Methodology of Static Pile Load Test

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Pilot Piles Load Test for Cast-in-situ Piles

Testing Piles under Static Axial Compressive Load
Static Axial Tensile Load &
Lateral Loads
Cast-in-situ Pilot Piles

(January, 2020)

Prepared and Submitted:

1|P age

1.0 General

2.0 Objective

3.0 Site Location

4.0 Test Pile Location

5.0 Scope of Work

6.0 Reference Documents

7.0 Test Sequence

Method of Test under Static Axial Compressive
9.0 Method of Test under Static Axial Tensile Load

10.0 Method of Test under Lateral Loads

11.0 Protection of Testing Equipment

12.0 Risk Assessment

13.0 Supervision

14.0 Flexibility

15.0 Quality Assurance

16.0 Health, Safety & Environment

2|P age
Testing Piles under Static Axial Compressive Load
Static Axial Tensile Load &
Lateral Loads
750mm & 600mm Cast-in-situ Initial Piles

1.0 General

Construction XX. In this connection 3 number ___mm dia (1 for static axial compression, 1 for pullout test
& 1 for horizontal test.) cast-in-situ Pilot Piles spread over different structures need to be tested under
Static Axial Compressive Load, Static Axial Tensile Load & Lateral Loads.

This methodology has been developed following the guide line ASTM D1143 for Standard Test
Method for Piles under Static Axial Compressive, ASTM D3689 for Static Axial Tensile Load &
ASTM D3966 for Lateral Loads.


Indian Standard- Design & construction of Pile Foundation-Code of Practice-Part 4-Load Test on
Piles, IS-2911 (Part 4).


Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC).

2.0 Objective

Pile Load Test will be carried out mainly for following reasons:

a. To find the load carrying capacity at pile installation depth at selected proof load, this
proof load being the minimum required factor times the working load. Testing measures
the response of pile-soil system to loads and provides data for
engineering design, quality assurance, or acceptance or rejection in accordance with the
specifications and contract documents.

b. To determine the Load –movement behavior of a pile at anticipated working load and
proof load. This data can be used to predict group settlements and settlement of other

c. To indicate the structural soundness of the pile.

d. When combined with an acceptance criterion, is suitable for assurance of pile foundation
design and installation under building codes, standards, and other regulatory statutes.

3|P age
3.0 Site Location

Picture-1: Location Map

4|P age
4.0 Test Pile Locations

Detail locations of piles as per drawing given below:

5.0 Scope of Work

• Organization and mobilization of work forces and equipment.

• Calibration of equipment.

• Preparation of crib wall, kentledge, reaction system etc.

• Performing tests.

• Report submission.

6.0 Reference Documents

All activities and load test procedures will be performed according to the following documents -

• Test Pile Layout and Detail &Detail of ___mm Bored Cast-in-situ pile Drawings.

• Technical Specification.

• Detailing as per ASTM - D1143

• Detailing as per ASTM – D3689

• Detailing as per ASTM – D3966

• IS 2911 (Part 4):2013

• Bangladesh National Building Code.

5|P age
7.0 Test Sequence

Test sequence is planned on following concept:

• Each individual test will be done on virgin pile. To keep this concept right pullout test will be
done before lateral test

• Not to disturb nearby pile during test arrangement and test.

• Minimum time of completion.

8.0 Method of Test under Static Axial Compressive Load

8.1 Proof Load& Test Level

The proof load is a maximum load that is imposed on pile during testing. Here proof load is 250% of
the working load i.e test loads are 350 MT for 750mm dia pile and 275 MT for 600mm dia pile.

Test Level will be at existing ground level at the time of piling work.

8.2 Reaction System

The reaction system called kentledge shall be prepared, comprising of steel I-beams (Cross beam, test
beam and rocker beam etc.) and sand filled gunny bags as counter weight against which the pile shall be
tested. Crib wall will be made by stacking sand filled bag. (System drawings are referred in Annex-I)

A pit around the pile shall be excavated to set up reaction system & the settlement measuring devices.
Pile butt will be smoothened, leveled and finished (if necessary) with reach cement mortar or a thin layer
of sand to set the test plate between the hydraulic jack and the pile head. Loading platform called
kentledge shall be prepared by using steel I-beams and sand filled gunny bags. 15% of proof load shall
be added with counter weight to avoid the tilting of kentledge.

