First Periodical Test MAPEH 10

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Republic of the Philippines


First Periodical Examination in MAPEH 10

NAME: ____________________________YR. & SEC.:_____________ Teacher : __________

I. Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the best answer on the following statements. Write only the
CAPITAL letter of your answer on the space before each number. AVOID ERASURES.
_____1. Which of the following impressionist composer said that the primary aim of French music is to
give pleasure?
A. Schoenberg B. Stravinsky C. Molina D. Debussy
_____2. Which of the following produced by electronic devices recorded on magnetic played through
A. Electric Guitar B. Electronic Music C. Synthesizer D. Chance Music
_____3. Who was the French composer known as the Father of Electronic Music?
A. Stockhausen B. John Cage C. Stravinsky D. Edgar Varese
_____4. Which of the following musical styles described generally and having refinement, delicacy,
vagueness and an over-all luminous fog atmosphere.
A. Impressionism B. Expressionism C. Avant-garde D. Modern Nationalist
_____5. Nationalism in the Philippines is the sudden rise of patriotic sentiments and ideals in the 19 th
century. Which of the following is true?
A. The outcome of graft and corruption
B. The outcome of colonial mentality
C. The outcome of the Spaniards rule in the country for more than two centuries
D. The outcome of territorial dispute between China and Philippines
____6. What group of people inspired many of Bortok’s composition?
A. Hungarian B. Romanian C. Ukrainian D. Australian
____7. Which of the following composers is Claude Debussy of the Philippines?
A. L. Kasilag B. A. Molina C. J. Maceda D. N. Abelardo
____8. Which of the following musical styles described as music that expresses true emotions with
A. Neoclassicism B. Expressionism C. Impressionism D. Avant-garde
____9. Which of the following is true in syncopation?
A. Placing an accent on normally weak beats in a measure
B. Placing an accent on normally strong beats in a measure
C. Placing an accent on normally weak beats in meter
D. Placing an accent on normally strong beats in meter
____10. Which of the following composers broke the traditional tonal organization system that had
developed over a hundred of years and had become the hallmark of western music?
A. Stravinsky B. Debussy C. Schoenberg D. Molina
____11. Which Russian composer created the music for the ballet “The Firebird”?
A. Stravinsky B. Schoenberg C. Cage D. Prokofieff
____12. Tape is an electronic device that may be played at half speed, double speed, forward, backward
or they even slice the tape and rearrange the sound. Which of the following term for this kind of music
that uses a tape recorder?
A. Polytonality B. Multi meter C. Bitonality D. Musique concreto
____13. Which of the following movement in art and music which seeks to express emotions with
exaggeration and believed that the people in this world is full of tension?
A. Impressionism B. Expressionism C. Neoclassicism D. Romanticism
____14. Which of the following 20th century music deals with the parameters of sound in space?
A. Avant- garde B. Modern Nationalism C. Neo-Classicism D. Expressionism
____15. What kind of musical style is attributed to Debussy and Ravel?
A. Nationalistic B. Primary exponents of expressionism C. 12- tone scale D. Whole tone
_____16. The art movement about logical and rational and involved analyzing, detaching, selecting and
A. Expressionism B. Impressionism C. Abstractionism D. Post- impressionism
_____17. The art style incorporated elements from the native arts of the South Sea Islanders and the
wood carvings of African tribes which suddenly became popular during the early 1900’s?
A. Fauvism B. Dadaism C. Surrealism D. Neo-primitivism
_____18. The art that filling the canvas with repeating picture fragments or symbols.
A. Action painting B. Color field painting C. Pictograph D. Pop art
_____19. The post-impressionist painter was remarkable for strong, heavy brush strokes, intense
emotions, pulsate with energy?
A. Van Gogh B. Paul Cezanne C. Auguste Renoir D. Claude Monet
____ 20. Which elements does not belong to the performance art?
A. Time B. Stage C. Space D. Relationship between performer and audience
_____21. Which French expressionist painters used bold, vibrant colors and visual distortions?
A. Fauvism B. Surrealism C. Dadaism D. Neo-primitivism
