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Hypertension 2010 Siddiqui 386 93
Prevalent in Preeclampsia
Correlation With Disease Severity
Athar H. Siddiqui, Roxanna A. Irani, Sean C. Blackwell, Susan M. Ramin,
Rodney E. Kellems, Yang Xia
Received July 29, 2009; first decision August 16, 2009; revision accepted November 9, 2009.
From the Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (A.H.S., R.A.I., R.E.K., Y.X.) and Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences
(S.C.B., S.M.R.), University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, Tex.
Correspondence to Yang Xia, MSB 6.200, 6431 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77030. E-mail Yang.Xia@uth.tmc.edu
© 2010 American Heart Association, Inc.
Hypertension is available at http://hyper.ahajournals.org DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.109.140061
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Siddiqui et al AT1-AA and Disease Severity 387
2 important clinical questions regarding what percentage of Table. Clinical Features of Patients From Various Groups in
women with PE contain AT1-AA and whether the titer of the Present Study
AT1-AA correlates with the severity of disease. Using this Gestational
bioassay, we have provided the first compelling patient Patient Group Normotensive Hypertension Mild PE Severe PE
evidence that AT1-AA is highly prevalent in PE, and its titer Age, y 28⫾2 28⫾2 25⫾2 28⫾2
strongly correlates with the severity of the disease. These
Systolic blood 120⫾2 153⫾4 145⫾2 168⫾3
findings add support to the novel concept that PE is an pressure, mm Hg
autoimmune disease associated with AT1-AA.13 We believe Diastolic blood 73⫾2 88⫾3 91⫾4 98⫾2
that these initial clinical studies, coupled with our bioassay, pressure, mm Hg
have provided a strong foundation for us to perform a Urinary protein, 25⫾12 71⫾20 363⫾37 1201⫾250
large-scale clinical studies in the future. mg/24 h
Serum creatinine, 0.66⫾0.05 0.63⫾0.02 0.70⫾0.02 0.69⫾0.02
Methods mg/dL
Materials sFlt-1, ng/mL 5⫾1 7⫾1 11⫾2 20⫾2
Tissue culture medium (RPMI 1640), FBS, and antibiotics, such as Weeks’ 38.0⫾0.5 36.0⫾1.0 35.0⫾1.0 32.0⫾1.0*
penicillin-streptomycin (⫻100), and geneticin (G418, 50 mg/mL) gestational age
were purchased from Invitrogen Life Technologies. Human Ang II was
*For early onset preeclampsia (delivery ⬍32 weeks), weeks’ gestational
obtained from Sigma. Losartan (COZAAR) was a gift from Merck
age⫽26⫾2 (n⫽10). For late preeclampsia (delivery at ⬎32 weeks), weeks’
Research Laboratory. The 7 amino acid (7aa) peptide (7aaAFHYESQ)
is an epitope sequence present on the second extracellular loop of the gestational age⫽36.0⫾0.5 (n⫽17).
AT1 receptor that is recognized by AT1-AA. These peptides were
synthesized by the Baylor College of Medicine Protein Chemistry Core Preparation of the IgG Fraction
Laboratory. Protein G Sepharose 4 Fast Flow, used for IgG isolation, The IgG fraction was isolated by the batch purification method using
was purchased from Amersham Pharmacia Biotech. PathDetect Protein Sepharose G 4 Fast Flow, as described previously.17 The
nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT) cis-reporting system and purity of the isolated IgGs was ascertained using gel electrophoresis.
synthetic Renilla luciferase reporter vector were purchased from The presence of 2 bands at ⬇50 kDa and ⬇25 kDa indicated the
Stratagene and Promega Corp, respectively. presence of the heavy and light chains of the IgG.
Statistical Analysis
Results are expressed as mean⫾SEM. All of the data were subjected Gq
to statistical analyses using GraphPad Prism 5. One-way ANOVA
and unpaired t tests were performed to determine the significance of
differences between groups. Data were also subjected to correlation
analysis using the same software to determine Spearman r values. PLC MAPKK
Statistical significance was set at P⬍0.05.
