Method Statement Axial Test P203

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Reaction Pile Method



Prepared for:

PT. Adhi Karya, Tbk

February, 2018

Rev: 01

Rukan Sunter Permai Blok D No. 20

Jl. Danau Sunter Utara Jakarta Utara, Indonesia – 14350
Telp. +62-21-29384721/22  Fax. +62-21-29384720
- Light Rapid Transit Cawang – Dukuh Atas -

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. i

1. General .................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Reference ................................................................................................................................. 2
3. Scope of Work ......................................................................................................................... 2
4. Method Statement ................................................................................................................... 2
4.1 Leveling Survey................................................................................................................ 3
4.2 Dial Gauges ...................................................................................................................... 3
4.3 Length of Reaction Pile Requirement .............................................................................. 3
4.4 Beams Requirement .......................................................................................................... 5
4.4.1 Main Beams............................................................................................................... 5
4.4.2 Secondary Beams ...................................................................................................... 6
4.5 Tension Rebar Requirement ............................................................................................. 7
4.6 Welding Requirement ....................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX – A .............................................................................................................................. 9
APPENDIX – B ............................................................................................................................ 15
APPENDIX – C ............................................................................................................................ 17
APPENDIX – D ............................................................................................................................ 19
APPENDIX – E ............................................................................................................................. 22
APPENDIX – F ............................................................................................................................. 25
APPENDIX – G ............................................................................................................................ 29
APPENDIX – H ............................................................................................................................ 32
APPENDIX – I .............................................................................................................................. 34
APPENDIX – J.............................................................................................................................. 36

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- Light Rapid Transit Cawang – Dukuh Atas -

1. General

Static pile load test is a method of pile testing which is meant to be done with several methods two
of them is the kentledge method and reaction method. The purpose of load test is basically to prove
its performance level; as a means of verification the ultimate axial bearing capacity and settlement
under compression test pile could support the load they were designed with a safety factor.

Proposed “LRT Project” is located in Jakarta. PT. Adhi Karya has planned to conduct axial
compression load test with reaction method for this project. This document describes the method
for axial load test to determine compressive capacity of driven pile. Schedule, drawings, and
project references will also be provided here for complementary.

2. Reference

Method of work for axial compression load test described in this document is based on ASTM
D1143-07: Standard Test Method for Piles under Static Axial Compressive Load.

3. Scope of Work

The scope of work included in this document is as follows:

1. Supervision of site preparation

2. Supervision for test pile preparation
3. Supervision for reaction piles preparation
4. Welding work and setting of equipment
5. Provision and setting of test equipments: main beams, secondary/cross beams, hydraulic
jacks, load cells, dial gauges, reference beams
6. Performing load test
7. Analysis & Reporting
These following items are excluded from scope of work:

1. Earth excavation work area surrounding the piles

2. Casting and chipping of test pile
3. Preparing the pile head (grouting)
4. Casting and chipping of reaction piles

4. Method Statement

The single static compression load test will be conducted on driven pile with 1800 mm diameter.
The maximum load applied is 200% of its working load of 2200 ton, or equal to 4400 ton,. Loading
chart is presented in Appendix A. The schematic of static vertical compression load test presented
in Figure 1. This test pile has several diferent of length depends on the final set while the
The test will be performed by reaction pile system, where the applied load on test pile will
be produced by friction capacity of four reaction piles connected with beam reaction frames. Cyclic

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- Light Rapid Transit Cawang – Dukuh Atas -

load will be applied using a five 1000 Tons capacity hydraulic jack controlled by pressure gauge
and vibrating wire load cell (VWLC). In order to make sure the load applied with minor
eccentricity, on top of hydraulic jack will be provided with spherical bearing.

4.1 Leveling Survey

A leveling instrument was placed on a fixed platform at few meters away from the test pile where
the two scales were fixed to the pile. When the test load was applied, the top settlement of pile was
measured from the changes in scale reading relative to the fixed platform by survey equipment.

4.2 Dial Gauges

Four (4) dial gauges are to be installed to measure the total settlement at pile top elevation under
specified test loads, as well as two (2) additional dial gauges to measure the lateral movements for
compression test. Two dial gauges will be installed at each reaction pile. Accuracy of each dial
gauges are 0.01 millimeters.

4.3 Length of Reaction Pile Requirement

In order to determine the length of reaction pile, the maximum load of 4400 ton will be used for
this following computation.

Reaction pile method is chosen over kentledge method, the length and number of reaction
pile required for test will be discussed in this section.The following calculations is done by using
assumption that pull-out capacity is only 70% of ultimate compression capacity retained by outer

Maximum test load, P = 4400 ton

Pull-out force retained by reaction pile = 1100 ton (if 4 reaction piles are used)

Based on calculation, the pull out capacity (Qpu) of bored pile with depth 46 m is 21969 kN = 2239

Thus, the pile length of 49 meter is sufficient to retain the pull out capacity.

