Install STEP7 WinCC V18 enUS

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Notes on the installation 1

Parallel installation 2

Licensing 3
System requirements for
installation 4
Installation Overview of processes and
services of TIA Portal 5

Programming and Operating Manual

Using Security Logging 6

Installation log 7

Starting installation 8
Displaying the installed
software 9
Modifying or updating
installed products 10
Repairing installed
products 11

Starting to uninstall 12
Installing updates and
support packages 13
Installing support
packages automatically 14
Installing and uninstalling
the migration tool 15
Installing and uninstalling
the TIA project server 16
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance
are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient
conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG Copyright © Siemens AG 2022.

Digital Industries Ⓟ 11/2022 Subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Notes on the installation ....................................................................................................................... 5

2 Parallel installation ................................................................................................................................ 7
3 Licensing................................................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Notes on licenses ................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC............................................................................................... 10
3.3 Licensing of WinCC Unified options .................................................................................... 19
3.3.1 Logging ............................................................................................................................. 19
3.3.2 Parameter sets ................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.3 Process diagnostics ............................................................................................................ 22
3.3.4 Client................................................................................................................................. 22
3.3.5 Reporting .......................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.6 Openness .......................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.7 Unified Collaboration ......................................................................................................... 25
3.3.8 Audit ................................................................................................................................. 25
3.4 Licensing of Plant Intelligence options................................................................................ 26
3.4.1 Calendar ............................................................................................................................ 26
3.4.2 Performance Insight........................................................................................................... 27
3.4.3 Sequence........................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.4 Line Coordination .............................................................................................................. 29
3.5 Handling licenses and license keys ..................................................................................... 30
3.6 Licensing of HMI devices .................................................................................................... 33
3.7 Licensing WinCC Runtime on PC-based HMI devices ............................................................ 34
3.8 Licensing WinCC Runtime Asian ......................................................................................... 35
3.9 STEP 7 without license for PC-CP ........................................................................................ 35
4 System requirements for installation .................................................................................................. 37
4.1 Notes on the system requirements ..................................................................................... 37
4.2 General software and hardware requirements .................................................................... 38
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics ................................................................................ 41
4.3.1 Uninstalling WinCC Unified................................................................................................. 41
4.3.2 Installation of WinCC Runtime Unified ................................................................................ 41
4.3.3 Installation of WinCC Runtime Professional ......................................................................... 48
4.3.4 Notes on installing TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway............................................................. 50
5 Overview of processes and services of TIA Portal components .......................................................... 53
6 Using Security Logging........................................................................................................................ 61
6.1 Security Logging in the TIA Portal....................................................................................... 61
6.2 Activating and deactivating Security Logging...................................................................... 61

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Table of contents

6.3 Overview of events ............................................................................................................ 62

6.4 Displaying and managing events ........................................................................................ 69
7 Installation log..................................................................................................................................... 71
8 Starting installation ............................................................................................................................. 73
9 Displaying the installed software ........................................................................................................ 77
10 Modifying or updating installed products ........................................................................................... 79
11 Repairing installed products................................................................................................................ 81
12 Starting to uninstall............................................................................................................................. 83
13 Installing updates and support packages............................................................................................ 85
13.1 Checking availability of updates and support packages and installing them ......................... 85
13.2 Working with a company-internal server............................................................................. 88
13.2.1 Properties and advantage of a corporate server .................................................................. 88
13.2.2 Configuring a corporate server for updates ......................................................................... 89
13.2.3 Distributing updates to different areas .............................................................................. 108
13.2.4 Providing updates on a corporate server ........................................................................... 109
14 Installing support packages automatically........................................................................................ 111
14.1 Installing support packages automatically ........................................................................ 111
14.2 Return values from the installation process....................................................................... 112
14.3 Log file ............................................................................................................................ 113
15 Installing and uninstalling the migration tool................................................................................... 115
15.1 Notes on using the migration tool .................................................................................... 115
15.2 System requirements ....................................................................................................... 115
15.3 Installing the migration tool ............................................................................................. 116
15.4 Uninstalling the migration tool......................................................................................... 116
16 Installing and uninstalling the TIA project server ............................................................................. 119
16.1 Notes on installing the project server ............................................................................... 119
16.2 Installing a project server ................................................................................................. 121
16.3 Uninstalling a project server............................................................................................. 123

4 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Notes on the installation 1
Information that could not be included in the online help and important information about
product characteristics.

Installation in a virtual environment (private cloud)

You can find instructions on how to install TIA Portal in a virtual environment (private cloud) on
the installation data medium in the directory "Documents\Readme\<language directory>". You
can open the PDF document "TIAPortalCloudConnectorHowTo<language ID>.pdf" here.

Automatic installation
A description of automated installation is available on the product DVD in the directory
"Documents\Readme\<Language directory>".

Use of the same versions of TIA Portal products during installation

When installing different TIA Portal products, make sure that you use the same versions of
service packs and updates for the installation. For example, if you have installed SP1 for STEP 7
V13, you must also install SP1 for WinCC V13. The service packs and updates must be installed
for all products at the same time. Do not start TIA Portal until all products have been upgraded.
You can download the service packs from the Internet under Siemens Industry online
support (

Target directory of the installation

Do not use any UNICODE characters (for example, Chinese characters) in the installation path.
The installation path cannot be changed after installing one of the TIA Portal products.

Security settings for the installation of WinCC

When you install WinCC, security settings are changed in your operating system. These security
settings are listed during the installation.
You must confirm the changes to the security settings.
If you make changes to your operating system after installing it, the security settings can be
changed by installing TIA Portal.
You can restore the security settings by installing TIA Portal as follows:
"Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Security Controller > Restore settings".

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 5
Notes on the installation

Use of antivirus programs

During the installation, read and write access to already installed files is necessary. Some
antivirus programs block this access. Therefore, configure your antivirus program for the
installation of TIA Portal so that access to these files is possible.

Installation of PCT V3.5.2

PCT V3.5.1 is automatically uninstalled with the installation of TIA Portal V18.
If necessary, install PCT V3.5.2 manually from DVD 2.

FAQs on TIA Portal

FAQs on TIA Portal are available under FAQs (

6 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Parallel installation 2
Parallel installation of WinCC V17 and other SIMATIC HMI products
Parallel installation of WinCC V17 and versions of WinCC flexible earlier than WinCC flexible
2008 SP5 is not permitted.
Parallel installation of WinCC V17 Comfort/Advanced with versions of WinCC earlier than
V7.3 is not permitted.
Parallel installation of WinCC V17 with WinCC V7.3, WinCC V7.4 or WinCC V7.5 is not
permitted for:
• WinCC V17 Professional
• WinCC V17 Runtime Professional

Parallel use
If the term "Combo" appears in the name or license key of the software after installation, the use
of the following products/versions is permitted in accordance with paragraph 4.3 of the General
Terms and Conditions (see also setup text):
• With the license "STEP 7 Professional Combo": older versions of STEP 7 (STEP 7 Professional
2006 - STEP 7 Professional V17)
• With the license "WinCC V17 Comfort Combo": WinCC flexible 2008 Standard
• With the license "WinCC V17 Advanced Combo": WinCC flexible 2008 Advanced

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Parallel installation

8 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Licensing 3
3.1 Notes on licenses

Availability of licenses
The licenses for the products of the TIA Portal are shipped on an installation data medium or via
online software delivery (OSD).
Before you uninstall the TIA Portal, you must transfer and back up the licenses still required.
Use the Automation License Manager for this purpose.

Provision of the Automation License Manager

The Automation License Manager is supplied on the installation data medium and is transferred
automatically during the installation process.
If you uninstall the TIA Portal, the Automation License Manager remains installed on your

Working with the Automation License Manager

The Automation License Manager is a product of Siemens AG, which is used for handling license
keys (technical representatives of licenses).
Software products that require license keys for operation, such as the TIA Portal, register the
need for license keys automatically with the Automation License Manager . If the Automation
License Manager finds a valid license key for this software, the software can be used
according to the license usage terms associated with this license key.

For additional information on how to manage your licenses with the Automation License
Manager , refer to the documentation supplied with the Automation License Manager .

See also
Notes on the system requirements (Page 37)
Starting installation (Page 73)
Displaying the installed software (Page 77)
Modifying or updating installed products (Page 79)
Repairing installed products (Page 81)

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3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC

Starting to uninstall (Page 83)

Installation log (Page 71)

3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC

You require a License Key to license the following STEP 7 editions:
• STEP 7 Basic
• STEP 7 Professional
You can install the corresponding License Key for STEP 7 using the
Automation License Manager after the installation has been completed.
There are other licenses available for the optional packages of STEP 7. You can get detailed
information in the documentation of the corresponding option package.
You can transfer the corresponding license keys for STEP 7 and STEP 7 options after the
installation with the Automation License Manager.
For licensing the following editions in WinCC, you need a License Key:
• WinCC Engineering System
• WinCC Runtime
• Options for WinCC Engineering System
• Options for WinCC Runtime system
You transfer licenses for WinCC and the WinCC add-ons after installation with the Automation
License Manager.

The licensee also recognizes that the software (SW) from the Microsoft Corporation or
subsidiaries contains licensed software. The licensee hereby agrees to be bound by and comply
with the terms of the attached license agreement between Microsoft SQL Server and End User.

The following licenses with the corresponding License Keys are available:
• STEP 7 Basic
• STEP 7 Professional
• STEP 7 Professional Combo
• WinCC Basic
• WinCC Comfort
• WinCC Comfort Combo

10 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC

• WinCC Advanced
• WinCC Advanced Combo
• WinCC Professional
• WinCC Professional Combo
• WinCC Unified Basic Engineering
• WinCC Unified Comfort Engineering
• WinCC Unified PC Engineering
• WinCC RT Advanced
• WinCC RT Professional
• WinCC Unified PC Runtime

Usage possibilities of licenses and devices

The following table shows which devices you can use with which license:

Existing Devices that can be used

  Unified Devices Classic Devices
WinCC Comfort Basic RT Professional RT Advanced Comfort Basic
Unified PC Panels Panels Panels Panels
WinCC Unified Basic ES** No No Yes No No No Yes
WinCC Unified Comfort ES No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
WinCC Unified PC 10k ES Yes (10k*) Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
WinCC Unified PC 100k ES Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WinCC Unified PC max ES Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WinCC Basic No No Yes No No No Yes
WinCC Comfort No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
WinCC Advanced Yes (10k*) Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
WinCC Professional 512 Yes (10k*) Yes Yes Yes (512*) Yes Yes Yes
WinCC Professional 4096 Yes (10k*) Yes Yes Yes (4096*) Yes Yes Yes
WinCC Professional max Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

* Maximum possible number of PowerTags

** Released with HSP.

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3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC

Validity of license keys for older versions of STEP 7

With a valid License Key for V18.x of STEP 7 Professional and STEP 7 Professional Combo, you can
also operate older versions of STEP 7 without restrictions. The following table provides more
detailed information about this:

Edition License Valid for

STEP 7 Basic V18.x STEP 7 Basic • STEP 7 Basic V18.x
• STEP 7 Basic V17.x
• STEP 7 Basic V16.x
• STEP 7 Basic V15.x
• STEP 7 Basic V14.x
• STEP 7 Basic V13.x
• STEP 7 Basic V12.x
• STEP 7 Basic V11.x
STEP 7 Professional V18.x STEP 7 Professional • STEP 7 Professional V18.x
• STEP 7 Professional V17.x
• STEP 7 Professional V16.x
• STEP 7 Professional V15.x
• STEP 7 Professional V14.x
• STEP 7 Professional V13.x
• STEP 7 Professional V12.x
• STEP 7 Professional V11.x
• STEP 7 Basic V18.x
• STEP 7 Basic V17.x
• STEP 7 Basic V16.x
• STEP 7 Basic V15.x
• STEP 7 Basic V14.x
• STEP 7 Basic V13.x
• STEP 7 Basic V12.x
• STEP 7 Basic V11.x

12 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC

Edition License Valid for

STEP 7 Professional V18.x STEP 7 Professional Combo • STEP 7 Professional V18.x
• STEP 7 Professional V17.x
• STEP 7 Professional V16.x
• STEP 7 Professional V15.x
• STEP 7 Professional V14.x
• STEP 7 Professional V13.x
• STEP 7 Professional V12.x
• STEP 7 Professional V11.x
• STEP 7 Basic V18.x
• STEP 7 Basic V17.x
• STEP 7 Basic V16.x
• STEP 7 Basic V15.x
• STEP 7 Basic V14.x
• STEP 7 Basic V13.x
• STEP 7 Basic V12.x
• STEP 7 Basic V11.x
• STEP 7 V5.6
• STEP 7 V5.5
• STEP 7 V5.4
• STEP 7 Professional 2017
• STEP 7 Professional 2010
• STEP 7 Professional 2006

Validity of license keys for older versions of WinCC

With a valid License Key for WinCC V18.x, you can also operate older versions of WinCC without
You can find more detailed information in the following table:

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3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC

WinCC Engineering System

Edition License Valid for

WinCC Basic V18.x WinCC Basic • WinCC Basic V18.x
• WinCC Basic V17.x
• WinCC Basic V16.x
• WinCC Basic V15.x
• WinCC Basic V14.x
• WinCC Basic V13.x
• WinCC Basic V12.x
• WinCC Basic V11.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*

14 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC

Edition License Valid for

WinCC Comfort/Advanced V18.x WinCC Comfort • WinCC Basic, Comfort V18.x
  • WinCC Basic, Comfort V17.x
  • WinCC Basic, Comfort V16.x
  • WinCC Basic, Comfort V15.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V14.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V13.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V12.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V11.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*
WinCC Comfort Combo • WinCC flexible Compact, Standard >= 2005
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V18.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V17.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V16.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V15.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V14.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V13.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V12.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V11.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*
WinCC Advanced • WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V18.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V17.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V16.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V15.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V14.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V13.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V12.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V11.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*
• WinCC Unified Comfort V18.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V17.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V16.x
• WinCC Unified PC V18.x
• WinCC Unified PC V17.x
• WinCC Unified PC V16.x
WinCC Advanced Combo • WinCC flexible Compact, Standard, Advanced >= 2005
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V18.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V17.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V16.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V15.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V14.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V13.x

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3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC

Edition License Valid for

• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V12.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V11.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*
• WinCC Unified Comfort V18.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V17.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V16.x
• WinCC Unified PC V18.x
• WinCC Unified PC V17.x
• WinCC Unified PC V16.x
WinCC Professional V18.x WinCC Professional (512) • WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V18.x
WinCC Professional • WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V17.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V16.x
WinCC Professional
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V15.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V14.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V13.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V12.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V11.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*
• WinCC Unified Comfort V18.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V17.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V16.x
• WinCC Unified PC V18.x
• WinCC Unified PC V17.x
• WinCC Unified PC V16.x
WinCC Professional (512) • WinCC flexible Compact, Standard, Advanced >= 2008 SP3
Combo • WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V18.x
WinCC Professional
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V17.x
(4096) Combo
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V16.x
WinCC Professional
(max.) Combo • WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V15.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V14.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V13.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V12.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V11.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*
• WinCC Unified Comfort V18.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V17.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V16.x
• WinCC Unified PC V18.x
• WinCC Unified PC V17.x
• WinCC Unified PC V16.x

16 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC

Edition License Valid for

WinCC Unified Basic V18.x* WinCC Unified Basic ES • WinCC Basic V18.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*
WinCC Unified Comfort V18.x WinCC Unified Comfort ES • WinCC Basic, Comfort V18.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V17.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort V16.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*
• WinCC Unified Comfort V18.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V17.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V16.x
WinCC Unified PC V18.x WinCC Unified PC (10k) ES • WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V18.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V17.x
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced V16.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*
• WinCC Unified Comfort V18.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V17.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V16.x
• WinCC Unified PC V18.x
• WinCC Unified PC V17.x
• WinCC Unified PC V16.x
WinCC Unified PC (100k) • WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V18.x
ES • WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V17.x
WinCC Unified PC (max.)
• WinCC Basic, Comfort, Advanced, Professional V16.x
• WinCC Unified Basic V18.x*
• WinCC Unified Comfort V18.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V17.x
• WinCC Unified Comfort V16.x
• WinCC Unified PC V18.x
• WinCC Unified PC V17.x
• WinCC Unified PC V16.x
Released with HSP.

