Synopsis For Online ExaminationWebsite

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Synopsis for Online ExaminationWebsite

On-line examinations contents providers to focus onc r e a t i n g
e e c t i v e a s s e s s m e n t q u e s t i o n s a n d f o c u s i n g o n exam’s
feedback delivery to students. In the paper we present techniques that are
pertinent to the elements of assessment p r o c e s s answers
submission! computeri"ed grading! a n d feedback after
submission. #s the modern organi"ations are automated andc o m p u t e r s a r e
w o r k i n g a s p e r t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s ! i t b e c o m e s essential for the
coordination of human beings! commodity andcomputers in a modern
organi"ation. $he administrators! instructor! students whoare attending for online
examination can communicate with thes y s t e m through this
p r o % e c t s ! t h u s f a c i l i t a t i n g e e c t i v e implementation and
monitoring of various activities of Online&xaminations like conducting
&xams as per scheduled basis and delivering result to that particular use
or student . #nd thed e t a i l s o f s t u d e n t s w h o a t t e m p t e d O n l i n e
& x a m i n a t i o n a r e maintained at administrator.
2.Preliminary investigation and background:

#s the name of the pro%ect 'On-(ine &xamination) suggests! the

system*application has to manage the examination for various department of an
academy. +o to keep the information correct and fast! it will manage the
status*information of that examination of that examination so one can get the
details of exam as per their program.&arlier it was a very time consuming and
tedious process whereboth students as well as university used to perform all tasks
manually be it +tudent ,egistration! +etting uestion apers! +etting +chedules to
/nally declaring the result. It was cumbersome since these details were now
generated! managed

and kept in computers. It was still not that much simpler (ater the process became a
lot easier when computer system were introduced and all for students because they
were still expected to come in person to register! appear for exam at exam center
and for all those formalities. 0ow we are expected to develop a web application
which converts all of these tasks atomi"ed as well as web enabled. $here are
applications already working in this area like 12+&! 220# which conducts their
examination online
!."urrent System:
&xisting system is a manual one in which users are maintaining books to store the
information like +tudent 3etails! Instructor 3etails! +chedule 3etails and feedbacks
about students who attempted exam as per schedule.. It is very di4cult to maintain
historical data.
#.Proposed System:
$ h i s a p p l i c a t i o n i s u s e d t o c o n d u c t o n l i n e examination. $he
students can sit at individual terminals a n d l o g i n t o w r i t e t h e
e x a m i n t h e g i v e n d u r a t i o n . . $ h e questions have to be given to
the students. $his applicationwill perform correction! display the result
immediately anda l s o s t o r e i t i n d a t a b a s e . $ h i s a p p l i c a t i o n
provides thea d m i n i s t r a t o r w i t h a f a c i l i t y t o a d d
n e w e x a m s . $ h i s application provides the instructor add
questions to theexam! modify questions in the exam in a particular
exam. $his application takes care of authentication of theadministrator! Instructor
as well as the student.
$his website reduces the manual work! maintaininga c c u r a c y !
increasing e4ciency and saving time. #lso

institutes need not go to develop a new software each time!instead they

%ust register and conduct a test. 5or students! itsaves time of going to
far away centres and also they ca nview their result then and there
&.1 'ard(are )e*uirements:

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1icrosoft 2ompatible =@= or more >ey <oard
&.2 Soft(are )e*uirements:

Operating +ystem Bindows

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5ront-&nd ?$1(!2++!C#6#+2,I $

<ack-&nd 1y+ (

Beb +erver #pache +erver

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