C.1 Study design tables – MIST-VR training vs. no simulator training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Grantcharov et al. 2004 Objective: To investigate whether laparoscopic skills acquired on MIST- Randomised controlled trial Sample size: n = 20
VR transfer to performance of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. • Training: n = 10
Location Method of randomisation: not stated • Control: n = 10
Department of Surgical Pre-Test:
Gastroenterology, 16 surgical residents performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy on Allocation concealment: sealed envelopes Baseline characteristics of participants:
Aarhus University, and patients under supervision of experienced surgeon. Training Control
Department of Surgical Level of evidence: II Sex ratio (M:F) 5:3 5:3
Gastroenterology, Intervention: Age (yrs) 36.5 (31 – 40) 36.5 (32 –
University of Participants then randomised: Blinding: supervising surgeon blinded during assessment operation. 44)
Copenhagen at • Training: MIST-VR: 10 repetitions of all 6 tasks: 1) grasp Assessors blinded to training status and performed evaluation Time since 7 (4-10) 7 (5 – 14)
Hvidovre, Glostrup, and virtual sphere and place in virtual box, 2) grasp virtual sphere, independently. graduation (yrs)*
Gentofte Hospitals. transfer instrument and place in virtual box, 3) grasp No of previous 6 (2 -7) 4 (0 – 8)
alternative segments of virtual pipe, 4) grasp virtual sphere, Intention to treat: not stated laparoscopic
Denmark touch it with tip of other instrument, withdraw and reinsert, and cholecystectomies
once more touch sphere, 5) grasp sphere, touch virtual plates Power calculation: not stated performed*
by other instrument and virtual diathermy them away with *Values are median (range)
pedal 6) combines actions of 4) and 5). Lost to assessment: n = 4 (video recorder malfunction)
• Control: No simulator training. • Training: n = 2 Inclusion: general surgical residents
• Control: n = 2
Time to assessment: within 14 days of training. Exclusion: not stated
Study period: August 2000 – August 2002
Assessment: Details of patients for live assessment: not stated
All participants again performed a supervised laparoscopic Outcome measures: rating scale (validated) only assessed
cholecystectomy on patients. psychomotor skills:
Both operative procedures recorded on video tape and assessed • Time to complete procedure
independently by 2 senior surgeons using predefined rating scales. Only • Error score
part of the procedure was assessed starting from the point at which clips • Economy of movement
were applied to the cystic artery and cystic duct, finishing with dissection
of the gallbladder from the liver bed.

MIST-VR: Mentice Medical Simulation, Gothenburg, Sweden

Appendix C.1 Study design tables – Procedicus VIST™ training vs. no simulator training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Chaer et al. 2006 Objective: To measure the effectiveness of simulator training on the Randomised controlled trial Sample size: n = 20
performance of catheter-based interventions by surgical residents. • Training: n = 10
Location Method of randomisation: not stated • Control: n = 10
Columbia University, All participants:
Weill Cornell Division of All participants were provided with didactic teaching in the form of reading Allocation concealment: sealed envelopes Baseline characteristics of participants: information
Vascular Surgery, New material and a lecture on catheter-based intervention. collected but data not shown
York Presbyterian An entrance survey was performed to determine demographics as well as Level of evidence: II
Hospital, New York. previous experiences. Inclusion: general surgical residents with no prior
All participants were administered a visuospatial evaluation consisting of Intention to treat: not stated endovascular experience
USA a card rotation and a cube comparison (Educating Testing Service,
Princeton, NJ) to evaluate pre-study differences between the capability of Power calculation: not stated Exclusion: not stated
residents to perceive 3 dimensional structures.
Lost to assessment: not stated Details of patients for live assessment: not stated
Participants then randomised: Study period: not stated
• Training: Procedicus VIST™, computer-based, haptic
simulator for standardised iliofemerol angioplasty/stenting. Blinding: assessing vascular surgeon blinded to training status
Supervision present. Endpoint of simulation training was
independent completion of the procedure by the participant Outcome measures: criteria assessed included:
with proficiency in all basic endovascular techniques. Training • Time and motion
was not allowed to exceed 2 hours. • Wire and catheter handling
• Control: No simulator training. • Awareness of wire position
• Maintenance of wire stability
Time to assessment: within 14 days of randomisation. • Awareness of fluoroscopy usage
• Precision or wire/catheter technique
Assessment: • Flow of operation
All participants performed 2 consecutive catheter based interventions for • Knowledge of procedure
lower extremity occlusive disease supervised by a blinded attending • Quality of final product
vascular surgeon.
• Ability to complete the case
Assessment was done by the attending vascular surgeon using an 18
• Need for verbal prompts
step checklist of the required steps for a standard catheter based
intervention as well as a global rating scale of the participant’s • Attending takeover
endovascular technique and ability (validated). All participants were
verbally guided through the steps of the procedure by the attending
surgeon while their technical skills were assessed.

Procedicus VIST™ (Mentice, Inc., Evanston, IL). Desktop PC (Intel Xeon
2.66 GHz, 1 GB RAM, nVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP 8X) with 3-D
software of the human arterial system. This is coupled to a haptic module
utilising a force feedback system. The instructional system is displayed
on a touch screen monitor and a simulated fluoroscopic image is
displayed on a second monitor).
Appendix C.1 Study design tables – Total extraperitoneal (TEP) hernia repair curriculum training vs. no TEP hernia repair curriculum training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Hamilton et al. 2001 Objective: To evaluate the impact of a laparoscopic hernia repair Randomised controlled trial Sample Size: 21
curriculum on resident surgeons’ operative performance and confidence • Training: n = 10
Location with a laparoscopic TEP hernia repair. Randomisation method: not stated • Control: n = 11
Southwestern Centre
for Minimally Invasive Participants: Allocation concealment: not stated Baseline characteristics of participants: not stated
Surgery, Department of All participants completed a questionnaire regarding baseline operative
Surgery, University of experience and familiarity and comfort with total extraperitoneal (TEP) Level of evidence: II Gender Mix: not stated
Texas Southwestern hernia repair.
Medical Centre, Dallas, Intention to treat: not stated Inclusion Criteria: 3rd and 4th year surgery residents on
Texas. Pre-test: surgical rotation.
All performed a laparoscopic TEP hernia repair during week 1 of a Power calculation: not stated
USA general surgery rotation; baseline performance evaluated by 1 of 4 faculty Exclusion Criteria: not stated
members using a validated global assessment tool. Each operation Follow-up: not stated
performed under guidance of a faculty surgeon who served as both first Details of patients for live assessment: not stated
assistant and assessor. Participants were encouraged to work as Lost to assessment: not stated
independently as possible.
Study period: January 2000 – March 2001
Participants randomised to two groups: Blinding: evaluators blinded to participants training status
• Training: 10 separate 30 minute sessions over a 2 week
period. Training included a detailed instructional video Outcome measures: performance measures for laparoscopic TEP
(watched once at beginning and once at end of study); an hernia repair:
interactive CD-ROM; and a moulded rubber hernia simulator • Respect for tissue
(alternate daily instruction via CD-ROM and simulator). • Time and motion
• Control: TEP hernia repair curriculum training. • Instrument handling
• Knowledge of instruments
Time to assessment: after completion of 2 weeks of training. • Flow of operation
• Use of assistants
Assessment: • Knowledge of specific procedure
Participants were tested after the training period in an operating room • Overall performance.
with real TEP hernia repair under conditions similar to the pre-test
evaluation by the same group of assessors.

TEP simulator designed by Southwestern Centre for Minimally Invasive
Surgery in conjunction with GSI. Consists of a rubber model of a human
pelvis including all relevant pelvic anatomy. The model accepts a
laparoscope and trocars and a replaceable rubber insert that allows
participants to practise repeated mesh fixation over indirect, direct, or
femoral defects.

Appendix C.1 Study design tables – MIST-VR training vs. no simulator training
Authors Intervention Study Design Study Population
Seymour et al. 2002 Objective: To demonstrate that virtual reality training transfers technical Randomised controlled trial Sample Size: n = 16
skills to the operating room environment. • Training: n = 8
Location Randomisation method: not stated • Control: n = 8
Department of Surgery, Pre-test: Participants stratified by postgraduate year
Yale University School All residents completed a series of previously validated tests to assess Baseline characteristics of participants:
of Medicine, New fundamental abilities – visuospatial (Card Rotation Cube Comparison and Allocation concealment: not stated Female n = 5; Male n = 11
Haven, Connecticut, Map Plan tests), perceptual (Pictorial Surface Orientation test), and
USA, and Department psychomotor (MIST-VR at medium level of difficulties). Level of Evidence: II Inclusion Criteria: surgical residents (years 1-4)
of Psychology, Queen’s
University, Belfast. Intervention: Intention to treat: not stated Exclusion Criteria: not stated
Participants randomised:
Northern Ireland • MIST-VR training + standard training (ST): criterion levels Power calculation: not stated Details of patients for live assessment: not stated
first established by 4 experienced surgeons on Manipulate and
Diathermy task at difficult level. Participants were then Blinding: assessors blinded to participant’s training status
required to perform the same task equally as well with both
hands on 2 consecutive trials at this criterion level. Training Follow-up: not stated
lessons lasted approximately 1 hour, and sessions were
continued until expert criterion levels were achieved. Training Lost to assessment: not stated
was supervised.
• Control: Standard programmatic training – no simulator Study Period: not stated
All participants watched a standard video. This video defined specific Outcome measures: from archive footage, 8 events associated with
deviations from optimal performance that would be considered errors. the excisional phase of procedure were identified as errors and chosen
After the viewing, all residents were given an 8-question multiple-choice as study measurements:
exam that tested the recognition of these errors. • Lack of progress
• Gallbladder injury
Time to assessment: NR • Liver injury
• Incorrect plane of dissection
Assessment: • Burn non-target tissue
All residents performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gall bladder • Tearing tissue
excision after division of the identified cystic structures) using a • Instrument out of view
standardised 2-handed method with 1 of the surgeon-investigators. This • Attending takeover
part of procedure was video recorded with voice audio. Procedures with Gall bladder excision phase scored on a minute by minute basis using
attending takeover were flagged for examination of audio. Each a scoring matrix.
procedural video was viewed without audio by 2 surgeon-investigators. Errors recorded using fixed-interval time span sampling.
MIST-VR, Mentice AB, Gothenburg, Sweden. Frameset v.1.2. MIST-VR
system (frameset v 1.2) was run on a desktop PC (400 MHz Pentium II,
64 MB RAM). The video subsystem employed (Matrox Mystique, * MB
SDRAM) delivered a frame rate of approximately 15 frames per second,
permitting near-real-time translations of instrument movements to the
video screen. The laparoscopic interface input device (Immersion
Corporation, San Jose, CA) consisted of 2 laparoscopic instruments at a
comfortable surgical height relative to the operator, mounted in a frame
by position-sensing gimbals that provided 6 degrees of freedom, as well
as a foot pedal to activate simulated electrosurgery instruments.

