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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

FY 2020
Volume of Integrated Performance
FY 2018 Annual Performance Report
FY 2019 Annual Performance Plan Update
FY 2020 Annual Performance Plan
Letter from the Chief Financial Officer

Letter from the

Chief Financial Officer

I have learned a lot about NASA and working in the Federal Government since I arrived at the Agency back in
April 2018. I have learned that working in Washington, D.C., means adapting to a culture unlike any I have ever
experienced, to include a lifetime’s worth of acronyms. What I have enjoyed most has been learning from the peo-
ple across NASA as they plan new missions, build hardware, conduct testing, analyze scientific data, and assess
ongoing business operations to become more efficient. I have had the pleasure of seeing NASA accomplish
amazing achievements against the most challenging odds. I have also experienced the pain when something did
not go as well as we wanted it to, when we had to dig in, learn what went wrong, and figure out how we are going
to fix it.
In the process, I have also learned something about the NASA family. We aim high and our successes are simply
phenomenal. We recently landed Insight on the surface of Mars, an instrument we will use to study the core of the
planet by creating mini “Mars-quakes.” The engineering it takes to land on Mars is as impressive as the spacecraft
itself, as well as the scientific knowledge we will gain as Insight continues sending data back to Earth. In FY 2018,
we launched the Parker Solar Probe, our first ever attempt to “touch the Sun,” and TESS, which will study extra-
solar planets as never before. Our scientists found evidence of what could be liquid water on Mars, and we
launched Earth observing satellites—GRACE-FO and ICESat-2, which will use different techniques to observe
the changing landscape of Earth. Our commercial partners saw some amazing successes too, like the SpaceX
Falcon Heavy test launch. Working with our partners, we developed plans and contracted with Boeing to develop
a quieter supersonic aircraft. It really has been an amazingly successful year.
In FY 2018, we also had the opportunity to learn from our mistakes. As a bunch of “top of the class students,” we
do not give up on a good idea when things go wrong. We study, we analyze, we reassess, and we rework our
plans with the knowledge we have gained. This year, we learned valuable lessons on managing our largest mis-
sions—the really complex efforts that pose science and engineering challenges that come with the first attempt to
do anything completely new. For example, the James Webb Space Telescope Independent Review Board high-
lighted technical challenges that we could have worked differently. Importantly, the findings also included lessons
that we can apply to all of our work—that we can more actively and aggressively manage our contracts, we can
better understand and manage risk, and we must better communicate within the Agency and with our partners
and stakeholders. Can NASA apply these lessons? Of course. Will we apply these lessons? Absolutely!

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance i

Letter from the Chief Financial Officer

In the FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance, NASA presents a performance framework for how the Agency
will accomplish its Mission. Our strategic goals, as outlined in the NASA 2018 Strategic Plan, are supported by
strategic objectives, multi-year performance goals, and annual performance indicators against which we can
measure steady progress of our scientific and engineering ventures. The document also demonstrates how our
FY 2018 performance fared compared to our plans and expectations. It also describes some of the approaches
the Agency will take to strengthen our activities in acquisition management, cost and schedule estimating, and
management and control. We are committed to stewardship of taxpayer dollars, to safety, and to security. We
must do better in areas that have traditionally been challenging to manage, and with our new action plans in
place, we will.
You will see the Agency’s commitment to “doing better” throughout the FY 2020 Volume of Integrated
Performance. We have updated our plans and milestones for the Lunar Gateway, an early step in using the Moon
as a testing ground for eventual human exploration of Mars and beyond. We are strengthening our planning for
the Space Launch System and Exploration Mission-1, applying management lessons learned in development of
NASA’s heavy-lift Earth-to-space transport. We have reprioritized our technology investments, seeking better and
more efficient solutions for exploration. We are aggressively managing research aboard the International Space
Station, applying what we learn to protect human health for future long-duration space travel. We are reworking a
plan to complete and launch the James Webb Space Telescope, a long-standing priority of astrophysicists seek-
ing answers to the mysteries of the universe. Finally, we have renewed our intent to serve national interests by
more thoughtfully managing all of our contracts, grants, investments, and partnerships.
I have been NASA’s Chief Financial Officer for almost a year now. My team has come to know that I like to chal-
lenge the old ways of doing things, to ensure that what we are doing is a “value add” to the Agency, and to identify
better and more effective ways of working. I have learned since last April that we do have the right goals, as out-
lined by the National Space Council and the Administration. I have also seen that we have the right tools in place
to do the job, and more importantly, we have the right workforce—an extremely capable and dedicated corps of
people committed to mission success.
I am proud to release NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance. This document represents the perfor-
mance plan that ties directly to NASA’s FY 2020 Budget Estimates. In this volume, we have applied the Agency’s
continuous learning and improvement philosophy as we upgraded several features of this year’s report. For
example, we have condensed and tightened up several of the performance goals to remove functional stovepipes
and foster cross-pollination of ideas and infrastructures. We have also revised several of our narrative sections
to better show how our performance investments and activities interconnect and come together as a system of
measures, assessments, and evaluations. These feedback loops progressively drive the Agency to an ever-higher
level of achievement and accomplishment.
We view it as an honor that we have been chosen, on behalf of the Nation, to pursue the exploration of space and
the advancement of science and aeronautics.

Jeff DeWit
Chief Financial Officer

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance ii



FY 2018 Performance The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) FY 2020
Volume of Integrated Performance1 reports on performance over the
Overview course of the last fiscal year (2018), provides the performance plan for the
Performance Goals current fiscal year (2019), and presents the initial performance plan for the
coming budget year (2020). The information reported in this document is
90% achieved or on track aligned with the performance framework established by the NASA 2018
Strategic Plan and aligns with NASA’s FY 2020 Budget Estimates,2 in
accordance with the requirements of the Government Performance and
9% slightly behind schedule or
below target Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010. This information provides
a holistic view of NASA’s past, present, and future performance, grounded
1% significantly behind sched-
ule or below target
in sound management practices, rigorous internal and external review and
evaluation, and proactive management of risks and challenges.
Annual Performance Indicators
Executive Summary
89% achieved or on track
In February 2018, NASA unveiled a new strategic plan to guide a new
era of exploration and discovery. This report summarizes the results of
slightly behind schedule or
below target
NASA’s first year executing the performance framework introduced in the
strategic plan. NASA’s strong management of operational and business
activities is reflected in performance assessments. Management of small
2% significantly behind sched-
ule or below target research and development missions and projects also shows steady
positive performance, almost across the board. Development of a com-
mercial space industry through cooperation with commercial partners was

1  The FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance is produced by NASA’s Office of the Chief
Above: A structural test version of the inter- Financial Officer with contractor support provided by Deloitte Consulting LLP.
tank for the Space Launch System arrives
at the Marshall Space Flight Center aboard 2  NASA’s FY 2020 Budget Estimates, which combines the President’s budget request and
the barge Pegasus on March 7, 2018. the budget justification, can be found on NASA’s Budget Documents, Strategic Plans and
Image credit: NASA/Emmett Given Performance Reports website.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance iii


generally strong in FY 2018. Performance associated

with large flagship missions (i.e., James Webb Space
Telescope) and major systemic Agency restructuring
initiatives (e.g., enterprise protection), remain priority
areas for improvement. Annual performance plans for
FY 2019 and FY 2020 reflect Administration priorities
for an increased emphasis on exploration, with lunar
research in the nearer term, and Mars and still-farther
destinations to follow.

Document Organization
■■ Part 1–Performance Management at NASA
summarizes how NASA conducts performance. It
provides an overview of the strategic framework
established in the NASA 2018 Strategic Plan.
Above: The USS John P. Murtha recovers the test version of
It describes how the Agency manages perfor- the Orion capsule at sunset in the Pacific Ocean. This is one
mance and uses data, evidence and evaluations, in a series of tests that will verify and validate procedures and
and reporting. Part 1 also discusses how NASA hardware that will be used to recover the Orion spacecraft after
it splashes down in the Pacific Ocean following deep space
is addressing identified management challenges
exploration missions. Image credit: NASA
and high-risk activities.
■■ Part 2–Performance Planning and Reporting
presents NASA’s FY 2018 Annual Performance
Report, the FY 2019 Annual Performance Plan Summary of Changes from
Update, and the FY 2020 Annual Performance
Plan organized by strategic goal and strategic the FY 2019 Volume of
objective, including the summary of progress
stemming from the 2018 Strategic Reviews for
Integrated Performance
each strategic objective. Each strategic objective
includes performance goals and annual perfor- The FY 2020 report includes some significant differ-
mance indicators, their FY 2018 performance ences from the prior year’s volume.
ratings, as well as rating explanations for the
performance goals. Depending on when they NASA Reorganization
started, measures show five years of historical
performance ratings alongside the two years of ■■ The Space Technology Mission Directorate did
plans for future performance goals and annual not provide a performance plan for FY 2018
performance indicators. Where NASA did not or 2019 in the FY 2019 Volume of Integrated
achieve its target or milestone for a performance Performance, as NASA was anticipating a
goal or annual performance indicator, an expla- reorganization for their activities. NASA is in the
nation describes why the target wasn’t met, and process of realigning components of its space
when appropriate, the corrective actions the technology development activities to better lever-
Agency intends to take to complete the target or age synergies across organizations, which prom-
milestone. ises to better enable deep space exploration.
As planning and implementation of the reorga-
■■ Appendices include two elements. The first nization is now underway, this document reports
is Changes to the FY 2019 Performance Plan. upon progress for a set of intermediate perfor-
The second appendix, Data Quality Elements, mance measures selected at the beginning of
provides the verification and validation informa- FY 2018, NASA’s current Performance Plan for
tion supporting the performance goals reported FY 2019, and FY 2020 to support exploration-fo-
in Part 2. cused goals. These plans may be later updated
■■ NASA’s Statement of Assurance is available to reflect closer alignment with the reorganiza-
online in the FY 2018 Agency Financial Report. tion as necessary. Performance information is
included under Strategic Objective 3.1. A further
discussion of the new organization is provided in
NASA’s FY 2020 Budget Estimates.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance iv


■■ The FY 2019 Volume of Integrated Performance

included legacy performance goals, FY 2017 per-
formance goals that were discontinued when the
Agency transitioned to the NASA 2018 Strategic
Plan framework. These legacy performance
goals are not included in this document.

Changes from the FY 2018

■■ Part 1 of the FY 2020 volume references
new activities resulting from the Program
Management Improvement Accountability Act
■■ Information on Management Challenges iden-
tified by NASA’s Office of Inspector General
(OIG), is presented in Part 1. In FY 2020, this
Above: Technicians examine streaks made by oil along the section also provides an overview of NASA’s new
body of amodel of the QueSST X-plane after a test in the corrective action plan designed to proactively
14 x 22 wind tunnel as Langley Research Center. The oil, address NASA’s inclusion on the Government
which was released into the wind tunnel’s airstream,shows
how the air moved around the shape of this design for a qui- Accountability Office High Risk List.
eter supersonic aircraft. Image credit: NASA ■■ Budget tables were not included in the FY 2019
Volume of Integrated Performance due to the
delayed release of the President’s budget
request. A budget table, consistent with the
■■ In FY 2018, NASA replaced the Office of NASA FY 2020 Budget Estimates, is once again
Education with the Office of STEM Engagement. included for each strategic objective in Part 2.
As proposed in the FY 2018 and FY 2019 bud-
■■ The Data Quality Elements, which provide verifi-
gets, the FY 2020 budget proposes the termi-
cation and validation information for the FY 2018
nation of funding for this office. In this volume,
performance goals, have been moved from
FY 2018 performance was assessed against
Part 2 to Appendix B to improve readability.
measures implemented by the new office. The
Office of STEM engagement also developed
stronger, outcome-oriented performance mea-
sures for FY 2019. These performance measures
are presented in Strategic Objective 3.3.

Revised Performance Measures

■■ The Science Mission Directorate has revised
its measurement strategy to better demonstrate
the common, synergetic approach to research
and mission management employed within the
Science Mission Directorate. Starting in FY 2020,
new performance measures and groupings under
Strategic Objective 1.1 reflect common outcome
characteristics, rather than the previous and
long-standing approach of grouping measures
by scientific themes (Earth science, heliophysics,
astrophysics, James Webb Space Telescope,
planetary science).

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance v

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Part 1: Performance Management at NASA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Foundations for Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Strategic Themes and Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Strategic Plan Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Annual Performance Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Performance Management in Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Strategies for Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
High Risk Challenges Identified by GAO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
A Corrective Action Plan for Acquisition Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Management Challenges Identified by the OIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Organizing for Success and Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Performance Management Is a Team Effort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Reorganizing for Success and Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Part 2: Performance Planning and Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

How to Read NASA’s Performance Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Above: An Orbital ATK Antares rocket, with the Cygnus spacecraft onboard, is seen on the launch pad at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility on
November 11, 2017. Image credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance vi

Table of Contents

Strategic Goal 1: Expand human knowledge through new

scientific discoveries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Strategic Objective 1.1: Understand the Sun, Earth, solar system,

and universe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Strategic Objective 1.2: Understand the responses of physical
and biological systems to spaceflight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Strategic Goal 2: Extend human presence deeper into space and

to the Moon for sustainable long-term exploration and utilization. . . . . . . . . . 49

Strategic Objective 2.1: Lay the foundation for America to

maintain a constant human presence in low Earth orbit enabled
by a commercial market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Strategic Objective 2.2: Conduct human exploration in deep space,
including to the surface of the Moon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Strategic Goal 3: Address national challenges and catalyze economic growth. . 64

Strategic Objective 3.1: Develop and transfer revolutionary technologies

to enable exploration capabilities for NASA and the Nation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Strategic Objective 3.2: Transform aviation through revolutionary
technology research, development, and transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Strategic Objective 3.3: Inspire and engage the public in aeronautics,
space, and science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance vii

Table of Contents

Strategic Goal 4: Optimize capabilities and operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Strategic Objective 4.1: Engage in partnership strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Strategic Objective 4.2: Enable space access and services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 4.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Strategic Objective 4.3: Assure safety and mission success. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 4.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Strategic Objective 4.4: Manage human capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 4.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Strategic Objective 4.5: Ensure enterprise protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 4.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Strategic Objective 4.6: Sustain infrastructure capabilities and operations. . . 131
2018 Strategic Review Summary of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Performance Measures for Strategic Objective 4.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Appendix A: Changes to the FY 2019 Performance Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

Appendix B: Data Quality Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance viii

Part 1
Performance Management at NASA

NASA’s Orion spacecraft test article that flew on the uncrewed Exploration Flight Test-1 on December 5, 2014, is seen on the south
lawn of the White House during a “Made in America” product showcase on July 23, 2018, in Washington, DC. NASA and prime
contractor, Lockheed Martin, are working on a more complete spacecraft to fly aboard the uncrewed Exploration Mission-1. More
than 1,000 companies from across the the United States have manufactured or contributed elements to the spacecraft. Image credit:
NASA/Aubrey Gemignani
Foundations of Performance

Foundations for Performance

Vision For six decades, NASA has led the peaceful exploration of space,
To discover and expand knowl- advancing knowledge of Earth while making discoveries about the fur-
edge for the benefit of humanity. thest reaches of the universe. NASA research has advanced aeronautics,
helped develop the commercial space industry, and strengthened the U.S.
Lead an innovative and sustain- NASA’s continued success is predicated on a solid foundation of perfor-
able program of exploration with mance. The Agency uses common business and development practices
commercial and international to proactively establish expectations and assess and improve perfor-
partners to enable human ex- mance on an ongoing basis. These practices are strengthened by the
pansion across the solar system Agency’s diversity in technical and operational expertise. NASA uses data
and bring new knowledge and and evidence to inform investment decisions at all levels, from day-to-day
opportunities back to Earth. operations to selecting major missions and establishing the necessary
Support growth of the Nation’s infrastructure to pursue goals that may take a generation, or longer, to
economy in space and aeronau-
tics, increase understanding of NASA is transparent in these efforts, complying fully with requirements
the universe and our place in it, on performance reporting and accountability, in accordance with the
work with industry to improve Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010.
America’s aerospace technol- NASA’s commitment to performance reaches further than compliance.
ogies, and advance American The Agency has an ingrained culture of self-evaluation and continuous
leadership. improvement, using findings from these studies and assessments to
improve the Agency is the short term, and position NASA for long-term
success and sustainability.
The NASA 2018 Strategic Plan outlines NASA’s plans for the future,
provides a clear and unified direction for all of its activities, and sets the
Above: The crew of the International
foundation on which the Agency can build and measure the success of its
Space Station (ISS) snapped this image of programs and projects. This direction is captured in NASA’s Vision and
the full Moon on April 30, 2018, as the ISS Mission statements—why NASA exists, what it aspires to achieve, and
passed over the coast of Newfoundland, how it expects to make a difference that benefits all Americans.
Canada. Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 2

Foundations of Performance

Expand human knowledge through new scientific discoveries.
Strategic Themes and
Goals Explore
Extend human presence deeper into space and to the Moon for
NASA’s Mission is aligned to four major sustainable long-term exploration and utilization.
themes, characterized by a single word,
that are reflected in the Agency’s activi- Develop
ties. These four themes are described in
more detail in the NASA 2018 Strategic Address national challenges and catalyze economic growth.

Optimize capabilities and operations.

Strategic Plan Framework

The NASA 2018 Strategic Plan established a framework that consists of NASA’s priorities, approaches, and
top-level objectives for evaluating and improving progress toward these priorities at varying levels throughout the
Agency. At the top of the framework are strategic goals and long-term strategic objectives, which are set in the
strategic plan. They are supported by performance goals and annual performance indicators, which are set annu-
ally in the Annual Performance Plan. Assessments of performance goals and annual performance indicators help
the Agency demonstrate progress toward higher-level, long-term objectives, and when necessary, take corrective
action to improve incremental and long-term performance.

NASA’s Strategic Plan Framework

Strategic Goals are far-reaching and ambitious. Forming the top of the strategic plan
Set in the Strategic Plan

framework, strategic goals articulate clear statements of what the Agency wants to
achieve to advance its Mission.

Strategic Objectives typically span up to 10 years. They express the outcome or

management impact NASA plans to achieve for a strategic goal. Through the annual
Strategic Reviews, NASA reviews progress toward achieving the strategic objectives
at a portfolio level.
Set in the Annual Performance Plan

Performance Goals span two to five years and measure the performance of investments
towards strategic objectives and strategic goals.

Agency Priority Goals, a subset of performance goals, receive additional senior management
focus and have additional reporting to external stakeholders. Agency priority goals represent
NASA’s high-priority, high-profile programs.

Annual Performance Indicators describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as
NASA’s basic unit of performance measurement. They reflect progress achieved during the budget
year, and NASA uses them to assess progress made towards achieving the performance goals.

Cross-agency priority goals focus on major Administration priorities that benefit from collaboration
across multiple Federal agencies. NASA contributes to cross-agency priority goals through relevant
annual performance indicators.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 3

Foundations of Performance

Annual Performance Plan matic changes that have occurred since the plan was
originally submitted the year before. Updates to the
FY 2019 Performance Plan are integrated into Part 2,
The Annual Performance Plan builds on the strategic
with a list of changes located in Appendix A.
plan framework by adding multi-year performance
goals and annual performance indicators to the
strategic goals and objectives set in the NASA Cross-Agency Priority Goals
2018 Strategic Plan. NASA develops its Annual
Performance Plan in concert with the upcoming The President’s Management Agenda, released
fiscal year budget request. The performance goals on March 20, 2018, set a plan for modernizing and
and annual performance indicators include targets reforming the Federal Government centered around
and key milestones that reflect the contents of the three key areas for improvement: modern information
budget at the program and project level. The Annual technology; data, accountability, and transparency;
Performance Plan is released to the public on the and the workforce for the 21st century. Cross-agency
same date that the Administration releases the annual priority goals have been created to implement the
President’s budget request. Part 2 includes the President’s Management Agenda and address these
FY 2020 Performance Plan. three key areas. Cross-agency priority goals drive
cross-government collaboration to tackle govern-
Annual Performance Plan Update ment-wide management challenges affecting most
In addition to performance planning for the budget Although NASA does not lead any cross-agency
year, NASA also evaluates the performance goals priority goals, NASA’s improvements feed into several
and annual performance indicators included in the measures. Per the GPRA Modernization Act require-
Annual Performance Plan. The performance plan is ment to address cross-agency priority goals in the
issued with the previous fiscal year’s budget (i.e., the Agency strategic plan, the Annual Performance Plan,
FY 2019 Performance Plan) to ensure that the plan and the Annual Performance Report, please refer to
still accurately reflects the budget and programmat- for the Agency’s contributions to
ic plans. NASA may revise performance measure those goals and progress.
descriptions, add new measures, or delete unneeded
measures due to strategic, budgetary, or program-

Left: Mission Specialist Ricky

Arnold and ISS Commander
Drew Feustel completed
the sixth spacewalk at the
ISS this year, which lasted
6 hours, 49 minutes. The
two astronauts installed
new high-definition cameras
that will provide enhanced
views during the final phase
of approach and docking of
commercial crew spacecraft
that will soon begin launching
to the ISS. Image credit:

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 4

Foundations of Performance

Agency Priority Goals

In accordance with the GPRA Modernization Act, NASA identified five agency priority goals for the FY 2018
through FY 2019 reporting cycle. The agency priority goals represent key NASA projects, and achievements in
these priority areas will benefit the United States in the areas of human spaceflight, space operations, astrophys-
ics, and planetary science.

Agency Priority Goals and Statements Program FY 2018 Rating

1.1.5: Launch the James Webb Space Telescope. James Red

Webb Space
Revolutionize humankind’s understanding of the Cosmos and humanity’s place
in it. The James Webb Space Telescope (Webb) will study every phase in the
history of our universe, ranging from the first luminous glows after the Big Bang,
Science Not on track; launch
to the formation of other stellar systems capable of supporting life on planets like
Mission date delayed more
Earth, to the evolution of our own solar system. By September 30, 2019, NASA
Directorate than a year
will initiate on-orbit commissioning of Webb after launch.

1.1.15: Deliver the Mars 2020 instrument payload for spacecraft integration.
Explore a habitable environment, search for potential biosignatures of past life,
collect and document a cache of scientifically compelling samples for eventual Mars
return to Earth, and contribute to future human exploration of Mars. By August 5, Exploration
2020, NASA will launch the Mars 2020 rover. To enable this launch date, NASA On track to com-
Program, SMD
will deliver the instrument payload for spacecraft integration by September 30, plete all milestones
2019. by planned launch

2.2.1: Achieve critical milestones in development of new systems for the Exploration Yellow
human exploration of deep space. Systems
By September 30, 2019, NASA will conduct the Ascent Abort-2 test of the Orion
Launch Abort System, perform the green run hot-fire test of the Space Launch One milestone
System’s Core Stage at the Stennis Space Center, and roll the Mobile Launcher delayed; no antic-
and Operations
to the Vehicle Assembly Building to support the start of Exploration Mission-1 ipated impact on
stacking operations.

agency priority goal


2.2.3: Use the International Space Station (ISS) as a testbed to demonstrate Green
the critical systems necessary for long-duration missions. Between October International
1, 2017, and September 30, 2019, NASA will initiate at least eight in-space Space Station
demonstrations of technology critical to enable human exploration in deep Program,
On track to achieve
space. HEOMD

4.2.2: Facilitate the development of and certify U.S. industry-based crew Yellow
transportation systems while maintaining competition.

By September 30, 2019, the Commercial Crew Program, along with its industry Two milestones
partners, will complete at least one Certification Review, following un-crewed and Crew Program, delayed; no antic-
crewed test flights to the ISS. HEOMD ipated impact on
agency priority goal

More information on NASA’s agency priority goals is available at

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 5

Foundations of Performance

Performance Management in were met as anticipated and rate the measures

accordingly. They also provide an explanation sup-
Action porting the rating.
NASA’s Chief Operating Officer and the Performance
NASA aims to be a good steward of the taxpayer’s
Improvement Officer review the performance assess-
money and has a culture of data-driven performance
ments results and provide feedback allowing for
management to continually improve its performance
course corrections throughout the year to maintain
management systems and increase accountability,
alignment with strategic goals and objectives and to
transparency, and oversight. This approach leads to
inform budget discussions.
more consistent performance reporting across NASA’s
missions and ensures the optimal use of the resourc- NASA publishes a summary of preliminary fiscal year
es entrusted to the Agency by its stakeholders. performance ratings in the annual Agency Financial
Report, using available fourth quarter data. NASA
NASA plans and evaluates its performance in a
publishes the final fiscal year performance ratings
continuous cycle, spanning fiscal years, and also,
in the Annual Performance Report, which becomes
thoughtfully, in conjunction with the annual planning,
part of the Volume of Integrated Performance. Part 2
programming, budgeting, and execution process used
provides NASA’s final FY 2018 performance ratings
to ensure that resource alignment supports mission
and supporting explanations.
and operational needs. This type of ongoing feedback
loop ensures that plans reflect performance expecta-
tions, and, in return, those performance results inform Annual Strategic Reviews
decisions on planning.
The annual Strategic Review process encompasses
a comprehensive analysis of each of NASA’s 13
Performance Assessments objectives, along with the performance measures
and Reporting that support each objective. Using the NASA 2018
Strategic Plan, Agency leaders assess progress on
During the third and fourth quarters of each fiscal achieving mission, management, and crosscutting
year, program officials assess progress towards strategic objectives. The assessment considers per-
achieving the performance goals and annual perfor- formance goals and other indicators the Agency tracks
mance indicators listed in the Annual Performance for each strategic objective, as well as challenges,
Plan. They determine whether targets and milestones risks, external factors, and other events that may have
affected the outcomes.
Based on this assessment, one of three indepen-
dent ratings is assigned for each strategic objective:
demonstrating noteworthy progress; demonstrating
satisfactory performance; or being a focus area for
improvement. The Chief Operating Officer reviews
the summary of the self-assessments and the cross-
cutting assessment, then decides on final ratings
for the strategic objectives and next steps for the
Agency. NASA uses Strategic Review inputs, findings,
and results throughout the Agency’s budget process
and as an input to the annual performance planning
process. A summary of progress and rating for each
strategic objective is included in Part 2.

Enterprise Risk Management

The enterprise risk management process provides
better insights on how to most effectively prioritize and
manage risks to mission delivery while also providing
Above: Astronaut Drew Feustel swaps the thermal control gear
during a spacewalk outside the International Space Station on an enterprise-wide, strategically-aligned portfolio view
May 16, 2018. Image credit: NASA of organizational risks, challenges, and opportunities.
NASA implements enterprise risk management in

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 6

Foundations of Performance

accordance with the update to Office of Management NASA developed a five-year PMIAA strategic imple-
and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123, and its update mentation plan and delivered it to OMB for review on
M-16-17, and Circular A-11. NASA’s governing coun- November 30, 2018. NASA expects the document to
cils serve as the Agency’s risk management platform be finalized in late 2019.
and the Chief Operating Officer serves as the senior
official accountable for risk management. Oversight and Accountability
While NASA cannot mitigate all risks related to achiev-
ing its strategic goals and objectives, the Agency is In setting goals and establishing plans to achieve
using these risk-management strategies to identify, mission success, NASA leaders rely on information
measure, and assess challenges related to mission from multiple sources. Rigorous independent assess-
delivery to the greatest extent possible. Enterprise risk ments, both internal and external to the Agency, are
management is integrated with the Strategic Review an essential tool in ensuring the integrity of data nec-
process, providing an analysis of the risks and oppor- essary to make well-informed investment decisions.
tunities NASA faces towards achieving its strategic Independent verification and validation in planning
objectives. and executing work provides greater confidence in
performance during development and execution, and
improves expected outcomes. In many cases, these
Program and Project assessments include a routine measure of progress
Management for Executive against a predetermined set of indicators or other
targets that effectively establish an “early warning
Agencies system” so that deviations can be more quickly and
easily addressed.
The Program Management Improvement
Accountability Act of 2016 (PMIAA) established Governance Councils
requirements to strengthen program and project
management within Federal agencies. As a research NASA has three Agency-level councils that establish
and development agency, NASA uses the core strategic direction and provide oversight of Agency
concept of cost, schedule, and program and project activities. The Executive Council focuses on major
management to assess performance during the devel- Agency-wide decisions by providing strategic guid-
opment phase. NASA has established a Program ance and top-level planning. The Mission Support
Management Improvement Officer and a permanent Council is a functional council focused on mission-en-
program management working group to address abling decisions, threshold operational decisions,
PMIAA requirements and develop implementation and internal controls as well as liability. The Program
plans. NASA has met the direct requirements for Management Council is an integral part of NASA’s
PMIAA, and contributes to national goals. program and mission decisions, ensuring acceptable
■■ Assigning a Program Management performance as programs reach key decision points,
Improvement Officer. This senior official will and to determine the readiness of a program or proj-
implement program management policies and ect to progress to the next phase of the life cycle.
develop strategies to enhance the role of pro- The Senior Management Council, a fourth council
gram management throughout the Agency. comprised of NASA senior leaders, provides advice
■■ Federal standards for program and proj- and counsel to the Executive Council on Agency
ect management. OMB provided additional issues and input on the formulation of Agency strate-
PMIAA guidance, requiring development gy.
of common, principle-based Government-
wide program management standards. Technical Authorities
■■ Training and development. PMIAA recog- NASA has several technical authorities to ensure
nizes program and project management as independent oversight of critical performance areas
a specialized skill set, requiring training and that affect numerous organizations and activities
development. NASA will continue to implement across the Agency. These senior officials have direct
a variety of formal and informal practices to lines of reporting to the Administrator, ensuring work
continue employee development in this area. on these priority areas adheres to Agency policy and
performance standards. NASA’s technical authorities
are responsible for safety and mission assurance,
engineering, and health and medical issues. Approval

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 7

Foundations of Performance

and programs are performing in key areas.1 Such

key decision points are specific milestones at which
managers must provide Agency leadership with infor-
mation about the program’s maturity and readiness to
progress to the next stage of the life cycle.
The mandatory reviews at key decision point mile-
stones focus on the program or project’s assessment
of status, as well as that of the Standing Review
Board or mission directorate independent review
team. Multiple stakeholder organizations also have
the opportunity to weigh in on the information present-
ed. Other reviews may be scheduled, in accordance
with the lifecycle schedule of that project, depending
on the formulation, development implementation,
or construction plan. Additionally, NASA senior
leaders continually monitor overall performance
monthly through the Baseline Performance Review.
Additionally, NASA provides Congress, OMB, and
Government Accountability Office (GAO) with cost and
Above: The Parker Solar Probe is lowered into the 40-foot-tall
thermal vacuum chamber at the Goddard Space Flight Center
schedule updates for major projects.
on July 19, 2018. The vacuum chamber simulates the condi-
tions the spacecraft will experience during its journey through Investment Reviews and Technology
space, including near-vacuum conditions and severe hot and
cold temperatures. Image credit: NASA/JHUAPL/Ed Whitman Readiness Reviews
In a manner similar to assessing project development
through key decision points, experts in technology
development use technology readiness levels to
from NASA’s technical authorities is required at each assess the progress of new concept advances in
phase of major mission development or project imple- maturity. Technology readiness levels represent a set
mentation. of progressively sophisticated criteria and milestones
for which each individual technology investment must
Baseline Performance Reviews progress as it matures from concept, to development,
to adoption, to integration, and use by NASA missions.
The Chief Operating Officer conducts a monthly Routine progress reviews measure the advancement
internal assessment and reporting forum by which to of the work, but also serve as checkpoints to ensure
track and assess performance of the Agency’s work the technology remains relevant to and of significant
against established plans. The baseline performance benefit to the Agency. An annual assessment of the
review is a bottom-up review of how well the Agency technology development portfolio ensures that invest-
has performed against its strategic goals and other ments continue to align to future Agency needs and
performance metrics, such as cost and schedule that a balance of desirable technologies remain in the
estimates, contract commitments, and technical pipeline.
objectives. Each project/activity manager provides
a performance assessment. Analysts outside of the Operations and Mission Support
performing organization provide independent assess-
ments. NASA’s technical authorities provide oversight
and an additional level of control. Assessments of the Agency’s operations and admin-
istrative programs are performed, at least annually,
Program and Project Key Decision to measure if they are meeting their functional and
Point Reviews operational goals. In addition to accomplishing the
work, an activity may be assessed for improving oper-
The Agency requires internal independent assess-
ments on the progress of programs. For major 1  Requirements for flight programs and projects are detailed in in
projects, senior leaders convene a series of formal NASA Procedural Requirements 7120.5E, NASA Space Flight Pro-
gatekeeping key decision point reviews, requiring gram and Project Management Requirements and NASA Procedur-
al Requirements 7120.8, NASA Research and Technology Program
managers to provide assessments of how the project
and Project Management Requirements.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 8

Foundations of Performance

ations, customer satisfaction, and efficiency. These peer review for publication in professional journals.
measures typically include improvements in output NASA often leverages internal and external evalua-
or capacity, increased customer satisfaction, or other tors to assess specific initiatives for benefit, cost, and
quantifiable estimates of improvement, such as to overall impact.
reduce spending on unscheduled maintenance by at
least one percent annually on NASA’s equipment for External Advisors
maintenance and testing.
The NASA Advisory Council provides the NASA
Administrator with recommendations on major issues
Performance Results at Work related to programs, policies, plans, financial con-
trols, proposed associate administrators, and other
NASA actively promotes a strong culture of achiev-
matters pertinent to the Agency’s responsibilities. The
ing results, and leaders rely on data from numerous
Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel evaluates NASA’s
sources as they establish plans and make decisions.
safety performance and advises the Agency on ways
to improve performance. The panel bases its advice
Internal but Independent Cost and on direct observation of NASA operations and deci-
Schedule Estimating sion-making.
NASA employs independent analysts with specialized NASA’s Science Mission Directorate has goals
skills to engage in formative planning with mission that reflect broad scientific objectives, such as
managers throughout the mission development “demonstrate progress in improving the capability
process. These analysts help mission planners to craft to predict weather and extreme weather events.” To
and manage to realistic cost and schedule estimates, measure progress toward achieving these goals,
but also provide an independent perspective in estab- the Science Mission Directorate uses five Science
lishing baselines and stakeholder expectations. Other Advisory Committees managed under the Federal
analysts use earned value management expertise Advisory Committee Act: Astrophysics Advisory
to help mission planners establish meaningful mile- Committee, Earth Science Advisory Committee,
stones for performance for acquired products and Heliophysics Advisory Committee, Planetary Science
technology. Advisory Committee, and Applied Sciences Advisory
Committee. The committees are comprised of subject
External Independent Verification and matter experts in each scientific discipline. Among
Validation of Flight Software other duties, the committees assess mission results,
published peer-reviewed science, and progress on
Independent verification and validation are part of an mission development to recommend performance
Agency-wide strategy to provide the highest achiev- ratings to NASA management.
able levels of safety and cost-effectiveness for mis-
sion critical software. Overseen by the Office of Safety NASA receives expert advice from the National
and Mission Assurance, the Independent Verification Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine,
and Validation Program applies system and software which guides planning and helps ensure that the
engineering best practices to evaluate the correctness Agency’s research and development priorities align
and quality of critical and complex software systems with the needs of the exploration and science com-
throughout the software’s system life cycle. munities. The National Academies lead a series of
decadal surveys and other analyses that help inform
Peer and Subject Matter Expert Agency decisions on the balance and direction of
the Science Mission Directorate’s investment port-
Community Review folio. These decisions are reflected in the Annual
NASA relies on evaluations by external communities Performance Plan.
with expertise in areas of major scientific and academ-
NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
ic disciplines. The Agency uses external peer review
enlists experts in the aeronautics community to
panels to objectively assess and evaluate proposals
assess progress along six major research thrusts,
for new work in science, technology, and education.
ensuring that NASA is developing and maturing
The Science Mission Directorate also draws from
the technologies and capabilities according to the
external senior scientist reviews when determining
Agency’s aviation research agenda. See the NASA
either operational extension or closeout for a science
Aeronautics Strategic Implementation Plan for more
mission that has completed its objectives. Papers
from NASA-supported research undergo independent

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 9

Strategies for Success

Strategies for Success

NASA’s commitment to good governance and stewardship of taxpayer funds means that the Agency routinely
conducts internal assessments and evaluations to aid in maintaining, managing, and improving operations.
Periodic external assessments also focus management attention on areas of high risk or potential difficulty. The
Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG) conduct such external
assessments, identifying trouble spots, and formulating recommendations for addressing them. Issues raised by
the GAO and OIG represent high-priority areas for strategic rework or management attention.
A summary of the challenge areas, recently identified by GAO and OIG, are included below. Each is followed by a
short description of actions to be implemented by the Agency. For each, NASA has identified strategic objectives
that will contribute to the mitigation of these challenges.

High Risk Challenges Identified by GAO

GAO assesses management activities across the Federal Government and identifies practices and potential
shortcomings that put agencies at risk. GAO’s High Risk List, updated every two years, has included NASA’s
acquisition management since the list was established in 1990. To assist in corrective action planning, GAO
established five criteria that, if addressed, would substantively improve operations and clear GAO’s concern about
high-risk activity:
■■ A demonstrated strong commitment to, and top leadership support for, addressing problems;
■■ The capacity to address problems;
■■ A corrective action plan;
■■ A program to monitor corrective measures; and
■■ Demonstrated progress in implementing corrective measures.

Above: In the high bay of the Kennedy Space Center’s Space Station Processing Facility, technicians prepare the integrated the TSIS-1 pay-
load and the EXPRESS Pallet Adapter for launch. NASA launched TSIS-1 to the International Space Station on December 15, 2017. Image
credit: NASA/Cory Huston

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 10

Strategies for Success

As part of the 2019 update, High-Risk Series: The NASA Associate Administrator assumes owner-
Substantial Efforts Needed to Achieve Greater ship of the corrective action plan. The Office of the
Progress on High-Risk Areas (GAO-19-157SP), GAO Chief Financial Officer is responsible for maintain-
included a scorecard detailing which of these criteria ing documentation, tracking and reporting progress
for improving acquisition management have been met, against the plan on an annual basis. Mission director-
partially met, or have not been met. NASA has fully ates and mission support offices are responsible for
met the criterion for a corrective action plan, and has executing the plan and reporting progress.
partially met the criteria for leadership, monitoring,
capacity, and demonstrated progress. NASA is one of Several initiatives are anticipated to strengthen
only three (out of 35) high risk areas that saw a deteri- Agency acquisition management. The initiatives are
oration in ratings from the prior 2017 report. categorized by the following actions.
■■ Implement: Initiatives that NASA has determined
NASA’s management changes have yielded more should proceed and become part of regular
credible cost and schedule baselines, and both GAO Agency business cadence. Any actions taken to
and OIG have observed that NASA’s management of support execution of the described initiatives will
its small- and medium-class major flight projects has follow all established Agency control and over-
improved. The effectiveness of these tools is particu- sight boards, as applicable, to ensure no unin-
larly evident for the smaller (under $1 billion lifecycle tended consequences are experienced.
cost) projects. However, NASA needs to do better at
managing its larger, more complex projects, which ■■ Pilot: Initiatives that NASA has determined
typically involve the development of a significant num- show promise to provide value related to Agency
ber of new technologies, greater risk, and early cost acquisition management, but will initially be exe-
and sched¬ule estimation challenges. GAO observed cuted to a limited degree in scope and time until
that risks remain for NASA’s largest and flagship-type the Agency assesses and reaffirms continued
projects, such as the James Webb Space Telescope execution.
(Webb)(see Agency Priority Goal 1.1.5), the Space ■■ Research: Initiatives that are less conceptually
Launch System (SLS), and Orion (see Agency Priority mature but warrant dedicated effort to explore
Goal 2.2.1). and develop with respect to generating value for
Agency acquisition management.
A Corrective Action Plan for Each initiative in the corrective action plan includes
Acquisition Management a history and current state (as of plan publication);
near-term (two-year) anticipated next steps; output
In 2018, NASA established a new corrective action and outcome measurements by which progress can
plan to accomplish two principal objectives: 1) to be assessed; and recognition of challenges, inter-
strengthen the Agency’s cutting-edge program and dependencies, and required resources that must
project management efforts across the board and be actively managed by NASA leadership. The lead
improve transparency to stakeholders; and 2) improve organization(s) identified for each initiative will pur-
the Agency’s surveillance of contractors through sue the objectives outlined in the plan. Assessments
appropriate insight and oversight. In December will occur on an annual or biennial basis; results of
2018, the Agency Program Management Council these assessments may result in goal or initiative
approved the proposed plan, Corrective Action Plan: addition, revision, or resolution. Lead organizations
In Response to Recent Programmatic Performance are accountable to the NASA Associate Administrator,
and NASA’s Designation on GAO’s High Risk List. and NASA will share results and progress with GAO
Recommendations and strategies informing the plan annually at a minimum, and more often when possi-
included previous GAO high risk reports, GAO’s 2018 ble. NASA will keep this corrective action plan current
Priority Recommendations Letter, reports issued and up to date until the GAO removes the High Risk
by GAO during its annual programmatic reviews of designation for the Agency.
NASA’s major projects, and numerous internal anal-
yses conducted by the Agency. Direction from senior
leadership, the advice of subject matter experts drawn
from across NASA, and feedback from GAO were
also considered.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 11

Strategies for Success

See Performance Goal 4.1.2 for more information See Performance Goals 1.2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3,
about NASA’s performance in acquisition reforms. 4.2.1, and 4.2.2 for more information about NASA’s
performance towards achieving its ISS Program
Management Challenges research goals, ISS operations, and commercial
space transportation supporting ISS operations.
Identified by the OIG
Deep Space Exploration
Each fiscal year, NASA’s OIG issues a letter sum-
marizing what the Inspector General considers to Primary Challenge Owner: Human Exploration and
be the most serious management and performance Operations Mission Directorate
challenges facing the Agency and briefly assesses OIG’s concerns about NASA’s plans for deep space
the Agency’s progress in addressing those chal- exploration center around three main themes: the
lenges. NASA leverages the results of OIG audits resources required to support development of a lunar
to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness gateway versus research necessary for Mars explo-
of the Agency’s programs, projects, and functional ration; the increasing costs and schedule delays
activities. NASA is also committed to ensuring timely associated with the development of the Space Launch
and responsive final management decisions, along System (SLS), Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle
with timely and complete final management action on (Orion), and Exploration Ground Systems (EGS); and
all audit recommendations issued by the NASA OIG. technical challenges in each of these engineering
To this end, NASA has implemented a comprehen- programs.
sive program of audit follow-up, intended to ensure
that audit recommendations issued by the OIG are OIG notes the tension between competing priorities to
resolved and implemented in a timely, responsive, develop a lunar gateway for research and to develop
and effective manner. NASA’s audit follow-up program the deep space transport necessary for a potential
is a key element in improving the overall efficiency Mars crewed mission.
and effectiveness of NASA’s programs, projects and
operations. The requirements for managing OIG’s rec- To achieve any deep space human exploration, NASA
ommendations is detailed in NASA FY 2018 Agency must address significant challenges in managing
Financial Report. development of these three systems. Testing and
delivery of the SLS Core Stage remains is on the
The six findings from OIG’s, 2018 Report on Top critical path for development, but there is no sched-
Management and Performance Challenges are sum- ule margin remaining to manage problems that may
marized below. NASA’s response to the OIG findings
is included in the final report.

