CSIR CASE English Medium Sample 11

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Mental Ability
S.No. Chapter Name
1. Analogy 1

2. Classification 12

3. Series Test 17

4. Inserting the Missing Character/ Number 27

5. Blood Relation 33

6. Distance & Direction 43

7. Seating Arrangement 55

8. Venn Diagram 67

9. Coding – Decoding 79

10. Puzzle Test 90

11. Cube & Dice 110

12. Number Ranking 118

13. Decision Making 127

14. Statement and Conclusion 135

15. Syllogism 141

16. Statement and Argument 152

17. Statement and Assumptions 160

18. Statements and Course of Action 167

19. Cause and Effect 175

ANALOGY Sol. Just as Colombo is the capital of Sri
Lanka, in the same way, Kathmandu
Similarity or similarity is the relation or is the capital of Nepal.
similarity of any object, word, letter,
(ii) Finding the identical pair :- In the
number to any other object, word, letter,
questions that come under this, two
number with quality, form, shape, type,
words are given, which are related to
character, etc.
each other in some way. Exactly the
Generally, these types of questions are same type of relation is also in any
asked under analogy. one of the options given below.
Type 1 - Hindi word analogy Ex.3 Select the related word pair from the
Under this, considering the relation of Hindi given alternatives.
words given in the questions asked, one has Preamble : Constitution : : ? : ?
to find such a word from the given answer (a) Word : dictionary
(b) Theme : Magazine
options, whose relation can be established
(c) Explanation : Poem
with the given words or with the third
(d) Introduction : Book
Ans. (d)
(i) Finding similar words: - Considering
Sol. Just as there is a preamble of the
the relation of two words given in constitution, in the same way there
the questions asked under this, one is a preamble of the book.
has to find such word from the
(iii) Choosing similar words and special
answer options, whose relation is
classes for similar words -
established with the given third
Some words are given in the
word. questions coming under it. You have
Ex.1 Select the related word from the to choose a word from the given
given alternatives. alternatives which is exactly same as
River : Stream : : Ocean : ? the word given in the beginning and
(a) Current (b) Pond find the word which shows the
(c) Dam (d) Sea particularity among the words given
Ans. (a) in the question.
Sol. Just as a stream originates from the Ex.4 Who is the same as - Earthquake,
water of a river, in the same way a cyclone, volcanic eruption
current arises from the water of the (a) Global heat
ocean. (b) Flood
Ex.2 The way Colombo is related to Sri (c) Accidents
(d) Nuclear explosion
Lanka, in the same way Kathmandu is
Ans. (b)
related to?
Sol. Just as earthquakes, cyclones and
(a) Tibet (b) India
volcanic eruptions are natural
(c) Bhutan (d) Nepal
disasters. Similarly, floods are also a
Ans. (d) natural disaster.

Ex.5 Given below three words, which Sol. Just as, beautiful and ugly are
have some common features, select opposite words of each other.
the correct option. Similarly, peace and war are also
Snake, lizard, crocodile opposite words to each other.
(a) Reptiles (b) Mammals Type - 2 English Alphabets Analogy
(c) Omnivores (d) Deer
The questions under this are based on
Ans. (a)
letters or letter groups of the English
Sol. Snake, Lizard and Crocodile are all
alphabet. After knowing the relationship of
three reptiles.
the first two letter-groups given in these
Ex.6 Find the alternative which has the questions, on this basis, the correct answer
same relation as in all the three for the third letter-group has to be found
words given below. from the options.
King, Queen, Palace Vowels and Consonants of English Letters:-
(a) Pigeon, bird, dispensary Vowel Letters – A, E, I, O, U
(b) Goat, goat, fort Consonant Letter – B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L,
(c) Bumblebee, spider, water M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V,
(d) Lion, lioness, cave W, X, Y, Z
Ans. (d) English alphabets their corresponding
Sol. Just as both the king and queen numbers :-
reside together in the palace, in the English Alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Corresponding No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
same way both the lion and the
Ex.8 CHAIR : RIAHC : : TABLE : ?
lioness reside together in the cave.
(iv) Double Symmetry:- Under this, two (c) LETAB (d) ELBAT
words are given on the left and right Ans. (d)
of the symbol (::) in the question. Sol. Like,
Each word is missing in both the CHAIR RIAHC
words. Similarly,
The missing word has to be found TABLE ELBAT
from the options given below. Ex.9 HORSE : SERHO : : CURSE : ?
Ex.7 In the following question, find out (a) RCUES (b) SECRU
the missing word from the (c) SERCU (d) ERCUS
alternative given below Ans. (c)
A : Ugly : : Peace : B Sol.
(a) A – Beautiful, B – War
(b) A – Friendship, B – Noise
(c) A – Honesty, B – Treaty
(d) A – Number, B – Strike
Ans. (a)

