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Installation Guide
Last Updated: February 12, 2016

Trademark Notice
Bentley, the “B” Bentley logo, STAAD are registered or nonregistered trademarks of Bentley Systems,
Incorporated or Bentley Software, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

Copyright Notice
© 2015, Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may only be used pursuant to applicable software
license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Bentley Systems, Incorporated and/or
third parties which is protected by copyright and trade secret law and may not be provided or otherwise made
available without proper authorization.

Windows, Vista, SQL Server, MSDE, .NET, DirectX are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Acrobat logo are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Restricted Rights Legend

If this software is acquired for or on behalf of the United States of America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities
(“U.S. Government”), it is provided with restricted rights. This software and accompanying documentation are
“commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation,” respectively, pursuant to
48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 227.7202, and “restricted computer software” pursuant to 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19(a), as
Use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display or disclosure of this software and accompanying
documentation by the U.S. Government are subject to restrictions as set forth in this Agreement and pursuant to
48 C.F.R. 12.212, 52.227-19, 227.7202, and 1852.227-86, as applicable. Contractor/Manufacturer is Bentley
Systems, Incorporated, 685 Stockton Drive, Exton, PA 19341- 0678.
Unpublished - rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States and International treaties.

End User License Agreement

To view the End User License Agreement for this product, review: eula_en.pdf [PDF].

STAAD.Pro 2 Installation Guide

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Installation ............................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Considerations Before Installing .................................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Installing STAAD.Pro ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Starting STAAD.Pro ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
1.4 Runtime Considerations for Windows ...................................................................................................................................15
To Retain Custom Configurations ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Chapter 2: Licensing ................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 Trust Licensing ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
2.2 Using a Bentley SELECT License Server ................................................................................................................................ 20
2.3 Using a local SELECT License Server ...................................................................................................................................... 24
2.4 Local SELECT Server Installation ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Chapter 3: Language Setup ....................................................................................................... 30
3.1 Installing a STAAD.Pro Language Pack .................................................................................................................................. 30
Chapter 4: Technical Support .................................................................................................. 31

STAAD.Pro 3 Installation Guide

This section guides you through the process of installing STAAD.Pro on your computer.
In order to do so, please login as an administrative user. STAAD.Pro is installed by invoking a self-contained
executable (.exe). Simply follow the instructions in the insaller package. For details on the installation, please
refer to Installing STAAD.Pro (on page 4).

Note: Some windows and dialogs may vary slightly from images included in this installation document,
depending on the version of Windows you are using.

1.1 Considerations Before Installing

Please read the following items prior to beginning installation to ensure the process performs as expected.

Note: STAAD.Pro is compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems only! Please refer to the
Requirements file for a complete list of compatible Windows operating systems and minimum system

Internet Connection
The Installer package attempts to install any missing prerequisites prior to installing STAAD.Pro. Some third
party prerequisites are not included in the package installer so the Installer package attempts to download them
from the Internet and initiate their installation for you (a bootstrap installer, as described in Installing
STAAD.Pro (on page 4)). Therefore, an Internet connection may be required to complete the installation

Windows Administration Privileges

If your computer is using either the Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating systems –even if you are logged in as a
user with administrative privileges– certain programs may require confirmation to be run with administrative
privileges. By default, a Windows Explorer process runs with standard user privileges, even if the login ID has
full administrative privileges. To overcome this, the installer may request to run with administer privileges
when launched. Please provide administrator credentials (if requested) and accept this dialog before