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3.2 Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC

WinCC Runtime

Edition License Valid for

WinCC RT Advanced V18.x WinCC RT Advanced (16384) • WinCC RT Advanced V17.x
WinCC RT Advanced (8192) • WinCC RT Advanced V16.x
WinCC RT Advanced (4096) • WinCC RT Advanced V15.x
WinCC RT Advanced (2048) • WinCC RT Advanced V14.x
WinCC RT Advanced (512) • WinCC RT Advanced V13.x
WinCC RT Advanced (128)
• WinCC RT Advanced V12.x
• WinCC RT Advanced V11.x
WinCC RT Professional V18.x WinCC RT Professional (262144) • WinCC RT Professional V18.x
WinCC RT Professional (153600) • WinCC RT Professional V17.x
WinCC RT Professional (102400) • WinCC RT Professional V16.x
WinCC RT Professional (65536) • WinCC RT Professional V15x
WinCC RT Professional (8192) • WinCC RT Professional V14.x
WinCC RT Professional (4096)
• WinCC RT Professional V13.x
WinCC RT Professional (2048)
• WinCC RT Professional V12.x
WinCC RT Professional (512)
• WinCC RT Professional V11.x
WinCC RT Professional (128)
WinCC Unified PC V18.x WinCC Unified PC (150) RT • WinCC Unified PC V18.x
WinCC Unified PC (500) RT • WinCC Unified PC V17.x
WinCC Unified PC (1k) RT • WinCC Unified PC V16.x
WinCC Unified PC (2,5k) RT
WinCC Unified PC (5k) RT
WinCC Unified PC (10k) RT
WinCC Unified PC (50k) RT
WinCC Unified PC (100k) RT
WinCC Unified PC (max.) RT

Validity of licenses for WinCC options

WinCC options with version-independent license keys can also be used for future versions.

Starting without a valid license key

If you start the TIA Portal without a valid License Key , the system alerts you that you are working
in non-licensed mode. You have the one-time option of activating a Trial License. However, this
license is valid for a limited period only and expires after 21 days.
When the Trial License expires, the following scenarios can occur:
• TIA Portal has never been licensed on the PC in question:
– No license-based actions can be performed in the TIA Portal.
• TIA Portal was already licensed on the PC in question:
– A window requiring acknowledgment presents an alert for non-licensed mode every 10
minutes and for every action requiring a license.

18 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.3 Licensing of WinCC Unified options

License requirement for simulation In STEP 7

You do not require additional licenses when you use the menu command "Online > Simulation"
to start the simulation in STEP 7.
If the following conditions are met, you need the appropriate licenses for the edition of
STEP 7 that you have installed, even for the simulation:
• The connection to the PLC is configured and active.

License requirement for simulation In WinCC Runtime

If the following conditions are fulfilled, you also need the appropriate licenses for WinCC
Runtime and for licensed options for the simulation:
• Start the simulator with the menu command "Online > Simulation".
If you do not have a valid license, you can activate the simulation for one hour.

Licenses for the TIA Portal Cloud Connector

For working with the TIA Portal Cloud Connector, you need a valid License Key for each device
that you specify as "User device" in the TIA Portal Cloud Connector. The License Key is also
required if the TIA Portal is installed on this device. A License Key is not required for devices that
you are using as "remote device".

See also
Handling licenses and license keys (Page 30)

3.3 Licensing of WinCC Unified options

3.3.1 Logging

You have two options for logging your data in WinCC Unified:
• File-based logging
• Database-based logging

File-based logging
File-based logging allows you to log up to 5000 logging tags in an SQL Lite database.

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3.3 Licensing of WinCC Unified options

WinCC Unified Comfort Panel:

• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• No license is required for logging.
WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for logging.
To log up to a maximum of 5000 logging tags you need one or more licenses depending on
the number of tags to be logged. To do this, refer to the licenses in the table below.
You do not need an upgrade license for logging when you upgrade the system.
If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the logging tags in trial mode.

Database-based logging
Database-based logging allows you to log all logging tags up to the high limit in an MS SQL
WinCC Unified Comfort Panel:
• Not available
WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for logging.
Besides the functionality, database-based logging also includes an MS SQL server. Therefore,
you need the "WinCC Unified Database Storage" license.
You also need one or more license(s) according to the number of tags to be logged. To do
this, refer to the licenses in the table below.
File-based or database-based licenses
The license(s) required for the number of tags to be logged can be found in the table below:

License1 Number of logging tags File-based Database-based

WinCC Unified PC 100 Logging 100 X X
WinCC Unified PC 500 Logging 500 X X
WinCC Unified PC 1000 Log‐ 1000 X X
ging Tags

20 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.3 Licensing of WinCC Unified options

License1 Number of logging tags File-based Database-based

WinCC Unified PC 5000 Log‐ 5000 X X
ging Tags
WinCC Unified PC 10000 Log‐ 10000 --- X
ging Tags
WinCC Unified PC 30000 Log‐ 30000 --- X
ging Tags
WinCC Unified Database Stor‐ --- Not required X
You can cumulate the logging tag licenses. This means that the sum of licenses corresponds to the number of tags that need
to be logged.
The license allows logging in the MS SQL database.
Depending on the MS SQL server, an upgrade license for WinCC Unified Database Storage
may be required when upgrading the system.
Old licenses must be updated if required.
No trial mode is available for database-based logging.

3.3.2 Parameter sets

Parameter sets
WinCC Unified Comfort Panel:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for use in runtime.
To use parameter sets on a Runtime PC, you need a license:

License WinCC Unified PC WinCC Unified Comfort Panel

WinCC Unified Parameter Control (PC) X Not required

The license is version dependent and requires the corresponding upgrade license for the
If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the parameter sets in trial mode.

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3.3 Licensing of WinCC Unified options

3.3.3 Process diagnostics

Process diagnostics
WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for use in runtime.
To use process diagnostics on a Runtime PC, you need a license:

License WinCC Unified PC WinCC Unified Comfort Panel

WinCC Unified ProDiag X Not required

If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the process diagnostics in trial mode.

3.3.4 Client

WinCC Unified Comfort Panel:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• A WinCC Unified Comfort Panel can be accessed by a maximum of 3 simultaneous remote
access operations.
• The license for first access is free of charge.
• The use of remote access must be approved in the firmware.

For remote access, you need a license depending on the number and type of accesses. The
required license is listed in the table below:

  Monitoring only Operator control and monitoring

WinCC Unified Panel Client Monitor (1) X ---
WinCC Unified Panel Client Operate (1) --- X

22 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.3 Licensing of WinCC Unified options

WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for use in runtime.
The following client functions are included in the license for WinCC Unified Runtime:
• Two accesses for operator control and monitoring (two local accesses or one local and one
remote access)
• One access for monitoring (one local access or one remote access)

For remote access, you need a license depending on the number and type of accesses. The
required license is listed in the table below:

  Monitoring only Operator control and monitoring

WinCC Unified Client Monitor (1) X ---
WinCC Unified Client Monitor (3) X ---
WinCC Unified Client Monitor (10) X ---
WinCC Unified Client Monitor (30) X ---
WinCC Unified Client Monitor (100) X ---
WinCC Unified Client Operate (1) --- X
WinCC Unified Client Operate (3) --- X
WinCC Unified Client Operate (10) --- X
WinCC Unified Client Operate (30) --- X
WinCC Unified Client Operate (100) --- X

The license is version independent and does not require any upgrade to a new version.

If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the client in trial mode.

3.3.5 Reporting


Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 23
3.3 Licensing of WinCC Unified options

WinCC Unified Comfort Panel:

• You need a WinCC Unified Comfort (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for use in runtime.
WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for use in runtime.
You do not need a license to configure the Reporting option.
The option license "Configuration and manual Report Execution" is included in the WinCC
Unified Engineering System and WinCC Unified RT licenses.
You need the "WinCC Unified Report Execution" license for automatic execution of Reporting
(time, event).

License WinCC Unified Comfort Panel WinCC Unified PC

WinCC Unified Report Execution X X

The license is version dependent and requires the corresponding upgrade license for the
If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the Reporting option in trial mode.

3.3.6 Openness

WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for use in runtime.
No license is required for the Openness option.
No license is required for the upgrade.
If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the Openness option in trial mode.

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3.3 Licensing of WinCC Unified options

3.3.7 Unified Collaboration

Unified Collaboration
WinCC Unified Comfort Panel:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for use in runtime.
WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for use in runtime.
You do not need a license to configure the Unified Collaboration option.
You need a license for each device involved to use the Unified Collaboration option.

License WinCC Unified Comfort Panel WinCC Unified PC

WinCC Unified Collaboration X X

The license is version dependent and requires the corresponding upgrade license for the
If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the Unified Collaboration option in trial

3.3.8 Audit

WinCC Unified Comfort Panel:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for use in runtime.
WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for use in runtime.
You do not need a license to configure the Audit option.

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3.4 Licensing of Plant Intelligence options

You need a license to use the Audit option in runtime.

You can use the following licenses for the Audit option in WinCC Runtime:

License Description
WinCC Unified Audit Basis Secured communication
Logging the Audit Trail
Recording of process data changes (automatically, via script or system function)
Confirmation with / without comment
Exporting Audit Trail entries
Audit Trail report and tamper indication
Logging in and logging out Audit Trail entries
Simple electronic signature
Backing up and restoring Audit Trail database segments
WinCC Unified Audit En‐ In addition:
hanced Multiple electronic signature (2 persons)
Display and analysis of the Audit Trail in the Audit Viewer
Alias name for tag names

You need a license for each device involved to use the Audit option.

License WinCC Unified Comfort Panel WinCC Unified PC

WinCC Unified Audit Basis X X
WinCC Unified Audit Enhanced X X

The license is version dependent and requires the corresponding upgrade license for the
If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the Audit option in trial mode.

3.4 Licensing of Plant Intelligence options

3.4.1 Calendar
WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for the Calendar PI option in Runtime.
You do not need an additional license to configure the Calendar PI option.

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3.4 Licensing of Plant Intelligence options

You need the following licenses to use the Calendar PI option in Runtime:

License Description
WinCC Unified Calendar Base Per server:
• Three independent basic calendars
• Unlimited number of derived calendars
• Unrestricted use of the option
• Version-based
WinCC Unified Calendar Exten‐ • One additional basic calendar
sion (1)*

* Valid per extension, is independent of version and cumulative

WinCC Unified Calendar Base + WinCC Unified Calendar Extension (1) → 3 + 1 = 4
When upgrading to the next higher version, you need a WinCC Unified Calendar Base
Upgrade license.
On the other hand, the WinCC Unified Calendar Extension (1) license is version-independent.
If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the Calendar PI option in trial mode.

3.4.2 Performance Insight

WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for the Performance Insight PI option in
You do not need an additional license to configure the Performance Insight PI option.
You need the following licenses to use the Performance Insight PI option in Runtime:

License Description
WinCC Unified Performance In‐ Per server:
sight Base • Three analyzed plant objects
• Unrestricted use of the option
• Version-based
WinCC Unified Performance In‐ • 10 additional analyzed plant objects
sight Extension (10)*
WinCC Unified Performance In‐ • 30 additional analyzed plant objects
sight Extension (30)*

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 27
3.4 Licensing of Plant Intelligence options

License Description
WinCC Unified Performance In‐ • 100 additional analyzed plant objects
sight Extension (100)*
WinCC Unified Performance In‐ • 300 additional analyzed plant objects
sight Extension (300)*

* Valid per extension, is independent of version and cumulative

WinCC Unified Performance Insight Base + WinCC Unified Performance Insight Extension(10)
→ 3 + 10 = 13
WinCC Unified Performance Insight Base + WinCC Unified Performance Insight Extension (10)
+ WinCC Unified Performance Insight Extension (30) → 3 + 10 + 30 = 43
When upgrading to the next higher version you need a WinCC Unified Performance Insight
Base Upgrade license.
On the other hand, the WinCC Unified Performance Insight Extension licenses are version-
If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the Performance Insight PI option in trial

3.4.3 Sequence
WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for the Sequence PI option in Runtime.
You do not need an additional license to configure the Sequence PI option.
You need the following licenses to use the Sequence PI option in Runtime:

License Description
WinCC Unified Sequence Base Per server:
• 3 concurrent equipment modules
• Unrestricted use of the option
• Version-based
WinCC Unified Sequence Exten‐ • 5 additional concurrent equipment modules
sion (5)*

* Valid per extension, is independent of version and cumulative

WinCC Unified Sequence Base + WinCC Unified Sequence Extension(5) → 3 + 5 = 8

28 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.4 Licensing of Plant Intelligence options

WinCC Unified Sequence Base + WinCC Unified Sequence Extension (5) + WinCC Unified
Sequence Extension (5) → 3 + 5 + 5 = 13
When upgrading to the next higher version you need a new WinCC Unified Sequence Base
Upgrade license.
On the other hand, the WinCC Unified Sequence Extension (5) license is version-independent.
If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the Sequence PI option in trial mode.

3.4.4 Line Coordination

WinCC Unified PC:
• You need a WinCC Unified Engineering System (ES) license for configuring.
• You need a WinCC Unified Runtime (RT) license for the Line Coordination PI option in Runtime.
You do not need an additional license to configure the Line Coordination PI option.
You need the following licenses to use the Line Coordination PI option in Runtime:

License Description
WinCC Unified Line Coordination Per server:
Base • 3 units
• Unrestricted use of the option
• Version-based
WinCC Unified Line Coordination • 5 units
Extension (5)*
WinCC Unified Line Coordination • 10 units
Extension (10)*
WinCC Unified Line Coordination • 50 units
Extension (50)*

* Valid per extension, is independent of version and cumulative

WinCC Unified Line Coordination Base + WinCC Unified Line Coordination Extension (5)
→ 3 + 5 = 8
WinCC Unified Line Coordination Base + WinCC Unified Line Coordination Extension (5) +
WinCC Unified Line Coordination Extension (10)
→ 3 + 5 + 10 = 18
When upgrading to the next higher version you need a new WinCC Unified Line Coordination
Base Upgrade license.

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 29
3.5 Handling licenses and license keys

On the other hand, the WinCC Unified Line Coordination Extension licenses are version-
If you do not have a valid license, you can configure the Line Coordination PI option in trial

3.5 Handling licenses and license keys

You need a valid License Key in each case to use STEP 7 Basic, STEP 7 Professional as well as
WinCC Engineering System, options for WinCC Engineering System and WinCC Runtime.

Destruction of license keys by copying
A License Key cannot be copied. The copy protection prevents the License Keys from being
copied. If there is an attempt to copy a License Key, the License Key gets destroyed.

Trial License
If you start the TIA Portal without a valid License Key, the system alerts you that you are working
in non-licensed mode. You can activate a trial license once. The trial license expires after 21 days.
When the trial license has expired, the TIA Portal only runs with restrictions. For the full
version of the TIA Portal, you need to purchase the corresponding license.