Construction of a Cell Line That Reports the ERK, JNK, STAT
Activation of AT1 Receptors as Increased Intracellular PKC
Luciferase Activity Ca 2+
In view of known signaling events downstream of AT1
receptor activation (Figure 1A), we chose 2 luciferase re-
Downstream Factors NFAT EgR
porter constructs for potential use in monitoring AT1 receptor
activation. One reporter construct, termed “2⫻-Egr-luciferase,” Downstream Genes sFlt-1 Cyclin D
contains 2 copies of a consensus early growth response factor
response element followed by a cytomegalovirus promoter– 1.
driven firefly luciferase reporter gene. The other construct, 2x-EgR elements Fire-fly Luciferase
termed “4⫻-NFAT-luciferase,” is a cytomegalovirus promoter–
driven luciferase reporter plasmid under the control of 4 2.
NFAT cis-regulatory elements. These DNA constructs were 4x-NFAT elements Fire-fly Luciferase
transiently transfected into CHO.AT1 cells that were incu-
bated with a range of Ang II concentrations (10 to 1000 nM). Promoter constructs for Bioassay Strategies
After 24 hours, the cells were lysed and luciferase activity
determined in cell extracts. The results (Figure 1B) show a B 20 p2xcEgr-luc
dose-dependent increase in luciferase activity with both
luciferase reporter genes after treatment with Ang II. How-
(RLU 1x10 4)
Ang II
6 Ang II + Losartan
AT1 receptor
Figure 2. Construction of a cell line that
* * reports the activation of AT1 receptors
2 * * * with increased luciferase activity. A, Sche-
1 matic illustration of genetically engineered
Ca2+ cell line, CHO.AT1.luc (4⫻NFAT-luciferase)
used in our bioassay to detect AT1 recep-
tor activation by measurement of lucif-
Cam activation
erase activity. B, Concentration-response
curve of Ang II with the CHO.AT1A cells.
Ang II showed a concentration-dependent
FK506 Calcineurin C luciferase activation, which was blocked
concentration-dependent increase in luciferase activity when luciferase activity observed in IgG-treated CHO.AT1.luc cells
using IgG from women with PE that was much greater that is a measure of AT1-AA–mediated AT1 receptor activation.
that observed with IgG from normotensive pregnant women.
Maximal stimulation was achieved at a 1:10 antibody dilu- Prevalence and Abundance of AT1-AA in Women
tion, where the luciferase activity expressed as a percentage With Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
increase over basal activity was found to be 9⫾3 for The CHO.AT1.luc cells were used to determine the preva-
normotensive versus 64⫾13 for the severe PE samples. The lence and abundance of AT1-AAs in normotensive pregnant
antibody-mediated stimulation of luciferase activity was women, women with gestational hypertension, and women
blocked by the presence of losartan. These results indicate with PE (mild and severe). Luciferase activity (in RLUs) was
that increased luciferase activity resulted from antibody- expressed as a percentage increase over basal activity. The
mediated AT1 receptor activation. Overall, the results indicate results (Figure 4A) show that the highest stimulation and the
that the synthesis of luciferase by CHO.AT1.luc cells served broadest range of activities was achieved with IgG isolated
as a bioassay to detect AT1-AAs present in the IgG of women from women with severe PE. The broad range of NFAT-
with severe PE. luciferase activation observed for this group was also asso-
A characteristic and defining feature of AT1-AAs is the ciated with a broad spectrum of clinical features of PE. It is
interaction with a 7aa peptide epitope present on the second noteworthy that 10 patients in this category fell into the
extracellular loop of the AT1 receptor. The presence of the 7aa severe early onset category of PE with delivery before 32
epitope peptide in the culture medium prevents the binding of weeks. The level of AT1-AA was not different between the
AT1-AAs to AT1 receptors. As a test for the specificity of the early and late-onset cases of severe PE. The stimulation of
NFAT-luciferase bioassay, we added the 7aa epitope peptide luciferase activity by IgG from the severe PE group was
(0.25 g/mL) to CHO.AT1.luc cells before the addition of IgG inhibited by the 7aa epitope peptide, indicating that it resulted
from women with severe PE or normotensive pregnant from AT1-AA–mediated AT1 receptor activation. In this
women. The presence of the 7aa epitope peptide completely group, 26 of the 27 samples tested showed significant
blocked the antibody-mediated induction of luciferase activ- stimulation of luciferase activity, with an average stimulation
ity, including the relatively small increase in luciferase of 66⫾9% that was ⬇5-fold greater than that observed with
activity observed for cells treated with IgG from normoten- IgG from normotensive pregnant women.