Sol. Just as the opposite word of Shallow
is Profound, similarly, the opposite
word of Synonym is Antonym.
(ii) To find the word pair similar to the
word pair :-
Ex.12 Which of the following pair of words
Ex.10 EGH : IJK : : NPQ : ? shows the same relation. What kind
(a) PRS (b) RSU of relationship is there between Fan :
(c) RTU (d) RST Heat ?
Ans. (d) (a) Water : Drink
Sol. (b) Food : Hunger
Like, (c) Light : Night
(d) Air : Breath
Ans. (b)
Sol. When there is heat, then the fan is
turned on, in the same way food is
done when there is hunger.
Type - 4 - Number Analogy
In the questions that come under this,
questions are asked based on the order of
numbers, the order of the squares of the
numbers, the sequence of prime numbers,
Type - 3 English Word Analogy etc. In other words, the questions asked
The questions under this are based on under it are based on mathematical
English words. After finding the relation of operations.
the first two words given in these questions, Ex.13 Select the option, which is related to
we find out the correct answer for the third the third term in the same way as the
word from the options on the same basis. second term is related to the first term.
23 69 : 27 : ?
(i) Finding Related Words
(a) 91 (b) 73
Ex.11 In the following question, select the (c) 81 (d) 89
option which is related to the third Ans. (c)
word in the same way as the second Sol. Like 23 × 3 = 69
term is related to the first term. Similarly, 27 × 3 = 81
Shallow : Profound : : Synonym : ?
Ex.14 Select the related number from the
(a) Context (b) Antonym
given alternatives.
(c) Meaning (d) Content
8 : 32 :: 6 : ?
Ans. (b)
(a) 31 (b) 22
(c) 18 (d) 21

Ans. (c) 3. Gramophone : Record : : Video : ?
Sol. Like 82 = 64 (a) T.V. (b) Recording
64 ÷ 2 = 32 (c) Cassette (d) Camera
Similarly, 62 = 36 Ans. (c)
36 ÷ 2 = 18 Explanation –
Gramophone (record) is a thin circular
Ex.15 From the given alternatives, find the
plastic object on which voice, especially
one which is similar to 10 : 13 : : 16.
music, is recorded.
(a) 8 : 10 : 15 Video is recorded on cassette or magnetic
(b) 13 : 16 : 19 tape.
(c) 23 : 29 : 23
(d) 10 : 16 : 23 4. Axe : Rip : : Path : ?
Ans. (b) (a) Shear (b) Pull
Sol. Like, 10 : 13 : : 16 (c) Ploughing (d) Knitting
+3 +3 Ans. (d)
Similarly, 13 + 16 + 19 Explanation –
+3 +3 The axe is used to cut or tear wood. In the
same way something is knitted with needle.
(Analogy or Similarity)
5. Bird : Feather : : Fish : ?
Type – I (a) Gills (b) Scales
Directions - Find out the related words (c) Tail (d) Pisces
from the alternatives given below. Ans. (2)
1. Virus : Chickenpox : : Bacteria : ? Explanation –
(a) Chickenpox The body of a bird is covered with feathers,
(b) Typhoid similarly, the body of a fish is covered with
(c) Malaria scales.
(d) Sleeping Disease
6. Movement : Required : : Effort : ?
Ans. (b)
(a) Personality (b) Motivation
(c) Success (d) Probability
Smallpox is spread by virus. Similarly,
Ans. (c)
typhoid is caused by bacteria (Bacteria
Explanation –
name: Salmonella Typhi).
When the need arises, the person becomes
2. Book : Shelf : : Clothes : ? agitated. Similarly, to achieve success, one
(a) Hanger (b) Cupboard has to do efforts.
(c) Wardrobe (d) Bureau Type – II
Ans. (c) Direction - Find out the related number
Explanation – from the alternatives given below.
Books are kept systematically on the shelf. 7. 85 : 42 : : 139 : ?
Similarly, clothes are kept in the wardrobe. (a) 68 (b) 69
(c) 70 (d) 67