Installing license keys for STEP 7 and WinCC

Install the license with the Automation License Manager from the accompanying data storage
medium to your PC.
You need additional License Keys to use WinCC Runtime or simulation on the Engineering-PC
with the menu command "Online > Simulation > Start". You need to use Automation License
Manager for this.
When you install a license, the relevant License Key will be removed from the original storage
location of the License Keys.

Transferring license keys to the HMI device

You must transfer the License Keys to the HMI device to operate WinCC.
You transfer a License Key to the HMI device in the following cases:
• To operate WinCC Runtime
• To use add-ons for WinCC Runtime

30 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.5 Handling licenses and license keys

When you transfer a license to an HMI device, the associated License Key is removed from the
License Keys storage location.
If you no longer need the license or want to back up data, you must transfer the License Keys
from the operator panel. You can then use this license on another PC or HMI device.

Uninstalling license keys

License Keys are always uninstalled using the Automation License Manager. Call the Automation
License Manager before uninstalling
and back up the license key to be uninstalled to another storage location.
You uninstall a License Key in the following cases:
• When backing up data.
• If you no longer require the license.
You can also use a valid license on another PC.

Modification to the data media of the engineering system

Modifying the data medium of the engineering system can destroy the License Key. To do this
before such modifications, open the Automation License Manager and back up License Key to be
uninstalled to another storage location.

Destruction of license keys on PCs
If one of the following cases applies, first, uninstall all License Keys :
• Format the hard disk
• Compress the hard disk
• Restore the hard disk
• Start an optimization program that moves fixed blocks
• Install a new operating system
Read the description of Automation License Manager ("Start > Siemens Automation >
Documentation"). Comply with all warnings and notices.

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 31
3.5 Handling licenses and license keys

Data backup of operating panels (Backup/Restore)

When backing up data on the HMI device, remove the License Keys on the HMI device. To do this,
open the Automation License Manager and back up the License Key to another storage location.

Destruction of license keys on non-PC-based HMI devices
License keys transferred as a result of backup/restore operations are destroyed in the case of the
following HMI devices:
• 270s series
• 370s series
Proceed as follows before restoring:
1. Use the Automation License Manager and ProSave to check if there are License Keys on the
HMI device.
2. Transfer the existing License Keys from the HMI device.
After restoring has been carried out, transfer the License Keys back to the HMI device.

Invalid license after time zone change

The installed licenses will no longer work if you change the time zone on a PC as follows: from
a full-hour time zone to a time zone that is not based on a full hour.
To avoid this inconvenience, uninstall the License Key with the Automation License Manager
under the time zone setting that was set when the License Keys was installed.
Example: You want to use the HMI device from the time zone "GMT +3:00" in the time zone
"GMT +3:30".
1. Uninstall the License Key with the time zone setting "GMT +3:00".
2. Change the time zone settings accordingly on your PC.
3. Install the License Key.
This behavior does not apply to the Trial License.

Defective license
A license is defective in the following cases:
• If the License Key is no longer accessible at the storage area.
• If the License Key disappears during its transfer to the destination drive.

If you reset the system date to an earlier time, all licenses are invalidated.

You can use the Automation License Manager to repair the defective license. Use
the "Restore" function or the "Restore wizard" of the Automation License Manager

32 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.6 Licensing of HMI devices

for this purpose. Contact Customer Support to restore them. You can find more
detailed information on the Internet: (https://

Runtime can also be operated without errors if the license is missing or defective. The system
alerts you at brief intervals that you are working in non-licensed mode.

Microsoft SQL Server

A license is required for use of the Microsoft SQL Server database. The license is included in a
properly licensed and installed version of WinCC.
The SQL Server which is licensed with the installation of WinCC can only be used in
connection with WinCC.
Its use for other purposes requires an additional license. These include, for example:
• Use for custom databases
• Use for third-party applications
• Use of SQL access mechanisms which are not provided via WinCC.
After uninstalling WinCC, you must uninstall the "WinCC" SQL server instance. To do this,
select the entry "Microsoft SQL Server 20.." under "Control Panel > Programs" and uninstall it.

See also
Licensing STEP 7 and WinCC (Page 10)

3.6 Licensing of HMI devices

Non-PC-based HMI devices are equipped with Runtime licenses. A License Key is not required for
runtime operation.
A license may be required for an add-on for non-PC-based HMI devices. The License Key of
the respective license always activates one add-on for use.

License key
In order to license non-PC-based HMI devices with License Keys, the
"SIMATIC HMI License Manager Panel Plugin" add-on is needed.
WinCC Setup installs this add-on by default. You open the License Manager Panel Plugin in
the Automation License Manager with the "Edit > Connect Target System > Connect HMI
Device" menu command.
If WinCC is not installed, an installation of ProSave 7.2 or higher is required.

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 33
3.7 Licensing WinCC Runtime on PC-based HMI devices

Notes on handling licenses

• Further information on license handling can be found in the Automation License Manager
• Verify that the current version of the operating system (or higher) is installed on the HMI
device before you start licensing. If necessary, update the operating system using ProSave.
• The licensee also recognizes that the software (SW) from the Microsoft Corporation or
subsidiaries contains licensed software. The licensee hereby agrees to be bound by and
comply with the terms of the attached license agreement between Microsoft SQL Server and
End User.

Non-licensed mode
Runtime add-ons can be used for a short time without restrictions without a valid license. Non-
licensed mode is indicated every 10 minutes by a window, which you must acknowledge.

3.7 Licensing WinCC Runtime on PC-based HMI devices

License key
With PC-based HMI devices, you require a license key for the following:
• WinCC Runtime with 128 tags, for example.
• WinCC add-ons
You transfer licenses for the WinCC add-ons after installation with the Automation License

Productive operation of the software is only permitted with a valid Certificate of License which
specifies the respective version.

The appropriate new license is required to license WinCC Runtime.

You can upgrade the Runtime licenses of WinCC flexible 2008 and WinCC V7 with an upgrade
license to WinCC Runtime.

Notes on handling licenses

• When you upgrade an older version to the current version, you need new licenses for WinCC
• The licensee also recognizes that the software (SW) from the Microsoft Corporation or
subsidiaries contains licensed software. The licensee hereby agrees to accept the terms of
the accompanying license agreement between Microsoft SQL Server and end users and to
abide by them.

34 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
3.9 STEP 7 without license for PC-CP

Non-licensed mode
WinCC Runtime and the Runtime add-ons can be used freely without license. Non-licensed
mode is indicated every 10 minutes by a window, which you must acknowledge.

3.8 Licensing WinCC Runtime Asian

If you are using WinCC Runtime in an Asian language, a dongle is used additionally for the
validation of the required license.
The dongle is delivered in form of a certified USB flash drive together with the Licence Key
required for WinCC Runtime Professional and WinCC Unified PC Runtime Asian. The license
key is stored on the certified USB flash drive.

Using the dongle for an Asian Runtime

To successfully license a WinCC project in an Asian language, transfer the required license key
from the certified USB flash drive to the HMI device using the "Automation License Manager".
Plug the USB flash drive into the USB port of the HMI device. The USB flash drive acts as
a dongle during runtime. The dongle must always remain plugged in the USB port during
If you remove the dongle during runtime, WinCC Runtime switches to Demo mode.
The USB flash drives supplied for the Asian markets are certified for permanent use in
production. Therefore, you cannot transfer or copy the content to another USB medium.
If you lose the certified USB flash drive or it becomes defective, you need a new, certified USB
flash drive.

Simulation of a WinCC project in an Asian language

You then also need a certified USB flash drive as dongle for the simulation. If no dongle is
available, the simulation runs in Demo mode.

3.9 STEP 7 without license for PC-CP

Functions of STEP 7 for PC-CP

STEP 7 for PC-CP is a full version of STEP 7 that was installed without license. This version only
supports configuration and diagnostic options for the following components:
• PC-CPs and applications (OPC server) for PC stations
• SCALANCE X switches

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 35
3.9 STEP 7 without license for PC-CP


• SCALANCE S security module
• PROFINET IO devices and PROFIBUS DP slaves
• Readers (RFID) and optical readers (MV)
SIMATIC stations and WinAC components are only available in the network and topology view
(no device view). Programming functions are not available.

Information system
The information system for PC-CP available in STEP 7 describes the full scope of STEP 7 functions.
You should therefore remember that the functions are restricted to the configuration of the
previously listed device groups.

Upgrading to the range of functions of STEP 7 Professional

The full scope of STEP 7 functions is already available on your engineering station with the
installation of STEP 7 for PC-CP, although its use is restricted.
By installing a license later, you can upgrade at any time to the full functionality of STEP 7.
There is no need for a new installation. Any projects created previously in STEP 7 for PC-CP
can still be used without restrictions once a license is installed.

36 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
System requirements for installation 4
4.1 Notes on the system requirements

System requirements for individual products

The system requirements might differ depending on the products you want to install. You should
therefore check the individual system requirements of your products.
If you want to install several products, make sure that your system meets the demands of the
product with the highest requirements.

Displaying PDF files

To be able to read the supplied PDF files, you require a PDF reader that is compatible with PDF 1.7
e.g. Adobe (R) Reader version 9.

Displaying the Welcome Tour

You need the Adobe (R) Flash Player Version 9 or higher to start the Welcome Tour for TIA Portal.

Windows 10: Character sets

Since Windows 10 Update Version 1809, Windows allows the installation of character sets either
with administrator rights for each user (command "Install for all users" in the context menu) or
for specific users. In order to use WinCC character sets without restrictions and load them onto
an operator panel, the character sets must always be installed with administrator rights.
Note that the "Install" button in the view of a character set only initiates a user-specific

See also
Notes on licenses (Page 9)
Starting installation (Page 73)
Displaying the installed software (Page 77)
Modifying or updating installed products (Page 79)
Repairing installed products (Page 81)
Starting to uninstall (Page 83)

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 37
System requirements for installation
4.2 General software and hardware requirements

4.2 General software and hardware requirements

System requirements for installation

The following table shows the minimum software and hardware requirements that have to be
met for the installation:

Hardware/software Requirement
Processor Intel® Core™ i3-6100U, 2.30 GHz
Hard disk S-ATA with at least 20 GB available space
Network From 100 Mbit
Screen resolution 1024 x 768
Operating systems * Windows 10 (64-bit)
• Windows 10 Professional Version 21H1
• Windows 10 Professional Version 21H2
• Windows 10 Enterprise Version 2009/20H2
• Windows 10 Enterprise Version 21H1
• Windows 10 Enterprise Version 21H2
• Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB
• Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC
• Windows 10 Enterprise 2021 LTSC
Windows 11 (64-bit)
• Windows 11 Home Version 21H2
• Windows 11 Professional Version 21H2
• Windows 11 Enterprise 21H2
Windows Server (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2016 Standard (full installation)
• Windows Server 2019 Standard (complete installation)
• Windows Server 2022 Standard (full installation)

* Including all security updates up to Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for August 2022
(MS22-AUG). For more detailed information on operating systems, refer to the help on
Microsoft Windows or the Microsoft Web site.
Some protocols might also support additional Windows versions. You can find
more information in the product-specific requirements or check the compatibility
with the compatibility tool. The compatibility tool is available on the
Internet at (https://

38 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
System requirements for installation
4.2 General software and hardware requirements

Recommended PC hardware
The following table shows the recommended hardware requirements:

Hardware/software Requirement
Computer SIMATIC FIELD PG M6 Comfort or higher (or comparable PC)
Processor Intel® Core™ i5-8400H (2.5 to 4.2 GHz; 4 cores + Hyper-threading; 8 MB Smart Cache)
RAM 16 GB or more (32 GB for large projects)
Hard disk SSD with at least 50 GB available memory space
Network 1 GBit (for multiuser)
Monitor 15.6" Full HD Display (1920 x 1080 or higher)

Supported virtualization platforms

You can install the software packages "SIMATIC STEP 7" and "SIMATIC WinCC" on a virtual
machine. For this purpose, use one of the following virtualization platforms in the specified
version or a newer version:
• VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 or higher
• VMware Workstation 12.5.5 (only WinCC)
• VMware Workstation 15.5.0 or higher
• VMware Player 12.5.5 (WinCC only)
• VMware Player 15.5.0 or higher
• Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019 or higher
The following host and guest operating systems are recommended for these virtualization

Operating system VMware vSphere Hyper‐ VMware Worksta‐ VMware Player Microsoft Hyper-
visor (ESXi) tion V
Windows Server 2016 Standard (full G - - G
Windows Server 2019 Standard G - - H/G
(complete installation)
Windows Server 2022 Standard (full G - - H/G
Windows 10 Enterprise Version H/G H/G H/G G
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB H/G H/G H/G G
Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC H/G H/G H/G G
Windows 10 Enterprise 2021 LTSC H/G H/G H/G G

H: Can be used as host operating system

G: Can be used as guest operating system
H/G: Can be used as host and guest operating system
-: Cannot be used as the host or guest operating system

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 39
System requirements for installation
4.2 General software and hardware requirements

• The same hardware requirements apply to the host operating system as for the respective TIA
• The plant operator must ensure that sufficient system resources are available for the host
operating systems.
• The hardware certified by the manufacturers is recommended for the use of HyperV server
and ESXi.
• When you use Microsoft Hyper-V, accessible stations cannot be displayed.

Supported security programs

The following security programs are compatible with "SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic" and "SIMATIC
• Antivirus programs:
– Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3
– Trend Micro Office Scan 14.0
– McAfee Endpoint Security (ENS) 10.6 and 10.7
– Windows Defender
– Qihoo 360 "Safe Guard 12.1" + "Virus Scanner"

Make sure that your virus scanner and its databases are always up-to-date.
The last update of the virus pattern was on 13 Sept. 2022.
• Encryption software:
– Microsoft Bitlocker
• Host-based Intrusion Detection System:
– McAfee Application Control 8.3.3

See also
Notes on licenses (Page 9)
Starting installation (Page 73)
Checking availability of updates and support packages and installing them (Page 85)
Displaying the installed software (Page 77)
Modifying or updating installed products (Page 79)
Repairing installed products (Page 81)
Starting to uninstall (Page 83)

40 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

4.3.1 Uninstalling WinCC Unified

Uninstalling WinCC
If you have already installed an update for WinCC Unified V16 and want to install WinCC V17,
proceed as follows:
1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Start the uninstallation of SIMATIC WinCC Unified PC V16.0 UPDx.
3. When selecting the components, select "SIMATIC WinCC Update 16.0 UPDx" for
4. After completing this uninstallation, uninstall all desired components of WinCC V16 via the
installation medium.  
The information is contained in the readme under "Important notes (WinCC Unified)".

4.3.2 Installation of WinCC Runtime Unified

Specific requirements for the operating system and software configuration must be met for the

Installation in domains and workgroups

WinCC Unified is generally approved for operation in a domain or workgroup.
However, be aware that domain group policies and restrictions of the domain might hinder
the installation. In this case, remove the computer from the domain before installing WinCC
Unified and Microsoft SQL Server. Log on to the local machine with administrator rights.
Perform the installation. After successful installation, you can restore the WinCC computer to
the domain. If the domain group policies and restrictions of the domain do not impede the
installation, the computer need not be removed from the domain during the installation.
Be aware that domain group policies and restrictions of the domain might also hinder
operation. If you cannot avoid these restrictions, run the WinCC computer in a workgroup.
Consult with the domain administrator if needed.

Operation on a network server

It is not permitted to operate WinCC Unified Runtime on a network server (e.g. domain
controller, file server, name service server, router, software firewall, media server, exchange

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 41
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

Windows computer name

Before you start the WinCC installation, specify the Windows computer name. Follow the
Windows naming rules.

How to proceed after a subsequent change of the computer name is described in the WinCC
Unified Runtime installation manual in the section "Changing the computer name or IP address".