Space Flight Operations in Low Earth

Primary Challenge Owner: Human Exploration and
Operations Mission Directorate
This challenge encompasses concerns about the
International Space Station (ISS) and commercial
transportation to and from the ISS. The OIG audit
identifies a disconnect between the anticipated reso-
lution of human health risks and actual ISS research
capacity. This problem is compounded by the pro-
posed decommissioning of the ISS in 2024.
This challenge also includes concern about the cost,
availability, and design risks associated with NASA’s
dependence on commercially available cargo and
crew transportation. The OIG noted that recent
Above: Engineers and technicians check fittings during installa-
commercial resupply service contracts are more tion of the heat shield to the Orion crew module July 25, 2018, at
expensive and deliver less upmass capability than NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Image credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 12

Strategies for Success

arise during the integration and test phase before an

integrated SLS/Orion launch. The OIG cites poor con-
tractor performance and poor NASA contract oversight
as contributing to these problems, although the OIG
does recognize some improvements have been made.
Delivery of the European Service Module continues
to be an issue, as it includes the primary power and
propulsion elements for Orion.
The OIG also references concerns by the Aerospace
Safety Advisory Panel that the first flight test of the
complete Environmental Control and Life Support
System will be during Exploration Mission (EM)- 2
with a crew aboard. Compounding these difficulties, Above: The Mars 2020 rover is car sized, about 10 feet long
furthermore, cost and schedule estimates for develop- (not including the arm, 9 feel wide, and 7 feet tall. The Mars
ing software to control these integrated systems have 2020 mission will use a parachute, descent vehicle, and an
increased, to date, by approximately 77 percent and approach called a “skycrane maneuver” to lower the rover on
a tether to the Mars surface during the final seconds prior to
slipped by 14 months. The effort remains incomplete, landing. This type of landing system provides the ability to land
as EGS will not be able to complete all necessary a very large, heavy rover on the surface of Mars in a precise
software validation and verification efforts until SLS landing area. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
and Orion complete development, testing, and deliv-
ery of their software. Development of EGS software is
the third most critical task, schedule-wise, to meeting
the current EM-1 launch date of June 2020.
The Agency is mandated to follow direction from
See Performance Goals 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.2.3 to find
numerous sources, yet these directions are often
out more about NASA’s performance towards achiev-
misaligned, and can be in direct conflict. The OIG
ing goals supporting a lunar gateway and deep space
further describes how the appropriations process
can adversely affect mission planning and execution,
especially when the Agency is given direction to start
NASA’s Science Portfolio up, scale down, or cancel a project, all within the span
Primary Challenge Owner: Science Mission of one budget year. Such lack of cohesion stretches
Directorate the Agency’s limited resources, from funding dollars to
technical personnel.
The OIG describes two major influencers of the
Science Mission Directorate’s portfolio: the adverse See Agency Priority Goal 1.1.5 for more information
consequences to the portfolio at-large when a large on Webb.
flagship-type mission experiences cost increases See the performance goals in Strategic Objective 1.1
and schedule delays (i.e. what the OIG terms internal to find out more about the performance of NASA’s
influencers) and the direction received from sources science portfolio.
outside the Agency that direct missions, and cost and
schedule expectations (i.e., external influencers). Information Technology Governance
The OIG discusses scientific imperative and its trou- and Security
bled management history on Webb. The OIG cites
overly optimistic planning, changes in launch vehicle, Primary Challenge Owner: Office of the Chief
and long-standing cost management issues. The OIG Information Officer
acknowledges that in a relatively-flat budget environ-
The OIG continues to express concern about the
ment, funds to cover new requirements are reallo-
governance and security of NASA’s IT investments
cated from other projects, thus spreading risk to cost
and data. The OIG believes that the Agency Chief
and schedule throughout the portfolio.
Information Officer (CIO) and IT security officials have
The OIG identifies external drivers on the portfolio as insufficient oversight over IT acquisition and security,
including Congress, the Administration, other federal caused in part by the distributed nature of IT activi-
agencies and nations, and the advisory boards that ties at centers. Additional problems identified by OIG
help establish scientific (thus budgetary) priorities. include a lack of definition of roles, changing man-

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 13

Strategies for Success

agement structures and personnel, strategic planning, Contracting and Grants

and poor inventory practices.
Primary Challenge Owner: Office of the Chief
The OIG recognizes that NASA has IT connections Financial Officer and Office of Procurement
with educational institutions, research facilities, and
other outside organizations. This diversity in IT users In FY 2017, NASA spent approximately $17.5 billion
and customers provides cybercriminals a larger target or 73 percent of its $24 billion of available resources,
than most other government agencies, and presents which includes reimbursable authority, on contracts to
unique IT security challenges. The OIG cites a recent procure goods and services. The Agency awarded an
incident in which several security controls failed, user additional $1 billion in grants and cooperative agree-
roles were misconfigured, and vulnerability scans ments.
were ineffective. A malicious attack was not identified
until a year later, casting doubt on the Agency’s threat To assist NASA in ensuring that the Government gets
detection abilities. The OIG questions the effective- proper value for funds it expends, OIG examines
ness of NASA’s Security Operations Center, ongoing Agency-wide procurement and grant-making pro-
risks to supply chain risk management, and security cesses; audits individual contracts, grants, and coop-
related to the use and oversight of cloud computing erative agreements; and investigates potential misuse
services and systems. OIG acknowledges that many of Agency contract and grant funds. Additionally, the
of NASA’s IT systems must be interconnected and OIG monitors the impact of awarded contracts and
complex, but believes that the Agency hasn’t estab- grants in accomplishing the Agency’s missions and
lished sufficient security. support services. The OIG continues to uncover
fraud and misconduct related to NASA contracts and
See Performance Goals 4.5.1, 4.5.2, and 4.5.4 to find grants. The OIG states that its ongoing audit work has
out more about NASA’s performance in the area of IT uncovered consistent issues in use of service con-
risk management. tracts, effort duplication, use of inappropriate contract
type, and lack of adequate management attention on
Infrastructure and Facilities service and professional contracts.

Primary Challenge Owner: Office of Strategic The OIG states that the Agency faces an ongoing
Infrastructure challenge of ensuring grant and cooperative agree-
ment funds are administered appropriately and that
In the OIG’s review of facility maintenance, NASA esti- recipients are accomplishing agreed-upon goals. The
mated its deferred maintenance costs at $2.4 billion OIG cites recent audits that indicate a lack of NASA
in 2017. The OIG believes major contributors to this oversight leading to potential duplication of efforts
issue stem from decentralized governance, intense with other federal activities, a lack of coordination in
political interest in center assets, and competition for release of data and findings, questionable acquisi-
budget resources. Infrastructure and facilities mainte- tions, inappropriate spending, and insufficient perfor-
nance have long been of concern to the OIG, noting mance.
that throughout 8 years and 17 independent reviews,
common criticisms have been slow implementation See Performance Goal 4.1.2 to find out more about
of corrective actions, inconsistent implementation of NASA’s acquisitions reform efforts.
Agency policies, and a need for stronger lifecycle
cost considerations in facility construction decisions.
Despite special action teams to study the issue and
make recommendations on capability and future
needs, the OIG believes that these assessments were
flawed, failed to make recommendations to achieve
cost savings, and did not establish firm timeframes for
completing actions.
See Performance Goals 4.2.8, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, and 4.6.3
to find out more about NASA’s efforts to ensure that
NASA’s facilities are right-sized, efficient, and avail-
able when needed.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 14

Organizing for Success and Sustainability

Organizing for Success and Sustainability

NASA is organized for success, with a leadership model that optimizes strategic direction at the Agency level,
facilitates management at the functional levels in the mission directorates and mission support offices, and
enables a wide range of activities at centers and facilities. The distributed and diverse nature of NASA’s work is
unified by an integrated performance culture that engages employees and stakeholders at all levels.
The innovative, responsive, and dynamic nature of NASA’s work benefits from the Agency’s highly-leveraged rela-
tionships within and between mission directorates, mission support offices, and centers. This organizational model
ensures that Agency leaders can take both a holistic and more narrowly-focused approach to programmatic,
operational, business, and safety management.
The NASA workforce of about 17,000 civil servants in 2018 is distributed among its centers, facilities, and
Headquarters. NASA’s centers and facilities manage and execute the mission work—engineering, operations, sci-
ence, and technology development—and mission-enabling activities. Each location is supported by a contractor
workforce providing technical and business operations services.
The Administrator and senior officials lead the Agency by providing top-level strategy, policy, and direction.
Headquarters offices lead the Agency’s budget development, execution, and performance assessment. Mission
directorates and mission support offices at Headquarters manage decisions on programmatic investments and
guide operations of the centers. Provided below are brief descriptions of NASA’s mission directorates and select
offices, current as of early 2019.
■■ The Administrator’s Staff Offices lead the Agency by providing guidance and direction that cuts across
all of NASA’s work. These offices represent the Administrator with respect to safety and mission assurance,
managing the workforce and its diversity, overseeing the acquisition and use of IT, conducting financial and
procurement operations, as well as coordinating international partnerships and legislative affairs.

Above: A rainbow shines over the A-1 test stand at Stennis Space Center during a test of an RS-25 engine. The A-2 test stand is visible in the
background. Image credit: KSC Unmanned Aerial Systems Team.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 15

Organizing for Success and Sustainability

■■ The Aeronautics Research Mission ■■ The Office of STEM [science, technology,

Directorate (ARMD) designs, develops, and engineering, and mathematics] Engagement
tests advanced technologies that will make avia- (OSTEM) increases K-12 involvement in NASA
tion much more environmentally friendly, main- projects, enhances higher education, supports
tain safety in increasingly crowded skies, and underrepresented communities, strengthens
ultimately transform the way the United States, online education, and boosts NASA’s contribu-
air passengers, and these world-wide, travel tion to informal education. Note that funding for
between destinations. Research conducted by OSTEM is not included in the fiscal year 2020
ARMD directly benefits today’s air transportation request.
system, the aviation industry, and the passen- ■■ NASA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG)
gers and businesses who rely on aviation every promotes economy, effectiveness, and efficiency
day. within the Agency by conducting independent
■■ The Human Exploration and Operations and objective audits, investigations, and evalu-
Mission Directorate (HEOMD) leads and ations of Agency programs and operations. The
manages NASA space operations related to OIG safeguards taxpayer dollars and the integrity
human exploration in and beyond low Earth orbit. of the Agency by detecting and preventing fraud,
HEOMD oversees requirements development, waste, and abuse.
policy, and programmatic oversight across its
numerous programs. HEOMD’s activities include
the ISS, commercial space transportation, low
Performance Management Is
Earth orbit spaceflight operations, deep space a Team Effort
exploration systems, launch services, and space
communications. NASA’s best asset for achieving mission success is
■■ The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) con- a diverse, multi-disciplinary, and skilled workforce
ducts scientific exploration enabled by observa- across all centers and facilities. NASA’s approach to
tories that view Earth from space, observe and performance management is based on a philosophy
visit other bodies in the solar system, and gaze that each team member brings unique experience and
out into the galaxy and beyond. NASA’s science important expertise to projects. NASA is committed to
programs focus on three interdisciplinary objec-
tives: discovering the secrets of the universe,
searching for life in the solar system and beyond,
and safeguarding and improving life on Earth.
■■ The Space Technology Mission Directorate
(STMD) is in the process of being reorganized to
better support NASA meeting its exploration pri-
orities. To date, STMD has pursued transforma-
tional technologies that may offset future mission
risk, reduce cost, and advance capabilities that
enable exploration. STMD has used merit-based
competition to identify and promote research and
technology development, demonstrate applica-
bility, and infuse these technologies into NASA’s
exploration missions.
■■ The Mission Support Directorate (MSD)
enables the Agency’s missions by managing
institutional services and capabilities. MSD is
actively reducing institutional risk to NASA’s cur-
rent and future missions by improving processes, Above: Engineers power on the Orion test article, which will
stimulating efficiency, and providing consistency be used for the Ascent Abort-2 test, during the week of July 8
and uniformity across institutional standards and 2018, at the Johnson Space Center. Throughout the week, they
practices. incrementally turned on power, checked power distribution,
checked connections and voltage, and ensured that the vehicle
was healthy and providing accurate data. Image credit: NASA/
Robert Markowitz

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 16

Organizing for Success and Sustainability

nurturing an organizational culture in which individu- the Office of the Chief Financial Officer established
als make full use of their time, talent, and opportuni- horizontal inter-center portfolio leads to augment the
ties to pursue the highest standards in engineering, existing vertical hierarchal organization. Each of these
research, operations, and management. portfolios is managed by a Chief Financial Officer in
the field, working at an Agency, not local, level. This
For the seventh year in a row, NASA was named the portfolio lead is responsible for migrating to com-
“Best Place to Work” among large agencies in the mon, standard enterprise services by working with
Federal Government, as ranked by Federal employ- the stakeholder community to identify and implement
ees. In the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint improvements and efficiencies within their processes.
Survey, NASA employees expressed their satisfaction Such improvements can, and have, included develop-
with and commitment to NASA’s Mission. Part 2 of ing and applying a single set of policies, tools, direc-
this document presents the results of their efforts, as tives, and decisions across all work areas in the area,
well as those of NASA’s contractors and partners, for while ensuring full compliance with Federal mandates,
FY 2018. Through teamwork and creativity, NASA had regulations, and appropriate business practices. Silos
great successes and made notable progress in tack- and inconsistent business processes are being elimi-
ling the Agency’s management challenges. nated.

Reorganizing for Success This new structure began to prove its worth during the
2018-2019 lapse in appropriations. The Office of the
and Sustainability Chief Financial Officer portfolio leads developed and
applied consistent guidance, then applied ensured it
Regular assessment of the status quo for efficiency, was applied consistently across by all centers. This
and periodic assessment of the Agency’s current improved identifying exempt and excepted activities,
versus desired future state is a hallmark of NASA’s streamlining the shutdown and reopening process
organizational commitment to achieving an innova- (including accelerating crucial vendor payments to
tive and sustainable program of exploration. This is vulnerable small businesses), and responding to
particularly important as budgets for supporting infra- customers both inside and outside of the Agency. In
structures decrease, or remain flat—in effect, reducing 2019, the Agency-wide Office of the Chief Financial
buying power. Any cost efficiencies or improvements Officer will continue to realize improvements in budget
in conduct of day-to-day operations allows the Agency management, financial reporting and monitoring,
to better sustain strategic investments in NASA’s core implementing agreements, and end user services.
scientific, engineering, and exploration missions. Performance in cost reduction and improved services
will be assessed against 2018 baselines and future
In October of 2018, NASA began rolling out a restruc- year targets. Several metrics are in use, but the most
tured approach to management of the Agency’s important one measures progress towards enterprise
support services, based on findings and recommenda- services, and the percentage of functions that are
tions from business service assessments conducted delivered using consistent processes, and providing a
in 2016 and 2017. Among other strategies, the new consistent quality of service to customers.
business models reduce duplication of effort and com-
petition for resources by combining separate support The success is not isolated; other realigned offices
organizations at centers into Agency-wide services are also performing more efficiently and effec-
managed by functional leads. This approach will help tively. The shutdown services led by the Office of
ensure a common set of business practices across the Chief Human Capital Officer were well orga-
centers and facilities, consolidate and standardize nized, and applied consistently across the Agency.
management tools, and ensure that workforce or Communications to staff, contractors, and vendors
programming decisions made at local or at a regional was viewed as a model by many agencies who
level are also aligned with the long-term interest of directed those with inquiries to NASA communication
the Agency as a whole. In 2018, the Agency realigned sites. The Agency expects similar successes with
work flow and operations support under the Office other office realignments as the process continues.
of the Chief Human Capital Officer, the Office of the In 2019, NASA will begin similar efforts for activities
Chief Financial Officer, and the Office of Legislative related to procurement, small business, equal oppor-
and Intergovernmental Affairs. tunity and diversity, and protective services.

The Agency is already realizing success with the

new realignment from location-based activities to
more strategic enterprise-wide services. In 2018,

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 17

Part 2
Performance Planning and Reporting

On August 12, 2018, a Delta IV Heavy rocket launched NASA’s Parker Solar Probe, the first-ever mission to go into the Sun’s
corona. Image credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls
Performance Planning and Reporting

How to Read NASA’s Performance Data

Part 2 of this volume presents an integrated view of NASA’s FY 2018 Annual Performance Report, the
FY 2019 Performance Plan Update, and the FY 2020 Performance Plan organized by strategic goal and stra-
tegic objective.

Performance Data within the Strategic Framework

Part 2 is organized according to the strategic plan framework established in the NASA 2018 Strategic Plan.
the four themes and strategic goals and the strategic objectives shown below consist of NASA priorities,
approaches, and metrics to evaluate and improve progress toward these priorities at varying levels through-
out the Agency.

Discover Explore
Expand human knowledge through new scien- Extend human presence deeper into space
tific discoveries. and to the Moon for sustainable long-term
exploration and utilization.

Strategic Goal 1: Expand human knowledge through Strategic Goal 2: Extend human presence deeper into
new scientific discoveries. space and to the Moon for sustainable long-term explo-
ration and utilization.
1.1 Understand the Sun, Earth, solar system and universe.
2.1 Lay the foundation for America to maintain a constant
1.2 Understand responds of physical and biological sys- human presence in low Earth orbit enabled by a commer-
tems to spaceflight. cial market.

2.2 Conduct exploration in deep space, including to the

surface of the Moon.

Develop Enable
Address national challenges and catalyze Optimize capabilities and operations.
economic growth.

Strategic Goal 3: Address national challenges and Strategic Goal 4: Optimize capabilities and operations.
catalyze economic growth.
4.1 Engage in partnership strategies.
3.1 Develop and transfer revolutionary technologies to
enable exploration capabilities for NASA and the Nation. 4.2 Enable space access and services.

3.2 Transform aviation through revolutionary technology 4.3 Assure safety and mission success.
research development and transfer.
4.4 Manage human capital.
3.3 Inspire and enable the public in aeronautics, space,
and science. 4.5 Ensure enterprise protection.

4.6 Sustain infrastructure capabilities and operations.

Each strategic objective includes performance goals (PGs) and annual performance indicators (APIs), asso-
ciated FY 2018 performance ratings, and rating explanations for the performance goals. Where NASA did
not achieve its target or milestone for a performance goal or annual performance indicator, an explanation
describes why the target wasn’t met, and when appropriate, the corrective actions the Agency intends to take
to complete the target or milestone.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 19

Performance Planning and Reporting

Walk Through an Example

The following sections explain how to read NASA’s performance information presented in Part 2. Please refer-
ence the links provided for more detailed information.

Color-coded bookmarks on
each page correspond to
the strategic theme for the Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

strategic objective.

Strategic Objective 2.2: Conduct human exploration

in deep space, including to the surface of the Moon.

The budget table shows the

allocation of budget author-
ity for each fiscal year, in
NASA is extending human presence into cis-lunar space and the lunar
millions. For FY 2018 and Lead Office
Human Exploration and Operations surface, with capabilities that allow for sustained operations in deep
2019, the figure represents Mission Directorate (HEOMD) space and the lunar surface.
actual budget authority dis- Goal Leader
tributed to investments sup- Altonell Mumford, Deputy Associate 2018 Strategic Review Summary of
Administrator, HEOMD
porting this strategic objec- Progress
tive. Funding for FY 2020 Assessment: Satisfactory Performance
is estimated, based on the The Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate leads
budget requested. Budgets Budget and manages NASA space operations related to human exploration in
and beyond low Earth orbit. HEOMD oversees requirements develop-
are provided for fiscal years FY $M ment, policy, and programmatic oversight across its numerous programs.
HEOMD’s activities include the International Space Station, commercial
2021 through 2024. Note Actual 2018 4,790.0 space transportation, low Earth orbit spaceflight operations, deep space
that totals of all budgets Enacted 2019 4,698.8 exploration systems, launch services, and space communications. Efforts
that supported the assessment of Satisfactory Performance included:
provided for strategic Requested 2020 5,021.7
■ NASA continues to plan for an Exploration Mission (EM)-1 launch in
objectives are rounded to a 2021 5,295.5 December 2019, with six months of schedule reserve to June 2020
single decimal point. Totals Outyear
2022 5,481.4 to address possible first-time manufacturing and production risks.
2023 6,639.0 ■ NASA preparations underway for EM-2 include production of
will not add to the NASA the Orion EM-2 crew module pressure vessel at the Michoud
2024 7,042.3
total budget request; funds Assembly Center and the active launch abort system.
associated with the Office
of Inspector General do
not map to specific strate- Above: The propulsion system that will give the Orion spacecraft the "in-space push" needed to travel thousands of miles beyond the moon
and back has completed its major assembly at United Launch Alliance in Decatur, Alabama. Image credit: ULA
gic objectives and are not
included in any strategic NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 56

objective budget roll-up.

The annual Strategic Review is a comprehensive analysis of each of NASA’s 13 strategic

objectives. Based on this assessment, one of three independent ratings is assigned: note-
worthy progress; satisfactory performance; or focus area for improvement. More detailed
information can be found in Part 1.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 20

Performance Planning and Reporting

Up to five years of historical performance ratings are provided, depending on

when the goal started. The table will note where ratings are not available (e.g.,
in years where the goal did not exist) in previous years by saying “No PG” or
“No API.”

Please note that the PG’s numbers changed over time due to strategic plan
There are four possible ratings for framework changes. Numbering change information is not available in this
each PG and API, as shown below. report.
The mission directorates define their PGs can be rated one color but its related APIs can be rated a
own success criteria for the ratings different color. For example, the PG may be rated green but the
during the development of their per- supporting API is rated yellow. Every performance measure has
formance measures, so the success success criteria that specify the amount of performance progress
criteria are unique to each perfor- required for each color rating. For a PG, the success criteria for a
mance goal or annual performance fiscal year may be based entirely on the ratings of its API or they
indicator. More information about the may be based on additional information. This scenario may indicate
performance assessment process can that that a project’s multiyear progress was not hindered by perfor-
be found in Part 1. mance challenges in a single fiscal year.

Green Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

On Track or Complete
Performance Goal 2.2.3: Use the International Space Station (ISS)
NASA completed or expects as a testbed to demonstrate the critical systems necessary for long-
to complete this performance duration missions. Between October 1, 2017, and September 30, 2019,
measure within the estimated NASA will initiate at least eight in-space demonstrations of technology
timeframe. critical to enable human exploration in deep space. (Agency Priority
Yellow 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ERD-18-2: Deliver both the Spacecraft
Atmosphere Monitor and Brine
Slightly Below Target and/or Green Green Yellow Green Green Green
Water Processor to the International
Behind Schedule Space Station (ISS) for technology
Planned Performance Goals for FY 2019-2020
NASA completed or expects FY 2019 - 2.2.3: Use the International Space Station (ISS)
as a testbed to demonstrate the critical systems necessary
to complete this performance for long-duration missions. Between October 1, 2017, and 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
September 30, 2019, NASA will initiate at least eight in-space
measure, but is slightly below demonstrations of technology critical to enable human explo-
No APIs before FY 2018 Red

the target and/or moderately ration in deep space. (Agency Priority Goal)
Explanation of Performance
FY 2020 - 2.2.3: Use the International Space Station (ISS)
behind schedule. as a testbed to demonstrate key capabilities necessary This annual performance indicator is rated red
for long-duration missions. Between October 1, 2019, and because neither the Spacecraft Atmosphere Monitor

September 30, 2021, NASA will initiate at least ten in-space (SAM) nor the Brine Water Processor were delivered
demonstrations of technology critical to enable human explo- to the International Space Station (ISS) by the end of
ration in deep space.
the first quarter of FY 2019. SAM, which continuously
measures gases in the air on the ISS and transmits
Significantly Below Target that data to researchers on Earth, will be delivered in
and/or Behind Schedule NASA continues to be on track to achieve this agency
priority goal. In spring 2018, researchers conducted
March 2019 to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory due to
the late delivery of ion pumps and other components.
the first-ever experiments on long-term exposure The Brine Water Processor, also known as the Brine
NASA did not or does not to galactic cosmic ray-like radiation at the National Processor Assembly, will demonstrate the recovery
expect to complete this Space Radiation Laboratory, at the Brookhaven
National Laboratory. These experiments will enable
of water from urine brine produced by the ISS Urine
Processor Assembly. The delivery of the Brine Water
performance measure within better assessments of space radiation health risks Processor for flight integration will be delayed to early
involved in human space exploration. September 2019 due to design issues with its bladder
the estimated timeframe. The and logic control board.
program is substantially below
the target and/or significantly Planned Annual Performance Indicators

behind schedule. The International Space Station (ISS) is a unique

scientific platform in low Earth orbit that enables
ERD-19-2: Deliver the Universal Waste Management System
(UWMS) for flight on the International Space Station (ISS).
research in a microgravity environment. The Human
Research Program (HRP) focuses on discovering ERD-20-2: Deliver the Brine Processor Assembly for launch

White the best methods and technologies to support safe

and productive human space travel. Advanced
Exploration Systems (AES) develops innovative
to the International Space Station.

Canceled or Postponed approaches and public-private partnerships to rapidly

develop prototype systems, advance key capabilities,
and validate operational concepts for future human
NASA senior management missions beyond Earth orbit. All three programs are
part of HEOMD.
cancelled or postponed this
performance measure. The
Agency is no longer pursu-
ing activities related to this NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 61

performance measure or the

program did not have activities
and/or resources during the Two years of planned PGs and APIs
fiscal year.
are provided. The table will state “No
PG this fiscal year” if a PG is not
scheduled for renewal.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 21


Strategic Goal 1
Expand human knowledge through new
scientific discoveries.

Operation IceBridge is an airborne survey of Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets, ice shelves, and sea ice. It has helped fill the
data collection between ICESat, which de-orbited in 2010, and ICESat-2, which launched in September 2018. This photo of the
Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica was taken by an IceBridge flight on October 31, 2017. Image credit: NASA/Nathan Kurtz
Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Strategic Objective 1.1: Understand the Sun, Earth,

solar system, and universe.

Lead Office NASA is conducting scientific studies of the Earth and Sun from space,
Science Mission Directorate (SMD), with return data and samples from other bodies in the solar system, peer out
support from the Human Exploration into the vast reaches of the universe, and play a catalyzing role in lunar
and Operations Mission Directorate robotic exploration by supporting innovative approaches to advancing
science. These efforts are guided by national priorities and recommen-
Goal Leader dations from the National Academies’ decadal surveys and implemented
Thomas Zurbuchen, Associate through a balanced portfolio of programs.
Administrator, SMD
2018 Strategic Review Summary of
The Science Mission Directorate conducts scientific exploration
FY $M enabled by observatories that view Earth from space, observe and
visit other bodies in the solar system, and gaze out into the galaxy and
Actual 2018 6,211.5
beyond. NASA’s science programs focus on three interdisciplinary objec-
Enacted 2019 6,291.9 tives: discovering the secrets of the universe, searching for life in the
Requested 2020 6,303.7 solar system and beyond, and safeguarding and improving life on Earth.
Near-term efforts that supported the assessment included:
2021 6,319.0
■■ Discovering Secrets of the Universe: Parker Solar Probe launched
2022 6,319.0
Outyear on August 12, 2018, will fly though the Sun’s coronal atmosphere,
2023 5,846.5 revealing the fundamental science of what drives solar wind. SMD
2024 5,815.0
also continues the integration and testing of the James Webb

Above: The Juno spacecraft’s JunoCam took this color-enhanced image of Jupiter on May 23, 2018. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/
MSSS/Kevin Gill

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 23

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Space Telescope (Webb), which will be the

premier observatory of the next decade, study-
Performance Measures for
ing every phase in the history of the universe, Strategic Objective 1.1
ranging from the first luminous glows after the
Big Bang, to the formation of solar systems The following pages provide the performance goals
capable of supporting life on planets like Earth, and annual performance indicators supporting
to the evolution of Earth’s solar system. Strategic Objective 1.1. They include the final perfor-
■■ Searching for Life Elsewhere: The Transiting mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance
Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission, Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019,
launched on April 18, 2018, is poised to increase and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are
the number of candidate life-hosting planets. charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings
SMD also continues development of the Mars for the performance goals and annual performance
2020 mission, which will search for evidence indicators supporting Strategic Objective 1.1.
of possible past or present life on Mars.
As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
■■ Safeguarding and Improving Life: SMD launched completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
Follow-on (GRACE-FO) on May 22, 2018 grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy
to track water movement across the planet. and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
SMD has also solicited proposals applying retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
Earth observations for disaster risk reduction FY 2018 performance results found on the following
and resilience. Additionally, SMD maintains a pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
watch for near-Earth objects, asteroids and it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
comets that pass within Earth’s neighbor- mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
hood, as part of an ongoing effort to discover, will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
catalog, and characterize these bodies. Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.

Summary of Strategic Objective 1.1: Understand the Sun, Earth, solar system and

Performance Goal

23 1
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings. .

Annual Performance Indicator

40 3 1
Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 24

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.1: Demonstrate progress in exploring the

physical processes in the space environment from the Sun to Earth
and throughout the solar system.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Heliophysics Division, part of SMD, conducts
research on the sun, its extended solar-system
environment (the heliosphere), and planetary environ-
Planned Performance Goals ments as a single connected system. The scope of
Heliophysics ranges from the sun’s interior to Earth’s
2019 - 1.1.1: Demonstrate progress in exploring the physical
upper atmosphere and beyond, through interplanetary
processes in the space environment from the Sun to Earth
space, to the end of the region of the sun’s influence,
and throughout the solar system.
far beyond the outer planets.
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Heliophysics Advisory Committee determined HE-18-1: As determined by the

in October 2018 that NASA remained on track in its Heliophysics Advisory Committee
annual performance towards achieving this perfor-
mance goal. Below are examples of the scientific
(HPAC), demonstrate planned progress in
progress reported in FY 2018. exploring the physical processes in the
space environment from the Sun to Earth
NASA missions led to significant advances in under-
and throughout the solar system.
standing of how plasmas are heated and acceler-
ated. Observations of the sun by the Solar Dynamics
Observatory (SDO) and the Focusing Optics X-ray
Solar Imager (FOXSI) showed that finger-like jets 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
called spicules and small bursts of magnetic fields
Green Green Green Green Green Green
called nanoflares both contribute to heating the
outer atmosphere of the sun. At the boundary of
Earth’s magnetosphere, which slows and deflects
the solar wind, a new type of small-scale magnetic Planned Annual Performance Indicators
reconnection was discovered using data from the
Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. HE-19-1: As determined by the Heliophysics Advisory
Committee (HPAC), demonstrate planned progress in explor-
NASA satellite missions have also made significant ing the physical processes in the space environment from the
progress in understanding the chemistry and compo- Sun to Earth and throughout the solar system.
sition of the middle atmosphere. For instance, NASA’s
Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesophere (AIM) mission See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
made the first observations of meteoric smoke compo-
sition, revealing how extraterrestrial debris affects the
chemistry of the upper atmosphere.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 25

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.2: Demonstrate progress in advancing

understanding of the connections that link the Sun, Earth, and
planetary space environments, and the outer reaches of the solar

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Heliophysics Division, part of SMD, conducts
research on the sun, its extended solar-system
environment (the heliosphere), and planetary environ-
Planned Performance Goals ments as a single connected system. The scope of
2019 - 1.1.2: Demonstrate progress in advancing understand- Heliophysics ranges from the sun’s interior to Earth’s
ing of the connections that link the Sun, Earth, and planetary upper atmosphere and beyond, through interplanetary
space environments, and the outer reaches of the solar space, to the end of the region of the sun’s influence,
system. far beyond the outer planets.

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Heliophysics Advisory Committee determined HE-18-2: As determined by the

in October 2018 that NASA remained on track in its Heliophysics Advisory Committee
annual performance towards achieving this perfor-
mance goal. Below are examples of the scientific
(HPAC), demonstrate planned progress
progress reported in FY 2018. in advancing understanding of the
connections that link the Sun, Earth, and
NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) has
planetary space environments, and the
provided new insight into how the solar wind affects
the entire heliosphere, expanding the boundaries. outer reaches of the solar system.
Additionally, simultaneous imaging of auroras in
both hemispheres by NASA instruments, such as
the Global Ultraviolet Imager on the Thermosphere
Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
(TIMED) spacecraft, has confirmed that circulation in Green Green Green Green Green Green
the ionosphere is highly controlled by the solar wind
magnetic field direction. Planned Annual Performance Indicators
NASA-supported investigations are improving under-
HE-19-2: As determined by the Heliophysics Advisory
standing of the connections between atmospheric and Committee (HPAC), demonstrate planned progress in ad-
space phenomena. Using data from AIM, analyses of vancing understanding of the connections that link the Sun,
gravity waves in the middle and upper atmosphere Earth, and planetary space environments, and the outer
have shown how gravity waves transfer momentum reaches of the solar system.
and energy from Earth’s surface throughout the atmo-
sphere. NASA-funded research has also shown, using See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
data from instruments on TIMED and AIM, that winds
in the upper atmosphere are substantially affected
by space weather. These studies demonstrate how
weather events originating at Earth’s surface and in
space can impact the entire globe.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 26

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.3: Demonstrate progress in developing the

knowledge and capability to detect and predict extreme conditions in
space to protect life and society and to safeguard human and robotic
explorers beyond Earth.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Heliophysics Division, part of SMD, conducts
research on the sun, its extended solar-system
environment (the heliosphere), and planetary environ-
Planned Performance Goals ments as a single connected system. The scope of
Heliophysics ranges from the sun’s interior to Earth’s
2019 - 1.1.3: Demonstrate progress in developing the knowl- upper atmosphere and beyond, through interplanetary
edge and capability to detect and predict extreme conditions space, to the end of the region of the sun’s influence,
in space to protect life and society and to safeguard human far beyond the outer planets.
and robotic explorers beyond Earth.

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Heliophysics Advisory Committee determined HE-18-3: As determined by the

in October 2018 that NASA remained on track in its Heliophysics Advisory Committee
annual performance towards achieving this perfor-
mance goal. Below are examples of the scientific
(HPAC), demonstrate planned progress in
progress reported in FY 2018. developing the knowledge and capability
to detect and predict extreme conditions
Data from NASA missions, across all heliophysics
in space to protect life and society and to
disciplines, were used to advance understanding of
space weather phenomena capable of negatively safeguard human and robotic explorers
affecting life on Earth as well as human and robotic beyond Earth.
explorers beyond Earth. Observations of the ther-
mosphere by the Sounding of the Atmosphere Using
Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) instrument
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
on TIMED were critical to significantly improving the
predictive capabilities of upper atmosphere forecast Green Green Green Green Green Green
models, which reduces the risk of losing satellites to
collisions or communication failures. Using data from Planned Annual Performance Indicators
NASA’s Van Allen Probes, new understanding of radi-
ation belt variability will help researchers assess and HE-19-3: As determined by the Heliophysics Advisory
mitigate the hazardous effects of elevated radiation on Committee (HPAC), demonstrate planned progress in de-
spacecraft and crew. veloping the knowledge and capability to detect and predict
extreme conditions in space to protect life and society and to
safeguard human and robotic explorers beyond Earth.

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 27

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.4: By December 2019, launch one mission in

support of Heliophysics.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Yellow Green The Heliophysics Division, part of SMD, conducts
research on the sun, its extended solar-system
environment (the heliosphere), and planetary environ-
Planned Performance Goals ments as a single connected system. The scope of
Heliophysics ranges from the sun’s interior to Earth’s
2019 - 1.1.4: By December 2019, launch one mission in sup- upper atmosphere and beyond, through interplanetary
port of Heliophysics. space, to the end of the region of the sun’s influence,
far beyond the outer planets.
See page 55 for the FY 2020 launch performance goal.

NASA achieved this performance goal by launching HE-18-4: Launch Parker Solar Probe
the Parker Solar Probe on August 12, 2018. When the
spacecraft transmitted its first science observations in
December, it began to advance scientific understand-
ing of the star that makes life on Earth possible. The 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
mission’s findings will help researchers improve their No API Green Green Green Yellow Green
forecasts of space weather events, which have the
potential to damage satellites and harm astronauts on
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
orbit, disrupt radio communications and, at their most
severe, overwhelm power grids. No APIs after FY 2018
Throughout its seven-year mission, the Parker Solar
Probe will make 24 passes by the sun, journeying
steadily closer until it makes its closest approach at HE-18-5: Release the 2018 Heliophysics
3.8 million miles, inside the sun’s atmosphere. At this
Medium Explorer (MIDEX) Announcement
point, the probe will be moving at 430,000 miles per
hour, setting the record for the fastest-moving object of Opportunity.
made by humankind.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No API Green Green Green Yellow Yellow

Explanation of Performance
NASA delayed the release of the 2018 MIDEX
Announcement of Opportunity to early FY 2019 in
order to eliminate overlap between the proposal eval-
uation effort and the evaluation/site visits for the Small
Explorer (SMEX) 2016 concept study reports. The
2012 Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics
strongly recommended a robust principal investi-
gator-led Explorers program for Heliophysics. As a
result, NASA selected five SMEX mission proposals
for a Phase A study, with the intent to select two of
those missions to progress to Phase B.
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is heading to the sun. Thermal
Protection System Engineer Betsy Congdon (Johns Hopkins
APL) outlines why the Parker Solar Probe can take the heat in Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Why Won’t it Melt? How NASA’s Solar Probe will Survive the
Sun. Image Credit: NASA
No APIs after FY 2018

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 28

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

HE-18-7: Complete the selection for the HE-19-6 [Begins in FY 2019]

Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration
Probe (IMAP) Announcement of Planned Annual Performance Indicators
HE-19-6: Complete the 2016 Heliophysics Small Explorer
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (SMEX) Announcement of Opportunity down-select.

No APIs before FY 2017 Green Green

No API after FY 2020

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

HE-19-9: Complete Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration

Probe (IMAP) concept studies.
HE-19-7 [Begins in FY 2019]
See page 55 for the FY 2020 IMAP annual performance
Planned Annual Performance Indicators

HE-19-7: Deliver Science and Technology Definition Team

(STDT) report.
HE-18-8: Launch the Ionospheric
Connection Explorer (ICON). No API for FY 2020

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No API No API Green Green Green Yellow

Explanation of Performance
NASA and Northrop Grumman delayed the October
2018 ICON launch when they detected anomalous
data from the Pegasus XL rocket, which contained
ICON. The Pegasus XL rocket was transported back
to Vandenberg Air Force Base in California for further
analysis. A new launch date has not yet been set. The
ICON spacecraft remains healthy.

Planned Performance Goals

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 29

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.5: Conduct on-orbit commissioning of the

James Webb Space Telescope after launch. (Agency Priority Goal)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Yellow Red The James Webb Space Telescope, or Webb,
will be a large infrared space observatory capable of
studying every phase in the history of the universe,
Planned Performance Goals from the first glows after the Big Bang to the evolution
of planets. The Webb program is part of the Science
2019 - 1.1.5: Conduct on-orbit commissioning of the James Mission Directorate.
Webb Space Telescope after launch. (Agency Priority Goal)

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

Although NASA completed some major milestones Environmental testing of the spacecraft was initiated
as planned for FY 2018, Webb will not achieve this in April 2018. After completion of the acoustics test,
agency priority goal, which assumed that Webb would which was the first of the testing series, loose screws,
launch no later than September 30, 2019. washers, and nuts were discovered and traced to the
sunshield membrane cover battens. The root cause
After successful completion of the cryovacuum testing was identified as an insufficient installation procedure
at Johnson Space Center in October 2017, Webb’s of the hardware, and all of the hardware was removed
Optical Telescope Element plus Integrated Science and replaced. NASA started the spacecraft/sunshield
Instrument Module, together known as OTIS, was environmental testing again, with a re-run of the
shipped to the Northrop Grumman Aerospace System acoustics test in October 2018.
Space Park facility in Redondo Beach, California, in
February 2018. Subsequent successful functional NASA established an Independent Review Board
testing of OTIS was performed at Space Park in May to assess the schedule, work to go, and underlying
and June 2018. causes of schedule erosion. Based on the board’s
findings and recommendations, NASA is now planning
During FY 2018, NASA completed testing of the to launch Webb in March 2021. This new launch date
sunshield, which was integrated to the spacecraft bus takes into account the lessons learned from the initial
in FY 2017. The testing included initial folding of the fold, deployment, and stow of the sunshield, as well
sunshield membrane, full deployment of the sunshield as the corrective action required for the recent loos-
structure and membrane, tensioning of the membrane ened hardware discovered after the acoustics test. In
and re-folding and stowing into the launch configura- June, NASA alerted Congress of the new launch date
tion. During this initial testing, snags with the mem- and an increase in development cost of $800 million
brane tensioning system occurred during deployment, over the $8 billion cost cap.
as well as several small tears in the membrane. The
membrane tensioning system was redesigned, tested,
and re-installed on the sunshield. The cause of the
membrane tears is fully understood, the majority have
been repaired, and corrective action has taken place
so that tears are minimized during subsequent test
In early 2017, it was discovered that several dual
thruster valves of the propulsion system leaked due to
erosion of the seals. The replacement of the space-
craft propulsion system thruster valves was completed
in March 2018.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 30

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

JWST-18-1: Integrate the James Webb

Space Telescope Optical Telescope
Element (OTE) plus Integrated Science
Instrument Module (ISIM), known as OTIS,
with the spacecraft and sunshield.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Yellow Red

Performance Explanation
Integration of OTIS with the spacecraft and sunshield
has been delayed until October 2019 due to the dis-
covery of loosened hardware after an acoustics test
(see Performance Goal 1.1.5 for more information).
Webb’s two halves, the spacecraft and telescope, were
Actions are being taken by the project and program connected together using temporary ground wiring that
to minimize procedural and human errors, as recom- enabled them to “speak” to each other like they will in flight
mended by the Independent Review Board. in September 2018 This was an optional “risk reduction” test
that took advantage of an opportunity to connect the two
halves of the observatory together electrically months earlier
than planned. If any issues had been found, it would have
Planned Annual Performance Indicators given engineers more time to fix them and without causing
further delays. As a bonus, it also provided a jumpstart for the
JWST-19-1: Complete spacecraft element thermal vacuum
separate spacecraft and telescope test teams to begin working
jointly as they will when the whole observatory is reassembled
into one spacecraft in 2019. Image credit: Northrop Grumman
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 31

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.6: Demonstrate progress in probing the origin

and destiny of the universe, including the nature of black holes, dark
energy, dark matter, and gravity.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Astrophysics Division, part of SMD, studies the
origin and evolution of the universe, including planets
circling stars outside the solar system, distant galax-
ies and groups of galaxies, and compact objects and
Planned Performance Goals black holes.