Appendix C.1 Study design tables – Video trainer (SCMIS GEM) training vs. no simulator training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Scott et al. 2000 Objective: To develop a model to provide intense laparoscopic skills Randomised controlled trial Sample size: n = 27
training to surgical residents and to determine if improvement of skills on • Training: n = 13
Location a video trainer translates into an improvement in operative performance. Method of randomisation: random digits table • Control: n = 14
Department of Surgery,
University of Texas Participants: Allocation concealment: not stated Baseline characteristics of participants:
Southwestern Medical All participants randomised. Training Control
Centre, Dallas, Texas. All participants completed a baseline questionnaire regarding earlier Level of evidence: II Mean no. previous 15 18
laparoscopic experience and competency in laparoscopic skills. laparoscopic
USA Intention to treat: not stated cholecystectomies
Pre-test: performed*
During week 1, all residents were tested on all tasks on the video-trainer Power calculation: nonparametric power analysis performed to * as either the surgeon or first assistant (P = 0.501).
(each task was performed 3 times). No practice was allowed before determine sample size needed to detect an effect of training. 27 or
testing except for the suture foam drill so participants could get familiar more participants provide a power of at least 0.8 with a type I error of Inclusion: 2nd and 3rd year general surgical residents
with device. 0.05. rotating for one month periods on the general surgery
All participants performed a laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the services at Parkland Memorial Hospital.
operating theatre. Operations performed in a one-handed or two-handed Blinding: assessing surgeons and faculty evaluators blinded
fashion according to the supervising surgeon’s preference. Participants Exclusion: not stated
allowed to perform as much of the operation as possible. Operations Lost to assessment: scheduling difficulties
were supervised by 1 of 3 designated faculty surgeons (blinded) who also • Training: n = 4 Details of patients for live assessment: patients with the
acted as first assistant during the operation. Participants were asked • Control: n = 1 diagnosis of symptomatic cholelithiasis for whom elective
about key anatomic landmarks and their operative plan. cholecystectomy was indicated were scheduled for the
Operations were videotaped for investigations outside the scope of this Study period: August 1998 – January 1999 observed cases.
study (used in separate study Scott et al. 2000 – reference below).
Outcome measures: improvement defined as baseline minus post
Intervention: training score calculated for each resident, adjusted by linear analysis
• Training: SCMIS GEM video trainer: During weeks 2 and 3, of covariance for differences in baseline scores.
residents in training group met for at least 30 minutes a day for • Respect for tissue
10 days to perform the 5 established laparoscopic drills on a • Time and motion
video trainer. Tasks were: bean drop, running string, • Instrument handling
checkerboard, block move, and suture foam. • Knowledge of instruments
• Control: no simulator training. • Flow of operation
• Knowledge of specific procedure
Time to assessment: During week 4. • Overall performance
All residents again tested on the 5 tasks on the video trainer (each task Scott et al. 2000* (not the included study, see reference below)
performed 3 times), and average completion time recorded. compared the global assessment data from direct observations in this
All residents performed another laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the study with global assessments of the videotaped procedures. Global
operating theatre with the same first assistant surgeon. The same 3 assessment of the videotapes was conducted by the same assessors
faculty evaluators performed global assessments based on direct as global assessments from direct observation. Correlation coefficients
observation. Global assessments performed by 3 additional faculty for videotape versus direct observation for five global assessment
surgeons who did not participate in operations and were blinded to criteria were <0.33 for both raters (NS for all values). The correlation
training status. coefficient for interrater reliability for the overall score was 0.57 (P =
At the completion of the rotation, all residents were asked to complete a 0.01) for direct observation vs. 0.28 (NS) for videotape. The trained
questionnaire regarding their laparoscopic experience. group had significantly better overall performance than the control
After the rotation, the control group was offered video trainer experience group according to the assessment by direct observation (P = 0.02) but
(results not included as part of this study). not by videotape assessment (NS).

Southwestern Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery Guided Endoscopic
Module (SCMIS GEM). Six-station video-trainer (Karl Storz Endoscopy,
Culver City, CA).

* Scott DJ, Rege RV, Bergen PC, Guo WDA, Laycock R, Tesfay ST, Valentine RJ, Jones DB. Measuring operative performance after laparoscopic skills training: Edited videotape versus direct
observation. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques - Part A 2000; 10(4): 183-190.
NS not significant

Appendix C.1 Study design tables – Video trainer training vs. no simulator training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Scott et al. 1999 Objective: To develop a model for intense laparoscopic skills training and Randomised controlled trial Sample size: n = 22
to determine if improvement of skill level on a video-trainer translates into • Training: n = 9
Location an improvement in operative performance. Method of randomisation: not stated • Control: n = 13
Southwestern Centre
for Minimally Invasive Participants: Allocation concealment: not stated Baseline characteristics of participants: not stated
Surgery, University of All participants randomised.
Texas Southwestern Level of evidence: II Inclusion: 2nd and 3rd year residents
Medical Centre, Dallas, Pre-test:
Texas. All residents underwent a validated global assessment of their ability to Intention to treat: not stated Exclusion: not stated
perform laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the operating theatre.
USA All residents tested on 5 standardised video-trainer tasks based on time Power calculation: not stated Details of patients for live assessment: not stated
needed to complete each task.
Blinding: raters of operative procedures blinded
• Training: Video trainer: practised 5 established laparoscopic Lost to assessment: not stated
tasks for 30 minutes a day for 10 days. Tasks were: bean
drop, running string, checkerboard, block move, and suture Study period: not stated
• Control: no video-trainer training. Outcome measures:
• Respect for tissue
Time to assessment: after 10 days of training. • Time and motion
• Instrument handling
Assessment: • Knowledge of instruments
Laparoscopic cholecystectomies conducted and scored on same global • Flow of operation
assessment scale. Rated on a scale of 1 – 5 in 8 areas by the same 3 • Knowledge of specific procedure
raters. • Overall performance
All residents repeated the video-trainer test.

Video-trainer (Karl Storz Endoscopy).
Appendix C.1 Study design tables – AccuTouch® flexible endoscopy simulator vs. no simulator training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Ahlberg et al. 2005 Objective: To investigate whether the use of the AccuTouch® flexible Randomised controlled trial Sample size: n = 12
endoscopy simulator improves the early part of the learning curve in (surgical n = 10; gastroenterological n = 2)
Location colonoscopy training. Method of randomisation: not stated • Training: n = 6
Department of Surgery • Control: n = 6
and Centre for Advanced Participants: Allocation concealment: sealed envelopes
Medical Simulation, All participants were given the same theoretical study material, containing Baseline characteristics of participants:
Karolinska Hospital, a booklet on colonoscopy, and a free sample instructive CD on Level of evidence: II 10 men; 2 women
Stockholm. colonoscopy. No previous experience in colonoscopy. All had
Intention to treat: not stated experience in gastroscopy, with a minimum of 20
Sweden Intervention: individually performed procedures.
Participants randomised: Power calculation: not stated
• Training: AccuTouch® flexible endoscopy simulator. An Inclusion: not stated
expert level of performance was established by assessing 5 Blinding: patients and assessing supervisors blinded to training status
expert colonoscopists. Participants instructed to train under of participants Exclusion: not stated
supervision until reaching criterion level. To reach criterion
level in simulator, the participants had to be able to intubate Lost to assessment: not stated Details of patients for live assessment: patients
the caecum within 7 minutes without the use of sedation, a designated to undergo diagnostic colonoscopy, on an
‘virtual attending’, simulation tips and external view. More Study period: not stated all-comer basis, without a history of previous
than 97% of procedure time had to be without patient abdominal surgery were asked to participate.
discomfort and there had to be no period of severe or extreme Outcome measures:
discomfort. Navigation to the caecum had to be performed • Total procedure time
with less than 1500ml of air insufflated and with less than 15% • Segment of colon where investigation stopped
of procedure time being in red-out. Training was initially under • Reason for stopping (if applicable)
supervision. Feedback given at any time. • Analgesic drugs given
• Control: no simulator training. • Complications

Time to assessment: began within 1 week after training.

All participants performed their first 10 colonoscopic procedures in
patients under supervision. Assessing supervisors instructed not to guide
the participant. The colon was divided into 9 consecutive segments and
the subjects were given a maximum of 15 minutes to pass each segment,
with a maximum overall procedure time of 60 minutes. The supervisors
were instructed to take over the procedure if the time limits were reached,
if the patient experienced excessive discomfort or if the colon was poorly
prepared. Patient gender and diagnosis were also noted. In addition, a
patient form was completed in which the maximum discomfort during the
procedure was graded on a visual analog scale.

Device: AccuTouch® System virtual reality endoscopy simulator (version

1.3). Simulator comprises a computer, a display monitor and the

AccuTouch® endoscopic interface device. The simulator also includes a

multi media function where instructive video clips and an
anatomy/pathology atlas are demonstrated.
Appendix C.1 Study design tables – AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator training vs. no simulator training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Sedlack and Kolars Objective: To determine if simulation training improves patient-based Randomised controlled trial Sample size: n = 8
2004 colonoscopy performance of novice colonoscopists. • Simulator training: n = 4
Method of randomisation: not stated • Control: n = 4
Location All participants:
Division of Participants randomised. Allocation concealment: not stated Baseline characteristics of participants:
Gastroenterology and Gender: 5 male; 3 female
Hepatology, Mayo Intervention: Level of evidence: II None of the participants had prior colonoscopy training or
Clinic, Rochester, • Training: 6 hours of AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator simulator experience. Each participant completed 2
Minnesota. training over a 2 day period, comprising a multimedia tutorial Blinding: evaluating staff not blinded to participant training status months of esophagoggastroduodenoscopy training prior
followed by the performance of 20 – 25 simulated to their colonoscopy training.
USA colonoscopies prior to beginning patient based training. Intention to treat: not stated
Simulator and curriculum previously validated. Inclusion: First year GI Fellows
• Control: No simulation training. Power calculation: not stated
Exclusion: not stated
Time to assessment: after 2 half days of simulator training Lost to assessment: not stated
Details of patients for live assessment: not stated
Assessment: Study period: not stated
Participants underwent 4 – 8 weeks of patient based colonoscopy training
during which they were supervised by 1 of 38 faculty gastroenterologists Outcome measures:
during one half day (ie 4 hour) assignment intervals. • Time to reach maximum insertion
Each patient-based procedure was graded by the supervising staff • Depth of unassisted insertion
utilising 7 performance parameters (both subjective and objective). • Independent procedure completion
Each patient was also asked to complete a questionnaire grading the • Identify endoscopic landmarks
discomfort experienced during the procedure. • Insert in a safe manner
• Adequately visualise mucosa on withdrawal
Device: • Respond appropriately to patient discomfort (using Likert
AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator (Immersion Medical, Gaithersburg, scale)
MD, Simulator engine 1.1.1). This computer based colonoscopy simulator
consists of a specialised colonoscope that is inserted into a computer
based module and provides 6 colonoscopy scenarios of varying