The following characters are not permitted for the computer name:
• .,;:!?"'^`~_
• +=/\|@*#$%&
• ()[]{}<>
• Space
Follow these recommendations when assigning the Windows computer name:
• Only uppercase letters may be used.
• The first character must be a letter.
• The first 12 characters of the computer name must be unique.
• The computer name can have a maximum of 15 characters.

Hardware requirements for the installation

The following table shows the minimum hardware requirements that have to be met for the

Hardware Requirement
Processor type Intel Core i3
Free hard disk space 10 GB, 8 GB CF

42 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

Software requirements for the installation

Operating system

Software Configuration Comments

Windows 10 Pro Windows 10 Pro Version 1909 (OS Build 18363) 64-bit
Windows 10 Pro Version 2004 (OS Build 19041)
Windows 10 Pro Version 2009/20H2 (OS Build
Windows 10 Pro Version 21H1 (OS Build 19043)
Windows 10 Pro Version 21H2 (OS Build 19044)
Windows 10 Enterprise Windows 10 Enterprise Version 1909 (OS Build
Windows 10 Enterprise Version 2004 (OS Build
Windows 10 Enterprise Version 2009/20H2 (OS
Build 19042)
Windows 10 Enterprise Version 21H1 (OS Build
Windows 10 Enterprise Version 21H2 (OS Build
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (OS Build
LTSB 14393) (Test for IPC)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC (OS Build
17763) (Test for IPC)
Windows 10 Enterprise 2021 LTSC (OS Build
19044) (Test for IPC)
Windows 11 Windows 11 Home Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000) 64-bit
Windows 11 Pro Windows 11 Pro Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000)
Windows 11 Enterprise Windows 11 Pro Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000)
Windows Server 2016 Stand‐ Full installation 64-bit
Windows Server 2019 Stand‐
Windows Server 2022 Stand‐

Number of supported clients and connections
Desktop operating systems support a maximum of 5 clients. In server operating systems, more
than 5 clients can connect to the server.
Windows limits the number of incoming connections on desktop operating systems to 20. This
limits the number of possible accesses to runtime.

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 43
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

Compatible browsers

Operating system Browser

Microsoft Windows • Google Chrome
• Microsoft Edge
• Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firefox ESR
Android • Google Chrome
• Firefox
• Edge
iOS, Mac • Safari
• Google Chrome
• Firefox
• Edge

More information on the use of browsers is available in the SIMATIC Unified PC Readme in the
section "Internet browsers for WinCC Unified PC".
Windows specific software settings for IIS (Internet Information Services)
The following settings for IIS are automatically enabled in Windows during the installation of
WinCC Runtime Unified:
• HTTP error
• HTTP Redirection
• Default document
• Static content
• .NET extensibility 3.5
• ASP.NET 4.5
• ISAPI extensions
• ISAPI filters
• Dynamic Content Compression
• Static Content Compression
• Request Filtering

Table 4-1 Additional software requirements

Topic Version / setting Comment

Web browser The browser must support HTML 5.  
User rights for instal‐ Administrator rights  

44 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

Topic Version / setting Comment

SOFTNET-IE S7 Lean   You need this license to be able to op‐
Single License erate Runtime Unified with up to 10
SIMATIC NET V13 SP1 You need this license to be able to op‐
erate Runtime Unified with more than
10 connections.

Previously installed versions of WinCC Unified PC Runtime

The installation of Unified PC Runtime V18 is possible on devices for which the following
• No Unified PC Runtime installed, or
• WinCC Unified PC Runtime V17 installed
The V17 installation must not have been upgraded from V16.

When a Windows firewall is used, the installation routine of WinCC Unified Runtime sets up the
following ports:
• HTTPS: 443
• Network Discovery (IS): 137
• Totally Integrated Automation administrator: 8888
• UMC AttachAgent: 4002
• OPC UA Discovery: 4840
If your system uses a different firewall solution, make sure the ports are set up accordingly.
You can find a list of the ports used by Unified Runtime in the user help SIMATIC Unified PC
readme in the section "Security information".

Disable HTTP port
For security reasons, it is recommended to disable port 80 on the IIS server:
1. On the Unified PC, launch "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager".
2. Click "Default Web Sites" on the right.
3. Select "Remove" or "Manage Website > Exit".

Blocked ports after operating system update or upgrade
Updating or upgrading the operating system of the Unified PC, e.g. from Windows Server 2016
to Windows Server 2019, may change the firewall settings. As a result, the OPC UA ports may be
If this happens, start the Siemens "Security Controller" tool and run "Restore settings".

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 45
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

You can install the "SIMATIC WinCC Runtime Unified" software package on a virtual machine. The
following virtualization systems were tested:
• VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 (or higher)
• VMware Workstation 12.5.5 and VMware Workstation 15.5.0 (or higher)
• VMware Player 12.5.5 and VMware Player 15.5.0 (or higher)
• Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019 (or higher)
In a virtualization platform, all approved operating systems can be used as host operating
The performance data of the virtual computers must meet the minimum requirements of
WinCC clients.

• Ensure that terminal and PLC networks are separated on the host system by using separate
network adapters (dedicated, physically separated network adapters).
• The same hardware requirements apply to the host operating system as for the respective TIA
• The plant operator must ensure that sufficient system resources are available for the host
operating systems.
• The hardware certified by the manufacturers is recommended for the use of HyperV server
and ESXi.

Supported security programs

The following security programs are compatible with Unified Runtime:

Virus scanner Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3

McAfee Endpoint Security (ENS) 10.6 and 10.7
Trend Micro Office Scan 14.0
Windows Defender (as part of the Windows operating system)
Qihoo 360 "Safe Guard 12.1" + "Virus Scanner"
Whitelisting McAfee Application Control 8.3.3
Hard disk encryption Microsoft BitLocker (as part of the Windows operating system)

Care must be taken to ensure that the use of the antivirus software does not impair the
process operation of a plant.

46 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

Rules for antivirus software (virus scanning clients)

• Integrated virus scanner firewall
In WinCC Unified, the local Windows firewall used is configured with SIMATIC Security
Control. Do not install or enable the integrated firewall of the antivirus software.
• Manual scan
You must not perform a manual scan while Runtime is running. Perform disk on regular
intervals on all plant PCs, for example, during the maintenance interval.
• Automatic scan
For automatic scan it is sufficient to scan the incoming data traffic.
• Scheduled scan
You must not perform a scheduled scan while Runtime is running.
• Pattern update
The pattern update of the virus scanning clients (the plant PCs which are checked for viruses)
performed by the higher-level virus scanning server (the plant PC which centrally manages
the virus scanning clients).
• Dialog
To avoid impairing the process operation, no dialog messages can be displayed on the virus
scanning clients.
• Drives
To prevent overlapping scans on network drives, only the local drives are scanned.
Otherwise apply the default settings.
What is secured?
The incoming data traffic is checked for viruses. The impairment of the process mode is

If you are using an anti-virus scanner, make sure that the computer has sufficient system

Supported database types

The following database types are supported by SIMATIC WinCC Unified PC:

HMI device Supported database type

Microsoft SQL

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 47
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

Microsoft SQL for Unified PC

WinCC Unified PC uses SQLite as the default database type. To use Microsoft SQL, the system
provides an installation option with a setup package.
• Logging with SQLite is not possible after the installation of Microsoft SQL.
• Existing SQLite files are retained, but they cannot be accessed in runtime.
• No backup can be created for SQLite.
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 is used as of TIA Portal V17. SQL Management Studio is no longer
part of the Microsoft SQL Server installation package and is therefore not included in the
Totally Integrated Automation Portal installation. You can install SQL Management Studio
separately if needed.
To establish secure SQL Server connections, please observe the notes in the Microsoft
• Server Network Configuration
• Enable encrypted connections to the Database Engine

4.3.3 Installation of WinCC Runtime Professional

Specific requirements for the operating system and software configuration must be met for the

Installation in domains and workgroups

WinCC is generally approved for operation in a domain or workgroup.
However, be aware that domain group policies and restrictions of the domain might hinder
the installation. In this case, remove the computer from the domain before installing
Microsoft Message Queuing, Microsoft SQL Server and WinCC. Log on to the local machine
with administrator rights. Perform the installation. After successful installation, you can
restore the WinCC computer to the domain. If the domain group policies and restrictions of
the domain do not impede the installation, the computer need not be removed from the
domain during the installation.
Be aware that domain group policies and restrictions of the domain might also hinder
operation. If you cannot avoid these restrictions, run the WinCC computer in a workgroup.
Consult with the domain administrator if needed.

Operation on a network server

Operation of WinCC Runtime Professional on a network server (e.g. domain controller, file
server, name utility server, router, software firewall, media server, exchange server) is not

Windows computer name

Do not change the Windows computer name after installing WinCC.

48 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

If you change the Windows computer name, you must uninstall the SQL server and reinstall
The following characters are not permitted for the computer name:
• .,;:!?"'^´`~_
• +=/\¦@*#$%&§°
• ()[]{}<>
• Blanks
Follow these recommendations when assigning the Windows computer name:
• Only uppercase letters may be used.
• The first character must be a letter.
• The first 12 characters of the computer name must be unique.

Activating remote communication

On WinCC systems, remote communication in the dialog "Simatic Shell" is deactivated by default
after installation. You have to activate remote communication for the computers involved for the
following applications:
• Loading Runtime onto another PC
• Client to server communication
• Redundant system
• WinCC option "WebNavigator"
If the WebNavigator client is not running on the same computer as the WebNavigator server,
remote communication must be activated.
To enable remote access, follow these steps:
1. Open the communication settings in Windows Explorer using the shortcut menu of Simatic
2. Activate the option "Remote communication".
3. Configure encrypted communication in the network: Select the pre-shared key and the port.
4. Select the network adapter and, if necessary, the multicast settings.

Deactivating NTLMv1 and SMBv1

The NTLMv1 and SMBv1 protocols can be disabled. Deactivating the protocols does not have any
effect on the operation of WinCC Runtime Professional.

Security risk from NTLMv1 and SMBv1
Use of the NTLMv1 and SMBv1 protocols is a significant security risk. Communications in the
network could be compromised, for example, by man-in-the-middle attacks.

Depending on the operating system, the procedure for deactivating protocols may differ.

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 49
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

4.3.4 Notes on installing TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway

You can install the TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway as follows:
• Together with the installation of the TIA Portal
Administrator rights are required for the server installation.

Requirements for installation

Your computer must have:
• Teamcenter Rich Application Client (referred to as "RAC" below) or Teamcenter Client
Communication System (TCCS) version 11.2 or higher installed.
If TCCS was installed as "standalone", you must also install "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 –
Redistributable". This ensures that you can establish a connection between TIA Portal and TIA
Portal Teamcenter Gateway.

• A connection from FCC/FMS (FileClientCache/FileManagementSystem) to "Teamcenter

Server 11.2 or higher" must exist.
• After a reinstallation or a restart, check whether a connection is available from FCC/FMS
(FileClientCache/FileManagementSystem) to the "Teamcenter Server 11.2 or higher".
• After a reinstallation or a restart, check the registry key. You can find additional
information on checking the registry key in the "TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway" online
help in the section Installing and uninstalling TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway" >
"Checking the installation of TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway".
• After a re-installation or restart, check whether you can save an item type in Teamcenter
and if you can add a dataset to the item revision. Additional information on saving
element types is available in the "TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway" online help in the
chapter "Managing TIA Portal projects with TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway" in the section
"Saving a TIA Portal project as new item in Teamcenter".
• After a reinstallation or a restart, check that a data transfer from Teamcenter Rich
Application Client to the Teamcenter server is possible.

• The supplied data model consisting of several files must be installed on the Teamcenter

Installation of the TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway - data model

Installation of the supplied TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway data model must be performed with
the "Environment Manager".

50 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

You can find a description of the installation on the product DVD in the directory

Identical TIA Portal versions during installation

When installing different TIA Portal products, make sure that you use the same versions of
service packs and updates for the installation.
If you have installed TIA Portal V14 or higher, for example, you also have to install TIA Portal
Teamcenter Gateway V14 or higher.

Installation path
Do not use any UNICODE characters (for example, Chinese characters) in the installation path.

Antivirus programs
During the installation, read and write access to installed files is necessary. Some antivirus
programs block this access. We therefore recommend that you disable antivirus programs
during the installation of the TIA Portal Teamcenter Gateway and enable them again afterwards.

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 51
System requirements for installation
4.3 Product-specific special characteristics

52 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Overview of processes and services of TIA Portal
components 5
Additional processes and services are also installed during the installation of the TIA Portal or
components of the TIA Portal.
The following tables provide an overview of these processes, the corresponding services and
respective functions:

Table 5-1 Automation License Manager

Process Corresponding service Function

almsrv64x.exe alm service License management service / main
almsrvbubble64x.exe - Process for tray icon info bubbles
almgui64x.exe - Graphical user interface of the Automa‐
tion License Manager

Table 5-2 TIA administrator

Process Corresponding service Function

almsrv64x.exe alm service License management service
node.exe SiemensTiaAdmin Main process of the TIA Administrator
TiaAdminNotifier.exe - User notifications and tray icon of the TIA

Table 5-3 ProSave

Process Corresponding service Function

PTProSave.exe - ProSave, graphical user interface main
S7TraceService64x.exe S7TraceServiceX S7Dos related tracing
s7oiehsx64.exe s7oiehsx64 S7Dos Helper Service
s7epasrv64x.exe - Event and parameter handling
s7oPNDiscoveryx64.exe SIMATIC PnDiscovery Service PN Discovery (accessibility via PN device
TraceConceptX.exe TraceConceptX S7Dos related tracing
ALMPanelPlugin.exe - Plugin for communication with Automa‐
tion License Manager
- S7DOS SCP Remote Is also installed, but is only active with
Cloud Connector
CommunicationSettings.exe - Setting access points

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 53
Overview of processes and services of TIA Portal components

Table 5-4 WinCC Audit Viewer

Process Corresponding service Function

AuditViewer.exe - WinCC Audit Viewer main process

Table 5-5 Migration Tool

Process Corresponding service Function

Siemens.Automation.MigrationApplica‐ - Tool for converting WinCC and Simatic
tion.exe Manager projects into migration-com‐
patible files

Table 5-6 Port Configuration Tool (PCT)

Process Corresponding service Function

Siemens.Simatic.Pct.ApplicationLoad‐ - Main process of the Port Configuration
er.exe Tool (PCT)
s7oiehsx64.exe s7oiehsx64 S7Dos Helper Service
s7epasrv64x.exe - Event and parameter handling
S7TraceService64x.exe S7TraceServiceX S7Dos related tracing
s7oPNDiscoveryx64.exe SIMATIC PnDiscovery Service PN Discovery (accessibility via PN device
TraceConceptX.exe TraceConceptX S7Dos related tracing
s7elonls64.exe - Routing between 32- and 64-bit applica‐
tion parts
CommunicationSettings.exe - Setting access points
- S7DOS SCP Remote Is also installed, but is only active with
Cloud Connector

Table 5-7 Cloud Connector

Process Corresponding service Function

CloudConfigurator.exe - GUI for configuring the Cloud Connector
s7oiehsx64.exe s7oiehsx64 S7Dos Helper Service
s7epasrv64x.exe - Event and parameter handling
S7TraceService64x.exe S7TraceServiceX S7Dos related tracing
s7oPNDiscoveryx64.exe SIMATIC PnDiscovery Service PN Discovery (accessibility via PN device
TraceConceptX.exe TraceConceptX S7Dos related tracing
CC.TunnelServiceHost.exe S7DOS SCP Remote Host of the tunnel service for the Cloud
CommunicationSettings.exe - Setting access points

54 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Overview of processes and services of TIA Portal components

Table 5-8 Project server

Process Corresponding service Function

Siemens.Automation.Portal.Serv‐ V[Version number]prjsrv TIA Portal project server main process
Siemens.Automation.Por‐ - TIA Portal project server main process
Siemens.Automation.Portal.Server.Con‐ - User interface for configuring the project
figuration(.exe) server
Siemens.Automation.Portal.Server.Ad‐ - User interface for the administration of
ministration(.exe) the project server
Siemens.Automation.ProjectServer.Ac‐ - Controls the access authorization of the
cessControl(.exe) administration tool

Table 5-9 WinCC Runtime Advanced

Process Corresponding service Function

ScsServer.exe - Central data communication
StartCenter.exe - Start Center which permits starting of
runtime, for example
HmiRTm.exe - The actual WinCC Advanced Runtime
s7elonls64.exe - Routing between 32- and 64-bit applica‐
tion parts
Miniweb.exe - Web contents of the WinCC Runtime Ad‐
CodeMeterCC.exe - Runtime service of the code meter
CmWebAdmin.exe CmWebAdmin.exe Web administrator of the code meter
SmartServer.exe cortsmartserver Smart Server host process for remote
CodeMeter.exe CodeMeter.exe Code meter licensing during runtime
S7TraceService64x.exe S7TraceServiceX S7Dos related tracing
s7oiehsx64.exe s7oiehsx64 S7Dos Helper Service
s7epasrv64x.exe - Event and parameter handling
s7oPNDiscoveryx64.exe SIMATIC PnDiscovery Service PN Discovery (accessibility via PN device
- OpcEnum Service is only installed, but not started.