2019 - 1.1.6: Demonstrate progress in probing the origin and

destiny of the universe, including the nature of black holes,
dark energy, dark matter, and gravity. AS-18-1: As determined by the
Astrophysics Advisory Committee
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
(APAC), demonstrate planned progress
in probing the origin and destiny of the
The Astrophysics Advisory Committee determined in universe, including the nature of black
July 2018 that NASA remained on track in its annual holes, dark energy, dark matter, and
performance toward the achievement of this perfor- gravity.
mance goal. Below are examples of the scientific
progress reported in FY 2018. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Numerous new discoveries and fruitful measurements Green Green Green Green Green Green
propelled progress in understanding the workings of
the universe. Moments after the Laser Interferometer Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detected AS-19-1: As determined by the Astrophysics Advisory
gravitational waves, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Committee (APAC), demonstrate planned progress in probing
Telescope picked up a pulse of high-energy light. the origin and destiny of the universe, including the nature of
The coincidental detections provided the first pow- black holes, dark energy, dark matter, and gravity.
erful evidence of a pair of stars smashing together
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
and exploding. The Swift, Hubble, Chandra, and
Spitzer missions, along with ground-based observa-
tories including the NASA-funded Panoramic Survey
Telescope And Rapid Response System (Pan-
STARRS) survey, later captured the glow of the blast’s
debris. The detection of a gravitational-wave source’s
light has revealed that the event was caused by the
merger of two neutron stars.
Progress has taken place in finding and understand-
ing black holes, as well as into probing the fate of the
Universe and its dark energy content by measuring
the Hubble constant with higher precision. Nuclear
Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) data has
provided insight into the origin of jets around black
holes. Archival observations by the Chandra X-Ray
Observatory revealed the presence of a dozen black
holes gathered around the supermassive black hole in
For the first time, NASA scientists have detected light tied to a
the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. gravitational-wave event, thanks to two merging neutron stars in
the galaxy NGC 4993, located about 130 million light-years from
Earth in the constellation Hydra. Image credit: Credits: NASA’s
Goddard Space Flight Center/CI Lab

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 32

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.7: Demonstrate progress in exploring the origin

and evolution of the galaxies, stars, and planets that make up the

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Astrophysics Division, part of SMD, studies the
origin and evolution of the universe, including planets
circling stars outside the solar system, distant galax-
ies and groups of galaxies, and compact objects and
Planned Performance Goals black holes.
2019 - 1.1.7: Demonstrate progress in exploring the origin
and evolution of the galaxies, stars, and planets that make up
the universe.

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Astrophysics Advisory Committee determined in AS-18-2: As determined by the

July 2018 that NASA remained on track in its annual Astrophysics Advisory Committee
performance toward the achievement of this perfor-
mance goal. Below are examples of the scientific
(APAC), demonstrate planned progress in
progress reported in FY 2018 in understanding the exploring the origin and evolution of the
origin and evolution of the galaxies, stars, and planets galaxies, stars, and planets that make up
that make up the universe. the universe.
The Kepler Space Telescope solved a previously
unsolved problem related to energetic stellar
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
explosions. Exploding stars known as supernovas
sometimes include brief flashes called fast-evolving Green Green Green Green Green Green
luminous transients, or FELTs. Observations by the
Kepler Space Telescope helped astronomers to con- Planned Annual Performance Indicators
clude that these brief flashes come from a vast shell
of material around a supernova that abruptly lights up AS-19-2: As determined by the Astrophysics Advisory
Committee (APAC), demonstrate planned progress in explor-
when the supernova blast wave crashes into it.
ing the origin and evolution of the galaxies, stars, and planets
NASA’s airborne Stratospheric Observatory for that make up the universe.
Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) have helped astrono- See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
mers to understand how massive stars form. Using
data collected with SOFIA, astronomers confirmed
that high-mass stars can form like their less massive
siblings (like the sun), through collapsing interstellar
gas and dust clouds that are collected in an “accretion
disk” surrounding the young star.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 33

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.8: Demonstrate progress in discovering and

studying planets around other stars and exploring whether they could
harbor life.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Astrophysics Division, part of SMD, studies the
origin and evolution of the universe, including planets
circling stars outside the solar system, distant galax-
Planned Performance Goals ies and groups of galaxies, and compact objects and
black holes.
2019 - 1.1.8: Demonstrate progress in discovering and study-
ing planets around other stars and exploring whether they
could harbor life.

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Astrophysics Advisory Committee determined in AS-18-4: As determined by the

July 2018 that NASA remained on track in its annual Astrophysics Advisory Committee
performance toward the achievement of this perfor-
mance goal. Below are examples of the scientific
(APAC), demonstrate planned progress in
progress reported in FY 2018. discovering and studying planets around
other stars and exploring whether they
The discovery and study of planets around other stars
could harbor life.
(“exoplanets”) continues to be a rapidly growing field.
NASA’s Kepler mission has completed a census of a
field of sky in the Cygnus constellation, revealing a 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
divide between smaller Earth-like planets and larger
Green Green Green Green Green Green
mini-Neptunes with significant gaseous atmospheres.
Using the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes,
scientists detected water vapor in two gas giant exo- Planned Annual Performance Indicators
planets, WASP-39b and WASP-121b, that orbit close AS-19-4: As determined by the Astrophysics Advisory
to their host stars. A surprising amount of water was Committee (APAC), demonstrate planned progress in discov-
found in WASP-39b, suggesting that the exoplanet ering and studying planets around other stars and exploring
developed far away from its star, where it was bom- whether they could harbor life.
barded by icy material.
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
Observations by the Hubble and Spitzer telescopes of
the seven Earth-sized TRAPPIST-1 planets demon-
strate that two of these rocky worlds have compact
atmospheres like Earth’s and may be good candi-
dates as habitable worlds.

Analysis conducted in 2018 concluded that the seven planets of

the TRAPPIST-1 system are all rocky, and some could contain
significant amounts of water. This artist’s concept, the relative
sizes of the planets and their host star, an ultracool dwarf, are
all shown to scale. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 34

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.9: By December 2018, launch at least one

mission in support of Astrophysics.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PG Green Green Green Green Green The Astrophysics Division, part of SMD, studies the
origin and evolution of the universe, including planets
circling stars outside the solar system, distant galax-
Planned Performance Goals ies and groups of galaxies, and compact objects and
black holes.
2019 - 1.1.9: By December 2021, launch one mission in sup-
port of Astrophysics.

See page 55 for the FY 2020 launch performance goal.

AS-18-5: Complete Wide-Field Infrared

Survey Telescope (WFIRST) Key Decision
NASA achieved this performance goal in April 2018 Point (KDP)-B.
when it launched the Transiting Exoplanet Survey
Satellite (TESS) on the first-of-its-kind mission to find 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
worlds beyond the solar system, including some that No APIs before FY 2016 Green Yellow Green
could support life. TESS has started its search for
planets around nearby stars, officially beginning sci-
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
ence operations on July 25 and transmitting science
data back to Earth every 13.5 days, once per orbit, as
No APIs after FY 2018
the spacecraft makes it closest approach to Earth.
Over the next two years, the spacecraft will use its
array of telescopes to perform the first-ever space- AS-18-6: Complete concept studies for
borne all-sky exoplanet transit survey, looking for exo-
planets ranging from Earth-sized to gas giants in orbit the 2016 Astrophysics Medium Explorer
around the nearest and brightest stars in the sky. The (MIDEX) Announcement of Opportunity.
project’s goal is to identify terrestrial planets in the
habitable zones of nearby stars. TESS will monitor the 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
brightness of half a million stars, looking for momen-
No APIs before FY 2017 Green Green
tary changes in brightness caused when a planet
passes, or transits, in front of the star as viewed from
Earth. Planned Annual Performance Indicators

NASA also completed the Key Decision Point-B AS-19-6: Complete the 2016 Astrophysics Medium Explorer
review for the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (MIDEX) Announcement of Opportunity down-select.
(WFIRST), allowing the project to explore options for See page 56 for the FY 2020 MIDEX annual performance
fulfilling the mission, advance required technologies, indicator.
and take other steps to prepare for future mission

AS-18-7: Launch the Transiting Exoplanet

Survey Satellite (TESS).

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No API Green Green Yellow Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 35

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.10: Demonstrate progress in advancing the

understanding of how the chemical and physical processes in the
solar system operate, interact, and evolve.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Planetary Science Division, part of SMD,
develops and operates robotic spacecraft to advance
the scientific understanding of planetary bodies. The
Planned Performance Goals division is improving understanding of the origin and
2019 - 1.1.10: Demonstrate progress in advancing the under- evolution of life on Earth and guiding the search for life
standing of how the chemical and physical processes in the elsewhere. In addition, the division identifies and char-
solar system operate, interact, and evolve. acterizes objects in the solar system that pose threats
to Earth or offer resources for human exploration.
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Planetary Science Advisory Committee deter- PS-18-1: As determined by the Planetary
mined in September 2018 that NASA has remained Science Advisory Committee (PAC),
on track toward achievement of this performance goal.
Below are examples of the scientific progress reported demonstrate planned progress in
in FY 2018. advancing the understanding of how
the chemical and physical processes in
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) made
unprecedented measurements of the Moon’s radia-
the solar system operate, interact, and
tion environment, showing that the Moon receives an evolve.
increase in radiation from galactic cosmic rays, which
would be more harmful to future deep-space explor- 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
ers. Scientists suggest that particles in Venus’ lower Green Green Green Green Green Green
clouds may contain sufficient mass balance to harbor
microorganisms, water, solutes, and a potentially suffi-
cient biomass to be detected by optical methods. The Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Juno mission has made new observations of cyclonic PS-19-1: As determined by the Planetary Science Advisory
activity in Jupiter’s polar regions. Cassini observed Committee (PAC), demonstrate planned progress in ad-
storms on Saturn that can disturb atmospheric pat- vancing the understanding of how the chemical and physical
terns at the planet’s equator. The Dawn mission processes in the solar system operate, interact, and evolve.
discovered sites rich with organic molecules on the See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
asteroid Ceres. Scientists discovered methane ice
formations, some reaching hundreds of feet high, near
Pluto’s equator through data from the New Horizons

Using data collected during New Horizons’

flyby of Pluto in July 2015, researchers
have discovered blade-like spires that rise
hundreds of feet. Known as “penitentes,”
the features were formed by erosion
caused by evaporating ices. Image credit:

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 36

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.11: Demonstrate progress in exploring and

observing the objects in the solar system to understand how they
formed and evolve.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Planetary Science Division, part of SMD,
develops and operates robotic spacecraft to advance
the scientific understanding of planetary bodies. The
Planned Performance Goals division is improving understanding of the origin and
evolution of life on Earth and guiding the search for life
2019 - 1.1.11: Demonstrate progress in exploring and observ-
ing the objects in the solar system to understand how they elsewhere. In addition, the division identifies and char-
formed and evolve. acterizes objects in the solar system that pose threats
to Earth or offer resources for human exploration.
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Planetary Science Advisory Committee deter- PS-18-2: As determined by the Planetary
mined in September 2018 that NASA has remained Science Advisory Committee (PAC),
on track toward achievement of this performance goal.
Below are examples of the scientific progress reported
demonstrate planned progress in
in FY 2018. exploring and observing the objects in
the solar system to understand how they
LRO evaluated the shapes of 930 small craters (40
formed and evolve.
meters to 10 kilometers in diameter) to highlight
changes to the sizes of ubiquitous impact craters
across the Moon. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Data from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Green Green Green Green Green Green
Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM), aboard the Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), demonstrated that Planned Annual Performance Indicators
clays on Mars belong to three different chemical
PS-19-2: As determined by the Planetary Science Advisory
families, based on their crystal structure. Laboratory Committee (PAC), demonstrate planned progress in exploring
experiments demonstrated that the thicknesses of and observing the objects in the solar system to understand
surface clay minerals observed on Mars could have how they formed and evolve.
formed in a few million years or less, depending on
the temperature. The less crystalline minerals above See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
the clay layers are a record of a colder, dryer Mars.
The Juno mission created a detailed model of
Jupiter’s global magnetic field. Jupiter’s magnetic field
is shown to be different from all other known planetary PS-18-11: Complete Juno mission
magnetic fields. Cassini’s final images will allow sci- success criteria.
entists to better characterize atmospheric conditions
on Saturn, while the New Horizons mission enabled 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
scientists to create global and topographic maps of No API No API No API Green No API Green
Pluto and its largest moon, Charon.

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 37

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

PS-18-12: Complete Origins, Spectral

Interpretation, Resource Identification,
and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-
REx) arrival at the Bennu asteroid.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

See 1.1.16 for planned APIs

PS-19-3 [Begins in FY 2019]

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

PS-19-3: Complete New Horizons’ first-ever flyby of a Kuiper

This “super-resolution” view of asteroid Bennu was created
Belt Object (2014MU69).
using eight images taken by OSIRIS-REx’s PolyCam camera
on October 29, 2018. OSIRIS-REx was about 205 miles away
No API for FY 2020
from Bennu, executing its third asteroid approach maneuver
to slow the spacecraft and guide it toward the asteroid. Image
credit: NASA/Goddard/Univ. of Arizona

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 38

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.12: Demonstrate progress in exploring and

finding locations where life could have existed or could exist today.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

The Planetary Science Division, part of SMD,
Green Green Green Green Green Green
develops and operates robotic spacecraft to advance
the scientific understanding of planetary bodies. The
Planned Performance Goals division is improving understanding of the origin and
evolution of life on Earth and guiding the search for
2019 - 1.1.12: Demonstrate progress in exploring and finding life elsewhere. In addition, the division identifies and
locations where life could have existed or could exist today. characterizes objects in the solar system that pose
threats to Earth or offer resources for human explo-
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures. ration.

The Planetary Science Advisory Committee deter- PS-18-3: As determined by the Planetary
mined in September 2018 that NASA has remained Science Advisory Committee (PAC),
on track toward achievement of this performance goal.
Below are examples of the scientific progress reported
demonstrate planned progress in
in FY 2018. exploring and finding locations where life
could have existed or could exist today.
The Mars 2020 mission will analyze samples in situ
and identify those that could have preserved biosigna-
tures in ancient habitable environments. Samples will 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
be cached for later return to Earth where detailed bio- Green Green Green Green Green Green
signature analyses will take place. The payload suite
will include a first-time mission instrument for biosig-
nature detection and contextual environment char- Planned Annual Performance Indicators
acterization, the Scanning Habitable Environments PS-19-4: As determined by the Planetary Science Advisory
and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals Committee (PAC), demonstrate planned progress in exploring
(SHERLOC). and finding locations where life could have existed or could
exist today.
Data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft revealed
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
complex organic molecules originating from Saturn’s
icy moon Enceladus, strengthening the idea that
this ocean world hosts conditions suitable for life.
Additional data implied the presence of a global ocean
underneath the icy surface of Enceladus, with a huge
amount of internal heating to avoid freezing.

In December 2018, NASA announced that it had used

images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s (MRO’s)
High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) to
assess several candidate landing sites for the Mars 2020
rover, looking for potential erosion by studying wind-caused
ripples and dunes. Jazero Crater, shown here in an image
taken by HiRISE in March 2015, and Northeast Syrtis were
selected as candidate sites because they showed the most
evidence for ongoing sand transport and erosion poten-
tial. The Mars 2020 rover will explore signs of habitable
conditions and microbial life on ancient Mars. Image credit:

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 39

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.13: Demonstrate progress in improving

understanding of the origin and evolution of life on Earth to guide the
search for life elsewhere.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Planetary Science Division, part of SMD,
develops and operates robotic spacecraft to advance
the scientific understanding of planetary bodies. The
Planned Performance Goals division is improving understanding of the origin and
evolution of life on Earth and guiding the search for
2019 - 1.1.13: Demonstrate progress in improving under- life elsewhere. In addition, the division identifies and
standing of the origin and evolution of life on Earth to guide characterizes objects in the solar system that pose
the search for life elsewhere.
threats to Earth or offer resources for human explo-
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures. ration.

The Planetary Science Advisory Committee deter-

mined in September 2018 that NASA has remained
on track toward achievement of this performance goal,
leading to new discoveries about the history of life on
Earth. Below are examples of the scientific progress
reported in FY 2018.
A team funded by the NASA Astrobiology Institute
analyzed jasper rock samples from the Nuvvuagittuq
belt in Canada and found microfossils of filaments
and tubes filled with hematite, similar to the remains
of modern-day microbes living around hydrothermal
vents. The findings provide evidence for biological
activity in submarine-hydrothermal environments
dated to be at least 3.77 billion years old and perhaps
as old as 4.28 billion years. The minimum age of
these fossils would make them the oldest indication of PS-18-4: As determined by the Planetary
life on Earth found to date. Science Advisory Committee (PAC),
Scientists with the NASA Astrobiology Institute com-
demonstrate planned progress in
bined several global data sets (sediment thickness, improving understanding of the origin
bathymetry, heat flow, bottom water temperatures) and evolution of life on Earth to guide the
with modeling efforts to calculate the three-dimen- search for life elsewhere.
sional distribution of temperature in marine sediments.
The temperature in about 25 percent of global sed-
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
iment is less than 20 degrees Celsius, conditions
most preferred by cold-loving psychrophiles, a type of Green Green Green Green Green Green
microorganism that grows and reproduces in places
that are at 15 degrees Celsius or lower. However, Planned Annual Performance Indicators
about 75 percent of global sediment is less than 80
degrees Celsius, a temperature range suitable for PS-19-5: As determined by the Planetary Science Advisory
Committee (PAC), demonstrate planned progress in improv-
extensive biological activity, including that of meso- ing understanding of the origin and evolution of life on Earth
philes (which prefer moderate temperatures) and to guide the search for life elsewhere.
thermophiles (which prefer temperatures between 41
and 122 degrees Celsius). See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 40

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.14: Demonstrate progress in identifying and

characterizing objects in the solar system that pose threats to Earth or
offer resources for human exploration.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Planetary Science Division, part of SMD,
develops and operates robotic spacecraft to advance
Planned Performance Goals the scientific understanding of planetary bodies. The
division is improving understanding of the origin and
2019 - 1.1.14: Demonstrate progress in identifying and evolution of life on Earth and guiding the search for
characterizing objects in the solar system that pose threats to life elsewhere. In addition, the division identifies and
Earth or offer resources for human exploration. characterizes objects in the solar system that pose
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
threats to Earth or offer resources for human explo-

The Planetary Science Advisory Committee deter-

mined in September 2018 that NASA has remained on
track toward achievement of this performance goal.
In FY 2018, asteroid search teams funded by NASA’s PS-18-5: Conduct research, involving
Near-Earth Object Observations Program found both U.S. interagency and international
another seven asteroids larger than one kilometer cooperation and partnerships, into
in size with orbits that can come within Earth’s vicin-
mitigation techniques and technologies
ity. Asteroid search teams also found 1,927 smaller
asteroids. As of the end of FY 2018, the total known to address the anticipated threat of small
population of near-Earth asteroids was 18,637. The body impacts to life on Earth.
high-precision orbit predictions computed by the
Center for Near-Earth Object Studies at NASA’s 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Jet Propulsion Laboratory show that none of these
Green Green Green Green Green Green
objects is likely to strike the Earth in the next century.
However, 1,927 small bodies (of which 155 are larger
than one kilometer in diameter), with 107 near-Earth
comets, are in orbits that could become a hazard in Planned Annual Performance Indicators
the more distant future and warrant continued moni- PS-19-12: Conduct research, involving both U.S. interagency
toring. and international cooperation and partnerships, into mitigation
techniques and technologies to address the anticipated threat
The multi-agency Detecting and Mitigating the of small body impacts to life on Earth.
Impact of Earth-bound Near-Earth Objects (DAMIEN)
Interagency Working Group released the National See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy and Action
Plan on June 20, 2018. The 10-year plan identifies
actions to improve the U.S. government’s prepared-
ness for a possible asteroid impact threat.
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission,
which includes U.S. interagency and international
participation on the investigation team, completed its
Preliminary Design Review and was confirmed for full-
scale development on August 17, 2018.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 41

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

PS-18-6: As determined by the Planetary

Science Advisory Committee (PAC),
demonstrate planned progress in
identifying and characterizing objects
in the solar system that pose threats
to Earth or offer resources for human

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

PS-19-6: As determined by the Planetary Science Advisory The chart depicts the cumulative number of NEAs identified
Committee (PAC), demonstrate planned progress in identify- over time, from the start of the Near Earth Observations in July
ing and characterizing objects in the solar system that pose 1998 through the end of May 2018. The area in orange depicts
threats to Earth or offer resources for human exploration. the quantity of known NEAs larger than 460 feet (140 meters).
The area in blue depicts the number of known NEAs in all sizes.
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

PS-18-13: Identify and catalog a

cumulative 8,400 of the estimated 25,000
near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) 140 meters
or larger.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No APIs before FY 2018 Yellow

Explanation of Performance
NASA rated this annual performance indicator yel-
low because NASA identified and catalogued 8,307
NEAs by the end of FY 2018, missing the target
by 93 NEAs. The discovery rate was impacted by
extremely poor weather in spring and summer 2018
over Hawaii, which is the location for two primary NEO
survey systems: the Panoramic Survey Telescope
And Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) and the
Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS).
The start of operations for Pan-STARRS 2 also was
delayed by two hurricanes.

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

PS-19-13: Identify and catalog a cumulative 8,900 of the
estimated 25,000 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) 140 meters or
See page 55 for the FY 2020 NEA catalog annual perfor-
mance indicator.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 42

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.15: Deliver the Mars 2020 instrument payload

for spacecraft integration. (Agency Priority Goal)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PGs before 2018 Green The Planetary Science Division, part of SMD,
develops and operates robotic spacecraft to advance
the scientific understanding of planetary bodies. The
Planned Performance Goals division is improving understanding of the origin and
evolution of life on Earth and guiding the search for
2019 - 1.1.15: Deliver the Mars 2020 instrument payload for life elsewhere. In addition, the division identifies and
spacecraft integration. (Agency Priority Goal) characterizes objects in the solar system that pose
threats to Earth or offer resources for human explo-
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures. ration.

This agency priority goal is on track and is rated

green for FY 2018. The Mars 2020 System Integration
Review (SIR) was completed successfully on
February 28, 2018. The SIR ensures that the various
components and subsystems are on schedule to be
physically integrated into the overall mission system.
The instrument payload for the Mars 2020 rover will
include instruments that will analyze the minerals on
and below Mars’ surface, measure the Martian wind,
and look for signs of organic material.

PS-18-7: Complete Mars 2020 System

Integration Review (SIR).

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No API No API Yellow Green Green Green
In this image, the second stage of the Black Brant IX sounding
rocket separates from the Advanced Supersonic Parachute
Inflation Research Experiment (ASPIRE) payload, which
Planned Annual Performance Indicators tested a parachute that will help land the Mars 2020 rover on
Mars. The third and final flight test of the ASPIRE payload was
PS-19-7: Deliver Mars 2020 instrument payload to Assembly, launched from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility on September 7,
Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO). 2018. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.

See page 56 for the Mars 2020 annual performance


NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 43

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.16: By December 2017, launch at least two

missions in support of Planetary Science.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PG Green Green Green Green Green The Planetary Science Division, part of SMD,
develops and operates robotic spacecraft to advance
the scientific understanding of planetary bodies. The
division is improving understanding of the origin and
Planned Performance Goals
evolution of life on Earth and guiding the search for
2019 - 1.1.16: By December 2021, launch one mission in sup- life elsewhere. In addition, the division identifies and
port of Planetary Science. characterizes objects in the solar system that pose
threats to Earth or offer resources for human explo-
See page 55 for the FY 2020 launch performance goal. ration.

NASA successfully completed this performance goal

with the launches of the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile
Evolution (MAVEN) mission in November 2013
and the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource
Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-
REx) in September 2016. PS-18-10: Complete Europa Instrument
Preliminary Design Reviews (PDRs).
MAVEN is investigating Mars’s upper atmosphere,
ionosphere, and interactions with the Sun and solar
wind. Scientists are using the data to determine 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
how the loss of volatiles (substances that evaporate
No APIs before 2017 Green Green
quickly) to space has affected the Martian atmosphere
through time. MAVEN is exploring how the Sun may
have stripped Mars of most of its atmosphere, turn- Planned Annual Performance Indicators
ing a once possibly habitable planet into a cold and
barren desert world. PS-19-8: Complete Europa Clipper Key Decision Point
OSIRIS-REx is investigating Bennu, a carbonaceous
See page 56 for the FY 2020 Europa annual performance
asteroid whose surface may record the earliest history indicator.
of our solar system. Asteroids like Bennu also contain
natural resources such as water, organics, and pre-
cious metals. In the future, these asteroids may one
day fuel the exploration of the solar system by robotic
and manned spacecraft.
PS-18-14: Complete the Double Asteroid
Redirection Test (DART) Preliminary
PS-18-8: Complete New Frontiers 4 Step Design Review (PDR).
One Selection.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 No APIs before FY 2018 Green
No APIs before 2017 Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

Planned Annual Performance Indicators
PS-19-14: Complete the Double Asteroid Redirection Test
PS-19-9: Complete New Frontiers 4 down-select. (DART) Preliminary Design Review (PDR).
See page 56 for the FY 2020 DART annual performance
FY 2020 TBD

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 44

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

PS-18-15: Launch the Interior Exploration

using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy
and Heat Transport (InSight) mission.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Red Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

PS-19-10 [Begins in FY 2019]

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

PS-19-10: Complete the Lucy mission Key Decision Point

See page 56 for the FY 2020 Lucy mission annual perfor- The mobile service tower at Space Launch Complex-3 is
mance indicator. rolled back to reveal the rocket with NASA’s InSight space-
craft onboard, May 4, 2018, at Vandenberg Air Force Base in
California. Image credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

PS-19-11 [Begins in FY 2019]

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

PS-19-11: Complete the Psyche mission Preliminary Design

Review (PDR).
See page 56 for the FY 2020 Psyche mission annual per-
formance indicator.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 45

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.17: Demonstrate progress in advancing the

understanding of changes in Earth’s radiation balance, air quality, and
the ozone layer that result from changes in atmospheric composition.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Earth Science Division, part of SMD, develops
a scientific understanding of Earth and its response
to natural or human-induced changes. Understanding
Planned Performance Goals Earth’s atmosphere, crust, water, ice, and life as a
2019 - 1.1.17: Demonstrate progress in advancing the under- single, connected system is necessary to improve
standing of changes in Earth’s radiation balance, air quality, predictions of climate, weather, and natural hazards.
and the ozone layer that result from changes in atmospheric

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Earth Science Advisory Committee determined in

October 2018 that NASA remained on track to achieve
this performance goal. Below are examples of the
scientific progress reported in FY 2018.
A recent study found correlations between biogeni-
cally enhanced cloud condensation nuclei concen-
trations and cloud droplet concentrations derived
from passive satellite data. The findings suggest that
marine biological activity influences cloud properties
and, thus, albedo, supporting the hypothesis that bio-
genic activity within the ocean can influence cloud and
precipitation properties.
ES-18-1: As determined by the Earth
Observations from the NASA Micro-Pulse Lidar Science Advisory Committee (ESAC),
Network site in Fairbanks, Alaska, reported unusually demonstrate planned progress in
deep wintertime cirrus clouds, exceeding 13 kilome-
ters above mean sea level. Such occurrences are
advancing the understanding of changes
quite rare, according to a 2006–2015 climatology in Earth’s radiation balance, air quality,
developed from Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared and the ozone layer that result from
Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) mission changes in atmospheric composition.
measurements. The data indicate that polar meteorol-
ogy is undergoing significant change and that cloud
characteristics are important for predicting changes in 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
the polar climate. Green Green Green Green Green Green

Volatile organic compounds derived from transporta-

tion, including automobiles, rail, and marine transport, Planned Annual Performance Indicators
have decreased due to stricter controls on air pollu-
tion. Researchers have shown that volatile chemical ES-19-1: As determined by the Earth Science Advisory
Committee (ESAC), demonstrate planned progress in ad-
products, such as pesticides, coatings, printing inks, vancing the understanding of changes in Earth’s radiation bal-
adhesives, cleaning agents, and personal care prod- ance, air quality, and the ozone layer that result from changes
ucts, contribute one-half of emitted volatile organic in atmospheric composition.
compounds in 33 industrialized cities, thus emerging
as the largest petrochemical source of urban organic See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 46

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.18: Demonstrate progress in improving the

capability to predict weather and extreme weather events.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Earth Science Division, part of SMD, develops
a scientific understanding of Earth and its response
to natural or human-induced changes. Understanding
Planned Performance Goals Earth’s atmosphere, crust, water, ice, and life as a
single, connected system is necessary to improve
2019 - 1.1.18: Demonstrate progress in improving the capa-
predictions of climate, weather, and natural hazards.
bility to predict weather and extreme weather events.

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Earth Science Advisory Committee determined in ES-18-2: As determined by the Earth
October 2018 that NASA remained on track to achieve Science Advisory Committee (ESAC),
this performance goal. Below are examples of the
scientific progress reported in FY 2018.
demonstrate planned progress in
improving the capability to predict
Over the past year, NASA researchers developed weather and extreme weather events.
a Landslide Hazard Assessment for Situational
Awareness (LHASA) model to indicate potential 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
landslide activity in near-real time. The researchers
Green Green Green Green Green Green
combined satellite-based precipitation estimates
(based on Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission and
Global Precipitation Measurement mission data) with Planned Annual Performance Indicators
a landslide susceptibility map derived from informa- ES-19-2: As determined by the Earth Science Advisory
tion on slope, geology, road networks, fault zones, Committee (ESAC), demonstrate planned progress in improv-
and forest loss. When rainfall was considered to be ing the capability to predict weather and extreme weather
extreme and susceptibility values were moderate to events.
very high, the model issued a “nowcast” to indicate
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
the times and places where landslides were more
probable. LHASA nowcasts agrees with NASA’s
Global Landslide Catalog, with probability of detection
between 8 and 60 percent, depending on the evalua-
tion period, precipitation product used, and the size of
the spatial and temporal window considered around
each landslide point.
Researchers conducted intensive calibration and
validation activities for the Cyclone Global Navigation
Satellite System (CYGNSS) mission during the active
2017 Atlantic hurricane season using “ground truth”
wind speed measurements taken with the NOAA P-3
hurricane hunter aircraft. Results indicate improve-
ments in hurricane forecast skill and in temporal and
spatial sampling of tropical convective systems with
CYGNSS, and most notably, the ability to measure
soil moisture and image flood inundation over land.
This map, focused on the Americas, shows 15 years of nowcasts
of potential landslide activity generated by the LHASA model.
The compilation of nowcasts highlight landslide hotspots, such
as along the coast of Peru. Black and blue indicate the lowest
risk of landslide and orange a red the highest risk. Image credit:
NASA Scientific Visualization Studio

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 47

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.19: Demonstrate progress in detecting and

predicting changes in Earth’s ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles,
including land cover, biodiversity, and the global carbon cycle.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Earth Science Division, part of SMD, develops
a scientific understanding of Earth and its response
to natural or human-induced changes. Understanding
Planned Performance Goals
Earth’s atmosphere, crust, water, ice, and life as a
2019 - 1.1.19: Demonstrate progress in detecting and single, connected system is necessary to improve
predicting changes in Earth’s ecosystems and biogeochem- predictions of climate, weather, and natural hazards.
ical cycles, including land cover, biodiversity, and the global
carbon cycle.

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Earth Science Advisory Committee determined in

October 2018 that NASA remained on track to achieve
this performance goal. Below are examples of the
scientific progress reported in FY 2018.
Researchers used satellite remote sensing and
climate reanalysis data to fingerprint the sensitivity of ES-18-3: As determined by the Earth
Alaska’s ecosystems to changing environmental con-
ditions and disturbances. Approximately 13 percent
Science Advisory Committee (ESAC),
of Alaska has experienced change over the last 32 demonstrate planned progress in
years, with the majority of change processes (e.g., detecting and predicting changes in
wildfire, glacial retreat, shrub expansion) occurring in Earth’s ecosystems and biogeochemical
coastal, riverine, and boreal ecozones. Increasing air cycles, including land cover, biodiversity,
temperatures have promoted vegetation growth, while
increases in evaporation have resulted in drought
and the global carbon cycle.
stress predisposing vegetation to mortality from other
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
A study analyzing observations over the course of Green Green Green Green Green Green
six El Niño events found that reductions in precip-
itation and terrestrial water storage increased fire
emissions in pan-tropical forests by 133 percent Planned Annual Performance Indicators
during and following El Niño as compared with La ES-19-3: As determined by the Earth Science Advisory
Niña. Fires peaked in equatorial Asia early in the El Committee (ESAC), demonstrate planned progress in de-
Niño–Southern Oscillation cycle, when El Niño was tecting and predicting changes in Earth’s ecosystems and
strengthening (August-October), before moving to biogeochemical cycles, including land cover, biodiversity, and
southeast Asia and northern South America (January- the global carbon cycle.
April), Central America (March-May) and the southern See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
Amazon (July-October) during the following year.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 48

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.20: Demonstrate progress in enabling better

assessment and management of water quality and quantity to
accurately predict how the global water cycle evolves in response to
climate change.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Green Green Green Green The Earth Science Division, part of SMD, develops
a scientific understanding of Earth and its response
to natural or human-induced changes. Understanding
Planned Performance Goals Earth’s atmosphere, crust, water, ice, and life as a
2019 - 1.1.20: Demonstrate progress in enabling better single, connected system is necessary to improve
assessment and management of water quality and quantity predictions of climate, weather, and natural hazards.
to accurately predict how the global water cycle evolves in
response to climate change.

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Earth Science Advisory Committee determined in

October 2018 that NASA remained on track to achieve
this performance goal. Below are examples of the
scientific progress reported in FY 2018.
A seminal study analyzed 14 years (2002–2016) of
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE)
data to quantify 34 trends in terrestrial water storage
and categorize their drivers as natural interannual
variability, unsustainable groundwater consumption,
or climate change. The study showed that the largest
terrestrial water storage trends occurred in Antarctica,
Greenland, the gulf coast of Alaska, and the Canadian
archipelago, where the warming climate continues to
drive rapid ice sheet and glacier ablation. Excluding
ES-18-4: As determined by the Earth
those four ice-covered regions, freshwater was
found to be accumulating in northern North America Science Advisory Committee (ESAC),
and Eurasia and in the wet tropics, while the great- demonstrate planned progress in
est non-frozen freshwater losses have occurred at enabling better assessment and
mid-latitudes. Researchers found that several of these management of water quality and quantity
trends had been lacking thorough investigation and
to accurately predict how the global water
attribution, including massive changes in northwestern
China and the Okavango delta. Other trends were cycle evolves in response to climate
found to be consistent with climate model predictions. change.
The researcher’s observation-based assessment of
how the world’s water landscape is responding to cli- 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
mate variations provides a blueprint for evaluating and Green Green Green Green Green Green
predicting emerging threats to water and food security.
NASA researchers developed a quantitative frame- Planned Annual Performance Indicators
work for characterizing the water cycle intensity over ES-19-4: As determined by the Earth Science Advisory
land by using a spatially distributed water-balance Committee (ESAC), demonstrate planned progress in en-
model of the contiguous United States. They found abling better assessment and management of water quality
and quantity to accurately predict how the global water cycle
that water cycle intensity increase over most of the
evolves in response to climate change.
lower United States between the 1945–1974 and
1985–2014 periods was driven primarily by increases See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
in precipitation.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 49

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.21: Demonstrate progress in improving the

ability to predict climate changes by better understanding the roles
and interactions of the ocean, atmosphere, land, and ice in the climate
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Green Green Green Green The Earth Science Division, part of SMD, develops
a scientific understanding of Earth and its response
to natural or human-induced changes. Understanding
Planned Performance Goals Earth’s atmosphere, crust, water, ice, and life as a
2019 - 1.1.21: Demonstrate progress in improving the ability single, connected system is necessary to improve
to predict climate changes by better understanding the roles predictions of climate, weather, and natural hazards.
and interactions of the ocean, atmosphere, land, and ice in
the climate system.
See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Earth Science Advisory Committee determined in

October 2018 that NASA remained on track to achieve
this performance goal. Below are examples of the
scientific progress reported in FY 2018.
The 2017 Arctic sea-ice minimum extent was recorded
on September 13, 2017, at approximately 1.79 million
square miles, the eighth-lowest in the 38-year satellite
record. The winter maximum for 2018 was similarly
low at an extent of 5.59 million square miles. This ES-18-5: As determined by the Earth
value, recorded on March 17, 2018, is the second low- Science Advisory Committee (ESAC),
est in the 39-year satellite record, falling just behind demonstrate planned progress in
2017. improving the ability to predict climate
An assessment from the joint NASA–European Space changes by better understanding the
Agency Ice Sheet Mass Balance Intercomparison roles and interactions of the ocean,
Project (IMBIE) demonstrated that Antarctica is losing atmosphere, land, and ice in the climate
mass overall and that East Antarctica is in balance to
within measurement uncertainties. The East Antarctic
result is particularly important, because previous
assessments had yielded contrasting estimates. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Landsat data also showed increased West Antarctic Green Green Green Green Green Green
and unchanged East Antarctic ice discharge over the
last seven years.
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Another study demonstrated how the use of sea sur- ES-19-5: As determined by the Earth Science Advisory
face salinity improves predictive skill for the extreme Committee (ESAC), demonstrate planned progress in improv-
precipitation over the continental United States. Owing ing the ability to predict climate changes by better under-
to its sensitivity to freshwater flux, salinity serves as standing the roles and interactions of the ocean, atmosphere,
land, and ice in the climate system.
an indicator of the ocean water cycle in the subtropical
Atlantic, which plays the dominant role in sustaining See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
the moisture supply over the mid- and southwestern
United States.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 50

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.22: Demonstrate progress in characterizing the

dynamics of Earth’s surface and interior, improving the capability to
assess and respond to natural hazards and extreme events.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Earth Science Division, part of SMD, develops
a scientific understanding of Earth and its response
to natural or human-induced changes. Understanding
Planned Performance Goals
Earth’s atmosphere, crust, water, ice, and life as a
2019 - 1.1.22: Demonstrate progress in characterizing the single, connected system is necessary to improve
dynamics of Earth’s surface and interior, improving the capa- predictions of climate, weather, and natural hazards.
bility to assess and respond to natural hazards and extreme

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

The Earth Science Advisory Committee determined in

October 2018 that NASA remained on track to achieve
this performance goal. Below are examples of the
scientific progress reported in FY 2018.
Modernization of NASA’s Global Navigation Satellite
System (GNSS) Network, initiated in 2016, was com-
pleted in FY 2018, providing access to measurements ES-18-6: As determined by the Earth
from all major GNSS constellations. Science Advisory Committee (ESAC),
demonstrate planned progress in
Researchers found that of the 24 millimeters of uplift
of the Sierra Nevada from 2011 to 2015, just 5 milli- characterizing the dynamics of Earth’s
meters were caused by Central Valley groundwater surface and interior, improving the
loss, less than 2 millimeters was due to tectonic uplift, capability to assess and respond to
and 17 millimeters was caused by solid Earth’s elastic natural hazards and extreme events.
response to water loss in the Sierra Nevada.
Fast-moving, highly destructive debris flows triggered 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
by intense rainfall are one of the most dangerous Green Green Green Green Green Green
post-fire hazards, but assessing debris flows with
remote sensing has been challenging. A recent study
used unmanned autonomous vehicle (UAV) synthetic Planned Annual Performance Indicators
aperture radar (SAR) data spanning the 2017 Thomas ES-19-6: As determined by the Earth Science Advisory
fire in southern California to develop an innova- Committee (ESAC), demonstrate planned progress in charac-
tive approach for analyzing high-resolution L-band terizing the dynamics of Earth’s surface and interior, improv-
UAVSAR data (both polarimetric and interferometric ing the capability to assess and respond to natural hazards
and extreme events.
imagery) to map the fire extent and then characterize
debris flow paths. This study shows the potential to See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.
track debris flows with UAVSAR.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 51

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.23: Further the use of Earth system science

research to inform decisions and provide benefits to society.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Earth Science Division, part of SMD, develops
a scientific understanding of Earth and its response
to natural or human-induced changes. Understanding
Planned Performance Goals Earth’s atmosphere, crust, water, ice, and life as a
single, connected system is necessary to improve
2019 - 1.1.23: Further the use of Earth system science re-
predictions of climate, weather, and natural hazards.
search to inform decisions and provide benefits to society.

See page 55 for a list of FY 2020 performance measures.

