UR - P - Pipes and Pressure Vessels

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Question Description Answer Correct Explanation

A project has a number of deliverables that are The numbering system to allows team members to quickly
complex and have to be assembled. As the project indentify the level in the WBS where the specific element is
manager, you know the work breakdown structure found. Its also helps to locate the element in the WBS dictionary
will help stakeholders to see interim deliverables
that will be integrated into the final project
deliverables. To help manage the individual
elements, you have used a work breakdown
numbering system. This numbering system allows
1 the project team to: C C
A. Systematically estimate costs of work
breakdown structure elements.
B. Provide project justification.
C. Identify the level at which individual
elements are found.
D. Use it in project management software.

The work breakdown structure can best be thought The term "stakeholders" encompasses all the other choices. In
of as an effective aid this case it is a best answer since the WBS can be used as a
for________________communications. communications tool for all stakeholders to see what is included
A. Team in the project.
2 B. Project manager A D
C. Customer
D. Stakeholder
The product of the project has been completed and The output of Validate Scope is:
delivered to the customer by the team. They are 1. Accepted deliverables
informed by the customer that several of the 2. Work performances Information
deliverables are not acceptable, as they do not 3. Change request
meet the requirements specified early in the project. 4. Project documents updates:
The project manager and team review the - Lesson learnt register.
requirements documentation, and are in agreement - Requiremnent documentation
that the product deliverables meet the customers - Requirement traceability matrix
requirements as they understand them. The project
manager, who is new to the organization, seeks the
advice of the project management office in
determining what went wrong. After some
3 B B
discussion, the PMO realizes that the Validate
Scope process was not performed appropriately by
the project manager. Which of the following is a key
output of the Validate Scope process?
A. A more complete scope management plan
B. Customer acceptance of project deliverables
C. Requirements analysis
D. Confirmation of the project scope statement

During project executing, a team member comes to The WBS dictionary is a document that provides detailed
the project manager because he is not sure what deliverable, acitvity and schedule information about each
work he needs to accomplish on the project. Which component in the WBS .
of the following documents contains detailed
descriptions of work packages?
4 A. WBS dictionary A A
B. Activity list
C. Project scope statement
D. Scope management plan
During which part of the project management During the Define Scope process, Project scope statement is
process is the project scope statement created? created . The output of Define Scope process is:
A. Initiating 1. Project Scope Statement
B. Planning 2. Project Document Updates:
5 C. Executing B B - Assumption log
D. Monitoring and controlling - Requirement Documentation
- Requirements traceability matrix
- Stakeholder register

The program was planned years ago, before there

was a massive introduction of new technology.
While planning the next project in this program, the
project manager has expanded the scope
management plan because as a project becomes
more complex, the level of uncertainty in the scope:
6 A. Remains the same A D
B. Decreases
C. Decreases then increases
D. Increases

During a meeting with some of the project

stakeholders, the project manager is asked to add
work to the project scope. The project manager had
access to correspondence about the project before
the project charter was signed and remembers that
the project sponsor specifically denied funding for
the scope mentioned by these stakeholders. The
best thing for the project manager to do is to:
7 A. Let the sponsor know of the stakeholders’ B C
B. Evaluate the impact of adding the scope.
C. Tell the stakeholders the scope cannot be added.
D. Add the work if there is time available in the
project schedule.
A new project manager is being mentored by a
more experienced PMP-certified project manager.
The new project manager is having difficulty finding
enough time to manage the project because the
project scope is being progressively elaborated.
The PMP-certified project manager advises that the
basic tools for project management, such as a work
breakdown structure, can be used during project
executing toassist the project manager. For which of
the following can a work breakdown structure be
8 used? B A
A. Communicating with the customer
B. Showing calendar dates for each work
C. Identifying the functional managers for each
team member
D. Describing the business need for the project

During a project team meeting, a team member

suggests an enhancement to the scope that is
beyond the scope of the project charter. The project
manager points out that the team needs to
concentrate on completing all the work and only the
work required. This is an example of:
A. Change management
9 B B
B. Scope management
C. Quality analysis
D. Scope decomposition
A project has just started the second phase, in
which work packages are being created. A new
team member has completed his work packages for
this phase and has asked the project manager to
validate the scope of his work packages. The team
member is anxious to have the customer see his
work packages. The project manager, although
confident in this new team member, wants the team
member to gain confidence after the customer sees
his work packages. When should the Validate
10 Scope process C C
be done?
A. At the end of the project
B. At the beginning of the project
C. At the end of each phase of the project
D. During the planning processes
Question Description Answer Correct Explanation
There are five levels of quality management that
any project manager should recognize. Of the five
levels, which one is the most expensive?
A. Prevent defects through quality assurance

Project Documents
1 Milestones list
2 Project team asignment
3 Requirements documentation
4 Requirements traceability matrix
5 Resources requirements
6 Risk register
7 Stakeholder register

Data Analysis
Forming Storming Norming
This phase team members This phase the team In this phase, team
will met and learn about member begin to address members begin to work
project and their formal the project work, technical together and adjust their
roles and responsibilities . decisions and project work habit and behaviours
Tuckman`s stages Team members tend to be management approach. tp support the team.
independent and not as The team member learn to
open in this phase trust each other.

Withdraw/Avoid Smooth/ Accommodate Compromise/ Reconcile

Techniques for
resolving conflict
Performing Adjouring
phase, team As well-organized unit. The team completes the
ers begin to work They are interdependent work and moves on the
er and adjust their and work throught issues project. This typically
habit and behaviours smoothly and effectively occurs when staff is
port the team. released from the project
am member learn to as deliverables are
ach other. completed or as part of
Close Project or Phase

promise/ Reconcile Force/Direct Collaborate/Problem Solve

Process Group/ Initiating Planning Executing Monitor and Controlling Closing
Knowledge Areas

04.Integration Develop Project Charter

10. Communication
11. Risk
12. Procurement
13. Stakeholders


1. Is the process of leading and performing the work defined in the project management plan and implement approved change request.
2. The key benefits of this project is that it provides overall management of project work and deliverables, thus improving the probability of project success .
3. Direct and Manage Project works also requires of review impact of all project changes and implement of approve changes: corrective action; prevent
action; and or defect repair.
4. Work performance data analysis provides information about completion status of deliverables and other relevant details about project performance.


1. Project Management Plan - Any 1. Expert judment 1. Deliverables.

components 2. Project management information system (PMIS ) 2. Work performance data
2. Project Documents: 3. Meeting 3. Issue log
- Change log 4. Change request
- Lesson learned register 5. Project Mangement Plan updates - Anycomponent
- Milestone list 6. Project Document updates:
- Project communication - Activity list
- Project Schedule - Assumption log
- Requirements traceability matrix - Lesson learned register
- Risk register - Requirements documentation
- Ris report - Risk register
3. Approve change request - Stakeholder register.
4. Enterprise enviromental factor
5. Organizational process assets

Work performance Data: are the raw observations and measurements indentified during activities performed to carry out the project work.


1. Close Project or Phase is process of finalizing all activities for activities for the project, phase, or contract.



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