Table 5-10 TIA Portal with STEP 7 / WinCC Comfort / Advanced

Process Corresponding service Function

CodeMeterCC.exe - Runtime service of the code meter
Siemens.Automation.Portal.exe - The TIA Portal itself
Siemens.Automation.ObjectFrame.File‐ - Process for data management in TIA Por‐
Storage.Server.exe tal projects
Siemens.Automation.Diagnostics.Crash‐ - Process for detecting TIA Portal crashes
Detector.exe and displaying the crash box

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 55
Overview of processes and services of TIA Portal components

Process Corresponding service Function

Siemens.Automation.Tracing.ETW.Even‐ Siemens Diagnostics Data Collector Serv‐ Process for event data collection
tCollector.ServiceHost.exe ice
s7oiehsx64.exe s7oiehsx64 S7Dos Helper Service
s7epasrv64x.exe - Event and parameter handling
CmWebAdmin.exe CmWebAdmin.exe Web administrator of the code meter
CodeMeter.exe CodeMeter.exe Code meter licensing during runtime
S7TraceService64x.exe S7TraceServiceX S7Dos related tracing
Siemens.Simatic.TelemetryConnec‐ Siemens Telemetry Connector Service Service for collecting and sending tele‐
tor.WindowsService.exe metry data
s7oPNDiscoveryx64.exe SIMATIC PnDiscovery Service PN Discovery (accessibility via PN device
TraceConceptX.exe TraceConceptX S7Dos related tracing
IPCSecCom.exe umscsvc Communication to an UMC server
um.Ris.exe - Basic executable for UMC
um.sso.exe - Single sign-on for UMC
um.ess.exe - Basic executable for UMC
S7otbxsx64.exe - S7Dos block administration
- OpcEnum Service is only installed, but not started
- UMC Service Only used when UMC / UMAC is used

Table 5-11 STEP 7 / Safety / WinCC Professional ES incl. simulation

Process Corresponding service Function

CodeMeterCC.exe - Runtime service of the code meter
Siemens.Automation.Portal.exe - The TIA Portal itself
Siemens.Automation.ObjectFrame.File‐ - Process for data management in TIA Por‐
Storage.Server.exe tal projects
Siemens.Automation.Diagnostics.Crash‐ - Process for detecting TIA Portal crashes
Detector.exe and displaying the crash box
Siemens.Automation.Tracing.ETW.Even‐ Siemens Diagnostics Data Collector Serv‐ Process for event data collection
tCollector.ServiceHost.exe ice
s7oiehsx64.exe s7oiehsx64 S7Dos Helper Service
s7epasrv64x.exe - Event and parameter handling
CmWebAdmin.exe CmWebAdmin.exe Web administrator of the code meter
CodeMeter.exe CodeMeter.exe Code meter licensing during runtime
S7TraceService64x.exe S7TraceServiceX S7Dos related tracing
Siemens.Simatic.TelemetryConnec‐ Siemens Telemetry Connector Service Service for collecting and sending tele‐
tor.WindowsService.exe metry data
s7oPNDiscoveryx64.exe SIMATIC PnDiscovery Service PN Discovery (accessibility via PN device
TraceConceptX.exe TraceConceptX S7Dos related tracing
IPCSecCom.exe umscsvc Communication to an UMC server
um.Ris.exe - Basic executable for UMC
um.sso.exe - Single sign-on for UMC

56 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Overview of processes and services of TIA Portal components

Process Corresponding service Function

um.ess.exe - Basic executable for UMC
S7otbxsx64.exe - S7Dos block administration
CCDeltaLoader.exe CCDeltaLoader Responsible for determining whether a
delta download is possible
RedundancyControl.exe RedundancyControl Responsible for the determination and
management of the state of the redun‐
dant WinCC partner
CCTextServer.exe CCTextServer Server for runtime display of texts
CCPerfMon.exe CCPerfMon WinCC STOBS, monitoring of the system
parameters and WinCC processes
SCSFsX.exe SCSFsX WinCC File Service between clients and
CCRtsLoader_x64.exe CCRtsLoader WinCC RT Tag management
CCSystemDiagnosticsHost.exe CCSystemDiagnosticsHost Host for displaying system diagnostics
CcAlgRtServer.exe CCAlgRtServer WinCC Alarm Logging Runtime Server
CCArchiveManager.exe CCArchiveManagerService Management of WinCC archives
CCRedundancyAgent.exe CCRedundancyAgent Service Archiving component for managing and
reconciliation of the RT archive
CCTlgServer.exe CCTlgServer WinCC Tag Logging Server
CCUsrAcv.exe CCUsrAcv Responsible for managing user archives
CCProfileServer.exe CCProfileServer Saving RT persistence data of the WinCC
sqlservr.exe MSSQL$WINCC SQL server for WinCC
CCAgent.exe CCAgent WinCC RT component for communica‐
tion between WinCC stations
CCEServer_x64.exe CCEServer WinCC RT component for communica‐
tion between WinCC stations
CCProjectMgr.exe CCProjectMgr WinCC Project Manager, handling of
WinCC projects
SDiagRT.exe - System diagnostics data collector
gscrt.exe - WinCC Global Script Runtime
PassDBRT.exe - Managing login data and passwords
CCUAImport.exe - WinCC RT User Archive component for
importing TIA recipes
script.exe - WinCC RT C Scripting component
PdlRt.exe - Graphic runtime 
SCSDistServiceX.exe SCS Distribution Service WinCC RT component for communica‐
tion between WinCC stations
SCSMX.exe SCSMonitor WinCC RT component for communica‐
tion between WinCC stations
sqlbrowser.exe SQLBrowser Microsoft SQL process (WinCC uses SQL
sqlwriter.exe SQLWriter Microsoft SQL process (WinCC uses SQL
CCDBUtils.exe CCDBUtils WinCC component for managing the
WinCC SQL database

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 57
Overview of processes and services of TIA Portal components

Process Corresponding service Function

CCRemoteService.exe CCRemoteService WinCC component for remote manage‐
ment of the WinCC SQL database
sqlceip.exe SQLTELEMETRY$WINCC Microsoft SQL process (WinCC uses SQL
CCEClient_x64.exe CCEClient WinCC RT component for communica‐
tion between WinCC stations
RedundancyState.exe RedundancyState Client-side monitoring of the WinCC
server states
CCPackageMgr.exe CCPackageMgr WinCC components for managing the
server packages
CCNSInfo2Provider.exe CCNSInfo2Provider WinCC component for browsing WinCC/
STEP 7 tags
Siemens.Simatic.Srm.RdpComp.Da‐ - SCADA RT Professional Compiler compo‐
ta.ContextMgrX.exe nent
CCDmRuntimePersistence.exe - WinCC RT component for reconciliation
of the internal tags in redundant systems
CCWriteArchiveServer.exe - Responsible for writing archive data in
the SQL database
(3 instances: TLG-fast / TLG-slow / ALG)
CCLicenseService.exe CCLicenseService Responsible for allocation and release of
CCUCSurrogate.exe - WinCC RT Professional application for
the system tray icon in the Windows
Simulation.exe - WinCC RT Professional tag simulation
CCConfigStudio.exe - WinCC Config Studio is an application for
the WinCC RT Professional tag simulation
WinCCChnDiag.exe - WinCC channel diagnostics
- CCTMTimeSyncServer Is used in redundant servers to synchron‐
ize time stamps
- CcUaDAS WinCC OPC UA component
- CCOpcUaImporter WinCC OPC UA component
- CCAlgIAlarmDataCollector WinCC RT Professional alarm system
- SQLAgent$WINCC Microsoft SQL process (WinCC uses SQL
- OpcEnum OPC Foundation component (WinCC
OPC); Service is only installed, but not
- UMC Service Only used when UMC / UMAC is used

Table 5-12 WinCC Advanced Runtime Simulation

Process Corresponding service Function

HmiRTm.exe - The actual WinCC Advanced Runtime
Miniweb.exe - Web contents of the WinCC Runtime Ad‐

58 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Overview of processes and services of TIA Portal components

Process Corresponding service Function

SmartServer.exe cortsmartserver Smart Server host process for remote
HmiRTmSim.exe - WinCC Advanced Tag Simulation

Table 5-13 WinCC Unified Engineering Package

Process Corresponding service Function

opcualds.exe UALDS OPC UA Local Discovery Service
mDNSResponder.exe OPCF Bonjour Service DNS name resolution
GfxWebBrowser.exe - Graphic rendering

Table 5-14 WinCC Unified Simulation

Process Corresponding service Function

WCCILS7pComDrv(.exe) - Process for communication with
S7-1200 and S7-1500 controllers
RTILtraceTool(.exe) TraceLogger_WinCC_Unified_PC Unified Simulation related tracing
RTILtraceTool(.exe) TraceProfiler_WinCC_Unified_PC Unified Simulation related tracing
w3wp(.exe) - IIS Process Worker, host process for web
WCCILscs(.exe) WCCILScsService Siemens Communication Service, re‐
sponsible for the internal data commu‐
WCCILpmon(.exe) - WinCC Process Monitoring
WCCILalg(.exe) - WinCC AlarmLogging, responsible for
logging alarms
WCCILevent(.exe) - WinCC Event handling, responsible for
handling events
GfxLicenseServer(.exe) - Responsible for granting and releasing
JobSchedulerHost(.exe) - Responsible for scheduling jobs
GfxRTS(.exe) - Preparation of the graphical runtime
WCCILSDAMgr(.exe) - System Diagnostics Manager, responsi‐
ble for the system diagnostics informa‐
OpennessManagerHost(.exe) - Host for the Openness Manager
WCCILdist(.exe) - WinCC Unified Simulation basic process
WCCILdata(.exe) - WinCC Unified data manager
WCCILals(.exe) - WinCC AlarmServer, responsible for re‐
ceiving and acknowledging alarms
WCCILpaco(.exe) - WinCC Parameter Control
WCCILtlg(.exe) - WinCC TagLogging, responsible for log‐
ging tags
WCCILs7(.exe) - Process for communication with S7-300
and S7-400 controllers

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 59
Overview of processes and services of TIA Portal components

Process Corresponding service Function

umcd(.exe) UmclService EMS basic process
idp(.exe) UmclIdpService EMS basic process
- EventLogger Event Logging Service
- UmclWebUMService Web service for User Management
- umscsvc User Management Secure Communica‐
tion Service
- w3logsvc IIS Logging Service
- WMSVC IIS Web Management Service

Table 5-15 Add-Ins

Process Corresponding service Function

Siemens.Automation.AddIn.Roll‐ Siemens Add-In Rollout Service Mass rollout of Corporate Add-Ins

60 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Using Security Logging 6
6.1 Security Logging in the TIA Portal
Security Logging in the TIA Portal is a function to acquire, save and analyze security-relevant
event and log data from the Engineering System, as well as from components of the automation
The event and log data is stored locally in Windows systems. This data can be analyzed, saved
and exported through the Windows Event Viewer.
In a further step, the event and log data can be transferred to SIEM systems (Security
Information and Event Management). Thus, Security Logging makes it possible to centrally
collect and analyze security-relevant events from different systems in the network, and
to react to threats. Security Logging is part of a bundle of measures recommended by
international security standards and regulations for increasing security.
Security Logging is disabled by default in the TIA Portal. Administrators can initially activate
Security Logging through a batch file. When Security Logging has been activated, the
function can be deactivated and re-activated either by means of batch files or through the
Windows Registry.

See also
Activating and deactivating Security Logging (Page 61)

6.2 Activating and deactivating Security Logging

The event channel for Security Logging is registered when the TIA Portal is installed on the
computer; however, the function is disabled by default. You can activate and deactivate Security
Logging in the Windows Registry by setting the corresponding value in the "AuditLogOn" key.
The value "1" activates Security Logging while other values deactivate it. By default, Security
Logging is deactivated in the TIA Portal.
The "AuditLogOn" key is not created at the time of installation of the TIA Portal. There are two
batch files in the installation directory of the TIA Portal in the "bin" folder:
• The batch file "SecurityAuditLoggingEnable.bat" creates the key "AuditLogOn" and activates
Security Logging.
• The batch file "SecurityAuditLoggingDisable.bat" deactivates Security Logging.
Security Logging is version-specific. The setting does not have any effect on other versions of
the TIA Portal.

• You have Windows administrator rights.
• To log user accounts, the project must be protected.

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 61
Using Security Logging
6.3 Overview of events

Activating Security Logging with a batch file

1. Navigate to the "bin" folder in the installation directory of the TIA Portal.
2. Run the batch file "SecurityAuditLoggingEnable.bat".

Deactivating Security Logging with a batch file

1. Navigate to the "bin" folder in the installation directory of the TIA Portal.
2. Run the batch file "SecurityAuditLoggingDisable.bat".

Activating and deactivating Security Logging in the Windows Registry

1. In Windows, open the Registry Editor.
2. Go to the key
3. To activate Security Logging, in the "LoggingOn" key, input the value "1".
To deactivate Security Logging, in the "LoggingOn" key, delete or change the value "1".
4. Confirm your input with "OK".

See also
Security Logging in the TIA Portal (Page 61)
Overview of events (Page 62)

6.3 Overview of events

The following tables provide an overview of user actions, the relevant log entries, the event
categories and event types:
In addition to the content of the events listed in the following tables, each event contains the
following information:
• Version of the TIA Portal
• Name of the project
• Name of the logged-on user from the user administration (UMAC - User Management and
Access Control)

62 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Using Security Logging
6.3 Overview of events

Name of the logged-on user
The value for the name of the logged-on user from the user administration (UMAC) is set in three
different categories:
• Category 1: The text "No user logged in." appears in the case where user administration
(UMAC) is either not enabled in the project or no user is logged on outside the project on a
device under "Accessible devices".
• Category 2: The text "Background process" appears in the case where UMAC is enabled for the
project but a safety-critical operation is triggered by a background process (e.g. when a
process loads data into a device in Multiuser Commissioning in "asynchronous mode").
• Category 3: The name of the logged-on user from the user administration (UMAC) appears
in the case where UMAC is enabled for the project and the event was written by the TIA Portal
main process.