NASA has made substantial progress in furthering the ES-18-7: Advance at least 40 percent of
use of Earth science to inform decisions. Below are Earth science applications projects one
examples from FY 2018:
Applications Readiness Level.
■■ The New York State Department of Health low-
ered the Heat Advisory threshold for alerting the
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
public of an upcoming heat wave from 100 to 95
Green Green Green Green Green Green
degrees to help prevent heat-related illnesses.
This decision stemmed from a project with the
Department of Health using heat metrics from the Planned Annual Performance Indicators
North American Land Data Assimilation System.
ES-19-7: Advance at least 40 percent of Earth science appli-
■■ The Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife cations projects one Applications Readiness Level.
used ocean color and sea surface tempera-
ture data from the Aqua and Suomi National See page 55 for the FY 2020 Earth science applications
Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellites to annual performance indicator.
assess sturgeon occurrence risk and make
decisions on permits and commercial fishing
to avoid unwanted sturgeon encounters.
■■ NASA enabled the use of data from multiple ES-18-8: Maintain high level of customer
Earth observing satellites to measure surface satisfaction, as measured by exceeding
deformation, support sulfur dioxide monitoring the most recently available Federal
for air quality issues, and track lava flow from fis-
sures during the 2018 Kilauea eruption in Hawaii.
Government average rating of the
American Customer Satisfaction Index.
■■ Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service
employed the NASA-sponsored Rehabilitation
Capability Convergence for Ecosystem 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Recovery (RECOVER) system on over 40
Green Green Green Green Green Green
wildfire events in 2018, using NASA satellite
data to shorten response and recovery time.
■■ Department of Agriculture’s Crop Explorer made Planned Annual Performance Indicators
NASA soil moisture data available operation- ES-19-8: Maintain high level of customer satisfaction, as
ally, and it now integrates soil moisture into its measured by exceeding the most recently available Federal
monthly global crop production estimates. Government average rating of the American Customer
Satisfaction Index.
See page 55 for the FY 2020 customer satisfaction annual
performance indicator.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 52

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.1.24: By December 2021, launch three missions in

support of Earth Science.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PG Green Green Yellow Yellow Green The Earth Science Division, part of SMD, develops
a scientific understanding of Earth and its response
to natural or human-induced changes. Understanding
Earth’s atmosphere, crust, water, ice, and life as a
Planned Performance Goals single, connected system is necessary to improve
2019 - 1.1.24: By December 2021, launch three missions in predictions of climate, weather, and natural hazards.
support of Earth Science.

See page 55 for the FY 2020 launch performance goal.

During FY 2018, NASA remained on track to achieve

this performance goal by launching two Earth Science
The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow
On (GRACE-FO) mission launched from Vandenberg
Air Force Base, California, on May 22. The twin
spacecraft, a joint project of NASA and the German
Research Centre for Geoscience, will measure how
mass is redistributed within and among Earth’s atmo-
sphere, oceans, land and ice sheets, as well as within
Earth itself.
The Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite
(ICESat)-2 launched on September 15 from
Vandenberg Air Force Base. The satellite will study
changes to Earth’s polar ice caps. It will study the
shrinking or growth of sea ice, measure how much
melting ice sheets contribute to sea level changes,
and measure the height of forests to calculate the
amount of vegetation in a region.
Future scheduled launches include Landsat 9 and
Sentinel-6A, both with planned November 2021
launch readiness dates.

ES-18-9: Complete the Landsat 9 Critical

Design Review (CDR). The NASA/German Research Centre for Geosciences GRACE
Follow-On spacecraft launch onboard a SpaceX Falcon 9
rocket, Tuesday, May 22, 2018, from Space Launch Complex
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The mission
Green Green Green Green Green Green will measure changes in how mass is redistributed within and
among Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, land and ice sheets, as
well as within Earth itself. GRACE-FO is sharing its ride to orbit
Planned Annual Performance Indicators with five Iridium NEXT communications satellites as part of a
commercial rideshare agreement. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill
ES-19-12: Complete Landsat 9 Thermal Infrared Sensor Ingalls)GRACE-FO launched on May 22, 2018, sharing its ride
(TIRS)-2 instrument Pre-Ship Review (PSR). to orbit with a communications satellite as part of a commercial
rideshare agreement. Image credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls
See page 56 for the FY 2020 Landsat 9 annual perfor-
mance indicator.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 53

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

ES-18-10: Complete NASA-Indian Space ES-18-13: Launch the Ice, Cloud, and
Research Organisation (ISRO) Synthetic Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)-2.
Aperture Radar (NISAR) L-Band SAR
Instrument Critical Design Review (CDR). 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Yellow Yellow Green Green Yellow Green
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No APIs before FY 2016 Green Yellow Green
Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

Planned Annual Performance Indicators
ES-19-10: Complete NASA-Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR)
Critical Design Review (CDR).

See page 56 for the FY 2020 NISAR annual performance

ES-18-14: Release the Earth Venture
indicator. Instrument (EVI)-5 Announcement of

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

ES-18-11: Complete the Surface Water No APIs before FY 2016 Green Yellow Green
and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Critical Design Review (CDR).
ES-19-11: Complete Earth Venture Instrument (EVI)-5 evalua-
tion panel.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No API No API Green Green Green Green No API in FY 2020

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ES-19-9: Complete Surface Water and Ocean Topography
(SWOT) Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn) Integration ES-18-15: Complete the Earth Venture
and Test (I&T) Readiness Review. Suborbital (EVS)-3 selection.
See page 56 for the FY 2020 SWOT annual performance
indicator. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No APIs before FY 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

ES-18-12: Launch the Gravity Recovery
and Climate Experiment Follow-On
(GRACE-FO) mission.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ES-19-13 [Begins in FY 2019]

No API Green Green Green Yellow Green
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
ES-19-13: Complete Sentinel-6 Pre-Ship Review (PSR)-A.
No APIs after FY 2018
See page 56 for the FY 2020 Sentinel-6 annual perfor-
mance indicator.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 54

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Science Mission Directorate’s Annual Performance Indicator: As determined by external

expert review, demonstrate progress in scientific under-
FY 2020 Performance Plan standing of background solar wind, solar wind structures,
and coronal mass ejections, which can be integrated into
key models used to predict the arrival time and impact of
Performance Goal: Demonstrate progress in exploring and
space storms at Earth.
understanding of the physical processes and connections of
the Sun, space and planetary enviroments throughout the solar Annual Performance Indicator: Complete the Ionospheric
system. Connection Explorer (ICON) mission success criteria.
Annual Performance Indicator: As determined by exter- Performance Goal: Demonstrate progress in identifying,
nal expert review, demonstrate progress in exploring and characterizing, and predicting objects in the solar system that
advancing understanding of the physical processes and pose threats to Earth or offer resources for human exploration.
connections of the Sun, space, and planetary environments
throughout the solar system. Annual Performance Indicator: As determined by external
expert review, demonstrate progress in identifying, charac-
Performance Goal: Demonstrate progress in exploring and terizing, and predicting objects in the solar system that pose
probing the origin, evolution, and destiny of the galaxies, stars, threats to Earth or offer resources for human exploration.
and planets that make up the universe. Annual Performance Indicator: Identify and catalog a cumu-
Annual Performance Indicator: As determined by external lative 9,500 of the estimated 25,000 near-Earth asteroids
expert review, demonstrate progress in exploring and prob- (NEAs) 140 meters or larger.
ing the origin, evolution, and destiny of the galaxies, stars,
and planets that make up the universe. Performance Goal: Demonstrate progress in characterizing
the behavior of the Earth system, including its various
Performance Goal: Demonstrate progress in exploring, components and the naturally-occurring and human-induced
observing, and understanding objects in the solar system in forcings that act upon it.
order to understand how they formed, operate, interact, and Annual Performance Indicator: As determined by external
evolve. expert review, demonstrate progress in characterizing the
Annual Performance Indicator: As determined by external behavior of the Earth system, including its various com-
expert review, demonstrate progress in exploring, observing, ponents and the naturally-occurring and human-induced
and understanding objects in the solar system in order to forcings that act upon it.
understand how they formed, operate, interact, and evolve. Annual Performance Indicator: Advance at least 40 percent
of Earth science applications projects one Applications
Performance Goal: Demonstrate progress in discovering and
Readiness Level, ensuring that a robust portfolio continually
studying planets around other stars.
matures Earth science products for sustained use.
Annual Performance Indicator: As determined by external
Annual Performance Indicator: Maintain high level of
expert review, demonstrate progress in discovering and
customer satisfaction, as measured by exceeding the most
studying planets around other stars.
recently available Federal Government average rating of the
American Customer Satisfaction Index.
Performance Goal: Demonstrate progress in improving
understanding of the origin and evolution of life on Earth to
Performance Goal: Demonstrate progress in enhancing
guide the search for life elsewhere, exploring and finding
understanding of the interacting processes that control the
locations where life could have existed or could exist today, and
behavior of Earth system, and in utilizing the enhanced
exploring whether planets around other stars could harbor life.
knowledge to improve predictive capability.
Annual Performance Indicator: As determined by external
Annual Performance Indicator: As determined by external
expert review, demonstrate progress in improving under-
expert review, demonstrate progress in enhancing under-
standing of the origin and evolution of life on Earth to guide
standing of the interacting processes that control the behav-
the search for life elsewhere, exploring and finding locations
ior of Earth system, and in utilizing the enhanced knowledge
where life could have existed or could exist today, and ex-
to improve predictive capability.
ploring whether planets around other stars could harbor life.
Annual Performance Indicator: Complete Ice, Cloud and
Performance Goal: Demonstrate progress in developing the land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)-2 mission success criteria.
capability to detect and knowledge to predict extreme conditions
in space to protect life and society and to safeguard human and Performance Goal: Launch at least five major missions in
robotic explorers beyond Earth. support of this objective by December 2021.
Annual Performance Indicator: As determined by external Annual Performance Indicator: Complete Interstellar
expert review, demonstrate progress in developing the Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Key Decision Point
capability to detect and knowledge to predict extreme con- (KDP)-B review.
ditions in space to protect life and society and to safeguard
human and robotic explorers beyond Earth.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 55

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Annual Performance Indicator: Complete the 2016 Medium

Explorer (MIDEX) Announcement of Opportunity Key
Decision Point (KDP)-C review.
Annual Performance Indicator: Complete the Europa Clipper
mission Critical Design Review (CDR).
Annual Performance Indicator: Complete the Lucy mission
Critical Design Review (CDR).
Annual Performance Indicator: Complete the Psyche mis-
sion Critical Design Review (CDR).
Annual Performance Indicator: Complete the Double
Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission Key Decision
Point (KDP)-D review.
Annual Performance Indicator: Award the second the
Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) mission task
Annual Performance Indicator: Complete the Landsat 9 Key
Decision Point (KDP)-D review.
Annual Performance Indicator: Complete the Sentinel-6A
satellite Flight Acceptance Review.
Annual Performance Indicator: Complete the Surface Water
and Ocean Topography (SWOT) System Integration Review
Annual Performance Indicator: Complete the NASA-Indian
Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Synthetic Aperture
Radar (NISAR) System Integration Review (SIR).

Performance Goal: Webb APG - Placeholder for FY 2020-

2021 cycle.
Annual Performance Indicator: Placeholder for FY 2020.

Performance Goal: Mars 2020 APG - Placeholder for

FY 2020-2021 cycle.
Annual Performance Indicator: Launch the Mars 2020

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 56

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Strategic Objective 1.2: Understand the responses of

physical and biological systems to spaceflight.

Lead Office NASA is conducting a robust program of space-based research to

Human Exploration and Operations advance technologies that enable space exploration, and to pioneer uses
Mission Directorate (HEOMD) of the space environment to benefit life on Earth.
Goal Leader
Altonell Mumford, Deputy Associate 2018 Strategic Review Summary of
Administrator, HEOMD
The Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate leads
and manages NASA space operations related to human exploration in
Budget and beyond low Earth orbit. HEOMD oversees requirements develop-
ment, policy, and programmatic oversight across its numerous programs.
FY $M HEOMD’s activities include the International Space Station (ISS), com-
mercial space transportation, low Earth orbit spaceflight operations, deep
Actual 2018 375.4
space exploration systems, launch services, and space communications.
Enacted 2019 360.8 Efforts that supported the assessment included:
Requested 2020 352.7 ■■ The Human Research Program has developed an original and inno-
2021 368.7 vative approach to integrate basic research into human space flight
technology development and mission architecture design.
2022 360.7
Outyear ■■ NASA will establish agreements for delivery of research products
2023 345.1 that enable exploration technologies.
2024 332.6 ■■ The actual crew hours and research hours for the recent ISS
Expeditions greatly exceeded plans.

Above: NASA astronaut Joe Acaba conducts operations on the ACME investigation. ACME aims to improve fuel efficiency and reduce pollut-
ant production in practical combustion on Earth, while improving fire prevention efforts aboard spacecraft. Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 44

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Measures for As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be

completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
Strategic Objective 1.2 tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy
The following pages provide the performance goals and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
and annual performance indicators supporting retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
Strategic Objective 1.2. They include the final perfor- FY 2018 performance results found on the following
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019, it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
for the performance goals and annual performance Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.
indicators supporting Strategic Objective 1.2.

Summary of Strategic Objective 1.2: Understand the responses of physical and

biological systems to spaceflight.

Performance Goal 1
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 5

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 45

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

Performance Goal 1.2.1: Conduct basic and applied biological and

physical research to advance and sustain U.S. scientific expertise.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

The International Space Station Program man-
Green Green Yellow Red Yellow Green
ages the unique low Earth orbit platform that enables
research in a microgravity environment. Several
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 research facilities are on the ISS to support science
investigations in biology, biotechnology, human
1.2.1: Conduct basic and applied biological and physical
physiology, material science, physical sciences, and
research to advance and sustain U.S. scientific expertise.
technology development. The ISS program is part of

NASA achieved its biological and physical research ISS-18-3: Enhance the research
planned goals for the ISS Program in FY 2018. In capabilities on the International Space
June, NASA installed the Cold Atom Laboratory, which
will produce ultra-cooled atoms called Bose-Einstein
Station (ISS) by installing and operating
condensates. The laboratory will help NASA conduct the Cold Atom Laboratory, Life Sciences
research related to the physics and applications of Glove Box, additional Express Racks,
quantum gasses identified by the National Research and Bioculture System; and complete
Council decadal survey, Recapturing a Future for operations for Zero Boil Off Tank.
Space Exploration, Life and Physical Sciences
Research for a New Era, as a priority.
In September, the Life Sciences Glovebox, a fully 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
enclosed workspace with two glove ports, was deliv- No APIs before FY 2018 Green
ered to the ISS. The Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency built the new facility in partnership with the
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Dutch commercial firm Bradford Engineering several
years ago. They updated the glovebox and prepared
No APIs after FY 2018
it for the ISS in response to increased demand for
research glovebox space. Two additional EXPRESS
racks, which can hold everything from small facilities
to equipment, also were delivered.
NASA completed the five experiments for the
Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments
(ACME) research series, which began aboard the ISS
in January. ACME is focused on advanced combus-
tion technology. The Advanced Plant Habitat com-
pleted its first science operations in November 2018,
when Astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor completed
the final harvest after six-weeks of plant growth.
Additionally, two Vegetable Production System units
are now installed and operational on the ISS.
NASA also returned some research facilities to
Earth. The Bioculture System, a cell biology research
platform that was delivered to the ISS in 2016, was
returned to Earth in January. After 10 weeks of oper-
ation, the Zero Boil-off Tank, which studied storage Above: NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold performs maintenance on
the ACEM on April 16, 2018. Image credit: NASA
of very cold cryogenic fluids, was returned to Earth in
December 2017.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 46

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

ISS-18-4: Through the Center for the ISS-18-6: Install and conduct the first
Advancement of Science in Space scientific investigation in the new Plant
(CASIS) cooperative agreement, meet Habitat facility, and operate two Vegetable
the goals identified in the annual Production System (Veggie) units aboard
performance plan to completely use the the International Space Station (ISS)
50 percent National Laboratory allocation; to conduct research with the Human
and develop and execute the sponsored Research Program on the nutritional and
research. behavioral aspects of growing plants for
food in space.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No API Green Green Green Green Green 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Red Red Green Green
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
ISS-19-1: Through the Center for the Advancement of
Science in Space (CASIS) cooperative agreement, meet the ISS-19-2: Conduct experiments across the range of space
goals identified in the annual performance plan to completely biology, including research on rodents, an investigation using
use the 50 percent National Laboratory allocation and es- the Advanced Plant Habitat, an investigation in cell biology,
tablish a robust innovation cycle to develop and execute the and an investigation on the microbiome of the International
sponsored research. Space Station (ISS), to sustain progress in a balanced re-
search portfolio.
ISS-20-1: Through the Center for the Advancement of
Science in Space (CASIS) cooperative agreement, meet the ISS-20-2: Successfully conduct four research investigations
goals identified in the annual performance plan to completely aboard the International Space Station (ISS) on the high-
use the 50 percent National Laboratory allocation and es- est-priority recommendations for plant and microbial science
tablish a robust innovation cycle to develop and execute the from the 2011 Space Life and Physical Sciences Decadal
sponsored research. Survey in the areas of responses and adaptations to space-
flight and long-term life support.

ISS-18-5: Enable the production of

500 peer-reviewed publications from
spaceflight and ground projects in human
research, space biology, and physical

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No API Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ISS-19-4: Enable the production of 500 peer-reviewed

publications from spaceflight and ground projects in human
research, space biology, and physical sciences.

ISS-20-4: Enable the production of 500 peer-reviewed

Above: Astronaut Alexander Gerst, of the European Space
publications from spaceflight and ground projects in human
Agency, checks a culture bag for the Space Algae experiment,
research, space biology, and physical sciences.
which is exploring the potential of cultivating algae for recycling
carbon dioxide and providing food for crew members on long
space voyages. The culture bags are placed in the ISS VEGGIE
facility to promote growth over a few weeks, with the samples
returned to Earth for analysis. Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 47

Part 2—Strategic Goal 1 Discover

ISS-18-14: Accomplish new research

in the Combustion Integrated Rack
through installation and operation of
Advanced Combustion via Microgravity
Experiments research series; and
complete three investigations in colloidal
and self-assembling systems in the Fluids
Integrated Rack.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Red Red Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ISS-19-3: Complete the temperature-controlled series of
investigations on self-assembling and self-organizing particles
in the Advanced Colloids Experiment (ACE) facility, hold suc-
cessful Pre-Ship Reviews (PSRs) for the Solid Fuel Ignition
and Extinction (SoFIE) facility and the Flow Boiling and
Condensation Experiment instrument, and enter experiment
operations with the Cold Atom Laboratory facility.

ISS-20-3: Complete research in the Advanced Combustion

via Microgravity Experiments (ACME) and Light Microscopy
Module (LMM) facilities, and initiate research in the Solid
Fuel Ignition and Extinction (SoFIE) and Flow Boiling and
Condensation Experiment (FBCE) facilities, in order to im-
plement Decadal recommendations for research supporting
exploration technologies.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 48


Strategic Goal 2
Extend human presence deeper into space
and to the Moon for sustainable long-term
exploration and utilization.

A structural test version of the intertank for NASA’s new deep-space rocket, the Space Launch System, arrives at NASA’s
Marshall Space Flight Center on March 4, 2018, aboard the barge Pegasus. Image credit: NASA/MSFC/Tyler Martin
Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

Strategic Objective 2.1: Lay the foundation for

America to maintain a constant human presence in
low Earth orbit enabled by a commercial market.

Lead Office NASA is enabling a space-based low Earth orbit economy by transition-
Human Exploration and Operations ing the International Space Station (ISS) operations and maintenance to
Mission Directorate (HEOMD) commercial and international partners, while continuing to leverage ISS
for research, technology development, and to extend human presence in
Goal Leader
Altonell Mumford, Deputy Associate
Administrator, HEOMD
2018 Strategic Review Summary of
Budget The Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate leads
and manages NASA space operations related to human exploration in
and beyond low Earth orbit. HEOMD oversees requirements develop-
ment, policy, and programmatic oversight across its numerous programs.
Actual 2018 2,027.9 HEOMD’s activities include the ISS, commercial space transportation,
Enacted 2019 2,155.0 low Earth orbit spaceflight operations, deep space exploration systems,
launch services, and space communications. Efforts that supported the
Requested 2020 2,104.4 assessment included:
2021 2,146.7 ■■ The ISS has been continually crewed with six crew members, and
2022 2,194.4 only for 16 days with three crew members during Soyuz vehicle
Outyear exchange. The ISS also accommodated commercial resupply mis-
2023 2,144.3
sions OA-8 and SpX-13 during the first quarter of FY 2018, bringing
2024 2,122.6 supplies and research to the crew.

Above: At Johnson Space Center, engineers help Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremey Hansen train for future spacewalks. Image
credit: NASA/Josh Valcarcel

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 50

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

■■ NASA completed the ISS Transition Report, Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019,
which was delivered to Congress and posted and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are
online in March 2018. ISS has begun communi- charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings
cating with international partners regarding the for the performance goals and annual performance
transition. indicators supporting Strategic Objective 2.1.
■■ At the time of the Strategic Review, which was As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
completed in spring 2018, the ISS program was completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
on track to achieve all of its annual performance tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
indicators. grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy
and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
Performance Measures for retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
FY 2018 performance results found on the following
Strategic Objective 2.1 pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
The following pages provide the performance goals mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
and annual performance indicators supporting will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
Strategic Objective 2.1. They include the final perfor- Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance

Summary of Strategic Objective 2.1: Lay the foundation for America to maintain a
constant human presense in low Earth orbit enabled by a commercial market.

Performance Goal 3
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 7 1

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 51

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

Performance Goal 2.1.1: Increase the crew time for research and
development beyond the three U.S. Orbital Segment crew baseline.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

The International Space Station Program man-
Green Green Green Green Green Green
ages the unique low Earth orbit platform that enables
research in a microgravity environment. Several
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 research facilities are on the ISS to support science
investigations in biology, biotechnology, human
2.1.1: Increase the crew time for research and development physiology, material science, physical sciences, and
beyond the three U.S. Orbital Segment crew baseline. technology development. The ISS program is part of

NASA’s three ISS crew members exceeded the

baseline of 35 hours per week for research and
development in the U.S. Orbital Segment by logging
approximately 57 hours per week.

Crew Rotations

Expedition Launch Date Land Date

54-55 9/12/2017 2/27/2018
55-56 3/23/2018 10/4/2018

ISS-18-1: In concert with international ISS-18-2: Maintain the capability to

partners, maintain a continuous five- or perform at least 40 hours of research
six-crew capability on the International per week by coordinating and managing
Space Station (ISS) by coordinating and resources, logistics, and research and
managing resources, logistics, systems, development procedures.
and operational procedures.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No APIs before FY 2018 Green
Green Green Yellow Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

Planned Annual Performance Indicators
ISS-19-6: Maintain the capability to perform at least 40 hours
ISS-19-5: In concert with international partners, maintain a of research per week by coordinating and managing resourc-
continuous five- or six-crew capability on the International es, logistics, and research and development procedures.
Space Station (ISS) by coordinating and managing resourc-
es, logistics, systems, and operational procedures.
ISS-20-6: Maintain the capability to perform at least 40 hours
of research per week by coordinating and managing resourc-
ISS-20-5: In concert with international partners, maintain a es, logistics, and research and development procedures.
continuous five- or six-crew capability on the International
Space Station (ISS) by coordinating and managing resourc-
es, logistics, systems, and operational procedures.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 52

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

Performance Goal 2.1.2: Ensure vital assets are ready, available, and
appropriately sized to conduct NASA’s Mission.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

The Human Space Flight Operations Program sup-
No PG Green Green Green Green Green
ports the training, readiness, and health of crew mem-
bers before, during, and after each mission to the ISS.
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020 The Human Space Flight Operations Program provides
astronaut selection and training, and it manages all
2.1.2: Ensure vital assets are ready, available, and appropri- aspects of crew health. The program also provides
ately sized to conduct NASA’s Mission. expert medical input to program boards, flight rule
recommendations, annual physicals post retirement
from government service, and medical care guideline
requirements for space health care systems.
In FY 2018, the astronaut corps was sized appropri-
ately and met all mission needs and all health and
training standards during the fourth quarter perfor-
mance reporting period.

SFS-18-1: Ensure the astronaut corps

meets all mission-related training
requirements and mission-related health

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No API Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

SFS-19-1: Ensure the astronaut corps meets all mission-re-
lated training requirements and mission-related health

SFS-20-1: Ensure the astronaut corps meets all mission-re-

lated training requirements and mission-related health

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 53

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

Performance Goal 2.1.3: Facilitate the commercial development of low

Earth orbit (LEO) to transition to a commercial LEO human spaceflight
enterprise where NASA is one of many customers.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

The International Space Station Program man-
No API before FY 2018 Green
ages the unique low Earth orbit platform that enables
research in a microgravity environment. Several
research facilities are on the ISS to support science
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 investigations in biology, biotechnology, human
2.1.3: Facilitate the commercial development of low Earth physiology, material science, physical sciences, and
orbit (LEO) to transition to a commercial LEO human space- technology development. The ISS program is part of
flight enterprise where NASA is one of many customers. HEOMD.

NASA met this performance goal by achieving all but ISS-18-9: Issue an Announcement for
one of the supporting annual performance indicators. Proposals (AFP) for the commercial use
The Materials ISS Experiment Flight Facility of low Earth orbit (LEO) for ongoing
(MISSE-FF) arrived on the ISS in April 2018. human spaceflight activities.
MISSE-FF is a continuation of the successful flight
payloads that provides the ability for NASA, the
private sector, and others to test materials, coatings, 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
and components in the harsh space environment. No API before FY 2018 Green
Unlike previous MISSE units, the MISSE-FF does
not have to be mounted on the exterior of the ISS by
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
an astronaut. The unit’s base structure and avion-
ics stay inside the ISS and the sample carriers are ISS-19-10: Award one or more proposals for the commercial
mounted outside the ISS using the robotically oper- use of low Earth orbit (LEO) for ongoing human spaceflight
ated Canadarm-2. Also delivered in April 2018 was
the commercially developed and operated Multi-use No API after 2019
Variable-g Platform (MVP), which has two carousels
that can produce up to 2g of artificial gravity.
During FY 2018, the Center for the Advancement
of Science in Space (CASIS), which runs the ISS
National Laboratory, met all of its targets by signing
agreements with 23 new and 27 return customers.

Above: The blue MISSE-FF and the Japanese Experiment

Module (JEM) Exposed Facility exit the ISS through the JEM
airlock. The experiment is comprised of a structural platform that
holds multiple MISSE sample carriers. Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 54

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

ISS-18-10: Add at least two new in-orbit ISS-18-13: Release a policy document on
commercial International Space Station the commercial use of the International
(ISS) facilities and/or facility managers Space Station (ISS).
during FY 2018.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 No APIs before FY 2018 Yellow
No API before FY 2018 Green
Explanation of Performance
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
NASA produced a draft in FY 2018, but work to
ISS-19-12: Add at least two new in-orbit commercial complete the policy document continues to require
International Space Station (ISS) facilities and/or facility man- extensive coordination. NASA expects to complete the
agers during FY 2019.
policy document by mid-FY 2019.
ISS-20-9: Add at least two new in-orbit commercial
International Space Station (ISS) facilities and/or facility man- Planned Annual Performance Indicators
agers during FY 2020.
No APIs after FY 2018

ISS-18-11: Sign agreements with at least ISS-19-8 [Begins in FY 2019]

20 new National Laboratory customers
during FY 2018. Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ISS-19-8: Deliver the commercial airlock for launch integra-

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 tion on the International Space Station (ISS).
No APIs before FY 2018 Green
ISS-20-7: PLACEHOLDER. NASA will set its FY 2020 annual
performance indicator at the end of fiscal year 2019, after
it has the results from the NASA Research Announcement
Planned Annual Performance Indicators (NRA) Study for Commercialization of Low Earth Orbit
(Solicitation Number 80JSC018LEOCOM) released in May
ISS-19-11: Sign agreements with at least 20 new National 2018.
Laboratory customers during FY 2019.

ISS-20-8: Sign agreements with at least 20 new National

Laboratory customers during FY 2020.

ISS-18-12: Sign agreements with at least

15 repeat National Laboratory customers
during FY 2018.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No APIs before FY 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ISS-19-13: Sign agreements with at least 15 repeat National

Laboratory customers during FY 2019.

ISS-20-10: Sign agreements with at least 15 repeat National

Laboratory customers during FY 2020.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 55

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

Strategic Objective 2.2: Conduct human exploration

in deep space, including to the surface of the Moon.

Lead Office NASA is extending human presence into cis-lunar space and the lunar
Human Exploration and Operations surface, with capabilities that allow for sustained operations in deep
Mission Directorate (HEOMD) space and the lunar surface.
Goal Leader
Altonell Mumford, Deputy Associate 2018 Strategic Review Summary of
Administrator, HEOMD
The Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate leads
and manages NASA space operations related to human exploration in
and beyond low Earth orbit. HEOMD oversees requirements develop-
Budget ment, policy, and programmatic oversight across its numerous programs.
HEOMD’s activities include the International Space Station, commercial
FY $M space transportation, low Earth orbit spaceflight operations, deep space
exploration systems, launch services, and space communications. Efforts
Actual 2018 4,790.0
that supported the assessment included:
Enacted 2019 4,698.8
■■ NASA continues to plan for an Exploration Mission (EM)-1 launch in
Requested 2020 5,021.7 December 2019, with six months of schedule reserve to June 2020
2021 5,295.5 to address possible first-time manufacturing and production risks.
2022 5,481.4 ■■ NASA preparations underway for EM-2 include production of
Outyear the Orion EM-2 crew module pressure vessel at the Michoud
2023 6,639.0
Assembly Center and the active launch abort system.
2024 7,042.3

Above: The propulsion system that will give the Orion spacecraft the "in-space push" needed to travel thousands of miles beyond the moon
and back has completed its major assembly at United Launch Alliance in Decatur, Alabama. Image credit: ULA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 56

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

■■ NASA preparations underway for EM-2 for the performance goals and annual performance
include design reviews for the Space Launch indicators supporting Strategic Objective 2.2.
System Block 1B exploration upper stage
and early manufacturing for the RL-10 As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
engines for the exploration upper stage. completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy
Performance Measures for and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
Strategic Objective 2.2 retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
FY 2018 performance results found on the following
pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
The following pages provide the performance goals
it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
and annual performance indicators supporting
mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
Strategic Objective 2.2. They include the final perfor-
will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance
Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.
Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019,
and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are
charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings

Summary of Strategic Objective 2.2: Conduct human exploration in deep space,

including the surface of the Moon.

Performance Goal 2 2
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives
and strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is
no one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 2 5 1

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 57

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

Performance Goal 2.2.1: Achieve critical milestones in development

of new systems for the human exploration of deep space. (Agency
Priority Goal)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Yellow NASA’s Exploration Systems Development pro-
grams, part of HEOMD, are working together to build
the spaceflight system made up of the Orion crew
Planned Performance Goals
vehicle, the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket,
FY 2019 - 2.2.1: Achieve critical milestones in development and the Exploration Ground Systems (EGS). These
of new systems for the human exploration of deep space. system will enable the Agency’s new missions to
(Agency Priority Goal) extend human presence beyond low Earth orbit.

FY 2020 - 2.2.1: Achieve critical milestones in development

of new systems for the human exploration of deep space,
including the first test flight of the integrated Space Launch
System (SLS), Orion, and Exploration Ground System (EGS)
capability on Exploration Mission (EM)-1.

NASA experienced delays in completing the SLS ESD-18-1: Complete production of the
core stage liquid oxygen tank (Annual Performance Exploration Mission-1 Core Stage liquid
Indicator ESD-18-1) and the Orion EM-1 crew module
(Annual Performance Indicator ESD-18-2). However,
oxygen tank.
neither delay currently does not disrupt the overall
schedule for (EM)-1, which will be the first time NASA 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
launches SLS and Orion together on an uncrewed test Green Green Green Green Green Yellow
NASA met its goals for the EGS program for FY 2018 Performance Explanation
by completing the integrated verification and valida-
The completion of the liquid oxygen tank for the SLS
tion testing of the mobile launcher and the Vehicle
core stage, which will be used for EM-1, experienced
Assembly building.
a delay beyond the end of FY 2018 due to first-time
production challenges. NASA does not expect the
delay to affect the overall schedule for the core stage.
NASA has completed application of thermal protection
system foam on the barrel section and is currently
proceeding with the application of the thermal protec-
tion foam on the domes.

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ESD-19-1: Perform the green run hot-fire test of the Space

Launch System’s Core Stage at the Stennis Space Center.

ESD-20-1: Complete all ten Exploration Mission (EM)-2

booster segments.

Above: Technicians lower the crew module for Ascent Abort-2

onto a stand at the Johnson Space Center on March 2, 2018.
Image credit: NASA/Robert Markowitz

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 58

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

ESD-18-2: Complete work to have the ESD-18-3: Complete integrated

Exploration Mission-1 Crew Module ready verification and validation testing of
for stacking in the Armstrong Operations the Mobile Launcher and the Vehicle
and Checkout Building at the Kennedy Assembly Building.
Space Center.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 No API Green Yellow Yellow Yellow Green
Green Green Green Green Green Yellow
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Performance Explanation ESD-19-3: Roll the Mobile Launcher to the Vehicle Assembly
Building to support the start of Exploration Mission-1 stacking
Delays in the readiness of the crew module are
attributed to the need to remove and rework avionics
hardware, to the delayed delivery of the crew module ESD-20-3: Complete integration of the Space Launch System
side hatch components, and to some qualification (SLS) and Orion stack in the Vehicle Assembly Building
testing failures. NASA completed the integration and (VAB) at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in preparation for
Exploration Mission (EM)-1.
rework of the side hatch and avionics hardware, and
the Orion EM-1 crew module cabin was delivered to
the Kennedy Space Center in November for stacking.

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ESD-19-2: Conduct the Ascent Abort-2 test of the Orion

Launch Abort System.

ESD-20-2: Complete testing of the Orion Structural Test

Article (STA) to validate the Orion structural design in prepa-
ration for the first crewed flight on Exploration Mission (EM)-2.

Left: A team prepares an RS-25 engine

No. 0525 for installation on the A-1 Test
Stand at Stennis Space Center on July
23, 2018, in preparation for SLS hotfire
tests. Four RS-25 engines, working in
conjunction with a pair of solid rocket
boosters, will help power the SLS
rocket at launch. Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 59

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

Performance Goal 2.2.2 [Begins in FY 2019]

Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020

Advanced Exploration Systems (AES), part of
2.2.2: Demonstrate deep space habitat concepts using proto-
types developed in partnership with Next Space Technologies HEOMD, develops innovative approaches and pub-
for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) Phase 2 industry lic-private partnerships to rapidly develop prototype
partners. systems, advance key capabilities, and validate oper-
ational concepts for future human missions beyond
Earth orbit. AES activities are related to crew mobility,
habitation, vehicle systems, robotic precursors, and
foundational systems for deep space.

ERD-19-1 [Begins in FY 2019]

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ERD-19-1: Complete ground testing of Next Space

Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) Phase
2 prototype habitat concepts to evaluate human factors,
develop and verify interoperability standards and common
interfaces for cislunar habitats with industry and international
partner participation, and develop the final reference configu-
ration for the acquisition phase.

ERD-20-1: Deliver the Spacecraft Fire Experiment (Saffire)-IV

fire safety flight experiment for launch on Cygnus.

Above: NASA performed tests the week of June 25, 2018, at

the Johnson Space Center to help engineers refine NASA’s
requirements for the design of a deep space habitat, one of
several elements comprising the Gateway. In this photo, an
engineer, Astronaut Shannon Walker, Astronaut Candidates
Raja Chari and Robb Kulin, and Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency Astronaut Aki Hoshide, evaluate spacewalk-related
procedures. Image credit: NASA/Robert Markowitz

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 60

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

Performance Goal 2.2.3: Use the International Space Station (ISS)

as a testbed to demonstrate the critical systems necessary for long-
duration missions. Between October 1, 2017, and September 30, 2019,
NASA will initiate at least eight in-space demonstrations of technology
critical to enable human exploration in deep space. (Agency Priority

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Yellow Green Green Green The International Space Station is a unique scientific
platform in low Earth orbit that enables research in
a microgravity environment. The Human Research
Planned Performance Goals for FY 2019-2020 Program focuses on discovering the best methods
and technologies to support safe and productive
FY 2019 - 2.2.3: Use the International Space Station (ISS) human space travel. Advanced Exploration Systems
as a testbed to demonstrate the critical systems necessary (AES) develops innovative approaches and pub-
for long-duration missions. Between October 1, 2017, and lic-private partnerships to rapidly develop prototype
September 30, 2019, NASA will initiate at least eight in-space systems, advance key capabilities, and validate oper-
demonstrations of technology critical to enable human explo-
ational concepts for future human missions beyond
ration in deep space. (Agency Priority Goal)
Earth orbit. All three programs are part of HEOMD.
FY 2020 - 2.2.3: Use the International Space Station (ISS)
as a testbed to demonstrate key capabilities necessary
for long-duration missions. Between October 1, 2019, and
September 30, 2021, NASA will initiate at least ten in-space
demonstrations of technology critical to enable human explo-
ration in deep space.

NASA continues to be on track to achieve this agency

priority goal. In spring 2018, researchers conducted
the first-ever experiments on long-term exposure
to galactic cosmic ray-like radiation at the National
Space Radiation Laboratory, at the Brookhaven
National Laboratory. These experiments will enable
better assessments of space radiation health risks
involved in human space exploration.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 61

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

ERD-18-2: Deliver both the Spacecraft ISS-18-8: Initiate in-space demonstration

Atmosphere Monitor and Brine of three new technologies for
Water Processor to the International Environmental Control and Life Support
Space Station (ISS) for technology or Environmental Monitoring, including
demonstrations. thermal amine for carbon dioxide
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No APIs before FY 2018 Red
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Explanation of Performance No API before FY 2018 Yellow

Neither the Spacecraft Atmosphere Monitor (SAM) Explanation of Performance

nor the Brine Water Processor were delivered to the
ISS by the end of the first quarter of FY 2019. SAM, NASA rated this annual performance indicator yellow
which continuously measures gases in the air on the because two new technologies were delivered to the
ISS and transmits that data to researchers on Earth, ISS and initiated in FY 2018: the Aerosol Samplers
will be delivered in March 2019 to the Jet Propulsion in July and the Acoustic Monitor in August. Two other
Laboratory due to the late delivery of ion pumps and technologies being developed for potential delivery to
other components. The Brine Water Processor, also ISS in FY 2018 were delayed.
known as the Brine Processor Assembly, will demon-
The Thermal Amine System, which will demonstrate
strate the recovery of water from urine brine produced
the removal of carbon dioxide from the ISS cabin
by the ISS Urine Processor Assembly. The delivery
atmosphere, was delayed due to a component failure
of the Brine Water Processor for flight integration will
during a ground test. NASA has completed both the
be delayed to early September 2019 due to design
rework and re-testing of the system, and it is mani-
issues with its bladder and logic control board.
fested to fly to ISS in April 2019.
The Brine Processor Assembly was delayed due to
Planned Annual Performance Indicators several technical issues encountered during assembly
and test. The new expected delivery date to ISS is
ERD-19-2: Deliver the Universal Waste Management System
during the second quarter of FY 2020.
(UWMS) for flight on the International Space Station (ISS).

ERD-20-2: Deliver the Brine Processor Assembly for launch

to the International Space Station. Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ISS-19-7: Initiate in-space demonstration of three new

technologies for Environmental Control and Life Support
or Environmental Monitoring, including the Spacecraft
Atmosphere Monitor (SAM).

ISS-20-11: Initiate in-space demonstration of five new

technologies for Environmental Control and Life Support or
Environmental Monitoring.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 62

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

ERD-18-5: Perform mixed-field, low-

dose rate galactic cosmic ray simulation
investigations at the NASA Space
Radiation Laboratory to enable better
assessment of space radiation health
risks for exploration.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No API before FY 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ERD-19-3: Complete and deliver the Advanced Twin Lifting

and Aerobic System (ATLAS) deep space exercise device
for testing and validation; implement a human health and
performance study with the National Science Foundation on
the effects of remote location, extreme isolation, and con-
finement; and implement a bedrest study with the European
Space Agency to assess the use of artificial gravity as a
human physiology countermeasure.

ISS-20-2: Implement a microbial risk assessment study to

ensure crew safety and allow increased dependence on
bioregenerative food systems; develop space habitat stan-
dards and evaluation tools for use in designing and evaluating
vehicle volume and layout to optimize crew performance and
health; and complete a study to determine optimal methods
for detecting individual performance susceptibilities to sleep
loss and circadian desynchronization to inform individualized
countermeasures during spaceflight.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 63

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

Performance Goal 2.2.4: Develop planetary In-Situ Resource Utilization


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Yellow Green Yellow Advanced Exploration Systems, part of HEOMD,
develops innovative approaches and public-private
partnerships to rapidly develop prototype systems,
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 advance key capabilities, and validate operational con-
cepts for future human missions beyond Earth orbit.
No PGs after FY 2018 AES activities are related to crew mobility, habitation,
vehicle systems, robotic precursors, and foundational
systems for deep space.

This performance goal is rated yellow because deliv-

ery of the Mars Oxygen In Situ Resource Utilization
(ISRU) Experiment (MOXIE) was delayed until early ERD-18-1: Deliver the Mars Oxygen ISRU
calendar year 2019. Its delivery slipped due to trou- [In-Situ Resource Utilization] Experiment
bleshooting of electrical shorts. MOXIE's delay will not (MOXIE) flight article to the Mars 2020
effect the schedule for integrating the mission payload
suite with Mars 2020, and its progress is being contin-
rover for assembly, test, and launch
uously monitored. operations.
MOXIE is intended to demonstrate technology for pro-
ducing oxygen from the Martian atmosphere for use in 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
propellant or life support systems. No API Green Green Yellow Green Yellow

Explanation of Performance
See the performance goal explanation for more infor-

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 64

Part 2—Strategic Goal 2 Explore

Performance Goal 2.2.5: Engage industry in developing concepts to

satisfy both NASA and commercial goals for a Power and Propulsion
Element for deep space transportation.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PG before FY 2018 Green Advanced Exploration Systems, part of HEOMD,
develops innovative approaches and public-private
partnerships to rapidly develop prototype systems,
advance key capabilities, and validate operational con-
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 cepts for future human missions beyond Earth orbit.
2.2.5: Achieve milestones in the design and development of a AES activities are related to crew mobility, habitation,
Power and Propulsion Element in partnership with industry. vehicle systems, robotic precursors, and foundational
systems for deep space.

In March 2018, NASA completed industry studies on ERD-18-6: Complete industry studies on
potential synergies for NASA–industry partnership to potential synergies for a NASA-industry
build and flight demonstrate a spacecraft that uses
advanced solar electric propulsion. This power and
partnership to demonstrate a Power and
propulsion element would support NASA’s plans for Propulsion Element using advanced solar
exploration operations in deep space. Based on the electric propulsion.
studies, NASA completed the first major milestone to
solicit proposals from industry to build and demon-
strate a Power and Propulsion Element. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No API before FY 2018 Green
Power and Propulsion Element Moves Ahead
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
■■ June 21, 2018 - Released draft solicitation
for spaceflight demonstration of a Power and ERD-19-4: In partnership with industry, conduct one or more
Propulsion Element seeking industry comments Preliminary Design Reviews for the Power and Propulsion
■■ July 10, 2018 – Held Industry Day
at Glenn Research Center
AES-20-1: Achieve milestones in the design and development
■■ July 20, 2018 – Received industry com- of a Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) in partnership with
ments on the draft solicitation industry. (NASA will identify a specific milestone to track for
this annual performance indicator in 3rd quarter FY 2019,
■■ September 6, 2018 – Released final following PPE partner selection and contract award.)
broad agency announcement for
the Spaceflight Demonstration of a
Power and Propulsion Element

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 65


Strategic Goal 3
Address national challenges and catalyze
economic growth.