Appendix C.1 Study design tables – AccuTouch® flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator training vs. no simulator training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Sedlack et al. 2004 Objective: To determine whether computer based endoscopy training Randomised controlled trial Sample size: n = 38
results in measurable benefit to trainees’ endoscopic performance in • Simulator training: n = 19
Location flexible sigmoidoscopy on the basis of staff evaluations of procedural skill Method of randomisation: not stated • No simulator training: n = 19
Division of and patient evaluations of discomfort.
Gastroenterology and Allocation concealment: not stated Baseline characteristics of participants: none had prior
Hepatology, Mayo All participants: endoscopy training
Clinic, Rochester, Participants randomised. Level of evidence: II
Minnesota. Inclusion: 2nd year internal medicine residents
Intervention: Blinding: evaluating staff not blinded to participant training status
USA • Simulator training: independent 3 hour AccuTouch® flexible Exclusion: not stated
sigmoidoscopy simulator based training curriculum under the Intention to treat: not stated
supervision of a gastroenterology Fellow. Curriculum entailed Details of patients for live assessment: not stated
a brief multimedia tutorial followed by 8 – 10 hands on Power calculation: not stated
simulated scenarios.
• No training: no simulator training. Follow-up (years): not stated

Assessment: Lost to assessment: not stated

The following aspects of the study were referred to as training, but
as these procedures were used for the assessment component, they Study period: July 2001 and June 2002
have been called assessment.
• After simulation training, the trained group conducted staff Outcome measures:
supervised patient based endoscopies for 3 additional Supervisors and participants assessed:
afternoons (3 hours each day). • Ability to perform procedure independently
• The no simulator training group had staff conducted • Identify pathology
supervised patient based colonoscopies for 4 afternoons. • Identify landmarks
During the final day of training, supervising staff completed a • Respond to patient discomfort
standardised evaluation for all participants that graded performance. • Insert scope safely
This examination evaluated 8 performance parameters on a Likert Scale. • Adequately visualise mucosa on withdrawal
Participants completed a self evaluation on the final day of training • Routinely reach 40 cm
grading their own performance using the same parameters and scoring • Perform biopsies
Every patient who underwent flexible sigmoidoscopy (by resident or staff)
was asked to complete a questionnaire grading the discomfort
experienced during endsocopy by using a 1 – 10 Likert Scale.

AccuTouch® flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator (Immersion Medical,
Gaithersburg, MD, Simulator engine 1.1.1). This computer based
colonoscopy simulator consists of a specialised endoscope that is
inserted into a computer based module and provides 6 sigmoidoscopy
scenarios of varying complexity. Simulator utilises internal mechanics that
provide tactile feedback as well as a computer-generated voice to
simulate patient discomfort.
Appendix C.1 Study design tables – 4-day VR laparoscopic cholecystectomy training course vs. no training course
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Schijven et al. 2005 Objective: To investigate operating room performance of surgical Non-randomised comparative study Sample size: n= 24
residents after participating in the Eindhoven virtual reality laparoscopic • Training: n = 12
Location cholecystectomy training course. Level of evidence: III-2 • Control: n = 12
IJsselland Hospital,
2900 AR Capelle, Participants: Lost to assessment: technical recording failures Baseline characteristics of participants:
IJssel. All participants attended a Basic Surgical Skills Course before • Training: n = 2 • Mean age in both groups: 31 years
participating in this study. • Control: n = 2 • Mean years of training for both groups: 1.8
The Netherlands years
Intervention: Blinding: video tape assessors blinded to training status and video • All participants right handed
• Training: trainees participated in a 4-day virtual reality tape segments in random order
laparoscopic cholecystectomy training course. Videos, oral Training Control
presentations, interactive sessions incorporated. Repetitive Study period: April 2003 - March 2004 Sex ratio (M:F) 8 :4 10 : 2
training using open Xitact LS500 laparoscopic simulator No. previous 0.3 (0 – 1) 1.8 (0 – 3)*
platform, VR simulation (MIST-VR) and procedural Outcome measures: structured questionnaire using a 5-point Likert laparoscopic
laparoscopic cholecystectomy simulation including the clip- rating scale used for assessment. Parameters measured: cholecystectomies,
and-cut, navigation, and dissection modules (Xitact) were • Fluency mean (range)
featured. • Carefulness No. participants 6 8.4
On days 2 and 3, participants in course attended the operating • Sumscore: focused on clip and cut part of procedure. training to be
theatre in conjunction with their VR sessions to act as Performance judged by integration of psychomotor skills, general surgeons
assistant surgeon or camera assistant on laparoscopic procedural knowledge of anatomy and decision making. No. participants 0 3
cholecystectomy by expert surgeon. Constructed primarily by metrics of Xitact’s clip and cut who have
• Control: no training course. simulation. conduced similar
• Judgment training course†
Time to assessment: on day 4. • Time to complete clip and cut procedure. *p = 0.008 in favour of control group
† either animal or non animal training courses
On day 4, all participants performed a full laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Inclusion: trainee surgeons and novices who had
under supervision. Procedure was videotaped.
performed less than 4 laparoscopic cholecystectomies.
Only the clip and cut part of the procedure, the clipping and cutting of the
cystic artery and cystic duct, was assessed.
Exclusion: not stated
The procedure was assessed starting from the moment the laparoscopic
clip applier was introduced and ending at the moment the laparoscopic
Details of patients for live assessment: patients selected
scissors were removed from the operative field.
for assessment were American Society of
Video fragments from both the trained and control groups were
Anesthesiology class 1 with a history of uncomplicated
independently evaluated by 2 laparoscopic engaged surgeons from
cholelithiasis and no previous abdominal complications
different academic training hospitals. Participant’s video fragments were
or surgery.
mixed in random order before being copied to the reviewer’s videotape.

Xitact LS500 laparoscopy simulator platform (Xitact SA, Morges,

Appendix C.1 Study design tables – Endoscopic sinus surgical simulator training vs. no simulator training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Edmond 2002 Objective: To evaluate an endoscopic sinus surgical simulator (ESS) as a Non-randomised comparative study Sample size: 10
training device and to introduce a methodology to assess its impact on • Training: n = 2
Location actual operating room performance. Level of evidence: III-2 • Control: n = 2
Madigan Army Medical
Centre, the Intervention: Lost to assessment: not stated Baseline characteristics of participants:
Departments of Surgery • Training: novice, intermediate and advanced models of ESS • 2 subjects had trained on the simulator.
and Otolaryngology – simulator. Performance of each trial recorded by the system. Study period: not stated • 2 had no prior simulator experience
Head and Neck Hazards created in all 3 models. Subtask scores were • None had prior operating room sinus surgical
Surgery, University of calculated as accuracy (navigation, injections and dissection Blinding: videotape assessors blinded to training status experience
Washington, Seattle accuracy), optimal time/completed time. To normalise across
and the Department of models, optimal times were derived from performance of 2 Outcome measures: performance criteria measured on 10 point scale: Inclusion: first-year (junior) ear-nose-throat residents
Surgery, Tripler Army expert surgeons on each subtask for each model. • Navigation
Medical Centre • Control: no simulator training. • Injection Exclusion: not stated
Honolulu, Hawaii. • Uncinectomy
Time to assessment: not stated • Anterior ethmoidectomy Details of patients for live assessment: not stated
USA • Maxillary antrostomy
Assessment: • Orientation of video image
4 subjects performed a routine endoscopic sinus surgery procedure on a • Image-to-task alignment
patient. Assessors evaluated participants on a 10 point scale. Procedures • Proper depth of image for task
were videotaped. A blinded panel of 4 experienced sinus surgeons rated • Tool manipulation
5 videotapes (4 first time surgeries and 1 operation performed by an
• Tool selection
experienced staff surgeon). The panel rated each videotape on the same
• Tool-tool dexterity
10 point scale.
• Tissue respect
Device: • Surgical confidence
ESS simulator incorporates 3 computer systems linked by an Ethernet • Case difficulty
interface. A Silicon Graphics Inc (SGI) Onyx 2 computer serves as the
simulation host platform. In contains the virtual patient model and is
responsible for the simulation of the endoscopic image, the surgical
interface, and the user interface. The Onyx is configured with two R10000
CPUs, IR graphics hardware, and a soundboard. The second computer,
a 333 MHz Pentium PC is dedicated to control the electromechanical
hardware. A 3rd computer allows voice recognition and provides virtual
instruction while training.
Appendix C.1 Study design tables – Gastro-Sim® flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator training vs. no simulator training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Tuggy 1998 Objective: To determine whether a virtual reality flexible sigmoidoscopy Randomised controlled trial Sample size: n = 10
simulator improves the hand-eye coordination and various performance • Simulator training: n = 5
Location parameters in a live patient. Method of randomisation: not stated • Control: n = 5
Swedish Family
Medicine Residency, All participants: Allocation concealment: not stated Baseline characteristics of participants: not stated
Seattle. Participants randomised.
Level of evidence: II Inclusion: residents with no experience in flexible
USA Intervention: sigmoidoscopy
• Simulator training: 5 hours training on the Gastro-Sim® Blinding: patient blinded to experience and training status of participant
flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator. Participants not given any Exclusion: not stated
training or guidance on the skills required for sigmoidoscopy Intention to treat: not stated
other than what was encountered during the simulation. Details of patients for live assessment: 2 healthy men
• Control: no simulator training or preparation before performing Power calculation: not stated aged 25 – 35 who were compensated for their
first live patient examinations. participation in the study.
Lost to assessment: not stated
Time to assessment: not stated
Study period: not stated
Examinations performed on 2 live patient volunteers. Before each set of Outcome measures:
sigmoidoscopies, each patient received a brief examination by a • Time to reach 30 cm, 40 cm, and maximal insertion
supervising physician to ensure the colon was adequately prepared. The • Total time of examination
air was then removed from the colon before the study participants • Total time in red-out
performed their examinations. • Quality of visualisation of the colon walls,
Each matched pair of residents then performed examinations sequentially • Estimated percentage of the colon visualised
on the same patient to reduce the risk of encountering different colon • Hand eye skills assessed by the amount of directional
structures. A sigmoidoscopist monitored the examinations. The errors made during procedure
sigmoidoscopist inserted or retracted the sigmoidoscope.
The examinations were videotaped and used for assessment.
The patients completed a pain scale, rated the perceived confidence of
the examiner, and evaluated the duration of the examination.
All participants completed a survey on the effect of the simulator on their
perception of their hand-eye skills.