Ans. (b) 12. 100 : 121 : : 36 : ?
Explanation – (a) 64 (b) 49
85-1 = 84, 84 ÷ 2 = 42 (c) 25 (d)16
139 - 1 = 138, 138 ÷ 2 = 69 Ans. (b)
Explanation –
8. 8 : 28 : : 27 : ?
10 × 10 = 100
(a) 8 (b) 28
(c) 64 (d) 65 11 × 11 = 121
Ans. (d) 6 × 6 = 36
Explanation – Similarly,
(4) (2)3 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 7 × 7 = 49
28 = (3)3 + 1 = 3 x 3 x 3 + 1 = 28
Type – III
(3)3 = 3 x 3 x 3 = 27
Directions - Find out the related letters
∴ ? = 4 x 4 x 4 + 1 = 65
from the alternatives given below.
9. 8 : 56 : : 9 : ? 13. AGMS : CIOU : : DJPV : ?
(a) 10 (b) 63 (1) BHNY (b) STUV
(c) 7 (d) 9 (c) FLRX (d) MNOP
Ans. (b) Ans. (c)
Explanation – Explanation –
The relationship is as follows = x – 7 Like,
8 × 7 = 56
9 × 7 = 63

10. 8 : 512 :: 9 : ?
(a) 781 (b) 792
(c) 729 (d) 728
Ans. (c)
Explanation –
8 : (8)3 = 512
9 : (9)3 = 729

11. 21 : 3 : : 574 : ?
(a) 113 (b) 23
(c) 97 (d) 82
14. CAT : DDY : : BIG : ?
Ans. (d)
(a) CLL (b) CLM
Explanation –
(c) CML (d) CEP
3 Ans. (a)
Explanation –
Similarly,  82 Like,

17. ABCD : QRST : : BACD : ?
(a) RQST (b) STQR
(c) QRST (d) RSTQ
Ans. (a)
Explanation -

15. KMF : LLH : : RMS : ?

(a) SLR (b) SLU
(c) SSU (d) SUS
Ans. (b)
18. ACE : BDF : : MAQ : ?
Explanation –
(a) BMW (b) NQP
(c) NPR (d) BEF
Ans. (c)
Explanation –

16. CEGI : RTVX : : IKMO : ?

(a) JKLNP (b) LNPR
(c) MNPQ (d) DFHI
Ans. (b) 19. BFG : EIJ : : RVW : ?
Explanation – (a) UWY (b) UYZ
Like, (c) SWX (d) QUV
Ans. (b)
Explanation –

20. STAR : TSRA : : ROSE : ? 22. EI : AE : : UO : ?
(a) ORSE (b) ORES (a) PK (b) QJ
(c) ESOR (d) SORE (c) PJ (d) QK
Ans. (b) Ans. (d)
Explanation – Explanation –
Like, Like,

23. GHP : FFM : : PIC : ?

21. ADIP : DGLS : : BEJQ : ? (a) OGZ (b) OHZ
(a) CGLS (b) EHMT (c) NGA (d) NHA
(c) EJQU (d) FINU Ans. (a)
Ans. (b) Explanation –
Explanation – Like,

24. AIR : ZKO : : CAP : ?
(a) ACM (b) ABN
(c) BCM (d) BBN
Ans. (c)
Explanation –

27. FAM : HBO : : LMP : ?

(a) MOR (b) NOR
(c) NNR (d) MNR
Ans. (c)
Explanation –

25. NU : MF : : EH : ?
(a) IR (b) VS
(c) GT (d) DW
Ans. (b)
Explanation –
28. AB : CD :: WX : ?
(a) AZ (b) YZ
(c) XM (d) PQ
Ans. (b)
Explanation –
26. BAND : DCPF : : PUSY : ?
(a) GVTZ (b) HWTZ
(c) GVUA (d) HWUA
Ans. (d)
Explanation –

29. OPQ : RST : : ABC : ?
(a) BCA (b) DMN
(c) DEF (d) ABD
Ans. (c)
Explanation –

30. Select the option whose letters share

the same relationship as the pairs of
the given letters.
(a) TP : XT (b) RK : VG
(c) GS : KU (d) LD : PG
Ans. (a)
Explanation –

Analogy Practice Explanation - Just like a nurse is an assistant
to a doctor. Similarly, the constable is an
Q.1. If CPI : DMK, then who among the
assistant to the 'Inspector'.
following will be BJP?
Q.4. The relation "Optimistic : Pessimistic"
(a) GC (b) CGR is best explained in which of the
(c) CRG (d) CSF following?
(a) Difficult: Impossible
Ans. (b)
(b) Export: Import
Explanation – (c) Reading: Playing
(d) Tolerable: Detestable
Ans. (b)
Explanation – Optimistic : Pessimistic is a
combination of two antonyms. Similarly,
option (b) shows such relationship.