8.3 System for Load Application

The load on pile shall be applied by using hydraulic jack seated on test plate. A piston pump shall be
used to develop pressure. The fluid pressure developed in the hydraulic jack shall be monitored by a
calibrated pressure gauge. Load shall be calculated by multiplying the fluid pressure and the cross
sectional area of the ram of the jack. Whenever calibrated jack is used, load is directly calculated from
the provided regression equation.

The total capacity of the jack shall be greater than required maximum load. The jack shall be arranged
in conjunction with the reaction system to deliver an axial load to the test pile. The complete system
shall be capable of transferring the maximum load required for the test.

In normal situation (whenever kentledge can be prepared to full loading on top as reaction), testing will
be started only when the kentledge is prepared to its full loading on top.

But when the soil supporting the crib wall is loose or/and shows settlement during any stage of
loading and it appears that load is going on pile, the test will start immediately with the permission of
the “Engineer” and side by side loading of kentledge will continue.

8.4 Measurement of Load

Pressure gauge shall be supplied for determining the load on the pile. Jack fitted with pressure gauge
will be calibrated & calibration certificate shall be supplied to the Engineer.

6|P age
8.5 Measuring Movement of Pile Heads

Two independent reference frames (round pipe or I beam of required length) shall be set for
measurement of the movement of the pile. The supports for the frame shall be founded in such a manner
and at such a distance from the test pile, crib wall that movement of the ground in the vicinity of the
equipment do not cause movements of the reference frame during the testing.

The measurement of pile movement shall be measured by dial gauges (4 numbers) attached with the
pile diametrically opposite positions and be equidistant from the pile axis. The dial gauges shall enable
readings to be made to within an accuracy of 0.01 mm and will have 50mm stroke.

8.6 Adjustability of Loading Equipment

The loading equipment shall be capable of adjustment throughout the test to obtain a smooth increase of
load or to maintain each load constant at the required stages of maintained loading test.

8.7 Test Materials

No. Equipment Name Size(dimensions in mm) Capacity Qty Comment
3,510kN total
1 Test Beam 450X170, L= 7300 390 kN each 7/9
3,610kN total
2 Cross Beam 305X127, L= 7000 190 kN each 15/19
3 Rocker Beam h= 325, b= 300, L=1500 5,000 kN 1 5,000kN capacity
4 Reference Beam 75x75x75, L= 4,875 2 U Channel
Body= 482dia, H= 610, 200mm stroke
5 Hydraulic Jack 5,000 kN 1
Ram= 345 dia For Applying load
6 Pressure Pipe L = 12,000mm 140MPa 1
Pressure Pump Provide pressure in
7 70MPa 1
(Manual & Electrical) hydraulic jack
For Load
8 Pressure Gauge Dial 150mm dia 500 kg/cm2 1
Measure movement
9 Settlement Gauge INSIZE, China 50 mm 4
of pile
10 Steel Plate Ø500, T=25 1
For counter weight
11 Empty Cement Bag 33 kg 15,000
& crib wall
12 Level 1 Back-up reading
Note: This are for other project use as a sample only

7|P age
8.8 Loading Procedure (Sample Only)

Loading procedure and Pile Movement measuring procedure is presented in Table-A below.
Loading Sequence and Reading Interval Static Axial Compressive Load
Test Load for 750mm dia pile = 140 MT X 2.5 = 350MT = 350,000 kg 140000
113, Table-A
Test Load for 600mm dia pile = 110 MT X 2.5 = 275 MT = 275,000 kg 110000

% of LOAD for LOAD for

Working 760mm dia 600mm dia Reading Interval
Load Pile (kg) Pile (kg)
st at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
1 Increment 25 35,000 27,500 A
nd at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
2 Increment 50 70,000 55,000 A
rd at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
3 Increment 75 105,000 82,500 A
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
4 Increment 100 140,000 110,000 A
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
5 Increment 125 175,000 137,500 A
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
6 Increment 150 210,000 165,000 A
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
7 Increment 175 245,000 192,500 A
at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
th upto 2 hr, then every hr from 2 to 12
8 Increment 200 280,000 220,000 B hrs, and then every 2 hrs from 12 to 24
st at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
1 Decrement 150 210,000 165,000 1 hr
nd at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
2 Decrement 100 140,000 110,000 1 hr
rd at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
3 Decrement 50 70,000 55,000 1 hr
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
4 Decrement 0 0 0 1 hr
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min
9 Increment 50 70,000 55,000 20 min
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min
10 Increment 100 140,000 110,000 20 min
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min
11 Increment 150 210,000 165,000 20 min
at 0,5,10 & 20 min
12th Increment 200 280,000 220,000 20 min
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min
13 Increment 210 294,000 231,000 20 min
at 0,5,10 & 20 min
14th Increment 220 308,000 242,000 20 min
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min
15 Increment 230 322,000 253,000 20 min
at 0,5,10 & 20 min
16th Increment 240 336,000 264,000 20 min
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min and every 20 min
17 Increment 250 350,000 275,000 2 hr
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min
5 Decrement 187.5 262,500 206,250 20 min
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min
6 Decrement 125 175,000 137,500 20 min
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min
7 Decrement 63 87,500 68,750 20 min
th at 0,5,10 & 20 min
8 Decrement 0 0 0 20 min