After the first set of live patient examinations, each of the 5 residents in
the control group was then allowed access to the simulator and
completed 5 hours of training. The experimental group continued to train
on the simulator for up to 5 additional hours. Once this training was
completed, the matched resident pairs again performed the procedure on
the volunteer patients. During this second phase of the trial, the paired
residents examined the alternate patient.

Gastro-Sim® flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator (Interact Medical).

Appendix C.1 Study design tables – Simbionix GI Mentor™ sigmoidoscopy simulator training vs. no simulator training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Cohen et al. 2006b Objective: To determine whether a 10 hour structured training program Randomised controlled trail Sample size: n = 49
using the GI Mentor™ simulator provides an objective benefit to novice • Simulator training: n = 22
Location gastroenterology Fellows learning to perform colonoscopy. Method of randomisation: a random number table • No training: n = 23
New York NY,
Charleston SC, Dallas All participants: Allocation concealment: not stated Baseline characteristics of participants:
Texas. All participants completed a questionnaire outlining demographics Precolonoscopy Simulator No Total
including age, gender, and year of graduation; gastroenterology training Level of evidence: II experience* training training
USA program; and the number of flexible sigmoidoscopies performed before Mean 67 80 147
the GI Fellowship. Blinding: proctors filling out individual evaluation forms were blinded to gastroscopies
All participants attended general lectures on colonoscopy as part of a resident’s training status. Participant’s names did not appear on study Mean flexible 4 5 9
didactic endoscopy course. evaluation forms (only a code number). Only principal investigator had sigmoidoscopies
access to the key to code numbers. Total 71 85 156
Intevention: *No significant differences between the 2 groups
Participants randomised: Intention to treat: not stated
• Simulator training: participants were given a supervised Inclusion: the participant’s training director had to agree
orientation to the Simbionix GI Mentor™ simulator. Each hour Power calculation: Kaplan-Meier curves were generated to determine to adhere to the protocol and to delay any first year
of training followed a standard protocol of activities. In all, 10 the number of blocks of 20 cases needed for each group to reach a performance of colonoscopy for the first 8 weeks of the
different cases were used during the simulator training. Each median of 90% objective and subjective competency. Fellowship
participant completed five 2-hour private sessions on the
simulator over 8 weeks. Participants kept a log of attempted Lost to assessment: n = 4 (protocol violations during training phase) Exclusion: previous formal training in colonoscopy (> 10
simulated procedures performed during each 2-hour session cases) and an inability to comply with the training
and a log all actual sigmoidoscopies and gastroscopies Study period: not stated schedule
performed during the study. During the second year of the
study, the simulator was able to record performance variables. Outcome measures: Details of patients for live assessment: not stated
Participants did not perform any real colonoscopies until they • Ability to reach the transverse colon and caecum without
completed all 10 hours on the simulator. Participants filled out assistance
a questionnaire at the end of the training regarding usefulness • Ability to correctly recognise and identify abnormalities
of training. • Overall subjective rating of competency on a 5 point scale
• No simulator training (referred to as traditional training in
study, but does not involve a pre-assessment training
element): supervised colonoscopies starting approximately 8
weeks into the Fellowship (so that both groups commenced
the actual colonoscopies at the same time).

Time to assessment: 8 weeks after the beginning of simulator training.

For each procedure, participants were responsible for getting their proctor
to fill out an evaluation form. For those cases where the participant could
not reach the caecum without assistance, the proctor was asked to
indicate whether or not the procedure was difficult for the proctor to
Proctors also asked to rate patient discomfort. Forms were collected each
month until the participant reached 200 procedures or until the study
period was over.

Simbionix GI Mentor™ (Simbionix USA Corporation, Gathersburg, Md)

Appendix C.2 Study design tables – Virtual reality sigmoidoscopy simulator training vs. patient-based training
Author Intervention Study Design Study population
Gerson and van Dam Objective: To compare patient-based teaching of sigmoidoscopy with that Randomised controlled trial Sample size: n = 16
2003 provided by a virtual reality endoscopy simulator. • Simulator training: n = 9
Method of randomisation: sequentially allocated by investigator • Patient-based training: n = 7
Location Participants:
Division of All participants completed a questionnaire which inquired about age, Allocation concealment: none Baseline characteristics of participants:
Gastroenterology and gender, amount of training in gastroenterology, and prior experience with Simulation Patient-
Hepatology, Stanford computers. Level of evidence: II training based
University School of training
Medicine, Stanford, Intervention: Intention to treat: not stated Internal 9 7
California. • Simulator training: participant’s permitted unlimited time and medicine
access to the VR sigmoidoscopy simulator. Residents were Power calculation: Using a comparison of the means of 2 independent residents (n)
USA instructed to review all didactic modules and complete all 6 samples, the sample size required to detect a magnitude difference Mean resident 28 ± 0.8 29.4 ± 1.1
cases prior to the test cases. Residents were allowed between arms of 30%, a power of 90% and an alpha of 0.05, was age ± SEM (yrs)
unlimited time on the simulator during the 2 week period prior calculated to be 30 examinations in each arm of the study (assuming
to the scheduled test cases. Participants were not allowed to 5% of examinations would not be completed, and another 5% due to 10 residents had extensive experience with the use of
view live cases as part of their training prior to using simulator. patient intolerance, 33 patients would need to be recruited per arm). computers, and the remaining 6 described themselves
Performance on the simulator was not observed and coaching as ‘somewhat experienced’.
not provided. Blinding: neither the investigators nor the participants were blinded to
• Patient-based training: Participants were required to perform the group assignment. Participating patients were blinded to residents’ Inclusion: internal medicine residents
10 sigmoidoscopic examinations with an attending training status. Assessing physicians not blinded.
gastroenterologist. Participants were trained with a video Exclusion: participants with prior experience with
endoscope. The attending physician was instructed to teach Lost to assessment: none flexible sigmoidoscopy, observation of sigmoidoscopy
the residents using his or her own teaching preferences and as part of a rotation, or prior use of an endoscopic
techniques. Residents were expected to learn how to advance Study period: not stated simulator.
the colonoscope independently by the end of the 10 sessions.
The teaching sessions were scheduled to occur during a Outcome measures: standardised form for data collection: Details of patients for live assessment:
consecutive 2 week period. • Examination duration and extent Asymptomatic patients referred for routine colorectal
• Splenic flexure recognition cancer screening via flexible sigmoidoscopy were
Time to assessment: two weeks after commencement of training. • Ability to recognise pathology asked to participate.
• Completion of retroflexion Simulation Patient-
Assessment: training based
All residents performed 5 test examinations under supervision and training
evaluation of an attending gastroenterologist. Patient mean 54 ± 1.4 56 ± 1.5
Residents were instructed to complete the examination to the splenic age ± SEM (yrs)
flexure and to notify the attending physician when the flexure was Patient gender 10/34 (29%) 16/32 (50%)
identified. Residents were also required to notify if any pathology was (M/F, % male)
encountered during the examination. Residents were expected to
perform retroflexion at the completion of the sigmoidoscopy. If the
participant encountered difficulties, the attending physician was allowed
to take over until the resident could continue.
Attending physician used a standardised form for data collection.
Patients were interviewed by a medical assistant at the completion of the
sigmoidoscopy using a standard questionnaire.
Virtual reality sigmoidoscopy simulator (Immersion Medical Inc.,
Gathersburg, Maryland, USA).
SEM Standard error of the mean


Appendix D – Results tables

Simulation training vs. no simulation training

MIST-VR simulator training vs. no simulator training for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Grantcharov et al. 2004)

Table D.1. Performance of laparoscopic cholecystectomy between VR trained and non-VR trained participants

Grantcharov et al. 2004 Simulator training (n = 8) No training (n = 8) P-value

Performance parameter Operation 1 Operation 2 Operation 1 Operation 2
median (range) median (range) median (range) median (range)
Time taken to perform operation (min) 62 (46 – 80) 53 (46 – 62) 55 (43 – 58) 57 (43 – 74) 0.021
Error scores 6.8 (4 – 9) 3 (3 – 6) 6 (3 – 9) 5.8 (4 – 9) 0.003
Economy of movement score 5.8 (4.5 – 6) 3.3 (2 – 6) 6 (6 – 8) 6 (4.5 – 9) 0.003

Participants who received VR training performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy significantly faster than those in the control group (p = 0.021, t test).
The VR trained group showed significantly greater improvement in their error (p = 0.003) and economy of movement (p = 0.003) scores.
SCMIS GEM video trainer vs. no simulator training for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Scott et al. 2000)

Table D.2. Baseline video-trainer scores: time (seconds) for task completion
Scott et al. 2000 No training Simulator training P-value*
(n = 13) (n = 9)
Checker-board 144 (122 - 152) 146 (126 - 187) 0.616
Bean drop 58 (48 - 69) 53 (45 - 66) 0.471
Running string 62 (46 - 74) 74 (67 - 84) 0.096
Block move 50 (38 - 55) 48 (39 - 58) 0.815
Suture foam 58 (49 - 90) 56 (42 - 94) 0.695
Values are medians with 25th – 75th percentiles in parentheses.
*Trained versus control groups, one-tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

Table D.3. Baseline laparoscopic cholecystectomy global assessment scores

Scott et al. 2000 No training Simulator training P-value*
(n = 13) (n = 9)
Respect for tissue 3.0 (2.4 - 3.2) 3.0 (2.8 - 3.2) 0.445
Time and motion 2.5 (2.0 - 3.0) 3.0 (2.0 - 3.0) 0.781
Instrument handling 3.0 (2.5 - 3.0) 3.0 (2.0 - 3.2) 0.782
Knowledge of instruments 3.0 (2.5 - 3.5) 3.0 (2.3 - 3.3) 0.433
Flow of operation 3.0 (2.0 - 3.2) 2.0 (2.0 - 3.2) 0.356
Use of assistants 2.0 (1.5 - 3.0) 2.0 (1.5 - 2.8) 0.785
Knowledge of specific procedure 3.0 (2.5 - 3.6) 3.0 (2.5 - 3.2) 0.632
Overall performance 3.0 (2.3 - 3.0) 2.5 (2.0 - 3.0) 0.581
Values are medians with 25th – 75th percentiles in parentheses. 1 = worst possible score, 5 = best possible score.
* Trained versus control groups, two-tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