sive pregnant women (Figure 3B). These results suggest that A significant increase in luciferase activity was also
the antibody-mediated induction of luciferase activity is observed with IgG from women with mild PE, although it
mediated through interaction with the common peptide was not as high as in the severe PE group. The range of
epitope associated with the second extracellular loop of the activities was more narrow for the mild PE group than for that
AT1 receptor. Overall, these results indicate that increased observed for the severe PE group. All 10 of the mild PE
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390 Hypertension February 2010
A A 250
80 PE 200
(RLU-percent over basal)
20 *
0 20
1:50 1:25 1:10 1:5
Dilution of IgGs 0
* p<0.05 compared to NT
(RLU-percent over basal)
60 n=27
B 80 @$
(RLU-percent over basal)
20 *
n=23 n=10
0 40 *
20 #
# #
* p<0.05 compared to IgG alone
Figure 3. Measurement of AT1-AA activity by a luciferase assay
IgGs (AT1-AAs) isolated from the sera of women with PE and
women with normotensive (NT) pregnancies. n⫽6 to 10 for each
*p<0.05 compred to NT
group. B, IgG (AT1-AA)-induced increase in luciferase activation @p<0.05 compared to GH
is significantly blocked by AT1 receptor antagonist losartan and $p<0.05 compared to Mild PE
7aa peptide corresponding with this common epitope, which #p<0.05 compared without 7aa
blocks the binding of AT1-AA to the AT1 receptor. n⫽8 for NT
and PE. Figure 4. Prevalence and abundance of AT1-AAs in women with
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. A, Activation levels of IgGs
(AT1-AAs), expressed as luciferase activity, obtained from indi-
samples showed significant stimulation, with an average vidual serum samples from various groups of patients. The AT1-
value of 35⫾4% (Figure 4B). The stimulation of luciferase AA–induced luciferase activation is significantly blocked in the
activity was blocked by the 7aa epitope peptide, indicating presence of 7aa that blocks the binding of AT1-AAs to the AT1
receptor. Data are calculated according to the percentage
that this was because of AT1-AA–mediated AT1 receptor change (increase) in luciferase synthesis, determined as RLUs
activation. compared with the basal (no treatment). n⫽30 for normotensive
IgG isolated from the normotensive pregnant women (NT) pregnancies, 23 for gestational hypertension (GH), 10 for
showed the lowest range of activity analyzed, with an average mild PE, and 27 for severe PE. B, Average (mean⫾SEM) activa-
tion of luciferase activity induced by the IgGs (AT1-AAs), as
stimulation of only 14⫾3% over basal, a value that was determined by the luciferase activity, from various groups of
significantly less than that of all of the other groups. It is patients. The luciferase activation is significantly blocked by the
noteworthy that approximately half of the normotensive 7aa that blocks the binding of AT1-AAs to the AT1 receptor,
samples had no detectable activity in this assay. The low level thereby also establishing that the increase in luciferase synthe-
sis is indeed caused by the AT1-AAs. *P⬍0.05, significantly dif-
of activity displayed by most of the normotensive pregnancy ferent compared with NT, @P⬍0.05 significantly different com-
samples was inhibited by the presence of the 7aa epitope pared with GH, $P⬍0.05 significantly different compared with
peptide, indicating that the low level of activity observed in mild PE, #P⬍0.05 significantly different compared with the
these samples was likely the result of low titers of AT1-AA. absence of 7aa. Data were analyzed by unpaired t test.