A = Untill the rate of axial movement does not exceed 0.25mm per hur, with a minimum time adequate
to verify this movement rate based on the accuracy of the movement indicator readings and with a
maximum of 2 hr.

B= 12h if the settlement over a 1 hr period is not greater than 0.25mm; otherwise load remain for 24h.
If pile failure occurs, reading will be taken immediately before removing the first load decrement.
During unloading, reading and recording will be made not exceeding 20min. A final reading will be
taken 12 hrs after all load has been removed.

8|P age
8.9 Reporting of Results

Report will contain all the information as indicated in the specification about the pile, site, equipment,
environment together with graphical presentation of the observed data (Load vs Settlement, Load vs
Time & Load vs Settlement). Analysis, special observation, comments on capacity and test will be
included. Five hard copies and one soft copy of the report will be presented.

9|P age
Annexure I

I-Beam Calculation

Pile Load Test Kentledge

Crib Wall Details

I-Beam Section Properties

Loading Condition

Field Data Sheet

10 | P a g e
Unit Moment Moment of
No of Test Total Resisting I-Beam
Test load Beam menent of
Test Type Method Q, kg Length
Load q, Moment at inertia c , cm f, kg/cm 2
Single I-beam
I-beam to menent I-beam F.S Size Remarks
L, cm
kg/cm mid section I, cm4 M r kg-cm
be Used M rtotal kg-cm cmXcm
M, kg-cm
Compression Kentledge 350,000 700 500 30,625,000 27,500 22.50 4,227 5,166,333 9 46,497,000 1.52 45X17 60 Grade

Unit Moment Moment of
No of Test Total Resisting I-Beam
Test load Beam menent of
Test Type Method Q, kg Length
Load q, Moment at inertia c , cm f, kg/cm 2
Single I-beam
I-beam to menent I-beam F.S Size Remarks
L, cm
kg/cm mid section I, cm4 M r kg-cm
be Used M rtotal kg-cm cmXcm
M, kg-cm
Compression Kentledge 350,000 700 500 30,625,000 9,070 15.25 4,227 2,514,026 19 47,766,486 1.56 30.5X12.7 60 Grade

11 | P a g e
13 | P a g e
Field Data Sheet Page of
Project: Test Type: Static axial compression
Client: Contractor: Design Load:
Sub-Contractor: Pile Type: Max Test Load:
Test Pile ID: Pile Installation Date: Test Starting Date:
Pile Diameter: Pile Top RL: Test Completion Date:
Pile Length: Co-Ordinate: N- E- Weather:

Dial Gauge Reading Average

Percent of Gauge Date Elapsed Cumulative
Load on M1 M1 M2 M2 M3 M3 M4 M4 Actual
Design Reading, X & Time Elapsed
Pile (kg) Observ. Actual Observ. Actual Observ. Actual Observ. Actual Settlement
Load (%) (kg/cm2) Time (min) Time (min)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Load Test By for for for

Contractor Consultant Client

14 | P a g e
9.0 Method of Test under Static Axial Tensile Load

9.1 Proof Load

The proof load is a maximum load that is imposed on pile during testing. Here proof load is 250% of the
working load i.e test loads are 62.5 MT for 760mm dia pile and 50 MT for 600mm dia pile.

9.2 Apparatus for Applying Loads

9.2.1 General

The apparatus for applying known tensile loads to the test pile shall be constructed so that the load is
applied axially minimizing eccentric loading.

The test pile shall be cut-off or built up to the proper grade as necessary to permit construction of the load-
application apparatus, placement of the necessary testing and instrumentation equipment and observations
of the instrumentation.

