Feasbility Report

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Taylor Maudlin, Sam Daniel, Sam Douglass, Tiana Mason



The following is a feasibility report meant to address the problems, possible solutions, and the long-
term sustainability of our company, TTSS Social Media Marketing. The report will show the issues
faced immediately and possible problems of the future. It will show specifics about the business, like
sales, employees, and investment numbers, in hopes to give an accurate picture of our potential
success. Requirements and criteria, category-by-category comparisons, and a summary table show, in
detail, the feasibility of our current social media marketing business. We believe, with adaptation, our
company is well-suited for success and that this feasibility report reflects that.

Our company centers around marketing to a niche audience. We want to reach a relatively untapped group
of consumers who we believe have the potential to help us start our business and get our name out. Our
company wishes to reach the baby boomer generation, specifically those with small businesses. With the rise
of social media and its necessity for marketing, our company wants to offer a unique service catered to older
adults with small businesses. We plan to reach this audience through informational services and in-person
engagement. However, we know that this market will eventually dissipate, so this feasibility report was
created with an open mind to other options.



1. How many employees does the company have? (4)

2. How much profit was made in the last six months? ($120,000)

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3. What percent of the company is owned by outside investors? (0%)
4. How many social media pages has the company managed in the past six months? (23)
5. How many unique advertisements has the company created and used in the last six months?
6. How many physical locations are there for the company? (1)
7. How long has the company been producing profit? (Thirteen months)
8. How many social media platforms is the company active on? (3)


1. Has the company meet profit expectations? (Yes)

2. Is the company set up for long-term success without adjustment? (No)
3. Is the client base sustainable without adaptation? (No)
4. Is the business best-suited to be a small-medium sized business? (Yes)
5. Have there been issues with cash flow since the business’ creation? (Yes)
6. Has business always been consistent? (No)
7. Is clientele likely to return for services after their first experience with the company? (Yes)
8. Is the company capable of making changes to adapt to competitors or customers? (Yes)
9. Would the company be accepting to new investors or a buyout? (No)
10. Have the company’s services resulted in traceable improvement for the client’s business?
11. Has the company lost investors because of poor decisions or actions in the past? (No)


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1. Does the company operate with pre-made formats or by tailoring each experience for every
customer? (Both, we have multiple formats to choose from with personal touches for each
customer, making us efficient but closely connected.)
2. Would the company be able to handle a rush of new customers? (We could handle it. We
have a lot of potential employees and are ready to grow quickly.)
3. What is the company’s reputation for products and services among customers and
competitors? (Our company is known for quality customer service and effective social media

The numerical requirements show the companies feasibility. They show profit, despite small size, along with
some statistics showing sales numbers. These numerical requirements help show our potential for self-
sustainable profit. The Yes/No requirements prove the feasibility of our company by honestly addressing
our future and need for adaptations. It also supports our reputation and predicted sales. The Other
requirements are more specified to our specific field. It shows our balance between having personal service
and advertisements, while also being efficient and profitable. The Other requirements also elaborate on our
reputation, along with our potential for rapid growth. Based on these requirements and their answers, our
company is feasible for profit in a small-to-medium sized business setting.

When discussing what our options were, we came to narrow our field down to three different options. We
thought about what business ventures would yield the most revenue, and which options would be the most
sustainable. We discussed the different directions we could take our business, how we would market, and
where we wanted to take our business. We started this business out with one option, which was to market
to baby boomers with small businesses who needed assistance with social media marketing. Through
thought, research, and discussion, we have come up with three different options. The first option is our
original plan to market to baby boomers with small businesses. The second option is a plan to market to
and assist anyone with a small business, perhaps just starting out, who needs help branding their company.
The third option is a personal social media branding service, targeting social media influencers who wish to

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grow their brands. The comparisons of these options will list plans for each and how we would interact with
the clientele, as well as a discussion of the cost and ease of use of each option.

o Option 1: Social media branding plans for Baby Boomer business owners

In this option, our business will be creating a social media branding plan with baby boomers, those born
between 1946-1964), as our targeted audience.

This option begins with our company being active and setting up informational booths at business fairs,
career fairs and business owners’ conventions. We will also visit retirement homes and set up informational
booths, activities and presentations. This is marked as our potential client engagement stage. This stage will
teach potential clients what our business is about and what we do for individuals like themselves. The
events performed in this stage are always free to individuals. The purpose of this stage is to get individuals to
buy our services or to find interested clients, whom we can follow up with and get them to buy our later