Directions - In the following question three

words are given and alternative words are
Q.2. Which of the following pairs have the given below them. Out of these four
same relation as between JL : WZ? alternative words, one word represents the
class of the above three words. Find that
(a) AC : R (b) AB : PW
one alternative expression
(c) PR : LM (d) TU : WX
Q.5. Hammer, Saw, Sand
Ans. (a)
(a) Pen (b) Screwdriver
Explanation (c) Fork (d) Carpenter

Ans. (b)
Explanation - Screwdriver is also a tool like
hammer, saw and sander.

Directions - In the following question, two

words are given, which are related to each
Hence, option (a) with the correct sequence
other in a similar way, in any one of the
is the correct Ans..
alternatives given below, select that option.
Q.3. 'Doctor' is related to 'Nurse' in the
same way as Police Inspector is Q.6. Australia : Continent : : ?
related to? (a) Engine : Train
(a) Thief (b) Constable (b) River : Coast
(c) Pistol (d) Jail (c) Vikrant : Ship
Ans. (b) (d) Yuri Gagarin : Space

Ans. (c)

Explanation - Just as 'Australia' is a
'continent', similarly 'Vikrant' is a 'ship'

Q.7. As 'Accident' is related to 'Caution',

in the same way 'Sickness' is related
(a) Bacteria
(b) Pollution
(c) Hygiene
(d) Doctor
(e) None of these

Ans. (c)
Explanation - As with caution, accidents do
not happen. Similarly, cleanliness does not
cause disease.
Q.8. Just as 'justice' is related to 'court'.
Similarly, which of the following is
related to 'School'?
(a) Teacher
(b) Student
(c) Class
(d) Education
(e) None of these

Ans. (D)
Explanation - Just as justice is done in court.
similarly, education takes place in school.

Classification Ex.3 Select the odd word from the given
Classification is the process of classifying alternatives ?
any letter-group, word and number into a (A) Bus (B) Car
group based on their common quality, (C) Truck (D) Airplane
religion, shape-type, color, form, character Ans. (D)
and other properties. Sol. All other vehicles except airplanes
Ex.1 Select the a different word. are road-going vehicles, whereas
(A) Apple (B) Grapes airplane flies in the air.
(C) Banana (D) Potato
Ans. (D) Ex.4 Choose a different word ?
Sol. Apple, Grapes, Banana is a fruit and (A) CV Raman
Potato is a vegetable. Hence, potato (B) Subhash Chandra Bose
is different from group. (C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Bhagat Singh
Ex.2 Choose a different word. Ans. (A)
(A) T.V Sol. Among the given persons, CV Raman
(B) Cycle was a scientist, while Subhash
(C) Refrigerator Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi and
(D) Washing Machine Bhagat Singh were freedom fighters
Ans. (B) of India.
Sol. All households are electronic
Ex.5 Which of the following is an odd
equipment except cycle. Therefore
state ?
the cycle is different from the group.
(A) Chhattisgarh (B) Uttarakhand
(C) Jharkhand (D) Gujrat
Types of Questions
Ans. (D)
Type 1 Choosing a different word
Sol. Gujrat is a coastal state while all
In this type of questions, some words are
others are landlocked states.
given as options, except one of which all the
other words belong to a group, class or Ex.6 Find out the different option?
caste, while the last word of the rest of the (A) Hear (B) Climb
other i.e. different group, caste or class. (C) Swim (D) Run
Some of the major similarities of the words Ans. (A)
are as follows - Sol. Apart from listening, all other physical
(1) Equality of meaning activities are done by activities.
(2) Functional similarity
(3) Structural similarity Type 2 - Choosing a different word pair
(4) Numerical equality In this type of question four/five pairs of
(5) Equality of space words are given, out of which three/four
(6) Equality of terms words are alike in some way and in this way
(7) Equality of relation between the two they form a group of their own while the
(8) Technical Equivalence rest One pair is different from the other.