Bearing plates, hydraulic jack ram shall be centered on test beam, cap beam, reaction member and
cribbing. Bearing plates shall be set perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pile.
Arrangements are shown in Annexture-II

9.2.2 Testing equipment

No. Equipment Name Size(dimensions in mm) Capacity Qnty Comment
1,020 kN total
1 Test Beam 305X127, L= 6000 170 kN each 6
2 Beam on Crib 250X125, L= 6000 83 kN each 8-12 996 kN total capcity
3 Rocker Beam h= 325, b= 300, L=1500 4,000 kN 1 4,000kN capacity
4 Reference Beam 75x75x75, L= 4,875 2 U Channel
Body= 320dia, H= 448, 200mm stroke
5 Hydraulic Jack 2500 kN 1
Ram= 250 dia For Applying load
6 Pressure Pipe L = 12,000mm 140MPa 1
Provide pressure in
7 Pressure Pump (Manual) 70Mpa 1
hydraulic jack
For Load
8 Pressure Gauge Dial 150mm dia 500 kg/cm2 1
Measure movement
9 Settlement Gauge INSIZE, China 50 mm 2
of pile
10 Steel Plate Ø500, T=25 2
11 Empty Cement Bag 33 kg 2,000 For cribbing wall
12 Tension Connection Ø70, L= 3,800 2
13 Reaction Frame 150 x 150, L = 900 2
14 Level 1 Back-up reading

9.3 Procedure

9.3.1 Testing Procedure

Load to be applied to the test pile by hydraulic jack seating on the center of the test beam acting against a
reaction beam connected to the pile under test through suitably designed steel tensile connector. The steel
plate of suitable size and dimension to be affixed by welding with vertical main bars of test pile to be
subsequently anchored with the hydraulic jack through steel tensile connectors.

The test beam supported on suitably designed cribbing and centered over the test pile and whole system is
firmly set. The reaction system shall comprise of steel I-beams resting both ends on crib and jack on the
center of the test beam.

16 | P a g e
9.3.2 Loading Procedure

Tensile load on pile shall be applied as per ASTM D 3689 (Table-C).

Loading Sequence and Reading Interval Static Axial Pullout Test

Working Load for 750mm dia pile = 25 MT = 25,000 kg 0 Table-B
Test Load for 750mm dia pile = 25 MT X 2.5 = 62.5 MT = 62,500 kg

Working Load for 600 mm dia pile = 20 MT = 20,000 kg 20000

Test Load for 600 mm dia pile = 20 MT X 2.5 = 50 MT = 50,000 kg

% of for LOAD for
Workin 750mm 600mm dia Reading Interval
g Load dia Pile Pile (kg)
1 Increment 25 6,250 5,000 A at 0,2,4,8,15,45, 60, 80, 100 & 120 min
2 Increment 50 12,500 10,000 A at 0,2,4,8,15,45, 60, 80, 100 & 120 min
3 Increment 75 18,750 15,000 A at 0,2,4,8,15,45, 60, 80, 100 & 120 min
4 Increment 100 25,000 20,000 A at 0,2,4,8,15,45, 60, 80, 100 & 120 min
th at 0,2,4,8,15,45, 60, 80, 100 & 120 min
5 Increment 125 31,250 25,000 A
6 Increment 150 37,500 30,000 A at 0,2,4,8,15,45, 60, 80, 100 & 120 min
7 Increment 175 43,750 35,000 A at 0,2,4,8,15,45, 60, 80, 100 & 120 min
th at 0,2,4,8,15,45, 60, 80, 100 & 120 min
8 Increment 200 50,000 40,000 B and every 60 min
st 60 min 20 min
1 Decrement 150 37,500 30,000
nd 60 min 20 min
2 Decrement 100 25,000 20,000
rd 60 min 20 min
3 Decrement 50 12,500 10,000
th 60 min 20 min
4 Decrement 0 0 0
th 20 min
9 Increment 50 12,500 10,000 20 min
th 20 min
10 Increment 100 25,000 20,000 20 min
th 20 min
11 Increment 150 37,500 30,000 20 min
20 min
12th Increment 200 50,000 40,000 20 min
th 20 min
13 Increment 210 52,500 42,000 20 min
20 min
14th Increment 220 55,000 44,000 20 min
th 20 min
15 Increment 230 57,500 46,000 20 min
20 min
16th Increment 240 60,000 48,000 20 min
17 Increment 250 62,500 50,000 120
th 20 min
5 Decrement 187.5 46,875 37,500 20 min
th 20 min
6 Decrement 125.0 31,250 25,000 20 min
th 20 min
7 Decrement 62.5 15,625 12,500 20 min
th at 0, 1 hr, 2 hr & 12 hrs.
8 Decrement 0 0 0 12 hrs
A = Untill the rate of axial movement does not exceed 0.25mm per hr, with a minimum time adequate
to verify this movement rate based on the accuracy of the movement indicator readings and with a
maximum of 2 hr.
B= 12h if the settlement over a 1h period is not greater than 0.25 mm; otherwise load remain for 24 h.