Overview of events

Table 6-1 User administration (UMAC - User Management and Access Control)

User action Log entry Event category Type of event

Creating a new local project Local user "{target user}" add‐ Access control Information
user ed
Deleting a local project user Local user "{target user}" de‐ Access control Information
Adding a global user Global user "{target Access control Information
user}" added
Deleting a global user Global user "{target user}" re‐ Access control Information
Adding a global user group User group "{target user}" add‐ Access control Information
Deleting a global user group User group "{target user}" re‐ Access control Information
Logging on to a protected Local / Global user "{target Access control Information, errors
project user}" with role(s)
"{semicolon seperated list of
roles}" logged in successfully
Local / Global user "{target
user}" login failed
Anonymous user with role(s)
"{semicolon seperated list of
roles}" logged in successfully
Anonymous user login failed
For Auto Log On No DSSO Ses‐
sion : Global user login failed
as no desktop session is avail‐

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 63
Using Security Logging
6.3 Overview of events

User action Log entry Event category Type of event

Authorized user logs out of a Local / Global user "{target Access control Information
protected project user}" logged out
Anonymous user logged out
Changing the user name of a User "{target user}" renamed Configuration Information
local project user to "{new target user name}"
Changing the password of a Local / Global user "{target Configuration Information
local project user or one's own user}" password changed
Activating a local project user, Local / Global user / group  Configuration Information
a global user or a global group "{target user}" activated
Deactivating a local project Local / Global user / Configuration Information
user, a global user or a global group "{target user}" de-acti‐
group vated
Changing the properties of a User "{target user}" property Configuration Information
user '{property name}' changed
to {new property value}
Creating a user-defined role in Custom role "{role name}" cre‐ Configuration Information
the TIA Portal ated
Deleting a user-defined role in Custom role "{role name}" de‐ Configuration Information
the TIA Portal leted
Renaming a user-defined role Custom role "{old role name}" Configuration Information
in the TIA Portal renamed to "{new role name}"
Changing the assignment of a Custom role "{role name}" Configuration Information
function right to a user-de‐ function rights assignment
fined role in the TIA Portal. changed to  "{semicolon se‐
perated list of function
Changing the runtime time‐ Custom role "{role name}" Configuration Information
out of a user-defined role in property 'Runtime timeout'
the TIA Portal changed to {new runtime
Assigning a role to a user or a Local user / Global user / User Configuration Information
user group group "{target user
name}" roles assignment
changed to "{semicolon se‐
perated list of roles}"

Table 6-2 Changes to CPU data (offline)

User action Log entry Event category Type of event

Checking project integrity Data integrity check succee‐ AuditLog Supervision successful, error
ded / failed.
A {data integrity error type}
Integrity corruption found in
object {object id} in project
{project name}

64 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Using Security Logging
6.3 Overview of events

Table 6-3 Loading to CPU

User action Log entry Event category Type of event

Loading a hardware configu‐ Download of hardware config‐ Configuration Supervision successful
ration to a CPU uration to {PLC name} with
address {address}
Loading a standard user pro‐ Software download started to Configuration Information
gram to a CPU (Start alert) target PLC: {PLC name} with
address {address}

Operating mode during

download: {RUN|STOP}

Type of download: {Delta|

Loading a standard user pro‐ Software objects downloa‐ Configuration Information
gram into a CPU (list of blocks ded (+) / deleted (-):
to be loaded or deleted, if nec‐ {+|-} {full qualified name of
essary several times) object}

{+|-} {full qualified name of


Loading a standard user pro‐ Successful: Configuration Supervision successful, error
gram into a CPU (completion Software download succee‐
message with software signa‐ ded
Software signature after
sownload {signature|“null”}
Software download aborted
with error: {error message}
• PLC was left in an incon‐
sistent state → Download
• PLC software contents
was rolled back → Down‐
load in RUN
Loading a failsafe program to Downloaded safety program Configuration Supervision successful
a CPU with the collective F-signa‐
ture {collective F-signature}.

Table 6-4 Loading the device as a new station

User action Log entry Event category Type of event

Loading a configuration from Upload of {PLC name} with ad‐ Configuration Supervision successful, error
a CPU dress {address}.

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 65
Using Security Logging
6.3 Overview of events

Table 6-5 Changes to CPU data (online)

User action Log entry Event category Type of event

Access to a CPU Successful: Access control Supervision successful, error
Login to Plc {PLC name} with
address {address} is success‐
Login to Plc {PLC name} with
address {address} failed.
Forcing variables via online Forcejob installed on target Configuration Supervision successful
access to a CPU CPU:
{PLC name} with address {ad‐
Forced variables (address : val‐
Adr1 : value1
Adr2 : value2

Forcejob on target PLC re‐
{PLC name} with address {ad‐
Forced variables (address : val‐
Adr1 : value1
Adr2 : value2
Forcejob on target CPU stop‐
{PLC name} with address {Ad‐
Changing the IP/network con‐ Change the network settings Configuration Supervision successful, error
figuration of a CPU via online of {device name}({address})
access to [IpAddress:{address to set}|
SubnetMask:{subnet mask}|
Router address:{router ad‐
Changing the password for Set password for "Protection Configuration Supervision successful, error
protecting confidential config‐ of PLC configuration data" of
uration data via online access {PLC name}({address})
Delete password for "Protec‐
tion of PLC configuration da‐
ta" of {PLC name}({address})
Changing the operating state Set {PLC name}({address}) to Configuration Supervision successful, error
of a CPU via online access Run/Stop
Changing the system time of Change the system time of Configuration Supervision successful, error
a CPU via online access {device name}({address}) to
{date time}

66 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Using Security Logging
6.3 Overview of events

User action Log entry Event category Type of event

Backing up/restoring a CPU Backup: Configuration Supervision successful
via online access Backup created from {PLC
name} with address {address}.
Online backup {backup
name} restored to {PLC Name}
with address {address}.
Initiating firmware update of Firmware update of {PLC Configuration Supervision successful, error
a CPU via online access name} ({address}) to version
{fw version}
Reset CPU to factory settings Reset to factory setting of Configuration Supervision successful, error
{PLC name} ({address}).
• Delete IP address
• Delete master password
• Format memory card
MRES via online access Memory reset of {PLC name} Configuration Supervision successful, error
Format memory card Formatting the memory card Configuration Supervision successful, error
of {PLC name}{address}

Table 6-6 Changing the access level

User action Log entry Event category Type of event

Changing the access level Protection access level is Configuration Supervision successful, error
changed from "{previously se‐
lected access level}" to "{cur‐
rent selection access level}"
for {PLC name}
Configuring the password for Protection Access password is Configuration Supervision successful, error
full access configured successfully /
failed to configure for "Full Ac‐
cess" for {PLC name}
Changing the password for Protection access password is Configuration Supervision successful, error
full access changed successfully / failed
to change for "Full Access"
for {PLC name}
Configuring the password for Protection access password is Configuration Supervision successful, error
full access including failsafe configured successfully /
(no protection) failed to configure for "Full ac‐
cess incl. fail safe (no protec‐
tion)" for {PLC name}
Changing the password for Protection access password is Configuration Supervision successful, error
full access including failsafe changed successfully / failed
(no protection) to change for "Full Access incl.
fail safe (no protection)"
for {PLC name}

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 67
Using Security Logging
6.3 Overview of events

User action Log entry Event category Type of event

Configuring the password for Protection access password is Configuration Supervision successful, error
read access configured successfully / fail
to change for "Read Access"
for {PLC name}
Changing the password for Protection access password is Configuration Supervision successful, error
read access changed successfully / fail to
change for "Read Access"
for {PLC-name}
Configuring the password for Protection access password is Configuration Supervision successful, error
HMI access configured successfully /
failed to configure for "HMI
Access" for {PLC name}
Changing the password for Protection access password is Configuration Supervision successful, error
HMI access changed successfully / fail to
change for "HMI Access"
for {PLC name}

Table 6-7 Protection of PLC Configuration Data

User action Log entry Event category Type of event

Deactivating protection of "Protection of PLC configura‐ Configuration Supervision successful, error
confidential CPU configura‐ tion data" is disabled / failed to
tion data disable for {PLC name}
Activating protection of confi‐ "Protection of PLC configura‐ Configuration Supervision successful, error
dential CPU configuration da‐ tion data" is enabled / failed to
ta enable for {PLC name}
Configuring the password for Password for "Protection of Configuration Supervision successful, error
protection of confidential CPU PLC configuration data" is con‐
configuration data figured successfully / failed to
configure for {PLC name}
Changing the password for Password for "Protection of Configuration Supervision successful, error
protection of confidential CPU PLC configuration data" is
configuration data changed successfully / failed
to change for {PLC name}
Resetting the password for Password for "Protection of Configuration Supervision successful, error
protection of confidential CPU PLC configuration data" is re‐
configuration data set successfully / failed to re‐
set for {PLC name}

See also
Security Logging in the TIA Portal (Page 61)
Displaying and managing events (Page 69)

68 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Using Security Logging
6.4 Displaying and managing events

6.4 Displaying and managing events

Events can be displayed and managed in Windows in the Event Viewer. In addition to this,
functions are provided via Microsoft Windows to track events automatically.
To centrally collect, analyze and further process events from different systems in the network,
events can be transmitted in a SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) system. Use
the documentation of the provider for information on transferring events to a SIEM system.

Displaying events in the Event Viewer

1. In Windows, open the Event Viewer.
2. In the left-hand column, go to the node "Event Viewer (Local) > Application and Services Logs
> SiemensAG > Automation > TIAPortal".
3. Select the "Operational" log.
The events of the log are displayed in the upper part of the main window.
4. Select an event.
Information on the selected event is displayed in the lower part of the main window, in the
tabs "General" and "Details".
5. To open the information on an event in a new window, double-click the event.

Managing events in the Event Viewer

1. In the Event Viewer, switch to the right-hand column, "Actions".
2. Use the actions to manage your log files.
You can, for example, filter, search, save and delete logs.

Automated event tracking

The following Microsoft Windows functions can be used for automated event tracking:
• The command line program wevtutil can be used to read events from the command line. The
program is provided via Microsoft Windows.
• TIA Portal provides the events via Event Tracing for Windows - ETW. Applications (for
example, a SIEM system) that wish to call the events can access these events via the event
source "SiemensAG-Automation-TIAPortal".
For more information on implementing automated event tracing, use Microsoft's
documentation of features.

See also
Security Logging in the TIA Portal (Page 61)

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 69
Using Security Logging
6.4 Displaying and managing events

70 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installation log 7
Function of the installation log
The progress during the following installation processes is logged in a file:
• Installing products
• Modifying or updating already installed products
• Repairing an existing installation
• Uninstalling products
If errors occur during the installation process or warnings are issued, these can be evaluated
with the help of the log file. You can do this yourself or contact product support.

Installation logs storage location

The log file is the most recent file with the file extension ".log" and the name of which that starts
with "SIA".
The location of the log file is stored in the environment variable "%autinstlog%". You can
enter this environment variable in the address bar of Windows Explorer to open the folder
with the log files. Alternatively, you can navigate to the corresponding directory by entering
"CD %autinstlog%" in the command line.
The storage location is dependent on the operating system, e.g.
"C:\ProgramData\Siemens\Automation\Logfiles\Setup" in English-language Windows.

Setup_Report (CAB file)

To make it easier to provide Product Support with all necessary files, an archive file that contains
the installation log and all other required files is saved in CAB format. This log can be found at
"%autinstlog%\Reports\". Send this CAB file to Product Support if you need
assistance with installation. With this information, Product Support can determine whether the
installation was executed properly. CAB files that were generated during earlier installation
processes are saved with a date ID in the "Reports" directory.

See also
Notes on licenses (Page 9)
Starting installation (Page 73)
Checking availability of updates and support packages and installing them (Page 85)
Displaying the installed software (Page 77)
Modifying or updating installed products (Page 79)
Repairing installed products (Page 81)
Starting to uninstall (Page 83)

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 71
Installation log

72 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Starting installation 8
Software packages are installed automatically by the setup program. The setup program starts
once the installation medium has been inserted in the drive.

• Hardware and software of the programming device or PC meet the system requirements.
• You have administrator privileges on your computer.
• All running programs are closed.

To install the software packages, follow these steps:
1. Insert the installation medium in the relevant drive.
The setup program starts automatically unless you have disabled Autostart on the
programming device or PC.
2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking the
"Start.exe" file.
The dialog for selecting the setup language opens.
3. Choose the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed.
4. To read the information on the product and installation, click "Read Notes" or "Installation
The help file containing the notes opens.
5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click "Next".
The dialog for selecting the product languages opens.
6. Select the languages for the product user interface, and click "Next".
"English" is always installed as the basic product language.
The dialog for selecting the product configuration opens.
7. Select the products you want to install:
– If you wish to install the program in a minimal configuration, click "Minimal".
– If you wish to install the program in a typical configuration, click "Typical".
– If you wish to personally select the products to be installed, click "User-defined". Then
select the check boxes for the products you wish to install.
8. If you want to create a shortcut on the desktop, select the "Create desktop shortcut" check

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 73
Starting installation

9. Click "Browse" if you want to change the target directory for the installation.
Please note the following:
• The length of the installation path must not exceed 89 characters.
• You can only change the installation path if no other product from the software package
which you intend to install, has been installed, yet.
• To increase security, select a directory that is protected by administrative rights as the
target directory.

10.Click "Next".
The dialog for the license terms opens.
11.To continue the installation, read and accept all license agreements and click "Next".
If changes to the security and permission settings are required in order to install the TIA
Portal, the security settings dialog opens.
12.To continue the installation, accept the changes to the security and permissions settings, and
click "Next".
The next dialog displays an overview of the installation settings.
13.Check the selected installation settings. If you want to make any changes, click "Back" until
you reach the point in the dialog where you want to make changes. Once you have
completed the desired changes, return to the overview by clicking on "Next".
14.Click "Install".
Installation is started.
If no license key is found during installation, you have the chance to transfer it to your PC. If
you skip the license transfer, you can register it later with the Automation License Manager.
Following installation, you will receive a message indicating whether the installation was

15.It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my
computer now.". Then click "Restart".
16.If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit".

The TIA Portal along with the products and licenses you have ordered and the Automation
License Manager have been installed on your computer.

See also
Installation log (Page 71)
Notes on the system requirements (Page 37)
Notes on licenses (Page 9)
Displaying the installed software (Page 77)

74 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Starting installation

Modifying or updating installed products (Page 79)

Repairing installed products (Page 81)
Starting to uninstall (Page 83)

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 75
Starting installation

76 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Displaying the installed software 9
You can find out which software is installed at any time. In addition, you can display more
information on the installed software.

To display an overview of the software installed, follow these steps:
1. Click "Installed software" in the "Help" menu.
The "Installed software" dialog opens. You will see the installed software products in the
dialog. Expand the entries to see which version is installed in each case.
2. If you would like to display additional information on the installed automation software, click
the link on the "Detailed information about installed software" dialog.
The "Detailed information" dialog opens.
3. Chose the topic you want more information about in the area navigation.

See also
Notes on the system requirements (Page 37)
Notes on licenses (Page 9)
Starting installation (Page 73)
Modifying or updating installed products (Page 79)
Repairing installed products (Page 81)
Starting to uninstall (Page 83)
Installation log (Page 71)

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 77
Displaying the installed software

78 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Modifying or updating installed products 10
You have the option to modify installed products using the setup program or to update to a new
Blocks with know-how protection from earlier versions of the TIA Portal are not automatically
upgraded with the project. Remove the know-how protection of the blocks before you
update the TIA Portal. Then set up the know-how protection with the current version of
TIA Portal. For more detailed information, refer to the information system.

• Hardware and software of the programming device or PC meet the system requirements.
• You have administrator privileges on your computer.
• All running programs are closed.