_____22. Which of the following impressionist broke away from the movement to apply a more
disciplined, formal technique to portraits of actual people and figure painting?
A. Claude Monet B. Edouard Renoir C. Auguste Renoir D. Van Gogh
_____23. Which art movement expanded and experimented using a geometrical approach, and distorting
A. Expression B. Impressionism C. Post-impressionism D. Abstractionism
_____24. Which of the following is a form of action painting with the action taking place in the viewer’s
A. Neo-Dadaism B. Conceptual Art C. The New Realism D. Op art
_____25. Which art movement brought their artistic ideas to life temporarily using unusual materials as
grease, blocks of ice, food, and even just plain dirt?
A. Conceptual art B. Op art C. New realism D. Neo-Dadaism
_____26. Which art movement known as the world of dreams and fantasy?
A. Dadaism B. Surrealism C. Fauvism D. Social realism
_____27. Who is impressionist artist best known for his landscape paintings, particularly those depicting
his beloved flower gardens and water lily ponds at his home.
A. Claude Monet B. Edouard Manet C. Auguste Renoir D. Alfred Sisley
_____28. Which of the following is not true in expressionism?
A. It involved analyzing, detaching, selecting and simplifying
B. They worked more with their imagination
C. It distorted outlines and applied strong colors and exaggerated form
D. It is mere emotional force rather than its realistic or natural images
_____29. Which of the following works of Pablo Picasso has been recognized as the most monumental
and comprehension statement of social realism against the brutality of war?
A. Miners’ wives B. Guernica C. Girl before a Mirror D. 3 Musicians
_____30. Which of the following qualities does not make an artwork expressionistic?
A. Worked more with their feelings B. Distorted outlines
C. Applied strong colors D. Show what the eyes sees at a glance
I. Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the best answer on the following statements. Write only the
CAPITAL letter of your answer on the space before each number. AVOID ERASURES.
_____31. Which of the following diseases is related to lifestyle based on the WHO on the health
situation in the Philippines?
A. Cardiovascular diseases B. Hepatitis C. AIDS D. Tuberculosis
_____ 32. If your weight is 30kg and height of 1.2 meters. What would be your BMI?
A. 20.88 B. 20.81 C. 20.83 D. 20.84
_____ 33. Skill related components are those that contribute to the development of skills. Which of the
following are not included?
A. Agility and balance C. Coordination, speed
B. Power, reaction, time D. Cardiovascular strength, flexibility
_____ 34. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. Vigorous physical activity is always recommended for a beginner
B. You may opt to have rest days or easy days in between to allow your body to recover from the
physical exertion
C. . The words that may associate with your lifestyle is how you wear your clothes, shoes and the
style of your hair.
D. We can perform physical fitness test without getting our BMI
_____ 35. Which of the following diseases is the result of poor food choices?
A. Obesity B. AIDS C. Stroke D. Asthma
_____36. Which of the following is health-related components?
A. Coordination B. Cardiovascular fitness C. Power D. Speed
_____ 37. It is the body’s relative amount of fat to fat-free mass.
A. Body composition B. Body Fats C. Body Mass D. Body Index
_____ 38. Which of the following physical fitness test is used for cardiovascular endurance?
body weight?
A.3 min. step test B. Flexibility C. Body mass D. Coordination
_____39. Coordination is the ability to use the body parts and senses together to produce smooth and
efficient movements. Which of the following physical fitness test is an example of coordination?
A.3-minute step test B. paper juggling C. Standing Long Jump D. 50m sprint
_____40. Which of the following is commonly used in fitness testing of muscular endurance?
A. Cycling B. Step test C. Push-ups D. 12-minute run
____ 41. Which is the best physical fitness test would test the flexibility of the lower back and
A. Sit and Reach B. Zipper Test C. 3-Minute step test D. Push Up
_____42. It is a set of measures designed to determine a student’s level of physical fitness.
A. Physical Fitness Test B. BMI C. Vision Test D. Hearing Test
