1st Grading Test in MAPEH 10

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1st Grading


I. Physical Education 15. Energy consumed equals energy expended

Choose the best answer that corresponds to the . A. weight gain c. weight management
statement below. Write the letter only. B. weight loss D. diet
16. Activities held during ones leisure time.
1. The optimum level of health where healthy A. Physical activity C. Recreational activity
individuals can perform daily activities free from B. Strenuous D. relaxing
any form of fatigue. 17. Lack of proper rest, lack of proper warm-up or
A. Hypertension C. Strength poor conditioning may result to_________
B. Physical Fitness D. None of A. fitness C. Moderate
the above D. injuries D. tired
2. Series of measurements and tests that will help 18. Playing basketball five times or more a week
identify the status of one’s Physical fitness. is considered as__________.
A. Body Mass Index C. Fitness A. slow B. Moderate
Assessment C. Vigorous C. strong
B. Physical fitness D. None of 19. Physical activity that is recommended for
the above beginner.
3. Physical assessment that can identify if a A. slow B. Moderate
person is healthy or unhealthy. C. Vigorous C. strong
A. BMI C. Skill 20. Non- communicable diseases could be
B. Physical Fitness D. FPT affected by________.
A. Fitness C. Health
4. Metric BMI formula. B. Genetics D infection
weight in klg ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 2 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 2
B. ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 D. ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑥 21. Any concept or advice that various sources give
5. MUSCULAR INDURANCE ASSESMENT to aid the health issues of an individual
A. 1 minute curl-up C. shuttle run A. Health consumer C. Health information
D. push up D. step tes B. Consumer Health D. None of the above
6. Cardio-vascular assessment. 22. Food, drugs, cosmetics, service and devices are
A. 1 minute step test C. push-up examples of
B. 3 minute step test D. sit & reach A. Health consumer C. consumers
7. Ability to start, stop, change direction quickly. B. Heath products D. none of the above
23. Often connected to health care
A. coordination C. Cardiovascular
A. Health Products C. Health Service
B. agility D. power
B. Health Consumers D. None of the above
8. The ability of an individual to perform prolonged
24. Licensed individual to practice medicine and
work continuously.
other health programs
A. Agility C. Coordination
A. Health Professionals C. Consumer health
B. Cardiovascular endurance D. strength
B. Health Products D. None of the
9. The ability of an individual to perform complex
Motor skills with a smooth flow of motion.
25. An institution where people undergo medical
diagnosis, care and treatment
A. Agility C. Coordination A. School C. Barangay
B. Cardiovascular endurance D. strength B. Hospital D. None of the above
26. Financial agreement between an insurance
10. An amount of activity that uses 150 calories per
Company that provides benefits for sickness and
A. Moderate Physical activity
A. Hospital C. School
B. Cardio Vascular Activity
B. Health Insurance D. None of the above
C. Strenuous activity
27. A public health insurance
11. FTT Stands for
A. Medicard C. Philhealth
A. Frequency, Integrity, Time, Type B. HMO D. None of the above
B. Fitness, Integrity, Time, Type 28. A health care provider that offers medical
C. Frequency, Integrity, Toss, Tired
services through a prepaid amount of money
12. Amount of energy you spent through physical
A. Medicard C. Philhealth
B. HMO D. None of the above
A. weight maintenance C. Diet
29. Views diseases as a manifestation of an
B. energy expenditures D. Exercise
alteration in the focus by which the body naturally
13. Energy consumed is greater than energy
heals itself
A. Herbal Medicine C. Quackery
A. weight gain c. weight management
B. Naturopathy D. None of the above
B. weight loss D. diet 30. Plants that are proven tested to have medicinal
14. Energy consumed is less than energy expended
values and approved by Department of Health
A. weight gain c. weight management
A. Herbal Medicine C. Quackery
B. weight loss D. diet
B. Naturopathy D. None of the above
31. Herbal medicine for non-insulin dependent
diabetic patient A. Expressionism C. Chance music
A. Acapulco C. Bawang B. Impressionism D. electronic music
C. Ampalaya D. Bayabas 48. Changing all ascending intervals
32. Herbal medicine for cough and asthma A. Retrograde C.
A. Lagundi C. Bawang
B. Acapulco D. None of the above
33. Form of energy medicine where long thin
needles are inserted to specific parts of the body to
affect the energy flow
A. Ventosa C. Hilot
B. Acupuncture D. Reflexology
34. Treating specific disorders through massaging of
the soles of the feet
A. Ventosa C. Hilot
B. Acupuncture D. Reflexology
35. Healing through inverted glass that have flames
A. Ventosa C. Hilot
B. Acupuncture D. Reflexology
36. Healing through applying pressure or certain
A. Ventosa C. Hilot
B. Acupuncture D. Reflexology
37. A form of health fraud that have not been
scientifically proven safe and effective
A. Quackery C. Acupressure
B. Ventosa D. Acupuncture
38. A law that protects the interest of the consumer
A. Health consumer act
B. Consumer Act of the Philippines
C. Advocacy
D. Dangerous Drug Board
39. Government agency where we can get report
fraudulent health service
40. Someone who examines health information
A. Consumer health C. Health consumer
B. health information D. health products

41. A type of music that makes use of sound to let
the listeners feel the moods.
A. impressionism C. Electric music
B. Expressionism D. chance music
42. Lack of agreement and consistency in the
progress of harmony in music.
A. Modality C. Harmony
B. Dissonance D. Atonal
43. The traditional way of composing was
A. Modality C. Harmony
B. Dissonance D. Atonal
44. Music composition of Debussy.
A. Engulfed Cathedral
B. Claire De Lune
C. None of the above
D. All of the above
45. Arrangement of pitches in the scale
Which are separated by whole step in a chromatic
A. Prelude C. Impressionism
B. Whole tone scale D. Dissonance
46. An impressionist composer
A. Claude Monet C. Claude Debussy
B. Schoenberg D. Varese
47. Conveys true emotions in exaggeration through
the application of atonality and dissonance.

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