To modify or update installed products, follow these steps:
1. Insert the installation medium in the relevant drive.
The setup program starts automatically unless you have disabled Autostart on the
programming device or PC.
2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking the
"Start.exe" file.
The dialog for selecting the setup language opens.
3. Choose the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed.
4. To read the information on the product and installation, click the "Read Notes" or "Installation
Notes" button.
The help file containing the notes opens.
5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button.
The dialog for selecting the installation variant opens.
6. Select the "Modify/Upgrade" option button and click the "Next" button.
The dialog for selecting the product languages opens.
7. Select the check boxes of the product languages that you want to install. You can remove
previously installed product languages by clearing the corresponding check boxes.
Note that the product language "English" cannot be removed.

8. Click the "Next" button.

The dialog for selecting the product configuration opens.
9. Select the check boxes of the components that you want to install. You can remove previously
installed components by clearing the corresponding check boxes.

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 79
Modifying or updating installed products

10.Click the "Next" button.

Note that you cannot change the target directory because the existing installation is being
If changes to the security and permission settings are required in order to install the TIA
Portal, the security settings dialog opens.
11.To continue the installation, accept the changes to the security and permissions settings, and
click the "Next" button.
The next dialog displays an overview of the installation settings.
12.Click the "Modify" button.
This starts the installation of the additional components.
Following installation, you will receive a message indicating whether the existing installation
was successfully changed.

13.It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my
computer now." option button. Then click "Restart".
14.If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit".

The existing installation has been modified on your computer.

See also
Notes on the system requirements (Page 37)
Notes on licenses (Page 9)
Starting installation (Page 73)
Displaying the installed software (Page 77)
Repairing installed products (Page 81)
Starting to uninstall (Page 83)
Installation log (Page 71)

80 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Repairing installed products 11
You have the option to repair installed products by completely reinstalling them using the setup

• Hardware and software of the programming device or PC meet the system requirements.
• You have administrator privileges on your computer.
• All running programs are closed.

To repair installed products, follow these steps:
1. Insert the installation medium in the relevant drive.
The setup program starts automatically unless you have disabled Autostart on the
programming device or PC.
2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking the
"Start.exe" file.
The dialog for selecting the setup language opens.
3. Choose the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed.
4. To read the information on the product and installation, click the "Read Notes" or "Installation
Notes" button.
The help file containing the notes opens.
5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button.
The dialog for selecting the installation variant opens.
6. Select the "Repair" option button, and click the "Next" button.
The next dialog displays an overview of the installation settings.
7. Click the "Repair" button.
This starts the repair of the existing installation.
Following installation, you will receive a message indicating whether the existing installation
was successfully repaired.

8. It may be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my
computer now." option button. Then click "Restart".
9. If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit".

The installed products have been reinstalled.

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 81
Repairing installed products

See also
Notes on the system requirements (Page 37)
Notes on licenses (Page 9)
Starting installation (Page 73)
Displaying the installed software (Page 77)
Modifying or updating installed products (Page 79)
Starting to uninstall (Page 83)
Installation log (Page 71)

82 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Starting to uninstall 12
Software packages are removed automatically by the setup program. Once started, the setup
program guides you step-by-step through the entire removal procedure.
You have two options for removing:
• Removing selected components via the Control Panel
• Removing a product using the installation medium

The Automation License Manager will not be removed automatically when you remove the
software packages, because it is used for the administration of several license keys for products
supplied by Siemens AG.

Removing selected components via the Control Panel

To remove selected software packages, follow these steps:
1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Click "Programs and Features".
A dialog with the list of installed programs opens.
3. Select the software package to be removed and click the "Uninstall" button.
The dialog for selecting the setup language opens.
4. Select the language in which you want the dialogs of the setup program to be displayed and
click "Next".
The dialog for selecting the products you want to remove opens.
5. Select the check boxes for the products that you want to remove and click "Next".
The next dialog displays an overview of the installation settings.
6. Check the list with the products to be removed. If you want to make any changes, click the
"Back" button.
7. Click the "Uninstall" button.
Removal begins.
8. It might be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my
computer now." option button. Then click "Restart".
9. If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit".

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 83
Starting to uninstall

Removing a product using the installation medium

To remove all software packages, follow these steps:
1. Insert the installation medium in the relevant drive.
The setup program starts automatically unless you have disabled Autostart on the
programming device or PC.
2. If the setup program does not start up automatically, start it manually by double-clicking the
"Start.exe" file.
The dialog for selecting the setup language opens.
3. Select the language in which you want the setup program dialogs to be displayed.
4. To read the information on the product and installation, click "Read product information" or
"Read installation notes".
The help file containing the notes opens.
5. Once you have read the notes, close the help file and click the "Next" button.
The dialog for selecting the installation variant opens.
6. Select the "Uninstall" option button and click the "Next" button.
The next dialog displays an overview of the installation settings.
7. Click the "Uninstall" button.
Removal begins.
8. It might be necessary to restart the computer. If this is the case, select the "Yes, restart my
computer now." option button. Then click "Restart".
9. If the computer does not reboot, click "Exit".

See also
Installation log (Page 71)
Notes on the system requirements (Page 37)
Notes on licenses (Page 9)
Starting installation (Page 73)
Displaying the installed software (Page 77)
Modifying or updating installed products (Page 79)
Repairing installed products (Page 81)

84 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing updates and support packages 13
13.1 Checking availability of updates and support packages and
installing them
By default, the TIA Portal checks automatically if new software updates or support packages are
available, for example, Hardware Support Packages (HSPs). The automatic search for updates
takes place after each computer restart and then cyclically every 24 hours. You can also
deactivate the automatic search at any time or reactivate it. You can also search for updates
If updates are found, you can download and install them.

Updates and support packages from TIA Portal V13 or higher are supported.

Deactivate or activate automatic search for software updates

To deactivate or reactivate the automatic search for software updates, follow these steps:
1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu.
The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area.
2. Select the "General > Software Updates" group in the area navigation.
3. Deselect the "Check for updates daily" check box if you want to deactivate the automatic
search for software updates.
4. Select the "Check for updates daily" check box if you want to reactivate the automatic search
for software updates.

Manually searching for software updates

If you want to search for software updates manually, follow these steps:
1. Click "Installed software" in the "Help" menu.
The "Installed software" dialog opens.
2. Click "Check for updates".
The TIA Administrator opens.
3. Click on the "Manage software" tile.
The available updates are displayed.
1. Select the "Settings" command in the "Options" menu.
The "Settings" window is displayed in the work area.
2. Select the "General > Software Updates" group in the area navigation.

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Installing updates and support packages
13.1 Checking availability of updates and support packages and installing them

3. Click "Check for updates now".

The TIA Administrator opens.
4. Click on the "Manage software" tile.
The available updates are displayed.
1. Open the TIA Administrator via "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > TIA
2. Click on the "Manage software" tile and on the "Check for updates" button there.
The available updates are displayed.

Setting the server

You must set the corresponding server depending on whether you want to download updates
and/or support packages from the TIA Automation Update Server or from a corporate server. To
do this, follow these steps:
1. Open the TIA Administrator.
2. Click "Options" and select the "TIA Automation Software Update Server" option in the dialog
that appears in the "Server used to check for updates" area.
The software searches for available updates on the server of the manufacturer.
1. Open the TIA Administrator.
2. Click "Settings" and select the "Corporate server" option in the "Software management" tab.
3. Enter the server URL which you received from your administrator. The URL must be entered
either in the format https://[URL of the server]/[path to the file directory] or in the format
https://[server IP address]/[path to the directory]. If you are not sure which format to use,
contact your administrator!
The software looks for available updates on the server of your company.
4. Check the name of the production line and change this if necessary "ProductionLine1" is set
by default.
The purpose of production lines is to provide different users with specific updates/support
packages. If your company does not work with different production lines, retain the specified
You can find detailed information on creating projects and working with production lines in
the help on the TIA Updater Corporate Configuration Tool.
You can set a different server on which the updates are to be searched for at any time.
However, changing this setting is blocked during a download process. After switching the
server, all downloaded updates and support packages are displayed, even if they are not
available on the currently set server.

Installing updates/support packages

For the exact procedure for installing updates/support packages, refer to the TIA Administrator

86 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing updates and support packages
13.1 Checking availability of updates and support packages and installing them

Alternative procedures for the installation of support packages

Another procedure is available for the installation of a support package. To do this, follow these
1. Click "Support packages" in the "Options" menu of the TIA Portal.
The "Detailed information" dialog opens. A table lists all support packages from the directory
that you selected as the storage location for support packages in the settings.
2. If you want to install a support package that is not in the list, you have the following options:
– If the support package is already on your computer, you can add it to the list by selecting
"Add from file system".
– If you add a support package from the "Service & Support" page on the Internet, first you
download it by selecting "Download from the Internet". Then you can add it from the file
3. Select the support package that you want to install.
4. Click "Install".
5. Close and then restart the TIA Portal.

See also
Installation log (Page 71)

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 87
Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

13.2 Working with a company-internal server

13.2.1 Properties and advantage of a corporate server

Using a corporate server, you can place selected updates / support packages on a local server and
make them available to users, e.g. for different production lines. This has the advantage that
users do not have to access the Internet, but can install updates via the intranet, an external hard
disk, etc. Since users do not need direct access to the Internet, the protection against trojans or
malicious software that contacts the Internet from the internal company network is
significantly increased.







Configuring the server and creating projects

In the first phase, the corporate server is configured by a server administrator and the updates /
support packages are deployed using the TIA Updater Corporate Configuration Tool. In addition,
projects for different production lines can be created through which users can receive the
updates they require. Users need to have access to the server area and have the name of the
production line and be informed about the storage directory.
You can find detailed information on creating projects and working with production lines in
the help on the TIA Updater Corporate Configuration Tool.

88 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

Working with the server

With the TIA Updater, users can download and install the updates and support packages that are
relevant and relevant for them. Multiple download operations can be initiated at the same time.
The installation of the updates / support packages must be done one after the other.

13.2.2 Configuring a corporate server for updates

To provide available updates, support packages and language packages to users from a central
location, you must configure a corporate server. Use the Microsoft Server Manager to do this.
The following is an example of the steps required to create and configure the server using the
TIA Updater Corporate Configuration Tool (with the Microsoft Server 2016 operating system).
Further settings which may be required for operation in your company are not covered in this

Please note that the structure of the start menu and the storage location of the programs may
vary depending on the different operating systems.
For more detailed information on configuration and operating the Server Manager, refer to the
Microsoft help.

You must have administrator rights.

Install Web server role (IIS)

To install the required Web server role, follow these steps:
1. Open the start menu and select "Server Manager".
2. Click "Add roles and features" in the dashboard.
3. Use the "Add roles and features" wizard to add the Web server roles.
Before the wizard starts, it is verified that a complex password has been assigned to the
administrator, that the network settings have been configured accordingly and that the latest
Windows security updates have been installed.
4. Select "Role-based or feature-based installation" as the installation type and click "Next".
5. Select the target server and click "Next".

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

6. Note the pre-selected roles that are installed by default, and then select the additional role
"Web Server (IIS)".

7. Click "Add features" followed by "Next". The features for the web server are displayed.

90 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

8. Click "Role Services" and make sure that the following features are selected or select them:

"Web server" area

– Default document
– Directory browsing
– HTTP errors
– Static content
"Health and diagnostics" area
– HTTP logging
– Request monitor
"Performance features" area
– Static content compression

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

"Security" area
– Request filtering
"Application Development Features" area
– .NET Extensibility 3.5
– .NET Extensibility 4.6
– ASP.NET 3.5
– ASP.NET 4.6
– ISAPI Extensions
– ISAPI Filters
9. Click "Next".
10.Check your selection in the "Confirm installation selection" dialog box and click "Install".
"IIS" is added in the dashboard and can be further configured.

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

Create website
1. In the navigation area, click "IIS" and right-click in the "Servers" area and select "Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager".
2. In the "Connections" area, click "Sites" and then "Default Web site".

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

3. Right-click to select the "Add Virtual Directory..." option.

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

4. In the dialog that opens, enter a display name in the "Alias" field, for example,

5. In the "Physical Path" field, enter the physical path of the folder in which the website is located
or click the button to browse (...), in order to search for the folder in the file system.
The default website must be created in the directory that contains the
'UpdatesSummaryCatalog.xml' file.

6. Click "Test Settings..." to check whether the settings are correct.

7. Click "OK".

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

Activating virtual directory

1. In the area "Connections > Sites > Default Web site", select the virtual directory you created.
2. In the "Features" view, double-click the item "Directory browsing".

3. Click "Enable" in the "Actions" area.

96 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

Adding and configuring MIME type

1. In the "Connections" area, select the website you created.
2. Double-click "MIME type" in the "Features" view.

3. Click "Add" in the "Actions" area.

4. Enter .* in the "File name extension" text field in the "Add MIME type" dialog.
5. Enter "all/files" in the "MIME type" text field.
6. Click "OK".

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

98 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

Activate BITS-IIS server extension

1. Switch to the virtual directory in the IIS Manager.
2. Click "Add roles and features" to verify that BITS is installed. If necessary, enable and install
the "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" feature.

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

3. In the Dashboard, in the "Local Server" area, click "Services".

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

4. Select the local server, right-click and select the menu command "Start Services".

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13.2 Working with a company-internal server

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

5. Change to the virtual directory feature view and double-click "BITS Uploads".

6. Select the "Allow clients to upload files" check box and click "Apply".

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13.2 Working with a company-internal server

104 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

Create a self-signed server certificate

It is strongly recommended that you use a signed certificate created by your company's IT
department; in this way the company's own server receives a qualified (secure) certificate. You
can also purchase such a certificate from trusted third-party companies/certification authorities.
If this is not possible for you, you can create a self-signed certificate. Note that such a certificate
is not secure! To do this, follow these steps:
1. In the "Connections" area, navigate to the level which you want to manage.
2. Double-click "Server Certificates" in the "Features" view.

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

3. Click "Create Self-Signed Certificate" in the "Actions" area.

4. In the "Create Self-Signed certificate" dialog, enter a display name for the certificate in the
"Specify a friendly name for the certificate" field and click "OK".

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

Create SSL binding

1. Expand the "Sites" entry in the "Connections" area, and then click the site to which you want
to add a binding.
2. Click "Bindings" in the "Actions" area.

3. In the "Site Bindings" dialog, click "Add".

4. In the "Add Site Binding" dialog, select the certificate you created under "Type" "https" and
under "SSL certificate" and then click "OK".

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

Verify SSL binding

1. In the "Actions" area, click the previously created binding under "Browse website".
An error page is opened in Internet Explorer, because the self-signed certificate was created
by your computer.
2. Click "Continue to this website (not recommended)".
This message is no longer displayed when you add the certificate to the "Trusted Root
Certification Authorities" certificate memory.

Configure SSL settings

1. Double-click "SSL settings" in the "Features" view.
2. Use one of the following procedures in the "Client certificates" area of the "SSL Settings"
– Select "Ignore" if no client certificates are to be accepted even if a client has a certificate.
– Select "Accept" if client certificates are to be accepted.
– Select "Require" if client certificates are to be required. The "Require SSL" option must be
activated to allow the "Require client certificates" option to be used.
3. Click "Apply" in the "Actions" area.

13.2.3 Distributing updates to different areas

It may be the case that different departments need different updates or support packages. In this
situation, we recommend creating multiple production lines which offer different updates and
support packages. The procedure for this is described in the help of the TIA Updater Corporate
Configuration Tool.

The main advantage of different production lines is that less storage space is required. When an
already downloaded update, support package, or language pack is added to a new production
line, a copy of it is not created, instead, the various production lines reference that update,
support package, or language pack.