_____43. What is being measured by zipper test?
A. A. Shoulder bone B. Shoulder Girdle
B. C. Shoulder muscles D. Shoulder width
_____ 44. It is the ability of the joints and muscles to move through its full range of motion.
A. Flexibility B. Cardiovascular Endurance C. Cardiovascular Strength D. Power
_____45. It is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working
muscles and tissues, as well as the ability of those muscles and tissues to utilize the oxygen.
A. Flexibility C. Cardiovascular Strength
B. Cardiovascular Endurance D. Power
_____ 46. Which of the following is the benefits of Health Insurance?
A. Inspect establishment that dispense medicine C. Offers medical services
B. Ensure the quality of hospitals D. Warranty and price tags of medicines
_____ 47. Which of the following is unreliable sources of health information?
A. Paid health advertisement in media C. Government agencies such as BFAD, DOH
B. Professionals such as physicians, health or science teacher D. Educational institution
_____ 48. Which of the following is the possible effects of medical quackery?
A. seek person who goes to quack prolong his life
B. Money is wasted since a patient’s condition will not improve under a quack
C. The patients who goes to quack has a complete healing
D. The patient’s family gets hope if the quack assures them of the patients complete healing.
_____ 49. Who is the health specialist focus the women’s condition and disease, especially of the female
reproductive system?
A. Pediatrician B. Obstetrician C. Neurologist D. Gynecologist
_____ 50. What is Herbal medicine known treatment for diabetes for the non-insulin dependent patients?
A. Akapulko B. Bayabas C. Lagundi D. Ampalaya
_____51. There are several appeal techniques to lure customer and one of those is testimony appeal.
Which of the following is related to this technique?
A. Fast food chains hire well-known bands to compose sings for them
B. Buying products up to a certain amount will be awarded a prize
C. Beauty products that promise ladies of finding true love
D. Celebrities as endorsers make testimonial about the product
_____ 52. Which act created by the Phil. Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care signed by
Pres. Fidel V. Ramos on Dec. 9, 1997 also known as the law-making body with regards to the effective
use of traditional and alternative medicine?
A. RA No. 8423 B. RA No. 8749 C. RA No. 9211 D. RA No. 3740
_____53. Which of the following laws penalizes fraudulent advertising, mislabeling or misbranding?
A. RA No. 3740 B. RA No. 3720 C. RA No. 428 D. EO No. 913
_____ 54. Which of the following is not included in health products?
A. Eyeglasses C. Grooming aids
B. Medical and dental treatment D. Medicines
_____ 55. Phil. Health is an attached agency of the Department of Health. Which of the following is
known for the National Health Insurance Act of 1995?
A. RA 7875 B. RA 3740 C. RA 8423 D. RA 428
____56. What is the data and facts about health products and services that a consumer gets from media
and people, including professionals and agencies?
A. Health products B. Health services C. Health information D. Consumer health
_____57. Which of the following involves the use of methods or remedies to cure diseases that are not
scientifically accepted?
A. Quackery B. Albularyo C. Hilot D. Faith healer
____58. What agency that aims to ensure food security and address nutritional needs of the country?
A. Department of Health C. Phil Health Insurance Corporation
B. National Health services D. National Food Authority
____ 59. Which of the following people perform healing procedures or prescribe remedies for illnesses
even without formal education and license?
A. Hilot B. Albularyo C. Quacks D. Faith healer
____60 .Acapulco is an herbal medicine used for the treatment of what disease?
B. A. Ringworms and skin fungal infection C. effective in the elimination of intestinal worms
C. B. Reduces cholesterol in the blood D effective in fighting arthritis and gout
1. D 16 . C 31. A 46. C
2. B 17. D 32. C 47. A
3. D 18. C 33.D 48. B
4. A 19. A 34.B 49. D
5. C 20. B 35.A 50. D
6. A 21. A 36. B 51.D
7. B 22. C 37. A 52 A
8. B 23.C 38.A 53.A
9. A 24. D 39. B 54. B
10. C 25.A 40.C 55. A
11. A 26.A 41.A 56.C
12. D 27.A 42. A 57. A
13. D 28 A 43.B 58. B
14. A 29. B 44. A 59. C
15. B 30.D 45.B 60. A

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