STAAD.Pro 4 Installation Guide

Installing STAAD.Pro

1.2 Installing STAAD.Pro

Use the following procedure to install STAAD.Pro using the one-click software package.
In order for the STAAD.Pro application to run, it needs a number of system requirements known as
prerequisites, to be in place. To ensure that the necessary prerequisites are installed and of a suitable version,
the STAAD.Pro installer is been bundled into a package installer. This means that you do not have to download
the prerequisites separately.
In order to prevent the packager becoming too large, the package includes two types of prerequisite installation:
a full installation or a bootstrap installation. The former includes the entire prerequisite installation, where as a
bootstrap installer is only a small installation that is used to identify if the prerequisite is present or not and, if
not, it will download the full installation and install it.
Once the Package installer is initiated, it will follow sequentially the installations as listed on the packager
window, starting with the first prerequisite installation and finishing with the STAAD.Pro installation. If any of
the prerequisites are already installed and are an older version than required, they will automatically be
updated. If they are of the same or more current version, then they will be skipped.
Refer to the window icons and messages for each item during the process for the action take for each item:
• Installations that have been installed will be marked with a green tick and displayed in blue text.
• Installations that have been skipped will be marked with a green tick to indicate that it has been checked and
the installation will be shown in gray text.
• Installations that have failed will be marked with a red cross. Details of possible error messages are included
in the Requirements document that can accessed from the package installer Window.

Note: When opening the Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features, the packager does not display, but
all the individual installations that have been installed will be displayed and if required can be uninstalled

Additionally, if one or more of the installations require a system reboot, this will be suppressed until all the
installations have taken place. If necessary, you will be prompted to reboot once the installer package is finished.

1. Double-click the Package Installer executable file named stpst200711XXen.exe (where XXen refers to the
current build number and language).

Caution: If you are presented with a message regarding user account privileges, please quit the installer and
re-run as system Administrator (Refer to Windows Administration Privileges (on page 4)). Continuing to
install without appropriate privileges will result in some components not being properly installed.

Note: If you are prompted with a security alert, click Yes to proceed with the installation

The Installer window opens.

2. (Optional) Click Readme to display the installation Requirements file in Internet Explorer®.

STAAD.Pro 5 Installation Guide

Installing STAAD.Pro

You may close the Internet Explorer window when you have finished reviewing the information.
3. (Optional) If you do not want to install the optional component products, clear the Install companion
products (StrucLink & PipeLink) check box on the left hand side of the dialog.
4. Click Install.
The Package Installer proceeds by verifying prerequisites are present and, if they are not, attempting to
install them.

STAAD.Pro 6 Installation Guide

Installing STAAD.Pro

Note: Details for to the installation of third-party prerequisites are included in those packages. Please refer to
those instructions if help is required.

Once the prerequisites are confirmed to be installed, the STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) InstallShield
Wizard opens.
5. Install the product using the STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) InstallShield Wizard

STAAD.Pro 7 Installation Guide

Installing STAAD.Pro

a. Click Next to proceed with the installation process.

Note: If you have a previously installed version of STAAD.Pro on your computer, you will be prompted to
verify you want to overwrite the older version.

You are now presented with the End User License Agreement for this software.

STAAD.Pro 8 Installation Guide

Installing STAAD.Pro

b. Please read the agreement and then select the option I accept the terms in the license agreement to
accept and proceed. Click Next to continue.

Tip: You may also print a copy for your records.

You are prompted to specify an installation folder. This is the folder which contains the program on your
computer. The default location is C:\SProV8i SS6\ .

STAAD.Pro 9 Installation Guide

Installing STAAD.Pro

c. Click Change if you want to select a different location. Once you have selected a destination folder, click
Next to continue.
You are prompted to provide customer information.

STAAD.Pro 10 Installation Guide

Installing STAAD.Pro

d. Type your User Name and Organization, select the option for which users will have access to the
program on this machine, and then click Next to continue.
These fields are filled in with default values taken from your Windows operating system, but you may
change the information as needed.
You are prompted to select a default system of units.

STAAD.Pro 11 Installation Guide

Installing STAAD.Pro

e. Select either the Imperial/English Unit System (i.e., U.S. customary) or Metric Unit System option and
then click Next to continue.
The installer has gathered all the necessary information.

STAAD.Pro 12 Installation Guide

Installing STAAD.Pro

f. Click Install to finish the process.

The wizard begins installing the program onto your computer.
g. Once the process is complete, click Finish to exit the wizard.
The InstallSheild Wizard dialog closes.
6. Click Close in the Package Installer.

