Obe Activities Name: Roschell A. Rafael Course/Section: I-BSPSYCHOLOGY Score: Activity 1.1

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Name: Roschell A. Rafael Course/Section: I-BSPSYCHOLOGY Score:

Activity 1.1

Divide the class into group of the five. The group will assign their leader and secretary. The

leader will initiate brainstorming on the definition of globalization according to their perspectives.

The secretary will record and jot down the consensus of the group. Finally, the professional/

instructor will ask the leader to summarize the group’s definition of globalization. The group’s

consensus of globalization should be written on the board in order to facilitate how many of the

group’s members agree on the definition.

Activity 1.2

1. Using the same group focus on this question. How have you experienced globalization?

To determine this, secretary will gather the data from the members of the group by

writing the items using this table. Identify the country of origin where the items are

manufactured. Label it as international or local. The leader will evaluate and assess the

data. The source will be the home of each member and belongings such as audio/video,

gadgets, bags, and etc.

2. The professor/ instructor may ask this thought provoking question as part of round table

discussion. Why is it that being tagged once as the text capital of the world and among

the top users of social media (Facebook), the Philippines is not among the countries

included in any of the three rankings of globalizations.


Name: Roschell A. Rafael Course/Section: I-BSPSYCHOLOGY Score:

Activity 2.1

Divide the class into groups (four to five members for each group). Name products, services and

goods that are considered global product using “globalization”? Present them in power point.

Activity 2.2

Critical Thinking Questions. Answer the following questions. Rubric for essay activity is

provided in the appendix of this book.

1. How do you perceive the idea of claim 6 that if global War of Terror turns out to be an

intense engagement, it would become actually more important over time? Recall the 9/

11 tragedy, the Gulf War between Iraq and Kuwait. The civil disturbances in Syria,

Yemen and Libya. If these will continue, would you agree on the premise?

2. Do you agree with the statement of former British Prime Minister Thatcher that there is

no alternative which means the governments, the society, politicians, and economists,

have to adjust to the coming or existence of globalization?

Activity 2.3

(To be given as assignment). Browse the internet and check the list of the Global 500 published

in the fortune magazine. Choose one company that interests you (preferably operating in the

Philippines). Compare its ranking with the most recent ranking in the last five years of

operations. Describe your personal experience with this global company either dining, shopping

etc. Visit www.fortune.com


Name: Roschell A. Rafael Course/Section: I-BSPSYCHOLOGY Score:

Activity 3.1

Case Study: Study the case study and answer the questions after it. Write your answer in the

space provided.

Case Questions:

1. How has the century Park Sheraton Manila emphasized quality?

2. How has the century Park benefitted from the quality initiatives?

3. What else could the country Park do to improve quality and attract more customers from

their competitors?

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