17 | P a g e
9.3.3 Procedure for Measuring Pile Movement

Recording of readings of time, load and pile movement will be made immediately before and after the
application of each load increment or the removal of a load decrement. Additional readings after each increase
in load at the following intervals: 2, 4, 8, 15, 45, 60, 80, 100 and 120 min.

During periods when the load is held constant for more than 2 h, recording of readings will be made at 1-h

During unloading, record of readings will be at 30-min intervals between decreases in load.
After reducing the load to zero, take and record readings after 1, 2 and 12 h.

9.4 Report

The report will have, load – movement curve, time – movement curve, load – time curve along with field data
sheet transferred in to computer format and a write-up. All information as specified in specification/scope of
work will be provided. 5 hard copies of the report and a soft copy will be submitted.

Annexure- II

I-Beam Calculation, Fig-1, Fig-2, Fig-3 Field Data Sheet

18 | P a g e
19 | P a g e
Unit Moment Moment of
No of Test Total Resisting I-Beam
Test load Beam menent of
Test Type Method Q, kg Length
Load q, Moment at inertia c , cm f, kg/cm 2
Single I-beam
I-beam to menent I-beam F.S Size Remarks
L, cm
kg/cm mid section I, cm4 M r kg-cm
be Used M rtotal kg-cm cmXcm
M, kg-cm
Tensile Anchor 62,500 600 104 9,375,000 9,070 15.25 4,227 2,514,026 6 15,084,153 1.61 30.5X12.7 60 Grade

Unit Moment Moment of
No of Test Total Resisting I-Beam
Test load Beam menent of
Test Type Method Q, kg Length
Load q, Moment at inertia c , cm f, kg/cm 2
Single I-beam
I-beam to menent I-beam F.S Size Remarks
L, cm
kg/cm mid section I, cm4 M r kg-cm
be Used M rtotal kg-cm cmXcm
M, kg-cm
Tensile Anchor 31,225 600 52 4,683,750 3,717 12.50 4,227 1,256,941 6 7,541,644 1.61 25X125 60 Grade

20 | P a g e
Show 4 settlement
Field Data Sheet Page of
Project: Test Type:
Test Method:
Design Load:
Executive Agency: Maximum Test Load:
Construction Company: Test starting :
Pile no: Pile Type: Test Completion Date:
Test Pile Section: Length: Weather:
Driving Date: Below from EGL / FGL: Total Pile Nos:

Percent Dial Gage Reading

Load on of Observed Date Elapsed Average
Test Pile Design Pressure & Time Movement
2 Time M1 M1 M2 M2
(kg) Load (kg/cm ) Time (min) (mm)
(min) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Obs Actual Obs Actual
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

for for
(Load Testing Firm) Contractor Department

24 | P a g e
10.0 Method of Test under Lateral Loads

10.1 Proof Load

The proof load is a maximum load that is imposed on pile during testing. Here proof load is 128.57% of the working
load i.e test loads are 11.25 MT for 750mm dia pile and 4.50 MT for 600mm dia pile.

10.2 Reaction System

The reaction will be provided by nearby pile at the close vicinity of the test pile (Fig. -1)

Photograph-2, Lateral Load Test Arrangement

25 | P a g e
10.3 Testing Equipment

The equipment used for application of load using hydraulic jacks, hydraulic pump etc. The total capacity of the jack
will be much greater than required maximum load. The jack shall be arranged in 900 to the axes of the test pile to
deliver a lateral load to the test pile. The complete system shall be capable of transferring the maximum load
required for the test.

The load on test pile is applied by using hydraulic jack placed laterally between the test pile and the reaction system
with proper arrangement of bearing plates and struts as shown in Fig 1 and Phograph-2. A piston pump is used to
develop desired pressure and the fluid pressure developed in the hydraulic jack is monitored by a calibrated pressure

Suitable approved measuring devices for determining the load on the pile shall be supplied. Certificates of
calibration shall be supplied to the Engineer.

