Sworn Application For Tax Clearance: Annex C

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Republic of the Philippines April 2018 Version

Department of Finance
Quezon City ANNEX C


(To be accomplished by Individual Taxpayer Securing Tax Clearance for Bidding Purposes)

I, _________________________________________________, Filipino/_____________(indicate nationality

for non-Filipino citizenship), of legal age, single/married to_____________________________________, permanently
residing at _____________________________________________________________ with Taxpayer Identification
Number (TIN) __________________________________, after having been duly sworn in accordance with law hereby
depose and state:

1. That I am the Owner/Proprietor/Proprietress of _____________________________________________________

with business address at _________________________________________________________________________,
with Telephone/Cellular Phone No. ______________________ and email address ___________________________;

2. That my business trade name has been duly registered with the Department of Trade and Industry on
_____________________________ under DTI Registration Certificate No. _________________________________;

3. That I registered my business with BIR under Certificate of Registration No. ______________________ issued at
Revenue District Office/LTDO No. _____________ on _________________________________________________;

4. That, I am securing/applying for TAX CLEARANCE (for Bidding Purposes), a pre-requisite for entering into any
contract with the Government Agencies as required under Executive Order No. 398, and implemented by RR No. 3-
2005, as amended;

5. That, the following documentary requirements in relation to the aforesaid application are all authentic and hereto
attached in compliance with the existing policies.

_____ a. Tax Compliance Verification Sheet issued by ______________________on ________;

_____ b. Two (2) pieces of loose documentary stamp tax worth P30.00 each;
_____ c. Confirmation Receipt of Electronic payment of certification fee worth Php 100.00 or other proof of payment;
_____ d. Valid and properly accomplished authorization letter with photocopies of any government issued I.D. showing
the picture and signature of the applicant and the authorized representative; and
_____ e. Original unexpired Tax Clearance Certificate for Bidding Purposes (if applicable).

6. And that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I have satisfied the prescribed criteria for the issuance of Tax Clearance.

Signature over Printed Name of Applicant

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __________ day of ____________________________, ___ in

_______________________________. Applicant exhibited to me his/her valid and current Government Issued
Identification Card ___________________________with ID No. _________________.

Doc. No. __________

Page No. __________
Book No. _________ ________________________________________
Series of __________ Notary Public
! Affix !
! P30.00 !
! Documentary Stamp Tax !

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