Table D.4. Adjusted improvement* in video-trainer scores: time (seconds) for completion of task
Scott et al. 2000 No training Simulator training P-value†
(n = 13) (n = 9)
Checker-board 31 (-1 – 37) 63 (23 - 75) 0.014
Bean drop 14 (10 - 18) 24 (18 - 26) 0.002
Running string 3 (-13 - 16) 26 (21 - 38) 0.001
Block move 9 (-2 - 14) 22 (11 - 25) 0.015
Suture foam 26 (18 - 38) 48 (44 - 50) 0.001
Values are medians with 25th – 75th percentiles in parentheses.
*Improvement defined as post-training minus baseline scores, calculated individually for each participant, adjusted by linear analysis of covariance for differences in baseline scores.
†Trained versus control groups, one-tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

Table D.5. Adjusted improvement* in laparoscopic cholecystectomy global assessment scores

Scott et al. 2000 No training Simulator training P-value†
(n = 13) (n = 9)
Respect for tissue 0.1 (-0.6 - 0.5) 0.3 (0.3 - 0.5) 0.035
Time and motion -0.3 (-0.5 - 0.6) 0.3 (0.1 - 0.8) 0.075
Instrument handling 0.3 (-0.4 - 0.3) 0.6 (0.4 - 0.8) 0.005
Knowledge of instruments 0.4 (0.0 - 1.0) 0.6 (0.5 - 1.5) 0.058
Flow of operation 0.4 (-0.5 - 1.2) 1.0 (0.6 - 1.2) 0.090
Use of assistants 0.7 (-0.4 - 1.0) 1.0 (0.8 - 1.6) 0.035
Knowledge of specific procedure 0.4 (0.0 - 1.1) 1.0 (0.4 - 1.3) 0.100
Overall performance 0.2 (-0.5 - 0.6) 0.7 (0.6 - 1.0) 0.007
Values are medians with 25th – 75th percentiles in parentheses.
*Improvement defined as post-training minus baseline scores, calculated individually for each participant, adjusted by linear analysis of covariance for differences in baseline scores.
†Trained versus control groups, one-tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

All 9 residents in the training group completed 10 practice sessions lasting 30 minutes.
On average, residents practised 138 video trainer tasks (range 94 – 171). Each of the 5 tasks was practised 28 times (range 19 – 34).
Laparoscopic experience in the operating room during the study interval was comparable for both groups (p = 0.612).
The trained group had significantly larger median time reductions for all five video trainer tasks compared with the control group.
On global assessment, the trained group had significantly larger median increases in four of eight performance criteria, compared with the control group.

When initially asked if they felt comfortable with their laparoscopic skills, 3 of 13 control residents and 5 of 9 trained residents replied ‘yes’.
On the completion questionnaire, 6 of 13 control residents and 8 of 9 trained residents felt comfortable with their laparoscopic skills at the end of the rotation.
Of those who were not comfortable with their laparoscopic skills at baseline, 3 of 10 in the control group were comfortable at the end of the rotation, in contrast to 3 of 4 in the trained group (p = 0.175). After
training, 9 of 9 residents improved their hand-eye-hand coordination and 8 of 9 felt that the training had improved their skills in the operating room.
Table D.6. Participant self-assessment improvement after simulator training

Scott et al. 2000 No simulator training Simulator training

(n = 13) (n = 9)
Self assessment baseline End of rotation baseline End of rotation
No. participants comfortable with 3/13 6/13 5/9 8/9
Skills improvement After training, 9/9 felt that VT had improved their
video-eye-hand coordination and 8/9 felt that VT
had improved their operating skills.

SCMIS GEM video trainer vs. no video-trainer training for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Scott et al. 1999)

Table D.7. Video trainer skills: time (seconds) for task completion after training
Scott et al. 1999 No simulator training Simulator training P-value
(mean ± SD) (n = 13) (mean ± SD) (n = 9)
Checker-board 125 ± 31 94 ± 27 < 0.05
Bean drop 45 ± 11 34 ± 7 < 0.05
Running string 63 ± 23 46 ± 14 < 0.05
Block move 42 ± 15 28 ± 7 < 0.05
Suture foam 42 ± 15 20 ± 6 < 0.05
Values obtained at repeat examination after training.

Table D.8. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy global assessment score after training

Scott et al. 1999 No simulator training Simulator training P-value
(mean ± SD) (n = 13) (mean ± SD) (n = 9)
Respect for tissue 2.9 ± 0.6 3.3 ± 0.3 < 0.05
Time and motion 2.6 ± 0.7 3.0 ± 0.4 < 0.05
Instrument handling 2.9 ± 0.6 3.4 ± 0.3 < 0.05
Knowledge of instruments 3.5 ± 0.9 3.9 ± 0.6 NS
Flow of operation 3.0 ± 0.8 3.5 ± 0.4 NS
Use of assistants 2.8 ± 0.7 3.3 ± 0.6 < 0.05
Knowledge of specific procedure 3.5 ± 0.9 3.8 ± 0.6 NS
Overall performance 2.8 ± 0.7 3.4 ± 0.3 < 0.05
Values obtained at repeat examination after training. 1 indicates worst possible score; 5, best possible score.
MIST-VR computer simulation vs. no simulator training for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Seymour et al. 2002)

Table D.9. Outcomes of the study

Seymour et al. 2002 Standard MIST-VR P-value
training (n=8) (n=8)
Operative performance final final
Lack of progress 10 1 p < 0.008
Gall bladder injury 5 1 p < 0.039
Liver injury 1 1
Intraperitoneal, incorrect plane of dissection 3 0
Burn non-target tissue 10 2 p < 0.039
Tearing tissue 0 0
Instrument out of view 9 4
Attending takeover 6 0
Non-contact cautery injury 0 0
Mean total errors 7.38 1.19 p < 0.006
Duration of dissection (min) 20.5 14.5 NS
NS not significant

There were no significant differences in any of the initial battery of assessment tests noted between the groups.
All residents in both groups successfully completed the dissection of the gallbladder from the liver bed.
All residents in the VR group successfully achieved the required criterion levels of performance in 3 – 8 training sessions.
The duration of the dissection for the VR trained group was 29% less than the standard training group (p = NS).

4-day VR laparoscopic cholecystectomy training course vs. no training course for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Schijven et al. 2005)

Participants of both experimental and control groups did not differ in demographic parameters, except for the number of laparoscopic cholecystectomies in favour of the control group (p = 0.008).
Both observers judged that there was a significant improvement for ‘judgment’ (Observer 1, p = 0.004 and Observer 2, p = 0.013).
Observer 1 found a significant improvement for ‘fluency’ (p = 0.0037).
AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator training vs. no simulator training for colonoscopy (Ahlberg et al. 2005)

Table D.10. Results of the study

Ahlberg et al. 2005 Simulator training No simulator training P-value
(n = 6) (n = 6)
Training time, median hours (range) 20 (15 – 25) 0
No colonoscopies assessed (n = 120) by 32 M; 28 F 29 M; 29 F (gender not
gender of patient indicated for 2 patients)
Success* rate of colonoscopy (%) 52 19 0.0011
Time to reach caecum in successful 30 (17 - 38) 40 (25 – 45) 0.008
cases median minutes (IQR)†
Patient discomfort median (IQR) 4 (2.5 – 6) 5 (4 – 7) 0.02‡
* A successful colonoscopy was defined as intubation of the caecum within the given time limits.
† The time difference was also significant (p = 0.037) in unsuccessful cases and the simulator trained group managed to reach further in a shorter time compared with controls.
‡ In addition, male patients reported less pain (p = 0.001) compared with female patients.

Median total training time per resident was 20 hours (range 15 – 25). Training sessions lasted 1 – 2 hours on each occasion, and could be repeated several times per day and continued over at least 4
days. After completion of the training, participants had to do their colonoscopies within 1 week.
Trainees in the control group started after studying the theoretical material.
A successful colonoscopy was defined as intubation of the caecum within given time limits.

The success rate was 52% in the simulator trained group compared with 19% in controls, which was a significant difference (p = 0.0011). See Table.
There was a significant difference (p = 0.008) in procedure time in favour of the simulator trained group. The time to reach the caecum in successful cases was a median of 30 minutes (interquartile range
(IQR) 17 – 38 minutes) in the trained group compared with 40 minutes (IQR 25 – 45 minutes) in controls.

There was a significant learning curve (p = 0.039) for all participants during the study, and the likelihood of a participant reaching the caecum was 2.57 times higher for procedures 6 – 10 compared with
procedures 1 – 5 in both test groups.
Patient gender significantly (p = 0.016) affected success rate. It was 3 times more likely that a colonoscopy would be successful in a male patient than a female patient.
The number of previously performed gastroscopies influenced success rate (p = 0.006) equally in both groups. It was 3.76 times more likely that a participant with a previous experience exceeding 50
gastroscopies would succeed with colonoscopy.

The post graduate year of the participant did not significantly influence the level of success rate.
Significantly less patient discomfort was reported in the simulator trained group (median 4, IQR 2.5 – 6) compared with controls (median 5, IQR 4 – 7) (p = 0.02). In addition it was noted that male patients
reported less pain (p = 0.001) compared with female patients.

No major complications were reported in patients used in the assessment process.