The Engineer shall approve the type of pressure gauges to be used and other details on the instrumentation.

The loading equipment shall be capable of adjustment throughout the test to obtain a smooth increase of load or to
maintain each load constant at the required stages of test.

Following equipment were used in the testing scheme:


No. Equipment Name Size Capacity Qnty Comment

1 Hydraulic Jack Ram dia 125mm 1000 kN 1 Calibrated

250 bar to
be fitted
2 Pressure Gauge Dial 150mm dia 1 Calibrated
with 125mm
dia ram
3 Movement Gauge INSIZE, China 50 mm 2
Pressure Pump
4 70MPa 1
Pressure Pump
5 1250 Bar 1 Standby
L = 6,000 to 140MPa -
6 Pressure Pipe 1
12,000mm 185MPa
7 Test plates 4 Variable dia
8 Spacer Shaft/Pipe 1 Adjustable Length
Note: At any stage for the smooth performance of the test, alternative materials
are selected, these must provide equivalent capacities or greater capacities.

10.4 General Procedure

A pit around the pile is excavated to set up the settlement measuring devices. Excavated ground is leveled and
compacted and make surface in workable condition. Wooden plank is then placed on the ground surface on which
hydraulic jack, steel strut, steel packing plate in between pile & reaction system. One reference beam is placed
perpendicular to the axis of the hydraulic jack i.e. line of load application. These reference beams are affixed with the
ground by inserting steel pins at both ends of the beam. Dial gauge for measuring pile lateral movement is attached
with the reference beams through magnetic base.

26 | P a g e
10.5 Equipment for applying load

The equipment for applying load shall consist is jack & hydraulic pump etc. The total capacity of the jack shall be
greater than required maximum load. The jack shall be arranged in conjunction with the reaction system to deliver an
axial load to the test pile. The complete system shall be capable of transferring the maximum load required for the

The loading equipment shall be capable of adjustment throughout the test to obtain a smooth increase of load or to
maintain each load constant at the required stages of maintained loading test.

10.6 Measuring Lateral Deflection of Pile Heads

The deflection of the test pile as well as the reaction pile will be measured upon application of load by two dial
gage/micrometers of accuracy up to 0.01 mm and stroke of 50 mm with respect to a horizontal reference beam fixed
on the ground. The measured deflection of either dial gage will be the butt deflection of the respective piles with
which it is attached.
In this test, the deflection of the pile head shall be measured by the method as described below.

10.7 Independent Reference frame

One independent reference frame will be set up for measurement of the deflection. The supports for the frame shall
be founded in such a manner and at such a distance from the test pile and the reaction system, so that movement of
the ground in the vicinity of the equipment does not cause movements of the reference frame during the testing.

The measurement of pile deflection shall be measured by two dial gauges attached with the test pile. The dial gauge
shall enable readings to be made to within an accuracy of 0.01 mm.

27 | P a g e
Loading Sequence and Reading Interval Initial Lateral load

Working Load for 750mm dia pile =8.75 MT = 8,750kg 8,750 Ta

Test Load for 750mm dia pile = 8.75MT X 1.2857= 11.25 MT = 11,250 kg Table C

Working Load for 600mm dia pile = 3.5 MT = 3,500 kg 3,500

Test Load for 600mm dia pile = 3.5MT X 1.2857= 4.5MT = 4,500 kg

% of LOAD for LOAD for Maximum

LOADING Measuring
Working 750mm dia 600mm dia Holding
STEPS Interval (Min)
Load Pile (kg) Pile (kg) Time (min)
1 Increment 25 2,188 875 10 5
2 Increment 50 4,375 1,750 10 5
3 Increment 75 6,563 2,625 15 5
4 Increment 100 8,750 3,500 20 5
5 Increment 125 10,938 4,375 20 5
6 Increment 150 13,125 5,250 20 5
7 Increment 170 14,875 5,950 20 5
8 Increment 180 15,750 6,300 20 5
9 Increment 190 16,625 6,650 20 5
10 Increment 200 17,500 7,000 60 15
1 Decrement 150.0 13,125 5,250 10 5
2 Decrement 100.0 8,750 3,500 10 5
3 Decrement 50.0 4,375 1,750 10 5
4 Decrement 0.0 0 0 10 5
11 Increment 50 4,375 1,750 10 5
12 Increment 100 8,750 3,500 10 5
13 Increment 150 13,125 5,250 10 5
14 Increment 200 17,500 7,000 10 5
15 Increment 210 18,375 7,350 15 5
16 Increment 220 19,250 7,700 15 5
17 Increment 230 20,125 8,050 15 5
18 Increment 240 21,000 8,400 15 5
19 Increment 250 21,875 8,750 30 15
5 Decrement 187.5 16,406 6,563 10 5
6 Decrement 125.0 10,938 4,375 10 5
7 Decrement 62.5 5,469 2,188 10 5
8 Decrement 0.0 0 0 10 5