STAAD.Pro 13 Installation Guide

Starting STAAD.Pro

Note: Depending on your installation options, you may need to restart your computer before all changes can take

1.3 Starting STAAD.Pro

1. Start STAAD.Pro by one of the following methods:
double-click the STAAD.Pro V8i icon on your desktop
click the Windows Start button and then select All Programs > Bentley Engineering > STAAD.Pro V8i SS6
in the program group, select the STAAD.Pro icon.
in Windows Explorer, double-click a STAAD.Pro file (with the file extension .std)

STAAD.Pro 14 Installation Guide

Runtime Considerations for Windows

in Windows Explorer, double-click the icon for STAADPro.exe.

Note: Until you have activated a license for the program, it will remain in Trial mode and only function for 7
days past installation.

The STAAD.Pro window opens to the Start page.

1.4 Runtime Considerations for Windows

The installation process creates a STAAD.Pro configuration file ( staadpro20.07.11.ini ) at the root folder
where you have installed STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) (C:\SProV8i SS6, by default) and then copies this
configuration file into the C:\Windows folder so that all users can access the configuration file during runtime.
Subsequently, if you make changes to the configuration (e.g., base unit system, default design code, etc.),
STAAD.Pro will attempt to save the revised configurations in this file. However, due to the revised security
regime used since Windows Vista®, STAAD.Pro will not be able to update the configuration file located in the
Windows folder, thus all changed configurations will be lost.

OS Versions Affected
• Windows® 8 and 8.1
• Windows® 7

To Retain Custom Configurations

To retain any custom configurations for STAAD.Pro , use the following procedure.

1. Copy this configuration file ( staadpro20.07.11.ini ) to a folder where the user has write permission.
2. From the Windows Start menu (or from a Windows Explorer window), right-click on the Computer icon and
select Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Click Advanced system settings found in the right column.
The System Properties dialog opens.
4. Select the Advanced tab and then click Environment Variables.

STAAD.Pro 15 Installation Guide

Runtime Considerations for Windows

The Environment Variables dialog opens.

STAAD.Pro 16 Installation Guide

Runtime Considerations for Windows

5. In the User variables for username panel, click New.

The New User Variable dialog opens.

6. Type SPRINIMAP in the Variable Name field and type the full path name of the copied configuration file in
the Variable Value field.
For example, C:\Users\Document\ staadpro20.07.11.ini .
7. Click OK.

STAAD.Pro 17 Installation Guide

Runtime Considerations for Windows

Note: If multiple user profiles on the same computer use STAAD.Pro, this procedure must be repeated for each
profile. This will ensure all individual users running STAAD.Pro on that computer can maintain their own copies
of the configuration settings.

Similarly, STAAD.Pro comes with several standard example problems within the Examp sub-folder where
STAAD.Pro was installed (e.g., C:\SProV8i SS6\STAAD\Examp). If you wish to run these sample problems,
Windows® may not allow STAAD.Pro to generate the output files under this folder if your user account does not
have the write privilege in this folder. If that is the case, you may copy these sample input model to a user-
account specific folder where your have full access and let program open the sample models from that folder
(e.g., your account's My Documents folder).

STAAD.Pro 18 Installation Guide

Please review the following information regarding Bentley Systems' licensing.

2.1 Trust Licensing

STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 6) uses Bentley's Trust Licensing which ensures uninterrupted access to run your
Bentley software regardless of the availability license. This replaces the strict license checkout method used in
Benltey's IEG License service.
When a user in your organization opens STAAD.Pro, one of the various modules associated with STAAD.Pro, or
performs an analysis with a design code, this usage is logged and will be balanced against the organization's
account at the end of a billing cycle.

License Options on the Start Page

It is not necessary to set license options for most design codes on the Start Page. When a design code is used
during an analysis, this is usage will be logged. Options remain for Advanced Analysis Engine, STAAD.beava, and
Building Planner.

Table 1: Status color descriptions of Start Page license options

License Color Description

Gray Inactive - The check box is not set and the license will not be checked when STAAD.Pro
or an analysis is run.

Green Activated - The license has been successfully checked.

STAAD.Pro 19 Installation Guide

Using a Bentley SELECT License Server

License Color Description

Orange Offline - The license has not yet been checked or logs have not been successfully sent in
more than 24 hours.