AccuTouch® colonoscopy simulator training vs. no simulator training for colonoscopy (Sedlack and Kolars 2004)

Table D.11. Median Performance Scores (25–75% IQR) Rendered by Supervising Faculty are Shown for Each Parameter
Sedlack and Kolars 2004 Colon 1–15 Colon 16–30 Colon 31–45 Colon 46–60
N = Number of faculty evaluations recorded in each group
Simulator 60 58 58 60
Regular 60 59 60 60
Time to reach maximum insertion (minutes)
Simulator 23 (19–30) 21 (19–28) 21 (18–28) 17 (12–25)
Regular 25 (20–30) 22 (15–30) 20 (15–30) 20 (15–27)
P-value 0.155 0.947 0.321 0.090
Depth of unassisted insertion (1 = rectum, 6 = terminal ileum)
Simulator 4.0 (3.0–5.0) 5.0 (4.0–5.0) 4.5 (4.0–5.0) 5.0 (4.0–5.0)
Regular 3.0 (2.0–4.0) 4.0 (3.0–5.0) 4.5 (3.0–5.0) 5.0 (4.0–5.0)
P-value 0.003 0.006 0.905 0.085
Percentage completed independently by the fellow (%)
Simulator 38% (27–50) 59% (46–71) 50% (37–63) 72% (59–84)
Regular 20% (9–31) 34% (21–46) 50% (37–63) 58% (46–71)
P-value 0.027 0.007 1.000 0.128
Identifies landmarks (1 = strongly disagree, 4 = neutral)
7 = strongly agree)
Simulator 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 7.0 (6.0–7.0)
Regular 6.0 (5.0–7.0) 6.0 (5.0–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 7.0 (5.5–7.0)
P-value 0.041 0.044 0.166 0.439
Inserts in a safe manner (1–7)
Simulator 7.0 (6.0–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 7.0 (6.0–7.0)
Regular 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 7.0 (6.0–7.0)
P-value 0.008 0.274 0.256 0.559
Adequately visualises mucosa withdrawal (1–7)
Simulator 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 7.0 (6.0–7.0)
Regular 6.0 (5.0–7.0) 6.0 (5.0–7.0) 6.0 (5.5–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0)
P-value 0.009 0.396 0.230 0.518
Responds appropriately to patient discomfort (1–7)
Simulator 6.5 (6.0–7.0) 6.0 (5.8–7.0) 6.0 (5.0–7.0) 7.0 (6.0–7.0)
Regular 6.0 (5.3–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 6.0 (6.0–7.0) 7.0 (5.0–7.0)
P-value 0.019 0.560 0.137 0.771
"Percentage of endoscopies completed independently" shown are averages (95% CI).
Columns represent the chronological order of procedures being compared in blocks of 15.
Table D.12. Median scores (25–75% IQR) of patient discomfort
Sedlack and Kolars 2004 Colon 1–15 Colon 16–30 Colon 31–45 Colon 46–60
N = Number of patient evaluations recorded in each group
Simulator 60 58 58 60
Regular 60 59 60 60
Patient reported pain score: (1 = no pain, 10 = worst pain of life)
Simulator 2.0 (1.0–4.0) 2.0 (1.0–4.0) 2.0 (1.0–4.0) 1.5 (1.0–4.0)
Regular 4.0 (1.5–5.0) 2.0 (1.0–4.0) 2.5 (1.0–4.3) 2.0 (1.0–3.0)
P-value 0.019 0.343 0.531 0.731

There appeared to be a significant reduction in pain scores during the first 15 colonoscopies performed by each simulator trained fellow. The absence of sedation data, however, makes these results difficult
to interpret.

The 4 simulator trained participants completed an average of 21 simulated cases (range 19 – 26) prior to their patient based experience.
The 4 simulator trained participants performed an average of 117 (range 62 – 195) patient based colonoscopies over an average of 7 weeks (range 4 – 8) of training.
The 4 traditionally trained participants completed an average of 108 (range 76 – 157) patient based colonoscopies over an average of 7 weeks (range 4 – 8) of training.

An analysis of procedures broken down in chronological groups of 15 demonstrates that simulator trained fellows scored significantly better in all parameters during the first 15 colonoscopies (p < 0.05)
performed with the exception of ‘time to reach maximum insertion’. The simulation trained fellows inserted the endoscope further with a median depth score of 4.0 vs 3.0 (p = 0.003) and reached the
caecum independently in 38% of procedures vs 20% (p = 0.027) during this initial training period. Simulator trained fellows continued to have a significantly greater ‘depth of insertion’, higher percentage of
‘independently completed procedures’ and greater ability to ‘identify landmarks’ throughout the first 30 colonoscopies (p < 0.05). Beyond 30 colonoscopies, none of the parameters showed a statistical
difference between groups.
Patient surveys also demonstrated a lower median discomfort score during the first 15 colonoscopies performed by the simulator trained fellows; with colonoscopies by trained fellows achieving a median
discomfort score of 2.0 (range 1 – 8) vs 4.0 (range 1 – 7) for traditionally trained fellows (p = 0.019). The degree of sedation during each procedure was not assessed.

Patient surveys also demonstrated a lower median discomfort score during the first 15 colonoscopies performed by the simulator-trained fellows; with colonoscopies by CBCS-trained fellows achieving a
median discomfort score of 2.0 (range 1–8) vs. 4.0 (range 1–7) for traditionally trained fellows (p= 0.019). The degree of sedation during each procedure was not assessed, therefore, no comparisons of the
adequacy of sedation could be made between the 2 groups nor could a correlation be made of sedation levels and individual patient discomfort scores.

During the 2 half-days of the CBCS training, faculty without an accompanying fellow were able to complete an average of 8 colonoscopies (range 7–9) per half-day while simulator fellows worked with the
CBCS. Faculty of the traditional fellow group completed an average of 3.5 procedures (range 2–4) per half-day during the same initial training interval. This allowed an average of 9 additional colonoscopies
to be performed by the staff endoscopists for each fellow trained with this CBCS curriculum. There was no significant difference between supervising staff volumes once CBCS fellows began patient-based

AccuTouch® flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator training vs. no simulator training for sigmoidoscopy (Sedlack et al. 2004)

Table D.13. Staff and resident evaluations

Sedlack et al. 2004 Staff evaluations Resident self evaluations
Parameter Simulator Traditional P-value Simulator Traditional P-value
training (n = 19) training (n = 19) training (n = 19) training (n = 19)
Competent to perform endoscopy independently 8 (7 – 9) 8 (7 – 9) 0.893 8 (5 – 9) 8 (4 – 10) 0.791
Identifies pathology 6 (5 – 8) 5 (5 – 7) 0.624 3 (2 – 4) 3 (2 – 5) 0.522
Identifies landmarks 5 (4 – 7) 5 (4 – 5) 0.715 3 (2 – 4) 4 (2 – 4) 0.362
Responds to patient discomfort 3 (3 – 5) 3 (1 - 6) 0.278 2 (1 – 3) 2 (2 – 3) 0.394
Inserts scope safely 3 (3 – 6) 3 (2 – 5) 0.336 2 (1 – 3) 2 (1 – 3) 0.792
Adequately visualises the mucosa on withdrawal 7 (3 – 8) 5 (4 – 7) 0.330 3 (2 – 5) 3 (2 – 4) 0.880
Routinely reaches 40 cm 3 (2 – 8) 3 (1 – 6) 0.459 7 (6 – 9) 8 (6 – 9) 0.285
Competent to perform biopsies 7 (5 - 8) 8 (5 - 9) 0.659 4.5 (2 – 7.8) 6 (3 - 10) 0.218
Median resident performance scores (25th – 75th % IQR) at the end of training are shown based on a 10 point Likert Scale (1, strongly agree; 5, neutral; 10 strongly disagree). None of the staff evaluated
parameters of residents’ skill reached statistical significance.

The 19 simulator trained residents performed an average of 9 simulated procedures (range 6 – 11) followed by an average of 11 patient based procedures each (range 7 – 19) for a total of 212 patient based
procedures. Of the simulator trained residents, 150 (71%) patients agreed to complete surveys

The residents that had no simulator training performed an average of 12 procedures each (range (7 – 17) for a total of 230 patient based procedures.
Of the non-simulator trained residents, 175 (76%) patients completed surveys.

During the same period, staff endoscopists completed 780 procedures with 585 (75%) patient surveys returned.

No adverse events were reported with any of the procedures during this study.

Analysis of patient surveys demonstrated that median patient reported discomfort scores were significantly lower for simulator trained residents than for traditionally trained resident, 3 (IQR, 2 – 5) vs 4 (IQR,
2 – 6) (p < 0.01).

An increase in staff productivity was shown as a result of simulator training. During the simulator training interval, non-teaching staff performed an average of 7 procedures per half day while operating
independently compared with an average of less than 3 procedures during direct patient-based teaching. The 3 hour simulator training session allowed an average of 4 additional procedures to be
performed by staff for each participant trained via the simulator.
Simbionix GI Mentor™ simulator training vs. no simulator training for colonoscopy (Cohen et al. 2006b)

Table D.14. Comparison between simulator and no-simulator group in objective and subjective, competence and patient discomfort
Cohen et al. 2006b Objective* competence Subjective† competence Patient discomfort‡
Simulator No training P-value Simulator No training P-value Simulator No training P-value
(n = 23) (n = 22) (t-test) (n = 23) (n = 22) (t-test) (n = 23) (n = 22) (t-test)
Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean
Session 1 50.4 40.9 0.06 47.6 36.6 0.08 25.7 31.4 0.42
Session 2 64.5 52.0 < 0.0001 68.6 57.4 0.004 23.2 19.1 0.14
Session 3 74.0 62.0 < 0.0001 76.3 68.4 0.005 16.7 19.5 0.22
Session 4 76.7 64.4 < 0.0001 78.0 75.4 0.32 16.0 18.2 0.39
Session 5 76.8 70.2 0.03 81.3 79.4 0.28 16.7 16.5 0.94
Session 6 77.8 77.6 0.91 82.0 82.3 0.88 13.4 13.9 0.85
Session 7 80.8 80.5 0.89 86.1 84.1 0.32 11.9 11.3 0.74
Session 8 89.5 83.7 0.01 88.8 86.4 0.11 10.5 10.4 0.99
Session 9 87.8 85.2 0.02 88.9 86.8 0.32 10.7 11.8 0.55
Session 10 92.7 90.9 0.04 90.8 90.5 0.82 8.9 9.2 0.81
* Objective competency is the ability to reach the transverse colon and the caecum without assistance, and the ability to correctly recognise and identify abnormalities.
† Subjective competency is on a 5-point scale; 1 (totally unskilled) to 5 (competent and expedient).
‡ Patient discomfort rated on a scale of 1 (very comfortable) to 5 (severe pain to the patient).

There were no significant differences in colonoscopy experience between the two groups.

The respondents rated the overall satisfaction with the simulator training as moderately useful to useful, with a mean score of 3.5 (range, 1 [no use] to 5 [very useful]).