10.8 Report

The report will have, load –displacement curve, time – displacement curve, load – time curve along with field data
sheet transferred in to computer format and a write-up. All information as specified in specification/scope of work will
be provided. 5 hard copies of the report and a soft copy will be submitted.


Field Data Sheet

28 | P a g e
Field Data Sheet Page of
Project: Test Type:
Test Method:
Design Load:
Executive Agency: Maximum Test Load:
Construction Company: Test starting :
Pile no: Pile Type: Test Completion Date:
Test Pile Section: Length: Weather:
Driving Date: Below from EGL / FGL: Total Pile Nos:

Percent Dial Gage Reading

Load Observe Cumulativ
of Date Elapse Average
on Test d e Elapsed
Design & d Time Displacemen
Pile Pressure Time M1 M1 M2 M2
Load 2 Time (min) t (mm)
(kg) (kg/cm ) (min) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Obserb Actual Obserb Actual
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

for for
Testing Firm) Department

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11.0 Protection of testing equipment

Throughout the test period all equipment for measuring load and movement shall be protected from the
weather and any external interference.

Construction equipment and persons who are not involved in the testing process shall be kept at a sufficient
distance from the test to avoid disturbance to the measurement apparatus.

12.0 Risk Assessment:

After all arrangement is complete risk assessment will be made by a team of engineers. They will ensure

• Alignments of girders.
• Pumps will be tested.
• Power source/generator will be checked.
• All electronic/digital gauge will be checked.
• Recording will be made by experience engineer keeping safety in mind.
• Safety rules will be followed.
• Safety instruction will be given before starting test

13.0 Supervision:

The contractor shall depute required supervisory staff for keeping records and supervise all activities.

During the progress of a test, the testing equipment and all records of the test as required shall be available
for inspection by the Engineer.

14.0 Flexibility:

During the performance of load testing, at any stage, if the pump and/or jack go out of order, the test will
continue by releasing load to zero thereby giving a cycle. And the equipment will be repaired or replaced.
The load will then be again be put to the previous stage. The pile movement will be recorded for the time
of repaired or replaced. The test does not require to be repeated. This is a normal engineering practice.

Whenever electric pump fails to operate, back-up manual hand pump will be used.

15.0 Quality Assurance

For quality assurance following steps will be taken-

• A jack fitted with pressure gauge will be calibrated and calibration certificate will be submitted in
advance. The capacity of the jack & pressure gauge will be greater than the test load/pressure.
• All four settlement gauges will be calibrated & calibration certificate will be submitted in advance.
• A pump will be kept as standby.
• A full time Surveyor along with Leveling Instrument shall be on duty at site to take backup

16.0 Health, Safety & Environment

 Pep talk/ Tool Box training to be provided to all workmen before starting of
work on regularlybasis.
 All workmen/Staff should use PPE.
 Permit to be ensured before stating of work.
 Housekeeping to done atsite.
 There shall be one First Aid Box with all necessary items.
 Portable drinking water shall be provided to all workmen and adequate
sanitary facilities shall be provided to avoid any contaminated diseases.
 All identified hazards and their control measure to be communicated to
workmen involved in sand filling activities.
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1) Food and Food Premises: The purpose is to protect the health and welfare
of Individuals who consume food produced, processed, prepared or
otherwise handled by any food facility. Food poisoning and food-borne
diseases are probably the most common causes of illness In order to
eliminate or minimize such risks; we shall provide food from reliable
company and check food regularly.

2) Occupational Health and Hygiene: The Sub-contractor shall ensure that

all necessary arrangements have been made to identify any hazardous
exposures to health of his employees and that precautionary measures have
been taken to protect personnel and the workplace. The Sub-contractor shall
provide and agree with the Consultant Representative(s) arrangements for
provision of medical facilities and services for all his personnel including,
but not limited to, physical examination for fitness to work and freedom
from contagious diseases, consultation and treatment of sickness and injury.
Medical examination for employee shall be provided by the SUB-
CONTRACTOR at the periods specified in accordance with the
“Bangladesh Ministry of Health Regulation”.