You can also operate multiple servers that provide different updates, support packages, and
language packs. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Set up different company-owned servers as described above.

108 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

1. Set up different company-owned servers as described above.
2. Set up multiple websites.
Make sure that you assign unique names for these websites and the physical paths so that
there will be no confusion.
3. Set the features described previously for the Web server or the websites.
You can now store the required updates and support packages for the different departments
in the defined directories.

13.2.4 Providing updates on a corporate server

In the TIA Updater Corporate Configuration Tool, you can set a corporate server on which the
available updates/support packages/language packs are stored and can be made available to the

You must have administrator rights.
A corporate server can only be set up on a Microsoft server operating system, because it
requires the operation of the BITS IIS service and a running IIS sever.

Adding updates from the TIA Automation Software Update Server

To add updates from the TIA Automation Software Update Server, follow these steps:
1. Open the TIA Updater Corporate Configuration Tool.
The available updates are displayed.
2. Click the "Add update" button and select the "Add TIA Automation Software Update Server"
check box in the dialog that appears.
3. In the dialog "Add update from TIA Automation Software Update Server", select the required
updates (software and support packages) and click "Add".
If updates are already located on the corporate server, these are grayed out. You cannot load
them again. During the download process, the status and the remaining time is displayed in
the dialog.

Canceling the download process

To cancel the process, follow these steps:
1. Click "Cancel download".
2. Click "Yes" to confirm the dialog that appears.
The download of the update is cancelled and it is deleted from the list.

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Installing updates and support packages
13.2 Working with a company-internal server

Deleting updates from the corporate server

To delete updates, follow these steps:
Select the required updates and click "Remove".
• If an update only belongs to one project/one production line, confirm the dialog with "Yes".
The selected update is removed from the list and deleted from the file system.
• If an update belongs to multiple projects/production lines, the following applies:
– The remove update dialog does not appear.
– The selected update is only removed from the current project list and not deleted from the
file system.
To delete updates from the file system, all instances of the updates must be deleted. To do
this, follow these steps:
– Open the existing project/global production line from the "Project" menu.
– Select the updates you want and click "Remove".
– Confirm the dialog that appeared when deleting the last instance with "Yes".

Server options
In the dialog "TIA Automation Software Update Server", click "Settings" to determine the
1. Under "Server path", specify the folder in which the downloads are to be saved. You can select
either a local drive or a network drive.
When you work directly on the server, the target directory is the same as the provision
directory on the server. All changes are applied directly. This procedure is not recommended,
as conflicts can occur with active downloads.
We recommend that you work on another computer; the target directory can be any
directory. The content of this directory must then still be copied to the provision directory.
Here, also, make sure that no conflicts occur with active downloads.

2. Select the check box "Always run server in background (icon is shown in the taskbar)", if the
server is to always run in the background.
3. Confirm your entries with "OK".

See also
Properties and advantage of a corporate server (Page 88)
Configuring a corporate server for updates (Page 89)

110 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing support packages automatically 14
14.1 Installing support packages automatically

As of V15.1, you can use the Support Package Installer to install or upgrade all support packages
automatically via the command line; these include HSPs (hardware support packages) that are
compatible with the installed version of the TIA Portal (e.g. isp.15_1).

• Hardware and software of the programming device or PC meet the system requirements.
• You have administrator privileges on your computer.
• All running programs have been closed.

To start the installation with the desired options directly via the command line, proceed as
1. Open the Windows command prompt with "Start > Run > cmd".
2. Switch to the directory that contains the
"Siemens.Automation.SupportPackageInstaller.exe" file. This is the installation directory of
your installed TIA Portal.
3. In the command prompt, enter the following command:
%Installation directory% > Siemens.Automation.SupportPackageInstaller.exe <Support
Package(HSP)-storage directory> [-l <Name of log file>] [-warnaserror]

<Support Package-storage_directory>
Mandatory directory containing the support package files (*.isp). This can be either a local
folder or a Remote Share.
-l <Storage location of log file>
This parameter is optional and specifies the path to the log file. If it is not set, the log file is
created in the binary directory. However, you need to have write permissions in the storage
This parameter is optional and indicates that every message that would usually have been
reported as a warning will be reported as an error instead. If a HSP does not meet the
necessary conditions, for example, a corresponding return value/abort value is output to the
command line and the affected HSP is skipped.
This parameter is optional and shows the Help.

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Installing support packages automatically
14.2 Return values from the installation process

• If the storage directory or the name of the log file contains spaces, you need to place the
name in quotation marks.
• Only support packages located directly in the storage directory are considered;
subdirectories are ignored. This means that the *.isp files must be located directly in the
storage directory.

See also
Return values from the installation process (Page 112)
Log file (Page 113)

14.2 Return values from the installation process

Return values from the installation process

The following table shows the return values and their descriptions:

Code Description
0 The installation was successful.
1 The installation was successful and a restart is required.
-1 The installation failed.
-2 The installation failed: The TIA Portal is still running.
-3 The installation failed: Another installation is already running.
-4 The installation failed: You do not have sufficient rights. The
installation requires administrator rights.
-6 The installation failed: Insufficient memory space.
-7 The installation failed: A restart is required before the instal‐
lation can start.

See also
Installing support packages automatically (Page 111)
Log file (Page 113)

112 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing support packages automatically
14.3 Log file

14.3 Log file

Contents of the log file

The log file contains detailed information about every installation. If the log file already exists,
it is supplemented. Headers and footers are created for each log file between which you can find
the desired information.
An entry is generated for the following events:
• Support packages that are listed in the storage directory and are available during the
installation but could not be installed due to missing products. The entry in the log file
indicates which products and which versions of these products are missing.
• Support packages that could not be installed successfully.
• Support packages that were installed successfully.
The file name of the HSP including the file extension is logged for each entry.

See also
Installing support packages automatically (Page 111)
Return values from the installation process (Page 112)

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 113
Installing support packages automatically
14.3 Log file

114 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing and uninstalling the migration tool 15
15.1 Notes on using the migration tool

Using the migration tool

You use the migration tool to create a migration file from the project that is to be migrated. You
copy this file to the target system with a current version of the TIA Portal. You perform the
migration within the TIA Portal.
You can find the exact procedure here: AUTOHOTSPOT

15.2 System requirements

System requirements for the migration tool

The following system requirements apply to the use of the migration tool:
• All products used to create the source project must be installed. The following products are
– As of STEP 7 V5.4 SP5
– WinCC V7.5 with the latest updates
– As of WinCC flexible 2008 SP2
– Integrated projects from STEP 7 V5.4 and the WinCC products listed above
– STEP 7 Distributed Safety V5.4 SP5
– As of F-Configuration-Pack V5.4 SP5
– SINUMERIK Add-on for STEP 7 as of V5.4 SP5
You need the SCOUT Migration Tool PlugIn in the corresponding SCOUT TIA version to
migrate SIMOTION SCOUT projects.
• All optional packages needed to process the STEP 7 project are installed. For example, all HSPs
for the devices used in the source project are required.
• Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.2 is installed. If Microsoft .Net Framework is not installed, the
required version will be installed using the migration tool.

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Installing and uninstalling the migration tool
15.4 Uninstalling the migration tool

15.3 Installing the migration tool

Distribution of the migration tool

You can find the migration tool in the "Support" directory on the installation DVD of the TIA
Portal. Alternatively, it is available for download from the Siemens Industry Online Support. For
some products, (such as SIMOTION) additional plug-ins are required for the migration tool.
These plug-ins can also be downloaded from the Siemens Industry Online Support or installed
from the installation DVD of the specific products.
Normally, the migration tool is installed without the TIA Portal. Because the TIA Portal has
its own integrated migration function, a separate installation of the migration tool is not

To install the migration tool, proceed as follows:
1. Download the installation file from the Siemens Industry Online Support, or use the
installation file from the "Support" directory of the installation DVD of the TIA Portal to
perform the installation.
2. Run the installation file.
The setup program for the migration tool will open.
3. First, select the language in which the setup should be displayed and click "Next".
The page for selecting the software language is displayed.
4. Since the migration tool is provided exclusively in English, you cannot choose any other
language for the installation. Therefore, click "Next" to proceed to the next step.
The page for selecting the product is displayed.
5. The migration tool consists solely of a software component. Therefore, the migration tool is
already selected. Click "Next".
The page for confirming the licensing terms is shown.
6. Click on the entries in the list of license terms to read the license terms and security
information. If you agree to the license terms, select the check box "I accept all terms of the
listed license agreement(s)" and "I confirm that I have read and understood the security
information on the safe operation of the products".
7. Then click "Next".
An overview of the installation is displayed.
8. Click "Install".
The installation is performed with the displayed settings.
A restart of the computer is required after the installation of the migration tool.

15.4 Uninstalling the migration tool

The migration tool can be removed using the Control Panel.

116 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing and uninstalling the migration tool
15.4 Uninstalling the migration tool

To remove the migration tool, follow these steps:
1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Double-click on "Programs and Functions" in the control panel.
The "Uninstall or Change a Program" dialog opens.
3. Select the entry for the migration tool in the "Uninstall or Change a Program" dialog, and click
A security prompt appears.
4. Click "Yes" to confirm this prompt.
The setup program starts.
5. Select the installation language and click "Next".
6. Select the migration tool to uninstall and click "Next".
7. Click "Uninstall".
The migration tool will be removed.
8. Click on "Exit" to close the setup program.

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Installing and uninstalling the migration tool
15.4 Uninstalling the migration tool

118 Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022
Installing and uninstalling the TIA project server 16
16.1 Notes on installing the project server

To work with Multiuser Engineering, Multiuser Commissioning and Exclusive Engineering, you
need a project server that manages your server projects, server libraries and the local sessions.
You have the following options for installing the "TIA Project-Server":
• Together with the installation of the TIA Portal.
• As standalone installation by means of a separate installation process without TIA Portal.

Requirement: Administrator rights
Administrator rights are required for the project server installation.

Installation of the project server with TIA Portal

The "TIA Project-Server" is installed together with the following TIA Portal products:
• SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional
• SIMATIC WinCC Comfort/Advanced
• SIMATIC WinCC Professional
The project server is usually activated by default in the product selection and is then installed
with the TIA Portal.
Check the settings during installation of the TIA Portal.
You can find the specific default settings for the project server during setup when selecting
the product in the "Options" directory. By selecting or clearing the options, you can specify if
the project server is to be installed along with TIA Portal or not.

Installation of the project server as a standalone installation

The project server can also be installed as a standalone installation.
A description of automated installation is also available on the product DVD in the directory
"Documents\Readme\<language directory>".

Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2022 119
Installing and uninstalling the TIA project server
16.1 Notes on installing the project server

Identical TIA Portal versions during installation

When installing different TIA Portal products on various clients, make sure that all participants
use the same versions of software products for the installation.
If, for example, you have installed STEP 7 Professional, WinCC Advanced and Safety as well
as the project server in the version Vx.y, all other Team Engineering devices must also have
installed this software in identical versions.
The service packs and updates must be installed for all products at the same time.

Installation path
Do not use any UNICODE characters (for example, Chinese characters) in the installation path.

Antivirus programs
During the installation, read and write access to installed files is necessary.
Some antivirus programs block this access.
We therefore recommend that you disable antivirus programs during the installation of the
project server and enable them again afterwards.

Supported virtualization platforms

You can also install the project server as well as TIA Portal in a virtual machine.
For this purpose, use one of the following virtualization platforms in the specified version or
a newer version:
• VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 or higher
• VMware Workstation 15.5.0 or higher
• VMware Player 12.5.5 (WinCC only)
• VMware Player 15.5.0 or higher
• Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019 or higher

Installation of a visualization platform has the same requirements as the installation of the TIA

See also
Installing a project server (Page 121)
Uninstalling a project server (Page 123)

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Installing and uninstalling the TIA project server
16.2 Installing a project server

16.2 Installing a project server

You install the "TIA Project-Server" as part of the TIA Portal installation or standalone,
independently of the TIA Portal.
When installing with TIA Portal, the project server version released for this purpose is always
installed. Project server versions that are released afterwards are also released for this TIA
Portal version as long as there are no new TIA Portal versions.
A description of automated installation is also available on the product DVD in the directory
"Documents\Readme\<language directory>".

TIA Project-Server: Versioning
As of TIA Portal V18, the TIA Project-Server is supplied with an independent version number:
• TIA Portal V18 includes TIA Project-Server V1.1
New installation replaces existing installation
As of TIA Portal V18, versions of the "TIA Project-Server" are no longer installed in parallel.
The new version replaces existing installations during installation.
The existing user permissions for the server are applied.

Compatibility of the project server with TIA Portal

Communication between the project server and the TIA Portal is supported for the following

Version of the project server Version of TIA Portal

TIA Project-Server V1.1 V18, V17, V16, V15.1, V15 and V14
Server V17 / TIA Project-Server V1.0 V17, V16, V15.1, V15 and V14
Server V16 V16, V15.1, V15 and V14
Server V15.1 V15.1, V15 and V14
Server V15 V15 and V14
Server V14 V14

Notes on the compatibility of the project server
The newly added server functionality for the current version is only available if the current
version of TIA Portal is also installed.
If you are still working with an older version of TIA Portal or an older version of the project server,
only the functionality included in the respective product version is available.
Multiuser Engineering does not upgrade the project versions.

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Installing and uninstalling the TIA project server
16.2 Installing a project server

TIA Portal versions < V18

Up to TIA Portal V18, several versions of the project server which use different project versions
of TIA Portal can be installed on one computer.
As of V18, the new version of the TIA Project-Server V1.0 replaces the existing installation in
each case. Different versions of the project server can no longer be installed on the same PC
as of V1.0.
However, versions of the project server installed with TIA Portal versions prior to V18 can still
run side-by-side on a PC and in parallel with TIA Project-Server V1.

Requirements for installation

You need administrator rights.
The installation of the server requires specific settings in the Windows firewall and, if needed,
a certificate.
System requirements:
• Installation of the project server has the same requirements as the installation of TIA Portal.

Installing the project server with TIA Portal

Follow these steps for installation:
1. Note the requirements for the installation of the selected software package.
2. Start the setup program of the required product by inserting the installation medium into the
respective drive.
3. Select the preferred settings and click the "Install" button.
4. Make sure that the project server is selected in the product selection and observe the notes
in the setup dialogs.

The project server was installed on your computer together with TIA Portal.

Installing the project server as standalone product

Follow these steps for installation:
1. Note the requirements for the installation of the project server.
2. Start the setup for the standalone installation of the project server with a double-click on the
self-extracting .exe file "TIA_Portal_Project_Server_V<x.y>.exe".
You can find these files in the directory "Support" on the corresponding product DVD.
3. Select the preferred settings and click the "Install" button.
4. Follow the instructions in the setup dialogs.

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Installing and uninstalling the TIA project server
16.3 Uninstalling a project server

The TIA project server has been installed on your computer.

See also
Notes on installing the project server (Page 119)
Uninstalling a project server (Page 123)

16.3 Uninstalling a project server

The "TIA Project-Server" is uninstalled by using the Control Panel.
When installing a new version, an existing installation is replaced.

Requirements for removal

A project server is installed on your computer.

Uninstalling TIA project server

Proceed as follows for removal:
1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Click on "Uninstall a program" in the Control Panel.
The "Uninstall or change a program" dialog opens.
3. In the "Add or Remove Programs" dialog, select the entry for the "TIA Project-Server".
4. Click on the "Remove" button.
A security prompt appears.
5. Click "Yes" to confirm this prompt.

The TIA Project-Server has been uninstalled from your computer.

See also
Notes on installing the project server (Page 119)
Installing a project server (Page 121)

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Installing and uninstalling the TIA project server
16.3 Uninstalling a project server

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