NASA’s autonomous testbed called Prototype Technology-Evaluation Research Aircraft, or PTERA, takes off on a flight to test
the ability of shape memory alloy to fold wings in-flight. NASA, in this flight, observed the successful folding of PTERA’s wings
70 degrees upward. Image credit: NASA/Ken Ulbrich
Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Strategic Objective 3.1: Develop and transfer

revolutionary technologies to enable exploration
capabilities for NASA and the Nation.

Lead Office NASA is advancing revolutionary technologies for NASA and the Nation,
Space Technology Mission Directorate involving commercial space products, specifically for utilization of near-
(STMD) [Note: STMD will be reorga- Earth space; efficient transportation through space; access to planetary
nized moving forward as mentioned on surfaces; enabling human space exploration; next generation science
page iv. missions; and growth and utilization of the U.S. industrial and academic
Goal Leader
Prasun Desai, Deputy Associate
Administrator for Management, STMD 2018 Strategic Review Summary of
The Space Technology Mission Directorate has been responsible for
Budget developing the crosscutting, pioneering, new technologies and capabil-
ities that NASA needs to achieve its current and future missions. STMD
FY $M has sought to mature these technologies for NASA’s science and explo-
ration missions while proving the capabilities and lowering the cost for
Actual 2018 760.0
other government agencies and commercial space activities. Efforts that
Enacted 2019 760.0 supported the assessment included:
Requested 2020 1,014.3 ■■ The Deep Space Atomic Clock, Green Propellant Infusion Mission,
2021 976.1 and CubeSat Proximity Operations Demonstration have completed
development and are currently in storage, and are ready for launch.
2022 995.4
Outyear ■■ The Laser Communications Relay Demonstration flight demon-
2023 964.4
stration has successfully entered the implementation phase.
2024 943.1 Other demonstrations remain on track, including: Mars Oxygen
ISRU Experiment (MOXIE), Terrain Relative Navigation, and Mars

Above: Blue Origin’s New Shepard booster rocket returns to its launch pad on December 12 after completing a flight that tested the Evolved
Medical Microgravity Suction Device technology. NASA funded the microgravity service on the flight. Image credit: Blue Origin

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 65

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Entry, Descent and Landing Instrumentation As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
2 (MEDLI2) for the Mars 2020 lander mission; completed in spring 2019, it will conduct retrospective
Deep Space Optical Communication (DSOC); and prospective analyses to determine if the programs
and Solar Electric Propulsion. supporting this strategic objective are healthy and
can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
Performance Measures for retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
FY 2018 performance results found on the following
Strategic Objective 3.1 pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
The following pages provide the performance goals mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
and annual performance indicators supporting will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
Strategic Objective 3.1. They include the final perfor- Plan, which will begin in spring 2019. In addition,
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance as parts of these analyses, NASA will factor in any
Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019, relevant updates and/or changes that arise from the
and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are reorganization of STMD as part of the FY 2019-2021
charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings planning.
for the performance goals and annual performance
indicators supporting Strategic Objective 3.1.

Summary of Strategic Objective 3.1: Develop and transfer revolutionary technologies

to enable exploration capabilities for NASA and the Nation.

Performance Goal 4
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 7

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 66

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.1.1: Explore and advance promising early stage

solutions to space technology challenges through investment across
the U.S. innovation community.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Green Green Green Green Early Stage Innovation and Partnerships (for-
merly Space Technology Research Grants, NASA
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 Innovative Advanced Concepts, and the Center
Innovation Fund programs) nurture visionary ideas,
3.1.1: Invest across the U.S. innovation community to explore
and advance promising early stage solutions to space tech-
stimulate innovation, and examine the feasibility of
nology challenges. new ideas and approaches to address the technology
needs of NASA and the Nation.

NASA has met this multi-year performance goal as ST-18-1: Conduct at least 185 new
the Agency continues to advance early stage inno- activities, with appropriate contribution
vation. In FY 2018, NASA selected 56 NASA Space
Technology Research Fellowships, 12 Early Stage
from each underlying early stage
Innovations awards, and 11 Early Career Faculty program, to research, study, or develop
awards. concepts for new technologies.
NASA selected 25 new concept studies in FY 2018,
comprising 16 Phase I projects and 9 Phase II proj- 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
ects, through NIAC, a program that helps innovators Green Green Green Green Green Green
and entrepreneurs develop innovative, technically
credible, advanced concepts to “change the possible”
in aerospace. The Agency also encouraged creativity Planned Annual Performance Indicators
and innovation within the NASA centers by supporting
emerging technologies and creative initiatives, select- ET-19-1: Invest in at least 185 promising new early stage
ing 125 Center Innovation Fund projects in FY 2018. technologies and concepts, with potential for transformative

ET-20-1: Invest in at least 185 promising new early stage

technologies and concepts, with potential for transformative

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 67

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.1.2: Advance technologies that offer significant

improvement to existing solutions or enable new space science and
exploration capabilities.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Yellow Green
Technology Maturation (formerly the Game
Changing Development (GCD) Program) advances
space technologies that may lead to entirely new
approaches for the Agency’s future space missions
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020 and provide solutions to significant national needs. The
program generally focuses efforts in taking technolo-
3.1.2: Mature technologies that offer significant improvement
to existing solutions or enable space exploration capabilities.
gies from proof of concept through component testing
in a relevant environment. GCD employs a balanced
approach to technology development efforts, competi-
tively selecting efforts from across academia, industry,
and government agencies.

In FY 2018, GCD continued advancement of many NASA is breaking ground in the world of additive
promising technology solutions. NASA and the manufacturing with the Low Cost Upper Stage-Class
National Nuclear Security Administration demon- Propulsion project. The Agency successfully hot-fire
strated a new nuclear fission reactor power system, tested a combustion chamber at NASA’s Marshall
called Kilopower, that could enable long-duration Space Flight Center made using a new combination
crewed missions to the Moon, Mars, and destina- of 3-D printing techniques. This project aims to further
tions beyond. The experiment was conducted at the improve production time and costs for thrust chamber
National Nuclear Security Administration’s Nevada assemblies.
National Security Site from November 2017 through
March 2018.
A team of NASA engineers demonstrated fully
autonomous X-ray navigation in space during the
demonstration that occurred in November 2017. The
Space Exploration for X-ray Timing and Navigation
Technology (SEXTANT) demonstration showed that
millisecond pulsars could be used to accurately deter-
mine the location of an object moving in space.

ST-18-2: Complete at least 70 percent of

Game Changing Development program
milestones, as established at the
beginning of the fiscal year.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Green Green Red Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ET-19-2: Mature state of the art technologies by complet- Above: Combustion chambers must withstand both extreme hot
ing at least 70 percent of Technology Maturation program and cold temperatures inside a rocket engine as extremely cold
milestones. propellants are heated up and burned for propulsion. In 2018,
NASA successfully hot-fire tested a combustion chamber made
ET-20-2: Mature state of the art technologies by complet- from a 3-D printed copper liner and a nickel-alloy jacket. The
ing at least 60 percent of key performance parameters of final hot-fire test went the full planned 25 seconds at 100 percent
Technology Maturation projects. power. Image credit: NASA/David Olive

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 68

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.1.3: Mature new crosscutting space technology

capabilities for demonstration.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

The Small Spacecraft Technology Program devel-
No PG Green Green Green Green Green ops and demonstrates new small spacecraft technol-
ogies and capabilities for NASA’s missions in science,
exploration, and space operations. The Technology
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020
Demonstration Program bridges the gap between
scientific and engineering challenges and the tech-
3.1.3: Demonstrate new technologies and capabilities for nological innovations needed to overcome them,
space exploration. enabling robust new space missions.

NASA achieved this multi-year performance goal as ■■ PDR for Restore-L satellite servicing project
it continues to foster and mature new crosscutting ■■ SRR and KDP-B for Low Earth Orbit-based Flight
space technology capabilities for demonstration. In Test demonstration of Inflatable Decelerator
FY 2018, the Small Spacecraft Technology program (LOFTID)
made progress on several projects, including complet-
ing eight major milestones: ■■ A continuation review for eCryo cryogenic fluid
management technologies project
■■ Level-1 Requirements Completion Review for
the Integrated Solar And Reflectarray Antenna ■■ Close-out reviews for In-space Robotic
mission, which will demonstrate a CubeSat com- Manufacturing and Assembly (IRMA)
munications capability
■■ Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and Critical
Design Review in December 2017 for the
Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator (PTD),
which will test CubeSat technologies in low Earth
■■ Qualification Test Readiness Review for the ST-18-3: Reach at least eight major
Tethers Unlimited, Inc., HYDROS-C thruster pay- milestones, including delivery of small
load, which uses water as propellant, for PTD-1 spacecraft for flight demonstration
■■ Qualification TRR for the Blue Canyon or other milestones, for development
Technologies HyperXACT Attitude Determination and demonstration of transformative
and Control payload for PTD-2
technologies for more affordable science
■■ System Readiness Review and payload PDR for
and exploration missions.
CubeSat Lasercom Infrared Crosslink, which will
demonstrate intersatellite communications for
small spacecraft 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
■■ Flight Readiness Review for CubeSat Handling Green Green Green Green Green Green
Of Multisystem Precision Time Transfer, which
will demonstrate high-precision time transfer from
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Earth to low Earth orbiting CubeSat
ET-19-3: Advance development, demonstration, and mission
NASA also completed five major milestones for implementation of new exploration technologies by reaching a
Technology Demonstration Missions projects: key milestone in at least six small spacecraft projects.
ET-20-3: Advance development, demonstration, and mission
■■ SRR/Mission Definition Review, and Key
implementation of new exploration technologies by reaching a
Decision Point (KDP)-B for Deep Space Optical key milestone in at least four small spacecraft projects.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 69

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

ST-18-4: Complete five major milestones

for Technology Demonstration Mission
(TDM) technology development projects.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ET-19-4: Advance Technology Demonstration capabilities by
completing at least six key decision points towards technolo-
gy demonstration.
ET-20-4: Advance Technology Demonstration capabilities by
completing at least six key decision points towards technolo-
gy demonstration.

Above: Engineers Lok Wong and Kyle Doyle assemble pieces

of a truss segment for the Commercial Infrastructure for Robotic
Assembly and Services (CIRAS) project at the Structures and
Materials Test Laboratory at Langley Research Center in March
2018. CIRAS is part of the IRMA project portfolio, managed by
STMD’s Technology Demonstration Missions program. Image
credit: NASA/David C. Bowman

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 70

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.1.4: Engage the established commercial sector,

emerging aerospace markets, and economic regions to leverage
common interests and grow the national economy.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PG before 2017 Green Green Partnerships and Technology Transfer (formerly
Prizes and Challenges) recognizes the value of
incentivizing new technology advancement and prob-
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 lem solving through “open innovation” approaches
including the use of prize competitions and challenges
3.1.4: Engage and partner with the commercial aerospace open to the public. Small Business Innovation
sector, to leverage technology advancements and grow the Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology
national economy. Transfer (STTR) provides an opportunity for small,
high-tech companies and research institutions to
participate in government-sponsored R&D efforts in
key technology areas. Technology Demonstration
(formerly Flight Opportunities) develops and
NASA achieved this multi-year performance goal provides opportunities for space technologies to be
through its engagements with small businesses and demonstrated and validated in relevant environments.
research institutions. NASA provided cash prize It fosters the development of the commercial reusable
incentives to non-traditional sources for innovations of suborbital transportation industry.
interest and value to the Agency and the Nation. The
Prizes and Challenges Program supported three cen-
tennial challenges in the areas of 3D Printed Habitat
Challenge, the Vascular Tissue Challenge, and the
CO2 Conversion Challenge.
NASA provided opportunities for small, highly innova- ST-18-5: Conduct at least three prize
tive companies and research institutions, through its competitions.
SBIR/STTR programs. In FY 2018, NASA created 97
post-Phase II SBIR/STTR opportunities. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No API before FY 2017 Green Green
The Flight Opportunities program strives to advance
the operational readiness of space technologies while
also stimulating the development and utilization of the Planned Annual Performance Indicators
U.S. commercial spaceflight industry. During FY 2018,
Flight Opportunities competitively selected 36 pay- ET-19-5: Conduct at least four prize competitions to encour-
age innovation and address technology challenges through
loads. In addition, NASA made progress in the entry, engaging non-traditional NASA partners.
descent, and landing focus area through a successful
flight test of a Navigation Doppler Lidar and Lander ET-20-5: Conduct at least four prize competitions to encour-
age innovation and address technology challenges through
Vision System for future robotic and crewed missions. engaging non-traditional NASA partners.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 71

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

ST-18-6: Create 10 opportunities for

advancement beyond Phase II SBIR/

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No API before FY 2017 Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ET-19-6: Create 10 opportunities for advancement of SBIR/
STTR technologies beyond Phase II, leveraging non-SBIR/
STTR NASA investment or external investment.

ET-20-6: Create 10 opportunities for advancement of SBIR/

STTR technologies beyond Phase II, leveraging non-SBIR/
STTR NASA investment or external investment.

Above: Team SEArch+/Apis Cor of New York won first place in

Phase 3: Level 2 of NASA’s 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge. For
this level, they printed a foundation and subjected it to various
ST-18-7: Competitively select at least 12 tests, including dropping a shotput on it to simulate a meteor
strike. Watch the full video of their entry and testing. Image
payloads from NASA, other government credit: SEArch+/Apis Corstrike. Watch the full video of their
agencies, industry, and academia for entry and testing. Image credit: SEArch+/Apis Cor

flight on commercial flight vehicles that

meet Agency priorities.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No APIs before FY 2017 Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ET-19-7: Competitively select at least 14 payloads from NASA
centers, other government agencies, industry, or academia
for flight on commercial flight vehicles to achieve Agency
ET-20-7: Competitively select at least 16 payloads from NASA
centers, other government agencies, industry, or academia
for flight on commercial vehicles to advance lunar exploration
and commercial development in Earth orbit.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 72

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Strategic Objective 3.2: Transform aviation through

revolutionary technology research, development,
and transfer.

Lead Office NASA is maintaining and advancing U.S. global leadership in aviation
Aeronautics Research Mission through application of new concepts and technologies pioneered by
Directorate (ARMD) NASA and developed in partnership with U.S. industry, leading to trans-
formative improvements in mobility, efficiency, and safety.
Goal Leader
Robert A. Pearce, Deputy Associate
Administrator for Strategy, ARMD 2018 Strategic Review Summary of
The Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate designs, develops,
Budget and tests advanced technologies that will make aviation much more
environmentally friendly, maintain safety in more crowded skies, and ulti-
FY $M mately transform the way the United States and the world flies. Research
conducted by ARMD directly benefits today’s air transportation system,
Actual 2018 690.0 the aviation industry, and the passengers and businesses who rely on
Enacted 2019 685.0 aviation every day. Efforts that supported the assessment included:
Requested 2020 666.9 ■■ The Low-Boom Flight Demonstration contract was awarded
April 2, 2018. The Strategic Review was completed in
2021 673.6
spring 2018, and the LBFD project team completed the Key
2022 680.3 Decision Point (KDP)-C in the first quarter of FY 2019.
2023 587.1 ■■ ARMD was on track to complete the Airspace Technology
2024 587.0 Demonstration (ATD)-1 and ATD-2 and deliver the
results to the Federal Aviation Administration accord-
ing to the Research Transition Team plan by FY 2020
(i.e., ARMD’s Thrust #1 Critical Commitment).

Above: NASA test pilots Jim Less and Wayne Ringelberg conduct pre-flight safety checks for a F/A-18 before going out on a supersonic
QSF18 flight, part of NASA’s Low-Boom Flight Demonstration. Image credit: NASA/Josh Valcarcel

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 72

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

■■ ARMD was on track to deliver its first As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
flight validated community response data- completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
base to the International Civil Aviation tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
Organization by end of FY 2024. grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy
and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
Performance Measures for retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
FY 2018 performance results found on the following
Strategic Objective 3.2 pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
The following pages provide the performance goals mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
and annual performance indicators supporting will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
Strategic Objective 3.2. They include the final perfor- Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance
Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019,
and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are
charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings
for the performance goals and annual performance
indicators supporting Strategic Objective 3.2.

Summary of Strategic Objective 3.2: Transform aviation through revolutionary

technology research, development and transfer.

Performance Goal 5 1
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 9 1

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 73

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.2.1: Develop solutions that will advance decision-

making ability for improving air traffic management to accommodate
future growth in air travel, and for increasing aviation safety under
hazardous conditions.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Green Green Green Green The Airspace Operations and Safety Program
part of ARMD, works with the Federal Aviation
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 Administration, industry, and academic partners
to conceive and develop Next Generation Air
3.2.1: Develop solutions that will advance decision-making Transportation System (NextGen) technologies to fur-
ability for improving air traffic management to accommodate ther improve the safety of current and future aircraft.
future growth in air travel, and for increasing aviation safety
NextGen methods and means will provide advanced
under hazardous conditions.
automated support to air navigation service providers
and aircraft operators to reduce air-travel times and
delays, and to ensure greater safety in all weather

The Airspace Technology Demonstration (ATD)-2

effort provides solutions to air transportation system
inefficiency through an integrated arrival, departure,
and surface system (IADS). During FY 2018, Phase 1
of the ATD-2 demonstrated benefits by reducing the
amount of fuel used by aircraft, the amount of time
aircraft are delayed on the surface, and the amount of
carbon dioxide emitted by the aircraft.
The Phase 2 version of the IADS system was
deployed in mid-September 2018. This version fea-
tures five new capabilities, which will be evaluated in
FY 2019. Phase 2 will complete ATD-2’s single-air-
port IADS research. The Phase 3 multi-airport field
demonstration will formally begin in FY 2020, but an
initial concept evaluation with the North Texas Field
Demonstration Partners is planned for spring or sum-
mer in 2019.

Phase 1 Benefits
As of September 17, 2018

638,068 pounds of fuel saved Above: NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine (right) partici-
pates in a FutureFlight Central demonstration of ATD-2 at
Ames Research Center on August 30, 2018. He is looking at
89.1 hours of surface delay avoided the Ramp Traffic Console, a new technology tested through
human-in-the-loop simulation and currently deployed to the

22,857 trees-worth of carbon dioxide

emission offsets
field at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. The Ramp
Traffic Control is one of many new air traffic tools NASA is
working on to improve arrival, departure, and surface activity at
912 hours of reduced engine runtime airports. Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 74

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

AR-18-1: Demonstrate the Integrated AR-19-6 [Begins in FY 2019]

Demand Management (IDM) concept to
coordinate management of traffic demand 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

and flight trajectories across multiple No APIs until FY 2019

constraints, resulting in improved arrival

operations in the New York City metroplex Planned Annual Performance Indicators
airspace. AR-19-6: Conduct Shadow Mode assessment of Integrated
Arrival/Departure/Surface (IADS) metroplex departure meter-
ing prototypes.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 AR-20-2: Conduct an operational assessment of the
No API Green Green Green Green Green Integrated Arrival/Departure/Surface (IADS) metroplex depar-
ture management prototype.

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AR-19-1: Assess and document capacity of future air traffic

services that increase Urban Air Mobility (UAM) capacity over
current-day operations.

AR-20-1: Evaluate a service-oriented architecture, intended

to improve safety and efficiency, for traditional operations in a
relevant airspace.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 75

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.2.2: Demonstrate the ability to reduce sonic

booms, enabling future industry innovation in commercial supersonic
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
The Integrated Aviation Systems Program (IASP)
No API Green Green Green Yellow Green
part of ARMD, conducts flight-oriented, system-level
research and technology development to mature
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020 and transition advanced aeronautic technologies into
3.2.2: Demonstrate the ability to reduce sonic booms, en- future air vehicles and systems, supporting all phases
abling future industry innovation in commercial supersonic of NASA’s aeronautics research. For relatively new
aircraft. technologies, IASP aims to accelerate their develop-
ment and determine their feasibility. For more mature
technologies, IASP aims to reduce risk and transition
the technologies to industry.

NASA is on track to complete the Low Boom Flight

Demonstration (LBFD), which will demonstrate a sonic
boom with greatly reduced noise in order to pave the
way for commercial supersonic flight over land. NASA
awarded the contract for construction of the X-59
Quiet Supersonic Technology (QueSST) experimental
aircraft to Lockheed Martin in Palmdale, CA, in April
2018. The LBFD project passed Key Decision Point
(KDP)-C in the first quarter of FY 2019, receiving
Agency-level approval for its project plan, cost, and
schedule baseline and to begin implementation.
NASA is responsible for managing the construction
of the aircraft, and proving its ability to create a sonic
“thump” instead of an annoying sonic boom. The
LBFD project’s technical goals are to design, build
and test the X-59 QueSST with low-noise sonic boom
signature characteristics acceptable to communities
and traceable to future civil supersonic airliners.

AR-18-2: Award the Low-Boom Flight

Demonstration (LBFD) Aircraft Design,
Build, and Initial Test contract.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green
Above: The X-59 QueSST experimental aircraft, shown here in
an artist’s concept, is shaped so that supersonic shockwaves
Planned Annual Performance Indicators do not coalesce together to create sonic booms. The noise
nuisance associated with sonic booms prompted the govern-
AR-19-2: Complete the Low-Boom Flight Demonstration ment to ban supersonic flight over land years ago. Data from
(LBFD) Critical Design Review (CDR). the X-59 QueSST project could be the path for new commercial
markets in supersonic flight in the United States and interna-
AR-20-3: Complete final assembly of the Low Boom Flight tionally. Image credit: NASA
Demonstrator aircraft.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 76

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.2.3: Advance airframe and engine technologies

to enable the development of future generations of ultra-efficient air
vehicles that minimize environmental impact.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate encom-
Green Green Green Green Green Yellow
passes multiple research programs that develop
advanced technologies to reduce aviation’s envi-
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020
ronmental impact and to transform how the world
3.2.3: Advance airframe and engine technologies to enable flies, including the Advanced Air Vehicles Program,
the development of future generations of ultra-efficient air the Airspace Operations and Safety Program, the
vehicles that minimize environmental impact. Integrated Aviation Systems Program, and the
Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program.

The majority of work within this performance goal

is on track for successful, on-time completion. The
demonstration of novel landing gear technologies in
order to reduce noise is complete. The third and final
landing gear noise flight test was completed in May
2018 and data analysis is ongoing. The full extent
of noise reduction benefits from main landing gear
fairings and cavity treatments was documented to be
between three and four decibels.
Two initial tests of the wing-body juncture flow experi-
ment were completed, leading to the successful devel-
opment of a validation-quality dataset in a subsonic
tunnel facility at the Langley Research Center. The
measurements and dataset produced by these tests
will be used to enable better computational tools for
the prediction of future air vehicle designs. AR-18-3: Design, fabricate, and test a
A multidisciplinary design analysis and optimiza- high aspect ratio wing box employing
tion process for the conceptual design of vertical tow-steered composites and demonstrate
lift vehicles was successfully demonstrated. The vehicle-level fuel-burn benefit through
development and demonstration metrics cover five
aeroelastic-tailored structural design.
factors: fidelity, metric scope, objective function, tool
efficiency, and design goals. The combined metrics
show multi-faceted improvements made to discipline
tools integrated in a design optimization framework. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
The final DDM score was rated at 15, exceeding the Green Green No API Green Green Yellow
success criteria DDM score of 12.
Explanation of Performance
This performance goal is rated yellow because early
See Performance Goal 3.2.3.
fabrication issues caused delivery of the passive
aeroelastic tailored (PAT) wing test article to slip
into FY 2019. The composite wing, designed and
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
built by Aurora Flight Sciences, was delivered to the
Armstrong Flight Research Center on April 9, 2018. AR-19-3: Design, fabricate, and conduct high-speed wind tun-
Ground vibration testing of the PAT wing test article nel performance test on an advanced Transonic Truss Braced
was completed in July 2018, and assessments were Wing (TTBW) configuration at a cruise Mach number near 0.8
and quantify its overall fuel-burn benefits.
completed in September 2018. Static load testing and
data analysis began at the end of FY 2018, but were No API in FY 2020
completed during the first quarter of FY 2019.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 77

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

AR-18-6: Demonstrate novel landing AR-19-8 [Begins in FY 2019]

gear porous fairing and wheel cavity
treatments that reduce the airframe Planned Annual Performance Indicators

component of aircraft noise by at least 1.5 AR-19-8: Demonstrate tools and methodologies able to re-
duce the timeline to develop and certify composite structures
decibels (dB). and demonstrate timeline benefit through systems analysis.

No API in FY 2020
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No APIs before FY 2017 Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AR-19-11 [Begins in FY 2019]
No APIs after FY 2018

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AR-19-11: Achieve noise reduction of at least five decibels
(dB) on approach to landing during flight test operations
designed for low noise.

AR-18-7: Complete detailed experimental No API in FY 2020

measurements in the wing-body junction

region of an aircraft to enable better
computational tools for prediction of
AR-20-4 [Begins in FY 2020]
future air vehicle designs.
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No APIs before FY 2020
No APIs before 2017 Yellow Green
AR-20-4: Design, fabricate, assemble, and test components
and sub-systems for a small core, high-pressure compressor
Planned Annual Performance Indicators concept engine, intended to improve operational efficiency.
AR-19-7: Develop multidisciplinary design optimization
capability that will enable assessment of On-Demand Mobility
(ODM) vehicle designs with tightly integrated propulsion-air-
frame systems that optimally account for competing require-
ments for performance, noise, and energy usage.
AR-20-5 [Begins in FY 2020]
No API in FY 2020
Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs before FY 2020

AR-20-5: Develop and flight test a flexible, deployable vortex

generator (VG) system for cost-effective fuel reduction on
transport aircraft using passive-shape, low-temperature
AR-18-8: Demonstration of a shape memory alloys.
multidisciplinary design analysis and
optimization (MDAO) process for the
conceptual design of vertical lift vehicles. AR-20-6 [Begins in FY 2020]

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No APIs before 2017 Green Green No APIs before FY 2020

AR-20-6: Complete detailed analysis of turbulent heat flux

Planned Annual Performance Indicators data obtained from NASA’s Turbulent Heat Flux (THX) exper-
iment to enable better computational tools for prediction and
No APIs after FY 2018 design of future air vehicle propulsion systems.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 78

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.2.4: Facilitate significant environmental and

efficiency improvements through research on alternative jet fuel use,
and on hybrid gas-electric propulsion system concepts.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate encom-
No PG Green Green Green Yellow Green
passes multiple research programs that develop
advanced technologies to reduce aviation’s envi-
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 ronmental impact and to transform how the world
flies, including the Advanced Air Vehicles Program,
3.2.4: Facilitate significant environmental and efficiency im- the Airspace Operations and Safety Program, the
provements through research on alternative jet fuel use, and Integrated Aviation Systems Program, and the
on hybrid gas-electric propulsion system concepts. Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program.

Progress continues in the area of alternative jet AR-18-5: Design, build, and test key
fuel research with the development and testing of ambient-temperature electric aircraft
a small-core fuel-flexible combustor in conjunction
with a United Technologies Research Center. Testing
powertrain components that achieve
in that area will be completed in the first quarter of specific performance parameters
FY 2019. The X-57 Maxwell Scaled Convergent necessary for large commercial
Electric Propulsion Technology Operations Research applications.
(SCEPTOR) sub-project successfully completed a
re-plan effort to ensure a viable path to successful 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
completion of the flight demonstration.
No API Green Green Green Red Green
Progress also continues in the area of hybrid
gas-electric propulsion by moving forward in design- Planned Annual Performance Indicators
ing a full-scale, 1-megawatt (MW) power inverter AR-19-5: Design, assemble, and initiate testing of a megawatt
and electric motor. General Electric’s Silicon-Carbide (MW)-scale electrified aircraft powertrain.
Lightweight Inverter for Megawatt-Power inverter and AR-20-7: Complete Preliminary Design Review (PDR) of a
the University of Illinois high-speed, high-frequency air full-scale powertrain for hybrid gas-electric aircraft.
core machine have shown full-scale, 1-MW designs
that meet the requirements of the associated annual
performance indicator, AR-18-5. Going even further
than the requirements of the annual performance indi-
cator, full-scale builds and sub-scale tests to establish
the feasibility of the designs are planned for the first AR-19-12 [Begins in FY 2019]
quarter of FY 2019.
Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AR-19-12: Demonstrate integrated electrical system func-

tionality of the X-57 aircraft through assembling components
with a power delivery system and conducting an Integrated
Electrical End-to-End Test.

No API in FY 2020

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 79

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.2.5: Significantly increase the ability to anticipate

and resolve potential safety issues, and to predict the health and
robustness of aviation systems.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Green Green Green Green The Airspace Operations and Safety Program
part of ARMD, works with the Federal Aviation
Administration, industry and academic partners to con-
ceive and develop Next Generation Air Transportation
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020
System (NextGen) technologies to further improve the
3.2.5: Significantly increase the ability to anticipate and safety of current and future aircraft. NextGen methods
resolve potential safety issues, and to predict the health and and means will provide advanced automated support
robustness of aviation systems. to air navigation service providers and aircraft oper-
ators to reduce air-travel times and delays, and to
ensure greater safety in all weather conditions.

As the National Airspace System expands and active learning method that learns from domain expert
becomes more complex, it has become more chal- feedback on whether the statistical anomalies are
lenging to maintain the current high level of safety. safety issues or false alarms, with the goal of reducing
NASA is developing tools for real-time safety monitor- the false alarm rate on future data.
ing and prediction to improve safety in the NAS and
support envisioned operational growth. NASA has significantly sped up data pre-process-
ing to improve data usability. Additionally, NASA will
NASA completed a real-time safety monitoring frame- begin work with MITRE on identifying additional work
work with a set of safety monitoring metrics and infor- needed to make its data-driven methods more useful
mation about current potentially adverse conditions, to safety analysts. NASA, in collaboration with the
which are automatically monitored in real-time. The Federal Aviation Administration, has demonstrated
real-time safety monitoring framework supports a vari- success in identifying operationally significant anom-
ety of users, from those who need a broad overview of alies in Threaded Track data, a compilation of sur-
a day’s flight operations to those who need to decide veillance sources into a representation of an aircraft’s
on a control tactic to employ within the next few optimal end-to-end trajectory. Threaded Track data
minutes. Using an intelligent interface, the real-time also allows a wide range of safety, efficiency, and
safety monitoring framework predicts conditions within security analyses. NASA is working with Booz Allen
a specified prediction horizon. The real-time safety Hamilton on extracting data from Aviation Safety
monitoring framework gives users access to informa- Reporting System reports and will also explore the
tion about adverse conditions in time to make efficient possible use of additional data sources with the goal
preemptive decisions without sacrificing safety. The of identifying leading and lagging indicators of safety
real-time safety monitoring framework was integrated issues.
with the NASA test-bed and demonstrated using live
data from the National Airspace System.
NASA, in collaboration with the MITRE Corporation,
demonstrated progress in identifying operationally
significant anomalies in flight operations quality assur-
ance data. NASA developed an anomaly detection
algorithm, Multiple Kernel Anomaly Detection. For this
project, it identifies anomalies in Flight Operations
Quality Assurance data, which are data collected
onboard commercial aircraft. Like most anomaly
detection methods, Multiple Kernel Anomaly Detection
identifies data points that are statistically anomalous,
some of which may be safety issues, but the remain-
ing of which are false alarms. NASA has developed an

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 80

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

AR-18-4: Develop initial tools for AR-20-8 [Begins in FY 2020]

identifying, measuring, and monitoring
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
safety margins with initial components
for evolution of real-time system-wide No APIs until FY 2020
AR-20-8: Demonstrate the use of formalizable requirements
in order to reduce errors, improve traceability to verification
and validation data, and mitigate safety risks.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No APIs before FY 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AR-19-4: Identify data architecture requirements (i.e., content
and quality) for real-time monitoring of selected operational
risks for small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).
AR-20-9: Validate a human fatigue monitoring tool, and pub-
lish a report relating human performance metrics to aircraft

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 81

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.2.6: Support transformation of civil aircraft

operations and air traffic management through the development,
application, and validation of advanced autonomy and automation
technologies, including addressing critical barriers to enabling
urban on-demand air mobility and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
operations in low-altitude airspace.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate encom-
Green Green Green Green Green Green
passes multiple research programs that develop
advanced technologies to reduce aviation’s envi-
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 ronmental impact and to transform how the world
flies, including the Advanced Air Vehicles Program,
3.2.6: Support transformation of civil aircraft operations and the Airspace Operations and Safety Program, the
air traffic management through the development, applica-
Integrated Aviation Systems Program, and the
tion, and validation of advanced autonomy and automation
Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program.
technologies, including addressing critical barriers to enabling
urban on-demand air mobility and unmanned aircraft systems
(UAS) operations in low-altitude airspace.

Safe integration of UAS, commonly called drones, into

the NAS requires research in multiple areas, includ-
ing communications, human–machine interfaces,
sense-and-avoid, and separation assurance. NASA
completed all of its planned milestones for FY 2018,
continuing progress towards developing a UAS Traffic
Management (UTM) concept and transforming civil
aircraft operations.
Between March and May 2018, NASA completed
Technology Capability Level (TCL) 3 flight tests at AR-18-9: Deliver the third Unmanned
six Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) UAS test
sites around the country (Nevada, Alaska, North
Aircraft System Traffic Management
Dakota, New York, Virginia, and Texas). The testing (UTM) Technology Capability Level (TCL)
investigated several aspects of UTM system opera- demonstration to enable beyond visual
tion and UAS technologies, including communication line-of-sight operations in suburban
and navigation in degraded environments, sensing settings in a live, virtual constructive
and avoiding aircraft, data exchange for nominal and
off-nominal conditions, and a concept of operations
for contingencies and priority operations, such as
public safety. Selective, focused test flights of vehicle
technologies that are needed for TCL-3 performance 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
in sensing and avoiding and in communication and No APIs before FY 2016 Green Green Green
navigation were performed and documented.
The UTM ground automation system was further Planned Annual Performance Indicators
developed to the TCL 3 level by addition of capabili- AR-19-9: Demonstrate the fourth Unmanned Aircraft System
ties and services that enable a federated network of (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) Technology Capability
industry-provided UAS Service Supplier systems. The Level (TCL) to enable management of beyond visual line of
sight UAS operations in a populated urban setting in a live
Flight Information System was also enhanced and
virtual constructive environment.
the technology was transferred to the FAA for further
testing and evaluation. NASA has provided its results No API in FY 2020
to date online.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 82

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

AR-18-10: Complete the data collection,

analysis, and reporting for the Detect
and Avoid (DAA) well clear / alerting
requirements, foundational terminal
operations, human-in-the-loop (HITL)
simulation; and complete the initial test
asset for the Command and Control (C2)
version six (V6) terrestrial communication
system test.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No APIs before FY 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AR-19-10: Complete the data collection, analysis, and report-
ing for the Detect and Avoid (DAA) flight test five (FT5) and
for the Command and Control (C2) version six (v6) terrestrial
communication system flight test. Above: NASA’s Ikhana aircraft, based at Armstrong Flight
Research Center in Edwards, California, takes off on June
No API in FY 2020
12, 2018, for the Agency’s first large-scale, remotely-piloted
aircraft flight in the national airspace without a safety chase
aircraft. The successful flight moved the United States closer to
normalizing unmanned aircraft operations in the airspace used
by commercial and private pilots. Flying these large remote-
AR-20-10 [Begins in FY 2020] ly-piloted aircraft over the United States opens the doors to
all types of services, from monitoring and fighting forest fires,
to providing new emergency search and rescue operations.
Planned Annual Performance Indicators Image credit: NASA/Ken Ulbrich

No APIs until FY 2020

AR-20-10: Develop, conduct, and validate through simulation

increasingly autonomous and automated technologies to
support transformation of civil aircraft operations and air traffic
management and address critical barriers to enabling on-de-
mand urban air mobility operations in low-altitude airspace.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 83

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Strategic Objective 3.3: Inspire and engage the

public in aeronautics, space, and science.

Lead Offices NASA is inspiring, engaging, educating, and employing the next genera-
Missions Support Directorate (MSD) and tion of explorers through NASA-unique science, technology, engineering
Office of Communications (OCOM) and mathematics (STEM) learning opportunities
Goal Leader
Bettina Inclãn, Associate Administrator, 2018 Strategic Review Summary of
The Mission Support Directorate enables the Agency’s missions by
Budget managing institutional services and capabilities. MSD is actively reduc-
ing institutional risk to NASA’s current and future missions by improv-
FY $M ing processes, stimulating efficiency, and providing consistency and
Actual 2018 108.4 uniformity across institutional standards and practices. The Office of
Communications develops and implements outreach strategies to
Enacted 2019 118.1 communicate NASA’s activities to a wide audience. OCOM ensures that
Requested 2020 8.3 NASA uses consistent messaging across the Agency and that communi-
cations activities are consistent with the priorities identified in the NASA
2021 8.3
2018 Strategic Plan. Efforts that supported the assessment included:
2022 8.3
Outyear ■■ OCOM was on track to realign the communication campaigns to
2023 8.3 reflect NASA’s current policy direction.
2024 8.3

Above: Students run the robot they designed and built through an obstacle course at the NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars
Program (NCAS) Robotics competition in June 2018. Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 83

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

■■ NASA’s Office of Diversity and Equal The FY 2020 Budget proposes the termination of
Opportunity (ODEO) continued to conduct more NASA’s traditional education portfolio of domestic
than the required number of compliance reviews assistance awards (grants and cooperative agree-
of grantee institutions annually. ments) that are fully funded in the year of the award
■■ Significant progress had been made to define or annually funded with a performance period of
and establish the Agency’s STEM engagement three to five years. Therefore, the Office of STEM
function, guiding policies, and governance model [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics]
for operations. Engagement performance areas presented in the
following pages do not include a performance plan for
FY 2020.
Performance Measures for
As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
Strategic Objective 3.3 completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
The following pages provide the performance goals grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy
and annual performance indicators supporting and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
Strategic Objective 3.3. They include the final perfor- retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance FY 2018 performance results found on the following
Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019, pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
for the performance goals and annual performance will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
indicators supporting Strategic Objective 3.3. Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.

Summary of Strategic Objective 3.3: Inspire and engage the public in aeronautics,
space, and science.

Performance Goal 5

Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 10

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 84

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.3.1: Enhance reach and effectiveness of programs

and projects that engage the public.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Yellow Green Green Green The Office of Communications develops and
implements outreach strategies to communicate
NASA’s activities to a wide audience. OCOM
ensures that NASA uses consistent messaging
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 across the Agency and that communications activi-
ties are consistent with the priorities identified in the
No PGs after FY 2018 NASA 2018 Strategic Plan.

During FY 2018, NASA launched its official presence The Office of Communications (OCOM) conducted
on Reddit, allowing their large and diverse audience to an analysis of stories on NASA’s Snapchat and
directly engage NASA subject matter experts. NASA Instagram accounts and determined that each story
also distributed regularly scheduled video series should be less than 10 slides in length. By slightly
through the Facebook Watch feature. tweaking how much content is added to Instagram,
Snapchat, or Facebook stories on any given day,
NASA partnered with American Girl on the 2018 Girl the social media team has decreased user drop-off
of the Year, Luciana Vega, an ambitious 11-year-old as more followers are watching the entire story. For
girl who aspires to be an astronaut and the first girl example, a four-slide story posted during the Mars
to put footprints on Mars. The partnership resulted Close Approach on July 30, 2018, had a 62 percent
in a three-book series and NASA-inspired products, completion rate, as compared with previously pub-
including an extravehicular activity spacesuit, space lished 10-slide stories that garner anywhere between
habitat, robotics workbench, and other features. NASA a 40 percent and 50 percent completion rate.
also continued its collaboration with LEGO, including
merchandise approvals for the following LEGO sets:
NASA Apollo Saturn V and Women of NASA.

AMO-18-14: Add at least one new AMO-18-15: Increase cross-Agency

communications technology, platform, participation in a program of metrics
or tool to facilitate and improve cross- by which to assess the reach and
Agency communications collaboration effectiveness, and articulate the value, of
and to reach increasingly broad and activities in the Agency’s communications
diverse audiences. portfolio.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

Planned Annual Performance Indicators
AMO-19-1: Add at least one new communications technology, AMO-19-2: Add at least one new communications technology,
platform, tool, or method to make more effective operations platform, tool or method to achieve more systematic mea-
and use of resources in alignment with the communications surement and evaluation of reach, outcomes, and value of
priorities. agency communications investments.

AMO-20-1: Add at least one new communications technology, AMO-20-2: Add at least one new communications technology,
platform, tool, or method to make more effective operations platform, tool or method to achieve more systematic mea-
and use of resources in alignment with the communications surement and evaluation of reach, outcomes, and value of
priorities. Agency communications investments.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 85

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

AMO 18-16: Maintain, grow, and promote

a toolkit (clearinghouse) of NASA Explore NASA
communications products to share with Aligning communications with
NASA’s communications professionals the Strategic Plan
and employees to help ensure that NASA’s Communications Coordinating Council unveiled
consistent and current content is utilized six communications themes to align with the NASA 2018
in communicating the Agency’s results to Strategic Plan and policy directive. For each theme,
OCOM provides communications products for use
the public. throughout the Agency, including key messages and
talking points, graphics and videos, and a website for
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 theme-related NASA stories. Image credit: NASA
No APIs before 2016 Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

Explore NASA
AMO-19-3: Add at least one new communications technology,
platform, tool or method to help prepare NASA employees to Your home.
engage in telling the NASA story. Our mission.

AMO-20-3: Add at least one new communications technology,

platform, tool or method to help prepare NASA employees to
engage in telling the NASA story.

Explore Flight
NASA’s with you when
AMO 18-17: Strengthen strategic you fly.
communications planning by
improving alignment of Agency-
wide communications activities with
both Office of Communications and Explore Humans
in Space
NASA strategic goals and objectives,
Leading discovery,
including established processes of improving life on Earth.
communications activities prioritization
and campaign teams for execution.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Explore Moon
to Mars
No APIs before 2018 Green
Moon lights the way.