Our next stage is the paid services, it begins with our company setting up an informational meeting with
these specific business owners who have paid for our services. In this meeting, the first session will consist of
a representative/ consultant engaging in discovery about what the client’s business is. This discovery will
consist of learning the purpose, mission statement, services/ goods provided, SWOT, target audience,
retailer classification, current social media platforms (if applicable) and current marketing tactics of their
business. This discovery will help our consultant to understand the background dynamic of our client’s
business. The next session will consist of the consultant providing a detailed educational presentation on
what social media is, all the effective social media platforms, the importance of social media and the
benefits of social media branding. This session is specific to Option 1, because through our research we
have found strong evidence that baby boomers are not as literate of social media as other groups. Third
session is an open Q&A between client and consultant, clarifying all dangling information and questions
about the information provided thus far. The fourth session consists of consultants discussing potential and

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available tools most effective for our client’s business type and discussing our different package plans. This
session does not actually design an actual plan for our client’s but gives our clients insight on the dynamics
of the types of tools they will be working with after their plan is designed. Last session of our informational
will be a follow up (turnaround in the next 2-3 business days) to the past sessions. In this session, the
unique package plans will be presented to the client. Clients will choose what package plan they would like
to incorporate in their business.

This option is the most extensive breakdown because, through research we have found strong evidence that
the targeted audience in this option – baby boomers prefer sit -down, personable engagement with others.
All information above can be performed remote upon request.

This option will also be the costliest as we will be using our resources in each specific session with the
clients. Because baby boomers will want a thorough understanding of the service they are paying for, they
will require more sessions, which will require higher labor and resource costs from our company.

The estimated cost of this option is $55,000.

The ease of use of this option is also the most difficult because it requires more labor, more resources, and
more creative advertising in order to reach our target audience.

o Option 2: Social media branding plans for business owners of all generational demographic

In this option, our business will be creating a social media branding plan for all business owners, no matter
their age.

This option begins with our company being active and setting up informational booths at business fairs,
career fairs, college fairs, business owners conventions, women’s conventions. We will also join graduation
senior fairs and graduate student affairs to reach new business owners. We will also work with online and
social media pages that target business owners, on these sites, we will post infographics about the same
information we would provide during in – person events. This is marked as our Potential Client

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Engagement Stage. This stage will teach potential clients what our business is about and what we do for
individuals like themselves. As you can see, the type of event engagement differs from Option 1’s Potential
Client Engagement Stage, in order to widen our variety of individuals we engage with. The extension of
women’s conventions allows us to engage with an audience that is characterized as the leading consumers of
the economic marketplace. Woman hold the highest purchase power as any others. The events performed
in this stage is always free to individuals. The purpose of this stage is to get individuals to buy our services or
to find interested clients, whom we can follow up with and get them later buy our services.

Our next stage is the paid services. In this stage, there is a remote default. This stage can be performed in-
person upon request. It begins with our company setting up an informational meeting with these specific
business owners who have paid for our services. In In this meeting, the first session will consist of a
representative/ consultant engaging in discovery about what the client’s business is. This discovery will
consist of learning the purpose, mission statement, services/ goods provided, SWOT, target audience,
retailer classification, current social media platforms (if applicable) and current marketing tactics of their
business. This discovery will help our consultant to understand the background dynamic of our client’s
business. Next session will consist of the consultant providing an educational presentation on what social
media is, all the effective social media platforms, the importance of social media and the benefits of social
media branding. This session is specific to Option 2, because through our research we have found strong
evidence, that most people are literate of social media. Therefore, we do not have to go into much detail
about the many wonders of social media. Third session is an open Q&A between client and consultant,
clarifying all dangling information and questions about the information provided thus far. The fourth
session will consist of consultants discussing potential and available tools most effective for our client’s
business type and discussing our different package plans. This session does not actually design an actual
plan for our client’s but gives our clients insight on the dynamics of the types of tools they will be working
with after their plan is designed. Last session of our informational will be a follow up (turnaround in the
next 2-3 business days) to the past sessions. In this session, the unique package plans will be presented to
the client. Clients will choose what package plan they would like to incorporate in their business.

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This option is a less extensive than Option 2, as we can cut down on man power in the Paid Process Stage,
yielding higher profit in this stage. There will be more cost incorporated in the Potential Client Engagement
Stage, but not much difference. There will still be higher profit in this stage versus Option 1. This option
hosts more customers, which yields higher profits than Option 1.

This option is a cheaper option than option 1. More money will be spent on advertising, but less money will
be spent in labor as some of the sessions could be performed online. This option also opens up the market
for more customers, therefore potentially yielding more profit. The ease of use for this option is also the
easiest, as it takes what option we created from Option 1 and gives us the ability to apply that to anyone
with a small business in need of new branding.