1) Equipment

a. All equipment shall be thoroughly checked at the prior each test.

Operators shall not start or operate any equipment while other
personnel are oiling or adjusting theequipment.
b. Runways, stairways and/or platforms shall be provided whenever
required for the safe operation of the equipment.
c. Operator will be skilled.

2) Officesafety

a. Safety signs giving information and instruction about escape routes,

emergency actions, etc. must be prominently displayed and
arrangements made to keep signs up to date Floors must be kept
free from obstruction or material likely to cause a person to slip, trip
b. Floors must be regularly maintained and worn of loose floor
coverings repaired, or replaced with material that is non-slip, fire
retardant and a n t i s t a t i c .
c. Stairways and corridors must not be used for the storage of goods and

3) Fire Fighting Equipment:

A well maintained fire extinguisher will be kept ready to be used at any fire
incident. It will be inspected at regular interval.

4) Fuel Storage:

All fuel storage containers or vessels shall be remote from residential areas.
Tanks atrisk from lightning strike shall be suitably protected. Warning sign
relative to the risk are to be provided. Portable cans used for the storage of
petroleum products shall be kept in a suitable location remote from other
flammable liquids, gases or solids.

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5) Personal Protective Equipment:
The Sub-contractor shall provide free of charge all personnel under his control
with personal protective clothing and other equipment, as required in
connection with the safe performance of the work, which shall be maintained in
good condition or replaced. The Sub-contractor shall ensure that all personal
protective equipment under his control conforms, but as a minimum Sub-
contractor shall:

A. Safety helmets and safety shoes shall be work by all personal while in the
vicinity of any constructionactivity.
B. Safety goggles of face shields shall be worn by all personal performing grinding
/ chipping,
/ or flying particles and by those in the affected vicinity.
C. Dust goggles shall be used when working in areas subject to blowing dust or sand.
D. Protective gloves shall be required and used when working with sharp material.
E. All employees shall be required to wear appropriate work pants or overalls for
skin protection.
F. All personnel protective devices shall be inspected regularly and maintained in
good workingconditions.

6) Emergency plans:
The Sub-contractor shall be have a written Emergency Action Plan as a part
of his HSE Program/Plan including, but not limited to the following:
A. Injuries toemployees.
B. Injuries to the general public on or adjacent to the work site.
C. Property damage with particular emphasis on utilities.
D. Fire
E. Environmentaldamage.
F. Nature disasters such as earthquakes.
G. Other exposures or potential hazards that may occur at the work site.
H. Roles andResponsibilities
I. Communications and contact numbers Emergency Procedures
shallbecompatible with procedures of Bangladesh police, fire and
other related authorities.

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a. Environmental Protection and Waste Disposal:

The Sub-contractor shall pay due regard to the environment by

preserving air, water, soil, animal and plant life from adverse effects
of the Sub-contractor ’s activities and detailed procedures for
protecting and monitoring the environment (e.g. oil and chemical spill
contingency measures, site restoration etc.) and waste disposal prior to
starting work on site.
b. Orderliness / Housekeeping:

Sub-contractor shall ensure that, at any time, each and every piece of
equipment, tool, material, facility, or apparatus shall be stored, stacked,
located, placed, temporarily spotted or set up for manipulation in such a
manner as will render an accident highly improbable and gives the
direct and obvious impression of a clean and orderly work place. The
Sub-contractor shall designate storage areas with the approval of the
Consultant and Projects Management Team. The Subcontractor will
correct any non- compliance.
1) Do not block access ways.
2) Work areas will be cleaned daily as work progresses.
3) Do not leave cable, cords or loose objects in passageways,
stairways, walk ways or underfoot.
4) Remove all material, tools and equipment such as shackles, slings
ladders, safety equipment, etc, from work areas and return them to
storage areas when not needed.
5) Return all tools, supplies, materials and equipment to their proper
storage area after completion of job.
6) Welding rod, nuts, bolts and round stock shall be kept in proper
containers and not piled on floors, or deck.
7) Trash containers shall be placed at appropriate locations for
disposal of all rubbish, trash and debris.
8) Rubbish, trash and / or debris shall be removed from the work area daily.
9) Daily checks of work area by the Sub-contractor shall be made for
the removal of rags, boxes, paper and other debris for housekeeping
and fire prevention.
10) Dunnage shall be stored in neat storage piles or removed from the job-site

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