Gastro-Sim® flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator training vs. no simulator training for sigmoidoscopy (Tuggy 1998)

Table D.15. Performance comparisons and quality 360-degree visualisation technique between control and experimental groups
Tuggy 1998 No 5 hrs P-value No 10 hrs P-value
training simulator training simulator
(n = 5) training (n = 5) training
(n = 5) (n = 5)
Time to 30 cm (sec) 357 286 0.52 357 119 0.03
Time to 40 cm (sec) 518 341 0.27 518 211 0.03
Total examination time (sec) 654 530 0.31 654 323 0.01
Directional errors (n) 8.6 2.8 0.01 8.6 1.6 < 0.01
Time in red-out (sec) 70 27 0.16 70 14 0.07
Percentage of colon visualised 45 55 0.60 45 79 0.02
Quality of viewing 360o * 2.4 1.3 0.05 2.4 1.4 0.03
* Based on a rating scale of 1 – organised, 2 – adequate, 3 – haphazard.

Table D.16. Resident survey responses to using virtual reality sigmoidoscopy simulator
Tuggy 1998 Strongly Agree (%) Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree (%) (%) (%) disagree
Simulator resembles live sigmoidoscopy 0 89 11 0 0
Graphics resembled actual colon 22 67 11 0 0
Tactile feedback was similar to colon 0 44 44 11 0
Learned hand-eye skills on simulator 45 55 0 0 0
Learned more with more practice 22 55 11 11 0
Gained confidence for live patient 55 45 0 0 0
Likely to perform in practice in simulator 55 33 11 0 0
available in training
Tutorial component was helpful 0 33 33 11 22
Enhanced features on simulator would 44 44 11 0 0
make me skilled in flexible sigmoidoscopy

Training on the virtual reality simulator produced substantial improvements in examination times and hand-eye skill measures.
After 6 to 10 hours of training on the simulator, the experimental group achieved significantly faster insertion times to 30 cm (p = 0.03), 40 cm (p = 0.03), and a shorter mean length of examination (p = 0.01).
There was also significant improvement of hand-eye skill measures of the experimental group in directional errors (p < 0.01), percentage of colon visualised (p = 0.02), and viewing quality of examination
when compared with the control group's initial performance on live patients.

Resident survey findings after the study confirmed the trainee's perception of the benefit of the simulator training.
There were no observed significant differences in procedure-assessed patient discomfort between the 2 groups at any time during the training.
Procedicus VIST™ simulator training vs. no simulator training for catheter based intervention for occlusive vascular disease (Chaer et al.

Table D.17. Mean checklist scores on individual measures of performance for simulator and non simulator trained residents
Chaer et al. 2006 Simulator No training P-value Simulator No training P-value
training (n = 10) training (n = 10)
(n = 10) (n = 10)
Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Advance femoral wire 2.4 1.4 NS 2.6 2.0 NS
Advance wire atraumatically 2.6 1.8 0.05 2.8 2.0 0.03
Constantly visualise wire tip 2.9 1.4 0.005 3.1 1.9 0.001
Mount and advance catheter wire 2.9 2.0 0.01 3.1 2.9 NS
Position imaging catheter 2.1 1.2 0.04 2.4 1.8 0.03
Knowledge of anatomy 2.4 1.3 NS 2.5 1.6 0.04
Walk catheter back over wire 2.9 2.0 NS 3.4 2.7 0.05
Advance balloon over wire 3.1 2.2 0.006 3.4 2.6 0.02
Centre balloon over stenosis 3.0 2.0 0.009 2.9 1.9 0.003
Balloon inflation 3.0 2.0 0.003 3.0 1.7 0.003
Balloon pressure 2.6 1.3 0.003 2.3 1.1 0.002
Walk balloon back over wire 3.0 2.2 NS 3.3 2.0 0.006
Image after PTA 2.5 1.8 NS 2.6 1.9 NS
Advance stent over wire 3.0 2.3 NS 3.4 2.2 0.01
Centre stent over stenosis 2.6 2.1 NS 2.9 1.8 0.01
Accurately deploy stent 2.6 1.4 NS 3.0 1.7 0.01
Walk stent shaft out over wire 3.0 2.4 NS 3.3 2.0 0.006
Completion angiogram 2.2 1.9 NS 2.7 1.7 0.04
Overall assessment 50 ± 6 33 ± 9 0.0015 53 ± 6 36 ± 7 0.0006
NS not significant
PTA percutaneous transluminal angioplasty

Table D.18. Mean endovascular global rating scale scores on individual measures of performance for simulator and non simulator trained residents
Chaer et al. 2006 Simulator No training P-value Simulator No training P-value
training (n = 10) training (n = 10)
(n = 10) (n = 10)
Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Time and motion 2.3 1.4 NS 2.6 1.7 0.01
Wire and catheter handling 2.8 1.6 0.002 3.0 1.9 0.009
Awareness of wire position 2.6 1.7 0.005 3.0 1.8 0.01
Wire stability 2.6 1.9 NS 3.0 2.1 0.04
Fluoroscopy usage 1.5 1.1 NS 2.0 1.1 0.003
Precision of wire/catheter 2.8 1.7 0.03 2.8 1.7 0.005
Flow of operation 2.4 1.4 NS 2.8 1.2 0.002
Knowledge of procedure 2.0 1.4 NS 2.4 1.1 0.005
Quality of final product 3.0 3.0 0.03 3.3 3.2 NS
Ability to complete the case 2.4 1.4 0.03 2.6 1.4 0.01
Need for verbal prompts 2.3 1.0 0.03 2.4 1.4 0.01
Attending takeover 2.6 1.4 0.003 2.9 1.7 0.006
Overall assessment 30 ± 7 19 ± 5 0.0052 33 ± 6 21 ± 6 0.0015
NS not significant

There were no pre-study differences between the training and control groups. Both groups were comparable in terms of their age and gender as well as previous experiences that might be relevant to a
resident’s ability to assimilate catheter techniques. Performance on the visuospatial test was not different between the 2 groups (p = not significant).
All residents in the training group were able to complete the simulator training session in less than 2 hours (mean of 90 ± 21 minutes).
There were no intraoperative complications that developed as a result of resident participation in the study. There were no differences in peri-operative morbidity or mortality between patients treated by the
2 groups.

The trained group scored higher than controls during the first (50 ± 6 vs 33 ± 9, p = 0.0015) and second (53 ± 6 vs 36 ± 7, p = 0.0006) endovascular intervention. For the first intervention, training led to a
numerical enhancement of each of the individual measures of performance (not all statistically significant). For the second intervention, the trained group was significantly better in all but 3 variables. There
were 2 procedural steps where a significant difference was not found with either the first or the second intervention (advance femoral wire and image after percutaneous angioplasty). The first is not well
taught by a simulator. The second measures the ability of a resident to remember to perform a completion angiogram after angioplasty. Resident performance did not improve from the first to the second

All residents in the simulator-trained group were able to complete the mentored simulator training session in less than 2 hours (mean of 90 ± 21 minutes).

A more subjective evaluation of resident performance was also conducted by attending surgeons. Trained participants scored higher overall on the global rating scale of endovascular performance for the
first (30 ± 7 vs 19 ± 5, p = 0.052) and second (33 ± 6 vs 21 ± 6, p = 0.0015) intervention. For both procedures, training led to numerical enhancement in all the individual measures of performance. For the
first intervention, 4 of these were not statistically significant and 1 was not statistically significant for the second intervention. Resident performance did not improve from the first to the second intervention

No peri-operative complications developed because of the study.

TEP hernia repair simulator curriculum training vs. no TEP hernia repair curriculum training (Hamilton et al. 2001)

Table D.19. Composite score and individual categories comprising composite score of global assessment tool
Hamilton et al. 2001 Simulator training No training
(n = 10) (n =11)
Individual assessment parameter Baseline Final Baseline Final
mean ±SD mean ±SD mean ±SD mean ±SD
Respect for tissue 3.1 ± 1.1 3.5 ± 0.9 2.7 ± 0.9 3.1 ± 1.0
Time and motion 2.7 ± 1.1‡ 3.5 ± 0.7*§ 1.8 ± 0.6 2.4 ± 0.9*
Instrument handling 2.9 ± 1.0 3.7 ± 0.7†║ 2.1 ± 0.7 3.1 ± 0.9*
Knowledge of instrument 3.0 ± 1.3 3.7 ± 0.8║ 2.9 ± 1.5 2.9 ± 0.4
Flow of operation 2.8 ± 1.0 3.7 ± 0.7*§ 2.1 ± 0.8 2.6 ± 1.1
Use of assistants 2.5 ± 1.3 3.5 ± 1.1§ 1.6 ± 0.7 2.1 ± 1.1
Knowledge of procedures 2.5 ± 0.9 3.8 ± 0.9*§ 2.0 ± 0.8 2.6 ± 0.9*
Overall performance 2.4 ± 0.8 3.6 ± 0.7*§ 1.9 ± 0.7 2.4 ± 0.9*
composite score (%) 44.6 ± 24.6 65.7 ± 17.5* 29.6 ± 15.7 41.0 ± 23.5*
Between group comparisons made using Wilcox rank sum test. Within group comparisons made using Wilcoxon signed rank test.
* Significant difference between pre-training and post training scores at p < 0.05.
† Significant difference between pre-training and post training scores at p = 0.05.
‡ Significant difference between trained and untrained groups prior to training at p < 0.05.
§ Significant difference between trained and untrained groups after training at p < 0.05.
║ Significant difference between trained and untrained groups after to training at p = 0.05.

Questionnaire data responses were similar for the control and trained group: at baseline (p = NS). After training, 10 of 10 residents in the trained group felt their ability to perform a laparoscopic TEP hernia
repair improved over the study period compared with 5 of 11 in the control group (100% vs. 45.5%, P= 0.01). Additionally, all the residents in the trained group (100%) reported that their understanding of the
operation improved over the month compared with 5 of 11 residents (45.5%) in the control group (p = 0.01). Compared with controls, residents in the trained group also expressed an increased willingness to
offer laparoscopic TEP hernia repairs to patients with concurrent, unilateral hernias (p = 0.02).