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- Light Rapid Transit Cawang Bekasi Timur

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4.4 Beams Requirement

Requirement of beam for load test frame is based on the maximum load plan of 4400 ton as well.

Reaction Pile 1

Reaction Pile 4 Test Pile Reaction Pile 2

Reaction Pile 3

Figure 1. Pile Layout

4.4.1 Main Beams

Maximum working moment and force:

Maximum test load, ........................ P = 4400 tons

Eff. distance between reaction piles, L = 5.7 m
Maximum shear yielded by P, ......... Vu = 2200 tons



Maximum moment yielded by P, Mu = 6270 tons.m

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Available profile:
12 units of WF 750 x 375, ................ L1 = 12 m
Height of centroid, ............................ y = 1125 cm (measured from bottom)
Moment of inertia about x, ............... Ix = 45160000 cm4
Shear modulus about x, .................... Sx = 438191.6 cm3
Shear surface, ................................... Av = 8016 cm2
Yield strength of steel, ...................... Fy = 240 MPa
Capacity check:
Shear capacity, .................................. Vn = 0.6 Fy x Av
= 11764 tons
Shear force at mid length,................. Vu = 2000 tons
Vn>Vu  shear capacity sufficient
Moment capacity, ............................. Mn = 0.85 x Fy x Sx
= 9112.4 tons.m
Moment Ultimate at mid length ....... Mu = 6270 tons.m
Mn>Mu  moment capacity sufficient

Therefore, moment and shear capacity sufficient.

4.4.2 Secondary Beams

Maximum working moment and force:

Maximum test load, ........................ P = 2200 tons

Eff. distance between reaction piles, L = 5.7 m
Maximum shear yielded by P, ......... Vu = 1100 tons

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- Light Rapid Transit Cawang – Dukuh Atas -



Maximum moment yielded by P, Mu = 3135 tons.m

Available profile:
16 units of WF 800 x 300, ................ L1 = 12 m
Height of centroid, ............................ y = 160 cm (measured from bottom)
Moment of inertia about x, ............... Ix = 37893333.3 cm4
Shear modulus about x, .................... Sx = 236833.3 cm3
Shear surface, ................................... Av = 4171.5 cm2
Yield strength of steel, ...................... Fy = 240 MPa
Capacity check:
Shear capacity, .................................. Vn = 0.6 Fy x Av
= 5562 tons
Shear force at mid length,................. Vu = 1000 tons
Vn>Vu  shear capacity sufficient
Moment capacity, ............................. Mn = 0.85 x Fy x Sx
= 4831.3 tons.m
Moment Ultimate at mid length ....... Mu = 3135 tons.m
Mn>Mu  moment capacity sufficient

Therefore, moment and shear capacity sufficient.

4.5 Tension Rebar Requirement

If available rebar: D32 (deformed)

Diameter of rebar .............................. D = 32 mm
Cross-sectional area, ......................... As = ¼  x D2

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- Light Rapid Transit Cawang – Dukuh Atas -

= 804.24 mm2
Yield strength of steel rebar, ............ fy = 400 MPa
Tensile capacity per rebar, ...............   = 0.85 x As x fy
= 27.3 tons
Required nos of rebar, ...................... n = P/
= 161.1 ≈ 168 rebars.

Therefore, minimum rebar total used 168 D32 (42 rebars each reaction pile).

4.6 Welding Requirement

Tensile force each rebar = 4400 / 168 = 26.2 ton = 256.6 kN

Welding length requirement (1.2 cm thickness) = = 22.3 𝑐𝑚
. √ × . × × .

= 22.3 cm ≈ 25 cm

Therefore, the welding length requirement is 25 cm with minimum 1 cm thickness on each rebar.

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Procedure of Load Test Pile Preparation
(Reaction Pile Method)

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1. Initial condition: completion of casting piles

Note: illustration/image is intended for example only

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- Light Rapid Transit Cawang – Dukuh Atas -

2. Excavation of surronding soil to expose the pile head

Note: illustration/image is intended for example only

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- Light Rapid Transit Cawang – Dukuh Atas -

3. Setting up Bottom Casing

Note: illustration/image is intended for example only

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- Light Rapid Transit Cawang – Dukuh Atas -

4. Mounting main beams, secondary beams, and final arrangement

Note: illustration/image is intended for example only

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Load Test Schedule

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Recording Form

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Example of Test Result

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1. Time versus Settlement graph

2. Time versus Load graph

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3. Time versus Load graph

4. Example of graph served in report

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Dial Gauge Specification

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Hydraulic Jack Specification

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Pressure Gauge Specification

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Hydraulic Pump Specification

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Project References

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