Blue Trial - The program is within the 7 day trial window, but the license is not available.

Red Expired - The program is outside of the 7 day trial window or the program has not been
able to successfully connect to the SELECTserver within the past 7 days.

Tip: If the Advanced Analysis Engine, STAAD.beava, and Building Planner are not specifically required for your
analysis, it is recommended that these check box options be cleared on the Start page.

2.2 Using a Bentley SELECT License Server

In order to complete the installation, the SELECT Server Name and Site Activation key is required. If you do not
have this, please contact Bentley Systems technical support. Without this information, the installation will
operate using a trial license for 7 days only.
This is for installations that use a Bentley Server to authenticate the Bentley SELECT License used when running

1. Install STAAD.Pro following the instructions found in the Installation section of this document.
2. Open the Bentley SELECT XM License Management Tool by clicking the Windows Start menu (found on the
Windows task bar) and then selecting All Programs > Bentley Engineering > STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 >
SELECT License Tools > Bentley SELECT XM License Management Tool (typical location).
If you are authenticating for the first time, the following Product Activation Wizard dialog opens.
Otherwise, the License Management Tool window and you should proceed to step 4 below.
3. When authenticating for the first time:
a. Select the option SELECT subscriber activating against a hosted (Bentley) SELECT Server and click
Next >.

STAAD.Pro 20 Installation Guide

Using a Bentley SELECT License Server

The Product Activation Wizard opens with the Server Name already provided for Bentley's server.

STAAD.Pro 21 Installation Guide

Using a Bentley SELECT License Server

b. Enter the Site Activation Key received from Bentley Systems and click Next >.
Before accepting the entered information you may also choose to click on the Test Connection button to
confirm that the entries are correct.
c. Select the country where you will use the product from the drop-down list and then click Next >.
You are presented with a summary of the information provided to the wizard.
d. Click Finish.
The wizard will notify you upon successful product activation.
e. Click Close.
4. If the Product Activation Wizard dialog box did not open (i.e., this is not the first time this SELECT Server
information has been set):
a. Select Tools > Options.

The License Management Tool dialog opens.

b. On the SELECT Server tab, type the SELECT Server Name and the Site Activation Key provided by
Bentley Systems and click OK.
If you do not know these, please contact you system administrator.
Before accepting the entered information you may also choose to click on the Test Connection button to
confirm that the entries are correct.

STAAD.Pro 22 Installation Guide

Using a Bentley SELECT License Server

The dialog closes and the licenses are updated.

STAAD.Pro 23 Installation Guide

Using a local SELECT License Server

The license security is now in place, the installation is complete, and STAAD.Pro is ready for use.

Note: You may need to contact your system administrator if your organization uses a proxy server to connect to
the Internet. Select Proxy in the Product Activation Wizard dialog or the Proxy Configuration tab in the
License Management Tool dialog to display a dialog box for entering these connections settings.

2.3 Using a local SELECT License Server

In order to complete the installation, the SELECT Server Name and Site Activation key is required. If you do not
have this, please contact Bentley Systems technical support. Without this information, the installation will
operate using a trial license for 7 days only.

STAAD.Pro 24 Installation Guide

Using a local SELECT License Server

This is for installations which use a local server to authenticate the Bentley SELECT License when running

1. Install STAAD.Pro following the instructions found in the Installation section of this document.
2. Open the Bentley SELECT XM License Management Tool by clicking the Windows Start menu (found on the
Windows task bar) and then selecting All Programs > Bentley Engineering > STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 >
SELECT License Tools > Bentley SELECT XM License Management Tool (typical location).
If you are authenticating for the first time, the following Product Activation Wizard dialog opens.
Otherwise, the License Management Tool window and you should proceed to step 4 below.
3. When authenticating for the first time:
a. Select the option SELECT subscriber with a deployed (local) SELECT Server and click Next >.

The Product Activation Wizard opens.