We draw several conclusions from the data presented in
Figure 4. First, ⬎95% of women with PE (10 of 10 of those AT1-AA Activity Significantly Correlates With
with mild PE and 26 of 27 with severe PE) harbor AT1-AAs. Blood Pressure, Proteinuria, and sFlt-1 in
Second, normotensive pregnant women harbor low or unde- Severe PE
tectable levels of AT1-AAs, and the overall average antibody The wide distribution of AT1-AA levels among the women
levels in these women are ⬇5-fold less than those in women with severe PE (Figure 4) was associated with a wide range
with severe PE. Third, the average level of AT1-AA activity in the severity of clinical features of the disease. For this
for each of the 3 groups of women examined shows a reason, this group of patients provided a favorable opportu-
relationship to the clinical severity of the disease. nity to examine the relationships among the AT1-AA activity,
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Siddiqui et al AT1-AA and Disease Severity 391
Systolic Blood Pressure
220 3000
sFlt-1 (ng/ml)
200 30
(mg/24 hrs)
180 20
160 10
140 0 0
0 50 100 150 0 100 200 300 0 50 100 150
(RLU-percent over basal) (RLU-percent over basal) (RLU-percent over basal)
Figure 5. Positive correlation among AT1-AA, blood pressure, urinary protein, and sFlt-1 in severe PE. A, Correlation analysis between
AT1-AA activity and systolic blood pressure (r⫽0.51; P⬍0.05). B, The positive correlation between AT1-AA activity and urinary protein
(r⫽⫺0.70; P⬍0.05). C, The relation between AT1-AA and serum sFlt-1 (r⫽0.71; P⬍0.05).
blood pressure, urinary protein, and sFlt-1 levels. This was significantly elevated in the blood circulation of patients with
accomplished by plotting AT1-AA against blood pressure, gestational hypertension compared with those of normoten-
proteinuria, and sFlt-1 for individual patients in the severe PE sive controls. However, sFlt-1 levels were significantly in-
group. The results (Figure 5A) show that the concentration of creased in both mild and severe preeclamptic patients, as
AT1-AAs in the serum of these women shows a strong summarized in Table. Thus, patients with gestational hyper-
positive correlation with systolic blood pressure (r⫽0.56; tension show a discordance between AT1-AA and sFlt-1
n⫽21; P⬍0.05). The correlation analysis between the levels.
AT1-AA concentration and urinary protein is illustrated in
Figure 5B (r⫽0.70; n⫽15; P⬍0.05), and in Figure 5C we Discussion
show the positive correlation between the plasma sFlt-1 In this study, our newly developed sensitive and high-
levels with the concentration of AT1-AAs in women with throughput luciferase bioassay allowed us to address 2
severe PE (r⫽0.71; n⫽16; P⬍0.05). Thus, among women important questions. First, what percentage of women with
with severe PE, there is a strong positive correlation between PE have AT1-AA? Second, does the titer of AT1-AA correlate
the abundance of AT1-AAs and blood pressure, urinary with the severity of the disease? Our results show the
protein, and sFlt-1 levels. following: (1) ⬎95% of women with PE harbor significantly
elevated levels of AT1-AAs; (2) the level of AT1-AA activity
AT1-AA Is Significantly Increased in Women With increases with the severity of the disease; (3) there is a strong
Gestational Hypertension correlation of AT1-AA activity to hypertension, proteinuria,
We also examined IgG from women with gestational hyper- and sFlt-1 in severe PE; (4) elevated levels of AT1-AA are
tension for the presence of AT1-AAs. These women are present in women with gestational hypertension, lacking
characterized by hypertension appearing after 20 weeks’ proteinuria; and (5) normotensive pregnant women harbor
gestation and the absence of proteinuria. The results (Figure low or undetectable levels of AT1-AAs, and the average
4A) show that IgG obtained from women with gestational antibody level in these women is ⬇5-fold less than that in
hypertension showed an average stimulation of 33⫾4% women with severe PE. In summary, our findings show that
(Figure 4B) in the NFAT-luciferase bioassay. The activation AT1-AA is highly prevalent in PE and that its titer strongly
of luciferase was inhibited by the presence of the 7aa epitope correlates with the severity of the disease.