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

Explore Solar
System & Beyond
Discovering the secrets of
SMD-19-1 [Begins in FY 2019] the universe.

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

SMD-19-1: Expand Science Mission Directorate unique as-

sets to support learners in all 50 states. Explore Space Tech
SMD-20-29: Ensure every Science Activation agreement Technology drives explo-
includes at least one NASA-funded subject matter expert ration.
and validate the process by which experts are identified and

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 86

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.3.2: Promote equal opportunity compliance and

encourage best practices among NASA grant recipient institutions.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity’s
external civil rights compliance programs encom-
pass policy, technical assistance, and compliance
components, and have long been recognized
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020 as “best in class” by the Department of Justice’s
3.3.2: Promote equal opportunity compliance and encourage Federal Coordination and Compliance Section,
best practices among NASA grant recipient institutions. which has oversight over all grant-related civil rights
law administration and enforcement.

NASA launched and began conducting equal oppor- AMO-18-4: Continue to conduct civil
tunity reviews on three recipients of NASA financial rights compliance assessments at a
assistance in FY 2018, including two university
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
minimum of two STEM or STEM-related
(STEM) programs and one science museum/center. In programs that receive NASA funding; and
all, NASA has conducted over 70 compliance reviews broaden the scope of civil rights technical
since 2006 to better ensure equal opportunities and assistance to NASA grantees through
promote diversity and inclusion in both formal and the MissionSTEM website, focused
informal STEM education.
on grantee civil rights requirements
The MissionSTEM website is the Agency’s center- and promising practices for grantee
piece for technical assistance on diversity and equal compliance and diversity and inclusion.
opportunity for its grant recipient institutions and
their participants. NASA has established a vigorous
civil rights compliance review program for its grantee 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
institutions and a robust technical assistance effort Green Green Green Green Green Green
centered on its MissionSTEM website. These efforts
are designed to better ensure equal opportunity in
programs receiving NASA grants and cooperative or
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Space Act Agreement funding. Analytics show that
the site had at least 4,200 new visitors every month in AMO-19-4: Continue to conduct civil rights compliance
2018. assessments at a minimum of two STEM or STEM-related
programs that receive NASA funding; and broaden the scope
of civil rights technical assistance to NASA grantees through
Equal Opportunity in Programs Receiving the MissionSTEM website, focused on grantee civil rights
NASA Cooperative and Space Act requirements and promising practices for grantee compliance
Agreement Funds and diversity and inclusion.

ODEO ensures programs and activities have a broad AMO-20-4: Conduct civil rights compliance assessments at
impact on the larger STEM community. a minimum of two NASA-funded STEM or STEM-related pro-
grams, and broaden the scope of civil rights technical assis-
tance to NASA grantees through the MissionSTEM website,
focusing on grantee civil rights requirements and promising
750 science centers, museums, and
research institutes practices for grantee compliance and diversity and inclusion.

$1 billion total awards

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 87

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.3.3: Provide opportunities for students to engage

with NASA’s aeronautics, space, and science people, content, and
facilities in support of a diverse future NASA and aerospace industry

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

White Green Green Green Green Green NASA continues to support the Administration’s
STEM priorities by creating unique opportunities that:
engage students in authentic learning experiences
with NASA’s people, content, and facilities; build a
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020 diverse future workforce; and contribute to exploration
missions. The FY 2020 budget proposes that STEM
3.3.3: Provide opportunities for students to engage with activities, such as internships and fellowships, will
NASA’s aeronautics, space, and science people, content, and be fully-integrated into work across the Agency, and
facilities in support of a diverse future NASA and aerospace does not fund NASA’s traditional education portfolio of
industry workforce. domestic assistance awards (e.g., grants and cooper-
ative agreements). Activities will be coordinated by a
small functional office at NASA Headquarters, funded
out of Agency Management and Operations.

Moving forward, NASA will reassess annual perfor- Higher Education Significant Awards
mance indicators used for this goal, to better reflect
Percentage That Meet or Exceed National Average
agency-wide efforts to support a diverse aerospace
workforce. NASA will also review its existing STEM Category NASA National
efforts to ensure alignment with the Federal STEM Actual Average**
strategic plan, Charting a Course for Success:
Racially or ethnically underrep-
America’s Strategy for STEM Education, which seeks resented student participants
30.7 24.5
to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM.
Higher education interns and
The Office of STEM Engagement exceeded the fellows identified as Hispanic 15.9 14.4
or Latino
national average of participation of STEM higher
education students self-reporting as being of under- Racial categories tradition-
ally underrepresented in 17.6 9.6
represented race or ethnicity. NASA’s performance in STEM fields
diversity is examined across ethnicity, race, gender,
Women 36.4 40.6
and disability status of higher education students who
received significant awards. In FY 2017,* OSTEM Persons with disabilities 2.12 10.5
provided 7,409 higher education significant awards ** National averages were obtained from the U.S. Department of
(e.g., internships, fellowships, scholarships, and other Education’s National Center for Education Statistics Integrated
significant engagement opportunities such as engi- Postsecondary Education Database
neering design challenges with greater than 160 hours
of participation) to higher education students across
all institutional categories and levels.

* Note: NASA assesses annual performance using data reported

for academic years. FY 2018 performance is based on work in the
2016-2017 academic year.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 88

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Above: NASA’s summer 2018 Headquarters interns pose for a photo with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. Image credit: NASA/Aubrey

STEM-18-1: Provide significant, direct

student awards in higher education
to (1) students across all institutional
categories and levels (as defined by
the U.S. Department of Education); (2)
racially or ethnically underrepresented
students, (3) women, and (4) persons with
disabilities at percentages that meet or
exceed the national percentages for these
populations, as determined by the most
recent, publicly available data from the
U.S. Department of Education’s National
Center for Education Statistics for a
minimum of two of the four categories.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

White Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicator

STEM-19-1: Provide significant, direct student awards in high-
er education to (1) students across all institutional categories
and levels (as defined by the U.S. Department of Education),
(2) racially or ethnically underrepresented students (Hispanics
and Latinos, African Americans, American Indians, Alaska
Native, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders), (3) women,
and (4) persons with disabilities, at percentages that meet or
exceeded at the national percentages for the science and en-
gineering graduates, as determined by the most recent, pub-
licly available data from the U.S. Department of Education’s
National Center for Education Statistics for a minimum of two
of the four categories.

NASA is developing FY 2020 annual performance indicators

to reflect Agency-wide STEM efforts.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 89

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.3.4: Enhance the effectiveness of education

investments using performance assessment and evaluation-driven

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PGs before FY 2018 Green NASA continues to support the Administration’s
STEM priorities by creating unique opportunities that:
engage students in authentic learning experiences
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020
with NASA’s people, content, and facilities; build a
diverse future workforce; and contribute to exploration
FY 2019 - 3.3.4: Enhance the effectiveness of education missions. The FY 2020 budget proposes that STEM
investments using performance assessment and evalua- activities, such as internships and fellowships, will
tion-driven processes. be fully-integrated into work across the Agency, and
No PG in FY 2020 does not fund NASA’s traditional education portfolio of
domestic assistance awards (e.g., grants and cooper-
ative agreements). Activities will be coordinated by a
small functional office at NASA Headquarters, funded
out of Agency Management and Operations.

In FY 2018, NASA defined STEM engagement, guid- STEM-18-2: Establish NASA’s

ing policies, and a governance model for operations. science, technology, engineering, and
The new approach encompasses all of NASA’s efforts
to attract, engage, and educate students, and support
mathematics (STEM) engagement
educators and institutions. NASA is using a rigorous function, guiding policies, and
approach to planning and implementing activities governance model for operations that will
through the use of evidence-based effective practices transform the Agency’s portfolio of STEM
for STEM education, performance measurement, and engagement opportunities.

Completed Action Items and Milestones 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
■■ Established the STEM Engagement Council to No APIs before FY 2018 Green
provide strategic direction, planning, operational
integration and oversight, assessment, and
Planned Annual Performance Indicator
stakeholder management of NASA’s compre-
hensive set of STEM engagement functions and STEM-19-2: Design a comprehensive data management
system aligned to performance assessment and evaluation
strategy to collect, analyze, and report data for STEM en-
■■ Completed an assessment of infrastructure, gagement investments.
tools, and systems.
No API in FY 2020
■■ Created a new performance measurement and
assessment strategy, framework, and learning
■■ Refined evaluation business processes.
■■ Developed an Agency wide STEM engagement

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 90

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

STEM-18-3: Develop a comprehensive

performance assessment and evaluation
strategy, including business processes,
measures, processes, and tools that will
be used as the foundation for evidence-
based decision making.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No APIs before FY 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicator

STEM-19-3: Conduct a multiple case study focused on NASA
STEM engagement higher education challenges, competi-
tions, and internships to build knowledge about how these
activities: a) contribute to NASA’s aeronautics, space, and
science missions; b) align to evidence-based effective practic-
es for STEM learning; and c) recruit and retain participants
from groups historically underrepresented and/or underserved
in STEM fields.

No API in FY 2020

STEM-18-4: Release solicitations for

all NASA Office of Education-funded
programs that are in alignment with the
science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) engagement model
and mission directorate priorities.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No APIs before FY 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicator

STEM-19-4: Contribute to American technical capability by
supporting the release of at least 1,300 paper presentations
and peer-reviewed research publications through STEM
engagement investments.

No API in FY 2020

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 91

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

Performance Goal 3.3.5: Provide opportunities for students to

contribute to NASA’s aeronautics, space, and science missions and
work in exploration and discovery.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PGs before FY 2018 Green NASA continues to support the Administration’s
STEM priorities by creating unique opportunities that:
engage students in authentic learning experiences
with NASA’s people, content, and facilities; build a
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020
diverse future workforce; and contribute to exploration
3.3.5: Provide opportunities for students to contribute to missions. The FY 2020 budget proposes that STEM
NASA’s aeronautics, space, and science missions and work activities, such as internships and fellowships, will
in exploration and discovery. be fully-integrated into work across the Agency, and
does not fund NASA’s traditional education portfolio of
domestic assistance awards (e.g., grants and cooper-
Moving forward, NASA will reassess annual perfor-
ative agreements). Activities will be coordinated by a
mance indicators used for this goal, to better reflect small functional office at NASA Headquarters, funded
agency-wide efforts to support a diverse aerospace out of Agency Management and Operations.
workforce. NASA will also review its existing STEM
efforts to ensure alignment with the Federal STEM
strategic plan, Charting a Course for Success:
America’s Strategy for STEM Education, which seeks
to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM.
In FY 2018, NASA provided funding support for three
large networks. Space Grant is a network of colleges
and universities that fund fellowships and scholar- STEM-18-5: Contribute to American
ships. EPSCoR helps states and regions develop
academic research capability and competitiveness. technical capability by supporting
MUREP awards multiyear grants to assist minority the release of at least 1,200 paper
institution faculty and students in NASA related presentations and peer-reviewed research
research. publications through National Space
The Agency assesses the contributions of learners to Grant College and Fellowship Program
NASA’s missions by counting peer-reviewed publi- (Space Grant), Established Program
cations and technical presentations that result from to Stimulate Competitive Research
grants and awards to these institutions. In FY 2018, (EPSCoR), and Minority University
Space Grant, EPSCoR, and MUREP grantee and
awardee institutions reported 1,797 peer-reviewed
Research and Education Project (MUREP)
publications and technical paper presentations in investments.
FY 2017.* Fifty-two percent of the Space Grant and
MUREP peer-reviewed publications were authored or 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
coauthored by students. No APIs before FY 2018 Green

The 2020 Budget proposes to terminate funding for Planned Annual Performance Indicator
the Office of STEM Engagement, including Space
STEM-19-3: Conduct a multiple case study focused on NASA
Grant, EPSCoR, and MUREP. The Budget continues
STEM engagement higher education challenges, competi-
to support other STEM-related activities, such as tions, and internships to build knowledge about how these
internships funded outside of OSTEM, in support of activities: a) contribute to NASA’s aeronautics, space, and
Performance Goal 3.3.5. science missions; b) align to evidence-based effective practic-
es for STEM learning; and c) recruit and retain participants
from groups historically underrepresented and/or underserved
in STEM fields.

NASA is developing FY 2020 annual performance indicators

* Note: NASA assesses annual performance using data reported
to reflect Agency-wide in support of STEM efforts.
for academic years. FY 2018 performance is based on work in the
2016-2017 academic year.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 92

Part 2—Strategic Goal 3 Develop

STEM-19-4 [Begins in FY 2019]

Planned Annual Performance Indicator

STEM-19-4: Contribute to American technical capability by
supporting the release of at least 1,300 paper presentations
and peer-reviewed research publications through STEM
engagement investments.

NASA is developing FY 2020 annual performance indicators

to reflect Agency-wide in support of STEM efforts.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 93


Strategic Goal 4
Optimize capabilities and operations.

On May 3, 2018, a crane lifts the InSight mission, which is enclosed in the payload fairing shown here, onto an Atlas-V rocket
at Space Launch Complex-3 at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The InSight mission was delivered by flatbed trailer to
Vandenberg on April 23, and teams worked to mate the fairing to rocket for the May 5 mission launch. Image credit: NASA/Bill
Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Strategic Objective 4.1: Engage in partnership


Lead Office NASA is supporting cooperative, reimbursable, and funded initiatives

Mission Support Directorate (MSD) through domestic and international partnerships.
Goal Leader
Daniel Tenney, Associate Administrator, 2018 Strategic Review Summary of
The Mission Support Directorate enables the Agency’s missions by
managing institutional services and capabilities. MSD is actively reducing
institutional risk to NASA’s current and future missions by improving pro-
Budget cesses, stimulating efficiency, and providing consistency and uniformity
across institutional standards and practices. Efforts that supported the
FY $M assessment included:
Actual 2018 69.8 ■■ NASA identified methods to increase utilization of new and exist-
Enacted 2019 84.2 ing strategic sourcing initiatives for FY 2018 and beyond. NASA
reduced the number of new contracts across the Agency.
Requested 2020 86.7
■■ The Office of International and Interagency Relations (OIIR)
2021 86.0 supports mission directorate and center work related to NASA
2022 85.4 mission directorates and centers for international and interagency
Outyear agreements for issues of interest to the Agency. OIIR is negotiating
2023 84.8
and concluding over 80 new international and interagency agree-
2024 84.3 ments each year.

Above: NASA astronauts Peggy Whitson and Jack Fischer move a payload on to the NanoRacks External Platform (NREP) to prepare them
for deployment via an airlock in the Japanese Experiment Module on the International Space Station. NREP is a commercial platform that
gives customers access to the extreme space environment. Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 94

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

■■ NASA will continue to evaluate utilization and As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
benefits of the best-in-class, strategic sourcing completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
solution(s), Agency-level managed contracts tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
(Tier 1), and increased competition through grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy
open market purchase for the best value for the and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
Government. retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
FY 2018 performance results found on the following
Performance Measures for pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
Strategic Objective 4.1 mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
The following pages provide the performance goals Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.
and annual performance indicators supporting
Strategic Objective 4.1. They include the final perfor-
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance
Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019,
and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are
charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings
for the performance goals and annual performance
indicators supporting Strategic Objective 4.1.

Summary of Strategic Objective 4.1: Engage in partnership strategies.

Performance Goal 3
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 6

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 95

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.1.1: Efficiently manage the coordination of

NASA’s domestic, interagency, and international partnership
agreements to ensure that the partnerships continue to provide value
to the Agency, including through the advancement of one or more
Agency institutional or programmatic objectives.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PGs before 2018 Green NASA engages in partnerships with international,
intergovernmental, academic, industrial, and entre-
preneurial communities, recognizing them as
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 important contributors of skill and creativity to NASA
missions and for the propagation of its results. The
No PGs after FY 2018
Partnership Office, within MSD, provides Agency-
level strategic policy and procedural guidance for
all domestic, unclassified partnerships matters. The
NASA’s Partnership Office and OIIR both met their Office of International and Interagency Relations
targets for partnership agreements in FY 2018. (OIIR) provides executive leadership and coordination
for NASA’s international activities and partnerships
NASA’s partnership offices negotiated and signed 661 and for policy interactions between NASA and other
new partnership agreements with domestic, non-gov- U.S. Executive Branch offices and agencies. The
ernmental entities. In an effort to continue engaging Partnership Office and OIIR work closely together to
ensure consistency regarding the Agency’s partner-
new and existing partners, NASA personnel from
ships related activities.
all centers conducted numerous outreach meetings
and participated in external forums and conferences
throughout the year to identify and engage with poten-
tial partners. A few of the most visible forums NASA
participated in this year included the 34th Space
Symposium held April 16-19 in Colorado Springs,
Colorado; the Offshore Technology Conference, held
April 30-May 3 in Houston, Texas; and the Small OIIR conducted:
Satellite Conference held August 4-9 in Logan, Utah.
Every year, Center Partnership Offices and the Space 85 New agreements
Technology Mission Directorate Regional Economic
Development Program engage with leaders and 28 Countries and international
clients of small business incubators, startup hubs,
accelerators, and other economic development orga-
nizations. All these outreach activities, which occur
83 Additional
agreements in

in different regions of the country, initiate contact

between NASA and future potential partners to identify
strategic partnerships of mutual benefit to NASA, U.S.
industry, academia, non-profits, and other government AMO-18-11: Negotiate and conclude
agencies. international and interagency agreements
Throughout the fiscal year, OIIR managed 775 active with foreign and domestic partners in
international agreements with 131 countries and 950 support of NASA missions.
interagency agreements with 50 agencies. In addition,
OIIR serves as the principal Agency liaison with the
National Security Council, the Office of Science and 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Technology Policy, the Department of State, and the Green Green Green Green Green Green
Department of Defense. OIIR provides management
oversight and staff support to NASA’s advisory com-
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
mittees, commissions, and panels, and manages the
NASA Export Control Program and foreign travel. No APIs after FY 2018

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 96

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

AMO-18-30: Negotiate and sign at least

300 new partnership agreements with
domestic, non-governmental parties.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No APIs before FY 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

Left: A technician inspects one of

the two satellites for NASA’s Gravity
Recovery and Climate Experiment
Follow-On (GRACE-FO) mission at
the Airbus Defence and Space man-
ufacturing facility in Friedrichshafen,
Germany. GRACE-FO is a partner-
ship between NASA and the German
Research Center for Geosciences.
Image credit: Airbus DS GmbH-A.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 97

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.1.2: Achieve savings for the Agency through

acquisition reforms.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green NASA’s Office of Procurement, part of MSD,
explores and executes innovative, effective, and effi-
cient acquisition business solutions to optimize capa-
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 bilities and operations that enable NASA’s missions.
FY 2019 - 4.1.2: Achieve savings for the Agency through
acquisition reforms.

FY 2020 - TBD

Overall NASA has achieved savings for both the and provides the Government with the flexi-
Agency and Federal strategic sourcing initiatives bility to evaluate both actual performance and
through increased contract efficiencies and reduced the conditions under which it was achieved.
transaction cost in procurement. These initiatives and For FY 2018, the dollar value of CPAF con-
the cost savings/avoidance have generated efficien- tracts remain consistent compared to FY 2017
cies and savings across the Agency and are expected ($6.8 billion in FY 2018 versus $6.8 billion in
to continue and, in some cases, increase in coming FY 2017).
years. »» For FY 2018, the number of new delivery and
The Office of Procurement has achieved cost savings/ task orders issued steadily decreased, with
avoidance for NASA by reducing the cost of getting a decrease of about 6 percent compared to
the contract work done (i.e., transaction costs). Of FY 2017 (2,891 in FY 2018 versus 2,986 in
the eight contract efficiencies initiatives NASA iden- FY 2017).
tified for FY 2018, six (or 75 percent) were effective, ■■ NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) Next
with a slight increase in the total dollars awarded of Generation. The NSSC contract’s primary objec-
non-competed actions compared with FY 2017. The tive is to enable the NSSC to continue to provide
Office of Procurement is focusing on the following over 50 business, technical, and administra-
areas to achieve efficiencies and savings across the tive services to customers across the Agency,
Agency: reduce contract lead times, use of less com- utilizing a shared services business model. The
plex evaluation procedures when appropriate, reduce NSSC Transactional savings resulting from the
the number of task orders, consolidate software consolidations achieved an approximate cost
licenses, reduce the use of award fee contracts and avoidance in FY 2018 of $6.55 million.
reduce the number of incremental funding/de-obliga-
tion actions. Some significant examples are below: NASA also continues to make strides and achieve
savings for the Agency through effective use of
■■ Reducing and Managing High Risk Contract strategic sourcing strategies, both at the Federal and
Actions. NASA continues to make significant Agency level. Of the 10 strategic sourcing initiatives
progress in the reduction and the management NASA identified for FY 2018, 10 (or 100 percent)
of high-risk contract actions. achieved cost avoidance. Significant examples of
»» Cost-plus-award fee (CPAF) contracts pay efforts resulting in savings and usage of strategic
a fee based on the contractor’s work per- sourcing efforts are summarized below:
formance, determined subjectively by a fee ■■ Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement
determination official. A cost-plus contract is (SEWP) V is a multi-award, government-wide
often used when the work to be performed is acquisition contract that negotiates cost avoid-
such that it is neither feasible nor effective to ance/savings through leveraged purchases,
devise predetermined objective incentive tar- reduced fees for utilization (fee avoidance), and
gets applicable to cost, schedule, and techni- decreased price per unit compared to current
cal performance; and the likelihood of meeting higher market prices (cost avoidance). For
acquisition objectives will be enhanced by FY 2018, the total SEWP V fee cost avoidance
using a contract that effectively motivates the and the total negotiated cost avoidance/saving
contractor toward exceptional performance combined was approximately $6.7 million, an

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 98

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

amount that reflects an adjustment to account for AMO-18-9: Achieve savings in at least
the administrative cost of running the program. 70 percent of identified procurement
■■ Enterprise License Management Team (ELMT) initiatives through effective use of both
is an Agency-based, strategic sourcing effort to Federal-level and Agency-level strategic
consolidate software license across the Agency.
ELMT continues to identify and add additional
sourcing approaches.
software to its inventory. This increases NASA’s
buying power by lowering the price per unit, 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
resulting in increased savings. The ELMT pro- Green Green Green Green Green Green
gram has achieved an estimated $64.9 million in
savings (cost avoidance) in FY 2018. Planned Annual Performance Indicators
■■ Synergy Achieving Consolidated Operations AMO-19-10: Achieve savings in at least 70 percent of
and Maintenance (SACOM) contract consoli- identified procurement initiatives through effective use of
dates base operations support for the Michoud both Federal-level and Agency-level strategic sourcing
Assembly Facility and the Stennis Space Center. approaches.
The SACOM procurement achieved an estimated
$27.3 million in cost avoidance in FY 2018 by TBD
providing business at a reduced cost, based on
previous prices paid.
■■ Continuation of NASA’s Infrastructure Technology
(IT) Infrastructure Integration Program (I3P)
Activities have achieved an estimated $15.49
million in savings in FY 2018. These Agency- AMO-18-10: Achieve savings in at least
based strategic sourcing efforts represent negoti-
70 percent of identified procurement
ated cost avoidance/savings and fee avoidance.
initiatives through increased contract
efficiencies and reduced transaction
IT Infrastructure Integration Program costs in NASA procurements.
Contracts FY 2018 Cost Avoidance
Millions of Dollars 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Green Green Green Green
I3P Contract Cost Avoidance
EAST2 $2.37
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
ACES $3.29
NICS $8.46 AMO-19-9: Achieve savings in at least 70 percent of identified
Networx $1.37 procurement initiatives through increased contract efficiencies
and reduced transaction costs in NASA procurements.
Total $15.49


NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 99

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.1.3: Develop and implement the multiyear NASA

Small Business Strategic Plan, which will promote and increase small
business programs and outreach through strategic collaborative
efforts with internal and external partners and stakeholders.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PGs before FY 2018 Green The Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP)
works to promote and integrate small businesses into
the competitive base of contractors that pioneer the
Performance Goals Planned for FY 2019-2020 future of space exploration, scientific discovery, and
aeronautics research.
FY 2019 - 4.1.3: Develop and implement the multiyear NASA
Small Business Strategic Plan, which will promote and
increase small business programs and outreach through stra-
tegic collaborative efforts with internal and external partners
and stakeholders.

FY 2020 - TBD

During FY 2018, The Office of Small Business

Programs (OSBP) achieved results that were a first AMO-18-32: Strengthen and promote
in NASA’s small business history by transforming
NASA’s outreach to the small business community.
small business awareness and
Through fostered relationships with numerous inter- participation by utilizing innovative
nal and external stakeholders, OSBP hosted regional techniques to benefit the Agency’s small
outreach events in partnership with local procurement business program, including through
technical assistance centers in nontraditional, geo- the consolidation of Agency-level small
graphically-targeted areas, where the Agency does
not have a traditional footprint, to enhance all catego-
business activities in specific, pre-
ries of small business. determined geographical areas.
At the Midwest Aerospace Small Business Industry
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Day “The Future Is Now” event, held May 9, 2018,
No APIs before FY 2018 Green
90 percent of the survey respondents stated that the
event increased their level of knowledge about NASA
and what NASA procures. More than 93 percent of the
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
survey respondents said they would be agreeable with
NASA following up to see what acquisition opportuni- AMO-19-11: Strengthen and promote small business aware-
ties resulted from the event, enabling OSBP to have a ness and participation by utilizing innovative techniques
more targeted and streamlined approach to outreach. to benefit the Agency’s small business program, including
through the consolidation of Agency-level small business
Every year, the Small Business Administration’s activities in specific, pre-determined geographical areas.
Procurement Scorecard assesses how federal agen- TBD
cies perform on negotiated small business, socio-eco-
nomic prime contracting and subcontracting goals.
For the FY 2017 Procurement Scorecard, released
in May 2018, the Small Business Administration
awarded NASA an “A”. NASA exceeded its small
business engagement goals in both prime and sub-
contracting awards for the first time since FY 2013,
awarding approximately $2.8 billion directly to small
businesses—about $100 million more than FY 2016
prime awards.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 100

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

AMO-18-33: Implement a strategic training

plan to promote the NASA Small Business

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No APIs before 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

AMO-19-12 [Begins in FY 2019]

Glenn Delgado, Associate Administrator for OSBP, provides
Planned Annual Performance Indicators insight to small businesses at the Reaching High Aerospace
AMO-19-12: Implement a set of pre-award procurement activ- Matchmaker Event in Athens, Ohio, on July 17, 2018. Associate
Administrator Delgado talked about the event on Spectrum,
ities designed to increase opportunities for small businesses.
a show broadcast on Athens public radio station WOUB. The
interview was aired in 58 counties in Ohio, West Virginia,
No APIs after 2019
Pennsylvania and eastern Kentucky. The full interview is avail-
able through WOUB Digital’s Spectrum site (NASA is Reaching
Out to Promote and Increase Contracts with Small Businesses).
Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 101

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Strategic Objective 4.2: Enable space access and


Lead Office NASA is supporting the communication, launch service, rocket propulsion
Human Exploration and Operations testing, and strategic capabilities needs of NASA’s programs.
Mission Directorate (HEOMD)

Goal Leader 2018 Strategic Review Summary of

Altonell Mumford, Deputy Associate
Administrator, HEOMD Progress
The Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate leads
and manages NASA space operations related to human exploration in
Budget and beyond low Earth orbit. HEOMD oversees requirements develop-
ment, policy, and programmatic oversight across its numerous programs.
HEOMD’s activities include the International Space Station, commercial
space transportation, low Earth orbit spaceflight operations, deep space
Actual 2018 2,345.8 exploration systems, launch services, and space communications. Efforts
Enacted 2019 2,108.7 that supported the assessment included:
Requested 2020 1,828.6 ■■ NASA and its Commercial Crew Program partners continued to
work their transportation system production and certification activi-
2021 1,854.1 ties and subsequent post certification missions.
2022 1,814.5
Outyear ■■ NASA was on track in meeting a minimum of 90 percent overall
2023 1,746.2 availability of Space Environments Testing Management Office
2024 1,727.2
(SETMO) portfolio of assets, which are necessary to meet the long-
term needs and requirements of the Agency.

Above: SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft lifts off on a Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on June 29, 2018, on its
way to the International Space Station. Image credit: SpaceX

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 102

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

■■ On February 8, 2018, Space Communications Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019,
and Navigation (SCaN) successfully transferred and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are
the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)-13 charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings
to the Space Network Project for operations. for the performance goals and annual performance
■■ The Rocket Propulsion Test Program (RPT) indicators supporting Strategic Objective 4.2.
achieved a 99.1 percent facility availability, far As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
exceeding its target of 90 percent facility readi- completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
ness. tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
■■ The Launch Support Program (LSP) completed grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy
the Falcon 9 Full Thrust Category-2 Certification and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
in January 2018. retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
FY 2018 performance results found on the following
Performance Measures for pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
Strategic Objective 4.2 mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
The following pages provide the performance goals Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.
and annual performance indicators supporting
Strategic Objective 4.2. They include the final perfor-
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance

Summary of Strategic Objective 4.2: Enable space access and services.

Performance Goal 7 1
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 8 1

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 103

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.2.1: Provide cargo transportation to support on-

orbit crew members and utilization.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Yellow Green Green Green The International Space Station is a unique scientific
platform in low Earth orbit that enables research in a
microgravity environment. Several research facilities
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 are on the ISS to support science investigations in
biology, biotechnology, human physiology, material sci-
4.2.1: Provide cargo transportation to support on-orbit crew ence, physical sciences, and technology development.
members and utilization. The ISS program is part of HEOMD.

U.S. commercial providers exceeded the target ISS-18-7: Complete at least three flights,
of three commercial cargo launches for this per- delivering research and logistics
formance goal to be rated green. There were five
commercial cargo launches by U.S. providers in
hardware to the International Space
FY 2018, delivering research and logistics hardware Station (ISS), by U.S.-developed cargo
to the International Space Station. Two deliveries, delivery systems.
in November 2017 and May 2018, were provided by
Orbital ATK.1 Three deliveries, in December 2017,
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
April 2018, and July 2018, were provided by Space
Explorations Technologies Corporation (SpaceX). Green Green Yellow Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

ISS-19-9: Complete at least three flights, delivering research

and logistics hardware to the International Space Station
(ISS), by U.S.-developed cargo delivery systems.

ISS-20-13: Complete at least three flights, delivering research

and logistics hardware to the International Space Station
(ISS), by U.S.-developed cargo delivery systems.

1In June 2018, Orbital ATK became Northrop Grumman Innovation


NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 104

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.2.2: Facilitate the development of and certify

U.S. industry-based crew transportation systems while maintaining
competition, returning International Space Station (ISS) crew
transportation to the United States. (Agency Priority Goal)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PG Green Green Green Yellow Yellow The Commercial Crew Program, part of HEOMD,
is working with the American aerospace industry as
companies develop and operate a new generation of
Planned Performance Goals spacecraft and launch systems capable of carrying
2019 - 4.2.2: Facilitate the development of and certify U.S. crews to low Earth orbit and the ISS.
industry-based crew transportation systems while maintaining
competition, returning International Space Station (ISS) crew
transportation to the United States. (Agency Priority Goal)
2020 - 4.2.2: Facilitate the development, certification, and
operation of U.S. industry-based crew transportation systems
while maintaining competition. Return crew transportation
to and from the International Space Station (ISS) and other
space destinations to the United States.

The Commercial Crew Program and its industry CS-18-1: Continue monitoring partner
partners, the Boeing Company (Boeing) and SpaceX, milestone progress toward identifying
continue to make measurable technical and program-
matic progress toward the certification of commer-
and closing certification products, in
cial crew transportation systems. However, in late alignment with negotiated contract
June 2018, Boeing experienced an anomaly while milestones, including the completion
conducting a hot fire test of its test service module’s by the Boeing Company of its planned
abort engines. As a result of the anomaly, Boeing was Service Module hot fire, launch abort test.
unable to complete the pad abort test during the fiscal
During the static pad abort test, conducted at NASA’s 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
White Sands Test Facility, Boeing tested engines that No PG Green Green Green Yellow Yellow
would propel the service module away from its launch
vehicle if an emergency is detected on the pad or
during ascent. The test is an important step in certi- Planned Annual Performance Indicators
fying the spacecraft for flight. Boeing is analyzing the CS-19-1: Continue monitoring partner milestone progress
test data to identify the root causes, and will provide toward identifying and closing certification products, in
NASA an updated schedule for this milestone. alignment with negotiated contract milestones, including the
completion by at least one of NASA’s industry partners of its
SpaceX completed its milestones, including comple- Certification Review.
tion of the qualification testing program of its Merlin CS-20-1: Continue monitoring partner progress toward negoti-
1D engine for use in the Falcon 9 rocket, which will ated contract milestones, to include at least one industry part-
carry the SpaceX crew module. ner having a certified crew transportation system and making
demonstrable progress toward its post-certification missions.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 105

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Above: The upper and lower domes of the Boeing CST-100 Above: The SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft that will be used
Starliner Spacecraft 2 Crew Flight Test Vehicle were mated June for the company’s uncrewed flight test, known as Demonstration
19, 2018, inside the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Mission 1, arrived at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida
Facility (C3PF) at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The Starliner on Tuesday, July 10, 2018. The spacecraft recently underwent
will launch astronauts on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket thermal vacuum and acoustic testing at NASA’s Plum Brook Station
to the International Space Station enabled by NASA’s Commercial in Ohio. The Demonstration Mission 1 flight test is part of NASA’s
Crew Program. Image credit: Boeing Commercial Crew Transportation Capability contract with the goal
of returning human spaceflight launch capabilities to the United
States. Image credit: SpaceX

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 106

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.2.3: Invest financial and technical resources to

stimulate efforts within the private sector to develop and demonstrate
safe, reliable, and cost-effective space capabilities.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Commercial Crew Program, part of HEOMD,
is working with the American aerospace industry as
companies develop and operate a new generation of
Planned Performance Goal spacecraft and launch systems capable of carrying
crews to low Earth orbit and the ISS.
2019 - 4.2.3: Invest financial and technical resources to stim-
ulate efforts within the private sector to develop and demon-
strate safe, reliable, and cost-effective space capabilities.

No PG in FY 2020

NASA is working with the American aerospace indus-

try to develop commercial spaceflight capabilities
for low Earth orbit and beyond. In FY 2018, NASA’s
industry partners completed planned milestones for
designing and developing space transportation capa-
In December 2017, Final Frontier Design completed
microgravity tests of their intravehicular activity (IVA)
spacesuit aboard a Boeing 727. The successful tests,
which were conducted through a grant from NASA’s
Flight Opportunities Program, were an important mile-
stone in qualifying the IVA spacesuit for use.
CS-18-2: Continue monitoring partner
Blue Origin made progress in building its Orbital milestone progress based on agreement
Launch Site at Kennedy Space Center’s multi-user content, including the first microgravity
spaceport. At the end of FY 2018, the launch vehicle
test of Final Frontier Design’s
manufacturing and operations building was nearly
complete and work was progressing to build new commercially developed pressurized
launch infrastructure at the two historic Launch Center intravehicular activity (IVA) spacesuit in a
(LC)-36 pads. Blue Origin will eventually use LC-36 to microgravity environment.
launch its New Glenn rocket.
In March 2018, Orbital ATK subsidiary SpaceLogistics 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
announced that it is developing a second-generation Green Green Green Green Green Green
Mission Extension Vehicle (MEV), capable of docking
with a satellite and managing that satellite’s guidance,
navigation, and control. The MEV would be able to Planned Annual Performance Indicators
extend the life of a satellite for up to five years, as well CS-19-2: Continue monitoring partner milestone progress
as help relocate the satellite to a graveyard orbit at the based on agreement content, including the launch of Orbital
end of operations. SpaceLogistics is developing the ATK’s first Mission Extension Vehicle (MEV).
MEV in partnership with NASA’s Science Technology
No APIs after 2019
Mission Directorate.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 107

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.2.4: Review the current state of the NASA test
capabilities, known test requirements, and test requests, and ensure
their availability to meet the Nation’s needs.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

NASA’s Rocket Propulsion Test (RPT) Program,
Green Green Green Green Green Green
part of HEOMD, is responsible for managing and
sustaining the Agency’s facilities for ground testing
rocket engines. It works both to advance new test
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020
technologies and to reduce propulsion test costs. The
4.2.4: Review the current state of the NASA test capabilities, RPT program is also NASA’s representative on the
known test requirements, and test requests, and ensure their National Rocket Propulsion Test Alliance, represents
availability to meet the Nation’s needs. NASA on the National Rocket. The alliance works with
other Federal Government agencies to shape national
rocket propulsion test capabilities.

The RPT Program continually monitors the state of SFS-18-2: Sustain 90 percent availability
NASA’s test capabilities, known test requirements, of test facilities to support NASA
and test requests. NASA uses weekly Rocket
Propulsion Test Management Board teleconferences
and other customers’ planned test
and semi-annual Program Manager Reviews to mon- requirements.
itor the condition and operational state of all facilities
and to work solutions as needed. The board tracks
current test activities, requirements for upcoming 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
tests, and requests for future testing. Green Green Green Green Green Green

During FY 2018, RPT centers performed 1,056 tests,

with 12,762 seconds of hot-fire testing and 1,173,600 Planned Annual Performance Indicators
seconds of thermal vacuum testing, for a total of
SFS-19-2: Sustain 90 percent availability of test facili-
1,186,365 seconds of time spent in testing. During the ties to support NASA and other customers’ planned test
same period, there were seven facility-caused delays requirements.
at RPT facilities. As a result, the RPT program a facil- SFS-20-2: Sustain 90 percent availability of test facili-
ity readiness rating of 99.3 percent facility readiness ties to support NASA and other customers’ planned test
rating, which exceeded the RPT program’s 90 percent requirements.
target for the fiscal year.

Right: Technicians ready a developmental

RS-25 engine number 0525 for installation
on the A-1 test stand at Stennis Space
Center on July 23 in preparation for a series
of hot-fire tests. Once unloaded from the
delivery platform, the engine will be lifted by
crane into its test position. NASA conducted
the series of hot-fire tests in mid-August.
Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 108

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.2.5: Complete Launch Services Program (LSP)

objectives for all NASA-managed expendable launches.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green NASA’s Launch Services Program (LSP) is respon-
sible for the acquisition and management of commer-
cial, expendable launch vehicle missions for NASA
and NASA-sponsored payloads. LSP oversees all
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 aspects of launch services, including launch vehicle
4.2.5: Complete Launch Services Program (LSP) objectives engineering and manufacturing, launch operations
for all NASA-managed expendable launches. and countdown management, and quality and mission

LSP sustained a 100 percent success rate for SFS-18-3: Sustain a 100 percent success
FY 2018, with the successful launch of seven mis- rate with the successful launch of
sions aboard seven different launch vehicle configu-
rations supporting missions from both the east coast
NASA-managed expendable launches as
and west coast launch bases. LSP also successfully identified each fiscal year on the Launch
completed all acquisitions scheduled for award in Services Flight Planning Board manifest.
FY 2018. Each acquisition was awarded on-time,
and met customer requirements. In October 2017,
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
launch service task orders were awarded for both the
Sentinel-6A and Landsat 9 missions. Launch services Green Green Green Green Green Green
task order acquisitions are in work for the GOES-T,
Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), Lucy, and Planned Annual Performance Indicators
the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mis- SFS-19-3: Sustain a 100 percent success rate with the
sions. successful launch of NASA-managed expendable launches
as identified each fiscal year on the Launch Services Flight
FY 2018 Launches Planning Board manifest.
■■ November 18, 2017 - Joint Polar Satellite System SFS-20-3: Sustain a 100 percent success rate with the
(JPSS)-1 successful launch of NASA-managed expendable launches
as identified each fiscal year on the Launch Services Flight
■■ March 1, 2018 - Geostationary Operational Planning Board Manifest.
Environmental Satellite (GOES)-S
■■ May 22, 2018 - Gravity Recovery and Climate
Experiment Follow-on (GRACE-FO)
■■ April 18, 2018 - Transiting Exoplanet Survey SFS-18-4: Complete acquisitions on time
Satellite (TESS) for NASA-managed expendable launches.
■■ May 5, 2018 - Interior Exploration using Seismic
Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
(InSight) No API Green Green Green Green Green
■■ August 12, 2018 - Parker Solar Probe (PSP)
■■ September 15, 2018 - Ice, Cloud, and land Planned Annual Performance Indicators
Elevation Satellite (ICESat)-2
SFS-19-4: Complete acquisitions on time for NASA-managed
expendable launches.
SFS-20-4: Complete acquisitions on time for NASA-managed
expendable launches.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 109

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.2.6: Maintain a minimum of 95 percent delivery of

the Space Communications network services that support NASA and
other customers’ mission success.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Space Communications and Navigation
(SCaN) program, part of the HEOMD, is responsi-
ble for the NASA-wide operation, management, and
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 development of all NASA space communications and
navigation capabilities and enabling technologies.
4.2.6: Maintain a minimum of 95 percent delivery of the The SCaN program manages and directs the ground-
Space Communications network services that support NASA based facilities and services of three networks,
and other customers’ mission success. including the Near Earth Network, Space Network,
and Deep Space Network, which span the globe and
support over 70 missions.

During FY 2018, SCaN exceeded its annual perfor-

mance target of 99 percent delivery of space commu-
nications to NASA and other customers. The Space
Network maintained near-continuous communications
(more than 99.9 percent) for the International Space
Station, Hubble Space Telescope, and other satellites
below geosynchronous orbit.
On January 31, 2018, NASA completed the Initial
Operational Capability milestone to transition the
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)-M (since
renamed TDRS-13) into operation as part of the
Space Network. TDRS-13 has been in operation since
February 2019. It transmits data to and from ground
stations on Earth for NASA space missions and
expendable rockets.

SFS-18-5: Demonstrate Initial Operating

Capability of the Tracking and Data Relay
Satellite (TDRS)-M spacecraft.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

SFS-19-5: Maintain a minimum of 95 percent delivery of the
Space Communications network services that support NASA
and other customers’ mission success.
Above: The White Sands Ground Terminal in Las Cruces, New
SFS-20-5: Maintain a minimum of 95 percent delivery of the Mexico, comprises several antennas that provide communica-
Space Communications network services that support NASA tions to spacecraft as part of NASA’s Space Network. Image
and other customers’ mission success. credit: NASA/Amber Jacobson

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 110

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.2.7: Replace the aging Deep Space Network (DSN)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Space Communications and Navigation
(SCaN) program, part of the HEOMD, is responsi-
ble for the NASA-wide operation, management, and
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 development of all NASA space communications and
4.2.7: Replace the aging Deep Space Network (DSN) navigation capabilities and enabling technologies.
infrastructure. The SCaN program manages and directs the ground-
based facilities and services of three networks,
including the Near Earth Network, Space Network,
and Deep Space Network, which span the globe and
support over 70 missions.