The estimated cost for this option is $41,000.

o Option 3: Social media branding plans for anyone

In this option, our business will be creating a social media branding plan for any person who don’t want to
market a business, but a personal brand. This is for individuals who want to establish themselves as
individuals, aside from business. This option highlights a person’s personal attributes. These individuals are
usually well off and can afford to invest in magnifying their personal life aside from business or do not need
a business, interested in using their personal attributes to become influencers on topics, such as lifestyle,
luxury, travel, fashion, food etc. They are interested in gaining a strong fellowship for personal satisfaction.
This can be seen as a business, but because these individuals are not providing an actual good or service to
consumers, we are keeping them separate from business tiers. They are very literate with social media but
lack a plan on how to successful execute such a venture.

This option begins with our company working with online and social media pages that target social media
influencers, on these sites, we will post infographics that will teach potential clients what our business is
about and what we do for individuals like themselves. We will also create a company social media influencer
page to keep communication online. This is marked as our Potential Client Engagement Stage. As you can
see, the type of event engagement differs from Option 1 and 2 ’s Potential Client Engagement Stage, in

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order to focus on a unique audience. The purpose of this stage is to get individuals to buy our services or to
network with interested clients, whom we can follow up with and get them to later buy our services.

Our next stage is the paid services. In this stage, there is a remote default. This stage can be performed in-
person upon request. It begins with our company setting up an informational meeting with these specific
business owners who have paid for our services. In In this meeting, the first session will consist of a
representative/ consultant engaging in discovery about what the client’s brand is. This discovery will consist
of learning the purpose, mission statement, image goal, target audience, current social media platforms and
current marketing tactics of their brand. This discovery will help our consultant to understand the
background dynamic of our client’s brand. Next session is an open Q&A between client and consultant,
clarifying all dangling information and questions about the information provided thus far. Fourth session,
consist of consultant discussing potential and available tools most effective for our client’s brand type,
discussing our different package plans. This session doesn’t actually design an actual plan for our client’s
but gives our clients insight on the dynamics of the types of tools they will be working with after their plan
is designed. Last session of our informational will be a follow up (turnaround in the next 2-3 business days)
to the past sessions. In this session, the unique package plans will be presented to the client. Clients will
choose what package plan they would like to incorporate in their business.

This option is the least extensive procedure, as we drastically cut down on expenses in the Paid Process
Stage and the Potential Client Engagement Stage, yielding higher profit both stages. There will still be
higher profit in this stage versus Option 1 and 2.

Although this is the cheapest option, this is also the least firm option. There is not as much research on this
option, and the estimated profits are iffy. The ease of use of this option is the most difficult, because this is
a market that we are not as familiar with.

The estimated cost of this option is $30,000.


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Total Cost: $55,000


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Total Cost: $41,000


Total Cost: $30,000

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Note: 1- Easy, 2- Average, 3- Difficult, 4- Very Difficult

Primary Conclusions:

As we have listed, Option 1 is the model for baby boomers with small businesses. This model is the
costliest, with a total cost of $55,000. It will require the most labor and resources. It is in the middle when
it comes to ease of use. This option will require more intensive work from our employees, as baby boomers
tend to want a hands-on approach to paid services. It will also require creative marketing and advertising, as
baby boomers are a difficult audience to advertise to. Option 2 is in the middle in terms of cost, but it has
the easiest use. It utilizes the marketing strategies of Option 1 to market to a bigger audience of people with
small businesses. It targets not only the baby boomer generation, but any demographic with a small
business, including women. It can be applied and marketed to organizations like the Small Business
Administration, and it has a potential for long-term growth and sustainability. Option 3 is the cheapest

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option, but it is also the most difficult to use. It would require a unique set of skills from our team. It would
be heavily focused on advertising and not require nearly as much labor and resources.

Secondary Conclusions:

Although Option 1 and Option 2 seem to be tied when it comes to the difference of ease of use and cost,
Option 2 would be the better option because it has potential to yield the most profit. Option 2 markets to a
larger audience meaning it would have a larger client base, as well as less labor and resources involved from
our team. Option 3 is the weakest option because although it would be the cheapest, it is the least

Echoing the most important conclusions leading to the recommendation and stating the recommendation

Option 1 is the most extensive breakdown because, through research we have found strong evidence that
the targeted audience in this option – baby boomers prefer sit-down, personable engagement with others.
All information above can be performed remote upon request.

Option 2 is a less extensive than Option 2, as we can cut down on man power in the Paid Process Stage,
yielding higher profit in this stage. There will be more cost incorporated in the Potential Client Engagement
Stage, but not much difference. There will still be higher profit in this stage versus Option 1. This option
hosts more customers, which yields higher profits than Option 1.

Option 3 is the least extensive procedure and most price friendly, as we drastically cut down on expenses
and man power in the Paid Process Stage and the Potential Client Engagement Stage, yielding higher profit
both stages. There will still be higher profit in this stage versus Option 1 and 2.

Option 2 will be the ultimatum as it hosts more customers and clientele yielding higher potential profit
than any other option.

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