peptide, indicating that the luciferase activation resulted from We have recently extended multiple in vitro findings to in
AT1-AA–mediated AT1 receptor activation. The AT1-AA vivo studies showing that the introduction of AT1-AA from
activity levels obtained with the IgG from the gestational preeclamptic patients into pregnant mice results in key
hypertension and mild PE groups were quite similar (Figure features of PE. These findings provide support for the
4), and the degree of blockage obtained with the 7aa epitope hypothesis that AT1-AAs contribute to pathophysiology in
peptide was also similar (10⫾2 versus 10⫾3; P⬍0.05 com- PE.18 However, the prevalence of AT1-AAs in PE is largely
pared with respective activation without 7aa). These findings undetermined because of the lack of a sensitive bioassay to
indicate that the abundance of AT1-AAs is similar in the 2 accurately measure autoantibody activity. In this study, be-
hypertensive groups (gestational hypertension and mild PE) cause of successful establishment of a sensitive and conve-
and likely contributes to hypertension by mimicking the nient bioassay to quantify AT1-AA activity in patients, we are
vasoconstrictive actions of Ang II. able to provide the first compelling evidence that AT1-AA is
present in nearly all women diagnosed with PE (both mild
sFlt-1 Levels Are Not Significantly Elevated in and severe). These studies complement our recent animal
Gestational Hypertension studies showing that AT1-AAs cause features of PE when
We also measured sFlt-1 concentrations in patients with mild injected into pregnant mice. More importantly, we also
PE, gestational hypertension, and in normotensive pregnant discovered that AT1-AA activity is significantly higher in
women. To our surprise, we found that sFlt-1 levels were not patients with severe PE compared with those with mild PE.
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392 Hypertension February 2010
Notably, we found that there is a significant correlation of the for the autoantibody to induce sFlt-1 levels. This possibility
titer of AT1-AAs to hypertension, proteinuria, and sFlt-1 will be addressed in future experiments.
levels in patients with severe PE. The significant correlation In summary, we have provided initial patient studies
of AT1-AA activity with severity of the disease in hu- showing that AT1-AA is highly prevalent in PE, and its titer
mans5,20,21 is in good agreement with our mouse studies increases with disease severity. This study adds additional
showing that AT1-AA induces preeclamptic-like features in a support to the novel hypothesis that PE is an autoimmune
dose-dependent way in pregnant mice.18 In addition, the disease in which AT1-AAs contribute to the pathophysiology
correlation of AT1-AA with sFlt-1 levels seen in severe PE is of the disease.13
also consistent with earlier reports that link sFlt-1 production
with AT1 receptor activation.14,22 Thus, the results of both Clinical Perspectives
human and animal studies show that the levels of AT1-AA Considerable evidence indicates that a circulating maternal
increase with the severity of the disease. autoantibody, AT1-AA, is associated with PE and contributes
In contrast to high prevalence of AT1-AAs in PE, we found to the pathogenesis of the disease. Here we report the use of
that normotensive patients were characterized by low to a convenient and sensitive bioassay to show that these
nondetectable levels of AT1-AAs. The average AT1-AA autoantibodies are present in nearly all women diagnosed
activity in normotensive pregnant women was much lower with PE and that the titer of the autoantibodies increases with
than that of women with mild PE and severe PE. However, the severity of the disease. Overall, our experimental evi-
the low levels of AT1-AA activity in these samples presum- dence supports the novel concept that PE is an autoimmune
ably represent a low titer of AT1-AAs, because the activity disease in which disease symptoms result from autoantibody-
was blocked by either losartan or the 7aa epitope peptide. induced AT1 receptor activation. Our findings have signifi-
These findings imply that, among normotensive pregnant cant prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic implications with
individuals, the titer of AT1-AAs is not high enough or has regard to the medical management of this devastating disease
not been present for sufficient duration to cause the clinical for both mom and fetus.
features seen in PE. Notably, 2 normotensive individuals
contain a relatively high AT1-AA activity, similar to the Sources of Funding
average observed in patients with PE. One possible explana- The present work was supported by National Institutes of Health
tion is that AT1-AAs may not have been present long enough grants (HL076558 to Y.X. and HD34130 to R.E.K.), March of
Dimes grant 6-FY06-323, and the Texas Higher Education Coordi-
to cause symptoms. Thus, it will be critical to perform a nating Board (grant ARP011618-0012-2006).
prospective clinical study to determine when AT1-AA occurs
in both normal and preeclamptic patients. Disclosures
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