In FY 2018, SCaN continued construction of its two SFS-18-6: Continue the Deep Space
new antennas, Deep Space Station (DSS)-53 and Network Aperture Enhancement Project
DSS-56 at the Madrid Deep Space Communications
Complex in FY 2018. SCaN completed construction
(DAEP) at the Madrid Deep Space
on the dishes’ pedestals, which support the 34-meter Communications Complex (MDSCC) by
antenna structures and house the electronic and radio completing the pedestal construction of
frequency equipment critical to their operation. The both Deep Space Station (DSS)-56 and
antenna structures are being erected on top of the DSS-53 by the end of FY 2018.
pedestals, and the electronics work is on schedule.
The Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex,
located in Spain, is part of NASA’s Deep Space 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Network and provides communications to and from Green Green Green Green Green Green
interplanetary spacecraft.
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
SFS-19-6: Continue the Deep Space Network Aperture
Enhancement Project (DAEP) at the Madrid Deep Space
Communications Complex (MDSCC) by completing the
construction milestones to lift the antenna reflector for Deep
Space Station (DSS)-56 and to deliver the 20-kilowatt trans-
mitter for DSS-53 by the end of FY 2019.

SFS-20-6: Continue the Deep Space Network Aperture

Enhancement Project (DAEP) at the Madrid Deep Space
Communications Complex (MDSCC) by completing subsys-
tem acceptance testing for Deep Space Station (DSS)-53 by
the end of FY 2020.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 111

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.2.8: Ensure the strategic availability and

maintenance of facilities that are necessary to meet the long-term
needs and requirements of the Agency.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PG Green Green Green Green Green The Strategic Environments Testing Management
Office (SETMO), part of the Office of Strategic
Infrastructure, maintains the skilled workforce and
performs essential preventive maintenance to ensure
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020
that NASA’s key capabilities and critical assets will
4.2.8: Ensure the strategic availability and maintenance of continue to be available in the future to support the
facilities that are necessary to meet the long-term needs and missions that require them. Core capabilities sup-
requirements of the Agency. ported within SETMO include thermal vacuum cham-
bers, simulators, and the Arc Jet Complex at Ames
Research Center.

Overall availability of the SETMO portfolio of capability SC-18-1: Achieve a minimum of 90

components was 97.2 percent in FY 2018, exceed- percent overall availability of Space
ing the target performance of 90 percent availability.
Availability did not reach 100 percent due to two
Environment Testing Management Office
events. Ames Research Center Arc Jet Complex had (SETMO) portfolio of assets, which are
a fire in one of its power transformers. After complet- necessary to meet the long-term needs
ing repairs, the Arc Jet Complex, which provides the and requirements of the Agency.
facilities to test thermal protection system concepts
and materials, anticipates resuming operation after
January 1, 2019. At the Ames Research Center’s 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Vertical Motion Simulator, a flight simulation complex, No API Green Green Green Green Green
an operational amplifier on a circuit board failed.
While both events reduced overall availability, nei- Planned Annual Performance Indicators
ther delayed nor had major impacts on critical project
milestones. SC-19-1: Achieve a minimum of 90 percent overall availability
of Space Environment Testing Management Office (SETMO)
portfolio of assets, which are necessary to meet the long-term
needs and requirements of the Agency.
SC-20-1: Achieve a minimum of 90 percent overall availability
of Space Environment Testing Management Office (SETMO)
portfolio of assets, which are necessary to meet the long-term
needs and requirements of the Agency.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 112

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Strategic Objective 4.3: Assure safety and mission


Lead Office NASA is assuring effective management of NASA programs and opera-
Technical Authorities: Office of the Chief tions to complete the mission safely and successfully.
Engineer (OCE), Office of the Chief
Health and Medical Officer (OCHMO),
and Office of Safety and Mission 2018 Strategic Review Summary of
Assurance (OSMA)
Goal Leader
Harold Bell, Deputy Chief, OSMA NASA’s Safety and Mission Success programs incorporate the work
of multiple offices and facilities to protect the health and safety of the
NASA workforce and improve the likelihood that the Agency’s programs,
projects, and operations will be completed safely and successfully. These
offices and facilities include the Office of the Chief Engineer, Office of
Budget the Chief Health and Medical Officer, Office of Safety and Mission
Assurance, the NASA Safety Center, and NASA’s Independent
FY $M Verification and Validation Facility. Efforts that supported the assess-
Actual 2018 175.7 ment included:
Enacted 2019 175.1 ■■ Zero fatalities or permanent disabling injuries to the public resulting
from NASA activities.
Requested 2020 192.0
■■ Active engagement with NASA programs and institutions in order to
2021 192.0 advise, advocate, and ensure safety and mission success.
2022 194.2
Outyear ■■ Robust knowledge management and communities of practice that
2023 186.2 capture and integrate lessons learned into future missions.
2024 186.2

Above: Engineers use fake smoke to imitate a scenario in which astronauts must exit the Orion capsule when their vision is obscured. The
simulation was part of safety evaluations conducted in late October 2017. Image credit: NASA/Rad Sinyak

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 113

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Measures for and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
Strategic Objective 4.3 FY 2018 performance results found on the following
pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
The following pages provide the performance goals it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
and annual performance indicators supporting mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
Strategic Objective 4.3. They include the final perfor- will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.
Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019,
and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are
charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings
for the performance goals and annual performance
indicators supporting Strategic Objective 4.3.
As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy

Summary of Strategic Objective 4.3: Assure safety and mission success.

Performance Goal 2
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 8

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 114

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.3.1: Assure the safety and health of NASA’s

activities and reduce damage to assets through the development,
implementation, and oversight of Agency-wide safety, reliability,
maintainability, quality assurance, and health and medical policies and
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Green Green Green Green NASA’s Safety and Mission Success programs incor-
porate the work of multiple offices and facilities to pro-
tect the health and safety of the NASA workforce and
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 improve the likelihood that the Agency’s programs,
projects, and operations will be completed safely
4.3.1: Assure the safety and health of NASA’s activities and and successfully. These offices and facilities include
reduce damage to assets through the development, imple- the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance, the
mentation, and oversight of Agency-wide safety, reliability, Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer, the
maintainability, quality assurance, and health and medical
policies and procedures.
Office of the Chief Engineer, the NASA Safety
Center, and NASA’s Independent Verification and
Validation Facility.

In FY 2018, NASA continued to ensure the safety AMO-18-25: Achieve zero fatalities or
and health of its activities and minimized the damage permanent disabling injuries to the public
to its assets. There were no fatalities or permanent
disabling injuries to the public from NASA activities in
resulting from NASA activities during
FY 2018. Health issues that have impacted an astro- FY 2018.
naut’s medical certification have been reviewed and
dispositioned within one month of the time of diagno- 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
sis. Employees filing workers’ compensation claims Green Green Green Green Green Green
have been contacted within three days of receiving a
request for assistance with documentation, and these
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
requests have been dispositioned within 30 days.
AMO-19-13: Achieve zero fatalities or permanent disabling
NASA has achieved a Total Case Rate and Lost Time injuries to the public resulting from NASA activities during
Case Rate beyond the injury and illness goals of the FY 2019.
Administration. Specifically, an agency must have total
and lost time injury rates at least one percent below its AMO-20-8: Achieve zero fatalities or permanent disabling
prior year rates. If an agency has a rate of one injury injuries to the public resulting from NASA activities during
FY 2020.
or illness per 100 employees per year or less, no fur-
ther reductions are required. NASA’s Total Case Rate
is currently significantly under one injury or illness
per 100 employees per year; at the end of FY 2018, AMO-18-26: Maintain a Total Case Rate
NASA’s FY 2018 Total Case Rate is 0.19 and NASA’s and Lost Time Case Rate below 1.0 cases
Lost Time Case Rate is only 0.03.
per 100 employees.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AMO-19-14: Maintain a Total Case Rate and Lost Time Case

Rate below 1.0 cases per 100 employees.

AMO-20-9: Maintain a Total Case Rate and Lost Time Case

Rate below 1.0 cases per 100 employees.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 115

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

AMO-18-27: Reduce damage to NASA AMO-18-34: During FY 2018, make

assets (excluding launched flight sure that the medical certifications of
hardware) by two percent per year NASA’s active astronauts are reviewed
through FY 2018, compared to an FY 2010 and dispositioned within one month
baseline (in real dollars). of diagnosis, and that employees who
file Workers’ Compensation claims are
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 contacted within three days of receiving
Green Green Green Green Green Green a request for assistance and that these
requests are dispositioned within 30
Planned Annual Performance Indicators days.
AMO-19-15: Reduce damage to NASA assets (excluding
launched flight hardware) by two percent per year through 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
FY 2019, compared to an FY 2010 baseline (in real dollars). No APIs before FY 2018 Green

AMO-20-10: Reduce damage to NASA assets (excluding

launched flight hardware) in FY 2020 to a level less than the Planned Annual Performance Indicators
historical annual average.
AMO-19-16: During FY 2019, make sure that the medical
certifications of NASA’s active astronauts are reviewed and
dispositioned within one month of diagnosis, and that employ-
ees who file Workers’ Compensation claims are contacted
within three days of receiving a request for assistance and
that these requests are dispositioned within 30 days.
AMO-20-11: During FY 2020, make sure that the medical
certifications of NASA’s active astronauts are reviewed and
dispositioned within one month of diagnosis, and that employ-
ees who file Workers’ Compensation claims are contacted
within three days of receiving a request for assistance and
that these requests are dispositioned within 30 days.

FY 2018 Costs Associated with Non-Mission Failure Damage

$3.8 million of non-mission (i.e., excluding launched flight hardware) was significantly below the target of $6.5
million. The five-year running average was $4.2 million.

Image credit: NASA

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 116

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.3.2: Implement the policies, procedures, and

oversight to continuously improve the probability of technical and
programmatic mission success.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No API Green Green Green Green Green NASA’s Safety and Mission Success programs incor-
porate the work of multiple offices and facilities to pro-
tect the health and safety of the NASA workforce and
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020 improve the likelihood that the Agency’s programs,
projects, and operations will be completed safely and
No PGs after FY 2018
successfully. These offices and facilities include the
Office of Safety and Mission Assurance, the Office
of the Chief Health and Medical Officer, the Office
of the Chief Engineer, the NASA Safety Center, and
NASA’s Independent Verification and Validation

NASA continued implementing policies, procedures, The Academy of Program/Project and Engineering
and oversight necessary to improve the probability of Leadership (APPEL) maintains and funds remote
technical and programmatic mission success. NASA database and reference material access capabilities
assigns projects to category 1,2, or 3 based on the to allow 100 percent of the program and project man-
estimated lifecycle costs and priority level. During FY agement community access to the materials needed
2018, 100 percent of the category 1 and 2 projects to achieve or maintain their certification requirements.
complied with Safety and Mission success policies The materials required by the workforce are main-
and procedures. All projects that conducted lifecycle tained on an Agency-accessible community of practice
reviews had independent reviews scheduled. All cate- knowledge website. During FY 2018, the website did
gory 1 and 2 projects were executing to an approved not experience non-scheduled outages. Furthermore,
plan or were in an approved re-baseline planning the NASA Engineering Network availability was 99.7
cycle. The NASA Engineering and Safety Center sup- percent, exceeding the requirement of greater than 98
ported all requested assessments for category 1 and percent. The NASA Engineering Network provides an
2 projects meeting the NASA Engineering and Safety online forum for engineering and programmatic work-
Center’s established acceptance criteria. force to share lessons learned, interact with subject
matter experts, find useful tools and resources, and
In addition, the entire engineering and programmatic keep up with current events.
workforce had access to the standards and knowl-
edge base necessary to maintain and build their skills.

AMO-18-28: Assure 100 percent AMO-18-29: Assure that 100 percent

of Category 1 and 2 projects use of the engineering and programmatic
Agency Safety and Mission Success workforce has access to the standards
policy, procedures and independent and knowledge base needed to maintain
assessments focused on both technical and build their skills.
and programmatic mission success.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No API Green Green Green Green Green
No API Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

Planned Annual Performance Indicators
No APIs after FY 2018
No APIs after FY 2018

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 117

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

AMO-18-35: During FY 2018, keep the

number of variances made in any single
human spaceflight program to below five
percent of the total number of program
requirements derived from Office of
the Chief Health and Medical Officer
(OCHMO) standards and policies.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No APIs before FY 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

AMO-18-40: Achieving Agency

strategic goals depends on adhering
to aggressive schedules and avoiding
resource expenditures and risk
incurrence associated with delayed
implementation. During FY 2018, support
the success of the human spaceflight
program by responding to all program
variance requests relating to Office of
the Chief Health and Medical Officer
(OCHMO) standards for crew health and
performance within one month from the
time of the initial program request.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No APIs before FY 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No APIs after FY 2018

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 118

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Strategic Objective 4.4: Manage human capital.

Lead Office NASA is cultivating a diverse and innovative workforce with the right bal-
Mission Support Directorate (MSD) ance of skills and experience to provide an inclusive work environment
and Office of the Chief Human Capital in which employees that possess varying perspectives, education levels,
Officer (OCHCO) life experiences, and backgrounds can work together and remain fully
engaged in the Agency’s Mission.
Goal Leader
Daniel Tenney, Associate Administrator,
MSD 2018 Strategic Review Summary of
Budget The Mission Support Directorate enables the Agency’s missions by
managing institutional services and capabilities. MSD is actively reduc-
ing institutional risk to NASA’s current and future missions by improving
processes, stimulating efficiency, and providing consistency and uni-
Actual 2018 38.4 formity across institutional standards and practices. The Office of the
Enacted 2019 68.5 Chief Human Capital Officer, part of MSD, helps NASA maintain an
adaptable and skilled workforce. OCHCO is responsible for building and
Requested 2020 69.2 maintaining an integrated talent management model that addresses the
2021 68.6 entire employee lifecycle. It also provides workforce analytics that deliver
strategic insight and measures success through integrated human capital
2022 68.8
Outyear systems. Efforts that supported the rating included:
2023 67.8
■■ NASA will fully implement human capital at NASA as a line of busi-
2024 67.4 ness focused on people, process, operations, and technology with
established leadership, budget, full-time equivalent authority, and
delegations of authority in place.

Above: Program team members cheered the end of a successful mission after operators deliberately plunged the Cassini spacecraft into
Saturn on September 15, 2017. Image credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 119

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

■■ NASA will fully develop effectiveness and As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
accountability metrics and tracking mechanisms completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
to monitor progress towards performance goals. tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
■■ NASA will continue to attract and sustain a grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy
diverse workforce that is flexible and agile, with and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
the skills and competencies needed for the retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
Agency’s Mission. FY 2018 performance results found on the following
pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
Performance Measures for mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
Strategic Objective 4.4 will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.
The following pages provide the performance goals
and annual performance indicators supporting
Strategic Objective 4.4. They include the final perfor-
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance
Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019,
and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are
charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings
for the performance goals and annual performance
indicators supporting Strategic Objective 4.4.

Summary of Strategic Objective 4.4: Manage human capital.

Performance Goal 2
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 5

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 120

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.4.1: Define and build diverse workforce skills and
competencies needed for the Agency’s Mission.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer,
part of MSD, helps NASA maintain an adaptable and
skilled workforce. OCHCO provides an integrated
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 talent management model that addresses the entire
employee lifecycle. It also provides workforce ana-
4.4.1: Define and build diverse workforce skills and compe-
tencies needed for the Agency’s Mission. lytics that deliver strategic insight and measures
success through integrated human capital systems.

The Office of Personnel Management’s annual AMO-18-1: Sustain NASA’s Innovation

Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) mea- Score, as measured by the Innovation-
sures employees’ perceptions of whether, and to what
extent, conditions characteristic of successful orga-
related questions of the Federal Employee
nizations are present in their agencies. This includes Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), by taking
perceptions about opportunities to contribute to the actions such as refining and updating
agency’s success. In the 2018 FEVS, NASA employ- human capital policies, programs, and
ees rated their satisfaction with the Agency, based on systems to support and encourage
the innovation index (three questions below) as 83
percent favorable on the Innovation Index, which is
innovation to meet NASA’s missions.
based on employee responses to three questions:
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Question 3: I feel encouraged to come up with new Green Green Green Green Green Green
and better ways of doing things.
Question 8: I am constantly looking for ways to do my Planned Annual Performance Indicators
job better.
AMO-19-20: Sustain NASA’s Innovation Score, as measured
Question 32: Creativity and innovation are rewarded. by the Innovation-related questions of the Federal Employee
Viewpoint Survey (EVS), by taking actions such as refining
This rating exceeds NASA’s 2016 baseline of achiev- and updating human capital policies, programs, and sys-
tems to support and encourage innovation to meet NASA’s
ing employee satisfaction scores of a minimum of 81 missions.
AMO-20-12: Sustain NASA’s Innovation Score, as measured
by the Innovation-related questions of the Federal Employee
Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), by taking actions such as refining
AMO-19-34 [Begins in FY 2019] and updating human capital policies, programs, and sys-
tems to support and encourage innovation to meet NASA’s
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
AMO-19-34: Ensure that NASA’s workforce has an appropri-
ately-balanced skill and grade mix to meet current and future
workforce needs by achieving an Agency hiring goal of 50
percent hires or intern conversions to be at entry and mid-lev-
el positions on the General Schedule (GS) pay scale (i.e., the
GS-11 level or below or GS-12 level with a Ph.D.).

AMO-20-13: Ensure that NASA’s workforce has an appropri-

ately-balanced skill and grade mix to meet current and future
workforce needs by achieving an Agency hiring goal of 50
percent hires or intern conversions to be at entry and mid-lev-
el positions on the General Schedule (GS) pay scale (i.e., the
GS-11 level or below or GS-12 level with a Ph.D.).

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 121

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.4.2: Sustain equal opportunity (EO) and diversity

and inclusion (D&I) programs and processes that help to proactively
prevent discrimination, achieve more equitable and inclusive work
environments, and more efficiently address EO concerns.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity,
part of MSD, implements equal employment
opportunity programs and processes to proactively
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020 prevent discrimination and resolve issues and con-
4.4.2: Sustain equal opportunity (EO) and diversity and cerns as promptly and efficiently as possible. The
inclusion (D&I) programs and processes that help to proac- Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity provides
tively prevent discrimination, achieve more equitable and leadership to make NASA a model agency for
inclusive work environments, and more efficiently address EO diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity, through
concerns. evidence-based policies and innovations, to opti-
mize mission success.

NASA’s equal employment opportunity (EEO) pro- Employment Diversity

grams, including alternative dispute resolution in the
EEO complaints process, reasonable accommoda- Change in underrepresented EEO group participation
tions for individuals with disabilities, and the Anti- between 2014 baseline and 2018
Harassment Program. For example, the NASA-wide
FY 2018 Anti-Harassment Campaign encompassed EEO Group Change from Baseline
outreach and education at every level of the Agency, Individuals with disabilities within
from top senior leadership to non-supervisory employ- workforce
ees. The campaign is based on the singularly import- Representation in senior-level
ant message that harassment prevention is about positions: women
ensuring the safety and success of individual NASA Representation in senior-level
employees, as well as the Agency’s missions. positions: African Americans
Representation in senior-level
As an indicator of the Agency’s continuing successful positions: Asian Americans and +3.6%
efforts in diversity and inclusion, NASA’s scores on Pacific Islanders
the Office of Personnel Management’s New Inclusion Representation in senior-level
Quotient of the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey +18.5%
positions: Hispanics
(FEVS), which consists of 20 questions related to an
inclusive work environment, rose from 77.6 percent
in the 2017 FEVS results to 78.2 percent in the 2018
AMO-18-2: Continue implementation
of the NASA Diversity and Inclusion
Strategic Implementation Plan FY 2016 to
FY 2019.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No API after FY 2018

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 122

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

AMO-18-3: Improve employee perceptions AMO-18-24: Identify any barriers to equal

relating to fairness and career employment opportunity, including
advancement as measured by the Federal statistical disparities in workforce
Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) representation, and implement strategies
Inclusion Index percentages. to eliminate identified barriers within two
to three years.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Green Green Green Green Green Green
No API before 2018 Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

Planned Annual Performance Indicators
AMO-19-21: Sustain employee perceptions of the workplace AMO-19-36: Identify any existing barriers to equal employ-
as measured by the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey ment opportunity, as reflected in statistical disparities in work-
(FEVS) Inclusion Index percentages. force representation, and implement strategies to eliminate
identified barriers within two to three years.

AMO-20-14: Sustain employee perceptions of the workplace

as measured by the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey AMO-20-16: Identify any existing barriers to equal employ-
(FEVS) Inclusion Index percentages. ment opportunity, as reflected in statistical disparities in work-
force representation, and implement strategies to eliminate
identified barriers within two to three years.

AMO-18-23: Increase efficiency in equal

AMO-19-34 [Begins in FY 2019]
employment opportunity (EEO) programs
(for example, EEO complaints processing Planned Annual Performance Indicators
and anti-harassment), as demonstrated AMO-19-34: Ensure that NASA’s workforce has an appropri-
through increased utilization of ately-balanced skill and grade mix to meet current and future
alternative dispute resolution (ADR) workforce needs by achieving an Agency hiring goal of 50
percent hires or intern conversions to be at entry and mid-lev-
in EEO cases and decreased case el positions on the General Schedule (GS) pay scale (i.e., the
processing times across-the-board. GS-11 level or below or GS-12 level with a Ph.D.).

AMO-20-13: Ensure that NASA’s workforce has an appropri-

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ately-balanced skill and grade mix to meet current and future
workforce needs by achieving an Agency hiring goal of 50
No API before FY 2018 Green
percent hires or intern conversions to be at entry and mid-lev-
el positions on the General Schedule (GS) pay scale (i.e., the
GS-11 level or below or GS-12 level with a Ph.D.).
Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AMO-19-35: Increase efficiency in equal employment oppor-

tunity (EEO) programs (such as EEO complaints processing,
anti-harassment, and reasonable accommodations), demon-
strated by achieving at least 85 percent timely processing of
matters raised in FY 2019.

AMO-20-15: Increase efficiency in equal employment oppor-

tunity (EEO) programs (such as EEO complaints processing,
anti-harassment, and reasonable accommodations), demon-
strated by achieving at least 85 percent timely processing of
matters raised in FY 2020.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 123

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Strategic Objective 4.5: Ensure enterprise


Lead Office NASA is increasing the resiliency of NASA’s enterprise systems by

Office of the Chief Information Officer assessing risks and implementing comprehensive, economical, and
(OCIO) and Office of Protective Services actionable solutions.

Goal Leader 2018 Strategic Review Summary of

Renee Wynn, Chief Information Officer,
and Ray Taylor, Principal Advisor for Progress
Enterprise Protection
NASA’s Enterprise Protection Program provides coordination on criti-
cal Agency-wide infrastructure protection. As part of this function, the
program guides NASA’s decision-making and communications for cyber
Budget security, national security and protection of space and aeronautical
systems, ground systems, technology, and infrastructure. The Office
of the Chief Information Officer delivers data and IT systems easily,
efficiently, and securely to NASA’s federal and contractor employees to
Actual 2018 390.2 enable NASA’s Mission. OCIO focuses on partnering with customers
Enacted 2019 350.2 to deliver excellence, capitalizing on data and innovation, safeguarding
NASA’s data and assets, maximizing business value through optimiza-
Requested 2020 388.1 tion, and enabling the Agency’s workforce to safely and securely use
2021 385.9 the Agency’s IT assets. Their 2018 assessment included the following
2022 370.6 efforts:
Outyear ■■ NASA established and chartered the Enterprise Protection Board
2023 374.5
(EPB) which held three meetings in FY 2018. The EPB drive inte-
2024 362.1 grated cross-agency enterprise protection efforts.

Above: Charles Spern, project manager on the Engineering Services Contract, uplinks Veggie System instructions to astronaut Joe Acaba on
the ISS. Image credit: NASA/Amanda Griffin

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 124

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

■■ NASA is developing and implementing policies mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance
and strategies to strengthen NASA’s cybersecu- Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019,
rity capabilities across its mission, corporate, and and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are
physical domains. charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings
■■ NASA is actively working on protecting its critical for the performance goals and annual performance
space systems and supporting infrastructure. indicators supporting Strategic Objective 4.5.
The Agency needs to implement risk manage- As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
ment for system protection of its aeronautics and completed in spring 2019, it will conduct a retrospec-
science capabilities. tive and prospective analyses to determine if the pro-
■■ NASA is enhancing its Center Protective grams supporting this strategic objective are healthy
Services operations by maintaining existing and and can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
pursuing new federal law enforcement training retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
accreditations. FY 2018 performance results found on the following
pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
Performance Measures for it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
Strategic Objective 4.5 will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.
The following pages provide the performance goals
and annual performance indicators supporting
Strategic Objective 4.5. They include the final perfor-

Summary of Strategic Objective 4.5: Ensure enterprise protection.

Performance Goal 1 2
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 3 2

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 125

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.5.1: Safeguard NASA’s data and IT assets by

implementing cybersecurity and privacy capabilities.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No PG Yellow Green Red Yellow Yellow The Office of the Chief Information Officer
delivers data and IT systems easily, efficiently, and
securely to NASA’s federal and contractor employ-
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 ees to enable NASA’s Mission. OCIO focuses on
partnering with customers to deliver excellence,
4.5.1: Safeguard NASA’s data and IT assets by implementing
capitalizing on data and innovation, safeguarding
cybersecurity and privacy capabilities.
NASA’s data and assets, maximizing business value
through optimization, and caring for the Agency
workforce and preparing them to securely unleash
the power of NASA’s data.
OCIO is making progress toward achieving this
cybersecurity performance goal in alignment with
the President’s Management Agenda and related
cross-agency priority goal (“Modernize IT to Increase
Productivity and Security”). NASA achieved an overall
rating of “Managing Risk” in the Office of Management
and Budget’s Cybersecurity Risk Management
Assessment. This rating indicates that the Agency
has established cybersecurity policies, procedures,
and tools and actively manages risks. While NASA
achieved an overall rating of “Managing Risk,” OCIO
determined that some underlying capabilities are
AMO-18-18: Attain 85 percent multi-factor
not yet operating at this level and plans to have all
cybersecurity domains rated as “Managing Risk” by authentication for non-privileged access
the end of FY 2020, in alignment with the Office of to hardware.
Management and Budget’s targets.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
In April 2018, OCIO released its NASA Information
No API No API Green Red Yellow Green
Technology Strategic Plan for FY 2018 through 2021,
which specifies the strategic goals and objectives that
communicate the target state for NASA’s cybersecu- Planned Annual Performance Indicators
rity capabilities. OCIO also collaborated with the Office
of Management and Budget and the Department of No APIs after FY 2018
Homeland Security to perform a CyberStat activity to
strengthen NASA’s cybersecurity capabilities across
its mission, corporate, and physical domains.
Mitigation of NASA’s cybersecurity risks remains a
multi-layered effort due to the Agency’s complex IT
ecosystem. OCIO has made significant progress
identifying, mitigating, and monitoring cybersecurity
risks across its domains. NASA increased its Agency-
wide personal identity verification (PIV) authentication
for unprivileged access to 87 percent by the end of
FY 2018, exceeding the cross-agency target of 85
percent. NASA maintains 100 percent PIV authen-
tication of privileged user accounts to its network.
OCIO also made substantial cybersecurity capability
improvements by deploying available Continuous
Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) tools to improve
NASA’s hardware and software asset inventory and by
enhancing anti-phishing defenses.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 126

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

AMO-18-19: Attain Hardware and Software AMO-20-17 [Begins in FY 2020]

Asset Management of 95 percent for the
corporate environment. Planned Annual Performance Indicators

No API in FY 2019
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No APIs before FY 2018 Yellow AMO-20-17: Ensure at least 95 percent of hardware assets
are covered by a capability to detect and alert upon the
NASA attained 100 percent for hardware asset man- connection of an unauthorized hardware asset per the IT
Modernization cross-agency priority goals on Performance.
agement and 87 percent for software asset manage- gov for NASA.
ment in FY 2018. The Agency’s substantial progress
was driven by an increase in CDM Phase 1 deploy-
ment in the corporate and mission environments
in accordance with Federal Information Security
Modernization Act (FISMA) requirements and OMB’s AMO-20-18 [Begins in FY 2020]
CyberStat effort.
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
NASA has not obtained the complete system inven-
tory for the mission and physical environments No API in FY 2019
required to fully enable the deployment of CDM tools
AMO-20-18: Ensure at least 95 percent of software as-
into these environments. NASA will improve its soft- sets are covered by a whitelisting capability per the IT
ware asset management capabilities as CDM Phase 1 Modernization cross-agency priority Goals on Performance.
tools continue to deploy in FY 2019. NASA’s timeline gov for NASA.
for implementing hardware and software asset man-
agement in the mission and physical environments
depends on the award and implementation of the
next phase of the Department of Homeland Security’s
CDM capabilities. The Agency will closely monitor the
contract status for the next phase of CDM, which will
drive availability of the required capabilities. AMO-20-19 [Begins in FY 2020]

This annual performance indicator supports the Planned Annual Performance Indicators
cross-agency priority goal “Modernize IT to Increase
Productivity and Security.” No API in FY 2019

AMO-20-19: At least 4 of 6 Intrusion Detection and Prevention

Planned Annual Performance Indicators metrics (from FISMA) have met an implementation target of at
least 90 percent and 100 percent of email traffic is analyzed
using DMARC email authentication protocols (DHS BOD 18-
No APIs after FY 2018
01) per the IT Modernization cross-agency priority goals on for NASA.

AMO-19-23 [Begins in FY 2019] AMO-20-20 [Begins in FY 2020]

Planned Annual Performance Indicators Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AMO-19-23: Enforce a 30-minute inactivity time-out for re- No API in FY 2019

mote access security.
AMO-20-20: Ensure at least 90 percent of high value assets
No API in FY 2020 (HVA) require all users to authenticate using a personal
identity verification (PIV) card or Authenticator Assurance
Level (AAL) 3 multifactor authentication method per the IT
Modernization cross-agency priority goals on Performance.
gov for NASA.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 127

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.5.2 [Begins in FY 2019]

Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020

Improve the security and resiliency of NASA’s operational
technology (OT) systems to ensure safe and secure opera-
tion of NASA’s critical infrastructure in a manner consistent
with guidance from the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST).

AMO-19-24 [Begins in FY 2019]

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AMO-19-24: Identify at least 95 percent of the operational

technology (OT) systems that are part of the assets on the
NASA Critical Infrastructure (NCI) list.


NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 128

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.5.3: Achieve improvements in overall Office of

Protective Services physical security operations, standardization,
efficiencies, and economies of scale.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
No PGs before FY 2018 Yellow The Office of Protective Services provides NASA’s
security management. This includes Agency-wide
personnel, physical, and information security policy,
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020
intelligence analysis, counterintelligence and coun-
4.5.3: Achieve improvements in overall Office of Protective terterrorism services, national security systems,
Services physical security operations, standardization, effi- handling of sensitive and classified information,
ciencies, and economies of scale. identity, credential, and systems access manage-
ment, emergency management, and continuity of
operations functions.
NASA is making progress toward achieving this
performance goal through improvements to its Center
Protective Services operations by maintaining existing
and pursuing new Federal Law Enforcement Training
Accreditations (FLETA). The Agency successfully
achieved accreditation in April 2018 for its Protective
Services Training Academy from the FLETA Board
of Directors, and NASA is effectively monitoring and
maintaining its Federal Arrest Authority programmatic
The Office of Protective Services (OPS) deployed
the NASA Visitor Management System (NVMS) for
foreign national access in July 2018. It delayed the
NVMS release for U.S. citizens until December 2018
due to issues encountered with the vendor’s software
package. OPS is working with its vendor and holding
weekly meetings to address issues and complete
system testing.

AMO-18-37: Deploy NASA’s Visitor

Management System for U.S. citizens, AMO-18-38: Achieve initial Federal Law
then enhance system to include visitor Enforcement Training Accreditation
management for foreign nationals. (FLETA) Academy accreditation for NASA
Protective Services Training Academy
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
and maintain FLETA programmatic
No APIs before FY 2018 Yellow
accreditation for NASA’s Federal Arrest
Explanation of Performance Authority (FAA) Program.
Deployment of NVMS for U.S. citizens is scheduled
for December 2018, pending successful system test- 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
ing. NASA is working with its vendor to correct issues No APIs before FY 2018 Green
with the NVMS software package release for U.S.
citizens and is holding weekly meetings to address Planned Annual Performance Indicators
AMO-19-25: Maintain Federal Law Enforcement Training
Accreditation (FLETA) Federal Arrest Authority (FAA) pro-
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
grammatic accreditation and Academy accreditation.

No APIs after FY 2018 No API in FY 2020

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 129

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.5.4: Formalize NASA’s enterprise protection

structure and execution across the Agency and its Federal,
commercial, and international partners to increase enterprise
protection effectiveness.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PGs before FY 2018 Green The Enterprise Protection Program provides coor-
dination on critical Agency-wide infrastructure pro-
tection. As part of this function, the program guides
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 NASA’s decision-making and communications for
cybersecurity, national security, as well as protection
No PGs after FY 2018 of space and aeronautical systems, ground systems,
technology, and infrastructure.

During FY 2018, the Enterprise Protection Program AMO-18-36: Establish the Enterprise
made progress in establishing an enterprise protec- Protection Board to drive integrated
tions structure across NASA and its partners. NASA
established the Enterprise Protection Board and
enterprise protection risk management
finalized board’s charter. The Enterprise Protection and Agency-level direction regarding
Board held five meetings in FY 2018 to collaboratively protection risk.
address cross-Agency protection issues. NASA incor-
porated the new Enterprise Protection Program, the
Enterprise Protection Board, and the Principal Advisor 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
for Enterprise Protection into NASA Policy Directive No APIs before FY 2018 Green
(NPD) 1000.3, which defines and establishes NASA’s
organization. Planned Annual Performance Indicators
NASA made significant progress toward cross-Agency
No APIs after FY 2018
enterprise protection. NASA has been consolidating
threat information into a classified, user-friendly web-
based portal, which depends on information shar-
ing across NASA organizations. NASA’s Enterprise
AMO-19-23 [Begins in FY 2019]
Protection Program established an Enterprise
Protection Community Forum of cross-Agency partici-
pants and held its first meeting to discuss and resolve Planned Annual Performance Indicators
issues at a working level.
AMO-19-23: Enforce a 30-minute inactivity time-out for re-
mote access security.

No API in FY 2020

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 130

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Strategic Objective 4.6: Sustain infrastructure

capabilities and operations.

Lead Office NASA is enabling its mission by providing the facilities, tools, and ser-
Mission Support Directorate (MSD) vices required to efficiently manage, operate and sustain the infrastruc-
ture necessary to meet mission objectives.
Goal Leader
Daniel Tenney, Associate Administrator,
MSD 2018 Strategic Review Summary of
The Mission Support Directorate enables the Agency’s missions by
Budget managing institutional services and capabilities. MSD is actively reducing
institutional risk to NASA’s current and future missions by improving pro-
FY $M cesses, stimulating efficiency, and providing consistency and uniformity
across institutional standards and practices. Efforts that supported the
Actual 2018 2,714.1 assessment included:
Enacted 2019 2,452.0 ■■ Six of NASA’s 10 centers reduced unscheduled maintenance this
Requested 2020 2,940.7 past year, and the Agency reduced overall unscheduled main-
tenance by three percent over the last two years. All of NASA’s
2021 2,812.6
new buildings are constructed to Leadership in Energy and
2022 2,826.1 Environmental Design (LEED) sustainable standards.
2023 2,618.8 ■■ As of January 2018, NASA constructed 3.2 million square feet of
2024 2,551.1 sustainable buildings.

Above: Nithin Abraham, a coatings engineer at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, adds a protective coating to the support area beneath
the Johnson Space Center’s Chamber A. She was part of a team that ensured that the chamber was as clean as possible before cryogenic
testing began on the James Webb Space Telescope. Image credit: NASA/Chris Gunn

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 131

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

■■ NASA reduced energy intensity, utilized renew- for the performance goals and annual performance
able energy, increased clean energy, and indicators supporting Strategic Objective 4.6.
decreased water intensity. The re-commissioning
program will have the goals of short return on As NASA conducts its 2019 Strategic Review, to be
investment, improving the sustainability of the completed in May, it will conduct a retrospective and
facilities, and reducing out-year maintenance prospective analyses to determine if the programs
costs by integrating technology to improve main- supporting this strategic objective are healthy and
tenance efficiency. can address potential or realized risks. Part of the
retrospective analyses will take into consideration the
FY 2018 performance results found on the following
Performance Measures for pages. Looking forward, NASA will assess whether
Strategic Objective 4.6 it is on track to achieve the FY 2019 annual perfor-
mance indicators. The results of this early assessment
will inform planning for the FY 2021 Performance
The following pages provide the performance goals
Plan, which will begin in spring 2019.
and annual performance indicators supporting
Strategic Objective 4.6. They include the final perfor-
mance results for FY 2018, the FY 2019 Performance
Plan Update, which NASA considers final for FY 2019,
and the initial FY 2020 Performance Plan. Below are
charts summarizing the FY 2018 performance ratings

Summary of Strategic Objective 4.6: Sustain Infrastructure capabilities and


Performance Goal 3
Span two to five years, and measure the performance of investments towards strategic objectives and
strategic goals. The total number of performance goals is reflected in each rating box and there is no
one-to-one correlation to annual performance indicator ratings.

Annual Performance Indicator 5

Describe the smaller, achievable measurements that serve as NASA’s basic unit of performance.
They show progress achieved during the budget year, and NASA uses them to assess progress
made towards achieving the performance goals and the strategic objectives. The total number of
annual performance indicators is reflected in each rating box and there is no one-to-one correla-
tion to performance goal ratings.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 132

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.6.1: Between 2012 and 2018, support the

demolition and elimination of obsolete and unneeded facilities.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Green Green Green Green Green Green The Office of Strategic Infrastructure ensures that
the right infrastructure is available to meet NASA’s
mission requirements. OSI identifies and prioritizes
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 NASA’s essential assets and implements strategic
4.6.1: Between 2018 and 2022, support the demolition and investment decisions to sustain, enhance, replace,
elimination of obsolete and unneeded facilities. modify, or dispose of them based on NASA and
national needs.

NASA demolishes obsolete, unneeded infrastructure

in order to improve efficiency and mitigate safety and
environmental risks. The program is an important
part of NASA’s efforts to reduce its infrastructure and
operating costs. The Office of Strategic Infastructure
(OSI) evaluates unused and unneeded facilities on a COF-18-1: Initiate the demolition or
regular basis and has made progress toward reducing disposal of five facilities or structures
NASA’s overall footprint through demolition. during 2018 to reduce the Agency’s
During FY 2018, NASA achieved the target of initiating
demolition actions for five facilities:
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
■■ Johnson Space Center Environmental Hygiene
Laboratory (B228) Green Green Green Green Green Green

■■ Jet Propulsion Laboratory B89

Planned Annual Performance Indicators
■■ Glenn Research Center B35 Research
Combustion Laboratory Complex COF-19-1: Dispose of 20 facilities or structures during 2019 to
reduce the Agency’s footprint.
■■ Stennis Space Center B9100
■■ Wallops Flight Facility E-005 and J-17 (managed COF-20-1: Dispose of 20 facilities/structures or 100,000
by Goddard Space Flight Center) square feet in FY 2020.

OSI has achieved all of its planned demolition actions

set through FY 2018, successfully completing this per-
formance goal. Beginning in FY 2019, OSI will begin
work on new demolition and elimination targets.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 133

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.6.2: Ensure that NASA continues progress

towards implementing the targets and goals reflected in its annual
Sustainability Plan.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PG Green Yellow Yellow Green Green NASA’s sustainability policy is to execute the mis-
sion without compromising the planet’s resources so
that resources are conserved for future generations.
Performance Goal Planned for FY 2019-2020 The Office of Strategic Infrastructure targets and
tracks the best opportunities for NASA to meet a
4.6.2: Ensure that NASA continues progress towards range of energy, water, pollution, and waste reduc-
implementing the targets and goals reflected in its annual tion targets reflected in this policy.
Sustainability Plan.

NASA achieved all three Sustainability Plan targets AMO-18-5: Reduce energy intensity
in FY 2018. OSI chose the three targets to track— (energy consumption per gross square
energy intensity, sustainable buildings, and facility
efficiency—from the Office of Management and
feet, or Btu/gsf) to meet the target set by
Budget’s Scorecard for Efficient Federal Operations/ the Office of Management and Budget for
Management. The data reflects NASA’s actual perfor- FY 2018 in the Sustainability and Energy
mance from FY 2017 and is available from the Office Scorecard.
of Federal Sustainability.
NASA continued to reduce the amount of energy 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
consumed by its buildings and facilities, measured per No API Yellow Yellow Yellow Green Green
gross square foot. The federal target was to reduce
consumption 30 percent from the FY 2003 baseline,
and NASA achieved 40 percent reduction. Twenty one Planned Annual Performance Indicators
percent of NASA-owned gross square footage met the
guiding principles for sustainable buildings, exceeding AMO-19-27: Reduce energy intensity (energy consumption
per gross square feet, or Btu/gsf) to meet the target set by the
the federal target of 15 percent. NASA’s renewable Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for FY 2019 in the
electricity use reached 13 percent, greatly exceeding OMB Scorecard for Efficient Federal Operations/Management.
the federal target of 7.5 percent and NASA’s FY 2008
baseline of 3.6 percent.
AMO-20-25: Reduce energy intensity (energy consumption
per gross square feet, or Btu/gsf) to meet the target set by the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for FY 2020 in the
OMB Scorecard for Efficient Federal Operations/Management.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 134

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

AMO-18-6: Meet sustainable building

inventory target (percentage of gross
square footage of inventory meeting
guiding principles) set by the Office of
Management and Budget for FY 2018 in
the Sustainability and Energy Scorecard.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No API Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AMO-19-28: Meet sustainable building inventory target

(percentage of gross square footage of inventory meeting
guiding principles) set by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for FY 2019 in the OMB Scorecard for Efficient
Federal Operations/Management.