Ex.7 Select the different word pair ? Sol. Except A, all other consonants are
(A) Oxygen-Gas letters.
(B) Metal-Platinum
Ex.11 Choose a different letter ?
(C) Liquid - Water
(A) B (B) L
(D) Solid – Iron
(C) Q (D) Z
Ans. (A)
Ans. (C)
Sol. Except option (A), in all other
Sol. Except Q, all other letters appear in
options, the first word denotes the
the English alphabet at even places
position of the second word.
from the left.
Ex.8 Select the different word pair?
(A) Shoe – Leather
(B) Iron - Axe
(C) Table - Wood (ii) Two letter classification
(D) Jewelery - Gold
Ex.12 Select the odd letters from the given
Ans. (B)
Sol. In all other pairs except iron-axe, the
(A) FE (B) NM
second thing is needed to make the
(C) DC (D) QR
first object.
Ans. (D)
Choosing a different word group- Sol.
Ex.9 Select a different word group?
(A) Sun, Moon, Earth
(B) Earth, Moon, Mars
(C) Sun, Star, Moon
It is clear that except QR, everything
(D) Mars, Mercury, Jupiter
else is getting -1.
Ans. (D)
(iii) Three letter classification -
Sol. Option (D) to Mars, Mercury, Jupiter
- these are all three planets. Ex.13 Select a different letter-set ?
Type 3 - Selecting a different English (C) OQU (D) XYZ
alphabet/character group Ans. (D)
In this type of questions, letters or group of Sol. Except XYZ, all other letter-groups
letters or words are given, except one of have a gap of one letter between the
which all others are similar in some way. first two letters.
(i) One letter classification-
(iv) Classification of four letters-
Ex.10 Choose a different letter?
Ex.14 Select a different letter-set?
(A) A (B) B
(C) C (D) D
Ans. (D)
Ans. (C)

Sol. Except the KLMN letter-group, all Ex.17 Find out the odd letter pair from the
other letter-groups have a gap of two given alternatives?
letters between the first and third (A) AB : ZY (B) CD : XW
position letters. (C) GH : TS (D) EF : UV
Ans. (D)
Ex.15 Select a different letters-set from the Sol.
given alternatives?
Ans. (D)

In the given pairs the letters are

given opposite to each other,
whereas it is not so in EF : UV.
Therefore, it is different.

Type - 4 Selecting a different Number/

Number group
In this type of questions some group of
Except for the ZWSP letter-group, numbers or numbers are given, out of
there is a gap of two letters between which one digit/number has to be found,
the second and third-position letters which does not show similarity with the
in all other letter-groups. others present in the group.

(v) Classification on the basis of (semi- Ex.18 Choose a different number ?

letter pair/group)- (A) 1234 (B) 2345
(C) 3456 (D) 5778
Ex.16 Select the following letter-groups?
Ans. (B)
(A) M - O (B) P – R Sol. Except the number 2345, all other
(C) A - C (D) E - F numbers are even numbers.
Ans. (D)
Sol. (i) Classification based on equality of
composite/prime numbers -
● Those natural numbers, which are
divisible by 1 or other numbers other
than itself, are called composite
numbers, such as - 4, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15
In all others except option (D), the ● Those natural numbers which are
greater than 1 and which are divisible
second letter is obtained by adding 2
only by 1 or themselves are called prime
to the first letter.
Like - 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 etc.

Ex.19 Which of the following numbers is Sol. Except for the number 5061, the sum
different from the rest ? of the digits in all the others is 11.
(A) 23 (B) 51
(C) 63 (D) 15 (v) Classification on the basis of group
Ans. (A) of three numbers -
Sol. The digit 23 is different because it is Ex.24 Select the different set of numbers
a prime number. from the given alternatives ?
Ex.20 Choose the different number from (A) (5, 16, 22) (B) (6, 19, 25)
the following ? (C) (4,13,17) (D) (9,28,37)
(A) 61 (B) 51 Ans. (A)
(C) 97 (D) 89 Sol. As,
Ans. (B) 6, 6 x 3 + 1 = 19 , 19 + 6 = 25
Sol. Except 51, all others are prime numbers. 4, 4 x 3 + 1 = 13 , 13 + 4 = 17
9, 9 x 3 +1 = 28 , 28 + 9 = 37
(ii) Classification on the basis of But, 5, 5 x 3 + 1 , 16 + 5 = 21 ≠ 22
equality of square/cube numbers-
Hence, option (A) is different.
Ex.21 Choose a different number?
(A) 25 (B) 50
(C) 100 (D) 10000
Ans. (B)
Sol. All numbers except the number 50
are square numbers.

(iii) Classification on the basis of

equality of divisibility and
indivisibility of numbers-
Ex.22 Select the odd number from the
following ?
(A) 91 (B) 84
(C) 78 (D) 26
Ans. (B)
Sol. Except 84, all others are divisible by

(iv) Classification based on similarity to

the sum of the digits of a number -
Ex.23 Select the odd number?
(A) 6023 (B) 7202
(C) 4025 (D) 5061
Ans. (D)


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