STAAD.Pro 25 Installation Guide

Using a local SELECT License Server

b. Type your Server Name and the Site Activation Key received from Bentley Systems and click Next >.
Before accepting the entered information you may also choose to click on the Test Connection button to
confirm that the entries are correct.
c. Select the country where you will use the product from the drop-down list and then click Next >.
You are presented with a summary of the information provided to the wizard.
d. Click Finish.
The wizard will notify you upon successful product activation.
e. Click Close.
4. If the Product Activation Wizard dialog box did not open (i.e., this is not the first time this SELECT Server
information has been set):
a. Select Tools > Options.

STAAD.Pro 26 Installation Guide

Using a local SELECT License Server

The License Management Tool dialog opens.

b. On the SELECT Server tab, type the SELECT Server Name and the Site Activation Key provided by
Bentley Systems and click OK.
If you do not know these, please contact you system administrator.
Before accepting the entered information you may also choose to click on the Test Connection button to
confirm that the entries are correct.

The dialog closes and the licenses are updated.

STAAD.Pro 27 Installation Guide

Local SELECT Server Installation

The license security is now in place, the installation is complete, and STAAD.Pro is ready for use.

Note: You may need to contact your system administrator if your organization uses a proxy server to connect to
the Internet. Select Proxy in the Product Activation Wizard dialog or the Proxy Configuration tab in the
License Management Tool dialog to display a dialog box for entering these connections settings.

2.4 Local SELECT Server Installation

This is for installations which use a local server on the client network to authenticate the Bentley SELECT license
required when running STAAD.Pro

1. Obtain your SELECT ID. This will be supplied by Bentley Systems.

STAAD.Pro 28 Installation Guide

Local SELECT Server Installation

2. Using your web browser, go to the URL and use your SELECT login
credentials to log on to this site.
3. Download the SELECT Server.
4. Run this installation on the server that will be the SELECT Server.
Details of the SELECT Server installation are included in the download. Refer to those instructions for
additional information.

STAAD.Pro 29 Installation Guide

Language Setup
A STAAD.Pro language pack is used to change the application interface from English to a different language.

Note: Only one STAAD.Pro Language Pack may be installed at a time.

3.1 Installing a STAAD.Pro Language Pack

To install a language pack for a non-English language, use the following procedure.
You must install STAAD.Pro prior to installing a language pack.

1. Double-click the language pack executable file named stplp200711NNXX.exe, where NN is the current build
number and XX is the two-letter language code.
The language pack installer opens to display the End User License Agreement for this software.
2. Please read the agreement and select the option I accept the terms in the license agreement to accept and

Tip: You may also print a copy for your records.

3. Click Install.
A message dialog opens when the language pack installation successfully completes.
4. Click Finish.

The STAAD.Pro interface will now be displayed in the selected language you have installed.

Note: To restore the STAAD.Pro interface to English, remove the language pack using the Uninstall or change a
program feature in the Windows Control Panel.

STAAD.Pro 30 Installation Guide

Technical Support
These resources are provided to help you answer support questions.

4.1 Service Request Manager — Create and track a service ticket using Bentley Systems'
online site for reporting problems or suggesting new features. You do not need to be a Bentley SELECT member
to use Service Request Manager, however you do need to register as a user.

4.2 Knowledge Base — Search the Bentley Systems knowledge base for solutions for common

4.3 FAQ and TechNotes
structural_analysis_and_design__wiki/4057.aspx — Here you can find detailed resolutions and answers to the
most common questions posted to us by users like you.

4.4 Forums — Post questions in the Be Communities
forums to receive help and advice from fellow users.

STAAD.Pro 31 Installation Guide

G language setup 30 S
launching 14
getting help 31 starting
licensing , See opening
Bentley SELECT License
H Server 20, 24
help 31 Trust License 19 T
using a local SELECT Server technical support 31
installation 28
Licensing 19 W
language pack 30 Windows
language setup 30 O supported versions 4
one-click installer 4 opening 14 Windows 7
prerequisites 4 operating systems 4 runtime considerations 15
Windows 8
runtime considerations
L R Windows Vista
language pack runtime considerations 15 runtime considerations 15
installation 30

STAAD.Pro 32 Installation Guide

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