AMO-20-26: Meet sustainable building inventory target

(percentage of gross square footage of inventory meeting
guiding principles) set by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for FY 2020 in the OMB Scorecard for Efficient
Federal Operations/Management.

AMO-18-7: Ensure that a percentage

of electricity consumed is generated
from renewable energy sources, to
meet the target set by the Office of
Management and Budget for FY 2018 in
the Sustainability and Energy Scorecard.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No API Green Green Green Green Green

Planned Annual Performance Indicators

AMO-19-29: Ensure that a percentage of electricity con-

sumed is generated from renewable energy sources, to
meet the target set by the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for FY 2019 in the OMB Scorecard for Efficient
Federal Operations/Management.

AMO-20-27: Ensure that a percentage of electricity con-

sumed is generated from renewable energy sources, to
meet the target set by the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for FY 2020 in the OMB Scorecard for Efficient
Federal Operations/Management.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 135

Part 2—Strategic Goal 4 Enable

Performance Goal 4.6.3: Between 2018 and 2019, demonstrate

increased facility reliability by reducing spending on unscheduled
maintenance by one percent annually.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

No PG before FY 2016 Red Red Green The Office of Strategic Infrastructure ensures that
the right infrastructure is available to meet NASA’s
mission requirements. OSI implements risk mitiga-
Planned Performance Goal for FY 2019-2020 tion and sustainability practices across the Agency’s
infrastructure to prevent adverse mission impacts,
4.6.3: Between 2018 and 2019, demonstrate increased facil-
ity reliability by reducing spending on unscheduled mainte- protect mission resources, and enable the NASA
nance by one percent annually. missions to the fullest extent possible.

NASA performs scheduled maintenance on its equip-

ment to keep it in good operating condition. When
equipment fails, NASA must perform unscheduled
maintenance to repair it. The percentage of unsched-
uled maintenance spending to total maintenance
spending is an indicator of the overall condition of
the equipment. More unscheduled maintenance
indicates that the equipment has become unreliable,
and unplanned failures and outages become more
frequent, which can delay mission activities, such as
manufacturing and testing. In FY 2018, the ratio of
unscheduled maintenance to total maintenance was
31.5 percent, which exceeded the targeted 1 percent
reduction from FY 2017 to FY 2018.

Ratio of Unscheduled Maintenance to Total

Maintenance, From Baseline Through FY 2018
NASA’s target is to reduce unscheduled maintenance AMO-18-8: Reduce spending on
by one percent from the previous fiscal year’s per- unscheduled maintenance (out of total
centage of unscheduled maintenance to total mainte- maintenance spending) by at least one
percentage point.
Target Actual
Ratio of Ratio of
Unscheduled Unscheduled 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Maintenance Maintenance No APIs before FY 2016 Red Red Green
to Total to Total
Fiscal Year Maintenance Maintenance
Planned Annual Performance Indicators
2015 (Baseline) 31.6% 31.6%
2016 30.6% 37.1% AMO-19-30: Reduce spending on unscheduled maintenance
(out of total maintenance spending) by at least one percent-
2017 36.1% 32.9% age point.
2018 31.9% 31.5%*
AMO-20-28: Reduce spending on unscheduled maintenance
*The FY 2019 target will be to reduce unscheduled maintenance (out of total maintenance spending) by at least one percent-
1 percent below 31.5 percent of total maintenance. age point.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 136


NASA’s 380-foot-tall mobile launcher, atop crawler-transporter 2, approaches Launch Pad 39B on August 31, 2018, at Kennedy
Space Center. NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems is preparing the ground systems necessary to launch the Space Launch
System and Orion on Exploration Mission-1. Image credit: NASA/Cory Huston
Appendix A—Changes to the FY 2019 Performance Plan

Appendix A
Changes to the FY 2019 Performance Plan

Each fiscal year, NASA’s budget request to Congress contains an annual performance plan (APP) that aligns with
the funds requested. However, all of the program and project plans described in the President’s budget request
and annual performance plan may not be realized as anticipated. When this happens, the Agency revises its per-
formance measures and provides it as an APP update accompanying the budget request for the upcoming fiscal
year. NASA revises its performance measures when the final appropriation differs from the amount requested,
or if congressional or executive direction places a different emphasis on programs relative to what was initially
requested. Additionally, the dynamic nature of research and development can lead to shifting priorities. This may
result in NASA no longer pursuing activities originally identified in the annual performance plan or placing greater
emphasis on other activities.
NASA’s policy has been to allow one of the following actions if programs are impacted by congressional budget
action via an appropriations or authorization law or executive direction places a different emphasis on programs:
■■ Add new performance measures;
■■ Remove old performance measure (do not rate the performance measure);
■■ Update the targeted performance (rate at the new target);
■■ Renumber the performance measure; or
■■ Move the performance measure to the following year’s annual performance plan (do not rate until the follow-
ing year).

Once the APP update is released, the performance measures are considered final. If a final performance measure
cannot be achieved due the reasons described above, NASA generally will retain the measure and the target, but
rate it white, indicating that the measure is canceled or postponed.

Above: At NASA Earth Day 2018, a visitor uses virtual reality to explore the solar system. Image credit: NASA/Aubrey Gemignani

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 138

Appendix A—Changes to the FY 2019 Performance Plan

FY 2019 Performance Plan Update

NASA released the FY 2019 Performance Plan in May 2018, concurrent with its FY 2019 President’s budget
request in May 2018. NASA has since reviewed and updated the FY 2019 measures to align with the FY 2020
budget request and administration priorities. All revisions have been reviewed and approved by the Office of
Management and Budget. The following list shows the performance measures that have been added, updated, or
removed for FY 2019. Only measures with substantive changes are shown.

1.1.2: Demonstrate progress in advancing understanding of the connections that link the Sun, Earth and planetary space environ-
ments, and the outer reaches of the solar system.
Moved to FY 2020:HE-19-5: Achieve the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) mission success criteria.

1.1.4: By December 2019, launch one mission in support of Heliophysics.

Removed:HE-19-4: Complete the 2018 Heliophysics Medium Explorer (MIDEX) Announcement of Opportunity step-one selection.

1.1.5: Conduct on-orbit commissioning of the James Webb Space Telescope after launch. (Agency Priority Goal)
Revised:JWST-19-1: Complete spacecraft element thermal vacuum testing.

1.1.14: Demonstrate progress in identifying and characterizing objects in the solar system that pose threats to Earth or offer
resources for human exploration.
Revised:PS-19-13: Identify and catalog a cumulative 8,900 of the estimated 25,000 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) 140 meters or larger.

1.1.16: By December 2017, launch at least two missions in support of Planetary Science.
Added:PS-19-15: Conduct close-orbit global mapping for sample site identification and evaluation for the Origins, Spectral Interpreta-
tion, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) mission asteroid sample collection.

1.1.24: By December 2021, launch three missions in support of Earth Science.

Revised:ES-19-9: Complete Surface Water and Ocean Topography Ka-band Radar Interferometer Integration and Test Readiness

Added: 3.1.1: Invest across the U.S. innovation community to explore and advance promising early stage solutions to space tech-
nology challenges.
Added:ET-19-1: Invest in at least 185 promising new early stage technologies and concepts, with potential for transformative impact.

Added: 3.1.2: Mature technologies that offer significant improvement to existing solutions or enable space exploration capabilities.
Added:ET-19-2: Mature state of the art technologies by completing at least 70 percent of Technology Maturation program milestones.

Added: 3.1.3: Demonstrate new technologies and capabilities for space exploration.
Added:ET-19-3: Advance development, demonstration, and mission implementation of new exploration technologies by reaching a key
milestone in at least six small spacecraft projects.

Added:ET-19-4: Advance Technology Demonstration Mission (TDM) capabilities by completing at least six key decision points towards
technology demonstration.

Added: 3.1.4: Engage and partner with the commercial aerospace sector, to leverage technology advancements and grow the
national economy.
Added:ET-19-5: Conduct at least four prize competitions to encourage innovation and address technology challenges through engaging
non-traditional NASA partners.

Added:ET-19-6: Create 10 opportunities for advancement of SBIR/STTR technologies beyond Phase II, leveraging non-SBIR/STTR
NASA investment or external investment.

Added:ET-19-7: Competitively select at least 16 payloads from NASA centers, other government agencies, industry, or academia for
flight on commercial vehicles to advance lunar exploration and commercial development in Earth orbit.

3.2.1: Develop solutions that will advance decision-making ability for improving air traffic management to accommodate future
growth in air travel, and for increasing aviation safety under hazardous conditions.
Revised:AR-19-1: Assess and document capacity of future air traffic services that increase Urban Air Mobility (UAM) capacity over
current-day operations.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 139

Appendix A—Changes to the FY 2019 Performance Plan

3.2.4: Facilitate significant environmental and efficiency improvements through research on alternative jet fuel use, and on hybrid
gas-electric propulsion system concepts.
Revised: AR-19-12: Demonstrate integrated electrical system functionality of the X-57 aircraft through assembling components with a
power delivery system and conducting an Integrated Electrical End-to-End Test.
3.2.5: Significantly increase the ability to anticipate and resolve potential safety issues, and to predict the health and robustness of
aviation systems.
Revised:AR-19-4: Identify data architecture and information requirements (i.e., content and quality) for in-time monitoring of selected
operational risks for small Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

3.2.6: Support transformation of civil aircraft operations and air traffic management through the development, application, and vali-
dation of advanced autonomy and automation technologies, including addressing critical barriers to enabling urban on-demand air
mobility and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations in low-altitude airspace.
Revised:AR-19-10: Complete the data collection, analysis, and reporting for the Detect and Avoid and Integrated Test and Evaluation
(IT&E) flight test five (FT5) and for the Command and Control version six (v6) terrestrial communication system flight test.

Added: 3.3.3: Provide opportunities for students to engage with NASA’s aeronautics, space, and science people, content, and facili-
ties in support of a diverse future NASA and aerospace industry workforce.
Added:STEM-19-1: Provide significant, direct student awards in higher education to (1) students across all institutional categories and
levels (as defined by the U.S. Department of Education), (2) racially or ethnically underrepresented students (Hispanics and Latinos,
African Americans, American Indians, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders), (3) women, and (4) persons with disabili-
ties, at percentages that meet or exceeded at the national percentages for the science and engineering graduates, as determined by the
most recent, publicly available data from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics for a minimum of
two of the four categories.

Added: 3.3.4: Enhance the effectiveness of education investments using performance assessment and evaluation-driven processes.
Added:STEM-19-2: Design a comprehensive data management system aligned to performance assessment and evaluation strategy to
collect, analyze, and report data for STEM engagement investments.

Added: 3.3.5: Provide opportunities for students to contribute to NASA’s aeronautics, space, and science missions and work in
exploration and discovery.
Added:STEM-19-3: Conduct a multiple case study focused on NASA STEM engagement higher education challenges, competitions,
and internships to build knowledge about how these activities: a) contribute to NASA’s aeronautics, space, and science missions; b)
align to evidence-based effective practices for STEM learning; and c) recruit and retain participants from groups historically underrepre-
sented and/or underserved in STEM fields.

Added:STEM-19-4: Contribute to American technical capability by supporting the release of at least TBD* paper presentations and
peer-reviewed research publications through STEM engagement investments.

Removed: 4.1.1: Efficiently manage the coordination of NASA’s domestic, interagency, and international partnership agreements to
ensure that the partnerships continue to provide value to the Agency, including through the advancement of one or more Agency
institutional or programmatic objectives.
Removed:AMO-19-5: Negotiate and sign at least 300 new partnership agreements with domestic, non-governmental parties.

Removed:AMO-19-6: Negotiate and conclude at least 80 international and interagency agreements with foreign and domestic partners
in support of NASA missions.

4.1.3: Develop and implement the multiyear NASA Small Business Strategic Plan, which will promote and increase small business
programs and outreach through strategic collaborative efforts with internal and external partners and stakeholders.
Revised:AMO-19-11: Strengthen and promote small business awareness and participation by utilizing innovative techniques to benefit
the Agency’s small business program, including through the consolidation of Agency-level small business activities in specific, pre-deter-
mined geographical areas

4.3.1: Assure the safety and health of NASA’s activities and reduce damage to assets through the development, implementation, and
oversight of Agency-wide safety, reliability, maintainability, quality assurance, and health and medical policies and procedures.
Revised:AMO-19-19: During FY 2019, keep the number of variances made in any single human spaceflight program to below five per-
cent of the total number of program requirements derived from Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer standards and policies.

Removed: 4.3.2: Implement the policies, procedures, and oversight to continuously improve the probability of technical and pro-
grammatic mission success.
Removed:AMO-19-17: Assure 100 percent of Category 1 and 2 projects use Agency Safety and Mission Success policy, procedures
and independent assessments focused on both technical and programmatic mission success.

Removed:AMO-19-18: Assure that 100 percent of the engineering and programmatic workforce has access to the standards and knowl-
edge base needed to maintain and build their skills.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 140

Appendix A—Changes to the FY 2019 Performance Plan

Moved to 4.3.1:AMO-19-19: During FY 2019, keep the number of variances made in any single human spaceflight program to below
five percent of the total number of program requirements derived from Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer (OCHMO) stan-
dards and policies.

4.4.2: Sustain equal opportunity (EO) and diversity and inclusion (D&I) programs and processes that help to proactively prevent
discrimination, achieve more equitable and inclusive work environments, and more efficiently address EO concerns.
Revised:AMO-19-21: Sustain employee perceptions of the workplace as measured by the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Inclu-
sion Index percentages.

Revised:AMO-19-35: Increase efficiency in equal employment opportunity (EEO) programs (such as EEO complaints processing,
anti-harassment, and reasonable accommodations), demonstrated by achieving at least 85 percent timely processing of matters raised
in FY 2020.

4.5.1: Safeguard NASA’s data and IT assets by implementing cybersecurity and privacy capabilities.
Removed:AMO-19-22: At least 45 percent of NASA’s applicable high-value assets (HVAs) require all users to authenticate through the
machine-based or user-based enforcement of a two-factor Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credential or other Identity Assurance Lev-
el 3/Authenticator Assurance Level 3 credential, as applicable based on an HVA assessment of system architecture.

Updated: 4.5.2: Improve the security and resiliency of NASA’s operational technology (OT) systems to ensure safe and secure oper-
ation of NASA’s critical infrastructure in a manner consistent with guidance from the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Revised:AMO-19-24: Identify at least 95 percent of the operational technology systems that are part of the assets on the NASA Critical
Infrastructure list.

Removed: 4.5.3: Achieve improvements in overall Office of Protective Services physical security operations, standardization, effi-
ciencies, and economies of scale.
Removed:AMO-19-25: Maintain Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation Federal Arrest Authority programmatic accreditation
and Academy accreditation.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 141

Appendix B—Data Quality Elements

Appendix B
Data Quality Elements

Data quality elements describe how NASA ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data used to measure
progress towards each performance goal for the FY 2018 Annual Performance Report. These elements include
the sources of the data, the means used to verify and validate the results, and any limitations to the data at the
required level of accuracy. If any significant data limitations exist that could impede accurate reporting, this section
will include a discussion of how the Agency compensates for those limitations.

Strategic Goal 1: Expand human knowledge through new scientific discoveries.

Performance Goal 1.1.1: Demonstrate progress in exploring the physical processes in the space environment from the Sun to Earth
and throughout the solar system.
Data Source: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written explanation of
any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Verification & Validation: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the Heliophysics Advisory Committee
(HPAC) evaluates scientific progress relative to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the annual performance indicator (API)
that supports this performance goal (PG). Their findings are available online at
visory-committees/. The Heliophysics Division Director recommends a rating for the performance goal based on the findings of the
review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate Administrator for Research within
NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD), with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.2: Demonstrate progress in advancing understanding of the connections that link the Sun, Earth, and plane-
tary space environments, and the outer reaches of the solar system.
Data Source: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written explanation of
any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Verification & Validation: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from HPAC evaluates scientific progress
relative to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https:// The Heliophysics Division Director recommends a rating for the per-
formance goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy
Associate Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Above: Lockheed Martin engineers assemble Orion’s crew module at NASA Kennedy Space Center Operations and Checkout building. Image
credit: NASA/Rad Sinyak

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 142

Appendix B—Data Quality Elements

Performance Goal 1.1.3: Demonstrate progress in developing the knowledge and capability to detect and predict extreme conditions
in space to protect life and society and to safeguard human and robotic explorers beyond Earth.
Data Source: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written explanation of
any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Verification & Validation: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from HPAC evaluates scientific progress
relative to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https:// The Heliophysics Division Director recommends a rating for the per-
formance goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy
Associate Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.4: By December 2019, launch one mission in support of Heliophysics.
Data Source: Written explanation of the rating and supporting material from the SMD’s Flight Program Review archives. The Deputy
Associate Administrator for SMD recommends a rating based on whether the underlying missions are on track to launch during the goal
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.5: Conduct on-orbit commissioning of the James Webb Space Telescope after launch. (Agency Priority Goal)
Data Source: Emails, press releases, and program-internal documents indicating progress NASA’s industry partners make toward the
James Webb Space Telescope integration, test and launch.
Verification & Validation: NASA monitors and tracks its progress towards this goal using various Agency documents and reports, includ-
ing Directorate Program Management Council (DPMC) materials, monthly reports from the project and industry partners, and other
program-internal documents.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.6: Demonstrate progress in probing the origin and destiny of the universe, including the nature of black holes,
dark energy, dark matter, and gravity.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the Astrophysics Advisory Committee (AAC)
evaluates scientific progress relative to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings
are available online at The Astrophysics
Division Director recommends a rating for the performance goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if
applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved
by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.7: Demonstrate progress in exploring the origin and evolution of the galaxies, stars, and planets that make up
the universe.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from AAC evaluates scientific progress relative to the
current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science.nasa.
gov/researchers/nac/science-advisory-committees/apac#meetingdocs. The Astrophysics Division Director recommends a rating for the
performance goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Dep-
uty Associate Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.8: Demonstrate progress in discovering and studying planets around other stars and exploring whether they
could harbor life.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the AAC evaluates scientific progress relative to
the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science.nasa.
gov/researchers/nac/science-advisory-committees/apac#meetingdocs. The Astrophysics Division Director recommends a rating for the
performance goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Dep-
uty Associate Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 143

Appendix B—Data Quality Elements

Performance Goal 1.1.9: By December 2021, launch one mission in support of Astrophysics.
Data Source: Written explanation of the rating and supporting material from SMD’s Flight Program Review archives. The Deputy Associ-
ate Administrator for SMD recommends a rating based on whether the underlying mission is on track to launch during the goal period.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.10: Demonstrate progress in advancing the understanding of how the chemical and physical processes in the
solar system operate, interact, and evolve.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC)
evaluates scientific progress relative to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are
available online at The Planetary Science Division Director rec-
ommends a rating for the performance goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings
are reviewed by the Deputy Associate Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate
Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.11: Demonstrate progress in exploring and observing the objects in the solar system to understand how they
formed and evolve.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the PAC evaluates scientific progress relative to
the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science.nasa.
gov/researchers/nac/science-advisory-committees/. The Planetary Science Division Director recommends a rating for the performance
goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.12: Demonstrate progress in exploring and finding locations where life could have existed or could exist
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from PAC evaluates scientific progress relative to the
current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science.nasa.
gov/researchers/nac/science-advisory-committees/. The Planetary Science Division Director recommends a rating for the performance
goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.13: Demonstrate progress in improving understanding of the origin and evolution of life on Earth to guide the
search for life elsewhere.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from PAC evaluates scientific progress relative to the
current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science.nasa.
gov/researchers/nac/science-advisory-committees/. The Planetary Science Division Director recommends a rating for the performance
goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.14: Demonstrate progress in identifying and characterizing objects in the solar system that pose threats to
Earth or offer resources for human exploration.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from PAC evaluates scientific progress relative to the
current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science.nasa.
gov/researchers/nac/science-advisory-committees/. The Planetary Science Division Director recommends a rating for the performance
goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 144

Appendix B—Data Quality Elements

Performance Goal 1.1.15: Deliver the Mars 2020 instrument payload for spacecraft integration. (Agency Priority Goal)
Data Source: Emails, press releases, and program-internal documents indicating progress toward integration, test, and launch.
Verification & Validation: NASA monitors and tracks its progress towards this goal using various Agency documents and reports, includ-
ing DPMC materials, monthly reports from the project and contributing partners, and other program-internal documents.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.16: By December 2017, launch at least two mission in support of Planetary Science.
Data Source: Written explanation of the rating and supporting material from SMD’s Flight Program Review archives. The Deputy Associ-
ate Administrator for SMD recommends a rating based on whether the underlying missions are on track to launch during the goal period.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.17: Demonstrate progress in advancing the understanding of changes in Earth’s radiation balance, air quality,
and the ozone layer that result from changes in atmospheric composition.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the Earth Science Advisory Committee (ESAC)
evaluates scientific progress relative to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are
available online at The Earth Science Division Director recom-
mends a rating for the performance goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings
are reviewed by the Deputy Associate Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate
Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.18: Demonstrate progress in improving the capability to predict weather and extreme weather events.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the ESAC evaluates scientific progress relative
to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science. The Earth Science Division Director recommends a rating for the performance
goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.19: Demonstrate progress in detecting and predicting changes in Earth’s ecosystems and biogeochemical
cycles, including land cover, biodiversity, and the global carbon cycle.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the ESAC evaluates scientific progress relative
to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science. The Earth Science Division Director recommends a rating for the performance
goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.20: Demonstrate progress in enabling better assessment and management of water quality and quantity to
accurately predict how the global water cycle evolves in response to climate change.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the ESAC evaluates scientific progress relative
to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science. The Earth Science Division Director recommends a rating for the performance
goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.21: Demonstrate progress in improving the ability to predict climate changes by better understanding the
roles and interactions of the ocean, atmosphere, land, and ice in the climate system.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the ESAC evaluates scientific progress relative
to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 145

Appendix B—Data Quality Elements The Earth Science Division Director recommends a rating for the performance
goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.22: Demonstrate progress in characterizing the dynamics of Earth’s surface and interior, improving the capa-
bility to assess and respond to natural hazards and extreme events.
Data Source: On an annual basis, an independent, external expert review panel from the ESAC evaluates scientific progress relative
to the current science plan and assigns a rating to the API that supports this PG. Their findings are available online at https://science. The Earth Science Division Director recommends a rating for the performance
goal based on the findings of the review panel and other significant factors, if applicable. Ratings are reviewed by the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Research within NASA SMD, with any issues being resolved by the Associate Administrator for SMD.
Verification & Validation: Review of the ratings and supporting material from the external expert review panel, along with a written expla-
nation of any other significant factors considered in arriving at the rating, if applicable.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.23: Further the use of Earth system science research to inform decisions and provide benefits to society.
Data Source: NASA Applied Sciences Program’s Annual Report, CFI Group report, and other documentation, as appropriate. The Direc-
tor of the NASA Applied Sciences Program recommends a rating after reviewing progress toward the performance goal.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.1.24: By December 2021, launch three missions in support of Earth Science.
Data Source: Written explanation of the rating and supporting material from SMD’s Flight Program Review archives. The Deputy Associ-
ate Administrator for SMD recommends a rating based on whether the underlying missions are on track to launch during the goal period.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 1.2.1: Conduct basic and applied biological and physical research to advance and sustain U.S. scientific exper-
Data Source: Documentation for payloads delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) Program; ISS flight manifests; Standing
Review Board program reports; Center for the Advancement of Science in Space press releases and award documents; project and
investigator internal reporting; and the NASA Task Book bibliographic data, available at
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: Potential lag time. For peer-reviewed publications, data are gathered throughout the year, but tend to concentrate at the
end of the year. Intermediate data are of limited significance. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Strategic Goal 2: Extend human presence deeper into space and to the Moon for sustainable long-term
exploration and utilization.
Performance Goal 2.1.1: Increase the crew time for research and development beyond the three U.S. Orbital Segment crew baseline.
Data Source: Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) DPMC and the ISS Program Quarterly Reviews.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 2.1.2: Ensure vital assets are ready, available, and appropriately sized to conduct NASA’s Mission.
Data Source: Center level analysis and schedules.
Verification & Validation: The DPMC is the governing body for review of this performance goal.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 2.1.3: Facilitate the commercial development of low Earth orbit (LEO) to transition to a commercial LEO human
spaceflight enterprise where NASA is one of many customers.
Data Source: HEOMD DPMC and the ISS Program Quarterly Reviews.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 146

Appendix B—Data Quality Elements

Performance Goal 2.2.1: Achieve critical milestones in development of new systems for the human exploration of deep space.
(Agency Priority Goal)
Data Source: Schedules and Quarterly Program Status Report packages.
Verification & Validation: Review by the HEOMD DPMC.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 2.2.2: Demonstrate deep space habitat concepts using prototypes developed in partnership with Next Space
Technologies for Exploration Partnerships Phase 2 industry partners.
Data Source: Industry partner-provided data to verify accomplishment of milestones.
Verification & Validation: Review of contractually-binding technical milestones.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use. Some of the data developed by NASA’s commer-
cial partners may be protected under Intellectual Property Statutes.

Performance Goal 2.2.3: Use the International Space Station (ISS) as a testbed to demonstrate the critical systems necessary for
long-duration missions. Between October 1, 2017, and September 30, 2019, NASA will initiate at least eight in-space demonstrations
of technology critical to enable human exploration in deep space. (Agency Priority Goal)
Data Source: Press releases and program-internal documents indicating whether or not NASA has initiated its planned inspace technol-
ogy demonstrations.
Verification & Validation: NASA monitors and tracks its progress towards this goal using various Agency documents and reports,
including materials from the Advanced Exploration Systems, and ISS program reviews, project schedules, and other program-internal
documents. NASA also issues press releases for its major technology demonstration experiments.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 2.2.4: Develop planetary In-Situ Resource Utilization technologies.

Data Source: Link(s) to press releases and design review board documents
Verification & Validation: HEOMD DPMC and NASA Policy Directive 7120.8 or tailored 7120.5 for the In-Situ Resource Utilization pay-
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 2.2.5: Engage industry in developing concepts to satisfy both NASA and commercial goals for a Power and Pro-
pulsion Element for deep space transportation.
Data Source: Link(s) to press releases and Design Review Board documents. See also
try-studies-for-deep-space-power-propulsion and
Verification & Validation: Review by HEOMD DPMC.
Data Limitation: Materials provided by NASA’s industry partners may include company-proprietary information. Data are sufficiently
accurate for their intended use.

Strategic Goal 3: Address national challenges and catalyze economic growth.

Performance Goal 3.1.1: Explore and advance promising early stage solutions to space technology challenges through investment
across the U.S. innovation community.
Data Source: Space Technology Research Grants, NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts, and Center Innovation Fund program docu-
mentation and press releases.
Verification & Validation: Within Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD), Strategic Planning and Integration (SPI) coordinates
and integrates performance goal and PG/API review and evaluation, working closely with portfolio executives, program executives, and
program managers responsible for individual PGs/APIs. For this PG, this process includes review of program documentation and press
releases for Space Technology Research Grants, NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts, and Center Innovation Fund. Final ratings and
justifications are approved by the SPI Director. During annual program performance status reviews, each program reports applicable
PG/API ratings and justification to the STMD Program Management Council (PMC).
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.1.2: Advance technologies that offer significant improvement to existing solutions or enable new space science
and exploration capabilities.
Data Source: Evidence will include the list of planned fiscal year milestones, along with completion status.
Verification & Validation: Within STMD, SPI coordinates and integrates PG/API review and evaluation, working closely with portfolio
executives, program executives and program managers responsible for individual PGs/APIs. For this PG, this process includes monthly
assessment of milestone progress by Game Changing Development, including presentation of status to STMD leadership. Final ratings
and justifications are approved by the SPI Director. During annual program performance status reviews, each program reports applica-
ble PG/API ratings and justification to the STMD PMC.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 147

Appendix B—Data Quality Elements

Performance Goal 3.1.3: Mature new crosscutting space technology capabilities for demonstration.
Data Source: Review reports, Key Decision Points (KDP) decision memoranda, or other relevant milestone documentation.
Verification & Validation: Within STMD, SPI coordinates and integrates PG/API review and evaluation, working closely with portfolio ex-
ecutives, program executives, and program managers responsible for individual PGs/APIs. For this PG, this process includes quarterly
verification of completion of project KDPs or key associated reviews (e.g., Preliminary Design Reviews, Critical Design Reviews), as
defined in governing NASA Procedural Requirements; launches; and significant ground tests or flight operations. Final ratings and justifi-
cations are approved by the SPI Director. During annual program performance status reviews, each program reports applicable PG/API
ratings and justification to the STMD PMC.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.1.4: Engage the established commercial sector, emerging aerospace markets, and economic regions to lever-
age common interests and grow the national economy.
Data Source: Web articles, NASA news releases, program spreadsheets, and other relevant documentation stored on a document and
records management system.
Verification & Validation: Within STMD, SPI coordinates and integrates PG/API review and evaluation, working closely with portfolio
executives, program executives and program managers responsible for individual PGs/APIs. For this PG, this process includes review
of NASA news releases, Web articles, and other relevant internal and external program documentation for the Small Business Innova-
tion Research/Small Business Technology Transfer, Centennial Challenges, Prizes and Challenges, Flight Opportunities, and NASA
Technology Transfer activities. During annual program performance status reviews, each program reports applicable PG/API ratings and
justification to the STMD PMC.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.2.1: Develop solutions that will advance decision-making ability for improving air traffic management to accom-
modate future growth in air travel, and for increasing aviation safety under hazardous conditions.
Data Source: Execution of a series of demonstrations of NASA-developed concepts and technologies; demonstration data, including
available aircraft and system performance metrics, and controller and pilot workload and acceptance data; and demonstration reports
and technical publications that include data analyses, conclusions, and any recommendations from the demonstration participants.
Verification & Validation: Measure rating reviewed and approved quarterly by the Program Director and Aeronautics Research Mission
Directorate (ARMD) Associate Administrator.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.2.2: Demonstrate the ability to reduce sonic booms, enabling future industry innovation in commercial
supersonic aircraft.
Data Source: Successful completion and reports for Project key decision points and lifecycle reviews. Plans and approvals for Initial
Community Response.
Verification & Validation: Measure rating reviewed and approved semi-annually and annual reviews by the Program Director and ARMD
Associate Administrator.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.2.3: Advance airframe and engine technologies to enable the development of future generations of ultra-effi-
cient air vehicles that minimize environmental impact.
Data Source: NASA publications (e.g., technical memoranda, contractor reports) and/or presentations and test reports.
Verification & Validation: Measure rating reviewed and approved semi-annually and annual reviews by the Program Director and ARMD
Associate Administrator.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.2.4: Facilitate significant environmental and efficiency improvements through research on alternative jet fuel
use, and on hybrid gas-electric propulsion system concepts.
Data Source: NASA publications (e.g., technical memoranda, contractor reports) and/or presentations and test reports.
Verification & Validation: Measure rating reviewed and approved semi-annually and annual reviews by the Program Director and ARMD
Associate Administrator.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.2.5: Significantly increase the ability to anticipate and resolve potential safety issues, and to predict the health
and robustness of aviation systems.
Data Source: Assured tools that improve the accuracy of real-time detection, diagnosis, and prediction of hazardous states and the
impact of these states on system safety. Demonstration, benefits analysis, and transition of new real-time system-wide safety technolo-

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 148

Appendix B—Data Quality Elements

Verification & Validation: Measure rating reviewed and approved semi-annually and annual reviews by the Program Director and ARMD
Associate Administrator.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.2.6: Support transformation of civil aircraft operations and air traffic management through the development,
application, and validation of advanced autonomy and automation technologies, including addressing critical barriers to enabling
urban on-demand air mobility and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) operations in low-altitude airspace.
Data Source: UAS Traffic Management Technology Capability Level research assessment and related documentation.
Verification & Validation: Measure rating reviewed and approved semi-annually and annual reviews by the Program Director and ARMD
Associate Administrator.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.3.1: Enhance reach and effectiveness of programs and projects that engage the public.
Data Source: Specific to each platform or communications tool, with contributions from programs, mission directorates, functional offic-
es, and field centers. Includes after-event reports, lessons-learned documentation, media monitoring, and/or media metrics.
Verification & Validation: Measure rating reviewed and approved semi-annually and annual reviews by the Program Director and ARMD
Associate Administrator.
Data Limitation: Constrained by legal limitations on collecting information on the public. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended

Performance Goal 3.3.2: Promote equal opportunity compliance and encourage best practices among NASA grant recipient institu-
Data Source: Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity (ODEO) Compliance Tracking System; MissionSTEM Analytics.
Verification & Validation: Review compliance with NASA Policy Directive 2081.1A and NASA Procedural Requirements 2081.1A. Ensure
signature by grant recipient institutions of NASA Form 1206 (i.e., the Assurance of Compliance form).
Data Limitation: Quantifying compliance actions in percentages is subject to some level or interpretation. In addition, there can be a lag
time in reporting, because the purpose of the program is to assess grantee institution compliance with federal civil rights requirements,
and if there is non-compliance, it can take months or years to achieve compliance.

Performance Goal 3.3.3: Provide opportunities for students to engage with NASA’s aeronautics, space, and science people, content,
and facilities in support of a diverse future NASA and aerospace industry workforce.
Data Source: Project activity data from the Office of Education Performance Measurement (OEPM) System.
Verification & Validation: NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement reviews the data collected using the OEPM System to determine whether
goals have been met. The measure is reviewed and approved by the Associate Administrator for the NASA Office of STEM Engage-
Data Limitation: There is a data lag. Academic calendars do not coincide with the federal fiscal year calendar. In order to ensure accu-
rate data collection and reporting, NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement uses prior year data (e.g., in FY 2019, NASA’s Office of STEM
Engagement reports on 2017-2018 academic calendar year data) to meet performance reporting requirements. Data are sufficiently
accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.3.4: Enhance the effectiveness of education investments using performance assessment and evaluation-driven
Data Source: STEM Engagement Council working group’s deliverables and grant/cooperative agreement solicitations released by the
Office of Education.
Verification & Validation: Documents serving as the deliverables for each milestone will be obtained and reviewed by the Office of STEM
Engagement Performance Assessment, Evaluation and Information Management Team to assess achievements of each milestone. A
written assessment will be reviewed by the Deputy Associate Administrator for STEM Engagement to verify and validate findings.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 3.3.5: Provide opportunities for students to contribute to NASA’s aeronautics, space, and science missions and
work in exploration and discovery.
Data Source: Project activity data from the OEPM System.
Verification & Validation: NASA’s Office STEM Engagement staff review the data collected using the OEPM System to determine
whether goals have been met. The measure rating is reviewed and approved by the Associate Administrator for NASA’s Office of STEM
Data Limitation: There is a data lag. Academic calendars do not coincide with the federal fiscal year calendar. In order to ensure accu-
rate data collection and reporting, NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement uses prior year data (e.g., in FY 2018, NASA education reports
on FY 2017 data) to meet performance reporting requirements. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 149

Appendix B—Data Quality Elements

Strategic Goal 4: Optimize capabilities and operations.

Performance Goal 4.1.1: Efficiently manage the coordination of NASA’s domestic, interagency, and international partnership agree-
ments to ensure that the partnerships continue to provide value to the Agency, including through the advancement of one or more
Agency institutional or programmatic objectives.
Data Source: NASA Headquarters Mission Directorate Reviews; Information from the Partnerships Agreement Maker Database; and
Partnership Council meetings and briefings.
Verification & Validation: Review of documentation listed under Data Sources. Partnership Council review of significant partnership
activities; and compliance with NASA Policy Directive 1050.11 and NASA Advisory Implementing Instructions 1050-1, 1050-2, 1050-3.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.1.2: Achieve savings for the Agency through acquisition reforms.
Data Source: NASA Strategic Sourcing Plan, Master Buy Plan Database, and Federal Procurement Data System.
Verification & Validation: Review compliance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Strategic Sourcing Policy, NASA Policy
Directive 1000.5B, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), and the NASA FAR Supplement.
Data Limitation: Contract data availability from the Federal Procurement Data System and Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative data
collection system lags in the reporting cycle. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.1.3: Develop and implement the multiyear NASA Small Business Strategic Plan, which will promote and
increase small business programs and outreach through strategic collaborative efforts with internal and external partners and
Data Source: NASA’s Office of Small Business Programs website, NASA Vendor Database, press releases, and NASA-internal docu-
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources. Final rating is determined by the Associate Adminis-
trator of OSBP.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.2.1: Provide cargo transportation to support on-orbit crew members and utilization.
Data Source: HEOMD DPMC and the ISS Program Quarterly Reviews.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.2.2: Facilitate the development of and certify U.S. industry-based crew transportation systems while maintain-
ing competition, returning International Space Station (ISS) crew transportation to the United States. (Agency Priority Goal)
Data Source: Email(s) and press releases indicating industry partners continue to make progress maturing their transportation system
technical and certification/verification efforts.
Verification & Validation: Review by NASA’s PMC and HEOMD DPMC.
Data Limitation: Materials provided by NASA’s industry partners may include company-proprietary information. Data are sufficiently
accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.2.3: Invest financial and technical resources to stimulate efforts within the private sector to develop and demon-
strate safe, reliable, and cost-effective space capabilities.
Data Source: Email(s) and press releases indicating industry partners continue to make progress maturing their transportation system
technical and certification/verification efforts.
Verification & Validation: Review by NASA’s PMC and the HEOMD DPMC.
Data Limitation: Materials provided by NASA’s industry partners may include company-proprietary information. Data are sufficiently
accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.2.4: Review the current state of the NASA test capabilities, known test requirements, and test requests, and
ensure their availability to meet the Nation’s needs.
Data Source: Rocket Propulsion Test staff presentations at quarterly DPMC and program management review meetings.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.2.5: Complete Launch Services Program (LSP) objectives for all NASA-managed expendable launches.
Data Source: LSP Mission Success Metric 0773, which is updated at the end of each fiscal year; and link(s) to mission press release(s).

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 150

Appendix B—Data Quality Elements

Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources by the HEOMD Launch Services Office Director, and
Launch Services Program Program Planning Office.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.2.6: Maintain a minimum of 95 percent delivery of the Space Communications network services that support
NASA and other customers’ mission success.
Data Source: NASA-internal presentation charts and link(s) to external press releases.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources by the HEOMD DPMC and at the Baseline Perfor-
mance Review.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.2.7: Replace the aging Deep Space Network infrastructure.
Data Source: NASA-internal presentation charts and link(s) to external press releases.
Verfication & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources by the HEOMD DPMC and at the Baseline Perfor-
mance Review.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.2.8: Ensure the strategic availability and maintenance of facilities that are necessary to meet the long-term
needs and requirements of the Agency.
Data Source: Quarterly program reviews by the Space Environments Testing Management Office (SETMO).
Verification & Validation: Assessment SETMO by staff at the quarterly program reviews.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.3.1: Assure the safety and health of NASA’s activities and reduce damage to assets through the development,
implementation, and oversight of Agency-wide safety, reliability, maintainability, quality assurance, and health and medical policies
and procedures.
Data Source: NASA Mishap Information System.
Verification & Validation: Quarterly review of the data listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.3.2: Implement the policies, procedure and oversight to continuously improve the probability of technical and
programmatic mission success.
Data Source: Baseline Performance Review.
Verfication & Validation: Quarterly reviews noted under Data Source.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.4.1: Define and build diverse workforce skills and competencies needed for the Agency’s Mission.
Data Source: Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) Innovation Index. Publicly available from the Office of Personnel Manage-
ment (OPM) and Partnership for Public Service.
Verification & Validation: Review trends from the 2011 baseline. Monitor focus areas that drive innovation, including recognizing/reward-
ing innovative performance, engaging/connecting the workforce, and building model supervisors and leaders, through additional indices
in the FEVS.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use and are generally available late in the 4th quarter of
the fiscal year.

Performance Goal 4.4.2: Sustain equal opportunity (EO) and diversity and inclusion programs and processes that help to proactively
prevent discrimination, achieve more equitable and inclusive work environments, and more efficiently address EO concerns.
Data Source: NASA Model Equal Employment Opportunity Agency Plan, Strategic Management Council, Diversity and Inclusion Strate-
gic Partnership meetings, and Baseline Performance Review reporting.
Verification & Validation: Assessment of the NASA Model Equal Employment Opportunity Agency Plan and NASA Diversity and Inclu-
sion Strategic Implementation Plan.
Data Limitation: Some lag time in reporting of data, particularly at the end of the fiscal year. The OPM, which administers the FEVS, re-
leases an FEVS technical report to accompany the survey each year. The FEVS technical report includes detailed information on FEVS
sample design and selection; the survey instrument; and data collection, cleaning, weighting and analysis. OPM posts the survey results
and FEVS technical reports to its website.

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Appendix B—Data Quality Elements

Performance Goal 4.5.1: Safeguard NASA’s data and IT assets by implementing cybersecurity and privacy capabilities.
Data Source: Quarterly President’s Management Council cybersecurity assessments for the maturity of specific cybersecurity capabili-
Verification & Validation: Review of quarterly President’s Management Council’s cybersecurity assessments.
Data Limitation: Data regarding specific protections may be sensitive. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.5.3: Achieve improvements in overall Office of Protective Services physical security operations, standardiza-
tion, efficiencies, and economies of scale.
Data Source: Integrated Security Functional Review functional review report(s), formal Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation
certificates, and NASA-internal reports.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Sources.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.6.1: Between 2012 and 2018, support the demolition and elimination of obsolete and unneeded facilities.
Data Source: Quarterly budget and excess property reports.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Source.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.6.2: Ensure that NASA continues progress towards implementing the targets and goals reflected in its annual
Sustainability Plan
Data Source: Annual external reporting to the Department of Energy, OMB, and Council on Environmental Quality via the Ener-
gy-Greenhouse Gas Workbook; OMB Scorecard on Sustainability/Energy; and Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Source.
Data Limitation: Lag time. Preliminary data are available in October or November after the end of each fiscal year, but final data typically
are not available until January. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

Performance Goal 4.6.3: Between 2018 and 2019, demonstrate increased facility reliability by reducing spending on unscheduled
maintenance by one percent annually.
Data Source: Systems application products and NASA center work plans.
Verification & Validation: Review of the documentation listed under Data Source.
Data Limitation: None identified. Data are sufficiently accurate for their intended use.

NASA’s FY 2020 Volume of Integrated Performance 152

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