Endoscopic sinus surgery simulator training vs. no simulator training for catheter for endoscopic sinus surgery (Edmond 2002)

Table D.20. Mean Rating for Residents with and without prior simulation training across videotape rating criteria for their first operating room procedure.
Edmond 2002 No training (n = 2) Simulator training P-value
Mean ± SD (n = 2) Mean ± SD
Navigation 7. 7 ± 0 6.5 ± 1.2 0.40
Injection 2.8 ± 1.6 6.8 ± 1.6 0.14
Uncinectomy 2.83 ± 1.2 6.7 ± 0.5 0.15
Anterior ethmoidectomy 3.3 ± 0.9 7 ± 0.9 0.0.6
Maxillary antrostomy 3. 7 ± 0.5 6.3 ± 0.9 0.17
Orientation of image 4.8 ± 0.2 6.8 ± 1.6 0.34
Image-task alignment 4.8 ± 0.2 7 ± 1.9 0.35
Proper depth of image 5. 3 ± 0.5 6.8 ± 1.2 0.34
Tool manipulation 3±0 7 ± 0.9 0.11
Tool selection 3.8 ± 0.2 6.8 ± 1.6 0.24
Tool-tool dexterity 3.5 ± 1.2 6.5 ± 2.1 0.33
Tissue respect 2.8 ± 0.2 5.5 ± 3.1 0.44
Surgical confidence 2.8 ± 0.2 6.5 ± 0.7 0.09
Case difficulty 5±0 7.2 ± 0.7 0.14
Overall mean rating 4.0 ± 6.7E-02 6.7 ± 1.1 0.19
NS not significant

Four participants: 2 had extensive simulator experience. 2 had none. None had prior operating room sinus surgery experience.
While the 2 simulation-trained residents were rated consistently better than the other 2 residents across all measures, these differences approached statistical significance for only two items (most likely as a
result of the small number of subjects): anterior ethmoidectomy (p = 0.06; p < 0.05) and surgical confidence (p = 0.09; p < 0.05).

Simulator experience could be a strong predictor of first-time operating room performance as determined by rating videos. This result approaches but does not achieve significance (r = 0.911, p < 0.1).
Appendix D – Results tables
Simulation training vs. patient-based training
Sigmoidoscopy simulator training vs. patient-based training for sigmoidoscopy (Gerson and van Dam 2003)

Table D.21. Results of the study

Gerson and van Dam 2003 Simulator training Traditional training P-value
(n = 9) (n = 7)
Test cases (n ± SEM) 38 ± 0.5 4.6 ± 0.5 > 0.05
Time per case (min ± SEM) 24 ± 1.0 24 ± 1.1 > 0.05
Resident completed independently 10/34 (29%) 23/32 (72%) 0.001
Required assistance 24/34 (71%) 9/32 (28%) 0.001
Flexure recognition 10/12 (83%) 22/30 (73%) > 0.05
Retroflexion completed 19/34 (56%) 27/32 (84%) 0.02
Mean score (± SEM) 2.9 ± 0.2 3.8 ± 0.2 < 0.001
Mean score, only in female patients 2.9 ± 0.2 3.9 ± 0.2 < 0.001

Table D.22. Results of patients’ assessments of satisfaction

Gerson and van Dam 2003 Simulator training Traditional training P-value
Agree (%)* Disagree (%)† Agree (%)* Disagree (%)†
General satisfaction
Satisfied with care 93 3 90 10 > 0.05
Recommend to friends 70 17 65 19 > 0.05
Willing to have another 77 13 81 6 > 0.05
Had a lot of pain 53 37 42 45 > 0.05
More comfortable than 33 47 42 29 > 0.05
Caused great discomfort 43 53 31 61 > 0.05
Technical competence
Physician too rough 10 83 13 77 > 0.05
Confident that examination 73 13 84 16 > 0.05
was performed properly
*Includes patients who agreed or strongly agreed with the question
†Includes patients who disagreed or strongly disagreed with the questions. The remainder of the patients were uncertain or neutral.

An analysis of the results according to the patient’s gender was carried out. There was no significant difference between the mean score when the examination was performed in female patiens (3.3 ± 0.8) compared to
male patients (3.4 ± 1.8; p = 0.7). The mean scores for each group did not significantly differ from the overall scores when examinations performed in female patiens were compared.

No significant differences in patient discomfort was found between the two arms of the study.

Residents in the simulator trained group were asked to rate the performance of the simulator and to provide feedback about its performance after they performed the test cases. On average, residents spent
over 2 hours on the simulator performing the practise cases (excluding the time spent watching the educational videos, which is not assessed). The average distance obtained with the simulator was 42 cm,
demonstrating that most residents were unable to complete the simulated cases successfully to the level of the splenic fixture.

In order to determine whether residents’ performance improved on the simulator over time, data regarding procedure time, insertion length and retroflexion ability was calculated for each resident during the
first 3 cases performed on the simulator compared with the last 3 cases on the simulator. None of the parameters significantly improved over time. No association was found between time spent on the
simulator and performance during the test cases.

At the end of the test cases, the simulator trained residents were asked to rate their training experience. In general, the residents trained on the simulator felt that the educational videos and teaching cases
were useful. However, all the residents stated that the test cases were more difficult than the simulated examinations. Specific critiques of the simulator included the fact that the rectum appeared
insufflated upon insertion of the endoscope, and that the negotiation of the rectosigmoid area was not challenging enough during the simulated cases. In addition, the sumilator was unable to simulate a
realistic sensation of resistance to passage of the sigmoidoscope. Both attending physicians noted considerable anxiety when the residents in the simulator trained group attempted the test cases, although
this impression was not quantified.

No adverse events occurred during the test examinations.


Appendix E – Summary of simulators and patient-based training
Study Simulator overview
Grantcharov et al. 2004 The Minimally Invasive Surgical Trainer-Virtual Reality (MIST-VR) system is a low fidelity virtual reality
Schijven et al. 2005 simulator with combined metrics systems to provide feedback to novice learners during practice. The system
Seymour et al. 2002 trains basic dexterity skills as the student uses real laparoscopic handles that activate virtual instrument tips
within the computer. The acquisition of skills on this device relates to generalisation and automation of skills
in laparoscopic navigation (Ahlberg et al. 2005; Gallagher et al. 2005).
Scott et al. 2000 The Southwestern Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery Guided Endoscopic Module (SCMIS GEM)
video-trainer is composed of frames supporting traditional laparoscopic video monitors, light sources, and
camera systems (Hamilton et al. 2002). The frame forms a box inside which pre-manufactured tasks are
performed. Speed is measured by the trainee and is the measure of performance (Hamilton et al. 2002).
Video trainers ‘shape’ performance by training skills of progressive difficulty (Valentine and Rege 2004;
Gallagher et al. 2005).
Ahlberg et al. 2005 The AccuTouch® simulator system is a full-procedure simulator and includes training for flexible
Sedlack and Kolars 2004 sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and bronchoscopy (bronchoscopy was not part of this review). It incorporates a
Sedlack et al. 2004 mannequin, force feedback and measurement of performance data. Both diagnostic and therapeutic
scenarios are provided, and a number of aids are available (Dunkin et al. 2007).
Chaer et al. 2006 The Procedicus VIST™ simulator is a multimedia device designed to simulate endovascular techniques in a
variety of clinical settings. It consists of a three-dimensional representation of the human arterial system,
coupled to a haptic module that uses a force feedback system that provides tactile sensory information when
the user inserts and manipulates standard angiographic catheters and guide wires (Dayal et al. 2004).
Separate devices are attached that simulate the injection of contrast dye, performance of angioplasty,
deployment of stents, and performance of fluoroscopy with digital subtraction angiography (Dayal et al. 2004).
It is one of the most sophisticated VR simulators in the world (Gallagher et al. 2005).
Cohen et al. 2006b The Simbionix GI Mentor™ is a real-time interactive computer simulator that replicates both diagnostic and
therapeutic procedures (Barr-Meir 2000). It includes a life-sized plastic head and torso with apertures for
upper and lower endoscopy (Valentine and Rege 2004). Real-time three-dimensional pictures are generated
as an endoscope is passed through the torso body (Valentine and Rege 2004). Program software generates
force feedback to simulate resistance from touching bowel wall as the endoscope is passed. A monitor
depicts typical findings seen at endoscopy as well as adverse events that must be treated (Valentine and
Rege 2004). The simulated procedures look and feel similar to the actual procedures and train tasks that will
directly transfer to the performed procedures (Gallagher et al. 2005). The simulator uses a ‘fading’ training
strategy where major guides and clues are give a the beginning of training, which are gradually faced out until
the trainee can perform the task without support (Gallagher et al. 2005).
Tuggy 1998 The Gastro-Sim® flexible sigmoidoscopy simulator is no longer commercially available (Gerson 2006) and
widespread information does not exist on this simulator (United States Patent 4907973).
Hamilton et al. 2001 The TEP hernia repair simulator is constructed from rubber and depicts a human pelvis. Ports are available
for placement of laparoscopes and trocars that permit residents to practise mesh fixations over indirect,
direct, or femoral defects (Valentine and Rege 2004).
Edmond 2002 The endoscopic sinus surgery simulator contains a virtual patient that is responsible for the simulation of
the endoscopic image, the surgical interface, and the user interface. The system also contains a haptic
system, allows voice recognition, and provides virtual instruction while training (Edmond 2002). The
simulated procedures look and feel similar to the actual procedures and train tasks that will directly transfer to
the performed procedures (Gallagher et al. 2005). The simulator uses a ‘fading’ training strategy where major
guides and clues are give a the beginning of training, which are gradually faced out until the trainee can
perform the task without support (Gallagher et al. 2005).
Schijven et al. 2005 The Xitact LS500 is a hybrid simulator that combines a physical object with computer software simulation
providing visual images and tactile feedback. It is a modular VR training platform that trains a variety of
laparoscopic skills (Schijven and Jakimowicz 2003).

Appendix E – Summary of simulators and patient-based
training continued

Study Patient-based training overview

Gerson and van Dam 2003 The patient-based sigmoidoscopic examinations involved an attending physician
instructing participants by using his or her own teaching preferences and techniques.
Residents were expected to learn how to advance the colonoscope independently by the
end of 10 sessions. Participants were trained with a video endoscope.
Simulator device name used for simulator training in Scott et al. (1999) and Gerson and van Dam (2003) not specified.


Appendix F – Summary of critical appraisal

Randomis Allocation Blinding of Intention Power Losses to Study Validated Inclusion Exclusion Baseline
ation concealme assessors to treat calculation assessme period assessme criteria criteria characteris
nt nt nt tools tics
Randomised controlled trials (Level II)
Grantcharov et al. 2004 2  3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3

Scott et al. 2000 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3

Scott et al. 1999 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2

Seymour et al. 2002 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3

Ahlberg et al. 2005 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3

Sedlack and Kolars 2 2 32 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3

Sedlack et al. 2004 2 2 32 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3

Cohen et al. 2006b 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3

Tuggy 1998 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2

Chaer et al. 2006 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2

Hamilton et al. 2001 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2

Gerson and van Dam 3 2 32 2 3 3 (none) 2 2 3 3 3

Non-randomised comparative studies (Level III-2)
Edmond 2002 • • 3 • • 2 2 2 3 2 3

Schijven et al. 2005 • • 3 • • 3 3 2 3 2 3

2 not reported
3 reported
32 reported in the study, but not done eg it was reported that assessors were not blinded
• not applicable

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