Reasoning and General Intelligence - Classification: Example

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letters of English alphabet. So many groups of

What is classification? letters are given in the question in which one
group is different from remaining groups and
You must have in your mind that what does
hence the different group will be our answer.
classification mean. In fact, in classification we take, out
EXAMPLE1. Find the odd word out of the
an element out of some given elements and the element
following options
to be taken out is different from the rest of the elements
(a) PQT (b) UVY
in terms of common properties, shapes, sizes, types,
(c) DEH (d) IJN
nature, colours, traits etc. In this way the rest of the
Sol. (a) PQ R S T (b) U V W X Y
elements form a group and the element that has been
taken out is not the member of that group as this single 2 letter gap 2 letter gap
element does not possesses the common quality to be (c) D E F G H (d) I J K L M N
possessed by rest of the elements. For example, if we
compare the elements like, lion, cow, tiger, panther, bear 2 letter gap 3 letter gap
and wolf then we find that this is a group of animals. As it is clear that except option (d) all the other
How do we classify them? To understand this let us see options have 2 letters gap between 2nd and third letters
the presentation given below:- and the 1st two letters are in consecutive order. While in
case of option (d) 1st two letters are in consecutive order
Lion Cow Tiger Panther Bear Wolf but there is 3 letters gap between 2nd and third letter
separating it out of the remaining group of the letters.
Hence option (d) is the correct option.
Wild Domestic Wild Wild Wild Wild EXAMPLE2. Following are given four options and
animal animal animal animal animal animal out of them 3 form a group in terms of some
Here, if we want to separate out one animal then similarity. Find out the option which does not fit into
definitely that animal will be cow because, cow is the that group.
only animal in the group which is a domestic animal. (a) LMNO-ONML (b) PQRS-SRQP
Rest of the animals (Lion, Tiger, Panther, Bear and (c) IJKL-LKJI (d) UVWX-VUXW
Wolf) are wild animals. Hence rest of the animals (Lion, L M N O O N M L
Sol. (a) →
Tiger, Panther, Bear & Wolf) form a group of wild 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1
animals separating out the domestic animal (Cow). (b) →
1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1
Similarly, out of 6 letters A, M, N, S, P & Q, we will I J K L L K J I
take out A and form a group of 5 letters M, N, S, P & Q (c) →
1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1
because out of given six letters only A is a vowel while U V W X V U W X
(d) →
rest of the letters form a group of consonants. 1 2 3 4 2 1 4 3
Types of classification: Above presentation makes it clear that (d) does
(1) Letter/meaningless word based classification not fit into the groups.
(2) Meaningful word based classification 2. Meaningful words based classification:- In
(3) Digit based classification such type of classification we have to take odd
(4) General knowledge based classification word out of the given group of meaningful
Now we will discuss types of classifications one by words.
one:- EXAMPLE3. Which one of the following words is not
(1) Letter/meaningless word based a part of the group formed by remaining words. The
classification:- Such classifications are based on
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remaining words form the group on the basis of Sol.: Option (b) is the correct answer as except
certain similarity. option (b) all other options start with 7 & end
with 2.
(a) Name (b) Game 4. General knowledge based classification: Such
(c) Fame (d) Shame classification is done on the basis of our general
Sol. (d) is the correct answer because this is the knowledge. No doubts that this is a word based
only word which has 5 letters while the classification but without having general
remaining words have 4 letters and hence knowledge this type of questions cannot be
options (a), (b), & (c) form a group separating solved.
cut option (d).
EXAMPLE4. Out of the 4 words given below, three EXAMPLE 7. Find the odd man out.
have certain thing common and so they form a group. (a) Patna (b) Mumbai
Find out the word which one is not a part of that (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Bengaluru
group. Sol.: Option (c) is the correct answer because
(a) Slim (b) Trims Madhya Pradesh is an Indian state while all
(c) Greets (d) Grid other options arc capitals of Indian slates.
Sol: Option (c) is the correct option because this is Patna is the capital of Bihar, Mumbai is the
the only option which has two vowels while capital of Maharashtra and Bengaluru is the
the other options have only one vowel. Let us capital of Karnataka. In case of Madhya Pradesh
see the following presentation:- (it is an Indian state), we can say that it has its capital
(a) S L I M S (b) T R I M S in Bhopal.
EXAMPLE8. Which of the following animals does not
1 Vowel 1 Vowel fit into the group formed by remaining animals?
(a) Cat (b) Dog
(b) G R E E T S (d) G R I D (c) Tiger (d) Octopus
Sol.: Option (d) is the correct option as this is the
2 Vowels 1 Vowel only animal out of given options which is a
3. Digit based classification:- In such type of water animal. Rest of the options are land
classifications digits or numbers are given to animals.
find out one number that is not a part of the EXAMPLE 9. Three of the following given options
group of remaining numbers. have some similarity and so they form a group
EXAMPLE5. Find the odd number out. separating out one option. Find out that
(a) 122 (b) 128 separate option.
(c) 199 (d) 200 (a) Tendulkar (b) Dravid
Sol: Option (c) is the correct option because this is (c) Sania Mirza (d) Yuvraj Singh
an odd number while all the other options are Sol.: Option (c) is the correct option because Sania
even numbers. Mirza is an Indian tennis player. While the rest
EXAMPLE6. Four of the following numbers have of the options are Indian cricketers.
some similarity and hence they form a group. Find Now, this chapter has come to an end. Readers
out the number which does not suit in the group. are advised to move as per the following steps
(a) 7842 (b) 8952 while solving the problems related to
(c) 7122 (d) 7722 classification:-
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Step 1: See all the given options with a serious eye. Step III: Find out the one word not having the
Step II: Try to make relation of similarity among the common similarity like other options and that
given options. one word will be your answer.

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